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A64109 The rule and exercises of holy living. In which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every vertue, and the remedies against every vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations. Together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion fitted to all occasions, and furnish'd for all necessities. Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667.; Vaughan, Robert, engraver. 1650 (1650) Wing T371; ESTC R203748 252,635 440

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Death Hear my Prayer O Lord and let my crying come unto thee * Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble incline thine ear unto me when I call O hear me and that right soon * For my dayes are consumed like smoa● my bones are burnt up as it were a firebrand * My heart is smitten down withered like grass so that I forget to eat my bread that because of thine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me up cast me down * Thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore There is no health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bones by reason of my sin * My wickednes●es are gone over my head and are a sore burden too heavy for me to bear * But I will confesse my wickednesse and be sorry for my sin * O Lord rebuke me not in thy indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure * Lord be merciful unto me heal my soul for I have sinned against thee Have mercy upon me O God after thy great goodnesse according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences * O remember not the sins and offences of my youth but according to thy mercy think thou upon me O Lord for thy goodnesse * Wash me thoroughly from my wickednesse and cleanse me from my sin * Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me * Cast me not away from thy presence from thy all-hallowing and life-giving presence and take not thy holy Spirit thy sanctifying thy guiding thy comforting thy supporting and confirming Spirit from me O God thou art my God for ever and ever thou shalt be my guide unto death * Lord comfort me now that I lye sick upon my bed make thou my bed in all my sicknesse * O deliver my soul from the place of Hell and do thou receive me * My heart is disquieted within me and the fear of death is falen upon me * Behold thou hast made my dayes as it were a span long mine age is even as nothing in respect of thee and verily every man living is altogether vanity * When thou with rebukes doest chasten man for sin thou makest his beauty to consume away like a moth fretting a garment every man therefore is but vanity And now Lord what is my hope truly my hope is even in thee * Hear my prayer O Lord and with thine ears consider my calling hold not thy peace at my tears * Take this plague away from me I am consumed by the means of thy heavy hand * I am a stranger with thee and a sojourner as all my Fathers were * O spare me a little that I may recover my strength before I go hence and be no more seen * My soul cleaveth unto the dust O quicken me according to thy word * And when the snares of death compasse me round about let not the pains of hell take hold upon me An Act of Faith concerning resurrection and the day of judgment to be said by sick persons or meditated I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self mine eyes shal behold though my reins be consumed within me Iob 19. God shall come and shall not keep silence there shall go before him a consuming fire and a mighty tempest shall be stirred up round about him he shall call the heaven from above and the earth that he may judge his people * O blessed Jesu thou art my judge and thou art my Advocate have mercy upon me in the hour of my death and in the day of judgment See Iohn 5.28 1 Thessal 4.15 Short Prayers to be said by sick persons O Holy Jesus thou art a merciful High Priest and touched with the sense of our infirmities thou knowest the sharpnesse of my sicknesse and the weaknesse of my person The clouds are gathered about me and thou hast covered me with thy storm My understanding hath not such apprehension of things as formerly Lord let thy mercy support me thy spirit guide me and lead me through the valley of this death safely that I may passe it patiently holily with perfect resignation and let me rejoyce in the Lord in the hopes of pardon in the expectation of glory in the sence of thy mercies in the refreshments of thy spirit in a victory over all temptations Thou hast promised to be with us in tribulation Lord my soul is troubled and my body is weak and my hope is in thee and my enemies are busy and mighty now make good thy holy promise Now O holy Jesus now let thy hand of grace be upon me restrain my ghostly enemies and give me all sorts of spiritual assistances Lord remember thy servant in the day when thou bindest up thy Jewels O take from me all tediousnesse of Spirit all impatience and unquietnesse let me possesse my soul in patience and resigne my soul and body into thy hands as into the hands of a faithful Creator and a blessed Redeemer O holy Jesu thou didst dye for us by thy sad pungent intolerable pains which thou enduredst for me have pity on me ease my pain or increase my patience Lay on me no more then thou shalt enable me to bear I have deserv'd it all more and infinitely more Lord I am weak and ignorant timerous and inconstant and I fe●r lest something should happen that may discompose the state of my soul that may displease thee Do what thou wilt with me so thou doest but preserve me in thy fear and favour Thou knowest that it is my great ●ear but let thy Spirit secure that nothing may be able to separate me from the love of God in Jesus Christ then smite me here that thou mayest spare me for ever and yet O Lord smite me friendly for thou knowest my infirmities Into thy hands I commend my spirit for thou hast redeemed me O Lord thou God of truth * Come holy Spirit help me in this conflict Come Lord Jesus come quickly Let the sick person often meditate upon these following promises and gracious words of God My help cometh of the Lord who preserveth them that are true of heart Psal. 7.11 And all they that know thy Name will put their trust in thee for thou Lord hast never failed them that seek thee Psal. 9.10 O how plentiful is thy goodnesse which thou hast laid up for them that fear thee and that thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in thee even before the sons of men Psal. 31. Behold the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him upon them that put their trust in his mercy to deliver their souls from death Ps. 33. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart
glory and power be unto him that sitteth on the throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever Amen Holy is our God * Holy is the Almighty Holy is the Immortal Holy holy holy Lord God of Sabaoth have mercy upon me Ejaculations and short meditations to be used in the Night when we wake Stand in awe and sin not commune with your own heart upon your bed and be still I will lay me down in peace and sleep for thou Lord onely makest me dwell in safety O Father of Spirits and the God of all flesh have mercy and pity upon all sick and dying Christians and receive the souls which thou hast redeemed returning unto thee Blessed are they that dwell in the heavenly Jerusalem where there is no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glorie of God does lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof And there shal be no night there they need no candle for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall reign for ever and ever Revel 21.23 Meditate on Iacobs wrastling with the Angel all night be thou also importunate with God for a blessing and give not over till he hath blessed thee Meditate on the Angel passing over the children of Israel and destroying the Egyptians for disobedience and oppression Pray for the grace of obedience and charity and for the divine protection Meditate on the Angel who destroyed in a night the whole army of the Assyrians for fornication Call to minde the sins of thy youth the sins of thy bed and say with David My reins chasten me in the night season and my soul refuseth comfort Pray for pardon and the grace of chastity Meditate on the agonies of Christ in the garden his sadnesse and affliction all that night and thank and adore him for his love that made him suffer so much for thee and hate thy sins which made it necessary for the Son of God to suffer so much Meditate on the four last things 1. The certainty of death 2. The terrours of the day of judgement 3. The joyes of Heaven 4. The pains of Hell and the eternity of both Think upon all thy friends which are gone before thee and pray that God would grant to thee to meet them in a joyful resurrection The day of the Lord will come as a thiefe in the night in the which the heavens shall passe away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godlinesse looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God 