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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13398 The Psalter of Dauid in Englyshe, purely and faythfully tra[n]slated after the texte of Felyne: euery Psalme hauynge his argument before, declarynge brefely thentente [and] substance of the hole Psalme; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Joye. Joye, George, d. 1553. 1534 (1534) STC 2371; ESTC S111715 113,039 258

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brekynge in no rōnynge out no out criynge in our stretes Happy is that people with whom it goeth thus happy is that people which holdeth the lorde for their god The argument into the C.xlv Ps. ¶ In this Psal. Dauid declareth the mercy of god to be so poured forth into euery mā that all thynges do prayse and magnifye it but chefely the faythfull men whiche are moste plentuously fylled with it The tytle The hymme of Dauid EXaltabo I shall extoll the god o kynge and shall publyshe thy name thorowout all the worlde Contynually shall I magnifye prayse thy name throwout all the worldes Great is the lorde worthy moche prayse his greatnes can nat be serched Frō age to age thy workes shal be praysed and they shal declare thy noble actes All my mynde shall be ernestly set at all tymes to declare thy cleare and glorious fame and also to publishe thy meruelous dedes Men shal speke forth the mighty power of thy myracles and I shall put them in mynde of thy myght Men shall shewe forthe the memoriall of thy plentuous mercy and shall ioyfully tryumphe of thy ryghtwysnes The lorde is fauorable bente vnto mercy slowe vnto wrathe and of plentuouse goodnes Gentle is the lorde vnto al mē and his mercyable gentelnes swimming ouer all his workes All thy workes shall magnifye the and thy mercy shal declare thy selfe Men shall preache the beautefull glorye of thy kyngdome and shall extoll thy dedes with wordes That they myght certifye and shewe mē his noble actes his glorie his clearnes Thy kyngdome is a kyngdome in to all worldes and thy power is a power thorowe out all ages The lorde stayeth who so euer slydeth and as many as are thrust downe he lyfteth vp agayne The eyes of all thynges loke vp wayte vpon the and thou gauest them meate in tyme. Thou openest thy hande satisfyest all thyngꝭ lyuyng for thy goodwyll Ryghtwyse is the lorde in all his waye he is good in all his dedes Present is the lorde to as many as call vpon him to as many as call vpon him of true belefe To them that feare him he maketh all thinges acceptable he heareth their erienge and saueth them The lorde kepeth all that loue him and all the vngodly he wyll banyshe My mouth shall speke the prayse of the lorde euery thynge lyuynge shal sprede his holy name into all the worldes The argument into the C.xlvi Psal. ¶ This Psal. is a prayse of lyke argumēt with the Psal. before saue that here the Prophet disswadeth chefely the trust in to men whan it is so that god is he which alone both may saue wyll saue all that trust in him The title of the Psal Prayse ye the lorde LAuda aīa mea Prayse the lord my soule I shall prayse the lorde whiles I lyue I shal synge vnto my god as longe as I shall haue my beynge Trust nat in princes which are but men in whom there is no sauynge helth Their breth goth forth of their bodyes and by by they are turned ī to their erth in the same day all their counsels perishe Hapy is he that seketh helpe of the god of Iacob whose hope is the lorde his god Which hath made heuens and erth the see and what so euer ar contayned in thē which kepeth his promyse for euer Which auengeth men vexed wrongfully whiche gyueth meate to the hungry it is the lorde that loseth men in holde The lorde gyueth lyghte to the blynde the lorde lyfteth vp men oppressed it is the lorde that loueth the rightwyse The lorde kepeth stāgers he lyfteth vp the yonge fatherles the wydowes and the purposꝭ of thūgodly he turneth vp so downe The lorde shal be kynge for euer whiche is thy god o Sion in to al ages Prayse ye the lorde The argument into the C.xlvij Psal. ¶ In this Psalme the prophet exhorteth Israhell by name to the prayse of god and also the cytisens of Ierusalem LAudare dn̄m Prayse ye the lorde for it is a plesaunt and a ioyefull thinge to prayse our god there is no thinge so to be desyred as the prayse of hym The lorde shall restore Ierusalē shall gather to gyther the scattered out lawes of Israell He healeth the broken