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A68942 The seconde tome or volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testament conteynyng the epistles of S. Paul, and other the Apostles : wherunto is added a paraphrase vpon the reuelacion of S. John.; Paraphrases in Novum Testamentum. Vol. 2. English. 1549 Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536.; Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Old, John, fl. 1545-1555.; Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1549 (1549) STC 2854.7; ESTC S107068 904,930 765

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nothyng no not with ieopardye of oure lyfe to preache the trueth of the gospell vndoubtedly assuryng our selues that he whiche raysed the lorde Iesus from death wyll throughe hym rayse vs agayne dying for his sake and bryng vs all together to the generall glorie of resurreccion as we are here in lyke fayth knytte together But whether in the meane season we be troubled or deliuered from trouble all is done for your sakes that the trueth of the gospel maye be more spread abrode among you that the more amende theyr lyfe so manye more geue thankes not to vs but to god to whose glorie it appertayneth that his faithe which he would haue cōmen to all men be moste plentifully enlarged In hope and sure cōfidence that it will so be no troubles werye vs but through them we rather ware stronger knowing wel that albeit oure vtwarde body be by litle and litle worne awaye yet our inwarde and better parte in the dayely and continuall decaye of the body becometh more quicke and sustie as it were with miseries growyng yong agayne and beginnyng to taste of before the lyfe euerlastyng to come For albeit the bodely affliction whiche we for the gospelles sake abyde be lyght and transitory yet lyght as it is it prepareth in vs no small but an exceadyng and an vnspeakable weight of glory whyles both for suche transitory tormentes suffered for Christes sake we are made worthy of blysse euerlastyng and for temporall deathe sustayned for hym we receaue the rewarde of euerlastyng lyfe in hope wherof we lytle esteme oure bodyly lyfe not somuche passing vpon suche thynges as are seene with owre bodylye eyes as vpon suche as are not seene but only with the eyes of faythe For suche thinges as are sene here in this world beside that they are thinges neither throughly good nor throughly bad of whiche sorte are lucre honoure pleasure lyfe losse of godes reproche tormentes and deathe are also not continuallye abydyng whereas suche thinges as are sene with the eyes of faythe are bothe trewe ryches and suche as wyll endure for euer The .v. Chapiter The texte For we knowe that yf oute earthly mansyon of thys dwellyng were destroyed we haue a byldyng of God an habitacyon not made with handes but eternall in heauen For therfore sygh we desyryng to bee clothed with oure mansyon whiche is from heauen so yet yf that we be founde clothed and not naked For we that are in thys tabernacie sygh and are greued because we would not be vnclothed but would be clothed vpon that mortalitie myght be swalowed vp of lyfe He that hath ordeyned vs for thys thynge is God whiche very same hathe geuen vnto vs the erneste of the spirite ANd vpon thys sure truste certaynly lytle regarde we euen oure lyfe knowinge well that yf it chaunce our soules in this worlde to be chaced out of the mansion of oure bodye whiche I myght more properly call a tent than a mansion being suche as a manne maye not long tary in though nomanne dryue hym thence that we haue prepared for vs another howse in heauen from whence we shall neuer be excluded As for this howse of oures because it is made of claye and buylded by manne whether we wyll or not decayeth dayly albeit no man pull it downe euen as we see other buyldynges in continuaunce of tyme to be destroyed Mennes workmanshyp can not be of longe continuaunce but that whiche is repayred by god and once becomen heauenly is out of all suche ieoperdies as chaunce by reason of tyme. And so lytle feare we to departe out of this wretched body that vntyl that be we sygh here desyring to be discharged of the burdayne of our mortal carkas wherewith our soule is here in earth much burdeyned and kept downe desyrouse to flye hence to another place and to be clothed with the mansion of a gloryfied body which shall from heauen be gyuen vnto vs so that when we bee vnclothed of this bodye we bee not founde vtterlye naked but through a confidence of our good lyfe clothed with the hope of lyfe immortall For we grone in thys meane season for the heuynes of oure bodye thrall and subiecte to so manye miseries not because it is a thyng of it selfe to bee desyred of any man to departe hence but because we desyre to haue this bodye restored into a better fourme and for mortalitie by rysyng againe to receaue immortalitie so that we seme not vtterly spoyled of the bodye whiche we for a tyme forsoke but better clothed with the same as who for a corruptible bodye shall receaue an incorruptible And albeit this seme neuer so vnlikely that there shall for a mortall body ryse an immortall fre from all miseries yet muste we not mistruste the sonne It is god whiche hathe prepared vs to receaue the glory of lyfe immortall who hathe also in the meane season gyuen vs as a pledge or an earneste peny his holy spirite to confirme and establyshe vs with his present inspiracion in hope of that whiche is to come The texte Therfore we are alwaye of good cheare and knowe that as longe as we are at home in the body we are absent from God For we walke in fayth not after the outwarde appearaunce Neuerthelesse we are of good comforte and had leuer to be absent from the body and to be present with God Wherfore whether we be at home or from home we endeuour our selues to please hym For we must al appeare before the iudgement seate of Christ that euery man may receaue the workes of his body accordyng to that he hath done whether it be good or bad Seyng then that we knowe how the Lorde is to be feared we fate fayre with men For we are knowen wel inough vnto god I trust also that we are knowen in your consciences For we prayse not our selues agayne vnto you but geue you an occasyon to reioyce of vs that ye maye haue somewhat agaynst them which reioyce in the face and not in the hearte For yf we bee to feruente to God are we to feruent Or yf we kepe measure for your cause kepe we measure For the loue of Christ constrayneth vs because we thus iudge that yf one dyed for al then were all dead he dyed for al ▪ that they which lyue should not hence furth lyue vnto themselues but vnto him which dyed for them and rose agayne Wherfore henceforth knowe we no man after the fleshe In somuche though we haue knowen Christ after the flesh now yet hence forth know we him so nomore Therfore yf any man be in Christ he is a newe creature Olde thynges are passed away behold all thynges are become newe Neuertheles all thinges are of God whiche hathe reconcyled vs vnto hymself by Iesus Chryst and hathe geuen to vs the office to preache the attonement For God was in Chryste and made agrement betwene the worlde and hym selfe and imputed not theyr synnes vnto them hath commytted to
shall worke with the wicked and vngodly in the whole worlde according to his nature wickednes And he shall styrte his wicked armye warriers Gog and Magog of whom the Prophetes do muche speake And they are the greate and infinite nomber of the enemyes of God of the holy doctrine of the ghospel and of all holy congregations of true and faythfull Christians whiche are called and are in dede the very true Ierusalem whiche dwell vpon earth as citizens of a fortunate holy quiet and honorable citie and comunaltie Agaynste this holye citie and comunaltie shal sathan fyght a newe batell with his armye and men of warre with all his power myght and wyckednes and shall attempte and goe aboute to ouercome thē to deceyue them and to make them to forsake the trueth of God and shall worke all meanes to destroye soules And thys shall he doe in the whole worlde He shall spare no laboure to compasse aboute and to besege not the stony citie of Ierusalem in Iewry but as it is sayde before the holye christendome vpon earth the cytie of the faythfull citizins namely the godlye elect But the grace and mercie of God towarde his beloued and the promesse of Christ towarde his churche is greater and stronger than the wickednes and power of Gog and Magog the wycked warrieis agaynst Christ which shall consume them with fyre euen as he did stryke Senacharibs army vpon an hundreth thousande and .iiii. score and .v. thousand in one night thorough one of his aungels and brought them into as●hes with the fyre of Goddes vengeaunce and ryghtuous iudgement And euen vpon that shall folowe the generall iudgement of God by the whiche the deuil with all his hoost cōpanye shall be throwen into euerlastyng payne damnation which is resembled vnto a lake graue of fyre and brymstone in the whyche the dragon the beast al false prophetes shal be tormented day and nyght that is to say perpetuallye without ende And that shall be the seconde death The texte And I sawe a great white seate and hym that sat on it from whose face fled awaye both the yearth and heauen their place was nomore founde And I saw the dead bothe great and smale stande before God And the bokes were opened another boke was opened which is the boke of lyfe and the dead were iudged of those thynges whyche were writen in the bokes accordyng to their dedes and the sea gaue vp her dead which were in her and death hel deliuered vp the dead which were in thē they wer iudged euery mā according to his dedes And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire Thys is the seconde death And whosoeuer was not founde writen in the boke of lyfe was cast into the lake of fyre The great general ryghtuous most iust and last iudgement of God whā as y● who le world shal be iudged is here described by the great and whit stoole Which shall be greuous heuy and intolerable vnto the rebellious disobedyent wycked and obstinate contemners of Gods holy worde the euerlastynge ghospell of Christ But it shall be ioyfull swete pleasant delectable welcome and acceptable as most hartely desyred and loked for vnto the godly faythful humble elcte of God The iudge vpō the stoole is our sauiour Iesus Christ dreadful and feareful vnto al the world vnto such earthly mē which haue set their marke ende loue hope felicitie vpon the earth in those thinges wherin the worlde deliteth as are fleshely lustes pride of life al wickednes lack of loue both toward god the neighbour And therfore the earth sygnifieth y● men that dwel vpō the earth the deuils which remayne in earth in the ayer which is also called heauē which are thrust out of their places habitacions no more found therin but in the place habitaciō which the iust iudgemēt omnipotencie of God hath prepared for thē in the earth that is most wide distant from the kingdom of heauen Vnto this dredfull and terrible iudgement of God shal come stand before the iudgemēt seate of God and Christ all those whiche were deade both masters and seruauntes great and small hyghe and lowe myghtie and vnmyghtie men and women yong and olde none excepte Than shal the heartes consciences thoughtes and secretes of al men be opened and dysclosed not onely vnto them whiche shal and must than knowledge them selues giltye and worthye of eternall damnacion but also vnto the other For as than shal all wickednes of the conscience be open euydent and manifest For they shall accuse and condemne them selues without any cloke or excuse whan as they shall beholde all men and shall reade with perfyte vnderstandynge and with feare and tremblynge the other great boke of gods rightuousnes and equite of his warnynges doctrine instruccions and threatnynges whiche they haue had sufficiently in this worlde euery one in their tyme thorowe gods mercyfull and fatherly prouision and sendynge but they haue vtterly contemned and despysed them with all the righteousnes godlynes that they haue taught And they woulde nothing regarde nor esteme the holy worde of God which was geuen vnto the worlde in the holy scripture for a perfyte rule and square but they would neuer credyte nor beleue it but rashly against their owne conscience haue refused and contemned it And therfore shall they be wyped out of the regyster booke of the faithfull and of them whiche shall lyue perpetually with God and withal his peculiar electe in eternal ioy blisse And thus they shal remaine continually in the eternall indignacion of God in euerlasting hate enuy most painfull tormentes and great impacience and continuall sorowe in so muche that their eternall death shall also be with corporall payne and tormente of the bodye euen with the whole felowship of the deuyll and that without any ende or ceasynge This iudgement and heuy daye shall no man be able to escape and auoyde whether he be consumed in the earth in the fyre or in the see For all this standeth in the hande of y● almightie power of God whiche with one word wyll and commaundement made all elementes heauen and earth and all that is therin And where he sayeth that the hell shoulde geue vp her deade vnderstande therby as in many other places of holy scripture the graues in y● earthe or wheresoeuer they be out of the whiche the deade shall ryse vp and they that shall be than alyue as S. Paule saieth shall be changed in a shorte space in the twincklynge of an eye to stande together before the iudgement seate of God with them whiche shall be iudged to euerlastinge lyfe or death But euery one of them whiche shal appeare and shall know them selues manifestly shal iudge them selues accordynge as they haue done after or against the wyll of God in faith or infydelite in loue or contempt of god in the feare of God
gloryes sake in stede of true godlynesse they teache Iewyshe obseruations circumcision of the foreskynne choyse of meates dyfference of dayes to the intent that other men beyng burthened with these wares they them selues maye reigne and lyue at ease for all that as though after this lyfe they loked after none other But let the ende of them fraye vs awaye from their condicions For lyke as through slaunderous reproche of man we drawe to eternall glorye and by afflictions of this world preace vnto immortall felicitie euen so they by transitorye pleasures of the worlde procure to them selues euerlastyng destruction bycause in stede of God they honour their belye that can not helpe them and by countrefaicte vayne glorye among men whiche they repose not in Christe but in thinges that they ought to be ashamed of they make spede to euerlastynge shame For what soeuer is earthly is but temporall and countrefayte and what so euer is heauenly is true and euerlastynge But they studye for nothynge elles but those thinges that are of the earthe In them they repose their glorye in them they set their pleasure in them they put theyr hope of helpe and so runne astraye ferre from the marke of the gospell But we that folowe Christ aright though our bodyes be deteyned vpon earthe yet in soule our conuersacion is in heauē sighing continuallye thither as our head is gonne afore from whence also through faythe we loke for our lorde Iesus Christ whiche shall rayse vs from death and delyuer vs possession of those thinges that he promyseth vs and shall transforme this vyle naughtye bodye of ours and make it lyke vnto his owne glorious bodye for this consyderacion that the membres which wer felowes of his afflictions in this worlde shoulde be called there into the felowshyp of hys felicitye This matter shall not seme vncredible to any man that wyll dyligentlye pondre the great power of him that shall doo this dede For there is nothinge but he can brynge it to passe in whose hande it is also to subdue all thinges to himselfe at his owne pleasure This power he shall openlye shewe than vnto al men although in the meane season he doo many times kepe it close The .iiii. Chapter The texte ¶ Therfore my brethren dearly beloued and longed for my ioye and crowne so continue in the Lorde ye beloued I praye Euodias and beseche Sintiches that they be of ●ne accorde in the Lorde Yee and I beseche the faythfull rockefelowe helpe the wemen whiche laboured with me in the ghospell and with Clement also and with other my labourfelowes whose names are in the boke of lyfe INasmuche therfore as you are established with the hope of such great hyghe matters my dearly beloued brethren and longed for whose good successe I repute to be myne owne ioye whose victorye I take to be my crowne lyke as you haue begonne see y● you so continue suffre not your selues to be drawē away frō Iesus Christ Moreouer my welbeloued brethren I eftesones beseche Euodias and I desire Sintiches and eyther of them by them selues that they agree in one true concorde of myndes in promotynge the gospell of Christe And I also require the myne owne true naturall wyfe whiche agreist with me in the trauayle of the gospel helpe these women that were partetakers of my labours and daungers in the gospel and Clement also with the rest that wet my labourfelowes in y● gospell Whose names what nedeth me to rehearse inasmuche as they are wrytten in the boke of lyfe and shall neuer be scraped out In that boke are the names of all them wrytten that with their dilygences helpe forewarde the businesse of the gospell of whose nombre you are also The texte ¶ Reioyce in the Lorde alwaye and againe I saye reioyce Let youre softenesse be knowen vnto all men The Lorde is euen at hande Be careful for nothinge but in all prayer and supplycacion let youre pericyons be manifest vnto God with geuynge of thanckes And the peace of God whiche passeth all vnderstandynge kepe your hertes and myndes thorow Christ Iesu For these causes sakes reioyce alwayes euen in the myddes of your afflyctions Againe I eftesones saye reioyce and be of good cheare And how hottely so euer the iniquitie of the wicked rage against you yet let youre patience and modest softenes be knowen and seen vnto all maner of men not only vnto the brethren but to them also that are straungers from Christe so that they beyng prouoked the rather by your good demenoure maye be allured vnto the felowshyp of the gospell For gentilnesse of behauioure wynneth and breaketh the vngodly Couet not in any wise to reuenge you of thē nor yet enuy not them their pleasaunt delytes For the commyng of Christ is at hande whiche shall rendre vnto you the ioyes of immortalitie for contemnyng the commodities of this worlde And as for them they shall suffre the peynes of their owne fonde folyshenes Lyue you for your parte without care for any thinge But care for this onely that whan Christe shall come he maye fynde you readyly prepared of him depende you entierlye with all youre hartes Yf you haue nede of any thinge truste not to the helpe of the worlde but call vpon god with continuall supplicacions and make your moane to him with feruent desires whan you require any thing And geue him thankes what so euer chaunceth to you prosperitie or aduersite beynge certainlye assured that he wyll also turne your aduersitie into prosperitie For he knoweth well ynoughe what is profytable for you althoughe you aske nothynge But yet he loueth to be called vpon with suche manner of intercessions he loueth to be entreated and as it wer enforced with godly besechinges And so the peace wherby you are reconsyled vnto god beyng a thing of more gracious efficacie than mannes reason is hable to perceaue shall strengthen your hartes and your consciences against all terrouts that can possiblye happen in this worlde For what should that man be afraied of whiche knoweth that God loueth him dearly through Iesus Christ Therfore lyke as I woulde haue you without care of those thinges wherwith this worlde either flattereth or maketh afrayed ▪ euen so you must applye your selues with all your diligent endeuours to ware ●iche in vertues whiche maye make you acceptable to God The texte ¶ Furthermore brethren whatsoeuer thinges are true what soeuer thinges are hon●●● whatsoeuer thinges are iust what soeuer thinges are pure what soeuer thinges are cō●●nyent what soeuer thinges are of honeste reporte y● there be any vertue y● there be any prayse of lernynge those same haue ye in youre mynde whiche ye haue both learned and receaued hearde also and sene in me those thinges d● and the God of peace shal be with you I reioyce in the Lorde greatly that nowe at the last youre ●are is reuyued againe for me in that wherin ye were also carefull but ye lacked oportunitie I speake out because
the olde obligacion by ryght wherof the deuyll sued vs hath Christē rased oute assone as we professed the fayth of his gospell through whome the offences of our olde lyfe are forgyuen so that the same are layed to no mannes charge For whatsoeuer myght of vs by ryghte of this wrytyng be requyred that same hath Christe for our sakes payed vpon the crosse where the wrytyng was rente torne and vtterly cancelled Nor haue we nowe anye cause to feare the tyrannye of Satan synce Christe hath in the crosse by his death vanquyshed the authour of death and thereby deliuered vs triumphantly subduyng all the powers and rules of deuylles carying vs into his heauenlye kyngdome as thoughe we had bene a ryche price or botye For then declared he them freely and playnly to be ouercōmen and vnhar●ysed ▪ when that in sight bothe of men and aungels he caryed vs about as it were in a triumphe shewyng that our enemyes were subdued and put to ●lyght not by the ayde of aungels or men but by his owne myghty power what tyme he vpon the crosse hanged vp so royall a sygne of victorye and that in suche a hyghe place whereas euery manne might see it Onely take hede to this poynt that ye no more fall into youre olde synnes The texte Let no man therfore trouble youre conscience about meate and drynke or for a piece of an holy daye or of the newe Moone or of the sabboth dayes which are shadowes of thinges to come but the bodye is in Christ Feare not least for disp●syng the ceremonies of Moses lawe any man condempne you either for meate or drynke be it cleane or vncleane or for not puttyng a difference betwixt holye daye and workyng daye or for not kepyng holy the feaste of the newe Moone or for breakyng the reste of the Sabboth daye For thiese obseruaunces were shadowes long before signifieng and rudely purtrahing such thynges as shoulde afterwarde vnfaynedly be exhibite by Christe Wherfore synce we haue nowe the bodye selfe and since we haue the very trouth selfe openly shewed vnto vs why should we any longer feare shadowes Whoso cleaueth to Christe beyng now in heauen regardeth nothyng els but heauenly thinges but walketh furth euen the ryght pathwaye to the rewarde of immortall lyfe The texte Let no man make you shote at a wrong marke by the humblenes and holynes of Aungels in the thynges whiche he neuer saw beyng causeles puft vp with his fleshly mynd and holdeth not the head whereof all the body by ioyntes and couples receyueth nouryshement and is knyt together and encreaseth with the encrasyng that commeth frō god Beware therfore lest any man by callyng you backe agayn to earthly thynges fas●y and sleyghtly deceyue you of that reward which ye haue already begon to labour for in stede of heauenly doctrine teachyng you small matters and in stede of Christes true religion a supersticious worshyppyng of Aungels and so auaunce and exalte hymselfe among the simple people of certayne fayned visions beyng desyrous of worldly glorye teachyng the people suche thynges as learned by aungels whiche he hath of his owne head by hymselfe forged and imagened withoute sure truste in him in comparison of whom it besemeth euery christian to despise al thynges be they neuer so hygh in the meane season so trustyng vpō his aungels that he falleth from Christe his heauenly head of whome dependeth the whole bodye of the churche whiche is from it with all spirituall giftes deriued into euery member through the ioyntes and couplynges nouryshed and encreased vnto the hyghest perfeccion spiritual that can be and vnto suche perfeccion as besemeth god to haue to whome we are through Christ ioyned and coupled The texte Wherfore yf ye be dead with Christe from the ordinaunces of the worlde why as though ye yet lyued in the worlde are ye led with tradicions Touche not taste not hādle not whiche all peryshe through the verye abuse after the commaundementes and doctrines of men whiche thynges outwardly haue the similitude of wisedome by supersticion and humblenes of mynde and by hurtyng the bodye in that they do the fleshe no worshyp vnto the neede therof If Christe be to this visible and groce worlde dead and lyue nowe in heauen and if ye in your kynde of lyfe be lykewyse with hym deade to the vsuages of the worlde hauyng an eye to nothyng but to heauenlye thinges wherto maketh it to be subiect to mannes ordinaunces beyng suche as prescrybe no suche thynges as sauer of Christe but are groce and carnall ordinaunces of the worlde as though ye were not nowe deade to suche thinges but styll lyued worldlye Why gyue you eare to any Iew prescribyng suche thynges to be obserued accordyng to the carnall meanyng of Moses lawe Touche not this carkas it is not cleane taste not this meat it is not cleane touche not this thing it is holy and may lawfully be touched of no secular person So ready are ye to gyue eare vnto the tradiciōs and doctrine of men whiche labour to bryng you in mynde that in difference of meates in obseruyng of dayes and in other Iewyshe rules godly religion standeth as though it so were that Christes doctrine were not for you sufficient Meate drynke or apparell bryng vs not into goddes fauour but are for bodely nedes vsed and with long longe abuse weare away and are not the stedfast perfeccions of soules which cannot be spēt ▪ and yet suche as teache suche doctrine amōg fooles and vnlearned pretēd a fayned colour of wysdome and with how muche more supersticion and faultie humilitie they fyl mēnes myndes by so muche more are they made of For a plaine supersticion is it to make Angels equal with Christ And a faultie humblenes it is through Angels to loke for that whiche shuld of Christ him selfe be asked or at y● lestwyse through Christ of the father Meates drinkes with suche other visible thinges are geuen not to be compelled with hurt of our bodies to abstaine from them but to the ende that with them our bodyes may be holpen with any kynde of apparel against wynde and wether to be mainteined and succoured be ●ed with any kynde of meates and that in al tymes and places without any difference whansoeuer it be as muche as for the tyme shal be thought nedeful Iewes they been whose heartes are not yet circumcised frō the grosse and carnal meanyng of the lawe whiche put suche differences The .iii. Chapiter The texte If ye be then risen againe with Christ seke those thinges whiche are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hande of God Set your affeccion on heauenly thinges and not on yearthly thinges BAse and lowe are these thinges vnbesemyng the true mēbres of Christ But if ye to worldly affayres be verely dead risen againe with Christ to the desyre of high and euerlastyng treasures and commodities sette at naught suche vile matters and seeke for heauēly pleasures and
nowe anye cause to feare the tyrannye of Satan synce Christe hath in the crosse by his death vanquyshed the authour of death and thereby deliuered vs triumphantly subduyng all the powers and rules of deuylles carying vs into his heauenlye kyngdome as thoughe we had bene a ryche price or botye For then declared he them freely and playnly to be ouercōmen and vnharnysed when that in sight bothe of men and aungels he caryed vs about as it were in a triumphe shewyng that our enemyes were subdued and put to flyght not by the ayde of aungels or men but by his owne myghty power what tyme he vpon the crosse hanged vp so royall a sygne of victorye and that in suche a hyghe place whereas euery manne might see it Onely take hede to this poynt that ye no more fall into youre olde synnes The texte Let no man therfore trouble youre conscience about meate and drynke or for a piece of an holy daye or of the newe Mooue or of the sabboth dayes which are shadowes of thinges to come but the bodye is in Christ Feare not least for dispisyng the ceremonies of Moses lawe any man condempne you either for meate or drynke be it cleane or vncleane or for not puttyng a difference betwixt holye daye and workyng daye or for not kepyng holy the feaste of the newe Moone or for breakyng the reste of the Sabboth daye For thiese obseruaunces were shadowes long before signifieng and rudely purtrahing such thynges as shoulde afterwarde vnfaynedly be exhibite by Christe Wherfore synce we haue nowe the bodye selfe and since we haue the very trouth selfe openly shewed vnto vs why should we any longer feare shadowes Whoso cleaueth to Christe beyng now in heauen regardeth nothyng els but heauenly thinges but walketh furth euen the ryght pathwaye to the rewarde of immortall lyfe The texte Let no man make you shote at a wrong marke by the humblenes and holynes of Aungels in the thynges whiche he neuer saw beyng causeles puft vp with his fleshly mynd and holdeth not the head whereof all the body by ioyntes and couples receyueth nouryshement and is knyt together and encreaseth with the encrasyng that commeth frō god Beware therfore lest any man by callyng you backe agayn to earthly thynges fasly and sleyghtly deceyue you of that reward which ye haue already begon to labour for in stede of heauenly doctrine teachyng you small matters and in stede of Christes true religion a supersticious worshyppyng of Aungels and so auaunce and exalte hymselfe among the simple people of certayne fayned visions beyng desyrous of worldly glorye teachyng the people suche thynges as learned by aungels whiche he hath of his owne head by hymselfe forged and imagened withoute sure truste in him in comparison of whom it besemeth euery christian to despise al thynges be they neuer so hygh in the meane season so trustyng vpō his aungels that he falleth from Christe his heauenly head of whome dependeth the whole bodye of the churche whiche is from it with all spirituall giftes deriued into euery member through the ioyntes and couplynges nouryshed and encreased vnto the hyghest perfeccion spiritual that can be and vnto suche perfeccion as besemeth god to haue to whome we are through Christ ioyned and coupled The texte Wherfore yf ye be dead with Christe from the ordinaunces of the worlde why as though ye yet lyued in the worlde are ye led with tradicious Touche not taste not hādle not whiche all peryshe through the verye abuse after the commaundementes and doctrines of men whiche thynges outwardly haue the similitude of wisedome by supersticion and humblenes of mynde and by hurtyng the bodye in that they do the fleshe no worshyp vnto the neede therof If Christe be to this visible and groce worlde dead and lyue nowe in heauen and if ye in your kynde of lyfe be lykewyse with hym deade to the vsuages of the worlde hauyng an eye to nothyng but to heauenlye thinges wherto maketh it to be subiect to mannes ordinaunces beyng suche as prescrybe no suche thynges as sauer of Christe but are groce and carnall ordinaunces of y● worlde as though ye were not nowe deade to suche thinges but styll lyued worldlye Why gyue you eare to any Iew prescribyng suche thynges to be obserued accordyng to the carnall meanyng of Moses lawe Touche not this carkas it is not cleane taste not this meat it is not cleane touche not this thing it is holy and may lawfully be touched of no secular person So ready are ye to gyue eare vnto the tradiciōs and doctrine of men whiche labour to bryng you in mynde that in difference of meates in obseruyng of dayes and in other Iewyshe rules godly religion standeth as though it so were that Christes doctrine were not for you sufficient Meate drynke or apparell bryng vs not into goddes fauour but are for bodely nedes vsed and with long longe abuse weare away and are not the stedfast perfeccions of soules which cannot be spēt and yet suche as teache suche doctrine amōg fooles and vnlearned pretēd a fayned colour of wysdome and with how muche more supersticion and faultie humilitie they fyl mēnes myndes by so muche more are they made of For a plaine supersticion is it to make Angels equal with Christ And a faultie humblenes it is through Angels to loke for that whiche shuld of Christ him selfe be asked or at y● lestwyse through Christ of the father Meates drinkes with suche other visible thinges are geuen not to be compelled with hurt of our bodies to abstaine from them but to the ende that with them our bodyes may be holpen with any kynde of apparel against wynde and wether to be mainteined and succoured be fed with any kynde of meates and that in al tymes and places without any difference whansoeuer it be as muche as for the tyme shal be thought nedeful Iewes they been whose heartes are not yet circumcised frō the grosse and carnal meanyng of the lawe whiche put suche differences The .iii. Chapiter The texte If ye be then risen againe with Christ seke those thinges whiche are aboue where Christ sitteth on the right hande of God Set your affeccion on heauenly thinges and not on yearthly thinges BAse and lowe are these thinges vnbesemyng the true mēbres of Christ But if ye to worldly affayres be verely dead risen againe with Christ to the desyre of high and euerlastyng treasures and commodities sette at naught suche vile matters and seeke for heauēly pleasures and thinges aboue where Christ your head sitteth at the right hand of God his father For mete it is that al the studyes and cares of the membres were directed to that place wheras the head is now present and where the same shall with the head hereafter reigne for euer For there liueth euery man where he loueth The texte For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God Whensoeuer Christ whiche is our life