2 Pet. 3.10.11 Lord in mercy remember thy servant in the day of Judgement Thou shalt answer for me O Lord my God In thee O Lord have I trusted let me never be confounded Amen I desire the Christian Reader to observe that all these offices or forms of prayer if they should be used every day would not spend above an hour and a halfe but because so●e of them are double and so but one of them to be used in one day it is much lesse and by affording to God one hour in 24. thou mayest have the comforts and rewards of devotion But he that thinks this is too much either is very busie in the world or very carelesse of heaven However I have parted the prayers into smaller portions that he may use which and how many he please in any one of the forms Ad Sect. 2. A prayer for holy Intention in the beginning and pursuit of any considerable action as Study Preaching c. O Eternal God who hast made all things for man and man for thy glory sanctifie my body and soul my thoughts and my intentions my words and actions that whatsoever I shall think or speak or do may he by me designed to the glorification of thy Name and by thy blessing it may be effective and successeful in the work of God according as it can be capable Lord turn my necessities into vertue the works of nature into the works of grace by making them orderly regular temperate subordinate and profitable to ends beyond their own proper efficacy And let no pride or self-seeking no covetousnesse or revenge no impure mixture or unhandsome purposes no little ends and low imaginations pollute my Spirit and unhallow any of my words and actions but let my body be a servant of my spirit and both body and spirit servants of Jesus that doing all things for thy glory here I may be partaker of thy glory hereafter thorough Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Ad Sect. 3. A prayer meditating and referring to the divine presence This prayer is especially to be used in temptation to private sins O Almighty God infinite and eternal thou fillest all things with thy presence thou art every where by thy essence and by thy power in heaven by Glory in holy places by thy grace and favour in the hearts of thy servants by thy Spirit in the consciences of all men by thy testimony and observation of us Teach me to walk alwayes as in thy presence to fear thy Majesty to reverence thy wisdom and omniscience that I may never dare to commit any undecency in the eye of my Lord and my Judge but that I may with so much care and reverence demean my self that my Judge may not be my accuser but my Advocate that I expressing the belief of thy presence here by careful walking may feel the effects of it in the participation of eternal glory thorough Jesus Christ. Amen CHAP. II. Of Christian Sobriety Sect. I. Of sobriety in the general sense CHristian Religion in all its moral parts is nothing else but the Law of Nature and great Reason complying with the great necessities of all the world and promoting the great profit of all relations and carrying us through all accidents of variety of chances to that end which God hath from eternal ages purposed for all that live according to it and which he hath revealed in Jesus Christ and according to the Apostles A●ithmetik hath but these three parts of it 1. Sobriety 2. Justice 3. Religion For the grace of God bringing salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodlinesse and worldly lusts we should live 1. Soberly 2. Righteously and 3. Godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the grea● God and our Saviour Iesus Christ. The first contains all our deportment in our personal and private capacities the f●ir treating of our bodies and our spirits The second e●larges our duty in all relations to our Neighbour The third contains the offices of direct Religion and entercourse with God Christian sobriety is all that duty that concerns our selves in the matter of meat and drink and pleasures and thoughts and it hath within it
for him the salvation of a new birth and by the blood of thy Son didst redeem and pay the price to thine own justice for thine own creature lest the work of thine own hands should perish O that men would therefore praise the Lord c. For thou O Lord in every age didst send testimonies from Heaven blessings and Prophets and fruitful seasons and preachers of righteousness and miracles of power and mercy thou spakest by thy Prophets and saidst I will help by one that is mighty and in the fulnesse of time spakest to us by thy Son by whom thou didst make both the Worlds who by the word of his power sustains all things in Heaven and Earth who thought it no robbery to be equal to the Father who being before all time was pleased to be born in time to converse with men to be incarnate of a holy Virgin he emptied himself of all his glories took on him the form of a servant in all things being made like unto us in a soul of passions and discourse in a body of humility and sorrow but in all things innocent and in all things afflicted and suffered death for us that we by him might live and be partakers of his nature and his glories of his body and of his Spirit of the blessings of earth and of immortal felicities in Heaven O that men would therefore praise the Lord c. For thou O holy and immortal God O sweetest Saviour Jesus wert made under the Law to condemn sin in the flesh thou who knewest no sin wert made sin for us thou gavest to us righteous Commandements and madest known to us all thy Fathers will thou didst redeem us from our vain conversation and from the vanity of Idols false principles and foolish confidences and broughtest us to the knowledge of the true and onely God and our Father and hast made us to thy self a peculiar people of thy own purchase a royal Priesthood a holy Nation Thou hast washed our soules in the Laver of Regeneration the Sacrament of Baptisme Thou hast reconciled us by thy death justified us by thy Resurrection sanctified us by thy Spirit sending him upon thy Church in visible formes and giving him in powers and miracles and mighty signes and continuing this incomparable favour in gi●ts and san●tifying graces and promising that hee shall abide with us for ever thou hast fed us with thine own broken body and given drink to our soules out of thine own heart and hast ascended up on high and hast overcome all the powers of Death and Hell and redeemed us from the miseries of a sad eternity and sittest at the right hand of God making intercession for us with a never-ceasing charity O that men would therefore praise the Lord c. The grave could not hold thee long O holy eternal Jesus thy body could not see corruption neither could thy soul be left in Hell thou wert free among the dead and thou brakest the iron gates of Death and the bars and chains of the lower prisons Thou broughtest comfort to the souls of the Patriarchs who waited for thy coming who long'd for the redemption of Man and the revelation of thy day Abraham Isaac and Iacob saw thy day and rejoyced and when thou didst arise from thy bed of darknesse and leftest the grave-clothes behinde thee and put on a robe of glory over which for 40 dayes thou didst wear a vail and then entred into a cloud and then into glory then the powers of Hell were confounded then Death lost its power and was swallowed up into victory though death is not quite destroyed yet it is made harmlesse and without a sting and the condition of Humane Nature is made an entrance to eternal glory art become the Prince of life the first fruits of the resurrection the first-born from the dead having made the way plain before our faces that we may also rise again in the Resurrection of the last day when thou shalt come again unto us to render to every Man according to his works O that men would therefore praise the Lord c. O give thanks unto the Lord for he is gracious and his mercy endureth for ever O all ye angels of the Lords praise ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for ever O ye spirits and souls of the Righteous praise ye the Lord praise him and magnifie him for ever And now O Lord God what shall I render to thy Divine Majesty for all the benefits thou hast done unto thy servant in my personal capacity Thou art my Creator and my Father my Protector and my Guardian thou hast brought me from my Mothers wombe thou hast told all my joynts and in thy book were all my members written Thou hast given me a comely body Christian and careful parents holy education Thou hast been my guide and my teacher all my dayes Thou hast given me ready faculties and unloosed tongue a cheerful spirit strait limbs a good reputation and liberty of person a quiet life and a tender conscience a loving wife or husband and hopeful children thou wert my hope from my youth through thee have I been holden up ever since I was born Thou hast clothed me and fed me given me friends and blessed them given me many dayes of comfort and health free from those sad infirmities with which many of thy Saints and dearest servants are afflicted Thou hast sent thy Angel to