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A33750 Christologia, or, A metrical paraphrase on the history of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ...; Christologia Coles, Elisha, 1640?-1680. 1671 (1671) Wing C5067; ESTC R1020 112,055 126

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than those of Sodom and Gomorrah Mat. 10 15 Ye go like sheep among the wolvish droves Be wise as serpents harmless as the Doves Mat. 10 16 Beware of men to Councils they 'll accuse you And often in their Synagogues abuse you Mat. 10 17 Before the Roman powers you 'll be led And so the Gospel shall be further spread Mat. 10 18 But trouble not your selves what then to say Your answer shall be ready at that day Mat. 10 19 Mar. 6 12 Luk. 9 11 You answer not so much as doth the spirit Which from your Heav'nly Father ye inherit Mat. 10 20 Luk. 9 12 A Brother will inform against a Brother One seeming Christian will betray another Mat. 10 21 None will endure you but if you endure Mat. 10 22 To th' end be sure you shall be then secure When persecuted flee from Town to town Mat. 10 23 Before you 've done I 'll poure my veng'ance down Ye must not look to have the worlds good word Mat. 10 24 When Him they so abuse that is your Lord. Mat. 10 25 Then fear them not let nothing be conceal'd Mat. 10 26 What I have told you must be all reveal'd Proclaim aloud whate're I whisper here Mat. 10 27 Luk. 12 2 And do not body-burning Tyrants fear Luk. 12 3 Fear him that can both heav'n and Earth controll Mat. 10 28 Luk. 12 4 And bid hell-flames devour both body ' and soul Luk. 12 5 'T is He by whom your very hairs are told Mat. 10 29 Luk. 12 6 Are not two sparrows for a farthing sold Mat. 10 30 Luk. 12 7 Not one of them drops down without your Father Mat. 10 31 And will he not look after You much rather Own me before the world and you I 'll own Mat. 10 32 Luk. 12 8 Then when ye come before my Fathers throne Deny me if you please I'll you deny Mat. 10 33 Luk. 12 9 Then when you come before his Majesty For I am come to light a trying fire Luk. 12 49 Whose kindling I most ardently desire But I my self must first be dipt therein Luk. 12 50 How am I st st●●●ghtned till it doth begin Think not that I am c●me to settle peace Mat. 10 34 Luk. 12 51 For with the Gospel troubles will encrease Through Satans malice it will set at strife Mat. 10 35 Luk. 12 52 Father and Son the Husband and the Wife Mat. 10 36 Luk. 12 53 And he that sets the dearest friend above me Mat. 10 37 Luk. 14 26 I set him down for one not worthy of me And so is he that beareth not his cross Mat. 10 38 Luk. 14 27 And follows me although to 's outward loss Now you 're precaution'd Who begins a tower Luk. 14 28 Before he weighs the utmost of his power For otherwise he gaineth but a jeer Luk. 14 29 Because he founded what he could not rear Luk. 14 30 Or what King goes to undertake a war Luk. 14 31 Before he knows how strong his forces are But rather than unequally engage Luk. 14 32 He 'll try to qualify the others rage So ye beforehand on your losses think Luk. 14 33 That when your trial comes ye may not shrink He that loves life before the Gospels profit Mat. 10 39 He shall for ever be deprived of it But he that will expose his life for me Shall live and only lose mortality Whoso receiveth you that bear my name Mat. 10 40 Receiveth me and Him from whom I came And if to God and Me he hath regard Mat. 10 41 He shall receive our Messengers reward That cup of water which is given so Mat. 10 42 Shall with eternal blessings overflow So the Apostles went and preach'd about Mat. 11 1 Mar. 6 12 Luk. 9 6 Healing with oyl and casting Devils out He in their absence travel'd up and down Mar. 6 13 Preaching the word in Country and in Town 23. Now Herod Antipas th' incest'ous beast Mat. 14 6 Mar. 6 21 Invited all his Gallants to a feast And as the Daughter of Herodias Mar. 6 22 In dancing hugely pleased Antipas He swore he 'ld grant that very day of 's birth Mat. 14 7 Mar. 6 23 What e're she askt to half the Kingdoms worth She askt her Mother what she should demand Mar. 6 24 And this her wicked answer was at hand In thy demands my Daughter be no larger Mat. 14 8 Than John the Baptists head within a charger So in she comes My Lord said she I wish Mar. 6 25 The head of John the Baptist in a dish The King was very loth at first to grant it Mat. 14 9 Mar. 6 26 But for the sake of 's oath she did not want it For straight