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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46295 The wonderful, and most deplorable history of the latter times of the Jews with the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. Which history begins where the Holy Scriptures do end. By Josephus Ben Gorion whereunto is added a brief of the ten captivities; with the pourtrait of the Roman rams, and engines of battery, &c. As also of Jerusalem; with the fearful, and presaging apparitions that were seen in the air before her ruins. Moreover, there is a parallel of the late times and crimes in London, with those in Jerusalem.; Josippon. English. Abridgments. Joseph ben Gorion, ha-Kohen, attributed name.; Howell, James, 1594?-1666.; Ibn Daud, Abraham ben David, Halevi, ca. 1110-ca. 1180.; Fuller, Thomas, 1608-1661. 1671 (1671) Wing J1086A; ESTC R216340 213,458 417

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overcome you and to have gotten the dominion over you But neither ye nor your Country did ever delight us greatly for our manners differ far from yours Behold the King of Madai when he had kept us for a moneth we harmed him not we are not wont to hur●… men as ye are that cannot be content with your own state but must desire other mens inheri●…ance Now therefore go and return to your own Country and so will we to ours without doing you any more hurt wherefore ye need not be afraid of us So the Alanites went home to their own Countries having slain of Mithridates people three hundred thousand men and never a one of their own was killed Titus hearing of this was desirous to go unto them to let them understand his valiantnesse but he could not compasse it b●…cause all his best men were spent in the Wa●… at Jerusalem Wherefore he determined to retu●…n to Rome after he had taken Jerusalem where he abode as yet besides the Antochia There he had intelligence that divers of the Jews were gathered together with whom was Eleazar the son of Anani the Priest who during the siege fled unto a certain Hold called Mezira whereupon many of the Jews resorted to him Titus hearing this that many had joyned themselves to Eleazar feared lest after his departure Eleazar●… might from thence make an inrode and take Jerusalem and destroy the Romans which should be no smal damage to the Roman Empire Wherefore he made out against him and sent thither one Silcham a Noble man of Rome with a great host to besiege Mezira but he could not get it Wherefore he sent unto Titus for an Iron Ram to batter the Walls withal which after he had received it he beat down the walls of Mezira therewith The Jews seeing that raised a great Countermure within of Wood and Timber which the Romans set on fire and burnt After that they assaulted the Town from morning till night at what time the Romans le●… off supposing they were not able to prevail against Eleazars defence in the dark Eleazar in the mean season called an assembly of all the chief men of the Jews that were with him and said unto them in this wise Come hither ye seed of Abraham and Kingly Priesthood which have until this day ever prevailed against the enemies of God Let us hear your advice what is best to be done against this multitude that is come upon us at unawares Ye see that at this time chiefly it becometh us to follow the courage and valiantnesse of our forefathers wherewith they were in time past endued Consider moreover that every thing hath his end and there are some times in War when as men are wont to follow the pursuit sometimes to flee from the same whom they pursued and to humble themselve before them And it is no shame to be humbled and disgraced when as all things have their determin●…te end Albeit whoso is of an haughty courage he must so establish his heart that he quail not with fear then shall he be deemed a valiant man If ye therefore be of that courage that ye fear not death then will I call ●…ou valiant men and worthy Consider the fortitude of Abraham our father and the fact that he did for having but one only son whom Sarah bare unto him in her age he never staggered nor stayed at it to offer him up to the Lord God for a burnt-offering for he thought not that he should kill him but perswaded himself most certainly that he should promote him to the life and light of the Lord forasmuch as for ●…he love of God and at his commandment he should have killed him Weigh the thing that Josiah the just King did who setting at nought this wretched life and aspiring to everlasting felicity would not avoid the jeopardy of his life when as he might have done it For although Pharaoh Necho said He came not against him but against the King of the Chaldees yet would not Josiah hear him but rather proceeding against Pharaoh in arms was slain in the battel and went unto that great Light in the Garden of Paradise which is the lot and inheritance of the just We know that in this world no man receives the reward of his righteousnesse but it is laid up for him in the other world where he shall reap the fruit of his righteousnesse that he hath sown in this world Neither doth long life in this world profit a man to the attaining of everlasting blisse except he work righteousnesse and lead his soul forth of darknesse into light like as contrariwise shortnesse of life hindreth no man from everlasting happinesse if so be it his soul have no