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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A34017 Poesis rediviva, or, Poesie reviv'd by John Collop ... Collop, John. 1656 (1656) Wing C5395; ESTC R19451 55,817 126

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Mustachio's 'fore he 's heard Surely he strokes his wisdome from his beard Your liver 's foul and stomach pains ith'heart VVe Cardialgia call it men of art Your spirits natural vital animal be And l 'me afraid not from obstructions free Would of erratique griefs you causes know The head 's the fountain whence these streams do flow Your livers hot cold stomach thence to the brain Vapors a●…ise in Clouds showre back again You are hydroptick nay Cachectick too I strangely fear a discrasy in you Oh oh my heart my heart doth down retreat Their monstrous purges you learn'd sir repeat They Panchymagogi and Catholicons be And Diaphaenicon th' rare Electuarie These are your purges man the Bezar stone Brave Cordial unto all but me unknown Have you a pain i th' stomach yes back and head Lord Master Doctor where have you this read i th' urine man by this I ev'n can know Each step and stair by which to bed you go Pisse takes the form of parts as it runs through I could no better know was I in you Hence looking-glasses Chamberpots we call 'Cause in your pisse we can discover all Why this no lesse then Aarons brestplate is The Seminalities of all ills in pisse To trust in this the College doth forbid Vile men would prelate-like have knowledge hid I never durst approach the Colledg near They Bishop like do place an Image there Their Idol-Harvy of the Serpents breed To break his head denys the woman seed VVe're wonderfully made the Scripture saies Yet this wretch how we 're made would show the waies Nay Conjurer-like makes Circling in the blood I know not why but sure it can't be good VVhat spirit 't is he trades with is unknown Distinct from blood he will no spirits own Out of five senses too he would perswade He need adde more your senses are decaid And th' world doth senses want to fee deceit Both out of money and of life to cheat All like the frog to physick will pretend Would others cure can't their own croaking mend To a Gigger to Padua Valentia and Leiden Doctors VVHo giggs to Padua doth Montpelier sent Creeps in steals out as if for theft he went If gains sure steals in secret knowledge there Or th' French inspires him or Italian air Or th' zany knowledge waits on th' Gyants name Or the matter lurks in an impostum'd fame Or who 's where wit is dealt must need have share ●…eripatetiques Grand Philosophers were If you are Laden with exotique gold To come near th' Tower of truth you may be bold For Custom-sake unto the Colledge come Volleys of praise shall entertain you home Not gilt ore to deceive with titles drest Gold need not fear for to endure the test Gold 's the Suns Child why do ye fear the light See how the bats do fear and love the night Unplum'd and bloodlesse by the light they 'r known In errors twilight flut'ring they 'r unknown A darker shop befits their fucate drugs These suck'd not milk but blood from stepdames dugs On Suburban-non Licentiates who Fox-like call the Colledge grapes sour YOu 're all Licentiates though no licenc'd crew And titles which you paid for are your due Though you by Doctors names intitled be Onely to Folly in a high degree Letters of commendations fools may gain Which pockets carry th' wise man's in his brain Honor 's the wise mans bride fools act a rape The Colledge-fruits are sour like the foxes grape These like the Dogs in errors darker night Bark at the Moon but cannot catch the light Professors might to th' Colledge pupils be Gain what you want in knowledge a degree They in arts rudiments could instruct a sage Knowledge her self is here in pupillage Shine out great lights your beams for life display While death portending Comets blaze and slay On the excellent Dr. Glisson HIc gliscit ars Art may in vain intend Her nervs for knowledge Glisson not her friend Knowledge enervate did and strenghlesse lye Til Glisson use did to the nerves supply The spirit more refin'd may now in vain Knowledge i th' circle not progresse complain Harvy and Glisson will force all confesse Knowledge by circling now 's in the progresse The Sequestred Priest pidling in Physick VVHo 's both sequestred here of state and wit He in revenge to th' world would murder it Cries destiny God Author makes of ill When by a cruel ignorance he doth kil Iure divino will this calling have Luke a Physician the perogative gave Yet sure learn'd Bard it wil the contrary teach Not you Physitians make Physitians preach The fugitive Chymick THe Knave turns quack too blow'd the chymist coal As if each blast inspir'd their Theophrasts soul He talks of salt without a grain of wit But Mercury's sure i th' lightnesse of his wit Nor doth he want his Sulphur he hath got Against the state no less then Powderplot Or good from bad by Pyrotechny take Or else you poyson may for med'cine make Yet the best things corrupted the worst be Heav'n or hels spirits are in Chymistrie On sigils For art of memory signs on Planets set Teach men themselves and Planets to forget Are plac'd on Sigi●…s maladies to cure By monsters Ague-like they 'r frighted sure If 't is in matter in all metalls power If in the form the scorpion may devour More wisely Theophrast did {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} {non-Roman} write On●…s Sigil and for foolery it endite On the Astrologicall quack AT th' Colledge of the stars he did commence And Statesman-like will speak the houses sense Each house for mans use stranger herbs hath got To them they essence property seed allot But is 't not strange when they so numerous be How all do with a fewer stars agree Each pil and potion too hath diff'rent sign Nature i th' stomach sure now can't refine Or i st since Heav'n stand still and earth turns round We here are giddy there no truth is found The Heav'ns a book is where men wonders read The stars are letters most a Christs Cross need Oglio of quacks VVE souls and bodies Medicasters have Both are hereditary Father fool Son th' knave Th' disease that 's known half cured some do say Now not to know 't to cure't's the ready way A fortunate Doctor though he hath no skill Wisely can cure before he knows the ill Nay ev'n his potion knowledge can instil Who 's cur'd by chance a recipe gains to kill The triple tooth'd join with three recipes A sacred number can cure each disease Looking like the Sceleton stole from Surgeons Hall Having there Knowledge gain'd's Chyrurgical With Solomons Key and 's Cabal quacks the Jew And th' book whose name sure works Nebolahu Sputring-like th' Country quack with terms of art Who by pisse prophecying wonders doth impart The words sent th' Syrian King this wretch makes wise Another those were spoke in Paradise But oh see Locusts from the infernal pit Leech Falkner Huntsman all for murder
