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A80754 The covenant of God with Abraham, opened. Wherein I. The duty of infant-baptism is cleared. II. Something added concerning the Sabbath, and the nature and increase of the kingdome of Christ. Together with a short discourse concerning the manifestations of God unto his people in the last dayes. Wherein is shewed the manner of the spirits work therein to be in the use of ordinary gifts, not by extraordinary revelations. / By William Carter minister of the gospel in London. Carter, William, 1605-1658. 1654 (1654) Wing C679; Thomason E811_5; ESTC R207606 118,861 192

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and the Church of Ephesus is called his house Ephes 2. 22. Therefore in that society of professours wherein we worship God by vertue of his institution we have as much as if the whole family of heaven and earth were met and only they and in case a man be justly and orderly cast out by the Church the sentence is as dreadful and falleth as heavy upon his soule as if Christ and all his Saints and onely they had passed the sentence so saith Christ Matth. 18. 18. Whatsoever ye bind on earth shal be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven And as such a society of Christians is his body so they meet together in his name for those who are his body are invested with his power and authority although some of them so meeting as to their personall state and condition are not his members So also is it in the ministers of the Church though in themselves they are subject unto errour and infirmitie as others are yet by vertue of a like institution of Christ in the execution of their function look what truth they are able by such gifts as they have to fasten upon our understandings it cometh to us in the name of God and in the same authority as if Christ himselfe had spoken it unto us For a further clearing whereof let it be considered that because the ministration of the New Testament is a ministration of the spirit 2 Cor. 3. 8. therefore not onely the Apostles and Evangelists but also Pastours and Teachers who also are given by Christ for the work of that ministery Eph. 4. 12. as hath been shewed are ministers not of the letter but of the spirit For which cause also the Apostle saith of all the Saints in the Churches of Galatia concerning whom we cannot suppose that they were all converted by Apostles that they had received the spirit by the hearing of faith Galat. 3. 2. Which being so it may be truly said of us that even in their ministery we are made pertakers of the Holy Ghost and that in their teaching so far as we are fruitfull hearers we are taught by God himself who therefore may very well be said to receive the word from such ministers as spoken unto us by them in his name and as in his stead Now by that which hath been said I suppose it doth appear that albeit there are none that can pretend infallibility yet that they may be true ministers of Christ who may speak unto the people in his name and as his Ambassadours Vse 4. Learn from hence also how much they are mistaken on the other side who because of the Spirits teaching promised to beleevers cry downe humane learning as unnecessary in a Minister of the Gospel The spirit of God we see makes use of ordinary gifts Yea those who are not beleevers may be meanes to build up those who are As some of those who perished by the flood did help to build the Ark wherein the Church was saved Many such will at the last day say Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out Devils Matth. 7. 22. Were we to expect such wayes of Revelation whereby Apostles were enabled in their work yet humane learning would not be uselesse to us The spirit of God knows how to make use of all advantages it findes in nature whereof this is one The Apostle Paul as he was brought up at the feet of Gamaliel so he makes use of his learning in his ministery Much more now those extraordinary wayes are ceased is it usefull in the Church of God Thereby the understandings of men are exercised and enlarged and they made more able to search into to understand the Scriptures to instruct others therein The spirit of God hath made great use thereof in overthrowing and confounding Antichrist and as the Church is built up by use of ordinary gifts so will he use it stil to carry on his work to more perfection As by the Sonnes speaking God hath brought down the knowledge of himselfe to our capacity and that because in Christ he makes himselfe known to us in all the properties and affections of the humane nature so accordingly the spirit of Christ worketh in us after the manner of man even as the spirit of a second Adam 1 Cor. 15. 47. Therefore though he worketh powerfully yet he worketh sweetly and carries on his work so as to take us in and to make us active in what is done So our Saviour himselfe hath set out the manner of his working John 16. 13. as hath been shewed He shall guide or leade you into all truth He taketh time also and worketh by degrees he worketh also by meanes and maketh use of mans reason yea of every faculty in man in carrying on his worke and as by humane learning reason is improved and taketh in more light so also he works by that It is true that mans reason and the improvements of it by any learning whatsoever without the spirits sanctifying work is but such a light as is our darknesse Matth. 