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A20939 Coales from the altar; or Foure religious treatises to kindle deuotion in this colde age. Written in French by Mounsieur du Moulin: and translated into English by N.M. Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658.; Metcalfe, Nicholas. 1622-1623 (1623) STC 7318; ESTC S118640 76,812 278

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if man haue suffered the sparkes of diuine grace to dye in him he hath no other meanes to inlighten himselfe againe but at the Sunne of Iustice there to haue reliefe at the Sunne of Iustice and Father of lights The meanes that God vsed to raise man from his fall is that which he hath declared vnto Adam The seed of the Woman should bruise the Serpents head Gen. 3.15 God himselfe being pleased to be the first Euangelist and as Woman brought to man the fruit of death Woman should bring to man againe the fruit of life the meanes is that in the accomplishment of times he hath sent his Sonne his eternall Word and taken vpon him our flesh allying by this meanes God with man making the Sonne of God our Brother to the end we might be the Sonnes of God He hath taken our humane nature vpon him to the end we should participate of his diuine nature hee hath taken our flesh for to giue vs his spirit hee hath made himselfe a stranger here below to the end wee should be domesticke with God he which is Father of eternitie was well pleased to haue it so and hath sent his word amongst vs to the end we might speake to God with assurance making himselfe a seruant to the end we might raigne with him By this meanes we haue familiar accesse to God seeing he hath taken away the rayes from his face and that Maiesty that would haue amazed and astonished vs shewing himselfe in a familiar and accessible fashion in his Sonne who is our Emanuel that is to say God with vs. In stead of the Prouerbe which was vsed in Israell Wee dye for wee haue seene God now we ought and may say Wee liue for God hath made himselfe visible and accessible by his Sonne The second Person of the Trinitie hath bin imployed in this work For by what means could we be made the Children of God but by him who is his onely Son which bringeth vs to vnderstand that he is the wisedome of the Father by whom hee telleth vs that he is the Word it selfe putting all things into order by him by which he hath created all things Yet this is not all for in this selfe-same flesh he would haue him suffer the paine which wee haue merited and to satisfie for vs the diuine iustice as he saith of himselfe I paid them the things that I neuer tooke Psalme 69.5 For Iesus Christ had not wherwithall to hide his head to the end we might haue where to repose our consciences Hee which is the bread of Life was hungry to the end wee might be filled Hee is dead to the end to giue vs life hauing drunke the Cup of the wrath of God to the end we should drinke at the Riuer of his pleasures and as Saint Peter saith 1 Pet. 2. Verse 24. Hee hath borne our sinnes vpon his Body vpon the Tree to the end that being dead to sinne wee should liue to righteousnesse by the breach whereof wee haue beene healed for saith Saint Paul Col. 1.19 the good pleasure of the Father that all fulnesse should dwell in him and to reconcile by him euery thing to himselfe hauing made peace with the bloud of his Crosse c. Death swallowed him vp but it was like the fishes that swallowing the Baite are taken so Death in taking Iesus Christ is surmounted and ouercome by him for he is life it selfe and also because of his righteousnesse and innocencie death hath no power ouer him There is nothing so admirable as this death by the which hee hath triumphed ouer the power of Hell and of the Diuell by the which God hath punished and pardoned our sinnes declaring in one onely Action his soueraigne iustice and his infinite mercy all the triumphes of Emperours are of no value in comparison of the death of Christ the life of all men are of no value in regard of the death of Iesus Christ all the Crownes of Kings are not comparable to the Crosse of Iesus Christ and all the glory of the world is inferiour to his opprobrie as it is the ground of our faith so it is the summe of our knowledge to know Iesus Christ crucified This death taketh away the bitternesse and malediction of our own and maketh it that although a farre off it seemeth a fantasie which walketh vpon the waters when it approacheth and commeth nearer vnto vs we shall confesse that it is Iesus Christ that commeth vnto vs and haue by the bloud of Iesus Christ liberty to speake to God with assurance that not onely wee may implore his mercy but also wee may call for iustice saying Lord thou are iust and therefore take not two payments for one debt and correct me not in thine anger for my sinnes for which thy Sonne hath beene punished By this meanes the iustice of God changeth nature towards vs and of iustice iudging becommeth iustice iustifying and of iustice which punisheth sinne it becommeth