pick'd Bear-like nor form'd nor handsom 'cause their lick'd Vents onely what mistaken Sages Coyn'd With the disguise of verse on what 's purloin'd Unhappy fate of Poets to be poor All beg'd or borrowed from anothers store He must have ravell'd times and Kingdoms through And when the world oreview'd can make a new A Plato's Commonwealth who can outdo A Mores Utopia and Atlantis too Can challenge Titians or our Vandickes hand Upbraiding nature whose rich pieces stand Not Zeuxes-like paint grapes that birds draw nigh But red with blood of Families drunkards fly Pierces like lightning yet not hurts the skin Though melts i th womb the conceived Child of sin At th' horror himself makes th' Tyrant fear While he 's transform'd to Tyger Wolf or Bear 'Bove th' Theban Harmony can structure raise To Abrahams Sons teach ev'n stones God to praise Make birdlim'd Avarice th' Idol gold to leave Think 't pale with guilt or gilt ore to deceive Into a scorch'd Amorist ice convey Calm rage while reason passions storms obey Embalm'd with Odours virtue make perfume While putred vanity doth in stench consume Tainted with sour breath rotten vice decaies Virtue is alwaies green like th' Poets bayes The Luxury of whose wit runs not to weeds But running up provides for knowledge seeds Who Eagle-like doth on a Pyramid sit 'Bove passions tempests and a flashing wit Above the Clouds secure doth view the Sun And in a line like him inlightning run Nay with Ecstatick Paul doth take take a ●…light And with intelligences trades for sight Thus to the Echoing Angels Moses sung And David's harps to H●…llelujahs strung In proverbs glorious Solomon's aray'd From clouds of parable th' Gospel light displai'd Nor would it blasphemy be for to deny The whole Creation ought but Poesie When God in number made and measure all May we not truly term poeticall Six daies the order in Creation show Not how God made but we th' worl'd made may know Lesse then a moment made it a sit lux Stream'd out life Essence motion times efflux The world as in a womb was in Gods mind Within himself all light to make 't outshin'd The Ridle destiny which unhinges brains Within him with whom all 's present how remains Who preordains the things that present be 'T is God descends to us by Poesie Paul with such knots as these Christs Spouse hath drest Which to damnation the unstable wrest While Poet-like he acts the Carnal man They make him so by their own lusts him scan Poets are Prophets and the Priests of Heav'n Though to Hels mimicks Idol Priests th' names giv'n Into Ierusalem Lord turn Babylons flame The objects vary yet the passions th' same Teach that love holinesse which no holinesse knew Let zeal inflame the hearts which lust did stew Thus holinesse to the Lord we all may sing To write take pinions from a Cherubs wing On the Soul ENigma to the Philosopher and divine All the souls effects none can the soul define All say the soul immortall none do prove Nor life nor arguments a belief can move How can the soul an act of the body be Which to the body gives existencie If out of matter souls result can we In natural souls prove immortalitie Or him who saies mankind hath one controul Since every species can have but one soul If the soul 's infus'd how shares it Adams sin How with divinities the sin of flesh serv'd in Or who in all i th shapes of men here move Can souls that rational or immortal prove Each species may give souls of grouth and sense Vital and animal functions may dispence Without infusion wise as Banks his horse Then whom few better we find many worse Who knows himself knows all hee 's wise indeed Who can retire within and himself read Unhinging wiser brains shall nere stretch mine What 's the soul I care not Lord so it be thine Whether the soul 's traduced or infus'd It not concerns but how by passions us'd Whom flesh doth rule can't what is soul is know who 'd know 't with God must in acquaintance grow What is it Lord 't is thine sure part of thee Treating in humane flesh a Deitie Th' soul 's all in all and all in every part So all in all and in all Lord thou art By whom we live move be and all things know Life motion essence knowledge from thee flow Is 't not a glimps of th' spirit first made light VVhich here is mufled in a Cloud of night VVhen God but takes this veil of flesh away To him the light of lights returns this ray The soul that works by principles of light Doth while 't is here it self to God unite VVho here laies the vesture of his flesh aside From him Heav'n glory Earth can't secrets hide Let contemplation give but wings toth' soul It in a moment travels to each pole Descends to th' center mounts to th' top of th' world In thousand places can at once be hurl'd Can fathom the universe without touching it A Judge of states Arts nay of worlds may sit But oh a soul immers'd in flesh and blood Is lost 'midst wild beasts in a pathlesse wood Ambition wracks the soul 't is fool'd by love Pleasure doth melt hope by a tickling move Anger now burns then 's reinflam'd by lust Despair depres●…es avarice doth rust Now cruelty doth obdurate to a stone And then revenge makes me more hard then one Envy now gnaws and hatred strait her sours The fire of jealousie smothers all her pow'rs Sorrow doth lend me floods which fear turns ice I 'me cold to virtue hardned by vice Lord see this bird of Paradise in a Cage Assayled by a mutinous tumuls rage See th' daughter of thy bounty heav'ns own Child By passions rable shall she be defil'd Shall they the Scepter of her government take She is a Queen which thou her Kings didst make Th●… Kings daughter Lord was glorious within Let not her beauty be ecclips'd by sin She 〈◊〉 her fellows should be brought to thee Virtues and Graces should companions be A wedding garment Lord on her bestow Let her embroid●…ed with thy graces go If with th' white robe of innocence I can't come Mix the purple of thy blood or martyrdom Since the soul 's a ray that 's borrow'd of thy light Shall sin extinguish't in eternall night Lord let my soul return from whence it came Let not a spark of Heav'n turn to hells flame The fruit of Paradise VVHen that my soul by magique would aspire Prometheus●…ike fetch down Celestial fire Paul like to Paradise rap'd by th' part divine Sure lust doth me unto this tree recline While I descend and th' pleasures tast of sense The tree of life my Jesu 's banish'd hence He must relinquish flesh and blood who 'le be Made a partaker of divinitie Man is a Garden Jesus is within The tree of life which we do lose by sin Vittue makes Heav'n while Hell is made by vice Who
