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A06330 A sermonde made before the kynge his maiestye at grenewiche, vpon good frydaye. The yere of our Lorde God. M.D.xxxviij. By Ioh[a]n Longlonde, busshop of Lincolne. Ad gloriam Christi, & ad memoriam gloriosæ passionis eius. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Longland, John, 1473-1547. 1538 (1538) STC 16796; ESTC S103725 52,757 84

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errant Qui potest saluum facere a morte offerens preces supplicationes cum clamore valido lacrimis exauditus est pro reuerentia sua Pontifex appellatus a deo Pontifex sanctus innocens impollutus segregatus a peccatoribus excelsior coelis Non habens necessitatē quemadmodum alii prius pro suis delictis hostias offerre deinde pro populi Pontifex sedens in dextris dei interpellans pro nobis Emundans cōscientias nostras ab operibus mortuis Intrans sancta sanctorū per proprium sanguinem Hic est pontifex confessionis nostrae Let all earthly bushops lerne of this heuenly bushop Chryst. Some of these propertes are appropryed and belongeth onely to God and not to man In some we ought to folowe hym In some we can not ne ought to doo Misericors This our hyghe and greate bushop is misericors sayth the apostle mercyfull A mercyfull bushop redye to forgyue redy to remyt those that hath offended hym He is not cruell not vengeable but full of pitye full of mercye And in this we ought to folowe hym He is pontifex potens a myghtye bushop myghty and full of power Potens We be but weyke feble bushops not able to doo any thynge but by his permyssyon and helpe He is able to make sycke to make hoole to make ryche to make poore to set vp to put downe Potens a myghtye bushop myghtye and able to remyt synne to forgyue to saue bothe bydye and soule from dampnacyon Potens a myghty bushop and full of power No power in this worlde but of hym Roma 13. Omnis potestas a domino deo est All power is of hym And as he hym selfe wytnesseth Math. 28. Data est mihi omnis potestas in coelo in terra All power is gyuen vnto me in heuen and in earthe Potens saluare a morte He can saue the body and saue the soule He can delyuer the toone and delyuer the tother from euerlastyng deathe Who can forgyue synne but he Ma●● 2. Quis potest dimittere peccatū nisi solus deus Est potens He is a myghtye bushop Of hym and by hym Emperours Kynges magistrates and potestates busshoppes preestes with all other that hath power hath theyr power and auctorytie Who is able to turne the wynde to make the wynde blow or ceasse but he Who is able to say proue I wyll nowe haue it rayne nowe clere the sonne to shyne the water to flow to ebbe with soche other but onely he This is our myghty bushop Pontifex potens myghtye yee omnipotens almyghtye He can doo all nothynge to hym impossyble Omnipotens Ipse dixit facta suntoīa Mandauit creata sunt vniuersa Psal. 32. Potens ergo est He is a myghtye bushop We are not soo Fidelis pontifex He is a faythful bushop Faythfull Fidelis He is a faythfull bushop to god referrynge all laudes all honoure and glorye to his father in althynges that he dyd miracles or other He toke neuer the more vpon hym selfe He was also a faythful bushop to the world For he dyd all that belongede to the offyce of a good bushop The verye offyce of a bushop is predicare Tria ad officium episcopi partinētia Predicabat i. Offic●●● episcopi orare sacrificare siue offerre To preache to praye to do●● sacrifyce and to offer He preachede to his people He taught the worlde moost holsome doctryne whereby he called the people to god he conuerted synners he called them to penaunce He made them weepe lament theyr synnes They folowed his person they folowed his worde they folowed his ensample They came oute of all coostes to se hym to here hym to lerne of hym Math 14. They forsoke meate and drynke house and home and folowede hym wheresoeuer he wente aswell in wyldernes as els where In somoche that after they had folowede hym thre dayes he beynge moued with pitye leste they shuld peryshe for lacke of foode beynge in wyldernes far from succour fedde them twyse miraculously Oons in the desert with fyue loues two fysshes fede fyue thousand men besydes women and chyldren and were lefte twelue great baskettꝭ Math. 15 ▪ twelue maundꝭ full of the brokelettꝭ offals at that meale At an other tyme he fedde in wyldernes to the nombre of foure thousand men besydes women and chyldren with seuen