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A35570 The angelical guide shewing men and women their lott or chance in this elementary life, in four books ... / by John Case. Case, John, fl. 1680-1700. 1697 (1697) Wing C818; ESTC R24255 115,139 307

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2 sheweth the actual emanation of the increased Light out of the potential Unity at the presence whereof the humid Nature did appear out of the dark Abyss 10. in the shape of Waters so that the Light and Waters as active and passive are ranked next after Unities Unity thus ○ Light ○ Water 2. Then by the Firy Spirit of Eternal Love and Unity those two opposite Natures are joined together into the nature of Heaven by a spiritual Union or Composition which is termed by the Platonicks the Soul of the World which the Philosopher calls by the name of Quinta Essentia the Quintessence so also are the Heavens said to animate the Elements no otherwise than the Soul doth the Body so that this degree of Progression in the Creation standeth Thus ○ Light The last of the Worlds Creation is this ○ Fire ○ Air ○ Air ○ Water ○ Water 3 ○ Earth Which importeth the four-fold alteration of the Catholick Element by the four Winds which was and is effected by the Word the third day of the Creation and this was nothing else but the general sublunary or lower Waters This therefore was the State of the VVorlds Creation and in this very State say many will continue till it be Resined by the Firey Tryal This the wise Hermes according to Moses described unto us thus Erat umbra infinita in Abysso Aqua insuper Spiritus tenuis Intellectualis per divinam potentiam in Chaos inerant storuit autem Splendor Sanctus qui sub arena humida natura Elementa deducit cumque indistincta fuissent levia post Mundum in excelsam regionem provolarunt gravia sub arena humida residerunt distinctis libratisque rebus quae Igneo Spiritus vehebantur emicuit Coelum septem in Circulos c. An infinite Shadow of Darkness was in the Abyss moreover VVater and a subtil intellectual Spirit was by the divine Puissance in the Chaos and a holy Brightness or Splendor did flourish which did reduce the Elements under the Heaven and humid Nature and as they were undistinguished and afterwards that Portion which was Light did fly up into the highest Region The weightier part did reside and take its place under the Heaven These things being thus distinguished and ballanced were sustained by 〈◊〉 fiery Spirit the Heavens did shine forth in Seve● Circles as in the Table or Speculum on the other side In the first place Behold the Circles and the Motions of the seven Properties of Nature But as for the Angelical Circle and the work and nature of Angels the Throne and the Heavens of Glory which you see in the highest Circles I shall pass by and hasten on to my intended Business CHAP. III. The Centre and Circle of the Elementary Life of Man shewing what Power the Elements have over our Bodies BUT by the way it may not be amiss to consider what our Forefathers did call this Canopy or Heavens which has so neatly composed round us and left us as it were in a Box. Coelum potius Coelum Coelorum suprema Mundi pars à Gr. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 à concavitate the Heavens Firmament or Sky Now we will endeavour to prove out of Scripture and leave Philosophy that the ignorant may be satisfied in my intended Matter viz. Predictions The Heavens have been called by the Holy Ghost a Book then doubtless we may conclude that there are in this Book Letters or Characters which may be understood by some or other t● read them Now that it is called a Book appears out of Isaiah who speaks of the last Day wherein all things shall cease he saith Compli●cabuntur sicut Coeli where the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Caph in Hebrew which the Latins translate si●ut signifieth in the Original quia so that the Heaven● shall be rolled together and He at the same time gives the reason of it also because they are a● Book As for a more larger Definition of the Word I leave it to the Divines c. They may say as a Book To this it may be answered That it doth elsewhere fully decide this Controversy Seeing that we speak of the Heavens it makes mention of Lines and Letters which are Words that are most properly and essentially spoken of a Book and make no use of the word sicut which is an infallible Argument that those words in the Passages before cited Complicabuntur sicut Liber Coeli are not Expressions of Similitude Now that the Scripture speaking of the Heavens nameth expresly the word LETTER will appear out of the First of Genesis there the Hebrew Text runs thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bereshith bara El●●im Haschamaim that is to say In the Beginning God created the Letters or Characters of the Heavens for this is the meaning of the Hebrew word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Aat which is a Letter and as for the word Line we find in Psal 19. v. 4. In omnem terram exivit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 