death A Character of a Compleat Gentleman To Iohn Cotton Esq Heir to the Knowledge and Virtue as well as to the Honour and Fortunes of his Ancestors To his Coz George Boswel Esq rich in Desert as Fortune THou to the lame art legs eyes to the blinde They their own wants in thy perfections finde Thou pluck'st no houses down to rear thy own The poor Gods houses rear'st out of thy stone Thou to the poor giv'st bread ev'n out of stone And not to him who asks bread givest one Thy door is open and thy heart so too Hast both enough and heart enough to do Thou not inclosest to fence out the poor But an inclosure art to keep their store Sheep eat no men thy men thy sheep do eat In tears of others wil'st not stew thy meat To dogs the Childrens bread thou dost not give Make thy dogs fat scarce let thy servants live Thy father gives thee dirt thou mak'st it gold Virtue refines it to a better mold Gold the Suns childe thou let'st the father see That it may make a childe of light of thee Thou bragg'st no stem think'st vice improves no blood Should vice or taint or virtue speak not good For Honour Conscience dost not put to sale Or thy Religion steer by profits gale Imbib'st no dregs ev'n in these lees of time A licenc'd ill can'st think no lesser crime Thou drink'st no health for to impair thy own By th' cup Hush'd face think'st noble blood not shown By no rash humour swell'st the Kingdoms spleen From whose bulk th' leanness hath of th' body been Where he who gains no Idol for his lust An Idol Fancy gets of Cits on trust While profit's th' Prophet that doth teach it there Religion shew'd by darker shops like ware These not th' world onely but think God to cheat Forge some new light he 's theirs by the deceit These take not thee nor those Hawks tow'ring prize While they can grovel in impurities Thy Reason is a Hawk which takes a flight As if she 'd nest her in a Sphere of light What would a nurse more for her childe heav'n woo Then to have good know how to use it too Nobility innobled A Character of the most excellent Marquis of Dorchester Earl of Kingstone The Lord Pierrepont IN Honours Sphere thou like a Sun art shown Impartest light yet not impair'st thy own The Poets Phoebus and Physicians too Nay ev●…n Church lights have influence from you They who laid hands on others for to preach On them th' times hands lay for to silence teach Thy hands relieve the mischief others do They 're strangely tongue-ty'd cannot speak of you No gilt-tongu'd Lawyer but doth plead for thee When thou 'rt but nam'd he hath his Angel fee Physicians 'bove Catholicon thee quote 'Gainst times infection their best antidote Thou read'st the living yet neglect'st not th' dead Hast both in Books and Skeletons them o're read But oh th' rich incense of each virgin prayer While parents virtues now made dowries are Stream to posterity honour in thy blood VVhat vice nor th' times Contagion taints is good Plaistred with blood no house on ruines built VVith others gold rear'd up but thy own gilt 'Bove Constellations may thy Coronet shine Honour her self is honour'd being thine VVho the lost Cyphers th' house of Lords complains VVhile that perfections summe in thee remains On Thomas Lord Wentworth Earl of STRAFFORD SAy not the Army took the Kingdomes head For Charls in Strafford a long time was dead The King with his own hand himself did slay The hand took Straffords took his head away How could his head upon his shoulders stand Gave leave to take th'best headpiece in his Land None durst to knowledge Strafford dead pretend Wisdoms Monopoly with his head did end With the Wentworth ah worth with thee was fled Ireland no venom Strafford living bred Nor England Wolves which could her sheep devour They plac'd him would have plac'd them in that Tower The silly sheep a league with wolves would make They ask their dogs dogs gone their lives they take Nor wanted Strafford guilt though wanted Law He for his death did his own warrant draw He drew the heads took his his case the same He gave himself the stab in Buckingham When he cry'd charge him high should the Law fail The rabble that knows no Law will prevail Nor thrive they better his black Curtain draw They since have found necessity hath no Law May none with greatnesse surfet that succeed And for state physick be prescrib'd to bleed Whence the bloody issue hath run twelve year Lord let it stop while we by faith draw near Summum jus summa injuria in jure regni GOld Crowns are Coyn'd by steel and stamp'd by might Thus the Saxons Danish Normans Tudors right The Roman Eagles ceased on their prey Their talons swords were carv'd the Empires way 'T was steel that gave the Spaniard all his gold By 's Bilbo blades he doth his Indies hold To edge blunt tools the Priest talks of the word 'T is steel that conquers not the two edg'd sword The Ottoman Moon had else bin in the wane Refulgent steel doth it new lustre gain The greatest injury is the greatest right Yet out of darknesse God creates a light While Greece did make a Conquest of the world She with her arms her arts about it hurl'd Civility did with Roman Eagles fly To Tames a way to learn civility Who Conquers bodies may he Conquer Minds And leave us men whom he like wild beasts finds Though he a Kingdom gains we shall lose none When every man doth in himself gain one Who is no prop to a declining throne Sins 'gainst his Kings in Earth in Heav'n his own He 's traitor helps a traitor to a Throne Yet who resists him on it may be one Martlets and Capets treasons thrones acquir'd Yet both so well rul'd France thought both inspir'd A petty notary rul'd so well in Rome The time of the golden Age did th' name assume Otho may sacrifice ' f all for publick good Good with ten thousands losse's no right of blood On Poverty VVHat art thou poverty thou so much art fled Christ spous'd thee living us bequeath'd thee dead Ambition never tenters thee on racks No vulture gnaws thy heart plot thy brain cracks No emulous rival hast no hollow friend Dost in the place thou 'rt born securely end By healthful hunger sauc'd meats happy be No table made a snare by gluttonie By neighb'ring floods sav'st charges of excise Drink which the wise makes fools can make thee wise No Dropsies fear'st no Gout nor no Catarrh Palate with body nere Commences war Thy body and thy Conscience both are clear Hast nothing here to hope or ought to fear No man to cut this shrub down his axe whets Nor a self-wounding Conscience by regrets While others sport of winds hoist into th' deep Along the shore he doth securely keep The Ostridgs body hindereth her wings
