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A46361 A continuation of the accomplishment of the Scripture-prophesies, or, A large deduction of historical evidences proving that the papacy is the real antichristian kingdom to which is added A confirmation of the exposition of the sixteenth chapter of the Revelation concerning the pouring out of the vials / written in French by Peter Jurieu ... faithfully Englished.; Accomplissement des prophéties. Suite. English Jurieu, Pierre, 1637-1713. 1688 (1688) Wing J1200; ESTC R17274 212,359 335

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World. With the Shavings of his Hair Devils were driven away A Grashopper once kept him Company eight days together and when he call'd her she percht upon his Head. A Nightingale kept him Company one day and sung by turns 'T is true that Jesus Christ wrought no such Miracles as these at least that we know of The Miracles of St. Dominick St. Dominick the Patriarch of the Jacopins doth not come behind St. Francis the Patriarch of the Cordeliers This good Saint took delight to vex and enrage the Devils sometimes he made them hold his Candle with their Fingers and when it burnt to the very place where they held the Ca●●le he made them hold fast tho they burnt their Fingers and made a grievous Cry. Sometimes he forc't 'em to keep in a body whether they would or no and notwithstanding their Intreaties to be gone To confound the Heretical Albigenses he made a great Dog appear who on all sides shew'd his Tail and out of it came the most horrible Exhalations that could be scented This Dog took the Shape of a Cat and escapt by the Bell ropes but as it went up let fall such filthy matter as stunk horribly A certain Nun named Mary had a greivous Pain for a long time in those parts which I shall not name St. Dominick appears to her visits her in a Dream and takes from under his Frock an Oyntment of a sweet Perfume anoints her with it and tells her the name of it was Vnguentum Amoris the Oyntment of Love The modesty of the Writer suffers in penning this and that of the Reader will likewise in perusing it But 't is necessary to observe the horror of that fabulous Spirit of the Papacy in the latitude and full extent of it Impertinent Miracles attributed to several Saints We meet with one St. Swithin in the Legend who wrought a more gentile miracle a Poor Woman in the Country having all her Eggs broke by a Mason the Saint made them whole again 't was well worth the while S. Aldem hung his Cloths one day upon a Sunbeam as one would do it on a pin The same thing happen'd to one Deicola being very weary in his Journey he had a mind to throw off his Coat which incommoded him he had servants of his own that attended which is not very common for the Saints to have they run to offer their service to take off his Coat but were prevented by a Sunbeam which took his Coat from him and kept it two or three hours 'till the Saint had need of it The Miracle of St. Brigit seems yet to be more admirable her Cloaths being very dirty and wet she had a mind to dry 'em on the Branch of a Tree which she saw as she imagin'd but in reality it was no Tree but only the shadow of one but that Shadow did her the same service as the real Tree could have done supported her Cloaths in the Air and dryed 'em as well as could be Saint Cadrac might have let his Staff rest upon the ground as other men use to do when he did not use it but he thought it more expedient to make use of the Power of God to make it hang in the Air. If any have a mind to see more of these Impertinences of Popish Saints he may consult our Legal Exceptions and will find many more in the Authors which we there quote I would fain ask any rational man whether there be any thing in these Miracles that bear the Characters of Divine Wisdom and Majesty and of that Gravity and Grandeur that is to be observ'd in true Miracles What Religion is that which makes the Great God to do such thing● as one would be asham'd to ascribe to a Grave and Good Man The second Character of these Miracles which manifests the Falsity of 'em The multitude of Miracles of Popish Saints discovers their falsity is their Multitude The very name Miracle signifies something that is rare and unusual All the Ages of the World from the Creation to the End of the Apostles days furnish us but with very few I know not whether we can make up two hundred in the whole History of the Scriptures both of the Old and New Testament But if you read the Lives of the Monks and Saints of the Roman Church you find them walk in the midst of Miracles they hardly tread a step without working some Miracle or other God hath been very profuse of his Omnipotence in their favor they dispose of his Almighty Arm more freely than any Prince doth the hands of his own Subjects Dominick gave the word of Command to the Devils as a man would do to the meanest of his Servants in whatsoever form the Devilappeared he was still his Master if he took the form of a Dog or of a Cat we have seen how he used him If he took the form of a Bird he plum'd his Feathers by Sister Maximilla if he met with the Devil that had possest a Body let him be never so obstinate and refractory yet yield he must and with the Rosary alone he would have driven out an hundred Legions of 'em if there had been so many in one Body So the Legend tells us that when the Virgin had revealed the Rosary to Saint Dominick the Devils made Heaven and Earth resound with their Cries in the Air saying Wo wo unto us for we are bound by this Psalter as with so many Iron Chains Resurrections of the Dead are reckon'd among the chiefest Miracles and they are very rarely seen We read but of three wrought by our Lord Jesus Christ But they are very cheap and common among the Miracles of the Legendary Saints Brother William raised but two from the Dead for his part but Brother Ambrose of Massa raised six Brother Nicholas raised one from the dead and gave new Eyes to a man who had his Eyes pluckt out which is much more than to restore to a blind man who hath Eyes but cannot see Brother Anthony raised several from the Dead Brother Odoric raised one Brother Minor. Brother Benevent raised two from the Dead The Sepulcher of Brother John Vafordia was so singular a Remedy against death that the Bodies of all those who dyed of a violent death being brought thither were raised without fail All these were Brothers of the Order of St. Francis who wrought such Miracles Not so much as the Women of that Order but had their share in this gift The B. Salome of the Royal Family of Poland raised some from the dead at one time she restored life to a Peacock that had been strangled by a Dog. And yet this is nothing in comparison of what hath been done by the Saints of the Order of St. Dominick St. Vincent Ferrier a Jacopin for his own share raised eight and thirty from the dead and St. Jacinthe a Polonian a Jacopin also raised fifty two And we shall see presently how the Venerable
Father Crasset treats those who are incredulous as to these things As to other Miracles such as Curing diseases opening the Eyes of the Blind and the Ears of the Deaf restoring broken Limbs or paralitick wither'd Members or when half hath been lost c. These are little inconsiderable things which the Legend hardly thinks it worth while to take notice of I know not whether the Reader will not be weary of such stuff for my own part my patience is almost tired and I shall here conclude the Chapter of the Fables and Romances made in favor of the Invocation of Saints and pass to the Fabulous History of their Reliques CHAPTER XXI The fabulous History of Reliques of Images of the real Presence of the Adoration of the Host of the Sacrifice of the Mass of Purgatory of Founding the Orders of the Monks MOnks Adoration of Reliques and the Spirit of Lying came into the Church in the same Age. The Monks are those Cheats and Impostors who according to St. Paul's prediction were to set on foot the Worship and Doctrine of Demons or secondary Mediators And Reliques were the first step that led men to the di●i●al Superstitions which we have spoken of in the preceding Chapters If we should undertake to write the Annals of Reliques of their discovery of their Translations and Miracles