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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02375 The contre-Guyse vvherein is deciphered the pretended title of the Guyses, and the first entrie of the saide family into Fraunce, with their ambitious aspiring and pernitious practises for the obtaining of the French crowne. 1589 (1589) STC 12506; ESTC S120871 51,697 96

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vnto him in these termes Because thou thorough disloialtie aud periurie hast opened the gate of honor that the Church of God being tormented with thy newe inuentions as with a vehement storme fleeteth in danger and that thy life is tainted with manie villanies wee shake off the yoke of obedience that hitherto we haue lent thee and as openly thou giuest out that thou accountest none of vs to be bishops so doo not we take thee to be Apostolicall Besides this Councell the Emperor Henrie the fourth summoned another at Bresse anno 1080. wherein Gregorie the seuenth was againe deposed and Wigibert Archbishop of Rauenna substituted in his place The same Emperor also anno 1083. tooke Rome and Gregorie fledde to Salerne Platina in vitis Pontif. where hee died Shortly after namely anno 1111. the Emperor Henrie the fift seeing that Pope Pascall the second sought to intrude vpon the ancient rightes of the Empire concerning the inuestiture and collation of benefices kept him prisoner vntill he had by declaration confessed that hee had gone farther then hee ought Also by the aduice of the Germaine bishops Philip the son of Frederike Barbarossa raised an armie to bridle Pope Innocent the third who had wrongfullie excommunicated him and who ordinarely vsed to say that either Innocent should plucke the royall diademe from Philip or Philip the Abb. Vrsp in Philip. Apostolicall mitre from Innocent But in the end all was appeased by the Popes Nephewes marriage with the Emperors daughter In processe of time Fredericke the second to whome the Church was much bound as wel for raising an army anno 1222. against the Sarazens in Sicill Calabria and Pouille as also Abb. Vrsp in Fred. 2. for going about the conquest of the holie lande in anno 1228. was thrise by Pope Gregorie the ninth excommunicate viz. in the yeares 1223. 1237. 1238. So as he by the counsell of the Germaine Prelates fell vpon Italy seised vpon Verona spoiled the territories of Padua in whose time began the factions of Guelphes and Gibelines Againe about the Vit. P●d yeare 1323. Lewes of Bauier against whome pope Iohn the 22. had opposed Frederike of Austrich did by the aduice of the Romaines elect a new pope called Peter of Cerberie whom he named Nicholas the fift who immediately created new cardinals and burned Pope Iohn in picture in the presence of the Emperor who moreouer in the yeare 1336. assembled a dyet at Francfort wherein by the decree of the Princes of the Empire Pope Iohns proceedings and excommunications were declared voide and of no force In the yeare 1415. Iohn the three and twentith flying from the Councell of Constance by the helpe of Fredericke Duke of Austrich and the Archbishop of Mayence was by the authoritie of the Councell and of the Emperor Du Tillet Sigismond deposed togither with Gregorie the twelft and Benedict the thirteenth Antipopes to whom in Nouember 1417. was Surrogate Ottho Cardinal of Columna afterward called Martin the fift These Popish insolencies had no better entertainement in France then in Germanie for in the yeare 1198. when this realme was by the Councell of Diion accursed because the king Philip Augustus reiecting Engelberge sister to Cain king of Denmarke had married Anne daughter to the D. of Morauia the king appealed to his swoords point and sharpely punished those that were assistant at that Councell so that the Pope perceiuing that so great a Monarch woulde not bee handled without a snafle endeuored to appease him and in the yeare 1201. called a Councell at Soissons where by orderly exhortations for bishoppes the king tooke againe his wife Engelberge But Philippe the faire proceeded farther for at that time when Pope Boniface the eight had accursed the realme and abandoned the same as a pray to the Emperor Albert of Austrich in the presence of his princes and councell he caused the Bull to be burned and sent into Italie Noguarel with an armie a decree of seizure of bodie by vertue wherof hee tooke the Pope prisoner Also Lewes the twelfth whose greatnesse the Priest of Rome had often bayed at but neuer could bite perceiuing that Iulius the second followed the traine of his predecessors insolēcies that hauing excommunicated him his subiects hee