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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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and wyckednes are pight In it I saye is wyckednes euen in the inner parte At no tyme do gyle and deceyte out of hir stretes departe Of a man that had hated me or that myne enmie were The proude checkes and the reuilynges I could suffer and beare But sence thou art my capitayne my felowe and my frend Thy reuylynges and threatenynge do my mynd sore offende For we haue had swete and secrete communication In the house of the Lord our God and haue togither gone Lorde let death strike them sodenlye let them be buried quicke For in theyr secrete houses Lorde great wickednes doeth sticke As for me I wyll crie to God and will his mercie craue And then the Lord I am right sure wyll his pore seruant saue At euenynge at morne and none tyde I wyll mourne and complayne And then to heare his seruantes voyce the Lorde wyll not disdayne It is he that delyuereth his seruauntes soule in peace From all that lye in wayte for it who are many doubles That God I saye that lyueth aye shall heare his seruauntes prayer And shall plage them of whose mendment men maye iustly dispayer They feare not God but laye handes on such as cleaue vnto hym And so they breake hys couenaunt and do it not esteme Theyr mouthes are softer then butter yet are warres in theyr mynde Their wordes are muche more smoth then oyle yet swerdes ye shall them fynde O caste thy burden on the Lorde and he shall the sustayne For he wyll not suffer the iuste in troubles to remayne In the meane tyme O God thou shalt thrust headlynge in to hell The bloud thyrsty and disceyuers that are fiers and cruell They shall not lyue out halfe theyr tyme nor halfe theyr lyfe dayes see But as for me good Lorde I wyll styll put my trust in the. The .lvj. Psalme BE mercifull to me O God for men wyll treade me downe They fyght agaynste and trouble me dayly in fielde and towne Vnder theyr feete myne enimies do treade me downe dayly For they that proudly fyght agaynst thy seruaunt are many Neuerthelesse at euerie tyde when feare inuadeth me Then do I put my confidēce and trust onely in the. In God I wyll set forth his worde and in hym put my trust And as for men I do not passe let them do what they luste They are offended at my wordes and do them dayly carpe All theyr studye is to hurt me on this one strynge they harpe They cluster renne togither they spye on euerie syde They watch my steppes because my death of them is desyred They haue a trust for to escape but that is all in vayne For God wyll not in his anger whole natiōs refrayne My rennynges from myne enimies in persecution Thou haste by numbre in thy boke and eke my teares eche one So ofte as I call on thy name myne enimies do flye Wherby that thou arte God my Lorde I do knowe certenlye Whatsoeuer God sendeth me I wyl take in good parte And in the worde of God my Lorde I shall conforte myne herte In God my Lorde my confidence onlye trust shal be I wyll not stande in dreade nor feare what man can do to me To the wyll I paye al my vowes O God and wyll be hyght And paye to the boeth laude and prayse with all my mayne and myght For thou sauest my soule from death and my feete from fallynge That I maye walke before the in the lyght of the lyueynge The .lvij. Psalme BE mercifull to me O God be mercifull to me For the soule of thy pore seruant putteth hir trust in the. Vnder the shadowe of thy wynges my hope is pytched faste Where myne onlye refuge shal be tyll wyckednes be paste I shal call crie vnto God that is highest of all To God I saye that doeth helpe me vp agayne when I fall The same shall send from heauen down shall deliuer me From the reprofe of him that would my confusion see He shall I saye send vnto me euen for his mercies sake And for the faythfull promise that it pleased hym to make My soule is set in the myddes of the lions full of Ire And I my selfe am layed amonge men that do flame wyth fyre Theyr teeth are sharpe and persynge speres and sharpe arowes I wene Theyr tonges are swerdes wel made to cute and are excedyng kene Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens that are so hye And aboue all the earth exalte thy prayse thy glorie A net they haue layed for my fete and put