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A41385 The history of Polexander in five bookes / done into English by VVilliam Browne, Gent. ...; Polexandre. English Gomberville, M. Le Roy (Marin Le Roy), sieur de, 1600-1674.; Browne, William, Gent. 1647 (1647) Wing G1025; ESTC R177510 1,023,488 634

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have made me decypher those great golden characters whereby we understand all that passeth on earth I have read in the book what is to come such things as other men are ignorant of I know the revolution of Empires I have seen Kings who after their conquests have been constrain'd to crouch under the weight of irons and weare out their miserable dayes in a shamefull slaverie I have seen such slaves as have been condemn'd to the most base and infamous drudgeries to break their chaines and force to submit to their Empire those who had been accustomed to bring others in subjection But to what purpose should I entertaine you with these generall notions Let it suffice me to let you know that the end of my dayes is at hand and that you are a while to possesse that place which I have neere these threescore yeares enjoyed By that meanes you shall attaine to the greatest dignitie this day on earth and shall see the accomplishment of those things which you have most desired Assure your selfe on my word and presse me not to unfold my selfe more plainly After the wise Hermit had spoke thus to mee hee wash'd his face and hands with sea-water and ascending againe into his grot made a small repast of foure or five dry dates and a cup of water I took as much as he and being desirous to heare him discourse Father said I if those ambitious soules who disturb the peace of all Nations to glut their insatiable appetites could once comprehend that a man might be happy with a few dates and water would not be even desperate to see how miserably wretched they are in the possessing of such treasures as they run to teare out of the very entrailes of unknowne worlds Oh! how truly doe I know it now to be true which hath been so often told me that he only is rich not who possesseth much but that can be contented with little My son repli'd the Hermit that Eternall providence which could compose a harmony out of things seeming the most discordant would that from the varietie of parts in the Universe should be produc'd the beautie of all The ambitious have their share in the imbellishment If they throw downe on one side they build on the other if they ruine their Competitors they enrich their Confederates and their designes which have never an end are as so many engines whereof that Providence makes use to move the massie bodie of the world and hinder by frequent shoggings and agitations that it fall not into a mortall lethargie Peace and immutabilitie is plac'd in heaven action and change are the lots of the earth So see wee that the soules which inhabit heaven live in a perpetuall tranquillitie and find themselves so full satisfi'd with their condition that they know not so much as the use of desiring We on the contrary who lead an unquiet and tumultuous life continually run after novelties Our friendship and hatred follow and destroy one another Every houre workes us to severall and differing wishes and our minds which seek for a beatitude which they will never meet withall and yet eternally hope for are perswaded that there is no other way left them to attaine to it but by incessantly passing from one condition to another If heaven had treated us as it hath done the Demons and placed us presently in the aboad of true felicitie 〈◊〉 would have given us quiet minds and understanding capable of obedience But thinking it fit onely to propose to us that happinesse as a goale whereto it was impossible to attaine without much straining and a haven not to be anchored in but through many tempests it hath made us stirring lively impatient and ambitious to the end that these severall thoughts might be as so many spurs to egge us on to that race and as so many mufflers which blinding our eyes from all dangers might make us incapable of weighing them and by consequence void of all feare What doth not that insolent dangerous and rash fever of the soule which we call Valour produce To what extremities doth not that other ingage us with delight which we call Love Have not all ages seen and doth not ours yet behold men who to satisfie their owne passion and if I dare call it so heavenly madnesse expose themselves to hazzards and condemne their bodies to such punishments as the greatest and cruellest tyrants of the world would not without horrour have made them undergoe yet they indure it with a great deale of alacr●…ie they suffer it with a benediction and because their thought finds there its element they deem to find there and no where else their felicitie It seems the Understanding loseth something of its own in its errours and that Reason which should be a light for the guidance of man is altogether extinguish'd or shines not but as those wandring fires which lead passengers out of their way and in stead of being the meanes to avoid all precipices have no other light but such as may dazle their eyes for feare they should eschew them But my son you ought to know that the good which proceeds from this folly recompenceth with usurie the ill it procureth If you aske me Who incited the first of men to defend the weak and to become the extirpers of Monsters and Tyrants I will answer you 't was Love Love inflames the soule farre more then bloud fills it with the desire of honour and purging it of all it had contracted of base and terrestriall by the contagion of the body purifies and lifts it to that supreme perfection whereto it is destinated Was it not Love who drew out of the Island where may be he had languish'd all his life that Prince who fills all the world with the renown of his actions Is it not he that hath led him through all parts of the world to avenge the oppressed to punish the oppressors to bring vertue into respect that had been long neglected and to banish thence vice which had gotten temples and sectaries How many Kings hath he re-establish'd in their thrones How many usurpers hath he expell'd Consider well his life and you will acknowledge that if it had not been accompanied with troubles with desires and to say all in a word with Love it had been no more profitable nor much more illustrious then that of the most cowardly and obscurest man breathing All that you relate to mee father said I is most true knowing well he meant your Majestie but what availes it now that great personage to have runne so many dangers and to have so often expos'd his life for the safety of others He is dead as one of the vulgar and of so lamentable a death that it is hardly spoken of You will say that his fame which lives in the memories of most men is an entire and perfect recompence for all the travells he under-went Oh! father did he now live hee would truly let you know the vanitie
of the Rock would needes see whither it lead He descended it by the light of his flying guides and when he was come farre downe found a square roome and thought he heard one lamenting He turned his eare that way the voice came from and saw at one of the corners of that dungeon a man laid on the Earth which had his two legs put through two silver rings his body gyrt at the middle with a great chayne and his armes bound behinde him This object which could not be seene without horror moved the King to pitty He came neere and looking earnestly on him saw in his countenance somthing that was both Heroick and venerable This constancy increased the Kings compassion and wrought in him a desire to free him from so cruell a Prison He asked him whether his name were not Alisma and whether or no the Rebells of Quito had not sold him to Montezuma At these words the poore captive lifting up his eyes gazed on Zelmatida as on his Releaser who ever you be said he who by your aspect language seem not to be of the number of mine enemies who already knowmy name and fortune beleeve it 't is not without the particular providence of the gods that you have beene brought hither Thy continuall showres of teares hath moved their goodnesse and since I have alwaies beleeved that they were not in heaven but to recompence the good works that were done on Earth they make me this day see that I was not deceived and that I should not die with the griefe of being faithfull to my Master It is above fifteene yeares that I have lived if to die a hundred times in a day be to live under the weight of those chaynes wherewith you see me loaden yet all the extremity of those tortures which my hangmen hourely renew hath not vanquished my patience nor make me discover those secrets wherewith I was intrusted I cannot tell you by what miracle my Soule hath beene able to endure in a body so afflicted as mine since I have had none other foode then a little Maiz and water and some ill fruites which twice a day I am forced to eate by the souldiers of this Garrison But what misfortune would be comparable with mine were it not for the company that these little Cucuyës have afforded me who more pittifull then men come in to me as often as my keepers doe and mingle their living lights with the obscuritie of this Dungeon And you O the only man whom I have seene since I have beene in the power of Montezuma if you feare the gods and take pleasure in well doing tell me by what force or cunning you have beene able to enter this place so strongly fortified and guarded My Father answered the King I fled from the persecution and ambushes of Montezuma when a tempest threw me in the Port. I have beene so fortunate that I presently deleated the Garrison and made my selfe master of the place Most certainly t is the gods who as you told me mov'd with your teares have vouchsafed to avenge you on the inhumanity of the Mexicans and their complices This resolute old man finding I know not what remainder of joy which the length of his afflictions had not been able to consume assured my deare Master that he never despaired but that he hoped yet to make the Rebells of Quito and the ambitious Mexicans to feele what a just indignation could inflict on them Whilest he spoake thus the king handled his chaynes and tryde to undoe them but seeing he could not doe it alone he commanded me to put to my hand and to helpe breake them We did it by the meanes of some instruments we sent for and set the generous Alisma at liberty The long time which the good old mans legs had beene hampered and as it were shortned in his fetters would not permit him to make use of the liberty was given him It was impossible for him not only to walke but well to stand up Zelmatida perceiving his weakenesse held him up on the one side and my selfe on the other wee helped him up the stayres of his prison and carried him to the Mexican Captaines lodging As soone as the violence of his payne was lessened and gotten out of his fainting occasioned by the change of ayre he asked for something to eate Zelmatida gave him of the best he could finde to comfort his heart when his body weakened through fastings watchings and tortures was somewhat strengthened by those sweete and nourishing remedies he fell asleepe and continued all the rest of the night in such a repose as was a very new thing to him Zelmatida lay downe all clad on some coverlets he sent for from the shippe and awaking every foote sometimes to be informed of the old mans health and other whiles to know what was done in the Fort remained till breake of day without giving any intermission to his disquiets He then arose and went with five or fixe souldiers to take a view of all places where there were put Centinels He met the Mexican Captaine who was has●… 〈◊〉 ●…king on a high bastion and ruminating all alone the bitternesse of his pre●…ed 〈◊〉 He told him that his silence and fidelity had not the successe he promised him●… and that he would no more aske him the reasons which oblieged Montezuma to cause th●…t place to be so guarded I know answered the Mexican that your curiosity or to say better the justice of heaven hath gone beyond the care and providence of my King Alisma is no more a prisoner and this brave personage who hath beene alwaies an example of that faith which we owe to our Soveraignes knowes by his ow●… experience that those which continue loyall are never unfortunate At that word Zelmatida interrupting him since said he you have Alismaes virtue hope for his fortune but we will not exercise your patience so long as some have done his You may at this instant enjoy your liberty which he hath not found but after many yeares of imp●…ment With this he left the Mexican and returned to us where he found the magnanimious old man awake and speaking to him with as much ●…espect as if he had spoke to his father asked him how he had passed the night So well answered Alisma that me thinks I have recovered all my former strength and that I now want nothing to renew the wa●…e with the traytors who have involved in the same ruine the great Guina Capa and the splendor of the Empyre of the Incaes Whilest he spake thus he had his eyes fixed on Z●…matida and found in his face I know not what resemblance that brought on him an universall trembling Zelmatida tooke notice of that agitation and fearing some sicknesse in Alisma intreated to know if he desired any thing that might comfort him My sonne answered the old man the best remedy you can give me is to tell me who you are Father replyed
him I believed him at first sight as couragious as he is and if your Majesty permit me to extend my selfe a little beyond what is fitting I will take the boldnesse to tell you that heaven in retribution of your good deedes hath sent you this man who possibly is the sole man on earth that is worthy to serve you See said Alcidiana blushing one of the pleasants fantasies that Amintha shall have in her life time You are a foole believe me and thanke Syziphus for my pardoning your idle digression I know how far you were his enemy and by consequence should understand that the newes of his death is able to make you lose a part of your discretion But let 's talke of somewhat else In your judgement how should I behave my selfe towards our Liberator and what fortune can I offer him which may acquit my debt One word from your Majesty answered Amintha may with usury pay all that the stranger hath done for you and your State You are may be more in the right then you are aware of replied the Queene for I see not how any can pay otherwise then by words and actions of thankes a man who makes a profusion of riches and contemnes what others adore After many the like words used by Alcidiana she went to dispatch the Post which came from the Army and by her answere to the Lievtenant Generall not only commanded him to treate Polexander as her owne person but also to bring him to her as soone as businesse would permit it The Courtier returned with as much speede as he came and by his returne obliged Polexander to prepare himselfe for the receiving the reward of his victory from Alcidiana's owne hands The Lievtenant Generall after the performance of all his charge thought wholely of giving the King my Master all the honour prescribed him by the Queenes letters They marched off with part of the Army and I may truely tell you that at that journey was a continuall triumphe The Countrey people came to meet us that they might have the content of seeing their Redeemer The Inhabitants of Townes far distant from their high-way came thither with presents and he thought himselfe unfortunate that had not the happynesse to be looked on by Polexander In divers places wee meet with erected Altars and sacrifices prepared to doe our Prince the more honour and some more free and daring then the rest said aloud that to prevent the disastrous allyance where withall Alcidiana was threatned by the prophesies she ought to resolve to marry with Polexander After eight or ten dayes in this manner wee came to Arzilea Never did the King my Master shew himselfe as he did that day His presence his beauty accompanied with the richnesse of his habit made him admired of all and as wee knew a long while after Alcidiana could not refraine from saying to Amintha that the stranger would never have what he deserved if he had not one day on his head one of the fairest Crownes in the world In that replide Amintha you may either perfect what fortune hath begun or doe Polexander that justice which she enviously denies him At those words Alcidiana could not refraine from blushing and intimating she tooke no pleasure in Amintha's freedome she forbad her to talke to her any more of Polexander but when she gave her leave This rigourous Law being thus established Alcidiana went out of the chamber where she had seene Polexander passe and retired to be fitly dressed to receive him At the houre appointed by her for that Ceremony her great Chamberlaine and the Captaine of her slaves attended by all that were under their command came to the place where our King alighted and the complements being passed told him they came from the Queene to accompany him to his audience This was done with a great deale of order and ceremony But when Polexander was come to the foote of Alcidiana's Throne and that he saw her fairer and of more luster then all the jewells that even covered her all his boldnesse courage and reason forsooke him He blushed he grew pale and as if his victory had been a matter of reproach and shame he was seased on by a confusion and moved with such a trembling as all the Court marked it so did the Queene as well as others but faining not to take notice of it she witnessed by a well studied speech the obligation all her people had to Polexanders courage and at last addressing her to himselfe told him that knowing not how to reward an action that was beyond all ballancing she intreated him to give her the meanes not to live ingratefull Amintha that by chance was hard by Polexander without doubt was afraid lest his disturbance should last and therefore speaking for most commonly 't was by her that Alcidiana made knowne her pleasure she thanked the King my Master for the death of Syziphus and suppressing the insurrection and so far extended her selfe in his praise that she threw him againe into his former confusion Yet he spake and though he said very little and that fearefully he came notwithstanding off that action to the good liking of those who wished to see him pestered That publick audience was seconded by a private one wherein Polexander had received an incomparable content had he beene powerfull enough to have mastered his passion But such a temper was not to be expected from a minde that suffred under the extreamest intemperancy The cause of it increased by the addition of Alcidiana's favours and 't is no wonder if the effects redouble Neverthelesse they hindred not this passionate Lover from holding his part well in his conversation with Alcidiana and Amintha He made the third and so readily disintricated himselfe from that Laborinth where all things combinde to lose him that Alcidiana had no cause to lessen the good opinion she had conceived of him The next day she sent him by the same slave who brought him the Diamond boxe the expeditions of the Principality which Syziphus formerly possessed But he refused them with such excuses and modesty as might have satisfied the Queene But yet she was not and absolutely would have Polexander receive her present that she might not alwaies remaine obliged to him Amintha was imployde to get him to accept it and she made so good use of her eloquence that the King my Master consented and tooke the gratification But he never made use of it for as long as ●…e was in the Island he never would be knowne by any other title or name then that of the stranger Polexander A pritty while had he beene in this height of happinesse I meane in discou●…sing with Alcidiana at his pleasure when a new adventure drew him from the midst of all his contents to expose his life to new dangers Syziphus had a brother called ●…antalus as vaine and ambitious as himselfe but one w●…o by Court hypocrisie counterfeited the hum●…le and disinterrested but attended rili
who as Bajazet's friend had for his aid arm'd all the vessels he could make ready Our Admirall who was absolute in his command sent not to Bajazet for his direction but presently dispatch'd Telisman and my selfe to Zabaim We made to him and coming aboard perform'd those complements whereto his assistance and quality obliged us he seem'd very sad and perceiving we tooke notice of it Pardon me said he if I entertaine you not with all the joy I ought to shew you As you came my wife and my selfe were busied about the cleering to our selves somewhat which even now makes me not able to speake to you but with some disturbance the adventure is such as you must beare a share in it but that you may the more freely understand it let us retire to some roome in the place where we are both more commodious and quieter then here among so many Souldiers and Mariners equally affrighted Zabaim having received us with these civilities and excuses brought us into his cabin and spending not long time in speaking of his forces and the cause of his getting them together My ship said he with some few others staid at the foot of that dangerous rocke which over-hangs the entrance into this River and I attended the Moone rising for my setting saile againe when I heard a voyce over my head which in words the most lamenting I ever heard besought heaven and earth things sensible and insensible to be witnesses after his death of his faith and constancy Whilst I was attentive to those complaints there grew a great bustling among the sailes and ropes of my ship and running to see what it was I found a man hung in the tackling I commanded to have him straight taken downe and seeing that the height from whence he fell had depriv'd him of his senses have caus'd him to be brought into a cabin neere to this no sooner cast I mine eyes on him but I know not what remembrance fill'd me with feare and horrour my wife coming in to practise that charity which hath gotten her the name of Mother to the afflicted earnestly look'd on him and was no lesse troubled then I. We have for these two houres done all we can to get out of our astonishment and o'recome the long trance of that unfortunate man but as effectlesse in the one as in the other this is the cause you have not been entertain'd as you might expect When Zabaim had ended Sir said I may 't is fit our Generall were advertis'd of the accident therefore we both beseech your Majesty to let us see that desperate person My thoughts said the King which are not yet well setled made me forget that which particularly I had a desire to tell you 't is that I am much deceiv'd if the man we have succour'd be not one of the principall of your Army By something he weares he seemes to be a man of command and if my wife mistake not it must necessarily be your Generall himselfe Here Zabaim stopp'd and we who found no likelihood in this conjecture besought him to let us see the man and to put him out of the opinion he was in we related to him what Bajazet had done that very day but assoone as he shewed him to us lying yet stretched out as dead I knew him and cried out 't was my Generall My companion as much afflicted as my selfe thinking Bajazet had beene dead cast himselfe on him and kissing his hands began to call to him in his eares as all the Sectaries of Mahomet use to hollow in the eares of their dead In the meane while whether Nature after it had beene so long time dull'd awaked suddainely or the Princes strength recall'd by their applying of remedies had disengaged his spirits which his fall had as ' were suffocated so it was that Bajazet came to himselfe The first signes of life he gave us were his sighes which being not well perfected perished in the place of their conception and were not perceiv'd but by their heavings about the seate of his heart These halfe-sighes were followed by others which seem'd to flye headlong to get forth At last after he had a while mutter'd what none could understand yet came he out distinctly with this I will no more depend on the injustice of fortune and my soule unloaden of the weight of my body may freely goe in quest and finde thee faire Axiamira in what corner of the earth soever my cruell destiny hath hidden thee Almanzaira recovering from her deadly sorrow by degrees as her Son came out of his swoon ceas'd not to invoake that eternall Pity which had so often and so miraculously redeem'd her out of her afflictions and to beseech thence with her teares an end to those miseries which continually travers'd her life Her prayer ended she oftentimes kissed Bajazet whose head she kept on her breast and calling him sometimes Almanzor and othertimes Bajazet intreated him to know her and to come out of his reaveries To strike his imagination with some name well knowne to him she intreated him to looke on Almaid and Hydaspes who infinitely grieved for him At those names he strove to open his eyes but the brightnesse of the lights forcing him to shut them againe Almaid said he and Hidaspes are with me for their fidelity would not permit them to survive my death You are welcome deare Companions of my many miseries and since in your life-time you have lov'd nothing more deare then my company and contentment continue that affection and joyning for ever your shadowes with mine let us goe together in quest of faire Axiamira Whilst Bajazet mov'd all that heard him to compassion and Zabaim with Almanzaira melted into teares I came to that incomparable lover and so talk'd with him as he came out of his musing Yet no sooner was he come to himselfe but he began to cry out as he had felt some great torture and afflicting himselfe for being alive How Bajazet said he thou liv'st then and yet hast for ever lost the hope of finding Axiamira Ah Polexander Ah Iphidamantus what will you say of me To get him from this new affliction I said you were in great care and search'd for him every where With that I came away and had so good fortune as to meet with Diceus when I was out of hope of finding you If therefore you regard the friendship of Bajazet save his life while it is in your power Here Hamet ended and Polexander replied to comfort him that his Generall should soone have satisfaction But what doe you the while faire Cydaria You sigh in secret you beare a part in the griefes you conferre on the loyall Almanzor and repent for suspecting so wonderfull a constancy I see well your scrupulous vertue growes angry with your disposition and it is not lesse griev'd then your lover to be compell'd to receive so sensible a blow and not have sufficient armes to defend it selfe from it But let her
two houres hence I will conduct you by passages not much frequented to a chamber the key whereof he hath given me and where hee will be as soon as the last prayers are ended In the meane time sleep For my part I will watch for feare you faile in your assignation Ah! friend repli'd Polexander I should have but little curiositie or to say better but a small portion of reason if being on the point of making my happinesse certaine I were able to close mine eyes No no Diceus I will not sleep Tell me therefore once againe all that Alcippus said to thee and omitting the death of the extravagant Tysiphone recount particularly what thou hast heard concerning Amintha Diceus obey'd the command but 't was not so well done but that he left the King his Master doubtfull what was become of that Lady When hee had ended this relation I have said hee to Polexander some advice to give you on which depends all the successe of your labours and inquiries 'T is that you expresly command Alcippus to compresse his affection and keep more then ever that gravitie which he put on with the Priesthood By this meanes he shall secure your life for he may secretly take out the ball whereon your name is written since he keeps the vessell whereinto all the fatall balls are throwne and besides when Alcidiana's Embassadors arrive under the qualitie of Arch-Prelate and Interpreter of the Deitie's will he may invent some specious pretext that may oblige the Embassadors to waft you to the Inaccessible Island But when will that fatall moment betide cri'd Polexander transported with the power of his imagination wherein I may see againe that blessed abode which hath conceal'd and kept it selfe so long away from mine inquisition O fairest Alcidiana be pleas'd to let me taste the happinesse which my hope gives mee of re-visiting you and that losing with my despaire the memorie of my afflictions I may inure my selfe by little and little to those raptures and almost incomprehensible blessednesse which are inseparably annex'd to the condition of such as serve you Polexander would have stuck as ravish'd with these sweet meditations if Diceus had not interrupted them and told him 't was time to goe meet Alcippus Polexander thereupon in all haste clad himselfe follow'd his guide went through the Cloister and unseen of any bodie came to the chamber where he was to meet Alcippus He fail'd not and presently that worthy Favourite casting himselfe at the feet of the King his Master Let Heaven said hee doe now what it will with mee I aske it no more since I have the happinesse of seeing my good Master againe O errour which hast made me shed so many teares I thank thee for so happily deceiving me Polexander taking up Alcippus Remember said he who you are and in what place goe not on in these superfluous testimonies both for your selfe and to me but without losing in needlesse demonstrations of love this time which may be better spent give mee an accompt of all you have done since your departure from the Island of Astramadan and chiefly let me know what is become of Amintha But I feare much that you can relate to mee nothing of her that can be welcome newes for if I call to mind well what you writ in a Cave which is at the point of a rock which they call the Hermits rock you were separated from her by the wrack of your ship What sayes your Majestie repli'd Alcippus and what Demon could bring you to that rock I was brought thither said the King by an adventure the most strange and happy in the world for my ship being sunk I had perish'd but for that rock which to mee was a very favourable haven There I spent two dayes and two nights and read my Epitaph which you had ingraven But put mee out of trouble and tell mee how you were forc'd to forsake Amintha Alcippus beginning his relation at Tysiphone's taking a resolution to follow Polexander to the Isle of Astramadan and having continued it with all that which had passed in that Isle As soon said he as we saw that desperate woman dead Amintha and my selfe return'd to your Vessell and being not able to speak so much had your losse quell'd us that we spent the rest of the day not knowing what to resolve on At last Amintha starting up and speaking suddenly No said shee I will not leave the bodie of Polexander to the mercie of his murderers With that shee went forth and never telling mee what shee intended to doe commanded some of your Mariners to carry her back on shore I went into the Shallop with her but we had not row'd scarce halfe a mile when we saw all the beach cover'd with armed men Our Mariners thereat fell hard to their oares and having told us that there was no reason for us to put our selves into the hands of those barbarous people got back againe to your ship Presently there came out of the haven two Vessels of the enemy and had had we not with all speed gotten into open sea infallibly wee had run the hazzard of losing life or libertie The wind which favour'd us much meeting a ship so good of saile as was yours had quickly made our pursuers lose sight of us Two dayes and two nights we sail'd we knew not whither The third day we discover'd an Island and there our Mariners cast anchor to take some refreshment and from thence to steere right for the Canaries Amintha in all the voyage had no other thought then of your death and from time to time speaking loud enough to be heard Ah! too superstitious Queen said she how lately wilt thou repent thy selfe for preferring false beseemlinesse before loyall affection Well thou art now rid of this cause of thy disquiet but I feare for thy peace lest those disturbances be redoubled when thou comest to understand in what manner thou art delivered from them Thus was she talking when I advertis'd her that we were arriv'd at an unknowne Island You may doe what you please said she For mine owne part I am resolv'd to think on nothing but how I may grieve enough for the losse we have sustain'd Seeing her so constant to her affliction I imagined that if there remain'd in you any knowledge or feeling after death you would accuse mee for the most ingratefull amongst men if I had not a particular care of a person to whom your memorie was so infinitely deare I resolv'd therefore to bring her to the Canaries and put her in possession of all the treasure you had left there that so shee might end her life in the same splendour shee was borne and have no cause to repent her of the affection shee had borne you As soon as our Mariners had provided themselves of all that was necessary they set saile againe and leaving the South behind them bore up full North. From the very first day were we beaten by a
a broad side gave them fifteen Canon-shot Their approaches were more fearfull then they were mortall although the two vessels the aire and the sea seem'd all on a flame After we had we had fought in some distance we laid one another aboard and then there began a combat between Almanzor and the Captain of the great vessell which merits a particular relation Never strength and addresse were found so equall in two combitants and never did the greatnesse of courage sustain so long time two bodies so stricken with wearinesse and infeebled with wounds But why relate I a combat to thee that knowest it better then my self since it was with thee Polexander that Almanzor contested As soon as the tempest had made an end of this duell and that thy ship was carried one way and Almanzors vessell another This Prince commanded the Portugals to follow thee if it were possible and after this order given went through all the ship to see who were wounded amongst his own he found one of thy souldiers that lay as it were dead he had a great care of him and when he saw him in case to speak ask'd him what thou wert and what thou lookest for in those seas I wonder said the souldier that thou art ignorant of that which is known to all the world beside He whom thou knowst not is called Polexander a Prince descended from the greatest Kings of Europe and himself King of all the kingdomes he will look upon Many are the causes that make him wander these seas At this time he is in search of that famous Captain of the pirates Bajazet to force him to restore a picture which he hath stolne from him Almanzor thought at first that he was that pretended pirate and that by some false intelligence Polexander had been peswaded that Bajazet had the portraict of Alcidiana he therefore drew it out and shewing it to the souldier marke said he to him if this be not the picture which Polexander hath lost The other viewing it well cried out see see the fatall face that hath been the cause of all that we have indured and will yet be the subject of all those dangers which we are yet to run through O! deare work of my hands why are not we or rather why is not Polexander in that place where his love gave me the invention to limne thee without the knowledge of Alcidiana Imagine great Prince if after this declaration Almanzor had care of thy souldier or no truly he was so chary of him that he caused him to be lodged in his own Cabin and commanding him to be used as himself entertain'd him continually either in discoursing of Alcidiana or of thee When the souldier recompted to him thy great actions you might have seen Almanzor stirred with a thousand agitations sometime he blush'd as if he had been asham'd of himself sometime he sighed as if he had envied so brave a life sometime he grew cholerick with his destiny and then talking as if thou hadst been present What Polexander said he and is all that is valourous all that is famous and all that is happy reserved for thee O how well hath Alcidiana done to have chosen so deserving an adorer But what sayest thou poor and unfortunate Almanzor knowest thou not that that Polexander is the the fatall Demon which crosseth thy intentions and who without all doubt will make all thy hopes vain and frivolous Get out get out infamous creature from this vessell where unprofitably thou consumest thy time and finde out this cruell enemy in what corner soever of land or sea that fortune hides him from thee See Polexander the different language that one same passion made thee poor Almanzor guilty of He grew well this while and love and jealousie giving him suddenly such strength that in all likelihood nature could so soon have brought him he earnestly besought thy souldier to shew him where he might meet with thee This Prince said he is continually at sea and tries all means to recover the good which he hath lost sometimes he imployes the art and experience of Mariners to attaine it otherwhile he gives himselfe over to fortune and the winds and is absolutely resolved to perish if the heavens have doomed that he shall never more see Alcidiana Wandring thus on the Sea thinke with thy self if it be possible for me to denote to thee a place where thou maist find him T is true since the day wherein his incomparable valour saved the Canarians from the Portugalls and for conserving the liberty which he got them he accepted the title of their King he hath sometimes come on shoare in the Isle of Teneriffe and otherwhile in that which he calls Alcidiana But his new Subjects have been forced to an extraordinary care of his person when he hath been above a day or two on land I have told thee that one occasion that made him wander so far from the Canaries was the desire to recover the Picture of Alcidiana I will relate another to thee which to him was not lesse considerable He is in quest of a Pilot of that Queens who is now at Sea bound in her name to acquit a vowe which every yeare the Princes of the Inaccessible Island are obliged to render to some unknowne Gods When I was in that Kingdome I learnt a secret touching this ceremony which to you may seeme fabulous yet among the Islanders passeth for a verity which no man must call in question T is that whosoever is chosen by lot to goe in the name of the King of that Isle to celebrate the yearely Sacrifice failes not to meet in his returne a bird as white as a swan by whose flight steering his ship he infallibly finds the right course to the Inaccessible Island Polexander who hath no other hope then in meeting with these Pilots waites for them every spring between the Canaries and the Gorgades He was so fortunate the last spring that he discried the vessell of Alcidiana but that good hap was but to encrease his afflictions for he lost sight of her by the violence of the winds and in spite of all industry was carried on the coaste of Guine●… After he had run the hazard of a ship-wrack among so many Shelves and bancks of sand which makes those coasts so dangerous he found himselfe in the hands and at the mercy of Pirates and without that prodigious valour that makes all those enemies fall at his feet which fortune raiseth against him he had been now in the number of those brave slaves of whom the famous Bajazet composeth the principall part of his magnificence T was in that very place that he thought he had lost the picture of Alcidiana but seeing it in thy hands I begin to beleeve that Bajazet is innocent of that theft whereof we have so often and so injustly accused him At that word Almanzor interrupting him not only told him by what adventure he got the Protraict but let
the best successe to follow the best causes forsooke tha Turkes and to have part in the victory came on the Christian side This favourable change was received as a certaine presage of that daies good fortune and encouraged the Souldiers to witnesse by their shouts the impatiency they were in till they were at hand stroakes with their enemies The great Gallions of Portugall which were in the front of the Christian Armie as so many forts whence they ruined the Turkes began by the noise and smoake of their double Canon to make the sea open even to the depths and obscure the aire with enflamed clouds The enemies grew therewith terrified lost their order and were flaine unrevenged At last all mingled Gallies set on Gallies Ships boorded Ships in briefe all vessells little and great of oares and sailes fought either in grosse or seperated It was there that the inconstancy of the chances of Warre appeared Those who were lately Conquerors are now in their turne overcome and such a one who had been made a slave recovers his liberty by the servitude of those who had put him in fetters By little and little this forest of Masts grew lightsome the noise lessened by the death of some and the wearisomnesse of others and both the fleets seemed to be but the shadowe of what it was at the beginning of the battell The Christians were the Victors and though the Turkes by their obstinacy in fighting made knowne they knew not what t was to fly yet at last they were constrained and without their obduratenesse had confessed that the power of earth is weake to resist the hands of heaven The Sun was no sooner set then the victorious Army content to see their powerfull enemies not dare to appeare before them would not drive to despaire those they had put to flight you could see no more of them then some few scattred vessells from the body of the Army yet in fight Amongst others Iphidamantus ship which had a good share in the glory of this day was grapsed with a Turke the combate equally entertained on both sides left none to doubt of the valour of those that were assaied or those that defended The Turkes were more in number then the Christians yet had they been put to the worst without the incredible valour of their Captaine who alone made all the assaults of his enemies vaine and bootlesse The valiant Iphidamantus desiring to shew by some remarkable blowe that there was no pride so high which he could not abate nor strength which he could not master threw himselfe among the armes of the valiant Turke and let drive at him so surious a blow with his sword that he sent into the sea all that the other had on his head The Turkes amazed at the fearfull blow their Captaine had received resolved not to stand wilfull in a combate which could but adde a particular shame to the generall This deliberation being as soone executed as taken the two ships sundred but Iphidamantus that would not overcome by halfes followed the Turkes and boorded them againe The combate began a fresh more bitter then before and the Turkish Captaine flying after vengeance with an heroike fury made Iphidamantus see that there is no valour like that which is seconded with choler After a hundred times trying to finish this duell by some extraordinary blow Iphidamantus threw himselfe into the Turkish vessell and made his enemy recoile but the Moore with a passe on Iphidamantus stroake him with his Cimiter on the Caske with such a force that he made him fall at his feet His companions thought him dead and the affright making them forget their honour and their faith they left him to the mercy of the Turkes and saved themselves by the favour of the night Bajazet for so was this victorious Turke called quickly caused Iphidamantus to be taken up by six of his souldiers and carried into his Cabin Whilst he tooke paines for the ease and solaging of his prisoner and seemed to have forgotten the generall routing of the Mahometan Army a tempest more carefull of his safety then himselfe tooke him from among the Christians who pursued their victory and brought him to one of the Azorez that he might there recollect those that remaine of his fleet This place had been appointed before the battle for the Rendezvous of the Pirates of which he was the chiefe The next day after his arrivall five or six ships came in the next day eight or ten and in this sort in lesse then six daies he had made a new Army Streight he resolved to goe see whether the Christians had not enterprised somewhat on the place of his usuall retreat He gave them directions for the order they should keepe in case they should be forced to fight by the way and so weigh anchor from the Azorez and came out in the head of his fleet Though his charge and the humour of those he commanded was capable to take up an entire man yet this generous Pirate reserved the better part of his time to give it to Iphidamantus He forgot nothing of whatsoever he judged fit for the healing of his wounds or for the satisfaction of his minde and told him oftentimes that so brave a man as he never appeared more glorious then when he was constrained to suffer under a misfortune That the chance of Warre being never in our power we are to take it as it falls That t is true victory was often accompanied with many advantages but they followed many times without any merit that he had heard spoken of many Captaines whose death or captivity had given more cause of envy then of glory to those who had either killed or made them attend their triumphall Chariots Iphidamantus that made profession of true generousnesse was ravished with that in Bajazet and giving himsel●…e over to the charmes of his wit aswell as to the strength of his reason knew not sometim whether it had been advan●…agious for him not to have lost his liberty He admired the good aspect of this Pirate the sweetnesse of his wit and converse his manners directly opposite to others of his condition and above all his admirable complaica●…cy by which he seemed to make himselfe a slave to them who where already his So many virtues met he in a person who in his opinion was destitute of all that at first they made him his admirer and soone after so passionate a friend that for it he would have wronged himselfe and called backe his affection as if he had committed an injustice in giving it to Bajazet In the meane while this famous Pirate had time so favourable that the fifth day he d●…ried the great Rocks which are as so many Bastions and Rampards for the defence of his Island The next day he came to the entry of his h●…ven and was not there admitted till he which had the command of it had been to know him I phidamantus was
astonished to see what ceremonies Bajazet himselfe was faine to observe ere he set foote on shoare but he wondred more and was ravished when he drew neere to a Fortresse which was in the midst of the Island It was a place which nature and arte had equally fortified On the Easte side there was a Rock which extended it selfe to the sea by precipices and disgorgements of cleare waters Towards the South the Rocke was extreamely high and had been cut with the chi●…l It was full of little lodgin●…s where the Pirates Wives dwelt and kept their Children and their goods At the place where these two Rocks abu●…ed almost together they left an overture of thir●…y or fo●…y ●…home Over this passage there was a great A●…ch which some Arabians had built and to make themselves immortall by the lasting of so marvellous a worke had eng●…n on black marble their names and Country This Arch had fifteen fathome o●… largenesse on thirty of long and was divided in three The first part was full of little Chambers so industriously built that they seemed to be cut out of the Rock it selfe From thence you entred into a Fortresse built with stones of that hugenesse that the imagination of Iphidamantus could not conceive any thing so strong in all the Mechanicall Engines that was not far too weake to remove or raise them Foure Towers and foure piles of lodgings covered like tarrasses compassed one Court of fifteen fathome in square In the midst there was a Fountaine which cast out water through the throate of a Lion of brasse which in noise and casting his head towards Heaven made the mettle it selfe terrible When you had gone through this Castle you entred into a Garden where on the South side was to be seen a little Wood of Cedars Palmes and Cipresse and towards the west another of Orenge trees made into a Laborinth The hedges of all the alleis were of Jessemines Citrons and an infinit number of those sweet trees which give the hotter Countries all the advantage they have over our climate At the top almost of the Rock which was towards the East you might see a fall of water of six foot broade which as a peece of ice fastned on the hanging of the Mountaine was received in a great and vast bason All the water fell into one pipe and after it had been somewhile underground was seen againe in this hanging Garden and spouting out of the trunck of an Elephant which a Rhinoceros had overthrowne carried his force so high that you lost fight of it before it was mounted to his full height This place was inaccessible on all sides but to get to it there was cut in the Rock towards the West a staire which by a hundred steps came to joyne with one of the corners of the Arch. Within this proude Building the Generalls of those Pirates had alwaies lodged since they became Masters of it and as such did Bajazet rest there as often as any tempest or other important consideration kept him in the Island Under this great Arch there were raised two Platformes on which twenty field peeces served for a warning to strangers that this place was forbidden them On the flancke of these Cavaliers ran out to great Bastions which were as the two Arcenalls where were kept all the cast peeces and double Canons which could not serve them a shipboord On this side was seen an artificiall Lake into which they had on floates cast two pecces to command the plaine and open Country about it and by this Lake only was there an entrance into that great enclosure after the clensing of all the Artillery of these six different defences When Bajazet was within Canon shot he staied his fleet and according to the Maximes of his government sent to aske permission from the Governour of the place to come in Iphidamantus who till then had rested as ravished in the consideration of the outside of this Fortresse was extreamely surprised to heare Bajazet speake thus The generous Rover smiling to see his prisoner so admiring Know said he that he who commands these Pirates as I have done this yeare is the sole man who hath power to put a Governour in that Fort and who may the first yeare either change him or strangle him without giving an account for it Assoone as this particular Governour is in full possession of the place and that the Generall hath put the armes and command in his hands he never useth them with so much rigour against any as against his person who gave him the authority And indeed by this Maxime only he preserves himselfe for were he suspected to have but the least intelligence with the Generall an ordinary death were not the greatest punishment he should stand in feare of But when he hath past his yeare of probation and can give contentment to the different humours of his companions then they give him the title of Generall of the Land that is he hath an authority within the Fort as absolute as mine is in the rest of the Island over the Pirates and vessells Barberoussa so is he called that now commands in this place and hath been neere forty yeares the fortunatest Pirate of the sea yet hath he but executed the commands of his Captaines and now is come to the place of Generall by Land more by the care I tooke not to solicite him to doe ill then by the affection he had towards his owne party Leave them to wonder at the permission which I aske and know that I have no more power in the Fort but what he gives me who is under charge And since I have now a minde to goe in I must doe so that he must first thinke it fitting What I now have told you is but the least part of the pollicy of these Pirates They have their Lawes and their Maximes as well as the Estates the best governed and I have noted that whereas in those one may often see many virtues degenerate into vices here have I seen many vices very much approaching unto vertues I confesse that honour and honesty are enemies with whom our Pirates are seldome at truce or peace I know that conscience is the first thing they put off who would be Citizens of this Common-wealth and that justice cannot be received among such persons as have no other enriching then by the losse of others and make it their boasting to possesse nothing that was lawfully gotten In a word t is true that here all morall virtues are condemned but know that what in a well governed State is effected by the respect borne to good and holsome Lawes here every one is kept within the bounds of his duty by the absolute power of him who is the Master Every mans particular interest here is insteed of justice and though there be no recompence for those that live well yet is there so generall a feare of punishment appointed for the least faults that it is the
dangers that his affection imagined beyond all humane ability At last the authority of the great Priest interposing Quazmez was forc't to consent to this separation 'T is true that the great courage of a King contributed much to this resolution He burnt with impatiency to be●… cleer'd of what he was to act that he might know the name and qualitie of those that gave him life Quazmez and the Queene his wife twice or thrice swounded at this parting and dividing all their apprehensions for two affections wherein they found no difference saw themselves brought to such a strait that they wished continually that the King would depart and yet could not endure that hee should go away The great Priest desiring that Zelmatida might not los●… a time that was so favourable to his enterprize put an end to his fruitlesse griefes and made him resolve to be gone Zelmatida presently left the Pallace and notwithstanding all the sadnesse and affliction that his noble disposition threw on him to leave those personages to whom hee was so much oblieged he tooke what servants he thought fitting and began his journey The great Priest conducted him many daies by waies unknowne to him and made him goe through all the kingdome of Quazmez entertayning him with nothing else ●…ut with the brave adventures that were reserv'd for him When he was on the frontieres of Mexico he brought him into a little wood overhung and covered with two great Mountaines and led him into a Cave which was the usuall place of his abode After they had rested there a while the venerable old man drawing aside my Lord the Inca it is here said he that I must leave you and let you perfect an act for whose good successe I can contribute nothing but my prayers and teares Yet before we part I will acquit my selfe of the promise I made you and acquaint you what the gods have deign'd to make knowne to mee touching your byrth and adventures I would I could buy with my blood and the rest of my life as perfect a knowledge of all that concernes you that I might free you from the travell and paines whereinto I foresee you entring Content your selfe with what is permitted you to know and without further enquiring know that you are the sonne of a great King and a Queene excelling all others for endowments The rest shall be some time yet concealed from you Whilest the High-priest spake thus he perceived by the actions and disquiets of my Lord the Inca how much the desire to know the truth of his Originall troubled his spirits To take him out of this torment he thus continued his discourse Understand that Quazmez had a daughter the fayrest that ever trod on earth almost at the same time that you were borne He had beene above twenty yeeres married ere he had any childe This crosse neverthelesse did but increase that piety which to him is naturall Instead of complayning for his misfortune he made his recourse to the gods and to make them favourable to him redoubled his prayers and Sacrifices In the greatest heate of his devotions his Queene found her selfe with childe and brought such a generall consolation to all the kingdome that it seemed with the byrth of her childe there were to be borne some felicities which were not to be found on Earth They called that which she went withall Given of the Gods and when he was borne Quazmez receiv'd him for such And as soone as hee was permitted to carry it out of the chamber he tooke it in his armes and carried it himselfe to the Temple and to the Altar of his gods He sacrificed to them an exceeding great number of all kindes of beasts to render them thankes for the birth of that daughter he consecrated her to them in giving her the name of Xaira and to this present added such offrings that people goe at this day to see as the miracles of piety and royall liberality His paternall love stayed not at these good workes but it had a curiosity for the time to come and would knowe to what Fate the gods reserv'd this little creature I found fault with this desire and advised him eyther not to diminish his contents or to increase his misfortunes by foreseeing them Besides since the mournfull accident that made me forsake the World and which my skill made me vainely foresee since I cannot avoyd it I had made an oath to containe my selfe in the ignorance of man and not to make my selfe doubly miserable in searching to know more then others Notwithstanding all this the commandment of Quazmez and that secret inclination which easily makes us seeke after those things we have sometimes affected constrain'd me to consult and overlooke my forsaken bookes and observe the Starres with the same pleasure and the same observations as I look'd on them before my misfortune But what indignation what malevolence sawe I not in Heaven against this poore Innocent Truly there is not a starre of any disastrous aspect that was not turn'd against Xaira I knew it and if I dare say so knew infallibly that that Princesse was threatned with five or sixe all extraordinary accidents I sawe her stolne away in the cradle nourished by the hands of the King her fathers greatest enemies condemn'd to serve one day for a Sacrifice to the cruelty of th●…se Barbarians and if shee chanc'd to escape this last misery destin'd to wander through the world and to suffer all the indignities that a slave is capable to undergoe These prodigious objects so amazed me and absolutely mastred my sences that without an ability for farther inquiry I forsooke my speculation to throw me at the feete of the Altars and besought the gods that they would divert those dire portents which would induce some miscreants to doubt eyther of their goodnesse or providence After I had perfected all preparations requisite for the receiving my gods and to be filld with their inspiration I felt their presence and heard their voices which speaking within me said Know that within this moneth shall be executed the blackest and most detestable treason that ever perfidious Subjects can perpetrate against their Soveraigne Quito now triumphant shall be the●…ad Theater of this bloudy Tragedy Without the walls of that City shall be done such an abhominable act by the death of an incomparable Princesse Let some try to finde her and give her her last honours and let the new borne Infant be taken up who comming from the wombe of his mother shall be received by the pawes of pittifull Tigers By the valour of this childe Xaira shall be restored to her Father his enemies shall be punished for their inhumanity and the greatest Empire of the world shall be the reward for the miseries and virtues of that Princesse who must be unfortunate for her owne glory The gods having thus spoke to me left me and I found my selfe much comforted Assoone as it was day I came to Quasmez and