asmuche as I am sure that shortly I must put of this my tabernacle ▪ euen as our Lorde Iesus Christ shewed me I wyll euer also geue my diligence that ye maye haue wherwith to stere vp the remembraunce of these thinges after my departinge And therfore brethren let it not make you to lyue in a securitie and to be careles in that the goodnes of God hathe whan you deserued nothing called you vnto the profession of the gospell hauynge once pardoned all the synnes of your former lyfe but endeuour your selues so muche the more that the goodnes of God wherwith he hath called you wherwith he hath chosen you be n●t turned to your destruccion and heape of damnacion in case beyng forgetful of his bounteous gentilues you be tombled backe in to y● same state from whence he raunsomed you with his owne death But procure rather with well doinges that God seine not to haue called and chosen you in vaine And some parte of this mater lyeth euen in you For yf you consyder from whence God hathe called you to what thinges he hath called you and what rewardes he hathe set forthe for you and yf you wyll preace therunto by these meanes whiche I haue declared a lytell before you shall neuer slyppe out of the right course of godlynes For yf you preace this waye Goddes assistinge helpe shal be plenteouslye present with you and shal succour you with his riche relyefe that at length beynge conquerours of this worlde you maye atteyne to the euerlastinge kyngdome of our Lorde and sauiour Iesu Christ to possesse with him the treasures of heauen for whose sake you haue set naught by the treasures of y● earthe The rewarde is exceadynge great but it must be procured with exceadynge greate diligence Wherfore I wyl neuer cease to geue you warnynge of these maters althoughe I suppose it not necessarie seynge you both doe and remembre what you ought to doe and are also confirmed nowe by longe processe of godlynes in the acquainted knowledge of the trueth a great while whiche hauynge embraced you constantlye folowe yet hitherto notwithstandyng to thintent you maye more and more watche styll in that you haue begonne I recken it my parte that remembringe my lordes precepte ▪ whiche commaunded me y● beynge conuerted my selfe I shoulde confirme my brethren as longe as I lyue among you beyng a straunger vpon earthe in y● tabernacle of this sely body I should stere vp pricke forewarde the studye of godlynes in you and in dede so muche the more because I knowe I shall shortly be stripped out of the dwellynge of this sely bodye and chaunge this exile of the earthe for y● fraunchised free citie of heauen For our Lorde Iesus Christ signified so vnto me whome I serue yet hitherto as a souldier in this tabernacle Nowe therfore I shall geue dilygence that these matters maye in the meane space be so surely fixed in youre hartes with often admonicion that you maye remembre them after my deathe whan I can not warne you by worde of mouthe For seyng the thinge is most certaine that you haue receyued of vs it behoueth you not to swarue from it The texte ¶ For we haue not folowed deccatfull fables when we opened vnto you the power and commynge of our Lorde Iesus Christ but with our eyes we sawe his maiestie euen then verely when he receaued of God the father honour and glory and when there came suche a voyce to him from the excellent glorye This is my deare beloued sonne in whome I haue delyte This voyce we hearde come from heauē when we were with him in the holy mount We haue also a right sure worde of prophecie wherunto yf ye take hede as vnto a light that shyneth in a darcke place ▪ ye do well vntil the daye dawne and the day starre aryse in your heartes So that ye first knowe this that no prophecye in the scripture hath any priuace enterpretacion For the scripture came neuer by the wyll of man but holy men of God speake as they were moued by the holy ghost For our doctrine was not suche gayre as the philosophers teache whose drifte is to perswade by crafulye conueyed fables and humayne subtilties the thing that they them selues vnderstande not and dysagree also amonge them selues But we haue in no wyse folowed these wayes in openynge vnto you the power and comminge of our lorde Iesu Christ and in preachinge vnto you his maiestie whiche we haue sene with these iyes For he vouchedsafe to exhibite vnto certaine of his owne afore his death some special token with what mightie power and with what glorye he shall once come to iudge the quicke and the dead and what wonderfull felicitie he shal geue vnto them that loue him stedfastlye For where God the father endued him all wholy with glorye and honour insomuche that his countenaunce shoone as bright as the sunne and his clothes were more white than the snowe so farre that mannes iyes coulde not abyde to beholde the heauenly syght and there came also an exceadynge most honourable testimonie of the fathers voyce whiche was brought downe from highe vnto him from the glorious maiestie of y● father And it was after this sorte This is my welbeloued sonne whiche hathe delyghted my mynde heare him There coulde haue ben no witnesse geuen eyther more fully or more excellent And it was pronounced not of any prophet but of the fathers owne maiestie These thinges we haue sene with our iyes these haue we hearde with our eares whan we were present with him in the holy mount Thabor If so be that the prophetes playne oracles be in a great weightie estimacion among you which prophecied by figuratyue darke shadowes of Christ of much more grauitie ought so euident a declaracion by the father himselfe of his sonne be The prophetes agree with the fathers voice yf a man doe rightly interprete them They with their promisses prepare as it were mennes myndes to the trueth of his gospell in that they shadowe and as it were couertly poynt out the thing that the gospell doeth openly preache Therfore I doe not disallowe that the Iewes beyng vehementlye geuen to the prophetes prophecienges seke there for the commynge of Messias For it is a steppe somewhat vnto the faythe of the gospel to beleue that Christ shoulde come For a man shall the more soner beleue that Christe is come yf he be parswaded that he shoulde come Therfore there is good hope of him that beynge not yet lightened with the lyght of the Gospell is attentiue vnto the prophetes as to a candell appearinge in a darcke place For it is better to haue some lyght than no light tyll the sunne come and the daye dawne to dryue awaye all darkenes and to obscure euen that candell and that the daye sterre of gospell preachinge maye shyne bryght in your hartes whiche declareth that the sonne is at hande The sayinges of the prophetes are to this vse profytable yf
kingdome of Christ set forwarde thorowe the infynite mercye grace of god whiche beareth rule in all the children of the kyngdome of Christ in all the electe both in this lyfe in the kyngdome of heauen For the kyngdome of heuē taketh his begynnyng here in this world in the cōgregacion of the faythful it shal dayly increase thorow the word of god vntyl it be made perfyght in the euerlastynge kyngdome of god with all the electe in heauen The texte ¶ And I behelde and I hearde the voyce of many angels about the throne and about the beastes and the elders and I hearde thousande thousandes sayinge with a loude voyce Worthy is y● lambe that was kylled to receyue power ryches wysdom and strength and honour glorye blessing And al the creatures which are in heauen on the earth vnder the earth and in the see and all that are in them hearde I saying blessyng honour glorye power be vnto him that sytteth vpon the seate vnto the lambe for euer ●ore And the foure beastes sayd Amen And the .xxiiii. elders fell vpon their faces and worshypped him that lyueth for euermore The very meanyng of S. Iohn is here in this place as it is in his gospell to proue the faythe of the godheade of Christ against all heretyckes And for this cause he ascrybeth vnto Christ in this place so many dyuine names and properties apperteynyng onely to y● godheade first y● he shal be inuocate prayed vnto not onely of y● patryarkes prophetes but also of al angels whō no creature doth excel in worthynes but onely y● euerlastyng the very true onely one god And thus he setteth furthe y● godly worthines of y● meeke crucified Christ of the Lambe y● was slayne offered vp Vnto whō for his humblenes euē vnto y● crosse suche a name is geuē as is aboue all names And therfore the knees of all creatures both in heauē in earth in hel shal bowe vnto him For vnto him perteyneth all power y● is to saye all omnipotency or all myghtines all ryches and spiritual treasures to distrybute y● same accordynge vnto his wil all wysdome whiche is lyke equall with y● omnisciēce ful knowledge of al thinges of the father All strength ouer aboue al y● might power of all this wyde world All honour prayse laud for his excedyng mercy goodnes for his infynite benefites Vnto whome as vnto their creatour al creatures are made subiect Not onely vnto him y● sitteth vpō y● stoole but also vnto y● Lambe whiche is Christe very true god mā And vnto him with y● father the holy gost apperteyneth al laud and honour for euer and euer whiche is the onely one god Whiche thing shall be also ascrybed and geuen vnto hym with the vnyforme and full assent of all the holy electe bothe in heauen and in earth ¶ The .vi. Chaptre The texte ¶ And I saw when y● lambe opened one of y● seales I hearde one of the .iiii. beastes say as it were the noyse of thonder come see I saw And beholde there was a white horse and he y● sat on him had a bowe a crowne was geuen vnto him he went forthe conqueryng and for to ouercome And when he had opened the seconde seale I hearde the seconde beaste say come se And there went out another horse that was redde power was geuē to him y● sat theron to take peace from the earth and that they shoulde kyll one another And there was geuen vnto him a great swearde THe seuen special articles and misteries of y● christen faith maye be opened euē lyke as .vii. seales thorow y● holy goost in y● holy scripture of y● olde newe testamēt As y● excellent clerke Erasmus doth proue by diuerse testimonies in his paraphrases vpon the .xxiiii. Chapter of luke But yet we maye vnderstande the openynge of these seales after an other maner First by y● white horse may be vnderstāde y● first state of y● christē churche which was altogether pure without blemyshe or faut holy well armed ready prepared yea also as swyfte as an horse vnto al godlines At y● which tyme y● kyngdome of Christ did most floryshe and increase in y● who le world He y● sytteth vpō this horse hathe a crowne vpō him of y● kyngdome of heauē with a bowe of y● euangelycal doctrine wherwith he hath conquered ouercome blessedly y● errors of ydolatry slayne them with a glorious triumphe victorye By y● seconde seale vnderstāde y● state of y● kyngdome of Christ in y● tyme of y● martirs frō the time of S. Steuē vntil the tyme of Cōstantyne the Emperour Whan as y● churche was paynted with bloode thorow out y● hole world thorow y● tyrannye of the Romyshe Emperour Not with standynge y● at the same tyme also y● Iewes suffred extreme calamities great plages of death vnder the reygne of Tytus Vespasyan Adriane All which maye be sygnified by y● deade horse by y● great sworde For the Romyshe Emperours did cōtinually slaye one an other besydes y● diuerse of thē peryshed otherwise also And this may be wel vnderstādē by him y● sitteth vpō y● red horse The texte ¶ And when he had opened the thirde seale I hearde y● thirde beaste say come and se and I behelde lo a blacke horse he that sate on him had a payre of balances in his hande And I heard a voyce in y● myddes of the foure beastes say a measure of wheate for a peny and thre measures of barly for a peny and oyle and wyne se thou hurte not By the thirde seale the beast by the blacke horse thou mayest vnderstande the great dearth which happened vnto the christians the heathen y● Iewes and the Romaines at suche tyme as eyther Claudius or Traianus reygned Emperours Althoughe the prouidence of god did alwaye prouyde sufficiēt noryshement for those y● were his as it appeareth euydently to them y● reade the Cronycles of that tyme. The balances maye betoken the penury want of vytels for as muche as they were compelled to wey measure how much euery one should haue dayly for his parte to lyue with For the measure of wheate is vnderstande to be the porcion that was allowed for one man for his dayes spending The texte ¶ And when he had opened the fourth seale I hearde the voyce of the fourth beaste saye come se and I looked And beholde a pale horse his name y● sate on him was death ●ell folowed after him power was geuen vnto them ouer the fourthe parte of the earth to kyl with swearde with honger and with death that commeth of vermen of the earth By the fourthe seale the beast the voyce and the pale horse mayst thou vnderstande the heretykes whiche dyd dyuerse wayes and a longe tyme vexe the holy churche with false
doctrine And haue made it as it were pale bleaked for very sorow heuynes And this myschiefe hath preuayled in very many landes and in the whole christendom which was at that tyme as great as euer it was And than were dyuerse godly byshops and other Christians persecuted to death in all places for the true faythes sake The trees ¶ And whē he had opened the fyfte seale I sawe vnder the aulter the soules of them that were kylled for the word of god for the testimonye whiche they had they cryed with a loude voyce saying How long tariest thou Lorde holy true to iudge and to auenge our bloude on them y● dwel on the earth And long whyte garmentes were geuē vnto euery one of them And it was sayd vnto them y● they should rest yet for a lytle season vntyl the nomber of their felowes brethren of them y● should be kylled as they were were fulfylled The fyfte seale and the aulter with the soules vnder it maye sygnifye the ryght godly Christen men whiche syghe crye y● they might ones see the true honour of god shyne floryshe al rightuousnes to increase And y● to procede of y● very true fayth true vnderstandynge of the word of god and againe they crye also against the tyrannous gouernour of y● wycked magistrates Vnto them is geuen comforte of conscience stedfast trust cōfidence in y● promyses of god which can not deceyue them yf they crye earnestly feruētly For y● is a token of the redempciō great comforte y● is at hande And in y● meane tyme y● very same doe obteyne saluaciō of their soules immediately after their death in y● ioyes of heauen wheras they doe wyllyngly and paciently wayte after the resurreccion of their bodyes at suche tyme as the nomber of their felowes shal be accomplisshed and fulfylled Whiche tyme and nomber is onely knowen vnto the lorde The texte ¶ And I beheld whē he had opened the syxt seale and lo there was a great earth quake and the sunne was as blacke as sacke clothe made of heare And the mone wexed all euen as bloude the starres of heauē fell vnto the earthe euē as a fygge tree casteth from her her fygges when she is shaken of a myghtye wynde And heauen vanysshed awaye as a scroll when it is rolled together And al mountaynes yles were moued out of their places And the kynges of the earth the great men the ryche men the chefe captaynes the myghty men euery bondman euery free man hyd them selues in dēnes in rockes of the hylles sayd to the hylles rockes fall on vs byde vs frō the presēce of him that sytteh on the seate and from the wrathe of the lambe for the great day of his wrathe is come and who is hable to endure This syxte seale maye be vnderstande of the great mysery and affliccion which shal aryse be procured thorow anty christ which shal be a very enuy of Christ and of all true holynes whiche shal esteme make himselfe a god And he shall set furthe in al thinges his owne glorye honour pompe iust pleasure against the holy word of god And all this shall he doe with all wylfulnes tyrannye false doctrine hypocritical and supersticious holynes with mans ordinaunces and he shal haue wonderful successe ther with And therfore there shall great affliccions aryse in the world and terryble earthquakes shal be sene whiche shal euidently declare the greuous myseries whiche shal ensue ther vpon And all these thinges shal be knowne accordyng vnto the maner of the scripture the prophetes and of Christ himselfe also thorow y●●●lypse darckenyng of the sunne ▪ of the Moone and tokens of bloode thorow the fallynge of the starres Whā as in the holy state vnderstande y● spiritualty standerous persons shal reygne whiche shall blemyshe that ordre state with wyckednes shal do muche hurt bothe vnto the bodyes and soules of them for whose welth and saluacions sake they ought by dutye and office wyllyngly and gladly to gyue and to loose their owne bodyes and lyues For truth it is y● after the tyme of the heretikes the enemye of Christ that hell hounde Mahomet dyd aryse in the East parties of the worlde And the maynteyners of ydols and ymages monkery false religions dānable perpetuall vowes purgatory byeng sellyng of masses for mony the pryde pompe of the spiritualtie specially of y● sea of Rome of her decrees cursyng of Emperors Kynges theft robberies warres murthers in finite without nōber which brought suche misery slāder heuines as no tong can expresse these I say did aryse in y● west partes of y● world And this wyl the holy goost sygnifye expresse in this place with suche wordes as men doe vse whā they wyl expresse the hyghest sorowes perplexites myseries of any tyme. ¶ The .vii. Chapter The texte ¶ And after that I sewe foure Angels stande on the foure corners of the earth holdyng the foure wyndes of y● earth y● the wynde should not blowe on y● earth nether on the see nether on eny tree And I saw another angel ascende from the rysinge of the sunne which had the seale of the lyuynge god and he cryed with a loude voyce to the foure Angels to whome power was geuen to hurte the earth the sea saying hurte not y● earth nether the sea nether the trees tyll we haue sealed the seruauntes of our god in their forheades THis perteyneth also vnto the syxt seale as a syngular comforte vnto y● right faithfull whiche are tossed and persecuted in this worlde for the truthes sake and for godlynes By these iii.angelles are vnderstande noysome ministers whiche goe aboute to hynder bothe the lyfe and doctrine of the gospel and the true faith These are y● messengers of Antichrist scattrid thoroweout the whole worlde they doe great hurte vnto al men of euery degre whiche is sygnified by the earth the sea the trees The holy angel which ascendeth from the rysing of y● sonne hath the token or seale of the lyuyng god is our lord Iesus Christ which hath not onely cōmaunded the gospel to be preached vnto al creatures but also thorowe his godly power he doth hinder such as would stop or let it And this he doth thorow his ordinary ministers as wel of y● spirituall as also of the temporall sorte And for this cause some men haue vnderstanden by this angell the good Emperour Constantyne But it maye also be some other by whome out fauiour Christe dothe further and set for the the doctryne of the gospell and a Christen lyfe againste all tyannes and Antychrystes This angell therfore shall delyuer the electe children of god from the myddes of the wycked worlde and shall marke or seale them with the token or marke of the blessed whiche is fayth loue and innocency
of Christ that the proud seate of Rome her adherentes Thus may y● be the eight beast as y● papacie or see of Rome is the seuenth but it shal sone be iudged vnto damnacion The .x. kynges receyue not y● kyngdome of God vntil they receyue the gospel of Christ not of Antichrist but of the spirite of Christe But in the meane tyme they shall receyue power and aucthorite of the beast whiche power they shall exercyse and practyse to ouercome y● lambe to oppresse the gospell for the pleasure of the. ii horned beast But y● lambe the worde of God y● reuelacion of y● holy and godly doctrine and truth the grace of God the lorde Christ shall ouercome them For they shall vnderstāde and beleue that there is a lorde of al lordes and a kyng of al kynges To whose kyngdome the electe which are called of God from euerlastinge doe apperteine And thus shal the. x. kynges shortly hate the whore with her court and shal turne her naked out of y● florishyng and bewtifull rayment wherwith they and their auncientries haue garnished annowrned this whore her harlottes by y● meanes haue geuē occasiō vnto suche pryde vnchristen pompe I might wel say vnto suche Luciferyshe pryde for as muche as he wyl be like and equall vnto Christ and the brydegrome of the holy churche where as he hath geuen a great offence and slander vnto the holy churche in maner hathe shamed her and oppressed her thorowe his tyrannye In as muche as they the kynges and princes them selues must cfōesse y● the grauntes whiche this whore receyued of the Emperours Constantine Charles and Lewes beyng deceyued by her was the poyson and confusion of the christen churche This hatred and enuye against suche an whore shall the spirite of Helias styre vp in the hartes of kynges to doe with one accorde as y● trueth beyng knowen shall require as they dyd before indewe her with suche power And thus shall the worde of God be fulfylled The woman in the great citye is he which hath exalted himselfe for a byshop ouer all byshops and a regent and Lorde ouer all Emperours and kynges sittinge also in the place and seate of Christ whiche onely alone hath receyued power of the father ouer heauen and earth whiche he neuer gaue vnto any other as it is written Et gloriam mea● Alterinon dabo I wyll geue my gloto no nother Esaye xlii ¶ The .xviii. Chapter The texte ¶ And after that I sawe another angell come from heauen hauynge greate power and the earth was lyghtened with his britnesse And he cried mightely with a stronge voyce sayinge Great Babilon is fallen is fallen and is become the inhabitacion of deuils and the holde of all foule spirites and a cage of all vncleane and hateful byrdes for al naciōs haue droncken of the wyne of the wrathe of her fornicacion And the kynges of the earthe haue committed fornicacion with her and the marchauntes of the earthe are wexed riche of the aboundaunce of her pleasures THis chapter maye be taken for a songe of triumphe of al faithfull against all tyrannous kyngdoms which haue contemned the faithe trueth religion and all godlynes and woulde not abyde any of them And speciallye against the kyngdome and power of Rome by reason of the tyrannes whiche from the beginninge haue martired tormented murthered the holy professours of the onely one God And mo●t principally against the seconde regyment of Rome whiche vnder the pretence of the name of Christe hath dealte so cruellye against all faithful Christianes and against the euangelical kingdom of god And y● former chapter nexte goyng before being wel vnderstāde there is no great difficultnes nor hardnes in this For this chapter is as it were an exposicion and declaracion of the former Christ the angell of y● great councel lyke as at his first cōmynge he came in the moost highest humilitie and lowlynes became man suffered and dyed euen so at his last commynge he shal come in most bright glorye not into a virgins bodye but into the whole worlde with mooste hyghe brightnesse and proclamynge his gospell vnto the whole worlde to riche and poore wyse and symple in euyll A ioyfull gospell is it Babylon y● great and worishe citie she is fallen she is fallen She hathe no suche honour more that she wyll take vpon her as she hath done Nowe is it knowen that she hath bene an habitacion for the wicked vnfaithful desceightfull and of Sodomites whiche haue made all the worlde druncken and mad with her poyson and infectuous drincke And hath committed Simony withal spirituall thinges whiche euen as the cursed Simon magus dyd she hath solde for muche monye and for great riches And as for the hyghe humilitie and lowlynes of Christ whose meryte she hath pretended to be her owne she hath chopped and changed it yea she hath solde it for princely and lordly honour to be exhibite done vnto her feete and with moost deuely she pryde receyued The texte ¶ And I hearde another voyce from heauen saye come a waye from her my people that ye be not partakers of her synnes and that ye receaue not of her plages For her synnes are gone vp to heauen and God hath remembred her wickednes Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you and geue her double accordynge to her workes And poure in double to her in the same cuppe whiche she fylled vnto you And asmuche as she glorified her selfe and lyued wantonly somuche poure ye in for her of punysshment and sorowe for she sayde in her selfe I syt beynge a quene and am no wyddowe and shal see no sorowe Therfore shal her plages come in one day● death and sorow and honger and she shal be brente with fyre for stronge is the Lorde God whiche shall iudge her These wordes speaketh Christ thorowe his spirite from heauen vnto his people that they shoulde forsake the companye and felowshyp of Antichriste that they make not them selues partakers of y● horrible synne of the double indignacion and also of the plages whiche shall lighten vpon him For the synne is greater than that goddes rightuousnes coulde suffer it any longer vnpunisshed And therfore he wyll recompence her with punishment as she hath deserued and that by heapes one in a nothers necke For there woulde no long sufferyng of God nor no warninge of the word of God helpe Thus hapneth it vnto all vyolent and tyrannous kyngdoms euen from the Assirians vnto the last of the Romaynes Great pryde and pompe must be subdued and vanquysshed with great shame and bondage This prophecye is lyke vnto the holy prophetes Esay and Daniel although it perteineth vnto a nother kingdom but lyke vnto that bothe in wickednes and in punishment The texte ¶ And the kynges of the earthe shal bewope her and wayle ouer her which haue committed fornicacion with her and haue lyued want onlye with her when they shall se y● smoke of her burnynge
after the manifest ioyfull preachinge of the gospell as muche as is possible in the whole world whan as both Iewes and Turkes shal become Christen shal prayse thancke the almighty God for suche syngular grace and mercie which hath hitherto bene hindered kept downe with such force and violence by Antichrist As thā shal the glory prayse of god increase in y● christen churche which is the kingdome of Christ And thorow the gospell promysed vnto Christ the bridegrome ▪ which church as a faithful and deare beloued spouse which here in this world loueth honoureth Christ as muche as she can shall be fylled and satisfied with all goodnes in eternall blisse and saluacion The sylken aray is the innocency of lyfe in this world thorow y● grace of Christ and in heauen it is the immortal glorificacion of body soule For than shall man be right blissed whā as he shal be fully satisfied in god thorow Christ with aboundāce plentuousnes of all benefites and goodnes which can be desiered or wyshed That same is y● euerlasting supper of the mariage of Christ wherwith Christ shal honour his electe make them blissed And in al this whiche Iohn seeth in this vision it is said also vnto him y● al these thinges visions reuelacions came vnto him from God to the honour of God whiche he as a true faithfull minister should further with al diligence But as Iohn would haue worshipped y● parson of y● angel whiche spake vnto him y● angel would in no wyse suffer him like as no saint neither in heauē nor in earth wil suffer any such thīg nor take it vpō thē nor yet in good worth For god onely must be worshipped frō whōe onely al goodnes commeth and must be desired and looked for of him onely The angels wil be takē estemed for nothīg els but for brethrē frēdes felow seruaūtes of y● onely one cōmon general lord felowes withal them y● beleue in Christ are ready for his sake vnto al goodnes to suffer al maner of thīges euē vnto death But this is the right perfyte and sure wysedome which the worldly wyse doe not knowe neyther desyre nor regarde The texte ¶ And I sawe heauen open and beholde a white horse and he that sat vpon hym was called faythfull and true in ryghteousnesse dyd iudge make barrell His eyes were as a frame of fire and on his head were many crownes he had a name written that noman knew but he himselfe And he was clothed with a vesture dypt in bloude and his name is called the worde of God And the warriers whiche were in heauen folowed him vpon whyte horses clothed with white pure raynes and out of his mouth went out a sharpe two edged swerde that with it he should smyte the hethen And he shall rule them with a rodde of yron and he trode the wynefat of fearsnes and wrathe of almightie God And hath on his vesture on his thighe a name writtē King of Kinges and Lorde of Lordes The spirite of God must speake with men after the maner of men yf he should be vnderstande And therfore he describeth the maiestie of Christ euen after the maiestie of an Emperour For the highe powers are wont to be honoured euen as Christ is here described with his honour laude and name For he is y● word of God wherwith this S. Iohn beginneth his gospel and wherby all thinges are made whiche is also God and manne the obiecte of faith that is to saye the thing wherunto y● faith of al electe hath her respecte And he is also the rightuous iudge ouer all that euer is in heauen or in earth whiche hath a fyerye and burning zeale and hate against all wicked whiche contemne and despyse his worde but crowneth all the godly and faithfull with the crowne of his rightuousnes His name is vnknowen vnto all the world the trueth wherof he would not expresse before Pilate and yet trueth gods worde is all one thing This rightuousnes of Christ is signified by the sworde althoughe the worde of God also doth perce thorowe the inwarde harte and mynde of the faithfull as it is written in the .iiii. to the Hebrues But here the sworde is taken for the rightuousnes in gods kyngdome wherwith Christ ruleth the kingdom whych hys father hath geuen hym for his herytage as Dauid sayth For like as he hath ioy in euerlastynge blisse with his wariers hoost that folowe him euen so doth he presse and treade downe all the wicked with eternall damnacion before whome also he trode y● presse vntil his vesture was blody But they toke it for a mocke and a folyshe yes● as it was vnto the Iewes a slander But yet their knees must bowe vnto him not onely the angels and men in heauē and earth but also they that are in hell shall be troden of him with the wrathe of God almightie For without dout he is the king of all kynges and lorde of all lordes The texte ¶ And I sawe an Angel stande soche sonne and he cryed with a loude voyce saying to all the foules that flye by the myddes of heauen come and gather your selues together vnto the supper of the great God that ye maye eate the fleshe of kynges and the fleshe of ●ye captaines and the fleshe of mightie men and the fleshe of horses and of them that syt on them and the fleshe of all fre ●●● and bonde men and of small and great And I sawe the beast and the kinges of the earth and their warriers gathered together to make batayle against him that sat on the horse and against his souldiers And the beast was taken and with him that false prophet that wrought miracles before him with whiche he deceaued them that receaued the beastes marke and them that worshipped his ymage These bothe were cast into a ponde of fire burnynge with brimstone and the remnaunt wer slayne with the swearde of him that sat vpon the horse whiche swearde proceaded out of his mouthe ▪ and all the foules were fulfylled with their fleshe Lyke as Chryst maketh a supper vnto hys chyldren and seruauntes in heauen euen so doth he also beynge the sonne of ryghtuousnes make a supper vnto the deuylles to al dampned sowles In euerlasting supper of al bitternes vnblessydnes wherof they maye eate and be partakers altogether And there is than desperacion hate enuye wrathe and murmuringe againste God and all kyndes of euil whiche are sygnified by corporall thinges accordynge to our capacite and after suche wyse as men maye be most moued therby y● they must of necessitie marke and consyder it And it is to be noted that S. Iohn seeth these gestes of the deuell in hell that they are the destr●yers of y● worlde tyrantes of all maner of degrees the beast with .ii. hornes the dragon false prophete all enemyes of gods trueth religion and of all maner of
