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A36641 Love triumphant, or, Nature will prevail a tragi-comedy as it is acted at the Theatre-Royal by Their Majesties servants / written by Mr. Dryden. Dryden, John, 1631-1700. 1694 (1694) Wing D2302; ESTC R181 50,223 99

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Vera. The Triumphs of this Day auspicious Prince Proclaim themselves Your Gift to us and Arragon From you they are deriv'd to you return For what we are you make us Gar. May Heav'n and your brave Son and above all Your own prevailing Genius guard your Age From such another Day of doubtful Fate But if it comes then Garcia will be proud To be again the Foil of Great Alphonso Vera. It might and well it had become my Son Looking about for Alphonso To speak your words But you are still before him As in the Fight you were Xime Turn to your Father and present your Duty Pulling Alphonso by the sleeve He thinks himself neglected and observes ye Here Garcia after bowing to the King and Queen goes to the two Princesses and salutes them After a little dumb Courtship he leads out Victoria and Celidea the Ladies follow Alphonso observes it with discontent and then turns to his Father Alphon. I saw you Sir engag'd in Ceremonies And therefore thought I might defer this Office To give you time for decent Thanks to Garcia Vera. You rather went where more affection call'd ye Alphon. I may have been too slack in outward show But when your Service and my Honour call'd None was more forward in the fighting part Vera. The rugged Business of the War is o'er Softness and Sweetness and a gentler Air Wou'd make a mixture that wou'd temper well That inborn Fierceness of your boyling Mind Alph. I stand corrected Sir and let me tell ye now That sweetness which so well you have advis'd Fortune has put in your own hand to practise Upon this Royal Souldier till we fought Showing Ramirez Your Equal now your Prisoner of the War And once alas that still it is not so The Partner of your Thoughts and Bosom Friend Xime aside Heav'n that inspir'd thee with this Pious thought Add Vertue and Perswasion to thy words And bend my stubborn Lord. Vera. Say have you more to speak on his behalf Alphon. Much more his fair Behaviour in the War Not plundering Towns nor burning Villages His Bravery of Mind his Dauntless Courage When Hand to Hand he made me stoop beneath His weighty blows and often forc'd to doubt The Fortune of my Youth against his Age. Vera. Proceed proceed for this is but to say That thou wert almost worsted in the Combat Alphon. I have already said much more than needs To move a Noble Mind Such as my Father's is or ought to be Vera. Come let me hear my Duty from my Son Alphon. If more be wanting on so plain a Theam Think on the slippery State of Humane Things The strange vicissitudes and suddain turns Of War and Fate recoiling on the Proud To crush a Merciless and Cruel Victor Think there are bounds of Fortune set above Periods of Time and progress of Success Which none can stop before th' appointed limits And none can push beyond Ximena He Reasons justly Sir Alphon. Ramirez is an Honourable Foe Use him like what he is and make him yours Vera. By Heav'n I think That when you cop'd with him in single Fight You had so much ado to Conquer then You fear t' ingage him in a second Combat Alphon. The World knows how I Fought But Old Men have Prerogative of Tongue And Kings of Power and Parents that of Nature Your Pardon Royal Sir Vera. I give it you Your Battel now is paid at the full price Ximena whispers Alphonso for a moment Alphon. Fear not I curb my self To Ximena Ramir. to Veram Your Son has mention'd Honourable Terms Propose 'em Veramond and for his sake So much his Valour and rare Courtesie Have wrought upon my Soul I will accept ' em Vera. Who gave you leave To speak of Terms or even to speak at all Ramir. And who shou'd give me liberty of speaking But Heav'n who gave me Speech Veram How dares my Captive Assume this boldness to his Conqueror Ramir. You have not Conquer'd me you cou'd not