generousnesse which is not lesse knowne to me then to my Subjects said he assures me that you have already forgotten those faults that my necessity brought on and that you will not impute them to neglect or ingratitude Zelmatida unmindefull of Galtazis advice thought that Montezuma spoke to him really and truely and on that opinion finding himselfe to be extreamely obliged to his courtesie My Lord said he I will beleeve since you will have it so that my services have not been altogether unprofitable to you But to have me perswade my selfe that they are equivalent to the recompence which I receive by the honour you doe me is to forget who I am and in what manner Kings are accustomed to converse with men of my ranck Montezuma would faine have found out some complements to have gone beyond those of Zelmatida but nature that had not so much ●…efriended him inforced him to carry that by his authority which he had never gotten by his eloquence He tooke Zelmatida by the hand and drawing him almost by strength out of his Chamber put him himselfe in the royall Chaire Well my Lord said Zelmatida in rising out of the Chaire I will receive this honour since t is your pleasure but I beseech your goodnesse not to exact any more from my complying It appertaines only to you to triumph since t was by the virtue of your Subjects and the fortune of your ●…mes that the Theviciens and their Allies have beene defeated Doe you triumph then and prophane not your renowne in communicating it to a miserable stranger My Master in this sort resisting the honorable violences of Montezuma brought him to that streight either to appeare himselfe alone in that triumph or to cut off the principall ceremonies The King besides desirous to make knowne that this triumph was not prepared but for Zelmatida commanded all those to march on that had beene chosen for the pompe and shew and taking my deare Master by the hand walked on foote to the Temple of their god of Battels He caused there to be celebrated the bloody Sacrifice of the immolation of Slaves and streight after were seene not only rivelets of blood glyding from all corners of the Temple but also the bodies of the poore Theviciens carried by hundreds to the places appointed for their buriall This abhominable devotion being ended Montezuma returned to the Palace as he came and made an exceeding great feast for Zelmatida where all the Caciques that were in his Court assisted the Princes of the blood and the chiefe knights When the tables were taken away the rest of the day was spent in musick playes and many other kindes of galantryes which plenty peace and voluptuousnesse had made the Mexicans Inventors The night had her particular rejoycings Hismalita gave Zelmatida a ball and brought in Isatida and her sisters in such ornaments and with such charmes as were capable to vanquish meere insensibility Zelmatida in lieu of fayning as Galtazis had advised him and to suspend his love to give place to his wisedome seemed as distracted at the sight of Isatida He left Montezuma that then stayed with him and passing through the company without heeding whom he thrust got thither where his passion transported him The Princesse perceiving it not only blushed but was so farre offended that fayning to haue some what to say to the Queene her mother she turned her back to her unfortunate slave and left him to make a long and cruell penance for the fault which he had committed against her commandement Montezuma noted both the one and the other action and Hismalita finding in it new cause of distrust and hatred had not power enough over her selfe to dissemble it Her ill humor broke out in such a fashion and principally against Isatida that my deare Master had almost lost all respect and had even a will to accomplish that part of the prediction which spoke of the ravishing of Isatida He was neverthelesse restrayned by the feare of displeasing the Princesse but he caused in himselfe so great an Effort by this constraint that with the excesse of griefe he fell as it were dead at the feete of Hismalita O how that Queene if I deceive not my selfe prayed that he might never come to himselfe againe But her malice was not heard for just heaven who sawe no offence nor crime in the passion of my deare Master sent him supernaturall strength to supply that which nature had lost in him Montezuma ran first to him and causing him to be taken by some young knights witnessed by his assistance that goodnesse is not incompatible with weakenesse Zelmatida recovered from his fainting and ashamed of what he had done beleeved he could not better justifie himselfe then in supposing some strange ill He therefore complayned and asking pardon of the King for his disturbance humbly besought his permission to retyre Montezuma consented and to shew how deare that Prince was to him broke up the assembly and gave command instantly that the high-priest should cause prayers to be said in all the Temples for the health of my deare Master Zelmatida who till then lay buried in his usuall musings awakened from so deepe a flumber and how said he to the three Princes have you beene able to endure the company of one so troublesome Garruca knowing the intention of his master arose and but for Polexander who stayed him had beene gone that he might not be constrayned to continue his discourse Thereupon Bajazet spoake and addressing himselfe to Zelmatida You have cause said he to deprive us of the content which the relation of your adventures gives us For our silence is a signe that we have not that feeling of it which we should And truly we are eyther jealous of your fame or insensible of brave actions since that so many miracles as Garruca hath made known to us seeme to have no more touched us then would the recitall of some vulgar accident Zelmatida blushing at the pratling of Bajazet tooke Garruca and making him sit downe againe goe on said he and speake of me what thou wilt I shall finde it more supportable then the explication Bajazet gives of my words Polexander unwilling to speake any thing to Zelmatida for feare of some new interruption intreated Garruca to continue his discourse He would have obeyed him but in the instant a noyse of drummes and trumpets hindred him and made Bajazet send to know the cause of this novelty The slaves which were on the Guard came and told him that there was newly arrived in the Island a man with an extraordinary attendance who desired to speake with him Bajazet sent to the Captaine of the Fortresse that he should doe his charge and having taken his pledges he permitted the stranger to enter These done were done almost in an instant and Barberossa brought the stranger to his Generall The good aspect of the young man was not the cause alone that drew the Princes eyes upon him He was
as if he had doubted the truth of what he spoke and beginning to him a long recitall of all the misfortunes had betided him strove to perswade him that he was only borne but to be miserable The slave harkned to all these adventures with an extreame attention and answered thereto with so much judgment that he brought Polexander to doubt of some things which till that time he held most veritable and certaine Whilst these two different slaves thus entertained themselves the day broake and with the day the tempest redoubled But the bad weather could not hinder the Rovers to come out of their Quarters and assembled at the entry of the Fort to invite Bajazet to the dividing of the booty He came from his chamber and thinking not that what he went about worth the paines of advertising his Guests came where he was expected As soone as he was in place where his Army might hea●…e him he spake thus This is the day my companions that you shall receive a part of that which your valour and industry have deserved Nothing shall be partaged by authority or favour Every one shall have that which by justice he can hope for the priviledges shall be considered Therefore who ere hath any just pretentions let him present himselfe without raysing any tumult and make them knowne to those who are appointed for their Examination After he had left all the Piratts in this pleasing expectation and ordayned sixe of the eldest to receive their petitions and inquire the merit of those that presented them he went with the rest of the Captaines right to the Magazines By the way he met Iphidamantus and stopping to give him the complement asked him whether he had so much curiosiy as to see the Magazines and the riches which his valour had given them Iphidamantus answering this civilitie with his accustomed sweetnesse told Bajazet that he would waite on him They went then to the storehouses and wondred to see so much treasure Those that kept it presenting the Inventory to Bajazet did not only cause his wonder to redouble but made every one that heard it read beleeve himselfe more rich then all the Princes of Africa Presently Bajazet called a Councell to resolve in what manner they might preserve the value of so many rarities without discontenting the Souldier or losing the most part of so fayre Jewels All those of the councell being of divers opinious at last stuck to the opinion of Bajazet which was that they should take out of the old Treasure and the new all that they could finde or money coyned to divide it among the Souldiers and if that were not sufficient they might add to it some Ingotts of gold and silver that they might have cause to confesse that they had given them more then they ought to have promised themselves Bajazet seeing so generall a consent in the Captaines and desirous besides to signify to Iphidamantus the esteeme that he would all should have of his courage arose and taking his friend by the hand spake thus to all the Assembly T is at this time my Companions that we joyntly acquit our selves of a part of the debt we owe this valiant Christian. You have divers times already solicited me to give him that liberty which he hath so gloriously deserved I approve of your justice and am of opinion that it be done as soone as possibly may be But to accompany that action with some thing illustrious let us give him some considerable Present to make appeare to him that we make a far greater esteeme of men of valour then of great riches and may be by that meanes we may so winne him that he will have no desire to forsake us This generosity being approved in apparence by all them that heard it Bajazet arose to goe chuse amongst all that was rarest amongst the treasure some piece worthy of his liberality and Iphidamantes virtue Scarce had he gone two steps but he was staied short by the insolence of one of the Assistants Thalemut an old and valiant Pirat but the most brutish and insuportable of all those that beleved not God and feared not man was the cause of this tumult Long before this time had the beauty of Iphidamantus bred abhominable thoughts in this Divell and that prodigious affection breeding in him a jealousy of Baiazet he durst not t●…l then make that breake out which was so long brooding within him But when he s●…w that his Generall amplified too much as he list Iphidamantus merits and made shew of an extraordinary ●…ffection to have presents presented he was not able to containe himselfe nor to give bounds to his fury he therefore came streight to Baiazet his mouch even foming and his eyes on fire and art thou not content said he putting his hand on his Cimiter to robb us of this slaves ransom But that thou wilt have us pay for thy infamous actions with that which we have gotten by the expence of our lives If thou be so amorous of this womanish fare buy his honour with that which is thine owne and doe not I know not under what vaile of feigned noblenesse make the salary of a prostitute to be inroled with the reward of so many valiant men At that word Baiazet wholy transported from himselfe and Iphidamantus unwilling to live longer then to be avenged set hands to their Swords never considering into what danger the credit which Thalemut had with his companions might throw them Never saw ye two men equally offended run more alike to be revenged The one would prevent the other and each beleved that how great soever the reparation of this iniury might be yet it could not be satisfactory unlesse it were done by his owne hand On the other side Thalemut threatned aloud and seing the dispute of those two valiant men gave him time to doe any thing collected from the silence and coldnesse of his companions an assurance that his boldnesse pleased them These two occasions swelling him in pride gave him the daring to strike a blow with his Scimiter at Bajazers head and with such a violence that without heavens particular providence they had seen expire by an infamous weapon one of the most glorious lives of the world Bai●…zet avoiding this blow and looking on Iphidamantus What said he are you confederate with this Assasin and become enemie to your selfe Will you be this Barbarians second Whilst he spoke thus more then twenty or thirty of his Captaines interpose themselves betwixt him and Thalemut When hee saw they went about to pacify him in few words hee made knowen his just griefe to them and by his eloquence thought to obtayne the liberty of avengeing himselfe on his Enemy And in that impatiency he was not enduring the excuses wherewith the pirates would have moderated his anger t is in vaine said he I will hearken to no consideration to the preiudice of mine honour since my interest can win nothing on you I
wound I have given my selfe but it can never take away the scarre I would say that you might well get mee the Letter which Polexander hath received from me but it is not in your power to make it so that he hath not had it I feare not his vanity but his memory and whilest that hath a being yet should I not be freed of my feare though I had that which you might promise me Let him enjoy then that acknowledgment of the services he hath done mee and hence forward let us have no more commerce with him then with Spanyards and other strangers which some tempest or chance hath sometimes throwne on our Coastes You were then by this command as it were buried in the memories of those that loved you But it was only in shew for in effect you lived there in spight of all Inhibitions Alcidiana first violating her Lawes entertayned her selfe with you alone and thinking to remove out of her fancy and Idea that discontented her not but in that it seemed too pleasing to her perceived not that her thoughts and the intention of her thought were directly contra●…y At the same as you know the winning Cephalus Prince of the blo●…d of Alcidiana and her publique adorer proclaimed a Turney to which your courage and judgement furnished you with that admirable meanes by which it was permitted you to fight with Cephalus without offending Alcidiana You conserv'd ●…o him the honour which your incomparable dexterity or to speake more conformably to your passion and my duty which the weakenesse of Cephalus might have made him lose This new victory brought new disquiets on the Queene and made her knowe that it was in vaine for her to essay to acquit her selfe towards you The very evening that the justs ended she shut her up with Amintha and beginning anew what a moneth of silence had interrupted See us now said she in worse case then before I thought Polexander had beene in my debt and I finde my selfe behinde-hand with him more then I am able to pay him Were I answerable for no more then for my kingdome and liberty I have both to give him satisfaction But since hee hath preserved to me the honour which rash Cephalus had hazarded can I acknowledge that great service but by the thinge it selfe which he hath preserved And if that must be what will become of the wretched Alcidiana Canst thou live deprived of that glory which thy predecessors left thee and which thou maist say without boasting was gotten thee by the practise of all the virtues Amintha seeing the Princesse griefe to be so excessive that it drew teares from her eyes was very much moved at it and forgetting your interests for those of her good Mistresse Your Majesty said she must not any longer suffer a sicknesse which insensibly gets on the hea●…t and may become deadly if in time there be not applied to it fire and sword I was the first that neglected it since I thought it not considerable but now I know its greatnesse and foresee what may ensue I am the first that runne for remedies and throwing my selfe at the feete of your Majesty humbly to beseech you to employ all and not to reject the most violent The honour I have to be intrusted with your secrecies forbids mee to have other consideration then of you and I cannot bee silent without sinning against that Soveraigne lawe which commands me to expose my life for the safety of your Majesty The innocent and faire Alcidiana hearing Amintha speake so seriously thought her self ill of some ex●…reame dangerous sicknesse and feare which commonly accompanies ignorance bringing on her extraordinary troubles and disquiets shee fell on Aminthaes neck wet her face with her teares and conjured her by her friendshippe to give her such advice as might be most safe for her Heale said she a malady of which in some sort you have beene the cause I finde it more troublesome then grievous but you know it better then I and I had rather trust my selfe to your experience then to mine owne feelings Let us therefore be industrious Amintha in a businesse so urgent and not putting off our cure to the succour that may come with time let us try all those meanes that heaven hath put into our power Amintha judging by this discourse that the Queene knew nothing at all of her sicknesse or to speake more truly that she had no other ill but that which was begot by that high and imperious humor in which she was bred saw well that it was not necessary to urge your depart nor to make your stay suspected She therefore insensibly diverted Alcidianaes feares and resolutions and repenting what her affection had made her say against you assured the Princesse that you had not undertaken to combat with Cephalus but with the same intention that he had done the justs that was you had a resolution to make your skill and gallantrie appeare and not to engage the honour of the Princesse And that you expected no other repute then that which is gotten by the like exercises Cephalus said shee had published that you were the fairest Princesse in the World Hee tooke armes to maintaine it against all those that professe to love what is fayre Polexander would rayse the price upon him more then he He therefore maintained against him his armes in his hand that you were yet somewhat more then the other imagined and the successe of the justs hath made it seene that his proposition was true What doe you thinke Madam that you owe him for it Nothing but what the Sunne owes them that call him the Author of life the Father of light and the fayrest of all inannimate Creatures If Polexander had beene suddainly changed into some other and become so vaine to looke for a reward after this last Combat it should be then from the truth which he hath defended and not from you that he was to expect it Set your minde then at rest and driving farre from your fayre Soule those thoughts that disturbe it hold it for an infallibility that your Majesty cannot be beholding to any one since the honour to serve you is so great a recompence to those that doe it that they are payd for all their services even before they have begun them The Queene whose extreme youth could not afford her those experiments that Amintha had gathered by the benefit of more yeeres felt her selfe no lesse peacefull and at rest after the second discourse of her Confident then the first had put her out of order She then rested her minde in its first seate and retayning no other thoughts for you then she had for other Princes was glad to giue you occasion to abide in her Court and by your presence obliege her people to stifle for ever all causes of revolting After that resolution two or three moneths slid away during which time you had often the honour to see the Queene and obtayned by your
and Amintha with the rest though she tooke notice of a visible diminution in her favour My faire Princesse had not beene above foure or five dayes in that faire Pallace when fortune willing to obliege her by your losse stirred up that disorder which drew you from the Inaccessible Island Amintha as you know was stolne away one night by Pirates which the winde had driven neere to the Queenes Pallace As soone as she heard newes of this rape she shewed a great deale of sorrow though she had great cause to be glad of it And I verily beleeve that by her selfe she gave the heavens and fortune thankes that they had evenged her and she had no hand in it and that she was wonderfully well satisfied to see the offenders punished without her being forced to any violence She caused two ships to be made ready and armed to pursue the Pirates that had stolne Amintha and as she would have had them set sayle it was told her that in the very instant wherein the Lady was surprised you had cast your selfe into a barke which by chance you found ready at the foote of the Castle and that without doubt you had already overtaken the Pirates Alcidiana seeing herselfe so fully and quietly avenged caused her two ships to put off to give to all the Court an opinion contrary to her meanings and in this manner she put a period to all her cares and perturbations Be pleased to let me imitate so great an example and that finishing my discourse as I begun it I may tell you that your despaire is unjust and you are an ill esteemer of your good fortune since you acknowlede not the greatnesse of it not only to have obliged the prime Princesse of the world to except you with that generall indifferency which she hath for all men but to have made it appeare by publique testimonialls that you have beene able to make her capable of passiō Flattering Pallantus cryd Polexander in interrupting him how thou canst abuse thy Eloquence and disguise by thy smooth and winning tearms a rigour which is insupportable Tell me not that I have made thy Queene capable of passion Say she hates me and not being able to endure my presence hath banished me from a place whereto she knowes well it is altogether impossible for me to returne But what do'st thou abominable and sacriligious Polexander Darest thou murmure against that wisdome that doth nothing but with justice though it be not according to thy wishes Respect respect the arme that darts the thunder at thee and receiving Alcidiana's stripes with a benediction make all the world know that there are no felicities like those of suffering much for her Polexander ended this speech with sighes and being risen began to walke with a g●…eat pace without hearkning to any thing that Pallantus advised him for his comfort and ease Their converse had not ended but with the day if Zelmatida by chance had not met them in their way and obliged them to returne to the Fort. They retired thither all three together and gave the rest of the day to Bajazet and Iphidamantus Pallantus that would not stay any longer in that place tooke his leave that same Evening and promised Polexander that in his return from Africa he would passe by the Canaryes Polexander left him not tell he imbarked and when he saw he must needes be gone remember deare Pallan●…s s●…id t●… Prince imbracing him that those consolations thou wouldest give me have increased my dispaire and if ever thy good fortune bring thee back to the place where thy divine Mistris reigneth Tell her thou hast seene the deplorable Polexander at the point to finish by some new kinde of death the incredible torments that her absence throwes on him That is not it which you have promised me replide Pallantus neither expect that I will ever speake of you to my faire Mistris if you doe not persever in the resolution to suffer for her I will then said our Heroë since t is for her glory and preserving my selfe even in the height of my torments I will hazard nothing but what I shall be inforced by the just desire of reseeing that incomparable Marvell Polexander after he had spoake thus imbraced Pallantus againe and giving him the last farewell returned to the three Princes that staied in the Isle Much adoe he had to remaine the rest of the day with them He spoake of nothing but of going away and asking sometimes Iphidamantus and otherwhiles Zelmatida what they intended to doe would willingly have left them both in the comp●…y of Bajazet But Zelmatida whose griefes made him as full of anguish as Polexander intreated him to be received as a companion of his fortune and that he would obtaine his liberty from Bajazet speake no more of liberty said the illustrious Corsary to him t were to offend the friendship we have begun to use tearms which are not practised but amongst enemies Know then you are free if I be so and though it be very distastfull to me to lose so deare company yet preferring your content b●…fore mine owne I yeeld to your separation But added he addressing himselfe to Polexander as well as to Zelmatida doe not leave me alone in my affliction and since Iphidamantus hath no passion that presseth him intreat for me that he will vouchsafe to abide here that by his presence I may preserve to me a part of your selfe Iphidamantus who among these so sensible and despairing Lovers seemed content and unpassionate Stood not to be intreated neither by his brother nor Zelmatida to grant Bajazet what he requested But saide he since there is or ought to be charity in those that are in health to be industrious for the cure of such sick persons that are not altogether desperate 'T is just that I forsake Polexander and Zelmatida to abide with Bajazet This last hath great wounds but they are not incurable and by consequence time and remedies are not lost in assisting him But for you two said he turning himselfe to his brother and Zelmatida there is no helpe at all for you but in the speedy losing your selves Go then generous afflicted men goe search for shipwracks precipices poysons and death This discourse ended The foure Princes often imbraced one another and gave so equall thankes that it had beene very hard to know who were those that had obliged or those that received the obligation After these compliments succeeded the protestations of their eternall friendship and reciprocall promises to let one another know of their affaires as often as they had meanes Polexander and Zelmatida unwilling to depart without paying their Hostes sent two chaines of Diamonds and two of Emeraulds to the Corsaries and by that Present left with them a more advantageous opinion of their merits then the miracles of their valour had beene able to make them conceive Bajazet forgot not that he owed his life to Diceus but gave him a triangle
of three Dimonds which the Portingalls valued at more then a hundred thousand crownes These liberalities ended the foure Princes at last tooke leave of each other Iphidamantus aboade with Bajazet Polexander and Zelmatida being shipped in one same vessell began a voyage wherein they proposed to themselves none other end but the continuation of their afflictions The End of the first Part of Polexander The second Part of POLEXANDER The first Booke THat blind and capricious power which hath chosen for the foundation of its Throne the instability of the waters was so cruell to our despairing Lovers that from Bajazets Isle till he came within ken of the Coasts of Morocco would not oblige them with any apparance of a tempest Polexander vexed with so fatall a gratification made continuall prayers against the calme and his life And Zelmatida sending to Heaven a thousand pitifull supplications besought it with teares by a sudaine death to deliver him from the misfortune of not seeing Isatida Whilst they thus vainly afflicted one another their ship passed from the torrid Zone to the temperate and leaving behinde them the fearefull plaines of the Ocean came neere the Coastes of Africa The Marriners had already descryde the smoaking point of that Mountaine the highest in the world which the Spaniards call Pico de Teyda and Polexander was come out of his Cabin with the Indian Prince to shew him that wonder of the Isle of Teneriffe and by consequence a part of his Dominions When he saw shine among the waves I know not what that sometimes seemed to him glistering as gold and otherwhile red as fire This strange object interrupted his sad meditations and holding him fixed by his eyes gave him such impatiencies and curiosities where withall a minde so abated as his in all likelihood was not capable After he had beene sometime in this contemplation he that was on the scuttle cryde out that he saw a ship on fire At that noise Polexander turned away his eyes from the object which he scarce any longer saw through his long earnest looking on it and by this diversion almost recovering his sight tooke notice that that which had so long amazed him was the vessell which the Sentinell had discovered Presently he commanded his Pilot to beare up to it and when he was at a distance proportionable to his sight he knew that the ship was not on fire as the Sentinell imagined but that it bore sayles of the colour of fire and glittered with gold in divers places This vessell said he to himselfe is too stately and rich for a ship of warre or merchandize The Princes of Morocco have none so brave It cannot be Baj●…zets O heaven Shall I beleeve it said he Yes most assuredly t is the sacred ship of Alcidiana He stopped at that word and musing a while on his imagination doubt not said he aloud in striking Zelmatida on the arme 't is the very same What Said Zelmatida is that there Our Heroë came to himselfe and beseeching the Prince to pardon his transport Either all likelihood deceives me or the vessell which you see is the same which for the space of two yeeres I have unprofitably sought after Goe up to it then replide Zelmatida I intend it said Polexander But wee must have a care that she doe not escape us as she hath done divers times And in finishing these words he was come so neere her that he noted the Devices that were painted on the sailes You might see shine againe that immortall Bird that seemed to have made her a Crowne with the very Beames of the Sun and they read in some places some Arabian words which signified I am sacred for I am Alcidiana's Wee need doubt no more cryde Polexander to your armes my Companions let every one prepare him to doe his best But let none what ere he be dare to shoote till I command him Whilst he yet spoake the proud vessell presented her right side and gave him foure vallies of Cannon one after another He ran the hazard to be taken off by a bullet which striking along the ship from the prowe to the poope pierced two of the sayles and carried away a peece of one of the Masts For all that Polexander would not have his Artillery discharge but commanding his Marriners to clap on all their sayles thought that Lynceus being prepared for fight had no desire as at other times to save himselfe by flight Whilst he was thus reasoning with himselfe those that were in the rich vessell offended that a little ship should dare to carry her sayles aloft before her would have satisf●…ction and to bring her to her duty discharged all her ordinance at her which pierced her in three places and killed Polexander fifteene or twenty of his men and two of Zelmatida's This act of hostility should have obliged Polexander to repell force by force Yet he did not But aboording the proud ship without shooting he called for Lynceus divers times and crying aloud to make himselfe understood Wee come not up to you said he as enemies wee know that you belong to the most potent and fairest Queene of the world and that knowledge obligeth us to respect you as sacred persons Give over then to war with us since wee are as well as you the slaves and adorers of Alcidiana and if you doe not please to receive us into your ship yet at least accept of us to serve you for direction or convoye Scarce had Polexander finisht these words but a man armed with armour of gold who carried on his buckler the portraict of a Queene presented himselfe on the side of the ship and lifting up his sword I would know said he adressing him to Polexander who are those that dare take to them the glorious title of Alcidiana's slaves The Prince insteed of answering stood as fastned on the buckler of the Knight with the golden armour because he knew that 't was Alcidiana who was there pictured and adoring that face which could not be seene without admiration O thou Sun cryde he that only givest light to mine eyes when shall I be permitted to burne my selfe in thy divine flames He had not ended the last word when the golden Knight stroake with his sword so weighty a blow on his head that if it had not beene covered with a very good Casque he had surely clove●… it in sunder This blowe awakened him from his extasie and forced him to take his weapon in his hand Thy rashnesse is great said he presently to him that strooke him but if thou be either subject or slave to Alcidiana I beare her respect enough to endure this injury I am sent by Alcidiana replide insolently the golden Knight to correct those bold fellowes like thy selfe which dare to vaunt themselves to be the slaves of Alcidiana To me alone appertaines so illustrious a quallity and if thou doe not throw thy selfe at my feet to aske me pardon for being so audacious Know
I lost in the world Heereupon I began to speake and desiring to engage the Hermit to relate his Story You must Father said I if you please take the paines to expresse your self more plainly if you desire to give me the satisfaction of understanding you I would say that passing from these generall propositions to circumstances more particular you would let me know of what nature was the happinesse you have lost and of what kinde that is which you have recovered in your solitude I will obey you Madam said the Dervis though by an expresse commandment from the spirit who conducted me into this Desart if it be forbidden me to publish the secrets of my solitary retreat Know then that I am the Son of a Shepheard who in times past had great and numerous flocks and many strong inclosed pastures in the large Plaines of Numidia The care he had of his beloved sheepe was the cause of his death for being too wilfull in the pursuite of some wilde beastes that would devoure them he himselfe became a prey to those savage Monsters I was left an Orphant by that dismall accident and my tender yeares being not proportionable to the paines that it behooved me to take for the preservation of my flock I left them to the mercy of their enemies and went wandring and desolate through places and Countryes to me altogether unknowne This miserable and wandring life having brought me to such an extremity that I wished for death a hundred times in a day Our great Prophet all shining with as many rayes as he had when he was carried up into heaven appeared to me on the sea strand and taking me up from where I was fallen take heart said he and be not weary of living The superiour power is mooved with thy disfavours and see his comforts come showring downe to sweeten the bitternesse of thy life When he had said thus he vanished and presently I saw glistring through a thicke cloud an Angell more bright then the light it selfe He deigned to be the companion and guide of my Journeys and within a few dayes bounding them by a gift he gave me of an infinite more value then all the goods I had lost promised me too that I should enjoy it till my death Alas I dare say and yet hope I blaspheme not that truth is no where but in Heaven and that even an Angell is not alwaies to be beleeved if he be not in that unchangeable abode I held me most certainely assured of the eternity of my happinesse when my Angell sad and heavy came and pitifully told me that a spirit sent from above for the chasticement of my offences was to constraine him to forsake me Ah! My Angell cryde I doe not leave me And if I have deserved to be punished let me yet in my torments have the consolation to behold thee I have long resisted this black Angell replyde mine Angell of light but there is power given him to overcome me and to torment thee With this my Angell gave a great shrieke and by force was compelled to leave me to the mercy of the most to be feared by Demons that the eternall justice makes use of for the punishing of mankinde I lost with my good Angell all the happinesse and delight that his company gave me and have lived ever since so miserable and tormented that to free me from my persecutor I intended to have killed my selfe A stronger arme then mine staied that blow and the voice of my absent Angell whispring me sometimes in my eare said come into the Desart com into the Desart 't is there where thou shalt recover what thou hast lost I beleeved his promises and streight forsaking the world retyrde me into these Mountaines The Dervis here stopping and I know not what new curiosity obliging me to speake But said I since you have been in these Desarts hath not your Angell performed that which he promised you He hath not only replied the Hermit rendred me the greatest part of the goods I lost but in an apparition said thus himselfe Hope and live The expiation of thy offences is almost accomplished I shall shortly have the freedome to be with thee I am now here but in feare since for my too much loving thee I have gone beyond that which is commanded me from above That faire Angell flew away as soone as he had in this manner comforted me But in that little time he was with me he gave me that contentment that to finish where I begun I can assure you that at this instant I am reestablished in the true possession of that good which I lost in the world Nephizus taking this Dervis for a foole and that his melancholy and austerity made him take these visions for realities would needes see how farre his extravagancies would extend and therefore said he but if it be so as you assure us how is it possible that in one same time when you suffered so many afflictions that at every moment they brought you to the graves brincke and yet in the meane while as you say you enjoyed such happinesse that you even dare to compare them with those which our great Prophet prepares for us in Paradise You might well have resolved the question your selfe said the Dervis if you had looked on me not by what I seeme but by that which I am You beleeve I differ not from other men and 't is that deceives you But I am composed of two different Personages I have one Nature which is proper to me and another which is accidentall Ther 's a strange substance inseperably knit to mine In a word another my selfe lives in me in the same manner as I live in my selfe and as it happens sometimes that nature thrusts into the world bodies which are so lincked the one to the other that they cannot be seperated but by their common dissolution and yet are agitated in one and the same time with divers passions So you see in me a strange concourse or to speake as I ought a miraculous medley of a man and an Angell of a man extreamely afflicted and of another happy When I speake to you of the infinite pleasures that I enjoy in this solitary life I talke to you in the person of that most happy ●…rt of my selfe and when I complaine of my suffrings I speake to you in the name of ●…e person afflicted In full and not to hold you longer in this unpleasing discourse I r●…joyce that I am perfectly happy in my selfe and I am afflicted for being extreamely unfortunate in another Nephizus gathering nothing from this intricate discourse but a confirmation of the Dervis his folly left him and told me that if I tooke pleasure in the extravagancyes of a mad man I had found a meanes for my often diversion Though I was not of the same opinion with the Dervis yet in shew I forgot not to approve of Nephizus opinion and to laugh with him at the
brutishnesse of the Mahometans that hold those for the beloved of God from whom the ill disposition of their Organs or the vapours arising from their spleene have taken away the use of reason Wee came thence late home to the Pallace and because I found my selfe much disquieted I presently retyred into my chamber There began I deepely to muse on the Dervis his discourse and finding nothing in it extravagant nor ought that seemed to me very mysterious I resolved to see him often and to goe thither so fewly accompanied that he might have the freedome to discover to me those mysteries which he had yet concealed Nephizus gave me the occasion two dayes after for he receiving letters from Abdelmelec by a Mute who served him in those great imployments he was of necessity to goe to Fez and from Fez to Morocco He left me in the custody of an old Ethiopian Eunuque who was the most favoured of all his Confidents and the depositary of all his secrets commanding him at parting not to let me be out of his sight nor to suffer me to go abroade but very seldome Narcissus so was the name of the Ethiopian witnessed a great faithfulnesse to his Master but he did it with so much judgement and respect that he never gave me cause to complaine of him and still concealed all newes that might increase my afflictions Now one day thinking on my Hermit and presently urged with a desire to see him and to understand the secret of his adventures I intreated Narcissus to bring me to his Grot. He was so confident that I would never undertake any thing against that which I ought to Nephizus that he would not deny me a thing which was not precisely forbidden him I went therefore to the Hermit with five or six of my women and the Eunuques which garded me As soone as the poore solitary man could speake to me a part I expected said he to me nothing but death and seeing my selfe deprived of that light which should dissipate the obscurity of this place I wished even with passion to see my selfe inveloped with that darkenesse which shall never have end But I know now that the visible Angell that hath so often given me his assistance is resolved to continue it to me Surely Madam I promise my selfe new favours of his goodnesse and confesse I have offended in suspecting that divine Essence to be as mortall creatures subject to change and forgetfulnesse With this the Hermit held his peace and I that had an extreame desire to know what was hidden under his mysterious speech told him that if I understood well the meaning of his discourse that his fortune was not altered since he complained then as he had done other times before How replied he should the effects of my misfortune cease since the cause of it still endures I complaine and lament far lesse then I suffer But since that beyond all hope my tutelar Angell restores to me that light that he hath so long hid from me I make a vow never to be weary of expecting it and how long soever his absence be to hope still for the end If my curiosity said I may be satisfied without your discontent I intreat you by that which is most deare to us to let me know what Angell that is which you mention so often and what that passion is which obligeth you to draw out so miserably your life among these Rocks and places of fearefull solitude At this intreaty the Hermit sighed oftentimes and being a while silent whereto am I brought said he in Spanish if my Angell knowes not what I suffer and doth not know it selfe He had scarce ended these words when I gave so fearefull a shreeke that all my servants came running to me and asked what I ailed O heaven said I how have I beene affrighted Me thought I saw at the foote of the Hermit a Lyon who awaking at our discourse was ready to leape at me The old Narcissus began to laugh at my vision and advised me to take the aire to divert me I presently arose to put in action that which he proposed but the Hermit holding me b●… the skirt of my gowne what said he in Spanish faire Princesse doe you beleeve that by inhabiting these solitary Cavernes I am become one of the furious beasts of the Wildernesse Those words were so powerfull a charme to stay me that I stood as unmooveable But the Hermit not perceiving it can it be said he in the same language that you who have been moved with my afflictions when you knew me not should leave to be piti●…ull in the same instant when you knew me Consider Ennoramita ô be pleased to take notice that I am not permitted before so many suspected persons to beseech and solicit you further to have commiseration on my miseries Our common enemies have their eyes over us and I lose you if I continue to petition you Stay yet but a moment and say what shall become of me I can but answere thee to be lamented Muley said I in Spanish for indeed 't was he I am too much interdicted to take or to give thee any good councell yet expect in this place to heare from me Farewell With that word the teares came into mine eyes and I came out of the Caverne with so extraordinary a sadnesse that Narcissus besought me to seeke no more so unpleasing a diversion I confesse said I to him there is nothing but discontent in so sad a conversation I have my minde filled with horrour and find that my communication with the afflicted increaseth my afflictions in lieu of lest'ning them This said I returned thence speedily to my Prison and being shut into my chamber with my faithfull Atalida Ah my friend said I what have I heard What have I seen this day Why Madam she replyde are you yet in feare of your imaginary Lyon Why do'st not thou know said I what I doe My astonishment proceeds from a more just cause If you should have found said she the unfortunate Muley under the habit of the Hermit you had not beene more desolate then you are Thou hast divined cryde I 't is he Atalida t is Muley himselfe I knew him when hee spake Spanish to me But who hath brought him into these Deserts What will he doe here What will become of him If you would calme your perturbation answered Atalida I will reply to your questions and without the preventing your wit with any passionate counsell will leave you the liberty to deliberate your selfe in a businesse so important For al that Atalida could say to me yet my transporting must have its course Above an houre was I in admirations and turning in my disordered minde a thousand thoughts farre more confused At last I setled my selfe and then said Atalida speaking very low for feare of being heard T is fit that I discover that which great considerations have forc'd me to conceale from you I confesse I knew
that watchest for the generall good of the world what have I done to thee that I should be the party belov'd of Benzaida After he had ended this exclamation he turn'd himselfe towards me and ask'd me whither I would go T is no matter where I replied provided it be there where I may find the Prince of Fez. Provided that it be where you may find the Prince of Fez replied Tindarache O Too happy Prince if thou knew'st thy happinesse Let s go Let 's go Madam after that ingratefull Man Let us search for that enemy of his owne good Let 's compell him to accept the good Fortune he refuseth and if there want but my life to make him true I am content that you bestow it on your passion The love and Noblenesse of that Prince touch'd me so to the heart that I was forc'd to impose him silence for feare least his speech should make me too sensible He was no lesse obedient to me in that then in all other things and I beleeve that wee cros'd the seas and a part of Fez and Morocco without any talke aboue five or six times I found thee not in either of the Kingdomes but I understood that the love thou barest to Ennoramita Princess of Tunis had made thee undertake a voyage on the Ocean I therefore left Morocco and went to imbarque my selfe at Azafi to see if I could meet thee at Sea or at least to passe the streights and finde thee at Tunis but being ingaged to stay at Azafi to attend a Portugall ship I was I know not by what odnesse of Fortune seen and desired by four Castilian Knights who seem'd to be very Inquisitive of mee And not contented to have entertain'd me in their Inne shipped themselves with me and did what they could to win me not to forsake their conversation I avoyded it yet as often as it was possible and heaven hearing my prayers Stir'd up so furious a Tempest that it gave the Spanyards farr other thoughts then those of pratling to me After our ship had bin three dayes and three nights beaten with the Tempest it came to shyde on to an Island which is now famous by the stately Tombe of a Prince called Almansor There wee went on shore to expect fairer weather and give time to the Mariners to trym their ship and I that would avoid the sight of the four troublesome Spanyards I caus'd me to be conducted by Tindarache to a village which is not farre from the sea But I could not keep me from the curiosity of those mad men They followed mee and stopping me between a wood and a many rocks told me that they were come to serve me and not to offer me any outrage Wee are said they four Cozens who are equally in love with you and because our affection is too violent to endure any companions we are resolved to fight in your presence to give an end to the cause of our jealousy and leave you the prize for the vanquisher Though my minde was busied about nothing but the remembrance of thy ingratitude perjur'd Nephizus yet the extravagancy of those men was capable to stay my musings I gave Heaven thankes that it made me see a folly which was not lesse extraordinary then mine and told those Lovers that I found their loves so unreasonable and the person who was the cause of it so unworthy the fortune they would run for her that I advis'd them to continue freinds and give over an enterprize that could be no other then very unfortunate to them That must not stay us if you please they replyed since of four that we be there will be no mishap but for him that shall survive his companions and in ending these words they threw off their doublets and came to meet one another with their Swords drawn The Combat was very short though very bloody and indeed it could not be otherwise since 't was done by the advice and guidance of so murderous and furious a passion as that of love Three presently fell down dead and the fourth his sword red with the blood of his Cozens came and cast himselfe at my feet to aske me the prize for his victory Tindarache till then had shewed so little feeling that not being able to doubt of his courage after the proofes that he had given me of it I thought that by the remembrance of thy false promises I was not to give any more trust to his faire words But when he saw the Spanyard at my feet Knight said he to him you make too much hast and having not yet done but the halfe of your businesse you stick not to aske the salary for the whole Doe you think that I am lesse Jealous or not so cleare-sighted as you Spanyards Truely answered the other you surprize me Your leane and disfigur'd countenance your reeling and weak walking and the feeblenesse of your armes made me beleeve that you rather look'd for some Physitian to cure you then for an Enemy to cut off some one or two of those dayes that were yet to live Notwithstanding since you beseech me for it in so good a manner I am pleased not to have you to languish any longer but to kill you a little more speedily then your melancholy would have done Tindarache in lieu of replying to that arrogant answer did but smile and taking his Sword in his hand told his enemy that he besought him to make an end of his Cure The other whose new victory had made him more proud then he was by birth went on very resolutely to Tindarache The Prince met him as bravely and at first gave him such a dangerous wound that he forc'd him to put one knee to the ground The Spanyard seeing his strength go away with his blood furiously rose up to avenge himselfe of his vanquisher but he who knew how much his preservation imported me recoyl'd still in warding in that manner let him lose the rest of the strength blood that was left him Atlast that unfortunate Castilian fel backwards not being able to speak by reason of the blood which came out of his mouth he took a handkercher which he steep'd in his wound and after he had kissed it threw it towards me Tindarache who was not wounded came to me and seeing me affrighted Away Madam said he let 's away from this dismall Island wherein Love hath been the cause of shedding so much blood and let us go find out the happy Prince of Fez. I took the advice of that generous Lover and after I had given order to the Inhabitants of that Bourg whereinto I was retyr'd for the buriall of the Spanyards I re-imbark'd my selfe in the same Ship which had brought me thither The violence of the tempest had put the Portugull Ship to that necessity that they were forc'd to return to Azafie and there I left them and came back to Morocco where I understood that thou wert at Fez. Presently
that she tooke notice of it and knowing him was so strucken with greife that she fell into a swoon Assoone as her Women had brought her againe from her fainting She commanded her Squire to take that miserable creature from under the Charriot divers alighted to obey her and taking Polemander by the armes and head made him by force to let go his hold on one of the wheeles But assoon as they had pulled him off he threw himselfe on againe and those that would have hindred him could not doe it so wel nor the Charioteer so fitly take his time to put on but that one of the wheels ran over his right leg which pain he indured so patiently that no body perceived it and though he could scarce keepe himselfe up yet followed her more then a league on foot still caling on the Name of Infeliciana wishing her a happy Iourney He remain'd still in these violent passions and begg'd from Heaven eithera speedy death or the return of that beauty When he was told that she had forgotten her promises and given her selfe to one of the house of the Palatine T is very hard to expresse the excesse of Sorrow which that infidelity brought on Polemander But when he was in the height of his griefe he heard that Infeliciana was dead with sorrow for having left him for another Polemander after he had related all this stood a while speechlesse at last surmounting his passions and wiping off his teares he addressed him to the Prince of Morocco and discovering the Picture of Infeliciana I come said he to maintain that there is not a beauty in the world which should not give place to this Abdelmelec would have made an answer to that speech conformable to his peevish humour but the Judges of the field intreated him to give them leave to doe their charge and addressing them to Polemander Your intent said they is praise-worthy but it is contrary to the Lawes of this Turney the Prince Abdelmelec hath undertaken it to make all Knights confesse that Alcidiana is the rarest beauty in the World She who is pictured on your Buckler is dead and by consequence how faire soe ever She hath been she can be no more compar'd with Alcidiana That beauty which is no more is as a beauty that hath never been Judge after this If you may be received to the combat and whither Abdelmel●…c should hazard the glory of Alcidiana to ruinate that of a Shadow of a Name of a Picture of nothing Polemander had too much witt to stand without an answer He then replyed to the Judges that it was to wrong that beauty which he adored to beleive that death had been powerfull enough to destroy it That she Lived not onely in his heart and in the memory of men but in heaven where she shines fairer then She did on Earth and where She was assur'd of her immortality The Judges who knew how farre the gallantry of a Lover mightextend hearkned very favourably to Folemander but answering him in few words that a dead beauty could not be set in comparison with a living one they intreated him to retire til he had gotten a new Mistris give place to those that were yet to run Polemander loath to be noted by an unreasonable wilfulnesse the very same day got towards his shipping and after his setting sayle within few dayes happily arrived at Beyone The while Abdelmelec seeing the Sun ready to set promis'd to himselfe to goe victorious out of the Turney and bragged already amongst his Courtiers that the Theife who had stolne from him the Picture of Alcidiana durst not forsake his vessell nor appeare in so famous an Assembly But the pretended Thiefe was come and had it not been for Ennoramita's intreaty had long before made him with his Honor lose also the boldnesse of continuing his boastings Whilst that Princesse sate desperate of seeing him come in whom her heart and Eyes so servently long'd for She saw enter a Knight clad after the same manner as are the Knights of Senega and Thombut he was followed by six black Slaves and mounted on a Black Barbary caparison'd with Olive-colour Velvet cut into the fashion of Oake●…-leaves and when he was before the Judges he ask'd them leave to speak and to fight Abdelmelec who was gone to meet him and had received him with a courtesie that was not natural to him intreated that before he told what he was he would shew his Buckler The Knight took off a taffata of the colour of dead leavs that was upon it shew'd him a prodigions shape instead of a Lady's picture 'T was a living death He had caused to be painted a body which in all parts was half bare to the bone and half cover'd with flesh One side of her face seem'd very faire and the other shew'd nothing but bones Abdelmelec was affrighted at the sight of it and asked of the Knight whither he had caus'd that Monster to be pictur'd in contempt of ALCIDIANA Such as she is said he she is more fair then your Queen and could you see he Originall as you now see but the Copy you will avow to the shame of Alcidiana that this body so faire in those places by which she seemes to be living is the sole object whereto all Princes owe their affections and services But that I may let nothing stick in your minde to hinder you from being of my opinion Know that picture you see is that of a Princesse who lately was adored through all Africa She is faire in the highest degree but she is more unfortunate her body which by a particular priviledg preserves all her beauties in her mseries is accompanied with a minde that incessantly dies and which is equally devour'd by love and hatred by duty and aversion If Christians who have the liberty of re-presenting all things by their colours had the Art of painting mindes you should see the fairest body of the world joyn'd to a minde even like death it selfe But what my Painter could not doe one way he hath done in another and not being able to make the mind seen with the body he hath divided the body it selfe and painted the one part alive and the other dead The Starre under whose aspect I took possession of earth gave me not life but to consecrate it to this faire Princesse I loved her before I was of fit age to know her and I adored her assoone as I was capable of reason I left Africa to try by the knowledge of strange virtues and manners to acquire such qualities as were worthy of her after 3 years carying her to an excesse which I had nocause to hope drew me out of the dirt to raise me even to the Skies My Rivalls were amazed at my good fortune and their pride not permitting them to suffer it they e●…ployed forces more to be feared and more powerfull then their own to compel me from that place of pleasure I was
stricken by the same hand whence I expected my protection and my miserable soule exposed to eternall tortures was condemn'd towander incessantly through the solitary Deserts of Numidia Ennoramita could not longer be in quiet after the hearing of those last words without testifying by her cries that she was that Dead-living-Lady or rather that dead-one reviv'd who was painted on the buckler of the desolate Knight she doubted not but he that had spoken was Muley Hassen and throwing her on the Neck of her confident who was seated neere her Atalida said she marke that Knight t is Muley t is Muley without doubt But let 's heare the continuation of his History and mine Muley who had not been interrupted by Ennoramita's agitation thus continued on his Narration Some short time after I was confined to the deserts of Numidia my Princess as if shee had been guilty for not loving her Enemy was deliver'd over to his fury and condemned to a punishment that was to last as long as she had either faith or life T is even he said againe Ennoramita Good Heaven How discreet is he to hide what should not be known She implor'd not the mercy of her Judges said the Knight to make them lenify the sentence of er Condemnation but seeing that it could not be revok'd she went willingly to her torture and in the height of her torments exceedingly blessed the Executioners for giving her so illustrious means to make her virtues the more renowned In the meane time I led on a miserable life among the precipices and mountaines having no more to hope for in the world I went out of it by a voluntary retirement and sequester'd my selfe into the Caverns of our Mountaine Atlas O how wife was he in the art of love who said that Love is a just Master and if so be wee would suffer and have patience wee shall infallibly receive the wages we have deserved I had not there abandon'd the World six moneths with the hopes that had so pleasin gly stayd me there when the very voice of my faire Princess call'd mee thence O heaven cried out Ennoramita he Speakes of that time when he was a Hermit and that I visited him with Nephizus That visible Angell continued Muley took the payn to descend into my solitary vault and by a light derived from her selfe to expell the obscurity of my cavern I saw that miracle I spake to her I told her my afflictions I Petitioned that I might aveng her and offered to lose my selfe for her safety But unwilling to have any other will then hers I intreated that I might be once for all commanded what I should doe I would have thee live said shee but not live contented since I am unfortunate Give over then this manner of obscure and dismall life and get thee far hence making the renowne of thy actions to sound so farre that the noyse of them may come into my eares My Honour and faith forbid me to have any particular communication with thee but they forbid mee not to rejoyce in thy Fame O poore Prince said Amatonta softly how well hath he concea'ld that which I spake in banishing him from my presence I obeyed without resistance continued the Knight a command that was so glorious for mee and so worthy the vertue of my Princess I put my selfe into the Armies of mine own Enemies and during two yeares serv'd them so well that it was my fault alone if I brought no other fruits thence then that of Honour Hee lies not said Ennoramita but alas what hath he done since Whence comes he now I was on the point said the Knight to put in execution one of the fairest enterprizes that a faithfull Musulman could conceive against the Christians when they who were imployed in the Secrecies of my affection gave me intelligence that my Princess had been taken away from that place wherein her Ty ant had long time kept her prisoner and conducted into some other that was not known but to her Tormentors Presently I forsook my Armes and infallible designes and under the habit you now see mee in have traviled from the one end of Africa to the other Two yeares now or rather two ages have I wandered from Province to Province from Sea to Sea from Isle to Isle to l●…arn newes of my faire unfortunate Princess and to Know whether I should live or dye to the end to have the contentment to be neere her But getting nothing that might cleare me of my doubts I liv'd as if my Princess lived yet and dyed as if I were sure of her death Love which usally is accompanied with feare hath changed his wonted custome it ma be to make me languish the more and in spight of me would have me to hope stily 'T is that hope but imperfect hope which hath brought me hither and makes me main●…taine that the princess whom I adore is the most accomplished be it for beauty of body or that of the Soule of all the Princesses this day living Assone as Muley-Hassen for 't was he had finished his history there grew a humming or muttering noyse from the midst of the Auditors and presently after some shouts and talke which intimated that he had given satisfaction to all the Company But if the rumour had not taken from the faire and constant Amatonta Ennoramita the liberty of being heard O how had the publique joy been augmented ●…and the shoutes and clapping of the hands been redoubled In the meane time the Heraulds imposing silence Abdelmelec began to speake and told Muley that though in the causing him to lose his Buckler there would be nothing gotten to Alcidiana or himselfe yet he was glad that he should make an end of the day by his defeat Muley answered nothing to that boasting but went to take one of the strongest lances that was in the field and brought his Horse gently to the end of the Tilt. The Trumpetters that were weary with calling so many Knights sounded for the last time and seeing the Sun set invited by a hasty sounding our two Princes to a speedy decision of their difference At the parting of Muley Ennoramita grew pale and if she had not lean'd on one of her Women She had infallibly discovered that she was Interested in the Iust. 'T is a strange malady or rather a pleasant folly this Love Ennoramita knowes how strong her Lover is how expert and how many more redoubtfull Knights then Abdelmelec he hath overthrown yet she feares least some disgrace betide him and that the same Demon which had so many yeares persecuted her should enter into the body of Abdelmelec or at least-guide his arme and lance so that Muley might receive an affront from him But whil'st she was in these feares the hardy Hassen astonish'd his adversary and all the Spectators with his vigor and dexterity He had already broken three lances and at all the three courses carried away the Honor from