K●vam Linea corum understanding it 's spoken of the Stars which are ranked in the Heavens after the manner of Letters in a Book or upon a Sheet of Parchment for God is said in the Holy Scriptures to have str●tch●d out the Heavens as a Skin calling this extension 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rachia from whence the Greek might take the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifies a Skin or Hid● a Skin to be extended or stretched forth God disposed and rankt the Stars in the manner of Characters whereby as a Book Observe and read them Coeli enarrant gloriam Dei The Prophets of old called the Heavens a Sacred Book as among the Jews R S●meon Ben Jar●hay in the Zohar on the Section Tem●…ti Exodus C●fr 305. where he sp●…s very ●earnedly of this Celestial Writing tho' very ●bscurely R. Abraham also in his Jetsira a Book of the Creation and many more Authors may be named to this purpose But this may ●atisfy the Reader that the Heavens are Books wherein all things are Registred of those under ●he Elements either their good or ill Actions Now in this particular we will endeavour to give you some account of the Primum Mobile ●r the moving Circles of the Elements which is ●y intended Business or material Subject how ●ur Bodies are captivated by the Elements and ●ave the Ang●… Circle and the Glory of the ●ost High to the Divines and follow the lower ●egions You see the Primum Mobile a round ●ircle with 12 Characters called 12 Signs ●ow in our days and by those Signs thus characteriz'd divides the Heavens in 12 parts as every Sign into 30 dgrees also you see the 7 Planets in their Circles in another place You shall have a full demonstration by an Instrument But I am willing to inform you that in the beginning those Signs and Planets were put in form of Letters by the Hebrews and by the Jews and others in the form of Living
gives not to all Men alike Again kind Reader notwithstanding I have roved thro' the two great Bodies of that we call in Philosophy Macrocosmus and Microcosmus you shall find me distinct from all you that pin your selves upon Points of Religion for it 's base and an absurd thing that those who are so seemingly united together should so barbarously exclaim one against the other not minding the Scripture when he that created you all hath not given you Gifts alike some for Teachers and others for Evangelists I have not in all my Works exclaimed against weak Judgments nor extolled the Wise but I retain it in my Brest and keep it to my self considering that Man is the little World and every Man acts within himself and delivers his Sentiments as his Spirit gives him leave But of this no more only I must tell you my Opinion that this Angelical Art is pure and undefiled if you are willing to enquire come without Fraud or Deceit and you may have your Desire answered by the Powers above if you are afflicted come in a right Method for it 's the Powers above that guides thy Hand and gives thee thy A B C c. It was Abraham that found out the only true God by his wonderful Works viz. in observing the Motions of the whole Creation You that are counted Atheists or Heathens may be brought to true Faith and the sooner if you observe the wonderful Works of God then you will lay aside caviling about silly Words or Things of no value between you that are so near united together and the Will of God may be found out by the Wise and Prudent and by his Rules given to us in the beginning of the World Observe the Faithful of Old how they admired the great Works of Providence and Worshipped God by the Power of his Works Adam being the first Man Ergo most lawful and those that are Unbelievers God threatens Lev. 26. 29. A dependance of the Earth from the Heavens Hos 2. 21 22. And by his Works God is to be seen Deut. 33. 14. God expresseth himself by his Works 2 Kings 17. 16. The Element 〈◊〉 ought to look into Deut. 4. 19. The necessity of our ●…ing into the Elements Mat. 17. 14. These with many more places of Scripture shew plainly to Human Nature That God is to be known by his Works I will make a Final End of my Work in these following Words DOmine Domine Deus noster quam admirabilis est Nomen t●um in universa terra quoniam elevata est Magnificentia tua supra Coelos ex ore infantium lactantium pèrfecisti laudem propter inimicos tuos ut destruas inimicum ultorem Quum videbo C●…s ope●● digitorum tuorum Lunam Stellas quas ●u fuadâsti quid est Homo quod memor es ejus aut filius Hominis quoniam visit as eum Minuisti eum paulo minus ab Angelis Gloriâ honore coronâsti eum constituisti eum supra opera manuum tuorum omnia subjecisti sub pedibus ejus oves boves universas volueres coeli pisces maris qui perambulant semitas maris Domine Deus noster quam admirabilis est Nomen tuum in Universa Terra FINIS THE CONTENTS Book the First THe Divine Attributes consisting of Eternal Nature page 1 The Beginning in general how they were produced and extracted out of Nothing according to the Mosaical Philosophy and what is meant by the word Nothing then the first Principle which is the dark