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A64467 The reconciler of the Bible inlarged wherein above three thousand seeming contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled ... / by J.T. and T.M. ... Thaddaeus, Joannes, fl. 1630.; T. M. 1662 (1662) Wing T831_VARIANT; ESTC R33916 334,239 278

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end of the Oeconomy of Christs Mediation and God shall be all in all 1353. 1 Cor. 15.27 He hath put all things under his feet Ver. 28. The Son also shall be subject to the Father That subjection shall be effected in his members and Church which is his Body and by resignation of his Kingdom that now he administers at present by his Ministers in the midst of his enemies but not without battel also he shall declare his subjection to the Father answerable to that nature according to which all power is given to him in heaven and in earth * 1354. 1 Cor. 15.44 It is raised a spiritual body Job 19.21 I shall see him in my flesh A spiritual body not in respect of substance or beeing but by reason of those qualities which the glorified body shall partake of Or a spiritual body a body free from carnal desires being wholly subject to and ruled by the Spirit Job speaks of rising with the same body for substance but doth neither imply nor deny but the body may have more glorious qualities 1355. 1 Cor. 15.50 Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God Ver 53. This corruptible must put on incorruption Flesh and bloud here signifies the corrupt nature of man in the state of sin this as it is such cannot inherit the Kingdom of God but our nature purged from corruption shall put on incorruption 1356. 1 Cor. 16.15 The houshold of Stephanus addicted themselves to the ministry of the Saints Heb. 5.4 No man taketh this honour to himself but he that was called of God In the first place is meant the ministry of transparting the collections to the brethren and they did it by the sending of the Apostles by them in a most dangerous time 1357. 1 Cor. 16.22 If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ let him be Anathema Mat. 5.44 Love your enemies The Apostle doth not pronounce this Anathema out of his own private affection but being led by the Holy Ghost it is not lawful rashly to use private imprecations unless the glory of God require it in an especial manner and there be no hope left of their salvation Love our own enemies but not love Gods enemies he pronounceth a curse not against his but Christs enemies if they love not Christ 1358. 2 Cor. 1.1 Timothy with Paul wrote that Epistle 1 Tim. 1.3 He was left at Ephesus when Paul went into Macedonia Paul sayling from Corinth into Asia Acts 18.19 left Timothy at Ephesus together with Aquila and Priscilla but that they were with the Apostle at Corinth at that time the Inscription it self testifieth 1359. 2 Cor. 1.8 In Asia we were pressed out of measure above strength 1 Cor. 10.13 God will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able The first place is concerning temptation exceeding bare humane strength the second concerning faith and strength given to us by God which is our victory * 1360. 2 Cor. 2.5 But if any have caused grief he hath not grieved me but in part with Ver. 4. For out of much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote unto you If the incestuous person or any other have been the cause of your and my grief together I make no reckoning of the grief which I have received thereby in respect of that which my censures have brought upon you whereof he hath been the cause And yet my aim hath not been to afflict you as bearing you any ill will but rather to give you a certain proof of my charity by gaining your salvation through repentance 1361. 2 Cor. 5.2 In this we groan earnestly desiring to be cloathed upon with our house which is from heaven Ver. 4. We groan being burdened not that we would be uncloathed The first place is concerning the groaning by grace the second by nature for the Holy Ghost stirs up a desire of life eternal in the mind of the godly and it is natural to fear death because it destroys nature 1362. 2 Cor. 5.16 We know no man after the flesh Rom. 1.3 Christ of the seed of David according to the flesh Phil. 2.8 To know according to the flesh is to praise that which corrupt flesh delights in and to despise what it despiseth so we knew not Christ carnally but out of Gods Word we know him to be of the seed of David 1363. 2 Cor. 5.19 God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself Ver. 20. We pray you in Christs stead be ye reconciled to God Reconciliation is ascribed to God as the principal cause to Christ as the meritorious cause or to the Ministry of the Word as to the Instrumental cause or to our selves apprehending it by faith and applying it for our salvation 1364. 2 Cor. 8.20 Avoiding this that no man should blame us in this abundance which is administred by us 1 Cor. 4.3 With me it is a very small thing that I should be judged of you The first place is of just dispraise wherein our hearts convince us the latter is concerning the unjust judgments of the world which proceed from mens depraved affections 1365. 2 Cor. 11.4 If he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached or receive another Gospel which ye have not accepted ye might well bear with him Gal. 1.8 Though we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel unto you then that we have preached let him be accursed In the first place is meant by another Christ and another Gospel a better Doctrine than the Apostle taught but in the latter by another Gospel is meant false doctrine which overthroweth Gods grace and Christs merits 1366. 2 Cor. 11.17 That which I speak I speak it not after the Lord but foolishly 1 Pet. 4.11 If any man speak let him speak as the Oracles of God Paul being forced to it by the calumnies of false Apostles said somethings concerning his own labours and dangers which did not directly appertain to his Ministry Peter speaks of those things which directly appertain to the Ministry of the Word wherein the rule of our words must be the Oracles of God revealed in the Scriptures The Epistle of St. PAUL to the GALATIANS HE defends the Justice of faith against false Apostles that a man is justified not by the works of the Law but by faith in Christ and exhorts to good works that the fruits of faith must be sowed in Christian charity and liberty It was written from Rome in the Year of Christ 60. 1367. GAL. 1.1 Paul an Apostle not of men neither by man but by Jesus Christ Chap. 2.2 I communicated unto them the Gospel which I preach among the Gentiles Ver. 6. Who seemed to be somewhat Paul came to Peter and the rest of the Apostles not that he might learn the Gospel from them but to have their testimony of his Doctrine that he preached nothing to the Gentiles but the Gospel of Jesus Christ 1368. Gal. 1.17 I went not up to Jerusalem to them which were