a iustice which maketh vs iust And consider what the Aduocate is who not onely pleadeth for vs but payeth for vs who not onely intercedeth for sinners but of sinners maketh them iust Where is the Phisitian which taketh the medicine and by it healeth his Patient Hauing so indured death for vs for vs also hath ouercome death as the combat of his death is for vs so the victory of his Resurrection is ours after the which hee ascended into Heauen from whence he sendeth his graces there hee receiueth our soules which he hath bought with his owne bloud Hee is our onely assurance in the Kingdome of Heauen to whom wee aspire and tend vnto as strangers in this world but domestickes with God as dying but heires of eternall life hauing to resist the Courts of this world to publique iudgements to customes receiued to the ouer flowing of vices and idolatrie like vnto diuers kindes of Fishes which alwaies swimme against the streame and tend towards the Fountaine attending his comming to iudge the quicke and the dead and raise our bodies from the earth to the end that in body and soule we may raigne with him eternally Behold my Brethren the substance of the Gospell of Christ whereof Saint Paul saith that hee is not ashamed but glorifieth himselfe notwithstanding humane iudgements and contradictions which contradictions wee haue to speake of in the second place and of the meanes wherewith Sathan and the flesh ●●●ue themselues for to make men distaste and be ashamed of the Gospell of Christ for Saint Paul saith that the Gospell is a scandall to the Iewes and folly to the Greekes that is to say that the Iewes were offended with it and the Gentiles mocked at it They were offended to heare spoken that God became man of a crucified God of one that was called the Sonne of Dauid and neuerthelesse he said he was before Abraham was They were offended to heare in the Gospell where the first clause thereof begun with Blessed are those that weepe and
to prosper they must impute all to the blessing of God and not to their owne industry and sufficiency Besides they must looke well about them and not apply themselues to the proud distaste of their Auditors who in this Age desire eloquence more then solidity who would haue words without matter and sawces without meate who would haue their eares tickled and not their consciences pricked like vnto a wicked Porter who will not let an honest man enter in at the gate because he is not well apparelled In the meane while this is not the way to profit in the Word of God Doe you thinke with the flowers of eloquence you can perswade a man to suffer Martyrdome or with figures faire words you can comfort a man at the houre of death Is not the Gospell the medicine of our soules What auaileth it for the Phisitian to be eloquent if his medicine be wholesome Is not the Gospell the letter of grace and abolition of our crime then what matter is it in what termes it be written seeing that it bringeth vs out of captiuitie God in the Olde Testament commanded that his Altar should bee built with vnpollished stones to testifie that he loued simplicity in his seruice be assured of it that hee that hath most profited in a Sermon is not he that saith This man spoke very well but he that saith Oh I haue led an euill life how farre am I from the rules that this man hath propounded It is not he that wayeth periods of speeches but hee that soundeth his own conscience Those that ruminated were marked for cleane beasts you shall be cleane and agreeable sacrifices to God if you ruminate and meditate in your selues the Word of God I am certainely perswaded that all my Brethren and Companions in the worke of the LORD would wish with me that we were without words so you were without vices and that wee were despised so God might be glorified If they would haue efficacie in their Sermons they must speake with a holy boldnesse as God speaking by their mouth that they flatter not sinners but in good earnest make them feele their sinnes without exception of persons or flattering the great ones A rich man is taught no otherwise then a poore Selfe-same medicines serue for little and great Euen so it is in spirituall medicines Sermons without reprehensions are like Swords without points or Lampes where Oyle is powred in without enlightening of them To feare to touch the sinner lest hee should offend him is a cruell respect like vnto him that feareth to saue a man that is in drowning lest hee should hurt his arme or pull some of his haire away These wholesome effects of the Word of God are not without faith without which the Word cannot take roote or fructifie in our soules as the Apostle in the fourth to the Hebrewes saith that hearing of the Word hath not profited them because it was not mingled with faith Whereof St. Paul also after he hath saide that the Gospell is the power of God addeth to euery beleeuer This faith is not an historicall faith as that is of the Church of Rome which onely beleeueth in generall that all that which is contained