my tears Lord let the faithless see Miracles ceas'd revive in me The Leper cleans'd Blinde heal'd Dead rais'd by thee Whither ah whither shall I fly To heav'n my sins ah sins there cry Yet mercy Lord O mercy hear Th' atoning incense of my prayer A broken heart thou l't not despise See! see a Contrites sacrifice Keep keep viols of wrath keep still I 'le viols Lord of Odors fill O prayers sighs grones and tears a shower This precious ointment forth I 'le power I 'le noint wash wipe kisse wash wipe weep My tears Lord in thy bottle keep Lest flames of lust and fond desire Kindle fresh fuel for thine ire Which tears must quench like Magdalene I 'le wash thee Lord till I be clean The good Samaritan WHy art so sad my soul ah why Doth sorrow make thy bones all dry Shall my sin speak so loud and I not cry Thou good Samaritane save See every wound 's a grave Sins were the Theeves let me thy mercies have See how the priests with them partake And by not pittying new wounds make Can pass with hearts unmov'd though their heads shake Nor tears nor wounds can pitty win Thy words the twopence heav'n Lord the Inn. Thy blood the oyl must cure the wounds of sin Up up my soul make hast arise Yet be not rash beware be wise Heav'n loves not a fools sacrifice The vale 's for servants sin unloose 'T is holy ground put off thy shoes An Isaack for an off'ring choose Let not an Ismael with him share So up my soul up offer there Besiedge arm'd enter heav'n by prayer What though thy sins in troops like stars Have menac'd heav'n so o●…t to wars Heav'n conquering pray'rs atones the jars Rise Sun stars shall appear no more See ah fresh sins like ●…ands of th' shore Pennance lends floods to hide them ore Vox poenitentiae I I ah I thee Lord betraid While sin strange insurrections made I I like him with lips durst kisse Who sought out 's hell at gates of blisse My sins ah scourges buffets are My sins ah thorns thy temples tare My sin presents the spear nails gall Renews thy sweat death buriall Yet while I Lord with Mary come Early with spices to thy tomb With balm of pennance waiting there To offer odours up in prayer After repentant showrs of dew Angels my Sun 's arise shall shew Heark heark who 's both the light and way Calls thee my soul make hast obey Ah loads of sin and flesh can I A Camel passe a needles eye Say oh say not tha●… heav'n gate Too narrow is or way too strait Faith and good works can dispossess Thee both thy Loades of sin and flesh And so convei'd on wings of pray'r Thou maist like incense enter there So shalt thou find a way not strait He kneels who enters at Heav'n gate Spirit Flesh S. ARis●… make hast F. VVhither ah whither flies my soul so fast S. Heav'n calls obey F. 'T is night ah stay 't is night thou l't lose thy way S. The day springs rose F. Ah but thy sin black clouds doth interpose S. Those pennance clears The Sun succeds a sacred dew of teares See a full shower Heaven suffers voyolence by an holy Power F. Ah heav'n is high S. Pray'r lends a Iacobs ladder to the sky Angels descend F. VVrestle ah wrestle blessing crowns the end Soul and Christ C. SEE see Grace with her widened arms S. No Adder's here To stop an ear Gainst soul ingaging Graces charms Speak Lord O speak thy servant hears C. Come ye who thirst S. Lord give me first And in thy bottle put my tears C. The laden's call'd haste my soul haste S. Lord seest not these Ah Mountains Seas How how ah how are these o'repast C. To faith my soul fly fly ne're stay Faith can cast these Mountains i th' seas Faith through a Red sea made her way S. Lord though my sins like Mountains be A grain of Faith Still Virtue hath Thy blood sweet Iesu's a Red-sea Of Prayer AWay cold hypocrite away Why art not heard couldst ever pray Didst heav'n in flames of zeal aspire Like th' prophet carried up in fire What sympathy hath day with night Communicates darkness with the light Where lust revenge and passion shrowds Can heav'n be found through such black clouds Talke not of faith the Devils do Believe as much know more then you Nay do more good though none allow They at that Name thou slight'st forc'd bow Could such works save they thee outdo They have their fear and trembling too Wouldst thou no more thine asking miss Learn then no more to ask amiss Thy self sweet Lord thy self I ask no more Heav'n hath no joy without thee Earth no store To the Soul DUll soul aspire Thou art not earth mount higher Heav'n gave the spark to it return the fire Let sin ne're quench Thy high flam'd spirit hence The earth the heat to heaven the flame dispence Rejoyce rejoyce Turn turn each part a voice VVhile to the heart-strings tun'd ye all rejoyce The house is swept VVhich sin so long foul kept The peny 's found for which the loser wept And purg'd with tears Gods Image re-appears The peny truly shews whose stamp it bears The sheep long lost Sins wilderness oft crost Is found regain'd return'd spare spare no cost 'T is heav'ns own suit Hark how it woo's you to 't VVhen Angels needs must speak shall man be mute On the Nativity AH my dear Lord what shall I give To thee who gav'st thy ●…elf for me Since thou could'st die how shall I live Shall I not daily die with thee This is the day which thou didst make Teach me Lord teach me to rejoyce Shall I the shepherds Musick take Or to thine Angels tune my voice My Bread Life Vine Truth Door Light Way All fulness meets my Lord in thee What can I worse then nought repay Thee heav'ns all made so low for me To thee both Prophet Priest and King I have no treasury to ope I can no spices off rings bring But Odours of an heart that 's broke Lord let this incense offer'd up As a sweet smelling savour be So of salvation I the Cup Shall take and call my God on thee Whil'st Gold refi●…'d I tribute bring My self thine Image to my King The Contents THe Poet pag. 1 On the Soul 4 The fruit of Paradise 6 On the Masters of the Science of defence in Controversie 8 Iesuite 9 The Church ib. The Polemick Protestant D. 10 The Presbyter 11 Prophanum vulgus The People 13 On servile Will irrespective Election and Reprobation ib. Sectaries 15 Enthusiasticks 16 Beraean ib. Fiduciarie 17 In multiplicem Schismatis Hydram Universall Leprosy 18 On the Umbraticall Doctors on the Romish Party ib. On the Fencers for Religion 19 B. Iewel 20 Doctor Whitaker 20 Doctor Field on the Church ib. Dr. White Sir H. Lynd Dr. Featley in answer to Lyndomastix ib. Mr. Perkins ib. Dr. Usher ib. Mr.
