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A16866 The exercise of true spirituall deuotion Consisting of diuers holy meditations and prayers; seruing for the inflaming of mens benummed affections; the quickening and increase of sauing grace; and the better ordering of the whole course of the life of a Christian, in a manner acceptable to God, profitable vnto others, and comfortable vnto his own soule. The first part.; Exercise of true spirituall devotion. Alliston, Joseph. 1610 (1610) STC 377; ESTC S117776 98,747 428

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may alwaies make pretious account of the least measure which it shall please thee in mercie to vouchsafe vnto me referre it wholly to thy honour and glory And sith whatsoeuer I am I am in thee whatsoeuer grace I haue I haue it from the whose gift onely it is let me be content with that portion which thou in thy wisdome and goodnesse allottest vnto me and knowing that for the present it is sufficient for me neither enuie those that haue receiued more lest I repine against thee nor despise those that haue lesse lest it displease thee and cause thee in iustice to withdraw that grace from me which in mercie thou hadst freelie giuen vnto me and to bestow it vpon those who would make better vse of it Death alwaies to be desired of the godlie IF anie shall take away from me my torne and ragged-worne coate and in stead thereof put vpon me a new and a better shall I thinke that I haue anie iniury done vnto me haue I anie cause to complaine as if I were wronged If the Lord vncloath me by depriuing me of this temporall this sinfull and corruptible life and in stead of it cloath me with that which is eternall incorruptible and most glorious doth he hurt me doth he any wrong or iniurie vnto me shall I complaine yea rather Lord let me desire alwaies to remoue out of this bodie and to dwell with thee for euer Let me desire earnestlie to put off this corruption to be dissolued to be with Christ my Sauiour in the heauens for this is that onelie happinesse and felicitie which I expect and hope for Lord euen when it pleaseth thee let me see thy saluation which thou hast promised The imprisonment of the godlie in this life THe godlie whiles they remaine in this world liue as it were in perpetuall imprisonment They are laden with manie chaines and fetters which lie heauie vpon them and cause them to sigh in themselues and to long earnestly for the time of their deliuerance freedom O blessed Lord thou knowest what a burden vnto my soule this corruptible and sinnefull bodie of mine is which I carry cōtinually about with me and how this earthlie mansion keepeth downe and oppresseth my minde and maketh me heauie and vntoward for the performance of that good which thou commandest and wherein my heart desireth to approue it selfe vnto thee I am so fast in prison so much encumbred with manifold annoiances which are as it were so manie heauie irons pressing downe my minde and hindring me from walking before thee with that freedome of spirit and that cheerefulnes and alacrity wherein thou delightest that my soule mourneth secretlie within me and longeth to be freed from this miserie and bondage wherein I am now detained O Lord when wilt thou set me at libertie Continually doe I expect and waite for the redemption of this earthlie and sinfull bodie The vanitie of all earthlie things OH the vanitie of the things of this world riches pleasures honour whatsoeuer else to him that hath a carnall and fleshly eye may seeme most pretious and glorious how fruitles how fading and transitorie are they was there euer anie that found any true peace any sound ioy or contentment in anie or in all of them What a vaine thing then is it for any one to be carried with such an vnsatiable desire after them yea to place if not his onely yet his chiefe happines and felicitie in them as many doe O Lord draw my heart daily more and more from the things of this world whereunto the most are so fast glewed weane my soule both from the loue and desire of them and let my delight be in thee let me reioyce in thee continuallie yea let my soule alwaies long after thee and in comparison of thee esteeme of all these earthly things but as drosse meere vanitie A true discerning of the worlds vanitie maketh men willing to leaue it and desirous of a better estate out of it MAnie there be that complaine of the vanitie and deceitfulnesse of this world and yet are loth to leaue it to depart out of it Such either had neuer a true sight of the vanitie of all things here below and of the wretchednesse and miserie whereunto men euen the best are subiect in this life or else they neuer indeed fullie tasted of the blessednesse and felicitie of the life to come euen those endlesse ioyes and vnspeakable glorie which are prepared and reserued for the Saints in the kingdome of God or if they haue in some sort tasted of this heauenly gift yet without any certaintie or assurance that it belonged vnto them and that their right and portion should be in it and therefore could not be so soundly affected with it as thereby to be brought into a true dislike and contempt of this present euill world which notwithstanding at least they wou●d seeme to be out of loue with The man that seeth indeed how vaine how deceitfull and how miserable this world is and hath withall receiued the first fruits of the spirit of God and tasted of the sweetnes blessednes of the world to come and also knoweth that the assurance of the promise thereof is made and sealed vnto him and that by the truth it selfe euen by him whose word shall stand when heauen and earth shall passe away that man as he shall finde cause enough to complaine of this euill world wherein he liueth so it cannot be but that he should desire vnfainedly to be gone out of it to make change for a better euen that which his soule longeth after and in the hope and expectation whereof he resteth continually sighing in himselfe and waiting earnestly for the fruition and full possession thereof when as being vnclothed of the burden of this flesh loosed out of the prison of this earth he shal be clothed with glorie and immortality and liue for euer in that celestiall mansion not made with hands but eternall in the heauens O Lord when shall I be fullie deliuered from the bondage of corruption vnto which I am now daily subject when shall I lay downe this bodie of sinne and death which I now carrie continually about with me when shall I remoue out of this earthlie tabernacle when shall I leaue the wildernesse of this wearisome world and departing from hence be translated into that glorious kingdome of thine which thou hast promised vnto me My soule longeth to dwell in thy courts to see thy saluation to enioy thy blessed presence and to liue and rest with thee continuallie For here alas I find no resting place yea I see vanitie wretchednesse and miserie on euerie side in euerie place One sorrow succeedeth another The snares of many afflictions and temptations haue taken holde of me many deepe waters haue passed ouer me and euen almost ouerwhelmed me I am assailed continually with many and those verie dangerous and perillous enemies who fight against my
glorious He hath set vp the scepter of his kingdome in his heart so that all his enemies shall fall downe before him euen Sathan the chiefest of his aduersaries who fighteth continually against him and seeketh by all meanes to bring him into bondage and thraldome vnder him What should I say more Beeing vnited vnto Christ his redeemer and made bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh he is also ioyned and nearly allied vnto God the Father and so being ioynt-heire with the Sonne hath that crowne of immortal glory belonging vnto him and shal at length euen when this short life is ended liue and raigne in that celestiall kingdome with God himselfe and with all his holy Saints and elect Angels for euermore And in the meane-while euen whiles he liueth here crawling as it were vpon the earth hauing the place of his abode heere below where he is as one of no reputation in the world which knoweth him not he hath his life his conuersation and his chief abode in heauen being alwaies looking vp vnto that place of his glory which is aboue where Christ Iesus his sauiour sitteth at the right hand of his father his eyes are euer lifted vp vnto heauē and set vpon those things which are within the vaile where his hope yea his heart is so that euen whiles he liueth with his bodie on earth in minde and in soule he is transported in a maner into heauen it selfe and seeth those things in spirit which are vnutterable and which flesh and bloud or the senses of a natural man can neuer reach vnto neuer be able in any sorte to comprehend O Lord who can expresse the honor which thou hast giuen vnto thy Saints who is able to declare the speciall grace which thou in thy infinite goodnes and mercie hast vouchsafed to euery one whom it hath pleased thee to giue vnto thy Christ and in him to elect and chose vnto life and saluation according to the good pleasure of thy will before the world was Oh with what glorie and honour hast thou crowned them how highlie hast thou aduanced them being moued thereunto by nothing that was in them but only of thy free loue and mercie that therby thou mightest cause thy infinite grace and glorie to shine forth vnto the world to the praise of thy name throughout all generations O blessed God whose mercy and kindnes vnto mankind is so infinit and incōprehēsible seeing it hath pleased thee in the exceeding greatnes of thy loue and riches of thy grace towards mee in Christ to chuse mee vnto life and glorie and to make mee euen me so vnworthie a creature one of that small number whom thou hast so highly honored in this world and wilt for euer glorifie euen with that exceeding measure of glorie in the world to come O let my heart and my mouth neuer cease praising and magnifying thy great and glorious name and howsoeuer I may seeme vile and contemptible in the eyes of the world which doth neither know thee nor thine but hath alwaies hardly intreated those whom thou hast chiefly honored esteeming them as the scumme and ofscouring of the earth the very abiects of men yea men vnworthie to liue in the world yet let me neuer passe any thing at all how the blinde world doth iudge or esteeme of me or how it is affected towards me but let me alwaies reioyce in thee and glorie in thy saluation and rest continually in a comfortable hope and ioyfull expectation of all that goodnes of thine which thou hast treasured vp in store for mee in thy kingdome and whereof thou hast giuen mee the first fruits already as a pledge and assurance of that which I shal haue the full fruition of hereafter for euer An humble heart most pleasant vnto God a proud most vile and abominable AN humble and a lowlie hart is a mansion wherein the Lord delighteth to dwell he filleth and replenisheth it with the riches of the graces of his spirit but as for the proud and high minded they are an abomination vnto him His soule doth loath them and his spirit will