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A26259 Averroeana being a transcript of several letters from Averroes an Arabian philosopher at Corduba in Spain, to Metrodorus a young Grecian nobleman, student at Athens in the years 1149 and 1150 : also several letters from Pythagoras to the King of India, together with his reception at the Indian court, and an account of his discourse with the King, and his gymnosophists, and his rules and precepts : his account of the power and efficacy of numbers, and magical uses thereof : to which is prefixt, a Latin letter by Monsieur Grinau, one of the Messieurs du Port Royal in France, to the ingenius Monsieur Gramont, merchant at Amsterdam, concerning the subject of these papers, and how they came to his hands : the whole containing matters highly philosophical, physiological, Pythagorical and medicinal, the work having been long conceal'd is now put into English for the benefit of mankind, and the rectification of learned mistakes.; Correspondence. English. Selections Averroës, 1126-1198.; Pythagoras. Correspondence. English. Selections. 1695 (1695) Wing A4271; ESTC R1981 54,271 185

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thing I find to be matter of Complaint against us is our practice of Singing contrary to common Usage and Custom nor do I know any grounds for Admiration except that the Consent and Joyfulness of our Sufferings may create Wonder in our Persecutors We are perswaded that the Soul of Man when rightly tuned that is not misguided by Passion nor swayed by Interest is a perfect Composition of Harmony Musick is endued with wonderful Excellencies and equal Parts not only of the Celestials but also of the Terrestrials For numerous Sounds digested into pleasant Songs do wonderfully quicken the inward Faculties and by a soft and natural Inclination and Sympathetick Attraction allure and unite all the Vertues and good Powers and its influence is so great when it proceeds from a well-tuned and composed Mind that it does not only change the Affections Intentions Gestures Motions Actions and Dispositions but it imposeth its own Harmonious Properties both on the Singers and the Hearers It pacifies the disorder of the Spirits not only of Men but even affects Birds and Beasts Wild Indian Elephants are tamed by Melodious Voices yea the Elements themselves submit to their power Do not labouring People sing to mitigate the Toil of their Employments for Harmony chears and refreshes the Animal Spirits causing an equal Operation of all the Qualities which in all respects forrifie Nature and at the same time chase away dull sordid Thoughts and Saturnine Humours rendring the Body and Mind capable to receive Divine Impressions Musick is a sure and constant Friend to Health and many times we have known Diseases give place to its salutiferous strains by a Magical Power and Sweet Violence raising all that is good into equality by moderating the Affections and composing the Mind Harmony is the true Musick of the Spheres acquainting Mankind with the Sympathetical Concord of the Universe that Golden Chain which unites Heaven and Earth It is the true Entertainment of Man's Soul fitting and preparing the Mind to understand both Divine and Humane Mysteries likewise our Preservation and Salvation in this World and in that which is to come do consist in a Harmonious Disposition of Parts Now our Songs are both Prayers and Praises to our Creator for his Infinite Goodness and Mercy Sleep is as it were a transitory Death during the Body's natural repose having shaken off for that time the Fetters of the gross Senses And while the Spirits are upon the Wing and as it were in the Suburbs of Eternity the holy Demons or good Angels and Spirits have their secret Intercourses with our Souls by whom as we are found worthy they open and communicate the Divine Mysteries to such as have submitted themselves to the Government of the Innocent Harmonious Powers as I said before Sleep is a transitory Death in which state there is no progression or passing of time perceived by our Senses and if we pass away into Eternal Regions we esteem it a Blessing and all our Fathers say That an easie Death is a Favour from the Powers of Heaven as being nearest equality therefore we sing out our Prayers and Praises to our Creator and as much as in us lies do keep our selves sensible and mindful that we may expect to be called out of this World every moment also that our Dreams may be Equal and Harmonious for Dreams and Visions are the greatest and clearest Arguments of the Immortality of our Souls and the only way and means whereby our Creator does vouchsafe to reveal and communicate his Secrets to the Sons of Wisdom It is also to be noted that our Songs being composed of equal Parts and being impregnated by the Vertue and Power of our Minds they do by a mutual Consent and Agreement compose and unite all that is good by a Sympathetical Inclination which renders us capable of the holy Unity These are the Reasons O King that mov'd us to Recommend Musick and Singing to our Disciples the good and innocent Effect whereof we have oftentimes and abundantly experienc'd An Account of a Personal Discourse between Pythagoras the Indian King and his Gymnosophists asserting the Truth of his Doctrine as 〈◊〉 as found in an Ancient Latin Manuscript attested by Averroes own Hand AS soon as the King of India