defect in those things that pertain to the world to come For Abel which was slain of his brother lived no long life yet when he had ended it he obtained everlasting rest but Cain that lived long in the world was a wanderer and a runagate in this earth and after this life went to perpetual misery Now therefore my Brethren if we also shall live any longer our life shall be a miserable life and our dayes dayes of vanity and travel yea our soul as long as it shall remain in this body it shall be tossed with great tribulation but if it once go forth then shall it rejoyce and never be afraid And all the dayes that it is in the body it never leaveth weeping and mourning for it is the Spirit of life which is hedged within the body by ●…inewes bones none otherwise then if it were bound with chains The spirit is also that which quickneth the flesh that is taken of the dust of the earth for flesh cannot quicken the spirit Besides this the spirit is that which observeth and marketh the flesh and searcheth the works thereof so long as it is in the body yea the flesh cannot see the spirit but the spir●…t seeth the flesh alwayes neither is there any member of the body hid from it The eyes also of the body cannot perceive what time the spirit resorteth to the flesh and departeth from the same for the spirit of man which is his soul is from heaven but the flesh is taken from the earth Wherefore the soul may ●…main without the body but not likewise 〈◊〉 body without the soul and when the spiri●… comes to the flesh it visiteth it as a neighbour is wont to go and see his neighbour and quickeneth it and when again it departeth from it the flesh dyeth and if the soul will follow the desires of the flesh then this is the death of the soul but if it give no ear unto the flesh then shall the soul come to the light of life and the flesh shall die Wherefore the soul is glad when it departeth out of the body like as one that hath been bound is well contented when he 〈◊〉 dismissed out of prison For all the while that the soul is kept closed
hearing he brought his whole Army thither against the Seditious and killed many of them the rest fled to Mount Sinai The next day the Romans set fire on the Sanctum Sanctorum laying Wood to the doors that were covered over with gold and then firing it so after the gold waxed hot and the timber burnt the Sanctum Sanctorum was open that all men might see it in the ninth day of the filth month which was the very same day that it was open also in the time of the Chaldees The Romans therefore rushing into the Sanctum Sanctorum gave a great shout while it burnt which when Titus heard he hastened to quench the fire and save the Sanctum Sanctorum but he could not do it because it was set on fire in so many places thereupon Titus cried unto them that they should forbear but they would not hear him For as a vehement floud of Waters breaketh through all things and drives them down before it with such a furious violence the Gentiles rushed upon the Lords Temple the fire flaming every where out of mea●…ure When Titus saw he could not restrain them from the Sanctum Sanctorum with words he drew out his Sword blaming the Captains of his own people and others that were not Romans he killed and he cried out so long and so loud upon them that he was grown hoarse The Priests that were within the Sanctum Sanctorum withstood the Romans stoutly till they were able no longer to lift up their hands Wherefore when they saw there was no other safeguard left they leaped into the fire and divers other Jews with them and so burnt all together saying What should we live any longer now there is no Temple Yet Titus ceased not to strike the people and chase them from the Temple and being grown so weary that all his strength fail'd him he fell upon the ground and forbore crying upon them any further After that the Sanctum Sanctorum was burnt Titus arose and entring therein●…o he saw the glory and magnificence thereof and believed it was the house of the Lord for as yet the fire had not consumed all therefore he said Now I well perceive that this is no other then the House of God and the dwelling of the King of Heaven neither was it for nought that the Jews stood so earnestly in defence thereof nor did the Gentiles also without good cause send gold and silver to this Temple from the farthest parts of the World for great is the glory of it and it surpasseth all the Roman and Temples of the Gentiles that ever I saw The God of Heaven who is the God of this House take vengeance of the Seditious whose mischiev●…us and hainous deeds have brought this evil upon them CHAP. IV. THe Seditious that yet remained at Jerusalem seeing the Sanctum Sanctorum to be burnt they set the rest of the Temple a fire themselves with all the houses that were filled with treasure and all sorts of precious jewels and where they knew there remained yet some victuals they set it also on fire lest the Romans should receive benefit thereby After this the Romans quenched the fire and set up their Idols and images in the Temple offering burnt offerings unto them and blaspheming mocking and railing at the Jews and their laws in presence of their Idols About that time arose one who 〈◊〉 a lye unto the Seditious that remained yet in Jerusalem exhorting them to play the men and oppose their enemies for now saith he shall the Temple be built by it