he sent an Executioner Mat. 14 10 Mar. 6 27 To fetch his head and tongue to humour her The maid received it and carry'd forth Mat. 14 11 Mar. 6 28 T' her Mother more than all the kingdoms worth When his Disciples heard of this disaster Mat. 14 12 Mar. 6 29 They came and decently enterr'd their Master 24 And Jesus ' fame was now so much display'd Mat. 14 1 Mar. 6 14 Luk. 9 7 That Herods conscience made him sore afraid 'T is not said he Elias talk not of it Mat. 14 2 Mar. 6 15 Luk. 9 8 Nor yet the soul of any other Prophet But He whose head was given for a Ball Mar. 6 16 Luk. 9 9 His works will make my crime prove Capital 25. Then came the Twelve relating how they taught Mar. 6 30 Luk. 9 10 And also all the miracles they wrought John's dead said he we 'll step aside a while Mat. 14 13 Mar. 6 31 And leave this croud some half a dozen mile Mar. 6 32 For now the train of people was so great Mar. 6 33 They could not gain so much as time to eat And having coasted to Bethsaida Downs Mat. 14 14 Mar. 6 34 Joh. 6 1 He met a multitude from sev'ral towns Which knowing of his going ran before Joh. 6 2 And waited there his coming to the shore And Jesus pity'd them because they were Luk. 9 11 Like straying sheep without a Pastours care And with spirit'al food began to feed them Joh. 6 3 Bestowing cures as ev'ry one did need them And tow'rd the ev'ning his Disciples come Mat. 14 15 Mar. 6 35 Luk. 9 12 Desiring him to send the people home For here said they there 's nothing to be had Mat. 14 16 Mar. 6 36 And they have no provision good or bad Phil'ip said he to prove him where 's the
Luk. 1 39 So soon then as her Cozen heard her voice Luk. 1 40 She and the babe within her did rejoyce Among all women blest be thou said she Luk. 1 41 Blest be thy Off-spring to eternity Luk. 1 42 The Mother of my Lord give me a visit How great how sweet a condescention is it Luk. 1 43 For lo so soon as ever thou wert come For joy the infant sprang within my womb Luk. 1 44 Blessed is she that did believe the Lord She shall have due performance of his word Luk. 1 45 Then the same spirit Mary did possess 1. Sam. 2. 1-10 Luk. 1 46 Who thus declar'd her joy and thankfulness I magnifie the Lord in heart and voyce Luk. 1 47 My spirit in my Sav'our doth rejoice To me so low his love is so exprest Luk. 1 48 That far and nigh they 'll say that I am blest The mighty one hath magnifyed me Luk. 1 49 And holy is his name eternally His mercy is on them that fear him still Luk. 1 50 But scattereth the proud against their will He hath debas'd the mighty men we see Luk. 1 51 And hath exalted them of low degree Luk. 1 52 Poor hungry souls he richly fills with store Luk. 1 53 The rich he sends away both pale and poor Now hath he holpen Jacob from above Luk. 1 54 Now hath he cal'd to mind his ant'ent love According to his promise heretofore Luk. 1 55 To Abram and his seed for evermore 6. So three months after that went Mary home Luk. 1 56 And when her Cozens time was fully come Luk. 1 57 She bare a son Her neighbours and her kin Luk. 1 58 Came to congratulate her lying in They circumsiz'd him when the eighth day came Luk. 1 59 And would have given him his Fathers name But El'sabeth refus'd to have it done Luk. 1 60 And told them that he must be called John Why so they all reply'd we do not know Luk. 1 61 One person of thy kindred called so So they made signs to 's Father Zachary Luk. 1 62 To know what he would have his name to be And beckning for a book to write upon Luk. 1 63 He wrote the Angels words His name is John Luk. 1 64 Then was his tongue unti'd then in the Spirit Luk. 1 67 Thus he prais'd Him that praises doth inherit All praise to him that over all doth dwell Luk. 1 68 That hath redeem'd his people Israel Luk. 1 69 And of his servant Davids house hath rais'd Salvation for our souls his Name be prais'd His Name be prais'd that spake by ev'ry Prophet Luk. 1 70 And le ts us see the due fulfilling of it That we should be deliver'd from the will Luk. 1 71 And power of all those that wish us ill Gen. 22. 