Abyss or Chaos without Form p. 11 The Centre and Circle of the Elementary Life of Man shewing what Power the Elements have over our Bodies p. 25 The Instrument of the Hebrews whereby to know Events to come p. 28 The Names and Nature of the Seven Rulers of Nature which are the chief Force and Power under the Elements p. 31 The Bosom of Nature opened and explained giving a Description of the Nature and Qualities of the Dark and Light Parts of the World p. 33 A Platform of the Heavens Elements and Earth with a Demonstration of the Twelve Signs p. 36 The Power of the Seven Properties and Elements of Nature proving that those Planets and Angels Rule gradually and in order over the Minds and Bodies of Mankind p. 39 The Situation of the Heavens and Earth at the Creation of the Sun Moon and Stars p. 42 Book the Second The true Knowledge of Man consisting of External and Internal Nature in the Elementary World p. 45 The Egg of Generation or the Centre of Man p. 48 A Description of the Human Egg or the Matrix of the Centre of Generation p. 53 How the Foetus in the Womb is governed according to the Elementary Power of the Seven Properties of Nature and every one in order as first ♄ c. p. 63 Adam's Knowledge of the Stars proved by Seth and so carried down to the time of Josephus p. 69 The Astrology of the Ancients proved out of the Holy Scripture p. 70. An Enquiry what our Forefathers did to search out Secrets and Wisdom in this Elementary Life and to know Events to come p. 72. The Stars are reckon'd a Form of Letters according to the Opinion of the Hebrews and that it 's possible to Read there whatsoever is to happen throughout the whole Universe p. 84 The Celestial Writing of the Ancients and how those Hebrew Characters may be understood and what they portend p. 86 Book the Third The Lott of Man shewing his Chance or Fortune in this present World p. 93 The Number of things desired in this Elementary Life and to know by this Angelical Lott or Guide what is to come Good or Bad. p. 96 The Method of Effecting these Angelical Lotts p. 105 How to Project a Figure wherein you may understand your Lott it being the Divine Power above or thy good Angel which Guides thy Hand pag. 111 The Power and Strength of these Lotts and how the Divine Spirits are infused and incorporated into them by the Influences of the Seven Properties of Nature p. 118 The various Significations Names and Qualities of the Sixteen Lotts or Figures as they relate to the four Quarters of the Year p. 122 The Signification of the Words Direction and Retrogradation with the distinction of the Houses which are Good and which Bad. p. 127 The Elementary Powers above ruling over Elementary Bodies here below wherein is discovered the Signification of the Sixteen Figures in the twelve Houses also the Shape and Proportion of Human Bodies represented by those Sixteen Figures or Lotts p. 137 A Table of the Signification of the Sixteen Lotts going out of one House into another with another Table of the good and ill Company of the Lotts among themselves p. 143 A Table of the Significations Power and Strength of the Sixteen Figures in the Twelve Houses p. 151 A Brief Description of the Twelve Houses answering all Doubts and Questions which may be naturally desired in this our Elementary Life p. 211 Book the Fourth The f●●st Experiment interpreting of Somnium or a Dream for a certain Person of great Note and Reputation p. 249 The Misery threatning this our Querent or the Vision or Evil to come unfolded p. 255 A Brief Account of the Delivery Friendship and Support of this Querent under so great a Scandal and Disgrace drawn from this Angelical Work of Ours p. 264 The several Ways the God gives us Rules to soresee our Elementary Life With an Account of this Our Querent's Friends p. 267 Another Example of Treachery and Villany with many more Experiences on several occasions drawn from this Angelical Work of Ours p. 270 Rules to know what any Person comes to thee for before the Party declares his Business p. 276 Another Way of Raising these Angelical Lotts much on the Astrological Method pag. 276 The End These two following Books lately Published may be had of I. Dawks in Wadrobe-Court in Great-Ca●●er-Lane and most Booksellers COmpendium Anatomicum nova Methodo institutum● Ubi Ars ipsa capitibus divisionibus ita illustratur ut omnia uno quafi intuitu consp●…entur co firmius idcirco retincantur Authore J. Case M. D. FLOS Ae VI or Coelestial Observations By the same Author