Veramond 'T is to Alphonso's Arms that I am Prisoner Veram Under my Auspices Alphonso fought He led my Forces Ramir. Yes and made 'em too By his Example else they ne're had Conquer'd Veram A Bargain A plain Compact A Confederacy Betwixt my Son and thee to give me part Of what my better Stars make all my own Alphon. Sir I must speak Veram Dare not I charge thee dare not Alphon. Not vindicate my Honour By Heav'n I will to all the World to you My Honour is my own and not deriv'd From this frail Body and this Earth you gave me But that Aetherial Spark which Heav'n inspir'd And kindl'd in my New Created Soul You tell me I have bargain'd with Ramirez To make his Ransome cheap Vera. To make it nothing To rob thy Father of his Victory And at my cost oblige my Mortal Foe Fool dost thou know the value of a Kingdom Alphon. I think I do because I won a Kingdom Veram And know'st not how to keep it Ramirez What Claim have you What Right to my Castile Veram The Right of Conquest for when Kings make War No Law betwixt two Soveraigns can decide But that of Arms where Fortune is the Judge Soldiers the Lawyers and the Bar the Field Alphon. But with what Conscience can ye keep that Crown To which ye claim no Title but the Sword Vera. Then ask that question of thy self when thou Thy self art King I will retain my Conquest And if thou art so mean so poor of Soul As to refuse thy Sword in keeping it Then Garcia's Aid Whose share of Honour in that Glorious day Was more than thine during my Life shall Guard it And at my Death shall Heir it Alphon. Don Garcia is indeed a Valiant Prince But this large Courtesie this over-praise You give his Worth in any other Mouth Were Villany to me Ximena That was too much Alphonso shew the Reverence That Sons shou'd bear to Fathers Alphon. to her Did I not say in any other Mouth The King excepted still Ramir. Had I a Son a Son like your Alphonso The Pride of War and Darling of the Field I shou'd not thus receive him nor detract From such High Actions Let me tell you Sir For I who felt his Arm can best report him There lives not one who breaths this Vital Air That e're cou'd boast he made Ramirez bend Before Alphonso undertook the Task Veram Confederacy again How they enhance Their mutual worth and bandy Fame betwixt 'em Into each other's hand Looks on Ramirez and starts back What 's this I see Nay now I wonder not the Captive prates With so secure presumption to his King Well may he brave me while his murd'ring Sword Sits as before insulting on his side Who gave thee back that weapon Alphon. I who took it Vera. A careful Son to trust a Foe with Arms So near his Father Haste disarm the Prisoner Alphon. E're you dishonour me first hear me speak I took his Royal Word to be my
and Life My Honour and thy Son 's Alpho. aside What means my Mother Vera. A Son Ramirez Ram. Yes a Son I had Vera. He Dyed an Infant here in Saragossa Ram. A living Son I have and since the Queen Is pleas'd t' expose my Life Before a Judge so prejudic'd as you Undaunted in the Face of Death I speak And claim Alphonso mine Vera. There needs no more I spare thee all the rest My Wife's Adultery thy foul Interloping My own Dishonour and that Bastard's Birth Ximena Injurious words unfitting you to speak And me my Lord and those concern'd to hear Alph. to Vera. Tho' I wou'd give what e're the Sun beholds Not to be yours yet when my Mother's Fame Is question'd none shall wrong her Innocence Nor shall Ramirez go Unpunisht for that Infamous Aspersion Ramir. Alphonso Peace your Father bids you Peace Vera. Then what am I Ramir. His Foster-Father Vera. Impudently said And yet I hope 't is true so much I hate him That I cou'd buy the Publick Scorn to be An Alien to his Blood Ximena Have patience Sir And you shall have your wish on cheaper Terms But hear me speak Vera. Good Heav'n then give me patience Ximena When you and brave Ramirez then your Friend Me and my Sister Married four full Years We pass'd in Barren Wedlock Childless both Ramirez you remember brought his Queen To Saragossa on a friendly Visit Then