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heaven_n body_n earth_n soul_n 16,341 5 5.1635 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08269 A theatre wherein be represented as wel the miseries & calamities that follow the voluptuous worldlings as also the greate ioyes and plesures which the faithfull do enioy. An argument both profitable and delectable, to all that sincerely loue the word of God. Deuised by S. Iohn van-der Noodt. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed.; Theatre oft Toon-neel. English Noot, Jan van der, ca. 1538-ca. 1596.; Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599.; Roest, Theodore.; Petrarca, Francesco, 1304-1374. Rime. English. Selections.; Du Bellay, Joachim, 1525 (ca.)-1560. Visions. English. Selections. 1569 (1569) STC 18602; ESTC S110162 92,217 282

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as are not afrayde of this worde but obstinatly cleaue faste to their false doctrine and ordinaunces also those whiche beyng striken of this sworde and beléeue not nor repentyng them of their misdedes frame their lyfe accordyngly shall perishe without doubt with this sword for euermore And all the foules are folkes whiche God of hys mercie hathe chosen and plucked from these worldly pleasures and naughtie desires shall be howesouer the matter goeth filled with their fleshe whether they be saued or damned For if they be saued these shall be gladde bycause that theyr numbre is increased Againe on the other syde shall they reioyce when that they sée the wicked and obstinate through th● iuste iudgement of God punished The righteous sayeth Dauid séeing the vengeaunce of God shall reioyce and shall washe their féete in the bloud of the wicked Euen so shal the vngodly which resist God and his holy worde with al their vainglorie and pompe sodainly and with a greate noyse perishe The Lorde shall destroy them for euer The wicked doers sayeth Dauid fall they are cast downe and are not able to stande Agayne he sayeth As for the vngodly they shal perishe and come to naught and when the enimies of the Lorde are in theyr floures they shall vanishe yea euen as the smoke shall they consume away They shall perishe in their wickednesse like a shadow and wither away as the thistle and lyke the chaffe and dust which the winde scattereth away from the grounde so lykewise the way of the vngodly shall perish This wyll su●ely come vpon the wicked as it hath done in al ages and as we haue séene it with our eyes and dayly shall ●ée it more and more But they which feare God and loue hym shall obtayne hys grace and mercy and shal enioy his faith●ful promises the inheritance of his euerlasting kyngdome as ye may heare nexte folowing I saw● sayth S. Iohn a newe heauen● and a new earth S. Peter sayth also that euery thing going before the iudge shal be clensed and purified and not consumed for al things must be changed and made cleane of all corruptiblenesse He meaneth not sayeth Aretes that the creatures shoulde consume away and be no more but onely y t they seruing to a better vse shoulde be renued so the godly and chosen shall be deliuered two maner of wayes that is to say Here in this worlde from sin hereafter of death damnation so shall be led conducted vnto the true libertie ioyfull inheritance of y e children of God The first heauen defiled with the pryde of the angels and the fyrst earth corrupted with the manyfolde wyckednesses of man were passed away altogether and shall be no more not that the veritie of them shall vanishe but the nature complection and qualitie of them shal change and turne into sinceritie and perfection And there was no more sea● y t is y ● vaine inconstāt people were no more for al prickings remorse of conscience al desperation mistrustfulnesse doubt shall be taken quite from y ● godly chosen All kind of anger sorow aduersity shal be turned into ioye and peace of the holy Ghost all hindrance feare persecution tyrannie violence and aduersitie whyche we endure héere in the troublous sea of thys worlde shal ceasse at the day of the lord when we shall sée hym face to face And the sea shall be no longer subiect to vanitie than all other creatures but shall be purified from all corruption and shall henceforth be so cleare as any christall although it remaineth the same substāce And I Iohn sawe by reuelation and permission of God the holy Citie new Ierusalem come downe from God out of heauen By good reason is this holy Citie the congregation and churche of God called newe Ierusalem come downe from God hir Creatour and maker for she is holy not of hir self but of him that made hir and chose hir to be his welbeloued spouse prepared lyke a bride ●●immed for hir husbande for she is purified and made newe againe as the well trimmed bride for hir husband the lambe Christ Iesus This bride shall hereafter through regeneration and renuing of the holy Ghost shew glorious perfect holy so long as she cōtinueth here she maketh no accompt of any thing in this worlde but doth gouerne hir selfe accordyng to that rule which he hir husband hath lefte hir namely his holy woord But héerafter shall she being deliuered frō