snatch me from the violence of fire and water to prevent praecipices fracture of bones to rescue me from thunder and lightning plague and pestilential diseases murder and robbery violence of chance and enemies and all the spirits of darknesse and in the dayes of sorrow thou hast refreshed me in the destitution of provisions thou hast taken care of me and thou hast said unto me I will never leave thee nor forsake thee I will give thanks unto the Lord with my whole heart secretly among the faithful and in the congregation Thou O my dearest Lord and Father hast taken care of my soul hast pitied my miseries sustained my infirmities relieved and instructed my ignorances and though I have broken thy righteous Lawes and Commandements run passionately after vanities and was in love with Death and was dead in sin and was exposed to thousands of temptations and fell foully and continued in it and lov'd to have it so and hated to be reformed yet thou didst call me with the checks of conscience with daily Sermons and precepts of holinesse with fear and shame with benefits and the admonitions of thy most holy Spirit by the counsel of my friends by the example of good persons with holy books and thousands of excellent arts and wouldest not suffer me to perish in my folly but didst force me to attend to thy gracious calling and hast put me into a state of repentance and possibilities of pardon being infinitely desirous I should live and recover and make use of thy grace and partake
indifferent actions to be adopted into the family of religion 2. That there are some actions which are usually reckoned as parts of our religion which yet of themselves are so relative and imperfect that without the purity of intention they degenerate and unlesse they be directed and proceed on to those purposes which God designed them to they return into the family of common secular or sinful actions Thus almes are for charity fasting for temperance prayer is for religion humiliation is for humility austerity or sufferance is in order to the vertue of patience and when these actions fail of their several ends or are not directed to their own purposes alms are mispent fasting is an impertinent trouble prayer is but lip-labour humiliation is but hypocrisie sufferance is but vexation for such were the alms of the Pharisee the fast of Iezabel the prayer of Iudah reproved by the Prophet Isaiah the humiliation of Ahab the martyrdome of Hereticks in which nothing is given to God but the body or the forms of religion but the soul and the power of godlinesse is wholly wanting 3. We are to confider that no intention can sanctifie an unholy or unlawful action Saul the King disobeyed Gods commandment and spared the cattel of Amalek to reserve the best for sacrifice And Saul the Pharisee persecuted the Church of God with a designe to do God service and they that kild the Apostles had also good purposes but they had unhallowed actions When there is both truth in election and charity in the intention when we go to God in wayes of his own choosing or approving then our eye is single and our hands are clean and our hearts are pure But when a man does evil that good may come of it or good to an evil purpose that man does like him that rowls himself in thorns that he may sleep easily he rosts himself in the fire that he may quench his thirst with his own sweat he turns his face to the East that he may go to bed with the Sun I end this with the saying of a wise Heathen He is to be called evil that is good onely for his own sake Regard not how full hands you bring to God but how pure Many cease from sin out of fear alone not out of innocence or love of vertue and they as yet are not to be called innocent but timerous SECT III The third general instrument of holy living or the practise of the presence of God THat God is present in all places that he sees every action hears all discourses and understands every thought is no strange thing to a Christian ear who hath been taught this doctrine not onely by right reason and the consent of all the wise men in the world but also by God himself in holy Scripture Am I a God at hand saith the Lord and not a God afar off Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him saith the Lord Do not I fill heaven and earth Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him with whom we have to do for in him we live and move and have our being God is wholly in every place included in no place not bound with cords except those of love not divided into parts not changeable into several shapes filling heaven and earth with his present power and with his never absent nature So S. Augustine expresses this article So that we may imagine God to be as the Aire and the Sea and we all inclos'd in his circle wrapt up in the lap of his infinite nature or as infants in the wombs of their pregnant Mothers and we can no more be removed from the presence of God than from our own being Several manners of the divine presence The presence of God is understood by us in several manners and to several purposes 1. God is present by his essence which because it is infinite cannot be contained within the limits of any place and because he is of an essential purity and spiritual nature he cannot be undervalued by being supposed present in the places of unnatural uncleannesse because as the sun reflecting upon the mud of strands and shores is unpolluted in its beams so is God not dishonoured when we suppose him in every of his Creaturer and in every part of every one of them and is still as unmixt with any unhandfome adherence as is the soul in the bowels of the body 2. God is every where present by his power He roules the Orbs of Heaven with his hand he fixes the Earth with his Foot he guides all the Creatures with his Eye and refreshes them with his influence He makes the powers of Hell to shake with his terrours and binds the Devils with his Word and throws them out with his command and sends the Angels on Emba●●ies with his decrees He hardens the joynts of Infants and confirms the bones when they are fashioned beneath secretly in the earth He it is that assists at the numerous productions of fishes and there is not one hollownesse in the bottom of the sea but he shows himself to be Lord of it by sustaining these the Creatures that come to dwell in it And in the wildernesse the Bittern and the Stork the Dragon and the Satyr the Unicorn and the Elk live upon his provisions and revere his power and feel the force of his Almightinesse 3. God is more specially present in some places by the several and more special manifestations of himself to extraordinary purposes 1. By glory Thus his fear is in Heaven because there he fits incircled with all the outward demonstrations of his glory which he is pleased to show to all the inhabitants of those his inward and secret Courts And thus they that die in the Lord may be properly said to be gone to God with whom although they were before yet now they enter into his Courts into the secret of his Tabernacle into the retinue and splendor of his glory That is called walking with God but this is dwelling or being with him I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ so said Paul But this manner of the Divine presence is reserved for the elect people of God and for their portion in their countrey 4. God is by grace and benediction specially present in holy places and in the solemn assemblies of his servants If holy people meet in grots and dens of the earth when persecution or a publick necessity disturbs the publick order circumstance and convenience God fails not to come thither to them but God is also by the same or a greater reason present there where they meet ordinarily by order and publick authority There God is present ordinarily that is at every such meeting God will go out of his way to meet his Saints when themselves are forced out of their way of order by
