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A14301 The Newlanders cure Aswell of those violent sicknesses which distemper most minds in these latter dayes: as also by a cheape and newfound dyet, to preserue the body sound and free from all diseases, vntill the last date of life, through extreamity of age. Wherein are inserted generall and speciall remedies against the scuruy. Coughes. Feauers. Goute. Collicke. Sea-sicknesses, and other grieuous infirmities. Published for the weale of Great Brittaine, by Sir William Vaughan, Knight. Vaughan, William, 1577-1641. 1630 (1630) STC 24619; ESTC S111506 55,728 158

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It prolongeth life vntill extreame old Age. It makes one sleepe quietly and pleasantly It makes our meate taste the more sauouring and acceptable It brings soundnesse to the Sences quicknesse to the Memory cleare iudgement to the Wit it asswageth the rage of vnruly Passions beates downe and breakes the fury of vnlawfull Lust and driues away anger and sorrow To conclude it conioynes cements and as it were glues and scrues together the Soule and Body with such an harmonicall admired temper that with a quiet Conscience Apostolicall patience and with a Magnanimous sparkling spirit partaking equally of Mirth and Grauity hee shall soone perceiue himselfe metamorphozed and changed of a sensuall Creature to bee a man of Reason of a darke besotted apprehension now suddainly become one of the hopefull Children of God illuminated with Vnderstanding to ponder iudge discusse of Caelestiall matters touching the Mysteries of our Saluation of Faith Grace the Resurrection Beatitude and the difference betwixt Humane and Diuine policy betwixt Saint Michael the Archa●gell and the Spirituall Drago● betwixt the Heauenly Ierusalem and the most reformed Common-Wealth among mortall men And lastly hee shall be able to apprehend how Sinne and the Prince of the Ayre are linked in one to confirme Mens hardned hearts in their owne accursed Courses The seuenth SECTION How necessary the Bodies Purification by a Temperate Dyet is for the Soules health The suddaine Cure of the Cough the Tisicke and other Diseases by some Medicines intermixt with this Dyet PVrification must go before Glorification For before a man can assume a Glorified immortall Body in Heauen it is necessary the whole man bee purified heere on Earth the Soule by Faith and the Body by Abstinence After this life we must not relye on Apocriphall dreames of a third place by Capriccious Schoolemen called Purgatory like to the Poets Eliz●an Fields But at our departure out of this World we must repeate the same Words which our Sauiour spake at the giuing vp the Ghost Consummatum est it is finished Wee haue fought in this World a good fight wee haue abstayned from Carnall and worldly Temptations Otherwise wee go out but as halfe Christians and being luke-warme Christ will not know vs if wee stand on bare Faith without the fruites of Faith which must not onely spring in vs towards our owne Bodies but by example and good workes towards our fellowes the members of Christ. O how much do the Capuchins and Carth●sians goe beyond vs in Abstinence and in contemning the World And if they had the Faith which we professe and did not too much macerate and deface the handy-worke of GOD vppon a meritorious Baalish hope surely they might bee sayd to see with two eyes and we but with one eye and being better purified then wee they were assured of that Glorification which wee expect I doubt no● but some heere will taxe me that I sauour a little of Pharisaicall Popish leauen because I insist on the Bodies Purification as if I derogated from Faith which onely iustifieth and that all meates are tollerable let a man eate and drinke neuer so much as long as they are sanctified with our ordinary Graces of thanksgiuing though sayd by roat or cooled zeale And that wee cannot transgresse in what enters into the Body seeing that all things were purified and made cleare by Christ according to St. Peters Vision about Cornelius These Libertines would faine couer their Epicurean excesse with Sophisticall daubings but they heede not my ayme who with St. Paul professe that all things are cleane to the cleane It is the Quantity and not the Quality of the Meates or Drinkes which I reprooue If I should tell them further that the cause why Moses forbad the Israclites the eating of Swines flesh was for that hee fore-saw that the same in those hote Countries would breede It●h and Scabs and that it did become the Hely Nation to keepe their Vessells better purified then to appeare in the House of GOD so polluted surely I beleeue they would take me for ● Iew aswell as a Romanist Why were Lepers and those that had running Issues debarred from the Temple insomuch that their King so diseased was repulsed to enter Was it not because God loued a purified cleane Body ●ather then a mangy person Specially if through his owne disordered manner of liuing or the Diuine Vengeance he became so defiled In respect whereof it is conuenient that we doe our best endeauours to purifie that place which is destinated for the Holy Ghost by abstayning from alluring meats of diuerse natures at the same Mea●e Go to the Physitian