down from the sourth Century they alone would make a vast Library but withal a very monstrous one for this is one of the most filthy and shameful Raggs which Popery hath sewed to Christianity Yea the very drawing up an Inventory of their Reliques would suffice to shew the filth of this piece of Popery One might sind at Rome an inexhaustible spring of Reliques and Cheats which is called the Catacombs These are Caves and Sepulchres Catacombs at Rome whence Reliques are now taken where the Romans of old buryed their Slaves and arterward all their dead When they gave over the Custom of Burning them which was after the time of the Antonins These Catacombs that were once the Sepulchres of Heathen Slaves are become the Quarries where the Gods of Christians are digg'd From thence some Bones are taken and baptiz'd with the name of some Saint who often never was in the world and are distributed into all Countreys Even those Papists who retain any Common Reason do abhor and deride them Marolles Abbot of Villeloin who dyed but a few years ago said That if a Church or a Community wanted Reliques they needed only to address to the Pope and most humbly desire his Holiness to give them some Who takes out of the Catacombs as many as he pleaseth and after an exact Tryal made he baptizeth them as they call it and giveth them their proper name whether by inspiration or because he hath a mind to do so is no matter Witness the chests fill'd with Reliques that were taken out of these Catacombs and which Pope Alexander VII and his Successor Clement the IX sent into France as a rich present Head of ●●●tunatus that was made of ●●●●●oard Among which was that miraculous Head of St. Fortunatus which the Physicians found to be made of Pastboard and the body of St. Ovidius which at this day worketh so many Miracles in the Convent of the Capuchius What a Pity it is that this Saint who was never known in the Martyrologies or History hath lost his time so sadly for twelve or fifteen Ages together what Miracles are lost which had been wrought if they had digg'd him up sooner Reliques of the Virgin. If we designed to make an Inventory of Reliques we ought to begin with those of the Virgin before we come to those of her Son. But since her Body as well as Soul is in Heaven these Gentlemen her Devoto's are deprived of the grand help to their Devotion because they can shew none of her Bones But to make amends for this they have made a curious Collection of her Linnens and little Cloaths They have her Girdles her Ropes her Sandals her Quoifs her Shifts her Wast-coats They have her Hair the Parings of her Nailes and her Milk in great quantity All this was never heard of till the sixth and seventh Centuries yea the most of these Reliques of the Virgin were not known a long time after But God who intended to honour these blessed Reliques with Altars and Adoration did carefully preserve them in little Corners that none knew of and after eight or ten Ages brought them to light to warm again the cold devotion of the Church They have good Warrant and Sureties for the truth of these Reliques for the Virgin hath taken care to assure some honest Monk or some boly Nunn by Dreams and Revelations If this will not serve they have a sure way to confirm their Faith as to these things viz. the Miracles that have been done by these Reliques And lastly If all fail they have Holy Tradition that cannot lye and this assureth us of the truth of these holy Reliques Reliques of J. C●rist His Foreskin Jesus Christ being also alive in Heaven with his Body we have not his Bones But this is no great loss for excepting these the Church hath almost every thing which she could desire She hath the glorious Foreskin of the Lord Jesus Christ The Physicians say that there can be no more than one but in favour of the Devout God hath made several Foreskins of Christ for there is one at Rome in the Lateran Church formerly there was one at Antwerp one in the Abby of Charrone another at Langres but as to this last the Abbot of Ville-loin dare not be very positive This multiplying of the Foreskin of Jesus Christ is not the thing that most troubleth the learn'd men of the Roman Church but 't is a question among them whether our Lord can have left his Foreskin on Earth for if he hath the Body of Jesus Christ in Heaven is not compleat and intire About this these Gentlemen have many pretty imaginations which may be seen in Suarez But the Devoto's who trouble not their heads with these deep and knotty questions do most piously adore all these Foreskins They mean well and this is enough They cannot want the Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ for he shed it on several occasions at his Circumcision as his bloody Sweat in the Garden of Gethsemene in Caiphas's Hall when he was Scourged on the way to Calvary at his crowning with Thorns and lastly on Mount Calvary where we must not doubt the Holy Women had brought Vessels on purpose to preserve his Blood. I say Holy Women for the Men have always been less devout Perhaps there did not run much Blood out of his Wounds for three or four nails which stop up the Wounds made by them do not leave much space for the Blood to run out which also presently congeles at the Orifices 'T was this which made the death of the Cross tedious and lingring For if the Blood had
most Holy Virgin Mary the Mother of God almost every thing which is in the H. Bible In prosecuting this design the Virgin Mary must be found in the first word of the Bible By the Heavens which God created in the beginning we must understand the Empyreal Heaven i. e. the Lady of the World the V. Mary When God said Let there be Light the meaning is Let Mary be begotten and born Every thing that is Great and Singular in the Antient History is Mary She is the Altar which Noah built to God after the Deluge the Holocaust in which God will smell a sweet savour is the Prayers of the same Virgin the Virgin is the Bow in the heavens of which 't is said when I bring a cloud over the Earth the bow shall be seen She is the mystical Ladder which Jacob saw in a Dream for by her the Son of God descends to us and by her we ascend to him she is the Gate thro which we enter into the Kingdom of God 't was of the Virgin that Jacob spoke when he said how dreadful is this place 't is the House of God the Gate of Heaven The Jewish Tabernacle and all its parts did respect the Virgin. She is the Ark of the Covenant that is gone into Heaven before us to prepare us a place there She is the Mercy-seat of pure Gold because she was sanctifyed above others in her Mothers womb She is also the Altar of Burnt-offerings because she is the Reconciler and hath taken this Office at her going into Heaven We may judge of the whole piece by these small shreds A thousand and a thousand Copies have been taken from these two famous Originals the antient Preachers of the Roman Church adorned their discourses with these excellent flowers For example in Solomons Song they found a large field for these profane applications There the H. Spirit in a mysterious manner sets forth the Wonders of the Union between J. Christ and his Church by the Emblems of a Bridegoom and a Spouse These profane wretches apply all this to the Virgin as if the Mysteries of our Redemption and Union with J. Christ were verifyed and fulfill'd in her And to give greater authority to all these shameless applications they were brought even into the Hymnes of the Roman Church In them they say to the Virgin Tu quoe furentem Leviathan serpentem tortuosumque c. Thou bruisest under thy feet the furious Leviathan and the crooked Serpent an Elogy which the Oracle in Genesis gives to the Blessed Seed i. e. to J. Christ Another hymn speaks thus to her Scala Jacob ora pro nobis Jacobs Ladder pray for us Nor is less done to the other Saints every one of 'em hath his proper Votaries especially the modern Saints are much more feasted and caressed than the old The book of the Conformities between S. Francis and J. Christ is full of these Abominations That Author will have that God had his eye on S. Francis when he Created the first man. For to him those words ought to be applyed Let us make man in our Image after our Likeness and let them have dominion over the Fish of the