Law and by our Law he ought to die They had a Law in jure not in facto A Law but it wanted the life Execution They might judge among themselves whether such a one were worthy death as they wrongfully judged Christ here but yet the Romans had given them a Law that they should not put their Laws in execution which concerned life And so by the Roman Law it was unlawful for them to put any man to death * 1083. Joh. 18.36 with Psa 71.28 Christs Kingdom is not of this worlds fashion nor of the fashion of the world nor of the Subjects of this world but it consists of Gods Children and it is set up in their heart There is the Kingdom of Christs power which he sheweth in the Protecting of the godly from the wicked in the destruction of his enemies and in the advancement of his name from one end of the earth to the other 1084. Joh. 19.9 Jesus answered not Pilate 1 Tim. 6.13 Christ Jesus before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession To Pilates question first Christ did not answer because he stood before him to suffer and not to plead or excuse at length he gave testimony to the Truth in words and deeds for his Passion and Death were a sufficient testimony and sealing of his Doctrine * 1085. Joh. 19.29 And they filled a spunge with vinegar and put it upon Hysop with Mar. 15. They put it on a reed And so Mat. 27. There was a vessel of Vinegar which upon such occasions usually stood there either as some say to shorten life or to ease the pain but the souldiers did wickedly mingle gall with some of it and offered it him to drink before he was lifted up upon the Cross which he refused and then after when he was upon the Cross they offered him Vinegar and he took it so Matthew and John agree As for the Hyssope some suppose it put about the Spunge so as the Spunge gave him Vinegar to his mouth and the Hyssope besprinkled his face with the Vinegar wherein it was dipped 1086. Joh. 20.1 Christ rose on the first day of the week Mat. 12.40 The Son of Man shall be three daies and three nights in the heart of the earth untill the third day This is a Synecdochical computation of time for the least part of the day of the preparation is taken for a whole day and the beginning of the day after the Passeover or the Sabbath is taken also for a whol day Christ was three daies in the grave but it was incompleatly three daies so also he was two nights in the grave the night before being added to them 1087. Joh. 20.1 Mary Magdalen came early when it was yet dark unto the Sepulchre Mar. 16.2 Very early they came to the Sepulchre at the rising of the Sun When it was yet dark very early in the morning she went out of her house and the City waiting for the rest of the women with which afterwards she came to the Sepulchre at the Sun-rising 1088. Joh. 20.17 Touch me not Ver. 26. Reach hither thy finger Christ after the Resurrection would not be touched of Mary Magdalen who only sought him after a carnal way and thought of enjoying him no otherwise than she did formerly by his earthly presence amongst them But he commanded Thomas to touch him that his faith being confirmed he might be a more certain witnesse of Christs Resurrection Touch me not so as loving mothers touch their Sons that they have wanted that is touch me not to stay me For I am not yet ascended I am in haste and have not dispatched all I must I have now the business of being your Advocate to do and I must speedily about it But yet Thomas thou art an unbelieving man in this point and hast less faith than this woman touch thou me for confirming of thy Faith not to stay my Journey The ACTS of the APOSTLES LUKE the Evangelist describes either in general all the Acts of the Apostles or in special Peters Preachings Acts Visions Miracles Imprisonments the Conversion of Paul his Travels Disputations Miracles Bonds Imprisonments and the History of the Primitive Church after Christs Ascension from 26 years unto the 60 year from Christs Nativity 1089. ACTS 1.1 Of all things that Jesus began both to do and teach Luke wrote Joh. 21.25 There are also many other things which Jesus did the which if they should be written every one I suppose that even the world it self could not contain the books that should be written Luke in the first Book wrote of all things necessary for our salvation though not of all things but summarily concerning the conception of Jesus Christ his Nativity Life Passion Death Resurrection and Ascension into heaven August In John Tract 49. Christ did many things that are not written as John the Evangelist witnesseth but those things were chosen to be written which might suffice for the salvation of Beleevers * Act. 1.1 with Joh. 21.25 Of all things that is somthing of every thing which Jesus did the most material and chief things or all things which the Spirit of God suggested to be writtten or all things which were sufficient for the preaching of the Gospel and his he●rers The latter place tels us that there are many other things beside the principal matters which were not written though it denies not but the principal are written 1090. Act. 1.7 It is not for you to know the times or the seasons 1 Thes 5.1 Of the times and seasons brethren you have no need I write to you Times and seasons as they are in a general consideration is one thing and as they are taken for particular years or daies or seasons are another The Apostles must not be too curious to know the year or day when Christ will come or restore the Kingdom to Israel but yet the Apostle would not have them ignorant of this that there is a time when Christ will come again though he may conceale the particulars of it 1091. Acts 1.9 Whilst the Disciples beheld Christ was taken up and a cloud received him Joh. 3.13 No man hath ascended up into heaven but he that came down from heaven The body of Christ was taken up visibly on high where Christ was personally before according to his Divine Nature Acts 1.9 with Joh. 3.13 The former place speaks of Christs personal ascent into heaven as Man where he is to be reserved till his se-second coming It speaks not of his ascent as God for there he was as God yet the Person in which the Divine Nature was ascended visibly The latter place speaks of Christs being in heaven as God 1092. Acts 1.15 The number of names together were about an hundred and twenty 1 Cor. 15.6 After that he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once The number of an hundred and twenty must be restrained to the faithful there at Jerusalem the rest were out of this gathering in other places Luke
Tim. 2.21 with 1 Joh. 1.1 Purge him not efficiently but instrumentally Purge endeavour to purge i. e. to apply that which may purge us viz. the Bloud of Christ and to get the Spirit of God the one to take away the stain the other the ruling of sin within us The one to take away sin the other evil doctrine and corrupt opinions He that saith we may be cleansed from sin by Christ and that we must purge our selves doth but in the one tell where we may have the remedy and in the other who must use the remedy * 1430. 2 Tim. 3.12 Yea all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution Psal 34.12 The godly man is said to see good Persecution is either of the tongue or hand they that are godly shall be persecuted with the one or the other The godly see Good in their persecutions in that they see the comforts of the Spirit and the graces of Gods Spirit works in them Good is either Spiritual and Perpetual or Corporal and Temporary Godly men have the former not alwaies the latter for by persecutions they lose the latter yet obtain more of the former * 1431. 2 Tim. 4.8 Henceforth is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness Eccles 9.1 No man knoweth either love or hatred The Apostle had an huge confidence or assurance of his salvation and that upon good grounds The Wise man tells us not that a man can by no waies or means know at all whether he be in favour with God but that it cannot be discerned by the outward chances and accidents of this life nor doth he hereby say hatred and love are impossible to be known but that the external passages of this life do not infallibly shew them The Epistle of St. PAUL to TITUS IT is the compendium of Christian Doctrine informing Teachers set in the Ecclesiastical State Political or Oeconomical what thay ought to do he exhorts all and every one to good works and to fly vain questions and heresies It was written from Nicopolis in the Year of Christ 54. 