6. 23. in which case by how much the more a man excells therein so much the more is he insnared and intangled by his owne deceitfull heart but being sanctified they are a great advantage in the spirits work both in us and by us Learning may be abused and the best things corrupted are the worst but let not the abuse of any thing bespeak in us a casting off or a neglecting of its necessary use so should we debarre our selves the comfort of the choycest blessings in this World The Scriptures are to be a Christians chiefest study Psal 19. 7. Psal 1. 3. The Testimony of the Lord is sure making wise the simple Blessed is the man that maketh it his delight and meditation that hee may know Christ and him crucified that he may be taught by him as the truth is in Jesus unto a full assurance of understanding of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ in whom are hid all the treasures of Wisdome and Knowledge as the Apostle speaketh Col. 2. 2 3. In comparison to and without which all other learning is little worth And yet because this spiritual and heavenly wisdome so excells it puts a value also upon the other as being usefull and subservient thereunto and so as those who are the true and knowing friends to this Scripture-learning cannot with reason be enemies to that Let all professours of the true Religion and lovers of the truth be friends and cherishers thereof FINIS
Scripture For which purpose let us consider the words Heb. 3. 17. With whom was he grieved forty years was it not with them that sinned whose carcasses fell in the Wilderness It should rather have been rendred thus Whom had he in disdain forty years 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The word is taken from the Greek Interpreters who always use it in this sense throughout the Scripture namely to abominate or reject a thing as one should do that which is profane unclean or hateful as in those places Deut. 7. 26. Thou shalt utterly detest it a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Deut. 7. 26. and thou shalt utterly abhor it for it is an accursed thing So 2. Chron. 21. 6. The Kings word was abominable b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 unto Joab So Psal 36. 4. He abhorreth not evil 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 So Levit. 26. 15. 18. 25. Gen. 27. 46. Num. 21. 5. Therefore the Substantive 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by the Septuagint is put for a polluted thing or an abominable Idol from which we are to separate c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 4 Reg. 23. 13. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Suidas ●… Quadraginta ●nnis 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 litigavi secundum Rab. Dav. Rab. Abra. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 cum fastidis abominatus sum Merc. The word in the Hebrew Psal 95. is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I had in disdain so Junius and Montanus As I would not omit this place in clearing this point so neither the weight of this word in this signification in opening this place for the word is such as according to the nature of it and the use it hath in Scripture it referreth here to God's withdrawing his favour from his people and his keeping them at such a distance in the wilderness forty years for their sin according as he had sworn against them in his wrath and that in respect not only of earthly but also of spiritual enjoyments not suffering them to enter into his rest A like carriage of his we read of after their sin in Canaan Psal 106. 40. The wrath of the Lord was kindled against his people in so much that he abhorred his own inheritance 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Therefore I say it should so be rendred whom had he in contempt or in disdain forty years was it not them that sinned whose carcases fell in the wilderness And to whom sware he that they should not enter into his rest but to them that believed not So we see they could not enter in because of unbelief He goes on chap. 4. 1. Let us therefore fear lest a promise being left us of entring into his rest any of you should seem to come short of it for unto us was the Gospel preached as well as unto them but the word did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it In these words the Apostle maketh their case and ours to he the same the Gospel preached alike to both and the successe to be alike in case the word preached be not mixed with faith in them that hear it as it did not profit them so also that it will not profit us Now that we may discover the mind of the Apostle herein and how that offer of Canaan to them was a preaching of the Gospel as was said First we must have recourse to and consider what was said in shewing the scope of the Apostle in this Epistle pag. 1. First That he writeth this Epistle to such as did professe the faith of Christ Secondly that they were forsaking the worship of the New Testament and that a main scope of the Apostle in this Epistle is to prevent and cure this apostasie And for that purpose how he telleth them that the Lords people are his house chap. 3. 