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A03758 A Christian enchiridion wherein are briefly handled these three points following; 1. That aboue all things in the world, man should bee most carefull of his saluation. 2. That in this life a man bee assured of his saluation. 3. The way how, or meanes whereby a man may come to bee assured of his saluation. By Thomas Hovves, preacher of the word at Kings-Linne in Norfolke. Howes, Thomas, preacher at King's Lynn. 1615 (1615) STC 13877; ESTC S116219 94,375 247

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this estate and yet when all hath beene said that can be it is nothing in comparison of that which the thing is in it selfe and we shall find it to be when we shall lay downe this bodie of corruption and bee cloathed vpon with perfect glory Learne therefore what a wonderfull blessing we haue obtained by Christ By nature we are wrapped in the guilt of sin subiect to the stipend of sinne subdued vnder the curse of the lawe and lie right vnder the whole wrath and displeasure of God Our sinnes proclaimed vs Rebels to God through heauen and earth banished vs out of our countrey set hell gates open for vs and gaue vs into the hands of Sathan as an hangman to execute Gods sentence of eternall death passed against vs yea further hopeles wee were in this wofull condition for Gods displeasure was so kindled against vs as men and angels could not reconcile him the law was so transgressed that all men and angels could neuer satisfie nor make vp the breach the sentence was so seuere as all men and angels could neuer haue stood vnder i● the execution so certen as the verie gybbet was euer standing in our sight in the horrors of our soules and terrors of our accusing consciences wee seemed to walke and bee left in the midst of ten thousand deaths but nowe when no meanes was left to pacifie God offended to satisfie the lawe transgressed to remake the sentence denounced the Sonne of God must come from the bosome of his father and become obedient both to the performing of the whole will of his Father as also to the ignominious death of the crosse that so becomming a curse for vs as that execrable kind of death betokened wee might haue God well pleased with vs as he is with him we might present him his lawe perfectly fulfilled not in our persons but in our nature and in his owne person for vs we might pleade the paiment of all our debts and by this our surety sue out our full discharge because the vtmost farthing is fully paid haue our right in the tree of life and might enter in thorough the gates into the citie Apoc. 22.14 This blessed tree is in the middest of the Paradise of God the leaues of the tree are not onely for shadowe but also to heale the nations with and it hath both leaues and fruites to satisfie our hunger and twelue manner of fruits euerie moneth brought forth to satisfie our pleasure and it groweth by a riuer side cleare as chrystall proceeding out of the throne of God so that it cannot possibly wither Apoc. 22. Let vs beseech God who hath planted is with his owne right hand that we may liue to 〈◊〉 how wholesome and pleasant that t●… is And considering that we looke for life euerlasting after this life let vs not deceiue our selues lingring and deferring the time to the last gaspe but let vs lay the foundation of life eternall in our selues in this world and haue the earnest thereof laid vp in our hearts Now this is done if we repent vs heartily of all our sinnes and seeke to be assured in conscience that God the father of Christ is our father God the sonne our redeemer and God the holy Ghost our comforter Ioh. 17.3 this is eternall life that they know thee to be the onely God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ yea let vs proceed further yet endeauouring to say with Paul Gal. 2.20 Thus I liue yes not I now but Christ liueth in mee and in that I nowe liue in the flesh I liue by the faith in the sonne of God who hath loued me hath giuen himselfe for me when we can thus say in truth of heart wee haue in vs the verie seede of eternall life Lastly here we may consider the wonderfull madnes of worldly men who only haue regard to the state of this life cast all their care on the world and neuer so much as life up their hearts and thoughts vnto heauen The ende of Christ comming in the flesh was principally for our soules by taking away the sinnes of the world and after for our bodies by remoouing corporall infirmities Matth. 