or in securitie after the lustes of the fleshe rightuously and vnrightuouslye For there shall no colour crafte lyes dissimulacion violence might anger or respecte of parsons auayle or helpe but euery man shall there be iudged accordynge to hys workes And thus shall hell with all suche that belong vnto it shall be damned be nothing els but a fyery lake a terryble and heuy state of damnacion ordeyned and prepared of all the myserie sorowe wickednes and euyll that can be thought or ymagyned This is the seconde death the rewarde punyshment and recompence of all them whiche are not founde writen in the boke of lyfe which shall remayne perpetually with Christ in heauen with all the holy angels and electe in the ioyfull perfyght and eternall blisse and fruicion of all the grace and goodnes that is prepared of God and of Christ our heuenly kynge for all faithfull beleuers But this is incomprehensyble vnto all reason wytte and sense of man onely to consyder it generallye as S. Austen saith saluacion is a state wherin is all perfyghtnes aboundantly of all those thinges that are good and to be desyred eyther in heauen or in earth wherunto God of his mercye will helpe and bryng vs. ¶ The .xxi. Chapter The texte And I sawe a newe heauen and a newe erth For the fyrst heauen and the fyrst erth were vanysshed away there was nomore See And I Iohn saw that holy cytie new Ierusalem come down from God out of heauen prepared as a bride garnisshed for her husband And I harde a great voyce out of heauen saying beholde the tabernacle of God is with men he wyll dwell with them And they shal be his people God himselfe shal be with them and be their God NOwe from this place forth the holy Apostle and Euangelyst S. Iohn describeth the saluation of al suche as are electe their state and the kyngdome of heauen and finally the euerlasting blisse wherof he wrote somewhat in the fyfte chapter but here he wryteth more playnely plentuosly and largely of it As concernynge the newe heauen and newe earth after what maner they shall be it is no place here to dyspute or to contende muche aboute it The testymony of the holy apostle S. Peter and of S. Iohn in thys place is suffycient for vs S. Peter in the thyrde chapter of hys seconde Epistle sayth as Iohn doeth here that thorow the worde of God wherby heauen and earth are created and made shall there be a newe heauen and a newe earthe agayne whiche the faithfull elect shall well see whyche had rather beleue the worde of God than all the weake and deceyueable reason of the phylosophers whiche haue taken in hande to dyspute and discusse such thynges but lytle to the purpose But S. Paule dyscusseth the matter with one worde saying we shal be alwayes with the lord in that same state where Christ our lord the euerlastyng kyng is namely with all them whiche shall be saued both angels and soules and also withal those men whiche dyd ryse and wente vp to heauē with Christ This is certen that like as thorow the synne of Adam thys world is corrupte and infect and the earth also with weedes and vnprofytable thynges whyche hynder and hurte the pleasaunt and good frutes whiche myght serue and be profitable vnto the worlde and the see lykewyse with hir vnquietnes and ragyng doth muche harme so shall the earth and water no more be but altogether with out faute lyke as mankynde shall lykewyse be without any maner of faute in perfyte ioye pleasure and blisse Euen so I saye shall the whole earth be garnyshed after suche a sort that it maye be a very paradyse wythout any maner of labor that the blessed shall wyshe to lyne vpon it but that they are in their contrye in heauen The same heauen whiche was made wyth one worde may likewise be prepared of God with one worde for the whole and persyte blisse of the faythfull electe Let vs content and satysfye oure selfes with this ▪ in this doubte and dysputacyon whiche can not be comprehended nor discussed with any reason of man But the holy citie that Iohn sawe is nothyng els but the state of all the faithfull electe in eternall and full saluation withoute anye maner of imperfeccion with aboundance of all goodnes where nothing more can be desired and with sure and quiet possessyon of all heuenly treasures in the syght and fruicion of God the hyghest and the onely goodnes and felicitie as he can gyue himselfe to be inioyed and that most louingly most cōmfortably and moste blissedly vnto all treatures of knowlege and vnderstandyng And that thorowe the cleare and blissed glasse of the excellent holy and excedyng blessed manhode of Christ the kyng of all honoure and blisse vnto all faithfull elect Whose blessed and sacred body and soule vnited and knytte in one with the holy godhed is a perfite and a cleare glasse wherin hys moste pleasaunte gloryfied manhode maye be beholden In whiche glasse all the blissed sayntes that is to say all that are saued doe beholde and haue the perfite fruicion of all that goodnes whiche the Lorde God is in him selfe and of all benefites that he will gyue vnto all his creatures euerlastyngly This glasse is sygnified by the tabernacle of God wherein God wyll abyde and remayne with man with all grace and louing kyndnes and that in the newe Ierusalem whiche is buylded altogether of moste precious stones of the blyssed frendes of God in whom God hath a pleasure and a delyght to dwell and to remayne and to deale and distribute his ioye felicitie and blisse vnto the faithfull elect For Ierusalem is not the myserable and wretched citie of the Iewes whiche is called Ierusalem and Iebus and I can not tell with howe manye more names besyde whiche was so ofte ouerthrowen for the rebellyon and disobedience of their citizens and for that they forsoke God in the whyche cytie the blynde proude frowarde and obstynace Iewys doe fyxe and set all their hope and felicitie where they hope and desyre to be lordes and to reigne ouer al men with their Messias whom they vaynely beyng grossely deceyued doe looke and gape for but it is that Ierusalem whiche is neyther heauenlye nor earthly but a spirituall Ierusalem a generall felowshyp and brotherhoode of all faythfull seruaūtes of God whiche haue a ryghte Christen fayth and a perfyte loue thorowly furnyshed with all good and holy workes the bondes and lymites whereof are thorout the whole compase of the earth wheresoeuer the Lorde God is rightly knowen and truely serued after his owne wyll expressed in his worde So that there are .iii. maner of Ierusalems But saynct Iohn speaketh in this place of the heauenly and newe cytie of those which are blissed in God whiche citie is in heauen prepared of God and made readye of Christ the brydegrome of all faythfull for them his spouse Whiche spouse is garnished not
the spirit and the bryde say come And let him that heareth say also come And let him that is a thirste come And let whosoeuer wyll take of the water of lyfe free Lyke as almightie God saieth vnto Moyses I am the God of thy fathers ▪ c. euen so saieth the angell here in the person of Christe by the inspiracion of Christes spirite that this prophecy was opened and reueled euen of Christ him selfe thorowe the angell vnto holy Iohn and therfore all men ought to credyte and beleue all these sightes visions and reuelacions And they ought also to be propouned and preached vnto the congregacions for their edifienge that the faithfull maye take diligent hede and beware of the terryble and shameful perels daungers and euyls which shal preuayle in the christen church and shortly aryse and beginne as is alredy happened and shall daylye be fulfylled more and more one after a nother as is before sayd But now howe Christ is y●●oole of Dauid marke this wel for as much as for his sake Dauids kingdom was preserued and his posterite also was preserued in the extreme and troblesome affliccions of the Iewishe nacion vntyll suche tyme as Christ our lorde sautout was borne of the stocke and progeny of Dauid For not withstandynge all the synnes wherwith Dauid dyspleased God and dyd in maner greater and more heynous synnes than Saule dyd yet coulde he vse the helpe of no nother thing fauynge onely of faith in the promes of God whiche assured and promised him that Christ the lorde and promised Mess●as should be borne of his seede wherin he might well reioyse bothe for him selfe and also for al his posteritie other Kynges and Lordes And therfore our lord sauiour Christ is the too●e and generacion of Dauid by reason of his manhode but concernyng his godheade he hath an vnknowen rysinge vp and begynnynge and an vnknowen commynge furthe of an euerlastinge birthe And lykewyse Christ accordynge to his manhode is a bryght mornynge starre whiche should drawe and allure the eyes of al men vnto him as vnto the risyng vp vnto blisse and vnto all saluacion All this is the voyce of Christ ▪ the brydegrome And now foloweth the voyce and desyre of the bryde and spouse whiche out of a true faithe and an heartye desyre and zeale in all faithfull and electe desireth and wyssheth after the seconde comminge of Christ vnto the latter iudgement and so consequently to inioy the participacion of the blessed and perfyte kyngdome in heauen with all faithfull electe bothe with bodye and soule For all the electe children of God doe hunger and thirst after the honour and glorye of Christ in the kingdome of heauen as well they that are vpon earthe as they that are already in heauen ▪ for they wyshe and desyre in their spirite the fulfyllyng of gods wyll and pleasure wherunto with all humblenes and submission they doe vtterly submitte their wyll for they knowe that his wyll is best and moost perfyte And this desire and wyshe of the faithfull electe ▪ pleaseth God well And althoughe he wyl not heate them at suche tyme as they desyre euen at the very same Moment yet he dothe promyse vnto them his gracious ayde and mercye in the meane tyme whiche he wyll doutles performe And all of mere grace and mercye without any maner of deserte The texte ¶ I testifye vnto euery man that heareth the wordes of the prophecye of this booke yf any man shall adde vnto these thinges God shal adde vnto him the plages that are written in this booke And yf any man shall minishe of the workes of this prophecye God shal take awaye his patre out of the dooke of lyfe and out of the holy ●●●●e and from the thinges whiche are written in this boke He whiche testifieth these thinges saithe be it I come qu●●ly Amen Euen so come Lorde Iesu The grace of our Lord Iesu Christe be with you all Amen In this place first after the speakynge of Christ and againe after the speakynge of the holy bryde and of the christen churche maye the holy Apostle S. Iohn speake these wordes in his owne parson as he dyd in the begynnynge of the booke to warne and exhorte al men there by y● no man adde any thing vnto this booke as a new vision no more than to any other booke of holy scripture nor take any thing there from as thoughe any thing might be mysunderstande therin and so refused as vnholy and not good For God wyll not suffer any suche thing to be vnpunysshed nor vnaduenged this is the very intent meanyng of these wordes And therfore such men doe amysse and synne very greatly whiche doe refuse this whole booke as thoughe it were not autentical where as it is euident y● it hath bene alwayes songe and reade in y● holy churche from the begynnynge to the ende Now are those bookes called Apocripha and vnautenticall whiche men might well reade out of the churche priuately by them selues but not in the churche and congregacion Nor it is not lawfull to confirme and mainteyne any maner of doctrine concerninge our faithe and relygion by the auctoritie of any suche vnautenticall bookes except it were in all pointes conformable vnto other holy scriptures And now that that foloweth here after where as he sayeth he which testifieth these thinges saieth c. These wordes maye be referred vnto that that goeth before where Christ speaketh of the callynge of the bryde Euen the same Christe sayeth here at the last ende againe yea I come without doubte take no thought nor thincke it not long the tyme is not long vnto me whiche am that I am Amen that is to saye without any doubt After this dothe holy S. Iohn conclude and ende this booke after the maner of the apostles desiring e●nestly the commynge of the kyngdome of Christ ▪ very quickely as all faithfull Christians doe The grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ be with all faithfull electe Christians whiche shall be vntyll the ende of the worlde and specially with them whiche reade this booke with faithe and an holy Christen desyre and mynde Amen ¶ The ende of the Reuelacion of S. Iohn thus brefely expounded by the seruaunt of Christ Leo Iude a minister in the churche of Tigury and translated out of the high Duche by Edmonde Alen. Num. xii Eccle. xlv Hebr. iii. Marke xii Lu● xxi ● Cor. viii Put aparte for y● gospel By whō we haue receiued grace and Apostleship c. Grace be with you c. For I loue to see you that I might c. I am debter bothe to the grekes and vngrekes For I am not ashamed of the gospel Abacu● ●● Which withhold y● truthe ●n vnrighteousnes c. Because that whan they knew god c. And as they regarded not to knowe God c. Whiche men though they knewe the righteousnes of God c. But we are sure that the iudgement of God c. Either dispisest thou
the loue I beare towarde you can not be vnto me but very pleasant For God the father is my wytnes whom I now beyng deliuered from Moses law do seruice vnto not with the grosse and carnall ceremonies therof but spiritually by preachyng the gladsome tidynges of his sonne for this seruice pleaseth him beste that alwayes and without ceasyng I remembre you in my prayers besechyng his goodnes if it maye by any meane be that my long desyre made vnto him may at last ous take effect whiche is that his pleasure may be I may prosperously and with a mery iourney cum to you For surely a great longyng haue I to see you not for any aduauntage of myne to be had for so doyng but to bestowe some gifte among you not the grosse gifte of Moses lawe but the spiritual gifte of Christ to establishe you more surely in that ye haue already begunne orels to speake it better that euery one of vs maye be to other comfortable whyles I shal be ioyfull for you fayth and ye likewyse agayne reioyce of myne by meane wherof this wyll insue that bothe our faythes shal through mutual cōfortyng be more ayded and strengthned The cause why this hath not hitherto bene done rose not of me The texte I would that ye should knowe brethren how that I haue often tymes purposed to cum vnto you but haue bene leat hitherto to haue also sum fruite among you as among other of the gētiles I am debter bothe to the grekes to the vngrekes to the lerned to the vnlearned so that as muche as in me is I am ready to preache the gospel to you that are at Rome also For I am not ashamed of the gospell of Christ because it is the power of God vnto saluacion to euery one that beleueth to the Iewe first and also to the gentile Muche rather assure your selfes brethren that oftētymes purposed I to see you but vntil this tyme some one lette or other hath chaunced that I could not and for this cause desired I so muche to see you that I might among you also do sum good as I haue heretofore done among other nacions Nor am I bounde to bestowe this my labour of preachyng the gospel wherwith I am by God putte in truste peculiarly vpō this nacion or that but as he is indifferently God of all the worlde so is Christes gospel equally due to all people I cal y● gospel a meane wherby a man is made righteous through fayth in Iesus Christ the sonne of God whom the lawe promised and in figure represented Debter therfore am I herein not onely to the Grecians but also to barbarous nacions not to the learned and eloquente onely but to the rude also and vnlearned whosoeuer he be that renounceth it not nor disdayneth it So that asmuche as in me is I am in a ioyful readynes to preache the gospell euen vnto you also that are at Rome No neither the maiestie of thempier of Rome maketh me afrayde so to do nor thinke I the preachyng of Christes gospel any suche thyng wherof I ought to be ashamed For as to the wicked and vnfaythfull the gospell seameth a matier to be laughed at and vaine so whoso beleueth it to him it is the mightye power of God effectual to saluacion and perfecte quietyng of mennes cōsciences whiche thynges neither Iewes tradicions nor your Philosophie nor yet your dominion are able to bryng aboute And albeit this mightie power of the gospel be in like condicion auailable to al men yet as Goddes pleasure was so for honoures sake fyrst was it offered to the Iewes after that streight by the preachers of the gospel to be spread abroade among the grecians and al other nacions of the worlde to the ende al men should bothe knowledge their owne vnrighteousnes also seeke to be made righteous by God whither they be Englishmen or Frenchemen For farre is that man frō saluacion whiche neither knoweth his owne disease nor woteth where to seeke for remedy The texte ¶ For by it is the righteousnes of god opened from fayth to fayth As it is writen The iuste shal liue by fayth And whereas before this tyme sondrie men thought righteousnes to stande in sondrie pointes now by preachyng of Christes gospel all men knowe righteousnes not of Moses I say but of God him selfe whiche standeth not in supersticious worshippyng of idolles nor in Iewishe ceremonies but is wonne by fayth whiles men knowledge and consent that God nowe perfourmeth that whiche he long synce by the mouth of his prophetes promised to do Euen as Abacu● also prophecied saying my righteous shal liue by fayth The texte For the wrath of God appeareth from heauen against all vngodlynes and vnrighteousnes of men whiche withhold the trueth in vnrighteousnes seyng that it whiche may be knowen of God is manifest among them for God hath shewed it vnto thē Yea his inuisible thinges that is to say his eternall power and godhead are sene for asmuche as they are vnderstand by the workes from y● creacion of the world so that they are without excuse because that when they knewe God they glorified him not as god neither wer thankefull but wa●ed full of vanities in their imaginacions and they folishe heart was blynded When they coumpted them selues wyse they became fooles and turned the glory of the immortal God vnto an image made not onely after the similitude of a mortall man but also of birdes and foure footed beastes and crea●yng beastes Wherfore God gaue them vppe to vncleanes through the lustes of their owne heartes to defile their owne bodies among them selues Whiche turned his trueth to a lye and worshipped and serued the thynges that be made more then him that made them whiche is blessed for euer and euer Amen For wheras before this tyme all people in maner without al punishement and correccion and as though God bare with and fauoured mens synnes fell to mischiefe now declareth he openly by his sonne sent from heauen that his wrath is for good cause sette on fyer and ready to take vengeaunce vpon al men after what sorte soeuer they be vngodly or vnrighteouse yea euen vpon them that to Moses lawe are straungers because the trueth in maner knowen vnto them they applied not to godly and vertuouse conuersacion but helde on neuertheles in theyr synfull lyfe styll and because also they knowyng muche more of God than the rude and ignoraunt people wer yet no lesse deuilishe than the other God in dede wholly and perfitely as he is can in no wyse by mannes wytte be knowen and yet asmuche as by it might be vnderstanden men haue obtayned albeit not so muche neither without his great goodnes For neuer had they gotten somuche had not God opened it vnto them as he in dede did albeit not by the bookes of the prophetes in whō men thought he onely spake vnto the Iewes at lestewyse yet by the wonderfull creacion of
yet for our synnes was raised vppe again to life euerlastyng not by any worldely power but by the mightie power of his father so should we beyng through him raised out of the death of synne becomen dead to our former life leadyng hereafter a newe life walke in the trade of godly conuersacion continually encreasyng vpwarde from better to better For seyng that we are through baptisme planted into Christes bodye and in maner altered into him mete is it that whatsoeuer we see done in him whiche is oure head the same be of vs whiche are his membres either in life expressed or els loked for in tyme to come Rysen is he againe ascended into heauen and setteth in glorye at the right hande of his father All whiche thynges alreadye done in Christ we maye oure selues finally trust to enioye if for this present tyme as muche as in vs lyeth we folowe the same and diligently put them in vre Therfore if we through baptisme dye vnto our former synnes and fleashely lustes therin as we may resemblyng Christes death euen as mete and conuenient is it that we hensfoorth forsakyng the filthynes of synne and diligently exercisyng our selues in godly workes expresse in our liuyng his holy resurreccion To folowe Christes death is neither to kyl our selfes nor yet to hurt oure bodyes but then as ye well knowe dye we with him if to oure old frowarde appetites we haue suche a dull desyre y● to them we seame as dead For accordyng to our double generacion we must in our selfes cōceiue two menne th one olde grosse and like vnto the yearthly Adam thother newe desyrous of heauenly thynges as whiche hath by Christ sent from heauen his beginnyng Our olde man therfore is as it wer destroyed what tyme it was with Christ fastened vpon the crosse whervpon also were extinguished all oure desyres of transitorye pleasures whose whole rable maye well be called the body of synne This bodye of synne is then in vs effectually and holsomely slaine when hurtefull desyres are in suche sorte destroyed in vs that we no more do seruice vnto synne He that after this sorte as I haue now expressed foloweth Christes death is euen become a righteous man and is no longer subiecte vnto synne from whose tyranny he is already deliuered The texte Wherfore if we be dead with Christ we beleue that we also shall liue with him knowyng that Christ beyng raised from death dyeth nomore Death hath nomore power ouer him For as touchyng that he dyed he dyed concernyng synne once And as touchyng that he lyueth he liueth vnto God Lykewyse cōsider ye also that ye are dead as touchyng synne but are aliue vnto God through Iesus Christ our lorde Let not synne raigne therfore in your mortal bodye that ye should thervnto obeye by the lustes of it Therfore if as we haue now oftentymes sayd we be to Christ dead so deliuered frō our former synnes our trust is hereafter through innocent holy life to liue with him so to liue with him that we shall neuer dye more in this also as farre as possible is resemblyng Christ who submitted not him selfe in suche sorte to death that in him death should haue any power after but rose againe to liue euerlastyngly For as touchyng that he dyed vnto synne he dyed but once but touchyng that he nowe liueth he liueth to God his father by whose might he was from death raised to life euerlastyng And as it was in Christ so thynke your selfes once dead to synne by that your olde v●cious desyres are destroyed and by that ye are nowe becomen newe men as thoughe ye were raised againe from death to liue a heauenly and an immortall life to Godwarde by whose benefite we are nowe made innocent and holy For if ye this do not ye liue not to Godwarde because that to God noman lyueth but suche as liue godly righteously and in other vertues For synce that we are planted into Christes body and becomen one with him mete is it that we as membres be like vnto our head whiche is Christ And synce that he nowe lyueth to Godwarde for euermore reason it is that we likewyse liue vnto him through the same Iesus Christ our Lorde And as he beyng once raised frō death suffereth nomore the tyrāny of death so must ye take hede lest synne beyng nowe once banished out of your soules recouer in you againe the tyranny whiche it hath loste and so renewe his olde title of death As it surely wyll if ye folowe suche beastly desyres with whiche the deuil is wont to allure and bryng vs into our olde bondage The texte Neither geue ye your membres as instrumentes of vnrighteousnes vnto synne but geue ouer your selues vnto God as they that of dead are aliue And geue ouer your membres as instrumentes of righteousnes vnto God For sinne shal not haue power ouer you because ye are not vnder the lawe but vnder grace And see that your membres beyng nowe consecrate vnto Christ do hencefoorth nomore seruice at the deuils mocion whom Christ hath subdued and so to worke vnrighteousnes but rather hereafter so vse your selues that by all your life it may appeare that ye with Christ haue forsaken all deadly synne and workes of death and to be altered into a new life And so shal ye in dede do if hencefoorth all your membres that is to say all the powers of your bodyes and soules be applyed not to vice in the deuils seruice but to righteousnes in the seruice of God For reason requireth that we wholly belong to him to whō we haue once boūde our selues and with him to haue nothyng to do from whom we are now departed and whose yoke we haue once shaken of Nor is it to be feared leste synne wyll we or nil we bryng vs backe againe into our olde bondage because ye are nowe no longer vnder the lawe whiche rather prouoked wylfull desyres then suppressed but vnder Goddes grace whiche as it was able to deliuer vs from the bondage of synne so is it able to kepe and preserue vs that we nomore falle thervnto The texte What then shal we sinne because we are not vnder the law but vnder grace God forbid And yet nowe God forbid that in the meane season any manne should this wyse take my wordes when I sayd ye were free from the lawe either to thynke that forasmuche as the lawe is abolished ye may do as ye liste or that Goddes free goodnes whiche hath pardoned all our olde offences hath also therwith frely geuen vs libertie to do euil But rather so muche the more ought we to abstaine from synne because we are now nomore like slaues cōpelled to do wel as by a law but are as childrē are wont to be with desertes loue prouoked therto So that your bondage is chaunged and not vtterly taken away In suche sorte haue ye geuen ouer the seruice of the lawe that ye nowe
than is any man no neither the chief aungels whiche order is called a rule and power neither anye heyght or depnes that is to saye whether the same inuade vs frō aboue or from beneth whither it be with a coloure of honestie or not yea though wonders were shewed from heauen or els threatnynges from hell put vs in feare neither thinges present neither yet to come whether we be put in feare of present ieopardyes or in ieopardy of the life to come briefly what soeuer els befall anye where here in earthly thinges whether it maye be sene or not be it neuer so strong and mightie yet shal it not be able to deuide vs from that charitie wherbye we are knyt to god throughe Iesus Christe his sonne The .ix. Chapiter The texte I saye the trueth in Christ and lye not my conscience also bearyng me witnes by the holy ghost that I haue a greate heauines and continual sorow in my hearte For ● haue wyshed my selfe to be cursed from Christe for my brethren my kynsmen as pertaynyng to the fleshe whiche are the Israelites To whome pertayneth the adoption of y● chyldren and the glorie and the couenauntes and the law that was gyuen and the seruice of god and the promises whose also are the fathers and they of whom as concernyng the fleshe Christe came whiche is god in al thinges to be praysed for euer Amen TO whome would to god all the Iewes were conuerted forsakyng theyr Moses the Iewes I saye which yet styll continewe in this mynde and thynke that to thattaynyng of saluation it is sufficient to be Abrahams chyldren and in theyr handes to haue the lawe once gyuen vnto them by god whome yet in deede no suche thyng shall auayle and profite vnles by faythe they make themselfes worthy to be drawen and loued of god But of them is Christe promised in the lawe stubbernly refused whom the Gentiles receiue and knowledge This yet speake I not of any displeasure conceyued or borne agaynst my contreye men not withstandyng theyr spitefull myndes toward me but as Christe to whō nothing ▪ is vnknowen is my witnes witnessyng with hym also myne owne conscience whose gouernoure and ouerseer is the holy ghost I wyl saye the truthe and lye not that it troubleth my mynde exceadynglye and aboue measure and with continuall sorowe euen weareth me awaye to see some of them through their owne folye vtterly perishe As for myne owne parte so ferte am I from hatyng the Iewes that yf it myghte any waye be I would euen with myne owne destruction procure theyr amendment and weale nor would refuse euen my selfe of Christe to be forsaken so that all they to whom I am both by countrey aliaunce ioyned were with me in the fayth of Christ lykewyse ioyned that as by stocke bloud they are Israelites they lykewyse were in knowledge of the trueth perfite Israelites whome of all other nacions moste besemed it to receyue hym whom the lawe promised specially sith it is that nation whome god out of al the other many hūdred yeares past specially chose for hym self coumpting all other nations as bastarde children nouryshed these brought thē vp as his naturall trew begotten sonnes moste of all because they aboue other for this honoure and dignitie maye speciallye glorie that they dispising all idolatrye worshipped the verye trewe god In theyr handes is the possession and prerogatyue of the lawe gyuen vnto them by god With them made god and they with god couenauntes and promises In theyr handes is there the right fourme and maner of dewe honouryng of god euen as he hym self commaūded in theyr handes are the prophecies wherin was long before both Christes commyng spoken of and this welthy state wherof I dyd a litle before glorye promysed Which also are lineally descended of the moste famouse chief lanternes of lyght and fyrste begynners of our nacion I meane Abrahā Isaac Iacob with other of whō Christ hymself touchyng his humanitie vouchsaued to be borne so that in this behalfe wyll they or not of aliaunce and kynred muste they nedes be to Christe hymself who ferre ferre excelleth and passeth those fathers of whose title and holines they so greatly auaūt themselfe Be it so that theyr fathers were neuer so good and holy yet wer they nothyng els but men But nowe is Christe in suche sorte man that he therwith is also god not of this nacion or that onlye but of al one and equall with his father whiche ruleth al thinges by whose vnsearcheable wysedome all this geare is wrought to whom onlye for suche vnspeakeable loue borne towarde mankynde al prayse and thankes are dewe for euer Amen The texte ¶ I speake not these thinges as though the wordes of god had take none effect For they are not al Israelites which are of Israel neither are they all chyldren straighte waye that are the seede of Abraham But in Isaac shall thy seede be called that is to saye they whiche are the chyldren of the fleashe are not the children of god But they whiche be the chyldren of promise are coumpted the seede For this is a worde of promise about this tyme wyll I come and Sara shall haue a sonne And surely for this the more detestable is the wickednes of some Iewes whiche vnreuerently gaynsaying and blasphemyng Christe therin dishonour god the father whiche woulde haue his gloryous name set furth by his sōne And yet al this theyr wyckednes outragiouse as it was caused not but that god neuertheles in al poyntes perfourmed as muche as he in his prophetes sayinges promised to do To the people of Israel whiche are Abrahams posteritie was this blysseful lyfe promysed and yet not to all neither but to such only as truly and vnfaynedly are his ofspryng For it is not to be supposed that al suche are very Israelites as are descended of the stocke of Israel but suche rather as are so strong and mightie in fayth that they wyll not with worldly tribulations be ouercomen nor yet with troubles ▪ wherwith god tryeth oure stedfastnes in religion suche I saye worthely none els ought to be called Israelites that is to saye mighty strong to godwarde Nor are al they that come of Abrahams bloude therfore so fer Abrahams chyldren that by this bare title they may chalēge the promised inheritaūce but rather suche as resēble that fayth of Abraham wherby he deserued that this blessed inheritaūce should be deriued giuē vnto al his posteritie To make this more euidēt playne marke whyther y● worde of god who made y● promise be not so whiche saythe in Isaac thy sede shal be called To the seede of Abrahā promyse was made that in it by it al nations of the world shoulde famously be spoken of and blessyd But nowe is it not gods wyl that al Abrahās posteritie should be called Abrahams seede vnles they be as Isaac was who was the chylde
loue haue they but yet not accordyng to knowledge and right iudgement Nor are they deceiued for lacke of a godly minde and purpose but in the choyse and practise of life they rūne farre awry Now better is it to haue some minde to religion then to be al without and of God wel worthy wer that minde of theyrs in goodnes to be encreased were it not that they to the grosse beginnynges of godly life so stubbernly cleaued that they refused the true and perfite religion and wer it not also they so vehemently requyred and auaunced euen shadowes and pictures of trueth that the verye fountayne of trueth they vtterly dispised For whiles they busyly in dede but yet vndiscretely defende and kepe Moses lawe resistyng him for whom the lawe was principally ordained they vtterly fal euen from the whole lawe selfe Kepyng of the sabboth day circumcision abstinence frō certayne kyndes of meates the shonnyng of dead carkasses fastyng dayes the keapyng of high feastes were for this purpose made and decreed for a time that frō suche rude beginnynges men might by litle and litle growe vpwarde to true perfite righteousnes and from a certaine worldly righteousnes encrease and growe vppe to that whiche is in all pointes godly and perfecte If an ordinaunce be purposed and made for a better ende vnseamyng is it for loue of suche a meane to dispise the ende for whiche the sayd meane was appointed But now frowardely so yet do the Iewes whom albeit after the publishyng of the righteousnes of God it besemed to forgoe the carnal iustice of the lawe yet so farrefoorth bolster they out defende theyr olde and at this tyme hurteful and not onely superfluous iustice of the lawe that they not onely wyll not knowledge the heauenly righteousnes of God but also hauyng a confidence in theyr ceremonies withstande and resist the gospel of Christ wherevnto they ought by fayth to submitte them selfe if they euer minded to be truely righteous For we must by imaginacion conceiue as it were twoo kyndes of iustice th one wherof Moses was author the other wherof Christ was beginner The one standeth in ceremonies the other in fayth and obedience And as the rude piece of timbre is matter wherof an image is wrought as bloud is the beginning of liuyng creatures to be brought foorth by generaciō so is the iustice of the lawe a rude grosse beginnyng of thother whiche is more perfite And certainly extreme folishenes is it after that a man is come to perfeccion curiously to sticke styl in rudimentes But now of all Moses law whiche is of it selfe rude vnperfite is Christ the fulfillyng and perfeccion by whom through fayth and not through circumcision we attaine righteousnes whiche way to righteousnes is not onely open for Iewes to entre therinto but also to all true and faythful beleuers The texte For Moses writeth of the righteousnes whiche commeth of the lawe how that the mā whiche doeth the thinges of the law shal liue therby But the righteousnes which cōmeth of fayth speaketh on this wyse say not thou in thine heart who shal ascende into heauen that is euen to fetche Christ doune from aboue either who shall descende into the depth that is euen to fetche vp Christ againe from death but what sayth he The worde is nigh the euen in thy mouth and in thy heart Both kyndes of iustice did Moses clearely expresse For the temporal iustice whiche rested in ceremonies to be kept but for a season plainly setteth he out in the boke of y● Leuites saiyng kepe my lawes decrees this who so doeth shal liue therby But the true euerlastyng iustice whiche we by Christ through a liuely fayth obtaine in the boke of Deuteronomi expresseth he when he sayth neither say thou in thine heart who shall ascende into heauen for that is euen to fetche Christ doune from aboue Nor yet say thou who shal descende and goe doune into the deapth of the yearth for that were euen to fetche vppe Christ againe from death Of whiche bothe sortes of questioners forasmuche as they require of fayth to haue an experiment neither of both semeth to beleue well But whosoeuer vnfaynedly beleueth is in suche poyntes more surely and better persuaded thē is one which nedeth suche meanes to be taught with either of this I saye that Christe once descended from heauen or els of this that he nowe sytteth at his fathers ryghte hande thoughe he nomore shewe neither of bothe before mennes iyen And though it be of men sene nomore yet beleueth he also that Christ went downe to hell and the thyrde daye rose agayne to lyfe Sufficient is it for vs to beleue that this was once done So that this remayneth that we gyue credence vnto suche as sawe the same And to beleue this we nede not to seke ferre The Iewes sawe and yet beleued not Other heard whiche sawe not and yet gaue they credence The scripture recordeth the same whiche streight after saythe the worde is nyghe the euen in thy mouthe and in thy hearte The texte This same is the worde of faythe whiche we preache For yf thou knowledge with thy mouth that Iesus is the lorde and beleue in thy heart that god raysed hym vp frō death thou shalte be saued For to beleue with the hearte iustifieth and to knowledge with the mouthe maketh a man safe For the Scripture sayth whosoeuer beleueth on hym shal not be confounded And what worde is this whiche Scripture speaketh of Withoute doubt the worde of the gospel which we beyng publyshers of this righteousnes do preache worketh in mennes soules present saluacion so that menne by faythe onely apply theyr myndes therunto But howe is this worde of the gospell in thy mouthe and howe is it in thy hearte Yf thou with thy mouthe confesse and knowledge the Lorde Iesus and with thy heart vnfaynedly beleue that god from death raised hym agayne to lyfe that we through hym beyng restored to lyfe from the death of syn shoulde hereafter lyue in cleannesse of lyfe then shalt thou be saued For with hert beleue we whiche is to ryghteousenes the very entrey but for asmuche as when nede requyreth all men are bounde to glorifie Christe to euerlastyng saluacion it is not sufficient with heart onlye to beleue excepte thou the same with thy mouthe confesse By this seeye that this matter hangeth not vpon ceremonies but vpon fayth Whiche thyng Esai also speakyng of Christe recordeth saying whosoeuer beleueth on hym shall not be confounded The texte There is no difference betwene the Iewe and the Gentile For one is lorde of all whiche is riche vnto all that cal vpon hym For whosoeuer dothe call on the name of the Lorde shal be safe Howe then shall they call on hym on whome they haue not beleued Howe shall they beleue on hym of whome they haue not hearde Howe shall they heare withoute a preacher And how shall they