1432. TIT. 1.9 Able by sound Doctrine to convince gainsayers Chap. 3.9 Avoid foolish questions contentions and strivings about the Law In the first place he requires that Teachers by their Office shall rebuke those that are gainsayers with all long suffering and sobriety In the latter that they avoid janglings about words that is contentious clamorous unprofitable Disputations and verbal Discourse which tends not to edification either with Hereticks or others in the Church because they edifie none but rather confirm them in their sins 1433. Tit. 2.15 Rebuke with all authority 1 Tim. 3.3 A Bishop must be no striker Titus was gentle by nature therefore he is warned to rebuke with authority He inculcates to Timothy modesty and mildness that when he rebukes he should not strike but should rebuke diversly according to the diversity of mens faults offices ages degrees otherwise old men otherwise young men otherwise those that sin of malice otherwise those that sin of infirmity otherwise those that were ready to obey and otherwise those that were obstinate as there were in Cr●●e many despisers of the Ministry * 1434. Tit. 3.10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject Deut. 13.5 And that Prophet or dreamer of dreams shall be put to death He that commands a lesser hinders not the inflicting the greater punishment While the Apostle bids reject he doth not disallow the putting to death of Hereticks Moses Moral Law is perpetually obliging The Apostle might have said kill if that could in his time have been done without prejudice Civil Magistrates being Heathens then but when the Church may do it without prejudice the Magistrates being Christian the former Law needs no suspension at all Omnes fere ex nostratibus hujus sunt sententiae quod Haeretici sint gladii puniendi Zanchy Almost all Protestants are of opinion that Hereticks may be punished with the Sword The Epistle of St. PAUL to PHILEMON HE intercedes for Onesimus who was run from his Master Philemon and would have his Master receive him again 1435. PHILEM v. 5. He had love and faith toward all the Saints Mat. 16.16 Joh. 3.16 Whosoever believeth in Christ shall be saved Philemon did testifie to all men by his works of love toward the Saints that he had a lively faith in Christ The Epistle to the HEBREVVS Is also thought to be St. PAULS but his Name was left out lest the Jews should be deterred from the reading of it HE describes the person of Christ according to his Divine and Humane Nature And he confirms his Offices Priestly Kingly and Prophetical and exhorts the Jews to Faith Constancy and good Works by the Example of the Fathers 1436. HEB. 1.3 Christ sate down at the right hand of the Majesty on high Acts. 7.55 Steven saw the Son of man standing at the right hand To sit at the right hand is to have all Glory Majesty Kingdom and Power both in heaven and in earth The Lamb standing at Gods right hand which was slain for us and intercedes as a Priest on our behalf stands as Aaron stood with his Censer of old betwixt the living and the dead to turn away the wrath of God * Heb. 1.3 with Acts 7.55 Sitting and standing are not properly but allegorically attributed to Christ in this place for God hath not properly and substantially a right hand but here sitting down the Apostle alludeth to the custome of Kings who place him at the right hand whom they put next in authority and power under them Hereby is denoted the supream and high dignity and power of Christ obtained by ascending into heaven He is said to stand to shew his readiness to intercede to God for us * 1437. Heb. 1.3 Who being the brightness of his glory c. Isa 53.2 He hath no form nor comliness The first is a Metaphorical speech God the Father is compared unto the lightsome body God the Son unto the beam or splendor sent down The second place speaks of Christ as the Jews esteemed him in his Humiliation It is one thing what Christ was in himself another thing what he appeared in our eyes * 1438. Heb. 1.11 The heavens and the earth shall perish Eccles 1.4 But the earth abideth for ever The Heavens and Earth perish according to their form and outward accidents some think that the substance shall remain However when Solomon saith the earth abideth for ever He speaks comparatively in relation to men One Generation passeth and another cometh but the earth abideth The earth is the same and shall be till the day of Judgment 1439. Heb. 2.3 The Gospel was confirmed unto us by those that heard Christ Gal. 1.12 I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ In the first place it is spoken of the Apostles who were with the Lord into which number Paul was taken after
26.7 with Joh. 12.3 John saith Judas spake against this womans act Matthew that the Disciples and that by a figure called Syllepsis by which one is called more They were sawn Heb. 11. when it was Isaiah John saith she anointed his feet and Matthew saith his head she did both anoynt head and foot the oyntment running out in great measure or she did first anoynt his feet and then break the box and diffuse the residue upon his head Matthew saith the Passeover was to be kept two daies after John saith this anoynting was six daies before the Passeover Matthew speaks by way of recapitulation and having spoken of the Passeover within two daies he doth not say after these things Jesus being in the house of Simon the Leper but relateth it as a thing done not setting down the time of doing it Whereas Matthew speaketh of the Disciples John of Judas murmuring against the fact it is to be understood that the other Disciples either said so or thought so Judas perswading them but they spake it of a true care for the poor Judas out of a theevish intention Some think that the women are not the same Mary being one and the other which the Disciples did murmure at was another 889. Mat. 26.8 The Disciples saw it and had indignation Joh. 12.4 Then saith one of his Disciples Judas Iscariot The Evangelists usually ascribe to many the fact of one if their consent went along with him So the murmuring which Judas began is imputed to the rest who held their peace 890. Mat. 26.11 You have the poor alwaies with you but me you have not alwaies Cha. 28.20 And loe I am with you alwaies even unto the end of the world In the first place Christ speaks of his corporal presence and natural conversation with his disciples in the state of humiliation that he should not be so alwaies with them In the latter of the assurance by his Person and his help that should be effectual in their Apostolical duty though it be difficult yet Christ would be present with them by a singular vertue of his Spirit dwelling in them The accomplishment of this promise was manifest in the Apostles and in all the faithful by the operation of the Spirit in us and shall be so to the end of the world 891. Mat. 26.26 This is my Body Cha. 24.23 If any man shall say unto you Loe here is Christ or there believe him not In the first place Christ asserts his presence in the sacred Supper In the latter he foretels that false Prophets should come and exhorts us that we should beware of those false Impostors and should not look for salvation in places times or persons contrary to Gods word but only in Christ Jesus our Lord. 892. Mat. 26.26 This is my body Joh. 6.63 The flesh profiteth nothing Christ in the first place understands his body that was given to dye for us In the latter flesh but not his own in special but in general the natural use of any meat whatsoever Not as the Capernaites dream that they should so eat his flesh who would eat him with their teeth but not with their heart * Mat. 26.26 with Joh. 6.63 This is my body that signifies and sets forth or is sacramentally my body which being spiritually eaten or applied by faith is bread and meat indeed but the ordinary flesh which is spoken of profiteth nothing to the saving of the soul Mat. 26.26 with He went up into heaven and sits at the right hand of God Whom the heavens must retain c. Christ is sacramentally on the Lords Table really spiritually not corporally Corporally in heaven yet by faith and by his effects and benefits on earth this denotes his body and as surely as the bread is taken so surely is the benefits of Christs body taken 