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heaven_n body_n earth_n soul_n 16,341 5 5.1635 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06532 A very excelle[n]t [and] swete exposition vpon the XXII. [sic] Psalme of Dauid called in Latine Dominus regit me, &c. Translated out of hye Almayne into Englyshe by Myles Couerdale.; Dreiundzwanzigste Psalm der Tisch ausgelegt. English Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568. aut; Osiander, Andreas, 1498-1552. Wie und wohin ein Christ die grausamen Plag der Pestilentz fliehen soll. English. aut 1538 (1538) STC 17000; ESTC S104352 54,883 122

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stomblynge block that the vngodlye haue such prosperyte vpon earth And that the beloued sayntes of God on the other syde are euer plaged c. and sayeth Yf I haue but the o LORDE I passe not vpon heauen nor earth Though both body and soule shulde perysshe Yet thou o God arte the cōforte of my harte and my porcion Now after what maner the LORDE is with hym he sheweth farther more and sayeth Thy staf and thy shepehooke do comforte me Howe the LORD is p̄sent with many faithful men The LORDE sayth he is wyth me but not bodely that I may se or heare hym Thys presence of the LORDE wherof I speake is not comprehended wyth the fyue wyttes Onely fayth seyth it The same is sure that the LORDE is nyer vnto vs then we are to oureselues Wherby euen by the worde Therfore sayeth he Thy staf and thy shepehooke comforte me As yf he wolde saye In al my troubles and necessityes I fynde nothynge vpon earth whereby I maye be helped to be at rest Onely the worde of God is my staf shepehooke where by I holde me and stonde vp agayne And sure I am lykewyse by it that the LORDE is with me and doth not onely strengthe and cōforte me by the same worde in all troubles and tentacions but also delyuereth me from all myne enemyes spyte of the deuell and the worlde Wyth these wordes Thy staf and thy shepehooke do cōforte me cōmeth he agayne vnto the similitude of the shepherde the shepe The similitude of the shepherd wyll say thus much Lyke as a bodely shepherde ruleth his shepe with the staf or shepehooke leadeth them to the pasture to fresh water where they fynd meate and drynke and defendeth them wyth the shepehooke agaynst all parell Euen so doth the LORD the true shepeherde gyde and rule me with hys staf That is to saye with hys worde to the intēt that in hys syght I shuld walke wyth a good belefe and a mery conscience and knowe to beware of vntrue doctryne and false holynesse Besyde thys he defendeth me also agaynst al ieopardy and mysfortune bodely and goofily and deliuereth me from all myne enemyes with his staf that is to saye wyth the same worde doth he strengthe and comforte me so rychelye that ther is no mysfortune so greate whether it be bodelye or goofilye but I am able to come out of it and to ouercome it this goeth spiritually to worke By thys thou seyste that the prophete speaketh here of no helpe defence or comforte of man Nother draweth he out ony swearde c. It goeth here all secretely and preuelye to worke euen by the worde So that no man can spye thys defence comforte but onely they that beleue And here doth Dauid wryte a generall rule for all Christen men whiche is well to be noted Namelye that ther is none other meane waye vpon earth for onye man to be delyuered out of all tentations saue onely to cast all hys burthen vpon God and to hold hym faste by hys worde of grace to cleue surelye vnto it and in no wyse to suffre it to be taken frō hym Who so doth thys can be content whether he be in prosperite or aduersyte whether he lyue or dye And fynally he can endure and must nedes prosper agaynst all deuels the worlde and mysfortune Thys me thynke is a greate prayse of the good worde of God and a greater power is ascrybed here vnto it then is the power of all angels men Thus doth S. Paule prayse it also Rom. i. The Gospell sayeth he is the power of God for the saluacion of all them that beleue thereon The office of preahige And with thys doth the prophet touche the offyce of preachynge for by the mouthly preachynge of the worde whiche goeth in at the eares and that the harte taketh holde vpon thy fayth and by the holy sacramentes doth oure LORDE God brynge ass thys to passe in his Christen congregaciō namely to the intent that the people maye haue fayth be strenthed in belefe and preserued in the true doctryne Item that they maye fynally endure agaynst all temptacions of the deuell and the worlde For sence the begynnynge of the worlde hathe God dealte thus with all his sayntes by his worde and besyde the same hath he geuē thē outwarde tokens of grace This I saye because that no man shuld take vpō hym without these meanes to medle with God or to chose hym selfe a peculyar waye vnto heauen els shall he fall and breake his necke as the pope and his hath done And as the Anabaptistes other sedicious spretes do yet this daye And with these wordes Thy staffe and thy shepehooke do comfort me wyll the prophete shewe some speciall thynge As yf he wolde say Moses is ashepherde lykwyse and hath also a staffe a shephooke neuerthelesse he doth nothynge els but cōpell and punysshe his shepe and ouerladeth thē with an intollerable burthen Act. xv Esay ix Therfore is he a fearfull a terrible shepeherde of whō the shepe are afrayed and flye from hym Neuerthesesse thou LORDE with thy staffe and shephooke compellest not thy shepe nother makest them afrayd nor ouerchargest them but geuest them comforte Therfore speaketh he here of the office of preachynge the newe Testament whereby tydynge is brought vnto the worlde that Christ came vpon earthe to saue synners and therby hath optayned them suche a saluacion that he hath geuen hys lyfe for them All they that beleue thys shall not peryshe but haue euerlastynge lyfe Ioh. iii. Thys is the staf and shephooke wherby the soules take refreshynge The staf the shephoke comforte and ioye Wherfore in the spirytuall shepefolde that is to saye in the kyngdome of Christe ther ought none other sawe to be preached but the Gospell which the prophet with ornate wordes calleth the staf and shephooke of cōforte whereby they be strengthed in fayth refresshed in theyr hartes and receaue consolacion in all maner of troubles and euen at the poynt of death what they be thatlede Christes shepe in a grene medowe They that so preach vse the spirytuall shepherdes offyce aryght fede the shepe of Christ in a grene medowe leade them to the fresh water refresh theyr soules kepe them that they be not deceaued comforte them with the staf and shephooke of Christ c. And where thou hearest suche one be sure thou hearest Christ hymselfe Suche men also oughte to be taken for true shepherdes that is to saye for the mynysters of Christ and the stewardes of God Nother oughte it to be regarded that the worlde cryeth out vpon them and calleth them heretikes and deceauers Agayne they that teach ony thynge els contrarye to the Gospell causynge men to trust to theyr owne workes merites to theyr owne fayned holinesse these no doute though they boast thē neuer so muche to be the successours of the Apostles decke