heard that Pythagoras was come to Court he ordered his high Chamberlain to provide convenient Lodgings for him and his Companions and assigned him a Day when he would give him Audience of what he had further to alledge in defence of those Doctrines he had Preached in his Kingdoms particularly touching that Precept of his forbidding to eat Flesh or use any other manner of Violence towards these innocent and harmless Creatures The appointed Day being come and the King seated on his Royal Throne with many of his Courtiers and Gymnosophists about him Pythagoras was order'd to approach and the King received him after this manner Pythagoras we are assured as well by thy Letters to us as also by the reports of divers Persons that thou art a very Learned Man we have therefore thought fit to send for thee to our Court that we might have some Personal Discourse with thee We declare unto thee that we do not approve of taking up things upon Trust and are utterly unwilling to encourage a Practice meerly because it has been customary But to us it seems strange that thou shouldst teach our People absolutely to abstain from eating of Flesh and to forbear that Noble and Ancient Pastime of Hunting the first Exercise of Young Heroes and that which fits them for the attempting all Warlike and Glorious Actions contributing as well to the Improvement of the Mind as to the Strength and Agility of the Body calling it a Cruel and Inhumane Recreation altogether unbecoming the Dignity of Humane Nature Let us then freely hear thy Reasons convince us if thou canst Pythagoras and we our selves shall readily become thy Disciple After which Pythagoras thus began his Discourse May it please your Majesty we have in our defence two potent Enemies to Encounter Common Opinion and Ancient Custom I am not at all insensible how difficult it is to prevail upon prejudiced Minds and to perswade Mankind from the Practice of those things they have ever believ'd and used But what we are now about to prove is not Built upon the Authority of any Tradition but is the result of pure Truth and Light darted upon the Understanding by the Friendly Operation of the Creator's Spirit viz. upon the Souls of as many as have learnt to preserve the Original Principle in them in observing the Dictates of God's Law ●n Nature The Composition of Man at first was all Love and Sweetness it was by the malicious Suggestion and powerful Instigation of the Evil Demon that Wrath Contention Fierceness and Cruelty set up their Throne in the World For Man having estranged himself from the Fountain of Benignity became a violent Enemy to his Fellow-Creatures and having by his evil Practices degenerated from
what Discoveries we can make beyond the experience of former Adventurers They indeed as thou sayest affirm the Menstrum to be an Acid Juice in the Stomach which by Virtue of that quality only hath power of provoking Appetites and procuring Digestion How this Notion came to be generally embraced I cannot tell but to me there 's nothing in Nature appears more monstrous and ridiculous for were it at all so we should in some manner or other be made sensible of it For no sooner is your Meat or Drink descended into the Stomach but it must of necessity incorporate with this sharp Liquor whereby the whole would soon become sharp too which is indeed contrary to all experience for if a Man Vomits an hour or two after he has Dined what he brings up shall be sweet on the taste and the quality very little altered except what he has eaten and drank be of a soure Nature or his Stomach debauch'd and corrupted by sharp Juices For if the Stomach did naturally generate such a Liquor we should unavoidably discover it when we were hungry by its flux and reflux in the Mouth let this Menstrum be of what nature it will it must of necessity be abundantly increased by Fasting Besides if it be of an acid or soure quality how is it possible that our Food which consists of all natures and tastes should assimulate it self with this What a Confusion and Ataxy would be soon felt to the utter prejudice of the Tone of the Stomach and digestive Faculty The whole frame of Nature in the Microcosm would be disordered Acidity being an extream will admit but of very few things to accord and agree with it But this Consideration above all the rest doth more and more astonish me Is it not preposterous to assign that for the cause of any thing which of its own nature must necessarily work the quite contrary Effect It is agreed on all hands That whensoever sharp and soure Juices lodge in the Stomach they wound Nature in her digestive and attractive Faculties contract and harden the Food whereby it becomes more difficult of Separation and Concoction generate Crudities and consequently Obstruct the free Circulation of the Blood and Spirits inducing a general Heaviness and Indisposition over the whole Body Sharp Humours beget pricking Pains in the Breast Gripings in the Bowels sharpness of Urine Fluxes Gouts and an infinite Train of Distempers If the Complexion be Melancholick Obstructions and Opilations arise from whence Head-achs proceed and that Inimical Distemper called Vapours for which there is no Remedy in Physick the most available is Temperance and Order If the Complexion be Cholerick they give Feavers Rheumatisms c If Sanguine they cramp Nature in her very Radix by Convulsions Consumptions Loss of Appetite