in the word of God is true but it is a faith which hath knowledge added to beliefe which besides the generall knowledge applyeth the word of God in particular not onely saying that Iesus Christ dyed for sinners but also addeth with Saint Paul the second to the Galat. Iesus Christ hath loued me and hath giuen his soule for me Neither is it an inforced or circumuenting faith by the which they beleeue what the Church beleeueth or what the Curate beleeueth without knowing what they ought to beleeue neither wherefore this beliefe of the Church is the better One cannot beleeue by Aduocate neither is a man saued by the beliefe of another He that is perswaded that another can beleeue for him is in danger that another shall be in Paradise for him Habacucke telleth vs The iust shall liue by faith then he cannot liue by the faith of another Also it is not a faith of Miracles whereof the greatnesse of a graine of Mustard-seede can transport mountaines but the greatnesse of a Mountaine of this faith cannot remoue a soule out of hell into heauen which chaseth into another wicked spirits but cannot chase from it selfe wicked desires which healeth corporall maladies in another but cannot heale his owne soule from spirituall maladies but it is a faith which receiueth the promises of Iesus Christ with ioy which imbraceth him as good newes sent from Heauen who applyeth himselfe to the words which the Apostle said to the blinde Man that Iesus called be of good courage the Master calleth thee it is a faith that disburdeneth his sinnes vpon Iesus Christ which giueth repose and peace to the conscience which beholdeth the Booke of the Gospell with the same eye that a faithfull husband beholdeth his contract in marriage or a good Sonne that beholds the will of his Father who by it is incited to loue God and to glorifie him in workes and words iust in his actions humble in prosperity patient in aduersitie charitable to the Church burning in zeale of the house of God For without these things faith is a name without a thing a shadow without a Body and in stead of a beliefe a confusion and spirituall lethargie without this faith wee cannot please God Heb. 11. without this faith wee make God a lyar as doubting of the truth of his promises without this faith wee expose our selues naked to the temptations of the aduersary for it is a Buckler to beate backe the fiery darts of Sathan Be not yee then amazed that the blessings of Iesus Christ are sufficient for all yet neuerthelesse all cannot be saued because that all haue not faith for misbeliefe reiecteth the remedies which God presenteth and ouerthroweth the medicine This faith ought to be nourished and fortified by prayer by the hearing of the word of God by holy companies by all sort of good workes and although after all that infirmitie remaineth in you feare not your saluation with a trembling hand giue not ouer taking of Almes All those which beheld the brasen Serpent had not their sights equally good and neuerthelesse were equally healed God requireth not of vs a perfect faith but true without hypocrisie and which indeauoureth to fortifie it selfe and saith as the father of him that was possessed I beleeue Lord but helpe my infirmitie God which hath put these Treasures in a Vessell of earth which perfecteth his grace in our infirmitie in time of necessitie sustaineth our feeblenesse aboue all at the houre of death there he drieth vp the drops of bloud he saith to the faithfull soule feare not Christ Iesus is besides thee which sheweth thee a Crowne The faith of the faithfull cannot be confounded like the Nodes of Compasses in the middest of the sea remaine vnmoueable amidst the Tempest
repent at this present and no longer prophane this speciall gift of God this gift of Repentance so pretious Hebr. 12.17 which Esau asketh with teares but was not granted him lest that the misery of the fiue foolish Virgins fall vpon vs who being not furnished with oile which their leisure would haue furnished them withall entred not in with the bridegroome but let vs keepe watch in walking in newnesse of life as already departed from the world not knowing the houre when we shall be called witnessing that we are dead to sinne and aliue to God through Iesus Christ in whom we are made new Creatures to serue to righteousnesse and now let vs truly shew to haue more care of heauenly than of earthly things the couetous man in renouncing his couetousnesse the ambitious worldling in renouncing his insolent ambition and the voluptuous in hating his vile fleshly affections for from thence springeth all our impietie it is the root and fountaine which begetteth and bringeth forth all wickednesse which wicked people so much esteeme Without particularizing the enormitie of these vices where the most guiltie will cleare himselfe in saying he is no such man although indeed he will not forbeare the honour of God euen to trample it vnder foote as much as he hath power to fulfill his disordinate desires willingly detracting from