16. Now to perform that solemn oath he swore Luk. 1 72 Unto our Father Abraham before That being free'd from all our foes we might Luk. 1 73 Walk uprightly for ever in his sight Thou art the Prophet of that King most high Luk. 1 74 Thou Child shalt go before his Majesty Luk. 1 75 His way before his face shalt thou prepare Luk. 1 76 Salvation to his Saints shalt thou declare Luk. 1 77 Thou shalt declare their trespasses forgiven Through tender mercy from the God of Heaven Luk. 1 78 Whereby on those that fear his name he brings Luk. 1 79 That rising Sun with healing in his wings Their souls from deaths black shadow to release And guide our footsteps in the way of peace This wonder quickly spread in ev'ry part Luk. 1 65 Fear and amazement seizing every heart Luk. 1 66 And John did thrive and in the desart dwell Luk. 1 68 Until his shewing unto Israel 7. The Virgin Mary now with child appears Mat. 1 18 And thereupon good Joseph's fild with fears Yet loth t' expose her unto publick scoff Intended privately to put her off But while he studi'd how to bring 't about Mat. 1 19 An Angel came and thus resolv'd his doubt Fear nothing Joseph Mary take to wife Mat. 1 20 For she hath led an undefiled life These harder thoughts the Maiden doth not merit What she goes with is of the Holy Spirit A son it is whom Jesus thou shalt call Mat. 1 21 For from their sins he'● save his people all This doth more notably fulfill that word Mat. 1 22 Spoke by the Gospel-prophet of the Lord Is 7. 14. God and a Virgins son with us shall dwell Mat. 1 23 And they shall call his name Emmanuel Joseph obey'd but still she was a Maid Till of her first-born she was safely laid Mat. 1 24 8. But just before her sacred load did ease her Mat. 1 25 Luk. 2 1 A law was published by Augustus Caesar That all the Roman world should be enrol'd Cyreaius then did Syr'as rudder hold Luk. 2 2 All Towns enrol those that belong to them And this made Joseph go to Bethlehem 1 Sam. 16. 1. Luk. 2 3 Luk. 2 4 The place of Davids birth and private life There to be tax'd with his espoused wife Luk. 2 5 9. And now the glorious day begins to dawn Luk. 2 6 Now is the curtain of thick darkness drawn Now doth the Lord of all things condescend To take up in a stable and be pen'd Luk. 2 7 Within a dirty manger now thou 'rt blest Ignotant Inn with this illustr'ous Guest And now the souls great Pastour is reveald Luk. 2 8 From heav'n to shepherds watching in the field The glory of an Angel did surround them Luk. 2 9 The glory was so great it did confound them Fear not said he perceiving them afraid Luk. 2 10 Fear not at all be not at all dismai'd 'T is joyful tidings that I come to bring Luk. 2 11 This day is born your Sav'our and your King In Bethlehem you 'l find it as I said Luk. 2 12 The Babe's wrapt up and in a manger laid And hardly had the Angel made an end Luk. 2 13 But there whole Quires of Angels did attend That King with hallelujahs to adore That sitteth on the throne for evermore Glory to God on high peace on the Earth Luk. 2 14 Good will to men they s●ng with holy mirth Then ●an the shepherds to the Town and saw Luk. 2 15 Mary and Joseph and the Babe in straw Luk. 2 16 They fil'd the Town with fame and their relation Luk. 2 17 Fil'd all that heard the same with admiration Luk. 2 18 But Mary pondr'd all things in her heart Luk. 2 19 And they with joy and praise to God depart Luk. 2 20 10. Now we behold the Son of Man
the flax where spark of hope is left Till he compleat his Gospel-Right ' ousness Till Gentiles this Victorious Judge confess Mat. 12 21 4. About this time the Lord abode in pray'r Mar. 3 13 Luk. 6 12 All night upon a mountain to prepare His Ordination When the Sun drew near Mar. 3 14 He summons his Disciples to appear Whence he so many for Apostles marks Luk. 6 13 As th' antient Jewish Church had Patriarks To be his near attendants and disperse Th●se joyful tidings through the universe Ease to restore to those that were dis-eas'd Mar. 3 15 And to recover whom the Devil seiz'd Peter and Andrew James and John two pairs Mat. 10 2 Mar. 3 16 Luk. 6 14 And these two last he called Thunderers Mar. 3 17 Then Philip Thomas and Bartholomew Mat. 10 3 Mar. 3 18 Luk. 6 15 Levi th' Exciseman alias Matthew Alph●us's Son Jac●bus was another And Judas call'd Thaddeus Jamcses Brother Si●o● the Canani●● or else Zelotes Mat. 10 4 Mar. 3 19 Luk. 6 16 Lip-holy Judas call'd Iscariotes Whose thievery and avarice in th' end To 's Master made him prove a trait'rous fiend With these the Lord descended to the plain Luk. 6 17 Where met him all the multitude again Luk. 6 18 And they that were diseas'd or were possest Luk. 6 19 All of them had their grievances redrest Then into th' house he went but had no leisure Mar. 3 20 To eat or drink they throng'd so out of measure And some went forth to stop the multitude Mar. 