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A19893 Certaine deuout considerations of frequenting the blessed sacrament: written by the reuerent Father Fuluius Androtius of the Societie of Iesus. With sundrie other preceptes and rules of direction, composed for the benefit of such as seeke to attaine to the perfection of vertue. Firste written in Italian: after turned into Latine: and now translated into English; Della frequenza della communione. English Androzzi, Fulvio, 1523-1575.; I. G., fl. 1606.; Everard, Thomas, 1560-1633. 1606 (1606) STC 632; ESTC S115242 106,518 327

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presented before our eyes and not tasted in the mouth and chewed with the teeth for the more it is brused the better it is tasted so that they which swallow it downe whole vnchewed doe neuer perfectly finde the true tast therof Euen so curteous Reader it is not sufficient for thee to haue knowen the excellencie of this most B. Sacrament and the manifould benefitts sett forth in this booke neyther is it enough to reade that which is conteyned in the meditations and rules prescribed heerin but farther thow must exercise and put in practise the same and chew and grinde them vvith the teethe of consideration and spirituall contemplation demanding hartely of God that it may please him so to illuminate thy minde vvith the light of his Grace that thovv maiest perfectly vndestand vvhat thou readest heerin Luc. 11. It pleased God in the ould lavv to accompte those beastes for cleane that chevved their cudd therby to shevv that he vvhich vvilbe the seruant of God or one of his foulde ought to reuolue and ruminate in minde his diuine misteris Consideringe therfore that of all the meates vvhich God hath prouided for the vse of man this of the most B. Sacrament to be the most delicate and excellent aboue all others he hath especially appointed it most diligently to be chevved in the mouth of our minde VVhen our Lord God gaue the Manna to his people in the vvildernesse vvith great admiration they said Manhu that is vvhat is this Exod. 16. therby to shevv that this sacred misterie prefigurated by Manna ought not to be svvallovved dovvne hastely but to be vvel considered discussinge in the minde vvho he is vvhom vve receiue th●rin VVhich thinge this little booke vvill instructe and teach thee and therfore read it ouer often and attentiuely prayinge for the Author therof and giueing praise and glory to God vvho is not only the Author of all goodnes but hath euer and euer vvill remaine in this B. Sacrament therby to make vs partakers of euerlastinge happines ceedinge mercye doth him selfe vouchsafe to visitt thee who is Kinge of all Kings Lorde of Angells How can it be but thow shouldest be amazed leape for ioye cry owt wth S. Elizabeth Luc. 1. sayinge How doth it befall to me that the Mother of my Lorde cometh vnto me And with holy Zachary Blessed be our Lord God of Israell bicause he hath visited and wrought the redemption of his peopell And with the most B. Virgin Mary My soule doth magnify our Lorde and my spiritt hath reioyced in God my Sauiour 3. Reg. 10. For if the Queene of Saba were so rauished with ioy and so greatlye amazed to behould the cowrte of Salomon so sumptuously adorned and furnished what ioy and comforte shall not he be filled with that shal be present and be a behoulder of this sight Math. 2. The sight of the starre did exceedingly comfort the three kings in directing them to the place of the birth of our Sauiour How great ioy and comfort then ought he to haue who knoweth his maker and redeemer accompanied with all the felowship of heauen to vouchsafe to come to visitt him 2. Consider that thow beinge a most vile and abiect creature art honored with the presence of Christ both God and man and with the felowship and company of all the Angells in heauen To receyue a guyft of a great Prince thou couldest not but accompte it an exceedinge fauour How great a fauour oughtest thou then to houlde it seinge the mos● noble greatest Prince that euer was doth vouchsafe to come vn to thee in his proper person present thee with a present not of gould not of any ritch and costlye iewell but with the treasure of all treasures with him selfe with his most pretious body and bloode with his soule and diuinity what thing can be thought on more worthy of admiration or that deserueth greater ioy or more thanks The Prophett Daniel Dan. 4. was much amazed when it pleased God by his seruant Abacuc to send him meate beinge in the denne of Lyons how greatly amazed ought I then to be that lyuing and conuersing in this miserable world the lake denne of infernall damned spirits may yet receyue by the handes of the Preest the bread of Angells euen the very body and bloode of Christ 3. Consider that when thow receyuest the B. Sacrament thou becomest the lyuinge Temple of the Holy Ghost and that thou art enuironed with an infinite number of Angells continually singing Holy Apoc. 4. Holy Holy O that it were possible thou couldest behould them O that thou couldest heare their sweet musick and melody 3. Reg. q. 3. King Salomon receyued great ioy and comfort when he beheld the buylding of the Temple of Hierusalem finished how much then oughtest thou to reioyce and tryumph if thou doest duly consider that by cominge worthely to the B. Sacrament thou art made thereby the very Temple of God 4. Consider that beinge partaker of this holy Comunion thou art made the Tabernacle of the most holy Trynity by receyuinge into thy sowle and body the Father the Sonne and the Holye Ghost and therfore becomest as it were a cleere shyninge heauen wherin almightie God the Creator both of heauen and earth is contained what thinge can be conceaued more strange or admirable 5. Consider that now thou becomest the Mother of God the spowse of IESVS the brother of Christ and the Sonne of the blessed Virgin Mary For so often as thou doste receiue the B. Sacrament thou conceyuest Christ in thee and art made also one with him bycause he as it were transformeth thy body and sowle into his owne proper substance thou embracest and houldest in thy armes thy sauiour Iesus but in a farre more noble sorte then did that holy Simyon O wonderfull and most singuler grace 6. Consider that thou art as it were the Reliquary of our Lorde IESVS Christ if a frende should bestowe on thee a most ritch and curious case to keepe therein holy reliques how wouldest thou loue him what thanks wouldest thou giue him what delight and contentemēt wouldest thou take therein what therefore might he say or how ought he to behaue him selfe who with diligence doth consider that throughe ofte frequentinge this holie Sacrament he is made the Reliquary of the bloode of Christ and of his sacred humanity 7. Consider that in receyuinge the B. Sacrament thy flesh is touched of the most sacred flesh of IESVS Christ And if he could now as in the tyme of the Apostells be s●ene and behelde in a visible forme thou wouldest hould it for the greatest fauour that might be to come nere him to kisse his holy hand or but to touche the hemme or skirte of his garment Now if this would seeme so greate an honour to thee how art thou honoured that maiest not only touch him daily but maist receyue within thy brest his very flesh not mortall