the way of saluation and hold against his conscience the wide way of the world with those that know not God adoring the Creature for the Creator not fearing to doe any thing that may please the appetite These sinnes draw after them all iniquitie and to make warre against God is no better than to renounce him can man with all the wickednesse of the world bee more abominable No no it is impossible it is in the height of iniquitie But to the end that wee may not condemne the parties without hearing them answer for themselues let vs understand what they can say God desireth the interiour and not the exteriour that which is within not that without and if they striue to be in better concord and societie yet they doe but apply themselues in shew onely that is but to seeke outwardly for vnion and by endeuour to preserue that which is not still inwardly remaining one the same they were before which is contrary to the way and walke of a good soule O true sentence most worthy noting Prov. 12.15 1 Cor. 3.19 That the way of a foole is right in his owne eies Poore blinde fooles thinke you by your humane wisdome folly before the eternall to put your selues safelier vpon the pitch-banke of Gods wrath than those whom you doe condemne heare what S. Paul saith of those desiring to be wise Rom. 1.21.22 You are become fooles in this that forasmuch as you haue knowne God yet haue you not glorified him as God let vs learne that he which knoweth the will of his master and doth it not shall be beaten more grieuously than hee that knoweth it not Your Hypocrisie is here most apparant in desiring to be thought of in better part than that which is within your heart a detestable sinne which Iesus Christ neuer speaketh of but in wonderfull anger it is the high way of Atheisme for he which enforceth himselfe to faine a religion that hee condemneth in his soule can haue no quiet in soule nor conscience vntill hee come to beleeue that all things are indifferent and there is no other meanes to vntie himselfe from the terror of Gods iudgements and to free his miserable conscience but to perswade himselfe that God will not so strictly looke to the cariages of men and then that maketh him a spirituall theefe or hauing lost the sense and feeling of diuine iustice it is a true testimony he knoweth God no more for to deny God and to deny his iustice is all one Doe we not see that these for the most part who fainingly adhere but to idolaters in the end wholly become idolaters or fall into the blindnesse of being of no religion hauing wholly forgot God and liue as if there were none who because men should thinke better of them are like the Camelion according as they meet withall sometimes this and sometimes that such the Prophet Elias crieth against in the 3. of Kings the 18. Wherefore do you halt of both sides if God be God wherfore doe you not follow him if Baal Baal But if yet they haue any sparke of knowledge that there is a God a terrible God that is to be feared in his iudgements when hee is angrie should they not be loth to heare the Eternall say in his anger Apoc. 3.16 They being neither hot nor cold but luke-warme hee will spue them out of his mouth And Ier. 48.10 saith Hee is accursed that doth the worke of the Lord loosely what can be more terrible but only the execution And you that say ye are the best you that agree with the Spirit in what you doe Lamentable wise fooles whose wisdome is folly do not you know that he that is Creator of the soule is also of the bodie Can wee with the one serue God and Mammon with the other Wherefore did not Daniel faigne as you vse when he was to be cast into the Lions den or Sidrack Misack and Abednego when they were to be cast into the furnace wherefore haue not all other Martyrs spoken your language and made a faire shew to haue escaped such horrible torments euen of death it selfe But what was the cause that made many of them euen with a yea or a no without any profession of religion being desired by those which thought to doe friendly offices for their escape rather chuse death and so abandon their liues than they would heare one word in hope thereof Rom. 10.10 No no we must as Saint Paul saith not only beleeue with the heart to be iustified but confesse with the mouth to haue saluation for God desireth the outward with the inward and would haue our light so shine before men to the end that seeing our good workes he may be glorified this is the doctrine of Iesus Christ let vs striue to doe this for otherwise we shall finde as in the Apocal. 2.16 Repent or else I will come vnto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth But let vs take vp with our selues and at last sing with Dauid Psal 35. Our tongues shall sing highly of the iustice of the eternall and the humble shall heare that our soules shall glorifie the Lord whereat they will reioyce and as Saint Paul exhorteth vs Let vs glorifie our God not only in our spirit but also in our bodies which are Gods and let vs giue one another a good signe of our adoption that we haue in Iesus Christ which all men may witnesse that by him we are inheritors of the kingdome of heauen let vs reioyce in this glory which no glory can compare with and so pretious a blessing that no man