woman to lust after her And supposing all the other members restrained yet if the eye be permitted to lust the man can no otherwise be called chast then he can be called severe and mortified that sits all day seeing playes revellings and out of greedinesse to fill his eye neglects his belly There are some vessels which if you offer to lift by the belly or bottom you cannot stir them but are soon removed if you take them by the ears It matters not with which of your members you are taken and carried off from your dutie and severity 4. To have a heart and minde chast and pure that is detesting all uncleannesse disliking all its motions past actions circumstances likenesses discourses and this ought to be the chastity of Virgins and Widows of old persons and Eunuchs especially and generally of all men according to their several necessities 6. To Discourse chastly and purely with great care declining all undecencies of language chastening the tongue and restraining it with grace as vapours of wine are restrained with a bunch of myrrhe 6. To disapprove by an after act all involuntary and natural pollutions for if a man delights in having suffered any natural pollution and with pleasure remember it he chooses that which was in it self involuntary and that which being natural was innocent becoming voluntary is made sinful 7. They that have performed these duties and parts of Chastity will certainly abstain from all exteriour actions of uncleannesse those noon-day and mid-night Devils those lawlesse and ungodly worshippings of shame and uncleannesse whose birth is in trouble whose growth is in folly and whose end is in shame But besides these general acts of Chastity which are common to all states of men and women there are some few things proper to the severals Acts of virginal Chastity 1. Virgins must remember that the virginitie of the body is onely excellent in order to the puritie of the soul who therefore must consider that since they are in some measure in a condition like that of angels it is their duty to spend much of their time in Angelical imployment for in the same degree that Virgins live more spiritually then other persons in the same degree is their virginity a more excellent state But else it is no better then that of involuntary or constrained Eunuchs a misery and a trouble or else a mere privation as much without excellency as without mixture 2. Virgins must contend for a singular modesty whose first part must be an ignorance in the distinction of sexes or their proper instruments or if they accidentally be instructed in that it must be supplied with an inadvertency or neglect of all thoughts and remembrances of such difference and the following parts of it must be pious and chast thoughts holy language and modest carriage 3. Virgins must be retired and unpublick for all freedom and loosenesse of society is a violence done to virginity not in its natural but in its moral capacity that is it looses part of its severity strictnesse and opportunity of advantages by publishing that person whose work is religion whose company is Angels whose thoughts must dwell in heaven and separate from all mixtures of the world 4. Virgins have a peculiar obligation to charity for this is the virginity of the soul as puritie integrity and separation is of the body which doctrine we are taught by Saint Peter Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth thorough the spirit unto unfaigned love of the brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently For a Virgin that consecrates her body to God and pollutes her spirit with rage or impatience or inordinate anger gives him what he most hates a most foul and defiled soul. 5. These rules are necessary for Virgins that offer that state to God and mean not to enter into the state of marriage for they that onely wait the opportunity of a convenient change are to steer themselves by the general rules of Chastity Rules for Widows or vidual Chastity For Widows the fontinel of whose desires hath been opened by the former permissions of the marriage-bed they must remember 1. That God hath now restrain'd the former license bound up their eyes and shut up their heart into a narrower compasse and hath given them sorrow to be a bridle to their desires A Widow must be a mourner and she that is not cannot so well secure the chastity of her proper state 2. It is against publick honesty to marry another man so long as she is with childe by her former Husband and of the same fame it is in a lesser proportion to marry within the year of mourning but anciently it was infamous for her to marry till by common account the body was dissolved into its first principle of earth 3. A Widow must restrain her memory and her fancy not recalling or recounting her former permissions and freer licenses with any present delight for then she opens that sluce which her Husbands death and her own sorrow have shut up 4. A Widow that desires her widowhood should be a state pleasing to God must spend her time as devoted Virgins should in fastings and prayers and charity 5. A Widow must forbid her self to use those temporal solaces which in her former estate were innocent but now are dangerous Rules sor married persons or matrimonial chastity Concerning married persons besides the keeping of their mutual faith and contract with each other these particulars are useful to be observed 1. Although their mutual endearments are safe within the protection of marriage yet they that have Wives or Husbands must be as though they had them not that is they must have an affection greater to each other then they have to any person in the world but not greater then they have to God but that they be ready to part with all interest in each others person rather then sin against God 2. In their permissions and license they must be sure to observe the order of Nature and the ends of God He is an ill Husband that uses his Wife as a man treats a Harlot having no other end but pleasure Concerning which our best rule is that although in this as in eating and drinking there is an appetite to be satisfied which cannot be done without pleasing that desire yet since that desire and satisfaction was intended by Nature for other ends they should never be separate from those ends but alwayes be joyned with all or one of these ends with a desire of children or to avoyd fornication or to lighten and ease the cares and sadnesses of houshold affairs or to endear each other but never with a purpose either in act or desire to separate the sensuality from these ends which hallow it Onan did separate his act from its proper end and so ordered his embraces that his Wife should not conceive and God punished him 3. Married persons must keep
for his beauty or Achitophel for his policy It is likely he would wish all these and yet he would be the same person still For every man hath desires of his own and objects just fitted to them without which he cannot be unlesse he were not himself And let every man that loves himself so well as to love himself before all the world consider if he have not something for which in the whole he values himself far more then he can value any man else There is therefore no reason to take the finest feathers from all the winged nation to deck that bird that thinks already she is more valuable then any the inhabitants of the ayre Either change all or none Cease to love your self best or be content with that portion of being and blessing for which you love your self so well 3. It conduces much to our content if we passe by those things which happen to our trouble and consider that which is pleasing and prosperous that by the representation of the better the worse may be blotted out and at the worst you have enough to keep you alive and to keep up and to improve your hopes of Heaven If I be overthrown in my suit at Law yet my house is left me still and my land or I have a vertuous wife or hopeful children or kinde friends or good hopes If I have lost one childe It may be I have two or three still left me or else reckon the blessings which already you have received and therefore be pleased in the change and variety of affairs to receive evil from the hand of God as well as good Antipater of Tarsus used this art to support his sorrows on his death bed and reckoned the good things of his past life not forgetting to recount it as a blessing and argument that God tooke care of him that he had a prosperous journey from Cilicia to Athens Or else please thy self with hopes of the future for we were not born with this sadnesse upon us and it was a change that brought us into it and a change may bring us out again Harvest will come and then every farmer is rich at least for a moneth or two It may be thou art entered into the cloud which will bring a gentle shower to refresh thy sorrows Now suppose thy self in as great a sadnesse as ever did load thy spirit wouldest thou not beare it cheerfully and nobly if thou wert sure that within a certain space some strange excellent fortune would relieve thee and enrich thee and recompence thee so as to overflow all thy hopes and thy desires and capacities Now then when a sadnesse lies heavy upon thee remember that thou art a Christian designed to the inheritance of Jesus and what dost thou think concerning thy great fortune thy lot and portion of eternity Doest thou think thou shalt be saved or damned Indeed if thou thinkest thou shalt perish I cannot blame thee to be sad sad till thy heart-strings crack but then why art thou troubled at the losse of thy money what should a damned man do with money which in so great a sadnes it is impossible for him to enjoy Did ever any man upon the rack afflict himself because he had received a crosse answer from his Mistresse or call for the particulars of a purchase upon the gallows If thou doest really believe thou shalt be damned I do not say it will cure the sadnesse of thy poverty but it will swallow it up * But if thou believest thou shalt be saved consider how great is that joy how infinite is that change how unspeakable is the glory how excellent is the recompence for all the sufferings in the world if they were all laden upon thy spirit So that let thy