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A47197 The way cast up, and the stumbling-blocks removed from before the feet of those who are seeking the way to Zion, with their faces thitherward containing an answere to a postcript, printed at the end of Sam Rutherford's letters, third edition, by a nameless author, indeed not without cause, considering the many lyes and falshoods therein, against the people, called Quakers, which are here disproved, and refuted / by George Keith ... Keith, George, 1639?-1716.; Rutherford, Samuel, 1600?-1661. 1677 (1677) Wing K233; ESTC R19568 115,272 246

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aforesaid as he is the Heavenly Man 1. ANd thus it may appear how much more truely according to the Scripture and our own blessed experience agreeing most exactly with the experience of the Saints of old we own and esteeme of the Manho●● of Christ Iesus above whatever the Author of the Postscript or his Brethren did acknowledg who would exclude the Heavenly Man or Second Adam Iesus Christ altogether out of the very Saints whereas the Second Adam is the quickening Spirit that raiseth up both Soul and body into Life as Paul declared 2. And indeed Luther did conceive a most just indignation and zeal against them such as this Presbyterian is who exclude the Manhood of Christ out of the Saints and confine it to one place For thus he writeth in his Larger Confession of the Supper of the Lord. Absit autem ut ego talem Deum agnoscam aut colam ex his enim consequeretur quod locus spatium possent duas natur as separare personam Christi dividere quam tamen neque mors neque omnes diaboli dividere aut separare potuere Et quanti tandem obsecro pretii esset talis Christus qui unico tantum loco simul divina human● person● esset in omnibus voro locis dun●axat quidem separatus Deus aut divina persona esset sine assumptâ suâ humanitate In English thus Far be it from me that I should acknowledg or worship such a God for hence it should follow that place and space could separat the two naturs and divide the person of Christ which neither death nor all the devils could ever doe And I pray of what worth were such a Christ who ●n one onely place should be both a divine and humane person together but in all other places should be God separat or a divine person without his assumed humanity 3. And also those who embraced the Augustan confession in that Treatise called Liber Concor●●a where they give a new declaration of some articles in that confession upon the head concerning the person of Christ speak their mind very notably in these following words which expresse the very something upon the matter as to the generall that 〈◊〉 plead for Quare perniciosum error om esse judicamus quando Christo juxta humanitatem Majestas illa derogatur Christianis enim eâ ratione summa illa consolatio eripitur quam è promissionibus paulò antè commemoratis de presentiâ inhabitatione capitis Regis summi sui Pontificis haurire poterant Is enim promisi● non modò nudam suam divinitatem ipsis praesto futuram quae nobis miseris peccatoribus est tanquam ignis consumens arridissimas stipulas se● ille ipse homo ille qui cum discipulis loquutu● est qui omnis generis tribulation●s in assumpt● suâ humanâ naturâ gustavit qui eâ de causâ nobis ut hominibus fratribus suis cond●lere potest se in omnibus angustiis nostris nobiscum futurum promisit secundum eam eciam naturam juxta quam ille Frater noster es● ● nos caro de carne ejus sumus In English thus Wherefore say they we iudge it to be a hurtful● error when that majesty is derogated from Christ according to his manhood for by that means th● most great consolation is robbed from Christians which they could have drawn from the promises a little before mentioned concerning the presence and ●ndwelling of their head King and high Priest For he promised that not onely his Godhead should be present with them which to us miserable sinners is as a fire consuming most dry stubble but the same that man who spake with his disciples who tasted all kind of tribulations in his assumed manhood who for that cause can be grieved with us being also men and his brethren did promise that he would be with us in all our afflictions also according to that nature by which he is our Brother and we are flesh of his flesh 4. But the Lutherans conceit that the externall person of Christ not onely virtually but formally is in every place yea the wole in the whole and the whole of it in every part is so absurd and repugnant unto rational perception that from this many have taken occasion unjustly to deny the Truth it self becaus they did not see how this manner of the Lutherans of the ubiquity of the man Christ could consist with Reason 5. Whereas the manner offered by me is most consonant both to Scripture and Reason yea and almost to Sense it self for there are sensible examples by which we may illustrate the manner of it as namely that of the stream of Light that floweth from the candle and filleth the whole house while as the body of the candle it selfe is but in one place 6. And what doth that firy streame or river signify that issued and came forth from the Ancient of days but the extension of the Life and Spirit of Christ as he is the Heavenly Man And as John Rev. 1. describeth him is a wonderfully Great man even that Son of man whom Iohn saw after his ascension in the midst of the golden candlsticks even he that liveth and was dead ver 18. to shew that it was the Man Christ and he had in his right hand seven star●● which are expounded to be the seven Angels or Pastors of the seven churches This showeth it is not his externall person or outward body that is here described for it is impossible to conceive how he can hold a number of men in the right hand of his externall person Therefore by his right hand is signified his power as he is the great Heavenly Man which can wel hold all the men that ever were in the world 7. Also this wonderfull extension of the Spirit of Christ as Man in his Divine body and Seed is most clearly described hy Christ himself Iohn 1 51. Verily verily I say unto you hereafter ye shall see heaven opened and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man This is the Great and Heavenly Man Christ Iesus who is that Ladder which Iacob saw in his vision the top whereof reached unto Heaven and the foot of it reached the Earth But this can not be the externall Person of Christ and therefore it is the Spirit of Christ as he is Man or his Soul that is extended into us here upon Earth in his Heavenly body that he giveth us to feed upon by means of this Heavenly Ladder 8. But when I say the Soul or Spirit of Christ ● Man is extended into us I do not understand the Nephesch of his Soul but the Neschamah or Nisch●ah even that Divine Spirit of Life that God breathed into Adam and is that which Solomon calls the Candle of the Lord searching all the inward parts of the belly and Iames the Ingrafted Word and Iohn the Word mad flesh or Incarnate Word that dwelleth in us