●●nounceth eternal happines and sek●th t●mporal delightes And when he might both in this world and the next finde the ioyes of Paradise liuing alwayes in the grace of God which yeldeth peace contentment and delight he had rather here in this world receiue an earnest peny of hell As the Poet sayeth To noble mindes death is no worse Then fight from prison vile Petrarcha To abiect mindes it bringes more feare Then prison or exele It is the extremest folly that that may be to deceiue and perswade our selues as if we should neuer die which they doe that wil neuer thinke on death It is true wisdome therfore euer to haue it in our minde that we may alwayes be exercised in some good worke so long as we liue in this world and not to deferre to doe wel vntil the last hower of our life much like the foolish virgins who wanting oyle in their lampes that is good workes were shut out from the wedding Wherupon a certaine writer sayeth Reforme thy life whilst thou hast time Deferre no day to mend For death doth bring to weale or woe That neuer shal haue end What we ought to doe daylie to the end we may not feare death TO call hartely vpon God that it wil please him to send vs his grace to remember death and to consider amongst other thinges foure or fiue principal anguishes where with sinners are most afflicted at the hower of their death 1. The first is that then they must leaue and forsake al worldly delightes and that those thinges which most inordinatly they loued before at the hower of death wil cause their greatest sorrowe euen as is hapned to Absalon who hauing nothing which he more esteemed then his faire haire was brought by the same to his final destruction 2. The remorce of conscience 3. The infernal diuels accusing them 4. The good Angels forsaking them 5. The dreadful Iudge all in wroath whom easily before they might haue made their frend especially by frequenting the holy Sacraments by almes deedes and the like Then when we haue acknowledged how worthely we haue deserued these most grieueous punishments to craue the assistance of Gods holy grace that truly we may amend the imperfections of our liues in dying to the world the flesh the diuel all sinne and our owne willes and to liue only to God so that at the hower of death being freed from these terrors we may finde consolations in the mercies of Christ A remedie for those that feare not death but the paines of death THere be further some persons that liue in the feare of God who feare not death but the griefes and paines of death which the ghostly enimie putteth into their mindes whereby the remembrance thereof becometh most dreadful vnto them This feare ariseth other from melanch●ly 〈◊〉 else from a certaine distrust which we haue in God ●s if he were not faithful louing ful ●f mercie and being our Father yet that he wil lay amo●● 〈◊〉 burt●●n vpon vs then we are able to bear● and so suffer him selfe to ●e surm●unted in sweetnes loue and affection euen by our earthly parents For this cause we ought wholy to resigne our selues into the handes of God and to put our confidence in him that he wil so temper the paines of death that we may be wel able patiently to endure them And if they chance to be more griueous that he wil strengthen and asist vs with so much the greater aide For such is the merciful nature of God that the 〈◊〉 he seeth the danger of man to be the readier he is to send his asistence and the more violent he findeth our ghostly enimie to afflict vs the nerer he is with his presence to giue vs comfort and consolation Nether doth the holy Scripture tel vs any one thing more often then of the exceeding care and Fatherly prouidence of God twardes his children and then especially when he seeth them thorough their distresses to stand most in need of his helpe Doe but behould with what cruel torments and exquisite punishments he suffered his B. Martyrs to be tried in this world in which notwithstanding they pe●seuered most c●nstantly and cheerfully embraced their cruel deathes Consider how many good men thou seest to die daylie and what comfort and consolation God s●ndeth them in their agonies which the s●me merciful Lord wil no● d●ny thee at they death if thou put thy confid●nce in him Rememb●r that hytherto God neuer layed a heau●er burthen vpon thee then he gaue thee strength and abilitie to beare Yea thou h●st vndergone some burthens which thou thoughtest thy selfe wholy vnable to haue indured and thinkest thou that he wil forsake thee in thy agonies of death It is good to cal to remembrance some s●n ences of holy Scripture especially at such time as these feares shal assault thy weake minde Psal 30. As to say O Lord I haue put my trust in thee let me neuer be confounded If God be for vs who can be against ●s Rom. 7. Who hath put his confidence in God and was euer confounded and such like And if our Sauiour IESVS haue already once died for thee and were willing againe to die for thy sinne if neede should so require how then canst thou imagin that he wil forsake thee in thy last agonies And if with such signes of his loue he hath so often giuen him selfe vnto thee in the B. Sacrament how can he forsake thee when thou shalt most of al neede his asistance Besides he sayeth him selfe by his Prophet Esay Esay 49. That sooner the mother shal forget hir owne tender babe then he wil forget or be vnmindful of vs thereby to declare that his loue is greater then the loue of any tender mother If therfore a mother shew so great loue to hir beloued sonne what wil God doe towardes vs whom he esteemeth as his dearest children S. Iohn sayeth when our Sauiour IESVS Christ had loued his in this life Io. 13. he loued them vnto the end for that is the propertie of true and perfect loue And if in that instant when he suffered al his paines and torments on the crosse he was mindful not only of his B. mother and his beloued disciple S. Iohn but of those his enimies also who spoiled him of his fame his goodes and his most pretious life how then wil he forget or be vnmindful of those at their ●●aths who adict themselues to his holie seruice Let vs then say with S. Augustine O Lord in this world ●urn● me or rent me in peeces if it should ●o please thee so that in the next world thou deale mercifully with me Thy blessed wil 〈◊〉 Lord be done If at our deathes we confidently commend our soules into the handes of God why should we be more fearful to commit it our bodies If daylie we say Thy wil be done in earth as it is in heauen that is both in soule and body the wil
I Further beseech thee through the prayers teares sighes vowes and desirs of the holy Patriarches and Prophettes that as they in many places and at seuerall tymes haue most longinglye expected the cominge of the kingdome of Christ on earth So we may most feruently thirst after the true spirituall kingdome of Christ both of this life which consisteth in true iustice and sanctitie and also of the next life which consisteth in the highest felicitie both of sowle and bodie FIAT VOLVNTAS TVA SICVT IN COELO ET IN TERRA Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen 3. Apostels The holie Apostles o Lorde fulfilled perfectly heere on earth thy blessed will For at them did Christ pointe when he sayde Whosoeuer shall fulfill the will of my Father that is in heauen he is my brother and sister and mother They truly both by worde and wrytinge haue diuulged thy will through the whole worlde and haue both by example of their liues and also their deedes manifested the same in keepinge thy commandements and holye councells I most hūbly therfore beseech thee o Lorde that we may also euer fulfill thy will both by example of our liues and may willinglie teach and instructe our neigbour and so with the Apostles may immitate and follow thy beloued Sonne Christ of whom it is written He beganne to doe and to teach PANEM NOSTRVM QVOTIDIANVM DA NOBIS HODIE Giue vs this day our daily breade Consideringe o Lorde that for the fullfillinge of thy will we stande principally in neede of thy ayde and assistance for accordinge to thy blessed will and pleasure thou giuest vs both a will and abilitie thy ayde I say not so much of corporall as of spirituall breade wherby we may be-strengthned to sustaine and endure the tribulations of a Christian life Euen as thy B. Martirs haue done who 4. Martirs that they might more constantly suffer their torments and afflictions did strengthen them selues by daily receiuinge that blessed foode of thy most sacred body and bloode We therfore beseech thee through the meritts of all the Martirs that thou wilte vouchsafe to giue vs daily this breade in the holy sacrifice of the Masse if not Sacramentally yet at the least spiritually ET DIMITTE NOBIS DEBITA NOSTRA SICVT ET NOS DIMITTIMVS DEBITORIBVS NOSTRIS And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. And in regarde o heauenly Father