3 21 For this they said was boisterous and rude 5. Seeing them come so thick on that account Mat. 5 1 Luk. 6 20 He went and preach'd this Sermon in the Mount. To his Disciples chiefly 't was addrest Mat. 5 2 Though many things concerned all the rest Blessed are they that are in spirit poor Mat. 5 3 Heaven shall them enrich for evermore Blessed are they that weep and mourn aright Mat. 5 4 They shall be comforted with joy and light Blest are the meek that all the world enjoy Mat. 5 5 Whose inward peace no creature can annoy Blest then are Mourners Meek and Poor in Spirit Who Comfort Earth and Heaven must inherit Blest are the hungry and the thirsty Souls Mat. 5 6 God shall their table spread and fill their bowls Blessed are those are mercifully given Mat. 5 7 Mercy again shall they obtain from Heaven Blest are the pure in heart who God shall see Mat. 5 8 Blest are the peaceful Heavens Progeny Mat. 5 9 Blessed are those that are my sufferers Mat. 5 10 For the Celestial Kingdom shall be theirs Mat. 5 11 Glory in wrongs for your reward is Glory Mat. 5 12 Ye know they us'd the Prophets so before y● Ye are as salt which when the Savour's gone Mat. 5 13 Is good for nought and therefore trampled on Ye represent a City built on high Mat. 5 14 Which while it is is obvious to the eye Ye are as lights which men use so to set Mat. 5 15 That all the house may thence have benefit So let your works shine forth that men may gather Mat. 5 16 Thence that ye have a true Celestial Father Whose Law t'abolish never think I came Mat. 5 17 I came to ' stablish and enlarge the same For Heav'n and Earth shall sooner pass away Mat. 5 18 Luk. 16 17 Than e're one moral tittle shall decay Whoso the least commandment violates Mat. 5 19 Repenting not ne're enters Heaven-gates For if ye do no more than what is done Mat. 5 20 By factious Scribes and Pharisees y' are gone Murder say they to judgement must be brought Mat. 5 21 And so shall ev'ry rash and angry thought Mat. 5 22 Which breaking out in vile opprobrious names Shall have a greater doom and hotter flames Offer not therefore any sacrifice Mat. 5 23 Untill you 've reconcil'd your enemies Mat. 5 24 And this do quickly e're the Judgement 's past Mat. 5 25 Luk. 12 58 Before you are in horrid prison cast Luk. 12 59 From whence ye cann't at liberty be set Mat. 5 26 Untill y' have paid the utmost of the debt 'T was said of old All whoredom thou shalt flee Mat. 5 27 I say a wanton thought's adultery Mat. 5 28 If thy right eye or hand offend thee thus Mat. 5 29 Condemn both them and all thy darling lusts Mat. 5 30 Come rather lame and sing in Heavens Quire Than alwaies flame and howl in Hell entire Mat. 5 30 Again the Scribes transgress the antient laws Suff'ring divorce for any trivial cause Mat. 5 31 Mat. 5 32 Luk. 16 18 Except it be for fornication she And he that weds her act adultery They also say Let swearers pay their vow But I no idle swearing can allow Mat. 5 33 By Heav'n or Earth or by Jerusalem Mat. 5 34 For God alone hath power over them Mat. 5 35 Nor by thy head until thou canst turn gray Or at thy pleasure turn thy age away Mat. 5 36 Barely affirm or barely else deny In vulgar term No Nay Yes Yea or Y. Mat. 5 37 The law permits you to retaliate Yet not without the Publick Magistrate Mat. 5 38 Be Ye if any buffet you so meek As rather than revenge turn th' other cheek Mat. 5 39 If law 's pretended and thy coat be gone Mat. 5 40 Two wrongs endure before thou render one And if compel'd by Messengers of State Mat. 5 41 To go a journey be not obstinate Give to thy pow'r and whosoe're would borrow Mat. 5 42 When lend thou canst delay not till the morrow Ye know what hath been said by Pharisees Thy Neighbour love and hate thine Enemies Mat. 5 43 But I say Love and Bless and pray for those Mat. 5 44 That Hate you Curse you Are your bloody foes For thus your Fathers rain and Sun give food Mat. 5 45 As well to wicked persons as to good If ye salute and love your loving Brothers Mat. 5 46 What do ye more than Publicans and others Mat. 5 47 Imitate this perfection of Gods Love Mat. 5 48 And have his benediction from above Touching your giving alms If ye regard Mat. 6 1 Applause of men expect no more reward Vain-glory makes the hypocrites proclaim it Mat. 6 2 And they receive the recompense they aim at Be thou so private it may scarce be known Mat. 6 3 To thee thy self what thou thy self hast done That He who sees the greatest secrecy Mat. 6 4 May at the last reward thee openly And when thou pray'st pray not like those that do it Mat. 6 5 In greatest concourse that the