9.2.6 but it is not thus with the sonnes of men now they neglect the care of their soules but they make prouision for the lusts of the flesh with all possible diligence As the prodigall sonne forsooke his fathers house for a strange countrey his fathers fauour and inheritance for a bagge of money father kinred and friends for vnhonest and vncourteous harlots and the bread in his fathers house for the huskes of beanes which the swine abroad fed vpon and his soule desired So the worldlings forsake God for this present world heauen for earth euerlasting pleasure at Gods right hand for the pleasures of sin for a season It is a iust iudgement that earthly riches do deceiue our hearts when heauenly riches do not delight vs that the outward things should carie vs away whē heauenly things cannot so much preuaile with vs. If a man hauing two houses the one but an homely cottage and the other a princely pallace should leaue the better and take all the care for the dressing and beautifying of the first would not euerie man say he were a madde man now God hath prepared for vs two houses the one is this our bodie which wee beare about vs which is an house of clay Iob. 4.19 the other house is the third heauen Iob. 14.2 which is the dwelling place of the holy Saints and Angels therefore what spirituall madnesse is it to employ all our cares for the maintenance of this house of clay which is but dust and to haue no regard of the blessed estate of the second house which is prepared for vs in heauen The three Apostles when they had seene some part of the glory of Christ in his transfiguration vpon the mount Tabor were so mooued that they said Matth. 17.4 Master it is good for vs to bee here What then would we do if we should conuerse in heauen and there behold the Maiestie of God and the glorie of Christ would not euen the apprehension thereof allure vs to wish to dwell there and to forget and despise the earth But our earthly talk and communication our worldly course of life and the corruptions of the flesh that beare so much sway in vs due manifestly shew how little wee are conuersant in heauen and consequently doe testifie that we are burgesses of earth and not of heauen All faithful beleeuers do know and are assured that at the seperation of the soule and the body the soule shal be exalted to heauen with Christ now as this seperation daily doth by death draw nearer and nearer to the faithfull so doth the kingdome also come vpon them Therefore how carefull should we be to amend our liues to despise these earthly vanityes and to prepare ourselues to make our entry into heauen Now in that we haue bin sufficiently
slippe backe and draw toward death we cannot therefore turne back but with danger to fall into euerlasting perdition Much like vnto him who flying from his enemies that pursue him in stead of sauing himselfe in some towne turneth backe towards them and so putteth himselfe into their hands We are not without many and mighty enemies that pursue vs and labour to make vs turne backe by offending God and these must wee fight against 1. Pet. 2.11 These enemies fight not against our goods to rob vs of them nor against our bodies to depriue them of life but against our soules to induce them to offend God and so to draw them into euerlasting damnation An example in Iob Cap. 1.1 who was a iust man c. and so walked in the way to heauen but Sathan would withstand him and therefore commenced warre against his soule hee seemes as if hee would haue fought against his goods in causing them to be taken away against his children in procuring their death and against his bodie in vexing it most cruelly yet was it properly the soule that hee assaulted Iob. And he fought against it seeking by outward tribulation to induce the same by blaspheming to offend God If wee consider our owne weakenes to withstand our mighty enemies it may breed some cause of feare in vs but as God in old time commaunded Ioshua cap. 1.9 that hee should not feare the Canaanites and assured him that hee would be with him and that by ouercomming them he would bring his people into the land of promise so likewise let vs giue care vnto God that calleth vs to this battell with assurance that he will stand with vs and for vs to the ende that couragiously fighting vnder his banner against our enemies we may by his grace and power obtaine perfect victorie and consequently the possession of our celestiall countrie Secondly that wee turne neither to the right hand nor to the left By those that turne to the right hand wee vnderstand such as seeme to keepe Gods commandements yet not to glorifie him but either to glorifie themselues or to merit Prayer to God almes fasting