that we are wholly vnworthy not only of this heauenly breade but of all thy grace and assistance adde this benefitt also to the heape of thy other giftes that through the meritts of all chiefe Bishops Bishops and Confessors 5. Confessors whose office by thy gifte hath bin to remitt and forgiue mens sinnes that my sinnes also both venial and mortall may be forgiuen me And as they directed all their labours and watchings to no other end but by preachinge and writinge to drawe men out of the iawes of the deuell and hell so grant that I may direct all my labours and studies to drawe out of the filth of sinne first my owne sowle and afterwards the sowles of other sinners accordinge to the tallent which thou hast bestowed vpon me ET NE NOS INDVCAS IN TENTATIONEM And leade vs not into temptation Although o Lorde we be free from sinne yet was it thy holy will that we should not be without the temptations of this worlde For we reade that the Angell Raphael saide to Tobie Bycause Tob. 12. thou wast gratefull in the sight of God it was necessarie that temptation shoulde proue and try thee For proofe wherof neuer any endured greater temptations of the diuell and the flesh nor did with greater constancy and courage ouercome them than such as excelled others in austeritie and holines of life as The Holy Eremitts 6. Mōkes S. Anthony S. Hilarion S. Macharius and other religious persons You haue liued saith one emongest cruell Aspes and Dragons neyther could the most terrible assaulters of the Diuell daunte you I therfore be seech thee sweete Sauiour that by the meritts of all holy Anchorits and other holie Saintes thou wilt bestowe that grace vpon me that amidest the many temptations which this world yealdeth thou will bestowe on me spirituall weapons to beate downe all assaultes of the world the flesh and the diuel and that I neuer be ouercome by giueing my consent to their wicked suggestions SED LIBERA NOS A MALO But deliuer vs from euell Vouch safe o Lorde to protect and defende mee from all euell of payne and sinne and if so it be thy diuine will and pleasure from all motion of concupiscence which is the fountaine of all euell That henceforth I may order and direct my life in all puritie and integritie both of minde and bodie accordinge to the exāple of infinite virgins and holy wydowes whose blessed memorie the Church doth yearely celebrate 7. Virgins For so innocente were they from sinne and all spott of vncleanenesse of life that rather would they spend their liues then blemishe their Chastitie more willingly suffer all tormentes than once yealde consent to the voluptuous pleasures of the flesh For which they haue deserued a speciall and singular Crowne of Virginitie in the kingdome of heauen be sides the generall felicitie of all the glorious Saintes Amen FINIS A DEVOVT HYMNE OF S. THOMAS OF AQVIN verie s●t to be said in the presence of the ● Sacrament DEuoutly I adore thee o latent dietie Which truly dost vnder these figures lie To thee my harte with reuerence is enclind Rauished with that which in this work I find Sight taste and touch in thee are quite deceiued Wherfore by hearinge thou must be beleued I to thy wordes Gods Sonne giue firmest credit Who art the truth that most belief dost merit Vpon the Crosse lay only hid thy dietie But here both it and thy humanitie Both which I doe acknowledge and confesse Wish●nge to haue the happie thiefes successe Thy woundes I doe not here with Thomas see Yet as my Lorde and God I honor thee More firme beliefe daily in me moue Effect my hopes and s●il encrease my loue O sacred memorial of our Sauioures deathe True bread that dost to sinners life beqeathe Graunt that my minde may euer liue by thee And thou to it a sauoure sweete maiest be O pious pelican IESV Lorde moste good Cleanse my vncleanesse with thy pretious blood Whose smalest drop is of such worthe and price As can whole worldes redeeme from sinne and vice IESV whom I doe vnder veiles now see When shal my thirst longing quēched bee That by fruition of that blessed place My soule may euer see thee face to face A TABLE OF THE PRINCIPAL POINTES CONTAINED IN THIS Booke CErtaine deuout and Godly Considerations to stirre vp and inflame the mindes of such who often frequent the Blessed Sacrament fol. 1. Certaine Godly and deuoute admonitions for the more worthy preparation to the B.
owne and sayinge with the Prophett Psal 113. Not to vs O Lorde not to vs but to thy holy name giue al honour and glory 11. Now that thow art become one of the cowrt of God and a guest of heauen consider how humble how pure and euery way how pleasinge thou oughtest to appeare in his sight For if thou wert daylie invited to some great Princes table how careful wouldest thou be to present thy selfe before him in al comelines and decencie not enduringe any spot of vncleanes ether in thy countenāce or attyar If then thou wouldest haue so great a respect in cominge to the table of a temporal Prince how oughtest thou to prepare thy selfe beinge inuited to the table of the kinge of heauen 12. Consideringe that in receiuinge the B. Sacrament God daily bestoweth on thee new graces and fauours adorneth thy soule with new giftes and honors and enricheth thee more and more with new encrease of meritts other spiritual blessinges what then remaineth but that thou likewise more and more endeauour againe to loue him magnifie and laude him wholy to dedicate and consecrate thy selfe vnto his seruice and to direct all thy thoughtes and actions only to his glorie 13. If so often as thou comest to the B. Sacrament thou puttest thy mouth to the side of thy Sauiour and from thence drawest the sucke of the moste pretious blood of Christ What care and watch oughtest thou henceforth to haue of thy mouthe and tounge What dilligence to restraine them from vtteringe any vaine or immodest speeches What studie and endeauour that thy tounge be alwaies busied in magnifinge Christs sacred blood and passion and extollinge his goodnes for this vnspeakable benefit cryinge out with the Apostle God forbid that I should reioyce but in the crosse of our Lorde Iesus Christ. 14. If Christ of his infinite loue haue left him selfe vnto vs in the most B. Sacrament why then should not we receiue him againe if so it weare possible with like infinite loue yealdinge loue for loue and gratitude for gratitude At least wise let vs receiue him that he may fill and replenish vs with true charity which is the weddinge garment wherby we may be present at this sacred weddinge table be made worthy to receaue him who is the God of loue and fountaine of all goodnesse 15. If Christ to bestowe on vs this moste delicious foode of Angels would shed his owne sacred blood and giue vs the same entirely in the holie Eucharist why should not we that we mighte but euen once receiue the same shede for him our deerest blood Why should not we pay blood for blood Giue a sinner for an innocent A thinge of no worthe for a iewel of such price Why should not we desier and wishe from our verie hartes to shed the same euen to the vtmost drop for so louinge a Sauiour 16. If finally he hath bestowed on vs that which he hath denied to so many other nations and doth yet daily deny how many and ●ow great thankes oughte we to rendar vnto him for this so singular loue and bountie towardes vs And in regarde we are vnable to giue worthie and due thankes so much the more oughte we to esteeme and reuerence this diuine Sacrament the oftner to frequent it that he him selfe in vs and by vs may supply those thankes to him selfe which we if we were able oughte to rendar vnto him A MEDITATION OR prayer vpon the Pater noster to be vsed of such as frequent the holie Communion FOR euer be thou blessed most sweete and eternal Father that it hath pleased thee of thy infinite mercie to bestowe vpon me the minde and opportuni●ie so often to receiue in the holie communion the most sacred body and blood of thy dearely beloued Sonne together with his most blessed soule and diuinitie For which most singular grace and bountie what shal I most wretched creature euer be