before thou be sicke saith the Wise man Before Gluttony and Drunkennes hale vs into the Prison of sicknesses let vs take heede of their causes and not finde fault with Friends who without Fee or rewards haue opened them the way to Purification and a sober liuing Because Lessius and Cornario being Papists late●y renewed and brought to Light this admirable Dyet shall wee disdayne their wholesome Counsell This vncharitablenesse leads to Errour what we finde among Papists Praise-worthy and not repugnant to Faith we ought to embrace and cheerish By that reason we should haue no Discipline no Canon Law nor any ciuill Order for the gouernment of the Church against Ref●a●●aries and gyddy headed Heretickes if we condemne all that wee borrow from them For our Religion it selfe though afterwards eclipsed was propagated and sent into this Iland from the Bishop of Rome Because their Mine yeeldes not the finest Oare shall we not refine the Oare and purifie the Gold that comes from them yea though it came exsterquilinio out of their Dunghill with many dregs and filth we must not reiect and altogether debase what we receiued from them as long as it tends to our profit or edification We ought to commend them for their laudable Fasts their Almes-giuing and their continent liues I meane some few of them which were indeed most continent and not minister occasion of scandall in our Christian calling to make them the more obstinate and obdurate St. Paul could haue wished neuer to eate meate whilst he liued if hee thought that that kinde of meate offended his Brother where as some of vs on the contrary would e●te Flesh on Good Friday euen to dispite them By this indiscreete and vncharitable carriage towards them in things indifferent many Soules haue fallen away from our Church and left those skars which will continue I feare to the worlds end So tractable in this indifferent course was Peter Mo●lins that Religious Minister of France when hee heard how some of our English Preachers chose rather to bee silenced then to weare the Surplice O I would to God sayth he that I were bound to go in a Fooles coate through Paris all the dayes of my life so that I were Licensed to Preach the Gospell there And so an English Co●ntesse heretofore was content to ride through Couentry starke naked at Noone day so
darken the Mind which is the great Eye or Light of the Body And this is the cause that when the one is grieued th' other is grieued and when th' one is merry th' other is so too Therefore it is a thing to bee wished that they were kept both in an equall proportion and symmetry with conuenient nourishments recreations exercise and aboue all with spirituall food Yea and other whiles if need require the Mistresse must correct her rebellions Seruant that the Image of our great Creator bee not quite defaced But to returne to the Subiect wee haue in hand the Body of Man is the most temperate of all other mortall Creatures and therefore it may bee rightly termed the Golden Rule measure and square whereby the Excesse of all other things may be obserued and their different Faculties discerned And for this cause in respect of our humane Bodies the fours Elements are noted to be Hot Cold Moist and Dry Here hence we gather that the Flesh of Fowle is hot and dry and that the Food of Fish is cold moist fit to engender flegme Betwixt these as the Meane are Earthly Creatures placed and among these Mans Body hath the preheminence as the best tempered vnder the Cope of Heauen The which also varies according to the Climate Sunt Homines alij variant vt Climata munds For our Northerne Nations are of a Colder constitution then theirs that liue within the Tropickes or neere vnto them And therefore the Ancient Phylosophers would not allow a temperate Body but with in a temperate Country Neyther is this temper so constant in our temperate countries but the inequaltity of the Soyle and S●ituation controules this temper For we haue Spring and Summer weather in places at the same instant within a mile or two distant As for Example in Dales and at the foote of Hils we fee●e it warme whereas wee cannot endure long to stay on the Neighbouring Mountaynes by reason of Snow or furious Winds which likewise other-throw or hinder the growth of Plantes and Corne sixe or seauen weekes later then such as we finde in the bottom or lowest descent The same alteration I haue seene in the Alpes and Pyrenae●n Mountaynes where I could be hold ripe Grapes and a fourishing Haruest in the Vallies and Trauailing but a League higher vp towards the top of the Mountaynes I might see nothing but horrid Rockes Hayle Snow and Windes in that impetuous manner that there a man would take September to be Ianuary Moreouer this change crosseth our Temper i● respect of Age for Youth is more hot and moyst then more setled yeares And that Dyet which might be properly accommodated to olde men perhaps would weaken or statue the younger sort How then shall we be able to finde out this Golden meane and Temper in mans Body when we are subiect to so many mutations Do not we perceiue the very Beasts and vnreasonable creatures to go beyond vs in some of our noblest Organs Do they not excell vs in the fiue sences viz. The Boare in hearing the Ounce in seeing the