stirred vp the Englishmen Germaines Spaniards against him did openly by a decree of his Parliament rent the Bull of introduction and imprison the bringers thereof and then by the aduise of the French Bishops assembled at Tours about the yeare 1511. did resolue by armes to withstand the Popes tyrannie who since from time to time hath still practised some mischiefe against France and as Martin du Bellay in the second booke of his remembrances testifieth Pope Leo hearing that the French-men vnder the conduct of the Lorde of Lautree had lost Millanine anno 1521. conceiued such ioy thereof that he died suddenlie Oh glorious death of one of the Apostles successors O the holy father who doth not onely delight in the mischiefe that he committeth but also doth euen bathe himselfe in that harme that he doth not Since that this Popish ambition hath of ouerflowed all Christendome that the Church is at this present vtterlie disfigured witnesse the kingdomes of England Scotland Denmarke and Sueden the seculars of the holie Empire a great part of Poland and Boheme the chiefe Cantons of the Zwitzers and many great townes and communalties of Germany that haue played bankerout with the catholike romish religion what thinkest thou O thou Romish priest howe goest thou to wrecke and how corrupt is thy life Is thy holy water now turned to bloud Hast thou no other holy water stocke thā poore France rent in peeces with so many mischiefes Is the knife the holy water sprinkle Be the harquebushes S. Peters kayes Is thy courtesie crueltie and thy peace warre dost thou saly for to heale dost thou scatter to gather togither againe dost thou prouoke to appease and pul down for to build againe My kingdome is not of this world sayth Christ and yet thou wilt lift vp thy crosse aboue scepters and thy miter ouer diademes Nourish sayth he peace and charitie and thou sendest thy bulles post abroad to sowe debate among those that be at one He sheweth thee the heauens but thou beholdest the earth he giueth thee the charge ouer soules but thou wilt master the bodie Thou hast beene hurt and yet seekest to refresh thy wound For if any heresie springeth vp in the worlde thou shouldest deale with the mind not with the goods neyther shouldest thou fight with kniues but with reason If we vse not to apply to the body the medicines fit for the soule why shouldest thou apply to the soule those that appertaine to the body like disease like medecine like wound like oyntment like occasion like remedie To bodily wounds belong bodily medicines and to spiritual diseases spirituall remedies To seeke therefore by force to root out heresies is to cure the soule by
accursed seede of their doctrine throughout Europe in Italy yea euen in Rome the sea of that holy Priest If they bee so deepe as they say in the king of Wisigothes fauour why doo they not perswade him to expell the Moores out of Spaine If they be kings of Hierusalem why goe they not to thrust out the Turkes If they be Princes of the Empire why do they not display their force against the Lutherans but must needes come to disturbe the quietnesse of Fraunce wherein they are but straungers But herein may we see our bad destinie that hath brought vs to that passe that wee take our enemies for our frends periured wretches for faithfull persons forreiners for houshold seruantes and Atheists for religious men so as we may say Ephraim is as a cake on the herth not turned straungers haue deuoured his force and hee knoweth it not Thus much for the first attaint that they giue the king let vs proceed to the rest Their bad Angell the spirite of discord hath taught them that there is a great sympathie or resemblance betweene heauen mans body and a monarchy that in each of them them there are two principall things In heauen the sunne and the moone In mans body the head and the hart In a monarchy the king and the nobilitie That the eclipse of the sunne or moone darkeneth the heauen the sicknesse of the head or heart disquiet the whole body and through controuersie betweene the king and his nobilitie the whole monarchie tendeth vnto destruction Following therefore this lesson they seeke to kindle the torch of diuision betweene the king and his nobilitie for whereat The Guysards 4. 