world may know it But shut thy door be sure thou shalt be heard Mat. 6 6 Thy private pray'r hee 'll publickly reward Nor pray like heathens o're and o're again Mat. 6 7 Who think their strings repeated must obtain God knows before hand what ye have to say Mat. 6 8 After this manner therefore you may pray Mat. 6 9 Our Heav'nly Father hallow'd be thy Name Enlarge thy Kingdom and confirm the same Mat. 6 10 Grant that thy will we may fulfill in love As it is done by ev'ry one above Vouchsafe this day our daily bread to send us Mat. 6 11 And pardon us as we do those offend us Mat. 6 12 Whate're the world whate're the flesh or Devil Mat. 6 13 Tempting attempt deliver us from evil For thou art King of glorious pow'r and then Wilt still be so when time 's no more Amen Luk. 11 1 This form he also gave when ask'd by one For such a form as others had of John Luk. 11 2 Pardons said he are so bestow'd upon you Mat. 6 14 Luk. 11 3 As you your selves do pardon those that wrong you Mat. 6 15 Luk. 11 4 Moreover in your private fasts sequester Mat. 6 16 That hypocritical affected gesture Wash and anoint thy self and shun their puther Mat. 6 17 Who both reward and fast to one another Fast not to men but unto God and see Mat. 6 18 If God do n't recompense thee openly Lay up no treasure here for moth and rust Mat. 6 19 Luk. 12 33 And where for thieves ye know not whom to trust Lay 't up in heav'n such things approach not thither Mat. 6 20 Luk. 12 34 Your heart and treasure will be both together Mat. 6 21 Both soul and body are directed well Mat. 6 22 Luk. 11 34 If light in th' eye and in the judgement dwell Luk. 11 35 But being clouded with blind avarice Mat. 6 23 Luk. 11 36 How dismal an obscurity is this For God and Mammon are so opposite Mat. 6 24 They cannot both be serv'd by mortal wight Take then no thought for things to drink or eat Mat. 6 25 Luk. 12 22 God gives you life he 'll surely give you meat Luk. 12 23 He feeds the fowls that neither reap nor sow Mat. 6 26 Luk. 12 24 Are ye not better than the birds I trow But which of you take all the thought you can Mat. 6 27 Luk. 12 25 Can make himself one whit the taller man Luk. 12 26 And then for clothes the lilies here ye know Mat. 6 28 Luk. 12 27 Nor toyl nor spin yet see but how they grow That even Solomon in all his glory Mat. 6 29 Was not aray'd like one of these before y' Be not so faithless as to think your Father Mat. 6 30 Luk. 12 28 Will cloath the grass and not his children rather Take then no thought for victuals or for suits These are the chiefest care of heathen brutes Mat. 6 31 Luk. 12 29 Your father knows ye cannot be without them Ye need not be so anxious then about them Mat. 6 32 Luk. 12 30 His kingdom first and Right'ousness pursue The rest shall all be added unto you Mat. 6 33 Luk. 12 31 My little flock away with fears and cares Your Fathers will hath made you Royal heirs Luk. 12 32 Be not solicitous about to morrow The present day is full enough of sorrow Acts 4 34. Mat. 6 34 Rather give alms let what ye have be sold And so provide you bag● that wax not old Luk. 12 33 Judge not and be not judg'd for as ye judge That judgement to receive ye must not grudge Mat. 7 1 How canst thou hypocritically crie Mat. 7 2 Of that same straw I 'll clear my brothers eye Mat. 7 3 When in thine own there is a beam Correct Mat. 7 4 Thy own waies first and then let him be checkt Mat. 7 5 To Cynick teeth expose not things divine Nor Diamond-doctrines to the feet of swine Mat. 7 6 Although a friend at midnight may deny Luk. 11 5 To rise and do his friend a courtesy Luk. 11 6 Yet if his friend be but importunate He 'll rise and help him be it ne're so late Luk. 11 7 Luk. 11 8 Be earnest in your pray'rs ask seek and knock Mat. 7 7 Receive and find and heaven-gates unlock Mat. 7 8 Luk. 11 9 What man for bread will give his child a stone Luk. 11 10 Or give him for a fish a scorpion Mat. 7 9 Luk. 11 11 Mat. 7 10 Luk. 11 12 If ye whose goodness comes from him do so Mat. 7 11 Much more shall he his Ghostly gifts bestow Luk. 11 13 Observe that gen'ral Law to others do Mat. 7 12 As ye are willing should be done to you The broad way shun wherein the rabble treads Mat. 7 13 Which unto death and so to ruine leads Strive with a few to enter at the gate Mat. 7 14 That leads to life because 't