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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A36905 The mourning-ring, in memory of your departed friend ... Dunton, John, 1627 or 8-1676. 1692 (1692) Wing D2630; ESTC R2302 327,182 600

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the manner of dying AMongst Men it is a matter of chief mark the manner of a man's death The chief good of Man is his good departure out of this life Before you die set your house in order He that hath not a house yet hath a soul no soul can want affairs to set in order for this final dissolution The chief grace of the Theatre is the last Scene It is the Evening that Crowns the day and we think it no good sign of a fair Morrow when the Sun sets in a Cloud The end Crowns every Work Most men wish a short Death because death is always accompanied with pain We die groaning To lie but an hour under Death is tedious but to be dying a whole day we think beyond the strength of humane patience He that desires to be dissolved and be with Christ dies not only patiently but delightfully Happy is he that after due preparation dies ere he be aware so likewise is he happy that by long sickness sees death afar off for the one dies like Elias the other like Elisha both blessedly The best posture to be found in when Death comes is in the exercise of our calling Press saith St. Paul towards the mark for the prize of the high calling Phil. 3. A good Man by his good will would die praying and do as the Pilgrim doth go on his way singing and so adds the pains of singing to that of going Who yet by this surplus of pain unwearies himself of pain But some wretches think God rather curious than they faulty if a few sighs with a Lord have mercy upon us be not enough at the last gasp But commonly good Men are best at last even when they are dying It was a Speech worthy the commendation and frequent remembrance of so divine a Bishop as Augustine which is reported of an aged Father in his time who when his Friends comforted him on his sick bed and told him they hoped he should recover answered If I shall not die at all well but if ever why not now Surely it is folly what we must do to do unwillingly I will never think my Soul in a good case so long as I am loth to think of dying There is no Spectacle in the World so profitable or more terrible than to behold a dying man to stand by and see a man dismanned Curiously didst thou make me in the lowest part of the Earth saith David but to see those Elements which compounded made the Body To see them divided and the man dissolved is a ruful sight Every dying man carries Heaven and Earth wrapped up in his bosom and at this time each part returns homeward Certainly death hath great dependency on the course of man's life and life it self is as frail as the Body which it animates Augustus Caesar accounted that to be the best death which is quick and unexpected and which beats not at our doors by any painful sickness So often as he heard of a man that had a quick passage with little sense of pain he wished for himself that Euthana●…ie While he lived he used to set himself between his two friends Groans and Tears When he died he called for his Looking-glass commanded to have his Hair and Beard kembed his reviled cheeks smoothed up Then asking his Friends if he acted his part well when they answered Yes why then says he do you not all clap your hands for me Despair in dying may as well arise from weakness of Nature as from trouble of Mind But by neither of these can he be prejudiced that hath lived well Raving and other strange Passions are many times rather the effect of the Disease than coming from the mind For upon Death's approaches choler ●…uming to the Brain will cause distempers in the most patient Soul In these cases the fairest and truest judgment to be made is that sins of sickness occasioned by violence of Disease in a patient man are but sins of infirmity and not to be taken as ill signs or presages A Son of so many Tears cannot but be saved I will not despair in respect of that man's impatient dying whom the Worm of Conscience had not devoured living Seldom any enter into Glory with ease yet the Jews say of Moses His soul was sucked out of his mouth with a kiss David in this case the better to make his way prayed and cried Lord spare me a little O spare me that I may recover my strength before I go hence and be no more Indeed to Ezekias some Years of Days were lent But we are not worthy of that favour we must not expect that God will bring back the shadow of degrees ●…hen 〈◊〉 it is gone down in the Dial of A●…az we must time it as we may and be content to live and die at uncertainties Therefore as a sick man 〈◊〉 to the Clock so let us wa●…h Death For sudden coming of Death finding a weak soul unprepared makes it desperate and leaves it miserable Death approaching what our last Thoughts should be SEneca saith the last day judgeth all the precedent The last is the best dying words are weightiest and make deepest imressions Our last thoughts are readiest to spend themselves upon somewhat that we loved best while we lived The soul it self when it is entring into glory breaths Divine things At this time a good man's tongue is in his breast not in his mouth his words are then so pithy and so pectoral that he cries O Lord Jesus take thine own into thy own custody Anatomists say there are strings in a man's tongue which go to his