not transubstantiated into bloud For they hold Baptisme is necessary to saluation but not the Eucharist They hold that by Baptisme euery kinde of sinne is wholly forgiuen but the Eucharist taketh away but veniall sinnes and those which they haue freed their consciences of before The Sacraments ought not to be honored but for IESVS CHRISTS sake which when you shall adore in heauen whitherto hee is mounted to returne againe at the last day and shall serue him according to his word we need not feare that the memorials which hee hath left in the Church and by the which he worketh in our hearts with efficacie should euer become contemptible We must honour the Sacraments but wee may not put them in the place of things signified All this abouesaid serueth to shew that for to know the truth in Religion wee must not beginne with the consideration of the Almighty power of God but first of all enquire after his will which when it is learned then the Almighty power of God that can doe all assureth vs that being able to doe all hee will doe that which hee willed and that which hee teacheth in his holy word I will say more It is the Doctours of the Church of Rome that dishonour and disgrace the power of the Almighty God and of Iesus Christ our Lord. For first of all they make it serue to doe things more miraculous than the creation of the world and yet notwithstanding no profit commeth by it For they hold that Iesus Christ hath eaten himselfe for hee hath participated in the holy Sacrament with his disciples and yet notwithstanding they cannot declare vnto vs to what end such a prodigious and incomprehensible thing serueth for that a man hath his head and his body in his mouth and that Iesus Christ is entred into the stomacke of IESVS CHRIST Also they hold that Mise can eat the Body of the Lord. What a horrible shame and reproch doe they make the Sonne of God to be to the Church of God! For although that Iesus Chirst doe not suffer yet hee is mightily dishonoured Also they put Iesus Christ vpon the Hoast whereupon they say that hee can neither open his eies nor remoue the hands nor breath and therefore he hath not the power which other men haue Is this to magnifie the power of the Sonne of God or is it to diminish it to the end to lift vp the power of Priests who haue the power giuen them as they teach to make Iesus Christ which is a thing that the blessed Virgin Mary and all the Angels and Saints together could neuer doe What serueth it for to the Church of God that Iesus Christ in the Hoast hath two eies and that he is wholly intire in euery crum of the Hoast and his Body intire in euery drop of the Cup And that in the Hoast it hath the length and yet nothing long as the Doctors of the Romane Church doe teach We ought neuer to exalt the Almighty power of God in the employment of vnprofitable things And indeed the examples which they bring to hold vp Transubstantiation are examples of the workes of God which haue beene profitable and the vse whereof is apparent As when God created the world and brought forth the light and changed the rod into a Serpent and conuerted water into wine It is needfull to consider that in these miracles of Transubstantiation God hath conuerted one substance into another which was not before the changing of it For the rod of Moses was changed into a Serpent which was not so before the changing and at the mariage in Cana in Galilee the Lord conuerted water into wine which was not so before the conuersion But they would that God should heere conuert the bread into a body which is already As if a man should beget a man that is already borne or should turne money into gold which is already gold Or who would goe about to make the Moone vnlesse it were vnmade Besides the word of God expresly saith that the water was conuerted into wine but it saith not that the bread was conuerted into flesh In giuing the bread Iesus Christ saith That it is his body in such sort as it was needfull it should be bread and also that it should bee the body of Christ For bread cannot be in substance the body of Christ but it may well bee in the Sacrament and according as the signes and memorials take the name of that which they signifie and represent We exalt the almighty power of the Sonne of God in this that without descending from heauen he communicateth himselfe vnto vs but the Church of Rome disableth this power in subiecting it to the will of a man which diuers times happening is found no good man who maketh Iesus Christ when he will and afterwards eateth it whereupon it happeneth that Iesus Christ is sometimes eaten by his enemies and also as they say euen by beasts if the Hoast be stollen if it fall vpon the ground if wormes and corruption get into it if a lew strike it with a knife and maketh it bleed