and other like works are commendable and ordained of God to the end by them to walke towards heauen but such as doe them that they may be seene and praised of men doe turne to the right hand and depriue themselues of all reward in heauen because they receiue it vpon earth aforehand Math. It is also astraying to the right hand when hauing receiued gifts of speaking the tongues of prophecying of knowing all secrets of faith c. 1. Cor. 13. the receiuers doe not vse them in loue Such likewise as in the old time among the Iewes did obserue the lawes and ordinances of God to the ende to merit did also stray to the right hand and turned out of the way of saluation Rom. 10.2 By those that turne to the left hand wee vnderstand such as doe thinke to come to heauen by the path of mens traditions and seruices or voluntarie deuotions not commaunded by God Coloss 2.21 as touch not tast not handle not c. And this Christ obiected to the Scribes and Pharises Matth. 15.8.9 Therefore because God hath taught vs the way wherein wee should walke to heauen let vs beware we turne not either to the right hand or to the left Thirdly that we stand not still in the way but goe forward and fructifie in good workes for such is the way to heauen that hee that goeth not forward slideth backward We nurse little children to the end they may grow great and wax strong and it were a wonder to see a little child continue as little and weake as at the birth euen so if we who being members of the Church of Christ and consequently entred into the path that leadeth to heauen and daily doe receiue the food of Gods word and sacraments should not increase in faith working by loue and amendement of life it were great ingratitude and vnexcusable obstinacy which should not escape vnpunished to stand stil in the way not to go forward The Apostle Paul although be had proceeded very far in this way thought it not his duty to surcease but the nearer he came to the marke the more he striueth towards it forgetting those things which be behind Phil. 3.14.15 And therevpon inferreth whosoeuer are perfect let them be thus minded Must those that are perfect be of this minde how much more behoueth it vs who are but of small growth in comparison to giue all diligence that we may increase and grow vp in grace 1. Thess 4.1 being prouoked also thereto by that exhortation of Saint Peter grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ 2. Pet. 3.18 If we rest contented with a little quantity of faith neuer labour after increase it is a shrewd presumption that such a faith is false and counterfeit For assoon as the seed of true faith is sowen in vs and hath taken roote it sprowteth vp vntill it come to full ripenes in which respect Christ compareth it to a graine of mustard seed which though it be one of the least seedes of the garden yet it groweth to a great tree Matth. 13.31.32 It is not possible that any who haue tasted of true faith and of those inestimable benefits which it assureth vs of should content themselues with a small pittance and neuer labour after more For who is it that hauing tasted and eaten a little bit of some delicious meates doth not with an hungring appetite desire more till he be filled and satisfied or who is it that hauing any weake title and assurance of some goodly inheritance doth not earnestly desire and vse all good and lawfull means whereby his title may be strengthened and his assurance confirmed So if any haue truly tasted of faith and the excellent benefits that accompany it which are assurance of Gods loue remission of sinnes peace of conscience and ioy in the holy Ghost they cannot content themselues with a little modicum and neuer hunger after more for can we imagin that we haue any finall title or true assurance of those vnspeakable ioyes of Gods kingdome if we neuer vse meanes to confirme our title and strengthen our assurance surely it is impossible To conclude Satan if he cannot make vs worse will labour to make vs not to be better nor to go forward in religion Hast thou not more zeale now then thou hadst when the gospel was first brought thee then feare least the spirit be much quenched wherefore as Sathan endeuoreth to make thee stand at a stay in christianity so let the spirit of God in thee striue for the contrary that he that is righteous may be more righteous Apoc. 22.11 For we may not be worse then the ground which by the raine is made more fruitfull nor then the hearbes which by the sunne are made more flourishing Hauing thus far Christian Reader perswaded