893. Mat. 26.29 I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the Vine He puts these words after the Institution Luk. 22.18 He puts those words before the Institution Christ once delivered the Sacramental Cu● to his Disciples Cap. 3. de Conv. Evang saith Augustine but Luke hath not made his Narration in a continued History nor alwaies observed the order of time so that here is an Hysterosis again * Mat. 26.29 with Luk. 22.18 They both agree in the words Luke only speaks frequently not so exactly of the time I will no more drink of the fruit of the Vine c. is that the Kingdom of God was now so near that this was the last meat and drink or the last meal that he was to have before that came By the Kingdom of God meaning his Resurrection and forward when God by him had conquered Death Satan and Hell And whereas he saith Till I drink it new with you c. He did so eating and drinking with them after his Resurrection This therefore being the aime of his speech it was seasonable to say so any time of the meal this is the last meal I must eat with you till I be risen again from the dead and hereupon the Evangelists have left the time of his uttering of it at that indifferency that they have done 894. Mat. 26.29 I will not drink henceforth of the fruit of the Vine untill that day when I drink it new with you in my Fathers Kingdom Act. 10.41 We eat and drank with him after he rose from the dead Christ said he would not drink with his Apostles in his mortal body but after the Resurrection having put off the infirmity of his body he after conversed with his Disciples and eat and drank with them he calls it new because he is made immortal of mortal and the Devil and Death being destroyed he had opened a spiritual Kingdom 895. Mat. 26.34 This night before the Cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice Mar. 14.30 Before the cock crow twice thou shalt deny me thrice Matthew briefly and in general without relating the circumstances but Mark relates the matter with more and more particular words * Mat. 26.34 with Mar. 14.30 Crow thrice in all for Peter denying him once before the first crowing and twice before the second He that saith He shall deny me thrice before the Cock crow twice doth not imply at all but he shall or may deny him thrice before the morning Cock crow to break of day or before the Cock give over crowing * Mat. 26.36 Then came Jesus into the place that is called Gethsamine Mar. 14.32 with Luk. 22.39 He went forth as he was went into the Mount of Olives Gethsamine was at the foot of mount Olivet into a Garden which was there The Talmudists speak of Gardens there and tell how the Gardeners use to fatten their grounds with the scouring of the sink that carried the bloud and filth of the Temple Court into that Valley 896. Mat. 26.52 All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword Luk. 22.36 He that hath no sword let him sell his garment and buy one A sword
is taken properly in the first place for Christ will not that private men should use the sword for revenge and to resist evil but should overcome evill with goodness Rom. 12. In the latter place a sword is taken metaphorically for the Word of God with which we must fight against Satan and our spiritual enemies and therefore we must be armed with it * Mat. 26.52 with Luk. 22.36 The former place forbids taking of swords for private defence unlawfully The latter place tels us that the Persecution would be so great as it in all probability would be the greatest wisdom to part with our estates and buy swords not that indeed he would have them to buy swords but that by this Prophesie he would shew them they must provide for trouble and that it is rather meant of material swords will appear by their shewing of him two material swords which he seeing and their willingness to defend his person said It is enough 897. Mat. 27.4 Judas saith I have sinned betraying the innocent bloud Act. 1.18 Falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out The confession of Judas and the testimony he gave of Christs innocency was not with true repentance but only sorrow by the sense of his sin which led him not to conversion but to hang himself * Mat. 27.4 with Act. 1.18 The one place speaks what Judas said before he went to hang himself which the other place saith he afterwards did * 898. Mat. 27.5 And went and hanged himself Act. 1.18 And falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out Having hanged himself to hasten his death the more or to be the more revenged of himself he cast himself headlong with violence from the place where the halter was fastened and so it being broken fell down and with the violence of the fall he burst asunder and his bowels burst out in a pittiful manner * 899. Mat. 27.7 And bought with them the Potters field Act. 1.18 Now this man purchased a field He purchased the field by their hands and they purchased the field with his money * 900. Mat. 27.9 That which was spoken by Jeremy the Prophet Zach. 11.12 So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver There are two things reconcileable 1. Whether Matthew mean Jeremy or Zachary If Jeremy then where is it in that Prophesie If Zachary why cals he him Jeremy 2. Why urgeth he the words so Matthew speaks according to an ordinary manner of speaking used among the Jews by them would easily be understood though he cited a Text of Zachary under the name of Jeremy For the illustration of which matter we must first produce their ordering of the books of the old Testament the Law the Prophets and Hagiographa By the last meaning the Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Canticles Job Ruth Ester c. Then the five Books of Moses Joshua Judges Samuel Kings and then the Prophets among whom Jeremy was set first and then Ezekiel and after him Isaiah and then the twelve And thus in the Bibles of old Jeremy came next after the book of the Kings and stood first in the Volumn of the Prophets So that Matthew alledging of a Text of Zachary under the name of Jeremy doth but alledge a Text out of a Volumn of the Prophets under his name that stood first in that Volumn And such a manner of speech is that of Christ Luk. 22.44 in which he follows the general division that we have mentioned only he calleth the whole third part or H●giographa by the title of the Psalms because the book of Psalms stood first of all the books of that part In that saying Mat. 16.14 Others say Jeremy or one of the Prophets There is the same reason why Jeremy alone is named by name viz. because his name stood first in the Volumn of the Prophets and so came first in their way when they were speaking of the Prophets Or 2. It may be it was at first delivered by Jeremy and after written by Zachary who in many things imitates him Hence the Hebrews say the spirit of Jeremy was in Zachary Or 3. It might be taken partly out of Jeremy and partly out of Zachary for Ieremy bought a field also Ier. 32. Or Zachary might have two names As for the second Question some think the words are partly taken out of Ier. 18.2 and 32.9 and Zach. 11.12 and here in Matthew are conjoyned and although the name of Potter be in Ier. 18. yet as not pertinent to the History of Christs Passion it is omitted 901. Mat. 27.32 They compelled Simon of Cyrenea to bear his Cross Joh. 19.17 Christ bearing his Cross went forth into a place called the place of a skull At first going forth Christ himself carryed the Cross and when he was grown too feeble in body the souldiers compelled Simon whom they met on the way to carry the Cross 902. Mat. 27.44 The Thieves also who were crucified with him cast the same in his teeth Luk. 23.39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged rayled on him Matthew ascribes to both that which was proper to one as the murmuring before amongst the Apostles or if both at first did rail on him one of them at last confessed