Sea and over the Fowl c. There are none who have been so extravagant in abusing the H. Scripture as the Preachers of the Papacy For they have adopted all these profanations and over and above have peculiar ones of their own 'T was their profession to make the Scripture ridiculous and absurd by impertinent Expositions by expressions fit for the Stage and by the language of a Farce which they still used in all their discourses If any should dare to deny this we have at this day enough to convince the incredulous in the Sermons of Menot of Maillard of Barelette V. Exceptions from which we have made considerable citations and the consulting them will be useful to let us see the Character of Popery Tho their Preachers are not so sottishly extravagant in this age yet 't is certain that the same Character is to be discern'd in those who are newly come out of the Convent and have not convers'd with the world The Writers of Controversy Scripture abused by Controversial writers ought to be much more exact and circumspect in the using of the H. Scripture Preachers and those who write Books of Devotion have some Priviledge in this matter and may take some liberty in their Applications of Scripture provided that these applications are sutable to bring the soul unto God. But when we alledge Scripture as an evidence to decide a Controversy we must keep close to the true Intent of the H. Spirit Nevertheless one would pity and blush for the Controversial writers of the Church of Rome who boldly abuse and wrest the Scripture to prove their Doctrines We have ground already to say that all the proofs she brings from Scripture are real Abuses of it And what we have discoursed above to prove that the Papacy is not in the least sollicitous to have a conformity to the Rule of Christians might be repeated here But besides those abuses which the Papists are forced to employ otherwise they must in plain terms grant that the Scripture is not their Friend besides those I say we may find others which they could have spared Are not the words of Christ to S. Peter Thrust out a little from the land Panigarola and Launch out into the deep an excellent proof that S. Peter was first to erect his Episcopal Seat at Antioch and afterward to erect the Popes See and the Soveraign Tribunal of the Church in the City of Rome Psal 110.2 The Lord shall send the Rod of thy strength out of Zion rule thou in the midst of thy enemies Behold an express Text to prove the same thing viz. that Rome is to be the Metropolis of the Church the Queen of the world Christ saith to Peter Bozius Follow thou me i. e. Go and place thy Seat and that of my Kingdom at Rome Behold I lay in Ston for a foundation a tryed stone a pretious Corner stone i. e. I will establish the Pope to be the Lieutenant of God and the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth Bellarmin There is one Lord i. e. The Pope is the only Soveraign of the world Where two or three are gatherd together in my name Panigarola there I will be in the midst of them i. e. The Pope alone hath Authority to call general Councils Bellarmin Let a man so account of us as stewards of the mysteries of God i. e. There is a Treasure of Indulgences in the Popes keeping which he may dispense as he pleaseth Verily I say unto you Eckius this generation shal not pass away till all these things be fulfilld This signifieth that there shall be a constant succession of Bishops in the Roman Church Loose him and let him go did Christ say concerning Lazarus And this denotes that
to oblige the Clergy to behave themselves with more discretion But how long hath this continued and how far doth it reach 'T is in this present Age that the Bishop of Bellay hath set forth the Cloisters as the Receptacles of Idle Drones who live on the charge of the publick and their Practice is nothing but a company of Tricks to procure Gifts Legacies by Will Alms the Estates of the Poor of the Widows and Orphans 'T is in our dayes and within these 20 years that the Behavior of all the Convents of Cordeliers in all France hath been discover'd The Factum of the Nunns of Province the most notable piece that hath seen the light these hundred years hath told us that these wretches turn the Nunneries which are committed to them into infamous places to game and Drink in where they converse very lasciviously with the Nunns where both words and actions are licentious where the highest Debauches are acted where the Nunns take the Monks into their Beds and suffer themselves to be debaucht even at the foot of the Altar This I say is very lately done yea 't is universal 'T is not one Convent alone that is thus guilty the Factum tells us that the very same is acted in all the rest The piece is too curious and too remarkable to be neglected It ought to be read that we may there see the present and modern Holiness of the Papacy the Copies are not yet so rare but they may be had and large Citations may be read in our Legal Exceptions against Popery The History of Magdelen of Bavent a Nun of the Convent of Louriers in Normandy is of as fresh a date This wretched Creature together with the greatest part of the Nunns of that Convent acted such Abominations that would make one tremble at the instigation of two Priests who were Directors of that House These cursed monsters were wont to say Mass to the Honour of the devil and made use of the consecrated Hosts when they lay with the Nunns in such a manner that I dare not express it 't is to be read in the Process which we might set down whole if it was necessary The matter was examined in the Parliament of Rouan the Convent was razed the Directors were burnt Magdelen Bavent was imprison'd several of the Nuns were sentenc'd and dispers'd into obscure places Some were punisht with perpetual imprisonment The business was husht up to prevent the scandal Thus when the Vail is never so little drawn aside we discry Villanies cover'd with a pretence of Reformation In earnest is a man edifyed by the Lives of our Court-Bishops by their Luxury their Prodigality the Costliness of their Furniture of their Tables and Equipages by their irregular licentious Lives nay scandalous as to women Is not every Satyr fill'd with their Disorders and Debauches Shall they persuade us that the Court of Rome is reformed Those who are dayly Witnesses of what is done there do they not give such descriptions of it as are almost the same with those we read in old Writers I conclude therefore that in the History of the Manners of the Papacy we meet with an exact Accomplishment of what was foretold concerning the desperate Corruption of the Manners of Babylon This is the Fifth Character of Antichristianism we may proceed to the sixth CHAPTER X. The Sixth Character of Antichristianism which is found in the Papacy viz. Excessive Pride Texts that foretell the pride of Antichristianism PRide and Covetousness may be ranked among the branches of Corruption of Manners But these two Vices are so distinctly set down in Scripture that they must be the principal Characters of the Monarchy of Antichrist We ought not to put them into the croud we ought to handle them distinctly seeing the H. Spirit doth so We begin with Pride Of this S. Paul speaks in the second Ch. of the 2 Epistle to the Thessalonians where he describes that Man of Sin who was to be revealed V. 4. Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is call'd God or worshipp'd so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God shewing himself that he is God. I sit as a Queen and am no widdow Chap. 18.7 and shall see no Sorrow saith the Whore in the Revelation The Waters which thou sawest Chap. 17.15 where the whore sitteth are Peoples and Multitudes and Nations and Tongues 'T is neither Right nor the Gift of God that raises her thus above the Nations 't is her Pride 'T is a Beast that claims worship And they worship'd the Dragon Chap. 13.4 which gave power to the Beast and they worship'd the Beast V. 5. And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and Blasphemies These are the arrogant Titles and proud Authority which he claims Lastly as Christianity is a Dispensation of Humility and self-abasement Antichristianism which is in all things contrary to it must be a Dispensation of Pride Let us see whether there was ever any pourtrait more drawn to the life and so exactly like the Original In the Papacy Pride is got to that height as was never seen any where else Pride of the Popish Divinity Such a Divinity hath all along been taught in the Papacy as inclines the Soul towards Pride It is Pelagian it makes Man Master and Disposer of his own Salvation it as good as abolisheth Grace to give all away to the power and will of Man. It cherisheth this proud conceit in men that they are saved by their own Merit that their Perseverance depends on themselves that they are able to do more good works than they are obliged to do that the overplus makes satisfaction for those who have not enough of their own A few disciples of S. Augustine the Jansenists who are hid in the crowd and at this day dare not show their heads are not considerable enough to make an exception from this general Rule The vast number of vain Services the mortifying of the Body the Ropes the Haircloaths of which the Papacy so much boasts of as Instances of Humility are really sources of Pride A man that hath been singular on earth for his observing these things believes that God doth owe him a good recompense in Heaven Our Angelical Archangelical Seraphical Fathers do revive the Proud Sect of the Pharisees 'T is the Papacy that hath afforded such proud Impostors as d' Aviano who go from one place to another to get the Hommages of all the Fools and that people may cry out as they go along The Holy Man the Holy Man. Pride of the Clergy in general If we consider the Clergy in general 't is a Company of the proudest Creatures that ever was in the world Without any compliment or blushing they stile themselves The Princes of the world if you will take their word V. Hallior de Hierarchia lib. 3. art 3. parag 1. The meanest Priest is a spiritual Emperor to compleat an
Spouse of Christ always young and beautifull without spot or blemish This is the Language of the Popish Church who calls herself fair beautifull tho it be the most hideous deformed Society that bears the Christian name and calls herself Infallible in the midst of numberless Errors which make a Night of darkness wherein she hides herself IV. 'T is the Enemy of God of his Religion and his H. Word that endeavours not a conformity to the rules he hath given in his Word making to themselves another word of God which they call Tradition which is altogether and directly opposite to the true Word of God. Vnder pretence of making use of the H. Scripture they wretchedly abuse and wrest it Applying Scripture to all their false and foolish Mysteries without either reason or Conscience and by ridiculous and impious applications of Scripture exposing it to the derision of the Profane to the contempt and scorn of Infidels They maim and curtail it and impudently falsifie and pervert it and lest all this be not enough they speak as ill things of it as can be said of any book This Book they say is Imperfect 't is obscure 't is full of snares 't is the source of Heresies it abounds with Contradictions it contains an hundred things whose out side is proper to scandalize the weak it is insufficient one half of it is lost it hath no authority without the Church any more than the History of Titus Livius Lastly the Papacy makes use of the Scripture as if it were its own they abrogate the Laws of God laid down in the Scripture they grant dispensation contrary to those Laws they command that which the H. Scripture forbids and forbid that which it enjoyns and to make it evident that the Papacy is indeed the Enemy of God it always stands upon its guard to resist the force of Scripture defend themselves against the word of God by their Distinctions V. 'T is a Prodigy of Filthiness and Impurity whereas Christianity should be a Miracle of Holiness The Head of that Religion hath discovered such a train of Impieties and disorders that for enormity or continuance the like hath never been seen Some of their Popes have been seen wallowing in the pollutions of the flesh in drunkenness and all manner of filthiness and debauchery not only as to women but even Sodomy and Brutality and the most unnatural Lusts Some of 'em have been Magicians and Sorcerers Some have been seen who were Profane Atheistical without God without Religion bathing themselves in Blood Assassins Poisoners Murderers Traitors and oftentimes putting the whole world in a flame Their Priests and Ministers have been seen plung'd into the same disorders following the Example of their Head and treading in the steps of their Leader Ignorant Impious debaucht neglecting the service of God and intent only on their dishonest gain and fleshly Lusts Their Convents of men and women which they call Retirements from the world and little forts and castles of Holiness these I say have been observed to be as bad as the most infamous places of prostitution for all manner of debauchery Lastly their People also were carried away with this fearfull Torrent of corruption having lost the Spirit and power of Religion and retained nothing of Christianity but the name All this may be seen in the history of former ages VI. 'T is a Prodigy of Pride all whose doctrine Theology and Religion is proud and tends to destroy that Spirit of Humility which is the Spirit of the Gospel Pride discovers it self every where in the Papacy in its actions conduct words outside and inside It speaks loftily and magnificently of it self boasting that she is the only Body of J. Christ the only way to Heaven treating all other Communions as Heretical Sects Schismaticks Reprobates Damned Excommunicate as people that deserve to be condemned to the Fire and to be burnt in both worlds The Head of the Papacy is a monster of Pride who as God sits in the Temple of God who gives out his orders as if they were Oracles who makes himself be plac't upon the Altar and there to be worshipt who makes Kings and Emperors kiss his feet and will be carried on the shoulders of Nobles and great Men who holds the Keys of Hell of death and of Paradise in his hand who pretends to the Right of deposing Kings giving away their Crowns who will have homage paid him by all Christians who will be called God upon Earth his Holiness and the Holy Lord Who saith he is the Sun of the world and that all other Princes are but as the Moon and Stars His Ministers under him are Earthy Princes who will not give place to Soveraigns The meanest of their Priests exalt themselves above all other men and crowned Heads must kneel at their feet in Confession and they magisterially give sentence concerning the Eternal Life or Death of men VII 'T is a Merchandise a Trade of forgery lying covetousness and deceit The Papacy by innumerable unrighteous methods hath gained prodigious wealth not only in money and moveables but in lands not only in Lands but in Cities not only Cities but Provinces not particular Provinces only but whole Kingdoms It hath then pillaged and cheated the world and therfore is the worse of the two and by this means hath acquired extraordinary Riches to maintain and augment their abundance every thing in the Papacy is exposed to sale Offices Benefices Churches Sacraments Sins Adultery Incest Murder Parricide Sodomy Brutality and dispensations for any for every thing Paradise and God himself are to be sold but 't is their unhappiness not to be able to deliver 'em into the possession of the Purchasers VIII 'T is a great and vast Body which hath the Spirit of Impurity and Reprobation as a soul to animate it And these imprue Spirits come forth out of the mouth of the Papacy as so many frogs These unclean Spirits are diffused by the mouth of their Schoolmen who amuse the world with a silly obscure and bold Theology by the mouth of their Canonists who have given the Christian World such rules and laws as are obscene wicked and impure and filled volumes with their decisions of Cases full of absurdities extravagant and contradictory stuft with pride and filthiness of all sorts by the mouth of their Casuists and directers of Conscience who have vended such Morals that Pagans would be ashamed of who make nothing of the vilest Crimes and lay men under no obligation to love God who permit men to kill to steal to eommit adultery fornication and any other wichedness only as inconsiderable Venial Faults by the mouth of their Legendaries who have compiled an heap of frightfull and silthy Fables by the mouth of their Masters of Devotion who direct the People to pay that Honour to Saints and Angels which is due only unto God and speak such things in the praise of the Creature which are