them but onely an emanation or stream of it the Center and Spring it self was for most part in heaven untill it descended and cloathed it self with the likeness of our 〈◊〉 flesh in the Virgins womb 13. And ●herefore let all the Scripturs be searched and it shall not be found that Christ became Man and tooke to himself the Soul of Man at his conception in the womb of the Virgin Mary but onely that he took flesh and was the Son of Mary David and Abraham according to the flesh but according to his Heavenly Nature even as man he was the Son of God and was the Father and Lord of all the Faithfull in all Ages therefore David in spirit called him LORD whose Name is Wonderfull Counseller the Mighty God the Everlasting Father aud Prince of Peace SECTION IX 1. That Christ is in every man yea in every Creature in a true sense proved from Scripture 2. That it derogats no more from the honour of Christ then from the honour of God the Father that he is in all things 3. Christ in the saints proved from Scripture 4. Yea in all men even the wicked proved from Scripture 5. The God-head properly doth not suffer in men but the soule or life of Iesus Christ the heavenly man 6. More Scripture to prove that Christ suffers in the wicked as Heb. 6. 6. Rev. 11. 8. 7. Paul preached Christ in the Corinthians and Galatians when unbelievers proved from 1 Cor. 2. 2. Gal. 1. 3. Eph. 3. 8. 1. Tim. 3. 16. 8. If Christ be in the Saints he must be in all men proved from a most convincing reason that otherwayes he would be divided from himself and in discontinued places 9. Christ is otherwayes in all men then in the other inferior creaturs in regard of his operations 10. And otherwise in the Saints then in other men not only in regard of operation but also in regard of union and communion 11. How Christ is and yet is not in unbelievers in different respects cleared by two manifest examples 12. Christ is otherwise in the outward body and temple that suffered at Jerusalem then in the Saints 13. The Saints union with God is but mediat through the heavenly man Christ whereas the union of Christ with God is immediat 14. The Saints not Christ but Christians and receive all things from God by the Heavenly Man Christ Iesus 15. How Christ hath given eternall life to all flesh or all mankind according to John 17. 2. which place of Scripture is falsly translated in our English Bible THe fifth Particular whereof he accuseth us is that we affirme Christ to be a common sort of thing to be found in every man as it was in the Son of Mary even the common Light to be found in the mind of every man in the world 1. Answer That Christ is in every man yea in every creature we do boldly affirme conforme to the Scripture which saith all things were created by him even Iesus Christ the incarmate Word or Word made flesh and therefor he is in all things and as Iohn said he was in the world and the world was made by him for indeed it is impossible that the maker can be separated from the thing that is made I say according to the Scripture that seeing all creaturs were made by Iesus Christ therefore he is in them all even as God is in all giving them and upholding them their beings and ministring unto every thing what is needfull and fit for it 2. Doth it any more derogat from the honour and glory of Christ that he is in all then it derogats from the honour and glory of God the Father who is in all and through all blessed in himself for ever more For as God is a pure being and life that nothing can defile even so is Christ Jesus an incorruptible and incontaminable life and being as God is Light so Christ is Light a Light that shineth every where even in the darkness as Iohn declared but the darkness cannot comprehend it nor can the darkness obscure and darken it onely it can and doth obscure and darken the eyes of them who are in darkness that they cannot see nor behold the glory of the Light But more particularly to come to the matter in hand I shall first prove from Scripture that Christ is in the Saints and secondly both from Scripture and good reason that is grounded on Scripture that he is in all men in a true sense yea in all creatures And thirdly I shall shew that in regard of his operations he is otherwise in men then in the other creaturs of an inferior degree And fourthly that he is otherwise in the Saints then in other men and that not onely in regard of operation but also in regard of union and communion And fiftly that he is otherwise in the vessell or temple that suffered on the Crosse at Ierusalem and is now glorifyed in heaven then he is in any or in all of the Saints or in any other creaturs whatsoever howsoever excellent 3. As to the first that Christ is in the Saints see Ioh. 6 56. he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him see also Iohn 17. 23. I in them and thou in me c. see again Rom. 8. 10. And if Christ be in you the body is dead Eph. 3. 17. That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith Collos. 1. 27. Christ in you the hope of glory 2 Cor. 13. 3. Seing that ye seek a proofe of Christ speaking in me and verse 5. know ye not your own s●lv●s how that Iesus Christ is in you unless ye be reprobates Many more Scriptures may be brought but these shall suffice to shew that Christ is in the Saints and Christ is Gods anointed King Priest and Prophet and therefor by Christ is not to be understood the Word simply considered as in God but the incarnate or ingrafted Word or the Word made flesh that dwelleth in the Saints Ioh. 1. 14. for the Word simply considered as in God is not the anointed but the annointer whereas Christ is Gods anointed 4. Secondly that Christ is in all men even in the wicked see Amos 2. 13. Behold I am pressed under you as a Cart is pressed that is full of sheaves This cannot be understood of God or the Word simply considered that cannot be pressed or suffer any grief but it is well understood of the incarnat or ingraft●d Word to wit the precious Seed of the life of Christ in us that is exceeding tender and is capable of grief and suffering by mens sins Psal. 95. 10. Fourty years long was I grieved in this generation Isajah 63. 9 10. In all their affliction he was aff●icted and the Angel of his presence saved them in his love and in his pity he redeemed them and he bare them and caryed them all the days of old but they rebelled and vexed his holy Spirit c. 5.