his own wonderful acts is bound to beleeve those of His life I feare not to relate to you a Life as miraculous as any of those Heroes of whom your Forefathers and ours have made them their first Gods Some have bin of opinion that Kings receiv'd from Heaven some advantages which were not granted to other men I have known divers Kings who have made me doubt of the verity of that beliefe But having the honor to know you withal Polexander as I do I am forc'd to confesse that as there are Kings who are alwayes children there are others too who are men in their Infancy Without giving then ought to my affection without soothing I dare say that my King is of those last and that he came into the world with those excellent qualities which age Study and experience sell to ordinary men at so deare rates His Soule in her descent from Heaven preserv'd retayn'd al it had receiv'd in the 〈◊〉 of her originall Her descent or fall made her not lose or forget any thing She was c●…eated full of knowledge and so entred compleat into the habitation appointed for her and in spight of all the fetters and vayles of the body kept still her prime agility and fi●…t illuminations But it was very fit and I dare say absolutely necessary that Polexander should be borne with those qualities which are seen but in very few Princes for it would have bin a peice of prodigie if there had come ought that was any way vulgar from Periander the wonder of his age and Axiamira the Admiration and glory of her times The Prince which for good cause I alwayes call incomparable was borne in this Island and with his life receiv'd the Crown of almost all the Canaryes Not that he had his extraction from those barbarous Kings which heretofore raign'd here His derivation is more glorious being descended from two of the greatest houses that ever flourished in Europ The one is that of the Kings of France and the other of the Emperors of Constantinople It is but little lesse then three hundred yeares since the French had for their King a Prince who for the sanctity of his life hath been thought worthy to be ran●…d in the number of the Semy-Gods This King had a Brother call'd Charles of Anjou The greatnesse of whose courage and renown of his virtues acquird him the Crowns of the two Sicylyes and Ierusalem From that Prince in a direct line from Father to Son is Polexander descended and if Fortune had not too cruelly exercis'd on that house that horrible fury wherewithall she useth to break Septers and over-tumble Thrones he should be now as his Predecessors have been King of the best part of Italy Greece and Thrace But those of Arragon on the one side and the Paleologues on the other and lastly the Turks have depriv●…d him of the inheritanee of his Ancestors and left him nothing but most just causes to be sensible of their common usurpations But alas I know not whether I should wish that Polexander might change the affection he hath to Alcidiana for an inclination to ●…evenge For when I think on the disasters which are fatally linck'd to such an enterprize and reflect on the unfortunate life and Tragicall death of the great Periander I feare that which I have most passionatly desired and requested of Heaven even that the King my Master might never think on those Territories which his Predecessors had lost The famous Ama●…ontus Father of Periander seeing that by the remissenesse of the last Paleologue Constantinople fell into the hands of the Turke and besides many times but vainely attempting to make the Easterlings arise in A●…es against their Tyrants had such a detestation to a people so infamous that to lose their memory with the sight of them he forsook Greece desirous to seek out in some other end of the world a place of retirement where he might live unknown But Fortune who soon repented her of the injustice done to so great a Prince brought him into these Seas and in lieu of the most rich Crown of the World which she had taken from him gave him the fairest and most delightfull I meane that after she had long time made him wander on the Ocean she brought him to cast Anchor and land on this Isle the very day whereon the Inhabitants were assembled to chuse them a King He was called to this Little Monarchy by the consent of all and in lesse then three or four yeares made himselfe so much valued amongst those of the neighbor Islands that in emulation of one another they would needs have him for their Commander After the death of that Prince his Son Periander not only succeeded him but to extend the bounds of this little Empire drove the Portugalls out of the Isles they had guarded and without doubt might have gotten the Crown of Spaine it selfe if the desire of recovering his ancient inheritance had not engag'd him in a War with the Turk In his first voyage into the Levant he marryed with a Grecian Princesse call'd Axiamira who by her spirit and virtue made it well appeare that she came from that Heroick blood which had so often triumph'd over the Monarches of Asia He returned hither with that Princesse and within the four or five first yeares of his marriage had on her Polexander Iphidamantus and Cydaria Assoone as he saw himselfe made happy by so fair a posterity he thought on the meanes to make their condition equall to that of his Predecessors and to that end renewing the Treaties wherein the Knights of Rhodes and many other Princes of Christendome would have before time engaged him he undertook a busines which as impossible as it seem'd he had infallibly effected had it not been for the treason or cowardize of his Allyes He got him secretly to Rhodes and not finding matters there as he had been by some made to hope would therefore be himselfe his owne Agent He travell'd alone through all Greece visited all the Princes of the Imperiall house who were banished into the Islands of the Mediterranean passed thence into Syria to cause the Heyres of the house of Antioch to take armes and lastly disguiz'd like a Turke came to Constantinople where he abode neer six moneths and dealt with so many Christians during that time by the mediation of the Patriark that he thought himselfe powerfull inough to drive thence the Turke Thence he returned to Rhodes with that good hope and having wrought his enterprize to it's perfection at least he thought so he departed from that Island with an army which should have been invincible Assoon as he arriv'd he made himselfe Master of those Castles which shut up the mouth of the Hellespont and by that surprise threw so great a terror into Constantinople that Bajazet was on the point to forsake it Periander entred into the Propontis and s●…iz'd on the Isles of Marmora and Calomina in spight of
all the strength the Turk had at Sea Petarded the City of Gallipolis and entring it by the helpe of the Christians made havock of the Turkes and receiving intelligence that all the Fleet of his Allyes was at the entry of the Hellespont resolv'd not to give the I●…dels time to bethink themselves and therefore sayld streight to Constantinople and meeting the great Turks Navy a daies saile from the Town fought with it and put it to flight His victory was his losse For all his Soldiers being loaden with the spoyles of their Enemies and masters of many thousand Slaves began to lose their first valour and to thinke of a retreat Periander finding this dangerous a●…teration in a second conflict caus'd all the Slaves and booty to be thrown overboord and to satisfie the covetousnesse of the Soldier told them that he gave in prey to them all the riches which the Turkes had in Constantinople This promise pacified not the sedition he was forc●…d to chastize many o●…●…e m●…eers and defend himselfe from the rest as much or more then from his very Enemies The Turk by his Spyes advertiz'd of this disorder would make his benefit of it and thereupon return'd on Periander and fought with him with six times more forces then the other had The Christian Army in lieu of advancing recoyl'd The Traytors in that occasion made themselves known what they were some yeelded to the Turke others got the Archi-pelagus and Periander after he had fought a day and a night with a handfull of men was with the blow of a Stone-Engine strook downe and halfe dead as he was chain'd and carried to Constantinople A little time after this mis-fortune there arrived here a Portugall ship which without doubt was expressely sent hither to search out the state of the Isles and to publish the defeate of Periander Assoone as the Queen his wife heard these most sad newes she stood not to deliberate what she was to do She commanded me to stay here with the authority of Vice-Roy and taking Polexander Iphidamantus and Cydaria imbarqued in one of her vessells and without any other consideration or advisement then that of running a like fortune with her husband came to Constantinople The day She arriv'd there Bajazet who by the taking of Periander had dissipated all the designes of his enemies Celebrated the feast of his eldest Sonnes Circumcision and had caused to be pubilshed that in acknowledgment of so many prosperities which his Prophet had so miraculously showr'd on him he promis'd on the word of a King to grant to the first miserable unfortunate Creature that should present it self before his Highnes al●… that should be demanded from him Axiamira imagining that this proclamation was made for her came with her children into the place appointed for the magnificence of the sports and assoone as she had seen the King her Husband passe by amongst an infinite number of slaves She cleft the crowd of people and threw her selfe with her two Sonnes and Daughter at the foot of Bajazets Throne Cast down your eyes great King said she on these three Innocents and their unfortunate Mother They are come on the day of thy triumph to lay open to thee their calamities and to implore thy pity They have heard that by an acknowledgment worthy thy Piety thou hast promis'd to heaven thou wilt deny nothing to the first unfortunate and miserable wretch that shall have recourse to thy clemency See O King behold a Subject on whom thou may'st fully exercise that Queen of Virtues These three little Infants do beg of thee to give them their Father and I the miserable and wretched Mother beseech thy Majesty to restore to me my Husband Before I tell you the successe of her Petition 't will be fitting that I relate an action by which Polexander who was then but seaven yeares old astonished all the Ottoman Court and made the first shew of those wonders which have made him the prime Prince of Christendome Assoon as the Queen his mother had made him kneel he rose againe and looking on Bajazet with a boldnesse more then his age promised ascended to the highest steps of the Throne and took hold of the Kingly Scepter The great Turk took pleasure in his action and stroaking Polexander asked him in Greek whither he likewise came to intreate any thing of him The young Prince that understood the language because 't was almost naturall to him answer'd Bajazet yes and still kept hold of the Scepter I aske from thee what the Queen my Mother desires and do not refuse me for I shall not be ever a Child Bajazet began to laugh at that threatning and yet thinking on it as if it came from some other then a Child he turned him towards the Mufti that was on his right hand and causing him to take notice of Polexanders speech to him This Child said he makes me call the Traytor Scanderbeg to my remembrance The glorious Mahomet my Lord and Father whose Soule raignes now with our Prophet sometime told me that the Prince of Albania being but a child spake to him in snch a manner as he pre-judg'd he would in time be a man of extraordinary ranck and value and T is to be feared least This prove a second Scanderbeg But let 's know what his Mother demandeth and in so saying he commanded Capi-Aga who was his Favourite to take Polexander and set him againe by Axiamira The little Prince would not descend but by force and shaking his head set his hands on the Aga's Cimyter The Aga only laughed at it and taking him from neer the Turk commanded the Queen his Mother to keep him with her In the meane time Bajazet looked on Axiamira with a kind of pity and at last addressing him to the Princesse Thy Petition is just said he to her and our word is inviolable Tell me who is thy husband and I promise to restore him to thee Before I part from this place Axiamira therewith shewed him Periander and Bajazet seeing whereto he was engaged changed both his action and colour After he had let work his first agitations he resumed his Majesty and touching the head of Axiamira with his Scepter Thy husband said she shall be delivered thee But get thee hence farre eenough from our face most justly incensed and never dare to be so hardy as to present thy selfe againe before us Assoone as this sentence was pronounced Axiamira was taken with her Children by some of the Sultan's Guard conducted back to her ship and a little while after foure M●…tes brought Periander to the Queen his Wife but they brought him strangled This cruelty was seconded by another Those Hang-men questionlesse had order to take away Polexander but mistaking instead of him they seized on Iphidamantus for all the cryes and Teares of his Mother and gave command in the name of the great Tutk to those whom the Basha of the Sea had put into Axiamiras ship not to leave
of thinking no more on worldly businesse She thereupon writ to the King her son that she desired to see him for some urging occasions and conjur'd him by her letter that leaving for some time the businesse of Warre he should make a turne to the place of her retirement she writ the same to me and commanded me to bring back to her the King her sonne The Prince who was endu'd with all virtues in the highest degree put it not in deliberation whether he should obey the Queen but told me that wee were to retire to his Mother the Honour wee acquire by Armes is worthyly to be desired but I beleeve that to be no lesse which is gotten by doing what we ought 'T is true said I and therefore you ought if you please to give without delay the Queen your Mother the contentment she expects by your presence Come said he let 's give it her but before we goe hence try if we can see our Enemies He needed not goe farre to be satisfied for the day before our imbarquing the Portingalls return'd on us and fail'd little of surp●…izing that port where the Kings ships attended him There was a furious conflict wherein without adding any thing to the truth Polexander secur'd the Honour of his Armes and dis-ingaged both his men shipping The Enemies Fleet retir'd to the Isle of Palmes I thought it had been out of feare but the next morning I knew 'T was out of cunning The Kings departure was not so secretly kept but that the news of it came to the Enemy whereupon they resolved to fight with him at Sea and by taking of the King to make an end of those warres wherewithall he threatned al Spaine For mine one part who dayly took care for the conducting the Prince I left al our vessels in the roade of Tenerif which was opposite to that of the Palmes and one night crossing one of the Islands caus'd the King to imbarpue himselfe at a port over against that of Gomera At daie breake wee set saile and in a little time our vessel had gone by all the Canaries but entring into a sleeve or narrow passage which seperated this Is●…and from the Fortunate we discovered ●…ve saile which surely expected us They made up and the feare I was in for the King my Master redoubling my foresight I commanded Presently our ship should take another course and to regaine on the South the Fortunate Island These five shipps chas'd us all the rest of the day and my Pilot was constrained to goe Roome-ward to Sea that they might not know the course he steer'd Two vessels of provision which followed ours were commanded to bestow some shot to amaze the Enemy Polexander was almost enraged that I would not fight with them He besought me to feare nothing and casting himselfe at my feet my deare Governour said he if you love my life give not the advantage to our Enemies to publish they have made us fly from them What will they say of thee unfortunate Polexander he added in sighing when it shall be known that five poore ships have enforc'd thee to fly as a theefe and forsake a Part of thine owne Company to save thy selfe by their destruction Ah! let me rather dye a thousand deaths And in so saying like one desperate he ran through the ship to oblige the Pilot and Mariners to tack about But the Command I had given could not be chang'd but by me and the Prince prevail'd not in giving any new He took notice of it and presently drawing one of his Guards Swords and turning it on himselfe however said he yet will I not have the dishonour to live after the flight and diobedience of mine one Subjects I stop'd him ere he could wrong himselfe and casting by all obsequiousnesse told him that If he would not be govern'd I should be constrain'd to make use of that authority which the Queen his Mother had given me Doe so my good Governour said he do what you will with me I will indure all provided that I run not away This while Night drew on and with the Night a winde so contrary that I repented me for not landing at the Fortunate Island We were forc'd to strike all our Sayles for feare of being put back to the place from whence we came Which when the young Prince perceived he shew'd an extreame joy for it and told me that Heaven more exorable then I had heard his prayers and would not permit that I should cau●…him to fly any longer The night passing over with a furious Tempest at breake of day we saw our vessell within a Cannon shot of two others We knew thempresently to be Enemies by their flaggs They made up shot and press'd on us so that in spight of us we must fight I wish I were able to represent to you the cheerfullnesse wherewith the young Prince prepar'd him to the combat and the confidence wherewithall he ordered others My companions said he to the Souldiers see how the Justice of Heaven favours us in exposing to your revenge those which have expos'd your families to all that their tyranny had the most barbarous Do not beleeve that these cruell Pyrates give us the chase They would be glad to be further from you But the windes and the waves which they would have so often made confederates in their robberies bring them to you whether they wil or no to the end they might purge themselves by such a delivery of those crimes whereof you might accuse them Consider besides that you are not as these theeves two or three hundred leagues apart from him for whom in particular you are to fight You have your King not only for a witnesse of your actions but also for a companion in your fortune And in so saying he took a halfe Pike and went and plac'd himsel●…e in the most eminent part of the ship The Artillery plaid the best of an houre on both sides at last the two Portugall Vessells drew neer and being grapled with us there began a horrible fight The Canaryans seven or eight times repuls'd their Enemies and forc'd above fifty into the Sea Polexander was in the midst of the combatants Some he stir'd up by his words others by his actions the least resolv'd ran into danger at the sight of their Princes miraculous boldnesse Neverthelesse we were forc'd to forsake our sides and to resist a little longer fortifie our selves on the poope One amongst us in the meane time resolving a couragious and determinate act charged a Culverin on his shoulders and placing himselfe on the highest part of the poope caus'd fire to be given to it The blow was strange It kill'd above twenty Portugalls and the bullet striking through one of their ships without notice taken of it either by Souldier or Mariner they were amaz'd in the height of the fight to see that ship sink right down with all that was in her The Portugalls were so infinitely
terrified and astonish'd by that accident that they utterly lost that eagernesse with which they strove to make themselves Masters of our Vessell In this Intervall we regain'd what we had lost knock'd our Enemies in again to the ship that was left them Polexander no way appear'd daunted in so great a danger but alwayes avoyding me was alwayes amongst his men and still promis'd them the victory Notwithstanding their number was so diminished that we had left us both of Mariners and Souldiers but fifty The Portugalls awakned from their amazement took notice of our weaknesse and about a hundred or sixscore of them flew into our Vessell All the Mariners as well as Souldiers thought now on nothing but how to defend themselves The fight began afresh and not a man of ours was slaine which had not before kill'd at least one of his Enemies Though Polexander was as you may imagine extreamly wearied with so long a toyle yet resisted he couragiously that fatigation and witnessing the greatnesse of his heart ran to assist his people As I followed him and had my Eyes only on him he saw me fall at his feet by two thrusts of pikes which I received at once Ah my Governor is dead cri'd he and in the same instant preventing a Portingall who without doubt came on to dispatch me thrust his sword through the others body He fell dead fast by me but in falling with a Mallet at Armes gave such a blow on the Princes head that he fell with him Though I was sore wounded yet I arose and seeing the King my Master in so ill case I carried him all in a trance into his Cabin and disarmd his head to see whether he had yet any life in him Presently he came to himselfe and streight ask'd me what was become of his Enemies Alas said I what ere is become of them they have their wish and gotten enough by cutting off a Life that was to be so fatall to them I spake it wholly transported with griefe seeing all the Princes haire knotted with blood so that I beleeved he had received so dangerous a blow that it was impossible to save him and so gave him for dead I laid him along on me and carefully search'd his head wherewith he clapt his hand on it and seeing at the drawing it back 't was all bloody I perceive now my good Governor you feare I am much hurt but let it not trouble you for I feele no paine After I had well search'd I saw that he had no wound on his head but that the Axe wherewith he was struck down sliding along his Helmet entred into his shoulder and from the wound it made there came that blood which after he was fall'n ran into his hayre I streight disarm'd him and finding the place where he was wounded I thought the hurt not mortall and so went about to stench the blood which being done I told that Heroe it was fit he should rest a while as he was whilst I went to see in what estate our businesse stood and would send some of his Servants to attend him The generous Prince would have risen but fainting with Weaknesse he grew pale and striving for feare I should perceive how ill he was since said he you think it fitting I will stay here I went presently out of the Cabin and wondring to heare no more noyse got quickly up to know the cause of their silence Truly 't was terribly fearefull and t is possible you never yet heard speak of the like adventure Our Vessell seem'd to me a bloody Scaffold on which had been executed a great number of unfortunate and miserable wretches Of above a hundred and fifty Canaryans and Portugalls which I had left fighting I found not one standing Some were dead others wounded with mortall blowes with sighes and groanes were giving a period to their lamentable Destiny The Portugall Ship too which was grapled with ours at the beginning of the fight had either been forced off ●…y some gust of Wind or unhook'd by some of their own who seeing their Companions so ill handled had thrown themselves into her for their safety After I had been a while as it were out of my self by so dismall a spectacle I re-collected my wits and perceiving by this generall defeate that the King my Master was in some safety I gave thankes to heaven and besought it with all my heart that it would perfect what was begun for the good of Polexander 〈◊〉 view'd all the dead and wounded of our party and found amongst the last a Young Canaryan that serv'd in the Kings Chamber His Name was Diceus and for his age he was an excellent Chirurgion The need I had of him obliged me to see in what plight he was and whither his wounds were deadly I drew him from under many bodies that were faln on him and laying him in a place commodius enough caled him so often so much tows'd him that he opened his Eyes a little I imagined there might be found some Essences about him and therefore rigging in his pockets and finding what I search'd for made him take the half of a little glasse bottle Presently he retook heart and his affection rendring him the memory of his Master he asked without knowing me what was become of the Prince He lives said I thankes be to heaven but Diceus said I he is in such a case that he needs thy assistance See what a true affection can do Scarce had Diceus heard Polexander was living and yet wounded but he arose and knowing me my Lord said he bring me speedily to the King Prithee replied I do thou take the paynes to help me to him for I cannot keep my selfe on foot and feeling a faintnesse Diceus said I the King is in his Cabin Go quickly and help him So that thou savest his life t is no great matter what becomes of the rest With that I fell and lost all perceivance and understanding Diceus fore-seeing that my swoonding would be long left me after he had commodiously seen me laid and went to the King whom he found in a heavy slumber whereof he had no good opinion and therefore awakened him and telling who he was Sir said he all your Enemies are dead It is fit your Majesty should now relish the sweets of so brave a Victory Whilst he spake thus he perceived his wound and having gently searched it was assured that not a Ueyne was cut nor Nerve wronged and by divers actions intimated his exceeding gladnesse for it and besought the King not to feare any ill successe of his hurt I have none replied the King all that troubles me is that I finde a certaine weaknesse that duls me Hereupon Diceus got him to take five or six drops of a Cordiall Potion which so strengthned him that after he had closed and bound up his wound he arose as cherefulll as if he had not been hurt But as he was about to aske for me he
tooke notice that Diceus was all bloody Alas poore Diceus cried he thou art sore hurt T is nothing Sir said I since we are sure of your life There 's no feare that ou●…'s will run a hazard Yet let me tell you Pimantus is in great danger for I left him swoonded on the Hatches be therefore pleased that I go to take care of him Scarce had the Prince heard of my mischance but he came where I lay and finding me sencelesse fell into such Lamentations and teares as had been able had I been dead to have revived me had he found ●…e dead Diceus recovered me from my fainting and not to hold yo●… longer among the many slaine and wounded let me tell you that the King and his two Servants by a mutuall assistance were freed from that Fate wherein so many were involved In the mean ●…ime our Ship governed only by fortune for our Pilot was slain in his Cabin fa●…l'd at ●…dome two dayes and nights The Third day a tall man of Warre assail'd us and by consequence took us Those that were abord her were more astonished at their prize then we were of their setting on us They knew not what to thinke of so horrible a Massaker but they wondered more when they saw appear a youth of about thirteen years who with a marvelous confidence demanded who they were and whither they came as Enemies or friends The Captaine of the straingers could not reply to the Kings question for he understood him not Addressing himselfe therefore unto me who was crept after Polexander rather then I would forsak him Father said he if by chance you understand my language I intreat you to tell me by what mischance you are falen into the estate I finde you By his speech I knew him to be a Frenchman and concealing from him the Name and birth of the King my Master related the accident which had lately betided us and withall presented to him the King as for my Son and shewing both our wounds besought him to conduct us to the Canaries the Frenchman who as I understood that same daye was a Gentleman of Britany hardly beleeving what I had spoken touching the valour of my supposed sonne took him into his Armes a thousand times kis'd him and highly praised that wonder of valour and spake of it as of a most certaine presage that he should be one day a great warrior I besought him againe to bring us to our Islands and though as it seemed he had another designe yet for the love of Polexander he promis'd me to make that voyage but fortune had otherwaies dispos'd of him For the Briton who was come into our Seas only to inrich himselfe by other mens labours seeing divers sailes a farre off with an extreame hast got to the coasts of Morocco and when he would have put to Sea againe a South winde for fifteene dayes with such a violence perplexed him that after the Tempest he found himselfe far beyond the Cape Finister in Spayne He advis'd me then to goe with him into Britany and to put by all difficulties which I named in the voyage told me that our Islands as happy as they were estemed were not yet more fotrunate then his Princesse Court and that I should finde there such a repose and abondance that I should infallibly forget the delights of our owne country Seeing there was no remidy and I could not do better besides perswading my selfe that Heaven did absent Polexander from t●…e Canaries but to save him from the cruelty of the Portingalls I resolv'd to credit the Briton and to let my king see the most renowned Courts of Europe without his being known Presently therefore Polexander Diceus and my selfe imbarqued our selves with the Briton and taking out of our ship two Coffers wherein were the Kings Jewels I left our ship to the disposall of our Guid. We sayled so fortunately that the fifteenth day we came into the River of Loire where the Gentleman Rover told us that for divers considerations he thought it fitting to conduct us right to his Princess Court But to the end we might be receiv'd according to our quality 't was convenient we should put our selves in good equipage and above all that I should forget nothing which might set out the gracefullnesse of my Sone I answered him that our present condition suffer'd us not to affect that curiosity yet on condition that he would assoon as pissible he could reconduct us to our Islands I would do all that he desired and withall told him that his voyage should not be unprofitable to him for said I I have ther such an abundance of al such thing for which men sayle from one World to the other exposing themselves t● all perils of Sea and Land that if I have the happynesse to see you in my Isle I engage my selfe to give you for my ransome my sonnes as much Gold as you can cary thence The Briton opened his eares at that promise imagining that I was a Prince of some one of the Canaries renew'd his civilities pro●e●ations of service He impledg'd to me honour faith never to forsake me til he had brought me againe to my owne house and told me very seriously that he exerciz'd not the trade of a Pirat but only to accomplish a vow he had long a gon made to be al his lifetime an Enemy to the Spanyards I thanked him for his generossity for feare he might be tempted to take us for Spanyards I drew out of my bosom a chain of Diamonds which I had taken out of one of the Kings Trunks and presenting it to him in privat see said I some earnest of the promise I made you Keepe it for my sake and assure your selfe there hath betided you more then all you could have gotten from the Spanyards The Britain seeing himselfe so much enrich'd in so short a time was even ready to cast himselfe at my feet to thank me for that excessive liberality but I withheld him and clinging him to my brest Assure your selfe said I softly that this present is but the least part of what you are to expect from my gratitude But if you love me truly and affect your selfe make nothing publick of what you know The generous Britain by a thousand oathes confirm'd his promises and landing us at a very pleasant Town brought us the next day to another which was the ordi●…ry residence of the Duchesse Polexander was wholy cured of his wound but I was not so well as to get on horseback Diceus too was healing but because of his too much paines about the King 't was the more slowly Our Conductor was therefore faine to get a Coach for our Journey and comming to the place where the Duchesse of Brittany kept her Cou●…t we were lodged in a very faire house There we refresh'd our selves some few dayes and by the kind entertainment of our Leader lost all the remembrance of our
forepassed miseries The King was never in so good health and vigour as he found himselfe after his great toyle The paines he had taken had unknit him and he seem'd to me so much grown that I was compell'd to belye my reason to give credit to my Eyes One Evening our Conductor related he had spoken of us to his Princesse and though the affaires of her Estate extraordinaryly took up her time yet she would see us the next day I besought that we might not be a trouble to him No no Father said he the hardest businesse is past there is nothing remaines for you and your Son but to be alwayes ready for to mo●…ow infallibly I will bring you to the Duchesse Hereupon I imploy'd one part of the night in instructing Polexander and teaching him how he should behave himselfe towards me that they might take him for my Son The next day I put him in a vesture of cloth of Gold inrich'd with Diamond buttons after the fashion of the Canaries His Buskins were of the same stuffe and fastned before with buttons of Rubies He wore a Cap of cloth of Silver from whence under its Band of great pearle there hung a plume of the fairest Feathers which are brought us from Africa To make an end of decking him and to raise words of his value I put on him a rich Scarfe which the Queen his Mother had wrought herselfe before she was a Widdow and in this habit he was presented to the young Duchesse of Britany That Princesse who was not much elder then He and who for her age was the most discreet and accomplish'd personage I ever saw gave her selfe not respit to hear or consider me At the first sight she was so strooken with the comlinesse and beauty of Polexander that she kn●… not how to make an expression He presently comming up slowly neer the Chair where she sate kneeld on one knee and kissing her Garment told her in his owne language that he wanted one thing to make him perfectly happy and 't was to be able to speak himselfe to her understanding how much he was her servant The young Princesse after she had commanded his complement to be interpreted replied with so much wit that I instantly wish'd there m●…ght issue some great affection from the interview of those two young Princes But it was not so ordain'd by Heaven Al the Ladies of Britany came thronging to see my pretended sonne and Judging of his quality by his richnesse and actions said among 〈◊〉 that I was a Prince who for some important consideration had given over and abandon'd my estate and Country In a very instant all Britany was fil'd with the newes of our arrivall The Beauty and worthinesse of my King was the discourse of all men They said that at the age of twelve yeares he had at the height of a great fight slaine two Portingal with his owne hand and everyone adding wonder to wonder they publish'd all those fables in venred by the Ancients to make of our Isles the abode of the Heroes and men most fortunate Whilst wee lived thus the talke and admiration of so many the marriage of the Dutchess of Britany with the King of France was concluded The Embassadors of that Prince came to conduct her in an equipage proportionable to the greatnesse of their Master and was so brought to the place for her e●…powsall to have some-what wherewithall to astonish all the French Court she had with her the Canaryan Prince for so she would have him called If the Brittons admir'd him the French came no short of them and being an extream obliging Nation and great Lovers of Novelties you cannot imagine the kindnesses and humanity Polexander received from them The French King a Prince of two or three and twenty yeares at first sight affected my King and as if Nature by some secrer instinct had told him he was of his blood he entertained him not as a stranger Prince but as his own Brother The Solemnity of his Nuptialls being seconded by the Coronation of his Queen and his entry into the Capitall City of his Realme Polexander had the conveniency to see all those magnificences and to be one himselfe of their principall Ornaments All that while he studyed and observed the manners quaintnesse and tongue of the French and profited so well that in lesse then three yeares he became an absolute French-man At the entrance into his sixteenth yeare the French King made a Progresse to one of his Cities caled Lyons whilst he staied there the Princes and Lords of his Court made generally appeare and break out their Honor Spirit and Dexterity The first Prince of the blood who is now King of France and some others were Actors in some Turnaments and Iusts like those so frequent amongst the Moores There was not a crosse street or eminent place in Lyons wherein you saw not an Arch or Base of stone or mettall which no Knight could passe till he had made tryall of it's adventures The King my Master having learn't from the best Ryders of the World all that Art hath invented to manage a horse well yet found out himselfe a part of it which appear'd so rare and stately that It darkened the repute of all the others I remember well too that to furnish all things fitting for this expence I sold to the Merchan●…s of Lyons about a hundred crownes-worth of Iewells-Such persons as were of most Eminence taking notice of those expences and seeing the courage addresse courtesie of Polexander doubted no more of his quality for all believed him to be a Prince But som filly braines began to prattle ' that I was a Sorcerer and how by my inchantments I made things appeare that were not or to make them reall I used the Power of the Devill During these Iusts Diceus whom we had secretly sent to the Canaries return'd with the best newes we could Wish He told us that the Queen was alive and how by the succour she had procured from Spimantus Prince of Scotland and the incomparable Valour of one Alcippus a Canaryan Knight the Portugalls had been beaten at Sea and in the Ilands and constrain'd to abandon the Forts of Palmes Gomera and Teneriffe That all men passionately wished for the Kings returne and to make it the more safe and glorious Alcippus was comming with a Fleet of above a hundred sayles of ships Within a few dayes after Posts came to the French King advertising him that a powerfull naval Army was seen on the coastes of Britany Those Messengers were seconded by others which confirmed it for truth and by their newes put the Court into such an apprehension that they were ready to part from Lyons and run hastily to the succour of Britanny But the Arrivall of Alcippus taking away all cause of feare made the effect of it to cease to●… The King and Queen understood from him that he was the Admirall of the Fleet which they fear'd
surprized to heare all this and so lively touched with Hypolitus amorous and pitifull words that he could not retaine his sighes nor teares He kneeled downe by this dying Princesse and taking her by the hand Madam said he by what indignation of heaven do I see my selfe guilty of the most horrible crime it ever punish'd Hyppolitus shewing the joy she received from Polexander's greif Deare Polexander said she interrupting him I give thanks to my wounds since they have purchased me farre more then J hoped and I wish they were not mortall Your compassion renders me my first hopes and seeing you so good as to suffer me curse my destiny that plucks me from the World But what said 〈◊〉 No No I have lived long enough and beleeve certainly that some great obstacle opposing my possesing you my precipitated end is an evidence that Heaven would not have me long time unfortunate I have almost a desire to accuse death for being too slow for I feare least having but a moment to live it be wrong'd by some new disaster But if my blood if my wounds and my approaching death do truly touch you and that you spend no feigned teares if you feel that sorrow you make shew of promise me that my memory shall be deare to you and that you will not suffer any in your presence to blame the Love of the weake Princesse De Foix Polexander who was wel nigh dissolv'd in teares during the Princesse speech forc'd his just resentment to answer to it and holding her hands between his own I swear said he by what is most holy to do●… for your contentment all that you can wish and I would to Heaven my life were pretious enough to redeeme yours You might then be secur'd of a long life The Princesse shutting her eyes and scarce being able to forme a word Since I know you in that resolution said she I have liv'd long enough Farewell deare Polexander And with that word she dye●… The King gave such a shri●…k in seeing her depart that wee all ran to him to know what was betided him When the Squires of the de●… Lady had related to us her adventures we were no more constant then they Every one bewail'd that losse and Polexander in particular was so 〈◊〉 sensible of it that it went neere to cost him his life Diceus in the mean ti●…e embalm'd the body of the Princesse and at the request of her Page which was a disguised Maiden and her to Sq●…es she was carried into another Ship They i●…treated ●…kewise Polexander to be pleas'd that they might return into Fr●… with the body of their Mistris At first he denyed that leave because he would have brought them to the Canaries Yet at last importun'd by their reasons he permitted them to return homewards He on the other side after his being three or four dayes in-exorable to the Petitions of his servants suffered himselfe to be perswaded to the finishing his voyage All his Shipps then being returned with a great many prisoners he stood for the Canaries But the King's griefe ceas'd not by the absence of the object which had caus'd it He lamented the faire Hyppolitus as she had been his own Sister or to say better as if effectively he had guilty been of her death His griefe spread into his followers and made them lose all sence of joy for their victory Those who considered Polexander farre more then they did the King went a great deale farther for they found fault with their own good Fortune and detested such happy successe as had been bought by the teares of their Master and the blood of so rare a Princesse But time which to this day never found malady which it could not cure by little and little gave remedy to our Master and presented him so many new imployments that he was forc'd spight of himselfe to forget those which sorrow had made so deare to him When he was near the coasts of Morocco he learnt of certaine Merchants that were sayling into Scotland how the Prince Abdelmelec eldest Sonne to the King of Morocco had proclaim'd the most glorious Turney that had ever been seen in Europe or Africa Our young Prince seem'd he would be glad to see this Moorish bravery and breake a lance in memory of the Princesse De foix To dash the businesse I exhibited to him the great necessity of his presence with his Subjects and how much a delaying might be advantagious to his Enemies We came from beating them said he smiling and I think they will not be able in hast to put themselves in case againe to assault us But Governour added h●… how long do you think I intend to be on this Voyage Within eight dayes at most I shall have seen all that I desire 'T is so little a time that the least calme or weakest Tempest may make us lose more After thus much spoken he cal'd for all the Officers of his Army and making a faire Oration by which he immortaliz'd their valour and fidelity intreated them to intimate to the Queen his Mother and his Subjects the newes of his returning and when said he you arrive at the Canaries divide equally al you have gotten from the Portingall and Spanyard His Commanders threw themselves at his feet to beseech him to lead them whither he was going but when he had made known that his absence would be only but for three or four dayes and desired not to be known in Morocco they took their leave with al their vessells got to the happy end of their navigation In the meane time the King my Master causing al the badges and other things of markabout his ship to be taken off and his Servants to be clad in the French Fashion entred with two little vessells that followed him into the River of Tansif He landed assoone as he could and commanding me to wait for him in his Ship took no other followers with him then Alcippus Diceus and ten or twelve Slaves At his taking Horse he commanded them expresly to name him for a Frenchman and began a journey which instead of eight dayes lasted neer six Moneths I confesse yet that as long as I live I shall repent me for not following him for as I understood by Alcippus and Diceus there will never beseen any thing equal to the wonders of readiness valour courtesie which Polexander shew'd in Abdelmelec's Turney 'T was there the Wicked Angell jealous of the greatnesses which were infallibly promis'd made him see that dangerous picture which troubled his reason dazled his eyes and made him lose the fairest of his time under a deceiptfull hope of an imaginary happynesse But to tell you in few words what passed at Morocco Polexander there overthrew Abdelmelec and after two different Combats compel'd him to renounce at least publiquely all the love which he seemed to beare to Alcidiana Queen of the Inaccessible Island he came after back to me loaden with that princesse's Pictures
prejudice and cannot doe lesse then preserve that liberty which hath protected my life Yes you are free and a liberty so priviledged that it is at your choice to abide heere or returne to your owne Countrey But if you have an intent to live in this Kingdome you may promise to your selfe from our just sensibility all that the greatnesse of your service hath cause to hope for Our Pallace shall be open to you no audience shall be denyed you and by a very particular exemption it shall be even permitted you to be sometimes of our association and to our sports The Princesse Chariot comming as she ended her speech she went into it and losing the memory of the hazard she had run returned to the Pallace I know not with what joy more quicke and lively then that she was accustomed to shew That Lady amongst the rest which I named Amintha made a particular compliment to our shepheard and told him that if he had neede of her he should know she could be and was a good friend Polexander gave her many humble thankes and very proud of his good fortune returned to finde Alcippus He related to him what had betided but it was done so disturbedly and out of order so many interrogations nothing to the purpose and so much distraction that Alcippus perceived the Prince not to be at all where he was My friend said he to him sighing from the bottome of his heart why wert not thou spectator of my glory O Heaven How faire is Alcidiana What a grace what a Majesty what a height of courage If thou hadst seene her in the danger I beheld her thou wouldest confesse she hath nothing of her sex but what it hath of rare and beautifull Certainely she is incomparable and whosoever can resist her charmes may brag but to his shame that instead of a heart he carries within him a cold and insensible stone I see well now answered Alcippus that 't is not lesse difficult to get out of this Island then to come into it 'T is farre worse replide Polexander and especially for me for I sweare to thee nothing but death shall be able to make me get from it But said Alcippus what shall become of your followers What shall the Queene you Mother doe A●… cruell Alcippus replied Polexander why throwest thou againe into my remembrance such things which in the case I am cannot be prese●…ed ●…ut to increase my affl●…ctions Yet I tell thee Alcippus that that which is alrea●…y passed furnisheth me sufficiently for not fearing what may happen hereafter My good mother hath preserved my estate during my first absence and I hope she will doe it as well during my second And if to assist her she have neede of a new Alcippus I hope she may yet finde some one in my Kingdome I hope no lesse then your Majesty said Alcippus and besides promise to my selfe that if you will make good use of your fortune you will not repent you for loving the fairest creature of the world How easily replyed the Prince doest thou passe from one extremity to another But lately thou madest me feare even to the least accidents of life for so I call the disorders that may happen in my fortune and now thou wouldest have me promise my selfe such greatnesse and heights that it would trouble the most disordered and unbridled ambition to imagine But without flattring my selfe with any hope without proposing any end to what I undertake Know Alcippus that I will right on where ●…ve and reason inclination and merrit equally call me The Prince and his Fav●…urite thus discoursing drove their flock before them and were so earnest in their talke that they came to the entrance of their Hamlet when they least thought of it Their Host from whom familiarity had no way taken any thing of his first courtesie came to meet them with a countenance that openly witnessed the content he received in their aboade and asked whether they had well acquitted themselves in their pre●…ship of being shepheards Polexander unwilling to have his passion knowne answered the old man that Alcippus was sloathfull enough to please himselfe in the case of a pastorall life But for himselfe his blood was too hot and he too ●…uch affected noise and action to put on a resolution of sleeping or meditating all day long The old shepheard laughed heartily at that answere and ●…mbracing Polexander You are in the right said he 't is for gray haires and chill bloods to 〈◊〉 themselves to solitarinesse As he had spoake thus he saw enter the Court of his lodging a very proper man whom he knew by his chaines to be one of Alcidiana's sl●…ves He met him with a great respect and ask●…d whether he had neede of his service Father said the slave one of the Queenes foo●…men assuring her the shepheard who saved her life was to be heard of heere hath commanded me on her behalfe to visit him The old shepheard replied he had not heard of that accident and intreated the slave to relate to him something of it The slave presently satisfied him the shepheard streight thought Polexander had concealed from him the best adventure of his journey He then led him to the valiant shepheard and the slave shew●…ng by his submission the credit our Prince had with Alcidianas Stranger said he the Queene wills you should weare a badge wherby her Subjects may know what you have done for her and them She hath therefore sent you this box which by the whole extent of her Territories will cause that honour to be given you which your action hath deserved and the●…e with he presented him a box of Diamo●…ds which was not lesse costly for the graving then for the greatnes of the stones You might see on it that in the midst a Phenix on her funerall pile and the workeman had so wittily made use of the faire lustre of that Diamond that it seemed the bird was not only in midst of the fl●…mes but that it selfe was all on fire Polexander received the Present after a protestation of his being unworthy of i●… and tha●… he accepted it only to testifie his o●… edience He then opened the boxe but found nothing in it save a piece of limming which represented a Phoenix rising a new out of her ashes and about it some Arabick words which said that her li●… should be more miraculous then her birth The slave thinking Polexander sought for somewhat else there A Lady said he of the Queenes called Amintha gave me this boxe and in delivering it charged me to tell you there wanted the principall ornament which was the Princesse picture but it was a gratification you ought not to demand since the Queene for some reason or scruple only knowne to her selfe would never suffer her picture to be taken After this discourse the King my Master having nought else to doe but his humble thanksgiving put in use all that he knew of the Countrey language
his Queene guilty of high treason and to condemn her to a prison unlimitable but by the ends of her life Nay she had wo●… him to have strangled with his owne hands the Sonne 〈◊〉 had by that unfortunate Princesse but that Almaid a Lord of Senega hindered the murther and plucked the 〈◊〉 from the blinde fury of the Father and the sharpe sighted rage of his step-mother who for a long time knew not what was become of the Childe but her spies were so industrious that at last they discovered he was bred up in King Benin's Court. As soone as she heard it she resolved his death and chusing me for the executioner or at least the prosecutor she put in practice all that she knew might conduce to the perfecting of her damnable designe She forced Zabaim to write to Benin for the delivering his Sonne into my hands and in case he should refuse it forced to denounce war against him You may easily see all this wickednesse proved when you please to read the letter I gave you But in as much as the African Kings never make denuntiation of wars but they send the Ring which is the principall note of their dignity I found a way to steale it from Zabaim Now to tell you after so many villanies that which hath beene the cause of my being now your prisoner know I parted from Senega expressely on a message to King Benin and if that Prince had delivered into my hands the lawfull heire of Senega for certaine blinded as I was with ambition I had executed Zelopa's command and sheathed the sword I weare in the breast of that Innocent Polexander affrighted at so horrible a relation told his prisoner he gave thankes to heaven for his being mistaken and that in his misfortunes he found a great deale of consolation since the divine goodnesse had vouchsafed to make use of his errour for the hindring the death of the Prince of Senega It belongs to me answered the prisoner throwing himself at our Princes feete to give thankes to the fountaine of all mercy for the enlightning my soule with the raies of his love in spight of my obduratnesse I therefore make a vow not to abuse it any more nor ever to returne into my Countrey till it be freed from Zelopa's tyranny You shall doe very well replied Polexander and to quit you from the sorrowing for the losse of your fortunes by this resolution I engage my selfe to restore them to you The Prince infallibly had beene better then his word to him but heaven seeing the holy and rigorous penitence of that sinner was willing to recompence him more liberally then Polexander For it tooke him out of this world the very same day that wee arrived at the Canaries I will not relate to you the sundry fights Polexander had with the Pirates whilst wee strove to bring him back into his Kingdome I will only tell you he was there no more happy then he was at sea At his arrivall he heard of the death of the incomparable Axiamira He bewailed her losse as much as it deserved and after some moneths of mourning from one part of piety ●…ell to another He bestowed all his time in hearing the complaints of his Subjects to reconcile their differences and to free them from all feare of the Spanish forces After all this he deigned to cast his eyes on me declared me his Vice-roy in all his Isles and establishing me in that authority before his departure commanded that in his absence I should be obeyed as himselfe Scarce tooke he any time of repose after so many travells and disquiets Amintha's Confident whom he had brought from the Islands of mad men seeing him still to grieve for the losse of the picture strive said she one day to get the thing it selfe rather then the shadow That thought answered the Prince comes on me a hundred times in a day but I give no eare to it because it proposeth to me a thing impossible T is so indeed replied Elida by ordinary meanes but you must have recourse to such as are not so Alas and what are those asked the Prince I imagine to my selfe one added Elida that seemes to me infallible I prithee tell that me said the King It behooves you then added Elida either under pretext of religion or otherwise to get entrance into the Isle of the Sun and when you are permitted to abide there stay for the comming of Lynceus or some other of Alcidiana's Pilots I intend so much sadly answered Polexander but when I have attempted it what will be the issue for my consolation I make it no difficulty to get into the Isle of the Sun since it is never denied to such as come thither to sacrifice And I may too stay there nay and meete with those that come from Alcidiana's Island but all this is nothing for I am certaine the Queenes Pilots will never receive me into their vessell What ground have you for that feare said Elida to him From some what you have spoaken to me unawarres replied Polexander I thinke I know what you would say answered Elida Yet faile not to doe all that lies in your power and leave the rest to fortune If you gat●…er thence no other satisfaction yet you shall at least have thus much that you have not neglected any meanes of making your selfe happy Well I 'le believe you deare Elida said the Prince and indeed followed her advice so absolutely that the very next day he put to Sea and tooke with him that Maiden Alcippus and Diceus and though his Pilot knew not the scituation of the Island of the Sun yet he promised to finde it provided it were not inchanted as that of Alcidiana But the season being extreamely ill and the difficulty which the Pilot thought to orecome greater then he imagined he was above two moneths contesting with his ignorance and the frequent stormes At last he drew neere to that Island and Polexander being where he might discover a far off perceived a vessell which came away from the Isle He made up to her he carefully marked her and finding by assured tokens that she belonged to Alcidiana followed her but in such a manner as he believed he made them not jealous of him Yet Lynceus for t was he perceived the Kings designe and winding up and downe all the rest of the day thrust himselfe into the Haven of the Sun as soone as the obscurity of the night had made him lose sight of the Princes vessell The next morning he sought for her he pursued her he got with all the sailes he could make away from the place where he might have found her in short by often turning and traversing that sea Polexander returned to the place from whence he set saile Heere he spent a part of the winter for all his impatiences At last his strength being by little and little ore come by the weakenesse of his minde he fell sick of a languishing disease