able to render vnto HALLOWED BE THY NAME Sweete Father graunt vnto me thy aboundant grace that I may be able to render vnto thee condigne and worthie thankes for this so highe a benefitt bestowed vpon me that I may euer sanctifie and praise thy most holie name extoll thy goodnes and maiestie to al those who haue not knowledge of thee And that in al my actions whatsoeuer I take in hand I may only seeke the aduancement of thy glorie THY KINGDOME COME Raigne for euer O Lorde in my harte which euen now most freely I surrender into thy handes Let not that fowle spirit th● deuil euer haue any part in me Let not my filthie flesh beare any rule ouer me which euer is at debate and warre with my soule Let not the loue of this worlde or the allurements of sinne deceiue me which caused thy deare Sonne to suffer his moste bitter passion for me THY WIL BE DONE IN EARHT AS it is in heauen Teach me sweete Lorde to fulfill thy holie wil in euerie place in euerie time and in euerie occasion with cheerfulnes readines and a ioyfull harte euen as doe thy glorious Saintes and Angels who for euer raigne with thee in thy heauenly kingdome GIVE VS THIS DAY OVR daylie bread Graunt me O Father a most feruent desire wherby worthely to receiue this diuine Sacrament worthelie to eate this true bread of Angels I craue sweete Lorde euer to haue the tast of it in my mouth I craue puritie of harte when I shal receiue it A cleane tounge where with to touche it A discreet Priest to administer it And a deuout intētion with dwe reuerence to adore it AND FORGIVE VS OVR TRESPASSES as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs. O my Lorde graunt me I beseeche thee perfect remission of al my sinnes and a hartie detestation to hate and loath them Giue me likewise a prompt and willinge minde that I may be euer readie for thy sake to pardon and forgiue al iniuries done vnto me AND LEAD VS NOT INTO temtation Tread downe sweete Lorde with thy heauenly presence my ghostlie enimie that daylie lieth in waite to entrap me that I nether assent being deceiued nor mightest call vpō me saying Our Father If therefore thou loue me as a daughter ought to doe and like a daughter behauest thy selfe in my sight what cause hast thou to distrust in me Why tremblest thou where is no cause of feare What dout canst thou haue if thou hast done thy endeauour truly to confesse thee If it be that thou art not certaine that I haue chosen thee for my daughter then here againe I take thee for my daughter and as a deare and beloued daughter doe now welcome and entertaine thee Consider that for thy sake I haue created the heauens and that for to redeeme thee I haue sent my only Sonne from heauen who euen from his infancie began for thee to shee l his most pretious blood wepte for thee when he was circumcised and for thy sake was called IESVS that
Luc. 2. and the breath of dumbe beastes to keepe him warme 6. Suffered vnder Pontius Pilate Who suffered The verie Sonne of God What suffered he Innumerable stripes vnspeakable reproaches incredible torments For whom did he suffer them For me knowinge how vngrateful I would be in time to come By whom did he suffer By the most abiect and cruel wretches that euer liued Why did he suffer Therby to purchase my redemption and saluation 7. Crucified For my sake was he crucified And who was he that was crucified The only Sōne of God With whom was he crucified In the midest betwene two theeues Where was he crucified Vpon the mount Caluarie a most infamous and loathsome place At what time of the yeare When the whole world should repaire to Hierusalem In what maner was he crucified Naked and set as is seemed to be scorned of al men O most doleful and lamentable spectacle 8. Dead He died thoroughe thirste that he mighte as it were make vs drunke with his blood Lost h●s owne life to ransome ours euen he that giues life vnto al men O my soule what thinkest thou what canst thou answere hereunto 9. And buried For my sake his most pretious body became a dead coarse O matter of amazement And fortie hower● remayned in the Sepulcher A thinge neuer enough admired 10. He descended into hel For me he descended into hel that thereby he mighte deliuer me from the bitter torments of hel How oft alas had I fallen headlong thither if he had not of his great mercie houlden me back How often hath he with his omnipotent hand pulled me out from thence as it were by violence 11. The third day he rose againe from the dead For me the third day he arose from death conuersing with those few that were his faithful frendes comforting them and eatinge amongst them and shewinge vnto them his most sacred body neuer remembring the iniuries done vnto him finally cherishing and cheeringe them by al meanes possible he him selfe hauing no necessitie of their indeuours 12. He ascended into heauen For my saluation he ascended into heauen there to receiue for me the possession of Paradise where being accompanied with the whole fellowship of heauen he expecteth me with an incredible desire that there deuoide of al feare I freely may enioy the presence of the holie Trinitie conuerse and liue with the most noble and blessed spirites ●nd for euer abound with al ioy peace iubilie And for this cause hath he created vs and for this would he be present for vs wretched sinners in the most B. Sacrament 13. Sitteth at the right hand of God the Father For vs and our saluation he sitteth at the right hand of God the Father hauing vs continually in his memorie A most sweet memorie a most holie memorie a memorie ful of all consolation euer without intermission speaking to his Father for vs. And what doth he obtaine Peace r●cōcilia●ion remission of our offences In our behalfe he sheweth daylie his woundes to his eternal Father offering vp his s●cred death life and passion The mother sheweth to ●ir Sonne to obtaine mercie for vs the breast where with she gaue him sucke And the Sonne againe sheweth to his Father his wound●s and scarres which he suffered for vs. What can the Sonne denie to such a Mother Or what can the Father denie to such ● Sonne 14. From thence shal he come to iudge the qui●k and the dead For vs and for our greater glorie he shal come most glorious at the day of iudgment to praise and extoll vs in the presence of the whole worlde and in great honor and triumphe to carrie vs glorified to raigne with him in his kingdome thereby to exalt vs who here haue bin humbled there to glorifie vs who here haue contemned glorie 15. I beleeue in the Holie Ghoste For vs and for our saluation he sent downe the Holie Ghoste the Spirit of loue the Spirit of peace the Spirit of deuotion and of al sweetnes and consolation that we might alwayes loue him alwayes reioyce with him alwayes be linked and vnited with him in a most sweete bond of loue and charitie alwayes be holie like as the children of a most holie Father that our soules being replenished with the Holie Ghoste we may lead our liues in al sanctitie and holines and in the end enioying the company of the glorious Angels may singe incessantly Holie Holie ●olie 16. The Holie Catholike Church For vs and as euerie one may say for me and my saluation he first planted the Holie Catholike Church which as a most louing mother might weane me with the sweete milke of the worde of God and after might feede me with hir holie Sacraments and sometimes by one meanes sometimes by an other might moue and stirre me vp to praise loue and serue him that in the end for euer I might liue and raigne with him 17. The communion of Saintes For my sake hath he suffered his blessed Saintes and Martyrs to be wearied mortified and afflicted with torments that he might make me partaker of their singular meritts and that I might offer them vp as myne owne vnto the eternal Father And not only the meritts of al the holie Saintes but euen his owne meritts who is the holie of al holies to present them to his heauenly Father as myne owne patrimony and inheritance 18. The forgiuenes of sinnes For my sake amongst other thinges he first instituted the Sacrament of Pennance that thereby I might euer haue in store a medecine to purge me from al filthe of sinne and so to perseuer and continue euer in his grace And to this end he came into the worlde liued died and was buried descended rose againe and ascended into heauen 19. The resurrection of the flesh For me and for my greater glorie he will raise at the latter day my flesh that euen as with it I haue serued God so likewise with the same I may enioy the kingdome of heauen Thrice happie be they that so can chastice their flesh in this world that it may for euer after raigne with him in glorie Matt. 22. 