inlighteneth every ●an that cometh into the world Joh. 1 9. 12. Fifthly Christ Jesus he is otherwise in the 〈◊〉 then he was and is in that vessel and temple 〈◊〉 suffered at Ierusalem and is now glorifyed in 〈◊〉 Heavens for the Saints have not the Heavenly 〈◊〉 Christ Jesus as it were centrally and original●●● them the Spring and Centre of his Soul Life 〈◊〉 Light is not in their vessells but onely in that 〈◊〉 which was born of the Virgin Mary they 〈◊〉 enjoy of his Life and Light as it proceeds 〈◊〉 him by way of emanation and participation 〈◊〉 that although the true Light be both in him and 〈◊〉 yet it is otherwise in him then in us as the 〈◊〉 of the Sun is otherwise in the body of the Sun 〈◊〉 it is in other bodys into which it emanates and 〈◊〉 Life is otherwise in the Principall part or parts 〈◊〉 the Natural bodys then as it is in the other Mem●●● And both these exampls have been used by 〈◊〉 Ancients to shaddow forth this great Mystery 〈◊〉 they also are used in the Scripture it self which calleth him the Head of the Body and the Sun of Righteousness and it pleased the Father that in him all fulness should dwell and out of his fulness we all receive and Grace for Grace for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily see Coloss. 1 19. and 2 9. and Joh. 1 16. So that in all things he hath the preheminence as the Apostle declared And look as the sap or moisture and living vertue is otherwise in the Root and Stock of the Tree then it is in the Branches although i● be really also in the branches even thus it is as concerning Christ and the Saints he is the Vine they are the Branches he is the Root that beareth them and sendeth forth his Life conti●ually into them to make the● fruitfull that they may bear living fruits of Life Now he is the Root and Vine into which the Saints are grafted not simply as the Word but as the Word Incarnate and as dwelling in that most pure and most Wonderfull Vessell that suffered at Ierusalem 13. For becaus the fulness dwelt in him and that he was immediately and most intimatly united with the Godhead so as no men no● Angels are but onely the Man Iesus he is onely the true Christ. And becaus he it is alone who in an immediate way and originally is Gods Anoynted who hath anoynted him with his Holy Spirit and all other men even the most holy but mediately united with God through him and mediately by and through him receiving the Anoynting or Holy Spirit therefore all other holy men are not Christ but Christians not being immediately anoynted of the Father but by the means of Iesus Christ. 14. Nor are they otherwise partakers of the Anoynting or of the Holy Ghost but as they are partakers of Christ. And this the Name Christian doth plainly import for it is a derivative name from Christ holding forth that as we derive our name from him so also we derive from him whatever Light or Life Grace or Heavenly Virtus we do enjoy The Father first giveth it unto him and he even the Man Christ Jesus that was born of the Virgin Mary the Son of David and Abraham according to the Flesh doth give it unto us 15. He it is by whom Grace and Truth cometh unto Mankind he it is to whom the Father hath gi●en power over all flesh as he himself declared Ioh. 17 2. that whatever the Father hath giuen to ●im he may give to them eternell life for so the 〈◊〉 are according to the Greek and so both ●rias Montanus and the vulgar Latin and Dutch Translation render them So that Christ hath given 〈◊〉 all flesh that is All mankind eternall Life even 〈◊〉 hath received it of the Father not that all 〈◊〉 do enjoy or possesse eternall Life but yet the Seed or Principle of it is put in them which is the Light of his Son Christ Iesus that lighteth every man that cometh into the World and thereby All men may have Life as Christ himself said I am come that ye may have Life and if they have it not it is not becaus they can not but becaus they will not have it for it is really tendered unto them by Christ Jesus who on this account is the Saviour of all men but especially of them that believe SECTION X. 1. All true Christians do worship the Man Christ Jesus 2. True Believers worshipped him upo● Earth in the days of his flesh 3. The Wise-men from the East worshipped the child Jesus but not Mary thereby condemning the grosse idolatry of the church of Rome 4. Many exampls out of Scripture to prove they worshipped the Man Chri●● Jesus 5. Some Presbyterians have taught tha● the Man Christ Jesus was not to be worshipped to the great dishonour of the Christian Religion 6. The Christian Quakers falsly accused that 〈◊〉 do not pray to the Man Iesus Christ. 7. We ofte● expressly mention the names JESUS CHRIST in our prayers and when we do not mention thes● names yet praying by the movings of his Life 〈◊〉 Spirit we pray always unto Christ Iesus who● the heavenly Man and God over all blessed for ever 8. In what sort of expressions I have heard some of our Friends pray to Christ in our Meetings and which I have also used in prayer to my great comfort 9. That becaus all true Christians do worship the Man Christ Iesus he to wit the Heavenly Man must needs be really present in and among them in their meetings and consequently every where but this is not meant of his externall person 10. Who pray unto the Man Christ and do not believe him to be present are real Idolaters as this Author of the Postscript 11. That distinction refuted that he is present as God not as Man 12. That the Man Christ heareth our prayers proveth that he is present every where 13. That distinction refuted that the Man Christ Iesus knoweth our prayers and thoughts not by immediat perception but by having them revealed to him by the Godhead which is the Popish evasion for worshipping Saints and Angels 14. Some places of Scripture opened as Heb. 4 15 16. Psal. 18. 9 10. 15. That Christ did immediatly kow the thoughts of men proved from divers Scripturs 16. Omnipercipiency of the Soul of Christ proveth him as man to be Omnipresent 1. ANd for these causes it is that all true Christians do worship the Man Christ Jesus and pray unto him as they do unto the Father so that he is a true and proper object of Divine adoration as is the Father yea it is in and through him that we can onely in a true and acceptable way worship the Father and call upon him 2. And even in the days of his flesh they who saw his glory and did truely know what he was did both believe in him and pray unto him and