upon us O Sorceror which empoysonest by thy fateries O Basiliske which murdrest whomsoever thou beholdest Accursed love which whilst I live shalt be the object of my hatred and imprecations By thee the most valiant and generous of all Kings hath lost the use of reason the fairest time of his life the desire of honour and the hope of a thousand conquests Through thee he goes like a mad man to assaile all alone a whole Nation and expose himselfe to the fury and derision of a hundred thousand Barbarians Through thee he hath altred the order of nature the necessity of his condition and of a great Prince as he was borne he is become a new Monster of the Ocean the playing toy of the windes and waves the outcast of the rocks and the prey of Pirates It may be at this houre I speake he is tossed by some surious tempest sees all the elements animated aginst his temerity and findes himselfe at the point of paying by a sad shipwrack the contempt he hath had of that absolute power which with an equall justice disposeth both of the calmes and tempest The Vice-roy's feare was not only provident but propheticall for at the very time he spoke Polexander expected but constantly the shipwrack which threatned him Yet he escaped it and after the surmounting many perrills landed in a little Bourg which is but two dayes journey from Copenhagen He came on shoare in that place to thinke advisedly on what he was to doe for his cloathing himselfe after the Danish fashion to avoide the exposing his person in strange habits to the fight of the vulgar people of Copenhagen He had not much Danish but he had enough for not being a stranger among that rude Nation When he had put all things in order he got on horseback with Alcippus and Diceus and tooke the next way to the chiefe City He lodged first night in a great Towne a little dayes journey from it and rising about breake of day which was then about ten of the cloack he rid a great way before he baited and having not past five houres of way more to ride he entred into a great wood of firre trees and had scarce gone two hundred paces but he was ingaged to stay and read in a copper table fixed to a tree the way he was to take Whilst he made that inquisition he heard a great noice and making a stand lent his eare and judged there were some theeves robbing of passengers his innate goodnesse soliciting for their succour he rid towards them and leaving his way tooke another far narrower which seemed to lead to an old Castle which he saw on the knap of a mountaine When he was come to some ruines which he saw in a little open bottome he perceived a man with his sword drawne defending himselfe against five who would either have taken or murdred him Wounded he was in many places yet did not his woundes deprive him of strength or courage The King made in to second him and instantly mingled amongst the murtherers made them feele the weight of his blowes and gave them not time to perpetrate that crime they had begun The Dane perceiving the assistance which was as 't were miraculously betided him tooke breath joyning with his defender fell'd on the earth the last of his enemies He thought the combate done when Alcippus and Diceus cried out and he looking about saw ten new cut throats came to charge him who questionlesse had surprised him without their advertisement With that Polexander alighted so did Alcippus Diceus who was a Souldier followed them and the Dane shewing himselfe more resolute and untoyled then before went foremost to meet those traitours and no lesse terrified them by his threats then his blowes Alcippus valiant even to rashnesse flew on one of the theeves but whilst he laid him in the dust was charged behind and so pressed that he could not turne head He received so unfortunate a blow that he lost the motion of his right arme and by consequence the meanes of using his sword He was even compelled to sit downe and leave to others the taking of revenge which he was desperate of being able to performe himselfe Polexander no sooner saw him unfit for further combate but he ran to him and so manfully sustained the stroake of the enemy that he deprived them of their obstinacy of fighting The Dane had a great part in this defeate and Diceus was not without acqu●…ing a greate deale of honour there The combate being ended Polexander went againe to see in what case Alcippus was and thought him dead when he saw him bleed so exceedingly But Diceus assured him he had no other hurt then a veine cut and that 't was nothing They quickly saw he spoake truth for he stopped the blood by the first swathband Presently the Dane came to Polexander and seeming almost nothing weakened by his woundes I cannot said he render you service that may any way equalize the obligations I owe you Did I owe you but my life I could be in hope of acquitting my selfe by offring you that little of it which I have remaining But being engaged to you for my honour and my life I can neither finde words sufficient to expresse my gratitude nor what to doe to returne a satisfaction Neverthelesse let me know who you are and what fortune so favourable for me conducted you to this wood That little of life which my wounds have left me beseecheth you not to retard that favour for which I petition Polexander would have answered him so as he might have beene contented but some twenty paces from him he saw a woman of a very good countenance though she seemed not young who was mightily affrighted As soone as the Dane saw her he thought no more of what he had asked Polexander nor may be on his woundes He opened his lips to speake but his strength failing he fell downe as dead O! Heaven cried the Lady seeing him fall must I needes be so miserable And therewithall comming neere to one of the slaine and a while considering him perfidious Adolphus said she hast thou thus betraied me Or rather see how thou hast betrayed thy selfe Heaven is just and its wisdome permits not rancor and malice to have alwaies the upper hand of innocency Which done she ran to succour the Dane whom Polexander had so well assisted and after she had oftentimes called him her Sonne and her hope commanded a Maiden that followed her to run quickly to fetch her Essence and call some of her servants The Maiden hastned and quickly returned with all she was sent for The Lady then powred some drops of a very cleare water into the Danes mouth and presently he came from his swound Wherewith the Ladies servants lifted him into a coppered chaire and would have carried him away but he commanded to stay and intreating Polexander to come neere yeelded him thousands of thankes then giving him a picture boxe covered with
strange as the spectacle which astonied him When hee was come so far as the maine mast hee saw a most faire Lady richly clad ty'd to it by the hands and the feet before her were four posts on which were nayled the heads of four men so fresh that it might easily be guess'd they had not been long severed from their bodies The miserable spectatresse on these dreadfull objects pitifully turned her eyes now on one and then on another of them and though Polexander presented himselfe before her shee interrupted not her mournfull exercise The Prince noting her admirable beauty even through her afflictions and teares was extreamly mov'd to see her in so deplorable an estate and imagining because of the neernesse to France shee might understand him if hee spake French told her in that tongue that hee was come to offer her all his utmost ability either for her consolation or revenge The poore distressed Lady made no shew of hearing him but kept still her eyes fixed on the distruncked heads This attention and fixednesse doubled Polexander's astonishment and commanded some of his followers to goe into the Cabines and descend under hatches to see if there were any that might understand him Alcippus and Diceus searched every where and neither finding any one dead or alive returned and assured the King their Master hee should learne nothing of that adventure if hee had it not from the mouth of the bound Lady Hee therefore came againe to her and employing the best words his desire to make her speake could furnish him with besought her to take heart to think of avenging her on the cruelty of her enemies to make use for that revenge of the assistance which heaven had sent her and promise to her selfe from his arme a part of the satisfaction which the resentment of her griefs ought to make him wish for He added many other considerations to these and so pressed the miserable woman that shee cast her eyes on him but in such a manner that a man might say shee saw him not and after shee had often sighed Why said she sadly come you againe to fore-slow the end of my miseries Are you sent by that pernicious enemy who hath brought me to the extremity I am in to the end she may glut her malice in making me die often Madam reply'd Polexander I know not the monster of whom you speake and would your griefe give you leave to heare mee you should know I come not hither for any other cause then to free you from all your torments Your generosity is great reply'd the Lady but it can availe me nothing unlesse you could give back againe the lives of those unfortunate wretches whose heads you see here I wish them their lives because I have been the cause of their deaths and desire it because they would disapprove my most cruell enemy and justifie my innocence before a Prince too credulous and too easie to be deceiv'd Polexander would faine have insensibly drawne her on and engaged her to relate him her fortunes had hee not been hindred by the approach of a tall ship which streight denounc'd warre against him Our Heroë therefore went back into his owne vessell but kept still the desolate Lady 's grapled with his owne and made answer to the enemies signes by others which stay'd the fury of those which would have assaulted him Initantly they sent him one of theirs in a shalop who coming up to them asked who hee was and for what end hee had stay'd the English ship Polexander made reply by Alcippus hee was a French man and an enemy to those that would not joyne with him in the avenging a Lady whom some accursed miscreants had expos'd to the mercy of the sea When the Messenger heard that answer hee reply'd with a great many injuries and after divers threatnings hee return'd towards his companions No sooner was hee got on boord againe but they fell on Polexander and quickly repented them of their rashnesse for our Heroë giving them at two vollyes an hundred Cannon shot brought them to implore his mercy Polexander promising their lives commanded the conquered vessell to come neere and entring her found there so few souldiers that hee was neere to put them to the sword for daring to assayle him but at last his clemency getting the upper hand of his resentment he pardoned all and seeing one of a better aspect and presence then the rest called him aboord his owne ship Hee asked him in particular why hee would not accept of friendship when hee had offer'd it him and what interest hee claimed in the barke that floted before them The other humbly besought that before hee reply'd hee would doe him the honour to make known whether the Lady in the other ship were yet alive our Heroë assured him shee was when hee left her Try then said hee to get to her againe that you may the second time preserve her life for had you not broken the designe for which wee set to sea shee had been by this time at the bottome of the Ocean Goe then goe if you please and finish what you have begun and doe not think in succouring that unfortunate Lady you doe onely an act of Charity for you execute likewise another of Justice You will protect innocence against Calumny and a wretched and disarmed goodnesse against a powerfull and redoubtable villany Polexander unwilling to heare any more of that discourse till hee had freed from danger the persecuted Lady got her bark againe which had but turned and by consequence was not gone farre off As soone as hee had her hee went aboord and his prisoner with him who presently ran to the Lady and making himself knowne Be of good heart Madam said hee your innocence is acknowledged the accusations of your stepmother are found untrue and the Prince your husband is even desperate for not knowing how fortune hath disposed of you The Lady by a modest smile seeming to be pleased with what was spoken lifted her eyes to heaven since she could not her hands and after shee had some time kept them fixedly open sweetly let fall their lids and droop'd her head on her incomparable breast Polexander thinking shee was swounded cut the cords from her armes whilst the Prisoner did the like to those on her legs and wh●…n shee was unbound laid her all along Diceus presently came in and looking on her told his Master shee was dead The King could hardly beleeve that ill newes but being confirmed by his owne sense hee could not otherwise then bewaile the losse of that innocent Lady and wish from heaven a just punishment on her persecutors which instantly hapned And thus Polexander's mariners descrying an English ship bearing up to them called out they were like to be set on Before our Heroë was disengaged from his pious and charitable endeavour hee saw the English vessell fall fiercely on his His Prisoner infallibly doubting the businesse My Lord said hee to
Polexander let not the coming on of these men trouble you they come for her assistance who is not now capable of it and if heaven doe not av●…rt the sequele of begun mischiefes I foresee yet more violent ensuing deaths then the former Scarce had he spoken these words but hee heard most fearfull and lamentable cries from the English ship and presently after saw a man of a good aspect and middle-aged who violently drawing an old woman by the arme forced her to follow him Come said hee to her cruell and jealous mother come and see the innocent Eolinda in those miserable torments which thy calumnies have inflicted on her Excuse not thy self by the excesse of love Eolinda's afflictions are the product of thy envy and ambition The love thou feign'dst to beare me is but a cunning and deceitfull vizard under which thou hast alwaies hidden hatred to this innocent Polexander having some glimpse of what had passed amongst so much obscurity thought that the English man who complained had need to be arm'd against those which the death of Eolinda and despair were about to throw on him Hee therefore with his Prisoner went to him but before hee could speak a word to him the English man perceiving the Prisoner Altoph said hee to him in fury what have they done with Eolinda My Lord answer●…d the other and then pointed to Polexander hee whom you see there had sav'd her from the rage of her executioners and you should have bin at the end of your afflictions i●… heaven had not otherwise dispos'd o●… h●…r How cry'd hee is Eolinda then dead Ah barbarous mother O inexorable heaven and in saying so would have gone into the vessell where the Lady was for whom h●…e lamented But the old woman whom he drew alter him resisting hee was forced to give a strong pull to make her follow him and when hee had his foot on the side of the vessell his heart failing him hee fell down his head foremost between the two ships and dragg'd his mother a●…ter him Every man did his best to save them and to that end severed the vessells Some of the mariners leapt into the sea though it was not altogether calme and search●…d so well that one of them coming from under water lighted on the English mans mother Those that were gotten into the shalops seeing him come up made to him and tooke him in with his booty But the taking her out of the sea sav'd not her life for whether she had hurt herselfe in falling or that her age had not ●…rength enough to resist the harmes shee had received shee dy'd as soone as they had her into that Lady's ship whom shee had so cruelly afflicted for her son they saw him no more after his fall he having the happinesse in his unfortunate end not longer to survive his deare Eolinda Polexander griev'd very much for his losse because hee judged by his actions which hee saw and by the words hee had spoken that hee lov'd much and was very generous This consideration giving him a desire to know his adventures he called his Prisoner and told him hee should not returne into England till hee had pay'd him his ransome But doe not imagine said hee that I will have an ordinary one you must tell me the beginning of those things of whose lamentable end I have been a spectator After he had thus declared his minde to the English man and saw him ready to pay his ransome in the coine he demanded he commanded his pilot to steere on his first course and to all the English to follow him This order being given and presently put in execution Polexander shut himselfe into his cabin with his prisoner and intimating his desire to heare him obliged the other to begin thus Henry the Seventh that now reignes in England is come to the crowne by waies which some hold very honourable and others very faulty However he was compell'd to make the body of his predecessor a staire to mount up by to his throne and to ruine many great families not onely to take from his enemies the power of making head against him but likewise to conferre on his adherents such dignities and fortunes as were proportionable to the services he had received Hee whom you lately saw buried in the sea by these revolutions being rais'd from an ordinary Gentle-man to the degree of a Prince and from a man much necessitated to immense riches thought of nothing more then of giving his curious and voluptuous senses things fitting not onely to satiate but to keep them in a perpetuall appetite Amongst all his passions that of love was the most violent this torrent which had beforetimes been restrained by two powerfull damms travell and necessity having at last broke through them both by the assistance of wealth and peace so spread it selfe beyond his bounds that it ran through all the English shires and thence into France For this Prince enquiring after some beauty on whom hee might fixe all his affections was so nice in his choice that among the infinity of beauties which flourish in our Isle he thought none worthy of his perseverance Hee therefore sent those of whom hee made use in those plots of love into Scotland Germany and France to chuse him some beauty not onely of capacity to vanquish him but to continue also a long time victorious They found not in Scotland nor Germany any one from whom they could promise him that miracle France was the place which in the opinion of these new Judges of beauty had wherewithall to content the nicety of their Master After they were come from the court into the Provinces they met with this rare and to be lamented beauty whom inconstant fortune by an abhorred treason depriv'd of an heart whereof she should have been eternally victorious But I speak not as I ought Eolinda hath lost nothing of that glory which her charmes had acquir'd her You have seen her depart the world with palmes in her hands triumphing over all calumny cruelty and jealousy and in a word over all those enemies who had plotted her ruine But I am too long in the relation of an adventure which cannot be too soon ended The English Prince's Negotiators sent him word they had found the Phoenix he had been searching in so many severall countries That how nice nay how loathing soever hee were hee would approve of their choice and even find in it such rarities as his imagination could not figure to him That the beauty they had discover'd was of lustre lively and full of majesty of an age that had nothing of infancy but the freshnesse and sweet and round fulnesse of an admirable wit but milde and obsequious of an illustrious birth but by the mediocrity of her fortunes ignorant of all pride and insolence At the only recitall of these wonders our Prince became passionately in love he burnt he grew impatient and would even have abandon'd the place he held neere
or make it knowne and by consequence make a noise and she found no lesse perill in the one then in the other For on the one side she considered that should she endure this research without disclosing it to the Prince and he should come to the knowledge of it by some other who might discover it he would have just cause to beleeve she was very well contented with it On the other side she represented to her selfe that in making shew of her discontent she should be the subject of all the Court talke give a faire pretext to all detraction to invent what it lift for her destruction and what more troubled her she should engage the Prince her husband in those broyles as could have none other then a dismall successe On these considerations she took a way worthy a soule high and faire as her owne Shee resolv'd to endure all the extravagances all the talke and prattle and all plaints of those two lovers as long as they could be interpreted to her advantage and thought on but as the ordinary freedome of entertainment or gallantry of young men But if ever they hapned to make known their love to her or to search for occasions to see her in private she resolv'd with her selfe to discover it to her husband After this resolution for six moneths was she forced to suffer the follies of those two lovers She heard them every day sighing by her she saw them blush waxe pale and muse in beholding her and many times she was compell'd to shift place that she might not heare the excessive praises which they gave her beauty But heaven having denoted the fatall point where the mis-fortunes of so many illustrious personages should have their beginning the Earle broke his long observed silence and by mischance seeing Eolinda as she was going in to the Queen stay'd for her at the going forth of that chamber where she was to leave her squire and women He intercepted her in the passage and humbly besought her to accept of his attending to the Queens privy chamber She trembled from head to foot seeing her selfe in a straight which shee had so often and so carefully avoided and standing steadfast was so some small time without walking and answering The young Lover interpreting this disquiet to his owne advantage thought he was no indifferent man with the Princesse and to oblige her by his discretion not to be frighted another time I see well Madam said he I have committed an incivility in thinking to tender you a small proofe of my most humble servitude I will doe penance for it and to make it answerable to what the greatnesse of my fault requires from me I condemne my selfe to passe the rest of this day without the being enlightned by those faire eies which onely give me sight and life In saying so he made her a great reverence and so left the interdicted Eolinda The mother in law to the Princesse at the same instant coming out of the Queens chamber entred into that where our Lover took leave of his Mistresse The dangerous Scottish woman saw the last complement perceiv'd her daughters confusednesse noted she blusht at her seeing her and when she came neere she found her so troubled shamefac'd and confounded that had she bin lesse wicked then she was she would not have forborne to beleeve there were very particular intelligences between that Princesse and the young Earle Presently she resolv'd to draw a great advantage out of that meeting and in her malice causing in her some thoughts of the Divinity which could not be other wise then as of a man as wicked as her self she gave thanks to it for what she had seen with a prayer to be assisted in what she went about to enterprise for the ruine of her daughter in law The unfortunate Princesse being a little come to her selfe would have made her some excuses but the abominable hagge spoke thus Doe not trouble your selfe to seeke for excuses that 's for me to doe for coming so unseasonably to trouble you and with that went her wayes directly to her son to give him under pretext of affection the mortall blow which hath so tragically made him expire before you He was not at home and though the old woman sent on all sides to find him and to effect his coming her as speedily as hee could yet for that time her devilishnesse had no successe and got not the Prince to swallow her poyson till after Eolinda had strengthned him with an excellent Antidote The Princesse seeing her selfe falne into that misfortune she so long feared did nothing all the while she was with the Queen but consult with her self in what manner shee might make that ill potion pleasing which she was to give to the Prince her husband Presently shee turn'd her thoughts on heaven implor'd assistance from thence and its testimony in so tender a businesse and petitioned to be from thence furnished with words which should be proper for the confirming the Prince in that opinion he had continually held of her chastity Shee had no sooner made this prayer but her agitations and feares left her her mind retook its former serenity and as her face was sensible of the troubles of her soul so did it also resent the recovery of her quiet Shee was with the Queen all the evening and was so pleasing in her conversation that her husband who came thither with the King could not sufficiently admire her sweet humour The King and the Queen being retir'd the Prince and Eolinda did so too and being come home severed themselves for different businesses The husband entred his withdrawing chamber to dispatch his most urgent affaires and the wife into her Oratory to implore againe assistance from above and petition for that powerfull and necessary art whereby truth may be beleeved by her greatest enemies Whilst she was in this exercise her husband came into the Oratory I know not said he what my mother would have with mee shee hath sent five or six times man after man and intreates mee to goe to her before I goe to bed about something that concernes me more then my life What doe you think it should be Eolinda who was risen as soone as shee heard her husband My Lord said shee I will tell you if you please but since 't is a thing which should not be knowne to any but your selfe be pleased I may shut the doore that I may the more freely speake to you The Prince did it himselfe and holding her between his armes with as much joy as a covetous man fixeth his eyes on his treasure Tell mee said hee this strange businesse and falsifie it not for feare you anger me what bitternesse soever there be in it I shall there finde sweetnesse since I have it from thy faire lips Eolinda considering the kind speeches of her husband as so many witnesses of that miraculous assistance shee was to receive from the goodnesse shee had implor'd
obstinacy was an effect of thy feare rather then a signe of thy constancy After he had thus reviled himselfe he grew silent and began to walke up and downe the chamber with such a pace as shewed how tragicall the thoughts were that rowl'd in his mind at last he stood still and turning his eies towards that quarter of the world where he imagined the inaccessible Island lay Faire place said he which jealous of thine owne happinesse seemeth to conceale thee from thy selfe I give over my importunate searches and to tell thee with what respect I consider the Temple whose Goddesse I adore I submit my consent and yeeld to that rigorous necessity which will not permit me to see thee againe But what infamous counsell doth my more infamous despaire give mee What shall I wave my desire of seeing Alcidiana because I have no hope of it and since by my own strength I cannot raise my selfe to heaven shall I dare to conceive such a crime as the renouncing all the felicities there No no faire Alcidiana I will never lend an eare to these detestable Emotions I am resolved to spend all the rest of my life in an Enterprise which shall not be lesse glorious to me then I find it impossible and since Almanzors example is a perpetuall advertisement that the obligation of dying without seeing you is fatally incident and knit to your adorers I will without expecting ought from love or fortune go acquit my self of what I owe to your incomparable merit to the necessity of my condition and to mine owne thoughts After this he called for his trusty Diceus and by a command he gave him made well knowne that contemning againe the fruite of his victories and all regall delights he was about to re-begin that wandring and desperate life to which he had so often and so unprofitably abandoned himselfe At the same instant Zelmatida entred Polexanders chamber and his owne agitations not giving him leave to take notice of another mans Have pity on a wretch said he whom heaven in the very feeling of his misfortune resuseth him the knowledge of it My eies are witnesses of Izatida's death they have seen the monument where she lyes buried and yet by I know not what error they begin to bely themselves and would have me doe so too O Polexander what shall I resolve on If Izatida be alive and that I do not beleeve them I make my self for ever unworthy to be looked on by her and become so mortall an enemie to my self that one death were not sufficient to avenge me of my unworthinesse Doubt then still repli'd Polexander interrupting him since so many advise you to it and thinke with your selfe that these suspitions these doubts and halfe hopes are the secret presages of a change in your fortune I will beleeve you said Zelmatida not to draw any consolation from so vaine a hope but rather to meet with death who ever unmercifully flies me when I run after it and hides her self in the havens when I search for her in the tempests Zelmatida would have gone on when five or six men entred Polexanders chamber and so made him leave the rest for another time He that came 〈◊〉 first saluted Polexander and presenting to him an old man of above threescore and ten yeares and a child of eight or ten Sir said he see what I have found of most rarity in in all 〈◊〉 journey and I am sure you will not lesse esteem of them then I doe when you shall please to know how much these two parsonages are worth As soon as he had ended the old man began speaking to Polexander as if hee had knowne him Great Prince said he either all my experience is false and the infallible rule of Zayragia but ●…ly and cousenage or before the sunne hath twice pastthe line your ill fortune shall reconduct you to those places which your good hath made inaccessible My generall ●…pputations have been made with all the care and certainty of an art which is infallible I have multipli'd my characters I have divided them and I have precisely met with the eight and twenty which are necessary for forming the words under which are compris'd the question which Alcippus made mee in your name and the resolution of it Polexander wondring at the Africanes intricate speech turn'd to the person who presented him and intimating he took no pleasure in those diversions Alcippus said he I well perceive that your affection hath driven you to those curiosities which you have alwaies heard me condemne and thinke you have acquitted your selfe of your promise if no matter by what meanes you bring me any newes that is pleasing Sir repli'd Alcippus the honour to have your commands and charge is to me so dear and sacred that as often as they are to be put in execution I collect to my assistance all the care all the diligence all that circumspection they deserve And this being granted imagine if you please whether I would so much become so adverse to my selfe as to prophane that now which hath been so sacred to me and whether I would imploy the impudence and imposture of a mountebank to discharge me of those commissions which your excessive goodnesse deignes to intrust to my fidelity No sir I bring you none of those Muhazimins nor of those impostors which run ' up and downe Africa I bring you here the learned Habul Ismeron who is the oracle of kings and the still-watchfull eie of the kingdom of Morocco The sole desire of seeing this great Prince which his art had charactered to him for the miracle of these times not thehope of reward hath made me so gracious and so far prevail'd with him as in the extremity of his age to quit the King his master and the sweet quiet of his retired life What Alcippus hath said quoth Ismeron is true and no lesse true then the art which I professe is so miraculous and divine that 't is farre beyond the reach of humane wit or it rather teacheth us by its perpetuall infallibility that the condition of men is not far differing from that of Angells Yes Polexander I have forsaken my solitude to see before I dye the accomplishment of those things my Art foretold me and to contemplate at pleasure that master-piece wherein heaven and nature seem'd to have contributed all of theirs that was most excellent O what prosperities do future times reserve for you And with what justice shall the dysasters which must fore-runne them be put into the number of those felicities Farewell brave Prince destinated to extraordinary adventures Mine eies have given mine intellect that which it wanted of perfectly knowing you Stay me not I pray you for the King my master and my age presse me to be gone Though Polexander laugh'd at the old mans predictions and condemn'd his pratle for all that he perceived the man shewed a great deale of judgement in his discourse and by consequence
his quality Some time he spent in the Court of the King of Guinea from thence he went to that of Benin and came at last to ours at Congo Almanzor welcom'd him as a potent Prince and his ancient Allie Some few dayes after his arrivall some body spake to him of my beauty and wit and those relators told him those tales lyed the more boldly because they were certaine I was not to be seene and by consequence Zabaim could not convince them of imposture At first that young King heard those praises without shew of any desire to see me nor any great discontent if he had not seene me yet But assoone as he heard how my Father caus'd me be kept in a Palace whereinto none had accesse he seem'd presently troubled and growing in love on heare-say or rather following the error of most young people who affect nothing so much as what is forbidden resolved to see me When he had set that designe on foote all others were suspended and without foreseeing the difficulties of his enterprise therein imbark'd himselfe with all the indiscretion which commonly accompanieth those of his age and quality He might have made knowne his desire and have asked the King my Fathers leave to present his service but he thought it would be no glory to him to take those wayes which should be common to him with Princes of lesse value He therefore concealed his intention from him strove to win some one of my domesticks set his Confidents on worke walk'd at all times neere my lodgings and by a young mans imprudency no day past without talking to Almanzor of his depart and yet staid without any appearance of a just hinderance Some time past before my father had any suspicion of Zabaim but so soone as he had reflected on his discourses he perceiv'd the cunning He therefore set his confidents as spies over him and watched him with such care himselfe as one evening he found him with one of my women Be pleas'd to imagine whether he were offended at it he who was the most severest Prince of the world and the most jealous of his reputation His first thoughts were to kill Zabaim But loath to draw so powerfull enemies on his armes or at least pardoning the Princes youth he thought it best to be freed of him without any noise To that purpose the next morning he writ a note to him in the name of the Prince his Confident and sent him word his designe was discovered the King was advertis'd of it and that if he did not quickly save himselfe he ran the hazard of never seeing his owne Kingdome againe This letter was so nimbly thrust into the Princes bed that he perceiv'd it not though he was present When he was laid he found it and calling for a torch to see what 't was was much amaz'd when he saw his designe thrive no better His courage yet fail'd him not A day or two longer he staid in Court with as good a cheere as before and inventing a specious pretext to colour his departure took leave of the King my Father Almanzor somewhat troubled for thus making him quit his Kingdome sent spyes after him with charge to see what way he tooke At their returne they said for certaine he was gone towards Guinea He thought then that the Princes passion would go no further and that it was rather a Caprichio of youth then a designe well framed Time confirmed him in that opinion and his minde was quite at rest when the King of Benin sent his Ambassadors to him to renew their ancient Alliance and intreat him to be pleas'd that the Princesse his daughter might passe some time in my company Almanzor thinking himselfe much oblieged to the intreaties and civilities of that Prince dispatch'd two of the principall Lords of Congo to restore his complements ratifie the treaty of their Alliance and to offer him aswell as to his daughter all that was in his command Not long after the returne of my fathers Ambassadors arrived Palmira so was the Princesse of Benin called and was receiv'd with all magnificence and the first day lodg'd with two of her Ladies within some of my lodgings Our first interview was accompanied with all that which courtesie makes use of in the like occasion but there was this difference betwixt my complements and those of Palmira that mine were all heart and freedome and hers mix'd with so much feare and humility that I knew not how to behave my selfe to her She had not been with us above fifteen dayes when a strange accident discover'd to me the cause of her submissions and differences The King my Father who punctually visited me twice a day had let slip foure without either seeing or sending to me I wondered at his neglect but I did it more when one evening I saw him come into my chamber dragging after him a man who had his hands bound behind him As farre off as he saw me Almanzaira said he to me with the tone of a voice which witnessed at once both his choler and griefe where is Palmira I answered she was retir'd Let her come to me said he and turning to one of my women commanded that servant to call her Whilst she was gone Almanzor did nothing but walke with hasty strides up and downe my chamber Some times he lifted his eyes and hands to heaven then he stamped on the planching and afterwards stopping short before me O heaven which seest all cryed he and art just●… why wouldst thou suffer so horrid a treason But since 't is thy wil that I must punish it posterity shall know my honour hath ever beene more 〈◊〉 to me then my life or my Crowne After that he turn'd him to my Governesses and with an angry brow 'T is you said he unusefull and perfidious women which one way or other are become confederates with mine enemies and you shall receive the deserv'd punishment of your negligence and disloyalty As he ended these threatnings Palmira entred my chamber She neither trembled nor look'd pale and though in her conscience she knew her selfe guilty yet shew'd such a height of courage as is not usuall with maidens Assoone as she saw the Prisoner which my father held she knew him to be her principall Confident and judging by his surprisall her cunning was discovered in lieu of being troubled at it she spake thus to the King my father Think more then once on what thou intend'st to do Thy precipitation may work more mischiefe then my rashnesse hath done Give no eare to it then if thou wilt preserve the name of discreet and give thy selfe patience to heare me I call to witnesse that eternall Providence which reades my heart and beseech it to be never auspicious to me if I hide from thee the truth of 〈◊〉 things as have passed since I have beene with Almanzaira I sweare to thee that neither she nor any of her women ever knew me for other then Palmira Princesse
by all those who assisted me as if he had beene the tutelar god by whose vertue the power of the Sorceresse should be absolutely annihilated A little after his birth they gave him me in mine armes As feeble as I was I tooke him and I befeech the gods said I to him thou beest borne to a more happy Fate then thy Mother Present●…y the Messenger whom I had chosen to carry the newes to the King went away and used such expedition that in two dayes he came to the unfortunately inchanted Island Zabaim receiv'd the message with an appearance of joy but sent back my Posts not giving him leave to take his repast and made him set saile without the permission of speaking with Almaid of any other The same day he came to me conceal'd what might discontent me and inventing an extreme satisfaction said the King had promis'd he would be quickly with me Alas he came not and thought it enough to send Almaid That generous Favourite seeing me so desolate forc'd himselfe as much as was possible for feare of encreasing my afflictions but the compassion he tooke of my fortune overcame his resolution and drew teares from his eyes 'T was yet worse when he would have spoken to me for his speech failing him at the first word he stood as knowing not what to say and by that confusion told me what Zelopa's wickednesse was able to make me suffer In the meane time that Wisdome which is the Source of all other forsooke me not in that extremity In lieu of despairing at Almaids discomfort I found my selfe miraculously fortified My courage encreased and finding my selfe armed against all that might happen What Almaid said I must I contribute a constancy and consolation which I expected from you Cannot you endure the sight of an unfortunate woman or have you not the heart to tell to what new torments she is condemned Almaid seeing with what constancy I bore my affliction tooke courage and thinking there was no need of mincing my misfortune to make it the more supportable to me Madam said he the King who is not yet well satisfied in his former suspicions would see the little Prince before he would have him acknowledged for his Son He hath commanded me to come hither and to bring the child to him without delay Let nothing hinder you from being conformable to what he desires Doe this last violence on your selfe Give him that admirable proofe of your love and obedience and consider if you please the consequence and importance of his command Cruell and barbarous command cried I but I must obey it since my Lord will have it so and that with the sensibility of Nature I lose all those feares which our Enemy throwes on us Take this little Infan●… Almaid and go maugre your selfe deliver it to the fury of inhumane Zelopa She cannot endure Zabaims lawfull heire to live He must dye to assure her tyranny One same day must give and take away from me the quality of a Mother and without doubt by a fearfull agnition that monster must offer up the Son to those Demons which have sacrific'd the father to her Almaid having by his remonstrances and teares obliged me to put a period to my laments Madam said he if any of my actions have had the power to make your thoughts doe me the honour as to thinke me worthy the name of an honest man I submis●…y beseech you to believe the little Prince shall run no danger and that I will dye a thousand deaths if possible ere I suffer any whatsoever to attempt ought against his life Let your Majesty therefore set your minde at rest and satisfie the will of a father who is most dangerous to be provok'd I wil not say some great happinesse may succeed your obedience but I am certaine your refusall will render our wrongs absolutely incurable After he had thus spoake and told me what perill it was to detaine him he cast himselfe at the feet of a Lady of Senega who was most of my Counsell and all my comfort to dispose her to follow his opinion I knew well I must resolve to leave my childe I therefore call'd for it and bedewing it with my teares Goe said I little creature unfortunate assoone as borne goe under the protection of heaven which I adore whither his commands call thee by whom thou sawest the light Give him a tryall of thy obedience even before thou knowest him and when thou art with him suppresse thy cryes and teares for feare of his ill interpretation by imagining thou turn'st against him all those armes which Nature hath bestowed on thee With these words I fell into a swound and my childe had falne on the ground if Almaid had not caught him He carried the childe to his lodging and in lesse then two houres making all things ready put on his way with my Son and the women which waited on him The very day on which that desolate troupe came to a Castle on the Sea side Zabaim heard of it and leaving his inchanted Island came to see this living image of himselfe Almaira presented the child to him and said I beseech'd him by our first love to consider that Infant as he was the father of it 'T is that to which Zelopa represents me cried Zabaim She would have me use that power which the name of father gives me and would not have any thing that is mine owne to be deerer to me then my selfe Thou therefore poore innocent creature must bethe Sacrifice not for the expiation but the continuance of thy fathers offences Zelopa covets thy life weake and unfortunate Infant and will not believe my love to be without example till she have seene me commit a murther which shall never have any Dye then since my fury condemnes thee and let my weake and captivated reason give way to that unjust necessity which pronounceth the Sentence of thy death What thou weep'st my childe and thy little cries seeme to implore my assistance against Zelopa's cruelty Stay thy teares smother these laments and if thou wilt have me to be pitifull do nothing that may make me so But alas I see that all things conspire with thine Enemy Nature betrayes in fayning to succour thee Thy teares in lieu of pleading for thy safety solicit thy destruction and thy cries precipitate thy fate in going about to divert it Well 't is done I am vanquish'd Pity hath mollified my hard heart I feele the force of bloud I confesse my selfe thy father and therefore thou must dye for Zelopa assign'd me that fatall moment and commanded me then to begin thy murder when Nature gave me the most lively and tender feelings a father could have for his Son Zabaim could not continue his lamentations The overflowing of his teares and the violence of his fobs and sighes tooke away the use of his voyce He stood sometime like a Statue but on the suddaine passing from one extreme to another He
or banishment would force the throne to be yeelded to her To bring that to effect she altered her ordinary course of life she avoided all occasions of being with Zabaim and when she was engaged to see or speake to him 't was with such a coldnesse that not a King but a slave would have beene troubled to endure it After she had a while thus dissembled and saw by her disdaines and cunning refusals that Zabaim had more love and lesse reason then ever she counterfeits one very passionate and complaines that her too much facility hath made her the scorne of him she so highly adores Zabaim not able to resist her charmes cast himselfe at the feet of that harlot gave her such honours as are due to none but a Deity confirm'd the vowes of his eternall servitude and excepting nought in the world protests not to retard any thing she will command him to execute When Zelopa saw him in that fury What am I the better said she for all these protestations since they prove at last but false hopes and vaine words whilst another is plac'd in the throne and solely acknowledged for Zabaims wife She must likewise onely enjoy you or if I doe 't is fit I see no more such a difference betwixt her and me as may make me justly doubt of your affection Ah Zelopa replied Zabaim you know my love is unfained and that every moment I lay at your feet those Crownes which Almanzaira weares on her head If that be not enough exact from me stronger proofes of it and he who to please you hath not spar'd his owne Son will not stick at things of lesse moment Put therefore out of my thoughts the displeasing object of Almanzaira's happinesse replied Zelopa and let not my love have any more the affliction to be crossed by so powerfull a Rivall Zabaim contented if not to the death at lest to the banishment of his wife But when it came to the point of pronouncing the Sentence he was strooke with an extreme remorse and would not have Zelopa's Instruments employed in that Commission He chose one of his Gentlemen whose age and vertue assured him he would acquit himselfe of it with as much addresse as modesty Him he sent to the Queen who since the losse of her Son was falne into such a strange disease as she had scarce strength to stand and yet was it impossible for her to endure either lying or sitting she was walking in her Palace-garden when Zucalin so was the discreet Gentleman called came to her Assoone as she saw him you are welcome said she and pronounce boldly by what death Zelopa would have me end my miserable life Madam replied Zucalim that is hapned at last which all good people forelaw Ordinary crimes have drawn on extraordinary and the love of a Strumpet after it had quench'd that which Zabaim ought you now enforceth him to account you for his Enemy O heaven cried the Queene at that word of Enemy doth the King then beleeve after so many proofes of my obedience and love that 't is possible for me to hate him Yes Madam said Zucalin He beleeves you plot against his life and use all kinde of meanes to oblige his subjects to take Armes against him Almanzaira could not answer to that supposition but lifting her eyes to heaven Thou knowest it infinite Intelligence who seest the hearts and thoughts of all men thou knowest it said she weeping Yet avenge not that calumny laid on me for I feare Zabaim may be compris'd in the punishment Zucalin admiring the resignation and vertue of Almanzaira told her he had an expresse command to see her out of Senega and to conduct her to Melly Do you imagine whether these newes might touch her Yet she received them with a constancy which seem'd insensible of all kinds of persecutions But when Zucalin told her she was to prepare for her departure How said she shall I not be permitted to see yet my Lord once more and be able to assure him in my leave-taking that not onely banishment but even death would be welcome to me if he had commanded it Madam replied Zucalin that contentment is taken from you till your Innocency after better examination be generally knowne Ah Zucalin said the Queene 't is not credible that the King feares my Innocency But I can yet well undergoe that last of misfortunes for his sake After that she went to a Chariot which to that end attended her at one of the Palace ●…tes and entring it was with a Guard conducted to the frontiers of Melly She 〈◊〉 ●…o sooner gone from Senega but Zabaim and Zelopa made their entry there as in triumph and within a few dayes after the blinded Zabaim was publiquely married to his Sorceresse and not onely caused her to be crowned Queen of all his Realmes but declar'd that the children he should have by her should be the onely lawfull Inheritors At that word Almaid turning to Polexander Since you knew the false Almanzor said he I doubt not but you have heard how six months after the crowning of Zelopa she was brought to bed of him and in her lying in receiv'd a discontent which in all likelihood she could not expect from Zabaim if Almanzaira had been as deere to him as she was before her banishment The King of his absolute authority and may be to testifie to his Subjects he yet remembred and affected Almanzaira would have Zelopa's son to bear the name of Almanzor The tears the prayers the fury of that cruell ambitious wretch could not alter his resolution She was forc'd to let her Son carry the name of her mortall Enemy and to avoid by that little disgrace those greater which threatned her This rebellion of Zabaims will contrary to hers made her verily beleeve that so long as Almanzaira liv'd her name would never be blotted out of that Princes memory She therefore stood no longer trifling out time but resolved to make her away and to that end gave an accursed Commission to such as she thought fit for such an imployment But Almanzaira having twice or thrice escaped the knife and doubly the poyson after neere fifteene yeeres of imprisonment was advised by her most affectionate Servants to free her selfe from Zelopa's fury and by a feigned death to divert a true one Zucalin who by Zabaims expresse command had her alwayes in guard thought notwithstanding all his care and precautions she would at last fall into Zelopa's traps and he was the first who gave her that judicious counsell She consented to him and after a sicknesse of some forty dayes which was not counterfeited but in the successe the report went that Almanzaira was dead Her women who the better to deceive others were the first deceiv'd so lamented her losse in speech and behaviour that in seeing them Zelopa's Spies and the Queens Enemies could no more doubt of her death At that very time I came to Melly and confirming the
and whose childe it was which I presented to him I satisfied his demands and gave him such an affright and terrour at the repetition o●… Zabaim's extravagancies that falling on his knees and lifting his eyes and hands towards the Sun Thou still-waking eye cryed he of that Divinity whose shadow I am and nomore irreproachable witnesse of all the actions of men call me to judgement before the throne of eternall Justice and deny me thy pure light if ever the tyranny of sense or the weakenesse of spirit force me to the like brutishnesse After he had made this holy protestation he tooke the young Almanzor and holding him in his armes Yes mercifull heaven said he I receive as from thy hands the prefe●… thou sendest me by this stranger and subscribing with joy to the decrees of thy will I will be this Innocents father and betwixt him and my Son divide all my love and care With these words he delivered me againe the young Prince and intimating to me how happy he thought him selfe in finding so faire an occasion to exercise his charity entreated me to follow him He commanded one of his Camels for baggage to be given to the Princes Nurse and would have her still before him We rode till Sun-set and then came to a royall house which is Abrinzia's usuall aboade when the necessities of his State and the love of his people permit him to leave the City and in retirednesse to taste the delights of a Private man I will not relate to you with what care that good King caused the young Almanzor to be bred but will onely say he respected and considered him as his owne Son and the vertuous Andromeda his wife finding in him those causes of satisfaction which she met not in the person she had brought into the world would even have given him the first place in her love if the feare of heaven had not obliged her to observe the order of Nature and not to bestow that on a stranger which was onely due to the childe of the family Almanzor's youth was as noble and faire as the Prince of Benin's was insupportable Perseus so was he called had a melancholy accompanied with a brutish fury which made him not onely incapable of submitting himselfe to his Governours or to the King his father but so awkeward and indisposed to all exercises both of minde and body that it seem'd heaven having so much exhausted its treasure at the birth of Almanzor had reserved nothing for that of Pers●… This which I have spoken if you please shall suffice for the first foureteene yeares of A●…life Come we to the fifteenth and by the apprentiship of his val●… judge what this Master-peeces should be In the season wherein the Sun swerves from the Equi●…tiall line to get up to the Tropique of Cancer there rush'd out of the Deserts of Zan●…ra a prodigious Serpent which having laid waste the Territory of Guangara by the death of more then a thousand men made himselfe an entry into the kingdome of Benin He came on even to the gates of the City Budis and marching as a hardy and judicious Conquerour came the soonest he could to the City of Benin as if he would have presented battle to the King himselfe He utterly left desolate all those Provinces through which he had pass'd by the justice of heaven The people assembled and armed themselves against this Monster as against a common enemy but their resistance was vaine for that puissant adversary overthrew whosoever presented himselfe before him No arrowes so great or weighty or sharpe soever could pierce him and there was no better way found by any for their security then to shut themselves up in townes After he had made a generall havock through the Kingdome he set him downe in the territory of Benin The wood and fountaine of the Sun he chose for his usuall abode and as if he had beene satisfied with his Conquests and would now stop their progresse he stirr'd not more away farre from a place the most holy most religiously kept in all the Estate of Benin From time to time he came even to the Towne Gates and kept the King in a manner besieged within his walls and wholly interdicted the peoples commerce and exercise In the meane time the devoute Abrinzias contemplating that Monster as a scourge which heaven would make use of for the chastisement of his offences thought this persecution would not cease but by a publique penitence He had therefore recourse to those remedies which were taught him by that eternall Law which the most barbarous have graven in their hearts He wept he fasted he punish'd himselfe for his people he added publique processions and solemne sacrifices to his private devotions and reclaiming the people from their Luxury and debauches went himselfe every where preaching teares repentance and amendment Whilst all the Court was in prayers and mortification a valiant and generous Knight had an intent to fight with that Monster He was called Bellerophon and had gotten so great a reputation through all Africa 〈◊〉 't was held for impossible that which he could not execute At all points arm'd he rode out of Benin mounted on an excellent horse and resolv'd to dye or to deliver his Countrey from that terrible slavery The people drawne by the hope of their safety followed that generous warrier but at sight of the Monster feare freezing their bloud made them abandon their deliverer and shut them up againe within their walls Bellerophon was left alone and his courage encreasing by the generall affright he went to search for his enemie even among the Palme trees wherewith it seem'd he would crowne himselfe The Serpent not being now so eager at his prey as he was at first would scarce lift up his head when he saw Bellerophon but by some hissings contented himselfe to make appeare how much he contemn'd his adversary Bellerophon came on for all the turbulency and furious frightments of his horse and making use of his agility in shooting answer'd the hissings of the Monster with those of his arrowes But none of his shafts could wound him He was every where invulnerable Yet Bellerophon gave not over shooting but hitting him above the eye made him reare up his red and blew crest which made on his head a kinde of a crowne and to unfold all those great circles in which he seem'd to have insconc'd himselfe He suddenly darted himselfe on Bellerophon and had infallibly inwrap'd him but for the extraordinary leape which out of feare the warrior's horse made The Knight seeing his Steed unserviceable alighted cast his horse off approach'd the enraged Serpent and by a good hap worthy his courage with an arrow which strooke out his right eye we learnt the Serpent was not invulnerable But alas that knowledge was dearely sold for Bellerophon could not avoid the coming to gripes with the Monster 'T was related to Abrinzias that the bold Knight defended himselfe to the
death and though the Serpent had enfolded his armes and legs he made him feele the weight of his blowes but his resistance was all in vaine for he was torne in pieces for all his Armes and devour'd by the Monster This strange accident fill'd all the towne of Benin with desolation and feare Almanzor was with Andromeda when the newes came of Bellerophon's death He had ever dearely lov'd that Knight being as his companion in all his exercises You may imagine whether he were mov'd at his losse Truly he was so much that it drew teares from him But his love not being satisfied with these demonstrations made him resolve on others more worthy his valour and the memory of Bellerophon He therefore prepar'd him to avenge his death and his high Spirit carying him to great undertakings he would by so faire an occasion give a beginning to the miracles of his life The generous Prince would willingly have communicated his designe to me but imagining I would not approve of it he conceal'd it from me and one day secretly withdrawing himselfe unknowne to any man he went to finde out that dreadfull Serpent even among the Palme trees and to fight with him took only his sword his bow and his arrowes You wil hardly give credit to what I must relate though there is nothing more true Almanzor went alone into the wood of the Sun approacht the Serpent with an heroicall confidence look'd on his hugenesse and deformity without astonishment and by his noise calling him to the combat by some arrowes he let flye towards his den would give him time to defend himselfe The Monster animating him by beating the earth with his tayle rays'd his crown'd head and throwing at once venome and fire from his eyes made the Cedars and Palmes to tremble againe Almanzor stood firme and with himselfe consulted how he might best encounter that monstrous adversary Straight he nock'd an arrow and lifting his eyes to heaven I doe what I can said he doe thou the rest and let thy powerfull hand conduct the shaft which mine lets goe at hazard He was heard That arrow was so well guided that it pierced the Monsters tongue and there stuck fast The next was more fortunately addressed It strooke out the other eye and with the meanes of bringing himselfe on tooke that away of his defence Almanzor mark'd what he had done and doubting no longer of his victory shun'd the grapling of the blinded Serpent After he had long time fought with the trees and his rage turning on himselfe had extreamely weakened him by his owne blowes he lay extended on the earth and discovered a part of his white and yellow panch Almanzor perceiving so fit a marke for his arrowes shot him through and left not till he laid him dead When he was secure of his victory he went out of the wood and after his thanks to heaven and vow to hang his bow and arrowes with the Serpents skin he return'd to the City and told all those he met there was no more to be feared for the Serpent was dead Whilst the better hearted went to see whether Almanzor spake truth he came to the Palace and there found every body much troubled about him He presented himselfe to Abrinzias and falling at his feet Sir said he I humbly beseech your Majesty to pardon the fault I have commited I come from the fountaine of the Sun and the Serpent is dead Imagine Polexander how Abrinzias was affrighted though he saw Almanzor unhurt He enquir'd who had advis'd him to fight with the Serpent and who went with him to that Enterprise Bellerophon's death replied he sighing drew me to revenge it I could not live and suffer the murtherer of my friend to survive him Heaven hath favoured me so much as to acquit the debt I owed him Abrinzias lifted up his eyes with admiration and joy and to satisfie his curiosity asked Almanzor how all things had hapned He related it to him as I have to you but it was with so much modesty that Abrinzias foreseeing then what Almanzor hath done since My Son said he imbracing him search out new Kingdomes and Provinces worthy thy valour This little corner of Africa deserves not to containe thee With that he brought him to the Queene and recounting so heroicall an action oblig'd her to shed at once both teares of joy and sorrow the one for her love to Almanzor and the other for that of her owne Son The excesse of Abrinzia's contentment made him not forget what he owed to his people He sent his Heraulds through the towne not onely to publish the Serpents death which had so much annoy'd them but to make knowne to all the Author of their deliverance and the publique happinesse and after that went out of the towne waited on by all the Court and most of the people and so came where the Serpent lay slaine The multitude not forgetting their old use appear'd very hardy where there was no danger and running on the dead Monster cut him in pieces and by that meanes made Almanzor but imperfectly performe the vow he had made But whilst the people made themselves sport with their dead Enemy and vented all their fury on his skin Almanzor bewail'd the death of Bellerophon and in a generous piety gathered up his bones and broken armes scattered through the wood and giving both the one and the other to his particular friends follow'd them himself to a place fit to preserve the reliques memory of that valiant Knight The good Abrinzias was much mov'd to see so many verall vertues breake forth of tha●… young Prince and had esteem'd himselfe the happiest of Kings but that the defects o●… his owne Son and his vicious inclinations cut from him the best part of his happinesse But heaven who would recompence in the person of Almanzor the injury it had done him in that of Perseus gave him every day new causes to blesse the arrivall of my Prince and to forget the imperfections of the legitimate through the admirable qualities of the adopted But while Almanzor liv'd the joy of the people of Benin the admi●…ation of the rest of Africa the envy of all generous Princes and that the greatest Potentates sent Ambassadors to Abrinzias to rejoyce with him for Almanzor's honour and the delivery of his Countrey the ambition of Spaine an enemy to all mens quiet which runs through Sea and land to drive thence both peace and liberty came unfortunately to disturbe the delights of the best King in the world Vasquez de Gama Generall of the Portugall Fleet returning from Calecut was by a storme driven into the River of Benin In lieu of leaving to the Inhabitants that peace he found there he landed out of his ships men more cruell then the Serpent which Almanzor had slaine That young Prince hearing of the Portugals i●…rode ran to oppose them and by his exploits then made appeare yet farre more then by his first combat that