2. If our Lorde reproued those who being inuited yet refused to come to the mariage what wil he doe to such who once hauing tasted the delightes of this heauenly banquet doe after thoroughe slouth or necligence absent them selues from it 3. By how much the gift of some noble Prince bestowed on a priuate person is of the more price and estimation by so much the greater is the offence and iniurie if such a gift be ether had in litle regard or any way contemned 4. If kinge Assuerus refused to accept hir for his wife who at his sendinge neclected to come vnto his table and maryinge with an other commanded forth with al the iewels and ritch ornaments to be taken from the first and in his sighte to be brought and deliuered to the second what wil God doe vnto him that
worthy to receiue it The same author saieth Let such men as say that we ought but seldome to frequent this Sacrament heare and marke dilligently the wordes of S. Ambrose This bread is called our daylie bread vvhy then comest thou to receiue it after a yeare It is further noted that before our Sauiour deliuered his B. body to his Apostles although they were cleane yet that first he washed their feete thereby to shew vs what great diligence and care we ought to vse to procure integritie and innocencie of minde when we are to receiue this sacred misterie For as the Arke of God then the which nothing was euer more pretious amongst the childrē of Israel by the which they receiued most singular benefits being taken from them brought vnto the Philistians most greiueous calamities together with eternal reproach and infamie so likewise this holie Sacrament hath most contrarie operations in those that worthelie and vnworthelie receiue it euen as wholsome meates which doe nourish and comfort the stomach wel disposed yet much offend the bodie filled with corrupted humors Wherupon S. Paul saith Therefore amongst you many are infirme and many sleepe 1. Cor. 11. because they come vnworthely to this sacred Table The same Author teacheth vs besides that the first preparation that we are to make is to discerne table from table that is the true heauenly foode from that which is counterfeit The which we doe when firmely we beleeue to be present the real bodie and blood of Christ him whom the Angelles adore in heauen at whose beck the verie heauens doe tremble and with whose glorie both heauen and earth are replenished And this is to discerne the bodie of our Lord as the Apostle admonisheth the greatnes of which misterie we ought rather to adore with humilitie then vainly and curiouslie to search into An other preparation is there of no lesse necessitie which is that euery man call him selfe to a most strict account whether truly and vnfeinedly he loue his neighbour For if thou doest finde in thy selfe the least hatred or grudge against thy neigbour this must thou wholie lay aside first reconcile thy selfe vnto him Next if thy conscience accuse thee of any mortal sinne it must be purged by Contrition and Conf●ssion Further we must remember how vnworthie we are of so great a benefit Therfore often are we to repeate that saying of the Centurion which was so highlie praised and commended of our Sauiour Mat. 8. Lorde I am not vvorthie thou shouldest enter c. Also we must dilligently examin our selues whether we may presume to vse that saying of S. Peter Iohn 22. Lord thou knovvest that I loue thee For we must remember he which presumed to come to the feast of our Lord Matt. 22. without his wedding garment was adiudged to the torment of euerlasting fire Nether is it sufficient to vse only the preparation of the mind but also of the body For we must come to the B. Sacrament of the Altar fasting in such sorte that we nether eate nor drinke any kinde of sustenance from the midnight of the day before we come to receiue And such as be married ought also to haue a reuerent respect of so highe a Sacrament Out of S. Thomas and S. Hillarie SAint Thomas S. Hillarie doe in diuers places teach vs that only mortal sinne doth binde vs to refraine the B. Sacrament And the same is taught in the Councel of Trent aforsaied A preparation out of Granatensis Three thinges required to receiue benefit by the B. Sac. Puritie of minde That we abstaine frō mortal sinne be cōtrite for those that are committed That we lay away al malice and auersion which we haue conceiued against our brother because this is the Sac. of perfect vniō That we haue our mindes and bodies free from al vncleanes because we receiue a bodie of al integritie and purenes That we ēdeauour to auoid al venial sinne wordly thoughtes for that they hinder the feruour of deuotion A true intention to receiue Not only for custome Not to please men Not to seke only thy owne consolation but to receiue thereby the true spirit of Christ that is true loue towardes God and thy neighbour profound humilitie a feruent desire to suffer with Christ Actuall deuotion To pray to God without distraction To be deuoutly spiritually affected towardes Christ To goe to the B.S. with great reuerēce humilitie as to the Sōne of God the Creator of the world thy Redemer To receiue this heauenly foode with a longing desire and spiritual hunger to consider the infinite fruite benefit thereof After thou hast receiued 1. First giue thankes to almightie God that it hath pleased him to enter into the habitation of thy soule 2. Exercise some actes of loue as spiritually embracing him touching him kissinge him humbly beseeching him to make his abode with thee 3. Lay open before him al thy miseries sorrowes al thy inspiratiōs desires which thou hast to serue him craue hūbly of him that it would please him to adorne the house of thy soule with true vertues 4. Vse certaine vocal prayers forth of the office of our B. Ladie 5. Passe ouer spend the day whereō thou receiuest with greater modestie recollection then other dayes least the feruour of thy deuotion doe soone growe colde and decay REMEDIES AGAINST DIVERS TEMPTATIONS WHERE WITH THE DIVEL is accustomed to trouble deuout and godlie persons and such as doe often frequent the B. Sacrament Gathered OVT OF SVNDRIE LEARNED writers seruing for al sortes of people but chiefly for such as are more especially desierous to leade a spiritual life TO THE READER THou hast here curteous Reader diuers most profitable remedies against sundrie temptations vvhere vvith our ghostly enimie doth daylie lye in vvaite to afflict to tempt and to ouercome vs and especially those persons vvho contemning the allurements of the vvorlde and the flesh haue deuoted them selues to a spiritual life placinge their chiefe endeauours to subdue their appetites to conquer their ovvne passions Read them therefore vvith great attention no othervvise then if they vvere mest soueraigne remedies for such diseases as afflict thy body both night and day For if vve consider hovv much more pretious our soules are then our bodies vve shal see good reason that vve ought most carefully to seeke out such preseruatiues as may both cure our present infirmities and also preuent such as may in time befal vs. Wherein if thou finde any thinge profitable to thy soule giue the only thankes and praise to almightie God and pray for him vvho for the loue of his diuine maiestie and good of soules bought vvith the pretious blood of our Sauiour Christ hath collected this treatise To vvhom vvith the Father and the Holie Ghost be all honor and glorie vvorlde vvithout end Amen WHAT THE DIVEL OVR GHOStlyenimie endeauoreth chiefly to hinder in vs.