sinne wretchednesse and all kinde of corruptions more perfectly follow his steppes She is called new héere on earth for so much as she hath laide off and put away throughe the vertue of Gods holy spirite the olde man with all his lustes and hath no fellowship with the vnfruitefull workes of darknesse But heereafter shal she be new by his fauoure and grace for so muche as she shall be deliuered from sinne deathe and all manner of corruption She is called the new Ierusal●m both héere and hereafter bicause that all their Citizens are of one beliefe yet shall they be heereafter of like glorie and vnitie Héere hir Citezens are among the Sainctes and the familie of God and there shall they be both children and inheritors with Christ she came downe from god out of heauen hir Christian faith is neither of fleshe nor bloud but by the gratious Reuelation of the heauenly father But Ierusalem sayth S. Paul which is aboue is frée and mother ●uer vs all She is that Citie which God hath builded She is furnished with the gift of faith and w t the fountaine of life prepared and trimmed to be a faire and glorious churche without any spotte or wrinckle She is clensed from hir sinnes through his bloud she is very costly and wel fauoredly adorned beautified with ioy peace long suffering pacience and other more vertues of the spirit euen as an honest and true Bride is dressed and trimmed for hir louing deare husband The bride sayth Dauid standeth on thy right hand in a vesture of fine gold But hir raiments so long as she is on earthe are inuisible they are spiritual iewels of the soule and m●nde and not of the body And I heard sayth S. Iohn in the midst of this last vision a mightie voice out of the heauen the euerlasting and onely throne of GOD a voyce saying after this sort ●nto me Loke vp and beholde for your owne and al other belé●uers cōmoditie and instruction the holy Tab●rnacle of the Lord which shall be with the chosen for euer is also héere wyth the Militant Church vpon earth Moreouer consider that euery beleeuing soule is a Temple of the holy Ghost As Christ him selfe testifieth He that loueth me and keepeth my word I and my father will come to him and dwell with him In like manner speaketh God
Lord the rod and scepter of his dominion against the wicked in those dayes as he shall say Goe from me ye curssed into euerlasting fire Again how comfortable ioyful a thing shall it be for the elect to see them selues exempted of this condemnation and to haue the fruition of that souerain blessednesse in eternal glory For he it is that treadeth the wine presse of the fierc●nesse and wrath of almighty God That is he shall poure forth his vengeaunce vpon the proud and infidels and shall punish them most greuously with his strong mightie arme stretched ouer their heads striking them in his rage furie wherunder all things are set And I saw an A●gell standing in the Sunne signifying the Apostles and al true ministers of the word of god which stand in the bright cleare sunne of righteousnesse which is Christ Iesu that amiable and shining morning starre And these worthy witnesses stand fast in a sted●ast assurāce of faith in his name against the whole multitude of Antechrist without mouing of their féete from y e well grounded stone which is Christ Iesu which for nothing in this world be it persecution paine torment or deathe will shrincke therefro And he cried with a loude voyce to all the Foules that did flie by the middes of heauen This voice cried and shall call vntil the worldes end with a feruent and constant mind vnto al foules which flie vnder heauen to them which are humble of mind and be●●me spiritual through faith and heauenly giftes These f●ying foules laying aside quite abolishing all worldly plesures or corruptiblenesse lift themselues vp aboue their affections on hie and make their cōuersation to be in heauen and lead héere in earth an heauenly life These are the chosē soules which the father féedeth and sustaineth wyth●ute their own deserts Such a one was Abrahā in Mesopotamie Moyses in Sinai Helias vpon y e mount Carmelus Daniel amōgst y e lions ●aul in Damas●o S. Iohn in Pathmos and many moe euen herein England and in other places and shal be to the worlds end The maner of their calling is Come assemble you in vnitie of faith and mind knit your selues togither in Christ Iesu in loue which is the bond of perf●ctnesse that the peace of god which passeth al vnderstanding kéepe your hearts mindes in Christ Iesu our Lord. Prepare ye sayth the Angel to come to that great and supernaturall good supper of the Lord Which is that eternall and euerlasting refreshing of the soul. Come on and tast of the most daintiest dishes most sumptuous fare which neuer eye hath séene neither care hath heard neither came into mannes heart which God hath prepared for them y ● loue him learne out of gods holy word what his good wil pleasure is folow the same in life maners flie from al worldly pleasures Liue soberly temperately chastly righteously in the feare of god attending and waiting vpon the cōming of our Lord and God Finally order and frame your life so that ye may eat t●e fl●she of kings