my soule to blame They haue dygged a pyt for me are fallen in the same To synge and geue the prayse O God myne hert is euer prest To setforth thy greate prayse I saye my mynd is redye dreste Awake my tonge and strength to speake for thou arte my glorie Awake my lute and eke my harpe for I wyll rise erlye Amonge the people wyll I geue thankes vnto the O Lord And amonge the heathen my tonge shall thy prayses recorde For the greatnes of thy mercie reacheth vp to the skye And thy faythfulnes thy trueth toucheth the starres so hye Set vp thy selfe O God aboue the heauens that are so hye And aboue al the earth exalte thy prayse thy glorie The .lviij. Psalme O Ye the sonnes of mortall men ye goddes and men of myght Do ye geue rightuouse sentences and iudge mens matters right Nay but rather you Imagyne mischiefe wythin your brest And by your violence men are sore laden and oppreste So sone as these vngodly men were borne they went astraye And frō theyr mothers wombe they learned vntrueth for to saye Theyr poysens are lyke the poysens that in fell serpentes are They are lyke the deafe Idder that doth vse to stop hir eare For the adder doeth stop hir eare lest she should heare haply The voyce of the charmar that doeth by charmes worcke skylfully Of these mens mouthes breake thou the teeth O God and smyte in twayne The chafte bones of the lyons whelppes who are cruell certayne That they may fall awaye lyke the water that faste doeth ren And that when they shote theyr arrowes the same may be broken Let them consume as doth a snayle that turneth into slyme And as the fruite that a woman beareth before hir tyme. Yeare that your sharpe and prickynge thornes shall be redie to pricke Gooddes wrath lyke to a stormye wynde shall take you awaye quicke When the rightwise shall se these thynges they shall reioyse greatly And they shal wash theyr feete in the bloude of the vngodly Then shall men saye the rightuouse are certayne to haue rewarde For the Lorde God iudgeth the earth who doeth iustice regarde The .lix. Psalme MY God delyuer me from thē that be myne enimies And defend me from them that do agaynst thy seruant rise Delyuer me O God from them that do worcke wyckedly And saue thy pore seruant from such men as are bloude thristie For
he nought So is he benigne and gentle in all that he hath wrought The Lord is preste and styll at hande with all that on hym crye To all I saye that call on hym wyth herte vnfaynedly And to all such as do hym feare he doeth all that they wyll He doeth heare theyr clamour and crye and eke kepe them from ille The Lorde kepeth all that loue hym none ille shall come them nye ▪ But he destroyeth all that be wycked and vngodly My mouth shall speake the Lordes praises and all flesh shall declare ▪ Hys holy name from tyme to tyme tyll no tyme be to spare The .cxlvj. Psalme MY soule prayse thou the Lord for I wyll prayse him my lyfe longe And whylse I lyue vnto my God I wyll aye make my songe Put not your truste or confidence in princes or in man That hath no maner powre to saue though he do what he can Whose bodie when the breath is gone shal turne to earth agayne And then shall all hys thoughtes decaye as moste foleyshe and vayne The man is bleste that hath the God of Iacobbe for hys ayde And whose hope and only truste is vpon hys Lorde God stayed For he made boeth heauen and earth and all thynges in the same And hath kept hys true couenant for euer wythout blame So doeth he reuenge the oppreste and nourishe the hungrye And the Lord lowseth the captyue that lyue in miserie The Lorde doeth open the blyndes eies lyfte vp such as falle And the iust that walke in hys wayes he loueth aboue all He kepeth strayngers maketh Orphantes and wydowes hye But he depraueth men that are wycked and vngodly The Lorde thy God I saye Sion shall reigne for euer more Through all ages and tymes I saye prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxlvij. Psalme PRayse God for it is verie good and pleasaunt for to synge To our God and to geue hym prayse is also besemeynge For the citie Ierusalem the Lorde doeth buylde certayne And wyll gather suche as are fledde and brynge them home agayne He healeth the broken herted eke theyr sorowes all He hath the number of the starres doeth them by name calle Our Lord is greate and eke of powre excedynge