heart when these break Man speaks his heart Oh that they were wise said Moses and would understand and fore-see their latter end When he was dying Christs last words in the Bible are Surely I come quickly Our answer is Amen Even so come Lord Jesus c. I have but small acquaintance with the future State but this I 'm sure there will be no change that will be so surprizing to me as that By Death It is a thing of which I know but little and no●…e of the millions of Souls that have past into the invisible World have come again to tell me how it is I. It must be done my Soul but 't is a strange A dismal and Mysterious change Norris When thou shalt leave this Tenement of Clay And to an unknown somewhere wing away When Time shall be Eternity and thou not how Shalt be thou know'st not what and live thou know'st II. Amazing State no wonder that we dread To think of Death or view the Dead Thou' rt all wrapt up in the Clouds as if to thee Our very knowledge had Antipathy Death could not a more sad retinue find Sickness and pain before and darkness a●… behind III. Some courteous Ghost tell this great Secrecy What 't is you are and we must be You warn us of approaching Death and why May we not know from you what 't is to
to come into the presence of the great and glorious God yet it shall be even this flesh and these Eyes in which I shall come into the Presence of God and and behold my Redeemer I shall be altered from what I was but I shall not be another than I was I shall be changed into a better condition but I shall not be changed into another person My qualities shall have a perfective alteration but I shall retain the same matter and be the same man A man raised glorious and immotal is what he was except his Morality and hath no more than he had except his Glory The Philosopher acknowledgeth there may be a specificial but not a numerical Restauration of that which is corrupted But Jo●…'s Faith was clearer than Aristotle's reason He believed a Personal Resurrection Mine Eye shall behold and not another I shall not be changed into another Person whatever changes I undergo I shall be Job still the same Job Hence observe Every Man at the Resurrection shall receive the same Body that now he hath and be●… the same M●… which now he is One of the Antients hath a large Discourse upon this subject wherein he discovers some who tho they granted the Soul immortal yet denied the Resurrection of the same Body Such were the Marcionites Basilidians and Vàlentinians These ●…aith he went halves with the Sadduces in their opinion The Sadduces denied Spirits Hence Acts 23. 6. Paul perceiving that the Assembly was mixed of Sadduces and Pharisees and wisely considering that if he did but mind them of their differences between themselves they would not so strongly agree and combine against him he made his advantage of it by professing openly that he was a Pharisee And the sacred Historian tells us what the peculiar tenents of the Sadduces were v. 8. The Sadduces say there is no Resurrection neither Angel nor Spirit they denied both but the Pharisees confess both They held that there were immortal Spirits or Souls united to the bodies of Men that those bodies should arise and be reunited to the Soul They also confessed that there were Angels who are Spirits subsisting properly without Bodies Now as the Sadduces denied the Resurrection of the Body so others denied the Resurrection of the same Body These he calleth sharers or halvers in the Sadduces Opinion though not so grosly as they yet too too grosly departing from the Faith And indeed they who deny the Resurrection of the same body do by implication altogether deny the Resurrection of the body For if the same numerical Body should not rise it could not be called a Resurrection Resurrection is the rising of that which fell and the taking up of that which was before laid down So that it would be the Creation of a new Body not the Resurrection of the old if it were not the same Body And it conduceth much to the comfort of Saints and may be the terrour of wicked Men to keep close to the Faith of this Article The Apostle seems to touch it 2 Cor. 5. 10. We shall all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ that every one may receive the things he hath done in his Body according to what he hath done whether it be good or bad That hand which hath been doing for Christ that very Tongue which hath been speaking for Christ that whole Body which hath been moved and acted for Jesus Christ as an instrument of his Glory that shall receive the Reward As also that Hand that Eye that Tongue that Foot which hath moved and stirred against Christ that also shall be punished and receive according to the evil committed in the Body Judgment would not be exact unless as there hath been a copartnership between Soul and Body in their works so also they should be co-Partners both in reward and punishment If it be objected how can the same numerical Body rise again especially in such cases when thousands of Carcasses are mingled and their Dust promiscuously heapead together or scattered abroad When the Bodies of Men are devoured by wild Beasts and digested into the substance of Fowls and Fishes especially when the Bodies of Men are eaten and concocted into the Bodies of other Men How can these numerical Bodies rise I answer first if we will not rest in matters of Faith till we have a clear rational account of them our Faith may quickly be at a stand I answer secondly that as it is easie to make Objections against Faith so Faith hath one answer as easie as these Objections The Apostle gives it and into that all such doubts must be resolved Phil. 3. 