as we both were Married on one day We both Conceiv'd together Vera. I observe it That when Ramirez came you both Conceiv'd Mark that and if thou hast the Face proceed Ximena My Lord I dare You took me once aside and as your Rage Inspir'd your Soul spoke thus Ximena know That if the Fruit thou bear'st be not a Son Henceforth no more my Queen we part for ever The word was hard I bore it as I cou'd I Pray'd and Heav'n in pity heard my Vows Two Boys in one fair Morning were disclos'd By me and by my Sister And both the Fathers equally were Blest Vera. Say one was Blest with two and speak more truly Ximena Forbear this Language Sir or I am Dumb It seems that you deserv'd not him you had For in sev'n days Heav'n Ravisht your Alphonso My Sister 's little Veramond surviv'd And she 's a Living Witness of this Truth Great was my Grief but greater was my Fear From your alas too much experienc'd Anger Thus low reduc'd and urg'd by anxious Thoughts Of what I might expect from your unkindness Now speak Ramirez and relate the rest For my Tongue falters and denies its Office So much I fear my Lord shou'd take offence Ramir. Then like or disapprove it thus it was She told my Wife and me this mournful Story Her Fears for thy Resentment for thy loss If by misfortune it shou'd reach thy Ears Begg'd Secresie and then Implor'd our Aid To substitute the Living for the Dead And make our Veramond pass for thy Alphonso A hard Request but with compassion mov'd At length 't was granted Vera. Is this true Ximena Ximen So Heav'n and you forgive my Pious Fraud As what he says is certain Alph. Oh Joyful News Oh Happy Day too good To end in Night My Father and my King Runs to Ramirez kneels to him and kisses his Hand My Soul foreknew you with a sure presage Of Native Duty and Instinctive Love Ramir. Arise my Son Vera. You own him then Ramir. I do Vera. A welcome riddance Mean time in prospect of a double Crown You gave the Sparrow leave to brood upon The Cuckoo's Egg. Ramir. The advantage was to you He prov'd his Blood upon me when we fought Fierce Eagles never procreate fearful Doves I sent him word he was my Son before The Battel but the Hand of Fate was in it The Note miscarried and we blindly met Ximena Past Accidents imbitter both your Minds Think forwards on your mutual Interests Alphonso Loves Victoria I saw it in the Seeds before disclos'd To other Eyes conniv'd at it approv'd it Vera. A most commodious Mother Ximena Blame me not Guilt there was none but in their apprehension And both their Virtues bar'd ill consequences Now take the blest occasion by the foretop And on their Marriage found a lasting Peace Ramir. A trivial Accident begot this War Some paltry bounds of ill distinguisht Earth A clod that lay betwixt us unascertain'd And Royal Pride on both sides drew our Swords Thus Monarchs quarrel and their Subjects bleed Remove your Land-marks set 'em where you please Stretch out your Arragon on my Castile And be once more my Brother Alph. I implore it And prostrate beg your Pardon and your Grace I have offended in my Proud Behaviour But make Victoria mine and what your Son In Duty wanted by your Son-in-Law Shall doubly be supply'd Ximena What wou'd you more Vera. to her Are you the Mediatrix of this Peace Ximen It well becomes the sostness of my Sex To mediate for sweet Peace the best of Blessings And like a Sabine Wife to run betwixt Relations lifted Swords Vera. A rare Chaste Sabine you To save th' Adulterer of thy Husband's Bed See there Alphonso's Father that Old Goat Who on Two Sisters propagated Lust And Got two Children for himself and me Suppose thee Chaste a favourable Guess To any of thy Sex these are my Foes To Ramirez Thou first the former sharer of my Sheets A King without a Kingdom thine is Conquer'd And Garcia with Victoria shall enjoy it Ramirez So monstrously you wrong your Wife and me Vera. No more my Will is Law Ramir. So Tyrants say Vera. I will not hear thee speak conduct him hence And stew him in the Dungeon's depth with Toads The Guards carry off Ramirez To Alphon. For thee the worthy Son of such a Father Walks by himself Ximen to Alphon. 