as it is painted in the Billettes of Paris if as the cautions of the Messe and the penitentiall Canons say the Priest or the sicke man reuomit vp the Hoast through infirmity All which redoundeth to the misprise and dishonour of Iesus Christ which is the eternall Sonne of God They say for excuse that the dogs licked vp some of the bloud of Christ Iesus but all that is nothing to the purpose for Iesus Christ was expresly heere in this world to suffer ignominie and to be subiect to infirmities but now he is exempt from all opprobriousnesse and infirmitie And moreouer all that hee then suffered was for our saluation But one may well say vnto me To what end serueth it that Iesus Christ should still be subiect to so many indignities aboue spoken of If a Mouse hath carried away the Hoast or the Cup bee spilt what serueth that to our saluation And if our Aduersaries were asked what becommeth of the Bodie of Iesus Christ receiued into the stomacke whether it goe out or remaine alwaies there or nothing commeth of it also how Iesus Christ hath one body like vnto ours and of like nature seeing it is in an hundred thousand places at one time and hee is wholly entire in euery part of the Hoast hauing the feete thorowout the Hoast and the head thorowout the Hoast and head and feet vnder one point and by consequence hauing a humane body without extension and a length vnder one point and a continuance without extension where the Body which was at the Table a little after in the Garden was afflicted and sweat drops of Bloud and he who in the same time was in the mouthes and stomacks of the Apostles suffred nothing and was impassible and yet neuerthelesse was but one body I beleeue that they found themselues much troubled where since that Iudas hath eaten Iesus Christ
in the Eucharist and euen at the same time the deuill entred into him can it bee conuenient or possible to thinke that Iesus Christ and the deuill entred into one body together and remained together One thing I thinke is very conuenient that in euery Sacrament as also at the sacrifice it is necessary that the thing which they administer to the people and that they offer to God bee consecrated but in the Eucharist of the Roman Church there is nothing of consecrate which is administred to the people nor which is offered to God for is this the bread which is consecrated No way for they say it is no more bread Is it the body of Iesus Christ it is not for Iesus Christ cannot bee consecrated but it is he that consecrateth vs. Are these the accidents of bread which are consecrated that they call formes that is to say the roundnesse the colour and taste of the bread It is not neither for these things are not offered to God in sacrifice neither are they giuen to the people for to sanctifie them But behold one Sacrament and one sacrifice where there is nothing consecrated where he doth make a Consecration but they cannot say what it is that is consecrated All this abuse commeth by the fault of some Priests who could if they would make vs all agree very easily in one way For all confesse that Iesus Christ hath instituted the holy Sacrament as it ought to bee and that there is nothing to say against it If then the Pope would reduce the Holy Supper into the same forme wherein Iesus Christ instituted it in speaking as hee did and doing as hee did without further dispute we should all agree and so wee should all come to be of one assembly vnanimously to glorifie God By this meanes diuine seruice should bee done in the vulgar tongue there should be no more priuate Masses All should communicate vnder both kindes there should be no more adoration of the Hoast nor any eleuation of the sacrifice the Priests bending ouer the Altar should not pray to God for saluation through the merit of Saints whose bones and reliques are hidden vnder the Altar But contenting our selues with the prescribed simplicity of Iesus Christ wee should reiect these additions which disfigure this Sacrament vnder the shadow of adorning it God giue vs grace to see this happy time and to that end dispose of the hearts of Princes and people for the loue of IESVS CHRIST our LORD Amen FINIS COMFORTABLE INSTRVCTIONS for the SICKE By Peter Moulin Minister in the Reformed Church at PARIS LONDON Printed by T.S. for Thomas Pauier and are to be sold at his shop in Iuie lane 1623. Short and Familiar Instructions to comfort the SICKE When the sicknesse appeareth not to be mortall For the comfort of the party one may thus beginne SIR it behooueth you first to acknowledge that this sickenesse is not fallen vpon you by chance but by the wise conduct and prouidence of Almightie God our Creator and Father who so disposeth of prosperitie and aduersity health and sicknesse vpon his children that he neuer sendeth either the one or the other but to his owne glory and the parties good and saluation As the Apostle Saint Paul saith Rom. 8.27 Wee know that all things worke together for good to them that loue God He purposely speaketh of afflictions