that ye may by exhortation and ensample teach the worldly gouerners to conuert vnto the Lord and to forsake all maner of filthie carnall and sinnefull lustes And that ye may eat the fl●sh of all captaines and mightie men pluck down the hie minded hearts of tirāts to bring vnder their ●rueltie and loftie stomacks deuour also the flesh of the worldly rich and proud mā cause him to leaue of al worldly pleasures ●xcesse and manifolde vanities And the fl●she of horsses ●nd of them that sit on them And the flesh of al fre men bōdmen and of smal and great Regard neither horsses nor them that sit on thē but teare their flesh in péeces Spare no man neyther hie nor low rich nor poore bond nor frée but checke and taunt them that they leauing their old wicked wayes turne to the lord As for the obstinate and stubborn which wil not bow but resist break them and hew them in pieces punish the wicked and carnall worldlings of what degree so euer they be and these beastly Antechristes cruel Grashoppers which sit on them take away the pride and loftinesse from these loitering prelates and idle bishops and also of thē that imitate and follow their mischeuous hipocrisie deliuer the oppressed and turne back the cruell persecution from the innocents poure downe thy wrath ouer the wicked according to their desertes and let none escape Imitate the Eagle and Kite resort there where as the dead carkasses men without liuely faith and drouned in sinne be Teache euery one to walke honestly in their vocation let Princes vnderstand that it behoueth them to be learned and wise in all sciēces but abo●e al in the holy Bible which be the Scriptures and that it becometh thē to walke in the feare of god not to do al things vnaduisedly and according to their owne pleasure but orderly as reason and equitie doth require not to oppresse the poore innocents and fatherlesse but to aid succoure and helpe them and to punishe the wicked and malefactors nor vse exfortion in taxing ouermuch their commens subiects The rich welthy that they be merciful good stewards distributers of y e gifts of God cōmitted to their charge To the hipocrites Idolaters that they leaue of their vaine trust or confidence in any creatures returne vnto the liuing God Again the whoremonger that he goe no more like a beast and Mule in whom is no vnderstanding after other mennes wiues but rather take his own wife to flie al occasions of euil Cōmaund the ruler to be faithful in his calling and the Commons louingly to obey The wife to be true and obedient to hir husband againe the husband to be friendable and louing to his wife defend hir cherish and nourish hir euen as Christ defended his Church and cared for hir Children to be obediēt to their Parents the Parentes not to prouoke their children to wrathe And the seruaunts to obey them that be their masters c. Thou shalt eate the flesh of the Giantes and drinke the bloud of the Princes of the earth of the Weathers of Buckes and Bulles which shall be slayne at Basan And I saw the Beast and the Kings of the earth and their armie That is these Ruffians and lecherous Bishops Monkes Abbots and the rest of these shauelings of Antechrist with the Princes of this world cruel tyrant● catchpols and hangmen of the Beast are assembled together to consult and gather souldiours and set them out to fight against him which sate vppon the white horse to make warre against Christ and his beloued Churche his chosen and peculiare people his seruaunts which without any kind of doubt or wauering follow him They séeke I say to kil and slay
it is come to passe in many places in our dayes to diuers Friers Monkes or Priests which setting themselues for the defēce of the Romish church were killed and slaine And yet shall it be with them euen as Baals Priests with the prophet Helias about the riuer Rison but are yet spiritually by a mistery of that which hath bene foretold For the Foules as ye shall heare shall consume hir flesh For god hath saith the Angell put in their hearts to fulfill his will God hath giuen by inspiration of his holy spirite in the minds of those aforsaid and such like persons to accomplishe in this behalfe his secrete will and pleasure Namely to roote out wholy and altogither that false and hipocriticall religion to suffer no longer the enormitie and foule abhominatiō of that Antechrist After all these manifold Reuelations I saw an other angel saith S. Iohn signifying the true ministers and preachers sent in these our dayes As also in the .vj. Chapter of the Reuelation is made mentiō of the Angell which had the seale of the liuing God Again in the .x. chapter of the angel which was enuironed with the cloud and in the .xiiij. Chapter of the Angell which published and cried out the fall of Babilon comming from heauen downeward All which is to declare that the godly preachers are sent of God hauing receiued great power feruent zeale and stedfastnesse of the spirite of God to declare and pronounce the wil of god valiantly to the ouerthrow of that pes●ilent whore For like as the father hath the life within him euen so hath his sōne Christ Iesu also and in him liue his seruauntes without any feare And