spirit testifieth the same assurance p. 157. This care to preuent sinne is maintained in the practise of these three things 1. watchfulnesse 2. Sobrietie 3. Prayer p. 158. 1. Concerning such manner of watchfulnes p. 158. That this watchfulnesse standeth in two points and which they bee p. 159. as also the meanes to make men watchful which are fowre in number p. 160. 2. Concerning sobrietie it standeth in things outward and inward p. 162. In the inward gifts of the mind and so it teacheth a man 1. To know himselfe 2. Not to despise another p. 162. Touching the knowledge of a mans selfe two things are taught p. 162. 163. Touching the not despising of others See p. 163. Againe sobrietie in outward things is a moderatour in outward things as may appeare in things concerning a mans calling p. 164. estate 165. pleasures and delights p. 166. and last of all concerning things indifferent p. 166. The practise of sobrietie as it is a moderatour in outward things is shewed to bee a fruit of our redemption and consequently the neglect thereof in these our dayes so much the more lamentable p. 167. 3. Concerning prayer the practise whereof is a third meanes to maintaine a care to preuent sinne see p. 169. Inward tokens in respect of Gods mercies in Christ are especially two 1. a spirituall hungring after Christ 2. our speciall valewing and louing of Christ aboue all things p. 171. 1. Concerning our spirituall hungring after Christ is shewed what it is and the same seconded with inducements and motiues thereunto p. 171. Meanes to be vsed for the obtaining of this spiritual appetite are numbred fiue p. 175 2. Concerning our valuing and louing of Christ aboue all things followeth p. 188. Signes by the which a man may come to discerne this speciall valuing and louing of Christ aboue all things are in number sixe p. 193. 1. The first signe is loue to the members of Christ The benefits of this loue are two The vndoubted signes of Christian charitie are two 1. Giuing to those that want 2. Forgiuing those that offend Hereunto that a man deceiue not himselfe in his loue vnto his brethren are added three rules for triall p. 195. 2. The second signe is loue to the Ministers of Christ p. 198. 3. The third signe is the keeping of Gods commandements p. 203. 4. The fourth signe is to hate all things wherby God is openly dishonoured p. 205. 5. The fift signe is willingly to be drawne into the field for the defence of his Maiesty p. 206. 6. The last signe is to haue an earnest desire that Christ should come to iudgement p. 207. Thus farre concerning inward tokens by the which our spirit witnesseth to vs the assurance of our saluation Outward fruites be the last testimonie of our spirit Outward fruites whereby our spirit witnesseth the assurance of our saluation are comprehended vnder the title of new obedience whereof see pag. 212. That this assurance of our saluation proceedeth not from euerie kind of holinesse or obedience but only from that which is true where see rehearsed a catologue of holinesses none of all which can assure a man of his saluation p. 215. What this newe obedience must bee pag. 217. That it may be rightly qualified there are 3. things required 1. That it bee performed vnto all Gods precepts 2. That it proceed from the whole man 3. That it be perpetuall p. 218. c. SECT I. Our principall care to be saued THERE is nothing in this present euill world wherin we are strangers and pilgrimes 1. Chr. 29.15 walking in it as it were in a wildernesse that we ought so to affect and desire as to haue our soules saued in the day of iudgement It is said that when Iohn Baptist first preached Matth. 11.12 that the kingdome of heauen suffered violence and the violent tooke it by force that is there was such forwardnesse and zeale in them that heard Iohn preach to procure themselues the kingdome of heauen that they stroue most earnestly to get in And this affection our Sauiour requireth when he saith Luk. 13.24 Sriue to enter in at the straite gate Some men set their affections vpon honours and will put their liues in their hands to obtaine them as did Absolom and his brother Adoniah And some men hunt after pleasures and the fulfilling of their beastly lusts most eagerly So the drunkard riseth early to follow drunkennes Isa 5.11 So the vncleane person goeth to the whoore-house in the twilight in the euening when the night begins to be blacke and darke Prou. 7.9 So there is one alone and there is not a second which hath neither sonne nor brother yet there is no ende of all his trauell neither can his eie be satisfied with riches neither doth he thinke for whome doe I trauell and