committed upon England as reported by Matthew Paris or as is set forth in our History of the Papacy Every year there came new Exacters of Tribute who disposed of the wealth of that flourishing Kingdom as if it had been their own who sold Inheritances Moveables and every thing as if it had been an Enemies Country conquer'd by the Sword. This Character was given of one Pope that he was an ambitious Proud Creature insatiable for money that there were No crimes so black and horrid which he would not countenance and commit upon the promise of Money 'T is the portrait which Matthew Paris gives of that great Pope Innocent III. but agrees as well to the rest of 'em as it doth to him In all places the Clergy combin'd together to oppress the Commonwealth insomuch that in those dayes the Princes and Great men found themselves obliged to save themselves from those oppressions by contrary Leagues and Combinations We have to this day extant in Matthew Paris the Act of Union of the Dukes Counts and Peers of France who consulted together how they might maintain their Estates and Interests against the Rapines Frauds and Violence of the Clergy of that Kingdom The insatiable avarice of the Papacy is so palpable and notorious that for seven or eight hundred years past scarce any Author whether Historian Poet or Orator but hath imployed his Pen upon that subject You may read the extract we have made out of Alvares Pelagius the Abbot of Vsberg Petrarch Sannazar Mantuan Espencaeus all of them Authors who lived and dyed in the Communion of the Church of Rome Some of 'em compare the Roman Church to a vast Abyss into which Torrents and Rivers continually run but cannot fill it others to a dreadful Labyrinth in which are all sorts of Monsters but no getting out of it but by money the true Ariadne's thread wherwith to sind the way out Another tells us that every thing is to be sold at Rome Temple Priests Altars Crowns Fire Incense Prayers Paradise and God himself Their eyes must be very fast closed who cannot in all this Perceive the character of the Antichristian Kingdom After all this is it not very pleasant to hear the Gentlemen of Port Royal to draw a Prejudice and Exception against us from our Covetousness and selfishness in Opposition to the Ancient Bishops Concerning them Prejudices against Calvinism chap. 3. they tell us that we do not hear of the Interest of Families of Marriages of base and carnal Passions in the lives of those famous Bishops and of all the great men of Antiquity c. They were all eminent for Holiness and self-denial It may very well be true that in the lives which are wrote of those Great men we hear nothing of the Interest of Families and sordid passions but neither do we hear of their Simony Dispensations for Money and Sale of the Sacraments of Orders of the Body of Christ and of Heaven it self we hear not one word of their selling Pardons for Parricides Incests Buggeries Sodomies Adulteries and the vilest Crimes that can be named The vanity of popish excuses from the foremention'd crimes we accuse them of Now what can they reply to all this will they say that these things are only Stories and Calumnies made by Protestant Ministers Let the Proofs we bring be consider'd and our witnesses heard we have a multitude who affirm all this some of their Saints Bernard Thomas Aquinas Anthoninus Arch-Bishop of Florence besides Petrarch Rodrigue de Zamora Nicolas de Clemengis Sannazar Alvarez Pelagius Baptista Mantuan in short all the Honestest men that the Church of Rome had for three or four hundred years Will they say that the Church is not obliged to answer this and that we are not to make a Judgment concerning a Church by such things as these That 's very pleasant by what then shall we judge Is not a Tree known by its Fruits and a Church by her Works why must not the whole Roman Church be responsible for an Abomination whereof she is guilty both in her Head and Members why must we not lay that to her charge which was setled both by Custom and Law by Rule and Practice Will they say that this is an old business Crimes committed long ago and that we ought not to ascribe it to the present Roman Church that is now recover'd and sound were this true I must say again ought we not to judge of the Roman Church by what she hath been for seven or eight hundred years together If this be a character of Antichristianism as most certainly it is shall any one persuade us that God would ever permit the True Church to have this Character during seven or eight Centuries 'T is little more than an hundred years since the time of Espencaeus who wrote against this horrible Simony The distemper was then in its strength and the Church not cur'd The Clamors of the Lutherans and Calvinists had no place then But why do I urge this are matters much mended in our days Is not the same trade driven at Rome now as formerly selling Dispensations and Licences for all kinds of things Bulls for Translations Dispensations of Age and for Marriages in forbidden degrees for Commendams and a thousand other things what Reformation hath been made as to any of these by the Council of Trent only that she hath raised the price of Dispensations and that which heretofore might be had for a few Pistols will now cost a considerable sum so that the Rich only can get a Licence to Sin. If any man who is guilty of Sodomy or Parricide make his applications to the Court of Rome for absolution may it not be obtain'd now as well as formerly Do we not know that all things may be bought there for Money as well as in sormertimes tho now it be done with more secrecy and in a manner somewhat less scandalous Let us see how the Court of Rome is describ'd by a French Author Balzac one of the wisest and most solid Writers of this Age. At Rome saith he every Ecclesiastick believes the world to reach no farther than his own Head and Feet he thinks that all is made for him Let Monsieur the Cardinal B. arm himself with money and friends against Monsieur the Cardinal P. whom he looks upon as a Turk and an Infidel if he happen to encounter him in the Contest for a Benefice or some other dignity Who knows not that to this day they cause money to be brought to Rome from all parts of the World by their Annates Bulls Dispensations and a thousand other like methods Some whereof may be seen in the extract drawn out of Cardinal Palavicini's History of the Council of Trent compriz'd in a little Book named The New Gospel so far is the Cardinal from being asham'd of this Symony of the Court of Rome that he pleads for it and defends it by twenty reasons and maintains that what
the Ashes and Reliques of the Dead Lastly they worship and make use of Images and Pictures of the great God of Angels and of Separate Souls These are the five objects of worship in the Papacy The Heathens had just as many Paganism had also five First Rome Ancient as well as Modern worship one Supreme God a being infinitely Perfect King of men and of Gods as they were wont to speak Their Jupiter was the Soul of the world and as the Masters of their mysteries explain'd it he was Every thing Their different Gods called Neptune Pluto Ceres They worshipt but one supreme God. Apollo Vesta c. were but different names of the same great God upon different accounts many of their wise men have left it in their writings that at the bottom they believ'd but one only God at least this is certain that between their Jupiter and their other Gods and as to the opinion they had of him and his worship S. August lib. 4. de Civi● dei cap. 11. they made the same difference as the Papists do between the great God Creator of Heaven and Earth and between Angels and Saints The inferior Gods of Paganism were nothing else but those created spirits which according to our Theology do execute the orders and commands of God under him so that Popery hath no reason to boast it self above Paganism in this respect