self without humane hands that God may declare his power un●…o the Romans who now glory in them●…elves to have overcome the Jews therefore if you fight stoutly this day the Temple shall erect it self hereupon the Seditious set furiously upon the Romans and slue many of them which made the Romans who had favoured them formerly to kill them like sheep These things hapned because they gave credit to a false Prophet and marked not the signs that appeared formerly For the year next before the coming of Vespasian there was seen a star on the Temple so bright as if a man had so many drawn swords in his hands And the same time this Star appeared which was at the solemn passover that whole night the Temple was light and clear as mid-day and continued so seaven nights together Understanding men knew well enough that this was an ill augury though others thought it good The same time also they brought a heifer for a sacrifice which when she was knocked down she calved a Lamb. Besides there was a certain gate called the East gate that was never opened nor shut but twenty men had enough to do about it and the creaking of the hinges might be heard a far off This gate was found open without any mans help and they could not shut it till a great number joyned their strength Moreover there was discerned on the Sanctum Sanctorum a whole night long the face of a man wonderfull terrible There appeared also the same time four Chariots with horsemen and great blasts in the skie coming towards Jerusalem In the feast of the weeks the Priest likewise heard a man walking in the Temple and saying with a great and wonderfull terrible voice Come let us go away out of this Temple let us hence away But especially there was one surpassed all these a certain man in the City of a base degree called Joshua began to cry upon the feast of Tabernacles in this wise A voice from the East a voice from the West a voice from the four winds of the Heavens a voice against Jerusalem a voice against the Temple a voice against the bridegroom a voice against the bride and a voice against the whole people Thus he cried very oft so that they of Jerusalem hated him and said unto him Why criest thou alwaies this cry But the Governour of the City for bad them to wrong him supposing he was mad Therefore for four years space he never left crying out Wo to Jerusalem and to the Sanctuary thereof When the wars had begun and the Town was besieged it fortuned as he wandred upon the walls he added this a●…so unto his cry Woe unto my self and with that a stone came out of an Engin from the Camp that dashed out his brains At that time also there was a Writing found graven in an old stone What time the building of the Temple shall be brought to a four square then it shall be destroyed Now when the Antochia was taken and razed by the Romans and the Walls of the Temple were all bruised the Jews making speed to repair the ruines and dilapidations without remembrance of the old Writing they made the Temple four square Besides these words were found in the Walls of the Sanctum Sanctorum When the whole building of the Temple shall be four square then shall a King reign over Israel and that King and Ruler shall reign over all the Land
avail tears Why do ye not rather go before me and I will follow as I may For what should I do now seeing God hath given me into the hands of a most cruel Tyrant who spareth neither mine age nor your youth But I trust we shall live together in the Light of the Lord And although I cannot be suffered now to see you enough yet when we shall come thither we shall be satisfied with beholding one another Go ye therefore my dear sons and prepare us a place O that I might go before you the Lord knoweth I would do it gladly But ye my sons marvel not at this that is chanced unto us for it is no new thing The like hapned before this in the time of the Chasmonanites when as Antiochus by his wickednesse put to death the seven brethren young men in the sight of their mother which was a righteous and godly woman who chanced to find this mercy at the Lords hands that she might ●…sse her sons and embrace them as they also kist one another before they died Although they were put to death by the cruelty of the uncircumcised King of the Macedonians yet obtained they that which is denied at this day to us that are put to death by Schimeon who ha●…h ●…he name of an ●…sraelite who beareth also the Covenant of our father Abraham in his flesh And would to God that we might live in their ●…nne or place of rest which albeit it will not be granted yet we shall be their neighbours seeing that we also die for the Law of the Lord. Therefore be of good comfort my sons and lament not for my sake For I judge this my misery easier and not so great as the calamity of Zedekiah whose sons were first killed then his eyes put out by the King of Chaldea and he lived many years after we are so much the more happie in my mind because we shall die together Then said Amittai to Schimeons servant which should kill him Make speed I pray thee and kill me first before my children die then after kill them also that we may die together for it is more expedient for us than to see the Temple of the Lord turned into a butchery or slaughter-house to slay men in After cryed he to God saying I beseech thee O Lord God most High which dwellest in the Highest judge this Schimeon