'T is desp'rate now and I with ill-tim'd zeal Have hastn'd your destruction Alphonso to her You have Sav'd me Vera. aside Say I shou'd put th' ungrateful Wretch to Death He 's thought my Son and whilst so thought 't is dangerous Imprison him the People might Rebel He 's Popular and I am ill-Belov'd Then Banish him that 's best but yet unsafe He may with Foreign Aid Reconquer all I 'll venture that with Garcia to my Friend He shall recall his Troops mine are at hand And ready prest for Service He comes to Alph. and Ximena Ximen Now the storm Vera. To Alph. Thy Doom's resolv'd too gentle for thy Crimes I spare thy Life depart to Banishment To morrow leave the Realm this day the Town And like the Scape-Goat driv'n into the Desart Bear all ill Omens with thee Alph. Proud of my Exile with erected Face I leave your Court your Town and your Dominions Pleas'd that I Love at least without a Crime Lighter by what I lost I tread in Air Unhappy but Triumphant in despair Exit Alphonso Vera. Behold how haughtily he strides away Lofty and bold as if not Banisht hence But seeking
a Feast So foreknowing the Cheat He escapes the Deceit And in spite of the Curse resolves to be Blest 2. If Children are Blessings his Comfort 's the more Whose Spouse has been known to be Fruitful before And the Boy that she brings ready made to his Hand May stand him instead for an Heir to his Land Shou'd his own prove a Sot When he 's Lawfully Got As when e're 't is so if he don't I 'le be hang'd Song for a GIRL 1. YOung I am and yet unskill'd How to make a Lover yield How to keep or how to gain When to Love and when to feign 2. Take me take me some of you While I yet am Young and True E're I can my Soul disguise Heave my Breasts and roul my Eyes 3. Stay not till I learn the way How to Lye and to Betray He that has me first is blest For I may deceive the rest 4. Cou'd I find a blooming Youth Full of Love and full of Truth Brisk and of a janty meen I shou'd long to be Fifteen Exeunt Omnes A Royal Chamber is discover'd by drawing the former Scene Veramond Garcia Ximena Victoria Celidea with a full Train of Courtiers and Guards amongst the Croud Ramirez Disguis'd with some of his Party Vera. to Vict. No more delays but go Ximen This is Inhumane To press her to a Marriage made by Force At least allow your self and her this day That each of you may think and one may change Vera. You mean the Times or Accidents may change And leave her for Alphonso Ximen Your Enemies are but without your Gates And soon they may return forbear for fear Vera. The sooner then I must prevent th' effect of their return What now remains but to compleat my Vows And Sacrifice to Vengeance Ximen Your own Daughter Vera. Even her my self and all the World together Vict. Can you refuse me one poor day to Live Vera. Obey me and be Blest if not Accurst A Father's Curse has wings remember that Thro this World and the next it will pursue thee And sink thee down for ever Vict. 'T is enough I know how far a Daughter owes Obedience But Duty has a bound like other Empires It reaches but to Life for all beyond it Is the Dominion of another World Where you have no Command For you Don Garcia You know the Pow'r a Mistress ought to have But since you will be Master take your Hour The next is mine Gar. I grant the Debt of Service which I owe you But 't is a Summ too vast to pay at sight If now you call it in I must be Bankrupt To all my future Bliss Vict. I find by you The Laws of Love are like the Laws of Heav'n All know but few will keep 'em To the Temple Where I my self am Victim Enter Alphonso Vnarm'd all seem Amaz'd Alph. Stay Veramond Vera. aside Alphonso here then all my Hopes are blasted The Town is his and I once more a Slave Alph. Dismiss thy fears and tremble not Old Man I neither come with purpose nor with Power T' avenge my wrongs but single and unarm'd This Head is necessary to thy Peace And to Victoria's violated Vows Who while I Live can never be Don Garcia's Take then this odious Life