lives like Enoch walks in Paradice But he who follows th' crooked waies of sin A Serpent to this Garden doth let in To tast the fruits of sense doth him intice Then sees his sin and himself nak'd by vice While God his Saints with sanctity doth cloath The figleaves of Hypocrisy they loath Fall'n midst the trees they seek to hide their sin But God i th conscience is who speaks within Our better thoughts of Paradice are the trees Which they secluded are whom sins can please Earth turn'd to earth which if none do manure It doth sins fruits thistles and thorns endure But see on water th' spirit moves of love To make the first light did on waters move From th' fount of Baptism there do rivers flow Which water Paradice and make Heav'ns fruit grow The seed of life thus watered did die To raise up fruit for all eternity The tree of life was joyned to deaths tree To make the barren bare it God must be Into the ground thou Lord it cast that we Fix'd to thy root may ever living be Thou Lord the Earth didst ope that death might have And 's sister sin in lifes Sepulcher grave Who to the world is ty'd to the Crosse is nail'd His bones are broke and he by death assail'd But he 's a good thief violence offers there The flaming sword keeps Paradise sure is prayer Or thy sprites Cherubins and the flaming sword Which keeps the tree of life is Lord thy word Since thou of life in Paradise art the tree Lord when thy Kingdom comes remember me The bone thou gav'st us is with th' Serpent joyn'd Sin breaks the bones which first with sin conbin'd The Serpents damn'd to dust which us betraid Lift like a Serpent up in dust thou 'rt lay'd Sin Lord's a Serpent with a fiery sting Thou lifted up dost to us med'cine bring Thorns on thy brow Earths curse for him dost wear Thou mak'st them Lord a Crown by being there Thief like to th' cursed tree i 'me nail'd by sin Yet sin makes wounds to let thy mercy in Lord say the word I shall be whole or say Thou shalt with me in Paradise be this day What 's alwaies every where and all believe Is truth and onely truth which can't deceive Where is 't unravel ages all times read Since truth is one why thus are none agree'd Schisms gilded weather-Cocks all must passe for gold While the world truths lights doth in dark lanthorns hold Men to th' Meridian of their flesh and blood Religion Calculate profit names it good See each Divine is but an Advocate As if Religion were temporal state They with illusion forgeries for it plead ●…nd do 't like Lawy'rs onely to be fee'd For what they plead yet none can call their right They for Religion do without it wrire Witty impieties do the Scriptures reach Like the Tyrant who to 's bed did wretches stretch Too long for cruel purposes they slice Too short they wrack confession of their vice That truth can never vary all agree yet all place truth in their varietie On the Moster's of the Science of defence in Controversie EAch Father sure 's a Ianus two waies looks One face Reformers have one Papists Books Do they by follies issues their names gain They father spurious is●…ues of each brain Now to th' Protestant tun'd now Roman Key Do Echo like to every voice obey Ah! Echo-like yield an imperfect sound Which can't instruct a knowledg but confound Whence most polemick truths as clearly note As th' Lover's Mistresse face in a Wanescot Or Wittingtons Maiorship by a chime of bels Which seem to tune to all wild phancy tels What though the Ruhets in the Roman head Some truth 's obstructed is the bod●… dead Or cause not uniform must no union be Belief in one Christ sure speaks unitie Though various Colours in Christs Coat be knit They make no seam nor cause a schism in it But these are souldiers which do pierce Christs side Cast lots for 's Vesture and his Court devide See in a mighty bulk their volumes swell Heav'ns way is narrow sure these lead to Hell Homonymas wave and skirmishing with words Or shadow fights see what each book affords You these Tostati may with ease outvie With a slight single sheeted Mercury Their tumid bodies onely serve to tell Poison within is thus can make them swell Iesuite SEE see the subtile texture of each line The Spider spins her curious web lesse fine Th' Spider infusing poison thus takes th' Fly While in her web she weaves her destiny Beware of th' Net which from a Spider came Nor for the light of heav'n mistake hells flame Like sacred bellows they the soul may blow Whether to make it to Contrition glow And zealous fervor or to subtilize And make 't to flames of Contemplation rise But ah with soul on Contemplations wing Most deal as boyes with birds do in a string Draw down on seeds of errour for to feed Or by officious handling make to bleed A spark of heav'n devotion may inspire Contentions flames are kindled at hells fire The Church TH' Kings Daughters garment may discolour'd be Yet Schism 's not made by th' variety Embroidred with good wo●…ks Christs Spouse must go Wrinkle nor spot in Conversation show Where shadows do increase the Sun declines Yet there will shadows be where the Sun shines Forms of Religion where there is a light Where all is shadow and no shadows night But oh while most 'bout Forms poor shadows fight They Charity lose which is Religions light Who by disputes are drunk and passions vext Cast at Antagonists heads what they meet next The wildefire of Contention they increase And not by th' Milk of th' Word it cause to cease Who 's Pious he is Orthodox who loves sin He Heretick is God nor his Church shares in Happy whose lives 'gainst errours do dispute Good lives convert bad tongues can never do 't Ith'Catholick house Churches like Sisters dwell Can Sisters Sisters for each brawl expell Men in each Church have Truth enough to save And to damn Angels enough Malice have The Polemick Protestant D. TRuths more calcining Recollects ore-read To cure Truths wounds Truth they afresh make bleed Itch of Dispute the Scab of th' Church doth breed How comes Truth for a Champion Falshood need It from Contagion sprung their Countreys Plague A Wickliff Husse and Malecontents of Prague Waldo's Disciples Albingenses too Must to the Muster of Truths Champions go Thus Homer to see Truth was lent strange eyes And Virgil taught for to Evangelize What though in Tenets all do disagree In opposition of one Church they be Churches like floting Islands in the Sea Carried on th' giddy waves of Vanity How wisely for your Hierarchy you plead Your Church to raise who Church defacers need Who laid in Common Sacred and Prophane To hedge these in could you some Church-ground gain By th' Woman in the Wilderness understood As wisely as New-England Brotherhood Christian