5. pretēces else dooth that fierce desire to encroch vpon certayne gentlemen whom the king hath aduanced ayme or whereto tendeth the reintegration of the nobilitie in her former dignitie It is noueltie it is a wonder in France yea it is felony it is sacrilege that a subiect should set downe a law and measure to his Prince that he should bridle his will that he should limit or straighten the supreme authoritie It is a spite to nature that the arme should command the head that the soule should obey the body and that reason should stande in awe of the sences It is the dissolution of all ciuill societie to make the maister to honour the seruaunt the regent obey his scholler the magistrate yeeld to the passions of the people And what is all this but to seeke to make the Prince hate those whom he loueth cōtemne those whom he esteemeth abase those whom he aduanceth and to face him to will that that hee willeth not and yet is it the thing that the seditious nowe seeke to put in practise it is one of the marks that their purposes doo aime at it is the way that they take to crosse the kings power but vnder what pretence that men of base gold haue receiued open honor and honorable persons be forced to lye at ancker Who complaineth strangers What strāgers such as of petie companions haue by the liberalitie of our kings beene exalted But admit they were houshold seruants yea naturall Princes what of that If the king holdeth not the crowne of vs but of God and the ancient law of this realme who diuideth honors as he listeth why should we prescribe him a law and measure in louing of vs Kings vse not to submit themselues to that distributiue iustice of the rules of Philosophie which measureth the reward by the desert neither to the forme of the Olimpian iudgement which had certaine lawes beyond the which they neuer passed Kings are as auditors Realmes as counting houses and subiects so many coūters whom we make to be worth sometime 100. sometime 1000. and sometime 10000. Kinges doo resemble the sunne and dignities the moone which sometime appeareth great sometime small now in a corner then in the plaine middest sometime light sometime darke euen as the sunne giueth it light and euen so do kings make dignities high or low great or small as occasion falleth out according to the time as it please them in which case the subiect should resemble the Lesbian rule which bendeth some time to one side sometime to another euen as it please the soueraigne and so shal we haue the subiectes obedient to Princes which the ancients as Eschines saith haue pictured vnto vs by the goddesse Pitarchie the wife of Iupiter and mother of felicitie I say not that the Prince should indifferentlie deuide honors for the reward of vertue being communicated Plut. in Nicia Liu. lib. 9. de 1. to the vnworthie groweth into contempt as it happened at Athens when the people seeing Hyperbolus fallen brake the Ostracisme at Rome when Flauius Appius libertine had gotten the office of Aedilis Curulis and in France when Charles the sixt at the siege of Bourges made aboue 500. Monstrolet cap. 93. bannerets But by force violence and open threat to endeuour to limit the kings will is it not to seeke to stay the sun or rather to fasten a haulter to hange themselues For if the the law do deeme those guiltie of treason that haue vsed the Emperors sacred L. Sacri affatus cap. de diu vesc anker If in old time the Romaine Censors disgraded a bourgesse for yaning too wide in their presence if in respect of the magistrate it was not lawfull to laugh in the Senate of the Areopagites and if according to Vlpian the magistrate may lawfullie proceed by a mends and seisure vpon body goods against those that rashly do speake against him what shall become of these rebels that doo bring the subiects out of taste with their due obedience to the K. that doo kindle the fire of sedition in his estate that arme themselues against his person that seise vpon his townes that do conuent forren Princes to the spoile of his realme And the law Valeria saith that in such cases we must preuent the way of iustice by the way of deed Whereat then stayeth it ye french men that the lawe is not fulfilled what letteth vs from imitating that good tribune Aulus Cornelius Cossus who in the battel spying out Tolumnius the Captaine of the Fidenates exclaimed saying Is this that periured and breaker of alliance Is this that defiler Liuie lib. 4. dec 4. of the common law of nations And wherefore do not we with that valiant Romaine bring to ground with the speares point those traitors those periured persons that do breake the law of nations that doo delight only in our displeasure and do bring this estate into combustiō To say that they wil restore the nobility to their first eminencie is to couer themselues with a wet sacke for who but their race haue troden vnder foote al respect of French nobilitie who but their father and Oncle caused that by edict of the 18. of August 1559. al donations sessions transports and alienations giuen to Gentlemen in recompence