securely take it And glut thy Vengeance with Alphonso's Blood Behold the Man who forc'd thee in thy Strength In thy Imperial Town made thee a Captive Now give thy Fury scope Revenge th' Affront And shew more pity not to spare my Life Than I in sparing thine Ximen to Celidea Oh boundless Courage or extream Despair Celid. to her I tremble for th' event see the King reddens The Fear which seiz'd him at Alphonso's sight And left his Face forsaken of his Blood Is vanisht now And a new Tide returns upon his Cheeks And Rage and Vengeance sparkle in his Eyes Vera. aside All things are husht no noise is in the Streets Nor shouts of Souldiers nor the cries of Matrons To speak a Town in plunder Then I take To Alph. A Traytor 's Counsel once and thou shalt Die Condemn'd by thy own Sentence go to Death Nor shall thy seeming Generosity And feign'd assurance save thee 't is despair To see thy frustrate Hopes that brought thee hither To meet my just Revenge Alph. Yes I will Dye because I chuse to Dye Which had I not desir'd I had not come Unarm'd Unguarded and alone to tempt Thy known Ingratitude and barb'rous hate Boast not th' advantage which thou hold'st of me But know thy self for what thou art no more Than the mean Minister of my despair Vera. Whether to Heav'n's Jnstice or thy Choice I owe this happy Hour of sweet Revenge I 'le not be wanting to the wisht occasion Vict. You shall not Dye alone my dear Alphonso Tho much I blame this desp'rate Enterprize You shou'd have stay'd to see Th' Event of what I promis'd to perform For had I been so base to be another's That baseness might have cur'd your ill-plac'd Love But this untimely rashness makes you Guilty Both of your Fate and mine Alph. While I believ'd My Life was precious to my dear Victoria I valu'd and preserv'd it for her sake But when you broke from your Deliv'rer's Arms To put your self into a Tyrant's Power I threw a worthless wretched Being from me Abandon'd first by you Vict. Oh Cruel Man Where at what moment did that Change begin With which you tax my Violated Vows I left your Lawless Pow'r to put my self Into a Father's Chains my Lawful Tyrant If this be my upbraided Crime even this On that occasion wou'd I do once more But cou'd I with my Honour safe have stay'd In your dear Arms bear witness Heav'n and Earth Nor Threats nor Force nor Promises nor Fears Shou'd take me from your Love Alph. Oh I believe you Vanish my fears and causeless Jealousies Live my Victoria for your self not me But let th' unfortunate Alphonso Dye My Death will glut your Cruel Father's Rage When I am gone and his Revenge compleat Pity perhaps may seize a Parent 's Mind To free you from a hated Lover's Arms. Celid. to Ximen Speak Mother speak my Father gives you time He stands amaz'd irresolute and dumb Like the still Face of Heav'n before a Storm Speak and Arrest the Thunder e're it rowls Ximen I stand suspected but you Celidea The Favourite of his Heart his Darling Child May speak and ought your Int'rest is concern'd For if Alphonso Dye your hopes are lost I see your Father's Soul like glowing Steel Is on the Anvil strike while yet he 's hot Turn him and ply him set him straight betimes Lest he for ever warp Celid. I fear and yet wou'd speak but will he hear me Ximen For what is all this silence but to hear Bring him but to calm Reasoning and he 's gain'd Celid. Then Heav'n inspire my Tongue Sir Royal Sir He hears me not he lifts not up his Eyes But fixt upon the