is very streight Beware of teachers cloath'd in woolly skin Mat. 7 15 But are indeed as rav'nous wolves within Mat. 7 16 You 'll know them by their lives and by their lips Mat. 7 17 'T is not a vine that beareth haws or heps The root and fruit are both alike the fruit Mat. 7 18 Will truly shew the nature of the root And if the fruit be naught the tree is good Mat. 7 19 For nothing but to find Hell-fire food Mat. 7 20 Lord Lord will never into heav'n admit them Mat. 7 21 Unless an holy life before hand fit them For workers of iniquity will plead Mat. 7 22 That in my name they 've often preach'd and pray'd Cast Devils out and many wonders done Mat. 7 23 But then shall I disown them ev'ry one Therefore all they that practise what they hear Mat. 7 24 With prudence on a Rock their building rear And all the storms and winds that beat and blow Mat. 7 25 That firm foundation cannot overthrow But they that never practise what they hear Mat. 7 26 With folly on the sand their building rear Which when the storms and winds do beat and blow Mat. 7 27 Luk. 6 49 With dreadfull fall they quickly overthrow And when these sayings to an end were brought Mat. 7 28 The people were amaz'd at what he taught Who taught them with authority and so Mat. 7 29 As feeble Scribes were never wont to do 6. From thence to Capernaum Jesus went Mat. 8 5 Luk. 7 1 And there the Elders of the Jews were sent Luk. 7 2 To gain his will to heal a
Moses we know spake with Him face to face Joh. 9 29 But this man comes we know not from what place That 's very strange said he you should not tell Joh. 9 30 from whence he is that made me see so well God hears not sinners but if any fear Joh. 9 31 And serve the Lord such men the Lord will hear Can you in any antick record find Joh. 9 32 That sight was given to a man born blind And were he not approv'd of God I wiss Joh. 9 33 He could do no such miracle as this Wilt thou teach us said they who thus wert born Act. 7. 58. 13. 50. Joh. 9 34 And so they had him hurry'd out with scorn 23. Then Jesus ask'd him finding him abroad Joh. 9 35 If he believ'd upon the Son of God Who is it Sir said he that so I may Joh. 10 36 'T is I said Christ who cur'd thee th' other day Joh. 10 37 Lord I believe said he and did adore him Joh. 10 38 As God incarnate falling down before him And Jesus said For judgment am I come Joh. 10 39 Some to enlighten to occecate some That they who see their blindness may have sight And they who think they see be blinded quite With that the Pharisees that stood behind Joh. 10 40 Demanded whether they were also blind Were ye said he or fools or blind indeed Joh. 10 41 Of much sin-guiltiness ye would be freed This self-conceitedness of your condition Makes you despise the only Soul-Physician Blind leaders of the blind yea thieves are they Zach. 11. 15 16. Joh. 10 1 That clamber into th' fold in such a way The proper Shepherd enters at the door Joh. 10 2 When open'd by the Porter not before Joh. 10 3 His sheep by name he can distinctly call Joh. 10 4 Such is his care and knowledge of them all He leads them forth and goes before them still Joh. 10 5 Still they observe the conduct of his will His voyce they know but they dis own the tongue Joh. 10 6 Of any stranger that would lead them wrong When Jesus saw they thought his words but vain Joh. 10 7 And understood them not he spake more plain I am the way to life I am the door Joh. 10 8 Which none but Robbers could pretend before Robbers they were whom Providence did keep Joh. 10 9 From utterly seducing of my sheep They that come in by me shun all disasters Joh. 10 10 They come and go and find refreshing pastures Thieves come to kill and steal I come to save Joh. 10 11 And that my sheep eternal life might have Ezek. 34 ●3 I am the faithful Shepherd for their good Joh. 10 12 I shall not spare to spend my dearest blood The Hireling when the wolf appears is gone Joh. 10 13 The flock go where it will so he save one He flies because the sheep are none of 's own Joh. 10 14 But I and mine are mutually known As we our selves are known the Lord and I Joh. 10 15 So do I know the sheep for whom I die And sheep I have not yet of this same fold Joh. 10 16 But one shall both the Jew and Gentile hold My Father doth account my dying thus Acceptable and meritorious Joh. 10 17 Freely I dy no man doth me constrain Free leave I have to take my life again Joh. 10 18 Then said the Jews This man 's possest and mad And they that hearken to him are as bad Joh. 10 19 No no said others that can never be Can any Devil make a blind man see Joh. 10 20 Joh. 10 21 24. The seav'nty being now return'd declare Luk. 10 17 How they had soild the Princes of the air Eph. 6. 