Ape in tasting the Vultur in smelling and the Spider in touching as these ancient Verses imply Nos Aper auditu Lynx visu Simia gustu Un tur ●doratu p●aecellit Aranea tactu This cannot bee denied in those Creatures but because I am an ill Huntes-man I will continue my conuersation with men amongst which there is much diuersity for their seueral parts Here stands a man with a most temperate Braine there another with a sound Liuer some are long breathed some excell in the Temper of their Hearts and in many of these wee might behold Actions which tend vnto Vnity as to their Center But in generall of late yeares wee degenerate from that which by our Baptisme we vowed to be as in like manner wee haue crackt our Braines shortned our breathing faculties corrupted our Liuer inframed our Blood and all with excesse of varieties of meates and drinkes We p●ate of the Holy Ghost of the Temple of God but let euery man examine his owne conscience whether it bee possible that such a sanctified Guest could remaine in such an impure Body which hath receiued into it so great store of Victualls and the choysest which the Ayre Earth and Sea could yeelde and of the strongest Wines euen vnto vomiting If after this inquisition wee finde that the Spirit of God requires an vndefiled and purer seate to lodge in then let vs sweep cleane and do our best to purifie and prepare our Bodies to be tolerably meete to entertayne this sacred Messenger for if hee knockes at the doore of our hearts and we slight his Call it is to bee feared hee will returne no more to such a nasty Roome where the Master of the house neglects his dearest Land-Lord To reduce the World vnto a better Temper the Body as well as the Minde I had recourse to many Cures I read Marsilius Ficinus his Worke concerning a Heauenly Body here on Earth but there meeting with nothing but distractions at the last I lighted on two Treatises the one Published by Lodouico Cornario an Italian and th' other by Lessius of Bruxels a learned Iesuite out of whose Precepts I collected this admirable Dyet which whosoeuer hath the power to practise hee shall quickly apprehend the difference betwixt a Table furnished with variety of meates whose nature in digestion are contrary the one to th' other and betwixt that simple Cheere which conrented our Sauiour here on Earth with his Disciples By the former spring all our sicknesses By this latter of Sobriety we stint Concupiscence and after one quarter of a yeare our Bodies being accustomed to a set measure of meat and drinke wee shall confesse that saying of the Heath'nish Phylosopher to iumpe aright with a reformed Christian Turpe est homini non nosse mensuram ventres sui It is a shamefull thing for an vnderstanding man not to know the measure of his owne Belly To wind vp this my Preparatiue in a word when I had compared Lessius his obseruations with Daniels and his three Companions Dyet and how by reason of their slender fare being but Pulse they were in better state then those that fed on dainties I concluded this new found dyet to be acceptable to Gods spirit and if it awaites on Faith it will serue for a Christians Purification before Glorification The second SECTION The Description of a New found and cheape Diet to preserue the Body and Minde from all s●cknesses and Passions and how a man shall find out the true Proportion what will content a reasonable Creature BY the former Discourse it is apparant that the Well-being and Health of Mans Body consists in obseruing the Golden Meane which is Temperance in our Dyet that is cating and drinking no more then the Stomacke can well digest and that thereby the functions of the Minde bee not hindered nor made obscure by the excessiue Quantity For this reason and because
Effects and Fruites of this admirable Dyet THe Effect of this New-found Dyet is singular great and the Fruites inestimable For thereby Old Age which is held to be an incurable sicknesse and a tedious misery becomes fresh greene liuely sprightfull and flourishing Now after long Experience which a man hath learned in the World hee is able to iudge by comparing his present estate with the Vanities of his fore-passed manner of liuing of the Causes why GOD sent him into the World and by what meanes hee may thence forwards recouer and redeeme the idle time which hee hath spent to the glory of God and the safeguard of his Soule which but for the great mercy of his Sauiour hee hath foolishly forfeited Then he cannot but contemne earthly thoughts and with a braue resolution scorne to fixe his Minde on things which like a Dreame will passe away suddainly remembring that saying in the Gospell O Foole this night will I take away thy Soule and then whose shall those goods be which thou hast prepared and heaped together Then hee will acutely see that there is no cause for him to ioyne Fie●d to Field Farme to Farme or Lordship to Lordship For if he obserue this Dyet hee needes not bee at such former charge for Gut-worke or to please his sensuall Pa●a●e as hee hath beene at to the hazard of his Health and more of his Soule He will find that a very final reuenew will s●●●ice him and that now hee shall be the better able to distribute the ouer-p●us to his Christian Neighbours or bestow the same on some