condition be what it will if thou considerest thy own present condition and compare it to thy future possibility thou canst not feel the present smart of a crosse fortune to any great degree either because thou hast a far bigger sorrow or a far bigger joy Here thou art but a stranger travelling to thy Countrey where the glories of a kingdom are prepared for thee it is therefore a huge folly to be much afflicted because thou hast a lesse convenient Inne to lodge in by the way But these arts of looking forwards and backwards are more then enough to support the spirit of a Christian there is no man but hath blessings enough in present possession to outweigh the evils of a great affliction Tell the joynts of thy body and do not accuse the universal providence for a lame leg or the want of a finger when all the rest is perfect and you have a noble soul a particle of Divinity the image of GOD himself and by the want of a finger you may the better know how to estimate the remaining parts and to account for every degree of the surviving blessings Aristippus in a great suit at law lost a Farm and to a Gentleman who in civility pitied and deplored his losse He answered I have two Farms left still and that is more then I have lost and more then you have by one If you misse an Office for which you stood Candidate then besides that you are quit of the cares and the envy of it you still have all those excellencies which rendred you capable to receive it and they are better then the best Office in the Common-wealth If your estate be lessened you need the lesse to care who governs the Province whether he be rude or gentle I am cross'd in my journey and yet I scaped robbers and I consider that if I had been se● upon by Villanes I would have redeem'd that evil by this which I now suffer and have counted it a deliverance or if I did fall into the hands of theeves yet they did not steal my land or I am fallen into the hands of Publicans and Sequestrators and they have taken all from me what now let me look about me They have left me the Sun and the Moon Fire and Water a loving wife and many friends to pity me and some to relieve me and I can still discourse and unlesse I list they have not taken away my merry countenance and my cheerful spirit and a good conscience they still have left me the providence of God and all the promises of the Gospel and my Religion and my hopes of Heaven and my charity to them too and still I sleep and digest I eat and drink I reade and meditate I can walk in my Neighbours pleasant fields and see the varieties of natural beauties and delight in all that in which God delights that is in vertue and wisdom in the whole creation and in God himself and he that hath so many causes of joy and so great is very much in love with sorrow and peevishness who loses all these pleasures and chooses to sit down upon his little handful of thorns such a person were fit to bear N●ro
the publick wisdom and necessity shall impose upon me at no hand murmuring against government lest the Spirit of pride and mutiny of murmur and disorder enter into me and consigne me to the portion of the disobedient and rebellious of the Despisers of dominion and revilers of dignity Grant this O holy God for his sake who for his obedience to the Father hath obtained the glorification of eternal ages our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen Prayers for Kings and all Magistrates for our Parents spiritual and natural are in the following Letanies at the end of the fourth Chapter A Prayer to be said by Subjects when their Land is invaded and over-run by barbarous or wicked people enemies of the Religion or the Government I. O Eternal God thou alone rulest in the Kingdoms of men thou art the great God of battels and recompences and by thy glorious wisdom by thy Almighty power by thy secret providence doest determine the events of war and the issues of humane counsels and the returns of peace and victory now at least be pleased to let the light of thy countenance and the effects of a glorious mercy a gracious pardon return to this Land Thou seest how great evils we suffer under the power tyranny of war although we submit to adore thy justice in our sufferings yet be pleased to pity our misery to hear our complaints and to provide us of remedy against our present calamities let not the defenders of a righteous cause go away ashamed nor our counsels be for ever confounded nor our parties defeated nor religion suppressed nor learning discountenanced and we be spoiled of all the exteriour ornaments instruments and advantages of piety which thou hast been pleased formerly to minister to our infirmities for the interests of learning and religion Amen II. WE confesse dear God that we have deserved to be totally extinct and separate from the Communion of Saints and the comforts of Religion to be made servants to ignorant unjust and inferiour persons or to suffer any other calamitie which thou shalt allot us as the instrument of thy anger whom we have so often provoked to wrath and jealousie Lord we humbly lye down under the burden of thy rod begging of thee to remember our infirmities and no more to remember our sins to support us with thy staff to lift us up with thy hand to refresh us with thy gracious eye and if a sad cloud of temporal infelicities must still encircle us open unto us the window of Heaven that with an eye of faith and hope we may see beyond the cloud looking upon those mercies which in thy secret providence and admirable wisdom thou designest to all thy servants from such unlikely and sad beginnings Teach us diligently to do all our duty and cheerfully to submit to all thy will and at last be gracious to thy people that call upon thee that put their trust in thee that have laid up all their hopes in the bosome of God that besides thee have no helper Amen A Prayer to be said by Parents for their Children O Almighty and most merciful Father who hast promised children as a reward to the Righteous and hast given them to me as a testimony of thy mercy and an engagement of my duty be pleased to be a Father unto them and give them healthful bodies understanding souls and sanctified spirits that they may be thy servants and thy children all their dayes Let a great mercy and providence lead them through the dangers and temptations and ignorances of their youth that they may never run into folly and the evils of an unbridled appetite So order the accidents of their lives that by good education careful Tutors holy example innocent company prudent counsel and thy restraining grace their duty to thee may be secured in the midst of a crooked and untoward generation and if it seem good in thy eyes let me be enabled to provide conveniently for the support of their persons that they may not be destitute and miserable in my death or if thou shalt call me off from this World by a more timely summons let their portion be thy care mercy and providence over their bodies and souls and may they never live vitious lives nor dye violent or untimely deaths but let them glorifie thee here with a free obedience and the duties of a whole life that when they have served thee in their generations and have profited the Christian Common-wealth they may be coheirs with Jesus in the glories of thy eternal Kingdom through the same our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen A Prayer to be said by Masters of Families Curats Tutors or other obliged persons for their charges O Almighty God merciful and gracious have mercy upon my Family or Pupils or Parishioners c. and all committed to my charge sanctifie them with thy grace preserve them with thy providence guard them from all evil by the custody of Angels direct them in the wayes of peace and holy Religion by my Ministery and the conduct of thy most holy Spirit and consigne them all with the participation of thy blessings and graces in this World with healthful bodies with good understandings and sanctified spirits to a full fruition of thy glories hereafter through Jesus Christ our Lord. A Prayer to be said by Merchants Tradesmen and Handicrafts men O Eternal God thou Fountain of justice mercy and benediction who by my education and other effects of thy providence hast called me to this profession that by my industry I may in my small proportion work together for the good of my self and others I humbly beg thy grace to guide me in my intention and in the transaction of my affairs that I may be diligent just and faithful and give me thy favour that this my labour may be accepted by thee as a part of my necessary duty and give me thy blessing to assist and prosper me in my Calling to such measures as thou shalt in mercy choose for me and be pleased to let thy holy Spirit be for ever present with me that I may never be given to covetousnesse and sordid appetites to lying and falsehood or any other base indirect and beggerly arts but give me prudence honesty and Christian sincerity that my trade may be sanctified by my Religion my labour by my intention and thy blessing that when I have done my portion of work thou hast allotted me and improv'd the talent thou hast intrusted to me and serv'd the Common-wealth in my capacity I may receive the mighty price of my high calling which I expect and beg in the portion and inheritance of the ever blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Amen A Prayer to be said by Debtors and all persons obliged whether by crime or contract O Almighty God who art rich unto all the treasure and Fountain of all good of all justice and all mercy and all bounty to whom we owe all that we are and all