haste a mynde desirouse to reuenge But nowe truely so farre are ye from being lyke to mylde christian men without reuenging to suffre losse or iniurye that euen wilfully ye dooe wrong to other maliciouslye deceaue and oppresse other not onely vnbeleiuers but also such as are by religion your brothers Sauer not suche doinges of the leauen of your olde life Square not suche pointes far both from your learnyng and your profession Whosoeuer professeth Christe professeth Innocencie and to such a lyfe is promised the kyngdome of heauen For neyther is it sufficient to bee dipped in water nor yet to bee graffed into Christe onlesse all youre life bee agreable to Christes doctryne And for none other purpose are ye taken out of this world and planted into the body of Christ but to the ende ye should hencefurthe in godlye lyfe bee lyke vnto Christe youre heade Knowe ye not this that vnrighteousse liuers bee they baptised neuer so muche shall bee excluded from the inheritaunce of the kyngdome of heauen And leste anye manne deceaue hymselfe I tell you agayne and agayne and geue you warnyng that neyther fornicatours nor idolators nor aduouterers nor weakelinges whiche growyng out of mannes kynde lyue after an horrible kynde of bodily luste nor suche as in steade of women abuse men nor theues nor couetous men nor dronkardes neither cursed speakers nor violente pillers of other mennes goodes shal be partakers of the kyngdome of God Nothyng shall your newe name or title auayle you if your life be with your olde vices defiled yea to such is Christe rather an occasion of more grieuous and painfull damnacion The texte And suche were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the spirite of our God I maye do all thynges but all thynges are not profitable I maye doe al thynges but I wyll be brought vnder no mannes power Meates are ordeined for the bellye and the belly for meates but God shall destroye both it and them Let not the bodye be applyed vnto fornicacion but vnto the Lord and the Lorde vnto the bodye God hathe raysed vp the Lorde and shall rayse vs vp by hys power Suche as I haue nowe rehersed were some of you before that ye were throughe Christ borne agayne I laye not to your charge that which ye were beefore so that ye fall nomore thereto Washed are ye and deliuered from youre olde synnes and that by Goddes free gyfte beeware that ye bee nomore defiled wyth thē By this washyng hath God not only by his bloud restored you to innocente and hurtlesse lyfe but geuen you also holinesse and righteousnes and that not by the power of the law nor for youre desertes but by Iesus Christe in whose name ye were baptised and by the spirite of oure god by whose secrete inspiraciō the sacramētes of Christes churche been effectual So much more then should euery of you endeuour lest ye through youre owne folye lose this benefite frelye geuen vnto you in so doyng neyther thankfull to the geuer nor yet frendelye nor louyng to your selfe In suche thynges as appertayne to naturall necessities I maye dooe all thynges For no man forbyddeth me to vse lyke authoritie as other apostles vse But it is not paraduenture for you alwayes profitable for me to vse my ryght Suche as are fedde and liue wyth youre meate suche as pyll and polle you beeyng euen as they were bondslaues bought wyth your moneye dare not freely warne you of youre faultes leste ye vpon dyspleasure conceaued there wyth bestowe your liberalitie otherwyse I myght also for my labours take rewarde namely since I tooke more paynes than anye other I wanted not authoritie this to dooe but I woulde not dooe that thyng whereby I myghte bee brought vnder any mānes power and subieccion and seame bounde to any of you to thyntente it myghte more clearely appeare bothe that yf I teache anye thyng that I therein seeke your weale and profite and not myne owne and that also yf I dydde with woordes anye thynge chastice you that ye shoulde pacientely heare me For it is a thyng commenlye seene that suche a mannes free speache offendeth not whiche is nothyng bounde to hym whome he reproueth Elles litell mattier maketh it whose meate a manne eate synce menne muste needes haue meate And synce meates are ordayned for the bealye and likewyse bealyes for meates lette euery manne for this tyme satisfye the presente necessitye and neede For wythin a shorte tyme wyll God destroye bothe bealye and meate whiche is that neyther oure bealyes shall wyth houngre trouble vs nor of meates shall there bee anye vse But as we whiche haue professed Christe muste obeye and serue naturall lackes euen as the heathen and vnchristened dooe so shoulde there yet betwene vs in vyce bee none agremente Of meates I forbydde none lette euerye manne eare what he wyll but filthye bodily luste I forbydde Nor is it lyke that as the bealye is appoynted for meate soe the bodye is prepared for carnall pleasure but rather oure bodye is consecrate vnto the Lorde Iesu and he agayne coupled vnto vs. For so hath it pleased hym that by vs as members and hym as heade hys spirituall and misticall bodye shoulde bee made and kyntte together This knotte holdeth not for a litell season Deathe in deede taketh awaye all necessitie of meates but it breaketh not the knotte wherewyth we are ioyned to Christe For as Godde the father raysed the Lorde Iesus oure heade from deathe so wyll he likewyse rayse vppe agayne vs his membres wyth hym with him rewarde vs with life euerlasting For hable is he of power this to dooe albeit some of you thynke the same vnlykelye As therefore oure soule shall not of that immortall lyfe bee partaker onlesse the same for this presente tyme throughe godlye and continuall meditacions haue hadde thesame lyfe in delygente remembraunce so the bodye raysed agayne shall of that glorye haue no parte onlesse thesame for this presente tyme haue beene free from the contagion of synne What a foule syght is it yf the members seame vnlyke the heade whiche is in euery pointe pure and cleane The texte Eyther konwe ye not that your bodyes are the membres of Christe shall I nowe take the members of Christe and make them the members of an harlot God forbid Do ye not know that he whiche coupleth hymselfe with an harlot is become one body For two saieth he shal bee one flesh But he that is ioyned vnto the Lord is one spirite Remembre ye not how that as I before tolde you your bodyes are the members of Christe What then Sal I nowe become so mad notwithstandyng I know this much with the great reproche of the head to take away the membre of Christe and make thereof the membre of an harlote God forbidde And yet what elles dooth he whiche is conuersaunte with an harlote Knowe ye
they were escaped the tirannie of Pharao Moses being their capitain were all with a cloude cast ouer them by the mightie power of god defended from the heate of the sunne and that al equally went on fote through the sea deuided so that what gift soeuer is through Christ geuen vnto vs the same in maner was among them done before Baptisme through Christ as chiefe doer deliuereth vs from the tirannie of sin and they whyles vnder the gouernannce of Moses beeyng couered with a cloude passed ouer the sea which at the stryking of Moses rod stode a sunder were after a certain sorte baptized therein long before figuring our baptisme Again as many of vs as are through baptisme purged are equally nouryshed with the foode of Christes blessed body and drinke al of his misticall cup. Likewise dyd all they eate of manna sente downe vnto them from heauen and al dranke indifferently of the water which Moses with the stroke of hys rod caused to spring out of a rocke Nor it is to be supposed that such thinges were done after the common sort or by chaūce but Christ among them at that time darkely began the same matier which he hath in vs now plainly truely perfourmed From Christ rained downe that manna and by the mightie power of Christe whiche is with his alway present was the drie and barain rocke made to geue out water plentiously Briefly Christ it was which vouchsalued to endue his children with such great honorable benefites This honor and benefite was commenly geuen to them all but yet all came not to that place whither theyr purposed iourney was Nothyng aduauntaged them to escape out of Egipte if they caried furthe Egipte with them nothyng auauntaged it them to shake of and to bee rydde of theyr oulde bondage yf they afterwarde beecame more slauishelye bonde to fylthye desyres than they beefore were subiecte to Pharao Yea with them was god so much the more displeased because they were not onely noughtie as they were beefore but also vnthankefull For the whiche offences by the iuste vengeaunce of God diuersly punyshed were they and destroied in wildernes some time with fier sometime with sweorde sometime with pestilence and some time with serpentes The texte These are ensaumples to vs that we should not lust after euil thinges as they lusted And that ye should not be worshippers of images as were some of them according as it is written The people sate doune to eare and drinke and rose vp to play Neither let vs be defyled with fornicacion as some of them were defyled with fornicacion and fell in one day three and twentie thousand Neyther let vs tempte Christe as some of them tempted and were destroyed of serpentes Neither murmure ye as some of them murmured were destroied of the destro●●● But as theyr departure thence in a shadowe representeth oure baptisme so is theyr punishment to vs an exaumple that vpon boldenes of our baptisme we leade ●ot a lyfe vnsemely for suche as are baptized and that we neyther wan●o●ly through desyre of hurtful fleshe returne agayn in mynde into Egipte as they did to theyr great destruccyō lothing māna ▪ nor foolishely or through intēperaunce fall agayne to idolatrie or asmuch as seme to fall thereto as they dyd whiche despysing the true god worshipped a calfe that was cast in a moulde euē as y● cursed painims did For in the boke of Exodus thus is it wrtten whē they had offered theyr sacrifices the people sate downe to eate and drinke and when they were ful they rose vp to play And euen anon after by the vengeaūce of god there were of them slayne three and twentie thousande And it is also an example that we be not with wicked harlottes defiled as some of them were defyled with the hoores of the Moabites But by the displeasure of god therwith enkiendled there were in one day destroyed foure and twentye thousande men Nor let vs distrusting Christe through impacience tempte hym as some of them did with wicked grudging prouoking his displeasure al which were with fyrye serpentes destroyed nor grudge agaynste Christ and hys ministers as some of them murmured agaynste god and Moses makyng a conspiracie whereof Chore was chiefe capitayne and begynner what tyme besyde suche as were swalowed quicke into the earth there were destroyed fourtene thowsande The texte All these thinges happened vnto them for ensaumples but are written to put vs in remembraunce whome the endes of the world are come vpon Wherfore let him that thinketh he stādeth take hede lest he fall There hath none other temptacion taken you but such as foloweth the nature of manne But god is faythfull which shall not suffer you to be tempted aboue your strengthe but shall in the middes of the temptacion make a way that ye may be hable to beare it Wherefore my dere beloued flye from wurshipping of images All which thinges in olde time chaunced vnto them and are in auncient cronacles left in remembraūce but what soeuer befel them was not without cause but rather to geue vs exaumple what we whiche are nowe in thys laste age ought both to folow and flye The Hebrues because they fell agayne to wantonnes to idolatrie to foule playes to hooredome and to other vices whiche they by reason of theyr conuersacyon with the Egipcians had conceyued fell from the fauor of god nor gote they any good by that they were deliuered because they in trade of life aūswered not vnto the benefites of god But are now rather so farre forsaken that in this day no nacion is there that is more out of gods fauour than are the Iewes And likewise the greater benefites we receyue of god prouokyng vs to godly lyfe so much the more ought we to feare lest we of Christ be more grieuously punished if we being through baptisme deliuered once out of Egipt haue vnder the title of Christe maners not beseemyng Christ but Egipt Let no man therfore eyther vpon pryde of his strength despise the weake or vpon boldnes of his baptisme thynke he shall be saued onles he therto adioyne maners besemyng suche as are baptized The Hebrues also thoughte themselues ioly felowes because they being delyuered out of so many ieopardyes semed of god specially regarded and yet were they of god more earnestly punished because they beeing deuyded from the wicked painyms fel yet agayne to their maners No man without ieopardie trusteth to hymselfe Let rather him that standeth take hede that he fall not The surest way is for men stil to walke forward frō better to better trusting to noe one standyng for by the deuils wylines many thinges may chaunce whereby if we be slouthfull we may be brought out of Christes fauor Nor haue I now vsed these terrible examples because I feare toward you like ieopardie And hitherto ye haue offended are swarued from the purenes of christian lyfe but yet see I that youre wounde is curable and growen through
and earth Yea and as there is of heauenly bodyes one beautie and comlynes and of earthly an other euen so a diuersitie is there among the heauenly bodyes them selfe Fyrste nether is there lyke glory and bryghtnes of the Moone with the sōne nor of other starres with the Moone and briefly euen the verie starres selfe in brightnesse diffre one from another for all are not as bryght as the day starre is Lykewyse at the resurrection all men shall ryse with theyr owne bodyes but yet in an vnlyke glory without doubte as it shal please God to gyue them and as they in this lyfe haue deserued For the vngodly shall rise in one fourme the good in an other Among them also that are good euerie one as he hath in this lyfe vsed hymselfe so shal he excell other in the gloriousnes of his new bodye Yet generally all good men shall haue a muche more actiue bodye than was that which they by death forsoke And as it is in nature to couer the seed vnder the earth the same is in the matier of resurrection the buriall of the deade bodye And that whiche in the seede is growyng agayne is in the bodye rysyng agayne And as in the one that is muche better which groweth vp than was that which was caste into the earth euen so here albeit it be thesame bodye that ryseth agayne yet is it farre vnlike There is sowen as it were a grayne into the earth a body subiect to corruption but thesame shall ryse againe without all corruption There is hydden in the earth a vyle body lothsome but there shall ryse againe a body both gloriouse and honourable There is buryed a bodye whiche euen when it lyued was weake but it shall ryse agayne full of power and myght There is buryed a bodye which albeit were alyue yet were it grosse and heauye and by the reason of that bourdaynouse to the soule gouernour of the same but there shall ryse agayne not a naturall but a spirituall bodye whiche shall to the soule be no let whither soeuer it moue For this is a difference of bodies also one is naturall whiche hath neede of meate and drynke and is weryed with labour whiche is diseased whiche with age weareth awaye which with his grosse and fautie instrumentes ofttimes letteth the intent of the soule which by reason of froward desyers oftentimes prouoketh to vyce to whome yf the soule be obedient and geue ouer the same is as it were tourned into the body and groweth out of his nature into fleshe another is spirituall which being in this lyfe by lytle and lytle purged from sensual appetites and desiers and after by resurrection renewed agayne is in maner transfourmed into the nature of the soule to whom it by godly desyre applyed it selfe that as oure soule obeyng the spirite of god is rauished and in maner transformed into him so maye our bodyes beyng ▪ obedient vnto the soule be pourged and shakyng of his grossenes be purified into such a body as is very lyke to the soule This grosse and earthly body receiued we of our first father Adā which as he was made of earth so was he subiect to earthly desiers But there is an other secōde Adam not somuche the begynner of our natiuitie as of our resurrection which as he hath an heauenly beginning so was he fre from al infeccion of earthly desyers And so reade we in Genesis The fyrste man Adam was made to lyue through y● benefite of the soule but yet so that the soule beyng as it were bound to the grosse body should do nothing but by bodily instrumentes or at the leaste by some material meane But after him was geuen a seconde Adam which as he was conceaued by the holy gost so should he geue lyfe to his not this grosse lyfe whiche we haue in many poyntes common with beastes but a spirituall and a heauenly lyfe By Christ therfore are we repayred in al poyntes into a better state For that thing whiche is in time firste is also in substance more grosse and that by the order of nature We nowe beare about with vs a naturall bodye and in tyme to come we shall haue a spirituall bodye As the grosse parent of our stocke went before so folowed Christ the begynner of a newe generacion And what sorte of one the earthly parent was suche are his posteritie that is to saye men gyuen to earthly desyres And agayne what kynde of one the heauenly Adam was such are they which are borne agayne in hym that is to wete wholy delyted with heuenly thinges For we must for this state begyn that here which we intende herafter perfitely to enioye As before baptisme in vngraciouse maners we resemblyd the nature of our fyrst father so being borne agayne vnto Christ through baptisme we muste nowe in heauenly lyfe resemble oure heauenly father And yf we this do not neither shall we be here partes of Christes bodye nor in tyme to come gloriously ryse agayne In deede admitted are we into the kyngdom of god but this I tell you brethren that flesh and bloud that is to say men of the first generacion cannot come to the enheritaunce of the kyngdome of God nor the lyfe whiche is with synne corrupted shall haue the inheritaunce of lyfe immortall And because ye shall be ignoraunt of nothyng apertaynyng to the maner of resurreccion beholde I tell you a misterie We shall not all dye for the laste daye shall peraduenture fynde some of vs alyue but yet shall all we be chaunged to the glory of immortall lyfe whiche here after a sorte abstayning from the infeccion of synne through godly conuersacion beginne the immortal lyfe to come This chaunge shal not be made by lytle lytle as we see natural thinges chaunged but in a minute twynkling of an iye at the sounde of the laste troumpe For the troumpe shall blow at the voyce wherof suche as then are dead shall ryse immortall And we whiche shall at that day be found alyue beyng sodaynly chaunged shall lyue after an other sorte that is to say as they doe which are rysen again For necessary it is that before we perfitly possesse the kingdom of heauen we vtterly put of al earthlynes and that this our corruptible body be made incorruptible and this our mortal body become immortall When this is so than shal that verely be perfourmed which the Prophete O see foreseing sayth reioysing at the vtter destrucciō of death ▪ death is swalowed vp through victory Where is now death thy styng ▪ o hell where is thy victory The sting of death is sinne the strength of sinne is the lawe which by occasion geuing prouoketh vs to sinne When the law is taken away the power of sinne is faynt and feble when sinne is taken awaye the power of death ceaseth by reason that the styng is taken awaye wherwith she is wounte to stryke vs. Vnable were we vtterly to fyght
whiche regardeth nothyng but your weale nor is with any thyng more delighted than with your furtheraunce Suche then know ye bearyng towarde them your speciall fauour The texte The congregacions of Asia salute you Aquila and Priscilla salute you muche in the Lorde and so doth the congregacion that is in theyr house with whō also I am lodged All the brethren grete you Grete ye one another with an holy kysse The salutacion of me Paule with myne owne hande If any man loue not the Lorde Iesus Christ thesame bee Anathema Maranatha The grace of the lord Iesus Christ be with you My loue be with you all in Christ Iesu Amen The congregacions of Asia salute you Aquila and Priscilla with all the companie of christians which are in theyr house salute you with all their hartes All suche as here professe the name of Christe salute you Beare ye also good wil eche one of you to another and salute one another of you with an holy and a chaste kisse the token of trewe concorde And I Paule salute you and that subscribed I with mine owne hande thereby bothe declaring my loue towarde you and that this epistle is not counterfayte Yf any man loue not the Lord Iesu thesame be Anathema Maranatha forasmuche as he refuseth hym by whome onely he might obtayne saluacion and denyeth that he is come whom euery man knoweth to be come to the great blisse and commoditie of suche as beleue in hym and to the damnacion of suche as beleue not The grace and mercie of the Lorde Iesus Christe be with you And I desyre that as I beare a christian loue towarde you that ye lykewyse vnfaynedlye loue eche one another with that charitie wherwith Iesus Christe hath ioyned and knytte you together Amen The Argument vpon the second Epistle of the Apostle Saint Paule to the Corinthians by Des. Erasmus of Roterodame AFter that Sainct Paule hath at the beginning of this epistle somewhat spoken of his great troubles and affliccions whiche he had suffered for Christes gospelles sake declaryng that in al them god was his coumfort firste he sheweth the causes why he came not agayne to the Corinthians as he had in his other epistle promysed And straight after that bringeth agayne in fauour with y● Corinthians the haynouse fornicatour whom he by his former epistle had commaunded to bee geuen ouer to Satan desyring them louyngly to receiue hym vpon hys amendement whome they had banished for his offence And this in maner is all that he doth in the firste and seconde chapter Then reherseth he his greate laboure in preachyng the Gospell by the waye checkyng and reprouyng other false Apostles whiche sekyng for theyr owne aduauntage and glorie in all tymes and places allured men to Moses lawe whiche they in such sort laboured to myngle with the law of Christe as though without it there were no hope of saluacion And therefore preferreth he the lyght of the gospell before the shadowes of Moses lawe eftsones exhortyng them not to the ceremonies of the lawe but to be vpryght of conscience and to leade a christian lyfe shewyng in the meane season how without corrupcion he had preached Christes gospell and what miseries he had suffered for the gospels sake in hope of heauenly reward And beside this declareth in what poyntes christianitie specially standeth Of all whiche matters Paule entreateth in the latter ende of the seconde chapter and in the thirde the fourth fyfte and in the begynnyng of the syxte For in the reste of this chapter and in the begynnyng of the nexte he exhorteth them to knowe theyr owne dignitie and the holines of theyr profession willyng them to absteyne wyth all diligence from the corrupcion and viciouse life of painyms as men with whom they had nothyng to dooe Fourthly he mollifieth the sharpenes vsed in his former epistle praysyng theyr obedience for that they in all poyntes obeyed his epistle notwithstandyng the sharpe earnestnes thereof reioysing that the short heauines wherein he had caste them by his letters had made both that is to we●e the Corinthians and hym mearye euen as men are wont to be when they by bitter medicines are restored to health Fyftlye he prouoketh euerye one of them as well by the exaumple of the Macedonians as by dyuers argumentes and recordes of scriptures to bestow according to theyr abilities and as their good wyll was some thyng towarde the reliefe of the sayntes that were at Hierusalem remembryng that he by Peter was commaunded so to doe for y● same purpose sending thither Tytus with a coumpanion whiche was as the more parte doth suppose Luke whome he commendeth vnto them and thys dothe Paule in the .viii. and in the .ix. chapter Sixtely the false apostles whom in his other epistle he but priuely checked and taunted he in this playnly opēly reproueth which with proud highe lokes toke vpon thē the honour and dignitie of apostles bringing Paule into dis●eine saiyng y● he was but a ●ase persone as whiche vsed shomakers crafte and that he was rude and vnlearned besyde this ofttymes wronged and beaten Againste them Paule defendeth his authoritie declaryng that at alttymes he had an apostles power and autority which yet he woulde not vse to other mens payne as some did but only to the cōmoditie of his hearers the glory of Christ Then because he was compelled somwhat to boast of himself he desireth them first to beare with his folishnes then fyrst he maketh himselfequal with the chief apostles and by an by setieth hymself before them al that for many causes eyther because he more enlarged the doctrine of y● gospel or els because he only taught thesame freely as which was nether by him self nor by any of his chargeable to the Achaians or finally because he had for the gospels sake suffered more persecucion than anye of them al coumpting such miseries and troubles as matter to glorie vpon for y● which other thought him more to be despised After which of an humble low mind he confesseth his rudenes and barbarousnes in language but yet knowlage and learnyng taketh he vpon him leste they myghte in hym for this finde any lacke Finally because the false apostles among the simple people made greate crakes of fayned visions of angels Paule shewethe them a verye notable and a trewe vision as who was taken vp into the thyrd heauē and was there taught such thynges as passed all mennes capacities and of these thynges intreateth he in the x xi xii chapter Seuenthly lest through false apostles they myght fall agayne into theyr old vice he saieth that he purposed to se them agayn eftsones with threateningts warnyng them not to be founde suche in theyr ordre of lyfe as therby he myghte be compelled by vsyng extremitie to be vnlike hymselfe or els leste as he was compelled vehemently by letters to wryte vnto them so myght he beyng present be compelled to vse his autoritie otherwyse than
nakednes But the paines which I haue hitherto rehersed appertain onely to bodely affliccion which in the meane season was lykewyse in no lesse trouble and carefulnesse of mynde which I take for suche a multitude of congregacions which I so hartely tender that whatsoeuer chaunceth vnto them I thinke it to chaūce vnto my self For whose miseries am I not as sory as for myne owne Who is weake and diseased with whose weakenes I am not also g●ieued my selfe Who is offēded with whose displeasures I am not in mind offēded Yf I must nedes bost rather wil I bost of such thinges which shew mine infirmitie than of such as shew my greatnes Let other bost how for y● gospels sake they are much made of that they grow riche that vnder Christes tytle they beare great rule more ●ūly thinke ● it to boast y● I for Christes sake haue suffered vilany affliccion The texte The God and farher of ou●● Lorde Iesus Christe whiche is blessed for euermore kneweth that I lye not In the ●ne of Damasco the gou●●nou●e of the people vnder kyng ●retas layde watche in the citie of the Damascens and woulde haue caughte me and at a wynd●we was I let downe in a basket thorowe the wall and so scaped I his handes God and the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe knoweth that I lye nothyng When I was at Damasco he whome kyng Areta father in lawe to Herode hadde made ruler ouer that countreye had layed watche in the citie of Damasco labouryng by all the meanes he coulde to take me to do the Iewes a pleasure and woulde haue kylled me as the auctour of sedicion what shoulde I do Learned had I of the Lorde sometyme in cruell persecucion to flye My mynde gaue me that the tyme was not yet comen to suffer martyrdome but rather that the tyme required to preache the gospell abrode but the tyranne had rounde about besette me so that refuge was there none but that in a basket throughe a wyndowe from the wall I was with a rope lette downe and thus escaped I the rulers handes The .xii. Chapter The texte Doubtlesse it is not expedient for me to boast I wyll come to visions and reuelacions of the Lorde I knowe a man in Christ aboue fourtene yeares a goe whether he were in the bodye I cannot tell or whether he were out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth howe that he was taken vp into the thyrde heauen And I know thesame man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth howe that he was taken vp into Pa●adyse and heard secrete wordes whiche no ma● can vtter Of this man will I boast but of my selfe wyll I ●or boast e●cepte it be of myne infirmities For thoughe I would b●a●● I ●● ▪ al not be a fole for I would saye the trouth Neuerthelesse I spare you leste any man shoulde thynke of me aboue that whiche he seeth me to be or that he heareth of me And leste I shoulde be exalted out of measure thorowe the excellencye of the reuelacious there was geuen vnto me vnquietnesse thorow the fleshe euen the messenger of Sata● to buffer me ▪ because I shoulde not be exalted ou● of measure For this thyng besought I the Lorde thryse that it might departe from me And he sayed vnto me my grace is sufficient for the. For my strength is made perfect thorowe weakenesse Very gladly therfore wyll ● ▪ ●●ioyce of my weakenes that the strength of Christ may● dwell in me THis farre foorth haue we rehearsed suche thinges as declare cure troubles and miseries and such● ma●iers as in mennes iudgementes br●ng vs rather in contempte than in any renoume But nowe whether I should also rehearse other thinges or not I haue not fully determined of whiche yet some falsly boaste thēselues Shoulde I glorie or not Yea sometyme expediente is it to glorie namely since the brifte of myne epistle hath brought me to the visions and reuelacions of the Lorde Iesus of whiche sorte synce false apostles fayne manye and wantonlye boaste them euen agaynste my wyll as one compelled leste in this I seeme behynde thē I wyll reh●arse but onelye one and that not to my glorie neither but to the glorie of god I knowe a certayne manne whiche aboue xiiii yeares a goe was taken vp whether it were in the bodye or without the bodye I cannot tell god knoweth whiche yet was taken vp into the thyrde heauen and ●hence agayne taken vp into paradise and in bothe places hearde secrete woordes whiche no manne can vtter For this mannes sake to whome through gods fre goodnes such blisfulnes befell glory will I but of my selfe boast wil I not sauing in the rehearsing of such thinges as declare my weakenes and infirmitie And yet if I in this matier also minded sumwhat to speake of my selfe since I should neither lie nor of my selfe speake vaingloriously though I haue acknowledged folishnes yet could I not iustly be condemned thereof but yet for your sakes and not for myne owne abstayne I from rehearsing of them leste some thinke more in me thā there is and suppose that I am some greater one thā either myne actes or my preaching pretende And peraduenture it is not without ieopardie neither to glorye of suche thinges as make vs great and thereby nigh vnto the ieopardie of arrogancie For this cause leste I myghte bee to proude by reason of high reuelacions or els among men be taken for greater than it is expedient I shoulde I haue by the sufferaunce of the moste merciful god gyuen vnto me vnquietnes and affliccion of bodye bothe to put me in remembraunce of my condicion and also to teache all men that I am a mortall manne vnder lyke miseries as other been There is geuen I saye to truble me whiche do Christes seruice the messanger and minister of Satan to resiste my gospell and with mooste cruell persecucions to vexe me as one that on the heade gyueth me buffettes keapyng vnder and suppressyng me leste I mighte to muche bee exalted And because this punishemente exceadynglye disquieted me thryse besoughte I the Lorde that he woulde from this affliccion delyuer me but he seeyng what was better for me than I coulde my selfe he aunswered me after this sorte Paule bee contente with my goodnes towardes thee and desyre nomore As for thyne affliccions appertayne bothe to the magnifying of my glorye as who throughe my ayde canste not bee ouercommen bee the stormes neuer so greate and also to thy saluacion whiche by bodilye affliccions arte in spirituall treasures of the soule dayelye more and more enriched And so dooeth mannes weakenes make perfite the power of God and infirmitie accomplyshe strengthe For when by preachyng of vile and weake personnes the gospell not onelye holdeth on but also flourisshethe agaynste the deuyll and the worlde vsyng agaynste it all kyndes of cruelnesse it maketh a playne profe that this geare is not by anye worldelye