our necessitys yet we can no otherwayes receive his help but as it comes to us by the conveyance of the Man Christ Jesus our alone Mediator 9. Thirdly My third reason which is mainly for my present purpose and which alone is enough to conclude is because it demonstrats this great blessed Truth to wit that the Man Christ Jesus is really present in and among us and consequently every where I do not mean by his externall or outward person for that is ascended into Heaven but in virtue of his Divine Life and Spirit or Soul extended into us in his Divine Seed and Body which is his Heavenly flesh and blood wherewith he feedeth the Souls of them that believe in him I say Our worshipping the Man Jesus and praying unto him doth plainly demonstrate that he is really present in and among us and with us as his Name Immanuel doth signify not onely as God but as Man for it were a most absurd thing to worship an object that is altogether absent as the Manhood of Christ is according unto these Presbyterian Teachers We know how the Prophet Elijah mocked Baals worshippers with a Godly zeal and indignation on this account as supposing him in their account as an absent God Cry aloud said he for perhaps he is asleep or hath taken a journey As for us God forbid that we should worship an absent Christ or call upon a Saviour to help us in whom we do not believe as really present 10. Sure I am they who pray unto him and yet do not believe him to be present and have not some sense of his presence are real Idolaters for they pretend to worship an object which wanteth a property altogether essential to an object of Divine worship that is real presence 11. Nor is it enough for them to say he is present as God but not as man for if the Man be not present he is not to be worshipped and if he be to be worshipped as most certainly he is then he is present for this is one of the great motives of worship and prayer that he whom we worship and call upon is present to help us as David called him ● present help in time of trouble and we are commanded to come and worship before his presence 12. But again Our praying to the Man Jesus doth imply that he doth really heare our Prayers and is really sensible and perceptive of them and that not onely when we use vocal prayers but also when we pray onely in our most secret thoughts Now it is impossi●le that he could hear us and be sensible of our prayers and especially of our thoughts if he were not immediatly present in us and with us For to say that his God-head doth reveal our prayers and thoughts unto the Man-hood doth no wise answere the strength of this reason for hearing and perception are immediate acts of the soul and reach unto the objects immediately or the objects unto them but what is made known by revelation simply doth not so reach and that cannot be properly called hearing our prayers or being sensible of them As suppose that God should reveal immediatly to a man in Persia or China that I am praying here at such a distance that man could not be said to hear me praying or be sensible of the very breathings of my soul as when the Lord revealed to Ananias that Saul who after was called Paul did pray yet who will say that Ananias heard Paul pray at that time Surely this is such a slender and deceitfull evasion answer as the Papists use commonly to give when we bring this reason against their praying unto Saints and Angells to wit that they do not nor cannot hear our prayers every where becaus they are not every where present nor can be becaus of their limited capacity they tell us that they read ou● prayers in the mirrour or looking glasse of the Deity or have them revealed unto them immediatly by God which answer the Protestants most deservedly reject for that is not properly to hear 14. And indeed none is fit to be a Mediator but he that immediatly heareth our prayers and hath a sense of the breathings and yearnings of our souls towards God and is touched with the feeling of our infirmitys as Christ Iesus our high Priest really is for said the Apostle Hebr. 4. 15 16. we have not ●n high Priest which cannot be touchea with the feeling of our infirmitys but was in all points tempted like 〈…〉 yet without sin let us therefore come boldly unto the 〈◊〉 of grace that we may obtaine 〈◊〉 and find grace to help in time of need Here observ how he makes this the reason why we should come 〈◊〉 ●nto the throne of grace even becaus 〈◊〉 have an high Preist that is not of so A damantine a nature nor yet so remo●e from us as that he cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmitys and therefore he hath a real feeling of them which is more 〈…〉 the Prophets mantle fell and this was a figure of this great mystery for Christ the greatest of all Prophets when he ascended he let fall his mantle upon his disciples to wit a plenteous emanation of his spirituall and divine Body and Life the proper vehicles and conduit of the Holy Ghost and of God himself so that they came to be wonderfully indued with the Holy Ghost and indeed that which Jesus Christ hath left with us of his Divine Body and Life is Gods Throne of Grace or Heavenly Throne on which God sitteth and to which we have access while we are here upon Earth that is of the same nature with that above and one intire being with it the Altar the mercy seat The Cherub on which God rideth as it is Psal. 18. 9 10. He bowed the heavens also and came down and darkness was under his feet and he rode upon a Cherub 〈◊〉 did flee yea he did flee upon the Spirit so the Hebrew This Cherub is the Man Christ Iesus the heavenly rayes of whose Spirit Light and Life are his wings on which the most glorious and most High God doth ride and bring speedy deliverance to his afflicted Saints in all ages And Christ also is 〈◊〉 heavens that God boweth to wit the Heavenly Man that most willingly boweth and obey●●● the Fathers commands in all things who is the Man of Gods right hand by whom he doth all things 〈◊〉 heaven and Earth he bel●g his most immediat and most universall instrument and organ of operation in all things in heaven or Earth or under the Earth and therefore to him must every 〈◊〉 bow whether in heaven or earth or below the earth 15. But I shall more particularly prove that 〈◊〉 Man Jesus even in the dayes of his flesh did kno● the thoughts of men from express testimonies 〈◊〉 Scripture Math. 12. 25. and Iesus knew their though● see also Luk. 6. 8. and John 2. 24 25. But 〈◊〉 did not