he was borne for the ruine and extirpation of Monsters I in that adventure followed him but was so unfortunate as to be taken by the Portugals and carried prisoner into Gama's ship I offred him gold and pearles for my ransome and even told him I was Abrinzia's brother and omitted nothing of what might make him capable of a resolution to set me at liberty But the losse of his best Souldiers and the dishonor to be beaten back againe to shipping by Almanzor working him to a revenge made him inexorable The night after his defeate he weigh'd Anchor and unmov'd by my teares and supplications carried me into Spaine and presented me to the King his Master for Abrinzia's brother Those three yeares I passed in that servitude hindred me from being a spectator of Almanzor's great adventures But heaven infallibly permitted it for some good and if I deceive not my selfe to the end my Prince living unknowne to himselfe as well as to his Enemies might retard their ruine without taking paines for his owne Know then after he had repuls'd the Portugals and seene their ships farre from the coasts of Benin he muster'd his men but finding me wanting he was so afflicted and witnessed such resentments as I shall never recompence by any service or the losse of my life A hundred times exclaim'd he on his fortune cast his armes away and running where the slaughter had beene greatest searched all the dead to see whether I were of their number But not finding me he ran to the Sea and his griefe transporting him Theeves and villaines cried he to the Portugals give me back Almaid and if your avarice cannot be satisfied by an ordinary ransome I engage my selfe to conquer for you all the golden countrey for the liberty of my second father But in uneffectuall petitions I lose that time which I should imploy for Almaids redemption Therewithall he sent a servant of his to Abrinzias to advertise him of my losse and to beseech him humbly he would be pleased to command the Royall vessell to be made ready and arm'd to pursue those who had carried me away prisoner That ship was carefully kept in the River of Benin and as a thing consecrated to their Deity was not us'd but to saile some dayes in the yeare to carry those offerings which the Crowne of Benin owed to the great Temple of Congo Almanzor went to the Captaine of that ship and perswading him that the succouring of the miserable and giving liberty to those which had lost it was a pleasing Offering to heaven obliged him to arme his vessell and keepe it ready to weigh Anchor assoone as the Kings permission came to him The very same day leave came and though Abrinzias writ to Almanzor not to hazard himselfe in that voyage yet he imbark'd himselfe and followed the Portugals His ship being not so good a sayler nor so well governed as those he chased could never fetch them up But on the contrary in the first tempest being forsaken by the Pilot he was eight or ten dayes at the mercy of the Sea and at last ran on a bank on a coast farre distant from that of Benin Almanzor saved himselfe in a little boate that was in the ship and armed with his usuall armour landed on that unknowne shore No sooner was he on land but he saw himselfe environed with many armed men who infallibly taking him for another cast themselves at his feet and shew'd by their clapping of hands and their shouts they were exceedingly delighted The most apparent of the Troupe standing a while as ravish'd with admiration or joy Welcome said he O most happily return'd is this worthy Prince which was borne for the safety of Nations for the destruction of Tyrants and the protection of the afflicted O my deare Country dry thy teares revive thy hopes acknowledge thy happinesse behold thy tutesar Angel and come meet this powerfull defender who is going to pluck thy Princes out of Captivity and breake the chaines of their servitude Almanzor was much surpris'd with this mans acclamations and to know the cause of it would not take him out of that error On the contrary he entreated him to relate what had hapned who were the enemies he was to fight with and what was become of those should defend them Great Prince replied the man I should be too tedious if I recounted to you all the miseries that have betided us since your absence Know that the untameable King of Tombut the furious tyrant of Temian and the hardy Prince of Agadez renewing the wars they had other times begun out of meere ambition and yet under pretext of avenging our first Queene came thundring on this Kingdome with a powerfull Army and to make the people revolt publish'd all about that the King by the advice of the Queen now reigning had caus'd his first wife to be poysoned and poniarded his Son My King who without flattery hath all the qualities of a great Prince did what he could to repell force by force but seeing himselfe forsaken by most of his Subjects he was constrain'd to shut himselfe up in a strong place he hath on the River of Senega and to expect there the aide was coming to him from Melley and Guinea That succour was vainely look'd for for the Kings fault which grew not out of mens memories and his second marriage which was contracted by a murther and a sacriledge were the reasons why no body would take Armes for our defence The King seeing himselfe out of hope to be relieved resolved to dye like a man of valour He made a salley on his enemies but after he had lost many of his people and received divers great wounds he was taken and ignominiously led before the King of Tombut Zelopa so is our Queen called advertis'd of that mischance did not what another wife would have done She had no recourse to teares and cryes but got out of her Palace with a manlike heart and taking the place of the King her husband made a speech to the people and souldiers and wonne them to a defence even till death The Enemy in the meane time sent her a Herauld and word that if within eight dayes she resolv'd not to render her selfe to their discretion they would cut off the Kings head Those eight dayes expire to morrow Judge my Lord if hitherto we have not had great cause of affliction and seeing you return'd whether we have not more reason to rejoyce The man thus ending his discourse besought Almanzor to take some course instantly for the safty of his father and mother Almanzor somewhat troubled with the novelty of this adventure knew not what to resolve but his innate generosity dissipating all those cloudy made him see how honourable this occasion might be to him and the interest he had not to disbeguile those who tooke him for what he was not He resolv'd therefore to assist the imprisoned King and the afflicted Lady and intimating so
that I never aspir'd to your Crowne whence is it then you make to me pardon me if I say so unjust propositions For it seemes you offer me your Crowne but to bridle and chaine in my fury and so take away the cause of my attempting against your life That which I owe you the care you have taken for my breeding and the love you have alway shown me are such strong bonds that they are capable to regulate a nature more ingratefull and ambitious then mine If you please Sir to honour me with your love cast that designe from your fancy or permit me to punish my selfe for being the cause of it and avenge you of a monster that could not glut his appetite b●…t by devouring his owne benefactors Abrinzias and Andromeda hearing how Almanzor interpreted their thoughts or rather admiring his incomparable vertue imbrac'd him one after another and told him that the knowledge they had of his good nature and not the feare either of losing or ill treatment from him had made ●…hem resolve to quit the Throne to place him in it with his brother Perseus Perseus repli'd Almanzor hath right to it alone when heaven for his punishment shall deprive him of you At those words Andromeda could not refraine from teares and casting her self on Almanzors neck Why Cry'd she hath not that just heaven permitted Perseus to cal himselfe rightly Almanzors brother These words were follow'd by many others but I omit them as ●…oo tedious and unnecessary for your satisfaction and will onely let you know that this interparlance or some other cause which Almanzor would never discover cast him into so deep a melancholy as he hated himselfe for it and yet could not for his heart suppresse it He forsooke the Court and all company and spent whole dayes either i●… the Desarts or on the Sea shore This strange kind of life made the King and Queene of Benin feare some new disaster and their affection perswaded them that his pensivenesse presaged some dangerous sicknesse Hydaspes who almost never forsooke the Prince was the first that tooke notice of his alteration he did what he could to divert him but perceiving ordinary remedies were not powerfull enough to extirpate so extraordinary a distemper he had recourse to more violent Finding therefore one day Almanzor weeping With what Justice said he to him dares a Prince so wise in couns●…ll so valiant in execution and so happy in the successe complaine either of heaven of fortune or himselfe What will not your enemies say Almanzor if your discontent comek to their eares Will they not have cause to make the world beleeve that you see with griefe the age of the King your Father that you meditate some plot against Perseus and in briefe that you are tortur'd either by some crimes you have committed or by those you have a desire to perpetrate Almanzor was very sensible of those last words and imagining that some other might have Hydaspes thoughts intended to overcome his melancholy and to seeke in the toyles of war that quiet which he could not meet withall among the delights of peace Almaid here staying as to take breath Polex●…nder who had a desire to speake turn'd towards the vertuous Almanzaira and shewing to her into what admiration the adventures and vertues of her Son had drawne him collected in briefe all the points of Almaids relation That done he discours'd much with the Princesse and remonstrated that all the misfortunes of her life had nothing in them so mortall but that she might finde their remedy in the birth of Almanzor That good Mother fail'd not to confirme Polexander's words and confess'd to him that if Zabaim and Almanzor could be preserv'd to her she would account her selfe infinitely obliged to that Goodnesse which had made her the wife and mother of two so great Princes The end of the Second Booke of the third Part. THE THIRD PART OF POLEXANDER The Third Booke ALmaid seeing Almanzaira and Polexander whom he knew not seem'd by their silence to intreat from him the continuance of Almanzors adventures was willing to satisfie their curiosity and thus proceeded Hitherto we have been Spectators if I may say so of Almanzors glorious troubles and triumphs we must now be the same of his Weaknesses Discredit and Servitude He continued in that irksome Melancholy of which I have spoken and as if his ill Genius had in spight of himselfe thrust him on the precipice where he was to be ruin'd he went every morning out of the Palace to passe the most part of the day on the point of a rocke where he had for his prospect but an open desert of waters as vaste as his thoughts Hydaspes almost daily waited on him thither and knowing his Masters malady was a disease which came further then from the in temperance of bloud or of other humours strove to sweeten the bitternesses of that Prince and to prepare him for those accidents wherewith he was threatned by that supernaturall sicknesse One day as they were together on the top of their rocke and had their eyes fix'd on the Coasts of Guinea they saw a far off a ship which with a favourable wind came with full sailes sailing from the West Eastward They thought her at first to be a Portugall Almanzor whom I may call the best Master of the world at that instant thought on me and that remembrance drawing him from his melancholy It may possibly be Almaid said he to Hydaspes who after his long captivity hath found a meanes to returne to us Let us goe downe and see whether my conjecture be true or no with that he arose and shewing a joy beyond appearance Surely said he to Hydaspes this Vessell comes to us and brings great cause of comfort Alas how was that poore Prince deceiv'd if not in all at least in the principall part of his hopes For my selfe his expectation was not frustrated for I was in the ship which he looked on with so much joy but traytor and unfortunate that I am I brought with me bolts and chains under whose weight the courage of that Prince was to lie fainting I will no longer hold from you the successe of that adventure I came and cast anchor where Almanzor was and making my excesse of joy and actions of thankes to which the happy successe of my voyage obliged me to resound againe by many Cannon shot I lanch'd a Shalop and first went downe into her that none before me might kisse that Land which was as deare to me as my native soyle No sooner had I set foot on shore but Almanzor came to me presently knew me cast himselfe on my necke and weeping for joy My Father said he and have I then recovered you againe after so long time of your losse and hath that misericordious Goodnesse from whom I have so often petition'd you granted me even that for which I durst not supplicate You may well beleeve without my telling you that my
considerations the overflowing of that passion but Almanzor cutting me short Do not said he imitate Hydaspes and speake against your owne thoughts through a desire to hinder a matter already resolv'd on Your Son Almaid must love he must heaven will absolutely have it so and that love Axiamira But said he how unfortunate am I in that I must give an account of my life to others then my selfe I am overtyr'd with visits and businesse and for a little vanity which the power of Commanding gives me I must deprive my selfe of my contentment yeeld my selfe a slave to other mens passions and for the accomplishment of all misery have all my labours and industry rewarded with perfidy and ingratitude They are not suspitions and doubts which make me speake thus No they are truths Almaid and such truths as you have unwittingly told me Ah! ingratefull Zabaim King incident to all crimes must thou needs after so many services which I will not remember be the author of my just complaints and the object of a yet more just indignation But he went on addressing him to me to the end we may proportion the punishment with the fault bring me hither Osmin I will from his mouth understand the wrongs Zabaim hath done him I very attentively gave eare to all these words and knowing they proceeded from an extreame affection and hatred I fear'd lest the power of love might be able to violate that of nature and winne Almanzor to breake with Zabaim These feares made me oppose against the complaints of my deare Master all that I thought availeable to get him from that opinion he had of Zabaim I therefore besought him to do nothing hastily nor upon the relation of parties interessed dissolve an amity which seem'd to be immortall I know said he what I owe to Zabaims favour He knows too how I have serv'd him Notwithstanding he hath sayl'd of his word and endeavour'd to rob me of the treasure wherewith I intrusted him Judge to what a resentment so great a contempt and so base a treason obligeth me Yet I will not doe what love adviseth me It shall never be reproach'd me that I neither know how to make or preserve friendship If Zabaim have injur'd me his fault shall not make me commit another but it shall teach me how to demeane my selfe with him that so hereafter I may cut off all causes of sayling in our amity Go then Almaid fetch me Osmin and let us see how farre Zabaim is guilty Presently I went and brought Osmin to Almanzors chamber The presence of that old man extreamely comforted the Prince and made him seeme farre lesse unquiet then he was before He spake to him with a very temperate spirit and intreated him to relate all his fortunes but before you begin said he you must satisfie me in one thing which troubles me and make knowne how Zabaim hath treated you since my absence I know you had rather lose your life then preserve it by an untruth Therefore I intreat you not to forget the injuries Zabaim hath done you no nor so much as to suspend the resentment of them to the end that without preoccupation you may make me a plaine and true recit all of what hath befalne you in Guinea Begin then and without considering that Zabaim is my friend tell me the truth purely Osmin whom I have alwayes knowne most sincere taking heaven to witnesse what he was to speake Two dayes said he to Almanzor after your departure Zabaim took the paines to come to my lodging where he staid a while with Axiamira but seeing her in a silence and sadnesse not to be surmounted he left her and taking me by the hand Father said he let us leave this faire maiden to her selfe I follow'd him and when he was come to the Sea side he made me a long Speech of the obligations in which he was ingag'd to you and repeated all the requests you had made him in behalfe of my daughter and my selfe Hee added that for your sake and particularly for mine hee would alwayes respect mee as his owne Father and that hence forward hee would put no difference betwixt his wife and my daughter I rendred thankes for his proffers and telling him they were too advantagious for a stranger like my selfe and a poore maiden as mine was I humbly besought him to contract all his liberalities into one which was to give me the meanes by which I might returne into mine owne Countrey Father repli'd the King I am ready to grant what you have desired but I must not for the infinite love I beare you become mine owne enemie and in preferring your content before mine owne leave an ill opinion of my selfe in those who looke not on the actions of Kings but to finde fault with them yet let us passe by the conceptions of the multitude which commonly are most unreasonable and fasten on that of Almanzor Will not he have cause to beleeve that I have abus'd you when he shall understand that contrary to what we had agreed together you have staid so short time with me Stay therefore here yet a few dayes and have patience till I can send him your resolution You are too generous and too good I repli'd and if the love you beare were not founded on the worthiest cause in the world I could not but still thinke on the excesse of your courtesies But Sir as I imagine your Majestie needs not use so much circumspection in so inconsiderable a businesse We are three poor Wanderers that have no name but by our miseries and who cannot receive the least favour but we must acknowledge it to be beyond our expectations Suffer us then to accomplish the course of our calamities and let not your goodnesse be so sensible as it is of those outrages which Fortune is not yet wearie of making us undergoe I made this long speech to Zabaim to the end that mov'd with compassion or overcome by my reasons he might give way to our departure I cannot tell you whence those impatiencies of parting which I discovered proceeded but I confesse to you they were very extreame and yet my wife's and Axiamira's were greater For all that my prayers my solicitations and intreating Zabaim in your name could not obtaine the leave I demanded He oppos'd so many shewes of amitie and so many reasons to my request that at last to comply with him I went against mine owne thoughts and yeelded to stay yet with him That conformitie of mine was so pleasing unto him as imbracing me with the transport of a man very passionate Father said he I will make you confesse that Almanzor is not the sole man deserves to be beloved and raise you to that happinesse that with the one part of your affection you beare to him you shall lose all that other which you beare to your native soile After all these artificiall promises he return'd to the Palace and leading me by the hand made his
Courtiers take notice of my extraordinary favour From that day he demean'd himselfe towards me as if truly I had been his father and added a many more slaves to those he had given us before your departure The more my credit increased the more I suspected him and knowing well it came not out of any respect to you nor from any merit in me I imputed and laid all the cause of it on the love Zabaim bore to Axiamira Nor was it long conceal'd from me The Kings frequent visiting us the excessive presents which hee continually sent my wife and the submissions wherewith he presented himselfe before Axiamira were to me too certaine proofes of his follie and too assured presages of our approaching ruine At last he resolv'd to put off the maske he had long worn and imagining Axiamira lov'd you he thought there was no better way to settle himselfe in her thought then by driving thence the memorie of you To that end he spoke to her of you but in such a way as taxing was subtlely intermix'd with praise contempt with estimation and envie with acknowledgement I will not my Lord relate the particulars of his discourse for Axiamira would never tell it me know onely that after Zabaim had well prais'd you he made an ample declaration of his extreame love Then hee told my daughter that if she would give him some assurance of her affection he would promise her no lesse a recompence then the three Crownes which Zelopa wore on her head Axiamira incens'd at his detestable propositions was ready to breake out but the greatnesse of her heart and that scrupulous vertue whereof she hath alwaies made profession neither permitted her to make shew of her spirit nor to answer Zabaim's words She would avenge it on her self and by teares watchings and other austerities ruinate the innocent cause of that Princes offences He for all that did not give over his enterprise for so comfort lesse a beginning On the contrary the difficultie of it adding to his desires he resolv'd to carrie away that victorie either by force or cunning●… 'T was then we began to see the infallibilitie of our destruction When it was permitted us to be alone and all three together could freely disclose the thoughts of our hearts we broke forth into infinite sorrowes and lamentations We invok'd heavens Justice to assist us against the impudicitie of so often and many wayes guiltie a Prince Wee call'd for it's thunder We besought you to be yet once more our deliverer but seeing our selves for saken of gods and men and growing desperate of your returne we fell from plaints and teares into a resolution to die Axiamira shewing her brave spirit in ●…hat extremitie Father said she my constancie hath now beene long in contestation with fortune I feare it may faint and after so high a flight have an ignominious stouping deliver it then from those new enemies which assaile her and if your power extend not so farre I pretend not to engage you on impossibilities Your example makes me but too well know by what way we must generously enfranchise our selves from a place where we cannot live with honour Let us get hence and make Zabaim know we were born free But if all passages are stopt us and we be no more permitted the use of our libertie let us trie our courage Death is alwayes ready to succour such who call on her as they ought It shall be it my deare Protectors it shall be it which in spight of all the tyrants chaines and guards shall put a period to our feares and slaverie When we heard Axiamira speake so generously my wife and my selfe stopped the teares which had so long time distill'd from our eyes and prepar'd our selves by a mutuall constancie to a glorious death Yet before our putting that last resolution in execution I had a mind to attempt some new meanes to save Axiamira I tri'd but in vaine to corrupt some of our slaves I writ to you divers letters which I gave to divers persons whom I thought very trustie I especially hop'd you would come and relieve us but I know wel now that my letters never came to your hands and that Zabaim had them from the traitor who promis'd me to deliver them to you I wonder'd no more why he was so jealous of me nor why he plac'd neer my daughter so many blacke Eunuches who not content to prie into all our actions would even heare out words too At last he tooke away that little libertie was left us Hee himselfe forbad us the going forth from our lodging and told me one day in choler that his love being too much contemn'd would turne into furie To this lamentable estate were we brought when Vice it selfe tooke armes for the defence of Vertue and though it was not its intention imploi'd all that could be of force and furie to make her victorious Zelopa who for six moneths had been sicke as they said of love and despaire understood by some of her confidents that Zabaim had forgotten her and passionately in love with a young maiden which had been sold him by her owne father note my Lord how wicked the vulgar are in their judgement was ready to seat her in Zelopa's place These newes getting her out of the bed wherein she languished made her leave Senega Into Guinea she came more furious then a Lionesse that pursues the hunters which have stolne her whelps She call'd to her succour all those Devills which the publicke voyce gave her altogether for her gods and slaves She sacrific'd to her furie three of her principall Officers for not advertising her presently of our arrivall or rather for not imploying fire and poyson against the father and daughter Zabaim hearing of his wife's frenzies was terrified with her threatnings and cruelties and as an offender escap'd out of prison seeing himselfe ready to fall into the hands of them who are doubly irritated by his flight he growes pale loseth his resolution repents him for breaking his fetters and lookes on those that advis'd him to escape as on so many enemies Axiamira who lately was his sole delight his happinesse his life and somewhat more then even Zelopa with all her Philters and Spirits was become to him a subject of horrour and hatred and if I know not what remainder of dying vertue had not opposs'd it selfe against the outrage of his bewitch'd soule he had doubtlesse himselfe to obtaine remission for his inconstancie cut the throat of Axiamira before Zelopa's eyes In the meane time that Witch like another Furie broke loose from hell came by great journey 's to fill the Court with massacres and impoysonings The blinded Zabaim hearing of her coming resolv'd to goe meet her and by that submission aswell as by his teares to pacifie the furie of his tyrannesse Before he parted he would yet once more see Axiamira and by that view give a secret and new aliment to the fire he
could not extinguish Assoone as he saw the Princesse What Princesse said Almanzor to Osmin interrupting him Pardon me that mistake my Lord repli'd Osmin I would have said the unfortunate Axiamira Goe on father said Almanzor and e●…e no more so The poore Osmin blush'd and all asham'd for disclosing a thing he would have kept secret thus continued his discourse Assoone as Zabaim saw Axiamira You would not be Queene said hee and you are now going to be a miserable slave who shall languish all the remainder of your life under the cruell yoke of an inhumane Mistris Thy threats replied Axiamira sway me as little as thy promises I have scorn'd the one and I feare not the other With the same courage that I trod under-foot thy Crownes I can undergoe all kinds of torture Yet when I have a mind to free my selfe from thy tyrannie and the slaverie wherewithall thou threatnest me thy guards and thy irons shall be too weake to hold me Zabaim mov'd with those words and feeling his flame rekindling by the generositie as well as the attraicts of Axiamira wept before her a long time and cursing the rigour of his Destinie shew'd he had no minde to have her ruin'd and yet he could not save her He presently flew thence as if he had fear'd Zelopa knew of his visit and left us in a firme resolution to die rather then to fall into the hands of that inhumane Sorceresse Axiamira would not have us linger any longer and proposing to us death as an expedient or helpe the most facile and pleasant besought us for the last course to renounce all desire of life and not put our selves againe to the hazard dangers and incommodities of a flight which could not be discovered but it must be far more dismall to us then death I need not my Lord tell you it was not for our owne sakes that we could not resolve to die Had we been alone my wife and I we had soone disburthened our selves of an irksome old age but when we came to consider that we should destroy in the birth a miracle which nature had produc'd to be the ornament of her age our constancie vanish'd and death seem'd to us a monster which we were obliged to avoid as long as we had any meanes left to escape My wife and my selfe having therefore resolv'd to try for our safetie we propos'd it to our daughter she shew'd her selfe very repugnant to it neverthelesse her obedience being farre stronger she consented to all we desir'd of her Presently we provided our selves for that escape and taking hold of the occasion which may be was offer'd us we deceived our slaves in faining Axiamira to be sicke The night then after the departure of Zabaim being come we disguis'd our selves and getting through a lower window which look'd into the Palace gardens we got into the wilde fields and from thence into a desert which is frontire betweene Guinea and Senega Though our flight was favour'd by the departure of Zabaim and a very precipitate breaking up of Court yet was it discovered and as we entred the desert we saw five or six black slaves which pursued us their Scimitars ready drawne Affrighted with the yellings and furie of those barbarous villaines wee flung our selves into the next Caverne we saw without feare of meeting any of those furious beasts which usually retire themselves into such like places Our feare was our safety for sliding into that hole with all the silence that accompanieth timiditie we hid our selves among bushes which almost stopt up the mouth of it Those who ran afterus redoubling their shouts and threatnings cast themselves into the Cave but having without doubt by their yellings awakened two lions which lay there asleep they were constrained in lieu of taking us to defend themselves This unhop'd for succour made us turne up our eyes to heaven which we saw not and beg that great Soule which animates it to restraine the furie of the lions and not suffer them that had been our Defenders to be our devourers Our prayer was heard Those lions after they had satiated their hunger on those wretches forsooke their den and lessening our feare by their departure gave us liberty to breathe and to know our selves My wife and I searching for Axiamira gropingly found her farre lesse affrighted then in Zabaim's Court and received from her that heartning and comfort we would have given She advis'd us to forsake that place whilst those we feared were gone We did so and after vve had vvandred above a moreth amongst the mountaines of Lions without any food but what we got by our prayers from the Inhabitants of those mountaines we passed the River of Saban to the towne which carries the same name Many Merchants of Mansara who were come thither to trafique received us into their companie and taking pitie of my wife's age and mine and of Axiamira's tender yeares set us all three on their Camels and conducted us happily to the Citie of Ponda Finding my selfe so neere the ordinary abode of Zabaim new feares followed my ordinary ones and they were yet augmented by the report that ranne of that Prince his returne with his wife I forsooke therefore the towne where I had beene so well receiv'd by night with my little company and having none other Guide then the same who had so happily conducted us to that time I came at last to the house of charitable Servonitez His reputation which is not much lesse great then Zabaims but more worthy to be envy'd invited me to him and there made me meet yet with more then I was made to hope for I need not my Lord recount to you the particularities that Knight said he pointing to me hath not held till this time from relating them to you Almanzor seeing Osmin give over I know said he the end of your adventures but the beginning of them which I would faine heare is yet behinde But we will deferre that recitall to another time and imploy the time we have in giving order for our particular affaires For Zabaim we will forget him till the time come wherein we may make him know without avenging his perfidy by another that he hath more wrong'd himselfe then us when to satisfie his sensuality he hath undervalued our requests and friendship Speake therefore father to me freely and tell me whether you intend to follow my fortune and love me so well as to end your dayes with me and give over into my hands the care of your family This proposition was conceiv'd in such sort as Osmin noted in it a hidden necessity of abiding with Almanzor But that necessity was so conformable to his thoughts that he receiv'd it as the highest favour could come from the Prince He told him likewise that since he had left his countrey and the advantages of fortune because he would neither violate the divine Lawes in flattering his King in his vices nor the humane in running into rebellion
Fisher-boats that were by the shore and commanded them to take in if it were possible all those that were not yet lost in that conflagration They obey'd but onely for fashion sake and indeed their paines was bootlesse and their feare of losing themselves in striving to save strangers kept them from that hazard One of these two burning ships being driven full against our rock split in peeces and left to the mercy of the Sea those whom the fire had not yet consumed The other met luckily with the mouth of the River of Sus and all burnt as she was downe to the water drove as we understood next day on a shelfe up the River Hely grieved at so strange a sight went to his bed and commanded me to take care of those who were taking out of the Sea I went downe to the shore and seeing there the good Kings guard blamed their disobedience and compell'd them to return to their boats It was exceeding darke the Sea went high and the feare so generall that this second attempt was as vaine as the former One of the boats being thrown against the point of a rock was overturn'd some of the Souldiers drown'd and the rest affrighted at the losse of their companions got to land and protested against ever turning Mariners againe I would have return'd but something I know not what staying me I remained there almost alone As the Tyde went out the winde calm'd and the waves growne smoother brought even to my feet some pieces of that double shipwrack As I was earnestly righting that which came a shore amongst chests fardels and halfe burnt pieces of plancks and other timber I saw a man who forgetting the danger from which he was not yet got free call'd with a loud voyce Iphidamanta and seem'd he had no minde to save himselfe but onely in regard he was loath to leave the person who own'd that name I thought it good with my self but knew not wherefore to answer at the name of Iphidamanta I had scarce twice or thrice repeated it but he who call'd put himselfe to swim and came to land fast by where I sate Assoone as he was out of the water I ran to him and offered on the behalfe of the King of Morocco all that he needed in his adverse fortune Afterwards to free him from the trouble wherein he saw him I said That I onely touched with compassion had made answer as often as he call'd Iphidamanta The man sighing at those words stood a while silent at last he ask'd me on what Province of Africa he was cast and besought me to tell him my name I satisfi'd his demands and strove by my best reasons to comfort him or at least to draw him out of his despaire But he insensible of all things but his losse Reserve said he for some more lesse miserable then my selfe the remedies your charity presents me I must dye said he and must finde by my sword what I could not meet with neither in the fire nor the water Ah! faire Iphidamanta thou art lost and even those indeavours wherevvith I strove to preserve to my selfe the happinesse of seeing thee have reduc'd me to the misery of never seeing thee more After he had thus lamented he left me and leapt into a little boat that was moar'd at the Sea side but when he was got some twenty or thirty paces the surges brought him back againe Five or six times he strove to force her and as often was cast backe a shore At last he came out of his vessell and finding me where I was left If said he your pity be not fained tell me where I may finde some Mariners My shipwracke is not of so little importance but the remaines of it is able to inrich many I advis'd him to stay till day ere he put himselfe to Sea and promis'd to provide him as many men as he needed Then I intreated him to retire in and passe the rest of the night with me but I could not possibly get him from the place where he was and his obstinacy cut off from me all meanes of comforting him I therefore took my leave of him and assoone as I was in my lodging sent five or six of my slaves to get Mariners to serve him At day breake I returned to the Sea side to learne what was become of him for I thought not to meet him againe yet I did but in the most deplorable estate you can possibly imagine He held in his hands a robe imbroider'd with gold and silver which was in some places burnt and in others bloudy When I came neere he lifted it up into the aire and with a languishing voyce cry'd out See just heaven what thou hast permitted Fortune to perpetrate See all that remaines of that wonder for whom thou seem'dst to have reserv'd the best Crownes of Europe Doest thou thus deceive the faith of men and reject the prayers of the most innocent Didst not thou incourage me to plucke Iphidamanta out of the hands of a Tyrant to whom she had beene inthrall'd Didst thou not make me hope to see her one day seated on my Throne only to ingage me to an unfortunate enterprise which hath hastned her fate and buried in those waves which have swallow'd her all that could ever make me happy Thou wouldst have it so just heaven and thereby I know thou redemandest the life thou hast given me I restore it thee and render it as a gift I am asham'd of With that he cast away the robe and tooke againe the ponyard wherewithall he had already strook himselfe but I held his hand as he was about to double his blow and making my selfe knowne Credit not said I your despaire follow more wholesome counsell and at least preserve so much of your selfe as remaines When he heard me speake he cast up his eyes and knowing me Osmin repli'd he I will dye and not give Fortune the contentment of seeing me longer under her tyranny But before I go hence I will trust thee with my last Will. Intreat from me the King of Morocco that he will please to send into Scotland and advertise the King my father of the tragicall end whereto his deniall hath brought me and if my last petition can move him obtaine that he send some one to the Canaries to let the Queen there know of my death Polexander was so vext to heare of the Scottish Prince his death and withall the contrary of what he had knowne from the old Narcissus that he had not power enough o're himselfe to suppresse his first agitations and remaine in that indifferency with which he had heard the other incidents of Almanzor's History he interrupted unseasonably Almaid and besought him before he went further on to let him know whether after the death of the Scottish Prince there had been nothing heard of Iphidamanta Almaid was far from imagining 't was Polexander spoke to him nor made he any reflection on his troubles and
from Morocco with Iphidamanta Osmin his wife and their domesticks and in all haste came to the Fortresse of Guargetsem There as if he had been in the highest peace that could be or had abjured all things but his love he even forbad Osmin from speaking to him in any manner about businesse nor to trouble his repose with the fortune of an Estate which he abandon'd to the ambition of Sonnes Osmin affrighted with this command was neither sufficiently coward nor traytor to obey him He secretly sent for the Governour of Taradant and besought him by the excellency of his vertue and by his valour so often approv'd to have pity on the Kings weaknesse and his countreys desolation That Governour promis'd Osmin all that a man of honour should in such an occasion but whilst he was in preparation the two detestable Princes made themselves masters of the best townes and found every where so little resistance that they were at the gates of Guargetsem before the Governour of Taradant had time to assemble his friends or his troups Hely who passed his time altogether in idolatrizing Iphidamanta and in promising her such Crowns as he had lost was much astonished when the roaring of Cannons and the clamours of Souldiers told him aloud what his most affectionate servants durst not whisper to him Presently he ran to Iphidamanta and casting himselfe at her feet Would to heaven faire Princesse said he that I might by my death free you from the danger wherewithall you are threatned by my cruell and unnaturall Sonnes You should see me run to it with joy and voluntarily yeeld up what remaines of my life for the ransome of your honour and liberty But their abominable ambition will be no more glutted by my death then it is by my Crownes 'T is your honour they aime at and the accursed Nephisus will not thinke himselfe fully clear'd of those execrable vowes he hath made if at once he commit not two of the greatest murthers can be imagined I meane if after his attempting on my life he doe not the like on your honour Iphidamanta according to her custome dissolv'd in tears whilst Hely spoke to her but at last urg'd by a just indigdation It behov'd you then to have had more care of my liberty repli'd she when it was in your power So would you not have been reduc'd to give me now such vaine testimonies of your feare and weaknesse but take no care for me I know better then you how to prevent the villanies of your Sonnes Hely stood wholly confounded with love and joy at those judicious words and leaving Iphidamanta with Osmin's Lady went to see whereto his enemies had brought him Osmin followed and charging him but with silken words if it be lawfull for me to use the Court tearmes with the irreparable faults his passion had made him commit would have perswaded him to thinke on his safety whilst it was not absolutely desperate Hely stopping at that speech There 's an end of the matter said he I must die Abdelmelec and Nephisus have too constant and assured an impiety to promise me the least good that can be That very day they combin'd to make war with me they resolv'd my death Should I give into their hands all regall authority and on the faith of a solemne Treaty open the gates of this fortresse assure your selfe they would not be satisfied They will have me end my miserable life by the most infamous tortures can be invented by their mercilesse impiety But that which I more feare is they will expose Iphidamanta to such horrours as the sole imagination of them kills me I will therefore prevent all these disasters by a death which shall not be unworthy Iphidamanta nor my selfe With that he walked on and ascended up a bulwarke from whence he might descry all his enemies camp He knew the ill estate of the place he was in and judg'd rightly by the advanced works and demolitions the Cannon made that he had but a short time to live He stood there above two houres as if he had expected some Cannon shot to finish all his disquiets by a faire death But heaven which is alwayes indulgent to humane frailty preserv'd that sacred head and would not by a tragieall end give his unnaturall children cause to glory in their wickednesse nor yet would it absolutely preserve that drowsie and rest-loving Prince for feare he should utterly lose himselfe in his remisnesse and too much insensibility Osmin perceiving Helies intention withdrew him against his will from the bulwarke and trusting in the Governour of Taradants promise assur'd him he should shortly have succour from whence he expected it not Hely laughed at it and as if he had knowne his approaching misfortune staid at the foote of a towre which his enemies battered A great part of it fell in that instant and in such a manner that without the particular providence of heaven Hely and Osmin had beene orewhelm'd with the ruine Osmin was not hurt at all but Hely scap'd not so cheape He was struck downe and wounded in his head and many other parts of his body Some of the garrison Souldiers thinking he had beene slaine drew him from under the rubbish and ruines of the towre and carried him to his chamber Assoone as the trusty Eunuch Atlas saw his Master in so ill plight he ran to Iphidamanta and melting into teares Come said he and see to what point of mishap your beauty hath brought the best Prince of the world Follow me Iphidamanta and try at least by one teare and one word of comfort to witnesse to my Lord the King that you are sensible of his wounds Iphidamanta was astonished at Atlas sad relation and her naturall goodnesse making her forget all other consideration she went with Osmins Lady to the Prince his chamber Assoone as she came neere his bed and that she saw him all bloudy O heaven she cried permittest thou thine owne lively image to be thus disfigured Hely knowing her stretch'd out his hand and raysing himselfe a little faire Princesse said he since my life pleased you not let me know at least that my death is welcome unto you Impute not to heaven nor to the inhumanity of my children the tragicall end of dayes They have both rather with pity then rigour treated me as they have done and death it selfe shews how pitifull she is since it hath prevented the despaire and contempt whereinto your losse would infallibly have carried me Give them thanks rather for being so conformable to your wishes and for delivering you at last from that bondage which hath cost you so many teares Farewell then faire Princesse weepe no more if you desire not to afflict me at mine end Rather by a pleasant countenance signifie to me that you take my death as a favour I will even hasten it if you desire it But whilst I seeke for comfort in my misery I forget the care I should take for your
all alive seeing her funeralls perform'd and notwithstanding Mahomets forbidding to receive such honours as are reserv'd for men onely wept as much for joy as griefe and even ravish'd to see how deare her memory was to Zabaim When the prayers were ended Zabaim arose from his place as pale and wan as he had been ready to give up the ghost and made a signe that he would speake Presently there was a great silence and the Prince beginning his speech with teares continued with these words I should rather let you know by the effusion of my bloud then my teares how guilty I am All that former ages have seen of cruelty of barbarisme of inhumanity cannot parallel but the least part of my actions I have violated all manner of Lawes I have by execrable courses blotted out the Character which heaven had imprinted on my brow and the Majesty of Kings which hath been hitherto the love and safety of all Nations is become by being communicated to me the terrour of Innocents and abomination of all men 'T was I my friends 't was I who thrust the sword into the bosome of the incomparable Almanzaira I am the unnaturall father who consented to the death of him to whom I gave life Yes I have depriv'd you of your legitimate Prince I pluck'd him out of his Nurses armes and to glut the ambition of a wicked woman have not trembled to abandon that Innocent to the outrages of fortune Had I alone contributed to his birth as I have to his misery I would esteeme you happy in being delivered from the race of such a monster as I. But alas Almanzaira gave him you and you beleeve as well as my selfe she being the perfect rendezvous of all royall vertues could produce nothing but what was worthy to governe Lament therefore and bewaile that great losse make the Author of your misfortunes feele your just anger Remember how dearly Almanzaira lov'd you and suffer not her executioner to be any longer your master At that word Zabaim was constrained to stop because his weaknesse being neither answerable to the vehemency of his action nor the excesse of his griefe he stood suddenly without voyce or motion This accident causing a great trouble among the people every one arose to help the Prince and the noise increasing with the opinion they had of his death Almanzaira left her place and thrusting her selfe in amongst the prease without any other consideration then to get neere the King made so good shift that she came close to the Kings throne when he came out of his faintnesse Every body seeing him recover'd tooke their places againe and Almanzaira hiding her selfe behinde some of the Guard would attend till her Lord descended to cast her self at his feet He in the meane time all dying and wet with teares What my friends said he have you no resentment Will you let me live since Almanzaira is dead She is not cry'd out the Queene breaking forth from behinde those which hindred her from being seen she is not for heaven would not suffer her to be so soon depriv'd of her Lord. Zabaim affrighted to heare that voyce and to see a woman come creeping on her knees towards him arose from his chaire and presently fell backe againe and there lay long without stirring In the meane while those who were neerest the King look'd on Almanzaira and knew her though she seem'd to them much chang'd and ask'd one another if what they saw were not some new inchantment of Zelopa Whilst Zabaim came out of his insensibility and that all the world press'd and cry'd out to see the Queene Almaid declar'd himselfe and intreated them to make way for him At this new cause of astonishment the multitude redoubled their acclamations throng'd together and seeing Almaid could not passe lifted him up and from hand to hand carried him to the King Art thou descended from heaven deare Almaid said Zabaim to confirme the good newes I heare and dare not beleeve He staid not for an answer but certainly crediting that she before him could be none other then Almanzaira he fell on his knees and taking her by the hands Doe I then said he see you againe deare Almanzaira and have your enemies been lesse cruell to you then I But do you not return to upbraid me of my inhumanity and aske Justice for it from all the World My Lord repli'd the Queen forget if you please the griefes I have throwne on you and let me see that my returne and life is not displeasing to you All the assistants lifted their hands to heaven throng'd about the King and Queen to congratulate so miraculous a re-union and understanding it was an effect of Almaid's fidelity they call'd him aloud the Redeemer of Senega This worthy Favorite to satisfie the King his master and the rest of the company declar'd in few words all that we have knowne before At which recitall their admiration increased and the multitude which takes pleasure in framing to themselves causes of astonishment added miracles and prodigies to Almanzaira's adventures to the end to give new nourishment to their greedinesse of deceiving themselves In the meane time the Priests changed their prayers and requests into giving thankes They praised Heaven for this happy and unexpected successe and sent backe Zabaim with as much comfort and joy as he had of despaire and sorrow when he came into the Temple Almanzaira for all her being re-established in her former fortune and environ'd with such glory as any other but her selfe had been lost in it forgot not Polexander She besought the King he might be look'd after to render him what she ought as the person whom the eternall Providence had made use of to denounce the end of her miseries Polexander straight presented himselfe and doing reverence to the King without making knowne who he was follow'd him to the Palace with Almaid and many others of the chiefe in Court The people on their parts renew'd with their fires the joy they had so long smother'd and running as their manner is from one extreame into another spent the rest of that night in sports in feastings in musicke and other jocundnesse Zabaim spent it more seriously for assoone as he had bid good night to all the Court he shut himselfe in his privy chamber with Almanzaira Polexander and Almaid and accusing himselfe in their presence of all those crimes his love had made him commit ask'd the Queen pardon a thousand times and mov'd her so much by his submissions as she thought so good she was there was no body guilty but her selfe But to divert Zabaim from his sad thoughts My Lord said she the same Goodnesse which hath preserv'd your Almanzaira from the power of all the Devills hath not onely had care of the true Almanzor's life but hath many times sent him you as a tutelar Angell to defend you against your ill-affected Subjects Rebellion and to re-conquer those Countries which divers tyrants had
usurped from you 'T was he who appear'd in your Court under the name of Perseus and who by a youthfull folly renounc'd but in appearance only the amity he promis'd us Is it possible cry'd Zabaim that Perseus is my sonne and that even he whom I would have smothered in his cradle hath had so generous a spirit as to re-establish me thrice in my throne and twenty times to save my life Truly Almanzaira I beleeve it when I consider the excesse of your affection and since the effects take much after their causes Almanzaira is such as there can come nought from her but what is extraordinary But where is he our deare Almanzor when shall I imbrace him and settle on his head all those Crowns which through a just indignation he refuseth The Queen to increase his astonishment answered thus Know Sir that love hath made a Pirate of your sonne and hath made you know him for such under the name of Baiazet which he now carries O! my son cry'd Zabaim againe how heroicall is thy vertue how great thy courage and how many extraordinary things are to be reserv'd for thy wonderfull fate Yes Almanzaira I have knowne him under the name of Baiazet and but for the assistance he gave me to quench a Rebellion worse then the former you had seene Zabaim amongst the number of those unfortunate Kings with whom there is left no remainder of royalty but the griefe of being despoyled of it But let us not suffer my deare Almanzaira that the heire or to say better the conquerour of so many Kingdomes continue any longer the Captaine to a company of theeves Almaid presented himself to carry the Prince news what he was and what had lately hap'ned Zabaim besought him to undertake the voyage and to restore againe the person he had so happily stolne from him Polexander offered to accompany him if need were and I dare believe without vaine-glory said he that Almanzor loves me so well as he will not deny me such things as I shall intreat from him In this manner ended the first converse now betwixt Zabaim and Almanzaira and so presently withdrew giving congey to Polexander and the faithfull Almaid The publique rejoycings the while being sufficiently made shew of by all manner of liberties left all the City of Senega in so sound a tranquillity that two or three dayes following were not onely festivall dayes but wholly consecrated to rest Zabaim having satisfied his conscience and made an eternall peace with Axiamira began to purge his Kingdomes of all those pernicious spirits which Zelopa had made use on for the establishment of her unjust authority All the Peeres of the Kingdome came to the Palace to congratulate the returne of their good Queene and renew'd even to Zabaim the assurances of their inviolable fidelity Almanzaira now free went through all the Temples to give thanks to heaven and to be seene of the people which earnestly desired it was carried after the manner of that country through all the streets of Senega When she had satisfied the Subject she would give content to her selfe and thinking there was an infinite obligation due to Polexander besought Zabaim to make him proffers great enough in acknowledgement of what he had done for her sake and to keepe him in his service The King who had no other will then that of his admirable wife presented such things to Polexander as were capable to tempt the most moderate of the world But Polexander astonish'd and amaz'd to see himselfe so well treated I said he have never serv'd you Zabaim and you know the Queene is so good that she makes no distinction betweene the wishes and the effects and by consequence is perswaded I have serv'd her because I had a will to it Yet believe not because I doe not accept your Present that I will avoid all occasions of ingaging my selfe No Sir I owe you all I refuse and the possessing so great a fortune as you present me would nothing adde to my affection of doing you service Whensoever you shall have occasion I will expose my life and those of my friends and be ready to go whither you will call me on so emergent a consideration But now when the love of your subjects and the feare of your neighbours gives you time to taste in peace the fruits of your conquests and that the Queenes returne invites you to sit downe without any new undertaking be pleas'd I may retire home and after that voyage carry the Prince Almanzor newes of his good fortune Almanzaira was present when Polexander spake thus to Zabaim She did what in her lay to stay him but being just as she was she gave consent to his depart and would not to please her selfe that Polexander should receive any the least discontent He had sent his trusty Alcippus to the Port to looke for Diceus and advertise him of his coming Assoone as he heard from them he tooke his leave of the King and Queene and bidding farewell to all his friends and particularly to Almaid departed from Senega to the Sea side He had not been two howres aboard his ship when an unknowne man entred her and intreated he might speake with him in private Polexander led him into his Cabin and shutting the doore Speake freely said he you are in a place where none but I can heare you The stranger forgetting nothing of what civility instructs a Gentleman to practise Knight said he Almaid having made profession of a generosity which cannot passe by the least wrongs would thinke he had absolutely renounc'd it if he tooke no resentment of the injury you have done him He therefore hath sent me to intreat you before you go hence that he may see you with your sword in your hand and to the end you may not doubt of what I have spoken see here a paper which he commanded I should deliver you Polexander beleeving the Messenger tooke him for some other Sir said he you are mistaken I have nothing to decide with Almaid I am his humblest servant and ready to give him all kinde of satisfaction if I have chanc'd through any imprudency to offend him Almaid verily thought replied the Gentleman you would make me that answer and confessed to me he should not be extravagant or thought giddy braind enough to demand ought of you if it concern'd none but himselfe but since it toucheth the honour of a Prince whose adorer he is he resolves to avenge it on his enemies Be pleased therefore to read this paper and satisfie Almaid by the way of armes since I assure you that your excuses will not content him Polexander smiled at the counsell he gave and taking the paper found this Almaid a Prince to the Christian Knight WIth an extreame griefe I am obliged to be your Enemy I have knowne so much valour and vertue both in your words and actions and your person hath so many charmes that it is almost impossible to be an honest