that they acknowledg'd and worshipt a plurality of Gods wheras the Papists do adore and acknowledg but one only for at the bottom the Theology of the Papists and of the Heathen is all one in that particular To prove a difference between Paganism and Popery in this respect they must not alledge the fables of the Heathen Poets for the Romans look't upon the fables of the Grecians as no other than Blasphemies against the Deity you ought to read what is written on this subject by Cicero in his Book de naturâ Deorum and by Dionisius Halicarnassaeus in the second Book of his Roman Antiquities The second object of worship in Paganism as well as Popery is Angels Heathens and Papists worship Angells The Heathens conceiv'd of 'em as Mediatory Spirits Agents between the Supreme Gods and mortal men God hath nothing to do with man saith Plato but all the commerce and correspondence between God and man is by the mediation of Demons So they call'd those Spirits which we now term Angels The Demons he adds are as messengers who maintain the intercourse between God and man who on the one hand convey our supplications and prayers to God and on the other his Commandments and Rewards unto us All that have any knowledg of Antiquity know this to be true Is not this meer Popery are not the Angels set up as Mediators between God and men to offer unto God the prayers and good works of men Are they not made Intercessors to obtain from God the favors we stand in need of The Heathens had 9 orders of Spirits as well as the Papists Paganism went as far as Popery in the knowledg of good and evill Angels The Heathens had a notion of bad Angels as well as good They divided the Angels into several classes and 't is very remarkable that the mystical Authors of Paganism rankt Spirits in nine orders as the mystical Divinies of the Papacy do Jamblicus names 'em thus 1. God. 2. Angels 3. Demons 4. Heroes 5. Princes or Greater Governors 6. Governors of matter or more inferior Governors 7. Archangels 8. Souls 9. He adds to these the visible Gods as the Sun and Moon c. 'T is plain the one is the copy of the other the only doubt is which of the two is the original Paganism paid homage to all these Spirits that they might make them ●avorable to themselves they built Temples to them they burnt Incense in honour of them they made prayers to them they put themselves under their Protection they chose them for their Patrons they believed that every one of these Angels besides their general affairs took a particular care of one single person The Papists do all this to the Angels they pray to them they serve them they build Chappels to them they choose them for their Patrons every one believes that he hath his guardian Angel. The Papists worship the dead as th● Pagans did The third article of the Conformity that is between the Papacy and Paganism is the Worship of the dead 'T is certain that the greatest part of the Gentile Gods were men that had been deifyed after their death When a person had done some extraordinary service either to the commonwealth or the world either by the Inventing of some useful Art or by some considerable deliverance of his country or by his singular virtues after his death they made him a God. Afterward 't was grown the fashion at Rome to Deify all their Emperors good and bad Nero that he might abuse his own Religion and his Predecessor Claudius got him ranked among the Gods. At first the deifying of Hero's was done by the tacit consent of the people But the ancient Romans the very Patriarchs of the modern begun the custom of making Gods in a solemn manner When any of their Emperors dyed they built in some spacious place of the City a stately Funeral pile of wood and other combustible matter divided into several stories which were fashion'd as a Pyramid to the poynt of which a rope was fastned with which an Eagle was tyed by the foot The dead Corps was placed in a lower storie then the Pile was set on fire and when the rope was burnt the Eagle flew up to the heavens and some witnesses appointed for the thing came and made report to the Senate that they had seen the Soul of the Hero fly up to heaven After this by order of the Senate a Temple was built to him and divine honours were given him The Philosophers by their fanci'es augmented and supported the superstition of the vulgar they said that the Souls of men after they leave the bodie become a kind of Demons or Angels which the antients call'd Lemures that those souls which were good natured and took care of their posterity were named Lares Apulejus de Deo Sccrat familiars And those that were restless troublesom ill natur'd and affrighted men by night vision were named Larvae and when it was uncertain to which rank the departed soul did belong whether it was Lare or Larva then it was only named the God Manes A man must in my judgment be very blind if he seeth not and very obstinate if he confesseth not the conformity that is between this and Popery In the Papacy all their Churches are so many Tombes and Temples of dead men and women exactly as it was under Paganism They bear their Names this is the Church of S. Peter that of S. Paul of our Lady of Magdalen c. and either their Reliques or those of some other Saint
be done as She desired The Angel brought her a Branch of a Palm-tree from Paradise and bid her take care that this Branch be carried upon her Biere at her Burial He likewise gave her Mourning Garments that She might dye in a suitable and becoming Habit according to the Age and wear Mourning for her self Mary desires two things of her Son by the Mediation of the Angel First that She might be buried by all the Apostles Secondly that her Soul might see no Demon when it left her Body The Angel returns and leaves the Branch of Palm-tree which immediately became glittering and glorious every of its leaves shin'd like the Morning-Star The Virgin full of joy assembles the Holy Women together who were wont to visit her and gives them an account of her approaching Death St. Iohn was at this time preaching at Ephesus in the midst of his Sermon a noise of Thunder is heard and a Bright Cloud takes him up and carries him thro the air to the very door of Mary's House He goes in the Virgin and this Apostle embrace one another with abundance of Tears he is informed by Mary that within three days She should dye All the other Apostles arriv'd soon after in the same manner carried thro the Air. They were strangely surprised and astonisht to find themselves in that place St. Iohn unfolds the Mystery they came in they wept sorely and adored the H. Virgin. After a great deal of Worship and much discourse Mary received the Communion recommended her Soul to her Son fell upon her knees and put herself in a posture and preparedness to dye About the third hour of the day i. e. about nine a clock in the forenoon Iesus with the nine Orders of the Angels and the Assembly of the Patriarchs Prophets Martyrs Confessors c. i. e. with all the Court of Heaven came and stood round about his Mother's Bed. He and all the Celestial Company sung a melodious Song which began thus Come mine Elect and I will set Thee upon my Throne c. The Virgin answer'd Behold I come for in the beginning of thy Book it is written of me that I should do thy will O God! And with these words She gave up the Ghost When the Soul was departed the Body spake of it self saying I thank thee Lord that I am thy Glory remember me because I am thy Workmanship and have kept that which thou hast intrusted with me The dead Body which nevertheless could speak became so bright and luminous that the Virgins who washt it tho they might touch it were not able to look upon it When the Body was to be carried to the ground the Apostles made many Complements and Civilities to one another concerning the places of honour in the Ceremony for they were not it seems of the humour of the Monks who at the like meetings do oftentimes quarrel who shall go first so as to knock one another with the Crosier-Staff Peter and Paul carried the Body and Iohn the Palm-branch before the Biere the other Apostles followed As they were marching along in due order and Ceremony Iesus Christ covered with a Cloud with all his Angels overtakes 'em and joyning their Voices to those