committ himself unto them becaus he 〈◊〉 all men and needed not that any should testify 〈◊〉 Man for he knew what was in man And sure●● John understood this of Christ as man for he 〈◊〉 here speaking of the Man Christ even Jesus 〈◊〉 was borne of Mary but to say that he knew 〈◊〉 thoughts not immediatly but by revelation 〈◊〉 to contradict the express words of this Scriptur● which saith that he needed not that any should testify●● man so needed not divine revelation to know 〈◊〉 thoughts or hearts of men And Peter said unto 〈◊〉 Man Christ Jesus Lord thou that knowest all 〈◊〉 knowest that I love thee all which prove that 〈◊〉 Man Christ Iesus to wit his soul hath a reall 〈◊〉 and is really omnipercipient and 〈◊〉 of all things present and past if not of 〈◊〉 things to come for as things to come he may 〈◊〉 know them by divine revelation from his Father but he cannot properly be percipient of them 〈◊〉 sense perception require alwayes a present object 16. And if Christ as Man be omnipercipient he is also omnipresent not onely becaus omnipercipiency is as great or rather a greater propriety and priviledge but also becaus omnipercipiency doth really imply and involve in it omnipresence for how that which is so altogether absent from us can be sensible of our affairs and thoughts is altogether unconceiveable and puts our understanding as much upon the rack as the Popish doctrin of transubstantiation and the Lutheran of Consubstantiation whereas in the way as I have expressed it the thing ●s easy to be understood SECTION XI 1. An objection answered that I seeme to agree with the Lutheran doctrin of the ubiquity of the Man Christ. 2. That the externall Person and body of Christ is not every where nor his Soul wholly in every place by a certain multiplication of ubications as the Lutherans commonly but falsly teach 3. The Center Spring or Fountain of his Soul Life or Spirit as he is the Heavenly Man is onely in that body that was crucifyed outwardly at Jerusalem and is now glorifyed in the Heavens 4. And is extended unto us by way of emanation 5. Some examples given to illustrat this Truth 6. As we agree with Luther in the generall so we differ from him in the particular manner of the ubiquity of the Man Christ Iesus which in their way is inexplicable and repugnant to Scripture 〈◊〉 the certain instincts and dictats of Reason but 〈◊〉 our way most r●tional and agreeable to Scripture 7. The great comfort of this Doctrin that we ha●● the Man Christ Iesus so near unto us in virtue of his Divine Life and Soul in his Divine Seed an● Body extended unto us 8. That the most glor●●ous Angels can not see God but in the Man 〈◊〉 Iesus to wit in his Spirit Life and Light r●vealed in them 9. How the words of Jame● concerning the Word Ingrafted are to be understood and the words of John concerning the Wor● made Flesh. 10. That Scripture Heb. 9 1● opened 11. A Saying of Hermes Trismegist●● concerning God his being a Circle whose Center is every where and is no where circum●cri●ed 12. The Man Christ Iesus a real a● proper middle betwixt God and us ANd if it be objected that I seeme to agre● with the Lutheran doctrin as concernin● the ubiquity of the Man Christ. 1. I answer that I do indeed agree wit● them in the general but differ from them as to 〈◊〉 manner in great and weighty circumstances For they say the externall person body of Christ that suffered on the Cross is every where even the whole in every place 2. I say Nay his externall Person is arisen and ascended and is not here as the Angel said sur●●exit non est hîc he is risen he is not here meaning his outward body for that was it they were seeking and it is impossible that one and the same 〈◊〉 body can be in many places at once 2. They say the whole Soul of Christ is in every 〈◊〉 and in every thing not by an extention but a ●ertain multiplication of its ubication but this is as ●●possible and unconceivable as the former 3. But I say The whole Soul or Spirit of Christ ●not in every place nor in every man for the ●enter and Spring or Fountain of it is onely in that ●ody that was crucified on the Cross at Jerusalem ●nd is now ascended and glorified in Heaven which ●emaineth the same in Substance that it was on ●arth although it be wonderfully changed as to the 〈◊〉 and manner of its being it being no more a ●ody of flesh blood and bones but a pure ethereal 〈◊〉 heavenly body like unto which the bodys of the ●aints are to be at the resurrection For Earth●● and Heavenly are not so differing but that re●aining one in Substance they may be changed ●e into another so that as one and the same 〈◊〉 Soul may by the operation of the Mighty Power of God be changed so as to be made heavenly and pure even so one and the same Earthly body may by the same Power be made Heavenly and thus in different respects they are one and the same and yet not the same one in Substance and not one but another in the manner of being 4. And the Center or Spring of Christs Soul remaining in that glorifyed body it extends its precious Life Spirit and Light into the Saints and 〈◊〉 some manner into all men 5. Even as the Light of the Sun that is centra●●● in the body of the Sun and yet emanats and 〈◊〉 forth its Light in most abundant streams and rays●● to all the world And as the Soul of any ordin●●● man hath its center in one principal part of the body as some think the Head but others the Hea● and sendeth forth its Life and vital Rays into 〈◊〉 whole body and therefore the Soul is sensible● whatever affects any part or member in the who●● body Even thus our blessed Lord and Saviour ●●sus Christ is sensible of whatever affects or moves 〈◊〉 Church which is also his body by the real 〈◊〉 of his Divine Life Soul and Spirit in the Divi●● Seed extended into the same 6. And thus indeed as we agree with Luther an● his followers in the general so we differ from the● as to the particular manner and way of the real pr●●sence and ubiquity of the Manhood of Christ 〈◊〉 in their way is inexplicable and repugnant to the most certain instincts and dictats of Reason that God has indued us with as Rational creaturs Whereas the way as I have expressed it is most rational and will be found to be most true and solid by all that shall seriously ponder the matter and weigh the reasons and arguments I have given for it and may yet further give from Testimonys of Scripture and experience of the Saints that no reason can contradict but doth highly favour 7. And surely it is no lesse