his sin and acknowledged Jesus to be the Messias * 903. Mat. 28.1 In the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn Joh. 20. The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early when it was yet dark Iohn saith Mary Magdalene came while it was yet dark Matthew when it began to dawn Mark saith she and the other women came thither at Sun-rising All which speak the story thus That at the dawning and while it was yet dark the women as soon as they could see at the least Mary Magdalen set out to go to the Sepulchre and that was at the very instant of Christs rising when there was a great earthquake and an Angel came and rolled away the stone Mary Magdalen came from Bethany from her Brother Lazarus's house if she came from her own home and the other women were at their several Lodgings and to get them altogether would spend some time so as though Mary were early stirring yet it was Sun-rising before they were altogether at the Sepulchre 904. Mat. 28.2 The Angel of the Lord descended from heaven Joh. 20.12 And seeth two Angels with Mar. 15.5 The women had two journeys to the Sepulchre the first early in the Morning when they saw an Angel without sitting upon the stone and coming within the Sepulchre they saw a young man sitting on the right side of the Sepulchre and then after this they go to the Disciples and came back again to the Sepulchre where Mary finds either the same Angels to have shifted their places and to sit at the head and feet or two others to sit within the Sepulchre which John speaks of 905. Mat. 28.8 The Maries departed from the Sepulchre with fear
testimony of men or Angels can adde nothing unto him * Joh. 1.7 with Joh. 5.34 The former place speaks of Johns office and end in coming to preach to bear witness The latter place speaks of Johns Testimony as nothing in comparison of God's q. d. I have no need to ground my Doctrine of Johns Testimony concerning me the Testimony that I ground on is that of the Father which is far greater than that of Johns Though I deny not Johns Testimony in its place yet I will not compare it with the Testimony of God 981. Joh. 1.8 He that is John was not that light c. 5. 35. He was a burning light John was not the light of life which enlightens every man that comes into the world Joh. 8.12 but Christ who is the light of the world Yet John was a burning light which not of himself but before others carried the Torch-light of the Word and enlightned many by the Ministry that so they might see that true Light and Sun of Righteousness So Ministers of the Church and all the godly shine before others in holy doctrine and pious life * Joh. 1.8 with Joh. 5.35 Light is either created or increated John the Baptist was a created light Christ was the increated light John was not the increated but a created light John was not the original light but he was a derivative light or a reflection of that Sun John was not the light but he bore witness of the light and in this regard he was called a burning light 982. Joh. 1.14 18. We behold his glory as of the only begotten of the Father Gal. 3.26 For you are all the children of God by faith which is in Christ Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God namely Rom. 8.15 1 Cor. 1.22 c. 5. 15. the natural Son begotten from everlasting by the communication of the whole divine Nature from the Father the faithful are called the Sons of God by Adoption their faith in Christ and the Holy Ghost which is called the Spirit of Adoption because by his vertue and operation he adopts us to be the sons of God * 983. Joh. 1.18 No man hath seen God at any time Isa I saw the God of Sabbath sitting c. Seeing God is either wholly or in part no man hath seen God or comprehended God with the eye of his body or of his mind the fulness of God It is one thing to see another to comprehend by seeing when as nothing of the whole is concealed but it is seen round about in all the limits thereof God may be seen by certain similitudes but by the species of his nature he cannot be seen when Jacob Moses and Isaiah saw God it was by certain similitudes but not his uncircumscribed nature Or else no man formerly in the dispensation of the Law hath so clearly and fully seen God as now he is revealed in the daies of the Gospel though Isaiah and others have had some twilight yet not so as now in larger beams 984. Joh. 1.27 He it is who came after me Ver. 27. For he was before me Christ was born after John the Baptist of the Virgin Mary in the sixth month according to his humane Nature but he was before him as he was God from everlasting * 985. Joh. 1.31 I knew him not The babe leaped in my womb I knew him not by sight before God revealed him to me when Christ came to my Baptism and did afterward confirm it by the sight of a Dove There was no jugling betwixt Christ and me for I was not acquainted with him or saw him before When John leaped in his mothers belly it was by divine instinct not natural knowledge 986. Joh. 2.4 Woman what have I to do with thee Mat. 15.4 Honour thy Father and Mother The words of Christ were of Information not of Reprehension For we must obey God rather than men By the word woman he implies that the Virgin Mary must not be the object of Invocation but God only saith Epiphan Haeres 79. * Joh. 2.4 with Mat. 15.4 The former place shews nothing of irreverence to his mother Christ is to be considered as God as Man as the Son of God as the Son of Man As God he did Miracles and so he reproves or inhibits her doing Miracles and so sets aside her Motherhood or if we consider him as Man he doth not shew irreverence only would by that word chide her for intermedling in appointing times and seasons for his doing Miracles and shewing the power and glory of God in him * 987. Joh. 2.20 Forty six years was this Temple in building Solomons was but seven and an half Zorobabel was not so many it was about fifteen it is meant of the last restauration by Herod Ascalonita He began it 27 of the Julian year and finished it 15 of Tiberius and 73 Julian so as they are 46 years in building it being finished about the first of Christs Preaching 988. Joh. 3.13 No man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came from heaven even the Son of Man which is in heaven Chap. 17.24 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory By ascending and descending here we must understand the usurpation of heavenly things for the natural and carnal man perceiveth not those things which are from the Spirit of God And all those whom the Father gave to Christ that is the faithful shall be blessed with him for ever both in souls and bodies and so the first place is explained by the latter Christ is head of the faithful and we are his Members he is in the midst of us and our conversation is in heaven He descended in weakness that he might raise us to his glory for no man can come to the Father but by him * Ioh. 3.13 with 17.24 Ascending into heaven is either Corporal or Mental No man hath corporally ascended into heaven but by the merits of the Son of Man But 2. No man hath Spiritually or Mentally ascended into the Mysteries of God fully and thoroughly but the Son of Man hath fully and thoroughly for in him dwels the whole treasure of wisdom and if any man hath ascended in part or into any one part thereof it is by the help and spirit of this Son of Man who is likewise the Son of God which as the Son of God came down from heaven the property of one nature being usually ascribed to the other 989. Joh. 3.17 God sent not his Son into the world Gal. 4.4 God sent his Son God sent not his Son to judge the World in his state of humiliation but he sent him to redeem those that were under the law now in his state of exaltation he doth and will judge the World Joh. 5.19 Mat 28. For all judgment and power is given to him from the Father both in Heaven and in Earth * 990. Ioh. 3.21 with 1 Cor.