6. And exhorts them in the words of the Holy Ghost therefore to hear the voice of Christ the Apostle and High Priest of our profession inviting us to celebrate his day of rest in his house in the Worship of the Gospel And how he argues upon that subject in those two Chapters the third and fourth Secondly we must consider yet moreover that beleevers are the house of Gods rest in a two-fold capacity 1. First as members of the mystical body of Christ or of the invisible Church and so as Homogeneal parts of that body they are his house not only as collectivly taken together with the whole family of heaven and earth Ephes 2 19. 20. 21. but also singly each beleever is his house as every drop of water is water as well as the Sea is water Ephes 3. 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith John 9. 56. 1. Cor. 6. 19. 1 Joh. 4. 6. 2. Secondly As in a Ministeriall body or a visible Church and so they are his house onely in the way of an Ordinance as the bread in the Lords supper is his body so also the Church or society wherein we worship God is his body and his house only in the way of an Ordinance that is as the supper of the Lord is that Ordinance wherin we enjoy the communion of the body and blood of Christ and he saith of the Bread and Wine this is my body and this is my blood that is it is equivalently so or in effect the body and blood of Christ unto his people so the visible Church or Congregation whereof we are a part and wherein we worship God is that Ordinance wherein we enjoy the comforts and perform those duties which belong to us as members of the body of Christ and is in equivalency or in effect the mystical body or house of Christ unto us so as wee have as much therein in our worshiping God as if all the family of heaven and earth were therein met together and onely they In this second capacity the Church of Corinth is called the body of Christ 1 Cor. 12. 27. and the Church of Ephesus is called his House Ephes 2. 22. Thirdly consider also that as we are the house of Gods rest in this two-fold capacity so accordingly in the same two-fold capacity have we an entrance into this rest of God offered to us in the Gospel First in our personal interest as beleevers and as members of the mystical body of Christ by faith Secondly in the publick and sollemn Worship or Service of his house and sanctifying of his Sabbaths both which the Lord hath ordained and sanctified to be means wherein our personal interest is improved and wherein we have a more full enjoyment of this rest in God through Jesus Christ Now this our entrance into his rest as his house in this second capacity is that which the Apostle chiefly speaketh to here when he saith Take heed brethren of an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God And that in case the people of his pasture and Sheep of his hand even his own children will not hear his voice but forsake his worship refusing
occasions of enemies to rise up against it as now it had when God would single out a people rejecting some and chusing others and that in such an externall and eminent way to be a peculiar people and a Kingdome for himself Now should the Saints be hard put to it to do much that way in prayer This people and kingdome he began in Abraham as hath been shewed and although it is true Esau was not the first enemy against this Kingdome or seed Ishmael was before him yet Esau was the first who in that manner opposed it as to seek to destroy the seed As for Ishmael he slighted it scorned Isaac and mocked him so did Esau slight it at the first when he sold his birthright but at last he found himselfe pinched and aggrieved so as he sought to destroy Jacob. Enemies of God at first use to slight and scorne that which afterwards they persecute even to blood thus did Esau Therefore I say Jacob was the first who was put to it by conquering Heaven to prevaile against the enemies of this Kingdome and had his name of Israel given him thereupon Gal. 6. 16. And the peace of the Israel of God depends upon such a conquest at this day Thus in Abrahams new name and his being made the Father of the Faithfull there was something given which beleevers had not at least in such a way had not before in reference to which he was so called Therefore it was not for his faith only nor the eminency thereof Thirdly there is nothing in faith or in the eminency thereof that could occasion that his name to be given unto him When God gave Jacob his name Israel it was a name sutable to his prevailing with God it signifieth as much So the name Peter signifieth a Stone which was given to Simon and in him to us in reference to that confession of Christ which maketh us Stones in his Temple So when God gave Abram his name Abraham it was upon a like account Abraham signifieth a Father of multitudes and that reason of it is expresly rendred by the Lord himself Gen. 17. 