heart in their Philosophy A shallow puddle doth resemblance bear Of Sun Moon Stars and all heav'ns glory there Yet with a finger you may fathom it Seas are too deep for th' Stagirites great wit He on his followers shallownesse doth intail From th' bottom of the well truth gets no bail Surely they dream if dreams in fancy be Fancies are Maxims of Philosophy On Retirement I Leave the world it me yet not alone Nor left have ages for my patrons known Or can I be alone who treat with th' world Which is within your's to th' first Chaos hurl'd I onely then to be alone begin When on my privacies Sciolists crowd in Thus I can pinion time memory recruit From th' Age snatch th' sickle and reap Wisdomes fruit In th' Scheme of th' world my own Nativity finde And there gain eyes to see where Chance is blinde The fool is solitary wise man ne're alone Who hath himself wants no companion Who serves himself is never serv'd amisse Retirement Wisdoms Cousin German is Men live like caged birds crowd and defile Each other while Religion 's in exile Who leaves himself 't is he doth living die Inherits worms who here keeps company All do like worms on putrefaction prey Or in their actions rottennesse display Remote from th' Sun our dayes are there more long Digestion better life and growth more strong Th' worlds glories scorch us dazle or exhale Or sin turns Ethiop or guilt makes us pale Yet when these scorch retire within 's a Cave In our own bodies we may cooling have If Fortunes freeze or more obscured be The souls within a torch light warmth for thee Each sown Umbrella is and his own sun Desert thy self thy joy and light is done Thus you may gain what others strive to seem Let me gain Knowledge others gain Esteem Man a Microcosm NAtures Compendium th' worlds Epitome Our flesh is earth our blood is as a Sea Have heav'n in Knowledge Soul of Gods a ray Which in the night of flesh breaks forth a day What light without that knowledge is within Through th' eyes the windows of our Souls let in To circle bout the world the blood 's a Sun The Stars the senses w●…ich their courses run Motions and perturbations of the minde Resemble tempests thunder lightning wind Which in our aë●…y Region do arise To cloud the minde and so obscure the Skies These on the blood Commotions once begun We lose th' effect of light by th' clouded sun Tumors like Meteors in our bodies rise The exhalations of impurities And in a Collique or Hysterique fit We feel pent wind a Earthquake make in it Congealed slime like Thunder-bolts we finde By heat of reins in clouds of flesh confin'd Our minde the day is and our flesh the night Death is but darknesse and our life the light Of the Blood POets feign Phoebus blushing sets in red While he descends down to his watery bed Sure in these purple streams the Sun doth glide And in his Crimion Chariot blushing ride While he doth circle through the lesser world Through veins of earth in strange Meanders curl'd Now in a full tide channels doth disdain Flows into flesh and then ebbs back again Thus blood Sun-like gives motion life and sense Spirit and innate heat are nought from hence Distinct from Blood who can the Soul ought call 'T is all in every part and all in all Though Nature seems restor'd by Cock-white broth It is a Sun beam Chariots in the froth Thus man can't get a man unlesse the Sun Club to the act of Generation 'T is light is life 't may place change never dies And by its nature o●…ely multiplies How of the body is the Soul the act When without it no body is compact Do we our senses borrow from the brain When before it our senses do remain Or is the heart or liver shops of blood When before either is a purple flood Here is that Plato's here that vestal fire Kindled by Sun-beams which can ne're expire Take away heat 't is Cruor and not blood Streams of impurities issue with this flood Ouseinto flesh and out by Ulcers run Yet ne're were blood no nature took from th' sun Though blood-shews like a heat enamell'd cloud Corruption with discolouring don't shrowd Lord what is man thou should'st thus mindeful be Placing in him this tutelar Deity Water and Earth poor man at best but mud By th' quickning ray of heav'n turn'd flesh and blood When thou but tak'st of heav'n this light away That which before was flesh and blood is clay Gods Tabenacle thus plac'd in the Sun That Giant races must with th' whole world run On the Humours A Tetrasyncrasy must of humours be Nature from discords produce harmony How wisely th' bloody masse is understood Two Cholers black and yellow phlegm and blood Phlegm is so crude it scarce bloods nature takes Blood Choler turns but Choler ne're blood makes Yellow to black by heats exuberance tends Black into none see where perfection ends When Natures work onely Concoction is To gain perfection we arrive at this O happy age from imperfections free Perfections sure mopish or mad to be On the Elements TO answer Humours who four Elements chose Had need the fift their quarrels to compose Sure it is Love doth all together knit Love made the world and Love preserveth it Things diff'rent are but nothing contrary is But as intended or it is remisle Ah! why should Med'ciners in their art agree Since Natures self 's but Contrariety Against Phlebotomy to a Leech PHilosophy ends where Physick doth begin 'T is strangely true for few admit it in Tell stories of Corruption of the blood What 's once corrupt can it return to good To th' habit from privation how 's recesse Phlebotomy's Key not loosing rottennesse Or opening can't distinguish good from bad Would each blood-sucking Leech the knowledge had The treasury of life they 'd not exhaust Take th' price of blood while life with blood is lost To Natures countermiinng not intent To let death in and life out give a vent More merciful Turks thus blood do never spill Under pretence of help nor do they kill Lest to his bloody art th' Leech too much trust To take him off we need from graves fetch dust For Phlebotomy THe Courses Nature doth in Women take To open veins shall we in men forsake VVhere Nature dictates who will not submit She keeps her Monthly terms to plead for it Shee 'll argue à priori by the Nose And by the Breech à posteriori shows VVhen Natures self doth once turn Critical I pray resign no Criticks be at all 'Gainst all Phlebotomy who plead sure jest In th' mood they plead for to refute it best A Piss-pot Prophet SEE th' man of Recipes how his Cloak is lin'd Sure th' insides rich where we such linings finde Can strut not gravely with an ominous look Like Mahomet when from th' Dove he Counsel took Consults with his
