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A13221 The Svvedish discipline, religious, civile, and military The first part, in the formes of prayer daily used by those of the Swedish nation, in the armie. Together with two severall prayers, uttered upon severall occasions by that pious King; which God immediately heard and granted him. The second part, in the excellent orders observed in the armie; whereof we here present you the articles, by which the souldiery is governed. The third part, in the Kings commission for levying of a regiment: his order for drawing vp of a private company; of a squadron; and of a brigade: with his manner of enquartering a private regiment; and of an army royall: vnto which is added the best manner of building and fortifying of a towne of warre. All, in fiue severall figures expressed and explained. Last of all, is the famous Battell of Leipsich, in two fayre figures also set forth: and now this second time more fully and particularly described. Watts, William, 1590?-1649, attributed name.; Roe, Thomas, Sir, 1581?-1644, attributed name.; Abelin, Johann Philipp. Arma Suecica. English.; Sweden. Armén. 1632 (1632) STC 23520; ESTC S118094 72,824 144

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vnto Sisera and Iabin at the brooke Kison Make their Princes like Oreb and Zeb and their Leaders like vnto Zeba and Salmana Let the mischiefe which they prepare for others fall vpon their owne heads and their wickednesse vpon their owne pates So shall wee sing of thy power and prayse thy goodnesse betimes in the morning For thou God art our Protector our refuge in all our necessities Amen A Prayer of King Asa 2 Chron. 14. 11 c. AS A cryed vnto the Lord his God and said Lord it is nothing with thee to helpe whether with many or with them that haue no power Helpe vs O Lord our God for we rest on thee and in thy name w● goe against this multitude O Lord thou art our God let not man prevaile against vs. A Prayer of Iudas Macchabaeus vnto his Souldiers 1 Macchab 4. 8 THen sayd Iudas to the men that were with him Feare yee not their multitude neyther be yee afraid of their assault Remember how our Fathers were delivered in the red Sea when Pharaoh pursued them with an Army Now therefore let vs cry vnto Heaven if peradventure the Lord will haue mercy vpon vs and remember the Covenant of our Fathers and destro● this Host before our face this day That so all the Heathen may know that there is one who delivereth and saveth Israel A Prayer of Luther for Souldiers found in the 3. Tome of the Edition at Iena fol. 330. HEavenly Father here am I by thy divine will in this externall calling under the Command of my Generall first to serue thee as is fitting and then for thee to obey my Captaine I giue due thanks unto thy goodnesse and mercy that thou hast called me unto this condition and set me about that worke which I assuredly know to be no sinne but a right action and a service acceptable unto thy will And for that I haue learned out of thy saving Word that our owne good workes doe not profit us for the meriting of salvation and that no man is saved for that he is a Souldier but for that he is a Christian I will not therefore put my confidence in this worke and service of mine but what ever I doe I will doe it with a good will as to doe thee a service and I out of the bottom of my heart beleeue that I am redeemed and saved onely by the innocent bloud of thy beloved Sonne my Lord Iesus Christ which according to thy will he shed for me vpon the Altar of the Crosse In this beliefe I resolue to stand in this will I liue and dye for this doe I now fight and take paines O Lord God heavenly Father preserue and encrease this faith in me through thy Holy Spirit Amen Against the Plague and other noysome Diseases A Almightie God Lord and Father of all grace and consolation haue mercy vpon vs and vpon thy Christian people Consume vs not in thy fury by this contagious pestilence but as in the time of David thou commaundedst the destroying Angell to hold his hand and giue over killing so cause O most gracious Lord this terrible rod of thine anger to cease from vs and not to destroy thine afflicted people Strengthen vs with the wholsome power of thy Word that we may be healthy both in soule body that we may laud prayse thee here on earth for a time and for ever in the Heavens O Lord Iesus Christ succour vs in this sickly time for those bitter paines that for our sakes thou sometimes enduredst make intercession for vs with thy heavenly Father defend vs against the heavie wrath of God forgiue vs our trespasses giue thine innocency vnto