in herte and caseth their heuy labours He nombreth the sterres gyueth namꝭ to them all Grace is our lorde grace is his power his wyt may no mā cōprehēde The lorde lyfteth vp the meke lowlyōs the proude vngodlye he casteth downe to the groūde Sīge ye to the lord with thākes giuynge synge ye vnto our god with harpe Which ouerledeth the heuens with cloudes and prepayreth rayne for the erthe and bringeth forth grasse in the hylles Which gyueth cat all their foode meat also to the rauyns chekens calling for it He delyteth nat in strength stronge stedes neyther hath he pleasure in the trumpets of men But his plesure is in them that feare him truste vpon his mercy Praise thou the lorde o Ierusalē prayse thi god o Siō For it is he that shal strēgthen the barres of thy gates shall lade thi cytesens within the with plētuouse gyftes He endueth thy costes aboute the with pease and satisfyeth the with the mooste purest floure of the wheate He sendeth forth his pleasures in to the erth his cōmaūdemētes rōne forth swiftly He gyueth downe snowe lyke wulle the hore froste he scatreth lyke asshes He casteth forthe his hayle lyke gobbetꝭ of bred who maye abyde his colde He sendeth forth his worde and melteth them awaye he ledeth backe his wynde and the waters droppe downe It is he that tolde his pleasurs to Iacob vis ordynance and decrees vnto Israhel With no natiō hath he thus delt neither to any other dyd he publyshe his decrees The argument into the C.xlviii Psal. ¶ In this Psal. the Prophet exhorteth all creatures both heuenly erthly to the praise of god The tytle of the Psal. Praise ye the lorde LAudate dn̄m Prayse the lorde ye heuēly mīdes prayse ye hī all that are aboue Praise him all aungels prayse him all his hoste roundaboute hym Praise him sonne and mone praise hym all bright and shynynge sterres Prayse him the mooste highest heuens and ye waters that ar aboue the heuens Praise ye the name of the lorde for he made all thīges with a worde And hath made them to stāde fast into all worldꝭ he hath gyuen thē a lawe whiche they breke nat Prayse ye the lorde al creatures of therth dragōs all depe waters Fyer hayle snowe yse stormy wīdes doing his commaundement Mountayns and all high hylles frutefull trees all cedre trees All wylde bestes tame all thīges that crepe fethered foules Kinges of therth all peple princes all rulers of therthe Syngle men maydēs old men yonge prayse the name of the lorde for it is only hyghe and sprede ouer erth and heuens He
scourge them whose maiestie hath endured from the beginynge Selah For they change nat them self nor yet feare they god He hath layde handes vpon my frendes he hath brokē promyse which he made with them Their mouthes are as softe as butter and in their herte nourisshe they battayle their wordes ar more smothe plesante than oyle and yet are the same wordes as harde as sharpe as dartes Cast thy carefull heuynes vpon the lorde and he shall ease the he shall nat suffre a rightwisman to slyde to fall for euer Uerily thou god shalte thruste downe these blodye deceytfull men into their graues tombes all redy made for them they shall nat bringe their dayes to halfe their age but I shall truste in the. The argument into the .lvi. Psal. ¶ In this psalme Dauid maketh mencion of the desyer of goddes helpe beynge in perell with Achis the philystene kynge of Gathi The title of this Psal. The songe of Dauid cōmitted to the chaūter to be songe of a dōme doue fleynge farre a waye that is to saye of Dauid whan the philystens had taken him in Gathis The storie is .i. Reg. xxi MIserexe mei Haue mercy vpō me oh god for man hath almost deuoted me with cōtynuall battayle he hath all to broken me My dayly awayte layers haue swalowed me vp there ar many surely that fight agaynst me oh right hygh god But whan feare brought me into a straynte I trusted in the. I remembred the promyse of god withe prayse and trusted in god wherfore I fered nat what so euer mortall man coulde do to me What so euer I beganne they enuyed it daily all their study was bente to do me a mischef they were gathered togither and laide awayt for me they obserued my fete and gaped to catche my soule By their shrewdnes they trusted theym selfe to escape all daunger but it is god that throweth downe people Thou canste well tell howe ofte I haue fled and as for my teares thou hast put them vp into thy bottell that is to saye into thy boke Whan I shall call vpon the my enemyes