are charms each look An Atheist to reform's a book If blessed are the meek in spirit If th' peaceful th' Kingdom shall inherit Where virtues graces blessings meet Shall not that soul be made compleat They 'r truly noble who are good Virtue makes noble and not blood If Parents virtues dowries are How rich is 〈◊〉 must be your heir On Marriage THough for my fancy mistresses I chuse Yet when I marry I 'l my judgement use When I my body wed I 'le wed my mind Give me a love that sees not lust that 's blind For lasting pleasure who would take a flower Who beauty love they love but for an hour Wed riches they have wings love with them flies An Ox is gilded thus for sacrifice Nor would I poverty nurse to male-content The snake i th' bosom iodg'd with sting paid rent Nor while I fear 't for dirt take dunghill race How can they not be foul who dirt embrace I must have virtues if not fortunes heir Since Parents virtues greatest dowries are Nor love I those who boast of generous blood But those whose generous actions prove it good Or will I wrong the ashes of the dead Disturb his bones while I his relick wed A widows lust may live whose love is dead The Leek hath a green tail with a grey head Since Adam first was form'd and then built Eve To rotten bones why should my young flesh cleave Who us'd to strike a League some blood did draw Who gain a maidenhead do renew the Law Love thus must enter grow as we grow in years The garment 's best long as we need it wears Mexentius like they dead with living twine Who youth and age in marriage do combine They who this more then Gordin knot do knit Must tie two souls in one by tying it Like to Hippocates twins both laugh and cry Their hearts by th' same strings tun'd both live and die Passion must never enter reasons seat VVhile fury enters loves in a retreat If drink like Circes Cup transforms to swine Then take no cups a beast made she 's not thine As Saints to Altars so to bed repair Love hath his Altars bring chast oft●…rings there He gives not●…s own gives not flesh's own made due Yet love can Temples make where Lust a stew That you may freely souls breath in each other Quench th' ●…rand in loves fire love delights may smother Hels firebrand jealousie send from whence it came Loves purer fire to Heav'n sends purer flame He who will think his wife an ill can do Ill by suspition he 'l instruct her to Study you virtue she will studv thee Children will Copy to posteritie So while love souls and arms together twine In amorous circlings like two wanton Vines Like Vines made fertile you may twist a line So firm with love knots ages can't untwine Knit that Knot wisely ages can't undo Peters Keys loose and Pauls sword cut in two VVhere we must see not hate faults who detects A crime in marr'age shews his own defects VVhen she is mine should each part turn disease Her griefs must trouble not her self displease The scarface pock love deeper should engrave And not make holes where Love should burying have Or should a Leprosie revel through her skin To mak 't more rich I 'de think 't embroidred in VVho for a case a Jewel would contemn A viler shell may lodge a richer Gem. Though fair and foul I 'de make away to Heav'n The fair 's a picture for devotion giv'n And if a fowler piece we can't call Saint VVe 'l use 't as some to fright sin Devils paint Yet know 't is love or virtue must make fair Else nothing's so but as our phancies are 'T is love a multitude of faults can cover who 'd know nor see no fault let him turn lover Love doth the body of the Church Cement Christs Coat had no seam nor Church must have rent Christs Coat and Church of wedlock emblems be Can it be marr'age where they disagree Sure they renew his Crosse gall nalls and spear His body rend who make divisions there Whom God makes one contention can make two You with your wife not one Gods none with you While Adam s●…ept God him an Eve did make Passions must sleep while you a wife do take God took the rib which circumvolves the heart So near ally'd nothing but death should part A rib doth soonest break to bend inclin'd Wives bend us'd gently break when you 'r unkind Marr'age is contract man there takes his bone Bone 't is by Contract th' word implies be one To me imperfect Lord if thou add'st a bone Let th' fall from virtue make 't no broken one On the World THe world 's a monster in whose will's a hell Where passions Devil-like tormenting dwell Where flatter'd senses placed in array Th' souls ruine menace and our lifes decay If men do good 't is 'cause they ill don't know Not virtues principle doth instruct them so Who is no Monster doth a Monster seem T is onely prosperous vice men virtue deem I thought folly to be wise none do aspire To knowledge things unknown have no desire Of darknesse understanding is a pit Reason a shop of malice keeps in it His eyes two windows let in loose desire Forges of flames mouth bellows for hell fire Where th' veil is rent which modesty did hide While th' bloods inflamed and the tongue unti'd Ev'n remedies turn diseases none converse To better others but themselves make worse Garbs modes alliance men like women c●…eek Lesse value is then silence all they speak Hands Harpyes talons bent for rapine are The Serpents sting he in his tongue doth bear Each bout Corruption 's busie as a fly Buz make a noise infect what they come nigh To virtue scandal tinder lend to sin By th' gate of sense while evil enters in The souls surprised in a golden snare Coin'd for their profit mens Religions are Poison of Asps within each lip doth lie Each face a Vizard 's of hypocrisie Breast spunge of filth which should a temple be A Den of Theeves Cage of Impiety For Faith doth strong imagination own No God but Passion hath or th' Belly known He 's a rare man Restoratives can invent To make lust live ev'n where the flesh is spent Of raging lusts each breast 's a troubled sea Inhabited by wilde thoughts men deserts be Here th' Vulture envy gnaws upon the heart Th' Eagl●… ambition there makes th' liver smart The tympany o●… pride swels till it bursts Of avarice th' dropsie in whole rivers thirsts Of hell where Devils and the Furies dwell Sure th' prince of th' world with 's subjects here make hel The world 's a monster Lord doth menace me To Monsters tame's a conquest fit for thee The spear which pierc'd thy side may th' monster wound Or to thy Cross nail'd in thy blood be drown'd What though th' old Dragon threaten to devour 'Gainst Iudahs Lion he can have no power i