neuer rest nor remaine with them they are no fit mansion for him yea they are meete only to be an habitation for Satan that euill and vncleane spirit who being the father of the children of pride can take no pleasure where hee findeth true humilitie but seeketh for lodging in those especially who are of a proud and hautie spirit These are his darlings in these is his chief delight in them he hath a roome alwaies ready trimmed prepared for him euen in the closets of their hearts where he dwelleth and raigneth continually from whence he will neuer depart as long as hee findeth so fit a mansion for him The onely way to cast him out of the heart and soule of man is to emptie it altogether of pride and to haue it garnished with that excellent grace of humilitie and lowlinesse O Lord who art the fountaine of all grace giue vnto me I earnestly desire thee a contrite spirit a meeke and an humble heart Banish all pride and vanitie of minde far from me and make me lowly yea base and vile in mine owne eyes that so that wicked spirit being vtterly dispossessed and finding no abiding place within mee I may bee fit to entertaine that good spirit of thine thou maist delight to dwell and remaine with me and to fill my emptie soule with those pretious riches and treasures of thy heauenly graces which are the things which my heart desireth and longeth after Oh doe thou heare me and satisfie me as my trust is in thee who I know assuredly wilt neuer faile me nor withhold thy goodnesse from me whiles I seeke vnto thee with a heart vnfained Confidence in any creature a most vaine thing WHat a vaine thing is it to put any trust or confidence in man or in any creature what is this but to rest vpon a broken reed How greatly do such deceiue themselues how oft doe they faile in their desires and misse that which they hoped for O Lord God who art glorious and wonderfull in power and strength nothing is or can be hard vnto thee thou only art my hope all my trust confidence is in thee Whom haue I in heauen or in earth but thee vpon thee thee only I rest and depend continually O doe thou neuer forsake me Suspition THE best man is alwaies le●st suspitious But hee that is giuen euer to mistrust and to suspect the worst of others as it may be iustly feared that hee hath a very corrupt and vnsound heart himselfe so it may bee vndoubtedly affirmed that he is very offensiue and displeasing vnto God very vnquiet in himselfe and most vncharitable towards his neighbour whom notwithstanding he hurteth not so much thereby as himselfe O Lord increase the grace of true charitie daily more and more in me Let me alwaies be looking into mine owne hart considering the
heart how much more the earnest supplications of the assemblies of the Saints and seruants of God euen his faithfull and beloued ones no doubt they pierce the cloudes open heauen-gates and enter into the presence of God himselfe and so preuaile with him that they cause him as to keepe backe his iudgements where they are feared so to powre down his blessings in abundance where they are desired O Lord grant that I may be frequent and earnest in praier both publique and priuate for my selfe and for others euen for thy Saints especially thy afflicted and distressed ones either in bodie or in mind and let it please thee as to make me carefull daily to pray and powre out my suits and supplications vnto thee for others so also in goodnesse to vouchsafe this grace and fauour vnto me that I may enioy the fruite and benefite of the prayers of thy seruants wheresoeuer or whensoeuer they shall be assembled in thy name crauing for thy blessing vpon thy Church and chosen children Heare O Lord from heauen and be mercifull vnto all and euerie one of thine that cals vpon thee in truth and faithfulnes let them taste of the sweetnesse of thy mercies yea let their emptie soules be satisfied and filled with thy grace and goodnesse that so they may praise thee with ioyfulnesse and both with heart and mouth sing vnto thy glory all their daies Blessings of God are not the lesse to be regarded because they are common EVen that glorious creature the Sunne because it riseth euerie day vpon vs is little thought of or regarded of the most The wondrous and admirable works of God because they are ordinarie and daily set before our eyes how meanely are they accounted of the greatest mercies and blessings of God because we heare of them and enioy them continually how slightly are they passed ouer by many of how few so highly prized and esteemed as they ought to be Lord let not thy workes thy mercies and fauours wherein thou hast shewed thy selfe so exceeding gratious vnto me aboue all deserts of mine let not them seeme the lesse in my eyes because it pleaseth thee in great kindnesse to make them ordinary vsuall vnto me let me not be the lesse mindfull of them the lesse thankfull vnto thee for them because in the riches of thy loue thou vouchsafest to make them cōmon by the continuall supplie and increase of them yea rather let me as it is meete I should be moued and drawne to be so much the more frequent in the daily and conscionable performance of those ordinarie duties and seruices which thou requirest of me and as thou enlargest thy hand in the continuance and increase of thy mercies towards me so inlarge my heart I humblie beseech thee that I may daily more and more increase in true thankefulnesse vnto thee vnto whom I owe my selfe and all things that I haue for in thee I haue all things without thee I can neither enioy nor hope for any thing which is good or to be desired The Angels watch ouer the godlie O How strongly are Gods children continually garded Lo what multitudes of those heauenly souldiours doe attend vpon them daily hourely euerie moment watch ouer them yea compasse them round about on euerie side so that they can haue no hurt but liue and end their daies in peace safety and happinesse O how blinde are the eyes of men that they doe not see and behold them yea rather how weake is their faith that will not beleeue this because they cannot see them with the eyes of their bodies Foolish and faithlesse people who will be perswaed of no more then they can see with the eye of flesh and haue an external view of by their outward sense why doe they not as fondly doubt whether they haue soules within them since they are spirits also which they neuer saw neither can see Lord open mine eyes that I may see that heauenly guard of thine wherewith it hath pleased thee to compasse me euen those celestiall Angels and ministring spirits which are set continually to attend vpon me that so I may be comforted in my greatest feares and encouraged with vndanted resolution to goe forward with constancie in thy wayes notwithstanding the opposition of the enemies of thy grace and truth knowing assuredly that they that are with me are more mightier then they that are against me The danger of security WIll that man be secure and carelesse of himselfe that knoweth certainly that his enemie lieth continuallie in waite for him seeking his vtter ruine euen the spoiling of his estate and the spilling of his blood yea will he not if there be any wisdome or prudence in him be verie watchfull verie circumspect and exceeding carefull to foresee and preuent all his dangerous attempts enterprises whereby he might haue the least aduantage at any time against him Few there are but are wise inough thus to procure the safetie and securitie of their bodily life and outward estate in this world and to safe-gard it that no enemie or aduersarie may impaire or hurt the same at any time And shall any then be so foolish so vnwise as not carefully by al meanes to prouide for the life and welfare of his soule yea to procure the safety both of soule and body and not onely his present but also his future estate in the heauens and yet loe such is the follie of the most yea euen of many of those who otherwise are wise and prudent men men of iudgement and vnderstanding Sathan that subtile that wilie and most malicious enemie lieth continually in waite for vs he omits no opportunity no occasion whereby he may get any aduantage against vs he neuer leaues tempting assaulting and assailing of vs but seekes continually by all meanes possible to vndermine our estate to worke our ruine and vtter ouerthrow both of our soules and bodies for euer yet most men how carelesse how secure are they as though they had no heart no vnderstanding yea do they not euen wilfully and willingly giue themselues to sleepe in greatest securitie when they are in greatest and most apparent and eminent danger euen then when the enemie is ready to make a spoile of them and eternall destruction and confusion to seize vpon them without all recouerie or hope of redemption O mercifull Lord thou seest how busie Sathan is in tempting me how many and how forcible meanes he vseth to preuaile against me O let me not be so carelesse and secure as others are but doe thou of thy especiall grace giue me wisdom from aboue to fore-see the dangers which may befall me carefulnesse and diligence with watchfulnesse and aduisednesse to preuent them and finallie grace and strenghth not onelie to encounter and resist but also to vanquish and ouercome that cruell and malicious enemie and aduersarie and in the end gloriouslie to triumph ouer him by the power and might of thy Christ in whom and through
transitorie things of this world O Lord God thou only art my God whom haue I in heauen but thee or what is there that I should desire on earth in comparison of thee O let my hart be alwaies fixed vpon thee let my soule loue thee delight in thee seeke and long after thee aboue all things which is that inward and spiritual worship and seruice which thou requirest of all those vpon whō thy name is called of all those that acknowledge thee the Lord to be their God The miserable estate of a worldling HE that doth once imbrace this world can hardly be loosed from it and brought to follow Christ and to cleaue vnto true religiō in the trueth and sinceritie of the profession thereof yea such is the bewitching nature of it that it will daily more and more fasten vpon him and claspe round about him so that he shall haue no power to free himselfe againe except an extraordinarie grace be ministred vnto him of God Of all men of whom there may be any hope a couetous worldling is in this regard most miserable and his estate most dangerous since that it is harder for him to be reclaimed then for any other for of all sinnes out of which there may be any recouery that sinne of auarice and couetousnes is most irrecouerable O blessed Lord let not my heart be glewed at any time vnto the things of this world Let not the immoderate care and desire thereof take hold of me let it not be rooted in me but let me alwaies enioy such freedome by thy grace that I may willingly readily and cheerefully performe those duties which thou requirest of me yea that I may cleaue fast vnto thee and runne with libertie the waies of thy commandements The vnpleasant and distracted life of a carnall and wicked man WHat pleasure is there in the life of a carnall