shall go backe by whiche thynge I maye knowe that god standeth on my parte With prayse shall I remembre the worde of god with praise shall I remēbre the promyse of the lorde In god shall I truste and so shall I nat feare what so euer man maye do to me I shal make my vowes vnto the oh god vnto the shall I gyue prayses For thou wylte delyuer my soule from deth and my fete surely from slydynge that I myghte walke before the in the lyuely lyght The tytle shall declare the Psalme ¶ The songe of Dauyd called Ne pardas that is to saye destroye him nat whan he fledde from Saule īto a certayne denne The storie is red the first of the kynges the .xxii. and .xxiiii. MIserere mei Haue mercy vpō me oh god haue mercye vpon me for my soule hath cōmitted her selfe vnto thi ꝓteccion I crye vnder thy winges to be defended vntyll this vyolēt blast be ouerblowen I shall call vpon the high god euē god which fynisheth all thīgꝭ for me He shall sende down from heuen to saue me and shall caste him in to opprobrye that wolde spyll me Selah He shall sende downe his mercy and his trouth My soule is in the myddes of lyons I dwell amonge men which are a fyer whose teth are speares and arowes and their tonge is a sharpe swerde Lyfte vp thy self oh god aboue heuēs lyfte vp thy glorioꝰ beaute aboue all the erthe They layde a nette for my fete this man depressed my soule they dygged vp a pytfal for me they theyr selues fell into it Selah My herte is well set o god my herte is well set I shall synge and prayse My tonge be thou stered vp stryke vp ye fydels harpes I shall sīge very erly I shall magnifye the amonge the people lorde I shall loue the amōge the hethen Thy mercy is so great that it recheth vp to the heuens thy trewe faithfulnesse lyfteth her self vp vnto the cloudes Lyfte vp thy selfe oh god aboue the heuens and extolle thy beautifull glorye aboue all the erth The argument into the .lviii. Psal. ¶ This psalme is an inuectyue agaynst the flaterers of Saule thorowe the punysshmente of whom he prophesyeth the rightwyse to be meruelously made glad The tytle The songe of Dauid cōmitted to the chaūter to be played vpō the orgayns which song was called Ne perdas SI vere vtique iusti Do ye pronoūce truly o counsell that that right is do ye iuge right amonge the mortall men No verily ye rather paynte and conceyue wyckednes in your mynde and for equite your handes way violent wrōges in the erth These vngodly are reprobate persons euē from their mothers wombe they are nowe strayed frome the right way ye and that from theyr birth They beare venome in them lyke a serpente euen lyke the deffe Aspes whan she stopped her eares Because she wolde nat heare the voyce of the enchanters or of the charmer that well can enchaunte O god distroye the tethe of the mouth of these men euen the wange tethe of these lyons breke thou oh lorde Let them synke awaye lyke water and lette them be a marke vpon the which arowes sent out of a stronge bowe are all to broken Let them be dried vp lyke a snaile in her shell and lyke a chylde borne before the tyme whiche neuer se sonne Let them be taken away lyke a yong thorne before it be growen into a tree before their myschefe be rype and sharpe take them away with thy sodayn īdignation The right wyse shall reioyse whan he consydereth this vengeaunce shall wasshe his fete in the blode of the vngodly And thā the people shall saye verily the fruite of the rightwismā abydeth him for surely that is god iugynge in the erth The argument in to the .lix. Psal. ¶ In this Psal. Dauid desyreth helpe against his aduersaries The tytle of this Psal. The songe of Dauid called Ne perdas whan Saule sēt vnto his house to obserue to espy hī to the entente he wolde haue slayne him Thistorie is in the fyrst of the Kynges cap. xix ERipe me de inimi Deliuer me frō myne enemies my god take me frō these that ryse agaynst me Delyuer me from these men which ar all gyuen vnto mischef saue me from these blodsheders For lo they laye awayte for my lyfe there are come togither agaīst me strōge and boystous men yet o lorde no faute haue I made them They rāne vpon me and ar nowe bent to distroye me gyltles aryse to socour me beholde And thou lorde god of hostes the god of Israell awake that all nacions maye knowe the be thou nat mercyfull to all men that ar agaīst the euē of a wiked purpos Selah They rōne about here there in y● night huntynge yellynge lyke dogges for me ye they seke all the