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A14418 An appendix of the saints lately canonized, and beatifyed by Paule the fift, and Gregorie the Fifteenth Kinsman, Edward.; Villegas, Alonso de, b. 1534. Flos sanctorum. 1624 (1624) STC 24738; ESTC S119155 96,102 310

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Rome that not without great difficulty could his body be buried euery one striuing to kisse his handes and for some relique of him some cutting his haire others his garments others euen his fingers ends He was put into a Coffin and laid in the Chappell of the Crucifix and from thence in the yeare of our Lord 1598. he was remoued to a more eminent place of the same Church finally the thirteenth day of May in the yeare 1605. he was solemnely translated with musicke and lights into the great Chappell of our Blessed Lady in the same Church and there placed in the wall neere the right side of the Altar This translation was caused by reason of the many miracles that it pleased out Lord to worke by him in diuers places and the multitude of people that came dayly to his Tombe to offer vp theire vowes which exceedingly increased the deuotion of the people and the concourse to his B. Reliques which was a thing so celebrated at Rome that Pope Paul the fifth in the month of Septēber 1607. gaue order that an inquisition might be made of his life and miracles for his Canonization Among the many miracles that haue bene wrought by the intercessiō of Blessed Lewis there be forty and foure approued and recorded which he hath done in the State of Castiliō his owne proper Countrey and patrimony where his Image is placed on an Altar with twelue lamps before it continually burning besides the other innumerable lights which the people daily offer vnto his honour and before the same are hanged on the walles more then three hundred votiue Tablets offered in remembrance and for deuotion of his miracles Our Lord in diuers other places hath likewise shewed forth his wonders by the meanes of this blessed Saint rendring health to diuers dangerously sicke of feuers and other diseases restoring the blind to sight the deafe to hearing helping of women in the perill of child-birth with many others which are all at large recorded in the Booke of his life out of which I will only rehearse briefly these few that follow In the yeare 1593. his mother being in danger of her life hauing receaued the holy Sacraments of Communiō and Extreme Vnction her sonne appeared resplendent and glorious vnto her with the comfort of whose presence she presently began to amend and in few dayes recouered her perfect health which was the first miracle that it pleased God to worke by him after his death The Duke of Mantua comming to Rome in the yeare 1605. visited with great deuotion the tombe of his Cosen Lewis and had there giuen him by his Brother Francis Gonzaga thē Embassadour for the Emperour a relique of his with which returning by Florence to Mantua he was taken with a grieuous paine in his knee which had long sorely vexed him to which applying this holy Relique of B. Lewis he was presently cured the which was testified by his owne letter written backe to Rome to the Marques his Brother He had likewise the guift of Prophesy foretould vnto his mother that his Brother Francis who was the youngest of his Brothers should be the Rayser vp and glory of their House which proued true as likewise diuers other things which he foretould Who seeth not in this life and admireth not the bounty and liberality of our Lord who had so filled with his grace this Blessed young man whome he made choiceof euen from his mothers wombe to render glorious both in heauen and earth How great spirit in so young age what recollection in so many troubles what mortifications in the miedest of pleasures and delightes what humility in greatnesse what misprise of all worldly thinges and earnest seeking after heauenly To what greater degree of perfection can a soule ariue in this life beyond the preseruatiō of the grace receaued in Baptisme thē not to feele in their body the tentations of the flesh not to suffer in prayer distractiōs of thoughts and to liue on earth as an Angell in heauen All which vertues are apparāt to haue bene eminent in this blessed young mā whose life we all ought to imitate to the end that imitating his vertues we may be also made partakers of his rewards and merits He was Beatified by Pope Paul the fifth by whome leaue was also graūted to say masse of him His feast is kept by the Fathers of the Society of Iesus with great solemnity plenary Indulgence and in the Diocesse of Mantua is for the most part kept holy THE LIFE AND VERTVES of B. Stanislaus Kostka of the Society of Iesus abridged out of his life written by Peter Rybadeneira and others of the same Society BLESSED Stanislaus was borne in the Kingdome of Polonia in the yeare of our Lord 1550. in a Castle of his ancestours called Kostkouo His Fathers name was Iohn Kostka his mothers Margaret Keysban both Illustrious and of the principall houses of that Kingdome but much illustrated by this that neuer any of that house was tainted with heresy Out of their family haue issued diuers Lords Palatines Electors Senators Captaines Bishops and other of great dignity in that kingdome God blest them with diuers children and amongst others with this Stanislaus who hauing