a Christian indeed but a tast of the sweetness of Christ come and see will speake best to your Soul This plainly implyeth that Christ is present even to them who are not Christians indeed seing to tast of the sweetness of Christ is that onely which makes one who is not a Christian indeed to be a Christian. But beside all this I shall cite some express testimonys for Christ his being in the Saints See 1 part Ep. 43. It 's not for nothing that it 's said Coloss. 1 27. Christ in you the hope of glory I will be content of no pawn of heaven but Christ himself And 2 part Ep. 1. I have good confidence Madam that Christ Iesus whom your Soul throug forrests and mountains is seeking is within you Many more testimonys may be cited but these may suffice to prove that this great Seer in the Presbyterians account did believe that not onely the Graces and Comforts of Christ are in the Saints which are as it were his train and attendants but that he himself is in the midst of them And if it be replyed that by Christ his being in the Saints he meant is God not as Man as we understand it 12. To this I answer 1. God or the Word or Logos singly considered is not Christ but the Word incarnate or the Word made flesh and planted in us For Christ signifyeth Anoynted and it is the Man Christ that is Gods Anoynted and indeed we can not see nor tast nor smell nor feel of the naked Deity of Christ nor converse with Christ simply as God but as God-Man or the Word incarnate and the Presbyterians commonly teach that there is no accesse to God nor communion with him but through the Mediator Christ Jesus as Calvin himself teacheth for thus he writeth on the Hebrews cap. 1 ver 2. That God is no otherwise revealed to us then in Christ for there is so great a brightness in the essence of God that it blindeth our eyes till it shine upon us in Christ. Whence it followeth that we are as blind men to the Light of God unless it shine to us in Christ. By this it is clear that Christ importeth somewhat beside the essence of God which is his Manhood or as he is the Word incarnate But 2. The Presbyterians now adays would not onely exclude Christ as Man but even as God out of his Saints for they are greatly offended at Iohn Owen an Independent Teacher who in his book on the Perseverance of the Saints hath affirmed that the Holy Ghost himself doth really indwell in the Saints so that not onely the graces and gifts of the Holy Ghost but he himself is an indweller in them and is united unto them and they to him and for this Caudry a Presbyterian hath found fault with him And 3. I shall produce some of S. R. his own words and leave them to the Reader whether they do not hold forth somewhat of the truth of that which I plead for although I believe he had not a distinct and explicite understanding of it See 2 part Ep. 38. I know said he God is casten if I may so speak in a sweet mould and lovely image in the person of that heavens-Iewel the Man Christ and that the steps of that s●eep ascent and stair to the Godhead is the flesh of Christ the new and living way Surely these words import no lesse but that Christ as Man although not as to his external person yet in some other mysterious way is present with the Saints on Earth seing they can not see God as in himself but as he is to be seen in that lovely image of the Man Christ whose flesh is the steps and stair to the Godhead And therefore we must have that flesh in us else we can not ascend to any true communion with him in our hearts 13. But again see a more express testimony that the Man Christ is in the Saints buddeth forth blossometh and beareth fruit in them part 3. Ep. 13. But the Plant of Renown the Man whose Name is the BRANCH will budd forth again and blossome as the rose and there shall be fair white flourishes again with most pleasant fruits upon that Tree of Life a fair season may he have Grace Grace be upon that blessed and beautifull tree under whose shaddow we shall sit● and his fruit shall be sweet to our tast Again see 3 part ep 8. Iesus that flower of Jesse set without hands getteth many a blast yet withers not becaus he is his Fathers ●oble Rose casting a sweet smell through Heaven and Earth and must grow and in the same garden with him grow the Saints Now I would ask the Author of the Postcript Do these words of S. R. hold forth a false Christ or another Jesus then the 〈◊〉 Jesus the Son of Mary If they do not then why doth he accuse the Quakers as holding another Christ onely becaus they speak of Christ in them as formed in them budding and growing and bringing forth fruit of Life who is the Plant of Re●own the BRANCH the Tree of Life the incorrup●ible Root the Seed and Word Ingrafted And surely it is impossible to understand how the Man Christ Jesus casts a sweet smell through Heaven and Earth if he is not present both in Heaven and Earth Again see 1 part Ep. 127. If Christ b●d and grow green and blossome and bear seed again in Scotland and his Father send him two summers again in one year and bless his crop O what cause ●ave we to rejoyce in the free salvation of our Lord and to set up our banners in the Name of our God! I have cited these passages the rather becaus many Presbyterian Teachers as wel as others when they hear or read such words as proceeding from us namely that Christ is a Seed or Plant of Life in us growing sprouting budding blossoming and bearing fruit and that this Heavenly Seed and Plant is a tender Plant as he is so called in Scripture that is bruised and wounded by mens sins and hindered to bring forth fruit in them that give place to sin but groweth strong and becometh exceeding fruitfull in all them that joyn to it and love it and deny those things that are contrary to its nature such as all kinds of sin are then they cry out horrid blasphemy this is to deny the true Christ of God the Son of Mary 14. But if these expressions be found orthodox in S. R. I hope they are not blasphemous in us seing we hold forth no other Christ Jesus but the same that all the Saints believed in and was of Mary and David according to the flesh and before them and the Father and Lord of them according to the Spirit who is the Saints hiding-place in all ages as it is written Isaiah 32 2. And the man to wit the Man Christ shall be as an hiding-place from the wind and a covert from the tempest as rivers