looues and a fewe small fyshes And was lefte of fragmentes seuen maundes full ij officiū episcopi predicatoris est orare The second offyce of a bushop he fulfylled also For he prayed He was moost deuout in prayer soo to teache all bushops preachers not to presume in theyr wytte or lernynge neyther in theyr capacitye memorye fayre tongue or vtteraunce but that the preacher doo studyouslye applye his booke with all diligencye to studye howe to speake whatte to speake afore whome he shall speake and to shape his sermonde after the audyence The preacher ought also besydes his studye and preachynge to pray For by deuout prayer he shall attayne percase asmoche or more as by study or lernynge For without prayer the wordes wyll lytle preuayle Looke in Chryst his lyfe and thou shalt fynde that in euerye thynge he went aboute he prayed to shew the valiancye the vertue and strength of prayer To shewe our necessytes our weykenes and feblenes of nature He prayed for his people as Luke wytnesseth the space of one hole nyght Luce. 6. And what a meruelous deuout prayer made he for his people in the mounte the nyghte afore his Passyon when the chalyce of deathe was represented vnto hym when he swette water and bloode when he cryed thryse Transeat a me calix iste Math. 26. Let this chalyce let this Passyon and bloode let the vertue therof passe from me vnto all mankynde Let euery man haue the vertue and merite therof let it worke in all folkes let euery faythfull man and woman be pertener therof let it not be loste but worke to the worldes ende This was a merueylous deuoute mercyfull prayer And ayayne he sufferyng and hangynge on the crosse offered vp for his people Preces supplicationes cum clamore valido lacrimis Hebre. 5. He offered vp his prayers and supplicacyons with a hudge crye with a pityous voyce Clamor christi i●● cruce with a lamentable and a deathly shryche and with wepynge teares to god his father he hangyng on the crosse euen when the spirite shulde departe the body not then forgettyng his people at that houre when all the people forgetteth both the worlde and them selues Whiche crye was so hudge and great so meruelous and of that effecte that the heuens trembled thereat Celi Angeli Sol. Uelum Terra Petre. sepul●●ra Mortui Cēturio Marce 15. the aungels mourned for pitye the sonne looste his lyght the vayle in the temple ryued in two the earth quaued
owne proper bloode For whiche and for his holynes and perfytenes Excelsior coelis factus est Excelsior celis He is extolled and exalted aboue all the angels and beates aboue all the heuens syttynge on the ryght hande of the father Whom all the heuenly creatures dothe worshyp honoure and doo reuerence vnto Where he prayeth for his people and is medyatoure in his manheed to his father for vs. This oure bushop pourgeth our conscyences as wytnesseth thapostle he clenseth our soules he maketh vs inwardly beutyous and fayre The bushop of Rome lacketh many of these notable vertues He hath fewe or noone of these propertyes fewe or noone of these qualytes He is as we all are synners a synner To whom this worde Magnus greate is not conuenyente nor can be in hym any wayes veryfyed Magnus For he cannot forgyue synne as our bushop dothe nor iustify as he dothe neyther enter in Sctā sanctorū with his owne blood as he dyd Howe can he then be called a greate bushop that is as we all be synners a synner a breaker of the lawes of god and dayly doo or may fall and synne And for that cause the lawe cōmaundede that euery bushop prieste shulde first offer hoostꝭ sacrifyce for his owne synnes and afterwarde for the synnes of the people Howe can he therfore be called a greate bushop or priest Our bushop we speake of is the very greate busshop Noo doole noo fraude noo gyle was euer found in his mouthe And when the prynce of the worlde the deuyll came to hym he coulde fynde noo poynt of synne in hym Wherfore Gabryell the archangell shewynge his natiuyte vnto Mary his mother sayde 〈…〉 Hic 〈◊〉 magnus filius altissimi vocabitur He shall be greate 〈◊〉 shall be called the sonne of god And ayayne it is wrytten of hym Propheta magnus surrexit inter nos 〈…〉 A great Prophette is rysen amongest vs. Synne maketh a man smalle and lyttle lyttle in reputacyon bothe afore god and man Uertue maketh man greate and of hygh reputacyon Uirtus Shewe me one place in scrypture where ye haue redde that a synner was called greate I trowe it shall not be founde Wyll you