thinges aboue where Christ your head sitteth at the right hand of God his father For mete it is that al the studyes and cares of the membres were directed to that place wheras the head is now present and where the same shall with the head hereafter reigne for euer For there liueth euery man where he loueth The texte For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God Whensoeuer Christ whiche is our life shal shewe him selfe then shal ye also appeare with him in glory To this world ye seme dead as whiche are neither delited with worldly wealth nor yet regarde suche phātalies wherwith the worldly people are delited Wherfore ye liue not here among men yet liue ye with Christ before God though y● in the meane season after y● iudgement of the world your life be hidden But whattyme Christ shall come againe and shewe both his glory and the glory of his body to all the worlde then shall men see you with your head partakers of glory The texte Mortifie therfore your yearthly membres fornicacion vncleanes vnnatural lust euil concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is worshippyng of idols for whiche thinges sake the wrath of God vseth to come on the children of vnbelief among whom ye walked sometyme when ye liued in them But now put ye also away frō you al such thinges wrath fiersnes maliciousnes cursed speakyng filthy communicacion out of your mouth In the meane season diligently endeuour that all the body be like vnto the high and heauenly head whose mēbres if they here dye not vtterly to carnal desyres they cannot in heauen liue with Christ The deuil hath also his body whiche I els where called the body of synne His membres are fornicacion whiche among worldly people is euē praised vnclennes vnnatural luste and suche other desyres more filthy than are mete to be named desyre of hurtful thinges as of glorye honour and vengeance especially desyre of money which synne among al other nighest draweth to the most outragious wickednes of all that is to were to the worshippyng of idols To these sinnes whosoeuer be subiecte cannot be partaker of the glory of Christ So farre are they from beyng the true children of God whiche are with suche outragious vices corrupted that for the like he fiersely raged euen vpon his owne people the Iewes destroiyng and disenherityng them as disobedient children With suche like horrible vices was your life also once corrupted what tyme ye were not yet through baptisme dead with Christ but liued as your frowarde desyres led you Now synce Christ hath in him lefte nothyng that is mortal and yearthly meete it is synce through him ye are borne againe that ye cast away all the filthynes of your olde and former life And not onely cast away suche great enormities as we now spoke of but also suche thinges wherin the comen sorte of mē is wont to beare with them selfes as wrath fyersenes maliciousnes cursed speakyng that ye not onely haue your heartes pure from suche desyres but also your mouth cleane frō al filthy communicacion The texte ▪ Lye not one to an other seyng that ye haue put of the old man with his workes and haue put on the newe man whiche is renued into the knowledge and image of him that made him where is neither Gentile nor Iewe circumcision nor vncircumcision Barbarus or Sithian bonde or free but Christ is all in all thing Christ is trueth selfe it is not mete that ye beyng his membres should lye one to an other of you And to be briefe synce ye haue put on Christ put of all the old yearthly man with al his workes desyres and put on a new mā whiche wyl neuer be olde but by reason that in him the knowledge of God dayly more and more encreaseth florisheth and buddeth vp into better and greater after the image of Christ which beyng a new mā him selfe builded in vs a new man extinguishyng the olde For as many of vs as are planted into Christes bodye are so farre gone from that we were as though we were newe made againe in somuche that now no difference is there betwixt Gentile and Iewe betwixte the circumcised and vncircumcised betwixte the wylde Scithian and the Grecian and man of Athens nor yet betwixt the free and the bonde Among menne suche differences are passed vpon but before God there is of suche thynges no regarde but Christ whiche is indifferently comen to all onely geueth al thinges to al men Christ is to the bondman fredome to the poore man ryches to the wylde and barbarous ciuilitie to the vncircumcised circumcision And to be briefe through him among you are all thinges made equal because none should disdaine other The texte Therfore as clecte of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kyndnes humblenes of minde mekenes long sufferyng for bearyng one an other and forgeuyng one an other if any mā haue a quarel against an other as Christ forgaue you euen so do ye Wherfore instede of your vile membres and vnbesemyng Christ put on other membres contrary to those filthy membres which we before rehersed and instede of them putte on suche as are mete for thē whom God hath chosen out to be holy and vouchsaued to loue What membres are they some wyl say without doubt suche as Christ him selfe both taught and put in execucion I say tender mercy that ye be in a readynes to help the weakenes of other kyndnes because ye should in comen cōuersacion of life be tractable humblenes of mynd lest ye arrogantly auaunce your selfe before other mekenes lest ye vpon offenders vse crueltie long sufferyng leste ye be hasty to reuenge but beare eche one with other of you eche forgeue other if through mannes infirmitie any thyng be among you by reason wherof one might haue a quarel againe an other It besemeth you to forgeue eche others offences synce Christ who offended no man forgaue vs all our trespaces The texte Aboue all these thinges putte on loue whiche is the bonde of perfitenes And the peace of God rule in your heartes to whiche peace ye are called in one body But aboue all other garmentes especially apparel your selfes with christian charitie who is so farre from hurtyng any man that it laboreth to do euery man good yea to do good for euil This is the perfite most sure bonde wherwith the body of Christ is ioyned together and the membres abide fast whiche would els fal on sonder With charitie wyl folow peace and concorde not the comen peace whiche men speake of but suche as is made and mainteined by the mightie power of Christ stedfastly Let her alway in your heartes wynne and haue the vpper hande let her against malice pride wrath and contencion haue the victory For God hath called you to concorde and hath for that purpose reconciled you all vnto him and made you as it were one body to the entent y● ye like membres
shal shewe him selfe then shal ye also appeare with him in glory To this world ye seme dead as whiche are neither delited with worldly wealth nor yet regarde suche phāta●ies wherwith the worldly people are delited Wherfore ye liue not here among men yet liue ye with Christ before God though y● in the meane season after y● iudgement of the world your life be hidden But what tyme Christ shall come againe and shewe both his glory and the glory of his body to all the worlde then shall men see you with your head partakers of glory The texte Mortifie therfore your yearthly membres fornicacion vncleanes vnnatural lust euil concupiscence and couetousnes whiche is worshippyng of idols for whiche thinges sake the wrath of God vseth to come on the children of vnbelief among whom ye walked sometyme when ye liued in them But now put ye also away frō you al such thinges wrath fiersnes maliciousnes cursed speakyng filthy communicacion out of your mouth In the meane season diligently endeuour that all the body be like vnto the high and heauenly head whose mēbres if they here dye not vtterly to carnal desyres they cannot in heauen liue with Christ The deuil hath also his body whiche I elswhere called the body of synne His membres are fornicacion whiche among worldly people is euē praised vnclenues vnnatural luste and suche other desyres more filthy than are mete to be named desyre of hurtful thinges as of glorye honour and vengeance especially desyre of money which synne among al other nighest draweth to the most outragious wickednes of all that is to wete to the worshippyng of idols To these sinnes whosoeuer be subiecte cannot be partaker of the glory of Christ So farre are they from beyng the true children of God whiche are with suche outragious vices corrupted that for the like he fiersely raged euen vpon his owne people the Iewes destroiyng and disenherityng them as disobedient children With suche like horrible vices was your life also once corrupted what tyme ye were not yet through baptisme dead with Christ but liued as your frowarde desyres led you Now synce Christ hath in him lefte nothyng that is mortal and yearthly meete it is synce through him ye are borne againe that ye cast away all the filthynes of your olde and former life And not onely cast away suche great enormities as we now spoke of but also suche thinges wherin the comen sorte of mē is wont to beare with them selfes as wrath fyersenes maliciousnes cursed speakyng that ye not onely haue your heartes pure from suche desyres but also your mouth cleane frō al filthy communicacion The texte Lye not one to an other seyng that ye haue put of the old man with his workes and haue put on the newe man whiche is renued into the knowledge and image of him that made him where is neither Gentile nor Iewe circumcision nor vncircumcision Barbarus or Sithian bonde or free but Christ is all in all thing Christ is trueth selfe it is not mete that ye beyng his membres should lye one to an other of you And to be briefe synce ye haue put on Christ put of all the old yearthly man with al his workes desyres and put on a new mā whiche wyl neuer be olde but by reason that in him the knowledge of God dayly more and more encreaseth florisheth and buddeth vp into better and greater after the image of Christ which beyng a new mā him selfe builded in vs a new man extinguishyng the olde For as many of vs as are planted into Christes bodye are so farre gone from that we were as though we were newe made againe in somuche that now no difference is there betwixt Gentile and Iewe betwixte the circumcised and vncircumcised betwixte the wylde Scithian and the Grecian and man of Athens nor yet betwixt the free and the bonde Among menne suche differences are passed vpon but before God there is of suche thynges no regarde but Christ whiche is indifferently comen to all onely geueth al thinges to al men Christ is to y● bondman fredome to the poore man ryches to the wylde and barbarous ciuilitie to the vncircumcised circumcision And to be briefe through him among you are all thinges made equal because none should disdaine other The texte Therfore as electe of God holy and beloued put on tender mercy kyndnes humblenes of minde mekenes long sufferyng forbearyng one an other and forgeuyng one an other if any mā haue a quarel against an other as Christ forgaue you euen so do ye Wherfore in stede of your vile membres and vnbesemyng Christ put on other membres contrary to those filthy membres which we before rehersed and in stede of them putte on suche as are mete for thē whom God hath chosen out to be holy and vouchsaued to loue What membres are they some wyl say without doubt suche as Christ him selfe both taught and put in execucion I say tender mercy that ye be in a readynes to help the weakenes of other kyndnes because ye should in comen cōuersacion of life be tractable humblenes of mynd lest ye arrogantly auaunce your selfe before other mekenes lest ye vpon offenders vse crueltie long sufferyng leste ye be hasty to reuenge but beare eche one with other of you eche forgeue other if through mannes infirmitie any thyng be among you by reason wherof one might haue a quarel againe an other It besemeth you to forgeue eche others offences synce Christ who offended no man forgaue vs all our trespaces The texte Aboue all these thinges putte on loue whiche is the bonde of perfitenes And the peace of God rule in your heartes to whiche peace ye are called in one body But aboue all other garmentes especially apparel your selfes with christian charitie who is so farre from hurtyng any man that it laboreth to do euery man good yea to do good for euil This is the perfite most sure bonde wherwith the body of Christ is ioyned together and the membres abide fast whiche would els fal on sonder With charitie wyl folow peace and concorde not the comen peace whiche men speake of but suche as is made and mainteined by the mightie power of Christ stedfastly Let her alway in your heartes wynne and haue the vpper hande let her against malice pride wrath and contencion haue the victory For God hath called you to concorde and hath for that purpose reconciled you all vnto him and made you as it were one body to the entent y● ye like membres of one body should among your selfes be of one mynde The texte And see that ye be thankeful Let the worde of Christ dwel in you plenteously with al wisedome I eache and exhorte your owne selues in Psalmes and Hymnes and spiritual songes syngyng with grace in your heartes to the lorde Be not vnthankeful and forgetful of Goddes great goodnes toward you With him should we not now haue been at peace had he not freely forgeuen
immortall life it foloweth of necessitie that we ought to beleue also that god the father whiche raysed vp Iesus wil also bring with him those that professed Iesus and slept in the assured truste of his promyses alyue agayne at the commyng of his sonne so as the heade shal not wante his membres We bable not vnto you an humayne fable but we tell you the thyng that we learned of Christe hymselfe that is to wete that we whiche shall be founde remaining aliue in this world at the lordes cōming shal not be presented in the sight of Iesus before that they whiche were dead afore be presented also Some wil saye how shall it be possible for them to be presented that were buried and turned into duste Euen the Lorde Iesus himselfe by the voyce of the aungell soundyng out of heauen with the trompette of God shal rayse them vp and warne them to awake and come quickly And than suche as had slept in this hope shall returne agayne vnto lyfe and ryse out of theyr graues And that doen we that shall remayne and bee founde alyue in the cumming of Christ shall be sodainly taken vp together with them that are raised againe vnto life through the cloudes that wē may mete the Lorde in the ayer And from thence he shal carrye vs with him into heauen to liue with him perpetuallie Now therfore see you comfort euery one another with these sayinges so as the death of the godly vere you not to sore inasmuche as it is more worthy gratulacions and reioycinges than your sorowfull lamentacions The .v. Chapter The texte Fynally of the tymes and seasons brethren it is no neade that I wryte vnto you ▪ for ye your selues knowe perfectly that the daye of the Lorde shall come euen as a thefe in the nyght For when they shal saye peace and al thynges are safe then shal soden destruccyon come vpon them as sorow commeth vpon a woman trauaylyng with chylde they shal not scape But ye brethren are not in darcaenes that that daye should come on you as a thefe NOw you haue the manier and ordre of the resurreccion inasmuche as it was conuenient for you to knowe it But as for the tymes and the very seasons whan these thinges shal be it is no parte of our office to write vnto you And it is so vnauayleable that euen the lord himself would open no suche thyng vnto his disciples whan they demaunded it of hym For you knowe playnlye and we haue taught you before that the daye of the Lorde shal come sodaynely vpon the world vnloked for euen as a thefe in the night breaketh in vpon them that are aslepe and shall ouerlaye them that are careles than moste chiefely whan it shall be the least loked for For whan suche as beleue not the ghospel shal saye in theyr moste Ioylytie there is no daungier but all is peace and safe the Lord wyll not come than theyr destruccion shall come sodainlye vpon them like as a woman with childe is sodainly payned with sorowe in her trauayle before the daye commeth that she loked for And they shall haue no waye to escape oppression before they fele it sodainly vpon them That daye shall be a dreadful daye to them that beyng blynded in theyr owne viciousnes leade their lyfe as it were in the night but vnto you brethren it is not so dreadefull leste it should take you vnprouyded The texte Ye are all the chyldren of lyght and the chyldren of the daye We are not of the nyght nether of darkenes Therfore let vs not slepe as do other but let vs watche and be sober For they that slepe slepe in the night and they that be drōcken are droncken in the nyght But let vs whiche are of the daye be sober armed with the brest place of fayth and loue with hope of saluacion for an helmet For God hath not appoynted vs to prouoke wrath vnto oure selues but to obtayne saluacyon by the meanes of oure Lord Iesu Chryst which dyed for vs that whether we wake of slepe we should lyue together with hym Wherfore comforte your selues together and edifye euery one another euen as ye do For all you that folowe Christe belong not to the kyngdome of darkenes but to the kyngdome of light and of god namely yf oure diligence of godlynesse be aunswerable to our profession and yf we lyue so as it maye appere that we watche in the dayelight and not lye snourtyng in darkenesse Therfore if we wil not be taken vnwares let vs not sleape as other do that haue no knowlage of Christes lyght but let vs watche and be sobre taking alwayes circumspect hede that we cōmit nothing through vnaduisednesse that maye offende the iyes of God and men For like as they that slepe after the bodie sleape in the night and those that are wynedrunken are drunken in the night euen so those that yawne and slumbre in naughtinesse are occupied in darkenesse of the soule and those that are drunken with the lustes daliaunces of the worlde are entangled with darkenes of the mynde But as for vs vnto whom the daie of the gospel hath cast his light it standeth vs in hande to be sobre and watchyng alwayes prepared and ready agaynst the sodayne assaulte of the enemie that kepeth continuall watche for oure destruccion and to be harnessed with spirituall armour In steade of a breste plate to put on fayth and charitie for the helmet hope of eternall saluacion And than shall you not nede to distruste God will be ready himselfe to defend those that be watching For god hath not called vs to the doctrine of the gospell for this purpose that lyuing otherwyse than it maketh mencion we should double the wrathe and vengeaunce of God vpon vs but that in obeying hym we might obteyne saluacion by the helpe of our Lorde Iesus Christ who suffred death for vs to the intēt that if it chaunce vs to lyue we maye lyue with hym through godlynesse and hope of immortalitie and if it chaunce vs to dye we maye lyue with hym neuer to dye To thintent that you maye so do more and more encourage euery one other with mutuall exhortacions and styrre one another to goe on forwarde like as you do alreadye euen of your owne accorde The texte We beseche you brethren that ye knowe them which laboure among you and haue the ouersight of you in the Lorde and geue you exhortacion that ye haue them in hye repucacion thorow loue for theyr workes sake and be at peace with them Furthermore we beseche you brethren to haue cōsideracion of them that labour among you and haue ouersight of you in teachyng of the ghospell and do admonishe you with what thynges you ought to please Christ that where you are bounden to geue honoure vnto all men yet haue them in regarde aboue others requiting thē the loue that they bestowe vnto you in susteynyng so many laboures and daungiers for your
he coulde not promote vs to the felowshyp of immortalytie o●lesse he were God so was it not mere that he who created all thynges and by whose moderation all thynges were gouerned should suffre y● wholy to perishe which he created and made Where were the sonnes kyndome yf he were alone with the father The texte For it became him for whome are at thinges and by whome are all thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory that he should make the Lord of theyr saluacion perfecte thorowe affliccions For both he that sanctifyeth and they which are sanctified are all of one For whiche causes sake he is not ashamed to call them brethren sayng I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren in the myddes of the congregacion wyl I prayse the. And agayne I wyll put my ●●ust in hym And agayne beholde here am I and the chyldren whome God hath geuen me Therfore it was thought mete conuenient vnto almightie God the father that the sonne beyng the autoure and chiefe causer of all mennes saluaciō should after he were tr●ed and proued by many affliccions not only purchase himselfe thenheritaunce of euerlastyng glory but also bring wyth hym many other chyldren reconciled vnto the father by hys death And therfore he toke vpon hym mannēs body because that beyng manne he might puryfie and pourge manne of hys offences For the priest Christ which puryfieth and men that are cleansed and puryfied as touchyng y● nature of man do yssue of the same firste parent lyke as they haue one comen father in heauen Wherfore the sonne of God is not ashamed in the Psalmes to call godly folke hys brethren when he speaketh thus as foloweth I wyll declare thy name vnto my brethren and in the myddes of y● congregacion wyl I praise thee Doth not he here openly cal his disciples brethren ▪ and againe in a certaine other place I wyl put my truste in him Nowe it is the parte of a proued childe to truste his father with all hys harte Certes sytly the father promissed that he woulde put all thynges vnder hys sonnes fecte there is no doubte but he wyll saue those also with whome the sonne reygneth Agayne in an other place in the Prophete Esaye the Lorde calleth his disciples his children when he sayeth I and my children whom god hath geuen me You heare the vocables or names of kynred The texte For asmuche then as the children are partakers of ●●she and bloude be also himselfe lykewise toke parte with them that thorowe death he myght expell hym that had lordshyppe ouer death that is to saye the deuyl and that he myght delyuer them whiche thorowe feare of death were all theyr lyfe tyme subdu●d vnto bondage For he in no place taketh on hym the angels but the seede of ●braham taketh he on hym Wherefore in all thynges it became hym to bee made lyke vnto his brethren that he myghte bee mercifull and a faythfull hye prieste in thynges concernyng God for to pourge the peoples synnes For in that it fortuned hymselfe to bee tempted he is hable to sucker them also that are tempted Because therefore these brethren and children whome he speaketh of be men whiche consiste and haue theyr beyng of fleshe and bloude he that of hys owne nature was heauenly woulde take mans fleshe and bodye vpon hym and therein bee made lyke vnto those whome he woulde call vnto the felowshyp of the eternall kynred that he myghte expell hym who hadde the rule and lordeshyppe ouer death that is to saye the deuyll and sette those at libertie who were alwayes subiect vnto the seruitude and bondage of Satan which thorowe death raigned ouer all mankynde For whosoeuer is in bondage and subiecciō of sinne th● same is subiect vnto death Now Christ neuer gaue any aungell this honour that he woulde take hys nature vpon hym become his brother or his kinseman But according vnto gods promise he tooke on him the sede of Abraham He was borne a Iewe of Iewes a manne of man subiecte vnto all the incommodities and euilles of our nature to thirst hunger heate colde werines payne and death because thys likenes should testifie the true kynred of nature and put vs in a sure beliefe that he woulde not forsake those for whome he had suffered so great euilles displeasures and whom he had ioyned vnto hym with so streighte a bonde of alyaunce or consang●●●itie Wherefore it was conuenient that he should in all poyntes be made lyke vnto those whome he would haue to be his brethren that he might therby put them in more assuraunce to obtayne pardon in asmuche as he who tooke vpon hym tho●yce of an hye priest or bishop to make intercession vnto god to purge al the peoples sinnes and to reconcile mankynde vnto the father shoulde seme by this reason howe he would ●ee mercifull and faythfull to hys not onelye for that he was of the selfe same nature but also because it chaunsed hym to be tryed and proued with innumerable affliccions of this worlde to the intent he shoulde appeare the readyer to succoure those whiche should be bexed with the euils and aduersities of the same The .iii. Chapter Therfore holy brethren partakers of the celestial calling ▪ consider the ambassadour and ●ye priest of our profession Christ Iesus how that he is faythfull vnto hym that put him in the offyce euen was Moses in al his house For looke howe much honoure he that hath builded a house hath more then the house it selfe So muche honoure is he counted worthye of more then Moses For euery house is builded of some man But he that orde●ned all thynges is God And Moses verelye was faythfull in all hys house as a minister to beare witnes of those thynges whiche were to bee spoken afterwarde But Christe as a sonne hath rule ouer the house whose house are we yf we holde fast the confidence and the reioysyng of that hope vnto the ende WHerfore brethrē now that ye be purified by the bloud of the sonne by the free goodnesse of God called to come to bee partakers of the lyfe celestiall to thentente you maye bee the more answerable vnto his benefites consider howexcellent in dignitie is Iesus Christ the ambassadour and bishop of your profession that is to say of euangelicall fayth and howe purely and vertuously the same behaued hymselfe to godwarde of whome he was ordeyned in the whole congregacion lykewyse as Moyses was commended for that he acquited hymselfe as a faythful minister in all his sinagogue which is the house and familie of god But Christ deserued so much the more honour and dignitie as the maker of the house oughte more to bee honoured then the house it selfe For euerye house is buylded of some man But he that hath ordeyned and made all thinges is god Therefore Moses was so conuersaunt in the house of god that he was a part or member and not the autor and original causer therof
And verely this vertuous godly man Moses is woorthy to be of great autoritie among vs because he behaued hymselfe faithfully in the same house but yet as a minister or stewarde and not as a sonne he was in an other mannes house and the other that is to saye Christ in his owne And Moses brought onely figures shadowes of those thynges which Christe should afterwardes dysclose and open But Christe as the maker and sonne guided his owne house whereof we all are members whiche thorowe fayth of the gospell bee assembled together vnto hys churche or congregacion so that we perseuer in that we beganne that is to wit if we dooe styll abyde in the concorde and agreaunce of the house and holde fast and stedfastely vnto the ende the faythe whiche the spirite of Christ hath geuen vs and also that glorious hope by the which as the true natural sonnes of god and brethren of Christ we looke for the enheritaunce of heauen For it shall nothyng auayle vs to haue heard the doctrine of the gospell excepte we continually liue thereafter Yea the greatter he is who dayned to speake vnto vs the grieuouser shall our punishment be The texte Wherefore as the holy ghoste saieth to daye yf ye will heare his voyce harden not your hartes as in the prouokyng in the daye of temptacion in the wildernes where youre fathers tempted me proued me and sawe my woorkes fourtye yeare Wherefore I was greued with that generacion and sayed They doe alwaye erre in theyr hartes they verely haue not knowen my wayes so that I sware in my wrath they shal not enter into my reste Take heade brethren leste at any time there bee in any of you a frowarde herye subiecte vnto vnbeliefe that he shoulde departe from the liuyng god but exhorte ye one another daylye while it is called to daye leste any of you wexe harde harted thorowe the deceitfulnes of sinne Wherfore ye must call vnto your remembraunce what the holy gost speaketh in the mistical psalme exhorting the people to obey the voice or wordes of god leste he being prouoked dooe grieuouslye punyshe them and se●lude them from the rest and quietnes promised Today sayeth he if ye wil heat● hys voice harden not your hartes as ye did when with your murmo●●ing and rebellion ye prouoked God what tyme he proued your pacience in wildernes where sayeth he youre fathers tempted me as men that woulde proue whether I were he that were hable to punishe trespacers of the lawe and offenders and they felte my wrath and suche as woulde not beleue my woordes sawe my woorkes and that the space of fourtie yeres For so long were they ledde about in wildernesse what tyme they flying oute of Egipte went vnto the lande where I promised them quyetenes Wherefore I was not contented with that nacion and sayde with my selfe They doe alwaies erre in theyr hartes folowing theyr owne lustes neyther haue they knowen my wayes And for thys theyr dysobedience I sware in my wrath it shoulde neuer be that they should entre into the lande wherin I promised them rest from the trauayls of theyr iourneys Ye haue heard brethren God threatenyng our fathers that they should not come to the lande promysed them onlesse they woulde continually obey his commaundementes And we that thorowe baptisme are deliuered from oure former synnes and offences are vndoubtedly departed out of Egypte but yet we shall neuer come vnto the immortalitie promissed vs in heauen excepte we styll continue in the obseruaunce of fayth and christian charite If wee looke backe vnto Egypte forsaken that is yf we fall agayne to the lustes of oure olde lyfe we shal bee excluded from the felowshyp and participacion of the heauenly lyfe Se therfore that there bee not in any of you a frowarde harte and rebelling against the commaundementes of the gospell or subiecte vnto vnbelyefe in suche wyse that the same returnyng agayne vnto the vices once forsaken and the prynce of death the deuyll departe awaye from thy lyuyng god But rather with daylye exhortacions make ye one an other strong to suffer continually the paynes and trauayles of thys lyfe whereby God tryeth oure pure and trewe fayth so longe as the tyme is called to daye that is to saye so longe as we beare this mortall bodye and as yet doe trauayll as pilgrymes and straungers in the wildernesse of thys worlde alwayes in ieopardye lest any of vs weryed with the euilles of thys lyfe bee ledde asyde thorowe the alluremente of synne from the iourneye begonne lyke as in tymes paste the Hebrues our forefathers beeyng wery of theyr long trauailing longed after the ●auoure of the pottes whiche they lefte behynde them in Egypte The texte ¶ We are made partakers of Christ if we kepe sure vnto the cude the beginuing of the substaunce so long as it is far de to day if ye will heare hys voyce harden not your hartes as in the prouoking for some when they herde did prouoke howbeit not all that came out of Egipt by Moses But with whome was he displeased fourtie yeres Was he not dyspleased with them that had sinned whose carkases were ouerthrowen in the deserte To whome swa●e he that they should not enter into his rest but vnto them that were not obedient And we see that they coulde not enter in because of vnbelie●e Certeynly we are graffed in Christe by baptisme and the profession of faith but in such wise that we may thorow our owne defaut fall from him again neyther shall we otherwise come vnto the enheritaunce of mortalitie promised vs excepte we kepe sure and constauntely vnto the ende the beginnyng and foundation of that felicitie whiche was layed in vs by the gospell still goyng forewarde in that was begoonne monyshed thereto by thys saying whiche is continually spoken vnto vs To day if ye wil heare his voice harden not your heartes as in the prouokyng For some when they hearde the Lordes voyce did then by dysobeying the same moue hym prouokyng hys wrathe and indignacion agaynst them Howbeit al dyd not so whiche came out of Egipt vnder y● conducte of Moses And vnto these that were not disobediente it was geuen to come vnto the lande flowing with milke and hony With whome was he dyspleased fourtie yeres Was it not with them that had offended howbeit these entred not into rest but their carkases were ouerthrowen in wildernesse with whome elles was he so muche dyspleased that he sware they should neuer entre into the reste promised them but with those whiche obeyed not the voyce of god we see then that god was on both sydes trewe who bothe perfourmed to the obedyent what he promissed thē and to the disobedient that he manaced them with all The obediente came thereunto by their pacience the other coulde not entre in because of theyr vnbelyfe and incredulitie The .iiii. Chapter The texte Let vs feare therfore lest any of you for●a●yng the promise of eu●eyng into