20. For having shewed the present condition or disposition of the Spirit of Saints in the former Verse Our Conversation is in Heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. He presently shewes what the future condition of the Saints Bodies shall be Who shall change our vile Bodies that they may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body How is this Who puts this vile Body into such a Glorioui fashion Trouble not your selves for that there is power enough to do it it is done according to the working whereby he is able to subdue all things to himself This is an answer to the hardest Objections Christ can subdue all things therefore those which are hardest There is no difficulty to Omnipotency You ask how the same Body can be restored I ask how the first body was Created Tell me how God Created Heaven and Earth out of nothing So that as the Apostle speaks Heb 11. 3. Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear How were these things done If you argue by reason you will be pos'd and gravel'd in these as wall as in that other yea you will be at a Wall and notable to answer above that which is ordinary and every day done and shall continue to be done in all the Generations of Men Solomon puts the question Eccles. 11. 5. Tell me how the Bones grow in the Womb of her that is with Child Can you tell how the Child is framed Thou canst not give an account of thy own Production nor find out the Work of God in forming the Body Therefore as to the manner how such things are done we must have recourse only to the Almighty power of God to the All-powerful God who is able to subdue all things to himself Mine Eye shall behold and not another Though my Reigns be consumed within me I touch upon the Interpretation of this Clause before as it suits with that passage vers 26. Though after my Skin Worms destroy this Body and though my Reins be consumed within me Though I be totally consumed Skin without and Reins within yet notwithstanding I believe that I shall rise and see God Thus it was joined with the first Words of the 26th Verse to shew the triumph of Faith over all Difficulties that lie in the way of the Resurrection The Yearly Mourner
from their bodies are in Hell Torments But to conclude all in one word and to apply all that hath been spoken to this present time and place let us all in our vocations and places follow the advice of a late Eminent Pen viz. to learn to have mercy on Lazarus that is on our poor Brethren that we may find mercy and that mercy may rejoyce in Judgment and you that are Magistrates of this City think upon Lazarus that lyeth in your Streets that pineth at your gates that starveth in your Prisons for want of Crumbs Heark how they cry Bread bread a loaf of bread for Jesus sake Who would not hear them who would not pity them who would not comfort them Also see that you chuse good and merciful Officers in your Spittles and Hospitals that may feed Lazarus and not fill their own Purses and Bellies as the rich man did And you that sit in the seat of Judgment and are Gods here on earth let the matter be rightly judged between the rich man and poor Lazarus let equity be in your right hand and justice in your left consider that Lazarus is poor and that he is not able to wage Law against the rich man yet defend him and let him have right Defend the Fatherless and Widdow See that such as be in need and necessity have their right then shall the righteous God of Heaven bless you and bless the Land for your sake then shall we be with Lazarus in the blessed place of rest whilst wretched Dives is tormented in Hell flames even in that burning prison where angry and enraged Devils shall be his Tormentors to Eternity where he will be for ever crying and groaning out in this kind of doleful manner following viz. Oh! cursed cursed most accursed Soul Where am I now what Friends are those that howl They seize upon me they torment me sore I Shreik with anguish they in fury roar In Earths deep center dark and dreadful Cell Where only angry damned Spirits dwell In grossest darkness yet my sight so clear Most hideous Visious to the same appear In Hell indeed where I endure that curse Which shall not cease but be hereafter worse In fire infernal out of measure hot Which ever burns and yet consumeth not I rave I curse and I accuse my fate As if such torments were unjust too great But Conscience nips me with not so I try To kill that wor●… but oh it will not die Most wretched I besides the Woes I have Methinks I hear my bones within my G●…ave As troubled with some fatal Trumpets sound Begin to shake and shiver in the ground Alas alas what shall of me become When wretched go ye cu●…sed is my doom How shall my Soul and Body both 〈◊〉 Then curse the hour they were again united How shall the Devils then with fury driven Sieze me for Hell when entenc'd out of Heaven And on me with much insultation rage As if my torments might their own asswage Then with ●…e bideous howling heard of Hell I shall be thrown down to that dreadful Cell Where we in flames which never fail shall burn From whence we never never shall return The Winding-Sheet NOw where am I If I look behind me I see Death hastning after me nay that Death