and wicked man who is carried away with the vaine and inordinate desires of his owne heart Before he hath obtained that which he lusts after he is restles and vnquiet All that he had before doth him no good because hee wants that when he enioyes it he is grieued displeased yea vexed because it doth not satiffie him nor yeeld him that contentment which he looked for in it Afterwards he is perplexed and troubled in minde by reason of the guilt which he hath brought vpon his conscience through his sinne the sweetest fruite whereof in the ende is nothing but shame and sorrow yea much bitternes Thus he is continually disquieted discontented and distracted whiles he followeth his vnlawfull desires and yeeldeth to his disordered and distempred affections he hath no peace no ease no rest Witnes the proud person the couetous the voluptuous the ambitious the enuious and malitious and whosoeuer else he be that letteth loose the raines to any vnbridled passion any inordinate affection It is a meere slauery to be a seruant vnto any such lusts the onely meanes to obtaine true libertie hearts ease peace and sound contentement to resist them and to get the mastrie ouer them and to be no wayes bound to them O mercifull Lord let me not be addicted to these things which are base earthly and sensuall let me neuer willingly yield vnto any sinfull desire of my corrupt nature but giue me grace alwaies to bridle yea to subdue and to mortifie those wicked affections which otherwise would preuaile against me that so beeing ouermastered and euen brought into subiectiō vnder me through the working of thy gracious spirit in me I may passe the whole time of my life hereafter in rest quietnes and true peace and contentednes and serue thee with perfect libertie and freedome all my daies The life of the righteous as well to be sought after as their death wished I Marueile not that all men euen the most wicked and prophane of the world do with cursed Balaam desire and wish for the death of the righteous seeing the end of it is true and perfect blessednes and the want of it extreame woe and miserie But this seemes very strange vnto me that they should not as well desire the life of the righteous not onely because this is the meanes to come vnto the other that necessarily depending hereupon but also since herein is true happines to be found and that which is to be desired of all men and without which man cannot but be miserable and euen a burthen vnto himselfe For the righteous the sincere and vpright in life and conuersation they onely leade a peaceable a comfortable and a ioyfull life They reioyce not so much in the face as in heart not so much to the teeth outwardly as in soule and spirit inwardly whereas the hypocrite the false hearted and all that loue vnrighteousnes neuer haue any true mirth any sound ioy but only a false counterfeit image thereof which when it is at the best is but hollow rotten and vnsound yea whē they sport themselues in their carnall and worldly delights most immoderatly and break foorth into excessiue laughter yet then their ioy is but the fit as it were of a frantick or mad man they know not what they doe and at length their sorrowfull dumpes their troubled thoughts and distracting cares returne againe vnto them vnsent for they break off their laughter with a sigh and end their mirth with heauinesse anguish and great perplexednes yea the Lord filleth their soules with much bitternes so that many times to bee eased of it they could willingly be rid of their liues in which they finde so small comfort Lord let me be as carefull to leade a good life as to make a godly end let me hate all vnrighteousnesse and forsake all the waies of the vngodly and let me seek by all meanes to attaine vnto true holinesse and striue after sinceritie and vprightnes that so the spirit of ioy and gladnesse may rest continually vpon me and cause me alwaies to reioyce vnfainedly in thee with that inward spiritual ioy and comfort the sweetnes whereof none knoweth but thine only euen those whom thou hast giuen to taste of it and which being once giuen of thee from whom alone it proceedeth none is able to take it away againe The follie and danger of deferring Repentance IT is exceeding follie in men to liue carelesly and securely all their life long and to put off all vnto their dying houre vainly supposing that it will be enough for them then to commend themselues vnto God and to desire him to take them to his mercie Alas such know not what they doe they know not the price of their soules for surely if they did they would neuer put them in aduenture to the last houre They consider not the danger of losing them for euer for then certainely they would quickly be of an other mind they would look about them they would not set all vpon such a ticklish point nor put themselues vnto that hazard no not for the gaine of
most glorious and renowned Prince that euer was in regard of his outward glory wherewith he was inuested and arraied yet he was not like the lilie of the field or the withering and fading grasse whereas all things that are most flourishing on earth no not those celestiall creatures the starres of heauen nor the Sunne and Moone themselues those excellent and glorious lights are comparable to one soule it being of a farre more diuine and excellent nature then they are Good Lord giue me to discerne of things aright let me alwaies esteeme more of those that are inwardly beautified with those vertues graces of the mind wherewith thou hast enriched them and which are the things that are most precious in thy sight and which thou dost much set by then of such as wāting these do most flourish in the world and are most eminent for their externall dignities and excellencies Gods speciall prouidence ouer his children HE that takes care for the watring of his garden the growing of his hearbes and plants and the feeding of his cattle will he not much more be carefull for the feeding and preseruing of his own children whom he loueth and regardeth farre more then all those Seeing therefore God our heauenly father watreth this great garden of the world causeth trees hearbes and plants of all kinds to grow and flourish therein cloaths the fields with so glorious array that great Princes with their shining traine are not like vnto them and seedeth and preserueth continually by his speciall prouidence the beasts of the earth the fowles of the aire and the fishes of the sea will he not doe much more for his owne children who depend vpon him and whom he loueth so deerely and most tenderly regardeth farre aboue all these earthly things Can it be that he should not feed them preserue them and prouide all things for thē which may be for their good estate in this world O the faithlesnesse and infidelitie of man who will not rest on Gods prouidence nor credit and beleeue those promises which he hath made vnto them if they be his O Lord God most gratious and heauenly father grant that whiles I behold the birds of the aire the flowres of the field and all things which thou hast created I may not onely see and acknowledge thy power that made them but also thy prouidence in preseruing feeding and apparelling them and that I may vse them as so many seales to confirme me in the truth of thy gratious promises and in the certaintie of that speciall prouidence of thine ouer me continually euen that thou wilt preserue me cloath me feed me and helpe me in all my necessities supplying all those things vnto me which thou in thy wisdome knowest to be most expedient and requisite for me Herein I rest this is that onely which can make me in all things truly contented and in nothing too carefull and without this my life would be irkesom and burdensome vnto me through that carking care and those manifold distractions which I see in others euen in those that are vnfaithfull O Lord and distrust thy prouidence Contentednes in all estates LOrd I know not what is good for me or which I should desire rather prosperity or aduersity health or sicknes plentie or penurie Thou onely seest thou onely knowest what is euery way best for me Deale therefore gratiously with me do vnto me that which is good in thine eyes and which thou who iudgest and discernest of all things aright seest to be best for me And grant that I may rest contentedly and thankefully in those things which thou according to thy good pleasure shalt bring to passe howsoeuer thou disposest of me Coueteousnes a dangerous disease THe couetous man is like vnto those that haue the dropsie for they that are falne into that disease do desire to drinke continually and yet the more they drinke the more drie the more thirsty they are So it is with the couetous who through the distemper of their minds haue drawne that spirituall dropsie vpon them which is so much worse then the other as the soule is better then the bodie They haue a perpetuall and inordinate lust after riches and the profits and commodities of this world and yet the more they haue them the more they feele and complaine of the want of them the more they increase the faster they come in the more doth their desire of thē increase the greater is their lust and longing after them They are vnsatiable and like the two daughters of the horsleach neuer thinke they haue enough This is an euill sickenesse and yet common and ordinarie amongst men yea many are so farre gone in it that except they seeke to preuent the danger of it in time it will proue incurable and so in the ende become mortall deadly vnto them O Lord giue me grace to couet after the better things euen those which are spirituall heauenly let me neuer be carried away with an immoderate and inordinate desire of these things here below which are earthlie and transitorie but let me alwaies be content with that portion which thou shalt giue vnto me If it be much let me blesse thee for it and be ready to distribute according to the necessities of others If it be little let me blesse and praise thee also knowing that it is sufficient and withall that thou hast prouided better things for me euen that rich inheritance and that induring substance in the heauens of which after this life thou wilt giue me hauing already made me a grant thereof the full fruition and possession for euer And in the meane while howsoeuer my estate is or shall be hereafter in this world giue me a quiet and contented mind which may alwaies rest in thee wholly depend vpon thee who hast promised that thou will not faile nor forsake me nor denie any thing vnto me which thou who knowest what is best for euery one seest to be good for me All must suffer afflictions in this life HE deceiueth himselfe that looketh for a continuall calme whiles he liueth in this world There was neuer man that attained vnto this neuer shall in this life Let him thinke that it is well with him that is not alwaies in a storme that hath not alwaies rough and heard weather whereby that weake and small barke of his is much tossed and troubled but some times though seldome finds the benefit of a pleasant calme whereby he may be refreshed and the better inabled with strength and patience both to expect and to vndergoe the future imminēt troubles which shall betide him O Lord I looke not for my rest whiles I saile in this troublesome sea for thou hast said it and I beleeue it and all thy Saints and seruants haue seene the truth of it in their own experience euen that thorough manie troubles by many afflictions we must haue passage and entrance into thy kingdome when it pleaseth thee O
