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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01076 A defence of the right of kings Wherein the power of the papacie ouer princes, is refuted; and the Oath of Allegeance iustified. Written for the vse of all English romanists; more especially, for the information of those priests, or Iesuits, which are by proclamation commanded to conforme themselues, or depart the kingdome. By Edvvard Forset, Esquire. Forset, Edward, 1553?-1630. 1624 (1624) STC 11189; ESTC S119405 55,644 106

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of the swords was his prodecessors St. Peters sword it being well knowne that Peter had a sword because Christ sayd vnto him put vp thy sword shall I neede to make any refutation of this collection or assertion being declared not as positiue out of the word but expository by a sence which the Pope assumeth Let me yet gather vp this note by the way that it was good fortune that Christ did command St. Peter to put vp his sword else perhaps the sharpenesse and weight thereof had long since light vppon the heads and neckes of Princes as well as it cut off the eare of Malchas for the same pretence which occasioned him to draw vppon Malchas in rescue and maintainance of his Maister Christ might incite the high courages of his supposed successors to bee as actiue with their blades and forces for the support and furtherance as they alledge of the Christian faith and religion impugned or impeached by temporall Potentates I would now know of Maister P. R. whether hee accounteth the exposition and decree of Bonifacius the Pope to bee Catholike and Orthodoxall if hee doe not wee also will take by his example the like liberty of acceptance or dislike in any the Articles of Faith concluded and adiudged by his Holinesse If hee doe then what neede hee bee so slye and mistrustfull in affirming the same Doctrine absolueth also without any distinctions and cooling quallifications as if hee were either ashamed of confession or afraid of conviction when hee hath such an argument ab authoritate to a rest him to stand vnto it Why should hee I say runne about the bush with a Commission direct and indirect when hee cannot but know that Bonifacius was resolute in opinion that his power ouer Princes and in temporallities was absolute without any oblique consequence or respectiue dependency jumping therein plainly and fully with the Canonists Papa est Dominus totius orbis directe in temporalibus How would this so well tempered and timorous mitigator bee brought to iustifie the hautinesse of Pope Clament the fifth successor to Bonifacius who not satisfied with the rule and command ouer temporall and earthly states did brauely adventure by his papall Bull expressely to enioyne and command Angels to execute his will Me thinketh I should aske him also whether hee will hold consonancy of iudgement with his owne Country-man and good friend the renowned Cardinall Allen who in his Appology for the English Catholikes out of the miraculous working of St. Peter mentioned in the fifth of the Acts of sentencing to suddaine death Ananias and Saphira doth no lesse miraculously wring out this great Ministery of excommunicating censuring and other proceedings against Princes There is no parcell of Scripture wherein any mention is made of St. Peter but if it can be racked to affoord them any patterne or patronship for either their deedes or decrees it is miserably torne and tormented to vndergoe that seruice Not so much as the power of Keyes but it must needes bee made a picke locke to possesse prisons Castles and Towers The Key of knowledge for the sauing of soules is turned to a Key of powre to deprive Princes the binding and loosing of sinnes is but a very legerdemaine of fast and loose at the Popes pleasure the fishing for men to bring them to eternall life is made a pretence for spreading his nets to catch and conquer whole States and Dominions The Pastorall Sheep-hooke subdueth Kingly Scepters Saint Peters Aurum argentum non habeo doth now glitter in all the pompious and copious varietye of riches and the promise of Christ Dabo tibi claues regni caelorum is not so much esteemed as the offer of the Devill Dabo tibi c. All these things will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship mee If the Pope will needs enioy a right of succession of all that Christ sayd vnto Saint Peter let him not refuse also Get thee behinde mee Sathan and O thou of little faith Nay the denying of Christ so expressely imitated in the declining degenerating and sliding away from the sinceritye of the Gospell is apparently branded vpon this Antichristian iniquity where Saint Peters either example or precept fitteth not their turnes there they will not vse or rather cannot relieve it and