receive it into an unhallowed soul and body is to receive the dust of the Tabernacle in the water● of jealousie it will make the belly to swell and the thigh to rot it will not convey Christ to us but the Devil will enter and dwell there till with it he returns to his dwelling of torment Remember alwayes that after a great sin or after a habit of sins a Man is not soon made clean and no unclean thing must come to this Feast It is not th● preparation of two or three dayes that can render a person capable of this banque● For in this seast all Christ and Christs passion and all his graces the blessings and effects of his sufferings are conveyed nothing can fit us for this but what can unite us to Christ and obtain of him to present our needs to his heavenly Father this Sacrament can no otherwise be celebrated but upon the same terms on which we may hope for pardon and Heaven it self 5. When we have this general and indispensably necessary preparation we are to make our souls more adorn'd and trimm'd up with circumstances of pious actions and special devotions setting apart some portion of our time immediately before the day of solemnity according as our great occasions will permit and this time is specially to be spent in actions of repentance confession of our sins renewing our purposes of holy living praying for pardon of our failings and for those graces which may prevent the like sadnesses for the time to come meditation upon the passion upon the infinite love of God expressed in so great mysterious manners of redemption and indefinitely in all acts of vertue which may build our soules up into a Temple fit for the reception of Christ himself and the inhabitation of the holy Spirit 6. The celebration of the holy Sacrament being the most solemne prayer joyned with the most effectual instrument of its acceptance must suppose us in the love of God and in charity with all the World and therefore we must before every Communion especially remember what differences or jealousies are between us and any one else and recompose all disunions and cause right understandings betweene each other offering to satisfie whom we have injur'd and to forgive them who have injur'd us without thoughts of resuming the quarrel when the solemnity is over for that is but to rake the embers in light and phantastick ashes it must be quenched and a holy flame enkindled no fires must be at all but the fires of love and zeal and the altar of incense will send up a sweet perfume and make atonement for us 7. When the day of the feast is come lay aside all cares and impertinencies of the World and remember that this is thy Souls day a day of traffique and entercourse with Heaven Arise early in the morning 1. Give God thanks for the approach of so great a blessing 2. Confesse thy own unworthinesse to admit so Divine a Guest 3. Then remember and deplore thy sinnes which have made thee so unworthy 4. Then confesse Gods goodnesse and take sanctuary there and upon him place thy hopes 5. And invite him to thee with renewed acts of love of holy desire of hatred of his enemy sin 6. Make oblation of thy self wholly to be disposed by him to the obedience of him to his providence and possession and pray him to enter and dwell there for ever And after this with joy and holy fear and the forwardness of love addresse thy self to the receiving of him to whom and by whom and for whom all faith and all hope and all love in the whole Catholick Church both in Heaven Earth is design'd him whom Kings and Queens and whole Kingdoms are in love with and count it the greatest honour in the World that their Crowns and Scepters are laid at his holy feet 8. When the holy Man stands at the Table of blessing and ministers the rite of consecration then do as the Angels do who behold love and wonder that the Son of God should become food to the souls of his servants that he who cannot suffer any change or lessening should be broken into pieces and enter into the body to support and nourish the spirit and yet at the same time remain in Heaven while he descends to thee upon Earth that he who hath essential felicity should become miserable and dye sor thee and then give himself to thee for ever to redeem thee from sin and misery that by his wounds he should procure health to thee by his affronts he should intitle thee to glory by his death he should bring thee to life and by becoming a Man he should make thee partaker of the Divine nature These are such glories that although they are made so obvious that each eye may behold them yet they are also so deep that no thought can fathome them But so it hath pleased him to make these mysteries to be sensible because the excellency and depth of the mercy is not intelligible that while wee are ravished and comprehended within the infinitenesse of so vast mysterious a mercy yet we may be as sure of it as of that thing we see and feel and smell and taste but yet is so great that we cannot understand it 9. These holy mysteries are offered to our senses but not to bee placed under our feet they are sensible but not common and therefore as the weaknesse of the Elements addes wonder to the excellency of the Sacrament so let our reverence and venerable usages of them adde honour to the Elements and acknowledge the glory of the mystery and the Divinity of the mercy Let us receive the consecrated Elements with all devotion and humility of body and spirit and do this honour to it that it be the first food we eat and the first beverage we drink that day unlesse it he in case of sicknesse or other great necessity and that your body and soul both be prepared to its reception with abstinence from secular pleasures that you may better have attended fastings and preparatory prayers For if ever it be seasonable to observe the counsel of Saint Paul that married persons by consent should abstain for a time that they may attend to solemne Religion it is now It was not by Saint Paul nor the after ages of the Church called a duty so to do but it is most reasonable that the more solemne actions of Religion should be attended to without the mixture of any thing that may discompose the minde and make it more secular or lesse religious 10. In the act of receiving exercise acts of Faith with much confidence and resignation believing it not to be common bread and wine but holy in their use holy in their signification holy in their change and holy in their effect and believe if thou art a worthy Communicant thou doest as verily receive Christs body and blood to all effects and purposes of the spirit as
love then I have to give but Lord do thou turn me all into love and all my love into obedience and let my obedience ●e without interruption and then I hope thou wilt accept such a return as I can make make me to be something that thou delightest in thou shalt have all that I am or have from thee even whatsoever thou makest fit for thy self Teach me to live wholly for my Saviour Jesus and to be ready to dye for Jesus and to be conformable to his life and sufferings and to be united to him by inseparable unions and to own no passions but what may be servants to Jesus and Disciples of his institution O sweetest Saviour clothe my soul with thy holy robe hide my sins in thy wounds and bury them in thy grave and let me rise in the life of grace and abide and grow in it till I arrive at the Kingdom of Glory Amen Our Father c. Ad. Sect. 7 8 10. A ●orm of prayer or intercession for all estates of people in the Christian Church The parts of which may be added to any other formes and the whole office intirely as it lyes is proper to be said in our preparation to the holy Sacrament or o● the day of celebration 1. For our selves O thou gracious Father of mercy Father of our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy upon thy servants who bow our heads and our knees and our hearts to thee pardon and forgive us all our sins give us the grace of holy repentance and a strict obedience to thy holy word strengthen us in the inner man with the power of the holy Ghost for all the parts and duties of our calling holy living preserve us for ever in the unity of the holy Catholick Church in the integrity of the Chr●stian faith and in the love of God and of our neighbours and in hope of life Eternal Amen 2. For the whole Catholick Church O holy Jesus King of the Saints and Prince of the Catholick Church preserve thy spouse whom tho● hast purchased with thy right hand and redeemed and cleansed with thy blood the whole