5. Thy name shall be Abraham for a Father of many Nations have I made thee In the New Testament called the father of all them that beleeve And it pointeth us to this that it was in reference to something which he was to have as a Father for which he was so called namely this additional promise made to him in his covenant and the seale thereof concerning the multiplying of his seed by making him and all beleevers after him to be blessings to Families and Nations and was therefore so called both because he was the first Father that received this blessing which was a blessing upon parents their children and because at least in a great part by vertue thereof the holy seed was to be propagated and encreased And beleevers are said to be his seed because that promise covenant made to Abraham concerning the Lords blessing and multiplying his seed is so much a cause of their being brought forth unto Christ his ordering his election so as to bestow his blessing thus by Families and Nations being that which makes the Kingdome of Heaven like leaven as was shewed before one beleever ordinarily being the meanes of the conversion of another Some think beleevers are called the seed of Abraham because they are propagated from his example in beleeving because they are said to walk in the steps of the faith of Abraham But this is not a sufficient reason for that denomination Rom. 4. 12. for we are to look as well at the example of others Heb. 12. 1. There is mention of a cloud of witnesses compassing us about to whose examples we are to look chiefly to look at Christ the Authour or the Captain 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and finisher of our faith Thus we see that Abraham had his new name and is called the Father of all them that beleeve in reference to these two things First because of this additional promise given in order to the encrease of his spiritual seed and Secondly because he had given him also the seale of this promise the circumcision of the child The summe of what we have in this first use for clearing the duty of Infant-Baptisme is this That from the consideration of the difference and agreement of these two great promises that to our first Parents and this to Abraham we take occasion to observe these five things First that in this promise unto Abraham an addition was made to the former promise Secondly that the Lord upon this occasion added a seale also for confirmation of his Gospel to his people namely the sign of circumcision the token of Abrahams covenant Thirdly that the application of the token unto Infants was part of the token of the covenant Fourthly that as this additional promise was of a blessing upon families and nations in order to multiply the seed so by this application of the token unto Infants was this promise sealed Fifthly that in reference to this additionall promise and the seale thereof was Abraham called the Father of all them that beleeve and they his seed So as what he received from the Lord both in the promise and the seale thereof he received it not only for himselfe but also for his seed even his spirituall seed in their generations Vse 2. A second use of this point may be that which the Apostle makes of it in this place when he saith this the Lord hath done to shew the immutability of his counsel to the Heirs of promise and that we might have strong consolation What the Lord hath intended and designed for beleevers let them embrace Let them not lose the comfort of this Oath and Promise made to Abraham and his Seed And let their care in this be as well in one thing as another Let their faith and hope enter into that which is within the vaile as the Apostle speaks even into Heaven it selfe whereof that within the vaile was a type Heb. 9. And there let the soule rejoyce in all the secrets of the covenant the whole mystery of the Gospel even in that which neither eye hath seen nor ear heard nor hath entred into the heart of a natural man to conceive The merit and satisfaction of the blood of Christ sprinkled upon the mercy seat the efficacy and power of his intercession as our great High Priest the blessed priviledge of our adoption the gift of his good spirit the glorious inheritance of the sons of God A free accesse into the bosome of the Father his infinit love his eternal and free election In all this so much above the sphere of natures light let faith be confident and strong in the Promise and Oath of God to Abraham and his seed And let not that branch peculiarly added unto his covenant be forgotten or neglected the Lords purpose of election as to families and posterity the conquest of the
nature of sanctification it is a giving up or a separating of a thing to God Rom. 12. 1. 2 Cor. 7. 1. and in voluntary agents it is a giving up of themselves to God else the will is not given up to him and so the man is not sanctified therefore in the sanctification of the understanding it is made active in its own illumination and gives up it selfe to the power of the word of truth and to God therein hence it is that whilst the spirit of God sanctifies us through the truth it begets in us a beliefe that it is the truth of God Secondly by this sanctification so far as it prevaileth for it is but in part in this world we are delivered from the corrupt biasings of the heart which are the cause of all our darkness and unbeliefe of all those shifts evasions wherby we are kept from owning his authority in his word men of corrupt minds they are who are reprobate concerning the faith 2 Tim. 3. 