greate in dede Whose wisedome and intellygence can not be numbered For he doeth brynge vp to honour mē that are oppressed And to the grounde he doeth caste downe such men as are wycked Synge to the Lorde wyth verse for verse and thanckes geueynge also And synge to our God wyth the harppe that so swetly doeth go For he doeth hyde the skye wyth clowdes and make rayne for the grounde And causeth great plentie of grasse on hygh hylles to be founde He geueth pasture and fedynge vnto the beastes all And to the rauens yonge chyckenes that do vpon hym call That he delyteth in is not the force of horses stronge Nor yet the legges of myghtie men be they neuer so longe And in such men as do feare are hym the Lord hath his delyte And in such as do tarie for hys mercie daye nyght O thou citie Ierusalem prayse the Lorde wythout staye ▪ And thou Sion prayse thou thy God and walke forth in hys waye For he doeth fortifie thy gates and make thy dore barres stronge So doeth he geue felicitie vnto thy chyldrē yonge And he hath ordeyned that peace should in all thy coastes be And wyth the fatnes of the wheate he hath satisfied the. He sendeth downe hys holye worde vnto the earth so lowe That it myght renne forth spedilye and that men myght hym knowe He geueth snowe as whyte as woule such is hys powre and myght And lyke asshes he sprinckeleth the hore froste in the nyght He casteth out his Isse lyke plates who can his colde sustayne And sendynge downe his holy worde he melteth them agayne He melteth them agayne I saye and maketh the wynde blowe Vpon them that the waters myght take theyr ryght course and flowe But vnto Iacob he geueth his worde and his precept And to Israell his decres and iudgmentes to be kept He hath not dealed on this sorte wyth any nation Nor shewed hys iudgmentes vnto them prayse the Lorde O Son The .cxlviij. Psalme OH you heauenly citisens prayse ye the Lorde on hye Prayse him in the hygh places and do hys name magnifie Prayse ye him Oh his angelles all that are his messengers Prayse hym also all ye that be hys heauenly souldiers Oh sunne and mone prayse ye the Lorde and all ye starres so cleare ▪ prayse ye the Lord Oh ye heauens that most hygh do appeare Ye hygh heauens I saye prayse hym and ye waters that be Heaped togither in the cloudes the Lorde your God prayse ye Let these thynges prayse the Lorde I saye and eke his holy name For at hys only worde he hath create made the same And them he hath established for euer to abyde And appoynted them an order from whiche they can not slyde Prayse ye the Lorde ye lyueynge thynges that on the earth do go Ye dragons and ye deapnesses prayse ye the Lorde also The fyre the hayle the snowe and myste and eke the wynde stormie That foloweth the Lordes precept let it prayse hym on hye The mountaynes and al little hylles the tree that fruitfull is And all the Ceders of the wodde prayse ye the kynge of blysse Let all bruite beastes and crepeynge thynges and all the byrdes that flye Let the kynges of the earth their peoples prayse hym truly Let the princes and all iudges that rule the earth by myght All yonge men and eke all virgynes prayse hym boeth daye and nyght Let all men that are of yeres olde and of tyme auncient And also men of growynge age to the lordes prayse be bent Let these I saye prayse the Lordes name for it only is hye And doeth excede the earth and eke the heauen in glorie And he hath made his people stronge and hys frendes prayse worthy The sonnes of Iacob a people that he setteth store by The .cxlix. Psalme SYnge a newe songe vnto the Lorde reioyce in hym alone And synge hys prayse in hys deare church and congregation Let Israell reioyse in hym that made him of nothynge And let the chyldrē of Sion reioyce in theyr owne kynge Let them prayse his name wyth the pype and eke wyth the tymbrelle And synge to hym vpon the harppe that sowneth swete and well For the Lorde doeth fauour his flocke and eke hys people all ▪ And doeth sett forth all such wyth health as are captyue and thralle Let them that be gentle and good reioyce wyth great honour And in theyr beddes let them reioyce and synge wyth great pleasure Let goddes prayse be styll in theyr throte let them speake no vayne worde And let goddes worde be in theyr hande as a two edged sword That on the Heathen they maye be reuenged of theyr wronge And right so correct the peoples that they shall dwell emonge