If Phlegmatick they beget abundance of Crudities and indigested Matter which by certain passages is conveyed from the Stomach to the Lungs and there becomes condensed into a white tough Substance that sticks to the Wind-pipe But when this slimy Matter is generated in great quantities 't is attended with excessive Coughs shortness and difficulty in Breathing and an unconceivable variety of Evils that make Life it self uneasie by affecting the whole Microcosm with an universal Dyscrasy Moreover I would fain know to what purpose Physicians so frequently prescribe Sweetning Medicines to their Patients Is it not to abate sharpness of Humours First in the Stomach Secondly in the Blood as Pearl Egg-shells Oyster-shells Crabs-eyes c. which in Operation are much alike viz. To rectifie the Stomach and purifie the Blood And our Apothecaries can tell you that they often use Pouder of Oyster-shells with as good success as that of Pearl I for my part know no reason against it Therefore I say if these and many other Medicines are given to temper and allay sharp and acid Humours must they not as oft as they are given have a very disastrous Effect upon the Menstrum If that be as they tell us an acid Juice Why then should sharpness and acidity be an Enemy to Nature For I do not see how there can be any natural quality in the Stomach that is an Enemy to it self but Experience teacheth that all extream qualities are abominable to Nature in her simple and undepraved state From all which Considerations it appears that the Liquor or Menstrum of the Stomach which Nature hath ordained for the Concoction and Separation of Meats and Drinks can neither be sharp nor soure sweet nor bitter nor salt nor astringent nor of any manifest taste or quality so long as it remains intire and undebauched and when any of the forementioned qualities are perceived it is to be taken for granted that the Stomach is out of Tone and entring into disorder as will more manifestly be apprehended when we have taught what the true nature of this Menstrum is Dated Corduba 1149. Metrodorus I Have already given my Reasons for your dislike of the common Notion of the Menstrum and having had a freer Communication with the Superiour Powers since I wrote whereby I believe the whole System of Nature as you call it was revealed to me I am unwilling to adventure the hazard of my Reputation in acquainting you with my Thoughts on the present Subject You know very well the Inconvenience we lye under on account of our Country men 'T is true some of our Predecessors have been acquainted with the Jewish History and there are those alive who think they have done Wonders both in their Translation and Remarks and as I am informed the Christians make use of it to good purpose But be that as it will I am sure I may assume a greater Liberty in Philosophy I am resolved now not to be bound to the Custom of the Schools not to tye my self up to Art and Figure but barely attend the Inspiration of our Prophet and his Angels in the Publication of that whereof I shall have the satisfaction and thou the Benefir The Menstrum or Liquor of the Stomach hath the nearest affinity and resemblance of Dew What Dew is to the Earth the same is this to the Body of Man There being as great a necessity of this moist Vapour or Menstrum for the service of the Body as there is of Dew or Rain to impregnate and assist the Earth in the productions of her Fruits And as the greater World influenced by the Wisdom of its Divine Creator and the Operation of the Elements and Celestial Bodies doth generate to it self a proper and suitable Menstrum viz. The Rains and Dews of Heaven whereby the whole System of Nature is maintained and made fruitful so it is with the Microcosm or little World Man also hath a power given him by the friendly Courtesie of his Maker to Concoct and Separate the Food in the Stomach by unconceivably fitting it for the Nourishment of the whole Body and as that Liquor or Menstrum of the greater World is of a mild simple Nature gentle in
finds it This is that that opens the great Fountain of Benignity 'T is the Practice of Goodness that unites Mens Souls to God These O King are the Considerations that mov'd us to prohibit Violence and Cruelty to keep our Hands clean from the Blood of Animals and to commend to our Disciples a Friendly Conversation with all things to represent to them the Deformity of Vice and the Beauty of Vertue and Gentleness being well assured by the Universal Voice of God and his Law in Nature that an Hecatomb of Bulls cannot be so acceptable a Sacrifice to him as an unpolluted Mind and a Will wholly prepared to follow his Directions and submit to his Providence 'T is to a strict and severe imitation of him that we solicite our Followers who is not delighted with Cruelty but is extreamly pleased with the practice of Justice when Men have Learnt the Art of doing to others as they would be willing to have others do to them For no Man was made to be a Tyrant and an Epicure to domineer at pleasure upon his Fellow Creatures who at all times and in all respects answer the end of their Creation better than himself ●ut being hurried by the Spirit of Igno●ance and Error he is become the common Disturber of Nature's Harmony putting her whole Frame in Tumult and Combustion If Men pass out of the Body in this wrathful Disposition what Regions must they enter into and what Bodies