sure you wou'd not run into the Toyl How ill your Actions with your Words agree Vict. This Friend is still at hand to set me free Holding up the Dagger Alph. Let me not live to see that Fatal Hour Rather return into your Father's Pow'r Rather return into his Arms again For whom your Lost Alphonso you disdain If one must dye to set your Honour free You have already cast the Lot on me Death is my only way to clear my Fame Which must be Branded with a Coward 's Name If basely I resign Victoria's Charms And tamely give you to my Rival's Arms. Vict. To give me to my Father is no Crime Alph. 'T is still the same your Father gives you him Ungrateful Woman Vict. More ungrateful Man More than I ought I give and all I can But if my Duty I prefer to you Be satisfi'd with all that Love can do Alph. Not satisfi'd but yet your Will shall be Like Fates inviolable Law to me Since my Unhappy Stars will have it so Depart from hence and leave your Father's Foe Go then but quickly go for while you stay As on a Rack I find my self decay And every Moment looks a part of me away Vict. I wish I with my Duty cou'd dispence Heav'n knows how loath I am to part from hence So from the Seal is soften'd Wax disjoyn'd So from the Mother Plant the tender Rind But take the latest Pledge that Love can give Have Courage and for your Victoria Live She offers him her Hand he Kisses it Exit Victoria he Looking after her Enter Ramirez Attended by Carlos Ramirez Embraces Alphonso Ram. Prop of my Age and Pattern of my Youth But such as far excels th' Original Ten Thousand Blessings on thee for this Deed. Alph. Heav'n and my Fate speak other Language to me No Blessings none but millions of their Curses Like burning Glasses with contracted Beams Are pointed on my Head Ram. What words are these on this Auspicious Day Alph. Oh fly me fly me Sir Lest the Contagion of my Woes Pollute my Father's Joys Victoria's gone And with her went Alphonso's Life and Soul Ram. You had her in your Pow'r and were too easie Alph. Or rather she too cruel Her Duty forc'd her hence in scorn of Love Ram. You must resume your Arms And force her Father's Will to make her yours Why like a Woman stand you thus complaining Born to the Strength and Courage of a Man Rouze up your Spirits to a just Revenge Like Lightning wastful and like Thunder loud Rivers of Blood shall run about the Town For which you were so lavish of your own Garcia shall Dye and by his Death remove The cause of Jealousie and Injur'd Love The King himself th' ungrateful King shall fall Of all our Ills the curst Original Alph. Beseech you Sir no more Ram. Your Reason Son Alph. For you have giv'n my Soul so large a swing That it bounds back again with double force Only because you carried it too far You 've set an Image of so vast destruction Before my sight that Reason shuns th' approach And dares not view the fearful precipice Ram. Is Vengeance which is said so sweet a Morsel That Heav'n reserves it for its proper Tast Is it so soon dis-relisht Alph. What have the People done The Sheep of Princes That they shou'd perish for the Shepherd's Fault They bring their yearly Wool to cloath their owners And yet when bare themselves are cull'd for Slaughter Shou'd I do this what cou'd the Wolf do more Than what the Master did Ram. Then Garcia must he scape Alph. 'T is true I had him at my Mercy once I shou'd have Kill'd him then or once forgiven Shou'd spare him now Ram. aside His Noble Soul relents Alph. But then I give Victoria to his Arms And make my own Destruction my own Act That fires my Blood again yet if she Love him Is Killing him she Loves the way to gain her No let him Live But Veramond shall Dye Who when he was my Father as he thought When I deserv'd his Love then hated me Ram. aside Oh! now the Tempest drives another way Alph. No more deliberation there it goes I 'le Kill him first to satisfie my Vengeance And then t' Attone her Anger Kill my self Seems going hastily Ram. Hold hold Alphonso Heav'n and Earth and I Who have a Father's Title to your Life Forbid that Parricide Alph. Wou'd you refuse a Mad-Man leave to Sleep 'T is Sleep must cure me and that Sleep is Death Ram. A Mad-Man must be cool'd to make him Sleep I have prepar'd a gentle Opiat for you One Moment's Patience and I will infuse it You see me dispossest of all my State Alph. Yes to my Grief and to enhance that Grief 'T is to my Sword my Father ows his Ruin Ram. And 't is that only Sword that can restore me It must and ought you owe it to your Duty Alph. Duty was what Victoria urg'd to me I hate that fatal word because she us'd it And for a Cruel Father left her Love Ram. Cou'd she do that for Veramond