could be well pleased that it were put over to their Ezponctorius his charge and admonition that they subiect themselves vnto all manner of ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be vnto the King as vnto the Superior or vnto Governours as sent of him for the punishment of evill doers and for the prayse of them that doe well And likewise his beseeching of the Elders as his fellow Pastors that they feede the flocke not as Lords over Gods Heritage will not fashion to or cohere with their owne proude doctrines of exemption from Temporall Authoritye of opugning and repressing Princes of their Lordlinesse over their fellow-Ministers of their desisting from Teaching and Preaching and of Saint Peters Primacy to reare vp the Romane Papacy And therefore must be censured interpreted distinguished abridged and limited by such curtelings and consterings as the glosser or goulfe of the Sea of Rome shall devise for the best advantage In the like manner doe they all so deale with Christ himselfe whom whence they fetch and found the originall of theyr lineally derived Popedome Christ professed himselfe and so instructed his Disciples to bee humble and meeke but how doth the Pope tread that path not so much in the exercise of his owne Lowlinesse or in the abstinence from high state and loftye cariage as in the depressing of the mightynesse and power of Lawfull Soveraignes reducing or enforcing them to be meeke indeede in a degree of base and contemptible humiliation Christ refused to be made a Iudge in a Civill or Temporall cause the Pope maketh himselfe Iudge of any debates that by any pretext can be conceived to be fit for his cognizance Christ bad Giue vnto Caesar that which was Caesars The Pope robbeth Cesar of his treasure of his honor of his power of his rights and of his subiects Christ declareth his kingdome not to be of this world the Pope besides his owne Temporall Soveraignity will haue an Oare and commaund in all the States of Christendome In which part of the Temporall kingdome of Christ in this life P. R. is much cumbered and put to his shift to finde out an even cutting distinction to saue the repugnancye of Christs sayings The Canonists and some other Catholikes out of these words All power is given vnto mee in Heaven and in Earth doe conclude that besides his Spirituall government of our Soules he hath a kingly Dominion also vppon our bodies and goods and vppon all the Kingdomes of the earth and might iustly haue exercised all actions of temporall iurisdictions as casting into prison appoynting new Offices Kings and great Monarckes Marke how they compell our Sauiour Iesus Christ to
sallogize against himselfe All power is giuen to mee in Heauen and in Earth but my Kingdome to bee of this World is such a power Ergo my Kingdome is of this same World Now obserue also his witty and substantiall reconcilement hee had a Kingly temporall power in this life but hee renounced the vse and priuiledge of the same Or thus hee had no direct Dominion vppon temporall things yet indirectly for preseruation of his spirituall Dominion hee had and might haue vsed the same and in that sence left it to his successour Is not this most shamelesse and direct abusing of Christ and his most Sacred Word When hee sayd at another time that the Foxes had holes and the Birds of the Ayre had nests but the Sonne of man had no place to hide his head If these expositors had then beene knowne to his Apostles they would haue replyed Sir you haue places of refuge but you renounce the vse and priviledge thereof or albeit you haue not any place directly yet indirectly for the necessity of your function you haue all palces at your Command or if you haue not in your owne indiuiduall person yet in your Successors you must needes haue else how should they maintayne the hauing and inhabiting of such Royall and Magnificent edifices wherein they keepe such stately and more then imperiall Courts What is this else then to tell Christ hee wotteth not what hee sayth and to enter him like a Novice in their new Schooles of equiuocation to learne their falatious mentall preseruations But admit it to be incident into their Offices to interpret Christ as themselues listeth How doth it happen that the rightfull successors of Christ doth not also succeede him in his modestye humilitye povertye and meekenesse especially beeing commaunded to learne of him and so in like sort as Christ did renounce the vse and priviledge of Temporall Power or whence haue these successors their so plenarye and direct preheminence when from Christ they could convey it but indirectlye and by consequence Or can they make any demonstration or playne proofe of the stint and circuite of time at the periode or expiration whereof that Temporall Dominion which in Christ was Indirect and