laudably passed his infancy at home was ●●●t by his Father being the but thitteene yeares of age together with another of his Brothers elder then he to Vienna in Austria where the Emperour Maximilian at that time kept his Court for to study there in the Colledge of the Fathers of the Society of Iesus which was at that time very famous for the education of youth Stānislaus studied so diligently there being of an excellent wit that he surpassed all the rest of his School-fellowes of whome for his gentlenes modesty he was generally beloued Euery morning before he went to schoole and euery euening after he came from schoole he vsed to make his prayers in the Church of the Society He auoyded all ill company all conuersation with Libertines or any other thing that had not the odour of deuotion With all diligence he was a great louer of silence and neuer spake but what he had first well weighed considered He was modestly cheerfull and cheerfully modest affable He conuersed most willingly with those that were simple and sincere he was very compassionate and succoured to his power all those that were in neede or extremity he was euer the first vp of his school-fellowes in the morning he contented not himselfe with hearing one masse daily nor on feasts with fewer then all he could possibly heare He went meanely cladde and for all the cold season which in those parts is very bitter in the winter he neuer wore gloues nor would euer vse the helpe of any seruant vnlesse when he was commaunded by his maister or brother Almost all his Orations and Declamations that he made in the exercise of Eloquence were in the praise of the glorious Virgin Mary to whome he was singularly
to me Giue him me Giue me my loue and that presently that I may enioy him within me And this he spake with such vehemency of spirit that he moued all the standers by to teares The same night he sell againe into an agony with vomiting of bloud yet by the Phisitians care he was preserued from death After a day or two the Phisitians cōming vnto him one morning somewhat earely he said vnto them with a lowd voyce Get you gone my Maisters for I haue no more need of your helpe for the present My soitting of bloud is now stayed and paine of my brest is gone I begin to get strēgth a pace The Phisitiās feeling his pulse found him to be in very good temper to their great amazement and by and by he arose out of his bed and began to follow his exercises as before and so continued vntill the 25. of the same moneth saying masse euery day with great alacrity of deuotion so as he seemed to be now in very perfect health Vpon the 25. day of May which was that yeare the feast of Corpus Christi which is in Rome kept most sollemue of all the dayes in the yeare in saying of his Masse he seemed to pronounce the words in a new tune as it were singing for ioy after which he spent a great part of that day in hearing of Confessions and communicating the people In the afternone came to visit him very many honorable personages amongst whom were Cardinall Pamphilius Augustinus Cusanus Auditour of the Rota and Spinellus Bencius Bishop of Politianum whom he entertayned with a very merry countenance according to his fashion although he knew the houre of his death drew very neere These forsaid Prelates that came to visit him would needs say the Office of the Breuiary with him by which meanes they stayed there till it was farre in the eueninge When supper time came the holy Father eate very sparingly and was very well after supper In so much as himselfe then said that he had not bene better in health at any time for ten yeares before thē he was at that present Moreouer he was so merry and of so pleasant a countenance that death was the least thing thought on of all but of himselfe After this he went to bed and now desiring to conceale his death no longer though yet he spake obscurely he said to those that stood about him Behold we must all die Thē he asked what a clocke it was And they answered that it was almost three When two houres more shall be added said he it wil be fiue after one more added to those it will be six Then he said Goe yee all to bed in the name of God And so they all departed At six a clocke Antony Gallonius the writer of this his life that lay in a Chamber next vnto him soddanly awaking seemed to heare the holy Father to walke vp and downe in his Chamber Wherfore he arose speedily and ran vnto him Where he found the holy man sitting vpon his bed his mouth full of bloud which he began to vomite in aboundance Heerevpon others were called and many remedies applyed but all in vaine About a quarter of an houre after the vomit stayed of it selfe and he tooke breath and spake very readily so as all now thought the danger of death was past By and by after turning to his Disciples who by this time were come all into his chamber he said Stay with me a while for now I begin to striue with death Which words when he had spoken he held his peace and seemed to repose as if he had bene in prayer Remayning in this sort a good while Caesar Baronius read the Commendation of the soule all the rest answering with watry eyes When this was done Baronius stood vp and speaking vnto him with a loud voyce desired that he would speake vnto his Disciples there present and impart his benediction vnto them before he departed The holy Father at these wordes opened his