of the Apostles they sung the Obits in honour of the Virgin with a ravishing Melody and at the same time the whole Air round about was perfumed with a most grateful Odour The furious Iews being enraged at this spectacle thought it a very proper occasion to rid their hands of all the Apostles at once The High Priest with both his hands laid hold on the Biere to stop it but both were immediately wither'd and dryed up and fell off from his Arms at the Wrests the Remainder of the Enemies Troop was struck with Blindness The miserable High Priest of the Iews made a grievous Out-cry for the loss of his two Hands Peter tells him there was no cure for him on any other terms than these that he devoutly kiss the Biere of Mary and immediately turn Christian He did so and was healed presently Peter also gave him one of the Dates that grew on the Branch of Palm therewith to stroke the Eyes of those who were struck with Blindness and by so doing all that numerous Company recovered their sight After this the Convoy of the Virgin 's Body performed their journey without any Let or Molestation even to the Valley of Iehosaphat where they laid the Corps of the Mother of God in a new Sepulcher hewn out of a Rock as that wherein the Body of the Lord Jesus was laid When they had thus interred the Corps they remain by it three days which they spent in prayers At the end of three days a bright cloud encompasseth the Sepulcher Angelical voices are heard round about it and a sweet Odour perfumes the place Iesus descends from heaven salutes the Apostles and speaks to them after this manner Peace be unto you what kind of Honour and Glory think you do I owe to my Mother To which they replied It seems just O Lord to thy Servants that as after having conquered Death thou reignest for ever and ever in like manner that thou raise the Body of thy Mother and cause it to sit down for ever at thy Right-hand Thereupon the Soul of Mary immediately appeared and the Lord Iesus said unto it Arise my Well Beloved left up the Tabernacle of Glory the Vessel of Life Thou art fair my dearly Beloved and there is no Spot in thee as thou hadst no Spot so thy body shall not see Corruption At these words the Body of the Virgin arose and was united again to her Soul and ascended to Heaven with her Son. Behold after what manner the whole business was transacted according to the Relation of Pelbart de Temeswar a sober and grave Author whose Honesty and Credit is canonised afresh by Father Crasset within these eight or ten years So that we have no reason to doubt of his Testimony or suspect his Authority Not but that there are many who do not believe him especially in France but of such we may say that they are not thorough-pac'd Catholicks The Sermon concerning the Assumption of the Virgin was left out of the Service of the day by the Chapter of the Cathedral of Paris Anno 1668. which before that time was wont to be read but by doing so they have not much pleased or edified the devouter Romanists CHAPTER XIX A Continuation of the Romance of the Virgin invented to support the Idolatry of the Papacy ONe would think that the History of any person should be ended when we have traced it to the Grave But it is otherwise in regard of the B. Virgin. She hath done many more considerable things since her Death than ere she did in her Life time So that the continuation of her History if we should be exact and particular in our account of it would be much larger than that which hath already been related of her
into France After the Ascension of Christ they tell us that the Jews his Persecutors who resolved to destroy all his Friends and Disciples took Martha and Mary Magdalen Lazarus their Brother Marcella their servant and Maximin one of the seventy Disciples whom our Lord before his death had sent forth to preach the Gospel and imbark't them all upon one vessel without Sails Rudder Pilot Marriners or Oars but God was pleased to steer the vessel and safely landed'em at Marseilles These Saints thus delivered from the Sea finding none that would entertain 'em were forc't to sit down in the porch of an Idols Temple Magdalen preaches the Gospel to all that came Particularly to the Governor and his Lady They not profiting in the day by her sermons she appears to 'em in the night in Visions and at last by Promises and Threatnings with much ado makes them Christians She obtain'd a very particular favor from Heaven for 'em viz. that having no Children which they passionately desired the Lady is with child of a son by the intercession of S. Magdalen The Father and Mother resolv'd in gratitude to make a Voyage to Rome to be farther confirm'd in their Christianity by S. Peter himself They set forward in a Ship but are overtaken by a Tempest the Lady big with child and near her time is delivered of a Son but a little too soon by reason of the violent Tempest insomuch that it cost her her Life The disconsolate Father not knowing what to do with the dead body of his Wife in the Ship or with the Infant that might live but there was no nurse to be had for it he perceives a smal Rock in the midst of the Sea he causeth both to be carried there and puts the living Child by the dead Body of the Mother covering them with a coat after this he proceeds in his Voyage to Rome and perform'd what he intended there and receives assurance from S. Peter that his Wife and Child should both be restor'd to him Returning from Rome after two years stay there and the ship passing near that Rock He cast his eyes on that side of the Rock and perceives a little Child on the shore playing with Cockle-shells He makes towards it and finds it was his own son who had suckt the breasts of his dead Mother and always found milk there They remove the coat and find the body not in the least to be corrupted yea at that very instant it rose up and his Wife also was alive so both are brought back with him to Marseilles after this you may judge whether Mary Magdalen did not make mighty progress in the ruin of Idolatry in Marseilles The whole City was converted to the Christian Religion by her means and she gave them Maximin her fellow Traveller to be their Bishop and bestowed on him some of our Saviours Blood which she had brought with her in a Vial. As for her she hid her self for thirty years in the hole of a Rock where she was attended and serv'd by Angels who carried her every day up into Heaven where she heard the Heavenly Consorts and Hymns of the Blessed Spirits and on this she liv'd In all likelyhood this Saint had continued to this day in that rock if she had not been taken notice of by a certain holy Priest who seeing her thus mount into the Air came to the Rock and discourst with her The Saint finding she was observ'd had a mind to live no longer she therfore sends for Maximin the Bishop of Marseilles she receiv'd the Communion from his hands and was carried by the Angels into Paradise no more to return to the Earth I should think that those learned men have little to do with their time or imploy it very ill who give themselves the trouble seriously to confute such impertinent Fooleries as these are However we will be at the pains to repeat some of those many Miracles which the Papacy makes their Saints to work that they may oblige men to invoke and Worship ' em God hath permitted that there are two Characters by which they may be distinguisht viz. the Impertinence and the Multitude of them First their Impertinence for the most part they are ridiculous mean and ludicrous shameful and trifling For Example Ridiculous Miracles attributed to S. Francis. Is it not a Miracle unworthy of the Majesty of God that of S. Prancisd ' Assise when he preacht to the Birds and they held out their Bills and clapt their Wings in testimony of their Attention and Joy At another time he took a Woolf by the Ears that had done great mischief and ravage in the fields of Agobio and made a compact with him that henceforward he should devour or hurt no man but that the Inhabitants should provide him what was necessary to his livelyhood Upon a certain day the Devil tempted this Saint he makes his escape but the Devil after him and would have thrown him head-long from a Rock but the Rock split of it self in several places that he might be able