8. Thirdly in the work of sanctification the soule findes the infinite power of God in this truth in mortifying sinne in a new birth to righteousnesse and in filling of the soule with comfort which however is a work secretly carried on in the soule and so many times the power of the sanctifying word not much taken notice of in actual thoughts yet the soule wherein it is accordingly doth secretly owne and acknowledge this power of the word and God himselfe therein yea even when actual thoughts from the corruption of the unregenerate part are reasoning against it and would not see it Thus we see upon what further ground our beliefe of the truth as the truth and word of God depends besides the credit of the persons by whom we are instructed and taught therein Who notwithstanding may be acknowledged as Ambassadours from Christ who speak to us in the name of God and in his Authority upon a twofold account First from the nature of their work which is to instruct us in the truth of God in which although much of the truth slips besides our faith and knowledge because of the weaknesse both of Teacher and Hearer and it may be but very little of it is discovered unto us yet something is done in that behalfe so as we can say of this and that particular truth which we have learned by their meanes that it is indeed the word of God and how small soever that be yet it cometh upon our soules from our Teachers in the name of God and in his authority because as it will be granted that when we receive the truth of God in his authority it is not therefore to be supposed that we are presently possessed of all the truth of God at once nor of all that truth which is spoken to us should it be by persons of infallible gifts because we receive no more then what we understand so it is as true that how small soever that part of the truth of the Gospell be that we receive as truth we cannot but receive it in his name and authority because he is the God of truth and the things revealed in it are such as none else could reveale but he therefore called his truth John 17. 17. Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth And indeed that onely doe we receive in his name and authority which we receive as truth were it by persons of infallible gifts therefore I say so far as they are able to fasten any truth upon our understandings they are truly said even from the nature of their work to speake to us in the name of God Secondly from the nature of their office which is such as they are therein consecrated and appointed by a creating word of institution to be in this thing in stead of Christ himself unto the Church so as he saith to them He that receiveth you receiveth me and he that despiseth you despiseth me Luke 10. 16. and 2 Cor. 5. 20. We sayes the Apostle are Ambassadours for Christ as though God did beseech you by us we pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God This the Apostle speaketh of himself and others as those to whom God had committed the ministery of reconciliation vers 19. Now that ministerie was committed not onely to Apostles and Evangelists He gave also Pastours and Teachers for the work of the ministerie Ephes 4. 11. 12. So Heb. 13. 7. Therefore I say by vertue of his word of institution they are in this capacity not by vertue of any infallibility or freedome from errour in their teaching The ministery is that Ordinance of God whereby the truth of God is by degrees to be discovered and whereby that which is discovered to be his truth should come upon the soule in the same Authority and Power as if God himselfe did speak it to us God could as easily have spoken to us himselfe from time to time but he chuseth rather and finds it necessary to deal with us according to our capacity that his terrour may not make us afraid as Elihu said to Job Job 33. 7. and to bring downe the knowledge of himselfe to such wayes and meanes agreeable to our condition as that we may receive it in earthen vessels and yet be assured that it is the word and truth of God and so as that in this Ordinance of the ministery we have that which is equivalent unto his speaking to us himselfe This is the manner of Gods dealing with his people in bestowing himself upon us that what we cannot have immediately by himselfe by vertue of his ordinances we should have in equivalency or in effect made good unto us which is one reason why the Scripture calleth a false Ordinance an Idol or a false god namely because that is the nature and use of the ordinances of the worship of God to be to us as in his stead or to be equivalently or in effect as Christ himselfe unto our soules Thus in the supper of the Lord we have his body and blood though not his body and blood in nature or by transubstantiation yet because that supper is his ordinance wherein we do enjoy the communion of his body and blood the bread and wine in that use and administration is equivalently or in effect the body and blood of Christ unto us So the Church wherein we worship God is called the body and house of Christ though as in it selfe considered consisting but of a few and of them it may be a great part Hypocrites it cannot properly or primarily be so called yet that being his ordinance wherein we enjoy communion with him as members of his mystical body and as the temples of the holy Ghost and wherein we do the work and enjoy the comfort which belongeth unto us as such therfore in equivalency and in the way of an ordinance that Church is to us the body and house of Christ 1 Cor. 12. 27. The Church of Corinth is called his body