that whensoeuer nede requireth he may make intercessiō for his vnto god For he hath not so offered a sacrifice that it should profite a fewe a short while but that it should be auaylable to all men and at al times hable to pacifye gods wrath Therfore sens the lawe was heauenlye and perfite it was meete that oure hye prieste shoulde also be such a one that is to say godly without deceyte vndefyled farre seperate from the coumpanye of synners lyfted vp aboue all the heauens who needeth not dayly to offer oppe sacrifice as Moses priestes did first for his own sinnes and then for the peoples sinnes For what manour of atonemakers were they who themselfes had nede to be made at one with god vnto whome they made intercession for other mennes offences what manour a sacrifice was that which for sundrie sinnes was of necessitie ofte tymes to be made again Our hye priest who had no sinne of his owne toke vnto him the sinnes of the whole worlde and once offered vp a sacrifice for all menne not a beast but hys owne proper persone For Moses lawe as it was weake and vnperfite so dyd it ordayne suche hye priestes as were subiect to infirmitie But the worde of the othe that I spake of right now which declareth that a better lawe shall succede in stede of the olde ordeineth not euery man indifferently but the very sonne of god a priest for euer more ready at all times and mete to make intercession for vs for that neyther death can take him away neither any infirmitie let hym to be a conueniente and perfite besecher for vs. The .viii. Chapter The texte Of the thynges whiche we haue spoken this is the pith that we haue suche an hye prieste as sitteth on the ryght hande of the seate of maiestie in heauen and is a mynister of holye thynges and of the trewe tabernacle whiche God pyght and not manne For euerye hye prieste is ordeined to offer giftes and sacrifices wherfore it is of necessitie that this man haue somewhat also to offer For he were not a priest if he were on the earth where are priestes that according to the lawe offer giftes which serue vnto thensaumple shadow of heauenly thynges euen as the answer of God was geuen vnto Moses when he was about to finishe the tabernacle Take hede said he that thou made al thynges accordyng to the patron whiche is shewed to thee in the mount OF the thynges whiche we haue so largelye entreated of before the chiefe poynte and effecte is that hereafter we haue not in admiracion Moses hye prieste synce wee haue one soe excellente in all poyntes that he sytteth on the ryght syde of the royall seate of god in heauen to the entente he maye duely make not those figuratiue sacrifices prescribed by Moses but the trewe and heauenly sacrifices and bee within the tabernacle I meane not that figuratyue tabernacle pytched of man but in the secrete places of the true tabernacle pitched by almightie God disseuering heauenly thinges from earthly Furthermore sens that euery hye priest is wonte to be ordeyned for this intente that he may offer giftes and sacrifices to God howe were it possible for him to be a lawful hie prieste whiche hath nothyng to offer Nowe if it so be that an earthly priesthood were geuen to Christ after lyke manour as vnto other then were he no priest for that he neuer offered ne offereth any of those sacrifices whiche are accustoinably offered of other priestes according to the prescripcion of the lawe the whiche sacrifices are nothing els but shadowes and certayne figures of the heauenly temple and celestiall sacrifyces For whatsoeuer Christe did euen in earth because it was not done after the fleshe but after the spirite came from heauen and thither rēdeth thesame compared vnto the grossenes of Moses priesthood is woorthely called heauenly And this god seemeth to haue signifyed when prescrybyng vnto Moses a forme to buylde a temple he speaketh in thys wise Se thou make all thinges according to the patron whiche was shewed thee in the mounte For Moses sawe with his spiritual iyes an other holyer manour of temple an other manour of sacrifyces and priesthood after the patron whereof ●edrew out in the meane season a certayn grosse figure of thinges till the tyme should come that god woulde haue shadowes geue place vnto trew thynges Nowe is the same tyme already presente The texte But nowe hath he obtained a priesthode so much the more e●cellente as he is the mediatour of a better testamente whiche was confirmed in better promises For yf that first testamente had been such that no faute coulde haue b●●e found in it then should no place haue b●ne sought for the seconde For in rebukyng them he saieth vnto them Behold the daies come sayth the Lorde and I will finishe vpon the house of Israell and vpon the house of Iuda a newe testamente not lyke the testament that I made with they fathers in that daie when I toke them by the handes to leade them out of the lande of Egypte For they continued not in my testamente and I regarded them not saith the Lorde For this is the testament that I wyll make with the house of Israel After those dayes saith the lorde I wyl put my lawes in theyr myndes and in theyr hertes I wyll write them and I will be there God and they shal be my people And they shall not teache euery man his neighboure and euery man his brother saying ▪ knowe the lorde For they shall knowe me from the leaste to the moste of them For I wil be merciful ouer theyr vnrighteousnes and their sinnes and theyr iniquities wyll I thinke vpon nomore In that he sayth a nowe testamente he hath worne oute the olde For that whiche is worne out and we●ed olde is readye to vanishe awaye We haue an heauenly hye priest and a priesthood worthie and conueniente for hym so much more excellent then this other priesthood as the new testamente of the gospell excelleth the olde of Moses and as the promises of the new be more magnificēte and greater then the promises of the olde There the bodyes were cleansed with the bloude of beastes here soules are purified with the bloude of Christe There a lande is promised here are promised heauenly rewardes And in this testament our heauenly hye priest is a mediatoure betwene god and manne after an heauenly manoure If that fyrst testamente had bene suche a one that nothing hadde lacked therein as the Iewes dooe suppose then should there no place haue beene soughte for the seconde For it was but superfluous to adde anything where al thinges were perfite Nowe God complayneth that that fyrste testamente was vnprofitable and promyseth a better and of more efficacie speakynge in the Prophete Ieremye on thys wyse Beholde the dayes come layeth the Lorde I wyll fynishe vpon the house of Israell and vpon the house of Iuda a newe
which ye reioyce though now for a season if nede requyre ye are in ●eu●nes thorow manyfold temptacions that ●he tryall of your fayth being muche more precious then golde that perysheth though it be tryed with fyre might be founde vnto laude glory and honour at the appering of Iesus Christe whom ye haue not seen and yet loue hym in whom euen nowe though ye see him not yet doe you beleue and reioyce with say vnspeakable and gloryous receiuing the ende of your fayth euen the saluacion of your soules For this so passing a great benefite his liberalitie is to be praysed of whom by Christ cōmeth vnto vs whatsoeuer it be that maketh vs truly blessed And that is not Moses but God himselfe the same the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which whan we were lytle fortunately borne of Adam that is to say borne to synne borne to death hath begotten vs new againe into innocencie and hath begotten vs vnto life that neuer shall dye being prouoked by no merites of ours but stiered frely of his owne mercye wherin he most chiefly exceadeth and this hath he done not by y● ayde of Moses lawe but by the costeous gyft of his owne sōne Iesus Christ whom he would haue to suffre death to thintent where we were els desperate wretches he might diliuer vs frō the tyranny of synne death And him he called anon frō death to lyfe that we beyng in this worlde dead to worldly lustes hauing remembraunce as it were before our tyes of the resurrecciō after his exāple in vprightnes of conuersacion might haue an assured a ready hope that we also shal once be exempt out of these sorowes atteine with Christ vnto y● euerlasting enheritaunce whiche lyke as he beyng our head hath already atteyned so shal al we also folowe as many as be engraffed to y● mēbres of Christ are made worthy by folowing of his crāple to be called his brethren the chyldrē of y● selfe same father that he is that like as we suffre commune affliccions with him so should we haue reward also together with him As long as we were the sonnes of the synful Adam an infortunate enheritaūre abode vs. But as sone as we were made y● sonnes of God we make spedy haste to y● enheritaūce of heauen For it besemeth y● seing we are borne from heauen we should behold heauēly thinges seing we are borne of God we should folo we nothing but godlines They y● serue the world goe about to haue rewardes y● are transitory wage that is slyppery but for vs there remayneth y● happy● enheritaunce after these temperal afflicciōs which can neither be corrupted with death ne defited with wearines or heauines ne yet fade a way by age or sluttishnes There is no cause for vs to be afrayed of leste any man should in the meane whyle take this so plenteous an heritage out of our handes We haue an assured fayth full promyse maker And in his hādes it is safely kept layed vp in stoare for vs in heauen howbeit after suche sort that for al that there must an assured hope and as it were a certayne pledge remayne in the meane time with men vpō earth not with al maner of men but with you such like as you are buto whom the spirite of Christ is geuen in stede of a gage which albeit ye are for y● time tossed on euery syde with condry stormes of sorowes y● the frailtie of māis vtterly vnhable of himselfe to beare out yet by the succour of God which is mighty in al thinges you are preserued not through your owne merites but by fayth vnfained trust wherby you dout not but frō the last time after y● which there shal be no more of this confusion of humayne matters but the euill mē being appointed to their tormeutes shal be hable to do no body harme the good being safe frō al inuasions of sorowes shal haue the fruiciō of euerlasting rest For now y● rewardes lye hiddē many times after the cōmune peoples estimaciō thei are in wurse condiciō y● be of y● better those seme to perish which are most specially in sanegarde thei seme to florish which most chiefly goe to naught In this worlde there is time to exercise godlines the reward hath his time prescribed vnto it which it behoueth not to preuēt In y● meane seasō let it be ynough for vs y● euerlasting felicitie is kept in safegarde for vs which neither mannor deuil can be hable to take away frō vs before hād so y● we shrinke not from y● fayth wherby we ought to condēne mortal mens matters depende wholy of heauen Let there be in y● meane seasō fearce folkes which being rebels to god trust to the aydes of y● world let thē for y● time stampe stare ouer you as though you wer ouercomē left succoutles But whan y● day shal come the discourse of thiges turned vp side down they shal be tormēted you shal reioyce like cōquerours yea you ought to reioyce euē now also through y● vndoubted lokīg for of so passig a great felicitie For it ought not to seme vnto you a greate or a greuous matter though by affliccions and griefes that are but shorte and shall soone haue an ende you come to the blissed that neuer shall decaye And perchaunce these persecucions also shall once haue an end which notwithstanding as often as they come in vre are to be borne with a myghtye stoute stomake and without dismaying for the glory of God in hope of the lyfe to come For after suche wyse doeth the wysedom of God in prouiding for your commodities permitte that the sinceritie and stedfastnes of your faith may be tried through sondry assaultes of sorowes For yf golde which elles were a thing both lost and would goe to naught be tryed out not only by the touche stone but also is assayed by the fire to thintente it maye thenceforth bee had in so muche the more price as it is the more exactely fyned much more wil God haue your faith wherunto so high honour of duetie belongeth to be tried with sondry experimentes to thintent that whan it shal glister out of these flames of sorowes and affliccions and being farre more pure and more glittering than any golde though it be neuer so fyne it may be precious in the syght of God and that all the matter at length may grow in to cleane contrary condicion that is to were that the thyng which semed to be layed vpon you in this worlde vnto reproche may chaunce vnto prayse and that which semed vnto vilany may be turned vnto glory that whiche semed to be layed vpon you to put you to dishonestie may be turned in to habūdaunce of honour in that day whan Iesus Chrst whose power worketh nowe in you by secrete meanes shal she we forth him selfe openly vnto all men and rendre vnto euery man rewarde
accordyng to hys desartes For what is a more gloryous thyng than to be praysed of Christes owne mouthe whan you shall heare Come you blessed of my father what thyng is more honorable than to be receaued of God the father into the felowshippe of the kyngdome of heauen together with the sonne But thys glory although it shall be the comen glory of all godly folkes yet it shall chaunce more haboundauntly vnto them that haue suffered greater thynges vpon earth for Christes sake Whiche rewardes in case they were nome presently apparent the strength of faythe should bee no maruclous matter But nowe the special chiefe prayse of good folkes consisteth in this point that where you neuer sawe Christ with your bodyly eies yet with the eies of fayth you see him and loue him and wher as the violence of sorowes doeth openly presently grate vpon you but the rewardes which are kept till a daye doe not nowe appeare yet puttyng assured confidence in hys promisses you suffre these thynges with none other stomacke than yf the glory were presently furnyshed before your iyes neither doe you suffre only with boldenesse but also in the mydle of affliccions you reioyce with an vnspeakable ioy beyng ful of glory before God that is to say of a well hoping conscience and full of a certayne vnfeyned confidēce that where you suffre suche thynges vndeseruedly you shall by the will of God haboundauntly receyue a great fruyte of your fayth that is to wete the eternall saluacion of your soules For it is a great vauntage whan through the loosyng of the mortall body the immortall soule is preserued Thus it was decreed by the eternal counsayle of God that menne should atteyne saluacion by these meanes whereby euen Christe hymselfe came to euerlasting blessednesse The texte Of which saluacion haue the Prophetes enquired and searched which proheryed of the grace that should come vnto you searchyng when or at what tyme the spyryte of Christe which was in them should signifie which spyrite testified before the passiōs that should happen vnto Christ and the glory that should folow aftet vnto which Prophetes it was also declared that not vnto them selues but vnto vs they shoulde minister the thyuges which are nowe shewed vnto you of them which by the holy ghoste sent doune from heauen haue in the gospel preached vnto you the thinges which the Angels desyre to behold For these matters are not by chaunce brought to passe at all auentures but the selfe same thyng that we haue alreadye sene the olde Prophetes which prophecied before hand that you should be saued through faith and the grace of the gospell without the ayde of Moses lawe haue diligently sought and searched out not beyng contenteo to see as it were through a myste what shoulde be to come but they haue also with a godly curiositie searched out of the spirite of Christ which than presently signified vnto the by secret inspiracion what Christe should suffre and vnto what excellente glory he shoulde byanby be aduaunced vnto than what or what maner of tyme that shoulde come to passe forsomuche as theyr myndes were vehemently desirous of his sauing helth And vnto them it was also manifested that these thynges which they prophecied beforehand should come to passe should not be exhibited in their tymes but in yours and the thynges that they opened in their prophecies they opened vnto you not to them felues In dede they would haue wisshed to see that you haue chaunced to see but theyr prophecies were spoken before to thintent that we Apostles should be more certaynly credited which declare nowe vnto you the thynges already done that they had spoken beforehande should come to passe And that you shoulde also not stande in doubt the same spirite of Christe in tymes paste taught them with secret still inspiracions what he had determined to doe which lately cūmyng doune from heauen in fyrietongues instructed vs to thintent we should be preachers in al the whole worlde of the thinges that are come to passe For we preache Christ that became man foral our saluaciō sake was conuersaunt on earth was afflicted with reproches torments finally was nayled on the crosse suffered death for oure sakes and anon ratsed agayne to lyfe was exalted vnto heauen where now he glistreth in maiestie and glory with the father which before semed vpon earth to be but a vile rascall and an abiecte and thither also will he exalte those that his be These mattersinasmuch as they were done by the vnspeakable counsaill of God it is no maruell though the prophetes desired to see them seyng it is so excellently pleasant and acceptable a sight euen to the angels them selues to loke vpon with the beholding wher of they cannot be fulfilled The greater the benefite is which is offred vnto you the more gredyly you ought to embrace it that it be not through your owne fault that you atteyne it not The rewarde is certayn but it shal be your dueties for all that to behaue your selues so that you seme not vnworthy the promises The day that is loked for wil come which shal openly bryng forth the rewardes both of the godly and of the vngodly It wyll come once whansoeuer it shal be and it shal come pleasant and happy to suche as it shall fynde readyly prepared on the contrary parte it shall come fearfully to them that it shall fynde vnfaithfull sluggardes and carelesly mynded The texte Wherfore gyrde vp the loynes of your myndes be sobet trust pefectly on the grace that is brought vnto you by the declaryng of Iesus Christ as obedient chyldrcu that ye geue not your selues ouer vnto your olde lustes by whiche ye were led whau as yet ye were ignoraunte of Christe but as he which called you is holy euen so be yeholy also in all maner of conuersacion because it is writen ▪ Be ye holy for I am holy And if so be that ye call on the father which without respecte of person iudgeth accordyng to euery mannes worke se that ye passe the tyme of your pylgremage in feare And forasmuche as Chryst woulde haue that daye to be vncertayn vnto vs it behoueth you not to be in a securitie at any tyme but alwayes hauing the loynes of your myndes girded as menne readyly furnished to mete theyr Lordes comming watchyng and sober being alwayes stiered vp and put in mynde with the certayn and sure loking for of the euerlasting felicitie which now is offred vnto all men that obey the Gospell but yet it shal be possessed at length at suche tyme as our Lorde Iesus Christ shall openly shewe hys maiestie vnto al men and vnto angelles and deuiles howbeit they shall not come to that immortalitie but onely those that in a maner forecast the same in this worlde and according to the example of Iesus being deade to the lustes of this worlde lyue agayne agayne with him vnto innocencie and contynue stedfastly in it like laufull
●●●● their prayers Agayne the face of the Lorde is ouer them that do euil Therfore lyke as men haue some one kynd of peculiar offices some ha●● other euen so this becometh euery one the rather to remembre him selfe that he which hath professed Christ ought to excel others in those thinges that be maters of tried honestie Howbeit this is the cōmune office of all men y● lyke as al haue one self same profession like as through baptisme you are engraffed in to one selfe same body euen so let al be through concord of one self same mind Let not age estate cōdiciō or sōdry being in diuerse coūtres disseuer you a sondre which thinges among others do many times ministre occasion of hate and contencion But as for you it behoueth you to be most fast ioyned together seyng all one baptisme hath regenerated you vnto God seyng you haue all one father in heauē inasmuche as dependyng of one head Christe you are mēbres of all one body and forasmuche as the profession of the gospell hath made you brethren indifferently and for that cause sake the father of heauen hathe called all mē vnto all one rewarde of immortalitie without differēce whether they be poore whether they be riche whether they bonde seruauntes whether they be maisters whether they be husbandes whether they be wyues whether they be Iewes or gentyles In this behalfe there is no difference at all and therfore there oughte to be no dissension nor highe stately lokyng For a greate deale more shall Christian charitie that humbleth it selfe wynne than auctoritie that exacteth For there is no concorde amonge menne that be arrogaunt fearce louers of them selues If the mēbres in a beastes bodye do succour euery one other and in case any thyng chaunce to any one of them whether it be good or badde euerye one of them reconeth it as their owne and if those whom nere kynred of bloud knytteth together are both glad and sorye for the cōmodities discommodities of their kynsfolkes how much more cōuenient is it y● you beyng knytte together by so manye wayes shoulde expresse this consent to be touched with other mens wealth sorowes no lesse than with your own So shal you expressely shewe a right brotherly charitie if those that be of the more wealthy estate disdeine not them y● haue not the worldes wealth but be sory for their euils to their powers succour thē if they that be in hygh power autoritie presse not nor despise those that are of y● lower sort but wyth familiar gentylnes good wordes apply them selues familiarly vnto their inferiours y● there may be an indifferent equalitie that christian charitie maye ioyne together those y● the state of the worlde hath disseuered God forbyd that you should be desirous of reuengement seyng it is your part to nourishe concorde not only with the brethren suche as be godly but also yf it be possible with all men With those that good are it behoueth to stryue who may do most good with thē that naught are to stryue in pacient suffryng or in doyng thē good also by which meanes like as the very wilde beastes are ouercome euē so it somtymes mollifieth the malice of men wherin was no hope of amendemēt Be not you willing therfore to requite wrong for wrong or scoldyng for scoldyng For so shall it come to passe that you shal be euel also in that you folow thexāple of them the be euil but rather recompense you a good turne for wrong good wordes for bad the through your inuincible goodnes you may ouercome ouerthrowe their malice For god hath not called you to this ende to haue y● vpper hand with naughtie dedes doing naughtie wordes speakynge but y● through your weldoyng vnto all men wel speakyng vnto all men you maye worthyly heare y● ioyfull word Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kingdome To do euil vnto good mē it is more thā y● propretie of mad beastes to speake euil against them y● speake wel it excedeth y● propretie of vile tongued ruffiōs To deserue well of them that deserue euill and to speake well of them that be euyll speakers and backebytours is thoffice of Christian vertue If any man thynke this an harde matter let him heare the Psalme wryttour enspired with the spirite of God that commaundeth the very same whoso is desirous ꝙ he to loue lyfe and to se good dayes let him refrayne his tongue from euell lette him restrayne his lyppes that they speake no deceate let him eschewe euel and doe good let him seke for peace and folowe it For the eies of the Lorde are vpon the ryghteous and his eares are attentiue vnto their prayers Contrarywyse the countenaunce of the Lorde is vpon them that do euyll Therefore yf we wyll haue God to be liberally good vnto vs let vs be good vnto all men yf we wyll escape his vengeaunce let vs hurte no body at all I wyll not heare the reason that mans affeccion wyll perchaunce murmuryngly repyne in this behalfe If I doe not reuenge iniurye the vnpunyshed libertie wyl prouoke many mo to do hurt But there is nothyng that shal kepe you more safe from iniurie than yf you eyther paciently suffre it or els do good for wrong There is none ende of harme doing as often as wyth wretched encoūtryng one with an other reuiling is made double through reuiling againe and iniurie is made double iniurie by iniurie doing agayn If no man resiste naughtinesse shall ceasse or at least waxe faynt The texte Moreouer who is it that wyll harme you if ye folowe that whyche is good Yea happy are ye if any trouble happen vnto you for ryghteousnes sake Be not ye afrayed for any terrour of them neyther be ye troubled but sanctifie the Lorde God in your heartes Be redy alwayes to geue an answere to euery man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you and that with mekenes feare hauing a good conscience that where as they backbyte you as euil doers they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conuersacyon in Chryste Who would couet to doe harme yf you studye to do good for all men and to hurte no man But yf there be anye found so vtterly blynd that for malyce they beare to vertue or throughe ignoraunce do persecute you I praye you in what thing can they hurt you They wyll take awaye youre money whiche yf they were not you must shortly leaue behynd you they wyll torment the body and wyll slea you which shoulde shortely dye yf they were not All these thynges forasmuche as they are done vnto you for Godlynes sake shall not onely bryng no damage vnto you at all but also greatly encreace your vauntage By these euell turnes doynge they augment your rewarde of euerlastyng felicitie He that loseth a good meanyng hearte he is hurted in dede but whan that is safe all is gayne whatsoeuer the
yf throughe repentaunce they would haue aswaged y● wrath of god which they had prouoked vpon thēselues by theyr own wickednes And so let your vpryghtenes be ynoughe vnto you let it be ynough for you to haue declared vnto other what rewarde i● prepared for them that beleue the gospel what peyne abideth the vnbeleuers If there be but a fewe saued by fayth it shall not be layed to your charge If a great part of men perishe throughe vnbelefe they perishe through their owne faulte After this sorte it was the wyll of God to vtter the difference betwene the good and the badde Baptisme receiued as it ought to be preserueth agaynst destruccion and wassheth awaye the fylthynes not of bodyes but of soules But baptisme beyng broken promisse withall destroyeth for euer and wyndeth into so muche the more haynous rageing streames of wickedness● Therfore the thing that is saluacion to some hauing faythe doth bringe destruccion to the vnbeleuers and suche as are rebellions agaynst fayth Notwithstandynge it is not ynough for you that through the floude of baptisme your sinnes are perished and that wicked lustes of the former conuersacion are lost onles ther be present a good conscience also in all the lyfe after correspondent to the benefit of God Christ died howbeit but only once he is risen again neuer to dye and vnto vs the synfulnesses of oure former olde lyfe are in ly●● sort slayne by the death of Christ that we shoulde afterwarde lyue agayne to innocencie and neuer slyde backe agayne in to synnes as muche as lyeth in vs. That shall come to passe if we shall as it were settyng inortalytie apart desi●ou sly aspire vnto y● countrey of heauen with al our whole hertes the enheritaūce wh●rof abydeth them that obey the gospel For so Iesus Christe rose agayne tha● he would not make long taringe after that vpon earth but cōueyed him selfe out of mortall mennes companye vp into heauen and there hauynge the fruicion of the glory of immortalitie sitteth on the fathers right hande not wtout a body but suche a body as death hath now no title to it at all And whyle death goeth about the swalowe vp the innocente it is vtterly swalowed vp it selfe and while death surely reconeth to haue gotten a great praye it became a praye it selfe Finally Christes victorie is our victorye and the glory that went before in him is shewed vnto vs in case we continue styll in the thyng that we haue begon and sticke harde in his fotesteppes Againste him the tormentes of the wicked preuailed nothing at all but in his pacient suffryng of them he gate the victorie he trihumpheth and raigneth alofte sittyng in heauen aboue all aungelles or whatsoeuer vertue and power there is besydes Vnto you he hathe opened the waye into heauen that by the same way that he entred in you maye also thrust in thycke and treefolde into the same place The enheritaunce is ready and certaine the possession wherof he hath also entred for your sakes so that you expresse your selues worthy of it that is to saye if you set your studies vpon the innocencie which he hath frely geuen to do good vnto all men yea euen to the euyll and those that punyshe you as much as vnto you perteyneth ¶ The .iiii. Chapter The texte For as much then as Christ hath suffred for vs in the fleshe arme ye your selues lykewyse with the same mynde for he which suffereth in the fleshe ceaseth from sinne that he hence forwarde shoulde lyue as muche tyme as he remayneth in the fleshe not after the lustes of men but after the wyl of God For it is suffycient for vs that we haue spent the tyme that is past of the life after the will of the Gentils walkyng in wantones lustes in excesse of wines in excesse of eating in excesse of drinking in dronkennes and in abhominable idolatry And it semeth to them an inconuenient thing that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of riot and therfore speake they euil of you which shall geue accomces to him that is ready to iudge quicke dead For vnto this purpose verelie was the Gospel preached also vnto the dead that they shoulde be iudged lyke other men in y●●●she but should liue before God in the spirit The end of al thinges is at hand ▪ FOr as muche than as Christe your Prynce and head folowed not the pleasures of thys lyfe but throughe suffrynge of afflyceions for a tyme came vnto the glorye of heauen and seing that he hath conquered the aduersaries with the weapons of paciente sufferaunce it is reason that you which professe your selues to be his disciples shoulde arme your selues with the lyke purpose of mynde Innocencie of lyfe is the most surest armour and christian pacience is the fortresse that can not be beaten downe He that is gyrded with pacience is sure that no man can be hable to hurt him Whosoeuer is deade together with Christ after the fleshe hath so geuen ouer the synfulnes of his former conuersacion that he is playnly deade to humayne desyres so that nowe he is not tickled with gredynes of renowme he is not prouoked with desyre of reuengemente but all the reste of hys tyme that is geuen hym in thys sely carkas lyueth all together whole to the wyll of God whom onelye his ●esyre is to please of whom also he lokethe for the rewarde of a good conscience and vnto him he referreth the vengeaunce takyng of the wycked Whosoe●er is readily prepared to suffre martyrdome is not touched with the pleasure ● of this worlde For thys he thynketh with him selfe God forbydde that I beyng once done vpon the crosse with my Christ shoulde goe downe to the vices that I haue forsaken and that I beyng once appointed vnto euerlastyng felicitie shoulde be tombled backe agayne to this worldes delices whiche are not only shorte but also folyshe It is euen large ynough that I being a straunger frō Christe haue spent the tyme past in folyshe lustes whiche the prophane Heathens do filthiely serue beyng addicte and geuē to wantones to fleshly lustes to dronkenes to excessyue bankettynges and to abomynable image worshyppynges These prankes we are glad we haue left behynde vs by the goodnes of Christe and as often as we loke backe at them we shrugge for feare to remembre suche fylthynes of lyfe and so great blynde darkenes of ignoraunce Nowe in stedde of outragious luste chastitie is pleasaunte for ●iote temperate fare for wynnebybbyng sobrietie for supersticious worshypping of images true godlynes and deuoute worshyppyng of the lyuyng God vnto whō the mooste acceptable sacrifice that maye be is a mynde pure and vnspotted from all vncleanes of synne Those that haue theyr blynde darkenes yet styll haue maruaile at this so great a chaungeing of myndes and lyfe in you and thynke scorne that their riotousnes is condemned by your temperate fa●e and that their lyfe whiche floweth ouer with all kyndes of
intent that of giftes diuersly distributed and of offices diuersly gone about God may be glorified on euery parte of whom as of the welspring we haue al thynges flowynge vnto vs not by Moses but by Iesus Chryste by whom whatsoeuer the father geueth he geueth it vnto vs as his only sonne Vnto God therfore shall he ascribe the dede that is holpen by his brothers good turne vnto God shall he rendre the thankes whiche is glad that his brother is holpen by his ministerie So that y● totall summe of al glorie redoundeth on euery parte vnto God the father and the sonne vnto whom is continual glorie dominion for euer world without ende Amen We ought not in this behalfe to seke after glory but it behoueth vs to remembre our duetie wherwith we may please God Concerning the rewarde let hym alone with all that we put our truste in For he shall turne the persecutours malice into your good be shal change your paynful sorowes into gladnesse your reproche into glorie The texte Derely beloued maruaile not that ye are proued by fire which thing is to trie you as though some straunge thing happened vnto you but reioyce in asmuche as ye are partakers of Christes passion that when hys glorye appereth ye maye be mery and glad If ye be rayled vpon for the name of Christ happy are ye For the glorye and the spirite of God resteth vpon you On their part he is euil spoken of but on your parte he is glorified Se that none of you be punyshed as a murtherer or as a thefe or an euyll doer ▪ or as a busy body in other mens matters If any man suffre as a Christian man let hym not be a shamed but let hym glorifie God on his behalfe For the tyme is come that iudgement must begin at the house of god If it first begin at vs what shal the ende be of them which beleue not the gospel of God And if the righteous scarcely be saued where shall the vngodly and the sinner appere Wherfore let them that are troubled according to the will of God commyt their soules to hym with wel doing as vnto a faythfull creatour Therfore dearly beloued be not disquieted in y● meane season as it were a newe matter though you which shal be the felowes to gether of the kyngedom heauen be tried with afliccions in this worlde as gold is with fire That thing ought to seme no newe matter vnto you whyche wente long a go before in the triedly proued prophetes and lately in Christe It ought to be the more easylye borne in asmuche as you see it happen cōmonly vnto you with all the tried people of god And seyng y● in this behalfe you beyng disciples resemble your maister and beyng membres resemble your heade Iesus Christe ought to be glad and reioyce y● lyke as now he doeth vouchesaue to haue you companions of his affliccions euen so afterwarde whā he shal open his maiestie vnto al men hauing made them ashamed astonied y● afflicted him and you for malice of him you shal reioyce with vnspeakeable wirthe which may be felte but not expressed with wordes In the meane season yf men reuyle you howe sore soeuer you are afflicted in bodye not for your owne naughtye dedes but for the profession of Christ yet in this behalfe you are blessed that euen in y● middes of your tormentes in the myddes of your dispightfull handlinge the glorious spirite of god is kyndled againe in you for your harmeles harte good conscience sake It is a swete thing to suffer with Christ and it is a glorious thing to suffer for Christ For as muche as in them lyeth they reuile euē Christ himselfe howbeit your innocencie your pacient suffraunce causeth it to chaunce vnto his glorye But God forbydde y● any of you should be punished for manslaughter or theft eyther for naughty wordes speaking or for curious meddlynge of those thinges that perteine nothing to you For it is y● cause not the tormenting y● maketh a Marter And whosoeuer suffreth for none other cause but y● he is called a Christian he nedeth not to be ashamed of his punishment It is a shame to be called a thefe but it is a glorious thīg to be called a Christiā Blessed are they whiche though it be after that painful sorte may escape the tormentes of hell fire and that through affliccions y● shall endure but as it were y● space of a moment haue passage geuen them vnto ioyes that shal neuer haue ende Wherunto God admitteth none but him that is notably proued and tried by muche suffring of sorowes Ones he shal practise dreadful iudgemēt whā the tyme of mercy is past wherat euery one shal be rewarded accordīg to his deseartes In y● meane while y● iudgemēt is more easye inasmuche as beyng purely tried by tēporal tormētes we are made worthy of y● felowship of Christ whiche wil allow nothing but the thinge that is most pure and most perfitely scowred from drosse Nowe is the tyme that this iudgement be exercised to thintent it maye more euidently appeare who doe trulye put their truste in God and whoe doe trulye loue Christe in dede Thinges beynge in prosperous and quiet estate are not argumētes of true godlines As for Moses ceremonies euen a very hipocrite maye kepe them but as for losse of goodes reuilinges enprisonmentes stripes and death no man taketh paciently but he y● hath an inuincible faith ioyned with a gospellyke charitie And vnto these let thē readily prepare them selues that wil in tyme cōming reigne with Christ This iudgemēt shal beginne at y● house of god whiche is the congregacion Than yf it be nedefull for vs to be so clensed whiche beleue the gospell and liue vprightely what ende what iudgemēt what payne abideth them that haue no constaunt belefe in the gospel and continue styl in their owne wickednesses Yf they be so tryed whiche with single plaines obeye the gospell and hauynge forsaken all the pleasures of this worlde haue geuen ouer them selues to the studye of godlynes what shall become of them whome the preachinge of the gospell hath made worse And yf they whiche lyue iustly knowinge themselues giltie in none euyll atchieue not without peryll and muche a doe the porte of eternall saluacion In what hope shall the wicked and mischeuous doers shewe their face in so straight and so dreadefull a iudgement Therfore they maye in no wyse hope to get any saluacion there to thintent that they also whiche are tormented in this worlde not for euyll doynges but for the wyll of God must not trust to them selues but to their possible powers exercisinge y● workes of godlynes they shoulde after this sorte put their soules in the handes of God their maker who of his goodnesse wyll not suffer it to peryshe that he hath made yf they continue in well doyng to deathe and yf they wyll haue none affiaunce in their owne merites but loke