12. Jude 6. Yes yes said he I saw those fiends accurst Luk. 10 18 Like light'ning dropping as they did at first Against the stings of Scorpions I arm you Luk. 10 19 Not all the Serpents enmity shall harm you But cease your carnal joy rejoice in this Luk. 10 20 That you are heires of everlasting bliss I thank thee Father Lord of Heav'n and Earth Mat. 11. 25. Luk. 10 21 That slightest men of parts and noble birth And dost these mysteries to Babes reveal Because it is thy pleasure thus to deal Thou hast deliver'd all things unto me Luk. 10 22 And I am fully known to none but thee So is thy Glorious Person else conceald Luk. 10 23 To me alone and thorow me reveald Oh my Disciples you that hear and see Luk. 10 24 Such things as these how happy must ye be Great Kings and Prophets would have seen these things These things were hid from Prophets great Kings 25. Then came a certain Lawyer and would know Luk. 10 25 By what good deeds he might to Heaven go And Jesus sent him to the Legal Glass Lev. 19. 18. Deut. 6. 5. Luk. 10 26 To represent and ' lay his swollen face Love God with all thy heart soul strength mind Luk. 10 27 And to thy Neighbour as thy self be kind Luk. 10 28 He justifying of himself demands Luk. 10 29 Whom He by that word Neighbour understands A certain Jew said Jesus travelled Luk. 10 30 Was robd and stript left wounded and half dead And as a certain Priest by chance came by Luk. 10 31 He lookt upon the man and let him ly A Levite likewise came and when he spy'd him Luk. 10 32 In scornful manner also past beside him But a Samaritan who past that way Luk. 10 33 He had compassion on him as he lay He drest his wounds and took him up behind him Luk. 11 34 Brought him to th' Inne and bad the Landlord mind him Luk. 11 35 He the next day discharg'd the house said If any more be spent I 'll see you paid Which of these three concerned thinkest thou Luk. 11 36 Was neighbour unto this poor fellow now He said the Doctor that reliev'd the man Luk. 11 37 Do thou said Christ like that Samaritan 26. Now Martha for her Saviour made a feast Luk. 11 38 And took much care and pains to have it drest But Mary sate and hearkn'd to his Word Luk. 11 39 At which the other was a little stir'd And would have had him very fain dismist her Luk. 11 40 Sir must I toyl said she without my sister Ah Martha Martha Jesus answered Mat. 23. 23. Luk. 11 41 Too too much earthly bus'ness fills thy head One thing is absolutely necessary Luk. 11 42 Mary chose that and that shall stick by Mary 27. Another time a Pharisee requests Luk. 11 37 His company among some other guests Who counted it an irreligious fashion Luk. 11 38
offenses in my name And heav'n remits or else retains the same Joh. 20 23 8. But Thomas now call'd also Didymus Was absent when the Lord appeared thus Joh. 20 24 I 'll not believe 't said Thomas when they told him Joh. 20 25 I 'll not believe 't till I my self behold him Until I feel the wounds he did receive Both from the spear and nails I 'll not believe Now Thomas on the next Lords day was there Joh. 20 26 And then did Jesus first again appear When all the doors were bolted as before My peace said he be with you ever more Bring now thy finger Thomas and draw near Joh. 20 27 Feel thou the wounds were made by nails and spear And be not faithless Thomas then cry'd out Joh. 20 28 My Lord and God! no longer do I doubt Ah Thomas said the Lord but blest is he Joh. 20 29 That shall believe although he doth not see 9. His third more publick apparition was Joh. 21 14 Hard by the waters of Tiberias Joh. 21 1 Peter and half a dozen more had sought Joh. 21 2 All night for fish but not a fish had caught Joh. 21 3 Next morning Jesus stood upon the Land Joh. 21 4 But who it was they did not understand Children said He what vict'les have ye caught Joh. 21 5 They answer'd none Then try another draught You ' l find said Jesus on the right hand side Joh. 21 6 And when they cast his words were verify'd With such a shoal they could not pull them out Peter said John 't is Jesus out of doubt Joh. 21 7 Then Peter girt his coat about his waste And into th' Sea he cast himself for haste The other follow'd in the Ship and handed Joh. 21 8 The