our best friends and louingst companions who expect looke continuallie for our comming into that heauenly citie that celestiall mansion the place where they we are to rest remain with our Sauiour in the presence of that glorious God for euer to be partakers of that felicity blessednes which is vnspeakable and glorious Why then doe we not weane our selues from the world why do we settle our selues here where our rest is not yea why are we so loth to leaue this drie and barren wildernesse where we liue among strangers that know vs not yea amongst many wild and sauage creatures who seeke to do vs all the mischiefe they can O Lord raise vp my thoughts and the affections of my heart vnto those things which are aboue vnto those things which concerne my future estate in thy kingdom let it be continually the earnest desire of my heart to be with thee my God in the heauens there to behold thy face in glory for euer and to haue the full fruition of that sweet and comfortable fellowship and communion of my Sauiour and of all the Saints Angels wherein consists true happinesse and blessednesse Death alwaies to be remembred MAny liue as if they shold neuer die they remember not the euill daies that shall come vpon them and the yeares which shall approch wherein they shall say We haue no pleasure in them They consider not how their eyes shall waxe dimme their eares deafe their tongues speechles yea how their spirits all their senses shall faile them and all those worldlie helpes wherein now they rest and comfort themselues vtterly forsake them O Lord teach thou me to number my daies that I may applie my heart vnto wisdome Let me alwaies be mindfull of my end consider seriously of my frailetie mortalitie that so when death cōmeth which continually waiteth vpon me it may not find me vnprepared but that in the last houre the verie remembrance whereof is bitter vnto many I may find sound comfort and be translated out of this vale of teares this place of mourning where I am compassed about with sinne and miserie into the kingdome of thy deare Sonne and my blessed Sauiour and so be made partaker of that glorious and immortall inheritance which thou reseruest for vs euen for all thy Saints in the highest heauens the place where thou dwellest in glorie and maiestie and where we shall liue and raigne with thee eternallie What maner of life it becommeth Christians to leade THe heathen could say that if men as it is meet they should would haue this alwaies in their minds that they were made of God himselfe in regard of the better part which is the soule and spirit that God was their father he doubted not but they would leade a life beseeming their estate and condition that they would do nothing whereby they might shew themselues to be base degenerate such as in whom there were no resemblance of that diuine and heauenly nature Me thinks many that are Christians at least in name and profession should blush when they reade when they heare this They call God father and thinke themselues much wronged if any should tell them that they were not his children and that not onelie by creation as the heathen are but also in a more speciall maner by grace and adoption through Christ and yet behold many of them are not ashamed of that vilenesse and basenesse in their behauiour their actions liues and practises which the pagans and heathen themselues were ashamed of and haue condemned as by their liues so also by their writings thereby setting a brand of iust reproch and eternall infamie vpon the foreheads of such fained counterfet Christians who are the staine of true religion and christianity such as though they think that of right they may claime this title to themselues to be the chosen people of God those to whom he hath giuen the name priuiledge of his owne sonnes yet in verie deed are the children of the diuell seuen-fold more then the heathen themselues who knew not God in Christ O mercifull Lord grāt I humblie beseech thee that as I call thee father and beleeue and acknowledge my selfe to be thine owne adopted sonne through thy Christ in whom thou hast freely loued and elected me from eternitie so also I may haue grace from thee for thy gift onelie it is not to fashion my selfe like vnto the wicked and vngodly the men of this world that I may not be like vnto them in those vaine courses wherein they walke and delight themselues but that I may alwaies do those things which are beseeming my calling and profession as acknowledging thee to be my father and glorying in this that I am thy sonne so liuing and ordering my selfe as it becommeth thy sonne euen shining forth in all holinesse of life and godly conuersation to the glory of thy name the peace and comfort of mine owne conscience and to the good example of others whom thou hast aduanced vnto the same profession which is so glorious Gods patience in bearing with sinners IT is a wonder that the Sunne which is a witnesse of so many and so enormous sinnes and wickednesses as are committed vpon the earth standeth so long in the heauens and giueth light vnto the world that the heauens are not dissolued and that the elements melt not that the waters ouerflow not and ouerwhelme vs yea that Christ that iust and righteous Iudge of the whole world commeth not in flaming fire to burne vp this earth with all the workes therein which are polluted defiled with our sins It is thy mercie O Lord that we are not consumed O be thou patient towards vs who cease not to prouoke thee daily Let thy good spirit still striue with vs yea draw vs vnto thee with the consideration of thy lenitie and the riches of thy bountifulnesse that so thy long sufferance may be vnto vs saluation euen an effectuall meanes to winne vs vnto the loue and obedience of thy maiestie and so in the end to bring vs to eternall life and happinesse in the heauens The soule how it is to be fitted and prepared for the entertainment of so glorious a guest as the holy Ghost is IF thou wert to entertaine some honourable personage how carefull wouldst thou be to make such preparation and prouision for him that he might be receiued in that maner that were fit for his place and estate how much more carefull sollicitous then oughtest thou to be to prepare the secret lodgings of thy heart and soule to see that nothing be out of order in thy whole man that no vncleannesse nor any thing which is any way polluted remaine within thee who art to receiue and to entertaine so honourable a guest euen the holy spirit of the most high God and to become a temple for so great and so glorious a presence to dwell in for euer O heauenly Father purifie my
it would seeme harsh in his eares and vnpleasant vnto his mind it is another kind of musick and melodie which hee longs to heare and hearken after that therein he may finde sound ioy and true comfort in that his extremitie His pleasures profits or great reuenues in this world neither can these comfort him in that houre they will not afford him any true ioy pleasure or delight no though he might euen swimme and bathe himselfe in the abundance of them yea rather they would be a trouble vnto him they would disquiet distract his mind both because he now seeth that he is presently to leaue thē for euer to giue a finall farewell vnto them neuer to haue any vse or benefit of thē afterwards as also and that especiallie because he knoweth that he is forthwith to goe to answer and to giue an account both for the getting vsing imploying of thē and to receiue accordinglie His credit fame and reputation amongst men alas although he were as famous and renowned as Salomon was when he was so admired that nations came farre and neere to see to heare him this then would little auaile him it would yeeld him no pleasure no delight yea rather it will grieue him to thinke how that haply hath bin an occasion heretofore to make him proud vaine-glorious and how that hereafter it will perish with the remembrance of him and vanish as the smoake so that all his glory shall lie buried in the dust and his name be as if it had neuer been Friends kins-folke and acquaintance Neither can they affoord him any true peace and sound comfort Indeed in the time of his health they might be a ioy and refreshing vnto him euen the verie sight and presence of them peraduenture would affect him with an inward and secret delight and contentment but now they can bring little or no comfort vnto him no more then Iobs friends did vnto him in the depth of his miserie euen sit by him and say nothing yea rather they will be a meanes to renue his sorrow and to increase his griefe because he is so shortly to take his last farewell of them for so long a season as also for that hee sees them who are most deare vnto him nothing but mourning weeping sorrowing and lamenting for him on euery side which cannot but disquiet and trouble him very much especially hauing his minde so much busied with the serious consideration of that long iourney which his soule immediatly after the dissolution and separation thereof from his body is now presently to take into that vnknowne land It is therefore neither the finest fare or daintiest iuncats the sweetest musicke and most delightsome melodie neither pleasures profits great reuenues honor preferment friends kinsfolks acquaintance nor any worldly thing else whatsoeuer though neuer so pretious neuer so glorious in the eyes of men that can yeeld him any true peace or sound comfort when this houre is once come wherein he must breathe out his soule which hath a long time beene vnited vnto his body in such a firme league and with so straite a bond of speciall loue and amitie that it is death now to depart or to be separated from it and lay downe his body in the dust and make his graue in the darke where he shall neither see any nor be seene of any What therfore thinkest thou is it wherein he shall finde comfort when he shall stand in most need of it hauing besides all the former occasions of griefe and sorrowe sinne and Sathan assaulting yea laying harder siege against him then euer before seeking by all meanes to daunt him and to rob depriue him of al true peace and comfort yea if it be possible to bring him vnto deepe despaire What then would be most sweete and pleasant vnto him What would most refresh him and cheere vp his languishing spirit In briefe if thou shouldest aske him what was his comfort in this extremity wherein he found most ioy and delight would he not answere thee that his reioycing was the testimonie of his owne conscience euen in this that he had endeauoured himselfe with Paul to haue alway a cleare consciēce toward God and men in this that he had laboured with Henoch to walke with God al his life long