is at my Back If I look forward I see Heaven and Hell before me my selfstanding on the very brink of Time and my next step for ought I know may be into Eternity of joy or sorrow where I did but now by Faith see others were there I my self must quickly really be there I shall rejoyce with them If I look a little before me I may see my self cast down upon a Bed of sickness my Friends weeping and fearing I shall die the Physicians are puzled and at a loss giving me over for the Grave and my self gasping for Life and breathing out my last If I look but a little before me I can as it were hear my Friends saying He is dead he is dead he is gone he is departed and then as it were I might see them haling me out of my Bed and wrapping me in My Winding Sheet and nailing me up in my Coffin I might see my Grave a digging and men hired to carry me on their shoulders from my house to my Long Home Relations and Neighbours following after to see me lodged in the Dust to lye and rot among the Dead But before all this can be done to my Body my Soul hath taken it's flight into Eternity where it is without change or alteration for ever to be with God or Devils Oh that I could then work it on my heart that I must quickly be either in Heaven or Hell that I have a long Race to run by a short breath if I enter Heaven a great way to go in a few hours The Sun who goes so many miles in a minute the stars of the firmament which go so very many more go not so fast as my body to the Earth In the same instant that I feel the first attempt of the disease I feel the victory In the twinkling of an eye I can scarce see instantly the tast is insipid and fatuous instantly the appetite is dull and desireless instantly the knees are sinking and strengthless and in an instant sleep which is the Picture the copy of Death is taken away that the original Death it self may succeed and that so I might have death to the life To return from the dead is impossible all my life then I will prepare for death They call death Charons boat I am sure it wafts the Soul from a material to an immaterial World I have but one step to Eternity it is from life to death I will be preparing this body of mine to win the garland of a blessed Immortality O the serious thoughts while I live How I must die these do so make me run that I may obtain a Crown of glory The sound of the Passing Bell assures me there is some to day likely to die it is so nigh Night it is high time then to work out my Salvation lest the Night of death put in and none can work I have a task set will take up all my time viz. to die well while I live then I will learn to die lest being found unprepared it be said Thou fool this night thy Soul shall be required of thee Maximilian the Emperor made his Coffin always to be carried along with him to this end that his high Dignity might not make him forget his Mortality What was long since decreed in Heaven God hath sent Warrants to execute on Earth semel mori for us once to die Kings Xerxes standing on a Mountain and having many hundred thousand of his Souldiers standing in the plain fell a weeping to think upon it how in a few years and all those gallant valiant men must die Adam he lived 930 years and he died Enoch he lived 965 years and he died Methusalem
dilated into so Many millions seeing our Souls are Immortal nature cannot nor will Almighty God destroy wherefore David that Princely Prophet and good King knowing this and being fully perswaded that his Child was gone to Heaven and that he should follow left off his Doleful mourning rised from his law and lamentable lodging chang'd his cloaths washed his hands went to prayer and brake his long fast ever cheering up himself knowing that he should quickly follow as you may see here by his own words read unto you But now he is dead wherefore should I fast can I bring him back again I shall go to him but he shall not return to me The EJACULATION GOod Lo●… 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so 〈◊〉 ●…re is no returning from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 assist us by thy divine Grace to improve every 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Time before we go down 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 a●…d ●…e seen no more Is it true tha●… our Dear and Pi●…s Relations that are dead and go●… wi●… never return to us again Then let us prepare to follo●… them to an happy Eternity Good Lord now seeing all this is rea●…ytrue let us live as men and women th●…t have already one foo●… in the Grave Oh let the death of others shew the 〈◊〉 of our own Bodies and the many Grey-hairs that are here and there upon our head put us in mind of our winding-sheet and of the day of judgment which is approaching very swiftly towards every one of us Let the daily instances of our dying Relations take such a living Impression upon our hearts as may deaden them towards all objects on this side Heaven Good Lord let us all be all for Heaven let all our thoughts be Heavenly thoughts let all our speeches be Heavenly speeches and let all our Actions be Heavenly Actions and let all thine ordinances prove Heavenly ordinances to us ever drawing up our Hearts from Earth to Heaven seeing we must quickly return to Dust Good Lord ' it is a vain Imagination for any Man to think that he can be happy without God who is the Author of all happiness or to think that finite and sensual objects can satisfie infinite and