day by day in vayne For they shal thinke surely that he shall neuer come bycause hys commyng is put of for a tyme. What token saye they is there of the resurreccion Our fathers are dead one after an other and neuer one hathe risen agayn to life yet hytherto And like as sence the creacion of the worlde all thinges are engendred by the enterchaungable courses of the dyeng and of the lyuing euen so vnto thys tyme remayneth the same course of nature where as by mutacion of the worlde that hathe ben before we may gather that there shal be a newnes hereafter And like as the mutacion chaunced what tyme they loked not for it that lyued after theyr owne fylthy lustes euen so shall the nouacion happen whether we beleue it or not beleue it For thys thyng they are not ware of or as I suppose rather they dissemble to knowe that the heauens were created long a goe and also the earthe which the waters wherwith it was couered made bare a great power of waters also hanging alofte And whan mankynde was almoste altogether defiled with vices God being offended sent the flood and destroyed the world of that tyme reseruing only eight persons which had folowed Innocēcy This vniuersall iudgement God exercised at that tyme in pourgeing and renewing the earth through water Than the heauens contynue yet still as they were created and they are reserued to fyre by the whiche they shall also be purged in the daye of iudgement whan the wicked shal be destroyed by fyre like as in times paste they perished by water Forasmuche than as it is a thing moste certayn that that daye shall come it maketh no matter whether it come later or sooner This only standeth vs in hande to prouide for that when so euer it cōmeth it fynde not vs vnready We in out conceytes thinke some thinges leng some thinges shorte but vnto God there is nothing neyther shorte nor long In his promisses he foloweth not the appetites of vs but his owne eternall vnchaungeable decreed counsail vnto whome nothyng is ●●●●er paste nor to come but al thinges are present But vnto vs what so euer he h●●h promised he exhibeteth in the tune that he hath appointed before hande to him self For elles with him al is one whether there be one day past or a thousand yeares With the same faithful assurednes doeth he performe the thing whiche he performeth the later that he doeth the thyng he doeth more spedilyer For as concernyng him selfe he hathe performed euen nowe the thing that he hathe purposed to performe For he dooeth not chaunge his purpose and after the maner of delayers prorogue and put of his promyse as some falsly iudge of him measuring God after their own condicions but he prescribeth the space to be longer somtymes for your sake because vpon his tendre mercye and gentilnes he woulde haue none to perysh but is desitous to haue all men once to repent that those whiche peryshe haue no cause to fynde fault that they wanted space to chaunge their life in to better And that daye shall come vnloked for and shall come creping vpon men none otherwise than a thefe in the night cometh vpon them that are a sleape In that daye there shall be so greate violence of fyre that the heauens shall passe with a mightie greate force in to an other kinde But the elementes whervpon this lower world consisteth shal be dissolued with heate and fynally the earthe and the thinges therin conteyned shal bee butned with fyre and all the whole nature of thinges shal bee cleane purged And if it bee of necessitie that all thinges shal be so pure that these thinges shall also be dissolued whiche offende not howe muche standeth it vs in hande diligently to endeuour that that daye maye fynde vs throughly purged and vpright in all holynes of life and in all studious affayres of godlynes In the meane season this muste bee with muche spedynes forecaste that you be alwaye in a readynes whan so euer that daye shall come whose straight iudgement no manne shal bee hable to escape whiche shall suffre no thyng to be impure so muche that the heauens must be dissolued with fyre and the elementes constrayned to melt with heate And after this we loke accordyng to hys promisse for new heauens and a newe earthe that haue no corrupcion no fault that we in whome shal be no corrupt mynde maye haue the fruicion of them being vncorrupt The texte ¶ Dearly beloued be not ignoraunt of this one thing howe that one daye is with the Lorde as a thousande yeare and a thousande yeare as one daye The Lorde y● hath promised is not slacke as some men count slacknes but is pacient to vs warde for asmuch as he would haue no man lost but wyll receaue all men to repentaunce Neuertheles the day of the Lorde wyll come as a thefe in the night in the whiche daye the heauens shall passe awaye in maner of a tempeste and the elementes shall melte with heate the carthe also and the worckes that are therin shall burne Seyng then that all these thinges shall perysshe what maner persons ought ye to be in holy conuersacion and godlynes lokyng for and vasting vnto the commynge of the daye of God by whome the heauens shal perisshe with fyre and the elementes shall melt with heare Neuertheles we accordynge to his promes loke for a newe heauen and a new earth wherin dwelleth rightewesnes Wherfore dearly beloued seyng that ye loke for suche thinges be diligent that ye maye be foūde of him in peace without spotte and vndefyled And suppose that the longe sufferynge of the Lorde is faluacion euen as our dearely beloued brother Paule also accordinge to the wysedome geuen vnto him hath wrytten vnto you yea almoost in euery epistle speaking of suche thinges amonge whiche are many thinges harde to be vnderstande whiche they that are vniearned and vnstable peruert as they do also the other scriptures vnto their owne destruccion Ye therfore beloued seyng ye be warned afore hande beware lost ye with other men be also plucked awaye thorowe the erroure of the wycked and fal from your owne stedfastnes But growe in grace and in the knowledge of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ To whome be glory bothe nowe and for euer Amen Wherfore most dearely beloued brethren haue this so fearfull a iudgemēt alwayes before your eyes and geue dilygence that whan the lorde commeth he maye fynde you pure and vnblameable not onely before menne whose iudgemētes are many tymes deceaued but also before hi. For he is pure in dede that is pure in the iudgement of God And althoughe paraduenture it be long ere that daye come construe it not so as thoughe he woulde not come at all but consydre that this tender sufferaunce of the lorde wherwith he geueth all men space to repent doeth care for mennes saluacion of whiche matters our mooste deare brother and folowe in office
of theirs whiche are all vnperfyte yf they shoulde be tryed and examined by the iust iudgement of god althoughe thorowe grace they shal be taken for acceptable and worthye The whyte araye dothe sygnifye an innocent lyfe without all maner of blemyshe whiche neyther can be obteyned in this lyfe nor yet is it in the vertue or power of any man But the innocencye and purenes of Christ whiche hath the ouerhande in them that be his thorowe gods spirite shal be dystrybuted vnto the faithfull in suche wyse as they shal be partakers therof The texte ¶ And wryte vnto the angel of the congregacion of Philadelphia this saythe he that is holy and true whiche hathe the keye of Dauid whiche openeth and no man shutteth and shutteth no mā openeth I know thy worckes Beholde I haue set before thee an opē dore and no man can shut it for thou hast a lytell strength and hast kept my sayinges and hast not denyed my name Beholde I make them of the congregacion of Sathan whiche call them selues Iewes and are not but doe lye Beholde I wyll make them that they shall come and worshpype before thy fete and shal knowe that I haue loued the. Because thou haste kepte the wordes of my pacience therfore I wyll kepe the from the houre of temptacion whiche wyll come vpon all the worlde to tempte them that dwell vpon the earthe Beholde I come shortly Holde that whiche thou haste that no man take awaye thy crowne Him that ouercommeth wyll I make a pyllar in the temple of my god and he shall go nomore out And I wyll wryte vpon him the name of my god and the name of the cytie of my god newe Ierusalem which commeth downe out of heauen from my god and I wy●●●y●● vpon him my newe name Let him that hath eares heare what y● spirite sayth vnto the congregacions For the more perfyght vnderstanding of this booke we lacke dyuers stories which were eyther nothyng at all or elles littell regarded in the fyrste beginnyng of the chrystendome Els shoulde we haue hearde and read muche cōmendacion written of this churche Whiche as it maye here be well perceyued dyd wonderfull excellentlye handle it selfe in the faithe and doctrine of the gospell and suffred muche also therfore But alwaies it ouercame y● assaultes of the Iewes heretykes and false teachers whiche at length it dyd confounde so thorowe the helpe of god proceded and went forwarde in godlynes For the whiche it is thus commended of Christe in this place But Christe himselfe onely hath power thorowe his spirite to assure and stablyshe the conscience of man in true doctrine and in the right faythe also in quietnes of mynde And all other vnto whome he hathe geuen the same spirite are to be taken as instrumentes ministers onely accordynge vnto the same spirite and no nother wyse For the which cause without the same spirite that onely doth serche and iudge the secretes of mans harte no suche matter parteynynge vnto the faythe and relygion of god and quietnes of mans conscience can well and rightly be determyned The open doore wherof he speaketh is the worde of god and the holy gospell by the whiche the churche maye worke and bryng to passe muche profyte and honour vnto our god and lorde by them whiche shall be conuerted thereby vnto y● true christen fayth as well out of the Iewes as also out of the heathen And that shall not all the enemyes of god be able to hynder withall theyr myghte and power how symple and weake soeuer the ministers of god in that behalfe shall seme and appeare to be For he that worketh in them is strong myghtie and can not be ouercome And he whan he shall see his tyme shall not onely humble and brynge downe the heathen and turne them vnto the true fayth but he shall also dysmaye the Iewes whan as they shall see theyr honour their temple and their gods seruyce vtterly destroyed and ouerthrowen and the word and knowledge of god y● onely creator of all thinges to be sprede abrode thorowout al y● world At that tyme shall they be compelled to confesse not onely those to be the children of Abraham whiche are circumcised in theyr bodyes but those that in true faith in spirite and trueth doe honour and inuocate god that is creator of heauen and earth and the god of y● Patriarkes offeringe vp vnto him euerywhere and at euerye season continually that sacrifice that is onely lefte to be offred namely the sacrifyce of thankes geuynge But this fayth beyng garnyshed with the workes of godlynes shall appeare and be made manyfest thorow the pacience of the holy martirs whiche in so many congregacions haue suffered and dayly are persecuted of the tyrannes for gods sake and for denyeng the false gods seruyce beyng greuouslye assaulted thorowout the whole world and not onely at Philadelphya whiche is mencioned and named onely for an example vnto all suche as are lyke vnto the same Wherefore whosoeuer hathe y● grace to be constant and stedfast in faythe let him praye vnto god for perseueraunce that he maye obteyne the croune whiche god hath promysed vnto him Suche stedfast postes that doe not onely stande fast and sure but also are able and wyllyng to vpholde the whole foundacion and byldyng of the churche they shall be set in the heuenly tabernacles of god and shal be garnyshed with names and tytles of honour in euerlastynge blisse whiche shall be the newe Ierusalem the heuēly golden citye where all the blyssed and holy citizyns shall dwell in the kyngdome of Christe The texte ¶ And vnto the messenger of the congregacion whiche is in Laodicia wryte This sayth Amen the faythfull and true wytnesse the begynnynge of the creatures of god I know thy worckes that thou art nether colde nor hotte I woulde thou were colde or hotte So then because thou arte betwene bothe and nether colde nor hotte I wyll spewe the out of my mouthe because thou sayest I am ryche and increasyd with goodes and haue neade of nothinge and knowest not how thou art wretched and myserable and poore blynde and naked I councell the to bye of me golde tryed in y● fyre that thou mayest be riche and whyte rayment that thou mayest be clothed that thy fylthy nakednesse do not appeare and anoynt thyne eyes with eye salue that thou mayest se As manye as I loue I rebuke and chasten Be feruent therfore and repent Beholde I stande at the dore and knocke If eny man heare my voyce and open the dore I wyll come into him and wyll suppe with him and he with me To him that ouercommeth wil I graunt to syt with me in my seate euē as ● ouercame and haue sitten with my father in his seate Let him that hath eares heare what the spirite sayeth vnto the congregacions Our sauiour Christe hath many sondry names Here he is called Amen faithfulnes and trueth the refuge and safegarde
looke for Suche men are the very true seruauntes of god fully stablysshed in the right faythe and true loue From the whiche thorowe the grace of god they shall neuer fall For as muche as god is their father and ouerse●r whose deare and louynge children they are And they can lacke no treasure neyther corporall nor spirituall eyther in this worlde or in the worlde to come And they lyue blessedly in peace and quientnes of conscience before god readye at the pleasure of god to goe thorowe welthe and woo in this worlde whome no maner of creature can hurte for as muche as the lorde fauoreth them vnto whome they haue vtterly geuē and committed them selues and haue offred vp vnto him a pleasant sacrifice oblacion in faythe in true Christen loue and perfyght hope For Christ that suffered death for them and redemed them with his bloude will not forsake them but graciously rule gouerne them and thorowe the holy gospel wil instructe them in all rightuousnes which they begynne here in this world and shal enioye the frute therof in the lyfe euerlastyng And thus thorowe y● grace mercye of god they shal ouercome al woe and vexacion and remayne pacient in persecucion yea and mery and ioyfull also in him that can strengthen and comforte them whiche dystrybuteth his plentifull grace vnto them to worke al holy vertuous workes For the which also beyng his owne workes he wyll yet crowne and rewarde them as S. Austen sayeth in the kyngdome of heauen eternaliy The .viii. Chapter The texte ¶ And when he had opened the seuenth seale there was sylence in heauen about the space of halfe an houre And I sawe vii angelles standynge before god to them wer geuen seuen trompertes And another angel came and stode before the aulter hauinge a goldē senser and muthe of odoures was geuen vnto him that he should offce of the prayers of all sa●●●res vpon the golden aulter which was before the seate And y● smoke of the odoures whiche came of the prayers of all sa●●●res ascended vp before god out of the Angelles hande And the Angell toke the senser and fylled it with fyre of the aulter and caste it into the earth and voyces were made and thondrynges and lyghtnynges and earthquake IT hathe ofte bene sene that after great troubles and muche vexacion thorowe the prouysion of god rest and quietnes hath folowed in all tymes And thus shall it continue euen from the ascencion of Christe vntyll the worldes ende that after rayne the sunne shal shyne and afterwarde it wyll be cloudye darcke againe Euen so whan the faythfull haue once ioy in god after the victorye of the dragon then commeth a new dysquietnes and perplexite whan as the wycked Angels and spirites thorowe their membres mynisters shall set vp all abhominacion synne wyckednes hurtefull and noysome vnto the soule as Sathan dyd vnto Iob what tyme he came and accompanyed him selfe with the children of god Here come vii that is to saye very many and those mightye and stronge with power graunted and permitted vnto them to doe harme But Christ the true and faythfull kyng and father of his kyngdome churche and children commeth and standeth as an hyghe pryest at the alter of god with the oblacion of his owne bodye For Christ the lorde is bothe priest altar and the oblacion himselfe and he standeth for his faythfull electe with the golden censers the hyghest loue and humilyte thorowe the whiche he gaue him selfe for the synnes of al the world into the moost bytter and standerous death for a perpetuall reconciliacion for all those that beleue in him Vnto this onely one and eternall priest Christ doe all faythfull holy and blessed christians render and gyue their vnperfyte deuocion thanck es geuynge feruent peticions and prayers their hope loue and fayth All whiche he receyueth in good parte and maketh them acceptable vnto the father with the censers of his prayers and with his swete smellynge rightuousnes and holynes wherwith he is full and aboundant plentuous and sufficient for all the electe from the begynnynge of the worlde vntyll the ende therof And by this meanes and no nother wyse may the prayers of all the holy and faythfull come vnto god namely thorowe the handes and merites of his passiō so that they take the same with them pleating with god thorowe the same Whiche thing dilyghteth and pleaseth the lord god right well Nowe yf the holy electe shal thus offre vp their necessities praiers vnto god thorowe Christ whiche is the onely medyatour betwene god the father and mankynde than wyll the mercifull god heare them ▪ and shall punyshe the wycked tyrannes and oppressours of the faythfull with his fyerye dartes and thonderboltes and other plages whiche he can and is wont to vse dyuers wayes for the terryble punyshemēt of the wycked godlesse prynces tyrannes bothe bodely and gostly in so muche that Sathan with his whole kyngdome shal be amased therat The texte ¶ And the seuen Angels which had the seuen trompettes prepared them selues to blowe The first Angell blewe and there was made hadle and fyre whiche were myngled with bloude and they were caste into the earth and the thirde parte of y● earth was set on fyre and the thirde parte of trees was burnt and all greue grasse was brente And the seconde angell blewe and as it were a great mountayne burnyng with fyre was caste into the see and y● thirde parte of the sea turned to bloude and the thirde parte of the creatures which had lyfe dyed and the thirde parte of shyppes were destroyed Christ bringeth his punyshementes to passe thorowe good and euyll angels euen at his owne pleasure For vnto the lorde there is nothing euell nor vnprofytable for as muche as he onely can make good of euyll well ynoughe The first plage of the churche of Christ was in the vnderstandynge and interpretacion of holy scripture whiche euen at the first was assaulted with dyuerse dangerous heresyes whiche sprang vp by reason of y● dyuersytie of vnderstandyng amonge the wryters and teachers by reason wherof infynite Schisemes dissēcions ▪ perels and dangerous vproures did sprynge aryse And for this cause were so many councels holden For the christendome suffred great decaye and many swarued there from at suche tyme as god of his mercye gaue peace and quietnes in the churche but for a small season as I sayde before By the trees we shall vnderstande people of all maner of nacions and degrees in y● christendome of no small nomber as in the tyme of Athanasius and after The seconde plage foloweth afterwarde against the whote and natural strength and fearcenes of men and specially that whiche was betwene princes and rulers that were assaulted of the wycked fyende with ambicion for power and dominion The whiche the wycked fyende dyd rayse vp after that the godly and holy teachers had rooted out all errours and heresyes This contencion and
of god whan he seeth his tyme accordynge as the person place requireth And therfore they bathe receyued one rewarde of saluacion and remayned as it were immortall and are prophecied to come againe in spirite before the latter day of iudgement to resiste and confounde the wycked Antichrist and to heale with the oyle of lenitie suche as are apte to receyue it or els with the fyre of feruente zeale to confounde the wycked enemyes of god bothe with worde deade as Enoche and Elyas dyd by the commaundement and ordinaunce of god in their tyme whan they were vpon the wicked earth Lyke as also suche men might be founde in our tyme with their names writynges and doynges not in one place of the earth moued with the same spirite with the same worde and lyke zeale of god euery one after the gyfte of grace geuen vnto him Moued I saye by the holy goost of a godly mynde and lyke purpose as the nacions people persons and other circumstances required Against these and suche lyke frendes and ministers of god shall many greuous troubles be alwayes deuised and attempted by the wicked malignant churche bothe against their good name bodye lyfe and also against their goodes And they haue no nother refuge succour comforte helpe nor weapon to defende them with but the onely holy eternall and inuyncible worde of god in their mouthes and handes whiche confoundeth all their aduersaries and deadly enemyes whiche euen them selues the longer they mainteyne their euyll and naughtye cause the worse they make it tyll at length they shall vtterly confounde and destroy themselues But these .ii. ministers of the spirite of god workynge in loue and feruentnes with all softnes burnynge zeale lyke vnto Enoche and Elyas they haue power thorowe the spirite of god whiche worketh all thinges in his ministers to procure and obteyne of god grace and vengeaunce accordynge to their faith and zeale to the furtheraūce of goddes glorye and to the profite and reformacion of the faythfull christen churche as necessitie and conueniencie shall require Euen lyke as Elyas had ouer the water whan as thorowe his prayer he obteyned of god that it shoulde not rayne vpon earth for the space of three yeares And agayne also fyre from heauen against those that mocked and contemned his offyce and testymonie The texte ¶ And when they haue fynisshed their testimonye the beast that came out of the bottomlesse pyt shall make warre against them and shal ouercome them and kyl them And their bodyes shall lye in the stretes of the great citee whiche spiritually is called zodom and Egipte where our Lord was crucified And they of the people and kynredes and tonges and they of the nacions shall se their bodyes thre dayes and an halfe and shall not suffer their bodyes to be put in graues And they that dwel vpon the earthe shall reioyce ouer them and be glad shal sende gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them that dwelt on the earth It hath alwayes from tyme to tyme bene well sene howe this beast hathe behaued hymselfe towarde the messagiers and ministers of god whiche were sent vnto them And specially vnder Achab and Manasses and suche lyke kynges and ydolatrous and hethenysshe priestes whiche serued false goddes whiche persecuted the faythfull ministers of God cursed and contemned them burnt and drowned them so farre as god permytted them Whiche thing was for the best vnto the persons that suffered suche thinges and for the synguler profyte of the faythfull churche and congregacion And yet for all their persecucion the doctrine and workynge of the faythfull was euer vpright and lyuely and their good and holy name with the commendacion of their godly feruent zeale was also wonderfully preserued to the vtter shame and confusiō of the abhomynable and terryble beast and all his members and lymmes As the examples of the whole world doe testifye and beare wynes And specially euen in our tyme and also the moost true and infallyble storye of the prouydence and of the holy worde of god This citie where Christ is dayly crucified is in figure and symilitude the citie of Ierusalem whiche for sheadyng of the bloude of his Apostles hath receyued her iust and due rewarde as she deserued and lykewyse the wycked churche corrupte and poysoned of Sathan wherin he beareth rule murtheringe the faythfull frendes of God and ministers of the gospell whose holy zeale and truth of God whiche they haue preached they coulde not nor woulde not suffer nor abyde vntyll they were alwayes at length confounded and vtterly destroyed Whiche thinge shall vndoubtedly happen also vnto them whiche doe resist and withstande all christen reformacion of the churche in their state and order Yea they see already before their eyes and smell the indignacion of god his terryble iudgement wherof they haue bene earnestly and faithfully warned but they were neuer affrayd nor abasshed of it At that tyme the holy seruauntes and ministers of god shall be fayne to suffer muche trouble euen the very bytter and moost slanderous death But at length whan all thinges shall be truly discussed all the worlde shall see and perceyue the true doctrine and belefe of the faithfull godly the impietie of the wycked obstinate blinde and vngodly infydels whiche woulde neuer beleue And thus fayth and truth in god shall haue the victorye The texte ¶ And after thre dayes and an halfe the spirite of lyfe from God entred into them And they stode vp vpon their fete and a great feare came vpō al them that saw them And they hearde a great voyce from heauen sayinge vnto them Come vp hyther And they ascended vp into heauen in a cloude and their ennemyes sawe them And the same houre was there a great earthquake and the ●enth parte of the citie fell and in the earthquake were slayne names of men seuen M. and the remnaunt wer feared gaue glorye to the god of heauen The seconde woo is past and beholde the thirde woo wyll come anone Howe this beast with her members the wycked hethenyshe prelates and their sworne adherentes haue alwayes in our tyme for a long season cruelly dealt with the ministers of gods word and with the preachers of the truth of the moost sacred gospell it is playne and euident ynoughe at this day vnto all the world and thorowe the cronicles whiche shall be publyshed shall not be hydden vnto our posteritie how whan and by whome dyuerse godlye men haue bene persecuted and murthered and moost shamefully handeled of the spirituall prelates and their sworne adherentes onely for the true doctrine and faythes sake But an other tyme wyll come by the very iudgement and grace of god whan as these holy men and faythfull witnesses of Christ shall be had in hyghe honour and estimacion and shall bryng more to passe with their preaching writinges and monumentes whiche they left behynde them to the profyte and edificacion
of the churche and to the true vnderstandynge of the truth in all landes and nacions of the earth than euer they dyd in their lyfe tyme as it is euydent that it so happened vnto the holy prophetes and martirs And than shal all the wicked enemies and contemners of the worde of god and of Christes true religion trēble and feare the iudgement of god not vnworthely and they shall vndoutedly receiue their due rewarde that they haue deserued for the extreme cruelty whiche they haue shewed and declared against the faythfull ministers and seruauntes of God Whiche rewarde they shal receyue with feare tremblynge sorowe smart and paine despaire and with euerlasting shame and confusion folowing Whether any suche thinge hath hitherto or maye hereafter happen let euery true christen harte that trusteth in the mercye of god well consyder and wey by him selfe ¶ The .xii. Chapter The texte ¶ And the seuenth angell blewe and there were made great voyces in heauen saying the kyngdoms of this worlde are our lordes and his Christes he shall raygne for euer more And the .xxiiii. elders whiche syt before God on their seates fell vpon their faces worshipped God sayinge we geue the thankes O Lorde God almightye which arte and wast and art to come for thou hast receaued thy great might and hast raigned And the nacions were angry and thy wrath is come and the tyme of the dead that they shoulde be iudges and that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruauntes the prophetes Sainctes and to them that feare thy name small and great and shouldest destroye them whiche destroye the earth AL this maye be well referred vnto the texte and vision that went before to this purpose that after all matters before mencioned once past there shoulde be an vniuersall godlynes and christen order eyther thorowe the generall preaching of the gospel thorow out y● who le world or els thorow the godly lyfe peace and felicitie whiche maye be at that tyme vpon earth As it is possible inoughe thorowe the grace of god and many good christen heartes doe trust and hope that it shall come to passe Or els it maye be vnderstande after the last iudgement of our sauiour Christ of the quietnes whiche shall than immediately folowe after the cruell persecucion of Antichrist as this blessed and comfortable angel preacheth and declareth with his trompet For sure it is that before the latter daye the kyngdome of Christ shall appeare and be receyued of all nacions and yles of the earth euen of the Iewes also whiche at length shal receyue knowledge of their errour and shall confesse their obstinacy and the wickednes of their belefe and conuersacion whā they shall see the grace and knowledge of God manifestly reueled in all tongues and speches thorowe the holy worde of god and shal perceyue the kyngdome of Christ the true Messias not to consist in the strayght and narow corner of Canaan nor in the vnhappy citie of Ierusalem whiche is vnhappye by reason of the dyuision and vnquietnes that is in it but in the whole wyde worlde wherin shall be one onely felowshyp and congregacion of the seruauntes of the onely one and almyghtie god whom alone all the holy prophetes of whose faythe the Iewes haue alwayes made so highe boast haue honoured and praysed and lyke wyse the whole regiment and flocke of theirs and the whole worldes Messias and Sauiour whiche was before the creation of the worlde and hath appeared in the worlde in al humylite more than .xv. hundreth yeares almoost longer than the lawe of Moyses dyd endure and continue among the Iewes from the tyme of their delyueraunce out of Egipte vntyll the commynge of Christ whan he toke his manhode in the tyme of the reygne of Herode whan as their regiment and gouernaunce toke an ende What lyes soeuer they feyne of their lande and regyment in Vtopia whiche they name Casp●a wherof they must shortly be a shamed and holde their peace and confesse their deceyte falsehede presumpcion damnable lyes of their Talmude of all their false myserable blynde guydes and Rabbynes whose falsehede is nowe open and manyfest vnto all the worlde for as muche as their bokes are made common thorowe the benefyte of printynge vnto all men of learnynge and knowledge So that this myserable people as the holy apostle S. Paule prayeth hath that thing fulfylled vnto them whiche they hoped for and whiche was promysed of God in their tyme vnto their generacion Euen so maye it come to passe vpon earth and that right sone that the honour and glorye of the kyngdome of Christ and of God shall appeare which shal rule for a tyme vpon earth and after y● latter iudgement in heauen in euerlastynge blisse As than al holy patriarkes prophetes apostles and all the martirs that euer haue bene shall haue honour and glorye whiche they shall offre vp vnto the euerlastinge and very true God in the sight of all Goddes electe in euerlastinge blisse in y● kyngdome of God and of his Messias our sauiour Iesus Christ according to the doctrine of the infallyble moost true word of god But the wicked and vngodly heathen shall haue no part of this honour glorye and blisse but shall suffer and be damned euerlastingly in eternall wrath enuy hatred malyce and despayre For suche is the righteous iudgement of God ouer all men bothe quicke and deade good and bad Euery one shall be rewarded accordyng to his workes and desertes after the iust iudgement of almyghtye God without all maner of parcialytie or respecte of persons whether they be of high or lowe estimacion in the worlde whether they be riche or poore and of what lande or contrey so euer they be For than the holy and faithful shal receiue of Christ euerlasting saluacion for their trust faith and loue towarde God and contrarye wyse the wicked and vngodly tyrannes aduersaries persecutours of the faithfull seruantes of God for their obstinate blyndnes infydelitie and contemninge of Goddes holy wyll and worde shall peryshe for euer and shall remayne euerlastingly cursed and damned withal wicked spirites Thus farre as semeth vnto me doe the visions and prophecies reache that are hetherto past and mencioned in this boke But nowe that whiche foloweth is another reuelacion pertayning to an other tyme. For a man must not seeke any other order of y● scripture in this boke whiche is compact together of many and diuerse visions without any obserued order than in other writinges of the prophetes as they that are learned doe knowe well ynoughe The texte ¶ And the temple of god was opened in heauen and there was sene in his temple the arcke of his testament and there folowed lyghtnynges and voyces and thondrynge and earthquake and muche hayle Here might the .xii. chapter well begynne and these wordes myght be vnderstande and taken for a preparacion vnto the very glorious and newe reuelaciō which is nowe as I sayde before opened vnto