must they be cloathed with And since by the secret Power of the Eternal Law every Spirit or Soul does naturally attract such matter for a Body as is suitable to its self Those that have lived in the Power and Operation of the Lion Tyger and Dog and so far brutified their Nature as to resemble those Animals must they not expe●● to be cloathed in such hideous Forms and Shapes As on the contrary the Virtuous and Compassionate shall be adorned with the Garments of Innocency and Light The first step to Vertue is to do no Hurt the next is to do all the Good we can even to the least of God's Creatures What Creature soever you show kindness to the same doth naturally call upon the Fountain of Benignity for a Blessing upon you so on t●● other hand the Cries of Oppressed Innocence take the deepest Root both in the Fountain of Love and the Fountain of Wrath. The Good attracteth and praiseth the Good and the Evil the Evil. Every Thing and Principle delights in its like This is demonstrable in all Natural Things that proceeded from the Immaterial World and is in all its Particulars Forms Figures Qualities and Operations And whoever does understand the outward cannot be ignorant of the inward for in the great depth they are both one The understanding whereof is of infinitely greater moment than your Men of War for they are Sons of Violence which do naturally attract the Malignity and Evil out of all things and the Curse of all Creatures takes place in them Therefore O King be pleased not to suffer any false Reports to Exasperate your Royal Inclinations against us who have no design of stirring up Sedition to the Embroilment of your State or Kingdom but only to communicate that Innocent and Benign Light Heaven has darted int●●ur Souls to as many of the Great Maker of the World's Creatures as we can perswade to embrace it that they may by perusing the Precepts of true Vertue and Philosophy become Dutiful and Peaceful Subjects in their present State and Blessed and Happy Spirits in the future As we doubt not O King shortly to make apparent when we ●●all have the Honour to be admitted into your Royal Presence Second Letter Most Noble Prince YOur desire I shall answer so far as I may The Vertues and Efficacy of Numbers are wonderful in their Operation when aptly and properly applied as the most Eminent Philosophers do unanimously confirm and teach Now Number is nothing else but a repetition of Unity for Unity doth most simply go through every Number and is the common Measure Foundation and Original of all Numbers and contains every Number joined together intirely the beginner of every Multitude always the same unchangeable It is the highest Number in Musical Harmony where all Forms and Qualities stand in equal Weight and Measure and may justly be called Concord therefore from Unity all things proceeded nothing was before it nor nothing is after it and all things that are desire the One because they all proceeded from the One God Creator of an Creatures which do endeavour to return to that One Fountain whence they proceeded All Clemency Mercy Softness Compassion and doing unto all Creatures as we would be done unto proceeds from the Unit● and Concord and is the Fountain from whence all true Knowledge and Religion arises Unity and Harmony is the Preserver of all Creatures Light and Loye are the Off spring and Sons of Concord All those are most happy that obtain it and all Creatures are most miserable without it Equality and Order are the Sinews and Health both of the Body and Mind not only in this World but in that which is to come For this cause Order and the proper practice and use of Numbers do mightily fortifie men against the Temptations of evil Demons and at the same time most powerfully attract the holy Powers and Communications of good Angels For in what Creature soever the natural Qualities stand nearest equasity or have made themselves so by observing God's Law in Nature they make that Creature most happy He that Sins against God's Law breaks and violates the Unity of his own Principles By all the Philosophical Mediums and Circumstances in Religion the first Founders intended to draw Men into some order that they by degrees might through the Forms obtain the Unity That those People are most happy that taught their Followers to live an innocent harmless Life which bears the nearest Relation to Unity and Concord For we do affirm That no inequality nor evil inclinations can or do arise or proceed from the Soul or Mind of that Man whose properties and inward qualities keep equal weight and measure All Evil proceeds from the many that is from the inequality of the inward Powers of Mens Souls therefore Harmony is the highest state of the Soul and the compleatest composition of the Senses Is not order the Original which is nothing else but a compleat Number the very Fountain whence all good Government proceeds both in the Celestial and Terrestrial Worlds Let us consider the Heavens Stars and Elements with their wonderful and amazing variety of Creatures wherewith the Four Lower Worlds are endued more especially the Celestial where the holy and various Powers of good Demons are beyond all humane number and all act and work in that exact Order and Number which the great first Being created them in therefore all the Beasts Fishes and Fowls of Heaven are more innocent and consequently more happy than Men because they