that is my staye And let the God of my soule health be extolled I saye It is God that geueth me powre for to reuenge my wronge And that doeth subdue vnto me peoples mightie and stronge It is God that doeth leade me out from my deadly enmies Lord thou doest brynge me vp from thē that do agaynste me ryse And from the man that doeth purpose me wronge and violence Thou doest deliuer me I saye wyth carefull diligence And for this cause O Lorde I wyll in the Heathen prayse the And wyll synge to thyne holy name wherso euer I be And for the greatnes of the healthe and prosperouse lyueynge Wherwyth thou doest enrych Dauid thyne owne anoynted kynge And for the health wherby thou doest with benefites applye Thyne annoynted Dauid and eke his seede eternally The .xix. Psalme TO vs the heauens dooe declare goddes wonderfull glorie And the cōpasse therof doeth shewe hys handworcke trulye The daye that succedeth shal teach vs yet a lytle more And the nyght folowynge shall shewe more then that went before They haue no maner of language nor wordes sowndynge wyth noyse They speake not as men vse to speake no mā doeth heare theyr voyce Yet went theyr rule through out the world all men haue heard theyr sounde And theyr wordes went into the coastes of all the worlde sorownde In these heauens the Lorde hath sette a dwellynge place and tent For the sunne that wyth his bryght beames is alwaye resplendent And as a brydgrowme he commeth out of his bower bryght Ryght cherfully to renne his rase lyke to a man of myght At the vtmost parte of the easte he doeth his rase begynne And in the vtmoste of the weste is hys returnynge in And vnder the heauens that be so wonderfull and wyde There is not one that from his heate may hym absent or hyde The Lordes lawe is pure and perfect turnynge the soule to it So is hys testimonye true geueynge the simple wytte The decrees of the Lord are streyght and make a mans herte lyght So is the Lordes precept most pure maketh the eies bryght The feare of the Lorde is right pure and doeth euer excell So are his iudgmentes true and iuste this do I knowe right well They are more to be desyred then plentie of pure goulde And sweter then the honie combe that droppeth many folde Yea in them thy pore seruant is chiefly admonished And in the obseruance of them much hyre is promised Whoe is able to marke his fautes them to vnderstande To purge me from my secrete fautes Lorde do thou take in hande And put from me all greate mischiefes leste they ouercome me And then from all greate treaspases I shall innocent be O Lorde that art my sure defence doest reuenge my ryght Let my wordes and thought of myne herte be pleasant in thy syght The .xx. Psalme I Besech God the Lord heare the in all thy miserie And that the name of Iacobs God do place the in safetie And that he helpe and succour the from his sanctuarie And that out of Sion he do vnderset the surely And that he do remember all thy gyftes or sacrifice And that thy fat brēt offeringes be pleasant in hys eies God graunt he geue the thy desyre euen as thyne hert doeth wyll And that all thy mynde and counsell he do throughly fulfyll Then wyth syngynge we wyll reioyce in thy saluation And wyth triumphe set vp bannars in oure goddes name anone For the Lord wyll fulfyll al thy requestes this is no naye And then shall eche man in his herte breake out in wordes and saye Nowe I acknowledge that the Lord hath preserued hys kynge And hath heard hym out of heauen where he is abydynge I acknowledge he hath heard hym out of hys holy place By the saueynge strength of his powre and his plentifull grace Let some put theyr trust in charettes and some in horses hye Yet the name of the Lorde our God wyll we speake of trulye They fell vnderneth theyr burden were quite destroyed But we stode styfly vnder it and were styll strengthened The Lorde shall aye preserue and kepe his owne anoyted kynge And in the daye when we shall call he shall geue vs hearynge The .xxj. Psalme LOrde in thy myght and powre the kynge shall be glad and merie And in thy saueyng health he shall reioyce excedyngly Thou haste geuen hym his hertes desyre wythout any delay And of the thynges he hath asked thou hast not sayde hym naye Wyth the beste and most pleasaunt