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A93131 The Quakers wilde questions objected against the ministers of the Gospel, and many sacred acts and offices of religion. With brief answers thereunto. Together with a discourse [brace] 1. Of the Holy Spirit of God, his impressions and workings on the souls of men. 2. Of divine revelation, mediate and immediate. 3. Of error, heresie, and schism: the nature, kindes, causes, reasons, and dangers thereof: with directions for avoiding the same. All very seasonable for these times. / By R. Sherlock, B D. at Borwick-Hal in Lancashire. Sherlock, R. (Richard), 1612-1689. 1655 (1655) Wing S3255; Thomason E858_1; ESTC R203556 215,435 300

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not so sublime and piercing as by its own innate force and vertue to be raised up and enrapt with celestial knowledge Wisd 9 15. For the corruptible body presseth down the soul and the earthly tabernacle weigheth down the minde that museth upon many things and hardly do we ghesse aright at things that are upon earth and with labour do we finde the things that are before us but the things that are in heaven who hath searched out and thy counsel who hath known except thou give wisdome and send thy holy Spirit from above For so the waies of them that lived upon earth were reformed and men were taught the things that are pleasing unto thee and were saved through wisdome 3. The first and fundamental act of faith then which is to believe this or that Article of holy Religion to be a divine truth and the subject matter of our obedience depends upon Divine Revelation and command from God He hath shewed thee O man what is good Micah 6.8 What thing so ever I command thee observe to do it Holy Religion is not of an earthly but of a heavenly descent It is a beam displayed from that light of truth which is eternal and immutable her dwelling is in the holy heavens Wisd 9 10. where she waits upon the throne of glory And to earth she descends not by any natural investigation but by supernatural revelation Mirand de fid o●d cred Omnis religio supernis revelationibus nititur aut niti praesumitur All religion depends upon revelation from above Flesh and bloud hath not revealed it but my Father which is in heaven Mat. 16.17 4. That there is a general knowledge of God and some notions of that religious worship we owe unto him imprinted in the hearts of all men by nature and is legible in the book of the creatures the Apostle affirms Rom. 1.20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and Godhead But this sight of God being not clear enough to bring us to the beatifical vision and fruition of God which is that perfection and felicity whereunto by being enstampt after the image of God he hath created c. therefore it hath pleased him more clearly to reveal himself and the waies of his religious worship to his Church and people in all ages And this either 1. extrardinarily and immediately or 2. ordinarily and in the use of means 5. The first revelation of divine truth was immediate i. e. without the mediation or ministry of man intervening But yet so as that 1. All those holy persons to whom God immediately revealed himself by certain infallible signs did themselves know and make known to others that the revelations they recelyed were no delusions but from God himself the fountain of truth proceeding God never speaks so extraordinarily but by the same act he both makes known the things spoken and himself to be the speaker 2. That all immediate revelation was generally confirmed by miracle therefore the Jews required signs of Christ as the means to confirm every new and immediate revelation Joh. 2.18 6.30 1 Cor. 1.22 3. That not all nay nor all holy persons but only some few choice select vessels had the honour of this immediate revelation the main body of the people still received the knowledge of God by mediation i. e. from their hands in whom the office of Priesthood was in all ages enstated For the Priests lips should keep knowledge and they i. e. the people should seek the Law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts Mal. 2.7 6. The truth whereof as also what we are to beleeve concerning divine revelation will appear if we do impartially consider and weigh 1. To what persons and after what manner God revealed himself from Adam unto Christ 2. That by Christ and his Apostles the whole minde of God is so fully revealed that we must not now look for the revelation of any new truths 3. That the right understanding of what is already revealed depends not upon Gods immediate inspiration or revelation from heaven but is to be acquired by Gods blessing in the use of means And that in order hereunto the knowledge of tongues and sciences is both useful and necessary 4. That to depend upon immediate revelation is not only dangerous but destructive to the truth already revealed 5. That all those texts of holy Scripture commonly alledg'd for the proof of immediate revelation are misunderstood and wrested OF DIVINE REVELATION Mediate and Immediate CHAP. I. Of divine Revelation from Adam unto Christ 1. MAn being created after the Image of God was undoubtedly at the first endued with such a perfect knowledge of divine truth as was necessary to the attainment of that felicity whereunto God created him viz. the beatifical vision and fruition of his Creator for ever For as Philosophers do affirm If it were possible that the invisible and all spiritual God could be represented under any visible or compounded shape and being His body then must needs be composed of Light and his soul of Truth So essential to the very being of God is knowledge and truth and so consequently to the being of man after the image of God 2. But this light of divine knowledge was by mans disobedience too soon eclipst and his soul involv'd in the darknesse of sinfulness ignorance and error our first parents out of a sawcy ambitious affectation to know what they ought not engulft themselves and all their posterity into a natural blindness and ignorance of what they ought to know so that ever since hoc tantum scimus quòd nihil scimus the most knowing man knowes best his own ignorance and want of knowledge For if any man think he knows any thing he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know 1 Cor. 8.2 3. But since without the knowledge of God and of his most holy will that perfection of our being whereunto God hath created us cannot be attained Joh. 17.3 therefore it pleased God to restore our first faln parents in some measure to the knowledge of himself and of his will in the waies of his worship and this he did either immediately by himself or by the mediation of intervening Angels by the voice from heaven convey'd upon the wings of the winde for so we read Gen. 3.8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool or in the winde of the day Junins in loc winde conveying his voice into their ears and thereby his into their hearts 4. By vertue of this divine Revelation or some others not recorded in holy Writ Adam received from God both the knowledge of that religious service and obedience which God then required from man and therewithall the honour of the Priesthood also being as the first man so the first Priest in the world 5.