affectation of glory for the manifestation of truth and the good of others will require it If Christ should not have discovered what he was they had not known what he had been therefore his saying he was the light of the world was no affecting or seeking glory of himself but a manifestation of truth for the good of others * 1028. Joh. 8.50 I seek not my own glory Joh. 17.1 Father glorifie thy Son Glory is either earthly and external or spiritual and eternal Christ sought not as those who affect external glory on earth to do what he could to be seen of men and reputed potent for he strove to hide his Miracles many times from the Jews but he notwithstanding might pray and did that God would be pleased to deliver him from this prison of the world and give him eternal glory and spiritual enjoyments in heaven 1029. Joh. 8.51 If a man keep my saying he shall never see death Heb. 9.27 It is appointed unto all men once to dye Christ speaks of spiritual and eternal death the Apostle speaks of corporal and temporal death 1030. Joh. 8.58 Before Abraham was I am Heb. 2.17 He took upon him the seed of Abraham There are three kinds of speeches concerning Christ some things are spoken of him according to his Divine Nature so he was before Abraham some things are spoken according to his Humane Nature when he is called Abrahams seed or Davids and some things are spoken of both Natures that he is the Mediator between God and Man 1 Tim. 2.5 1031. Joh. 9 3. Neither this man sinned nor his Parents Rom. 3.10 There is none righteous no not one none that understandeth The cause of his blindness was no notable and enormous wickedness of himself or his Parents though all men be sinners and for their sins infirmities and defects of nature are obnoxious to temporal and eternal punishments * Joh. 9.3 with Rom. 3.10 This man and his Father both sinned and were sinners yet neither the Fathers particular sin or the Sons was the cause why the Lord made this man blind but the reason why this man was blind was God would have glory * 1032. Joh. 9.29 We know not whence thou art Joh. 7.27 We know whence thou art We know not from whom thou hast thy authority or was sent whether from God or not But we know thy Country and Kindred and Parents 1033. Joh. 9.31 God heareth not sinners 1 Joh. 1.9 If we confess our sins God is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all our sins God hears not impenitent sinners obdurate in their wickedness but to such as repent confess and amend their lives he pardons their sins 1034. Joh. 9.39 For judgment I am come into this world Chap. 3.17 Chap. 12.40.47 I came not to judge the world but to save the world In the former place by Judgment is meant a benefit given to men by the coming of Christ by which he brought those things to good order that were out of order In the latter Christ speaks of his principal end of his coming into the world * Joh. 9.39 with 12.40 47. The former place intimates that he came to discern betwixt the cause of such as believe and confess and of the proud who think that they see being hereby the more blinded And as he discerned rightly the cause of the blind and seeing so he administred knowledge and light as the Physitian judgeth betwixt him that is really crazy thinking himself to be sound and him that is really sound and thinks himself crazy The latter place speaks of his authoritative Judicature of men according to their works at the last day For thus at his first coming he came not to judge the world though the other way he did come to judge 1035. Joh. 9.41 If you were blind you should have no sin Rom. 11.25 Blindness is hapned unto Israel In the first place Christ speaks of the Jews according to the opinion they had of themselves for they did not acknowledge any blindness of their minds or their sins In the latter what was the truth of them indeed blindness hapned to them not that they should all perish but that many multitudes of the Gentiles might be converted and saved so well as the Jews * Joh. 9.41 with Rom. 11.25 Blindness is either praev● dispositionis or purae Negationis if they were blind purae Negationis then they had not had sin i. e. sin so aggravated so as now that they have the means and waies of knowledge and will not know Blindness is partial or Total The Apostle tells us they were blind in part if they had been totally ignorant and blind and wanted the means of knowledge they had not had sin Blindness is either affected and joyned with a contempt of knowledge Job 21.14 or blindness which ariseth from negligence when men use not their just endeavours to know that which they should and ought to practice ignorance is per accidens as when it follows upon the doing of some voluntary previous action as drunkards sin of ignorance or ignorance is invincible and that is to be understood both juris facti That is defined to be invincible which when the person who is ignorant useth all sufficient means for knowledge and yet doth not attain knowledge If the Jews had been blind or ignorant this way they had had the less sin but their blindness was affected and negligent and per accidens blindness The Apostle speaks of this blindness not of that which is invincible * 1036. Joh. 10.8 All that came before me are thieves and robbers Joh. 1.6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John The former place meaneth of false Prophets which came not in by Christ or his authority but by Satan and their own ambition who did not preach Christ as Moses and John did in all their administrations all these false Prophets are thieves The latter place speaks not of a false Prophet but of a true Prophet who declared Christ * 1037. Joh. 10.15 Christ laid down his life for his sheep Heb. 10. Christ poured forth his bloud for the ungodly By bloud in the second place as in other Scriptures no more is meant than life so that to pour forth his bloud and to lay down his life are all one For his sheep i. e. for the Elect. For the ungodly by ungodly is meant the Elect before their Conversion or Justification as Rom. 4.5 5.6 So that Christ poured forth his bloud for the Elect even when they were not yet converted or justified but in their natural and sinful estate and condition to the greater glory of his grace * 1038. Joh. 10.22 The Feast of the Dedication and it was Winter Solomons Feast was about the Autumnal Aequinoctial 1 Kin. 8. Zerobabels was in the Spring a little before Easter This was neither for it was instituted by Maccabeus 1 Mac. 4.59 The design was to praise God for the deliverance of the people
God works as the Author and we must work as the Instruments we must work because God works we must work but with Gods strength * 1343. 1 Cor. 12.7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal 2 Pet. 2.15 Balaam who loved the wages of unrighteousness The former place tells us that God hath given gifts unto men that his Church may profit by those gifts and the second place doth not tell that if God did give Balaam those gifts but he gave them for this purpose that he should have made Gods Church profit thereby now that he did not use those gifts so was his own failing Besides it is the opinion of most that Balaam was a Witch And so had not those gifts as Gods Children have them from God 1344. 1 Cor. 13.2 Though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains I am nothing Rom. 3.28 We are justified by faith without the works of the Law In the first place Mat. 17.20 by all faith is meant faith of working all manner of miracles so that it can extend it self so far as to remove mountains yet charity may be separated from such a faith 1 Joh. 3.23 but it can never be separated from a justifying faith to subsist without it * 1345. 1 Cor. 13.3 Bestow all my goods it profiteth me nothing Luk. 11.41 Give alms and all things shall be clean to you The Apostle supposeth that if a man which wants charity do such acts yet he would be no better by those acts as to obtaining of heaven Our Saviour speaks of giving alms out of charity and from a right principle 1346. 1 Cor. 13.9 We know in part 1 Joh. 2.20 Ye know all things In this life our knowledge is in part and imperfect but in the next life it shall be perfected the latter place is concerning necessary things to the knowledge of Antichrist that is done by the Holy Ghost leading us into all truth by degrees and parts 1347. 