Humidity of the Earth and Water c. We find the contrary by a Weather-Glass for in only laying the warm Hand upon the Glass the Air dilates its self immediately and is so far from being attracted by the Heat that contrariwise it flies away from the Hand These two Principles will lead me into a larger Field than I shall be able to go through in this small Tract therefore I shall forbear 14. But to speak something of the Universal Mystery of Rarifaction and Condensation for it 's proved that by them the whole World was made the Heavens fashioned in due order and the Universal Elements altered and changed after a Quadruple manner and condition 15. The divine Philosopher Hermes saith Mens ab essentia Dei nequaquam divisa sed ille potius eo modo connexa quo Solis corpori Lumen The mental Beam is not at all divided from the Essences of God but rather joined and knit unto him after the same manner that the Light is continued unto the Sun whereupon it 's evident that the virtue of Heat is essential unto Light as the act of Motion is never absent from emanating Brightness 16. We may conclude then that the Rarifaction is nothing else but the dilating of Water by Heat which was first contracted by Cold and Condensation on the other-side is a contraction or sucking and drawing of those watry Parts which were dilated or separated by Heat so that the subject of both of those Actions is Water and the Foundation as well of the privative as positive Agent the Nolunty or Volunty that is to say the Negative or the Affirmative Will of that one Eternal Unity who is that all-informing and operating Spirit which act his Pleasure in all and over all by his divine Organ as well Angelical as Celestial and Elementary which according to their diversity in disposition are moved by this internal Act to operate in this World the Will of the Creator 17. How this Ruach Elohim being put once in Essences worketh by his Angels in this sublunary World after four ways viz. By his Angelical Organs of a contrary Fortitude in the Universal Element of the lower Water both the effects of Condensation and that of Rarifaction and to verify it by those Words That this one Spirit is the Arch-Lord and Primate of the four Winds else the Command of God would not have said Come ye Spirits from the four Winds and make those dead Carcasses to live again Now this one Spirit worketh in and by Spiritual and Angelical Organs in the execution which is effected by the four Winds Observe I saw four Angels stand on the four Corners of the Earth holding the four Winds of the Earth that they should not blow neither on the Earth nor Sea c. By which it 's evident that those Angelical Presidents over the four Winds were the Organs by and in the which the Spirits of the Winds were emitted or retained according to the Will of that Eternal Spirit which guided them and where he listeth so the said hot Winds do undo by Rarifaction all that which the cold Northern Winds did effect by Congelation 18. After what manner this Spirit Ruach Elohim did frame out the Heavens and shaped or made the Stars thereof by his act of Condensation and Rarifaction The Heavens and the Earth were of Water and by the Water so we see that the Word is the Agent in the Condensation of the invisible Waters into a visible Earth 19. Thus was the World in general distinguished into thick and thin Regions by the divine Spirit which was created on the Water So says Hermes in these Words Distinctis libratisque rebus quae igneo Spiritu vehebantur emicuit Coelum septem in Circulos Things being distinguished and ballanced which were sustained by a fiery Spirit the Heavens did shine forth in seven Circles It signifies that it was a fiery Spirit and a little before he called it Splendorem Sanctum the Holy Splendor which sustain and bear up every Circle or Sphere of the Heavens in its due place And the Wise Man says Omnia Mensura Numeroque pondere disposuis●… seu temperāsti Thou hast disposed all things i● Measure Number and Weight namely into seven distinct Spheres and an infinity of condensed Bodies 20. I may say that as the Substance of the Heavens is invisible by reason of its rarity i● like manner are the Stars visible by reason o● their density for it was Condensation that caused Visibility and Rarifaction which is the occasion of Invisibility But Aristotle is of the opinion That the Stars are the denser Parts o● their Orbs but rather a Light which was included in the Spirit of the dark Shadow of the Abyss which Spirit in separating Light from Darkness soared upwards by virtue of the included Light and so according to the proportion of that eternal formal Fire which is ●…tained unto this day 21. How the lower Water or material sub●…nary Element was distinguished and heaped i●… to sundry distinct Spheres which are particular Elements The Universal Substance of the World was made only out of one thing of a Matter that was produced out of the dark Chaos or Abyss b●… the Spagyrick Virtue of the great World t●… which Matter Moses calls Water and Her●… the Humid Nature it must follow that out 〈◊〉 this Catholick Mass of Water the Univers●… Sublunary Element was derived which is ca●…led by the Name of Air. Now this gener●… Element is by the Breath of the divine Spirit●… Ruach Elohim altered and changed from one Shape to another for that which is made the visible Waters was made first of Air which is an invisible Water in this observe the Words of St. Paul Per fidem agnovimus quod semper ita actum sit cum Mundo per Verbum ut ex iis quae videri non poterant fiunt ea quae possunt videri We know by Faith that has been ever acted with the World by the Word that those things which can be