th' shadow Lord of death how shall I fear If thou which art my life and light draw near On Our Father VVHo disobey can I Lord Father call Pronounce in heav'n my thoughts nere there at all 'T is I my God have sinn'd 'gainst heav'n and thee Blinded by sin so high I cannot see How shall he Lord say Hallowed be thy name Prophanes thy Image takes in vain the same Thy names a sacrifice Lord which will require To hallow it of flaming zeal a fire But where of Lust's a furnace in the heart Of good desires can it a Lamp impart Or what is Lord thy Kingdome unto me While th' world flesh devil here keep anarchy Yet Lord 't is every where thy pow'rs in hell But with Saints onely dost in mercy dwell Can I desire thy Will may Lord be done Which 'gainst thy Will after my own will run How shall I beg for bread or it obtain For dogs my Lusts thy childrens bread would gain As I forgive would I have thee remit Thou without mercy should'st in Judgement sit Revenge boils in my heart but there doth lie Alas froze near my heart cold Charity Would I into temptation not be led Who run into it am to vertue dead Unto my self temptation a strange devil Incarnate made a forge to frame out evil Tongue of the aged Serpent is the sting My lips are gates which unto death do bring But Lord the Kingdome Power and Glory's thine Let th' Kingdome Power and Glory in me shine Thou Lord a Kingdom makest where thou art A glympse of thine a Paradise doth impart Lord by thy presence Heav'n make in my heart So shall I Father cry which in Heav'n art A Heav'n-inspiring zeal with th' heart inflame A sacrifice mak 't to hallow Lord thy name Thy Kingdom come of grace will shall be done In Earth as Heav'n while Earth a Heav'n hath won Then shall I daily be with Manna fed Have thee within Lord who art Heav'ns sole bread Then shall I be forgiv'n Lord and forgive Can't he want charity who with love doth live Into temptation then I can't be led Thou art th' door truth light way that I must tread How can from ill I not delivered be Who have a Rock a Tower a shield in thee Thine is the Kingdom power and glory 's thine Oh shall I not have all when thou art mine Incerta poenitentia EAch day a market is where we do buy Or unto sale expose eternity Each day 's a ring with good deeds it engrave At the Lambs wedding you this ring must have Time golden Harvests each day doth present The times to be redeem'd that is mispent On the back of sin sorrow and shame doth wait Repentance hasts ne're overtakes or late To all to grieve few to repent is giv'n Whichis begot like pearls of th' dew of heav'n Happy in this snow-water bath their soul It can the burnings of their lust make whole More weep for sin that sin doth them forsake Then that by sin they God an enemy make Such water doth augment not quench Hell flame 'T is true Contritions floods must quench the same Practice of lives not tongues must Christians make He leaves not sin leaves it doth him forsake He loves not God who for himself don't love Who 's glew'd to earth shall nere know God above A Iudas here impiety may veil With kisses vengeance slow yet sure can't fail He 'l break in two discover his black soul If timely pennance wipe not sins black scrol Lord let me hear thy voice while 't is to day Lest hard'ned in sins wildernesse I stray Unto the fiery serpents sting I pray While I forsake thee Lord who art the way Certamors VVAtches and clocks al but the last hour sound That hour should in our conscience be found Sure death 's a riddle th' tablet all unfold By none the meaning can of it be told Yet th' soul surpris'd in lust hell is her share Hell where of misery the Abysses are Hell th' Common-shore of all the filth of th' world Where th' fewel of Gods wrath in fire is hurl'd Where the Salamander-lust shall bath in fire Which here anticipates Hell in loose desire On Earth by Euthymy who a Heav'n don't find The Hell hereafter feels hath here in mind But oh where 's Conscience virtues Correlate Which sugars tears and survives ev'n in fate Where 's that delicious torrent of delight Glancing i th' Cage of flesh a heavenly light From the love of God this Alchymy redowns Iron to gold turns and disgrace to crowns Can he want light dwells in th' midst of th' Sun Thirst from whose belly living waters run Would he have meat thy flesh is meat indeed By faith on thee we may sweet Iesu feed Can he want clothing Lord may put on thee Nor med'cine have of Life thou art the Tree Who wants direction thou a●…t Lord the Way The Light Door Truth to guide them thee obey Lord come unto my soul bid it be thine So death shall have no power when life is mine On the Resurrection ARise my God my Sun arise Arise thy side My sin doth hide Thy blood makes pure Thy wounds me cure He ever lives who with thee dies Arise my God my Sun arise Abysses on Abysses call Who God denies First to him flies Where fiends could dwell And make an hell The first sees heav'n of all Abysses on Abysses call See! ah see me purpled o're The scarlets thine Though th' sin were mine Thine was the grave My sins would have The rising thin●… I would implore See! ah see me purpled o're In mercy Lord in mercy rise Emit a ray And make a day Where sins black night Hath ravish'd light Thou to the blind Lord first gav'st eyes In mercy Lord in mercy 〈◊〉 This day we Resurrection call Remove the stone My sins are one Ah buried in The grave of sin Shall I no rising have at all This day we Resurrection call Come thou Abyss of sweetness come Come my dear Lord Say but the word Unto my Soul I shall be whole Thou for thy self mak●…st onely ●…oom Come thou Abyss of sweetness come Ad Animam QUid lenta cessas ah moraris I pete Ignicule sancte Coelites Hinc hinc prophana procul in anis ●…mpia Hinc execrata vanitas Io triumphe proh sona victrix Io Triumphe reboent aethera En en reperta est quae petita fletuum Torrente pragma sedul En lota prodit en nitens en quam refert Puram creantis imaginem Io triumphe plaude Coelitum chore Redeunte plaude prodigo Humana sileant en loquuntur Angeli Quam digna sphaeris musica est The Leper cleans'd HEar Lord hear The Rhet'rick of a tear Hear hear my brest While I knock there Lord take no rest Open ah open wide Thou art the door Lord open hide My sin a spear once entred at thy side See! ah see A Na'mans leprosie Yet here appears A cleansing Iordan in