according to his works reward him according to his deservings For thou art the God Almighty and dreadfull Let not this Destroyer die therefore among the people of thy pasture but that his death may be severed from the death of other men Let him die a horrible and sudden death Let him have no time to confesse his sins and to return himself to thee that thou mayest receive him for thou wert wont to receive them which turn to thee by repentance for he is not worthy of repentance which hath spoiled and wasted many goodly things in thy Temple besides that hath murdered most holy men in the same To the intent therefore that thy judgements may be declared in him I beseech thee make him to be taken Captive of his enemies together with his wife children and family and all that ever love him Neither give unto his soul any part with the people of God nor let his portion be with the just men in thy Sanctuary for he is unworthy of them because he hath not only sinned himself but hath caused Israel to sin Wherefore let his judgement and sentence go forth from thy sight that he may see his Wife Children and his whole House led into captivity and bondage before his face Afterward let him die a strange death such as never man heard of Let him be killed by most cruel men which when they have smitten him may after quarter him also whiles he is yet alive and that he may see his children go into bondage Let him also be a curse before all that shall see him Moreover Let him perceive that my words and destiny is better than his when as I go unto Thee in that great Light which he shall be deprived of After these words Amittai said to the servant who was appointed to kill him I beseech thee Let me find so much favour at thy hands that when thou hast slain my sons thou wouldst kill me with the same sword while it is yet wet with the blood of my sons that our blood may be mingled and this may be a recreation to my soul. Kill me also in the fight of the Romans that they may avenge me and my sons upon this most cruel Schimeon they shall be witnesses against him that I was not their friend But would God my affaires were all in that state as they were before for then should they perceive me to be an enemy of Schimeons and a friend of theirs Would God I had withstood Schimeon at the first earnestly as I made War upon the Romans that I might have avoided his cruelty from the people of God When he had said all these things he prayed before God Almighty saying O God which dwellest in the Highest thou only art most mighty and fearful open now the eyes of thy judgements consider and judge betwixt me and seditious Schimeon whose malice is become unmeasurable upon the people of GOD that he which sheddeth the blood of them that fear thee in the midst of the Temple may be rebuked of thee with rebukings according to his works make speedy vengeance and prolong not and that for the deaths sake of thy Saints for thy judgements are the judgements of truth Then Schimeon gave commandment to four Cut-throats of his that three of them should kill Amittai's three sons before their Fathers face and the fourth should kill Amittai himself and so the blood of the sons was mixt with the blood of their father Afterward Schimeons servant took the body of Amittai and laid it upon the bodies of his sons as his desire was then tumbled them over the Walls After that Schimeon commanded that Chanacus the high Priest should be put to death whose body was cast unto the bodies of Amittai and his Sons Aristus also the Scribe one of the Noble men of Jerusalem was killed at the same time and ●…en just men more of his kindred and house because the●… mourned for the death of Aristus It hapned while Schimeon was killing of those ten certain substantial rich men passed by and were wonderfully amazed when they saw the thing saying one to another How long will God suffer the malice of Schimeon and will not search out the blood of just men nor revenge them Certain seditious persons hearing this told it unto Schimeon who commanded them to be apprehended and murthered the same day After this there passed by eleven of the Noble men of Jerusalem which seeing fourty two innocents to be put to death by Schimeon they lift up their eyes to the heavens and said O Lord God of Israel How long wilt
thou hold thy hand and not execute thine anger against these transgressours of thy will which when Schimeon heard of he commanded them to be apprehended and killed them with his own hands Eleazar the son of Anani the Priest seeing the malice and wickednesse of Schimeon to be great and that he destroyed the just and godly men of the City and that there was no hope left he betook himself to the Tower of Jerusalem remained in it and kept it with his Jehudas also a Captain over a thousand men which kept a Turret that Schimeon had made to put just and good men in got him upon the top of the walls and cryed to the Romans if peradventure they would deliver him and the rest that were at Jerusalem Wherefore he went about to escape with his one thousand men that he had with him and came towards the Romans But the Romans trusted them not thinking he had spoken this for deceit wherefore they came not to help him Schimeon upon this killed Jehudas and the thousand men which he had with him and commanded their bodies to be tumbled over the walls in the sight of the Romans Then Schimeon