in this that it was his chiefe care cōtinually to liue vprightly and sincerely before God and blamelesly and innocently before men Would he not tell thee that this was the thing wherin he reioyced wherewith he was comforted Surely without doubt he would And no maruaile For this this the testimony I meane of a good conscience would then be as a delightsome feast a most heauenly banquet vnto him It would be sweete musicke and a pleasant melodie within him Neuer did he tast of such iuncats as these would be to his hungry soule and to his fainting spirits It would be as it were Manna from heauen and water of life out of the Sanctuarie of God to refresh and to reuiue him when hee were almost dead Neuer did he heare any musicke that so much delighted him Oh how would it cheere vp his soule and refresh his minde causing him to breake foorth into that speech of the holie Prophet Why art thou so cast downe O my soule why art thou so disquieted so troubled within me O put thy trust in God euen thy God reioyce yea againe reioyce in him for loe as he hath promised hee will send foorth his light and his truth which shal leade thee bring thee safely vnto his holy mountaine and vnto his dwelling place Lo he wil plenteously reward thee receiuing thee presently into his heauenly palace and set thee vpon a Throne and crowne thee with glorie and immortalitie Or to say with that ancient and religious Father Goe foorth ô my soule what fearest thou why art thou danted or any waies dismaied Goe foorth what needest thou to feare Commit thy selfe vnto him who as he is a faithfull Creator so is hee also a liberall rewarder of all them that delight in well doing Behold thou hast fought a good fight thou hast finished thy course thou hast endeuoured to keepe faith and a good conscience and to serue God in truth vprightnes and sinceritie all thy daies So therefore those heauenly ministers the Angels of God who haue heretofore attended vpon thee are now ready waiting for thee eue● to embrace thee wi●● their armes and to c●r●ie thee with ioy and triumph into that heauenly citie that celestiall paradise that new Hierusalem where thou shalt enioy the blessed presence of that glorious God a●d the comfortable societie and compa●●● o● al the Saints and Angels who desire and expect thy comming and with whom thou shalt liue and conuer●e in heauenly manner being ●●tisfied with fulnes of ioy bl●sse and happinesse for euermore This is the comfort which a good conscience will giue as thoroughout the whole life in the daies of triall and afflictiō so
that I may bee wise to preuent the mischiefe which they intend to bring vpō me make mee alwaies watchfull and carefull to stand for my defence and safetie against them especially let me seeke and endeuour by all meanes to fortifie my soule against those sinnes whereby Satan doth most assaile me and to get strength against those weaknesses whereby hee may soonest haue aduantage of me and bring me into danger yea O Lord doe thou watch ouer mee doe thou strengthen me Heale all my infirmities repaire the ruines of my soule make vp the manifold breaches therof Compasse me about with thy grace and fauour that so none of those spirituall enemies may euer haue power ouer me but that I may be defended from them in the time of this my warfare heere on earth and hereafter triumph gloriously ouer them in the heauens for euermore Greater care is to be had of things to come then of things present O How carefull are most for their bodies how carelesse for their soules For the things of this world what paines what labour doe they willingly vndergo for those of the world to come how remisse how exceeding negligent are they Lord grant that I may be alwaies most carefull of that which is most necessarie that I may preferre heauen before earth those things which are spirituall before those that are corporal things which are permanent and euerlasting before the lying and deceitfull vanities of this world endlesse and vnspeakable glorie and happines before vaine and supposed felicitie Gods all-seeing presence THe eyes of the Lord are open vpon all the waies of men hee seeth and obserueth them euen those things which they doe in greatest secrecy are most cleere and manifest vnto him they are naked discouered in his sight and he taketh notice of all of them O therefore how great is the boldnes and audaciousnes of such as dare presume willinglie and wittinglie to commit so grieuous and so odious sinnes whiles they are in so glorious a presence who is so prophane and so gracelesse that should not be ashamed of this yea that should not bee euen astonished in himselfe to consider that all his sinnes whereof some one of them if it should bee made knowne vnto the world would make him blush and hang downe his head for shame lie open and vncouered before the face of almightie God euen the cleere eyes of that infinite and glorious Maiesty who is so pure that he cannot abide any vncleannes yea that hee cannot once endure the sight of any thing which is spotted and stained with the filth of sin O Lord let me alwaies see thee present with me viewing marking and obseruing the whole course and carriage of my life not only how I compose my selfe outwardly before men but how euen the thoughts of my heart are framed within me that thus I may not onely bee restrained frō the commission of outward actuall wickednesses which euen the shame of the world causeth many that are altogether voide and destitute of thy sanctifying grace to refraine themselues from but also may feare to giue entertainmēt to any motion vnto the least sinne and striue after holinesse and puritie that so I may bee approued of thee and finde grace and fauour in thy sight A motiue to patience vnder the crosse ALthough it be grieuous vnto vs yet it is good for vs to bee vnder the crosse It is no small benefit which we receiue by afflictions if we looke vnto the end and issue of them for thereby wee are humbled more then we were made more earnest and feruent in prayer readier to seek vnto the Lord to cleaue faster vnto him and to depend solely and wholly vpon him making him our hope our stay and onely refuge yea thereby our faith hope patience and all other graces of Gods spirit are exercised and increased and that inward man of ours daily more and more renued whiles wee are outwardly oppressed and afflicted In briefe thereby we are weaned from the world and the vaine and transitorie things thereof and made not onely mindfull but also desirous of the day of death and of the time of our dissolution whenas being freed from all those miseries wherewith we are and shall be compassed on euery side as long as wee liue in this wretched world and carrie this bodie of sin about with vs wee shall enter into that resting place where wee shal want nothing which may make for our blessednesse and felicitie Let nothing then be distastful vnto me which thou seest to bee good for me O Lord but let me euer be content if it so pleaseth thee to drinke downe willingly the bitterest cup of the most grieuous affliction which thou shalt offer vnto me seeing that in the end thereof I shall find much sweetnes None euer free from the temptations of Satan THere is none that is not often assailed by the tēpter euen the most holie and righteous men that liue vpon the earth when one temptation is resisted and passed ouer they are to expect another and to prepare themselues for it vnlooked for blowes are most dangerous O Lord I see how busie that enemie of mine is how many waies he laboureth to vndermine me and that especially when I am least aware of him O let me be alwaies readie to meete him in the gate before hee enter too farre vpon me let me not be secure and carelesse but very watchfull and vigilant euer prepared to encounter with him and to resist him especially in the beginning of his assaults wherein if I withstand him with faith courage and resolution I doubt not but with thy grace I shall in the end easilie get the victorie of him and see him flie before me Satans temptations sometimes more grieuous and dangerous then at other times SOme haue more grieuous temptations presently after their first calling and conuersion vnto God some long after some throughout their whole life haue that euill one vncessantly casting many fiery darts at them thereby if it were possible to wound them euen vnto death almost euery moment or at least to make their liues wearisome irkesome vnto them These are not to faint or to despaire whiles they are thus tempted but to be the more carefull to bee alwaies well appointed and readie furnished with the whole compleate armour of God whereby they may bee able to defend themselues frō the rage and malice of that furious enemie and deadly aduersarie of theirs who thirsteth after the blood of their soules and desireth nothing more then their vtter ruine and confusion Since hee is so fierce and eager vpon them they are to bee thus armed continually and withall to pray vnto the Lord and that oft and more earnestlie that he would shield and safegard them and giue vnto thē a ioyfull issue out of all their temptations and then no doubt at length they shall see the saluation of the Lord in the ouerthrow of that malitious enemie by whom heretofore they haue
paths of mine owne feete let me feare mine owne waies and suspect the worst of my selfe in all my actions being priuie vnto those secret corruptiōs which lie lurking within me and both thinke and hope the best of others because I know not what thy worke is or may be in them yea let me alwaies be ready to iudge accuse and condemne my selfe and euen in my thoughts to excuse and acquit others by making a fauourable interpretation of all their doings vntill such time as thou doest manifest giue cleere euidence that they are such as are not to be approoued Thus I shall please thee and not sinne against those towards whom I ought alwaies to bee charitably affected and free from all ill suspition and wicked surmizes Why the Lord suffereth oft times the infirmities of his children to be knowne to others IT is a meanes oft times to make a mā the more hūble to know that others are priuie vnto his wants his weaknesses and infirmities which hee was desirous to keepe secret to perceiue that the sores and blemishes of his soule lie open vnto the view of others which hee could wish rather were couered and kept close And for this end the Lord many times in mercie and goodnes doth suffer the shame and nakednes of his children to bee discouered before the face of others when as they would gladly haue it hid frō the eyes of all and not seene of any yea hee doth suffer them to fall by many weaknesses and infirmities euen such as are no waies pleasing but grieuous and irksome vnto them that so he may cause them to be the more humble and lowly and not to lift vp their hearts at any time aboue their brethren but so to demeane themselues that it may appeare that they esteem better of others then of themselues which is an excellent and a singular grace whereunto all that are yet defectiue herein should labour by all meanes to attaine O Lord if it