wherein sicknesses are ranked Those people loue God who are first loued of him and as the Apostle saith called according to his owne determinated purpose That you are of this number you haue occasion to take assurance by the faith which hee hath giuen you in making you beleeue that he is your Father and Sauiour in his Welbeloued Sonne Iesus Christ our Lord by which you receiue the spirit of adoption which is that that witnesseth with our spirit that we are the children of God Heires and co-heires with Christ Rom. You must also take assurance by the sanctification of his holy spirit by which he hath brought you into his obedience For those that are led by the spirit of God are the children of God But to those which are such the Apostle Saint Paul saith that euery thing workes together for good afflictions sicknesses euen death it selfe all that they haue is turned by the grace of God to their owne profit and great good and for the aduancement furtherance of their saluation Three principall fruits God maketh vs gather of our maladies and afflictions The first is the amendement of our life which awaketh vs out of our sinnes For both in health and prosperity it is too ordinary to flatter and cherish our selues in sinne by reason of our great corruption in Nature which maketh vs inclined to all euill and vnprofitable to any good it is therefore necessarie to looke about vs and become more sensible of our sinnes to retire our selues and to be displeased with them which is made by the meanes of sicknesses and other aduersities of this life occasioned by sinne and very often purposely sent from God to chastise and correct vs and in that this good Father of Heauen sheweth how much he loueth vs hindering our vndoing and confusion in our inordinate life like a good Father that very well loueth his Children hee chastiseth and correcteth vs to hinder and draw vs backe againe lest we should be lost as Saint Paul saith in the 1. of the Corin. 32. Verse When we are afflicted we are taught by the Lord to the end we should not be condemned with the world and in another place he saith Heb. 12. Ver. 6.7 and 11. That the Lord chastiseth him he loueth and beateth euery childe whom he auoweth If you endure Chastisement God presenteth himselfe vnto vs as to his Children For who is the childe that the Father correcteth not and although that all discipline in the instant seeme not to be of ioy but of sadnesse neuerthelesse it brings a peaceable fruit of righteousnesse to those that thereby are exercised It behooueth vs therefore first of all to gather this excellent fruit of our sicknesses to feele the innumerable number of our sinnes and offences wherof we are culpable before God to aske pardon of him in all humility and repentance and to make a holy protestation to liue better hereafter and to walke in his obedience and feare by the grace of God and the conduct of his holy Spirit which we ought to aske with ardent prayers and with an assured faith to be heard according to his promises And so we may say with Dauid that excellent seruant of God Psal 119. Ver. 6● 92. Before I was afflicted I went astray but now I haue kept thy word It is good for mee that I haue beene afflicted that I might learne thy statutes Now we may behold the sicknesses of our Bodies how they come to be by Gods grace wholsome medicines for our soules The second good which sicknesses bring vs is to vnloose and pull away
our hearts out of the earth to lift them vp to heauen Experience teacheth that our affections are but too much rooted and tyed here below whilest we are in health and at our case we would willingly neuer part from it wee would be content that our soueraigne good felicitie were here assigned so stupid and blinde wee are But God who hath destinated vs to a better life maketh vs behold and perceiue how vaine and deceitfull the present imaginary sweetnesses and prosperities are For when hee pleaseth to visite vs with any sickenesse then we begin to consider the many miseries and incommodities that lackey our liues along euen from the cradle to the sepulchre which maketh vs know and cry out with Esay 47. v. 6. That all flesh is like grasse and all the glory of it no better then a flower of the field And Dauid Psalme 90. That the flower of this short life is such that wee are alwayes in paine and Martyrdome And with Iob 14. That man that is borne of a woman is but of short life and full of care Which is the cause wherefore God maketh vs remember principally when we feele our selues sicke or otherwise afflicted to make vs contemne the world and aspire to heauen making this miserable life distastefull that we may by meditation taste of the Heauenly life to the end that where our Treasure is there may be also our heart and that our faith and hope being retyred from the world and from the things of the world wee may be lifted vp where they haue their true obiects that is to God and to eternall life For faith also is not of things visible but inuisible and Hope is