spirtual desires or to think that Temporal uncertainties are more valuable and more desirable than an interest in Jesus Christ and Eternal Glory What Joy what inexpressible Joy will a good Conscience afford us when we come to be arrested by the cold hands of Death when we come to make our beds in the silent Grave We must needs confess it is contrary to Reason and much more inconsistent with Grace that we should prefer Earth before Heaven Yea there is as little Reason for it that we should endeavour to grasp so much of the Creature into our hand●… when as one Death-Gripe will soon cause us to let go our fastest hold of Created Injoyments Oh! therefore why should we go about to build a nest for our selves among the Stars when we have seen so many of our dearest A●…quaintance and nearest Relations carried to the Grave before us and there made a Feast for the Worms to feed upon Good Lord therefore do thou make us to know our End and the measure of our Days what it is that so we may be throughly convinced how frail we are let us remember that we have no continuing City here and therefore it will be necessary for us to seek one that is to come Let us not spend our flying Daies in meer Impertinences but let us look after that Eternal Inheritance which will never fade away O! let us all improve our Time and Talents for God that when our Bodies return to the Grave from whence there is no coming back our Souls may go to God that gave them Bury my Dead out of my sight SERMON V. GEN. xxiij 4. Give me a possession of a Burying place with you that I may bury my Dead out of my sight THis is the conclusion of all Flesh they were never so dear before but they come to be as loathsom and intollerable now When once the Lines and Picture of Death is drawn over the Fabrick of Man or Woman's Body as it is said here of Sarah all their Glory ceaseth all their good Respect vanisheth away their best Friends would be fainest rid of them even Sarah that was so goodly and amiable in Abraham's sight must now out of his sight he must bury his dead out of his sight But Abraham as the Father of faithful men and a Pattern to all loving Husbands in all Ages ensuing doth not this till such time as the dead Sarah groweth noysom to all that look upon her As long as he could by his Mourning and Lamentation prosecute her without offence to his Eyes and danger to his Health he did it but now the time is come when Earth must be put to Earth and Dust must return to Dust. There is no place for the fairest Beauty above Ground when once God hath taken Life and Breath from it it must go to its own Elements and to the Rock and Pit from whence it was hewen thither it must return After he had performed this perhaps he mourned three or four Days for his Wife he knew this Mourning must have an end he knew that he must commit her to the Ground Therefore when he had thus moderated himself as first to shew by his Sorrow that he was a loving Husband and then to shew in the ceasing of his Sorrow that he was a wise man and a faithful Christian He cometh to desire a possession of burial Give me What A possession of burial First A possession He would have it so conveyed as no man might make claim of it but that it should be for him and his for ever Therefore it was as it were a Church-yard that he begged such a one as was capable and had sufficient scope and room for his whole Posterity in the time to come Give me a possession a burying-place Here is the end why he would have this Possession A strange kind of Possession Behold Abraham see how he beginneth to possess the World by no Land Pasture or carable Lordship The first thing is a Grave So every Christian must make his Resolution The first Houshold-stuff that ever Seleucus bought in Babylon was a Sepulchre-stone a Stone to lay upon him when he was dead that he kept in his Garden Give me a Burying Place to Bury my Dead Behold he calleth here Sarah his Dead he calleth her not Wife though it is said after in the Text that Abraham buried Sarah his Wife yet that is in repesct of the time of her life when they lived together and in respect of the former Society and Converse they had but now he speaks to the point she is no more his Wife but his Dead My Dead Yet notwithstanding though she was not Abraham's Wife yet she was Abraham's Dead This must teach a Man after he is freed by remaining for the Dead A Man is bound to lament and sorrow for
with all alacrity and chearfulness of Heart you may endure all things for Christs sake Fourthly you must get your selves furnished with Humility Virtue which when the Lord of Heaven beholds it in you which caused him to sink into your Hearts Fifthly you must get your selves furnished with Hope of Everlasting Faith and Salvation And then sixthly and lastly with Faith which is an evidence of things not seen thus you must get your selves set in order c. And thus far of the matter of this Admonition and earnest Exhortation Now I should come to the Reason which is twofold affirmative and negative Affirmative thou shalt die and Negative and not live Set thy House in order for thou shalt die and not live Now of these severally and first of the reason affirmative thou shalt die Now there are three kinds of Death First the Death of the Body which is a natural Death Secondly the Death of the Soul which is a Spiritual Death And then thirdly and lastly the Death both of Body and Soul which is Eternal Death But that which