gyftes thou haste hym preuented And ryght so wyth a crowne of goulde hys heade thou hast crowned He asked lyfe of the and thou haste geuen to hym certayne Such lenght of dayes that he shall be when no tyme shall remayne Through the health that thou gaueste hym ryght great is hys glorye Vpon him thou hast set honour bryghtnes great plentie Thou haste set hym that he hath aye plentye and aboundaunce Of all good thynges so doest thou chere him wyth thy comtenaunce For in the Lord the kyng putteth his trust vnfaynedly And shall stande stydfastly through the goodnes of God most hye Thyne hande hath founde all suche men as thy deadly enmies be And thy ryght hande hath founde all such as euer hated the. Lyke a fornayce in thyne anger thou hast them all kenled The Lorde hath eate them in hys Ire fyre hath them consumed The fruyte of theyr bodies thou haste rowted out of the land And haste not suffered theyr seede emonge men for to stand For they went obout to noye the and for to do the yll They inuented suche wyckednes as they could not fulfyll But thou madest them as a but to shote at wyth thy bowe And wyth thy strynge thou leuelledste euen at theyr face I knowe Extolle thy selfe Lorde in thy powre set vp thy selfe on hye Then shall we synge and celebrate thy powr most worthyly The .xxij. Psalme MY God my God why dydest thou forsake thy pore seruant From myne health my roreynge crye howe far art thou distant By daye I call on the my God but no answere I heare And eke by night but vnto me no silence doeth appere Yet art thou the holye rular of prayse in Israell Thou art I saye the holy one that emonge them doeth dwell Our fathers haue trusted in the thou haste ben all theyr staye They haue trusted in the and thou haste set them tree I saye They haue cried to the I saye and are deliuered They haue put all theyr trust in the and are not ashamed As for me I am but a worme I am no mā in dede I am an opprobrye of men of people despised So manye as do loke on me do laugh at me alwaye They mocke they mowe and moue theyr heades and with them selfe they saye He hath lefte all thinges to the Lorde let hym set him at large And for the loue he beareth hym let the same him discharge But thou art he O Lorde that
Sion Then he doeth to the residue of Iacobs nation Ryght noble thynges O goddes citie are reported of the Reported in the O Sion right noble thynges there be Rahab and such of Babilon as haue knowen my name I wyll haue kepte in memorie as right worthy of fame Loe palestine is worthy prayse because therin were borne Boeth zor and they of Ethiope of whom I thyncke no scorne But of Sion it shall be sayed that many of greate fame Haue bene borne there the high God shall eke confirme the same In his writtynges the Lord shall cyte the peoples euerie one And of them all the chyefest man was borne in this Sion In the Sion are all my welles whereout all they do sprynge That in my trase do leade the daunce do my praises synge The .lxxxviij. Psalme LOrde God myne health before thy face I crye boeth daye and nyght ▪ Let my request I the besech be present in thy syght Bowe downe thyne eare vnto my cry for my soule hath hir fyll And my lyfe is brought to the graue through the plentie of ill But now am I compted wyth them that go into the pyt And am compared to a man that of strength hath no whyt As one fre from all maner thynges that to thys lyfe belonge I am accompted emonge them whom fatall death hath stonge I am I saye lyke to the deade that in the graue do slepe Of whō there is no memorie ne doeth thyne hand them kepe In the lower pyt of troubles Lord thou hast placed me In places that are darcke depe so hath it pleased the. Thy feruent indignation hath quelled me well most Thou hast cast out thy pore seruaunt in troubles to be toste Thou haste caused myne acquayntaunce to flye far of from me ▪ And through thy meanes they do abhor thy pore seruant tose I am enclosed in suche wyse and hedged rounde about That I ne can by any meanes fynde ishue or waye out Throughsore payne and affliction myne eye syght fayleth me O Lorde I call and crie all daye and lyfte myne handes to the. And doest thou shewe wonders to them that in the graue dolye Or shall the deade arise agayne and prayse the worthyly And shall thy mercie and goodnes be preached in the graue Or thy