the earth was light of his brightnesse Not of the Angell which was but a Messanger was the earth lightned but of the power which was giuen vnto him Wher Gods word is once truely preached there the whole earth is lightned of the brightnesse of the glory of God And this Angell cried aloud she is fallen That great Babilon which was so proud hie minded so common a whore that blasphemous sinagoge of the hipocrites is turned vpside downe She is by the iust iudgement of God brought to great ignomie and shame Hir first ouerthrow was when as the prince of this world was ouercome and vanquished through y e death of our sauiour Iesus Christ. Consider and ponder we●●●● your minde the destruction of Ierusalem after what sort the Iewish seruice ceased and tooke an end namely when the materiall temple was throwne down and not one stone left vpon an other Now in this our time she shal haue a more sharper and seuere iudgement through the publishing preaching of gods word to the comfort of all beléeuers Which although it be somewhat as it were deferred yet let them be as well assured of this hir iudgement to come as we know and certainly beleeue the other to be come Cal to remembrāce and compare this place with the haling plucking downe of Abbays Frieries and other religious houses as they cal them in Germanie England and in other places and make your accompts that more and more sorowes shal happen and surely fal vpon hir shortly The occasion of hir fall and the desolation be●ore the lord is this She is become a dwelling place to deuils more than euer she was before hir first fall for now enter they a great many at once yea wel seuen for one And she is become a keeper of vncleane sprites For all manner of Idolatrie is maintained and kept by hir spirituall Courtiers and holy fath●rs as they call them as be their Bishops and pries●s Here raigneth Simonie bying and selling of benefices sacriledge vsurie ambition fraude couetousnesse desire of money to shed bloud enuie malice lecherie gluttonie pride vncleannesse and all other wickednesse She is become a sauegard or cage of all vnclene and execrable birdes For in hir dwelleth the adulterous Bishops the buggerous Cardinals and lecherous Prelates and a heape of Sodomitish Monks and Friers Nunnes and Sisters All these compareth Esay the Prophet to wilde beastes namely to Dragons Ostriches Eagles Monkeis Owles Mermaides and other rauenous and greadie birdes and monsterous and straunge beasts for amongst them hath bene vsed alwayes and is yet at this present all manner of vaine and foolishe toyes as mockings scoffings and iestings with crossing coniuring gasing singing playing and diuers other folish straunge fashions to mocke God withall Heere we might speak and reherse many things Namely of the keeping of their stewes and how they goe a whoring two maner of wayes wher●unto we might ioyne and declare what gaine and profite the ruffian prelates get thereby As it is to be séene nam●ly at Rome what reuenues and rents that great and soueraign ru●●ian getteth by his whoores And afterward of the drouning and killing of childrē and secretly murthering and casting in corners and ditches as is vsually practised amongst these riggish and lecherous prelat●s It is ●allen For all the kinreds and nations of the world except a very fewe of simple and seely souls which god through his vnspeakeable goodnesse mercy and grace hath chosen and predestinated to him selfe Haue dro●k●n of the wyne of the wrath of hir fornication Bicause they haue not rendred thank●s to almightye God when occasion oportunitie and time serued therefore they are fallen into that bottomlesse pit of all errour and abhomination to the losse both of body and soul. They haue very carefully and narowly searched to runne a whoring after their hurtfull and damnable witchcraftes and inchauntments beleuing and crediting their false doctrine and teachings and so consequently apply thē selues to expresse it in their conuersation and liuing And the Kings of the earth not hauing before their eyes the loue and feare of God haue committed formcation with thys vile and filthie whoore Yelding thē selues to many false Idolatrous and straunge worshippings In such sorte that by the teachings admonitions and persuasions of their holy fornicatours they haue broken the bonde of peace and haue warred against the true children of God Which notwithstāding y t they haue wrongfully molested and troubled scornefully intreated and mocked viol●ntly oppressed and persecuted haue yet chasing and banishing them confiscated their lands and goodes turning their wiues and litle children out of the doores a begging Aboue all this so murther they and slay all such as they can catch and shed very much innocent bloud as hanging drowning or burning them most cruelly without any cause yea without any remorse of conscience euen as if there were neither hell nor heauen God nor deuil life nor death and as if there were no iudgement or no accoumptes to be giuen before God of all their doings and crueltie Also their mitred Merchaunts and shauen Massemongers factors and sellers of mennes soules are waxen very rich and welthy by