a Tyrant Which you refuse to me The Conquering Troops of Arragon are yours You are their Life their Idol and their Soul Conduct me Home and with their Aid Restore me And that once done we shall not need to Treat For Veramond himself will send and sue For that Alliance which his Pride now scorns Alph. Long e're that time Victoria will be Garcia's Her Father will not lose one moment's space To gratifie his Vengeance with my Ruine If I wou'd force him this must be the time Which since I now refuse 't is lost for ever Hear then and take it as my last resolve Lead you the Troops you need not fear their Faith The Guilt of their Rebellion make 'em yours With them and with your own Restore your self Ram. Then what becomes of you Alph. No matter what Provide your self of some more worthy Heir For I am lost beyond Redemption lost Farewel the Joys of Empire from this moment Farewel the Honours of the dusty Field Here lay I down this Instrument of Death Vngirds his Sword and lays it down And may it gird some Happier Souldier's side For nothing it cou'd gain can countervail To me the loss of my Victoria's Love Your Blessing and farewel Kneels Ram. Alas I fear some fatal Resolution Is harbour'd in your Soul if thus you leave me My Mind forbodes we never more shall meet Alph. Give not so black an Omen to this parting For we may meet again if Heav'n thinks fit A Beam of Comfort like the Moon thro' Clouds Gilds the brown Horrour and directs my way Blast not my purpose by refusing leave Nor ask the means but know I will not Dye Till I have prov'd th' extreamest Remedy And if Unarm'd I go to tempt my Fate Think my despair is from Victoria's Hate Exit Alphonso Ram. I might have us'd the Pow'r Heav'n gives to Parents And hindred his
departure But somewhat of Divine controul'd my Tongue For Hero's Souls irregular to us Yet move like Planets in their proper Sphere Performing even course In Paths uneven to beholders Eyes Pauses a little To Carlos His words mysterious as they were imported Some desperate Design which I must watch And therefore dare not lead the Forces far But Camp'd without the Town at some small distance T' expect the Issue and prevent his Death Carlos Sir what Orders give you for you are now our General Ram. Follow and you shall know Exit Ramirez Carl. Follow whither No Plunder when the Town was fairly taken there 's a hopeful General to follow the Son and Father are both gone away without providing for me who betray'd the City to 'em a fine Incouragement for Virtue Well these Monarchs make no more of us Souldiers when their turn is serv'd than we make of our old batter'd Horses to put us off for Stallions is the best that can become of us and those indeed are my present Circumstances Dalinda will none and Sancho is just mounting if I get not between and thrust him off for which purpose I have insinuated to him that I have left Dalinda for his sake and am upon another Scent Yonder he comes This and another Lye which I have ready coin'd will go near to spoil his Market Enter Sancho Sanch. Well Carlos the Hurly Burly's quite over I met Ramirez marching off the Army and just afterwards appear'd a Fellow in a Fool 's Coat on Horse-back with three Trumpets Herod I think they call'd him or some such Jewish Name Carl. A Herauld at Arms you mean Sanch. It may be so but I shou'd have taken him for some Pardonner for he scatter'd Indulgences by handfuls to the People but only they paid nothing for ' em Carl. But did he Proclaim nothing Sanch. Oh yes and now I remember he began his Speech with O Yes too he Proclaim'd a General Pardon to all Rebels of which number you know you and I Carlos were two Ring-leaders Carl. Then farewell Ramirez e'en trudge on by your self for there 's an end of my Expedition I will lay down my Arms like a Dutiful Subject and submit to his Majesty when I can rebel no longer Sanch. Very good and try t'other touch for Dalinda will you Carl. You know I have quitted her for your sake and now am altogether for Let me see what Lady am I for Sanch. Pump pump Carlos for that 's