great number of those Arabian theeves which wander up and downe Africa hearing Benin was besieg'd ran thither for pillage I who foresaw the lamentable successe of that warre shipp'd Andromeda Iphidamanta the Nunnes and other chiefe Ladies of Benin to the number of towards eight hundred and sent them downe the River to a fortresse which for its being built on a rock encompassed by the Sea hath by our Predecessors beene called the Palace of Safety Within a few dayes after the towne was taken through the trechery of some Arabians who dwelt in it and I reduc'd to a condition more miserable then death it selfe I presented my selfe to my ingratefull Perseus assoone as he entred the towne and opening my breast Sheathe here said I to him sheathe here barbarian the murtherous steele which reekes yet with thy brothers bloud I deserve that punishment since I am the author of thy life and I beg it from thee as a favour rather then to see thee cut the throats of so many innocents for whose preservation thou art bound to expose nay to lose thine owne life The inraged Perseus was about to grant my request but as he lifted his arme a white Slave which Almanzor had given me stept before me and with his Symeter strooke Perseus such a blow on the head that he fell from his horse and presently addressing his speech to that wretches Souldiers Come ye infamous and cruell rabble cried he come and imbrew in my bloud your hands accustomed to so many murthers Imitate your accursed Leader and permit not vertue to be one sole minute in safety before you The unnaturall Perseus is not content to have drench'd his ponyard in the breast of Almanzor but he would have the King his father try the same steele and that his rage should be glutted on him since it could not be satiated on his brother But heaven cannot suffer these horrible murders It makes use of the most weake instruments to instruct us that it can at pleasure confound the malice of the most strong and is continually the avenger of unfortunate parents This Slaves speech had beene powerfull enough to have mitigated Lions and Tigers had they beene capable of understanding but it wrought nothing on mine enemies They fell on that trusty and generous Slave ran him through and through and after they had hack'd him in peeces tooke up Perseus who was sorely wounded and to make my thraldome more ignominious loaded me with irons and so brought me back to the palace There was I strictly guarded till Perseus was healed Some few dayes after by his command I was taken out of prison and brought to the Isle we came from 'T is three months since I arriv'd and was already resolv'd to end my miserable life there without laying the fault on any other then my self or bewailing any of my losses but that of my deare Andromeda This morning walking by the Sea side I saw those men land whom you have parted They had order to kill me but there was onely one part who came to execute that barbarous command Of thirty which they were fifteene of them intended as they told me not onely to save my life but to take me out of that desolate Island and carry me either into Congo or Guinea Assoone as they came on shoare they hastned to me and made knowne Perseus command But when they were all come to the place where you found them those who had agreed to save my life put themselves before me and made knowne their resolution to their Companions That made them enemies and brought on the Combat which you have ended In these few words brave Knight you have the recitall of my long afflictions I can accuse none but my selfe for them Perseus their author is lesse guilty then I. My negligences my flatteries and my blinde affection have beene the fosterers of that young mans most vicious inclinations and bred him up in the practise of all wickednesse Finish then O heaven finish my punishment adde new torments to those I have suffered I will accept them with thanks provided they satisfie thy Justice and that they be great enough to expiate the offences I have committed either by my selfe or the to be deplored Perseus Abrinzias could not make an end without teares for notwithstanding his great courage and the intire resignation he made appeare yet was he afflicted not with the thought of his miseries but the griefe for deserving them Polexander to wipe off his teares gave his word not to forsake him till he had brought Perseus to an accompt and made him quit the throne he had so brutishly usurped These promises might have comforted some other unfortunate Prince but they could worke nothing with Abrinzias He continually call'd to minde the ill breeding of his Son and repenting his more care taken for his fortune then vertue lifted every moment his eyes to heaven and begg'd from thence afflictions proportionable to the enormity of his offences Polexander thinking it was impossible to stop this torrent let it run over with all its violence and when he saw a remarkeable diminution My Lord said he to Abrinzias you are not the sole father which resents the impiety and fury of his children The King of Morocco for being too indulgent like you hath as you lost his Crownes and liberty The undutifull Nephisus hath no lesse attempted against him then Perseus against you but by some mysteries which are not knowne but above that Prince in striving to satisfie his lascivious desires is falne under the avenging sword of your deare Almanzor Doubt not then but Perseus leading the same life will meet the like end if heaven touch not his heart and draw him from this obduratenesse Let 's hence presently if you will be advis'd by me and suffer not your subjects and may be your Queene to be any longer expos'd to the fury of that unnaturall Son Abrinzias thought he resisted the will of heaven in not consenting to Polexander and therefore besought him to do what he thought fittest Polexander who had businesse otherwhere presently commanded his Mariners to steere for Benin and in the meane while consulted with Abrinzias but farre more with himselfe to finde meanes for the speedy terminating the warre betwixt the father and the son and redeeme his Sister from those barbarous parts Two dayes was he in these consultations and the third he descried the rock on which was seated the Palace of Safety When he was neere enough to distinguish of objects he perceiv'd the rock to be inviron'd with a great many little boates He shew'd it Abrinzias and told him that Perseus for certaine had besieg'd the place With that he went throughout his ship and commanded his Gunners to shoote betwixt winde and water and not make an unprofitable shoote Next he gave order amongst his Souldiers and giving them advantagious and thick plancks with holes in the middle for their shot to play through told them for their
example he himself went on foote from his Palace to the great Temple of Benin Perseus was betwixt him and Polexander and drew on him the benedictions even of those who not long before with just cause had ardently besought heaven for the punishment of his offences Andromeda and Cydaria came after the three Princes and were followed by all the Court and people These actions of piety being ended they proceeded to their rejoycings The City and Court of Benin were two Theaters where many dayes together was presented all that a hearty joy was able to be made invented by men endowed with the greatest happinesse Their joyes were increased by the newes Abrinzias receiv'd from Zabaim and but for Polexander and Cydaria's departure they had farre longer continued Osmin and his Lady imbark'd with their deere daughter and though they promis'd to themselves farre lesse then they should have expected from Polexanders noblenesse yet they were confident that after so many troubles and agitations their old age would at last finde a safe harbour Our Heroe in that voyage found that fortune is not lesse inconstant in her hatred then in her love He sail'd along all the coast of Guinea with as favourable a gale as he could wish and assoone as he needed it the winde which was Easterly changed and became South Whilst he went off from the Continent to get to the Isles of Cape Verd he entertain'd himselfe sometimes with Cydaria sometimes with Osmin and then with the Castilian Gartias But these diversions were not prevalent enough to master his longings Alcippus who knew his melancholy besought him to remember the promises which so many eminent and extraordinary men had made him and to beleeve that at last Alcidiana's Isle would be no longer Inaccessible to him I will no more flatter my selfe with these vaine hopes replied Polexander All thy false Prophets my friend have in their predictions consulted with no other heavens or Stars then our two desires In this only they have beene good Divines they have foreseene that to please me they must necessarily deceive me They have done 't and simple as I am I have contributed as much as they to that delusion Thou seest too Alcippus what is come of it I am brought to that passe as not to dare even to attempt such things as seeme not to me absolutely impossible Sir said Osmin whilst you give way to such a timerous and distrustfull passion as love is you shall be perpetually assaulted with new troubles and new feares I have seene Almanzor in his fits I have mark'd how he tormented himselfe even then when he had cause to thinke him very happy and by that great example I have knowne that Lovers are a particular kinde of men which are condemn'd to deceive themselves eternally Adde to it said Polexander and to passe their whole lives in effective paines and imaginary pleasures This discourse had continued longer but Osmins Lady came to them much troubled and said in an affrighted manner that Cydaria was extreamely sick Polexander ran to the Princesse Cabin and found her not much better then Osmins wife related She had neither pulse nor heate and her eyes halfe turn'd in her head witness'd how much nature was oppressed She was almost five or sixe howres in these imperfect convulsions and but for Dicens remedies she had not may be gotten out of them He imployd all his skill for her comfort but all he did could not take away the disease When she had recover'd her senses and overcome the malignity of such vapours as infected the heart she fell into a violent fever After three dayes Diceus judged by the redoublings it would be very dangerous and long and besought the King his Master to avoid the danger wherein the Princesse his Sister was to land on the first Isle he should discover Polexander oppos'd not so good an advise He was too good a brother not to lay by all his own occasions for the preservation of his Sister He made his will knowne to the Pilot and the next day he cast anchor in a roade of an Isle which some Geographers put amongst the Hesperides Presently he sent some of his Officers ashoare with all was needfull to lodge and himselfe landing set up his pavilions in a very commodious place That done he went for Cydaria and causing her to be very gently brought on shore carried her into the Tent he had provided for her For seven or eight dayes he stirr'd not farre from the sick Lady But seeing her fever begin to yeeld to Diceus experience he walk'd into the Island with Alcippus Osmin and Gartias One part of it he discover'd and finding no other Inhabitants there but wilde beasts to passe away the time he began to make warre with them Almost every day he came to a wood which was not above three short miles from his tents and under pretext of hunting got away apart to meditate more at liberty Now one day straying too farre in the wood he was faine to passe there all the night After he had long ruminated on his misfortunes he lay downe and slept at the foot of a tree but startlingly awaking he thought that he heard some one bewailing to which lending an eare he heard these words Weary thy selfe at last with so much unprofitable sorrow and leave all sighes and teares to those which are unhappy but not desperate like thy selfe If thou couldest one day finde some remedy for the malady whereof thou so much languishest I would advise thee to endure longer and enterprise nothing against thy life But since the gods and men are incapable of comforting thee breake through this hard straite and at last give over the being an uselesse Spectator of thy Princesse miseries What sayest thou cowardly and disloyall Enemy to thy duty Wouldst thou to free thy selfe from the paines thou indurest abandon a personage which should be more deare to thee then thy selfe Live then since thou canst not dye without being perfidious but live as an offender should who onely knowing his offence is also alone both his owne Judge and hangman and boldly executes on himselfe the punishment to which he is by his owne conscience condemned The man had no sooner ended his lamenting but he arose and made thence so fast that Polexander could not stay him He therefore ran after and often call'd to get him tarry But all his hallowing and calling was as bootelesse as his footing At last wearied with so long and vaine a walke he lay downe againe under a tree till 't was day O how to his content did he imploy that time He thought continually on faire Alcidiana He blest his labours since they proceeded from so noble a cause He wish'd he might yet endure more and pondering every foote the sentence of death she had pronounc'd against him By what action illustrious enough said he faire Alcidiana can I merit the punishment wherewithall your goodnesse rather then your Justice will recompence my
HE IS DEAD FOR ALCIDIANA 'T IS A GLORY THAT COMMANDS YOU WHETHER YOU WILL OR NO TO ENVY HIM YOU WOULD HAVE ESTEEM'D HIM MOST HAPPY IF THE PLEASURE OF THAT PRINCESSE SIGHT HAD PRESERV'D THAT BRAVE LIFE HEE HAD BEGUN HOW MUCH MORE SHOULD YOU ESTEEME HIM SINCE THE ONELY FEARE OF NEVER SEEING ALCIDIANA WAS ABLE TO MAKE HIM DYE Whilst our Heroe was making amourous Comments on Almanzors testament Cydaria went to see a little Altar which was in the chiefe front of the Tombe Upon it were foure statues of marble Some lay along and others sate Two represented the Pleasures as well by their youth their mirthsomenesse somewhat alaid with a kinde of sadnesse and their Crownes of roses as by the Instruments of Musick which lay at their feet And the two other by the many Crownes on their armes and the Diamonds Pearles and other Jewels which they carelesly let fall from their hands plainely enough intimated they were Magnificence and Majesty They all foure held a great heart of Albaster and speaking by a Roll of brasse hanging downe from the same hands which held the heart thus seem'd to expresse their thoughts 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 IN LIEV OF THIS HEART NOW IN OUR HANDS WE SHOULD HAVE HAD THAT OF THE GREAT ALMANZOR HAD HE NOT SCORN'D TO HAVE LIV'D FOR ANY OTHER THEN ALCIDIANA FEW HEARTS HAVE PREFER'D SLAVERY BEFORE COMMAND OR DISCONTENTS BEFORE ALL PLEASURES FEW HEARTS TOO CAN BE COMPAR'D WITH THAT OF SO GENEROUS A PRINCE AND FEW SHOULD WITH JUSTICE EXPECT FROM OUR RESENTMENT THOSE TEARES WHICH SO GREAT A LOSSE SHALL ETERNALLY DRAW FROM OUR EYES 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Polexander and Cydaria unwilling to stay longer among so many causes of sadnesse retir'd into the most obscure part of the Sepulcher and not thinking it an offence to implore heaven for a miserable soule besought it with teares to convert its justice into mercy and save him who like a mad-sick man had taken poyson in thinking to take a wholesome potion Their prayers once ended they came out of the Tombe where they found Osmin and Alcippus who by their action made knowne how much they were astonish'd Osmin spake first who shewing his admiration proceeded from somewhat else then Almanzors Sepulcher This Isle said he to Polexander may rather be call'd the Isle of Tombes then the Isle of Fer. I cannot conceive through what urgency so many unfortunate people should be compell'd hither to graspe with death About fifty paces hence you may see if you please to walke thither foure Monuments under which are interr'd so many Spaniards which are called by the Inscriptions the foure Lovers of the Princesse Benzaida A little further we have seene a Sepulchre as meane as this is stately The outside which is painted black and powdred all over with flames and teares made well guess'd what horrour there might be within In the midst is an Inscription which neither Alcippus nor my selfe can understand Cydaria besought her brother to goe see this novelty and getting his consent march'd foremost to satisfie her longing Polexander after he had seene the foure Spaniards Tombes went to the last and presently spied the Characters which neither Osmin nor Alcippus could decipher He thought it not strange for 't was Slavonique ill enough done to puzzle more understanding men then they in the knowledge of languages He turn'd to Cydaria after he had twice or thrice read it over and assuring her she was to heare some very strange thing Do you see said he the letters drawne on that linnen which two Cupids crowned with myrtle and Cypresse hold in so mournefull a posture and looke on with so much griefe that the teares fall from their eyes they tell us that Sepulcher is the Monument of two Sisters The other Inscription which is incompass'd with trophies of love troden under foote by death and cruelty and sowne with golden flames and silver teares is the Epitaph of those two Princesses This is the Explication word for word TO THE ETERNALL MEMORY OF HISTERIA AND MELICERTA'S MISFORTUNES AND TO THE PERPETUALL SHAME OF THE INSENSIBLE SOLIMAN ONe same instant brought us into the light and one and the same Destiny giving us equall inclinations made us alike misfortunate Death hath not sever'd those who by birth and fate were knit in so strong a ligament They are buried in one grave and have done that by Election which Nature had done by Chance Thy curiosity Reader is not may be satisfied with these generall notions See wherewithall to content it Yet if causes exacting teares comply not with thy humour turne thine eyes away from these following lines and give way no more to a desire that shall be so mournefull to thee But for all this thou wilt weep and no admonitions can coole thy charity Well then reade on and marke seriously with what rigour and command both the senses and passions do tyrannize o're all rationall soules The greatnesse of our births raysing us above all the Princesses of the world seem'd to have establish'd us in a felicity which could not be travers'd by the injuries of earth or heaven But O the vanity of humane condition what all the strength of the Universe could not execute weakenesse alone hath done it and Fortune to surprise us made use of that which we neither ought to feare or foresee A Slave hath triumph'd over our liberties and he whose life was at our disposall hath seene us at his feet shamefully begging the continuance of our owne 'T is true the mercilesse Solyman hath seene us implore his clemency and with teares beseech him he would afford us the honour of living his slaves Neither birth beauty nor love no nor vertue it selfe could obtaine any thing from that rock He saw the constant Hysteria dye and was no more capable of pity then he was of love Melicerta surviv'd her Sister but 't was onely to outlive all her hopes She hath beene inforced to intombe her selfe alive within this Sepulcher to finde in death that compassion which she could not meet withall in ingratefull Solyman 'T is enough Passenger we should be as mercilesse as he if we kept thee longer in the affliction of reading this Go then in peace and if it be possible obtaine from heaven that our second life may be more happy then our former After Polexander had read this Epitaph seeing his sister so much mov'd at it was willing to withdraw her from those mournfull places though he depriv'd himselfe of the contentment he receiv'd among the Monuments of so many desperate lovers But Alcippus entering on a sudden with an affrighted countenance ingag'd Polexander to inquire of him the cause of his astonishment 't is so strange said he that the more I call to minde the more I doubt of it mine eyes and eares which assure me of it cannot perswade me and I should beleeve I dream't if the thing were not yet before me And whence come you said Polexander that in so
towards her He beckned to her to stay but her minde preoccupated by a false beliefe would not let her know the truth Polexander willing to divert the Princesse whom hee led Here said he you see the sister of the insensible Solyman but one of my servants perswading her that you were a Ghost she is so affrighted with it that she even dares not be so hardy as to come neere you At the words of Solyman's sister the desolate faire one ran to imbrace Cydaria and to see in her face some resemblance of him she so desperately loved But Cydaria imagining the Phantasme came to catch hold of her began to run away and if Polexander by his calling had not staid her and the afflicted Princesse not stood still there had bin cause enough of laughter among so much of joy The Prince went first to his sister and in few words bringing her out of her errour won her to meet the Princesse whom she had taken for a Ghost and to let her know that she was Solymans Sister by something else then neglect Cydaria although she were not absolutely recollected obey'd her brother and when she was come within a few paces of the sad Lady turn'd up the vaile which cover'd her face No sooner did the afflicted Lady looke on her but she gave a great shrieke O heaven cried she this is not Solymans Sister I see but Solyman himselfe This imagination was so powerfull over her as comming up neerer to Cydaria and speaking to her as she had beene Solyman Amiable but insensible Solyman said she com'st thou under this strange habit to see whether my affection be true or fained But O how well this question shews that I know thee not yet Thou wouldst have some sense if not of love at least of humanity if thou wert curious enough to know whether thou wert beloved No thou com'st not hither with that innocent intention Thou wouldst feed thine eyes with the tragicall end of the youngest as well as with that of the eldest Thou art afraid that she either wants strength or courage and charitable enemy as thou art thou comest to offer thy sword and thine arme to take away from her all pretext of longer preserving that lifewhich is so odious unto thee Cydaria who knew nothing of the disconsolate Ladies love was not in a little perplexity how to answer her But Polexander replied and assur'd the Princesse that Cydaria was indeed Solymans Sister and were so like that they had already beene often taken the one for the other Cydaria to confirme what her brother had spoken came and kissed the sad Princesse and out of pity letting fall some teares Forget said she that Solyman who through his ingratitude hath shew'd himselfe so unworthy of your memory and who doubtlesly hath taken on him the nature of a Turke as well as his habit I make no more question of it said the desolate-loving Lady but thinke you are not Solyman That cruell man hath never had pity enough to be so sensible as you seeme nor to mitigate by his suffering with me even by one sole word those fearefull afflictions whereto his love and rigour have so often expos'd me With that she tooke Cydaria by the hand and brought her with Polexander into a house about a hundred paces from the tombe there she led them into a chamber hung with black and after a little silence I must of necessity said she relate to you all those accidents wherewith Love and Fortune have traversed the live of the father and his daughters to the end I may have this miserable consolation in my misfortunes to hinder the memory of them from perishing with me You shall heare so wonderfull occurrences that if you have not in your self felt the strange and marvellous events to which the ●…ves of Princes are particularly subject I am most certain such that those which I s●…l relate will be incredible to you Love but that love arm'd with darts as in piercing the heart troubles the spirits drives them to their utmost extravagancies begun the miseries of our family the valiant and generous Antenor our father seem'd to be ●…rn for the sword buckler of all Christendom and to free his dear Sclavonia from that weighty yoak under which the victorious Ottomans had made it groan late yeares He was in the flowre of his age fear'd of the Turks ador'd of the Sclavonians and recommendable by diverse victories when he went into Servia to sweare a strict League betweene the inhabitants of that Province and the Sclavonians But whilst he imployed his best wits to deliver his Subjects from the Ottoman slavery hee took not heed that a greater Tyrant more cunning and cruell then all the Turkes together was provi●…ng a servitude farre more dismall for him The Despote of Servia had a daughter perfectly faire The admirable lustre of her complexion even made that of the Grecian's pale againe She had a fire on her cheeks whence it seem'd her eyes borrowed their light wherewithall they dazled all others In a word 't was a beauty worthy to be extreamely belov'd And so she was by my deare Antenor He serv'd solicited and at la●…eclar'd to her the greatnesse of his affection and added so much respect and modesty to the violence of his Suit that he got her willing to permit it At the same time the Beglerbeg of Buda gave command to the Sangiac of Senderovia to besiege Novograde He came before it with thirty thousand men but my generous father desir'd to defend the Siege that he might shew his faire Astalia he did not unjustly aspire to the honour of possessing her The Sangiac was defeated before he was well intrench'd and forc'd to returne to Senderovia for new forces The Despote delivered as by miracle from so great a danger prevented the demand his Defender would have made him and to binde himselfe in a stricter Alliance then that of the interests of States offered him the incomparable Astalia He fell at his feet to thanke him for that offer and besought him not to deferre the accomplishment The Despote referr'd it to himselfe and the amorous Antenor presently sent a dispatch to Chersach Prince of Montevera his father to consent to so faire and advantagious an Alliance Chersach agreed and desired the solemnity of the mariage might be at Montevera Astalia with a stately traine was brought into Sclavonia and as a Queene receiv'd in the Palace of Chersach The day being come wherein my deare Lord hop'd to reape the fruits of his travels and perseverance the irrationall and brutish Chersach fondly taken with the beauty of his daughter in Law tooke her away from amidst all the great Ladies of Sclavonia which a●…mpanied her and notwithstanding all their prayers and teares and resistance of his Son forc'd her from him and tooke her for his wife Antenor was like to lose all the resect which Nature had impos'd on him to observe towards his father and giving
least your excuses since those you made to us hereto fore would in the condition where you are now witnesse rather your scorne then respect Soliman receiv'd this Letter by the addresse of an old Jewish woman who hoped for a great setling of her fortune if our loves had a happy successe He advised long whether he should answer us At last he resolv'd to it not to entertaine us in our errors but to make us lose with the hope of their good successe the intention of continning in them See those cruell words which gave the first mortall blow to poore Histeria and have handled me more rigorously since they make me languish far far beyond her The Slave SOLIMAN to his two Princesses Histeria and Melicerta PArdon me Ladies if I begin my Letter with accusations in liue of most humble acknowledgements and thanks which obliege me to your incomparable courtesie You censure by appearances as well as vulgar Soules and think I have changed my condition because I have changed my bonds No faire Princesses I am not what I seeme to be I am still a Captive I am still unfortunate and therefore I must yet make use of the same excuses which serv'd me as often as you forgetting what you were borne had so much goodnesse as to deigne to cast an eye on your Slave I will never lose that quality because I hold it more glorious then all that fortune can give me Withall I will inviolably reserve for you those respects and yeild you the same duties which the law of that Servitude commands me THis Letter so respectfull in appearance but so proud in effect did but encrease our afflictions We therein found an absolute refusall of our affections and an infallible assurance of being eternally scorned Yet would we not believe our malady to be absolutely desp●…ate We intreated we importun'd we writ in briefe wee let passe no occasion to thaw that heart of ice But we lost all hope when Solyman departed from Constantinople on that great designe which the Emperour had on the territories of the Venetian Commonwealth The navall Army being gone out of the Channell came to Nigroponte and a little after to Romagnia I will not relate the particulars of that war Far more strange events call on me and passing by all fights by Land and Sea would have me come with the insensible Soliman to the siege of Lepanto I will dispence with you for this present for not crediting all the truths I have to tell you for they are so extraordinary as they are beyond the beliefe of the most credulous Solyman was no sooner gone from Constantinople but my Sister and my selfe were almost our of our wits We were no more restrain'd either by the consideration of our birth or the interest of our honour or by the feare of death We resolv'd to follow our Enemy I confesse had I beene alone I should never have put on that resolution but I was swayed by the violence of Histeria's love We stole out of the Sultannesse our mother●… Seraglio and disguising our selves so as it was very hard for any to know us wee mingled our selves amongst those troupes were imbark'd for the Venetia war We came to Lepanto a few dayes after it was besieged The first thing we did after our landing was to goe to Soliman's quarter and to endeavour by all meanes to be entertain'd in his Service Our designe did not absolutely succeed well Yet we had leave to lodge in his quarter and to see him at severall houres in the day Histeria who had not told me her last resolution strove to bring it to passe without engaging me in it After a furious sally wherein the Souldiers of Lepanto did all that despaire could advise men of courage to Solyman sav'd a part of the Emperiall Army and unawares gave the rash Histeria her life The night following that fight my poore Sister seeing all things opposed her Designe and that Soliman himselfe tooke paines to preserve that life she desir'd to lose resolv'd to speake to him Finding therefore a convenient time to discover her selfe she aborded him with an extraordinary constancy and without faultering in her Speech I doe not said she give thee thanks for saving my life since those good deeds which are not voluntary obliege not those to whom they were done No I will do what I never resolv'd I will thanke thee for a good which thou never intendest to do me and if thou do not repent thee of it 't will be too much for me to be eternally indebted to thee Thou seest Soliman here before thee the most unhappy Histeria who unable any longer to endure thy deniall or thine absence hath in her strange resolution fear'd nothing but to finde thee yet insensible Thou wondrest at this declaration and seem'st to doubt whether my words be true But being never yet capable of love thou art no more neither of conceiving to what extremities Love is wont to carry such as affect truly Do not doubt of my being the same I tell thee My Sister whose alike passion hath made her undertake the same voyage and other testimonies lesse suspected will cleere thee when thou list of those doubts wherein thou art very willing to abide Soliman amaz'd and affrighted at so strange an adventure was a great while ere he could speake to my Sister At last he inforc'd himselfe and raysing up that disconsolate Princesse Would to heaven said he my death had accompanied my fathers We should then both have enjoyed that peace and quiet which fortune alike denies us O how hatefull hence forward shall that life be to me which hath hitherto been so troublesome since 't is by it that I see my selfe guilty of such crimes as cannot be too rigorously punished I deprive all at once my generous Master of all content honour and may be of life to whom alone I owe my life honour and fortune What shall I say to you Madam What will become of the Basha your father if he knowes of this vagary Nay what will become of your selfe In what corner of the world will your Sister escape the fury of a justly enraged father What can I doe that may avail you Tell me I beseech you for you have brought me into such a maze that I even scarce know whether I am my selfe or no Onely love me replied the poore Histeria with a voice able to mollifie a rock or if it be too much for thee yet at least give leave that thou be beloved and that being granted we shall have found remedies against all those ills which thou fearest Soliman had no reply to that proposition but stuck in a silence which proceeded more from his modesty and confusednesse then his naturall insensibility Histeria perceiving she wrought nothing on him rais'd her voyce a little and adding many teares to every word At least said she impassible Soliman if thou be not capable of love be capable of hatred and continue not
Polexander was lately become Lord of the Canaries and being crowned King of them with the consent of all the Islanders I should infallibly finde his brother with him I therefore pass'd the Straits and came to the Isle of Teneriffe there I understood that Polexander was lost at Sea and saw the Inhabitants of three or foure other Islands so passionately amorous of his vertue that though he were dead as they beleev'd yet they held him for their King and obey'd his name and memory as religiously as they would himselfe I enquir'd in all the Islands of the Prince Iphidamantus and every where heard that they had not seen him at last wearied with leading so miserable and to be bewailed a life and the carrying about the body of my deare sister I landed in this Isle where finding Almanzor's Tombe with many others I thought it a place destin'd for the buriall of unfortunate Lovers Here then I got that Tombe to be built which we came from and therein laying Histeria's body resolv'd with it to end my dayes and to divide all my teares and lamentations betwixt my too loving sister and my insensible Lover Scarce had the desolate Lady ended the sad recitall of her adventures but Polexander not thinking of any thing but to blame Iphidamantus for his ingratitude cry'd out Our misfortunes have their source from thine insensibility ô brother unworthy to be named and the afflictions which Cydaria and my selfe have undergone proceed from nought else but the just anger of heaven who mov'd with the bloud and teares of two so rare Princesses avengeth on our heads thine iniquity How said Melicerta interrupting him is Iphidamantus your brother too We may be asham'd to owne him reply'd Polexander yet 〈◊〉 acknowledge him Madam and beseech you humbly to avenge your selfe on me for some part of those wrongs he unmercifully hath made you suffer I thought till now said Melicerta that Iphidamantus had no other brother then Polexander no more hath he not Madam answered Cydaria and he whom you see is the same Polexander whose fame hath related to you such wonderfull things Melicerta understanding that verity turn'd to our Heroë and looking fix'dly on him It is very hard said shee for you to conceale your selfe long there is something I know not what in your countenance which is not seen but in extraordinary men Assoone as I saw you me thought you brought mee the remedy which Heaven hath reserv'd for the cure of all my miseries and that my long misfortunes should by your assistance finde that end which Iphidamantus hath alwayes deny'd me I am neither so much belov'd by heaven nor powerfull enough said he to doe you any profitable service but I againe ingage my selfe to avenge you on Iphidamantus ingratitude and oblige him to give you all the satisfaction which your just resentment ought to expect from his I would gladly assure you of his love but you know Madam that love doth so absolutely depend on our will that even Tyrants who can doe all by the feare and terrour they imprint in our mindes have never been able to impose it on us It may be Iphidamantus hath cast off his Turkish severitie in which he hath been bred with his Turbant and his Spirit casting by those austere wayes of life wherewithall his education hath as it were diverted the course of his nature will betake it selfe to the path she first delineated I hope for nothing from Iphidamantus repli'd Melicerta I know too well his aversion from me and though his insensibilitie may be overcome I am most certaine 't will never be by my affection And when I talke of remedies of help of the end of my misfortunes I meane onely such as are met with in the grave and which by a mercifull effect of Heaven's goodnesse happen when they are least expected I confesse it to you Polexander I am so inured to teares to griefes and torments that I could hardly live among contentments and have so deeply impress'd a beliefe of my never being happy but in death that Iphidamantus himselfe would have much adoe to make me alter mine opinion Yet I would faine see him though I cannot tell you why my blinded and uncertaine affection flies from what it desireth and seekes for that which it vvould not meet vvithall It is guided by some other who stronger then it selfe swayes and makes it follovv the varietie of his motions In a vvord I feele vvhat I cannot expresse Heaven intends some great matter but it gives me onely ●…n imperfect and confused knovvledge of it I shall vvithout doubt see Iphidamantus againe and see him as me thinkes quite alter'd from vvhat he hath been hitherto yet for all that I am constant to my old opinion that death onely shall be the end of my miseries Hope better Madam repli'd Polexander and be assured that your long being accustomed to sad and dismall imaginations produceth all those mishaps you figure to your selfe You shall be happy because Heaven is just and assure your self that your happinesse as I may say steales from your thoughts and beliefe to the end that coming on you at unavvares it may make you taste those delights vvhich are extreamly diminish'd vvhen they have been alvvayes hoped for and too long time expected Cidaria vvho vvas silent had her eyes fixed on Melicerta's face and noting there such svveetnesse and attraction as she could hardly resist began in her selfe to be moved against Iphidamantus and after she had accus'd him of stupidity and blindnesse rather then of coldnesse vvish'd she might be his Judge to condemne him to such tortures as vvere proportionable to his offences Their long converse being thus ended Melicerta vvas inforc'd to take a later resolution Polexander and his sister vvooed her to it and she seeing her selfe pressed to it by her ovvne thoughts at last consented to leave her sisters Tombe and once againe to try fortune and contest vvith Iphidamantus insensibility Our Heroë assur'd her the voyage she vvas to take vvould be more hapy then her former and so by degrees drevv her from her lodging for an undelay'd imbarking They vvent all three in company to the haven vvhere going aboard Polexander presently commanded his Pilot to make for the Isle of Teneriffe vvhich he did and after five houres landing Polexander there restor'd to the Inhabitants all that joy they had forgone since the sad newes of that Princes losse They forgot nothing whereby Subjects are wont to witnesse their loves and besought him they might now at leasure taste the comforts of his presence He granted their requests and whilst he was with them spent his time in such necessary reformations and profitable institutions that those Islanders had cause to blesse so just a raigne and to multiply their Sacrifices and Prayers for the continuation of it Polexander tooke his leave of them with teares in his eyes so much was hee mov'd with their affection and with the same successe visited
a case as had beene deadly either for the one or the other and may bee for them both if obligation and respect had not bound Iphidamantus hands Afterwards he related in what manner he made himselfe knowne to them and had drawn the one out of his insensibility and the other from his errour notwithstanding all Melicerta's extreame strivings not to be transported with her excesse of joy yet could she not be Mistresse over her first perturbations Her spirit forsooke her doe what she could and made her feele an universall disquiet in all the parts of her body her tongue was tied up or at most but fumbling in her mouth O heaven said she divers times that is not possible and so fell downe in a swoune on her bed Cydaria and her women ran to her to stay her fainting but there was no remedy it must have his course and Melicerta was not excepted from that rigorous Law by which Love as well as Nature would never have up passe without danger from one extreame to another At last she came againe but so weakened with that fit that she look'd as she had been long sicke Polexander laying before her her former constancy and that strength of spirit with which she had dar'd not onely to defie death but also happinesse besought her to beleeve him more then she had done and by degrees to prepare her selfe for the reception of Achomat and Iphidamantus After that he left her onely with her women and that she might be at more freedome tooke Cydaria into his chamber and being shut up with her Sister said he presently if I did not approve of that judicious severity in which you have lived to this day and if I liked not those thoughts which made you feare the service and love of Almanzor farre more then the ill usage and hatred of your enemies I should have forgotten what the vertue of your Sex ought to be and how scrupulously a beautie more divine then ordinary should to preserve her from calumny not onely be rigorous to such as converse with her but even cruell to her selfe I commend you therefore for cutting off all hopes wherewith the quality of Almanzor and your adverse fortune might flatter his young desires and chose rather to put his life in hazard then to lay at stake your reputation But as in what you have done you have showne your selfe a worthy inheritrix of Perianders magnanimitie as well as of Axiamira's wisdome you should now much degenerate from the vertues of them both if being no longer in your ill fortune but on the contrary able to grant or refuse any thing with that independency which is annexed to the quality of Princes you doe not conforme your selfe to the laudable intentions of Almanzor Cydaria prepossessed by a false opinion stopped her brother and having humbly besought him not to goe further on with his discourse I know my Lord said she that since the losse of Periander and Axiamira Heaven enjoynes me to look on you as on one that represents them and to beleeve my intentions are not just if they be not wholly subjected to yours this being so it is forbidden me to have any aversion or liking but as you shall think for my good that I am obliged to love or no and how good soever my election might be it cannot be lawfull without your approbation Doubt not then if you please but being ruled by these thoughts I have a blinde obedience for all that you shall prescribe me but knowing you perfectly just and truely debonaire I will take the boldnesse to make my humble remonstrance to you and say That if I come once to be in the power of Zabaim's sonne I runne the hazard of becoming a second Almanzaira Polexander perceiving that Cydaria's discretion permitted her not to make knowne her truest thoughts Sister said he being so well assured of my love as you are give me leave to complaine a little of your modesty and to accuse you for not using me as a brother but as a stranger I feare hence forward to speake freely to you yet I will since my affection commands me to lay by a while my complying to tell you without chiding that what you seeme to feare most is what you feare least your foresight extends not farre enough to make you feare Almanzor's future inconstancy 't is the present that affrights you or to speake more truly which holds as it were in suspence the resentment which you ought to have of those services which that great Prince hath done you I remember very well the time and place when and where your little anger began an opinion which an ambiguous speech wrought in you of Almanzors sicklenesse begun this spleene it hath beene fed by such new thoughts as your griefe and jealousie could contribute and you have beleev'd that he deserv'd to lose your affection which had neglected it for that of an unfortunate she-slave Cydaria blushed at the truth of this discourse and could well have wish'd for strong reasons to repell it but Polexander giving her no leasure for such injustice I will said he take you out of the errour you are in and shew you how dangerous it is to give credit to their talke who relate to us such things as have not been well examined Know then that Bajazet understanding by his Spies that you were falne into the King of Morocco's hands instead of returning to Senega where he was earnestly wished for in lieu of satisfying the intreaties and love of Zabaim and Almanzaira in lieu of going to receive the Crownes of so many Kingdoms assured to him he left the Pirates Isle and with all his forces came and besieg'd Morocco The Combate he was in to day in making him victorious hath made him lose all the happinesse he expected by his victory I let him know that his servants had taken Iphidamantus for you Iphidamantus confirmed him in the same truth and presently cast him backe into the same griefe he felt when your fained being stolne away made him go seek for you in the Pirates Island To speake truth you must be altogether insensible if you be not moved with the love and perseverance of that Prince and you have not any reason at all if for false suspitions you leave Almanzor in such vexations as the beliefe of your losse casts him into Though Cydaria was overcome by this remonstrance yet she would but halfe shew it and putting on the countenance of a personage that would not grow obstinate against a veritie Time said she and occasions which have not your obsequiousnesse for Almanzor will teach me what I must thinke of him As she ended these word she heard a great noise and thought it came from Melicerta's cabin whither she ran and found her falne into a fainting whence no remedie of theirs could draw her at last our Heroë gave her of an Essence which Diceus had made him and she presently recovered her sight and speech
death nor Melicerta's miseries when the quietnesse of my minde and the mirthsomenesse of my humour forsooke me without any apparent cause That which till then pleas'd me began to be distastfull and the pensivenesse sighes and Bajazet's disquiets which I could hardly indure became my most pleasing diversions I found delights in solitude company was irksome to my melancholy and restlesse thoughts I learnt to sigh in earnest and found pleasure in it sleep left me and I knew by my long and troublesome watchings how cruell the nights are to the sicke and unfortunate Though I grew angry at this new manner of living yet I found some sweetnesse in it one night when certainly I slept though I thought my selfe awake a great flash of light dash'd all obscurity from my chamber and strooke into mine eyes at first I took it for lightning but the same lustre having as it were dazeled me the second time I opened my bed-curtaines to see what it was and perceiv'd walking with an incredible sadnesse and slownesse a young mayden which had her breast open'd with some blow of a sword the bloud gush'd out in great clots from the wound and the faire apparition inlieu of being terrifi'd look'd on it running out with a great deal of pleasure holding her eyes thus fix'd on her wound she drew neere me and shewing it to me with the point of her bloudy sword Looke on it said she as well as I insensible Solyman we have no lesse contributed to it the one then the other 'T was indeed this hand and this sword that made it but 't was thy disdaine and inhumanity which drove both to this desperate action Make thy selfe drunke with this bloud since thou hast so thirsted for it draine out all that rests in my veines I will indure thy cruelty so it extend no further and that my poore sister who languisheth in a desert Island be not compell'd to have recourse to my violent remedy for the cure of that malady whereof thou art the inflicter With these reproaches the Ghost vanished and I awaking found my selfe as cold as ice and as wet as if I had newly come out of a river Alas cry'd I presently faire soule which accusest me of thy death thou knowest well that I am but a farre distant cause and though my inclination would have drawne me to love thee yet my reason must have hindered me from it I confesse yet that I am guilty since thou condemnest me and would to heaven my ruine could restore thy life againe thou shouldst see me runne to my death with joy and alacrity but since these wishes and vowes are but bootlesse and vaine I will make one more just and solid and from this day engage my selfe never to be at rest till I have given Melicerta satisfaction I cannot tell you whether it were the effect of the vision or my vow that wrought my alteration but presently of impassible I began to be all passion and felt all those torments which Polexander and Bajazet had so often described to me I cast my selfe out of my bed and scarce having the patience to dresse me went to Bajazet not knowing well what I did Brother said I all amazedly I love and my desire to finde the worthy object of my affection will not permit me to stay longer with you Bajazet will tell you if you please that hearing me talke thus he thought me out of my wits and asked oftentimes to what end I held a discourse with him so out of all appearance 'T is very true though said I and that you may not doubt of it hearken to such things as I never yet disclos'd to any Thereupon I related to him all which had happened to me at Constantinople and Lepanto and ending with the vision I had lately seen I fill'd him with as much astonishment as commiseration Besides knowing my sicknesse by his owne experience Away away said he deferre it no longer 't is not justice that you should be exempted from the fate of your family He gave me a good tall ship with all such as I would chuse to accompany me and taking his leave My dear brother said he I will quickly follow you and but for Almaid and Hydaspes whom I daily expect I would be as well a companion in your voyage as I am in your fortune thus we parted and 't was after our separation that all those accidents betided me which I have recounted After I had been some while with Polexander and saw him as well as my selfe in a longing to attempt his fortune againe I left him steering for the inaccessible Island and bore up for the Straights of Gibraltar to get into the Mediterranean Sea and enquire after Melicerta either in France or Italy The winde driving me on the coast of Barbary I landed in the territory of Argier and went into the Towne with an intent to see whether Melicerta had not been so unfortunate as to be taken by those Barbarians and enchained among their slaves But my search was as effectlesse there as it had been in other places and for being too curious in those parts I lost the hope of seeing Melicerta againe That Towne being peopled with a many severall Nations and of all kinde of wits amongst others feeds a great sort of men and women which make profession of calculating nativities to divine of things lost and foretell of what is to come I went to one of these Cheaters which was of most reputation 't was a Marabou called Cid Amatonis which dwelt without the gates of Argier after that false Prophet had done a thousand superstitious Ceremonies wherewithall he was wont to deceive poore people he told me that which I searched after was not to be found but among the dead Polexander interrupting his brother Had you said he understood the true sense of those words you would not accuse your Mirabou of ignorance and lying for 't is very true insensible Solyman that the treasure you look'd for was shut up among the habitations of the dead and the constant and generous Melicerta had chosen for her retreate the Tombe of her dead sister Melicerta was a little moved at Polexanders reproving his brother and therefore speaking with her accustomed sweetnesse My Lord said she to our Heroe you know that Iphidamantus hath made his peace and by consequence we must not revoke to memory things passed The company could not heare these milde remonstrances without admiring the goodnesse of that Lady that made them and ravish'd with Iphidamantus strange accidents intreated him to proceed which he did from where his brother had interrupted him thus I confesse said he when Cid Amatonis had made me this fatall reply I laughed at his art and told him I was sure the person was alive whom I sought for My art said the Mirabou deceives me not and however assures me that personage is inclos'd in a Tombe and for confirmation of that verity Know with young man too faire
even preserv'd it when he was oblieg'd to answer At last said he to the Herauld judge how farre my Companions and my selfe are from those violences which the King thy Master upbraids us withall Returne and tell him that scorning his injuries and force we will not part hence till wee have reduc'd his whole City into cinders if he doe not speedily come with the portracture of Ennoramita and on his knees aske the lives of his subjects and a pardon for his insolencies The Herauld seeing what fortune he was to run for his too much impudence made a very low reverence to the Princes and retir'd so extreamly affrighted that when he was got within the gates of Morocco he thought himselfe not free from the hands of the hangmen The answer he made to the King his Master in the presence of the King of Granada fill'd them both with feare and astonishment But the Abinzerrague and the other Moorish knights promising them to bring Bajazet alive or dead and to cut the throate even of the last Pirate made them at last consent to a battle All the day was spent for that preparation and our Princes understanding the resolution by one of their Spies drew from their Ships all their fighting men They then sent Zabaim notice of it who the most valiant of his age desirous to make it appeare that his yeares had not brought him to the weakenesse of quitting his armes set six thousand men on shore which he had in his fleete and putting them into a battalion march'd himselfe in the front and so came and joyn'd with Bajazets Army His troupes were much admir'd and lodg'd in the most commodious part of the Campe and appointed to make a body for their last Reservall Bajazet the same day review'd the whole Army and after he had given order for the battle left all the rest to the Marshals of the Campe. After dinner he chose the most eminent risings where to lodge his Canon and gave notice through all the Regiments that next day every one was to performe his duty Whilst the Officers acted their commands Zabaim and the foure Princes thought they had time sufficient to give the Ladies the good night To them they went with an extraordinary diligence and found the Queene of Senega in Polexanders ship She was gone thither to comfort Melicerta who having beene much troubled all night with dreames and fearefull visions awaked in a fever Achomat seeing her so wan and dejected cast him selfe on her and melting in teares Is it possible said he my deare daughter that heaven will give no period to our miseries My Lord replied Melicerta Heaven of whom you complaine hath by infallible advertisements assur'd that that end is neere The last night I saw the Sultannesse my Mother inviron'd with a glorious light yet with a melancholy countenance and her eyes full of teares She held out her hand to me but turn'd her head aside as if she had a horror to see me and plucking to me with violence Come Melicerta said she rudely enough and flatter thy selfe no longer with vaine hopes Thou must follow me and we must reunite for ever With that me thought I gave a shreek as loud as I could and that brought you to me and Iphidamantus but presently the heavens open'd and with a clap of thunder strooke you both dead at my feet My dreame was not yet ended when Cydaria awaked me and asked why I made such lamentation If now said she my prayers can obtaine any thing from you if the preservation of your afflicted daughter be deare unto you in briefe if I be able to comfort you for the losses you have suffered through me I beseech you by that Deitie which you have made me worship from my infancie to withdraw from the dangers of warre and winne Iphidamantus to prevent by a little feare the misfortunes wherewithall his valour threatens him Daughter replied Achomat those who are better seene then I am in the interpretation of dreames may free you from that apprehension yours hath given you for mine owne part who give no credit at all to them I can say nothing but that the visions you have seen are the remains of that deep melancholy you got by living among the dead Iphidamantus came to Melicerta as her father ended his speech and taking her hand which burnt Doe not said he feare the accidents of warre but rather those of your feaver 'T is that thunder-bolt which your dreame should make us doubt of and without question if you strive not to divert the blow by giving way to your cure but your father and I shall suffer under it Your persons repli'd Melicerta are so deare to me that I must with a great deale of pleasure resolve to whatsoever can be for their preservation and I would to heaven the small remainder of my life might put yours in suretie but since 't is your will I will refuse no remedie prescribe all you thinke fit for my health Presently Diceus was call'd and after some consultation with Bajazet's Physicians let Melicerta bleed which somewhat quieting her fits she grew more mirthsome and lesse troubled Iphidamantus perceiving so great an amendment and seeing he could not be permitted long with that Princesse was willing to make his best use of the happy moments he sate neere an houre alone at her beds-head and asking pardon for his former insensibilitie besought her to give his affection some signe that it was well accepted Melicerta thereupon gave him her hand to kisse and intreated him to have a care of his life Could I give my whole age and thoughts to that amorous couple I should recount to my Reader so much sweetnesse produc'd by love in that converse that I am most certaine the most severe and most insensible that can be found out would not be able to keep himselfe from falling in love after its due consideration But I dare stay no longer with these two lovers Bajazet and Cydaria accuse me for my not disinterested pen and Polexander to whom I wholly owe it justly u●…braides me for quitting the proper and essentiall parts of his life for strange embellishments Know then that Iphidamantus and Melicerta after they had been more then an ho●…e in such pleasures as had nothing of distaste but what his valour and her feaver intermingled ended their intertainment with reciprocall assurances of an eternall lo●… and mutuall gifts Iphidamantus put on Melicerta's wrist a bracelet of pearles of a distinct forme and extraordinary greatnesse Melicerta commanded one of her women to bring her a scarfe wrought with a Spanish stitch linck'd with rubies which she cast ore Iphidamantus but in putting it on her arme was unswath'd and so bloudied the scarfe at which sight Melicerta gave a great shreeke and affrighted with the presage would have taken the scarfe from Iphidamantus But the Prince humbly beseeching her to leave it him Doe not beleeve Madam said he that the losse of