Catholick Church from one end of the Earth to the other she is founded upon a rock but planted in the sea O preserve her safe from schisme heresy and sacriledge Unite all her members with the bands of Faith Hope and Charity and an external communion when it shall seem good in thine eyes let the daily sacrifice of prayer and Sacramental thanksgiving never cease but be for ever presented to thee and for ever united to the intercession of her dearest Lord and for ever prevail for the obtaining for every of its members grace and blessing pardon and salvation Amen 3. For all Christian Kings Princes and Governours O King of Kings and Prince of all the Rulers of the Earth give thy grace and Spirit to all Christian Princes the spirit of wisdom and counsel the spirit of government and godly fear Grant unto them to live in peace and honour ●hat their people may love and feare them and they may love and fear God speak good unto their hearts concerning the Church that they may be nursing Fathers to it Fathers of the Fatherlesse Judges and Avengers of the cause of Widowes that they may be compassionate to the wants of the poor and the groans of the oppressed that they may not vex or kill the Lords people with unjust or ambitious wars but may feed the ●lock of God and may inquire after and do all things which may promote peace publick honesty and holy religion so administring things present that they may not fail of the everlasting glories of the world to come where all thy faithful people shall reign Kings for ever Amen 4. For al the orders of them that minister about H. things O thou great Shepherd and Bishop of our souls Holy and Eternal Jesus give unto thy servants the Ministers of the Mysteries of Christian religion the Spirit of prudence and sanctity faith and charity confidence and zeal diligence and watchfulnesse that they may declare thy will unto the people faithfully and dispense the Sacraments rightly and intercede with thee graciously and acceptably for thy servants Grant O Lord that by a holy life and a true beliefe by well doing and patient suffering when thou shalt call them to it they may glorifie thee the great lover of souls and after a plentiful conversion of sinners from the errour of their wayes they may shine like the stars in glory Amen Give unto thy servants the Bishops a discerning Spirit that they may lay hands suddenly on no man but may depute such persons to the Ministeries of religion who may adorn the Gospel of God whose lips may preserve knowledge such who by their good preaching holy living may advance the service of the Lord Jesus Amen 5. For our neerest relatives as Husband Wife Children Family c. O God of infinite mercy let thy loving mercy and compassion descend upon the head of thy servants my wife or hu●band children and family be pleased to give them health of body and of spirit a competent portion of temporals so as may with comfort support them in their journey to Heaven preserve them from all evil and ●ad accidents defend them in all assaults of their enemies direct their persons their actions sanctify their hearts and words and purposes that we all may by the bands of obedience and charity be united to our Lord Jesus and alwayes feeling thee our merciful and gracious Father may become a holy family discharging our whole duty in all our relations that we in this life being thy children by adoption and grace may be admitted into thy holy family hereafter for ever to sing praises to thee in the Church of the first-born in the family of thy redeemed ones Amen 6. For our Parents our Kinred in the flesh our Friends and Benefactors O God merciful and gracious who hast made my Parents my Friends and my Benefactors ministers of thy mercy and instruments of providence to thy servant I humbly beg a blessing to descend upon the heads of name the persons or th● relations Depute thy holy Angels to guard their persons thy holy spirit to guide their souls thy providence to minister to their necessities and let thy grace and mercy preserve them from ●he bitter pains of eternal death and bring them ●o everlasting life through Jesus Christ. Amen 7. For all that lye under the rod of war famine pestilence to be said in the time of plague or war c. O Lord God Almighty thou art our Father we are thy children thou art our Redeemer we thy people purchased with the price of thy most precious blood be pleased to moderate thy anger towards thy servants let not thy whole displeasure arise lest we be consumed and brought to nothing Let health and peace be within our dwellings let righteousness and holyness dwell for ever in our hearts
the use of it perpetual and unreasonable to all purposes but that they have made it habitual and necessary as intemperance it self is made to some men 11. Use those advices which are prescribed as instruments to suppresse voluptuousnesse in the foregoing Section Of Chastity Reader stay and reade not the advices of the following Section unlesse thou hast a chaste spirit or desirest to be chaste or at least art apt to consider whether you ought or no. For there are some spirits so Atheistical and some so wholly possessed with a spirit of uncleannesse that they turn the most prudent and chaste discourses into dirt and filthy apprehensions like cholerick stomacks changing their very Cordials and medicines into bitternesse and in a literal sense turning the grace of God into wantonnesse They study cases of conscience in the matter of carnal sins not to avoid but to learn wayes how to offend God and pollute their own spirits and search their houses with a Sun-beam that they may be instructed in all the corners of nastinesse I have used all the care I could in the following periods that I might neither be wanting to assist those that need it nor yet minister any occasion of fancy or vainer thoughts to those that need them not If any man will snatch the pure taper from my hand and hold it to the Devil he will onely burn his own fingers but shall not rob me of the reward of my care and good intention since I have taken heed how to expresse the following duties and given him caution how to reade them CHastity is that duty which was mystically intended by GOD in the Law of Circumcision It is the circumcision of the heart the cutting off all superfluity of naughtinesse and a suppression of all irregular desires in the matter of sensual or carnal pleasure I call all desires irregular and sinful that are not sanctified 1. By the holy institution or by being within the protection of marriage 2. By being within the order of nature 3. By being within the moderation of Christian modesty Against the first are fornication adultery and all voluntary pollutions of either sex Against the second are all unnatural lusts and incestuous mixtures Against the third is all immoderate use of permitted beds concerning which judgement is to be made as concerning meats and drinks there being no certain degree of frequency or intension prescribed to all persons but it is to be ruled as the other actions of a man by proportion to the end by the dignity of the person in the honour and severity of being a Christian and by other circumstances of which I am to give account Chastity is that grace which forbids and restrains all these keeping the body and soul pure in that state in which it is placed by God whether of the single or of the married life Concerning which our duty is thus described by S. Paul For this is the will of God even your sanctification that ye should abstain from fornication that every one of you should know how to possesse his vessel in sanctification and honour Not in the lust of concupiscence even as the Gentiles which know not God Chastity is either abstinence or continence Abstinence is that of Virgins or Widows Continence of married persons Chaste marriages are honourable and pleasing to God Widowhood is pitiable in its solitarinesse and losse but amiable and comely when it is adorned with gravity and purity and not sullied with remembrances of the passed license nor with present desires of returning to a second bed But Virginity is a life of Angels the enamel of the soul the huge advantage of religion the great opportunity for the retirements of devotion and being empty of cares it is full of prayers being unmingled with the World it is apt to converse with God and by not feeling the warmth of a too forward and indulgent nature flames out with holy fires till it be burning like the Cherubim and the most extasied order of holy and unpolluted Spirits Natural virginity of it self is not a state more acceptable to God but that which is chosen and voluntary in order to the conveniences of Religion and separation from worldly incombrances is therefore better then the married life not that it is more holy but that it is a freedom from cares an opportunity to spend more time in spiritual imployments it is not allayed with businesses and attendances upon lower affairs and if it be a chosen condition to these ends it containeth in it a victory over lusts and greater desires of Religion and