appearing vnto hir she saied O my sweete Iesu where hast thou bene He answering that he had bene alwayes present in hir harte she replied How can it be that thou shouldest abide in a harte which hath bene conuersant in such fowle and vncleane places To whom he saied Hast thou consented to such vncleane temptations And she replying No but I haue euer detested them wishing rather to dye the● to yeld my consent receiued presently this answere from our Lord Then has● thou committed no mortal sinne which only driueth me forth of thy hart and this desire which thou hadest not to offende me could not be in thee with out my especial grace It is also a good remedie for such as are troubled with scruples to humble and resigne them selues into the handes of God accepting such temptations as al other tribulations what soeuer in the place of a Crosse sent by him vnto them for their probation and further trial THE 13. RVLE Scruples also doe often growe in vs for that we haue not a sufficient vnderstanding of the goodnes of God and of his desire to saue our soules And therfore such doe greatly wrong his diuine goodnes not accounting of it as they ought yea they make God as it were an enuious wordly Iudge that should euery way seeke meanes to ouerthrowe the accused person For if they knew with what a disire God did continually seeke our saluation they could neuer so readily fall into such errors But such scrupulous persons doe not so much as knowe that good which is them selues and that they haue a hart wholie resolued to doe good with à desire rather to ēdure any miserie then in the lest degree to offend his diuine maiestie which special grace if they did righly consider there would be no place left in them for any scruples retaining in their mindes so rich a iewel and treasure as is their coniunction and frendship with almightie God THE 14. RVLE Although a man be neuer so learned or wel experienced in these cases yet ought he not herein to relie vpon his owne opinion for being sicke he must followe the aduise of his Phisition And admit that he which giueth councel should err yet shal not he err that obediently followeth it For in such cases God commandeth vs to be directed and gouerned by others THE 15. RVLE Caietan also saieth that a scrupulous person is not bound to confesse those sinnes and offences which he is doubtful whether he haue already confessed or no. For when he hath with a reasonable preparation made his Confession he ought not to call it againe in question but to say in his minde as I haue heretofore confessed my other sinnes so doe I trust that I haue also confessed these else were I ready againe to confesse them and so let him queit his conscience This is to be vnderstood when he hath a doubt whether he haue ommitted any mortal sinne for as for venial as is saied before he is not bound to confesse them THE 16. RVLE Richardus de S. Victore writeth that Anger Impatience Sorrowe Couetousnes Gluttonie Pride Vaine glorie and such like are not at al times to be accounted mortal sinnes and therfore if a scrupulous person happen to fall into any of them he must not presently thinke that he hath sinned mortally REMEDIES AGAINST AL kindes of sinnes and first of certaine steppes or degrees to saluation THE 1. STEP. FIRST the acknowledging of our sinnes considering our offences which are past and the fowlenes of them cōmitted by that body which ought to be a vessel of sanctitie puritie Secondly to acknowledg what thou hast deserued thorough the multitude of thy sinnes to wit the eternal paines of hell Thirdly to remēber what thorough them thou hast deserued to haue lost that is the euerlasting ioyes of heauen THE 2. STEP. Pennance or hartie contrition for thy sinnes committed with a firme purpose to mortifie thy flesh and to sinne no more THE 3. STEP. First an inward sorrowe for thy sinnes committed whereby thou hast offended God thy Creator to whose lawes both heauen and earth are obedient and what thinge soeuer is created in them but thou a●●●e hast bene rebellious vnto him and hast transgressed his holy commandements Secondly a greater sorrowe for that thou h●st offended not only thy Creator but thy Father yea and wh●t Father Eu●n t●●t Father which giueth thee the fertilitie of the earth the abundance of fruites and hath hitherto gouerned thee and yet doth gouerne thee Thirdly and to this the greatest sorrowe of al which may wound thy hart for contemning so louing a Sauiour who suffered patiently most bitter torments on the Crosse for to deliuer thee from the eternal pa●●es of hell THE 4. STEP. Conf●ssion which ought to be pure and not 〈◊〉 with other discourses perfect with our omission of any sinne humble that whatsoeuer we speake with ou● mouth we thinke the same with our hart THE 5. STEP. Chastising our bodies which must be done by the discreti●n of our ghostly Father for auoiding vaine glorie Also secretly so as that the left hand knoweth not what the right hande doth And farther d●●●●●tly according to the 〈…〉 of our bodies THE 6. STEP. A non 〈…〉 of our maners and first 〈…〉 euil speech 〈…〉 of our motions 〈…〉 keeping them vnder Thirdly the reforming as much a● we may of 〈◊〉 and dis●olute persons s●●●ply ●●●rch●nding them and what we 〈◊〉 not to permit iustice t●●he infr●nged a●d ●●●ated in our pres●nce THE 7. STEP. Perseuerance in goodnes which thou that attaine vnto if thou doe wel cons●der the eternal r●w●rde or punishment in heauen and hell as ●so other gifts and graces which God hath bestowed vpon thee Remedies against pride 1. FIrst to consider our owne imperfections the vilenes of our bodies and the innumerable infirmities of our mindes 2. to imitate and followe such as excel vs in vertu and perfection and especially our Sauiour Christ who exhorteth vs to followe him Ma● 11. saying Learne of me for I am meeke and humble of harte 3. To consider the seruitude and basenes of proude people who of the sonnes of God make them selues the seruantes slaues of the diuel who is the kinge of al pride 4. To conuerse with such as be humble and modest 5. In apparel and al our external actiōs to carrie our selues according to our condicion and degree Against vaine glorie 1. FIrst as nere as we can to conceale such vertues as are in vs. 2. Often to reflect our mindes vpon our imperfections 3. To attribute al our praise vnto almightie God who is the only author of al goodnes Against Couetousnes 1. FIrst to auert our mindes from the loue of al earthly thinges and for that end to call vpon God for his heauenly grace 2. To thinke that our mindes wil neuer be satisfied haue we neuer so great riches 3. To assure our selues that we shal shorthly leaue al riches behinde vs saue only