Potenticall should become vnto the Pope Direct and Ordinarye Or was there not as vrgent cause that Christ in respect of the many letts impeachments and impediments which he met withall should for the preservation of his Spirituall Dominion directly or indirectly in some sort or other betake himselfe to his Temporall Authoritye Except they will say that hee was in his owne person militant and suffering but in these his successors triumphant and glorious Let mee then bee answered Whether such a Succession hath any image or representation of that first type or patterne which sayde Learne of mee To manifest yet more discerningly the idlenesse the fraude and vnfit applying of this distinction let them know that is not to be trusted vnto because it will serue their adversaries as well as themselues for where the question may be propounded and disputed whether temporall Princes may suppresse or remooue Popes if the authorities alleadged out of Gods Word and the Histories of the Church shall not suffice to giue in evidence for any such direct and vndoubted preheminence in Princes then we may make bold of this their make-shift distinction that Princes haue euer had such a power annexed and proper to their governing charge though they haue forborne the vse and preuiledge thereof or that indirectly and by consequence for the vpholding of their states and keeping of their people in obedience which by so many Popish practises is dayly perverted they may and ought to exercise and execute the same Moreouer let it be examined how and from what originall this distinction draweth his pedigree what bosome or heate did first hatch it and what causes of weight doth still nourish and continue the same Mr. P. R. hath fully acquainted vs with the certainty thereof For if Christ sayth he should not haue left such an authority in his Church for remedy of vrgent causes hee should not haue sufficiently provided for the necessity thereof It is maruaile that this our Moderator and mollifying Mittigator did not vse the word of conveniency in the stead of necessity to haue avoyded the disadvantage of the stricktnesse of that word can there concerning the subsistance and stability of the Church any more vrgent causes to be imagined for the vpholding thereof then there was in the first times of the primitiue purity or is the vsurping power of the supreame Pastor his ouer awing or over peering of Princes his correcting and repressing of them by alienating subiects and egging enemies against them any constitutiue causes or essentiall necessities of the Church I will not deny but that the height and eminency wherevnto the Bishops of Rome haue aspired by encroching vpon the rights and vndermining the states of temporall Gouernors as indeede to be provided for and maintayned by this presupposed necessity But the purity the poverty the simplicity the feruency of the first fathers and propagators of the faith and Church of Christ needed none of these humaine and worldly additaments none of these temporall encountrings or conflicting with Potentates no such foreseeing perpecations to affront all occurting causes nor any such politiciall circumventings and fortifications for defence and offence against Princes They conquered powers and principalities but with the spirituall Armor of God they beate vppon them with the hammer of the word they cut deeply into the secrets of their soules with the sword of the spirit they prayed for their peace and prosperity they embrased the very persecutions with obedience and for the countenancing fauours by giuing them respit from affliction and the sunne shine of liberty they honoured them as the nursing fathers of the Church when I contemplate the composute and frame of the Popish Monatchy and the linking together of so many cunningly contrived positions tending all of them to the encrease of gaine and advance of Honor to the Sea of Rome I wish that some excellent Scholler extraordinarily endued would out of his many obseruations collected exhibite vnto the world in imitation of Matchauell who made the shames and vices of the house of Florence the patterne of a perfite Prince this Antichrist of Rome as a true president of Tyranny and Vsurpation by publishing with an apt resemblance as well the vilde and vnchristian practises as also the false and pernicious articles whereby he hath atchived so strange matters and attained vnto so vnmeasurable greatnesse which my desire is the more increased the more I consider how the webs of that worke hath ensuared if not enthralled Christian people euen in the carriage of this controversie I haue traced the foot-steps of many politicke reaches and now in the closing vp of the matter a faire traine is layd to catch and lay hold vpon an easie follower which we must not so suddenly passe by as