defraud my soule of pleasure Eccles 4.8 If these men take such paines and are carried with so violent a streame to effect their carnall desires how ought we to inforce our affections to waite with Iacob Gen. 49.18 for the saluation of the Lord and to desire with Dauid Psal 35.3 that God would say vnto vs that he is our saluation The looking of Daniel out of the captiuitie of Babylon towards Ierusalem Dan. 6.10 may admonish vs that we being set in this world as in the captiuitie of Babel should cast our eyes toward the heauenly Ierusalem Paradise is our countrey which Adam lost by transgression and wee are here as men banished if wee haue the naturall affection which euery man ought to haue to his owne countrey then let vs looke for the citie hauing a foundation Heb. 11.10 whose builder and maker is God Dauid the man after Gods owne heart sware vnto the Lord and vowed vnto the Almightie God of Iacob saying Psal 132.23 I will not enter into the tabernacle of my house nor suffer my eyes to sleepe nor my eye-lids to slumber vntill I find out a place for the Lord c. In like manner let vs make a solemne vow that we will giue no rest vnto our selues nor be quiet in our mindes vntill we haue gotten some comfortable assurance of that immortall and vndefiled inheritance which fadeth not away but is reserued in heauen for vs 1. Pet. 1.4 If we loose the life of our body we may find it again Mat. 16.25 but the losse of the soule is irrecouerable Luk. 16.26 He that hath ears to heare let him heare Mat. 19.9 In going to our countrey we must as the Israelites did goe through a wildernesse wherein are many wayes but they may be reduced to two Matth. 7.13.14 The one is the broad way that leadeth to destruction the other is the narrowe way that leadeth vnto life and these may fitly bee called the wayes of life and of death Ier. 21.8 Now the first of these wayes is the right way whereof Dauid speaketh Psal 119.32 I will runne the way of thy commandements This way is called the olde way and the
blaspheme Christ Beza in Pa. homil 31. but not regarded among Christians The Israelites who were notorious Idolaters proclaimed a fast to shew how they detested the blasphemy which was obiected to Naboth 1. Kin. 21. but we that hate Idolatrie doe not hate blasphemy nay rather we glory in our abusing the holy name of our God Iam. 2.19 The deuills feare and tremble Pilate when he heard that Christ was the sonne of God Ioh. 19.8 was afraid but many are worse then Pilate nay worse then the deuills themselues customably and securely without all feare and regard of Gods Maiestie blaspheme and reuile the liuing God The land mourneth because of oathes Ier. 23.10 but many laugh it out and make but a pastime to take the name of God in vaine If a mortall man be held deare vnto vs we take not his name in vaine we will not endure that any make a scorne of him and when a matter of play and mockerie is proposed we cannot suffer with patience that he be brought in as on the stage for we take this to be his infamie and discredit And shall he haue greater priuiledge then the liuing God whose name commeth in our mouthes in our bargaines and pastimes c. It is a vice which ill beseemeth those that make profession of christianitie for a Christians speech should bee powdered with salt Col. 4.6 and not with blasphemies it should minister grace to the hearers Ephes 4.29 and not be as a contagious leptosie to infect the weake nor like thornes and swords to vexe and grieue the strong Psal 55.21 for howsoeuer euill men make nothing of it to here Gods name dishonoured yet if those who truely feared the Lord and be zealous of his glorie heare these blasphemies their heart quaketh their ioynts tremble and their haire standeth vp an ende Ecclus. 27.14 Salomon Eccles. 9.2 maketh it a true note of a faithfull man to haue a reuerent respect of an oath so he pinneth it as a badge vpon a wicked mans sleeue that hee maketh no conscience of customable swearing Sixtly to haue an earnest desire that Christ should come to iudgement Apoc. 22.20 the Church faith Euen so come Lord Iesus and Christ in his prayer hath taught vs to haue this affection when wee pray Matth. 6.10 Lord let thy kingdom come Now that this is a note of them that are elected to saluation appeareth 2. Tim. 4.8 where it is said that a crowne of righteousnesse is laid vp for all them that loue his appearing Rom. 8.23 They who haue the first fruites of the spirit do euen sigh in themselues waiting for the adoption euen the redemption of their bodies when as their corruption shal put on incorruption c. 1. Cor. 15.53 Christ hath told vs that his children at his comming shall looke vp and lift vp their heads Luk. 21.28 And on the other side that the kingdomes of the earth shal mourne Matth. 