not of present goods but of goods to come that is to say of Heauenly and Eternall goods purchased by Iesus Christ goods so great and incomprehensible which as Saint Paul saith 1 Cor. 1.9 Eye hath not seene nor eare hath vnderstood nor is not come vp into the heart of man which God hath prepared for those that loue him There is also a third fruit very excellent which God maketh vs receiue of sickenesses which he sendeth vs for by this meanes we come to the tryall and proofe for to purifie and amend our faith making it appeare to his glory and to the edification of our neighbour For as by this meanes our faith is excited and raised vp from the world to God from earth to heauen from this life to the most happy and permanent for euer So is it by such prooues examined and exercised and euen as it were refined and purified like gold that is tryed and purified in the fire as Saint Peter speaketh 1 Pet. 1.7 It is also brought in euidence and to the light with patience constancy and other Christian vertues which God hath put in vs without the which wee should not be knowne of any and so in regard of our neighbours should remaine without all vse or profit And certainely wee should neuer haue knowne what the patience of Iob had beene of Abraham Dauid and many other excellent seruants of God if God had not made them passe through the fire of proofes and temptations and at this day we should not haue had so many faire examples as we haue to comfort and incourage vs to their imitation It is the same of Christian faith and patience as of a Souldier and his valour who neuer seeth well but in the middle of the combat or of the clearenesse of Stars which are not beheld but in the night or the odour of incense which is not smelt till it be cast into the fire So God maketh knowne to our brethren the courage which he hath giuen vs when hee maketh it come to our hands with some rude and violent sickenesse hee manifesteth vnto them the clearenesse of our faith when hee couereth vs with some night of affliction he maketh them smell the odour of our patience when he casteth vs into any fire of aduersity and by this meanes our brethren are not onely instructed edified and comforted by this our good example but likwise led to praise and glorifie God who strengtheneth and sustaineth vs in the feeblenesse of our flesh which demonstrateth and accomplisheth his great vertue in our great infirmitie Now behold the principall and most notable spirituall fruits which God of his bounty propoundeth vnto vs what we may gather of our corporall sickenesses And therefore Sir now that God doth visite you with this maladie and putteth you into this bed of infirmitie it behoueth you to know and to acknowledge that this is his fatherly hand that handleth you after this manner as one of his children and by which he calleth you to reioyce in those excellent fruits and profits which haue beene declared for his glory and for your good and saluation You must likewise acknowledge that he would raise you out of your sinnes and faults and would haue you effectually feele a displeasure within your selfe that you may seeke for true pardon in Christs mercies renouncing withall your heart your former euill life with a sound resolution hereafter to serue him and to walke in his feare with more zeale and affection then you haue done heretofore wholly relying vpon his grace Is not this that you promise Patient It is Also consider it is his will by this meanes to make you feele the miseries of this life that you may contemne and tread down these worldly vanities vnder foote to the ende that with all your heart you may aspire to the heauenly and eternall life and thereby to answere the dignity of that condition to which you are called to be children of God and not children of men to haue your conuersation as Citizens of heauen and not of earth and to follow after and search as Saint Paul saith for Phil. 3.20 Col. 2.12 The things which are aboue and not those things which are below Is not this also by Gods grace your resolution to doe all the dayes of your life Patient It is Acknowledge in the end that the good will of God is by this sicknesse to examine proue you to the end that your faith and your patience may become more perfect and that they may be seene and manifested to your Brethren and neighbours round about you that thereby they may be comforted and edefied and giue glory to God to see you so patiently and constantly to carry the violences and sorrowes of this affliction and that you esteeme your selfe to rest with a peaceable and quiet minde to receiue whatsoeuer else it shall please God to send vnto you Is not this the resolution which you take Patient It is I beseech God to giue you grace happily to accomplish your holy promises to his glory and your owne saluation also you must with all your heart often beseech him and implore his grace otherwise you shall neuer be capable of your selfe But if you earnestly and ardently desire him with a true and a liuely faith in the