my heart doth not only not bear witness for but against and indeed the Scripture also doth beare witnesse against them Of this sort I shall cite a few of many 1 part Ep. 12. The Bible beguiled the Pharisees Surely this is a very unsound and unwary expression and I dare say had such an expression dropt from the penn of any called a Qua●er it would have been called blasphemy The Pharisees beguiled themselves in wre●ting and misunderstanding the Scriptures as the Priests do in our days but the Bible or Scripture is altogether innocent of this Again 1 part Ep. 88 I am sure Christ hath by his death and blood ●asten the knot so fast that the fingers of Devils and hell-fulls of sins can not loose it This is expressly contrary to the Scripturs testimony that saith your iniquitys have separated betwixt me and you Surely such sin-pleasing doctrine although it be sweet in the mouths of Professors yet it is most unwholesom for their Souls as sweet poyson why did the Lord threaten the Romans the Ephesians the Laodiceans to cutt them off remove their candle●ick and spue them out of his mouth for their sins if this mans doctrine be true that hell-fulls of sins ●an not loose the knot Is not this to embolden people in all manner of sin to tell them that hellfulls of sins can not separate them from Christ If he had said Those that are come to witnesse the indissolvible bond or knot betwixt Christ and them are preserved pure and free from all great and grosse ●ins at least he had said more according to the truth and the Scripturs testimony which saith he that abideth in Christ sinneth not And if the righteous man turn from righteousnesse it shall be forgotten Again 1 part Ep. 181. We have need of a Saviour to pardon the very diseases and faul●s and weaknesses of the New man and to take away to say so out godly sins or the sins of our sanctification the dross● and scumme of spirituall love This is very un●ound to charge sin and filthynesse upon the work of the Spirit of God in the hearts of his people whereas the Scripture saith his work is perfect And indeed how can any impure thing proceed from the Spirit of God that is altogether a most pure and holy Spirit Again 2 part Ep. 7. He who is woer and suiter should not be an house-hold-man with you till ye and he come up to his Fathers house together This is contrary to the Scripture which saith I will dwell in them and walk in them And if any man will keep my commandments my Father and I will come and make our abode with him Hence the Saints on Earth are called Gods Temple and house Again 2 part Ep. 48. The fruits that grow here are all seasoned and salted with sin A grosse unsavoury expression are the fruits of the Spirit aslove ioy peace gentlenesse goodnesse faith long-suffering meeknesse temperance c. all salted and seasoned with sin How then could the Lord relish and accept them Again 3 part Ep. 9. Howb●it we be but half-hungered of Christ here This is contrary to the promises of the Lord and experience of the Saints Did not David say My cup overfloweth And is it not said in the Song Eat O friends drink abundantly O beloved And is it not promised in the New Convenant they shall not hunger and thirst c. And said Paul that ye may be filled with the fulnesse of God And of Barnabas it is said he was a good man and full of the holy Ghost It 's true all that is received in this life is but as a first-fruits and earnest of that to come yet there is a very blessed and large enjoyment of Christ to be attained here so that the faithfull can say they want no good thing and although they hunger yet it is not for famine or want but to sharpen their appetite Yea in contradiction to himself he ●aith 1 part Ep. 128. Pray for me his prisoner that he would be pleased to bring me among you again full of Christ c. And 1 part Ep. 140. O thirsty love wilt thou set Christ the well of Life to thy head and drink thy fill drink and spare not drink love and be drunken with Christ. But doth this agree with his former expression of being half-hungered of Christ here in this life Again 1 part Ep. 62. he saith Reprobats are not formally guilty of contempt of God and misbelief becaus they apply not Christ and the promises of the Gospell to themselvs in particular for so they should be guilty becaus they believe not a lye which God never oblieged them to believe But this is to make God guilty of hypocrisy that reproveth the world of unbelief and offereth faith and Salvation unto all nor doth God obliege them to believe a lye becaus Christ hath given himself a ransome for all and dyed for all as the Scriptures expressly declare Again see 1 part Ep. 3. Except a man mar●yr and slay the body of sin in sanctifyed self-denyall they shall never be Christs martyrs and faithfull witnesses And yet in contradiction he saith within 20 lines in the same Epistle Howbeit we can not attain to this denyall of me and mine that we can say I am not my self my self is not my self mine own is no longer mine own yet our aiming at this in all we doe shall be accepted This is another sin-pleasing doctrine plaine contrary to the Scripture which faith unlesse a man deny himself c. it doth not say if he aime at it he shall be accepted Surely this is to ●ue pillows under mens arme-holes and to embolden them in sin for who will not say they aime at self-deniall although they attaine not unto it Again see 1 part Ep. 14. Some are partakers of the holy Ghost and tast of the good Word of God and of the powers of the life to come and ye● have no part in Christ at all cit●ing Heb. 6 4. But this is a grosse contradiction seing none are partakers of the holy Ghost but by Christ. But these mentioned Heb. 6 4. are such as having a part in Christ may fall from him Again see 1 part Ep. 50. The best regenerate have their defilements and if I may speak so their draff-pack that will clogg behind them all their days and wash as they will there will be fil●h in their bosome A most unfavoury and unsound expression contrary to the promises of God and the experience of many that witnessed a cleansing from all filthinesse and sin Again 1 part Ep. 27. All Christs good bairns goe to heaven with a broken brow and with a crooked legge Contrary to Scripture which faith Thou shalt walk in the way safely and thy feet shall not stumble Prov. ● 23. And Christ is a perfect Physician who as he cured the lame bodys of those that believed in him perfectly so doth he cure the lame ●ouls of all his