seen were effected and made of those things which could not be seen 22. We are taught by Chymical Experience That Earth is nothing else but coagulated Water not visible Water nothing else but invisible Air reduced by condensation to a visibility nor Fire any thing else but rarified Air And in conclusion all the sublunary Waters were in the Beginning but an invisible humid or a watry Spirit or Air and consequently the main sublunary Elements were in Original nothing but one Air because that Heaven was made before the Sea or Earth as Moses tells us Here we have the Progression in the Worlds Creation where 1 is it signifies the Unity which was before all things which while it was in it self and did not shine forth contained its inacted property within its potential Nolunty or Darkness and therefore it was esteemed as nothing in regard of Man's weak Capacity altho ' in its self it 's all in all Then the Rank
Figure from the middle thereof shines forth a Rise and Governour over many Vegetables Seventhly ☽ and her Angel Elements Earth and Water of the Sea and Rivers and all moist things in the midst of Trees and Animals and they which are white as Whites of Eggs sweet Flegm Metals Silver as for Stones those that are white and green as also Pearl she hath power over many Vegetables Here you have but a glance of the Power of those Properties of Nature over the three Kingdoms and as for the full Scope and Power at large it would make a large Volume for my intended Business is to shew you what Power those 7 Properties and Elements have over the Bodies and Minds of Mankind I shall only i● form you that those Planets and Angels R●… gradually and in order and take their turns every one hath a particular Day and also certain Hours as shall be shewn in another place CHAP. IX The Scituation of the Heavens and Earth at the Creation of the Sun Moon and Stars THE Sun Moon and Stars were created on Wednesday April 22 18. h. p. m. about 4002 Years before Christ this I understand by the ●…ews and many Authors of this matter 〈◊〉 some difference is amongst them but be●…●ere are some Philosophers in these our d●…l v●●ture to give the World this Form Sun Moon and stars Created ●ednesday April 22th years Before Christ 4002. This we may perceive that the Body of the ●… was created in its Sphere yet it could not ●ave Light till the Sun arose and was created ●ith ☋ or the South-Node as it was rising out ●f an Eternal Eclipse out of which the Sun●●●e awakened her By this Form or Out-Birth you may perceive ●●e whole Creation and that the Earth or World which is the black Circle in the Figure ●epresents the Earth in which we live so we ●ay plainly see and understand that the whole World is composed round with the Starry Heaven and Elements the use of which is the Sun ●o give Light by Day and the Moon by Night So the Earth is as a round Ball or Apple hanging 〈◊〉 the midst of a Glass in the Form of a Globe Then observe how the two Points are opposite to one another viz. the Head of the Dragon and Tail ☊ in the Ascendant and ☋ in the Seventh Now the Learned Astrologers tell us that the Heavens or Starry Firmament is divided into 360 Degrees as you may see in the Circle as ●hall be demonstrated to you at large when we come to that Art called Astrology Now we have demonstrated to you the Out-Birth viz. the Forms of the Heavens and Earth I shall proceed in order to the fifth Work or Day of Creation for we could not properly call Time Night or Day before the Sun and Moon was created so on the fourth day by the Pow● of the Word the great Sol of the World ope● it self in the Essence viz. the Life of the 〈◊〉 and watery wherein God created all B● Fish Fowls and Worms every one accordi● to its Species and Forms viz. from its pe● liar Qualites of the Divine Mercury Thus 〈◊〉 Eternal Qualities have moved themselves a●cording to Evil and Good as you may perce● by the foregoing Instrument or Bosom of N●ture where you may see the 7 Qualities wi● their Essences and Mixture for there are 〈◊〉 and good Creatures created every thing a●cording to the Scripture Original in 〈◊〉 light of Nature from which it is that all Cre●tures in their Kind or Quality do love one a●ther Thus we may see how the Creatures a● in the Centre before they are in themselv● and that he knows willeth foreseeth and fo● ordaineth all things and every thing together once Now we are come to the last Creature whi● is Man the little World and a wonderful Pi● of Wisdom Master and Ruler over all t● Works of the Creatures or Creation Therefore I have given you as it were Demonstration of the great World or Ma●cosm and I shall speak of Microcosmos as y● shall find in the following Book THE Centre and Creation OF MAN Astrologically Theologically Philosophically and Astronomically handled BOOK II. CHAP. I. The true Knowledge of Man consisting of External and Internal Nature in the Elementary World POsteà dixit faciamus Hominem ad imaginem nostram secundum similitudinem nostram qui dominentur in Pisces maris in Volucreis Coeli in Pecudes in universam Terram que in omnia reptilia