eyes and lifting them vp towards heauen prayed a while and after that gaue them his blessing and so without any signe of paine or any griping or gasping with a most sweet and delectable countenance he gaue vp his blessed soule to rest the 25. day of May being the feast of Corpus Christi in the yeare of our Lord 1595. about the sixt houre within night as himselfe had fortold As soone as he was dead he appeared vnto many in the Citty in particular to a very deuout religious virgin cloathed with a very white pretious garment saying thus vnto her I am now as thou seest called to the Crowne of my labours haue thou a care to follow the course of life thou hast begun and thou shalt enioy the same glory and with this he vanished out of her sight The next morning his body was laid in the Church whervnto all the Citty great small rich and poore made concourse and the Cardinalls and Princes of the Court did no lesse all reuerencing the body of the holy Father and well was he that could come neere to kisse or touch the same Others brought Roses and flowers and strawed his body all ouer but as fast as they were laid vpon him so fast were they taken away and gathered as pious spoiles and applied to all sorts of diseases fores wherby very many were cured And whilest he thus lay vpon the Beere in the Church one Augustinus Magistrius a Roman yong man hauing a sore in his necke which had eaten two great holes one to his mouth and the other to his shoulder and was pronunced incurable came to the holy body and after he had made his prayers tooke the hand of S. Philip and hauing kissed the same deuoutly put it to his necke and touched the soare therwith and was therby presently cured As soone as he came home he tould a yong sister of his whose name was Margaret who for six yeares had laboured of the same disease presently she hasted to the Church with her mother and for that it was impossible for her being but a girle to get vnto the body for the presse of people her mother tooke her vp in her armes carried her with maine strength to the body who taking the holy Fathers hand as her Brother had done and touching her necke therwith was also presently healed Herevpon the Father of the yong man and maide named Alexāder who was 60. yeares of age and who had a running also in his eyes which had continued aboue 2. moneths so grieuous that he could not endure so much as the least light of a candle hearing of the cure of his two children ran presently to the holy body and making his prayers and doing as his childrē had done he was also cured These miracles with many more being diuulged there was such running for the space of three dayes and neights vnto his body that his disciples of the Congregation had great
Father drew out a knife from the scabbard of his Fathers sword and putting the point thereof to the reynes of his said Fathers back told him that in that very place he should shortly after receaue a dāgerous woūd as it happened vnto him in the yeare 1406. in a sedition betweene the Romans and the people of Ladislaus King of Naples This Child likewise seeing another time a Frier passing along the way told him that ere long he should change that habit for a more honorable which prooued true for the Frier was shortly after created Bishop The Citty of Rome being visited with the plague this little Saint feeling himselfe stroken with the contagion and knowing that he should shortly die made great instance for Confession after which he told his mother that S. Antony and S. Onuphrius to whome he was particularly deuoted were come with a glorious company of Angells to conduct him to heauen and so this blessed child being only 9. yeares old with an inexpressible ioy passed from this fading life vnto the ioyes of an euerlasting blisse At the instant of his departure a little girle them lying sick of the plaguein another house hauing for a long time before bene speachles sodainly cryed out that she saw Euangelist de Pontiano with great glory borne vp by Angells into heauen S. Francisca his Mother praying in her oratory about a yeare after Euangelist appeared vnto her of the same stature and forme only that he was aboue all expression more faire and glorious as he was when he died hauing another Child with him of the same age and no lesse glorious who declared vnto his mother that he was placed in heauen among the second quire of Angells and that the principall cause of his coming was to lead along with him to heauen his sister Agnes she being only 5. yeares old whose place was prepared in heauen equall to his Agnes therfore shortly after falling sick her mother saw a faire white doue flying vp downe ouer her bed not departing till this child had rendred her innocent soule into the hands of Angells God had giuen to S. Francisca an Angell not only to defend and guard her from euill spirits but also to rule and direct her in all her actions he neuer left her one moment and by especiall priuildge she inioyed the sight of him continually He was of an incredible beauty a countenance wondrous gratious more white then snow more ruddy then the rose his eyes euer looking vp towards heauē his armes crossed on his breast his haire long and curled more cleere shining then the polisht gold his robe extended long vnto the ground and was for the most part of a pure white colour other times skyblew sometimes also red Frō his