your bloud is an effect of fortunes ordinary malice 't is an act of love's goodnesse he is not satisfied with my wearing the tokens of your favour but would have me the depositary of one of the most precious parts you can call yours that so in the conflict I might remember you fight with me and should feare nothing having a second that is perpetually victorious Heaven grant repli'd Melicerta that your interpretation may be truer then mine and that it may be onely the excesse of my affection that fills me with such extreame affrightings Melicerta seeing her lover upon parting cast her armes about his neck and gave her faith to live and die with him Iphidamantus promised the like and those two faire soules ratified the accord more strong and solemnely then all publicke contracts by such kisses as were by vertue of their promises made innocent and lawfull This short content was followed by long sadnesse at least counting the time not according to the course of the Sunne but the computation of such amorous Soules They broke from one another with a like violence and whilst Melicerta gave her self over to new griefes Iphidamantus went to Bajazet He was with Cydaria and tasted such pleasures as till then he was ignorant of He related to her the particulars of his Rovers life and during the recitall tooke those civill liberties which the scrupulous virtue of his Mistris permitted him When he was forc'd to take leave of her Madame said he assure your self that fighting for your honor it is not possible but wee shall come off victorious In speaking it his countenance action and words were as so many infallible presages of the approching victory Cydaria so tooke them yet seeing her lover departe could not refraine from teares Zabaim Polexander and Achomat at the same time taking their leaves retir'd to the Campe and spent part of the night in rest that they might not sinke under the travell the next day provided for them At day-breake the four Princes arose and having offered their hearts and lives to the all-powerfull Deity mounted on horsebacke and rid to see the order and number of the Troupes Their Army consisted but of twenty or five and twenty thousand men but all so valiant and well disciplin'd that there was not an Army how numerous soever was able to overcome them The Infantry was divided into two and thirty battalions which by their distance might succour one another without running the hazard of intermingling or disordering one another The Cavalry was placed on the wings and lead by Polexander and Alcippus The Moors march'd out of Morocco in good order and had placed themselves in a place very advantageous had not Bajazets Canon hindred them Their Cavalry began the skirmish The Granadians came on horse as well managed as theirs and made their Enemies confesse there were not better horsemen to be met withall After the Cannon had played and the horse met the battalions mov'd Bajazet fought on the right wing with sixe thousand Pirates Achomat on the lefte with foure thousand Iphidamantus led the battle and Polexander who was every where with a thousand horse forsooke none that had need of his great courage The first discharges fi l'd the ayre with fire and smoake and covered the earth with blood and dead corps The Pirates who were used to fight by dint of sword assoon as they had given their first volleyes taught the Moores a manner of fighting as new to them as harmefull Polexander with his body of horse transpierc'd all that came before him and reserving his sword for illustrious blowes killed none but such men as were extraordinarily remarkeable either by their quality or valour Achomat who did no lesse wonders passed even to the Rere-guard of the Moores to meete with the King of Morocco or of Granada but they had no minde to be there but were placed on the walls from whence under the covert of a Scarlet Pavillion they beheld the voluntary sacrifice of so many men whom their private interest exposed to th●… violence of sword and fire The valiant Basha fretting at the Kings cowardise discharged his choler on the first he met and at that time his Cymeter might be compar'd to thunder when it lights in a forrest Bajazet as the most interested in the battle was likewise the more eager in the fight he searched every where for the bold Abinzerrague who had brag'd he would fight with him and met the Granadian after he had beaten downe many of their partie assoone as he came up to him 'T is said he now at this time that thou must make evident to us thou knowest how to make much of the liberty we have given thee The Abinzerrague knew him and came on so bravely that he doubted not but the strength of his arme would answer the boldnesse of his speech they fought almost a quarter of an houre without advantage yet they saw the Moore was inferiour to Bajazet as much as a hardy Faulcon to that alwayes victorious bird which findes his element in that fearfull region where the thunder is bred The illustrious Rover was neere assur'd of the victorie and his Enemie reduc'd to the quitting his armes or life when above two hundred Moorish Knights came to aide him and forc'd Bajazet to thinke of his owne preservation in lieu of prosecuting his victorie Iphidamantus who had put to flight the King of Morocco's troupes and beate them into the gates of the citie brought back his forces where the Granadians yet disputed the victorie one squadron of the Moor●… he routed and put to their heeles and so came to the place where Bajazet was ingaged these two great courages being met and followed by a small companie of the most resolute pirates made the stongest battalions to stagger and by wondrous valour which terrified the valiant'st Granadians compell'd maugre their ancient pride to leave to them the honour of that day The slaughter was great and had beene farre more but for the approaching night and neernesse of the Towne there fell in the field but fifteene or sixteene hundred of the Pirates Zabaim neither left his station nor fought of the foure other Princes three were lightly hurt the fourth which was Achomat return'd from the fight cover'd with wounds and bloud he tooke heed of nought but to overcome and that care tooke good effect as you have heard but so unfortunately for him that after he had put off his armour and Diceus had searched his wounds two of them were found if not mortall at least most dangerous Polexander Iphidamantus and Bajazet went to visit him and witnessing their sorrow to see him in that case complained of their fortune and detested so deare a bought victorie Why my friends said Achomat did you thinke me invulnerable I confesse I am wounded but I have life enough left me to fight againe to morrow if our Enemies have courage enough to come once more out of their walls
give over then that sadnesse which hinders you from savoring so great a victorie and for feare of making your selves unworthy of so brave a day cast your thoughts on him which is the author of it and goe presently to render to his protection the thankes he expects from your acknowledgement The Princes being by a sacred advertisement put in minde of their dutie returned to the place of the battle and according as they had bin bred up and instructed vowed some Temples others Mosquys to the same Deitie which they acknowledged all to be the Author of their victorie Polexander and Iphidamantus caus'd a Crosse to be erected on a hillocke in the midst of the Plaine and adorning it with spoiles taken from the Enemie fixed an Inscription of Gratitude on it These actions of pietie being ended the newes of the battle was to be sent to the Princesses Iphidamantus and Bajazet tooke on them that charge Melicerta startled with joy and feare when her lover entred the chamber Come deare Iphidamantus said she to him and tell me where is my honour'd Achomat Madam repli'd the Prince he stayes behinde with Zabaim and Polexander to give new orders to our Army and if I be not deceiv'd to make them ready for another battle If it be so said Melicerta I shall see my good father this night but I feare much hee is not in case to come hither Iphidamantus was urg'd to make many protestations for the quieting the minde of that Princesse at last the beleev'd him but 't was to comply with the extreame love she bore to Iphidamantus An houre and more he stay'd with her and Bajazet was not lesse time with Almanzaira and Cydaria he related to them how matters had happen'd and spoke not but by the way of Achomat's hurts for feare of intermingling ought of sadnesse with the mirth of their conversation The good fortune of warre giving him a little more boldnesse then he was to take he besought Almanzaira to perfect her happinesse by obtaining from Cydaria a declaration which hee was not so overbold to aske nor deserving enough to merit I have said Almanzaira prevented your intreatie and knowing well you could not enjoy your full happinesse without this Princesse assent I have besought her not to oppose a Fate which hath been writ even by the hand of Heaven she hath initmated to me that my intreaties were prevalent with her she for my sake hath even cast aside her intention and if Polexander ruines not your happinesse I see not what you are to petition more Cydaria blushed at the Mothers speech to her Sonne and yet by a smile she shew'd she was resolv'd not to contradict her Almanzaira desirous to oblige Bajazet to the height tooke Cydaria by the hand and clasping it with her deare Sons I wish said she your hearts were as strictly joyn'd as your hands and that future time give you as much content as you have indur'd afflictions in the former Cydaria drew away her hand so hastily as if shee had fear'd to ingage her selfe and looking on Almanzaira with a pleasing amazement What doe you please to doe Madam said she Had you that powerfull Character by whose vertue that which is bound on Earth is confirmed presently in Heaven I should be now in the power of Bajazet Lady repli'd the Queene I shall never love Almanzor so much as to submit you to his discetion his greatest glory is in acknowledging yours and in that little time he had the honour to hold your hand hee made an irrevocable oath never to be dispensed from serving you Bajazet durst say nothing for feare of speaking somewhat that might displease Cydaria onely by his humbled countenance he told her she was acknowledged by him for the absolute arbitratour of his good fortune as well as his life Cydaria would not abuse that Soveraigne Authority she turned to Almanzaira and the colour coming into her face 'T is fit Madam said she that you be obey'd and Almanzor treated as a personage farre beyond others I referre all that concernes my selfe to the disposall of your Majestie and Polexander 'T is too much cri'd Bajazet transported as a man that could give no bounds to his joy all the hazards I can expose my selfe to for your service cannot make me worthy of the least word you have spoken in my favour be pleas'd withall that in kissing your hand which he did in saying so I may sweare as if I touched our Altars that I desire no other honour then to merit by all the actions of my life the continuation of my most humble servitude Bajazet had no sooner ended his generous protestation but hee tooke leave of the Queene and his Mistresse and went with Iphidamantus to Zabaim Polexander and the unfortunate Achomat In the meane time Melicerta no more troubled by the powerfull charmes which were inseparably annexed to the faire Iphidamantus person called to minde her father and her propheticke spirit representing him to her wounded as he was she called one of her women in whom she most trusted Eliza said she to her I can no longer live in these afflictions in this extremitie thou must needs testifie to me how justly I love thee and without being stopp'd by any occasion whatsoever goe secretly and learne whether my honoured father be alive or dead Iphidamantus surely deceived me when he protested he was not wounded the extraordinary agitations of my minde force me not beleeve him and to thinke that my Lord the Basha is reduc'd to an estate very deplorable Eliza accustomed to obey and not dispute her Mistresse commands went to put on a man's habit which she had formerly made use of in the like occasions and came to the Campe unknowne of any there she inquired for Achomat's quarter and finding it entred his tent a little after Iphidamantus and Bajazet were got thither A great disorder there was by meanes of the generous Basha's wounds and every body indifferently came in that the ●…rt Prince might at least have the comfort of seeing how much he was lamented Eliza came so neere to his bed that she heard him speake of Melicerta and besought Iphidamantus to goe and prepare her minde for the constant receiving the newes of his misfortune Eliza no sooner heard Iphidamantus answer but she slid out in the crowde and returned with the same diligence she came When she was alone with Melicerta Madam said she the Prince your father is alive but he is wounded in so many places that he is forced to keep his bed the Chirurgeons are of opinion that his wounds are dangerous yet they despaire not of healing them for the rest Achomat infinitely desires to see you and intreated Iphidamantus when I came thither to repaire to you that by the power of his advice he might suppresse your first agitations and by some sleight make you swallow so bitter a potion as he brings you O bloudy decrees of the eternall Justice cryed Melicerta
for her searching she caus'd a great many torches to belighted that she might not mistake but at last finde Polexander either alive or dead Being come to the place where the slaughter had beene greatest she her selfe turn'd and remov'd a great many bodies and finding not that of her Protector began an incredible lamentation In the meane while Alcippus who with a torch in his hand searched more narrowly then shee came to the place from whence Polexander was newly gone and knowing his armour cri'd out that he was certainly dead His light fell out of his hands and lifting them aloft O Heaven cry'd he jealous of extraordinary vertue hast thou permitted an infamous rout to extinguish by an obscure death the bravest life of the world With that hee turned to Tisiphone and presenting her his tasses and one of Polexanders gantlets See said he all that you shall finde remaining of that Prince whom you have delivered into the hands and to the mercy of these murderers Tisiph one going out of one furie that had some bounds to another which had none at all tooke Polexanders gantlet and presenting it to the dead as if they had beene in case to heare her Villaines cri'd she who for these many yeares have been the authors of my afflictions what have you done with Polexander after you had kill'd him Shall I not have the comfort to injoy him dead since it was deni'd me living Seeke said she turning to Amintha and Alcippus seek ye faithfull servants of that unfortunate Prince and if ye cannot finde his body at least finde me his sword What! you hearken to me but assist me not and instead of prosecuting your search content your selves with unprofitable teares and lamentations With that she cast her selfe on the ground and besmearing her hands and clothes in removing many bodies drown'd in their bloud continued till almost day-break that horrible exercise At last she found out Astramadan and her hatred all goary as he was making her know him she seem'd to be infinitely joy'd at that incounter instantly she began extreamly to raile on him and finding a sword cut off his eares and his nose and the inraged woman not to be satiated at halfes commanded two of her Moores to strip the wretched Prince and assoone as he was naked she ran the sword into his body and rending his breast and tearing out his heart Accursed heart cri'd shee how unfortunate am I that thou art no more capable of suffering How glad should I be couldest thou revive againe and become sensible that thou might'st feele the extremitie of my hatred and torments but as dead as thou art I must teare thee in pieces and taste at least the shadow of that pleasure I had enjoyed in eating thee alive To it Tisiphone glut thy selfe with this accursed heart avenge thee as much as thou can'st since thou canst not as much as thou wouldest and intermingling love hatred despaire revenge and death together give succeding times a prodigious example what a woman can doe when she is as hardy as she is unfortunate With these words the inraged woman gnaw'd off and swallowed a piece of Astramadan's heart and whether that dismall morsell choak'd her or as 't is most likely the excesse of her furie discompos'd all that order of nature which preserves life so it was that she fell starke dead at Amintha's feet and freed her age of a monster which had made Heaven accus'd of Injustice had she not been punished by an exemplary chastisement Amintha Alcippus and others of Polexander servants being delivered from that womans tyrannie thought of nothing but on what they had lost Dead Polexander was the onely object which became master of their thought They invited one another to weepe and bewaile him and to preserve his memorie for ever among them made a vow to keepe more charily then their lives the reliques that were left of him Amintha tooke the gantlet which Tisiphone let fall in dying Alcippus his helmet and distributed the other pieces of his Princes armour to his most affectionate servants which done he erected a pillar in the midst of that fatall place and fastning to it Astramadan's armour all broken as it was tooke a great shield which he found all whole on the ground and writ thereon with bloud these words following Polexander for the eternall memory of his Victory and Astramadan's Treachery in the midst of this by fire consumed Towne hath here fix'd his Enemy's Armes which he lost with his life This Trophie being erected Amintha and Alcippus returned to the port and imbarking themselves in our Heroe's vessell thought of nothing more then how to accomplish the vow they had made to eternize the lamentation for his death But he in the meane time laid along in his boate without any more strength then what might suffice him to undergoe his many wounds was row'd on by the weake armes of Diceus or rather by fortune who desirous to belie those who accus'd her of that Prince's death imploy'd all her endeavours to preserve his life His boat made mighty quicke way whilst it was carried by the violent swiftnesse of the torrent but when that impetuousnesse was lost in the bosome of the Ocean Diceus perceiv'd he had not strength enough to handle the oares and imagining straight he had lost his master in striving to save him did so vively resent it that the most of his wounds opened againe and he the second time fell for dead at his masters feet The Prince beleev'd he was so indeed and bestowing on him some teares as the last tokens of his affection Goe Diceus said he goe to thine eternall rest and if Fidelitie as the most necessary vertue is the most worthily recompenc'd take thy place among the highest thrones which Eternitie reserves for the truly blessed I shall soone follow thee and restore if I dare hope it from the mercy of Heaven the prsence of that master whom thou hast alwayes so extreamely loved After he had spoke thus he stood some time without losing his sight and yet not seeing any thing but by little and little growing weaker it seem'd to him as if a thicke cloud tooke all light from him Then indeed 't was he thought he should die and that the judgements of heaven laying before him the vanities of his youth as so many causes of his condemnation and the ill imployments in which he had exercised his life hee fell to his oraizons After which he left all knowledge and lay a long while be twixt dead and alive In which time his boat carried by the waves out of sight of the desolate Island floated almost two dayes at the will of the the winde which having no lesse care of him then it would for a nest of Halcions brought them happily to an Isle where Polexander and Diceus recovered againe that life which they had more then halfe lost Truly that succour betided them whence with reason they could not expect any
call Reason would faine by its specious considerations rob me of my desire as well as it hath done of my hope But her counsell is too weak to be hearkned to and the pearlesse Alcidiana should not be what she is if Reason or Fortune could oppose her resolutions Though Polexander began this Soliloquy with the same temper hee shew'd in his other loose talkings yet at last hee grew into such a passion that forgetting his wounds and the place where he was hee spake so loud that Garruca and Diceus heard the five or six last words They both thought he slept and being troubled with some strange dreame deem'd it fitting to put him out of that vexation They came therefore to his bed but finding him awake and at quiet they onely ask'd him of his health 'T is too good reply'd Polexander for such a wretch as I am and 't will be long of you speaking to Garruea if it be not farre better For you cannot relate to me the happinesse of the King your Master but instantly our perfect amity makes me resent it and by consequence brings a great deale of ease and comfort to my paine and sadnesse Garruca unwilling to be solicited for a debt which he should already have acquitted Would to heaven said he to Polexander that friendship were able to work the like miracles which are attributed to the imagination I should then see you freed from some part of your affliction and without wearing out your daies in the discovery of an Island that flies from you you should enjoy Alcidiana out of the very joy you would conceive in seeing my Lord the Y●…ca in possession of his Izatida But though so great a happinesse cannot be expected from the relation I am to make you yet I will not desist but beleeve I have done well if I cannot make you sensible of any pleasure I may at least for some short while make a diversion or work in you some insensibility of your misfortunes After this preamble Garruca a while meditating on what he had to say by the expresse command of Polexander sate downe and thus began the recitall of his Master's last adventures Assoone as Zelmatida was recollected from that griefe your separation had wrought in him and from that excessive joy caus'd by Izatida's company and her perfect health he strove to make his happinesse of a long date and to obtaine from the Princesse that she would confirme in private those promises shee had made him in your presence But she stopt my Master in the very beginning of his speech and forbidding him with a sweet severity to doubt of her word Doe not imagine said she that to comply with any other or for any bodies sake else I have yielded to what hath past in the Island we came from I have done it Zelmatida because I saw it was your desire and thought I was bound to it because I have found you exceeding discreet and very reasonable Let time then agitate and without disquiet and unjust longings aske not the accomplishing of what was promis'd you but when you see those things effected which ought to precede it I should reply'd Zelmatida be capable of that transcendent wisedome since your example gives me daily new lessons but whether I have not sufficient apprehension to conceive them or too much weaknesse to put them in practice I confesse Izatida I cannot attaine to that perfection nor absolutely enough put off man to see what is most glorious and faire in the world and yet not desire it Take heed you discover not your selfe said Izatida and speak more of it then you would willingly have me know If those desires of which you speak are tokens of our love they are so but as the violent fits of a feaver are signes of life Cure your affection if you will take my counsell purge it of these irregularities and be certaine that when wee cover any thing with so much fervency we rather love our owne content then the person from whom we expect it Those judicious corrections prevail'd so much with my Lord the Ynca that he presently suppress'd all those secret enemies which his sense arm'd against his reason and so unwound himselfe from what was man and the matter that his love became altogether intellectuall and contented with the delights of apprehension desired not any more those of enjoying Izatida thereby knew how true and extraordinary an Empire she had acquir'd over a spirit so high and so humble Shee tooke so great a content in it as sweetned the most bitternesse of her fortune and said often to her selfe that shee had been ingratefull had she not inclin'd to the affection of so respectfull and constant a lover In these pleasing thoughts they both continued during the voyage and though many tempests cross'd it yet I may say they enjoy'd a continuall calme Only our mariners felt the incommodities of the sea who would have refreshed themselves in the Island of Cuba and already had left their Southerly course to attaine it when Zelmatida to whom all delay was insupportable made them stick to their old steerage and whilst they had a favourable winde crosse those large extents which divide the Islands lately discovered by the Spaniards from the continent of the new world The end of this voyage was more irksome and tedious then the beginning for we were almost as long againe in passing from the Isle of Haity to the Kingdome of Quasmez as we had been in sailing from Cape Verd to the Ken of that Island After a great deale of trouble we entred the fairest port can be found again in either the one or the other sea and gave thanks to heaven for our happy successe in the voyage Assoone as Zelmatida was landed he discri'd a company of Indians who with bowes and arrowes in their hands dragg'd very rudely three prisoners and it seem'd they were bringing them to their execution He went to meet them and at first afrighting the troupe with the strangenesse of his habit and armes he resetled them straight by speaking their language and declaring his name and parentage Those poore people ravished with so good a newes cast out such a cry and us'd such actions as were as barbarous as themselves and one among them thinking to testifie his affection to the Prince with a club beat out the braines of the yongest of the three prisoners Zelmatida reprehended him for his inhumanity but with that sweetnesse which should be used in correcting those that offend through ignorance and ask'd the rest where they had taken those slaves Cacique said the eldest look on them well and thou wilt know who they are They have left Montezuma's Army who makes warre with thy father and are come hither to learne the passages of our Mountaines for the utter ruine of thy Estate My Lord the Y●…a understanding this was desirous to know more and to that end took the Mexicans with the consent of those that had taken them
him not to place in his throne the man who had pluck'd thence the lawfull Inheritrix Rather said he render that Justice which so many good men petition for against the ingratefull Phelismond Let him die or at least make him a vagabond and wretched all the rest of his dayes since he hath dar'd to faile in his obsequiousnesse and respect to your owne bloud Those words drew teares from the Kings eyes and so mov'd all the assembly that even those who came thither most averse for Phelismond were the first that desir'd the conclusion of his election He on the contrary seeing it not likely to be longer hindered would at least have delai'd it and therefore fell againe at his master's feet and more and more expressing his generousnesse Sir said he if my good destinie can give me the boldnesse to force from your Majestie any thing beyond that which you have pleas'd to bestow on me accord to my humblest petition and the just instances of so many illustrious personages that my election which you intend goe no further on but be defer'd till the returne of such as shall be chosen to goe in quest of the Princesse All the assembly falling on their knees to obtaine from the King that which Phelismond had propos'd had the satisfaction to get from him what their respect and loyaltie scarce permitted them to demand The estates being thus dissolv'd the businesse was for the chusing of such as were to goe in quest of Helismena Phelismond would be one and for all the obstacles the King could lay in his way he got to sea assoone as the rest and was neere six moneths in the voiage 'T is best to speake of things as they are he had either an inclination to the Princesse of Denmarke or with his hope of enjoying Alcidiana had lost all the love he bore her but acknowledging himselfe extraordinarily indebted to both the fathers and daughters love he would give to his resentment and to Justice what he could not to love He return'd as he went and reap'd no other fruits of his labour but the satisfaction of having done his dutie At that word Polexander interupting the Dane Be pleas'd said he that I renew my accusation and noting so great a coldnesse in the King your master persist in my former expostulation For his sake I will thinke that 't was for the sole consideration of the honour and dutie he bore to Helismena but how will he justifie his small remembrance of Alcidiana Certainly were I little lesse his friend then I am I would goe further and say there remain'd not in him the cold ashes of all that great fire which the faire Idea of that incomparable Queene had kindled in his heart You may without offence speake it repli'd the Dane for 't is true from that time forward he was cur'd of his wonderfull love to Alcidiana yet must you not for all that change accuse him of inconstancie He alter'd not but when he saw that reason his conscience the lawes of honour and the successe of your combate absolutely forbad him to persevere And if those powerfull considerations had been too few to sway him to that alteration he had receiv'd such advertisements from Thamiris as after them he was not permitted to be any more the passionate servant of Alcidiana I would faine know said Polexandervery coldly of what importance those advertisements of which you speake were before I can justifie Phelismond's alteration They were these repli'd the Dane Some two moneths after my master's returne into Denmarke Thamiris fell sicke and as if she had receiv'd some secret notice of the end of her dayes she assured Phelismond she was to die of that sicknesse That Prince who had alwayes lov'd her as his mother left the Court and giving no care to his flatterers abode two moneths intire with that Lady There was no kinde of service which could be expected from him wanting nor ordinary or unusuall remedies but he made use of to preserve her life Yet Thamiris receiving them onely to make Phelismond beleeve shee desired not to die secretly prepared her self for it with all the love and feare could be expected from Heaven and seeing her selfe neere her end was desirous to speake with Phelismond apart presently all were commanded to avoid the chamber and the doores being shut that good Lady in lieu of speaking fell lovingly on Phelismond's face as he lay weeping on her boulster After she had lean'd there a while she rais'd her selfe and making no shew by her speech of her weaknesse Phelismond said she you are like to lose a mother who hath ever loved you as tenderly as possibly she could doe who brought you into the world but first I will tell you who she was since I alone can informe you of her Know Phelismond you are no Dane but an Englishman at least by your mother and sprung from that ancient family which at this day reignes in England you are of the bloud of Yorke born among the High-landers in Scotland and brought up in Denmarke This exceeding newes is to be but the least part of your contentment I am to tell you another farre greater You are the sonne of the great Alcidus King of the Inaccessible Island and brother to Alcidiana Brother to Alcidiana said Polexander interrupting the Dane Yes Sir repli'd he Phelismond is Alcidiana's brother and when Thamiris made knowne that secret he was not lesse surpris'd then you seeme to be That I am Alcidiana's brother said he to Thamiris Ah! Madam pardon me if I beseech you to come againe to your selfe and a little suppresse your malady which seemes to hinder your thought of what you have to relate to me No no my sonne repli'd that good Lady I talke not idlely I tell you once againe that you are Alcidiana's brother and if you will give me leave to end what I have begun you shall be fully cleared of that which so much amazeth you Phelismond grew silent for feare of displeasing Thamiris and rested farre more attentive then he had been that he might not lose the strange particularities of his birth Thamiris hereupon began againe and holding Phelismond by the hand You may know said she that amongst other fundamentall Lawes of the Inaccessible Island there is one by which it is commanded whoever reignes there of either sex to chuse every yeare from among the Princes and other great Lords of the Kingdome a man of extraordinary vertue and to constitute him chiefe Priest and King of the Sacrificatory to the end that in the name of the Monarch and the Subjects he may goe and render the tribute of love and acknowledgement which from all times the Countrey is bound to pay to the Temple of a certaine God which is adored under the figure of the Sunne Pimantus father of Alcidus desirous his sonne should receive that Soveraigne Priest-hood before he came to his Regality chose him to goe into the Isle of the Sun to performe
she pleas'd the Princesse loath to deferre a moment saluted Polexander and for a last farewell Brother said she I wish your happinesse may betide you in the same instant with mine and that the name I give you may be a certaine presage of it Polexander repli'd that he was borne too unfortunate to have so much as the thought of so great a felicitie and so brought her to her ship There he ended his last complements and delivering to the Dane the letters he had written to his Master went not from him till he had made him know the greatnesse of his liberalitie Assoone as he was come back to his owne ship he began to reflect anew on his misfortune and confirming himselfe in the opinion he had of his destinie Assuredly said he heaven is drawne dry of all good chance that it kept in store for mankinde there is nothing left but miseries and languishments and to see how plentifully they are showr'd on me with good reason I may beleeve they were all reserv'd for me From that he fell into a deep musing and when he was got out of it he had quite lost sight of Helismena's ship Presently he commanded to weigh anchor and putting to sea againe ignorant of what course hee should steere spent neere fifteene dayes more bootlesly in searching for that Island which truely too rightfully merited the title of Inaccessible and Inchanted The calme which had been so farre obsequious to our Lover's passion now seem'd to be angrie at its inutilitie and gave way to a furious tempest eight dayes together the Prince's vessell was driven up and downe the immense vasts of the Ocean and sometimes from hell carried up to heaven and straight from heaven to hell againe the masts were all shattered the saile-yards broken the sailes all torne the rudder stricken off and they might say that the storme like an insolent conquerour would triumph o're that miserable ship in all parts of her The Pilot depriv'd of what he was to guide withall began to deplore the wretch'd estate of those of his condition and the mariners being cleane tired with blaspheming betooke them to their beads and began to cast their eyes to heaven against which they had but newly vomited so many injuries Those which were not yet wearie of living made vowes to all their Countrey 's Saints and others which were resolv'd to die fell with a true contrition at their Confessor's feet and in hope of a second life comforted themselves for the losse of the first Some holding up their hands to that succour which they saw not giddied themselves with their extreame noise and crying and others having not courage enough to looke death in the face hid them in the hold of the ship In the meane time the tempest inraged to be so long time contesting with a few broken plankes and the waves perfecting what they had to doe tore the ship open at the poope presently the sea all white with foame and as proud of the victorie rush'd in at the breach got the deckes one after another and so fill'd her that on the sudden they perceived her sinking In that extremitie every one caught hold of what he could and at one instant did two differing things despair'd of their safetie and yet sought all meanes to secure themselves Polexander by chance meeting with a broken mast of the ship which floated by him got on it and with an incredible constancy expected when the storme should deprive him of that last refuge After he had sate a while on it turning his head he perceiv'd Diceus at the end which so overjoy'd him that he conceiv'd not he was in any danger at all Be not astonished said the Prince to him but waite for the resolution of Heaven in its disposall of us without despaire The noise of the waves was too high to suffer Diceus to understand his Masters words besides the terrour had so much depriv'd him of the use of the best of part of his senses that he scarce knew whether he were alive or dead As the Sunne was ready to goe downe Polexander descri'd somewhat before him that seem'd white among the greennesse of the waves Take heart cri'd he to his servant be of courage Diceus I either see a rocke or a vessell the winde drives us to it and if feare kills thee not my life for thine He had no sooner spoken but he found himselfe very neere to what he had discovered and found it to be a great shelve of rockes inviron'd with the sea many a time had it been the terrour and losse of many a mariner but was then the hope and safety of Polexander The Prince being driven neere to it thought that if he quitted not his mast before the surges threw him against the rockes he or Diceus without doubt ran a hazard to be crush'd in pieces among a great many other small ones which appear'd close by the water hee call'd therefore to his servant to follow him and presently betooke himselfe to swimming Diceus recollecting his wits and strength obeyed his Master and after some hundred or more stretches or fathomes overtooke him 't was most happie for him to be able to doe so much for in the very instant when he came up neere to Polexander his strength and heart failed him Our Heroe seeing him sinking swome to him and shewing how dearly he esteemed the life of that trusty servant hazarded his own to save him He tooke him by one arme and swimming with a great deale of trouble and pain got behinde the rocke Assoone as he got footing he drew him on the sand and made him resume his spirits when Diceus with scattered looking on his Master would have ask'd him where he was but Polexander preventing him Friend said he we are safe if to be so we need nothing but to be freed from the furie of 〈◊〉 sea we must indure yet and let us suffer with a good heart since heaven hath not permitted us to finde a grave where so many hath met with theirs Thou mayest tell me Diceus that 't was our own faults but we had then violated the most inviolable lawes of nature and that providence which reserves us to some other end would have punished us as selfe-murderers if we had neglected the meanes of our safety which its all powerfull hand miraculously offered us Here he stop'd and going along the side of a little creek which was hidden in the bosome of the rocke he found a staire cut like a screw into the maine stone by which one might ascend the top up he trod it all musing and when he was at the highest he found a little cave Presently he call'd for Diceus and entering the grot he saw two beds of mosse so neatly made that he could not imagine them to be the simple worke of nature on the foremost he sate downe and Diceus on the other night as well as their former paines inviting them to rest they unclad themselves to
were insupportable 't was a wood of palme-trees cedar●… and wilde olives so high and thicke that they kept a great extent osiland from the Sunne 's ardor they wer●… watered with many little tills issuing from ●…e source within it was there a house of stone built in the midst of many others and a Temple at one end whose stately and sumptuous structure made it appeare that the inhabitants of that place had surmounted their miserie and barbarisme that they might not lodge in a poore hovell of straw and durt a Deitie whom they beleev'd to be the absolute Lord of heaven and earth Assoon as ever Polexander's Convoy appear'd with him a great companie of men women and children as blacke as the former inviron'd them and every one striving to touch the Prince they crown'd him with chaplets of palme and in that manner brought him into the house which exalted it selfe above all the rest When he came in he found it not so rich as on the out-side there was neither marble not gilded seelings nor rich tapestries all the ornament of the halls consisted in mats of palm in some seats of wood and certain hangings made of discoloured rushes where there hung bowes quivers full of arrowe●… half-pikes without iron heads and steele bucklers with prettie handsome swords After he had gone through three halls one after another hee came into a chamber and in one of the corners saw lying on a very low bed a man which seem'd to be blinde by the Negros demeanure our Heroe conceiv'd he was their Prince for one of them kneeling downe spoke to him a while and whilst he did so held his eyes still on the earth No sooner had he ended his discourse but the blinde Prince lifting towards heaven his eyes incapable of light called Polexander to him and imbracing him bedew'd his cheekes with his teares After this sad reception he spoke to him much but our Heroe understanding nought of his language knew not to whom he should addresse himselfe to learne who had spoken to that Prince of any thing which concerned him or what he expected from his owne person Whilst he stood thus perplex'd there was a piece of mat lifted up and instantly appeared some fifteen or twenty women blacke as the men and amongst them some that were of admirable feature who all with stretch'd out armes to our Heroe and teares besought him to take pitie on their miseries But he unweeting how to answer their petitions or not knowing what to doe in lessening their afflictions thought of pointing them up to heaven and striking himselfe on the breast afterwards as if he would say that by its assistance he would quit them of all their troubles In seeing these signes all of both sexes and all at once gave an acclamation and hurrying together to the blinde man's bed seem'd to assure him of something of great importance When this was ended they conducted our Heroe to the Temple and causing him to be an assistant to as fantasticall and odde sacrifices as were the spirits of the Priests he was left with the chiefe of them who was not so blacke as the rest That man affecting the impertinent gravitie of those of his profession and intimating by his scatter'd and afrighting lookes that he had some strange chimera's in his braine strove to speake Arabicke to make himselfe be understood But if Polexander had not divin'd the greatest part of his speech he had beene no better instructed by the Pastour then he had been by his sheep all that he could gather from that strange gibbrish was that he was arriv'd in a Province of the kingdome of Galatia and that the blinde man whom he had seen was Prince of it but being unjustly set on by the ambitious King of Thombut he had lost his estate his sonnes and the chiefe of his subjects and been constrain'd to fly to the desarts to avoid the furie of his enemie and preserve the chastitie of his daughters That ever since his exile his eyes had not beene without teares and with too much weeping he had lost his sight that every day some of his subjects gave him intelligence that the tyrant of Thombut was levying a puissant Armie to perfect his destruction and that within a short time he would come and plucke both his wife and daughters out of his armes Polexander after he decyphered thus much was desirous to learne more and intreated the Priest to tell him by what meanes they knew on what place the tempest had cast him and what they pretended of his assistance The Priest repli'd that the Sunne father of the blinde Prince and the Deitie of all Galatia had appear'd in his dreame to his sorrowfull sonne and after his assuring him that he should yet see his beames againe and be avenged of the tyrant of Thombut enjoyned him to send every moneth to the Hermit's rock till such time as they found in the holy Cave two men of a strange colour and language After the chiefe Priest had related the blinde Prince's dreame he brought Polexander into the most private place of the Temple and drew from under the Altar a table of brasse on which in Arabick characters was written a Prophefie which Polexander read and found it thus WHen the Scepter of Galatiashall be forced out of the hands of Abrim Esseron's true Successour and that the misfortunes of the State shall be lincked with those which are particular to the Royall Families the Sunne our father shall be compell'd whether he will or no to denie his light to the dearest of his children But the tears and pietie of that good King shall at last touch that incomprehensible Power which hides it selfe in the rayes of that great light From thence shall be sent into the world a Prince that shall be succourer and Protectour generall of all such as are afflicted and he shall be made to wander in divers parts of the world to the end that many afflicted soules may by his assistance be delivered from their miseries The unfortunate King of Galatia shall have his share in that universall happinesse if he be so prudent as not to neglect it The Rocke which shall become famous by the miracles of a holy Hermit is to be the place where the blinde Prince shall finde with the fight which he hath lost that invincible arm which shall subdue his enemies Though Polexander could not contradict the verities contain'd in the Prophesie without denying those things which himselfe had either done or suffered yet he could not imagine that he was either the Prince whose birth was so certainely foretold or that his actions merited the honour they received by such extraordinary wayes yet considering that heaven makes use of the meanest creatures whereby to operate the greatest wonders he humbled himselfe and by the doubt of his abilitie made him more worthy then he was of those imployments which were reserv'd for his courage Scarce had he ended his acknowledgement when divers
tortures and punishment as were proportionable to his own resentment After these insolencies he departed and fastning the dore with many chaines and lockes thought that the keyes could be no where so sure as in the custody of one of his daughters She who had them was called Philesia who was not onely more lovely then her sister but withall more affected Polexander The tyrant commanded her to keep those keyes more carefully then her eyes and thinking to overjoy her in few words declared the designe he had to avenge himselfe with his own hands on that stranger who had made him lose all Galatia At those words Philesia was like to have let the keyes fall out of her hands and indeed was neere discovering what she had till that time conceal'd if the same love which had caus'd that dangerous emotion had not kept it from being perceiv'd Before the enamour'd Princesse was well recollected twenty of the most deformed Negro's which Africk puts in the number of her monsters came into the chamber where the tyrant was and dragging after them the two Princes of Galatia outrageously bastonaded them to make them walke Assoone as the tyrant had placed them neer their sister he turned to her and making his true hatred which he had alwayes borne them to breake out to the utmost Thou hast then dar'd to beleeve said he in famous brood of a heards-man that I would make thee daughter of my greatest enemy and a vagabonds concubine the partner of my bed Surely thy hopes have too much injur'd me and I will therefore have them severely chastis'd With that he looked on the Princes of Galatia and commanded them to strangle their sister Never shall be spectacle how bloudy soever it can be imagined any way comparable to this that I describe At the tyrants command Philesia cast her eyes on her brothers and seeing them insensible at that excessive outrage she threw her lookes on them not languishing and pitifull but lookes that were furious and such as upbraided them for their ignominy and cowardise Miserable men said she are you not yet accustomed after so long and dishonourable a slavery to a blinde obedience Doe what your master commands you and since you have not the courage to live and die like Princes g●…ve at least a testimony to the world that you are good and obedient slaves The tyrant clapped his hand on her mouth that she might not goe on and growing inraged to see all his fury contemned by the constancy of a young mayden Ah Tygresse said he I alwayes beleeved that thou wert not resolved to receive me into thine armes for any other end then to strangle me but I have prevented thy treachery and therefore thou desirest nothing more then to die 'T is true tyrant repli'd the Princesse I was resolv'd to kill thee this night with the weapon I conceale from thee with that she put her hand under a large vaile of tiffany which served her for an upper garment and made shew as if she would draw somewhat from under it The tyrant who was extreamly timorous as usually those are who are as exceedingly cruell was afrighted at the Princesse's action and flew on her either to seise her arm or to act himselfe what he had resolv'd should have beene done by the Princes of Galatia Philesia seeing this prodigious example of her father's cruelty was so strucken with it that on an instant her intellect lost all its simpliciny or to say better its errour she then perceiv'd things as they were and disdeceiving her selfe of her former opinions was forced to confesse that children are not alwayes of an ill nature though they disapprove the actions of their parents The love she bore to Polexander serving her for an excellent Master had in a moment inspired her with these high notions in the very instant that she heard speake of his courtesie and valour she condemned her fathers actions and misliking them her selfe look'd on him as an object of hatred assoon as she thought on our Heroe but when shee understood from that mercilesse father that hee had resolv'd to murther that Prince she trembled through her naturall sensibility trod under foot the names of father and daughter and said within her selfe that it was more just to ruine the oppressour then to suffer the oppressed to perish This being so imagine what her thoughts were and what her joy when her father delivered the keyes of Polexander's prison into her hands she gave heaven thankes for it which she thought was the author of that wonder and prayed often to have an occasion given her whereby she might make a happy use of her charge of gaoler she beleeved her prayers were heard when she saw the tyrant busied in disarming the Lady Presently she ran out of the chamber and running to Polexander's prison so nimbly handled the lockes and keyes and so speedily opened the doores that such a miracle could not but be attributed to the blinde God of love Her affection advis'd her to deferre her love's deliverance that she might the more satisfie the desire she had of seeing him but the same passion letting her know that she loves not truely who regards her owne contentment as the principall object of her love she loosned Polexander's chaines and told him in Arabicke that 't was all she could doe for his preservation When she had spoke thus she fled and for feare let fall at the entry of the prison a torch which she had brought Polexander that would not goe forth without Diceus lighted the torch againe that was not well extinguished and making use of it for his servants liberty presently after put it out to save themselves the better in the darke Chance which hath oftentimes better successe then judicious guidance led Polexander right to the chamber where he had been taken he knew it by the light of a lamp that hung o're the staire and calling to minde the good sword which the Princesse of Galatia had given him went in to see whether any had carried it away He found it where he had laid it and vowing not to leave so good a weapon but with his life descended into one of the courts of the palace the place was inclos'd onely with a palisadoe but the height and greatnesse of the piles or stakes made it as safe as if it had been inviron'd with a wall Polexander ran to the gate with an intent to fight with the guard if they stopped his going out but he saw them all dead on the ground and presently heard a clamour on all sides he imagined it to be a remainder of the publike rejoycing and that the people ignorant of what was done in the palace celebrated with all kinde of pleasing licenciousnesse a feast which they hoped should give a period to their calamities With this opinion he went out of that court but when he came into a large place which served for the avant-court to the palace he descride at very
inhabitants want nothing useful for life Polexander took great pleasure in seeing the abundance of those places which the ancient Geographers set down for uninhabitable wildernesses and intertain'd himselfe with his mariner about the customes of that kingdome of Gheneoa and the fashions or manners and exercises of the Prince He was informed of many rarities by so pleasant a diversion a little beguiled the continuall discontents which his little hope of ever finding the Inaccessible Island threw on him at last he saw the tops of those high Pyramids which are at the entrie of a famous Temple consecrated by the inhabitants of Gheneoa to the Sun by little and little the other structures appear'd and when he came neerer he distinctly noted the faire scituation of that great village which sometimes is in the continent and at others in the midst of the waters When he came within a mile of it he descri'd in the open fields a great many men both horse and foot which ran against one another as they had been in fight thereupon hee commanded his boate might be stai'd to see the event of the skirmish but not well perceiving that which passed by reason of the dust which arose under the men and horses feet he cau●…'d them to land him no sooner was he got on the top of the banke but he saw two men which in full speed strove to get to the river at first he thought it was for a wager but a little after he saw a huge lion who violently throwing himself on the hindermost of the Knights pluck'd him off his horse and almost as quickly tore him in pieces Hee who had escap'd the danger in lien of flying away whilst the lion was busied stai'd when he heard his companion cry out his affection had no sooner made him commit that fault but his reason caus'd him to repent it he would saine save himselfe since he could no more serve him whom the lion had slaine but he had not time for the beast in ten or twelve leap●… got to him and had handled him as ill as his companion if he had not suddenly cast himselfe from his saddle and on foot oppos'd his horse against his fierce enemie's furie He had torne out the horses intrailes before the Knight could get twenty paces off and then flew on him proud of his victories and presenting him his bloudy pawes seem'd to call him to the combate Feare had pusled the man's judgement even till then when he saw himselfe at the point of losing his life so far that he put himselfe in no posture of defending himselfe Polexander was mov'd at it and presently with his sword in his ha●…d redeeming as I may say the life of that miserable man out of the pawes of the lion would see whether it were more difficult to vanquish men then beasts he wound about his left arme a kinde of a short cloake which Diceus had bought for him at Thombut and using it as a buckler stopp'd the fury of his enemy Those who have related that those beasts beare a respect to the Majesty of Kings never saw them in an equall estate of hurting one another the lion with whom Polexander contested flung on him with a fearfull roaring but our Heroe making him twice feele the edge of his sword beli'd the fable that sayes the rage of that beast is never so great as when hee sees his owne bloud gushing out When he saw Polexander shield himselfe so well that he could not fasten on him he drew backe and flinging presently into the aire with a wonderfull impetuousnesse would have thrown himselfe over Polexander and seis'd on his head in passing but our Heroe avoyding that attainct thrust his sword into his belly and so fortunately met it glyding upwards with his heart that the beast was no sooner pierced but he fell dead on the sand During the decision of this combate the man for whom it was undertaken was upon his knees with his hands extended to heaven for his defender's victory assoone as he saw his prayers were exauc'd he came to him and looking on him was not lesse ravish'd at his brave appearance then he had beene already at his owne preservation If thou be not said he the Deity whom I adore thou art at least one of those faire Spirits which incompasse his throne and as Ministers of his power never appeare but for our safegard What would that Negro have said if he had seen Polexander before his voyages his disquiets and insupportable heat of the South had not only decai'd the first lustre of his youth but so sun-burnt him that he was not to be knowne by such as had not of a long time seen him yet was he an Angell neer that Devill and indeed he tooke him for one and falling at his feet besought him not to forsake him so soone but retire to his palace to repose and unweary himselfe of the paines wherein hee was ingaged for the safety of the others life Polexander who began to understand the Negro's language and principally that which was spoken by persons of quality who among them are called the Surnigay knew by his speech that he was King of Gheneoa whereupon he intertain'd him as a Prince and reply'd after his accustomed civility that it it was too great an honour for him to have contributed any thing to the preservation of a life which was so necessary for the weal of so many people and though Fortune made him wander miserably from Countrey to Countrey yet he confessed he was indebted to her since she had presented him an occasion to serve so great a Prince That King which might be betweene fifty and threescore fainting by the feeblenesse of his age as well as through the resentment of the good he had received let himselfe fall on our Heroe's neck Deare stranger said he since thou art a man as others subject to sorrowes and afflictions take part of mine and stay with me that by thy company I may receive some comfort after my late losse That fierce and cruell beast which thou hast laid stretch'd at my feet hath devoured the onely hope of my people and sole delight of my old age that sonne whom I loved so dearly is now no more but the woefull remaines of a monsters fury I have lost him in the flower of his youth Alas who shall hereafter oppose the enterprises of mine enemies Rejoyce ambitious King of Thombut thy prayers are heard the rampiers of Gheneoa are demolished and the buckler of the miserable Apheristidez is torne in pieces In a word he whom thou feared'st is now no more Polexander taking hold of so faire an occasion to divert that Prince's sorrow told him that he came from Thombut and as he passed through it understood that the King thereof had been murdered by one called Nigeran But said he in as much as the story of his death is very strange and long I thinke 't will be fit to remit the
what it proposeth nor the meanes shee is to take in acquiring it I have not this Philosophy from the learning of any Tutors but from my long and cruell experience Yet before I acquaint you with it I thinke it fit to make knovvn who I am and where I was borne In this Sea which incompasseth the Isle wherein wee are and not farre from hence where the ancient Idolaters had placed their Elizian fields is an Island which is no otherwise known to other Nations but by it s not being knovvn to them at all Some have given it the name of Inaccessible others of the Inchanted Island but all agree that it hides it selfe from all that goe about to discover it and sometimes shewes it selfe to those that never look after it Polexander at that word stopping the slave and intimating an impatiency truely amorous How said he were you born Alcidiana's subject Yes repli'd the slave sighing and could have boasted to have been of the number of her most happy subjects if my temerity had not made me lose all those advantages which the goodnesse of that Princesse afforded mee Who e're you be then that know the famous name of Alcidiana be pleased to understand that till I was ten or twelve yeeres of age I was so happy as to be called by her by no other name then that of brother The reason was this There is in that Inaccessible Island a Family which by a priviledge almost as ancient as the State seem'd to be destin'd for the furnishing of Nurses to all the Kings children and indeed 't is recorded that for two thousand yeares the most of our Princes and Princesses have been nursed by the Ladyes of that house Out of that family came I and that you may know 't is not mean let me tell you that this important imployment hath made it so illustrious that it gives place to none but the Princes of the blood and it hath so farre gotten the love of the people that they certainly believe if they have able valiant and vertuous Kings they owe it to our excellent nurturing as much at least as to their birth When Alcidiana was borne she was delivered into the hands of my mother which was not long before brought to bed of me She was her Nurse with all the care and tendernesse that could answer the generall expectation which all the Kingdom had in the life of that Princesse 'T is true there was this difference betwixt her breeding and that of other Princes that none were permitted to see her because all that could prognosticate things to come had foretold that under the raigne of that Princesse the Crowne would be transferred into the power of strangers and that the Princesse her selfe to save her Country should be compel'd to marry a slave that was come from among the Negroes At those words Polexander had much adoe to suppresse the extraordinary motions he felt within him But imagining he was oblieged for the accomplishment of that prophecy to conceale himself more then ever he forc'd his transports and redoubled his attention that he might not lose any thing of the slaves discourse which the young man thus prosecuted Alcidiana was therefore shut up in the palace of Calliroé with her Nurse and Officers My mother who was young and had no other child but my selfe would never give way to let me be from her so that I was confin'd with Alcidiana and by little and little made me so necessary for the pastimes of her childhood that they were forc'd to keep me still with her At the age of foure yeeres that Princesse as my mother hath often related had so great lights of understanding and was so admirable in all her actions and discourse that it seem'd heaven had exempted her from all the infirmities of childhood and in her birth been indow'd with all such treasures as others acquire with much paine and a great many yeeres In this extream infancy I felt my self with a great deal of pleasure won to the adoration of this rising Sun and though my minde was not yet capable of any of its operations yet it turn'd it selfe towards the beauties of Alcidiana just as the Adamant though inanimated by a hidden quality turnes it selfe to the starre which it loves and which drawes it I was the beloved brother of that Princesse if we were to play if we were to dance I must alwaies necessarily make one Alcidiana could not well passe the time without m●… and I dare say she lov'd me so dearly that there never was man more happy then I without knowing it But that felicity lasted not long for after I attain'd the age of nine yeeres they beganne to make me know who I was and what was Alcidiana Her Governesses too instructed her in the difference that heaven had set betwixt our degrees and withall taught her to converse with me farre otherwise then she had liv'd thitherto All freedome which I formerly enjoied was debar'd me I saw my selfe reduc'd to serve on the knee her whom I before treated with as much familiarity as she had been my Sister It was not so much permitted me as to touch that fair hand which before time I could kisse as often as she tooke any thing from mine Alcidiana was a great while ere she could practice these rigorous instructions but by little and little she grew so learned in the Art of Imperiall commanding and disdainfully regarding the unfortunate Pisander as well as all other men that as young as I was I took notice of the alteration and almost dy'd for sorrow My mother who took no delight but in what I did seeing me suddainly fall into a dangerous sicknesse used all kinde of remedies for my recovery But perceiving that I wax'd every day worse and worse and that I complain'd of nothing else but Alcidiana's change she was so imprudent out of her affection as to intreat the Princesse to lessen a little her severity and beare with my innocence The love which Alcidiana bore to that second mother was so powerfull as to winne her to suppresse her thoughts and to visit me as I lay in my bed The sight of her gave me my health as it had taken it from mee and the hope of living with that Princesse as I had done made me soon leave my chamber For a whole yeare after my recovery there pass'd not a day wherein I saw not Alcidiana Every morning I brought her flowers either to make her nosegaycs or guirlands At the time of Devotion I waited on her to the Temple and I remember how approaching the nearest to her that I could when she praied I innocently besought the Divinity which she had adored not to grant her petition unlesse by a particular vow she bound her selfe not to treat mee ever as a man indifferent to her The afternoones if she went forth to walke or if she pass'd the time at any sport I strove to fit her with new services or at