the one side his passion was most grateful and acceptable on the other side the action of them that crucified him was most execrable and abhominable Remedies for any afflictions that may happen vnto vs. 1. FIrst to rest most assured that no tribulation pressure sorrowe or other afflictiō can happen vnto vs which d th not proceede from God and from his diuine ordinance and prouidence as S. Augustin and the holie Scripture doth teache vs. And that he suffereth these thinges to happen vnto vs of the same Fatherly loue which he shewed when he would haue his only and dearly beloued S nne to suffer far more greueous torments for our redemption 2. Secondly to consider how often and how longe time thou hast most grie●●ously offended almightie God For if ●ut only once thou hast offended his Maiestie who is infinite thou hast therefore deserued infinite paines and not these temporal punishments 3. Thirdly to thinke vpon the paines of hell which thou hast so often deserued 4. Fourthly to remember what torments the holie Saintes haue suffered in this life but chiefly our Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ the Holie of al holies and not once but euen the whole time of his life which he spent here vpon earth 5. Fiftly to meditate vpon the eternal glorie to the which there is no passage but thorough many tribulations 6. Sixtly to consider what is the fruite of tribulation which is to humble our selues before the presence of God to haue recourse vnto him for helpe to sequester our selues from the affaires of this worlde to thirst after heauen to imitate Christ to please almigh●ie God to mortifie our flesh which is so great an enimie to vs to take away al oc●asions that may offend his diuine Maiestie to cleanse our soules from sinne and finally to enrich our selues with grace and after this life with vnspeakable glorie Remedies for such vvho are grieued in minde for that they are iniuried and contemned 1. FIrst to consider what iniures were done to our Sauiour Christ him selfe and then to thinke that the seruant is not greater then the master 2. To remember how often we our selues haue offered many iniuries to God and thereby may iustly thinke that the wronges which we doe suffer are nothing to be accounted 3. To thinke what iniuries the B. Saintes in heauen haue suffered how they were contemned and how reproachfully they were vsed 4. To consider that by suffering iniuries we haue occasion ministred vnto vs to forgiue them and thereby to deserue remission of many done by vs vnto others so that we may confidently say Forgiue vs our trespasses as vve forgiue them that trespasse against vs. 5. To remember that hereby we haue occasion giuen to please almightie God to become his children to reioyce in spirit to increase our glorie in heauen as we reade in the gospel 6. To thinke that we are iniured by our ghostly enimie the diuel who according to Anselmus posesseth a man for the time he is in sinne and therfore to reuenge our selues on him with the weapons of humilitie patience charitie prayer and other like spiritual armour 7. To behould in him who offereth thee iniurie the image and likenes of almightie God and to remember that he redeemed you both alike with his most pretious blood 8. To consider that he which offendeth thee doth also offend God and that thou shouldest be m●re grieued ●herfore then for the offence which is done vnto thee and therfore to pr●y for him 9. To haue compassion vpon him to see him fall from the grace of God for God sayeth Rō 12. Leaue 〈◊〉 to me What grea●er miserie can be fall vs then to fall from Gods holie grace and fauour 10. To take them as we would doe other tribulations sent vs from the hand of God euen as we haue s●ene the ●●lie Martirs ioyfully to haue r●ceiu●d theirs and th●rfore not to complaine or grudge against then So holie 〈◊〉 did refer to God the l●ss● of his go●des and children which he had su●●●●d by the diuel saying Our Lord ha●● 〈◊〉 th●m away He saied not that the diuel had taken them away for as S. Augu●●●ne noteth he knew ful wel that the diuel could not take fr●m him on haire of his he●d contrary to the wil and power of God So Dauid being reuil●d by one of his owne subiectes tooke it vpon him as a thing laied vpon him by the hand of almightie God saying in one of the psalmes Psa 67. O Lord thou hast giuen me as a reproach to a man without vvit and I haue not opened my mouth because thou hast done it And againe Psa 38. O Lord thou hast set men vpon our hea●es And al warres and iniuries which he receiued from his enimies he did at●ribute them to the hand of almightie God The whole Scripture is ful of examples where God hath s●nt vpon his seruants plauge warre and famin and al other s●rtes of punishments And if the 〈◊〉 Sparrow ●●l not on the grounde without the prouidence of God as we rea●e in the gosp●l how can a man suffer any iniurie contrary to the wil of God And if he h●ue a 〈…〉 the l●●st h●ire of our h●●les 〈…〉 we not thinke he hath the like of other thinges which more concerne ● Rem●dies for those that are afflicted ●n their mindes at such time a● th●y suffer tribulation 1. FIrst to thinke that God i● iust and faithful who neuer p●rmitt●th vs to suffer greater afflictions then assisted by his grace we may easily endure 1. Cor. 10. as S. Paul teacheth vs. 2. To remember the sundrie miseries of our life past which before we felt them might haue bene thought intollerable and yet being strengthned by the diuine grace of God we haue wel ouercome them so likewise wil God asist vs to beare al afflictions that are to come 3. To consider the example of others especially of the B. Saints For who would not haue thought that S. Peter would haue bene afraide if it should haue bene tould him that he should haue bene crucified with his head downewardes and yet he chose that death him selfe Likewise of S. Bartholomew that he should haue his skinne fleid off And the like may be saied of many other holie Martirs Remedies for such vvho for humane respectes are ashamed to doe vvel 1. IF thou art not ashamed to doe ill why shouldest thou be ashamed to doe well 2 Remember that thou must die shortly and must appeare before Christ thy iudge how wilt thou be ashamed at that time 3. If our Redeemer Christ were not ashamed to hang naked on the crosse why shouldest thou be ashamed of wel doing 4. So many thousands of men and woemen haue spent their liues for Christ and art thou ashamed to doe good for the loue of him 5. What wilt thou say at the day of iudgment How great wil thy shame then be how great thy confusion 6. When thou doest any good