their wickednes without repentaunce and neuer returning backe vntil their last howre vntyll their very death than is it not possyble but that their damnacion begon here in this worlde in all myschefe wickednes and without sorowe repentance or amendment leauynge example vnto their posterite to committe and to maynteyne lyke wickednes it is not possible I saye but that the smoke of their payne torment shall ascende vp from euerlasting to euerlastinge without any maner of rest daye or night with all those which dyd euer helpe vnto suche vngodlynes or consent vnto it opened such a dore vnto wickednes and woulde be extolled and praysed therfore with their Antichristes marke contrarye to the holy token of gods electe whiche they haue in their foreheades namely the holy worde of God for the whiche they haue suffered muche payne and opprobrye but with excedynge great pacience for Iesus sake The texte ¶ And I hearde a voyce from heauen sayinge vnto me wryte Blessed are the deed which herafter dye in the Lorde euen so sayth the spirite that they rest from their laboures but their worckes folowe them In so great danger of the faithful vnder the iurisdiccion of Antichristes abhominacion with his .ii. hornes and vnlawfull vsurped power vpon bodye and soule vtterly against the worde of god whiche is the onely comforte of al faithfull soules is it necessary that some comforte come vnto them from heauen aboue whiche the lambe sendeth vnto all true christians thorowe the holy gospell which the spirite of God writeth in their hartes to beleue stedfastlye that it can not be otherwyse in this worlde but that all they whiche wyll folow Christ must beare the crosse euen vnto death as Christe the innocent lambe dyd but afterwardes shall they see nothing but euerlastinge saluacion merited purchased vnto them thorowe the passion and death of Christe to the iustificacion and merite of eternall saluacion of all the electe Whiche comforte shall be muche greater in their soules in the kynkdome of Christe than is possible for al the merites of man to deserue or obteyne And speciallye at suche tyme as the glorified bodye shall be ioyned and vnited againe vnto the blissed soule after the latter daie And therfore the good workes of the faithful as thei doe not goe before their faith and loue but are onely the frutes of them euen so shall they not preuent the merite of Christ for all electe from euerlastinge but as the spirit of Christ saythe they folowe and come after them whan they haue obteyned rest and peace thorowe the free grace and mercye of God and thorowe the merite of Christes rightuousnes after this I saye thorowe faithe haue folowed good workes out of an humble and obedient heart whiche workes the lorde wyl graciouslye crowne as his gyftes and receyue and rewarde them as acceptable vnto him The texte ¶ And I loked and beholde a whyte cloude and vpon the cloude one syttinge lyke vnto the sonne of man hauinge on his heed a golden crowne and in his hande a sharpe spckle And another angell came out of the temple cryinge with a loude voyce to him that sate on the cloude Christ in thy syckle and reape for the tyme is come to reape for the corne of the earthe is rype And he that sate on the cloude thrust in his syckle into y● earth and the ●arth was reaped Althoughe the right faithfull garnyshed with good workes after y● worde of God were euermore sure of their saluacion yet not withstandynge the iudgement of God whan his tyme is come goeth forwarde against all suche thinges as are set vp against the worde of God As it was readye at hande at one tyme by reason of the obscuringe and blyndinge of gods worde amonge y● Iewes thorowe the cursed Talmud wherunto they gaue more faith and credence and cleaued more earnestly vnto it than vnto the lawe of God and to the prophetes And lykewyse among the christians specially among the hyghe bysshops and prelates with their glorious tytles of Popes Patriarkes Cardinals Primates and suche other orders of the whiche one euer desiered to be aboue a nother sekyng alwayes their owne glorye lust pompe honour and dignitie and not the wil of God faithe godlynes of lyfe nor yet the gospell whiche they haue alwayes pretended falsely and craftilye to colour and cloke their myschefe and wickednes As concerninge the Turkes faithe we can saye but lytle what their greatest faut wickednes and beastlynes is we haue had more knowledge by writinges than by any profe or experience But it is to be feared yf God be not mercifull vnto vs we shall learne it soner than we woulde In the myddest of all this thorowe the trompet of the gospel beyng blowen out in our tyme after a wonderfull sorte thorowe the spirite of Helyas whiche appeareth commeth abrode plentuouslye and effectuouslye is rysen and daylye ryseth suche a mouynge and sterringe vp of mens hartes suche a knowledge of the truth such a lyght and lanterne of doctrine and such a iudgement of Antichristes workes suche a feare of the wrathe of God so that there is a good hope that y● holy and holsome seede of gods worde so plentiously sowne and spred abrode shall not returne againe without great frute and edif●enge of the faithe and the lyfe of men For as for the Iewes whether they wyll or no they must nedes despaire of their workinge their faithe their doctrine and of all their state whan as they see that the whole kyngdome of heauen whiche they take to be theirs peculiarely to be taken from them and to be made common vnto all them that feare God thorowe the whole worlde more than euer was founde by them Euen so also amonge the christians the doctrine and profession of the holy gospell true faythe and all godlye vertues shall waxe and increase in the heades and rulers of the christendome as it shall also be ioyfullye receyued of all true Christen subiectes notwithstandynge that the nomber of them shall alwayes be least And also the knowledge vnderstandinge lernynge and readynge of the holy scripture shall somwhat increase amonge the spirituall prelates as it shoulde be hoped for and with most earnest and feruent prayer desired and called for of god And it is well to be thought and to be beleued that the Lord wyll doe his parte also euen in suche wyse as is here promysed so y● Antichrist beyng thus put to shame but yet remayninge styll impenitent shall be reaped downe with the syckle of gods worde thorowe the spirite of Helyas and shall be cut downe thresshed not to the destruccion but to the profyte edificacion and saluaciō of the world This hath our Lorde and sauiour Christ brought to passe whiche is alwayes the heade of the churche who is not onely present therwith but also doth graciouslye rule and gouerne it edifieth and helpeth it and he with and roteth out the enemies and aduersaries with the sickle of his
rightuous iudgemente and shall vtterly banyshe and consume them accordinge vnto his moost victorious and muincible worde The texte ¶ And another angell came out of the temple which is in heauen hauynge also a sharpe syckle And another angell came out from the aultar whiche had power euer fyre and cryed with a loude crye to him that had the sharpe sickle and sayde thruste in thy sharpe sickle and gaddre the clusters of the earthe for her grapes are rype And the angel thruste in his syckle on the earth and cut downe the grapes of the vyneyarde of the earthe and caste them into the great wynefat of the wrath of god and the wynefat was troden without the cytie and bloude came out of the fat euen vnto the horse brydels by the space of a thousande and syce hundred furlonges Lyke as before the iudgement of Antichrist and his felowship was prophecied in this world with the spirite of Helias and with the syckle of the gospel euen so doth the spirite of god in this place prophecie further of y● other iudgement which shal happē afterwarde at the latter daye vnto these obstinate impenitent and blynde contemners of gods iudgemēt in euerlastinge damnacion after the latter iudgement Whiche damnaciō or hell is here vnderstande and signified by the great fat of gods wrathe where all the wicked shall come together and with one stampe treadinge of gods iudgement sentence and rightuousnes shal be euerlastingly trodē as muche more greuouslye thā by y● worldly and temporall punishement in this lyfe as the heate of the fyre is more painefull and intollerable vnto the bodye of man than are the cloudes vnto y● earthe or any darkenes vnto the eyes Whiche so greuous damnacion and destrucciō is sygnified by the feareful bloude whiche floweth ouer the earth that the horses treade therin euen vnto their brydles Thus vseth the holy scripture to descrybe and paynt the greuous and terryble iudgement of God by suche greate vgsome and terryble figures ¶ The .xv. Chapter The texte ¶ And I sawe another sygne in heauen great and maruellous seuen angels hauynge the seuen last plages for in them is fulfylled the wrathe of god And I saw as it were a glassy see myngled with fyre and them that had gotten victorye of the beaste and of his ymage and of his marke and of the nomber of his name stande on the glassye sea hauynge the harpes of God and they songe the song of Moses the seruaunt of God and the songe of the lambe sayinge Greate and maruellous are thy workes Lorde God almightye iuste and true are thy wayes thou kyng of sainctes Who shall not feare O Lorde and glorifie thy name For thou onely art holy and al Gentiles shal come and worship before thee for thy iudgementes are made manifest THis is a nother prophecye of the holy apostle S. Iohn reueled and opened vnto him of god that against all the wyt and reason of man against al worldly power against the diuises ymaginacions and hinderances of all enemyes and of all the wicked the gospell shall ryse vp in the dominion of the Romaynes thorowe the dysciples of Christ thorow the holy goost and thorowe the wonderfull and meruelous power of God And also many heuy plages shall come vpon those wicked and vngodlye people and vpon the myghtie rulers of this worlde whiche studye and go about to hynder the procedynge of the gospell All these plages are rekened one after a nother thorowe the .vii. angels and the .vii. vyalles This sea of glasse myxed with fyre sygnifieth the wickednes of this worlde and al wicked enemyes and aduersaries of the trueth and doctrine of the gospell and of all Christen and innocent conuersacion and of all godlye liuynge Against whiche enemyes at all tymes in this worlde and specially at the first beginnynge and springynge vp of the gospell and christen religion the holy electe were fayne to lye in felde and to warre Against the Iewes with miracles against the heathen with holy scripture against the suttell Philosophers and worldlye wyse men with the faythe that the gospel teacheth and with an innocent and a godly lyfe against the tyrannes and the violence of the Romaines with pacience Against ydolatrye false seruice of God with stedfast constantnes euen vnto death cleauynge vnto the vnderstandynge and sentence of the trueth And thus thorowe the power of Christ and thorowe the spirite of Helias they haue gone thorowe them and gotten the victorye against the olde dragon and his wicked spirites and against all vnfaythfull in y● who le worlde and in al nacions And the laude honoure and triumphe of this victorie they ascribed to no creature but onely to Christ whiche alone can ouercome the wickednes of the worlde all lyes and falsehede the deuyll with all infidels in spyte of all their tyrannye And therfore as Moyses dyd synge a song of prayse and thankes geuynge after the destruccion of Pharao after the ioyfull victorye of the children of Israell euen so also dyd they synge vnto him the song of the lambe whiche belongeth and is dewe vnto him onely sayinge It is gods worcke and not ours whiche the almightye hathe wonderfullye and graciously wrought for vs for his owne glorious sake whiche is rightuous in his iudgementes and true in his promyses whose wayes are iudgement grace rightuousnes and trueth whiche onely preserueth the faithfull electe as a puyssaunt and mighty lorde and as a faithfull and louynge father whome all men ought to feare with suche reuerence as godly childrē geue vnto their fathers and with all hartye obedience other wyse than the wicked whiche lyke vnfaithfull contemptuous children doe despyse and contemne their omnipotent and almightye God and father and rightuous Lorde and iudge whiche knoweth all thinges And therfore he is to be praysed and most highly exalted in the congregacion of the faithfull as he is euerlastingly hated and cursed of the wicked and damned sort to their vtter and eternal damnacion And no man can hynder or auoyde it howe strong and mightye so euer the Emperour of Rome is as Domicianus Nero and other but that al nacions shal heare beleue and receyue the holy gospel whan the tyme is ones come and shall honour and worship the onely eternall almightie God and his Messias promysed vnto them the sauiour of the whole worlde and the redemer of all faithfull electe The texte ¶ And after that I loked and beholde the temple of the tabernacle of testimony was opē in heauen and the seuen angels came out of the temple whiche had the seuen plages clothed in pure and bright lynnen and hauynge their brestes girded with golden girdels And one of the foure beastes gaue vnto the seuen angels seuen golden vyalles full of the wrath of God whiche lyueth for euermore And the temple was full of the smoke of the glorye of God and of his power and no man was able to enter into the temple til y● seuen
and shall stande a farte of for feare of her punishmēt saying Alas alas that great citie Babilō that mighty citie for at one houre is thy iudgemēt come And the merchauntes of the earth shal wepe and wayle in them selues for no man wyll bye theyr ware any more the ware of golde and syluer and precious stones nether of pearle raynes and purple and skarlet and al thynne wod and al maner of vessels of yuery and all maner vessels of moost precious wod●e and of brasse yron and synamon and odoures and oyntmentes and franckynsence and wyne and oyle and fyne ●●ou●e and wheate beastes and shepe and horsses and charettes and bodyes and soules of men With this Babylon haue princes and prelates yea whole kyngdoms cōmitted whordome For she hathe receyued and geuen them yea hathe set them in and out And all for worldly gayne and for honour sake without any respect of rightuousnes onely for money brybes For there was neuer founde more shamefull marchandyse than that whiche they of the Popes courte specially the Curtysans haue exercysed many yeares with other mennes goodes and with nothing els but with leade and syluer with parchement and byshoprikes with sellyng of their Pallium and Robes whiche shoulde be a spirituall iurisdicciō and with first frutes c. Yea there is no ende of suche marchaundyse lyke as in the texte all thinges are named whiche are of any pryce So that in the Popes churche there was nothinge but for mony not so muche as the water or salte of the see nor oyle nor breade nor creame c. All must serue for holynes and for the maintenaunce of the couetousnes of the spiritualtye To be shorte reade but onely a boke that is called the Popes Fayre there is his marchandyse well descrybed and proued by the customes and lawes of the Romaynes The texte ¶ And the apples that thy soule lusted after are departed from the. And al thinges which were de●●tie and had in pryce are departed from the and thou shalte fynde them nomore The ma●ch aun●es of these thinges whiche were wexed ryche shall stande a farre of from her for feare of the punishment of her wepinge and waylinge and saying Alas alas that great cytie that was clothed in raines and purple and scarlet and decked w●t● golde and precious stones and pearles for at one houre so great riches is come to naught First of all there was muche holynes and muche good example and doctrine in the holy churche of Rome as S. Paule testifieth in his Epistle to the Romaynes and there were many holy byshops and martirs which loued y● trueth vnto whome the gospell was a synguler ioy delyght comforte and glorye But in processe of tyme it was turned vpsyde downe So y● there was nothing lefte in the rulers and heades of that churche but onely the name of the churche Al that was perfyght godlye and holy was lost and gone And at length their marchandyse whiche they inuented woulde no more be estemed amonge y● true godly christianes For they haue inoughe of those thinges whiche these marchauntes doe promyse of the grace and mercye of God and of his word And therfore the Romanystes doe meruell and frete againste the gospel because it bringeth no nother ware with it but her olde ware that is to saye humylite lowlynes pouertye sorowe contempte whiche all men doe flee and abhorte And it maketh an ende also of all worldlye pompe and honour ioy and pleasure ydlenes and wantonnes The outwarde and glorious supersticous wil bryng no more profyte or aduantage precious garmentes and perles wyll not become the professours of the gospell Coules and shauen crounes wyll no longer be taken for holynes of them that haue any vnderstandynge and knowledge Peter and Iohn and all the Apostolicall ministers of Christ wyll contemne and despyse golde and syluer For Christ hath taught them faith loue and truth pouertye and lowlynes The texte ¶ And euery shyppe gouerner and all they that occupyed shyppes and shypmen whiche worke in the see stode a farre of and cryed when they sawe the smoke of her burnynge sayinge what citie is lyke vnto this great citie And they ●ast dust on their heades cryed wepynge and waylynge and sayde Alas alas tha● great citye wherin were made riche all that had shyppes in the see by the reason of her costlynes for a● one ●oure is she made desolate Reioyce ouer her thou heauen and ye holy Apostles and prophetes for god hath geuen you iudgement vpon her Thus dothe the lorde God shewe and aduenge him selfe of all violent and tyrannous pryde and presumpcion of them whiche perswade them selues that there is no God but they or els that he hath no care of those thinges that are vpon earth Wheras it is euident and manifest out of gods worde what hathe alwayes bene the ende of all proude and presumptuous kyngdoms Whiche the spiritualtye should best haue knowen and haue taught other also And speciallye he that hath had and woulde haue suche a byshoprike And woulde also kepe it vntyll he shoulde peryshe together with it because he hathe not ordered him selfe therin after the wil of god nor after the right rule and square of gods worde and of holy scripture nor hath not done that thinge that his offyce and vocacion hath required as he ought to haue done as it is euident vnto all men They haue desyred and studyed onely to haue great power and dominion vpon y● who le earth in all nacions and yles onely for honour and gayne with very small studye or dilygence to rule the worlde well and godlye or to further gods honour and the saluacion of the soule onely And for this cause doeth all the worlde wonder at suche a great and horrible fall And they that seke study after dignite honour and auctorite after worldly lucre they tremble for feare and mourne and bewayle the heuy iudgement of God and their worldly hynderance But the holy and faithfull whiche not onely vpon earth regarde and seke the honour and glorye of God whiche they doe chefely desyre but also in heauen whiche haue the fruicion and perfyght syght and knowledge of the rightuousnes of God they prayse God hartely for the rightuous iudgement whiche is reueled vnto the worlde The texte ¶ And a mightie angell toke vp a stone lyke a great milstone and cast it into the see sayinge with suche violence shall that great citye Babilon be cast and shal be founde no more And the voyce of harpers and musicions and of pypers and tromperters shal be hearde no more in the and no craftes man of whatsoeuer crafte he be shal be founde any more in the. And the sounde of a myll shal be hearde no more in the and the voyce of the brydgrome and of the bryde shal be hearde no more in the for thy marchauntes were the great men of the earth And with thyne ●●ch auntment were deceaued al ancions and in
her was founde the bloude the prophetes and of the sainctes and of all that wer slayne vpon the earthe Suche a nother thing dyd Ieremy also prophecye of the kingdome of Babilō and euen as he prophecied so came it to passe And euen so doubtles shall ●● lykewyse come to passe vnto this proude presumpcion and lykewyse vnto all vngodly tyrantes whether they be of the spiritualtye or of the temporaltie An heuy and greuous iudgement shall take and ouerthrowe the mightye of the worlde whiche mysuse their power and might Yea and it shall vtterly fall and decaye with all their ioy lust pryde and tyrannye whiche they haue vsed in the tyme of their gouernaunce And specially the spirituall ministers of god whiche for their office and vocacions sake ought to haue done and taught otherwyse And lykewyse suche handy craftes as haue serued ydols ydolatrie and maynteined false goddes and false goddes seruyce inuented onely for lucre and for no godlynes shall also haue an ende And lykewyse the ydel priestes with suche as depende vpon them an vnprofytable kynde of people and al suche thinges as haue ministred occasion vnto worldly lustes pleasures and delyciousnes shall haue lyke end and fall as Tyrus Babilon and Nynyue of the whiche the prophetes make mencion As Rome the Romyshe Empire also had once Muche more shall it happen lykewyse vnto the Papacye and y● courte of Rome and to y● prelates whiche ought to be spiritual as they also name them selues but in very in dede are more carnall and worldly than any other What godly men haue bene destroyed for the truthes sake in councels and at Rome it is so euydent that it neadeth not here to be rehersed ¶ The .xix. Chapter The texte ¶ And after that I herde the voyce of muche people in heauen sayinge Alleluya Saluacion and glorye and honour power be ascribed to the Lorde out God for true and righteous are his iudgementes for he hath iudged the great whore whiche dyd corrupte y● earth with her fornicacion and hath auenged the bloude of his seruauntes of her hande And againe they sayde Alleluia And smoke rose vp for euermore And the xxiiii elders and the foure beastes fell downe and worshypped God that sate on the seate sayinge Amen Alleluya And a voyce came out of the seare sayinge prayse our Lorde God all ye that are his seruauntes and ye that feare him bothe small and great IF a man might so say what dothe the punishment of the wicked tyrantes and their damnacion helpe or profyte the godlye and faithfull christians whiche are persecuted of the dragon of the beast and of y● false prophetes for the true faithe and religions sake euen vnto deathe Hete in this place is a sufficient and perfight answer vnto this question For thus it is sayde the same godly ministers and faithfull witnesses of Christe the crucified and slaine lambe they doe nothynge els in heauen in their immortall soules but synge thankes and laudes vnto God almightie styrring prouokyng and exhortynge one a nother with lyke affeccion and zeale to prayse God For Alleluia is nothinge els but prayse God Allelu is as muche to saye as prayse ye And ya is one of the names of the lorde God wherby he is named of whiche names there are dyuerse Nowe here maye we learne with what maner of wordes we shoulde and shall prayse God bothe here and also in heauen Namely thus all saluacion and goodnes whiche may be profitable vnto vs and maye be desyred of God and againe all laude and prayse for al maner of benefites and goodnes perteyneth onely vnto the mooste mercyfull eternall and almightye onely one God and must be ascribed vnto him Honour whiche is a profession and a declaracion of al vertue and godly kindnes and loue and of al mighte power and omnipotencye is due onely vnto the true onely and eternall God creatour and maker of all creatures For all his workes and iudgemētes are right commendable holy and true without all maner of parcialitye and specially for as much as he hathe subdued and brought downe the glorious and proude tyrantes bothe of the spiritualtie and of the temporaltie and hath sent them to eternall damnacion And hathe caused their wickednes and abhominacion also to come to lyght in this worlde to the synguler comforte of the faithfull electe that were oppressed of them And thus they cease not to gyue lawdes and thanckes vnto God saying continually Alleluia But the smoke is the true oblacion and the right sacrifice whiche the holy sainctes doe offer in heauen euerlastinglye and performe also vpon earthe in the holy churche euen vntyll the latter daye I meane geuynge of thanckes and acknowledging the goodnes of God as is before sayd This oblaciō sacrifice is made cōtinually without ceasynge with infynite and vnspeakeable ioy of al holy patriarkes prophetes Apostles mattirs and of the whole heauenly felowship and of all them whiche euer from the beginning haue pleased the lord God with faith loue hope and obedience But the maner and the ceremonies with the wordes reuerence and ioy whiche the holy and faithfull electe do vse dothe the holy scripture describe after the maner capacite of men in suche wyse as may be best vnderstande and perceyued of vs. Amen is as muche as that God is the trueth faithful in keping of all his promises and wordes And here maye we learne that we shoulde not name nor esteme the holy and faithfull saintes as princes and rulers of heauē for as muche as they name them selues but seruantes of God and are no better and that also not by merite and deserte but onely by the grace and eleccion of god And also some are also greater and higher than other as Abraham parauenture than Isaac and Ioseph than Simeon Peter than Philip but that ought not curiously to be serched out of man In heauen shall we see and knowe perfitely the cause and occasion of the iudgement of God but not in this lyfe The texte ¶ And I hearde the voyce of muche people euen as the voyce of many waters and as the voyce of stronge tho●dringes saying Alleluia For the Lorde our god omnipotent raigneth Let vs be glad and reioyce and geue honour to him for the mariage of the lambe is come and his wyfe made her selfe readye And to her was graunted that she should be a● rayed with pure goodly raynes For the raynes is the rightewesnes of saintes And he said vnto me write happy are they which are called vnto the lambes supper And he said vnto me these are the true sayinges of God And I tell at his fete to worship him And he said vnto me se thou do it not For I am thy felow seruaunt and one of thy brethren euen of them that haue the testimony of Iesus Whorship God For the testimonye of Iesus is the spirite of prophecye This maye be vnderstande of y● holy faithful saintes vpon earth whiche
also all that is abhominacion vnto the lorde as ydolatry abhominable blasphemies forged lyes false doctrine shall haue no place in the right churche For vnto the right holy churche which is knowē onely vnto God and inuisible vpon earthe doe onely the electe children of God perteyne whose names are wrytten in heauen in the booke of the lyuynge ¶ The .xxii. Chapter The texte ¶ And he shewed me a pure ryuer of water of lyfe clere as Christ all procedyng out of the seate of God and of the lambe In the myddes of the strete of it and of e●her ●yde of y● ryuer was ther wood of lyfe which bare twelue maner of frutes gaue frute euery moneth and y●●eues of the wood serued to heale the people with al. And ther shal be no more cu●se but the seate of God and the lambe shal be in it and his seruauntes shall serue him And they shal se his face his name shal be in their forheades And ther shal be no night there and they nede no candle nether lyght of the sunne for the Lorde geueth them lighte and they shall raygne for euermore CHrist openeth vnto Iohn his deare beloued disciple the secrete misteries of the kingdom of heauē expoundeth the visions of the other prophetes as farre furth as is requisite necessary for the christen doctrine And thus Iohn seeth here a pure ryuer of water very clere whiche is the holy scripture the worde of god the doctrine of Christ the holy gospel of our saluaciō That same is clere vnto al them that haue a pure heart mynde not defyled nor blemished with transitorye loue care of y● worlde nor with any temptacions of the flesshe This holy doctrine procedeth commeth out frō the holy spirite of god and of Christ For he is one God with y● father the sonne He is the seate of glorye of omnipotencie of the godheade He procedeth out from the welspring of all wysedom grace mercye and floweth throughe the myddes of al streates of Christes churche which is the citie of god of the lambe And of both sides of y● riuer doe stāde glorious bewtiful trees of lyfe which receyue their increase their leaues and frute of the moysture of the riuer And these trees are the holy fathers of the faithful christen churche of the olde new testament whiche by their faith and by their vnderstandynge and readyng of the holy scripture of the lawe of the prophetes and of the gospell haue lyued taught and wrought very frutefully in the holy citie of the churche and haue brought forthe twelue maner of frutes that is to saye many frutes and haue serued god without ceasynge with muche frute and profyte in right and true good wo●kes and vertuous exercises The leaues frute and sappe of these holy trees were very holsome and soueraine as were also the frutes of the dysciples of the prophetes and apostles For the holy bysshops and preachers of Gods worde dyd make repentance faithfull holy and christen people by their preachinge ●eachinge wrytinge prayers and christen example of lyfe of them whiche were before very hethen And in this churche there is no cursed frute and no meate is vncleane vnto the faithfull For they shall receyue and inioy all maner of frutes and meates with thanckes geuynge and with all temperatenes and measure Neyther shall the holy goost be extingwysshed in the holy churche of God but he shall prouyde ministers of God and shall incorage and comforte them with his ayde and assystence that they shall profyte goe forwarde and procede frutefully in all goodnes and thorowe true faithe they shall knowe the face of God his gracious and mercifull wyll and pleasure in this militant warrfarynge churche but in the heauenly Ierusalem they shall knowe him face to face euen as he is and shall laude and prayse him euerlastingly And these ministers and seruantes of God shall not be ashamed to knowledge and to confesse the name of god the christen faith the holy gospel They shal beare about preache and glorifie the name of Christ openly with ioy delyght and pleasure And neyther Sunne nor Moone shal helpe or adde any thing to this cleare and bright daye of gods knowledge for the spirite of God shall doe all together And the blissed soules in heauen haue their Sunne and Moone the glasse of the godheade the excellent bewty of the glorified and exalted manhode of Christe wherby they shall reygne in blisse for euermore The texte ¶ And be sayde vnto me these sayinges are faithful and true And the Lorde God of saintes and prophetes sent his angell to shewe vnto his seruauntes the thinges whiche must shortly be fulfylled Beholde I come shortly Happy is he that kepeth the sayinge of the Prophecy of this boke I am Iohn whiche saw these thinges and hearde them And whē I had hearde sene I fell downe to worship before y● fete of the angel which shewed me these thinges And he said vnto me s● thou ●● it not for I am thy felow seruaunt the felowe seruaunt of ●hy brethren the prophetes and of them which kepe the saynges of this booke But worshippe God Christ speaketh vnto Iohn and geueth witnesse and testimonye vnto this booke of Reuelacion of secrete misteries that al whiche is written in this booke is certen and true and not to be contemned and taken as any trifle or fable For this booke was ordeyned of God to be spoken thorow an angell vnto Iohn that he should write it and should leaue it behynde him in y● faithfull and holy churche of Christ Euen y● same god whiche reueled vnto other holy prophetes and men of God thinges that were to come the very same God hath now sent his angel geuen him in commission to open reuele vnto Iohn these visions and prophecies of thinges to come whiche should happen come to passe be fulfilled very shortly y● is to say they should shortly begin so happen and come to passe one after another vntil they be all fulfylled Beholde with certen thinges wil I come very shortly The comming of Christ is prophecied vnto vs after suche sorte forme y● we should carfully diligently wayte for it continuallye lyke as true faithful seruantes doe waite watche vpō y● returning of theyr masters doe neuer slepe as Christ teacheth in y● gospel And because this boke shoulde not be contemned nor lyghtly estemed in the christen churche therfore Christ sayethe by his messenger and angell that he is happye that is to saye he is the seruaunte of God and pleaseth the Lorde well and shall be partaker of grace and saluacion whiche beleueth this booke ▪ taketh all thinges that are written therin for true holy and estemeth y● prophecies of this boke whiche are many and diuerse no lesse than other holy bookes of the prophetes and euangelistes other holy prophecies And where as he saieth ▪ I