of that reward and make you confesse that Love and Honour are certainly two of those Inchanters which promise pearles and diamonds but give us onely a few oaken leaves and acornes My sonne repli'd the Hermit Ignorance is alwaies unjust but it is not alwaies criminall and is not so principally when it is accompanied with a deale of affection Yours is of that nature and therefore I condemne it not But know that the man whom you bewaile is not in case to deserve it Neither Love nor Death shall ever rob him of the felicities are due to him I dare say he enjoyes them already and though his troubles have been great his recompence shall be farre more But let us break off this discourse since I have not so long time to live that I should bestow any part of it on any other save my selfe In this sort having ended our conversation the holy man intreated me to goe and finish the grave he had begun and leave him a while alone to prepare himselfe seriously for the great voyage he was to make I obay'd him and was above an houre in digging That done I ascended againe up to the Cave and found the good Hermit laid on his bed of mosse I came neere to give him an accompt of my labour but he was not in case to receive it He lifted his eyes and hands towards heaven and seem'd to be so transported thither already that he remembred no more any thing that was earthly I took him by the hand all amaz'd to see him in that estate and demanded what he ailed and what I might doe to comfort him But he answer'd not I then thought him to be extremely sick and to get him out of his swoune began to stirre him By little and little his judgement return'd and presently knowing mee Oh! my son said he out of what a trouble have you brought me I saw the habitation of the Blessed all open My soule ravish'd to quit this clog of earth which hinders her flying thither did her utmost endeavour to be absolutely disburthened of it But as she complain'd for seeing all her industry bootlesse a voice call'd mee by my name Beware said it that thou break not those ligaments which hold thy bodie bound to thy soule Thou wantest one thing without which it is forbidden thee to enter into this place of all delights The voice flying into aire I call'd a long time to intreat it to instruct me what it was I wanted for my felicity But I re-claim'd in vaine It would not deliver me out of the torment whereinto it had throwne me and I was in such anguish of mind as is not to be imagined when your calling brought mee out of so strange a dreame or rather so wonderfull a transportation of the spirit No sooner had the holy man recounted to mee his vision but I imagined that heaven desirous to bestow on him that reward it hath promised to all good men had wrought a miracle in the moment of his departure that so by the knowledge of that verity which had never been spoken to him he might attaine the beatitude propos'd for the salary of its beliefe Hereupon I told him it was reveal'd me from heaven what was wanting for his gaining that true happinesse and afterwards as fully as I could in so short a time made knowne the mysteries and fundamentalls of what we beleeve After which that learned man who all his life time had made profession of the most solid and rationall parts of Philosophy witnessed so great a submission and gave so great a credence to such mysteries as being infinitely elevated above all reason must needs justle with his and cleane overcoming it hee demanded to be perfected by lavation which I performed and had no sooner done but he with an hearty ejaculation and instant prayer sunk downe by mee and testifi'd that the death of a good man is a true peace and a pleasing sleep I confesse I wept at so great a losse and you were not the onely man whom I was bound to bewaile I watch'd him till next day and as soon as the Sun arose carried him to the place chosen by himselfe for his interment His funerals ended I resolv'd to take possession of his Hermitage for the remainder of my life But knowing not where to draw the water or get the dates whereon hee liv'd I determin'd to dye with that absolute resignation and religious constancy which the holy man had taught me Yet was I not reduc'd to that extremity for eight dayes after the Hermits death I saw a little Barque arrive at my rock guided by two Negro's They descri'd me on the top of the rock and the distance hindring them from any certaine knowledge they surely took mee for my predecessour By their shouts they made shew of their joy and brought on shore eight or ten barrells of fresh water and some six little chests of dates As soon as those things were unshipp'd the Black-Moores cri'd out againe as 't were to take their leaves and so return'd without any curiositie of visiting me After I had long meditated on somewhat that was not very likely I imagin'd that the late Hermit being not desirous to be seen by any man had given order to such as were to furnish him with his ordinary pittance to land what they brought at the foot of the rock and so to returne without troubling him in his solitude How ere it was I remain'd there three moneths living according to the incouragement which the life and death of the holy Hermit gave me and receiv'd such things as were necessary for me from the hands of the same Negro's And I grew then so well accustom'd to that manner of life that the most pleasing things of the world pass'd not through my memory but as objects of commiseration and contempt and I thought on nothing but how to dye well when a great ship whose sailes were of purple and gold shew'd her selfe one morning some miles off my rock I confesse to you that object did not almost a jot move mee and I wished often that they who were in that proud Vessell fearing to fall on my rock would turne their sailes another way But I had not my desire satisfied On the contrary the tall ship came with full sailes within a mile of my rock and casting anchor there for feare of the shelves and the crags I perceiv'd five or six men which descended into a great boat and then with an extreme swiftnesse came right to the rock There they landed and presently came up to my Cave My haire was so exceedingly growne since my living there that I had not much lesse then I have now and besides being growne gray as you know it did begin to be so from mine age of five and twenty I seem'd to be above threescore and ten though I was not five and forty Those men certainly taking me for my Predecessour cast themselves at my feet imbrac'd my knees
of his birth or his many services The Prince of Sidonia after divers conferences with him made a League betwixt them by which they equally ingag'd themselves for the conquest of this Island under conditions very pleasing to Tautalus and not disadvantageo●…s to our Kings They shall be reply'd Polexander as little pleasing to the one as advantageous to the other it is easie to make those audacious deliberations but they are not with that facilitie executed By this answer the Prince confirming the opinion the Spaniard had of him sent him away with the other prisoners and presently calling together all that were in the holy ship as well Priests and Officers as Souldiers he thus bespoake them If you had time to deliberate it would be most fitting that you should weigh with all the best of your wisdome such things as my zeale would make you undertake but in the extremitie whereto matters are reduced to hearken to that circumspect and timerous providence which will leave nothing to fortune were to betray your Queene and countrey You must suffer your selves to be lead by the motions of my rashnesse you must dare more then wise men should and at least have the honour of not surviving your Princesse and libertie as for my selfe unfortunate slave that I am bred in the depth of Africk I doe here vow to die with my sword in my hand for the service of Alcidiana and when by a prodigy which is not to be imagined it shall happen that a just cause shall be abandon'd and you compell'd to be false to your Soveraigne and your selves I alone will ingage my selfe to oppose the Spanish usurpation After Polexander had ended the eldest of the Priests casting up his eyes Thanked be Heaven said he since I see approach the accomplishment of such things as it deign'd to reveale unto us That Priest by such exclamations troubled all his auditors but presently addressing his discourse unto them What my friends said he it seemeth you have let slip from your memorie the Prophesie which for this eighteen or twenty yeares hath been the terror of all this Kingdome if you can call to mind the threatnings it contain'd you cannot doubt of its truth since you this day see the rebellion of our brethren becoming a slave to the ambition of strangers violates all the lawes of duty and discretion layes waste the whole countrey with fire and sword and for the height of all impietie shakes our very Altars in going about to overthrow the throne of our Soveraigne These strange revolutions amaze you and truly not without cause but quiet your selves and be setled hope from the propitious care of heaven those favours which the offences of your lives permit you not to aske if the thunder roare 't is rather to threaten then to beat you to dust nay the storme was no sooner form'd but the calme appear'd and the wound no sooner given but you have wherewithall to close it In a word if your Isle be abandon'd to the mercy of strangers by the treason of your fellow Subjects see here this fatall Slave come from the depth of Africa with that he shew'd them Polexander for whose valour Heaven hath reserv'd the ruine of your enemies and the re-establishment of your former fortunes The reverend and discreet Priest thus ended his speech and by the praises he had given Polexander put him into as much disorder as if he had been convicted of having intelligence with the Spaniards or had attempted against the honour of Alcidiana In the meane time the Queenes Embassadors and her other subjects who were alike fill'd with the threatnings and promises of the Prophesie we spoke on fell all at Polexander's feet and imbracing his knees besought him by the powerfull name of that Deitie which ingaged him to their defence and by the interests of honour to take in hand the exterminating sword of Tyrants and to hasten to the succour of their distressed and even perishing Countrey You cannot doubt of my willingnesse reply'd our Heroe since first I am dedicated to the safetie of this kingdome but if you wish our armes should be prosperous leave off the irritating that supernaturall assistance from whence you are to expect so much happinesse by your irrationall imaginations I am indeed a slave come out of the inmost of Africa yet doe not imagine me to be the man is promised you by such solemne Prophesies Polexander could goe no further all that heard him cry'd aloud that if they durst call in question so cleare a veritie they should make themselves unworthy the felicity it propos'd for the Salary of their beliefe What hinders us then cry'd the Embassadors and since we all equally see our safety what deterres us that we doe not all hand in hand run to imbrace it Polexander unwilling to contest any longer told those that urg'd him he would absolutely put off that power which they desir'd to conferre againe on himselfe and confining him to his condition of a slave he was ready to obey whatsoever should be commanded Hereupon the Priests and Embassadors made knowne what was fit to be done to hearten the people to their owne defence to keep backe such as were not yet in rebellion and to withdraw those who either through ambition or ignorance were ingaged in it To effect it 't was thought fit to send first into the city of Arzilea and from thence through all the Provinces to advertise the people that the time of the Prophesie's accomplishment was come and to perfect it the slave which it foretold was arriv'd in the Island and had begun the important businesse for the common good by the defeat of part of the strangers These who were chosen for that Commission presently departed with command to be heard from assoone as they had had audience of the Arzileans Whilst they were in their voyage the rest prepar'd all things fitting in the three ships that our pretended slave might enter into Arzilea in such a pomp as might be able to astonish the vulgar and by consequence of power to perswade them to what was needfull they should beleeve The rest of the day and part of the night was imploy'd in those preparations and it was almost done when one of them that had been sent to Arzilea return'd and made knowne with how much longing the Arzileans desir'd to be clear'd of their doubts and suspitions Assoone therefore as the flood entring the river had made it navigable for great vessels Polexander and his companie set saile the fourth part of the mariners belonging to Alcidiana's ship which had beene put into the two Spaniards having taken from them the little remainder of their ancient braverie made them attend the victor Alcidiana's stately vessell besides her purple sailes her flagge of azure and gold and an infinite number of lesse and longer streamers which on all sides waved with the winde were inrich'd with trophies so much the more magnificent since the Spaniard themselves contributed
desires and thine own will to the safetie of thy Countrey 'T is a businesse resolv'd in heaven thou must swallow this potion which hath no bitternesse but whilst thou refusest it on then and let not thy brave heart faile thee at need taste those sweets thy vertues have deserv'd O new age of gold O Island truly fortunate O Slave worthy the regall throne O Princesse happily deceived O glorious alliance O illustrious posteritie In all likelihood Alcidiana at the reading of this Prophesie might have receiv'd some contentment but she renew'd her sighings and unable any longer to refraine from tears even let them fall down on the Prophesie in such an excesse as if she had beleev'd she could with the Characters have drown'd all the misfortunes they seem'd to threaten her Rhadiotez seeing her discontent spoke all he thought fitting to quiet her afflicted minde but Alcidiana not induring his discourse Retire father said she and assure your selfe that I have not so little profited in your schoole but that I know well how we must die when we can live no longer but with dishonour I was borne free and you propose to me something worse then death when you propound I am not to live but by making my selfe the slave of a Slave Rhadiotez willing to give the Princesse time to advise with her selfe and more seriously to meditate on the Prophesie return'd to his palace and Alcidiana seeing her self then at libertie began again her lamentations and turning to her confident Come Amintha said she am I not now at last arriv'd at that utmost point of misfortune which long since my visions my disrests and melancholy foretold me O cruell Fate certainly thou too tyrrannically abusest that soveraigne power which is given thee from above on us poore mortalls What wilt thou shall become of me But doe what thou list my good or ill shall not depend on thee the command I have over my selfe is no lesse absolute then thine I will keep it in spight of all thy violence and since death hath depriv'd me of all that could make me in love with life 't is in vaine by the object of greatnesse and felicities to bustle with my resolution and tempt my courage Cast thine eyes on me deare and worthy subject of my sorrow turne thine eyes on me and upbraid me of falshood if thou read'st in my soule any motion that counsels me to forsake thee for another The Princesse's confident seeing her teares and sighes had taken away her power of speech Polexander said she to her is worthy of these testimonies of love you bestow on his memorie and Madam he having lov'd you what said I lov'd having ador'd you as he hath done I doubt not but amidst all the pleasures which inviron him hee resents your displeasures and seeing you afflicted is even pensive and sad in the very source of all happinesse Ah deare Amintha cry'd the Queene how doe thy words pierce me and mournfully re-imprint in my memorie the remembrance of my folly and ingratitude She could not speake further for word was brought her the multitude was round about the palace and threatned to breake the gates if they were not let in All conspires against us Amintha said she to her confident but let us resist to the last and at least shew that faire soule which lookes on us from heaven that we abandon not his party though it be to the weakest With that she went out on a great Terrasse which ran along the first court of her palace and commanded the gates to be opened Presently the people rush'd in headlong but at sight of the Princesse whom they never look'd on without respect and wonder they rain'd in their fury and fell all on their knees Alcidiana seeing them in such a reverence commanded them to stand up and declare the cause of the tumult the multitude after their wonted manner speaking in confusion began to cry out that the Deliverer which had beene promis'd the State even from Heaven was at the towne gate and they besought the Queen's permission to goe meet him to see him and petition him for an end of their present calamities Alcidiana unable to indure the continuation of their discourse How my subjects said she all inraged you doe not thinke of me then otherwise then as of an enemie or at least as of one without power What doe you expect from a wretched stranger what you hope not from my vigilancie from my forces nor your owne courage who is the seducer that hath impoison'd your minds with a prediction as idle as it is intricate You see at hand the safetie my care hath acquir'd you and yet you tread underfoot what is sensible to run after Chimera's and meer leasings Assure your selves the date of your misfortune is pass'd the revolt is buried in the graves of the authors and the strangers are no more in case to annoy us have a little patience and you shall soone see them shamefully quit our coasts and carrie nothing of their crimes with them but their griefe for committing them The people repli'd she promis'd no happinesse but what was most certaine but that she might not be unworthy of it 't was fitting the person should be honour'd who had wrought it That reply absolutely angring the Queene she withdrew without giving the people any contentment and shutting her selfe up in her closet with Amintha onely O ingratefull people cry'd she that have neither thought of me nor my predecessors Reeds shaken with all winds minds adoring novelties you are then wearie of my Government and without the knowledge of what is beneficiall or hurtfull to you desire a Slave for your King and that Alcidiana who would not bestow her chaines on Polexander should offer her Crowne to Araxes Here she was silent and after a little musing threw her selfe weeping on her confident's neck And my poore Amintha said she see I pray thee with what eagernesse my misfortune pursues me and thinke what I should resolve on to avoid the accomplishment of our dismall Prophesie Doest thou imagine that Alcidiana hath so base a spirit as to preferre before death a Slave who without doubt is come from among that barbarous nation which wretchedly inhabits the in-land deserts of Africa No no let Fortune arme the whole universe to force me to that necessitie I will see my kingdome all of a flame if my bloud cannot quench the fire rather then undergoe the reproach of doing an act unworthy of Alcidiana Amintha desirous to intertaine the Queen in this just aversion There is nothing said she but your Majestie is bound to suffer rather then the dangerous beliefe which is slid in among your subjects Weak minds as your Majestie knowes are susceptible of all we need but propose things to them beyond their understanding to fill them with foolish admirations and from those idle wondrings carry them to beliefes more ridiculous and extravagant If once your subjects strongly conceive that their fafetie
deeply on my dreame you shall finde that Polexander faire and lovely as he appear'd to me is that Polexander which is above in heaven and seeing me at the point to be sacrific'd to this ambitious Slave pluck'd me out of his hands and lead me to the Temple where my Ancestors are interred But O happy soule which in the fulnesse of thy beatitude hast a care of the unfortunate Alcidiana assure thy selfe she will willingly goe to the place whither thou wilt conduct her and though that youth and the love of our selves seeme to oppose the intent she hath of dying yet in spight of those obstacles and resistances she will let thee see that thy consideration is more powerfull over her then the most choicefull life can be showne her on earth After this speech the Princesse making shew of the greatnesse of her courage seem'd lesse dejected and lesse troubled then at first she wept no more her palenesse gave place to the cincture of the rose which made her admir'd of all that beheld her and her constancy treading under-foot all her disquiets restor'd her at least in shew to that state of contentment wherein she had pass'd the two first yeares of her government She presently arose and spending a part of the morning either in dressing her selfe or in reading the intelligence she receiv'd from divers parts went afterward to the private oratory of her palace to offer her life and crowne in sacrifice to the Deitie which had given her them both A while after she went to her repast and as she arose thence Amintha told her that Pallantus cured of his wounds was return'd from Arzilea and humbly petition'd he might have the honour to give her Majestie an account of his voyage she granted it and sent him word she would speake with him towards the evening in the Phoenix garden After dinner she went to councell Rhadiotez as Chiefe-prelate was president and as such propounding what was most important for the state of the present affaires made the coming of Araxes and the taking of the Spaniards Fort to passe for a miracle But said he we must not neglect our good fortune and by not knowing how to make good use of our advantages suffer our enemies to render them unprofitable to us whilst they are terrifi'd 't is fitting to keep them so as long as we can and give them no leasure to recover from their astonishment 'T is true Araxes is wounded and as if his wound were the death of all our Souldiers those in the fort nay even these in this towne are strucken with such a consternation and dismay that we can hardly get them to their armes but the best in this misfortune is that Araxes is but very slightly wounded and this morning going to visit him he had left his bed if I had not intreated him in the Queen's name not to hinder his recoverie in neglecting his wound Besides the people murmure because their Deliverer is not taken into the towne but in contempt of the expresse will of Heaven he is treated as an enemie or at least as an indifferent person whom they already looke on as their Prince and Redeemer Alcidiana at that word interrupting Rhadiotez Had I not resolv'd said shee to suppresse all my resentments and to be avenged on my selfe for my subjects ingratitude I would complaine of their murmurings of the connivence of Magistrates and the consent which all you that are here seeme to give to their extravagancies What will my subjects have mee goe meete the African Slave and descending from my Throne to place him in it despoile my selfe of mine owne qualitie to put on his 'T is not if there were question of their safetie that I would make difficulty of dividing my Crowne since I will never make any of absolute bestowing my life but because I thinke my selfe not yet brought to that necessitie if the misfortune of our affaires shall ingage me to it be assur'd I shall demeane my selfe with all the love that a good Prince ought to have for his subjects and will make appeare even by my death that there is nothing so deare to me as the welfare of my subjects This speech drawing teares from the eyes of all the auditors they stood a while silent at last Rhadiotez began and intreating the Queene to live for the good of her people and not intimate her love by such tragicall resolutions lead her by degrees to the businesses of warre They settled principally on those of the sea many spoke of preparing ships and to have a fleet alwayes ready but Rhadiotez alledging that the Fundamentall Lawes of the kingdome absolutely for bad navigation and onely permitted three sailing ships in the whole Island it was concluded on the powerfull considerations of the Chiefe-prelate that the ancient Ordinances should be kept inviolably and some other wayes to be used for the expulsion of the Spaniards This Councell ended the Queen retir'd to her chamber with Amintha and some other Ladies and at Even went downe into the Phoenix garden Assoone as she was gotten into a grove of Orange-trees wherein there were alleys of five or six hundred paces long and fountaines of falling waters from twenty to twenty paces she call'd for Pallantus The Lientenant over her Slaves went to receive him at one of the garden gates and after he had imbrac'd him as the best of his friends brought him to the Princesse Assoone as she saw him afarre off the bloud flew into her face and straight growing pale againe she was constrain'd to sit downe to conceale how much she was stirr'd Pallantus loaden or to speake more properly adorn'd with his illustrious chaines put one knee to the earth and kiss'd the hemme of the Queen's garment The Princesse to divert her transport I understood of your returne said she and the accident which caus'd it but those that made the recitall to me were so ignorant of the particulars that I shall be glad to heare them from your self With that she arose and after she had commanded all others to keep off and call'd Amintha on her right hand and Pallantus on the left she walked some few paces without speaking a word but then on the sudden coming out of her musings she leant on Amintha and calling Pallantus neerer who kept a little behind Relate to me said she all that hath betided you since you left this Island and forget nothing that may serve for a diversion to our spirits wearied with the time and its misfortunes Pallantus obeying the Queene thus began the relation of his voyage The very day on which your Majestie commanded me to depart I imbark'd in that vessell which to my honour you bestowed on me and was so fortunate that the fifth day after I landed in the Island of the Sunne I satisfi'd your zeale by the celebration of those sacrifices which you commanded me and acquitting my selfe of the vow I had made for the prosperitie of your raigne I left that
smoake those Troopes which march'd towards the Towne At breake of day two thousand men came before it Twelve peeces of Canon which had been planted in the night began to beate their defences and two Petards were stucke by the incredible resolution of twentie determinate Soldiers on a gate that opened to the ditch They did their effect and presently those that were to fall on got into the ditch with ladders and though the most of them were lost yet the rest wonne the gate and there planted Alcidiana's rising Phenix The feigned Araxes sent fresh supplies to preserve what the first had gained and himselfe leading the way lodg'd them in the forc'd gate But when he saw beyond it an intrenchment harder to be carried then the ditch he re-intrench'd himselfe against the Town thinking no other way better then to keep what he had so well advanced Presently he commanded the ditch to be fill'd with Bavines to throw a bridge over and to bring on ten or twelve Peeces to beate off the enemie The fight lasted as long as day and above twelve hundred men fell on the place Whil'st this was doing in the lower town there happened great disorders in the upper A murmure and noise whose Author could not be knowne gave an alarme to all the Inhabitants All cri'd out that the Spaniards had receiv'd a mightie supply that Araxes had the worst in his assault that he had not won the Towne and that all these miseries had their source from the Queenes retarding the execution of the Prophesie and the expresse command of Providence These murmures were seconded by menaces and colour'd with so powerfull reasons that the Magistrates and Rhadiotez himselfe were forc'd to allow of the sedition The Queene said these Mutineers who is certain in all extremitie that a composition will bring her out of all that danger in which wee shall be inveloped rejects our prayers and remonstrances sees with a dry eye the teares of so many Innocents which implore her goodnesse and seemes to have destin'd for her ransome our goods our lives and the honour of our wives If the remedie which we propound to her for the common safety were a remedie invented by our selves she might have reason to contemne it either as dangerous or unprofitable But being prescrib'd by heaven and writ by the hand of the Author and preserver of all things can she refuse it without an expresse testimoniall either of an extreame neglect of the Divinity or as great a hatred against her Subjects Rhadiotez to appease them promis'd to go to the Queene and to let her know they were loyally intentioned Wee will go with you cry'd the seditious and if reason be not able enough to perswade the Queene wee will bring number and force to assist her Rhadiotez did all he could to go without so many followers yet thinking it not fitting to incense any further the furious multitude he put himselfe in the front and sent word of it to the Queene When shee heard the newes she was almost beside herselfe but the extremitie of scorne and choler depriving her of sense and reason she stood a while as immoveable Amintha who was by her intreated she would force herselfe and not give her enemies the contentment to see that she contributed to her ruine as much as themselves but that she would at last take on her a resolution worthie her birth and virtue It is taken repli'd the Queene with a setled countenance it is taken Amintha I will dye and though my People be unthankfull yet I will save them in expiring As she spoke these words Rhadiotez entred her chamber and though he had spoke nothing yet did he sufficiently make knowne by his pace and countenance that he brought very ill newes What father said the Queene without any dismay you come to tell me of my subjects rebellion and to advise me to submit to what they demand No such matter repli'd the Prelate but I come from them to make an humble petition to your Majestie and to beseech you by that goodnesse which is so naturall to you and by that Soveraigne power which reignes in heaven to take pity on a great number of weake and unarmed persons who see themselves readie to be given in prey to the utmost furie of their mercilesse enemies O! Let your Majestie be therefore pleased to harken to the cryes of so many mothers and children so many virgins and widowes old men and fearfull and to stop their complaints imitate those good Princes which have ountarily forgot themselves to thinke of nothing else but the preservation of their Subjects From the eternall Justice we all hope that your Majestie shall not suffer by doing a good Act and that the Prophesie which promiseth you so many blessings if you can subdue your selfe shall not be lesse true in this particular then in all the rest With much adoe Alcidiana not making shew of her perplexitie repli'd Tell me then what is 't my subjects would have of me That which the voice of heaven requires answered straight Rhadiotez Yes Father said the Queene I will doe all that is commanded me Long since the cryes of my people have gone through my cares to my heart I am sensible of every ones particular miserie and may say that I alone suffer all that the fathers and husbands suffer in severall If to stoppe the current of o●… common calamities there needed but the parting with my crowne I would be the first should take it off my head and if to it there be required the losse of my libertie or life I am readie to undergoe the one and to lay down the other After she had spoke thus she gave Rhadiotez time to render her thankes in the name of her subjects Hee be sought her as he had petition'd already to preserve her-selfe for them not to shew the subject her affection by deliberations which would be no otherwise then sad and mournfull unto them and to believe that on her life and peace necessarily depended their lives and tranquillity See then father said the Queene what is fitting for me to doe But if any remainder of respect keeps me yet considerable let me not be obliged to any thing that is unworthy of me In the mean time return to those that sent you relate my resolution and wish them without clamour and tumult to advise for their own safety After this the good Prelate retir'd to the impatient and surious multitude and making knowne what he had done with the Queen got them to retreat and expect till the next day the execution of the Princesse will By his good words the mutineers being thus calm'd promis'd aloud that if they were not forc'd to it by an extream necessity they would not presse at all the accomplishment of the Prophesie Night now shutting up every one within his owne doores the upper Towne was all hush'd but the lower was in an uproare Polexander had lead many troopes into the
Palme in their hands others of Cedar some had Laurell Crownes and others had Olive Those that march'd foremost meeting with our Heroe sooner then they thought witness'd their astonishment and gladnesse by shoutes and clapping of hands Those that followed desirous to break their order and come in the first rank that they might not be the last in rendring what they ow'd to the deliverer made such a confusion that divers of them fell into the Lake and Polexander himselfe was almost stifled in the croude He was compell'd whether he would or no to answer that unmeasurable affection of the multitude by long kindnesses and great demonstrations of joy But when he saw himselfe solicited by those indiscreet zelots to goe in triumph into the upper towne and then to the Temple of Wisedome to render thanks for the happy successe of the warre hee mildly remonstrated their fault and told them that although their desires were just yet they could not without offence be satisfi'd but by order from the Queen That they ought to attend her commands and respect her as the sole power by whose wondrous effect the Spaniards were beaten from the Island The multitude being a little held in by so discreet a remonstrance by little and little retir'd into the towne and our Heroe seeing most part of the Lords of the Island who had fought under his command to come towards him was againe obliged to constrain himselfe to treat them according to their merit They congratulate with him for the victory and by a proposition reduc'd him to a necessity farre more harsh then that which he had newly avoided For they besought him with one voice to goe and declare to the Queen how the Enemies had been defeated He answered that Pallantus and some others had already retated it But that 's not enough repli'd the Lords Shee should if you please heare it from your owne mouth There is none but he by whose valour we have been delivered that can fitly declare how it was done Polexander having nothing to oppose against so much reason but a great deale of wilfulnesse which in all likelyhood had been ill grounded made no other answer but that he was ready to obey them Presently Pallantus Amintas and two others were sent to Alcidiana to entreat audience for Polexander and his followers Upon consideration she granted it and assoone as the Messengers were gone 'T is in vaine for mee said she to Amintha to resist a stronger power then mine owne I see well that Polexander must have the best of Alcidiana aswell as of his Enemies That which I fear'd most is betided and to my shame I am inforc'd to shew a faire semblance to a man that hath cruelly offended me Whil'st the Princesse made these and other the like complaints to her confident the Embassadors return'd to those that had sent them and intimated that presently after the Queen had din'd they should have audience They were glad of the time lest they might appeare unfitly before the Princesse For Polexander he never thought much of trimming or adorning himselfe His fault or to speak more truely his misfortune was still before his eies Hee imagined that Alcidiana truely mislik'd him and gave no way to see him but for her peoples sake Whil'st these cogitations perplex'd him Diceus presented a letter to him from Amintha without knowing why he trembled at the receiving it and at the opening found these words The true Amintha to the false Araxes I Have not leasure to reprove you so much as your cunning and little friendship requireth Nor doe I write to you as one offended but generous that even pities the misfortune of an Enemy Make use of my freedome if you intend to be happy and intreat it to forget your ingratitude that you may after your publike Audience have by that meanes a more particular Polexander took not long time to deliberate what he was to answer so generous a friend but calling for things fitting made this reply Araxes and Polexander equally unfortunate to the vertuous Amintha HE whom you stile ingratefull without a murmure undergoes your reproaches though his owne Conscience assures him he deserves them not Neverthelesse he renders you many humble thanks for the remedy you promise to his afflictions But it is not enough generous Amintha that your charity hath found out a salve for those wounds which I thought to be incurable It behoves you if you please to perfect the Cure and instruct me how I should demeane my selfe This Answer brought to Amintha had all the successe Polexander could expect For that worthy Lady with such discretion serv'd him that she obtain'd from Alcidiana a tacite consent of seeing him and to heare his justifications But the blinded and indiscreet love of the people hindred the execution of this designe They assembled by troopes in all quarters and imagining their quiet would never be secur'd so long as the Prophesie had not its full accomplishment beset the Palace as they had done the day before and cri'd out that the Queen should perfect their happinesse What 's the cause saies one that her Majesty acquits not her selfe of the duty she owes the eternall Wisdome for her own safety and that of her subjects Is she so insensible of the favours she hath receiv'd from so powerfull a hand that she deferres to give thanks for them But saies another with what pretext can she colour her refusall and delaies since there is no more talk of putting an unknown Slave into her throne See what 't is quoth a third to be too happy we forget our selves in the excesse of diversifi'd good fortune The Queen who at length saw her self either a Slave or engaged to wed a wretched African is at this houre not only victorious over her Enemies but on the point to be the wife of the famousest Prince in the world looseth her self in the greatnesse and abundance of her bliss and beleevs she lessens something of her glory in making her self the companion of a man Those insolent rash heads having a long time entertain'd themselves with such discourses press'd on the Palace guards and said resolutely they would speak with the Queen Rhadiotez came to them and remonstrating instantly that the continuance of their violence would make them all subject to the Law boldly and rigorously demanded if they were not freed from all feare of their Enemies and what they requested more We come repli'd they to beseech the Queen not to put off to a further day those thanksgivings which the divine Protection expects from our resentments but conferring on our deliverer the reward destin'd him by heaven by her obedience make our present felicity everlasting Rhadiotez who was as desirous as they to see Polexander and Alcidiana seated in one throne but conceiving by some speech let fall by the Princesse that she never intended to marry unlesse she were forc'd to it mildly bespoke the multitude prais'd their good intention and promis'd them
to represent to the Queen the justice of their demands Whil'st he went to make this relation those who were to accompany our Heroe to his Audience fail'd not at the time assign'd to be with him They entred the Fort all cover'd with Gold and Jewels and finding Polexander very melancholy and in a too perceiveable neglect told him he either seem'd to envy their happinesse or his owne glory Hee answered them not but with a smile and seeing himselfe urg'd to be gone took the place these valiant men appointed and march'd towards the Palace No sooner was he out of the Fort but Fame which still flew before him got to Eliza and proclaim'd from street to street from one Carfour to another that the deliverer of their country was coming to give their Queen an accompt of what h ehad done At which news that part of people before the palace descended to the gate where Polexander was to enter and receiving him with acclamations and all signes of joy intreated that hee would not leave his miracle imperfect but rather since it lay in his power that he would conferre on future ages also th●…se sel●… which he had gloriously acquired in the present Polexander would again have ●…den the multitude but all the Lords in company intimated to him they were of the same mind and said 't was fitting the Queene should end what she had begun When they came into the first Court of the Palace throng'd full with people Rhadiotez met them and made knowne that the Queene no longer induring the cryes of her people and desirous to begin her new government by such thanksgivings as she owed to the Eternall Wisdome put off their audience till after the Sacrifices But said the Priest let every one prepare with joy for the Solemnizing so holy an action and nev●… think more of our former miseries We are now come to those happy times our Prophesies so long ago foretold us All the Auditors understood well what he meant Even Polexander that would have been willing for conforming himself to what he believ'd of Alcidiana's thoughts to have found out somewhat that might have added to his discontents took notice of too visible assurances some certaine happinesse was betiding him He instantly departed the Palace with his pompous attendance and retir'd to the High Chamberlaines house where all the people following him by their submissions and acclamations acknowledged him for their King And withdrawing every one to his own home prepar'd themselves for the comfort and mirth they expected from Alcidiana's resolution Diceus in the meane while who was still carefull for what ever concern'd his Masters service came to him with his Slaves and all other necessaries and was so eloquent in perswading him to his happinesse that he made him consent to change his habit The High Chamberlaine getting away the multitude to leave the Prince at more libertie went afterwards to performe his duty at the Palace and receiving there the Queenes Commands returned to give fitting Orders to the towne and those of the Temple When he came back he found Polexander in case fit to appeare before Alcidiana and asking him how he would spend the remainder of the day propos'd their private going to Amintha's lodging and there passe that time with her Polexander made some difficulty though he much wish'd it But Diceus advising him not to lose that occasion he with the High Chamberlaine in a close Chariot went to the Ladies lodging Had she expected that visit she could not have been better prepared She welcom'd Polexander with an unexpressible joy and after a discourse of many things able enough to consolate him said in his Eare she would make good her word and bring him to Alcidiana in private But said our wary Lover will it not offend her Feare nothing repli'd Amintha let the event of the Counsell I give you light on me I obey Amintha said Polexander and goe boldly on the word of so good a guide The High Chamberlaine discreetly slipping away during this conference left them in full liberty Presently Amintha commanded her Chariot to be be made readie and in the mean time sent to know what the Queene did Word was brought back she was retir'd into her Closet and command given that none shall have admittance Let 's try our fotune yet said Amintha turning to Polexander Not so Madam by your leave repli'd the Prince timorously let us not indanger the displeasing her againe I have offended but too much alreadie With that Amintha looking merrily upon him Is it possible said she that so fearfull a man hath been able to subdue a Nation esteemed the the valiantest in the world Ah Madam repli'd the Prince this is no time to jeast I know Alcidiana and what I am Well howsoever said the Lady wee must to the Queene wee 'll warre upon sight and undertake nothing rashly With that she accompanied with Polexander and two of her wemen took her Chariot and descended as she was wont at an entrie of the Palace where no men were permitted to come Thence she went up into her chamber and leaving our lover there with her wemen by a private Gallery came to the Queenes Cabinet The Ladies which were the Ushers understanding who it was opened the doore knowing shee had a particular permission to see the Queene in what case soever As she entred she asked aloud and of purpose what the Queene did She heard her and called her to come in and said she should see Presently the lesser Cabinet doore was opened and she saw the Queen had before her the plate of brasse on which was ingraven the Prophesie we have so often spoken of See said she my obedience I doe all that you prescribe me for above this houre I have been troubling my braines to give this Prophesie some favourable interpretation Amintha with a great reverence repli'd If your Majestie find any thing difficult in it I will go fetch you an excellent Inteprreter I shall doe it well enough alone said Alcidiana smiling Yet 't is fitting and necessary answered Amintha for your Majestie to know that Interpreters opinion If you please I will bring him to you Why Amintha said the Queene hastily is he here Yes Madam repli'd the Lady I took on me the boldnesse to bring him hither on your Majesties word O heaven said Alcidiana sadly let me not see him I thinke Madam quoth Amintha you are both of one mind and will How said the Queen will he not see me Yes answered Amintha but he dares not You believe then said the Queen that I as extreamly desire it but have not boldnesse enough to say so Your Majestie repli'd the Lady may give my words what interpretation you please and I will indure it provided you give not to your owne such a one as may be contrary to my intention At last said the Queene I see Amintha that I must obey No sooner had she spoke the words but Amintha went forth to bring in
he dyed he commanded his deare Almandarin to pluck out his heart assoon as he was expir'd and to assay all meanes to come and lay it at your Majesties feet By a strange adventure that heart so noble and so famous is in my hands and I engag'd my self to see the last will of that Prince performed But some two yeare since loosing that Treasure with the vessell in which I inbark'd from the Canaries to my great sorrow I cannot but imperfectly accomplish the desires of that Semi-god Polexander thus ending Alcidiana repli'd that she held Almanzors heart as receiv'd And for fear said she you may be the cause of a new tumult goe and prepare your selfe for the thanksgiving which you aswell as my self doe owe for the saving of this Kingdome Those last words which could not be more obliging ended this sweet conversation Polexander arose as he stoop'd to take leave of the Queen he happily met with her hand and kiss'd it with such a transport as none but a discreet Lover is able to imagine and leaving Amintha there got into her Charior and commanded to be set down at the high Chamberlains 'T was there that in good earnest he began to taste the sweets of his fortune He related to Diceus all that had pass'd and his memorie to please him making use of some priviledges of the imagination represented to him as intire and consummated felicities a little Essay of his happiness to come And to make an outward shew of the joy he conceal'd within he clad himself as for a day of Triumph was loaded with so many Diamonds as by their onely richnesse he gave convincing proof of the greatnesse in which heaven had ordained him to be borne Night shortly after coming on every one prepar'd for the Temple All the streets were inlightned with an infinite number of torches and so full of goers and comers that 't was easie to be perceiv'd the people look'd after the action they were to performe as a certaine Gage and infallible Signe of their peace and perpetuall quietnesse Assoon as Alcidiana with her Court were come to the Temple of Wisdome she sent the high Chamberlaine her Vice-roy and her Captaine of the Guard with his band to meet Polexander They intimated to him the command they had and brought him to the Temple followed by all the great Lords of the Realme All those of the towne which either by crowding sleight or intreaty could get in had been there expecting him above six houres and persons of condition were on Scaffolds from whence they might see the Queens throne Assoon as the Slave●… were come to the doores they dispersed such as might breed any confusion and then open'd them to Polexander He was receiv'd by the chiefe Prelate and conducted to the Incense Altar Presently after the Queen of more lustre and farre more glorious in her owne beauty then in that of her Jewells came and kneel'd downe on the same degree with Polexander Instantly he rose up and would have retir'd But Alcidiana staying him You must not said she at this time if you please have any will Our Ceremonies require that resignation Polexander taking those words as they were spoken kneel'd down again and in the very instant twenty Priests clad in linnen robes took their golden trumpets and by a very pleasing sound impos'd silence on all the company After that the Quire sang an Hymne of victory which done they celebrated with a great deale of devotion the sacrifice of thanksgiving At last the High-Priest arising took a golden Censor and putting fire on the little hearths where they stood the ayre was presently fill'd with a most extreame sweet and pleasing odour All the time the perfumes lasted the musick sung and when they were spent the venerable Rhadiotez put himself betwixt the Queen and Polexander and lifting his hands and eyes to heaven thank'd the Eter●…all Wisdome in most grave and holy man●… for the bless●…gs it had show●… 〈◊〉 on the Kingdome Which action ended he pres●… 〈◊〉 Cen●…or to the Queen and ingag'd her to performe what belong'd to her Sacerdotall di●…y S●…raight she went and perfum'd the Incense Altar and ascending a little Theater whereon were two chaires of Gold and Ivory sare downe in that on the left hand and presently intimated she would speak Presently the noise ceasing all were in a deep attention and she arising and presenting the end of her Scepter to the Company My Friends said shee aloud you have made me sufficiently know by your late actions that you are yet in doubt of your happinesse and that you cannot take for a true content a quiet which you imagine not perpetuall If the object of things present hath at first sight darted any mirth in your minds the feare of what might happen hath as quickly driven it out againe and you beleeve that your deliverance being not accompanied with all the circumstances which heaven desires 't is impossible it should be secur'd you You foresee new troubles you fear new enemies and the love to your children being as sensible to you as the love of your selves you do not think your selves perfectly happy because you see not your happinesse likely to descend to your posterity But give over your foresights and fears since 't is in my power to give you an end to both Yes my Subjects I will surmount all those difficulties which any way hinder the perfection of your felicity I lay this Scepter at the feet of the Infinite Wisdome which we adore within this temple To which I offer my liberty and qu●…tting all soveraign power which was thence given me with my life I give my consent it may be transferred to him who by his wondrous acts hath deserved to be both your Master and mine The Princess had no sooner ended this short and judicious speech but there arose amongst the People a kind of humming noise intimating the content of all the Assembly Rhadiotez presently according to the order he had receiv'd from Alcidiana took Polexander and led him up the Scaffold where she sate She straight rose and making two or three steps to receive him presented Polexander the Scepter she held who did what he could not to accept it But the high Priest laying before him the necessity of that Ceremony and moreover Alcidiana intreating him to give her that last proof of his obedience he was inforc'd to yeeld to his honour The Scepter being in his hand al the people began to cry Long live the King and the Queen after these acclamatio●…s the Quire sung a Hymne of peace and another for that incomparable alliance The chief Prelate ended these first Ceremonies with those whereby he knit in an undiflolvable knot Alcidiana and Polexander and put off the rest to their solemne Coronation Midnight striking they departed the Temple and follow'd by the Court and almost the whole Towne returned ●…o the Pallace When they entred the shoutes the clapping of hands and other signes of joy began again The Canons went off on all sides the Towne fire-workes crown'd with a great light the Turrets and Domes of the Pallace and the Trumpets by their sound intimated the resounding noise of the people who had continually in their mouthes the names of Polexander and Alcidiana Two houres after midnight the High Chamberlaine went out of the palace and thanking the People in the name of their Kings invited them to the pomps and sports which should be celebrated a whole moneths time to solemnize so great a feast At these promises they clapped their hands gave a shout and retir'd Those who had the permission to follow our Semi-gods into their Sanctuary came forth assoon as the People were gone Let us imitate them that knew so much civility and not boldy knock at so sacred gates but be contented to know that Polexander and Alcidiana are together and since we have so long time injoy'd them have so much justice as to think it fitting now they should likewise enjoy one another The End of the last Part of Polexander Avec bea●…coup plus de re●…gnation Puis qu. aver asez de resignation * The Author tells us not how Abdelmelec came by Alcidiana's Picture twice for Polexander took one from him in the ship and how got he a second for the Iusts I remember no man speakes here but the author nor any else to whom Zel●… ida gave the copy but to the author The Author calls it Fine Terre I think he meanes Finister * An order of valiant Horsemen in the last Empire of Egypt
furious tempest and throwne so farre out of our course that our Pilot confess'd that he knew none of those places where the wind drove us This storme lasted foure dayes and the fifth day some Sailers advertising me that the ship would not be long above water I caus'd a Shallop to be launch'd to save Amintha and straight went into her cabin where finding her at her ordinary exercise of weeping and lamenting for you I besought her even by your selfe that she think on her safetie If Polexander said shee were alive or rather if he could make you know his thoughts you would soon see and confesse that he disapproves of that petition which you make me He lov'd mee too well to suffer mee linger too long in miserie and that which you desire from mee hath no other end but the continuation of my afflictions The King my Master I repli'd commanded me to serve you as himselfe and if he were in that extremitie you are now my dutie and affection would oblige mee to doe for his preservation that which I now doe for yours Therefore Madam contest no more against what is just and be not guilty of your owne death At last shee yeelded to mine intreaties and coming to the ships side I know not how said she without astonishment you should imagine me to be more safe in a little shallop then in this great ship I told her the reason but whilst she disputed with mee a gust of wind blew mee over-boord and by an incredible good fortune in falling over I met with the rope wherewithall the shallop was fastned to the ship In that extremitie I lost not my judgement but cast my selfe into the shallop Surely the rope was not good for it presently broke and the wind in a moment had carried me so far from the ship that I lost sight of her whether it were as I beleeve that she was sunk or as it is not impossible that the tempest had driven her a contrary course to mine All the rest of the day was I sometimes in heaven and sometimes in hell and when it came neere to Sun-setting my shallop rent it selfe in peeces against the Hermits rock When having no other hope then in mine armes I strove to get to one of the points and I swome so happily that without hurting my selfe among so great a number of rocks which lay even with the water I got to a little tongue of land or rather of sand which thrust it selfe a pretty way into the sea There I met with the Hermit which surely gave name to that rock and found him busied in digging a pit in the sand Hee was no way at all surpriz'd at mine arrivall But on the contrary leaving his work and coming to me with open armes Thou art welcome said he my son and cast from thy memorie all things which thou canst imagine may afflict thee for either mine art absolutely is false or thou do'st not only go on in a progression of happiness but in a way of saving the life of that person whom thou holdst most dear of all those in the world With that he imbrac'd me and beginning again For your sake said he I must leave off my work till another time Father said I if it be a work that is of necessitie to be done give me your spade and I will ease you of the paine of perfecting this grave So you shall said he smiling but there 's no haste Hee that is to take up his last habitation in this grave will be coming yet some few dayes This talk so unconformable to ordinary discourse made mee think the Hermit had lost his judgement with his yeares or that I had not understanding enough to conceive the sense of his mysterious talking The good man then took me by the hand and told me I needed to rest my selfe Ascending therefore himselfe first by a little way cut out of the rock wee came to the entry of the same grotto where you found the letters ingraven by mine hand The good Hermit made mee unclothe my selfe and having given me some cotton clothes to wipe mee threw a robe about my shoulders like his owne And as soon as I was clad Son said hee our bodies are not as some imagine them enemies to be used with all kind of rigour They are vessells worthy the treasure they inclose and you must beleeve they are very deare to the Power which created them since he hath left there as in gage the greatest of all his miracles This being so wee are to have a particular care of them and to conferre what they require since it most certaine that they desire nothing but what is necessary To verifie this document hee presented mee a corken cup full of cleare water and dri'd dates in an earthen platter I eat and drank more to obey him then for any need I had and after we had watched very late I took possession of one of the two beds of mosse which you saw in the Cave At day-break the old man awak'd me and bringing me to the top of the grot and turning my face to the Sun which appear'd not yet but by the severall colours where withall he painted the clouds My son said he let us render thankes to that Deitie which inhabits in that light which wee may call another Deitie since by his perpetuall course and wonderfull revolutions he preserves our being and drawes us out of darknesse After he had spoke thus he fell to his prayers and I to mine without observing a superstition which in mine opinion favour'd somewhat of Idolatrie When wee had ended our Oraisons wee went downe to the sea which was much calm'd during the night and there the good Hermit having throwne some shovell-fulls of sand out of the grave which hee had begun I resemble said hee that immortall Bird which delights in building her owne tomb because shee knowes that the last moment of her life is the first of her resurrection It may be you heeded it not my son therefore I am the more willing to tell you that 't was for my selfe I digg'd this grave 'T is long agone since Heaven promis'd mee your arrivall and assured mee that a man of extraordinary vertue driven by a tempest should come and close the eyes of my feeble age and succeed in a place which I have preferr'd before the government of men and the rule of one of the greatest Empires of Asia The knowledge I had of mens ingratitude and of the injustice where withall they are wont to requite the pains watchings and cares of those great Genius's on whom most Kings disburthen themselves of the government of their Estates made me forsake a glorious slaverie a torture that had the face and magnificence of a tyrant and in a word a misfortune envied by all ignorant fooles I rather chose to spend my dayes in a secure solitude and in speculations which from the top of this rock carrying me up to heaven