vs. Call to minde in this grievous plague-time how much our Redemption cost thee and suffer not that thy bloud-shed for vs to be lost or become in vaine O Holy Ghost vouchsafe thou to descend sweetly into our languishing hearts refresh thou and recreate our soules And if it so fall out that this plague strike vs also then take thou the cure of our soules in that houre in which we must depart out of this life lay vs in the most sweete bosome of Christ our Redeemer that we may be there partakers of eternall joy and quietnesse Fulfill all thy most sweete promises in us which are in thy Word made unto vs. Take from us all unbeliefe doubting and impatience make us ever readie to obey the will of God even thou who with the Father and the Sonne livest one God world without end Amen Of forgiuenesse of Sinnes and of the Lords Supper O Good Lord Iesus Christ I am no way able eyther in words or thought sufficiently to make expression of thy great loue which thou hast declared towards me at such time as thou receivedst me miserable sinner into grace and hast made me to eate and drinke of thy true body and bloud vnto euerlasting life Accept in the meane time this sacrifice of Thankesgiving of my heart and mouth which in this mortall bodie I am able to pay unto thee untill I come home unto thee where I shall for ever praise thee Giue thy Holy Spirit unto me who may teach me to know how much good thou hast alreadie wrought in me that so in faith charitie hope patience I may begin to leade a new life vnto thy prayse mine owne amendment and the good of my neighbour Grant this for the merit of thy precious bloud and the redemption which thou thereby hast made Amen And these be some of those devout prayers with which this most pious Prince teaches his Army to call vpon the Lord of Hosts and Victory Now vnto these good prayers let all religious Readers that wish well vnto this King adde this or the like for a close vnto the rest The Lord heare thee in the time of trouble and the name of the God of Iacob defend thee be vnto thee a Shield and Buckler against thine enemies arme thee with the sword of Gideon and the Lord of Hosts goe forth with thine Armies that the Victories which God shall giue thee may bring freedome and justice vnto the innocent and oppressed inlargement to Religion liberty to Germany and the benefits of a sweet and a lasting peace vnto all Christendome This grant vs for the Prince of Peace his sake Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen ANd now that you may know that the King of Sweden doth not onely enjoyne others to pray but that in his owne person he practises these devotions by himselfe I will here subjoyne you two severall prayers conceived no doubt in his own● more private and premeditated consideration and uttered in publicke and extempore as it seemed The first was at his Majesties first landing upon the coasts of Germanie where so soone as ever he out of his long boate set his foote upon the dry Land he thus by prayer and thankesgiving in Gods Name tooke possession of the Countrey himselfe whilest his men were landing stepping a little
tenne seuerall times before the enemy and can bring good witnesse thereof he shall be discharged 112 If any Colonell or Captaine eyther of Horse or Foote does giue any Passe otherwise then is before mentioned he shall be punished as for other Felonies and he who hath obteyned the said Passe shall loose three moneths pay and be put in Prison for one month vpon bread and water 113 No Colonell or Captaine eyther of Horse or Foote shall giue leaue to his soldiours to goe home out of the Field without leaue of our Generall or Chiefe Commander whoeuer does the contrary shall loose 3. moneths pay and answere it before the Court. 141 No Captaine eyther of Horse or Foote shall presume to goe out of any leaguer or place of Strength to demaund his Pay without leaue of the Generall or Governour who so doeth shall be cashiered from his place and be put out of the Quarter 115 No Captaine eyther of Horse or Foot shall hold back any of his soldiers meanes from him of which if any complaine the Captaine shall answer it before the Court where being found guilty he shal be punisht as for other felonie Also if any mischance ensue thervpon as that the soldiours mutiny be sick or endure hunger or giue up any Strength then shall he answere for all these inconueniences that herevpon can or may ensue 116 If any Captaine lends money vnto his soldiours which he desires to bee payd againe that must be done in presence of the Muster-Maisters that Our seruice be no wayes hindred or neglected 117 If vpon necessity the