24.30 and that the prophane worldlings shall say to the mountaines Fall on vs and hide vs from the presence of him that sitteth vpon the throne and from the wrath of the lambe Apoc. 6.16 Naturally we abhorre to thinke of this fearefull daie and tremble with feare when mention is made thereof as Felix did Act. 24.26 because by our sinnes we haue deserued euerlasting death Rom. 6.23 but when the spirit of God by the ministerie of the word hath begotten faith in vs whereby we apply vnto our selues Christ with all his merits by whom we are reconciled vnto God then do we earnestly desire the comming of Christ our Sauiour to iudgement 1. Thess 1.9 You knowe saith blessed Paul what entring wee had and how we turned you from idols vnto God and to looke for his sonne from heauen no sooner were they turned to God but they waited for his sonne Hereby the faithfull are marked as by their propertie euen such as with the good seruants expect their Masters comming Matth. 24.45 such as looke for him Heb. 9.28 such as loue his appearing 2. Tim. 4.8 such as beeing wise virgins and louing spouses prepare themselues and euerie thing needefull for the bridegromes comming Matth. 25.4 and such as beeing strangers and pilgrims vpon earth haue their eies still toward their countrey who while they liue on earth yet haue their conuersation in heauen from whence they looke for a Sauiour Philip. 3.20 The sonnes of the Church begotten by the Gospel cannot but waite for the adoption of sonnes Rom. 8.19.23 The Church is sicke of loue after him whome her soule loueth Can. 2.5 The common voice of the spouse is Amen vnto the promise of Christs comming Apoc. 22.21 The bride saith come and doubleth her desire and ardencie saying Amen Amen Neuer thinke then that the heart is right affected vntill thou finde in it this desire and breathing after Christ thy life for this is a speciall note of discerning betweene the godly and the wicked the one hath the spirit which saith Come the other shake at the mention of his comming the one longeth that these shadowes flie away and that day breake on them Cant. 2.17 the other can no more desire his comming then the guiltie fellon can desire the comming and presence of the Iudge Some there are that beleeue not nor wait not for the day of Christ but deale as the Israelites did with Caleb and Iosua Numb 14.7 concerning the promised land who when they told the people that it was a good and a fat land and that if the Lord loued them he would giue it them and seat them in it they rebelliously bad stone them with stones but behold presently Gods sentence passed vpon them that they should neuer see that land ver 23. Such liue like the Sadduces who said that there is no resurrection nor angel nor spirit Acts. 23.8 Such was that Cardinall of Burbon who professed that he would not giue his part in Paris for his part in Paradise Such was that Pope who all his life could not be perswaded whether there was an heauen or hell and therefore at his death blasphemously vttered these words Now shall I know whether there be a God a● hell or any immortalitie of the soule and shortly after knew it to his cost Others are fallen asleepe with the euill seruant while their master maketh stay of his comming and in one dead sleepe of sinne or other out of which they will not be awakened wast out their dayes as though their soules should for euer sleep after death Others call on the Lord Iesus to come but neuer till they be cast on their death bed their hearts nor mouthes neuer harbour such requests in their life time and therefore in all likelihood they are vnsound Therefore call to minde the commandement of God Luk. 12.36 Be ye like men that waite for their master when he will returne from the wedding herein is put a difference betweene the godly and the wicked It was euer a marke of good men to wait for Christs