seeme good vnto thee at any time to make others to see the weaknes of thy seruant to cause my wants imperfectiōs and infirmities to be knowne and discerned of others as thou knowest how readie I am to faile if thy grace doth not continually sustaine me let it not grieue me so much that others behold that in me which may cause me to be ashamed as make me euery day more carefull to vse al meanes to bee healed and cured of those diseases whereunto my soule is subiect and inclinable through sinne and to increase as in all other graces so especially in true humilitie and meeknes of spirit without the which I can neuer please thee nor haue the light of thy coūtenance shining vpon me The heauen of the godly and the hell of the wicked in this life IF there be a heauen in this world it is the true Christian onely that enioyes it in whose heart that blessed spirit doth dwell comforting and refreshing him continually in an vnspeakable maner If there be any hell in this life it is in the soule and conscience of the wicked and vngodly man whom Satan that euill spirit hath possessed and bereaued of that which should bee the ioy and comfort of his life and not that onely but also euen oppressed with many feares and sorrowes and with much anguish and horrible amazement arising from his hellish and guilty conscience O blessed God who hast giuen me to see the great difference which is betweene the estate of thy children and of the wicked and vngodly euen in this world how that the one is blessed and happie the other wretched and miserable grant that I may not at any time desire to haue the same lot with the wicked though it seeme outwardly to fare well with them but let me alwaies rest in thee and reioyce in that portion which thou hast giuen vnto mee knowing that on earth there can be no better inheritance nor any estate more to be desired The cares of this world what hindrances they are to the sincere and entire worship of God HE that is insnared and intangled with the things of this world or that is not free from all inordinate affectiōs whatsoeuer cannot haue a perfect and an vpright heart before God nor freedome of spirit in his worship and seruice The soule onely that is emptied of the troublesome cares and sinfull desires wherwith most are surcharged and the minde that is set at liberty from all earthly vanities is fit to come before God with truth vprightnes and sinceritie and to offer such sacrifices with which he is well pleased and wherein he most delighteth O Lord let not the excessiue and inordinate desire of any earthly thing cleaue vnto me emptie my heart of the cares of this world banish farre from me the loue of all those things whereby I may any waies bee hindred from the performāce of those duties which thou requirest of me and grant that I may be carefull to vse all meanes whereby my affections may be so rightly ordered that I may serue thee with a good heart in integritie and sinceritie all my daies True zeale THey that are trulie zealous are more zealous against themselues then others As they doe not when iust occasion and opportunitie is offered suffer the open sinnes of others to passe vnreproued so they are least partiall towards themselues but are readiest to check themselues euen for their inward and most secret corruptions As they haue an eye vnto the actions of others are carefull to discountenance sinne by fastening a seasonable rebuke and iust censure vpon it wheresoeuer it doth apparētly shew and manifest it selfe so especially they are alwaies chiefly prying into their own actions and hauing espied a fault are most seuere censorious in iudging and rebuking themselues for it They are grieued at the offences of others but their owne sinnes they doe most gall them yea they cā neuer be quiet whiles they see the relikes remainders of them abiding in them but euen groane daily vnder the burthen of them and vse all means to haue their hearts purged and freed from them Good Lord increase true zeal daily more and more in me let me not through childish feare nor any other sinister respect bee too slack and remisse in shewing my dislike of the sinnes which others doe commit against thy Maiestie and yet let me not be so readie to censure others as to reprooue and reforme my selfe A dangerous thing to affect the glorie of the world HE that loueth God and seekes his glorie cannot bee altogether carried away with the vaine glor e of this world but will either despise it or at least set very light by it He that loueth the glory of this world and doth not only affect it but is also very eager in the pursuite of it thirsting after the praise and applause of men it is a signe that there is little or no loue of God or of his glorie in him These are things that cannot
is not onely much distempered in his soule but euen out of his right minde and destitute of true wisedom and vnderstanding seeing that it bereaues a man of true glorie vnto which that is no waies comparable and depriues him of diuine and heauenly grace the most pretious iewell in this world and most to bee desired and sought for farre aboue all fading and earthly vanities For whiles that any seeketh to please himselfe ouermuch in receiuing honour of men he cannot but displease God verie highly and want that honor which is from aboue whiles he couets and hunts after the praise and applause of this world and desires to lift vp himselfe in the pride and vanitie of his heart aboue others the Lord resisteth him and denieth his grace vnto him so that of all others he is herein through the iust iudgment of God most barren and fruitlesse hauing perhaps the shadow and outward appearance of some morall vertues but wanting that which is the life and soule of them O Lord how little cause haue I to glorie of any thing that is in me except it be of my infirmities my weaknesses and manifold imperfections vnto which I feele my selfe continually subiect What is it for which I should esteeme my selfe to be any thing or to bee once worthie to bee accounted amongst the meanest of thy seruants For behold I am but a fraile and a sinfull man full of wretchednes and miserie nothing without thee not able to doe the least good but as I am strengthened and assisted by thee readie to faile and to sinke right down if I bee not continually sustained and supported by thee What shall I say If I haue any thing it is only thy gift and thy gratious blessing for the which I can neuer be sufficiently thankfull Farre bee it from me therefore to bee so misled with the vaine conceit of wicked and vngodly men that I should lift vp my selfe aboue that which is meete or glorie in any thing of this world lest it displease thee and cause thee in iustice to bring shame and dishonour vpon me but grant that I may reioyce and glorie alwaies and only in thee yea that I may extoll and magnifie thy name continually who art worthie of all praise and glorie both now and euermore The Christians Paradise in this life THe children of God liue continually in a paradise euen whiles they remaine in this world and seeme to others to be wretched and miserable subiect vnto manifold afflictions and diuers kinds of calamities They taste daily of the fruite of the tree of life and are refreshed with those inward spirituall ioyes and heauenly delights which are aboue all other ioyes and in comparison whereof all the pleasures and delights which this deceitfull and enticing world can affoord them are but meere vanitie They are certified of their saluation they know themselues to be elected redeemed by Christ their Sauiour and that none can take thē out of his hands who is so mightie and powerfull in himself and so gratious and louing vnto them yea by faith and hope they are ascended into heauen and in spirit behold that mansion place prouided for them and that glorie which he who neuer deceiued any that trusted in him hath promised vnto them the remembrance and ioyfull expectation whereof doth euen rauish their soules and cause them to glory in the Lord and in the riches of his goodnesse and mercie so gratiously bountifully vouchsafed vnto them when they were most vnworthie of it O blessed Lord open mine eyes that I may see the excellencie of that estate whereunto thou hast called mee of thy free grace take away that vaile which Satan seeketh to spread before me that so I might not see into that glorie which thou of thy endlesse loue and vnspeakable goodnesse hast made me partaker of euen in the middest of those weaknesses those infirmities and afflictions wherewith I am compassed about on euerie side Thou hast giuen me thy spirit to bee my comforter in all my sorrowes yea my faithfull guide to leade me along safely by the waters of diuine and heauenlie consolations and to conduct me with much peace and ioy thorow this vale of miserie vnto that promised rest that heauenly Canaan Euery day thou causest me to taste of thy goodnesse yea fillest me with thy hid treasures such as the world is not acquainted with Euen in the depth of miserie thou makest me to see and to enioy the blessednesse and glorie of thy Saints and chosen ones And after that I haue been for a while tossed in this sea wilt cause me speedily to arriue at that hauen where I would be yea thou wilt stretch forth thy hand and receiue me into thine owne presence cause me to behold thy face in that brightnes of glorie for euermore How the life to come ought to be desired of euery true Christian in regard of the excellencie and glorie of it THat heathenish pagan as is reported of him reading Platoes discourse of the soules immortalitie estate after this life was so rauished therewith that with the desire thereof he cast himselfe into the sea ended his life His act was sinfull and no waies to be imitated by any for no man is to cut off the threede of his life vntill the Lords appointed time but yet his vehement desire and earnest affecting of that glory which he apprehēded conceited in his minde may teach euen vs that are Christians to blush in our selues when we finde our hearts so dull and senseles that the remēbrance of that promised glorie and happine swill no more affect vs then ordinarily it doth the most Oh it should wholly possesse our soules and rauish our mindes and cause vs to labour by all meanes to get assurance vpon good euidence that we shall at length haue our part and portion in it being gathered togeher with all the Saints into that glorious kingdome those heauenly mansions O mercifull God how great is thy goodnes how vnsearchable are the riches of thy grace and fauour towards thy Saints and chosē ones those whom in Christ Iesus thou imbracedst before all worlds Oh how blessed and glorious is that estate which thou reseruest for them in the heauens and which thou wilt giue thē possession of as soone as these fraile and sinfull daies of theirs are ended Thou wilt cause them to shine as the starres yea as the sunne it selfe when it is in the greatest brightnes All kinde of impuritie and vncleannes beeing done away thou wilt clothe thē with the glorious robes of innocencie righteousnes and holines thou wilt adorne them with those pretious iewels of all diuine and heauenly graces and cause thy name to be written in their foreheads yea thou wilt set them vpon thrones with thy Christ with scepters in their hands and crownes on their heads and giue vnto them for an euerlasting inheritance that celestiall kingdome of endles blisse happines Thou wilt euery way
