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heaven_n body_n earth_n soul_n 16,341 5 5.1635 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17647 A commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine vppon the Epistle to the Philippians wherein is set out the necessitie and profite of affliction vnto the faithfull, the benefite of God his word, the fruits, of vnitie and humilitie, free iustification by faith in Iesus Christ without our owne merites, the assurance, ioy, and contented mindes of the godlie, and their perseueraunce in godlinesse vnto the end. With many other comfortable and profitable pointes of religion. Translated out of Latine by W.B.; Commentarii in quatuor Pauli epistolas. English. Selections Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Becket, William, fl. 1584. 1584 (1584) STC 4402; ESTC S107378 72,730 102

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them complaine afterward as they list of our seueritie so that they obiect nothing agaynst vs which wée may not defend by the example of Paule Enemies of the crosse Some expounde the crosse for the whole mysterie of our redemption and this they interprete to be said that by preaching the lawe they did make the benefite of Christ his death to be of none effect But others expounde it that they fled from the crosse and woulde not put themselues in danger for Christ I take it more generally that faigning themselues to be friends they were the worst enemies of the Gospell Neither is it a rare thing with Paule to set out the whole preaching of the Gospell vnder the name of the crosse for as hée sayeth in another place if any bée in Christ hée is a new creature 19 Whos 's ende is destruction Hée addeth this that the Philippians béeing terrified by the danger might more diligentlie take héede and not entangle themselues in theyr destruction and because such knaues by bragging and diuerse artes doo oftentimes for a while blinde the eyes of the simple that they are preferred euen before the good seruants of Christ the Apostle with great boldnes pronounceth that their glorie wherewith they are now puffed shall bée turned into shame Whose God is their bellie Whereas they vrged Circumcision and the Ceremonies hée denieth that they doo it for a zeale of the lawe but for the fauour of men that they might liue quiet and without trouble for they did sée the Iewes to be maruellous fierce against Paule and suche like neither could they preache Christ truely with any other condition but they must stirre vp the same rage against themselues therefore prouiding for their ease and commoditie they mingled those corruptions which myghte extinguishe the heate of others But our conuersation is in heauen This sentence beateth downe all vayne pompes wherewith the counterfaite ministers of the Gospell were wont to boast themselues and hatefully he inueigheth against all their attempts because that flying aboue the earth they can not aspire vnto heauen for he teacheth that all things are nothing to be estéemed besides the spirituall kingdome of God Moreouer that the faithfull must liue an heauenlie life in this worlde as if hée shoulde say they mind earthly things therefore it is méete that wée shoulde bée estraunged from them whose conuersation is in heauen We are héere mingled with infidels and hypocrites yea the chaffe appeare in the Lorde hys floore aboue the wheate Besides we are subiect vnto the common miseries of this earthlie life we want meate and drinke and other necessaries notwithstanding in minde and affection wée must bée conuersant in heauen for wée must passe swiftly thorough this lyfe and we must be dead to the worlde that Christ may liue in vs and we in like manner liue vnto him This place is a most plentifull fountaine of manie exhortations which any man may easily gather out From whence also By the coniunction that wée haue in Christ he proueth that our gouernement is in heauen For it is not méete that the members should bée diuided from their head therefore séeing that Christ is in heauen that wée may cleaue vnto hym it is necessarie that in oure mindes wée dwell out of the worlde Besides where our treasure is there our heart is also Christ our blessednesse and glorie is in the heauens therefore let our soules dwell alofte with hym therefore by name hée calleth hym a Sauioure From whence haue wée saluation namely Christ our Sauiour shall come vnto vs from heauen therefore it is absurd that wée shoulde bée busied in the earth Thys epithete of a Sauioure serueth the circumstance of the place for therefore wée are sayde in oure myndes to bée in heauen because from thence onely the hope of saluation shineth vnto vs. The comming of Christe as it shall bée terrible vnto the vngodlie so it rather turneth away theyr myndes from heauen than stirreth them vp thither For they knowe that there shall come a Iudge for them and as much as is in them they flée from hym Out of these wordes of Paule the godlie soules gather a swéete consolation when they heare that they must desire the comming of Christ because it shall bée healthfull for them Contrarywise it is a certayne signe of incredulitie at euerie mention thereof to tremble looke the eyght Chapter to the Romanes but whilest others are carried about with vayne desires Paule wyll haue the faythfull contented with Christ onely Moreouer wée learne out of thys place that wée must imagine no base or earthly thyng of Christ because Paule byddeth vs looke vp into heauen that wée may séeke hym But they that subtelly dispute that Christ is not enclosed or thrust into one corner of heauen that thence they mighte prooue hys bodie to bée euerie where and that hée filleth heauen and earth they neyther saye anye thing nor all for as it were rash and foolish to ascend beyond the heauens and in this or that countrey to assigne vnto Christ a standing sitting or walking so in like manner to drawe him out of heauen by any carnall cogitation that we might séeke him in earth it is a foolish and pernicious doting therefore let our hearts be aloft that they may be with the Lord. 21 Who shall transforme By this argument he pricketh yet more the Philippians forward that their minds being lift vp into heauen they may cleaue altogether vnto Christ Because this bodie which we beare about is no continuall dwelling but a ruinous tabernacle which shall soone be brought to nothing besides it is subiect to so many miseries and so many shamefull infirmities that it may rightly be called abiect and full of shame but from whence must we hope for the restoring thereof from heauen at the comming of Christ therefore there is no part of vs which with our whole desire should not aspire into heauen We sée the present basenesse of our bodies in life but especially in death The glorie which they shall haue conformable to the bodie of Christ is incomprehensible for if the disciples could not abide the small taste he gaue them in the Transfiguration which of vs can attaine vnto the fulnesse thereof let vs now be contente with the testimonie of our adoption we shall knowe the riches of our inheritance when we shall enioie them According to the working Because there is nothing more incredible nor more disagréeing from the sense of the flesh that the resurrection for this cause Paule setteth the infinite power of God before our eies the which shoulde swallow vp all doubting for thereof ariseth distrust because we measure the thing by the narrownes of our owne wit Neither did he saie only Power but Effectuall working which is the effect or such a power that bringeth it selfe into acte as I may so speake when it commeth into our minds that God who hath created all things of nothing can commaund the sea and the land