reptantia super Terr●… Itaque creavit Deus Hominem ad imaginem quam Dei creavit eum marem foeminam 〈◊〉 vit eos God said Let us make Man according t●… Image and God created Man according to his Image And Moses says That God made 〈◊〉 with Clay meaning with the Composition the Elementary Powers for tho' Adam was 〈◊〉 first Man yet we read that he had his Fall t●… he had his longing and eager Desires after m●… Fancies which brought himself to a great M●… demeanor But of this Man Adam I 'll say 〈◊〉 more and let the first Species alone We read in Genesis that God on the fifth d●… created all living Creatures at one Revoluti●… of the Earth so likewise you may observe●… one Revolution more Adam was made Now we will present you with the Opinion of Learned Philosopher with the Paradisial ●ound and Turning of the Heavens from its ●…st Primum Mobile viz. two days after the ☉ ●…d ☽ were created adam in paradice Thus Adam was created in that pleasant place ●…radise about the year before Christ 4. 002. ●…z on April 24. at 12 a Clock or Midnight ●…ow this place Paradise is in Mesopotamia where ●…e Pole is elevated 34 deg 30 min. and the ☉ ●…eth 4 Hours sooner than under the elevation the Pole of London Now our curious Rea●…r may be inquisitive concerning this matter If you will not credit these Reasons laid d●… pray read Josephus there you will see some●… of this matter viz. of the first Primum M●… or moving Posture of the World and plac●… Paradise and Elevation of its Pole Many ●…troversies have been about the Time and Se●… of the Year therefore I shall not trouble Reader any further with them Let the S●…pture be our Guide in this Matter Let the●… saith the Word and there was and also 〈◊〉 fifth days Work of the Creation when the G●… hoppers were and the Trees sprang out this 〈◊〉 give us to understand that the Time of Creation must have its beginning in the Spri●… Now for the place or Centre of the Ea●… from whence we may observe the Poles as a●…mentioned in Mesopotamia where God pl●… Adam So the Spring is two months soo●… there than here with us under the Elevatio●… the Pole at London But for the Ages of the World many h●… endeavoured to satisfie Dr. Butler for one CHAP. II. The Egg of Generation or 〈◊〉 Centre of Man IN the last Chapter you have an accou●… the first Man
Trouble c. the Scripture tells you so The fifth Meeting of ♄ and ♃ Under this came our Saviour Christ who is greater than great Solomon Mat. 12. 42. He is the Prince of Peace This was a little more than 4000 years of the World The sixth Meeting of ♄ and ♃ Falls in the year of the World 4800 that brought in Charles the Great under whom was the Roman Empire in the time of Leo III. being Pope who prostituted his Keys to the Emperor's Feet for which the Popish People pull'd out his Eyes and cut off his Tongue Read the History Prideaux's Introduct p. 96. The seventh Meeting of ♄ and ♃ There are a parcel of irrational Animals which speak very scandalously against Predictions they say That we can speak nothing true of things to come unless told of it before or when they are past Now let the World judge and speak as they find in the Year 1682 I then published a Book Entituled Speculum Mundi in which are now to be seen the very Actions of these great Revolutions It being then my chief intention to discover to the World those great things Providence was probably likely to bring to pass from the Influences of the Meeting of the two great and superiour Beings the two Rulers of the World viz. ♄ and ♃ and likewise from the great Eclipses of the ☽ in Anno 1684 such an Eclipse hath not been these hundred Years and at that present time so many Planets in the House of Religion Then in pag. 2 you will find I cryed out with Admiration and Astonishment with the words of Dionysius Areopagita who seeing the strange Eclipses of the ☉ and ☽ at the very hour of our Saviour's Passion saying Aut Deus Naturae patitur aut Mundi machina dissolvitur Which is either the God of Nature suffers or the Frame of this World is dissolved So in pag. 4. I delivered my Judgment that here would be great Alterations in most parts of Europe of Laws Customs Constitutions of People in Matters of Religion and Changing of Kings and Kingly Government And is not this all true Were not the Popish Principles the root or cause of these Mutations and Changes And did not a Prince come from Holland with a handful of Men comparatively to that brave Army of K. James's And when this handful of Men came towards them they all fled as the Chaff before the Wind and to Admiration K. James himself fled to France when none perswaded him from his three Kingdoms and then soon after the Prince of Orange was Crowned King of England O that such things should be done without a drop of Bloodshed Surely Reader this is from the Powers above and the Powers above gave us a foresight of it by the Rulers ♄ and ♃ This hath been so admirable that our Athenians have taken notice of in their Book in asking a Question Whether a small irrational Creature as a Spider had not a Heart Because when Death or Oppression comes it