shewe thy selfe maruellous towards them aboue that we are able to thinke or cōceiue in this frailetie of ours which is not able to comprehend the brightnes of that heauenly light which thou wilt cause to shine forth vnto them in a wonderfull and glorious maner no more then our bodily eyes are able to behold the glittering beames of the Sunne when it is in the full strength thereof O blessed Lord affect my heart with the due consideration of that maruellous glorie of thine euen that happie and glorious condition which in thy vnspeakeable mercie and kindnes thou wilt raise me vnto as soone as these wretched dayes of sinne and miserie are ended And let the remembrance thereof cause me continually to sigh and to long after it and to rest euer in a ioyfull expectation of it desiring either to be dissolued by death or which I rather desire to see my Sauiour comming in the cloudes with glory and maiesty attended with thousands of Saints and Angels that so I may haue entrance into that heauenly paradise and take full possession of that rich vndefiled and neuer fading inheritance enioying the sweete fellowship and communion of all thy chosen and beloued ones yea liuing continually in thy most blessed presence and beholding that maruellous light wherein thou dwellest who inhabitest eternity Who shall be citizens of that heauenly kingdome THey that will be citizens of the kingdome of heauen must first liue as pilgrims and strangers here vpō earth They must passe by all these transitorie and earthly things vsing them when they haue occasion as if they vsed them not They must not set their hearts vpon any thing which is here below but aspire alwaies vnto those things which are aboue desiring and longing with an earnest affection to bee at home euen at that heauenly mansion where the place of their perpetuall rest and abode is and where they shall continue for euer with that blessed companie and society of those glorious and celestiall creatures which now continually desire and expect their comming that so they may reioyce together in the fruition and accomplishment of the same felicitie and happinesse O Lord let my heart I beseech thee bee more and more daily alienated and estranged from this world and the things thereof which are but meere vanitie and let me carrie my self continually as a pilgrime and soiourner heere on earth as all thy Saints haue been not suffering my affections at any time to bee fastened vnto any of these fading and transitorie things but weaning them altogether from the same resting alwaies in a desire and ioyful expectation of my returne vnto that blessed home of mine that so when this wearisome and sinfull course is ended I may be receiued into thy celestiall mansion and liue with thee in glorie for euer Soli Deo gloria AN ALPHABETICAL Table of the chiefe points contai●ed in the seueral Meditations A ACcount of all our actions to be giuen to God pag. 27 Affections ouermastered with much difficultie pag. 263 Afflictiōs the necessitie of thē 94 the benefit thereof 153. the Ancre of the soule in afflictions 96. A comfort for the afflicted pag. 370 Ambitious mans Idoll pag. 309 Angels watch ouer the godly pag. 36 B BLessings of God not the lesse to bee regarded because they are common 34. especiall blessings and fauours especially to be remembred pag. 201 Blindnesse of minde a great miserie pag. 293 C CAre ought rather to bee had for the soule then for the bodie 49. for things to come then for things present pag. 149 Censurers the danger of their sinne pag. 168 Christians must neuer stand at a stay 30. what manner of life it becomes them to leade 110. 342. their imprisonment in this world 66. their life a pilgrimage on earth 106. God their ●●ght and guide 368. their glorious conquest 261. 263. Their excellencie 216. their paradise in this life 395. How they are esteemed of in the world 267. 275. what reckoning they are in with God 277. A singular priuiledge of theirs 244. how they are to iudge of their estate pag. 377 Comfort for afflicted consciences pag. 257. 370 Compassion towards others in their griefes pag. 337 Confidence in any creature a vaine thing pag. 230 Conscience the comfort of a good conscience especially in death 125. how the conscience is disquieted pag. 203 Contentednes in all estates pag. 90 Couetousnesse a dangerous disease 91. Idolatrie pag. 309 Crosse se●●fflictions D DEath alwaies to bee expected and prouided for 24. 25. 108. to be desired 65 of whom it is most feared pag. 76 Deniall of a mans selfe how necessarie pag. 365 Desertions of the godly pag. 122 Deuotion hindred first by sinfull lusts 1. secondly by worldly cares 3. thirdly by Satans suggestions pag. 6 E EState of a Christian how to be iudged of pag. 377 F FAith pag. 246 Feare of God pag. 296. 299 Forgiuing of others how necessarie pag. 329 Freedome of minde how to bee obtained pag. 384 Freewill pag. 322 G GOds glorie carefully to bee sought after in all things 26. His truth and faithfulnes 123. His loue and fauour to be sought for aboue all things and his wrath feared 344. his especiall prouidence ouer his children 86. his all-seeing presence how it ought to affect vs. 150. his presence how blessed and comfortable a thing it is pag. 380 Grace different degrees thereof in the godly 61. 63. the decay of it dangerous pag. 100 H HArdnes of heart what a fearfull plague it is pag. 295 Haste of the wicked to hell prouokes the godly to make the more speed to heauen pag. 53 Heauē who citizēs thereof pag. 404 Heauenly-mindednes pag. 199 Holy Ghost how the soule is to be fitted and prepared for the entertainment of so glorious a guest 116. grieuing thereof pag. 118 Humilitie motiues thereunto pag. 227. 386. 390 I INfirmities of others must be borne with 172. Why the Lord suffereth oft times the infirmities of his children to be knowne to others pag. 233 Iudgement day how dreadfull it will be to the wicked pag. 211 Iustification by faith only pag. 246 K KNowledge conscience and practise must goe together pag. 303. 306 L LIfe the shortnes and vncertaintie of it 206. As is the life of man so is his death and finall estate 209. the life of the righteous as well to be sought after as their death wished pag. 315 Life to come how it is to be desired in regard of the excellencie and glorie of it pag. 399 A comfortable life how to be obtained pag. 339 Liues of the Saints of old and men in these daies how different pag. 179 Loue of God by what meanes it decaieth in men pag. 289 Loue of the world a cause of distraction and much disquietnes pag. 374 M MEditation of things holy and diuine by what meanes especially it is hindered and interrupted pag. 1. 3. 6 Mercies of God pag. 15 O OLd man neuer dies in this life pag. 382 P PAtience of God pag. 114 Patience in affliction pag. 153 A signe of a well growen Christian pag. 279 Prayers of the faithfull what benefit they bring to others pag. 31 Prouidence pag. 86 R REdemption pag. 12 Repentance the follie and danger of deferring it pag. 319 Reproches comfort therin pag. 334 Resigning of a mans selfe and al that hee enioyes to Gods will pag. 325 Respect of persons for outward ornaments and indowments more then for the inward vertues and graces of the minde how vnbeseeming a thing it is pag. 84 S Satans guilefull temptations 76. 79. 102. his policie and practises against the Church of God what euent they vsually haue 143. None free frō his temptations 155. Whom he tempteth most pag. 162 Securitie the danger of it pag. 38 Seruice of God the greatest freedome pag. 356 Sin how hurtfull and dangerous it is 22. 99. the occasions of it carefully to be auoided pag. 82 Sinfulnes of mans nature corrupted pag. 281 Spirit of God the life of the soule 286. See Holy Ghost Suspition pag. 231 T TEmptations Diuers kinds of them in the godly 157 more danger in lesser temptations sometimes then in greater 165. See Satan V VAinglorie 242. the follie and vanitie thereof pag. 392 Vanitie of all earthly things pag. 63. W WAtchfulnes pag. 146 Wicked their follie 18 42. 49. 281. 361. their bondage and slauerie 47. what an vnpleasant and distracted life they leade 312. What difference there is betweene their estate and the estate of the godly euē in this life pag. 236 Word of God the vnfruitfull hearing of it dangerous 59. it ought to bee heard with feare and trembling pag. 299 Worldlings their follie 42. their dulnes and sottishnes 205. 281. their miserable estate pag. 310. 574. Worldly mans Idoll pag. 309 Worship what it is that God especially requireth 323. hindrances thereunto pag. 238 Z Zeale pag. 240 FINIS
and the ofscouring of all things and so to become euen fooles for Christs sake praying for those that both speake and doe euill vnto thē and blessing them that persecute them yea and not this onely but also euen hating their owne liues and giuing vp themselues vnto death the most bitter and cruell deaths that can possibly bee deuised by the most bloodie tyrants that euer were or can bee rather then to bee once drawne from the loue the faith and obedience of Christ and from the profession of that trueth which they haue receiued Alas how farre doe wee come behinde those Worthies that haue gone before vs whose example the Lord hath set vp as a light amongst vs that we might see how to tread in their steps and to imitate thē in those graces for which their memorie shall bee blessed for euer how vnlike are our liues vnto theirs if we lay them both together looke vpon them with an equall view How few are those that shine in those excellent vertues of zeale deuotion faith sinceritie pietie charitie brotherly loue patience constancie and perseuerance in all which they haue been so eminent that the very remembrance of them may shame this age wherein we liue and cause many to blush who thinke that they haue great wrong done to them if they may not haue the name for good Christians and be so reputed and esteemed amongst men how little soeuer they deserue it indeed Nay so degenerate are the most in these latter times and their liues and manners so much swaruing from the vertues and religious courses and practises of our forefathers those whō God hath made examples for our imitation that euen hee according to the common rate shall bee accounted honest religious enough and one that hath made sufficient proceedings in the schoole of Christianitie that is no open notorious and hainous offender not tainted with any grosse and capitall crime theft adulterie drunkennes extortiō oppression no common railer or slanderer of others no malitious detracter no troublesome contentious person but one of a free and ingenuous disposition of a ciuill carriage and commendable behauiour one that liues quietly and friendly among his neighbours and is carefull of outward obseruances which either law or some other sinister