1 Cor. 13.12 We see now through a glass darkly but then face to face 2 Cor. 3.18 But we all as with open face beholding the glory of the Lord. The face in Scripture is taken for Gods Essence Exod. 33.23 for his general presence Deut. 31.17 for Gods grace Num. 6.25 for his revenge Rev. 6.16 for knowledge and internal vision Exod. 33.11 of this in the first place but in the latter is meant the sight of God in our Country that is in heaven as it is said through a glass and in riddle in respect of the Law for God is seen by us in part in the Word of God as he is * 1 Cor. 13.12 with 2 Cor. 3.18 There is as much difference betwixt the knowledge we have at present of God that we shall have in heaven of him as betwixt seeing a man thorough the window at distance and seeing him face to face As for the second place it doth not compare the knowledge we have with what we shall have in heaven as the former did but it compares the knowledge we have under the Gospel with that we or our Fathers had under the law for now we in comparison of them which were under the Law seem to see face to face and they as it were thorough a glass yet we in comparison of them that are in glory seem to see as thorough a glass and they face to face 1348. 1 Cor. 13.13 Now abideth faith hope and charity but the greatest of these is charity Gal. 5.6 Faith works by love Charity being the effect of faith is the inferiour for by faith we are justified Rom. 5.1 and Christ dwelleth in us and we please God we are the sons of God and obtain eternal life Charity is not the greatest vertue but because it shall remain in the next life in its operations * 1 Cor. 13.13 with Gal. 5.6 Charity If the Apostle speaks here not of justifying faith but of faith of Miracles of which Vers 2. then there can be no question but charity far exceeds that faith But because he joyns it with hope and Divines generally understand this of saving graces let it be understood of justifying faith and yet charity hath the greatest preheminence as 1. In respect of the Object Faith respects God only Charity God and our neighbour 2. In respect of the manner of working Faith works by receiving Christ and all his benefits Charity by giving and bestowing both our affections and goods it is better to give than receive 3. In respect of duration or continuance Faith and Hope shall cease in the life to come Charity shall remain in the life to come 4. In respect of the end Love is the end and scope of the other two graces yet upon another account Faith is the principal grace viz. of our Justification 1349. 1 Cor. 14.31 You may all prophesie one by one Heb. 5.4 No man taketh this honour to himself but he that is called of God The Apostle understands all that are lawfully called to the Office of Prophesying Jer. 28 2. 1 Pet. 4.11 You all that are Prophets may prophesie one by one but this invites not others who are not to take this honour till they be called 1350. 1 Cor. 15.9 I am the least of the Apostles Ver. 10. I laboured more than they all He was the least in order because he was the last called to be an Apostle but he was greater in labouring Rom. 15.16 17. because the charge of all the Churches was committed unto him In the first place he speaks lowly of himself according to Christs commandment When you have done all those things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do Luk. 17.10 In the latter place he speaks of those that strove with him by emulation to whom he compares himself not derogating from others but he magnifies his Apostleship from his faith and fruits of his works * 1351. 1 Cor. 15.22 In Christ shall be made alive Job 14.14 If a man die shall he live again All men shall rise to judgment Job speaks of a mans dying in the world and implies that he shall not live again in the world though he doth not exclude by this his belief that man shall live again in the next world for he said he knew his Redeemer lived c. * 1352. 1 Cor. 15.24 28. Shall deliver up the kingdom to his Father Hence the Socinians argue against the Eternal Deity of Christ to deliver up the Kingdom was not regnantis potestatem the power of the Ruler As if Christ should then cease to rule for Luk. 1.33 he was to rule to eternity By the Kingdom is to be understood the people or Church of Christ glorified and this place is to be interpreted by Eph. 4.27 To deliver the kingdom to the Father is to set the Church before the Father gloriously and therein is not the end of Christs ruling but an
Apostles before me but I went into Arabia Acts 9.26 Paul after his return to Damascus came to Jerusalem Paul after his conversion went into Arabia from Damascus and coming back thence to Damascus in the third year persecution befel him who being in hazard of his life was let down in a basket and escaped and coming to Jerusalem when they were all afraid of him he was brought to the Apostles by Barnabas ver 27. * 1369. Gal. 3.1 O foolish Galathians Mat. 5.22 Call no man fool Christ condemns not the word so as the manner of speaking the word when it is spoken with virulency and rayling especially proceeding from causeless anger St. Paul did not call them foolish out of passion but discretion to let them see their carriage and behaviour in the affairs of the Gospel * 1370. Gal. 4.4 Christ was born of a woman Mat. 11.11 John Baptist was the greatest of those who were born of a woman John was preferred before any of the Prophets or others that went before him but not before any that succeeded him However John was not to be compared with him who was not begot by man but by the Holy Ghost himself as Christ was * 1371. Gal. 4.6 And because you are sons God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son Jo. 11.50 51. Caiphas prophesied It is one thing to have the Spirit of grace another the gifts of the Spirit a wicked man may speak from the gifts of the Spirit yet not have the graces of the Spirit Caiphas beside he spake this extraordinarily not ordinarily 1372. Gal. 4.11 I am afraid of you lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain 1 Cor. 15.58 Be ye stedfast knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. In the first place the Apostle feared of the success of his labour by reason of schism amongst the Galatians Isa 65.23 who sought their salvation more from the Law than from Christ in the latter he hopes well of the Corinthians that his labour shall not be lost 1373. Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the Spirit Eph. 6.12 We wrestle not against flesh and bloud but against powers Flesh is taken in the first place for our corrupt nature in the latter for men whose nature is frail and weak nor is our chief conflict with those but with spiritual powers which use many deceits and make many incursions upon the faithful 1374. Gal. 5.24 They that are Christs have crucified the flesh with the affections Eph. 5.29 No man ever yet hated his own flesh The first place is not concerning the nature of the flesh but the desire of the regenerate man who cares not for the affections of the flesh will not serve his belly his pleasures the world or worldly delights The latter is concerning self-love natural to us all and the Apostle speaking of the wife useth the name of flesh because they are both made one flesh 1375. Gal. 6.2 Bear ye one anothers burdens Ver. 5. Every man shall bear his own burden In the first place is spoken of the faults and infirmities of our brethren which are indeed a burden to us yet we must bear them by sympathy and the rule of charity will have it so that all of us help our brethren and tolerate their infirmities to lift up such as are down to hide their faults so much as may be and is fitting Theod. Thou hast this fault and not that another man hath another fault do thou bear his fault let him bear thine and so fulfil the law of charity be not curious in other mens faults for every man shall give account of his own 1376. Gal. 6.4 Let every man prove his works 1 Cor. 3.13 The fire shall try every mans work In the first place is intimated what is our duty to make our works approved to God in the latter place the fire signifies either the Holy Ghost or afflictions by which we are tried The Epistle of St. PAUL to the EPHESIANS HE commemorates the benefits of God which are part and recites our Election Redemption Sanctification Vocation into the Church Justification by faith our future inheritance of eternal life and our duties in general of us all in special of married people and unmarried of Parents of Children of Masters and of Servants It was written from Rome in the Year of Christ 59. and sent by Tychicus 1377. EPH. 1.7 In whom we have redemption Rom. 8.18 We wait for future glory and the redemption of our bodies 1. We have redemption in Christ from the guilt of sin by our justification we expect a full redemption