case sometimes so falls out in the leaguer that Pay be not alwayes made at the due time mentioned in the Commissions yet shall euery man in the meane time be willing to further Our service seeing they haue victuals sufficient for the present and that they shall so soone as may be receiue the rest of their meanes as is mentioned in their Commission 118 Very requisite it is that good Iustice be holden amongst our Soldiers as well as amongst other our subiects 119 For the same reason was a King ordained by God to be the soueraigne Iudge in the Field as well as at home 120 Now therefore in respect of many occasions which may fall out his single Iudgment alone may be to weake to discerne euery particular circumstance therfore it is requisite that in the leaguer as well as other where there be some Court of Iustice erected for the deciding of all controuersies and to be careful in like manner that Our Articles of warres be of all persons obserued and obeyed so farre forth as is possible 121 Wee ordeine therefore that there be 2. Courts in our leaguer an Higher Court and a Lower 122 The Lower Court shall be among the Regiments both of Horse and Foote whereof every Regiment shall haue one among themselues 123 In the Horse-Regiments the Colonell shall bee President and in his absence the Captaine of Our owne Life-guards With them are three Captanies to bee joyned three Leiftenants 3. Cornets and 3. Quarter-masters that so togither with the President they may be to the number of 13. at the least 124 In a Regiment of Foot the Colonell also shall be President and his Leiftenant-Colonell in his absence With them are 2. Captains to be joyned 2. Lieftenants 2. Antients 4. Sergeants and 2. Quarter-masters that together with the President they may be 13. in number also 125 In our Highest Martiall Court shall Our Generall be President in his absence Our Field Marshall When Our Generall is present his Associates shall be our Field-Marshall first next him Our Generall of the Ordnance Sergeant-Maior generall Generall of the Horse Quarter-Maister generall Next to them shall sit Our Muster-Masters and all Our Colonels and in their absence their Leiftenant-Colonels All these shall sit togither wheneuer there is any matter of greater importance in controversie 126 Whensoever this Highest Court is to be holden they shall obserue this Order Our great Generall as President shall sit alone at the head of the Table on his right hand our Field-Marshall on his left hand the Generall of the Ordnance On the right hand next our Sergeant Maior generall on the left hand againe the Generall of the Horse and then the Quarter-Maister generall on one hand and the Muster-Maister generall on the other After them shall euery Colonell sit according to his place as here followes First the Colonell of our Life Regiment or of the guards for our owne person Next the Colonel for the Vplandish the Colonel for the West-Goths the Colonell for the Smollands the Colonell of the Ostro-Goths the Colonell for the Dales and Northlands After them the Colonels for the Finlanders and Carelians according to their antiquity of service If there happen to bee any great men in the army of our owne true subiects that be of good vnderstanding they shall cause them to sit next these Officers aforesaid After them shall sit all other Colonels of strange Nations euery one according to his antiquitie of seruice 127 All these Iudges both of our Higher and lower Courts shall vnder the blew Skies thus sweare before Almighty God that they will inviolably keepe this following Oath vnto Vs. I N. N. doe here promise before God vpon his holy Gospell that I both will and shall Iudge vprightly in all things according to the Law of God of the Swedens and these Articles of warres so farre forth as it pleases Almighty God to giue mee vnderstanding Neyther will I for fauour or for hatred for goodwill feare ill will anger or any guift or bribe whatsoeuer iudge wrongfully but iudge him free that ought to bee free and doome him guilty that I finde guilty as the Lord of Heauen and Earth shall helpe my Soule and Body at the last day I shall hold this Oath truly 128 The Iudge ●f our highest Court shall take this their Oath in the first Leaguer where our Campe shall be pitched Our Generall and the rest appointed to sit with him shall repayre to the place where we shall appoint before his Tent or otherwhere where an Officer appointed by vs shall first take his Oath and then the others Oaths also 129 When the Presidents of our lower Courts shall heare this foresayd Oath reade before them then shall they hold vp their hands and sweare to keepe it In like manner so often as any Court is to bee holden in any Regiment the foresayd Oath shall bee read before all them that sit in iudgement with him who shall also hold vp their hands and promise to keepe the Oath aforesayd 130 In our highest Court there shall bee one sworne Secretarie appointed who shall make diligent Record of all the proceedings that fall out eyther in any pitcht battel skirmish Leaguer or any other peece of seruice whatsoeuer Hee shall take the note both of the day place and houre with all other circumstances that shall happen Hee shall also set his hand vnto