but according to our affections and accepteth of the will according to that we haue 2. Cor. 8.9 But least any man may be deceiued here we must know that the obedience which is an infallible marke of the child of God must be thus qualified First it must be done vnto all Gods commaundements so farre as the measure of grace inableth This was Dauids desire Psal 119.5 O that my wayes were made so direct that I might keep thy commaundements we haue the practise in Zacharias and Elizabeth who Luk. 1.6 walked in all the commandements of the Lord without reproofe Christ Iesus saith keep the commandements Mat. 19.17 for he that keepeth the whole law and yet faileth in one point is guilty of all Iam. 2.10 The deuill was well pleased that Iudas should become a Disciple of Christ learne of Christ and follow Christ that so couetousnes might possesse him as that he would sell his Master for mony So then one sinne nourished and maintained is sufficient to keep possession for Sathan I doe not speake of infirmities but of presumptuous and crying sinnes that we doe not blesse our soules in any such sinne for if we doe it is Sathans ladder to climbe vp againe by and it will open a doore to let in more when we are tempted vnto them as we may see in the examples of Iudas and Herod Herod harbouring incest and Iudas couetousnes Secondly it must proceed from the whole man we must not share our selues between God and the world giuing one the tongue and the other the heart one our outward actions the other our inward affections but wee must performe our obedience with our whole hearts yea with the whole man body and soule and spirit 1. Thess 5.23 for though wee be regenerated and sanctified but in part yet is there no part of the whole man vnregenerate and vnsanctified howsoeuer the flesh and the corruption of nature be spread likewise and mixed therewith throughout the whole body and soule And therefore though all our obedience sauour of the flesh and is mingled with ●anifold imperfections yet it doth proceede from the whole man body soule because regeneration from which it proceedeth is not of any part alone but of the whole man 1. Cor. 6.10 and of euery part in their seueral measure For as it is to no purpose for Citizens beeing beseiged to fortifie one place of the wall and leaue an other part vnfortified or to keep straight watch at some of the gates and to leaue others open so it doeth not auaile to fortifie some parts against the power of sinne and to leaue others weake and naked but we must looke to euery part and facultie of our body and soules Thirdly it must be perpetuall continuing in a constant course from the time of our conuersion to the end of our liues Luk. 1.74.75 All the daies of our life 1. Pet. 1.17 the time of our dwelling here for we are not to iudge of our selues or of others by one or two or many actions whether they be good or euill but by the whole tenour and course of our liues so that he who in this respect is holy and righteous he is so accepted before God notwithstanding his many faults great infirmities hee that in the whole course of his life is wicked and prophane is 〈◊〉 esteemed of God although hee seeme to himselfe and others religious by fits and performeth many excellent duties and good workes It is not sufficient that we beginne in the spirit and end in the flesh Gal. 3.3 to professe and practise godlines in our youth if we breake off in our age Col. 3.12 put on the bowels of mercie c. when thou hast put on this Christian raiment thou mayst not put it off againe as thou wilt doe with thy coate at night when thou goest to bedde which thou wilt cast off and on the morrow put it on againe but thou must goe in this clothing walke in it lie down with it rise with it Psal 15.2 It is to be noted that the holy Ghost speaketh in the present tense he that walketh vprightly thereby signifying a continuall act he doth not say who hath wrought but he which worketh for it is not one action that maketh a vertuous man but it behoueth a man in his whole life to keep a constant course of wel-doing Godlines is a iourney there must be no fainting in it it is not enough if we enter into the christian 〈…〉 runne well in the beginning if we stand still in the middest or before we come to the goale Math. 24.13 he that endureth vnto the end he shal be saued Luk. 9.62 but he that puteth his hand vnto the plough and looketh backe is not apt for the kingdome of God Therefore we must not iudge of our obedience by some particular actions but by the whole tenour of a mans life And thus we haue heard the testimonies and tokens whereby a man may be certified in his conscience that he is the adopted child of God and an inheritour of the kingdome of heauen Now the God of peace that brought againe from the dead our Lord Iesus the great shepheard of the sheep through the blood of his euerlasting couenant sanctifie vs throughout both in body and soule and spirit make vs perfect in all good works to doe his will working in vs that which is pleasant in his sight through Iesus Christ to whom be praise in the Churches throughout all generations for euer Amen FINIS