people even perfectly for no imperfect thing can enter into heaven Again see 1 part Ep. 20. We are fools to be browden and fond of a pawn in the loof of our hand living on trust by faith may wel content us This he speaks as reproving such who seek after spirituall feelings and sensible enjoyments of Christ which is according to his brethrens doctrine that teach We should not seek to live by sense to wit spirituall sense but by faith a grosse and unsound doctrine as if faith and sense spirituall were opposite whereas faith doth always in some measure imply some one spirituall sense or other for unlesse we spiritually heare or feel Christ in some measure we can not believe in him faith cometh by hearing saith the Apostle and is not faith a laying hold on Christ with the hands of our Soul and how can we doe this without all sense or feeling of him in a spirituall way Surely the natural and outward senses are no more necessary for the preservation of the naturall life then the inward and spiritual senses are necessary for the preservation of the Spiritual Life of the Soul Also he hath frequently in his Epistles too airy and frothy expressions no wise beseeming the weight of the matter those expressions relate unto as 1 part Ep. 120. Christ see●eth to leave heaven to say so and his Court and come down to laugh and play with a daft bairne Again 1 part Ep. 91. Will not a Father take his little dated Davie in his armes and carry him over a ditch or a mire Again 1 part Ep. 121. O if I could dote if I may make use of that word in this place as much upon himself as I do upon his love This is a hint of some of these many unworthy unsound and stumbling expressions which are to be ●ound in his Epistles which I had not medled with to discover but becaus many and especially the Publisher do so idolize this book of S. R. his Epistles as if there were none beyond it except the BIBLE 2. In my second Section I say that S. R. in his more pure times both experienced and declared of Immediate Revelation and the Spirits immediate teachings as his Epistles abundantly witnesse also that he plainly declareth he had the counsell and mind of God in some things not to be found in Scripture See for this besides the testimonys I have already cited in the answer these following 1 part Ep. 2. It was not without God 's special direction that the first sentence that ever my mouth uttered to you was that of John 9 39. Again 1 part Ep. 9. It is little to see Christ in a book as men do the World in a card 〈…〉 of Christ by the book and the tongue and no more but to come nigh Christ and hausse him and imbrace him is another thing Again 1 part Ep. 9. O his perfumed face his fair face his lovely and kindly kisses have made me a poor prisoner see there is more to be had of Christ in this Life then I believed we think all is but a little earnest a four-houres a small tasting we have or is to be had in this life which is true compared with the inheritance but yet I know it is more it is the kingdom of God within us Again 2 part Ep. 2. O blessed Soul that can leap over a man and look above a pulpit up to Christ who can preach home to the heart howbeit we are all dead and rotten Again 2 part Ep. 8. And sure I am it is better to be sick providing Christ come to the bed-side and draw by the curtains and say courage I am thy Salvation then to enioy health being lusty and strong and never to be visited of God Again 1 part Ep. 35. But at other times he will be messenger himself and I get the cup of Salvation out of his own hand Again O how sweet is a fresh ●isse from his holy mouth his breathing that goeth before a ●isse upon my poor Soul is swe●t and hath no fault but that it is too short But that he ●aith ●hat Christ drinketh to him is a froathy and un●avoury expression used by him in that same Epistle And 3 part Ep. 22. anent his transplanting he ●aith what God saith to me in the ●ussinesse I resolve 〈…〉 doe And 1 part Ep. 85. Now and then my silence burneth up my Spi●t but Christ hath said Thy stipend is running up with interest in heaven as if thou 〈◊〉 preaching and this from a Kings mouth rejoyceth my heart And 3 part Ep. 37. Christ hath said to me mercy Grace and peace for Marjon 〈◊〉 Again 1 part Ep. 154. We but stand beside Christ we goe not unto him to take our fill of him but if ●e should doe 〈◊〉 things 1. draw the curtains and make bare his holy face and then 2. clear our dim and bleared eyes to see his beauty and glory he should find many lovers This place is remarkable for it holdeth forth both immediat subjective and objective revelation according as the nationall teachers do themselvs define it and indeed his words in all these testimonyes import no less Again 1. part Ep. 201. O that ●e would strick out windowes and fair and great Lights in this old house this fallen down soul and then sett the soul near hand Christ that the rayes and beames of Light and the Soul delighting glances of the face fair God-head might shine in at the windowes and fill the house Again 1. part ep 32. now he is pleased to feast a poor prisoner and to refresh me with joy unspeakeable and glorious so as the Holy Spirit is witness that my sufferings are for Christs truth and God forbid I should deny the ●estimony of the Holy Spirit and make him a false witness Again 1. par ep 120. Lord let me never be a false witness to den● that I saw Christ take the p●n in his hand and subscribe my writs And part 3. ep 27. In privat on the 17 and 18 of August I got a full answer of my Lord to be a graced minister and chosen arrow hidden in his own quiver but know this assurance is not keaped but by watching and prayer These are but a small part of much more might be cited out of his Epistles as testimonys to immediate revelation and the immediat teachings of the Spirit yea to new revelations not to be found in Scripture and yet as I have above observed after all this he joyned with the assembly at Westminster to cry down all such immediat revelation and to affirme that God had committed his Counsell wholly to writing 3. And although many of those called Presbyterians cry up S. R. as a man of so great experience in the things of God yet I find himself ingenuously confess 1. part ep 46. that there is a gate yet of finding out Christ that he hath never lighted upon and saith he O if I could find it out