aside and before them all upon his knees uttering these words of devotion O most great God that commaundest what ever thou pleasest both in heaven and earth and in the surging Seas what thankfulnesse am I now bound to render unto thee for that thou hast preserved me thus safely in all this so perilous a voyage Againe and againe doe I from the very bottome of my heart and soule giue thankes unto thee and here I humbly beseech thee that seeing as thou very well knowest I haue not undertaken this expedition for any private end of mine owne but onely for thine honours sake and to be some comfort and assistance unto thine afflicted Church so if so be the time which thy selfe hast appoynted be alreadie come thou wouldst now be pleased to favour and blesse me hereafter also and that especially thou wouldst send me a fayre winde and a prosperous that the Army yet left behinde which out of so many people and Nations I haue gathered together I may with joyfull eyes shortly here behold and with a happie beginning promote with them the glory of thy holy name Amen When his Counsellors and Commanders then next his person saw their devout King thus on the bare ground upon his knees and heard with what a fervencie of spirit he uttered these devotions an inward comfort and an holy joy they tooke at it wrought more with them than their enemies could yet ever doe that is even forced and pressed teares out of their manly eyes This his pious Majestie then perceiving Forbeare to weepe sayes he to them but heartily conjoyne your prayers with me for the greater the army of prayers is the greater and more assured shall the victory be He that prayes diligently hath in part overthrowne the enemy already and already gotten the victory Thus having sayd he out of two hundred long boates lands his men then on the shoares side and then sends them to his shippes to fetch more and God so heard him and the winde so favoured him that according to his former prayers his whole Army very shortly and very safely arrived I will not here compare this prayer of this pious and victorious Prince vnto that of the great Iosuah at whose request the Sunne stood still as the winde here did at his but that you may see that God did indeed heare the prayers of this King too I will now giue you a more eminent example of it The Papists had one of theirs done it would undoubtedly haue cryed out A miracle and well they might for few such they haue but I will onely thinke of it as of a present and a visible blessing sent from that great God to whom the windes and the Seas obeyed And thus it was The King a little after this having a designe upon Stetin and his Army now readie upon the shoare and his boats readie upon the River to imbarke them the winde behold was contrary and so had beene for some dayes before This the King observing turning a little aside he before his Army with bended knees and hands lift up to Heaven uttered these words O thou most just God! full well thou knowest that this enterprise I did not at first undertake out of any rashnesse or ambition but for the glory of thy most holy Name and the defence of the truth of thy Word here therefore now call I vpon thy Godhead and most humbly doe I beseech thee that with the ayre of thy favour and with a prosperous winde thou wouldst vouchsafe to breath vpon this my vndertaking Amen No sooner was this prayer ended but the winde suddenly as a man might say chopt about and swel'd the Swedish sayles with so hard a gale that the whole Fleete passing the Swing or arme of the Oder was in two houres space runne full sixe Germane myles twentie of ours perchance if not more and all on the sudden when they were little looked for came to an Anchor within an English myle of Stetin to the great admiration of the beholders and the greater defeate of the hopes and purposes of the Imperialists who had a designe within two dayes after to haue layd siege to the same Towne had not God thus miraculously prevented them And thus much though I now giue you out of a Latine