respect draweth him vnto and which a meere pagan heathen might performe as well as hee though he bee farre from the truth of religion neither fearing God nor working righteousnesse but altogether neglecting those maine and especiall duties both of the publike and priuate worship and seruice of God which hee requireth and hath expressely commanded as prayer due and diligent reading hearing meditating and conferring of the word and those things which might tend to spirituall edification sanctifying of the Sabbath instructing of his familie yea although in reregard of zeale he be of a colder temper then the luke-warme Laodiceās euer were euen almost ashamed of that forwardnes and feruencie in the discharge of those duties which the word of God doth prescribe vnto him and of that strictnes and precisenes which the Scripture exacteth of him This is the estate of our times thus haue most declined and gone backward in this last and worst age of the world wherein wee see that verified which the trueth it selfe long ago foretold and which now is most apparent to all that haue any discerning viz. that the loue zeal of many is growen cold men generally are lesse feruent and more defectiue in the duties of pietie and godlinesse then they haue been heretofore although the meanes were neuer more plentifully afforded vnto any then they are now and through the grace and mercie of God haue been a long time It is wofull to see and cōsider the great change and alteration which now if we haue eyes wee cannot but see almost in euery place amongst all sorts and degrees of men what a generall defection as it were is there from the pietie deuotion innocencie simplicitie and godlie purenes the holie conuersation and religious practises the zeale integritie sinceritie vnfained loue and charitie and al those excellent vertues and graces of the holy men of God that haue bin before vs O blessed Lord as thou hast set the liues of many of thy Saints and seruants as an ensample before mine eyes that I should be a follower of thē and walke as they haue walked according to the rule of thy word so grant I beseech thee that I may bee excited and prouoked whiles I looke on them to imitate them in their vertues and to labour to frame my life according to that paterne which thou in them hast prescribed vnto me and carefully to endeuour proceeding by one and the same rule according vnto which they haue walked to attaine vnto that perfection of diuine and spiritual graces which it pleased thee to vouchsafe vnto them euen because they chose the way of wisedome and delited in the waies of thy commandemēts Let the example of their zeale for thy glorie make me more zealous and earnest in those things which are good and whereby thou maist be glorified Let the example of their true and godly deuotiō make me more deuout and religious Their vprightnes sinceritie and godly simplicitie let them stirre me vp vnto the same vertues Their diligence cheerefulnes and alacritie in the works of thy worship and seruice let them draw me vnto the same duties The example of their patience in so many and so great afflictions and trials let it be an especiall motiue and inducement to make mee the more patient the example of their meeknes to make me the more meeke of their humilitie to make me the more humble of their kindnes long sufferance and brotherly loue and affection to make me the more tender hearted louing and charitable vnto all men of their contempt of the world and the vanities thereof to make me the lesse to regard them of their holy and heauenly conuersation to make mee the more heauenly minded the more heauenly affected hauing my heart continually lifted vp farre aboue all these earthly and transitorie things to the serious consideration and meditation of those most excellent and glorious things which are aboue euen those vnsearchable vnspeakable riches and treasures of that glory and endlesse blessednes and happines which thou hast prepared for thy children in that celestiall kingdome that thus being carefull to follow the example of thy chosen seruants whom thou hast set vp as lights to shine vnto me for my better direction in the way of godlinesse which leadeth vnto life and saluation I may hereafter enter into that ioy and be made partaker of the same glorie of which they haue now the fruition in that heauenly mansion Heauenly mindednes THE eye of a Christian should be alwaies in heauen euen when hee is most busied in these earthlie affaires he is to haue his minde lifted vp vnto those things which are aboue and to bee euer viewing and beholding with the
eye of his soule that vnspeakable glorie and those endlesse riches and treasures of euerlasting felicitie and blessednes which to the eye of the bodie are inuisible and cannot be seene of any but of those onely which are spirituall O blessed Lord what is there on this earth wherein my soule can finde any pleasure or vnto which I should giue the affections of my heart On euery side I see nothing but miserie and vanitie continuall occasion of griefe and mourning My treasure my ioy and happinesse is in heauē euen in the place where thou dwellest in glorie and maiestie and where thou hast prepared such things for me as the heart of man is not able to conceiue or comprehend O therefore let mine eye neuer be fixed vpon any earthly obiect but let me alwaies be looking vp vnto thee and to that heauenly mansion where such glorious things are reserued for me Especiall fauours of God towards vs often and more especially to bee remembred of vs. IT is a good thing to be often meditating vpon the goodnesse and louing kindnesse of the Lord towards vs in those speciall fauours and blessings whereby hee hath chiefly and most euidently manifested his loue vnto vs and his fatherly care ouer vs yea the least of his mercies ought daily to be remembred of vs that so in all things wee might stirre vp our selues vnto true thankfulnes which is a thing wherewith he is greatly delighted and for which hee extendeth his louing fauour in a more plentifull encrease of his blessings and benefits O mercifull Lord how great is thy goodnesse towards me how exceeding gratious hast thou been alwaies vnto me The mercies which thou hast freely vouchsafed vnto mee are infinite and innumerable I am not able to recount thē O let me euer be thinking of them and lifting vp my heart continuallie with vnfained praise and thankes vnto thy Maiestie for them that so it may please thee to cause the light of thy grace and fauour to shine still vpon me euen vnto the end of my daies How the conscience is disquieted and wounded HE is a happie man that doth alwaies carefullie auoide euery thing whatsoeuer it be that may be either a staine or a burthen vnto his conscience he shall surely enioy the benefit of a quiet and of a peaceable minde with much freedome and libertie of spirit whereas on the other side he that hath little or no care of this dutie that regardeth not how hee defileth his conscience or what loade hee laieth vpon it by doing those things which are either altogether vnlawfull in themselues or else vnlawfull vnto him because either hee hath no warrant for the doing of them or else faileth in the maner of the doing of them hee thereby brings a greater miserie vpon himselfe then for the present hee can thinke of and for which hereafter hee shall meete with much vntimely griefe and sorrow and taste of much bitternes in his soule and spirit O Lord let me bee carefull alwaies to vse all meanes whereby I may keepe a cleere and a pure cōscience doing that good with all diligence which thou hast commanded and abstaining with all my strength from that euil which thou hast forbidden and from whatsoeuer I cannot haue resolution out of thy word for the lawfulnes of it that so I may haue comfort both in life and in death The dulnes and sottishnes of worldlings O The dulnes of the hearts of men who minde only those things which are present neuer regarding those which are to come How sottish is the nature of man that delighteth only to lie groueling on this earth and to satisfie his carnall his sensuall appetite in the enioying of these things which are but vaine and corruptible yea that neglecteth euen heauen and happinesse it selfe so that hee may haue his fill of them O Lord let me alwaies be far otherwise affected then the men of this world are who sauour onely of those things which are carnall and earthly vaine hope of a long life vpon earth as many doe When it is morning let me think that I shall not liue vnto the euening and when the euening is come let me not promise vnto my selfe assurance of life vntill the next morning sith there is no power thereof in my hands But let me liue so continually as if death were to seize vpon me presently yea let me so liue alwaies as if I were to die the same instant euen whē death might seeme to bee furthest off from mee that thus hauing death alwaies present before mine eyes I may learne daily to die vnto the world esteeming the things thereof as nothing though neuer so highly prized of the men of this world and to aspire daily more and more vnto that spirituall and heauenly life in thy Christ that so when bodilie death shall close vp these eyes of mine I may not rest in darknesse and be as those that are cut off from their hope and lost their comfort but depart in peace into that light of glorie where I shal enioy thy blessed presence and behold thee face to face for euermore to my vnspeakable happinesse and felicitie As is the life of a man so is his death and finall estate AS is the life of man so is his death and as it is with him in death so shall it bee in the last and dreadfull iudgement Hee that hath a care to liue well it cannot be but that he should die well and he that dies well shall assuredly finde the iudgement day to bee a maruellous refreshing vnto him On the other side he that liues ill how can he haue any hope that he shall die well and if hee be miserable in his death how much more in the day of iudgement Oh what a terror shal that day be vnto him who is able to conceiue what a sea of miserie and horrour shall then suddenlie ouerwhelme him in most fearfull manner O my God thou who art my strength my hope and my saluation giue mee both an earnest desire and a carefull endeuour to direct all my waies and to order the whole course of my life according vnto the rule prescript of thy holy word let it bee my care to haue a good conscience in all things and to liue so that my life being approoued of thee my death may bee blessed and my appearance before thee in the day of thy comming with ioy and comfort when as the wicked shall not bee able to stand in thy presence but call to the mountaines and to the rocks to fall vpon them and to hide them from the fiercenes of thy wrath which shall be as a consuming fire to deuoure all the vngodly of the earth Iudgement day how terrible it will be to the wicked THe angrie countenance of a seuere Iudge how dreadfull is it vnto the malefactor that stands endited at the barre before him what a terror doth it strike into him how doth it astonish and amaze him