fayth in destruction wher none hath mynde to craue Or shall thy wonders be well knowen in places darke and blynd Or thy iustice in such a place where nothing is in mynde But I thy pore seruant haue cried to the O Lorde I saye And my prayer shall the preuēt in the spryng of the daye O Lord whye doest thou put me backe and my pore soule repell Wylt thou Lord hyde thy face from me and shewe thy selfe cruell Wretched am I and from my youth haue ben styll at deathes dore And wyth perplex and doubtfull mynde I sustayne thy terrour Thy furies and rageynge angers haue gone ouer me quite And thy terrours and great threatnynges haue kylled me downryght They haue dayly enuironed and beset me about And to gyrd me in togither they haue not stand in doubt My friendes thou haste set far from me eke my neyghbours all And haste caused myne acquayntaunce into darcknes to fall The .lxxxix. Psalme THy mercies and thy goodnes Lorde I wyll synge wythout staye And wyth my mouth Lord wyll I cause thy truth be knowe for aye For wyth my selfe thus haue I thought Goddes mercie lasteth aye And in the hygh heauens his trueth he hath set wyth sure staye Thus hath he sayd wyth mynde elect I haue made a comnaunt And wyth an othe I promised to Dauid my seruant Thy seede I wyll confirme for aye make it to enduer And in all ages that shall come thy throne shall remayne sure The heauens O Lord celebrate prayse thy wonders all So do the sanctes thyne holy trueth when they theyr counselles call In heauen who is it that maye be the Lordes felowe right And which of the stronge men shal be lyke vnto him in myght For God muste be greatly feared in holy mens counsell And must be had in reuerence of them that nygh hym dwell Lorde God of hostes who is lyke the Oh thou that art myghtie All thynges that are about the Lorde are truth and veritie Lord thou doest rule the greate furies and rages of the seas And when they do lyft vp their waues thou doest them all appease Prouide Pharao thou dydest beate euen as a deade bodie And wyth the force of thy great strength thou dydst thy foes destroye The heauens are thyne so is the earth none can thys thynge denie ▪ The whole worlde and all thynges therin thou haste made certenly The north parte and the south also thou haste made and formed ▪ Thabor and Hermon shall reioyce whē they heare the named Thou haste an arme full of all powre all myght doeth therin stande Lorde thou doest fortifie thy strength lyfte vp thy ryght hande Thy prynce lyke throne is vndersette with equitie and right Mercie and trueth go before the and are styl in thy syght O happie people that confesse the sygnes of goddes presence For in thy lyght O Lorde suche shall walke wyth greate reuerence They shall dayly ioye and reioyce Lorde in thyne holy name And in thy ryghtuousenes they shall purchase them selfe greate fame For of theyr ioyce strength O God thou only arte the floure And of thy mere goodnes thou wylt extolle our myght and power For our shyld of defence is a thynge of the lordes geuynge And the holy one of Iacob hath geuen vs our kynge Then to thy prophetes by a dreame thus saydest thou in effect I wyll supporte ayde Dauid for he is myne elect I haue found Dauid my seruant haue hym anoynted Wyth holy oyle that by my power he myght be strengthened The enimie shall neuer be able hym to deceyue Neither shall the froward haue powre my seruant for to greue I wyl braye all his enimies euen before his face And suche as do hym hate I wyll destroye wyth outen grace My trueth eke my mercie shall be wyth hym at his nede And in my name his power shal be excedyng great in dede I wyll put his hand in the sea his power shall thyther reach And ouer the rennynge riuers he shall hys ryght hand stretche He shall call on me at his nede and shall saye in this sorte Thou arte my father and my God and of my health the forte Myne heyer wyll I ordeyne hym aboue the kynges all My mercie and promise to him for euer kepe I shall I wyll make hys sede eternall his stocke shall neuer die And his royall seate wyll I make lyke the tyme of the skye If hys sonnes wyll forsake my lawe and not walke in my steppes ▪ If they wyll breake myne ordinaūce and not kepe my preceptes Then wyth roddes wyll I visyte them for theyr goynge astraye And wyll wyth scourges punish the wyckednes of theyr waye