cryed to the Princes and Captains of the Romans saying Lo these are Jehudas company these would have come forth unto you take their carcases to you and revive them again if you can or else deliver the rest which yet live out of our hands Gorion the Priest father of Joseph the Priest who wrot this Book to the Israelites was at that time in bonds and prison in a certain Turret a man of great age being a hundred and thirty and no man could come unto him nor from him Joseph therefore went to the Turret where his father was kept to understand how he did He beheld also the Turret afar off if he might espv his father and comfort him And as he passed by looking up to the Turret the Seditious hurled a stone at him which hit him on the head that it overthrew him The Seditious seeing Joseph cast out of his Chariot determined to go down unto him but when Titus had knowledge thereof he sent a great strength to help him up again and to defend him that his enemies did him no wrong The Seditious going about to take Joseph sounded a Trumpet very loud which when Josephs mother that was kept in Schimeons house heard being now 87 years of age asked what was the cause of the hurly burly they told her that the Seditious issued out at that shout against Joseph to take him When she heard that by and by she run out of the house that she was kept in and climbed up the walls as lustily as th●…ugh she had been a young girle of 14 years old ●…ore her hair and cryed out weeping and saying before all them that were present Is my hope then come to this Could I ever have looked that I should have overlived my son and that I should not be suffered to see him and to bury him I had trusted he should have buried me and that he should have been a help to me in mine age and when my whole Family by the Seditious was almost made away and extinguished yet I said This shall comfort me Now therefore what shall I do when I have none left to comfort me of all my children that I bare for between the Seditious and the Gentiles our enemies they have slain 18. sons that I had and what shall I do now from henceforth but covet death for I desire not to live now any longer And how should I receive any consolation when I see my son dead and I cannot bury him Lord that I might dye by and by for I cannot live any longer since my son Joseph is now dead She went up yet further upon the walls till she came to the Turret where her husband was in prison and stretch't out her hands towards heaven crying with a loud voyce O my son Joseph my son Where art thou come and speak unto me and comfort me The Seditious hearing her laught her to scorn but the Romans when they heard her and understood by Joseph that it was his mother they wept and lamented her case and many of the Jews also that were in Jerusalem but they were fain to refrain it lest they should be perceived of Schimeons cruell cut-throats Then Josephs mother said to the Seditious that were with her upon the walls Why do ye not kill me also which bare Joseph my son and nurst him with these breasts Ye enemies of the Lord have murdered him with other just men Why kill ye not me also God be Judge betwixt me and you who have killed my son gui●…tlesse The Seditious answered her Canst thou not if thou list tumble down over the wall and die we will give thee leave When thou hast done so the Romans shall take thee up and bury thee honourably because that thou art Josephs Mother who is their friend She answered How sha●…l I do this evil unto my self to kill my self and constrain my soul to go forth of my body before that ●…od doth call it if I should do so I should have no hope left in the World to come for no body will bury them whom they perceive to have killed themselves These and such like while she reasoned wisely the Seditious heard and mocked her wherefore she wept the more abundantly so that the Romans and some godly men hearing her wisdom could not abstain from weeping Joseph when he heard the voice of his Mother got on armour and approached to the wall accompanied with most valiant Romans to defend him from the arrows of the Jews and spake to his Mother Fear not my dear Mother nor take any thought for me for I have escaped the hands of the Seditious God hath not suffered me to come into their hands wherefore I have heard the words of these wicked counsellours that advised thee to kill thy self and thine answer to them which before thou gavest them I knew thou wouldest answer God forbid say I God forbid that Josephs Mother and the Wife of Gorion should consent to the counsel of the wicked Wherefore my dear Mother be content and bear the yoke of the Seditious patiently and humble thy self before them Neither strive against the miseries and calamities of this time which thou caust not alter nor remedy For they shall perish but we shall stand and continue There were certain men of Jerusalem at that time that came to the Gates overcame the Ward and got out with their Wives and Children and so escaped to the Romans because they could no longer abide the famine and the iniquity of the Seditious They were faithful Citizens and of great authority whom when Joseph heard of he so prevailed that Titus spared them and received them to mercy For Joseph bare witnesse and reported of them that they were Noble men of Jerusalem wherefore the Romans received them and gave them food and sustenance but