self-denial and therefore is more excellent then the married life in that degree in which it hath greater religion and a greater mortification a lesse satisfaction of natural desires a greater fulnesse of the spiritual and just so is to expect that little coronet or special reward which God hath prepared extraordinary and besides the great Crown of all faithful souls for those who have not defiled themselves with women but follow the Virgin Lamb for ever But some married persons even in their marriage do better please God then some Virgins in their state of virginity They by giving great example of conjugal affection by preserving their faith unbroken by educating children in the fear of God by patience and contentednesse and holy thoughts and the exercise of vertues proper to that state do not onely please God but do it in a higher degree then those Virgins whose piety is not answerable to their great opportunities and advantages However married persons and Widows and Virgins are all servants of God and coheirs in the inheritance of Jesus if they live within the restraints and laws of their particular estate chastely temperately justly and religiously The evil consequents of Vncleannesse The blessings and proper effects of chastity we shall best understand by reckoning the evils of uncleannesse and carnality 1. Uncleannesse of all vices is the most shameful The eye of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight saying No eye shall see me and disguiseth his face In the dark they dig through houses which they had marked for themselves in the day time they know not the light for the morning is to them as the shadow of death He is swift as the waters their portion is cursed in the earth he beholdeth not the way of the vineyards Shame is the eldest daughter of Uncleannesse 2. The appetites of uncleannesse are full of cares and trouble and its fruition is sorrow and repentance The way of the adulterer is hedg'd with thorns full of fears and jealousies burning desires and impatient waitings tediousnesse of delay and sufferance of affronts and amazements of discovery 3. Most of its kindes are of that condition that they involve the ruine of two souls and he that is a fornicatour or adulterous steals the soul as well as dishonours the body of his Neighbour and so it becomes like the sin of falling Lucifer
who brought a part of the stars with his tail from Heaven 4. Of all carnal sins it is that alone which the Devil takes delight to imitate counterfeit communicating with Witches impure persons in no corporal act but in this onely 5. Uncleannesse with all its kindes is a vice which hath a professed enmity against the body Every sin which a man doth is without the body but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body 6. Uncleannesse is hugely contrary to the spirit of Government by embasing the spirit of a man making it effeminate sneaking soft and foolish without courage without confidence David felt this after his folly with Bathsheba he fell to unkingly arts and stratagems to hide the crime and he did nothing but increase it and remaind timorous poor spirited till he prayed to God once more to establish him with a free and a Princely spirit And no superiour dare strictly observe discipline upon his charge if he hath let himself loose to the shame of incontinence 7. The Gospel hath added two arguments against uncleannesse which were never before used nor indeed could be since GOD hath given the holy Spirit to them that are baptized and rightly confirmed and entered into covenant with him our bodies are made temples of the holy Ghost in which he dwels and therfore uncleanness is Sacriledge defiles a Temple It is S. Pauls argument Know ye not that your body is the temple of the holy Ghost He that defiles a Temple him will God destroy Therfore Glorifie God in your bodies that is flee fornication To which for the likeness of the argument adde That our bodies are members of Christ and therefore God forbid that we should take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot So that uncleannesse dishonours Christ and dishonours the holy Spirit it is a sin against God and in this sence a sin against the Holy Ghost 8. The next special argument which the Gospel ministers especially against adultery for preservation of the purity of marriage is that Marriage is by Christ hallowed into a mystery to signifie the Sacramental and mystical union of Christ and his Church He therefore that breaks this knot which the Church and their mutual faith hath tyed and Christ hath knit up into a mystery dishonours a great rite of Christianity of high spiritual and excellent signification 9. S. Gregory reckons uncleannesse to be the parent of these monsters Blindnesse of minde inconsideration precipitancy or giddinesse in actions self love hatred of God love of the present pleasures a despite or despair of the joyes of religion here and of Heaven hereafter Whereas a pure minde in a chast body is the Mother of wisdom and deliberation sober counsells and ingenuous actions open deportment and sweet carriage sincere principles and unprejudicate understanding love of God and self-denyall peace and confidence holy prayers and spiritual comfort and a pleasure of Spirit infinitely greater then the sottish and beastly pleasures of unchastity For to overcome pleasure is the greatest pleasure and no victory is greater then that which is gotten over our lusts and filthy inclinations 10. Adde to all these the publick dishonesty and disreputation that all the Nations of the world have cast upon adulterous and unhallowed embraces Abimelech to the men of Gerar made it death to meddle with the wife of Isaac and Iudah condemned Thamar to be burnt for her adulterous conception and God besides the Law made to put the adulterous person to death did constitute a setled and constant miracle to discover the adultery of a suspected woman that her bowels should burst with drinking the waters of Jealousie The Egyptian Law was to cut off the nose of the adulteresse and the offending part of the adulterer The Locrians put out the adulterers both eyes The Germanes as Tacitus reports placed the Adulteresse amidst her kinred naked and shaved her head and caused her husband to beat her with clubs thorough the city The Gortinaeans crowned the man with wool to shame him for his effeminacy and the Cumani caused the woman to ride upon an asse naked and hooted at and for ever after called her by an appellative of scorn A rider upon the asse All nations barbaro●s and civil agreeing in their general designe of rooting so dishonest and shameful vice from under heaven The middle ages of the Church were not pleased that the Adulteresse should be put to death but in the primitive ages the civil Lawes by which Christians were then governed gave leave to the wronged husband to kill his adulterous wife if he took her in the fact but because it was a priviledge indulg'd to men rather than a direct detestation of the crime a consideration of the injury rather then of the uncleannesse therefore it was soon altered but yet hath caused an inquiry whether is worse the Adultery of the man or the woman The resolution of which case in order to our present affair is thus In respect of the person the fault is greater in a man then in a woman who is of a more plyant and easie spirit and weaker understanding and hath nothing to supply the unequal strengths of men but the defensative of a passive nature and armour of modesty which is the natural ornament of that sex And it is unjust that the man should demand chastity and severity from his wife which himself will not observe towards her said the good Emperour Antoninus It is as if the man should perswade his wife to fight against those enemies to which he had yielded himself a prisoner 2. In respect of the effects and evil consequents the adultery of the woman is worse as bringing bastardy into a family and disinherisons or great injuries to the Lawful children and infinite violations of peace and murders and divorces and all the effects of rage and madnesse 3. But in respect of the crime and as relating to God they are equal intollerable and damnable And the Church anciently refused to admit such persons to the holy Communion until they had done seven yeers penances in fasting in sackcloth in severe inflictions and instruments of chastity and sorrow according to the discipline of those ages Acts of chastity in general The actions and proper offices of the grace of chastity in general are these 1. To resist all unchast thoughts at no hand entertaining pleasure in the unfruitful fancies and remembrances of uncleannesse although no definite desire or resolution be entertained 2. At no hand to entertain any desire or any phantastick imaginative loves though by shame or disability or other circumstance they be restrained from act 3. To have a chast eye and hand for it is all one with what part of the body we commit adultery and if a man lets his eye loose and enjoyes the lust of that he is an adulterer Look not upon a