it is also further observable The reason why God suffers false Prophets to arise viz. for the probation and trial of our proficiency and integrity in the love and service of God for so saith the Father upon those words Aug. for the Lord your God proveth you to know whether ye love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul Tentat nos Dominus non ut sciat ipse quem nihil latet sed ut scire nos faciat quantum in ejus dilectione profecerimus God suffers us to be tempted tryed and proved by the lying wonders of false Prophets arising amongst us not that he himself may know what is in us to whom the hearts of all men are naked and bare but that we may thereby know our selves and our own proficiency and constancy to the principles of truth and integrity The very same reason is given by the Apostle for the necessity of heresies 1 Cor. 11.19 For there must be heresies among you that they which are approved among you may be known 1 Cor 11.19 Quolibet errore caecentur c. Aug. de civ Dei lib. 18. With what error soever our enemies are blinded or with what wickedness soever they are deprav'd 't is for the proof trial and exercise of the graces of Gods Spirit within us Have they received power to afflict persecute imprison c. 'T is for the trial of our patience in suffering and charity in loving our enemies and praying for our persecutors as becomes the Disciples of Christ Mat. 5.44 Mat. 5.44 Do they only by fair words and cunning speeches distil their false and poysonous Doctrines Gal. 6.1 'T is for the trial of our wisdome in resisting and beneficence in perswading and endevouring to restore them with the spirit of meeknesse proving whether God will give them repentance to the acknowledgement of the truth that they may escape the snare of the Devil of whom they are taken captive at his will 2 Tim. 2.25,26 2 Tim. 2.25,26 Secondly Try the spirits whether they be of God or no Try them how but by the revelations of the Spirit which is of God who being the Spirit of truth must necessarily therefore in all his qualifications and impressions be consentaneous and agreeable to himself Aug. Veritas veritati congrua one truth ever holds proportion with another nay all truths are as it were the images and resemblances one of another they are all links of the same golden chain which affixt to the throne of heaven displayes ' its radiant lustre unto the mindes of men upon earth They are all but streams flowing from one and the same fountain the God of truth There is nothing then that we are to receive for truth but what is consonant and agrees with the Spirit of truth which ever blessed Spirit speaking in the Word hath thereby prescribed and given us a sure and infallible rule of truth What the Apostle cals a being filled with the Spirit Eph. 5.18,19 he also cals the dwelling of the word of Christ in us richly which any one that will compare the places may perceive whence it is easie to observe that the Apostle means no other by being filled with the Spirit then to be full of the Word of Christ or to be mighty in the Scriptures and the reason is because the holy Spirit is not only the great Dictator of the Scriptures unto us but also our guide in several respects as to the right understanding of them rule 1 The first rule of trial then is the holy Word of God in general that 's the grand general rule that 's the great square or level according to which we are to try and examine the rectitude truth and integrity both of the doctrines and opinions of others without and also the impressions and workings of the Spirit within Gal. 1.8 Though we or an Angel from Heaven should preach unto you another Gospel besides that you have received let him be accursed Gal. 1.8 Though we preferring authority of the Gospel they had preached before their own authority the Preachers thereof nay before the authority of celestial spirits Though an Angel from Heaven c. He saw saith the Father Aug. that it might so come to passe that Satan transforming himself into an angel of light and working by his mediators and instruments those deceitful workers who transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ 2 Cor. 11,13,14 might so cousen and deceive them if they did not keep close to the Gospel received which is the true rule of faith therefore he saith another Gospel besides c. praeter any thing that is besides that holds not square and is not level to that rule Qui praetergreditur fidei regulam non procedit in via sed recedit à via he that goes besides and not according to the rule of faith goes not forward in the way but backward from the way of truth so 1 Joh. 4.8 We are of God speaking of himself and the rest of his fellow Apostles He that knoweth God heareth us acquiescendo doctrinae nostrae cleaves to our doctrine Lyra. and he that is not of God heareth us not neither is obedient to our word And hereby know we the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error q. d. He that cleaves to our doctrine is guided by the Spirit of truth and he that doth not so by the spirit of error But the spirit of error will come with his scriptum est likewise as he did against our Lord himself Mat. 4. And all hereticks and schismaticks do generally alledge Scriptures and wrest the very sayings of the Spirit of truth against himself to insinuate thereby their lies and errors For as Tertullian observes of the writings of Ovid Virgil Homer both the matter of them hath been transferr'd unto other uses and the verses applyed to other matter Even so do hereticks deal with the holy writings of inspired men De Praeser adv Haer. cap. 39. Nec periclitor dicere c. I fear not to say that the Scriptures were so disposed by the wisdome of God that they might accidentaliter and by the by even administer matter to Heresies since I read that heresies must come and without the Scriptures they cannot come For 't is in the production of heresies as of natural things Corruptio unius est generatio alterius the corruption of truth is the generation of heresie all heretical opinions being generally grounded upon and flowing from the fountain of truth the Scripture not as they are in themselves rightly interpreted and understood but as they are wrested and perverted either in the words or in the sense either by additions or diminutions or by not considering them together but divided into parts and taken up by shreds and pieces for the avoiding whereof these following rules must be observed in the trial of spirits by the Scriptures rule 1 First try and examine by