monuments for the honour of his Redeemer who gaue him the grace and power to leaue off his former superfluities and noysome Varieties Then he shall perceiue that ten yeares redeemed and conferred in this order of life will better him more then 20. yeares in such irregular vame courses as he before had fruitlessely consumed Then seeing himselfe at more ease and contentment in spirit with a well composed nature without rashnesse or inperate Passions hee may accommodate his Minde to Prayers to the seruice of God and to doe workes of Charity For no extrauagant businesse can fall out to interpose betwixt him and Heauenly cogitations as he vsed to haue when hee dealt about matters of worldly profit But perhaps some will say who will pine himselfe and loose so many dainty morcels to enioy a few yeares longer then our fore-Fathers Heu non est tanto dig●a dolore salus To these I answere that the addition of a few yeares more to a man that begins to leaue off sinne and to bee borne a new man Regenerated vnto God through Christ ought to be dearer then all the delicate cheare of the World which cannot come to passe while the Body is heauy and pressed downe with a load of fat and grosse Humours For of all the meate which a man eates let him consider how little of it turnes to nourishment or Chyle within the Body and how much goes to excrements to superfluous Blood and to those humours which one day and in processe of time will cause some grieuous sicknesse if not mortall and hee will iudge my Counsell for Sobriety to be from God and sent from Heauen in these latter dayes to assist him in his Christian Progresse to Saluation At first is all the difficulty and hardest labour by reason of the contrary custome and for that the Stomacke is stretched out at large and as the French man sayth as Hollow as Saint Benets Boote But this difficulty is quickly taken away if euery day by leas●re he with-draw and diminish somewhat of his vsuall Dyet vntill such time as hee comes to the stinted measure And after that the Stomacke is once contracted and made narrower then there is no more difficulty nor trouble but that hee may easily continue his Sober Dyes because that small Quantity doth answere and well agree with Nature and the capacity of the Stomacke onely the danger is that after the Dyet is accustomed it must be continued still for Alteration is somewhat dangerous The like examp ewe see in them who in Lent do at the first finde it grieuous to abstayne from their Breake-fast or Supper but after a few dayes they make nothing of it no more then those doe who are commaunded by their Physitians to refraine from some kinde of accustomed meate which giues ill nourishment to some dangerous disease although it bee very pleasing to their Appetite In like manner doe not wee often see that some of our Land souldiers hauing beene long at Sea and there limitted in time of scarcity to a set quantity of slender Victualls doe fall into Fluxes and languishing sickenesses if suddainly at their first Landing they breake that limited and set measure And how comes that to passe But because the Stomacke hath beene kept for many dayes more straightned narrower and more contracted whereby their suddaine falling into a larger Dyet without regard had to that violent oppression of nature which ought not to bee so altered but by degrees is the chiefe cause of their Fluxe● Therefore men of experience will take heede at their Landing of this excesse and reduce their Stomackes by little and little to receiue in such meate and that in smal quan●ity at the first as shall not offend them after wards They will content themselues with Broathes and weake meates for the first three or foure dayes or if they feare such Fluxes as they haue reason for it they will take the iuice of ground Iuy or the Broath of Rice or the Syrup of Poppy foure or fiue mornings after their Landing yea and perhaps they will Physicke themselues with Rheubarbe aswell to purge themselues of that taint which they got a Ship-board as to strengthen their Stomackes Or else they will swallow two or three dayes together but not without a Preparatiue or Glister before hand those which the Arabiaens call the Blessed Pi's of Aloes which are compounded of Aloes Mirrh and Saffron the which likewise beeing infused in some Liquor to be taken in times of Pestience or Calentures are found miraculous Or if they feare the Scuruy a Disease sprung from Oppilations in the Stomacke and now a dayes too common d ee seize on them they will not negle●t in time to take the iuyce of Lemons Turneps or else the Sa●t of Scuruy-grasse or the iuyce it selfe in some pleasing Liquour But to returne where I haue digressed admit that this Dyet were somewhat grieuous at the first let them consider how they are forced other-whiles to endure a more grieuous Pennance at their Physitians hands when they must take most loathsome Medicines whereat Nature trembles to thinke of as our finest Gentle-women for the Greene-sicknesse are constrayned to take Powder of Steele c. whereas the troublesomnesse of our Dyet is recompeneed with wonderfull great commodities and singular fruite For a Temperate Dyet makes the Body Light Pure Healthfull preserues it from diseases and stinking corruption