from inherent sins in our glorification 2. For Christ shall transform our mortal bodies that he may make them like to his glorious body that as we are one with him here in soul and body by grace so we may be also in glory * 1378. Eph. 2.19 You are no more strangers and forreigners 1 Pet. 2.11 I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims No more strangers to God and Christ but friends and sons no more strangers to heaven but fellow Citizens but you are strangers and pilgrims in and to the world and worldly courses 1379. Eph. 3.5 The mystery of Christs incarnation was in other ages unknown to men Col. 1.5 You have heard before in the Word of the truth of the Gospel It was unknown to the Fathers under the Law in respect of fulness and clearness of knowledge revealed since Christ came and it was made manifest to the whole world by the Ministry of the Apostles * 1380. Eph. 3.5 6. It was not made known in other ages That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs of the same body Gen. 12.5 In thy seed shall all Nations be blessed He meaneth not that none knew the Calling of the Gentiles before but because very few in comparison knew of it and they that did know of it had it revealed to them darkly and for the most part under Figures in general confusedly It was revealed but not so distinctly and particularly as now it is 1381. Eph. 3.15 All paternity is named from God the Father Joh. 8.44 The devil is the father of lies God is the Father of heavenly and earthly paternity the devil is excluded from these for he bath no such paternity but as he is the Author his called the Father of a lie 1382. Eph. 4.19 The Gentiles gave themselves over to lasciviousness to work all uncleanness Rom. 1.28 God gave them over to a reprobate mind The Gentiles gave themselves over in regard of their sins God gave them over in regard of punishment * 1383. Eph. 4.26 Be angry and sin not Mat. 5.22 But whosoever is angry with his brother c. The former place commands anger but not as it is a sin the latter forbids it as it is a sin The former would have us rather angry with the sin the latter not with the person as a person The former rather respects the wrong done to God for which
certainty of the things foretold in respect of God though not in our opinion he shuts out long delaies for the whole time of this Prophesie unto the last day is in the sight of God but as one day or one hour Psal 94. 2 Pet. 3.8 which is a comfort to the godly that they may not despair and it exhorts the wicked to repentance by reason of the sudden destruction shall fall upon them * 1478. Rev. 1.7 And every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him Job 19.27 Whom I shall see for my self and not another or a not stranger Every eye godly and wicked shall behold Christ either to their comfort or sorrow Job saith he shall see him and not another shall see him for Job or in the place of Job but Job shall see him for himself Which denies not but Job and another yea all shall see Christ and yet every man for himself 1479. Rev. 1.13 I saw one like to the Son of man Mat. 9.6 Christ is the Son of man really The first place is an Hebraism by which is intimated the certainty of Christs humanity also he may be said to be like man because he appeared in a singular form 1480. Rev. 2.11 He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death Heb. 9.27 It is appointed unto men once to die The bodily death is one because the soul is but once separated from the body The second death is taken Metaphorically for the misery and torment of the soul after the death of the body 1481. Rev. 3.7 Christ openeth and no man shutteth shutteth and no man openeth Ver. 20. If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him The Son of God is he that opens the internal door of the heart Joh. 14. we open only the external for no man comes to the Father but by him 1482. Rev. 3.10 I will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world Ver. 19. As many as I love I rebuke and chasten God kept the Angel of Philadelphia from evil temptation because he was a pious assertor of the truth but the Angel of Laodicea who was luke-warm he would mend by his reprehension 1483. Rev. 4.8 They rest not night nor day Chap. 14.13 They that dye in the Lord rest from their labours The souls in the heavenly rest of the blessed are not idle they have their labours that weary them not but most sweetly refresh them in the latter place is understood the end of the troubles of this world 1484. Rev. 5.1 I saw a book written Ver. 4. No man was worthy to look thereon John saw the book in a bare Vision but no man could see the mysteries contained in it * 1485. Rev. 5.5 Christ is called the Lion of the Tribe of Juda. Rev. 5.6 Christ is called the Lamb. He is called a Lion to shew his great strength Majesty and Dignity and of the Tribe of Judah because he arose from thence which Tribe boar the Arms a Lion * 1486. Rev. 5.12 Worthy is the Lamb to receive honour glory and blessing If Christ be God how can he receive honour for we cannot add to Divinity Ans Christ as God cannot receive an addition of honour in himself but we may give him a relative honour or Quo ad nos He may seem to be more honourable to us that is when we take all the honour that the Creature hath or Idols hath and place it upon the head of Christ we esteem him most honourable and glorious 1487. Rev. 6.9 Under the Altar I saw the souls of them that were slain Ver. 11. White robes were given to every one of them Souls are invisible spirits which cannot be seen or cloathed it is therefore the sight of the mind and not of the body which is here understood for these things were seen in the Spirit 1488. Rev. 6.10 The souls of those that were slain cry out for revenge against those that slew them Mat. 5.44 Love your enemies and pray for them The cry of the souls proceeds not from a wicked desire of revenge but an earnest desire for Gods glory because they would have no ungodliness or wickedness remain unpunished c. in the day of revenge and judgment we suffering here according to Christs command pray for our enemies 1489. Rev. 7.9 I saw a great multitude which no man could number Luk. 12.32 The flock of Christ is called a little flock The Church compared with the numerous multitude of the wicked is a little flock but considered in it self it comprehends an innumerable multitude of all Ages Sexes Places Tribes and People * 1490. Rev. 7.12 Blessing and Glory and Wisdom c. Rev. 8.1 There was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour In the former place it shews what is Angels work in heaven as I take it The latter is shewn what for a little while may be done on Earth whether as in Constantines time or it be an allusion to that silence that was used to be in the Temple while the Incense was offering whereas they blew Trumpets and sung while the sacrifice was offered 1491. Rev. 11.19 The Temple of God was opened in heaven Cha. 21. v. 22. And I saw no Temple therein In the former place the Temple is taken figuratively this the Holy Ghost intimates that God is worshipped most holily with Hymns and Psalms In the latter place we must not think there shall be any material Temple in the life to come as we have here on earth 1492. Rev. 13.8 The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world Gal. 4.4 When the fulness of time was come God sent forth his Son made of a woman He was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world not properly but figuratively and in Gods Decree by Types Predictions and Efficacy by Acceptation not by Execution 1493. Rev. 16.1 Go and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth Ver. 4. to the 13. They poured out their vials of wrath upon the sea the rivers the fountains the sun the seat of the beast and Euphrates In the first place the earth is taken in a general signification because the effects of all the Vials redounds to the earth in a manner and to earthly men the followers of Antichrist for whatsoever the wrath of God was which was cast on the Seas Rivers or the Ayr or Sun was not for themselves but to afflict the earth and those that dwell thereon 1494. Rev. 18.6 Double unto her double according to her work Mat. 7.2 And what measure you mete shall be measured to you again The first place is a special command of God concerning retaliation In the latter Christ forbids rash judgment concerning others adding the Law of retaliation the more to convince the Jews * Rev. 18.6 with Mat. 7.2 Double not of her deserts but of those miseries she hath brought on you before and that is just