Copie yet to confesse the truth did I in the writing of my former Booke finde mentioned in one of the weekly Currantoes how that the Kings Fleete was by a strong and a sudden Northerly winde strangely advanced through the Oder even to the very walles of the Citie But this I durst not then write vpon the bare credite of a common Curranto nor durst I with this winde though a strong one it were adventure to stemme the tyde of popular opinion which I found not onely to runne against but to vse the language of the Sea with a stiffe currant strongly to be set against the credite of these weekly Currantoes Which warinesse of mine made me indeed to leaue out many notable particulars which I since finde reported in the Booke called Ar●● Suecica God Almightie that hath so graciously both heard and granted these two prayers of this pious King heare all the rest also both those that himselfe makes and what other good Christians make likewise for him And those Englishmen that will not I wish they would say Amen vnto it FINIS THE SECOND PART of the Swedish Discipline Containing those Orders and Articles of Warre which haue beene commanded by the King of Sweden to be vnder their severall Penalties obserued in his Majesties Camp Garrisons or elsewhere GVSTAVUS ADOLPHVS By the Grace of God King of the Swedens Gothes and Vandals Great Prince of Finland Duke of Esthonia and Carelia and Lord of Ingria c. Whereas the exactnesse of Auncient Di●cipline and Iustice is now almost vtterly forgotten and in place thereof many strange and enormous abuses crept in amongst our soldiers Wee therefore taking the matter into our tender care and consideration will by the assistance of Almighty God endevour to doe our vttermost both for the reducing of the said forme of Discipline and the rooting out the same abuses vsing to that purpose the way of gentlenesse and admonition vnto some and resoluing to take the course and strictnesse of Iustice vnto others That therefore our soldiers may the better be trained vp to the right vse and handling of their Armes so as may best enable them for our service and defence of our natiue Country and that euery man in like manner may the better eschew what may fall out to be inconuenient Wee haue once againe overseene our former Articles of warres calling our from thence these following Articles which wee haue thought most fit and expedient both for our service and their ordering Streightly willing or commanding ●ll our soldiers both natiues of our Kingdome aswell as Strangers seruing both on Horse and Foote that from the time of their comming into our service they doe duely and obediently obserue
others 17 And now in like manner as all our soldiers haue made Oath to be vnto vs true and obedient so also shall they obserue this following Article hold vp their hands aud sweare as followeth The Oath of all Vnder-Officers of Horse or Foote I. N. N. Doe here promise and sweare that vnto the High and mighty King Gustavus as also vnto the Crowne of Sweden I will be a true and a faithfull seruant and soldioru every manner of way performing my best endeavour for his Maiesties seruice and the profit of his Kingdome To my power also shall I hinder all actions preiudiciall vnto his Crowne and if I haue tidings of any thing likely to be preiudiciall I shall giue his Maiesty present notice thereof or some one or other of his Councell Moreover I will doe my best endevour to obserue all these his Maiesties Articles of warres Also I shall behaue my selfe manfully in battle skirmishes and entryes of breaches aswell by Water as by Land in all times and places when and where I shall be commanded I shall also keepe watch and ward and doe all other duties willingly vnto the best profit of his Maiesty and his Kingdome wheresoeuer I shall be commanded either by Land or Water Also I shall beare my selfe obediently towards my superiour Officers in all that they command me for his Maiesties seruice In like manner as I shall answer it before God and euery honest man I shall not fly from my Colours or Token whatsoeuer that I am commanded to follow so long as I am able to goe after them and I shall be willing to doe this at all times and by no mea●●● absent my selfe from them at any time I shall lay downe my 〈◊〉 ●nd goods for the advancing of his Maiesties seruice 〈…〉 all miseries that can possibly fall out in the warres 〈…〉 ●●●fully to the very last so farre forth as I am able or that any true soldiour ought to doe Furthermore if hereafter I be put into any place of charged by his Maiesty I shall doe my best endeuour fairely to discharg my duty therein so as I ought