noster applyed to the seauē wordes which our Sauiour spake hanginge on the Crosse PATER NOSTER QVI ES IN COLIS Our Father which art in heauen SWeete Lorde and Sauiour IESVS who with the woode of thy most blessed and holye Crosse hast prepared a way and a bridge for vs into heauen and hast adopted vs the heyres of euerlastinge life by thy last will yet so as that we suffer with thee that also we may be gloryfied in heauen with thee SANCTIFICETVR NOMEN TVVM Hallowed be thy name Because sweete IESV beinge nayled vpon the Crosse thou aboue all others hast sanctified the name of thy heauenly Father at which time in thy extremest torments thou hadest thy only refuge to him and calinge vppon his holy name didest vtter these words My God my God why hast thou forsaken me ADVENIAT REGNVM TVVM Thy kingdome come Kindell my sweete Sauiour within my harte a feruente desier of the kingdome of heauen that therby I may fully contemne all worldly delightes and with the Apostle desier to be dissolued and to be with Christ And in the end after many tribulations patiently suffered and harde laboures ouercome I may with the Theefe crucified with thee be worthy to heare those words spoken on the Crosse This day thou shalt be with me in Paradice Luc. 23. FIAT VOLVNTAS TVA SICVT IN CCEIO ET IN TERRA Thy will be done in earth as it is in heauen When thou prayedst in the Garden sweete IESV thou wast most redye to obey the will of thy Father euen vnto death and that to the death of the Crosse And beinge sone after nayled theron and readye to yeald thy sowle into the hands of thy Father thou didest in acte fullfill his will when thou saydest It is Consummated Io. 19. Grante me therfore grace my sweete IESV that in executing the will of God that is in fulfillinge his Commandements in continuall exercise of good works and in sufferinge tribulations for thy sake I may constantly perseuer euen to the end PANEM NOSTRVM QVOTIDIANVM DA NOBIS HODIE Giue vs this day our dayly breade What breade O Lorde shall I craue of thee but that breade which thou didest aske of thy Father and what drinke but the same which thou didest aske beinge nayled on the Crosse sayinge I thirst for thoughthy corporal thirst were exceding great yet thy spirituall thirst was much greater wherof thou spakest at an other tyme sayinge Mat. 5. Blessed ar they that thirst and hunger after Iustice. Thou swe● IESV didest thirst after the saluation o● all men for whose redemption thou didest suffer so cruell torments on the Crosse thou didest thirst after the conuersion of thy Bretheren the Iewes and euen of those that were the mynisters of thy most bitter Passion thou didest thirst after the saluation of all the Gentills yea of all people whatsoeuer had bin were or should be borne into the worlde for which cause most bountifully thou didest sheade all thy sacred bloode Grante me sweete Iesv a litle of this thirst that with a zeale and desier of the saluation of sowles I may imploy that talent which thou hast lent mee ET DIMITTE NOBIS DEBITA NOSTRA SICVT ET NOS DIMITTIMVS DEBITORIBVS NOSTRIS And forgiue vs our trespasses as we forgiue them that trespasse against vs. I doubte not my sweete Sauiour but thou wilte mercifully forgiue our trespasses bycause thou forgauest the theefe when thou wast nayled on the Crosse nay euen vnto them that did crucifie thee sainge Iac. 21. Father forgiue them for they knowe not what they doe If then we shewe mercie and forgiue those that trespasse vs how much more o Father and fountaine of mercye canst thou and wilte thou forgiue as if we through frailtie transgresse thy commandements ET NE NOS INDVCAS IN TENTATIONEM And let vs not be ledde into temptation And although our sinnes be once forgiuen vs yet so longe as we liue in this miserable worlde we ar in dainger to fall into them againe the diuell the Flesh or the world temptinge and vrgeinge vs therto therfore is it necessary for vs euer to flye and haue recourse to thee who vpon thy Crosse and through thy Passion hast ouercome all temptations euen as in that greate temptation when thou wast taken and all thy Apostells fledde thy most Blessed mother and beloued disciple S. Iohn made it their refuge to flye to thee and thy holye Crosse Wherupon euen hanginge on the same thou didest commende thy mother to S. Iohn and S. Iohn to thy mother sayinge Io. 10. Woman behoulde thy Soone and bedoulde thy Mother Where in the person of S. Iohn we are all as it were commended to thy mother to whom next to thy selfe in all temptations we are accustomed to flye and to say O Mary Mother of grace and mother of mercye defende vs from our enimie receiue vs at the hower of death SED LIBERA NOS A MALO But deliuer vs from euell Then shall we be free and defended from all euell when we are vnder thy protection and vnder the shadow of the wynges of thy Crosse Psal 25. 55. I will feare no hurte saide the Prophet Dauid bycause thou art with mee I haue put my trust in God I will not feare what man can doe to me And therfore thou my sweete Sauiour hanginge on the Crosse to make a finall conclusion of all thy torments and miseries through thy death wouldest haue thy soule to be vnder the protection of thy Father Luc. 23. sainge Father into thy handes I doe commende my spiritt Grante therfore sweete IESV that singuler grace to vs that at the hower of death we may so commende our sowles to thee and our heauenly Father that we departe out of this world free from all ill both of sinne and punishment and may enioy eternall rest with thee world without end Amen The fifte way how to say the Pater noster applyinge the seauen petitions therof to the seauen orders of Sainctes PATER NOSTER Our Father OMnipotent euerlastinge God Creator of heauen and earth and Father of all that liue ether in heauen or on earth QVI ES IN COELIS Which art in heauen For although through thy essence power and presence thou art euery where excluded from noe place yet especially thou conuersest in the highest heauens wher thou doest manifest thy glory and maiesty to all they Saintes both men and Angells SANCTIFICETVR OMEN TVVM Hallowed be thy name I beseeche thee sweete Sauiour IESVS Christ 1. Angels through the meritts of the most Blessed virgin MARY and all the powers in heauen that euen as they doe sanctifie thy name praise it and glorifie it and for euer will glorifie it So I and all other thy Creatures conuersinge yet in this vale of teares may vntill the end of our liues with al our power sanctifie praise and glorifie the same ADVENIAT REGNVM TVVM Thy kingdome come 2. Prophetts