to take fast hold with his hands Oftentimes the Devil tempted Brother Ruffinus but by the advice of St. Francis he one day spake thus to the Devil Aperiostuum stercorisabo in illud Open thy mouth and it shall serve me for a Closestool this frighted the Devil and away he goes in a mighty rage Brother Andrew of Annania had a mind to have some little Birds for his dinner he gets some to be roasted for him but when they were upon the table he bethinks himself and was ashamed of his being so delicate he therefore makes the sign of the Cross over the dish and dismisseth the little Birds away they fly as well as ever before they were taken and roasted Brother Antony preacht one day to the Fishes as S. Francis had done to the Birds these Fishes that we take to be a dull sort of Animales came all to the top of the Water and held up their Heads to listen to his Sermon and when he had done preaching some of 'em gave a loud cry of Approbation thus humming the preacher to the great dishonour of the proverb as mute as a Fish. When any sort of Animals were sick they had only to sprinkle them with a little of that water in which S. Francis did wash his wounds and they were presently Cured 'T was a rare Fellow this S. Francis 't is of him that the Legend saith nihil Christus fecit quod non ille fecit imò plura fecit quam Christus J. Christ did nothing but what St. Francis did as well as he yea much more was done by him than ever Jesus Christ did For certain J. Christ never did so many wonderful things as they ascribe to S. Francis If a Wall were crackt and ready to fall they needed only to thrust into the crevice a little of the Hair of this Saint and it proved more effectual than the best cement in the
the Antichristian Empire The other reason why the Holy Spirit hath divided the Cr●isado's into two Plagues and into two Vials and why he hath not done the like by the two Reformations is because the Vials as I have often said signify Periods of Time. Nor could he ascribe a Vial to each Reformation because each of them apart would have consisted of too few years to constitute a Period For as the Reformation of the last Age was wrought in 25. or 30. years so that which we do next expect will in all probability be brought to pass in a less time And therefore to have made two Vials of them he must have allowed each but 25. or 30. years continuance Which would carry no kind of proportion to the rest of the Vials or to the for'going Periods every one whereof were much longer Beside it would have been needful to have interposed a third Vial between the two Vials of the first and second Reformation which ought to comprehend the time that elapseth betwixt the Reformation of the fore-going Age and the Reformation that we hope and wait for Every one will easily perceive that this would not have been a disposing of the Vials as they ought and that it is much more natural to make but one Vial or one Period of all the Times which comprehend the beginning the progress and the consummation of the destruction of the Papacy by means of the Reformation and of bringing the Truth into light and evidence This I take to be enough for the satisfying persons of justice and moderation in reference to the present difficulty And we ought after all to consider that it is free for the Spirit of God to rank Events and to dispose them into such Classes as he thinks meet The whole which belongs to us in this case is to consider the Relation and Agreement of the Events unto and with the Prophetical Schemes and Images Now it is evident that the Figures in the Prophecy concerning the seven Plagues do admirably accord with the Events to which we have applyed them So that now I think we may return to the Reasons assigned by the Author of the Illustrations upon the Apocalypse which he calls a kind of Demonstrations proving that none of the Vials are yet poured out His third Reason so far as I can comprehend it is that all the seven Vials are contained under the third Wo pronounced by the Angel when he cried Wo wo wo to the Inhabitants of the Earth by reason of the other voices of the Trumpet of the three Angels which are yet to sound For saith that Author the third Wo shall not be accomplished until after the sounding of the last Trumpet And S. John saith Chap. 11. v. 14. The second Wo is past and behold the third Wo cometh quickly To which he adds And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voices in Heaven saying the Kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord. If then the seven Vials be all contained under the third Wo and if the third Wo be not to come to pass till the sounding of the seventh Trumpet and if this last Trumpet which is to bring over the Kingdoms of the World to Jesus Christ have not hitherto sounded 't is then says he evident that none of the Vials are yet poured out And he concludes that this doth invincibly follow c. Tho for my part I do not comprehend how these can be stiled invincible proofs Nor is it true that the third Wo is contained under the seventh Trumpet But 't is true that this last Trumpet shall immediately and without any interval follow the third Wo so that we are not to wonder that the Holy Spirit speaketh of these two things as conjoined together The third Wo is the last Fall of Babylon and the moment of its total ruin The seventh Trumpet is the moment of Jesus Christ's entring upon his Kingdom For we may truly reckon the beginning of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ to commence immediately after the Fall of Babylon tho it will not attain to its perfection and glory until that the Jews and Pagans are converted This proof that is proposed unto us as invincible is herein weak that it supposeth a thing which is not true and which the Author cannot advance any reason in confirmation of Namely that the Plagues and the seven Vials are all comprehended in the third Wo. Whereas there is not so much as one of them therein contained For the third Wo is to arrive at the End of the seventh Vial and of the seventh Period of the downfal of the Papacy But when one supposeth what he pleaseth he may also prove what he pleaseth Only he ought not to call suppositions that are more than uncertain invincible Reasons And to prove that the seven Vials are not comprehended in the third Wo it is enough to prove as we have done that the seven Vials are seven Periods of Time which run along as water runs out of an Hour glass For seven Periods of time cannot be comprehended within the Time of the third Wo seeing that Wo it self is confined to the compass of a few years The third Wo is properly that which the Holy Spirit chap. 14. calls the Vintage 'T is added by the Author that the Vials must necessarily be still to be poured out because we are yet under the sixth Trumpet 'T is true that we are yet under the sixth Trumpet but it is almost 800. years that this sixth Trumpet hath been pouring forth its Influences For as we have said it is subdivided into seven Vials and we are now towards the end of the seventh Vial of the sixth Trumpet Nor are we to think it strange that the sixth Trumpet comprehends so many Ages seeing the seventh Seal contains a great deal more because comprehending the Trumpets into which it is subdivided it reacheth from the Reign of Theodosius until the End of the World. And our affirming that the seventh Seal comprehends under it the seven Trumpets is not a supposition advanced at random forasmuch as St. Iohn does plainly inform us of it For he does nothing at the opening of the seventh Seal of that which he had done at the opening of the former but all he doth is to give the seven Trumpets to the seven Angels And when he had opened the seventh Seal there was silence in Heaven about the space of half an hour and I saw the seven Angels which stood before God and to them were given seven Trumpets 'T is true that the Holy Spirit doth not so expresly say that the sixth Trumpet is subdivided into seven Vials But this may be gathered from the sixth Trumpets sounding at the time of the Turk 's invading the Grecian Empire which was about the tenth Age and from our finding that the first Vial fell about the same season on the Empire of the Beast So that the course of the Vials is confined within the