here whoo were called greate in scripture It is wrytten of Isaac Quod proficiebat valde factus est magnus valde Gene. 26. He profited greatly in vertue and was made greate greate in reputacyō of the worlde Moyses was called Magnus Exodi 11. greate for his vertue Abraham and Iohn̄ baptist lykewyse Nowe Iesus oure bushop is called Magnus episcopus Luce. 1. magnus sacerdos And after hym neuer bushop called Magnus in all scrypture neyther in the reputacyon of man vnles it be in comparison one of another And soo sayntes and holy lyuers are called greate in respecte of synners or other meane lyuers But where Chryst our bushop cometh whiche not in comparison of other but simpliciter by his owne magnytude greatnes and of hym selfe euer was is greate of whome it is wrytten A summo coelo egressio eius occursus eius vsque ad summum eius Psal. 1●● And as the apostle proueth in manye places by expresse worde But nowe there is no bushop nor priest in this worlde that may worthely of hym selfe be called great nor ought to take this name magnus vppon hym This is he therfore of whome it is wrytten Magnus sacerdos ex fratribus suis The greate bushop aboue all other Leuiti 21. And as he is called and in very dede is Pastor pastorum Pontifex pontificum Propheta prophetarum Sanctus sanctorum Dominus dominantium Rex regum Ita magnus magnorum est As he is called the herdes man of hyrdesmen the bushop of bushops the prophet of prophets the holye of holyest the lorde of lordes and kynge of kynges Euen soo is he called and verylye is Episcopus magnus Therfore the prophette dyd adde Magnus sacerdos ex fratribus suis the great bushoppe or prieste greate of hym selfe great in vertue and power greate of hym selfe and greate in comparison afore all other And therfore the Apostle sayde Habemus pontificem magnū qui paenetrauit coelos IESVM filium dei We haue a greate bushop whiche dyd penetrate the heuens Iesus the sonne of God Here may ye now se how the bushop of Rome dothe wrongfully encrouche vpon our greate bushop Iesus Chryst to take from hym not onely this name Magnus and is not with that name yet contentede but addeth more videlicet Maximus Summus Sanctus Beatissimus Vniuersalis and soche other The greatest the hyghest the holyest the blysseddest and vniuersall in the superlatyue degrees And yet there is no greate bushop but Chryst onely noo supreme bushop but he onely none hooly none blyssed none vniuersall bushop but onelye he The bushop of Rome and all other bushoppes are but vnderlynges and vnworthy suffragans vnto this bushop Chryst. This oure Chryst as wytnesseth the apostle is pontifex nostre confessionis Pontife●● nostre cōfessionis the bushop whome we doo confesse to be oure great bushop our hygh bushop ▪ our supreme bushop our holy blyssed vniuersal bushop Whiche names are reserued onely vnto Chryst and to noo earthly bushop Not to the bushop of Rome not to the bushop of Ierusalē not to the bushop of Antioche ▪ nor of Constantinople nor to any other bushop No●● earthly bushop to presume to take vpō hym these hygh and holy names onely to god appropryed God of thy goodnes thou mayst and I trust wyll oons make this vayngloryous bushop of Rome firste to knowe and knowledge the Chryste to be the onelye supreme and vniuersall bushop of the worlde Secondarylye to knowe hym selfe his weykenes his frayltye and his presumpcyon To knowe his offyce bounden duetye vnto the god To knowe his owne dioces and to vsurpe noo further Thyrdlye to haue a lowe humble meeke herte and stomake to feare the god and thy iudgementes to knowledge his onwe faultes vsurpacyons and to redresse the same Nowe to returne vnto our matter it foloweth in the letter firste taken Litera De quo edere non habent potesta●●ē qui tabernaculo deseruiunt They that dothe serue the tabernacle may not eate of this sacrifyce Edere de tabernaculo quid sit 2. Corint 3. We chrysten people that ought to holde the truthe and verytye and not the figures let vs enquire and serche Non literam occidentem sed spiritum viuificantem not the letter but the spiryte not the bare grāmatical sence but the spirituall not the carnall vnderstandynge but the inwarde thynge mente therby Tabernaculū quid What is then spirytually this tabernacle What is it to serue this Tabernacle And what to eate of this sacrifyce Corpus This tabernacle is our bodye Howe shall I proue that Here what the apostle saythe beleue hym What saythe he he saythe Qui sumus in hoc