face proceeded so great a light brightnes that it often dazeled her eyes to behold it and sometimes there proceeded such beames that only by their brightnes she saw to read her Mattins at midnight Her Ghostly Father cōmaunded her once to disclose vnto him the forme and shape of her good Angell which she did holding her Angell by the little hād the whilst looking friendly vpon him so properly and so particularly that therby her Confessor easily perceaued his proportion not to exceed a child of 5. or 6. yeares old If at any time the diuell molested her either with horrible apparitions to afright her or by transforming himselfe into some holy shape to delude her her faithfull Guardiā Angell at the same instāt by the shaking and mouing of his golden locks would cast forth such comfortable beames as would make her soule at once both feareles and secure On the contrary if in company of her parents or friends there escaped from her either any inconsiderate thought word or deed or if she were to sollicitous of her domesticall affaires presently she might behould this blessed spirit turne away his eyes frō her wherby she became to reflect on herselfe and carefull to examine her cōsciēce so by knowledge of those small faults that had caused his auersion by this meanes she became daily more wary and vigilant ouer herselfe euer renewing her purposes to amēd wherby she recouered the sweet regard of her Angell If any one in the company of this Saint forgot them selues in doing any thing that was vndecent she presently perceaued her Angell as it were in horrour of their sinnes and imperfections to close his eyes with his hands A Gentlewoman a deere friend and kinswoman of hers called Vannosia being in a desperate sicknesse had a great desire to eate of a Crab fish after which Francis carefully seeking and finding that in that season of the yeare they were impossible to be had she put herselfe in prayer desiring one from God when behold in the sight of all the houshould there fell one from the seeling of the Chāber fresh and aliue as if newly taken our of the sea which she presently prepared for Vannosia who eating thereof was not only satisfied of her desire but also perfectly recouered of her sicknes She neuer dismissed any poore frō her gate without almes and once in a great famine at Rome Andreas her Father-in-law hauing made his prouision of an excellent tunne of wine she being importuned by the poore not hauing wherwithall to satisfy them gaue to all that came of the said wine as long as it lasted Which when her Father-in-law vnderstood he was much offended with her therefore of which she hūbly excused herselfe assuring him that his wine was not spent but euen as he left it which to cōfirme she wēt with him downe into the Cellar where drawing of the same tunne they found it full of most excellent wine Whervpon Andreas being not ignorant of her bestowing it was confirmed of the miracle and she acknowledginge Gods bounty remayned therafter more animated to doe the workes of charity Another time hauing giuen to the poore a little quātity of corne which she had swept from the beames and rafters of her husbands granary by chance returning thither not long after she found there fourty measures of fine wheat neither she nor any other knowing how it came thither She vsed to reserue for herselfe those hard and mouldy crusts chippings of bread which were appointed for the poore and in the place therof would secretly giue vnto them the best and purest bread that was in the house Although all the actions of this Saints life were full of rare examples of Humility notwithstanding it appeared in nothing more then in her art and holy subtility to conceale the frequent miracles that she wrought for wheras she healed all sorts of diseases by her only touch yet she would withall apply a certaine ointment to the diseased which she had made of Mariolane or Rew therby to cōceale the miracle although this ointment for some diseases was altogether vnprofitable and for many absolutely hurtefull She neuer went vested but in course cloth although her condition was no
satisfy doubts and answere all obiections She had an extraordinary guift in healing of the sick of all infirmities by her prayers and working other miracles so vsually as I may say familiarly as it seemed our Lord neuer denied her any thing that she requested of him The aged weake body of this holy woman almost spent and worne out with continuall trauell frō one Monastery to another being now at Burgos and foreseing her end approaching which she had prophesied 8. yeares before hastened towards Auila where she was borne desiring to end her daies therein her first owne House But reposing as she trauelled at the house of the Duchesse of Alua she was enforced there to make stay partly by her importunity as also by reason of a feuer she had which continued with her increased so incessantly that at the end of three dayes hauing receaued all the rites of the Holy Catholike Church recommended her selfe to God with many deuout prayers and giuen many holesome precepts and admonitions to those that were present to their great cōfort edification with a ioyfull and peaceable serenity of mind she sweetly yeelded vp her soule to her beloued spouse Sauiour vpon the 4. day of October being the feast of S. Francis in the 68. yeare of her age 47. of her being religious