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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13068 A third proceeding in the harmonie of King Dauids harp that is to say, a godly and learned exposition vpon 17. Psalmes moe of the princely prophet Dauid, beginning with the 45. and ending with the 61. Psalme: done in Latine by the learned Reuerend Doctor Victorinus Strigelius, Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Lypsia in Germanie, anno Christi, 1562. Translated into English, by Richard Robinson citizen of London. An. Christi, 1595. Seene, perused, and allowed.; Hypomnēmata in omnes Psalmos Davidis. Psalm 45-61. English Strigel, Victorinus, 1524-1569.; Robinson, Richard, citizen of London. 1595 (1595) STC 23361; ESTC S117926 98,441 165

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is expresly called Iehouah wherefore seeing this name discerneth God from creatures and from all idols no ●● 〈…〉 there is diuine nature in the Messias Againe vnto the Messias is attributed highnes or greatnes which may be vnderstood two waies absolutely and relatiuely for absolutely he is so exalted that hee sitteth at the right hand of God and is God of the liuing and of the dead like as he himselfe saith Math. 28. Vnto me is giuen all power in heauen and in earth vers 18. But relatiuely hee is exalted in true acknowledgement and inuocation wherein we craue and looke for from him necessary benefits for our body and our soule and with a constant confession wherein we preferre this Lorde before all other things of our life possessions and peace But why is the epithet or word Terrible added Not vainely nor vnaduisedly is our King adorned with this title for as he is prosperous and wishfull vnto vs so he striketh our enimies with feare which no creature is able to expresse at full As for example the deuils do horribly tremble because they know assuredly that the sonne of God wil iudge them and they see before hand their punishments wherewith they shal be tormented world without end The fourth particle The great king aboue all the earth discerneth the king Christ from all gouernements For no Monarchy euer yet contained all the whole earth For it is manifest that the vtmost bounds of the Roman monarchy I wil not say of others reached not beyond Euphrates neither did the Persians Parthians nor the other East people at any time come in subiection vnder the Romanes But this king gathereth his Church from out of al mankind though the kingdomes of the world spight and repugue at the same For He is the king of glory as in the 24. psalme and 10. vers it is said whose vassals and court-keepers are all the kings and Princes of the earth Let vs therefore feare this king and let us preferre his commaundements before the vngodlie decrees of all other kings according to the rule Acts. 5. 〈…〉 ●●st obey God more then men But where it followeth He shall subdue the people vnder vs that do the Jewes falsly wrest to the dreame of the politicall kingdome of the Messias For they imagin that the Messias hauing conquered the gentiles shal only raigne in this world and shal with a iust and peaceable gouernment rule the nations of the world according to the law of Moses but this imagination do both many other things refute which here I omit for vreuity sake and also the very first verse of this psalme 7. O clappe your hands togither all yee people c. For no man oppressed with thraldome and cast vnder other mens feete hath been seene to take any great pleasure by that estate of life If therfore the Israelits only should rule in the world hauing enthralled the gentiles surely I vnderstande not what cause shoulde possibly stirre vp other people to so great ioyfulnes Wherefore casting away the dreames of Jewish dotages let vs vnderstand this verse touching obedience due to the ministery according to the gospell For as S. Paul saith 2 Cor. 10. 4. 5. vers The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to cast downe ●oldes Casting downe the imaginations and euery high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God and bringing into captiuity euery thought to the obedience of Christ Furthermore though it be most true that the people of Israel were in time past peculiarly beloued of God yet after the Jewish pollicy or gouernment was destroied let vs know that there was no difference betweene the Jew and the Grecian but that the heritage of the sonne of God is in all beleeuers whether they bee called Jewes or Gentiles like as S. Peter spake in the house of Cornelius Actes 10. vers 34. Of a truth I perceiue there is no respect of persons with God vers 35. But in euery nation he that feareth him and worketh righteousnes is accepted with him Let therefore the vaine bragging of the Jewes be quite driuen away wherein they striue or contend that they only are the heritage and peculiar people of God because as S. Paul saith Ro. 9. ver 8. They which are the children of the flesh are not the children of God but the children of the promise are counted for the seede Verse 5. God is gone vp with a merrie noise and the Lord with the sound of a trumpe It is a thing manifest that the psalme alludeth vnto the representation of a triumph wherein a multitude of souldiers and people carried from place to place doth gratulate and reioice in the victory of their chiefe Captaine partly with their voices partly with the sound of trumpets extolling his wonderfull and deuine felicity But where it is said that our king is gone vp on high it must needes be that he first descended or went downe for so saint Paul reasoneth in the 4. cap. Ephes 9. 10. verses Now in that he ascended what is it but that he also had descended first into the lower partes of the earth He that descended is euen the same that ascended farre aboue all heauens that he might fill all things That is he which suffered the horrible feeling of Gods wrath against our sinnes c. But of this ascending and descending shall more hereafter be spoken in the 68. Psalme Verse 6. O sing praises sing praises vnto our God O sing praises sing praises vnto our King Verse 7. For god is the King of all the earth sing ye praises with vnderstanding By the word Singing so often repeated hee clearely declareth and not obscurely what manner worshippings this king requires specially for he is not worshipped with gorgious ornamentes nor with tragedies made vpon silly captiues but he that will seeke to please this king must sing yea and sing with vnderstanding that is he must embrace true doctrine with faith and good conscience and must professe and propagate or aduance the same Theu doe not the enemies or contemners of true doctrine sing with vnderstanding but they call vpon him with a contradiction or gain-saying Neither doe Hipocrites which breake the commaundementes of God euen against their conscience sing with vnderstanding no though they professe the doctrine bycause The kingdome of God consisteth not in word but in power 1 Cor. 4. 20. Therefore as Saint Paul saith Let vs fight the good fight keeping fayth and good conscience that is let vs not yeld our selues to error striuing with the foundation of articles of fayth neither let vs fall away against conscience Verse 8 God raigneth ouer the heathen God sitteth vpon his holy seate Although the sonne of God hath alwayes euen from the very beginning gouerned the natiōs of the earth with a general action namely with such wherein he is present with all creatures so as he preserueth them so long as he will preserue them and