net along for quickly were they landed And to their great astonishment they spy'd Joh. 21 9 A fire with fish upon 't and bread beside Bring some said Jesus of your new-caught store Joh. 21 10 So Peter went and drew them quite a shore An hundred fifty three great Fish and yet Joh. 21 11 So great so many never brake the net And when he bade them come and dine not one Joh. 21 12 Durst ask him who he was as being known Then in his hands he took the fish and bread Joh. 21 13 And as his manner was distributed Simon said Jesus after they had eat Joh. 21 15 And is thy love to me so very great Simon reply'd Thou know'st my love to thee If it be so then feed my Lambs said he But Simon dost thou love thy Lord indeed Mat. 26. 33 75. Joh. 21 16 Indeed said he My sheep said Jesus feed But Simon dost thou love me more than these Joh. 21 17 This repetition did not Simon please Omniscient Lord said he my love to thee To thee is known Then feed my sheep said He. When thou wast young thou girt'st thy self about Joh. 21 18 And at thy pleasure walkedst in and out But when thou 'rt old shall others stretch and bind And carry thee full sore against thy mind But thus shall God be glorify'd in thee Joh. 21 19 Take up my Cross come now and follow me Joh. 21 20 Then Peter turning back saw John come too Joh. 21 21 O Lord said he and what shall this man do Joh. 21 22 Follow thou me said Jesus what if he Shall tarry till I come what 's that to thee Then did this fame among the Brethren fly Joh. 21 23 By a mistake that John should never dy That John whose pen describes th' eternal word Joh. 21 24 And doth we know the very truth record And many more great Miracles were done Joh. 21 25 That could not be recorded ev'ry one Joh. 20 30 For if a man should so exactly write The Volumes would be almost infinite Joh. 20 31 These plainly prove that He 's the Son of God Whose Name gives life without a Period 10. Then met above five hundred on that Hill 1 Cor. 15. 6. Mat. 28 16 In Galilee according to his will And when they saw him they ador'd him there Mat. 28 17 But some still thought a Spirit did appear All power 's mine said He to his eleven Mat. 28 18 All power 's giv'n me both in Earth and Heaven Go therefore and Disciple first the Jews Mat. 28 19 Mar. 16 15 Then to the Gentiles preach this welcome news And when they take this Covenant of mine Seal 't with the common purifying-sign Wash in the name of Father and of Son And of the Holy Ghost which three are one All that I bad you do to them commend Mat. 28 20 Lo I am with you even to the end No less than life or death eternal must Mar. 16 16 Depend on their believing or distrust They shall work miracles who first believe Mar. 16 17 The gift of languages shall they receive By my assistance and authority Mar. 16 18 They shall rebuke the sorest malady They shall cast Devils out take serpents up Mar. 16 19 And get no harm by any deadly cup. And when the Lord was glorify'd they wrought Mar. 16 20 These very signs to stablish what they taught 11. Next unto James the Lord appear'd saith Paul 1 Cor. 15. 7. And finally to his Apostles all Luk. 24 49 For then upon the fortieth day with them Acts He being assembled at Jerusalem The great and glorious mysteries explain'd Luk. 1 3 Which to his Holy Kingdom appertain'd And strictly charg'd them also not to leave Luk. 1 4 Jerusalem until they should receive The promis'd Baptism of the Holy Ghost Luk. 1 5 And that within ten days he said at most Lord wilt thou then said they again restore Luk. 1 6 The Kingdom unto Israel as before 'T is not for you said he to understand The times reserved in the Fathers hand Luk. 1 7 When y' are endu'd with power from on high Luk. 1 8 Then what y' have heard and seen that testify Not only in Judea but rehearse These joyful tydings though the universe 12. Then Jesus led them forth to Livet Luk. 1 9 Hard by the place where Bethany was set And lifting up his hands to bless them there Ascended through the Angel-crowded air At last the Clouds those curtains of the skies His body shadow'd from their greedy eyes And as they still lookt after him they spy'd Luk. 1 10 Two men in white apparel by their side What means said they this wondering what means Luk. 1 11 This gazing up to heav'n ye Nazarenes This Jesus whom ye view so took away Shall so return to you another day Rev. So come Lord Jesus make no longer stay Joh. 22 20 Oh come Lord Jesus quickly come away Amen and Amen