struggles and makes a bustle to save its self intimating that K. James neither strove nor struggled to save his three Kingdoms or Credit This was a Comical Joke on the poor Abdicated K. James Observe the following things After the Death of K. Charles the Popish Party began to Rule and quickly after suppress'd and cut off the Head of the Duke of Monmouth then the Prince and Princess of Orange was Crowned King and Queen of England and not long after Queen Mary dyed with a long and tedious War of nine Years standing so this Revolution is a wonder to human Reason the Circumstances whereof would fill a large Volume As for the small Conjunctions I leave to the Astrologers which happen once in 20 Years CHAP. VII The Stars are reckon'd a Form of Letters according to the Opinion of the Hebrews and that it 's possible to read there whatsoever is to happen throughout the whole Universe REader did you never take notice of the Celestial Writing seeing that the Scripture so plainly speaks of it Pray take notice of this curious piece of Antiquity Seeing that the Heavens are Books and at the last day they are to be rolled together as a Book or Rolls therefore they must have Letters And I am willing to give you the method of the ways of the Old Hebrews who searched after the Heavenly Writing for News And for confirmation of this observe a Book Entituled Narratio Joseph in his time highly in esteem amongst all Men wherein the Patriarch Jacob gave his Blessing to all his Children telling them That he had read in the Tables of the Heavens all that ever was to befall them and their Posterity Legi saith he in Tabulis Coeli quaecunque contingent vobis filiis vestris Where the same Original concludes as well in this Tract as in this Question Utrum Stellae aliquid Agant as in his Book De Facto chap. 6. That the greatest Mysteries may assuredly be read in the Heavens by reason that the Stars are disposed and ordered there in the Form of Characters Nay John Damascene says That they are CLEAR MIRROURS intimating that we may see distinctly see there even as far as to the most secret motions of our Souls which was the Saying of St. Augustine For my part I shall not question the Truth of it but proceed to the Practical Part as the Hebrews did in their Hebrew Characters This Holy Language being the first in the World and sometimes there are New Stars which take their Method thus As for Example in this Word AKE if one add an L it will be no longer AKE but LAKE or if in the middle of a Word or this Word as thus an R it will alter the Word and make it ARKE so that we see one Letter as an L or an R absolutely change the whole sence in the same manner is it with the Stars where the New Stars are added varieth both in the Writing and Sence CHAP. VIII The Celestial Writing of the Ancients and how those Hebrew Characters may be understood and what they portend TO perfectly understand this Celestial Writing we must observe the Vertical Stars for those which are over a Kingdom saith Abindan do shew whatever is like to befall it and as the Astrologers observe in this our time Now saith the Author of this Celestial Writing We know that these Mutations shall happen on the Earth because we see they are written in the Heavens And this is the reason that R. Chomer affirms that the aforesaid Medusa's Head or the Stars that compose it did foretell the lamentable Desolation of Greece because that five of the principal Stars did for a good while together make up this Word Which is in the Conjugation Charab Second signifying to be Desolate understanding particularly this of Greece over which these Stars did shine because that the number of its Letters which are Jod Vau Nun and which being put together make up 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
Javan that is to say Greece doth yield the same number that Charab doth as you may behold in the following Example 2 2 8 ●● Charab Destroyed Desolate Sum 12 5 6 1 ●● Javan Greece Sum 12 According to these Principles any Man might fore-see by the putting the Stars together of the same Constellation the destruction that Italy was threatned with One Junctin and Italian Priest who was a great Astrologer hath these words Illud verò saith he speaking of this Medusa's Head nunc Apuliae Neapolitanorum Regno est verticale moxque Italiam invadet quibus suam quoque cladem allaturum esse maximopere est verendum Now how long before-hand these Celestial Letters do fore-shew the Changes that are to happen you are to take notice of the Hebrew Letters before-mentioned In the next place the method how to be able to understand this Celestial Writing we must learn to know the true Stars as Oriental Occidental Meridional and Septentrional the Quarters of the Heavens are very essential in this way of Reading For if we desire to know the good Fortune and Prosperity of a Kingdom or any other Affair we must read those Letters which are vertical to it or which want not much of being so from the West towards the East and if you would be informed of the ill Fortune look out and read from the North towards the West