to be invented yet Carl. Only out of my Head a little 'T is the dead Count's Sister a great Fortune since her Brother died but somewhat homely She has already made some Advances to me or else I lye Sanch. And will you say To Have and to Hold with an ugly Woman Carl. Yes and For Better for Worse that is for Virgin or for Whore as you will Sancho who are listing your self into the Honourable Company of Cuckolds Sanch. What a Hero as I am to be a Cuckold Carl. Do not disdain your Calling Julius Caesar was one before you The Count has had her by her own Confession so she 's a Nobleman's Dowager for your Comfort Sanch. Pugh she deny'd it afterwards that was but a Copy of her Countenance Carl. What if it prove a Copy of the Conde's Countenance do yout think she had not a Bastard by him Sanch. That was only a Plot betwixt us to cheat her Father Carl. Did her Father know nothing of it Sanch. Not a Syllable Carl. Then when he believ'd you to be the Count how came he to charge you with enjoying her Sanch. That is something to the purpose but now I think on 't 't is nothing neither 't is but asking her the Question and I know she 'll satisfie me Carl. And you are resolv'd to take her word Sanch. Rather than yours for you may have a mind to have a lick at the Honey-pot your self Carl. Farewel you know I have other business upon the Stocks Seems going out Sanch. Stay Carlos I 'm afraid you know something more of this bawdy business than you confess Carl. Fecks not I. Sanch. Fecks what a sneaking Oath is that for a Man of Honour Swear me bloodily like a Souldier if you wou'd be believ'd Carl. Without Swearing I believe her honest therefore make sure of her immediately Sanch. That is take a Rival's Counsel and make sure of being an Antedated Cuckold Carl. If you won't believe me I can't help it but marry Dalinda and be happy for I may prevent you if you make not haste Sanch. Thou hast cheated me so often that I can't credit one Syllable thou say'st Carl. going out Then take your Fortune Carlos pulls out his Handkerchief to wipe his Face and drops a Letter Yonder comes Dalinda I know her by her Trip. I 'll watch their Greeting Exit Sanch. The Rogue 's malicious and wou'd have me marry her in spight besides he 's off and on at so Devilish a rate a Man knows not where to have him Well I am resolv'd in the first place not to follow the Rogue 's Counsel I will not marry her because he advis'd me to 't and yet I will marry her because he counsel'd me not to marry her Hey day I will marry her and I will not marry her what 's the meaning of this Friend Sancho That 's taking the Rogue 's advice one way or t'other Sees the Letter and takes it up What has he dropt a Letter To whom is it directed to Don Carlos D'Ybarra that 's himself Mutters as reading to himself Dalinda's Fair. and a Fortune but marry her not for to my knowledge Pox confound him for his knowledge she has had a What A Mr. Friend why a Bastard by the late Conde Ay I thought as much But his Sister Leonora is in Love with you Damn it I 'll read no more It agrees with what he first told me and therefore it must be all Orthodox Here she comes too just in the nick of my Revenge but I shall be very Laconnick with her Enter Dalinda Dal. Now Servant Sanch. Now Cockatrice Dal. You 're pretty familiar Sanch. So have you been Dal. With your Mistress Sanch. With the Conde of Whoring Memory Dal. A fine Salutation Sanch. A final parting Dal. What 's the meaning of this will you come in Sanch. Will you go in Dal. Come look upon me She makes the Doux Yeux to him Sanch. I have no Eyes Dal. Then I must take you by the Hand She offers and he pulls back Sanch. I have no Hands neither Dal. How 's this I have been but too kind Sanch. Yes to the Conde Dal. Pugh that was a Jest you know Sanch. 'T is turn'd to earnest Dal. You know 't was of my Conception Sanch. And of your bringing forth too Dal. What did I bring forth Sanch. A Bastard Dal. Oh Impudent Sanch. Woman Dal. What Proof have you of that Scandal Sanch. This with a Pox to ye Throws her the Letter Exit