It pleased our Lord to shew the holines of this Saint by some signes at her death by many miracles after For at the instant of her death a certaine Religious woman saw two starres to descend vpon her Cell Another sister saw a bright starre shinning ouer her Monastery another starre at the window of the chamber where she died A Religious man in Valladolid saw at the instant of her death the heauens open and a glorious way prepared wherby a soule ascended The prioresse of Segouia smelt in her Cell a most sweet odour at the instāt of her death with an extraordinary light Another Prioresse in Paris saw our Sauiour ascend to heauen with great glory many Angells with him Another sister saw a white doue to ascend frō her mouth All her Conuent at the instant saw a great light and felt a very sweet smell fillinge the house as also from her habit and all things that she had touched The body of this holy Saint lying faire fresh and liuely as though she had bene yet liuing a certaine Religious mā came and touched with her handes his head and eyes and presently recouered of two infirmities which he had in those parts Another Religious woman kissing her seete recouered her smelling which she had lost And that night after her death she appeared to diuers Religious persons After that her body had bene by many and with great deuotiō visited she was with great sollemnity due reuerence enterred Her habit and all things that she vsed be kept still in Alua with great reuerence for holy Reliques and many miracles haue bene wrought by them This holy Saint appeared to diuers after her death and first to one Mother Antonetta in Granada she wing her the glory that she was in and encouraging her in her vertuous course of life Also to a Religious woman in Auila she appeared in great glory She appeared also in Segouia with a sweet odour in the midest of the Quier with a rich crowne on her head And to the Earle of Osorne to the Bishop and diuers others there The miracles after her death were many As the miraculous incorruptiō of her body The pleasant odour and sweetnes therof filling the place where it was kept as also of her habit cloathes and all things she had touched By which being religiously kept many of sundry infirmities were healed Also there was a pretious oyle or liquor that distilled continually from her body and frō euery small part therof though separated a sunder whereby many miracles were done as appeareth by one of her hāds that was carried by the Prouinciall of her Order to Lisbone and by one of her fingers at Malaga Also a linnē cloth died with her bloud continued pure and fresh wherby many miracles were done in diuers places and in diuers manners Don Aluarez de mendoza Bishop of Alua hauing in his life time built a faire chappell with a Tombe therin for himselfe an by a fore-contract with the Prouinciall of her Order another by it for this holy Saint and hearing now of her death and buriall made suite iointly with the people of the towne to the Prouinciall for her body which not being obtayned she was translated to Auila in the moneth of Nouēber 1585. with great sollemnity and ioy But the Duke of Alua and Ferdinand of Toledo Prior of S. Ihons made suit to Pope Sixtus V. for her returne to Alua where she died which he graunted and so with greater ioy and applause she was brought back to Alua the 23. of August 1586. where she remayneth and God by meanes of this his seruāt doth worke many miracles euen to this present as is daily seene by those that be deuout vnto her and frequent her sepulcher the which hath bene adorned enriched with many great guiftes and pretious Iewells of many of the greatest Princes and Religious Bishops and Persons of Spaine and Christendome And after all due diligence and examinations of her life and miracles made as in such cases appertayneth she was Canonized for a Saint by Pope Gregory the XV. vpō the 12. of March 1622. But her feast is celebrated vpon the 4. day of October To rehearse the manifold exāples in euery of her seuerall vertues the frequent apparitions of our Blessed Sauiour and other Saints her visiōs raptes and miracles accordinge to the truth thereof and her desert I should neuer be able to say inough all the aforesaid thinges being so certaine and so well knowne in Spaine as they be yet fresh in memory and many are yet liuing that knew her well and were present and eye witnesses to all that which is here writtē of her And he that shall read her life written by herselfe at the commaūd of her Ghostly Father trāslated lately into English and also her life writtē by Brother Ihon of S. Ierome and Brother Ihon of Iesus Maria of her owne Order from whence this is extracted may be there further satisfied with examples in euery kind these things being heere only touched for breuity sake as a taste out of aboundance God graunt that we following her heauenly documents instructions imitating hervertuous life may by her intercession merit to come to that heauenly glory which she with her deerespouse Iesus now enioyeth Amen THE LIFE AND VERTVES OF Blessed Lewis Gonzaga of the Society of Iesus taken out of his history written at large by Virgilius Ceparius of the same Order BLESSED Lewis Gonzaga was borne in that part of France which lyeth beyōd the Alpes at the Chastle of Castilion in the Diocese of Brixia in the yeare of our Lord 1568. of Ferdinand Prince of