This is the way of the Hebrews Now concerning the Rules laid down some certain Secrets of this Celestial Writing which are spoken of by R. Rapol Chomer and Abindan which are the Three which have most written on this Subject I have before shewn you how the Stars of the Constellation called Caput Algol being vertical to Greece did foreshew the Destruction of it The like is to be observed in the rest of the Stars when they are vertical to any other Kingdom tho' they are ordered and are to be understood otherwise Many more such-like Examples we may present the Reader with concerning this Celestial Writing but this may give an insight of the method and way of reading the Will of God in that Heavenly Book which is said to be at the last Day rolled together as a Roll of Parchment But if these few Examples are not sufficient for your Understanding pray read my Authors Ropol Chomer and Abindan there you will find it expressed that it 's not every one that can read these Hebrew Letters or Celestial Writing but whom God is pleased to give that Gift of Reading as none but Daniel who was a just Man none but he could interpret those Visions Remember still that the Elementary Life of Man is very Changeable and Transitory it 's natural for all Men to be inquisitive after future Changes and Alterations during their Lives seeing it's as a Bubble or as a Snip tossing up and down by the Waves of the Sea The End of the Second Book THE Angelical Guide BOOK III. CHAP. I. The Lott of Man shewing his Chance or Fortune in this present World 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 DIVINATIO signifies no more but Elementary and Earthly things the searching after which concerns the Transactions of our Lives here below by the Power of the superiour Bodies of the Four Elements and Seven Properties of Nature which we have formerly spoken of and also the Twelve Signs ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ of the Heavens which sympathize with our Bodies and Actions at home and produce good or ill Fortune To be more plain we may call it by this name Sortitor Consortitor Take your Lott or cast your Lott Let us speak a Word or two of Providence Quid sit Providentia Verum esse Providentiam cum per haec apertum est tam per ea quae dicentur deinceps elucescet dicamus igitur quid sit Providentia Providentia est rerum procuratio à Deo suscepta Definunt eandem sic Providentia est Dei voluntas per quam omnia quae sunt aptè gubernantur quod si Dei volunt as est providentia necesse est recta ratione optimè divinissimè qua sola ratione recte se habeant fieri quae sunt neque melioris ordinis esse capacia Necesse est autem eundem esse qui res efficiat effectis provideat Neque enim rectum est nec decet alium efficere alium ea quae effecta sint procurare nam hoc quidem certe imbecillitatis est multa sunt etiam in Animalibus simulachra imagines eorum quae diximus Quidquid enim genuit cibum quoque foetui procurat Homo etiam de caeteris omnibus quae ad vitam degendam spectant quoad ejus fieri potest prospicit Quae vero non provident ob imbecillitatem non provident Quare ostensum est Deum esse qui provideat Providentiam esse ejusdem Thy Lott and thy Providencs are in general all things that thou canst enjoy in this Elementary Life and God is the Fountain and Free-giver and gives thee Rules and Understanding to know them This is inter nos amongst us or our selves to know whether the Lott will be good or ill is my present Task in this Chapter but before we go on a word or two concerning the word LOTT it has two significations it is first counted a square Thing as a Dye or other thing cast into a Pitcher or Pot thence to be drawn out again to end Strife or Difference This is not our meaning But to take our Lott from him who made all things Acts 1. 26. not that the Event of a Lott comes from Stars Fortune-tellers Devils or Saints but from God only whose priviledge is to order the Succession of them This we own as a Truth but we are not unsensible but that God hath laid open his Heavenly Book before our Eyes and given ●s Knowledge from the Heavenly Motions and Influences of the glorious Light of his Will and Intentions towards mortal Men. Tho' we find good Fortune proceeding from the Beams of ♃ or ill from ♄ we are to look to God from whence it comes and on ♃ or ♄ as Messengers from him To cast Lotts upon a People to challenge Lordships and Power over a People to dispose of them at their pleasure as Men account that which is their own which by casting a Lott falls to be their Portion Joel 3. 3. Many places in Scripture may be to our purpose but th●… may satisfy us as to divide a thing by Lott We all have a desire by Nature to know what may be had by Lott On my Vesture did they cast Lotts The whole Verse runs thus Et quum crucifixissent eum dispertiverunt 〈◊〉 stimenta ejus Sorte CHAP. II. The Number of Things desired in this Elementary Life and to know by this Angelical Lott or Guide what is to come Good or Bad. First ♈ TO know whether I shall live long and in what Disposition my Body now is in What is the intention of