to doe according to my place This Oath shall I well and truely keepe as the Lord of Heaven and Earth shall helpe my soule at the last Iudgement 18 All at this time present or hereafter to come into our seruice shal be bound to keepe these following Articles aswell in the Field as in any Fort or Worke whatsoeuer where they shal be commanded 19 For that no Gouerment can stand firmely vnlesse it be first rightly grounded and that the lawes be rightly obserued Wee the King of Sweden doe hereby make knowne vnto all our soldiours and subiects noble and others that in our presence they presume not to doe any vnseemely thing but that euery one giue Vs our due honor as wee ought to receiue Who presumes to doe the contrary shal be punished at our pleasure 20 Next shall our Officers and soldiers be obedient vnto our Generall and Feild-Marshal with other our Officers next vnder them in whatsoeuer they shall command belonging vnto our seruice Vpon paine of punishment as followeth 21 Whosoeuer behaues not himselfe obediently vnto our great Generall or our Ambassador commanding in our abse●ce as well as if wee our selues were there in person present shal be kept in Irons or in prison vntill such time as he shal be b●ought to his answer before a Councell of warre where being found guilty whether it were wilfully done or not he shall stand to the Order of the Court to lay what punishment vpon him they shall thinke convenient according as the person and fact is 22 And if any shall offer to discredit these great office●s by word of mouth or otherwise and not be able by prooses to make it good he shal be put to death without mercy 23 Whosoeuer offers to lift vp any manner of Armes against them whether he does them hurt or not shal be punisht by death 24 If any offers to strike them with his hand whether he hit or misse he shall loose his right hand 25 If it so falls out that our great Generall in any Feast drinking or otherwise does offer iniury to any Knight Gentleman or other which stands not with their honour to put vp then may they complaine to the Commissioners for the Councell of Warre where he shall answer them and be censured by them according to the quality and importancy of the fact 26 As it is here spoken of our Generall so also is it of all other our great officers as Field-Marshall Generall of the Ordnance Generall of the Horse Sergeant Major Generall Quarter-Master Generall and Muster Maister all which if they commit any such offence through Enuie or other by-respect they shall answer it before the Court of Warre as is before mentioned 27 As euery officer and soldiour ought to be obedient vnto our Generall and other Great officers so shall they in the vnder-Regiments be vnto their Colonell Leiftenant-Colonell Sergeant Major and Quartermaister vpon paine of the said punishment aforementioned 28 If any soldiour or officers seruing either on Foote or on Horsebacke shall offer any wrong or abuse vnto his superiour officer either by word or deed or shall refuse any duty commanded him tending vnto our seruice he shal be punisht according to the importancy of the fact 29 If any Colonell Leiftenant-Colonell Sergeant Major or Quarter Maister shall command any thing not belonging vnto our seruice he shall answer to the complaint before the Court. 30 In like manner if any Inferiour officer either of Horse or Foote shall for their owne particular end command any thing that is not right they shall answer the complaint as is aforesaid 31 If any Inferiour officer either of Horse or Foote does challenge anyōmon soldiour to be guilt●y of any dishonest action the soldiour finding himselfe guiltlesse may lawfully call the said officer to make proofe of his words before the Court as his equall 32 If any soldiour either of Horse or Foote shall offer to strike his officer that shall command him any duty for our seruice he shall first loose his hand and be then turned out of the Quarter And if it be done in any Fort or beleaguered place after the watch is set he shall loose his life for it 33 And if he does hurt to any of them whither it be in the field or not he shall be shot to death 34 If any such thing fall out within the compasse of the Leaguer or the place of Garrison in any of the soldiours lodgings where many of them meete together the matter shal be enquired into by the officers of the Regiment that the beginner of the fray may be punisht according to desert 35 He who in the presence of our Generall shall draw his sword with purpose to doe mischiefe with it shall lose his hand for it 36 He who shall in anger draw his sword while his Colours are flying either in