good King Hezekiah was warned of was but only the Death of the Body which according to the Statute Law Decreed in that High Court of Parliament of Heaven all Men shall once taste of no Man can escape it for so saith St. Paul it is appointed unto all Men that they shall once die to all once to many twsce for there is a second Death and that is truly a Death because it is Mors Vitae the Death of Life the other rather a Life because it is Mors Mortis the Death of the Death after which there shall be no more Death Now as Job saith Mans time is appointed his Month determined and his day numbered yea and as Christ Jesus the Worlds Saviour saith his very last hour is limited he was made of the Mould of the Earth he shall return again to the Earth And as all have one Entrance into Life the like going out shall they have to Death Nothing we brought in nothing we shall carry out Naked come I out of my Mothers Womb and naked shall I return A Change then shall come which of the wicked is to be feared of the godly to be desired and of all people to be daily and hourly expected Remember them that have been before you and that shall come after you that this is the Judgment of the Lord over all Flesh to taste of Death All Men shall once die for as much as all have sinned and been disobedient unto the Laws of God This Death of the Body is not a dying but a departing a transmigration and Exodus of our Earthly Pilgrimage unto our Heavenly Home yea a passage from the Valley of Death unto the Land of the Living Although our Souls and Bodies are separated for a while yet shall they meet again in the receptacle of Blessed Saints and Angels with much joy and receive an incorruptible Crown The Body is a Prison to the Soul and Death a Goal-delivery that frees the poor harmless Soul of those Grievances which formerly it did endure Length of days is nothing unto us but much grief and Age the duance of long Imprisonment wherefore if that you would but seriously consider this you might find Death to be rather a Friend than an Enemy and by consequence rather to be desited than shun'd as Simeon did as it is evident Luke 2. 29. saying Now Lord lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace according to thy Word which by some is used thus Now Lord I hope that thou wilt suffer me to depart in peace and keep my poor Immortal Soul no longer within the small circumference of this Mortal Body The Thief upon the Cross laid down his Life most joyfully because he saw Christ and did stedfastly believe that he should pass from a place of pain and misery unto a Paradise of Pleasure and so did St. Stephen Acts 7. 56. The Royal Preacher King Solomon lest that his Son should be deprived of such Happiness doth by an Emphatical Irony disswade his Son from those youthful Lusts and sensual Pleasures whereunto he feared that he should naturally be addicted and that by the consideration of that dreadful account he was to give unto God at the great and terrible day of the Lord desiring him most earnestly not to let his House stand out of order but ever to remember his Creator in the days of his youth for old Age will come saith he and then thou shalt not be so fit by reason of much weakness and infirmities Or else Death may seize upon thee For Dust shall return unto the Earth as it was and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it Eccles. 12. 7. In a moment yea at the twinkling of an Eye when once this Tyrant Death comes it will sweep us all away It is the Custom among us here to let Leases one two or three Lives but God lets none for more than one and this once expired there is no hopes of getting the Lease renewed he suffers Man sometimes to dwell in his Tenement threescore Years and ten Psal. 90. 10. Sometimes to fourscore but secures none far from home and that for several Reasons First to bridle our curiosity left that we should search after things too high for quae supranos nihil ad nos those things that are above us are nothing to us Secondly to try out patience whether that we will put our whole trust and confidence in him although we know not the time of our departure and dissolution and then thirdly to keep us in continual watchfulness for if that we should know when Death would come with a Habeas Corpus to remove us it would make many more careless than they are though indeed the best of us are careless enough Here Men do know the date of their Leases and the expiration of the Years but Man is meerly a Tenant at will is put out of Possession at less than an Hours warning Wherefore now while it is said to day set your Houses in order seeing that you must die and not live It is not sufficient at the last Hour of Death to say Lord have mercy on me or Lord into thy hands I commend my Soul But even in all our Life-time yea and especially in our youth we must strive ever to set our Houses in order for we shall die and not live Samson was very strong Solomon very wise and Methusalem lived many years yet at last they with many more were brought to Mother Earth If it seem pleasant unto you at the present to let your rotten and ruinous Houses stand out of order yet with all remember what the Prophet saith The day of Destruction is at hand and the times of perdition make haste to come on Art thou a young Man in the April of thine Age and hast thou thy Breasts full of Milk and doth thy Bones run full of Marrow as Job speaks and thereupon dost
of old used to lament at the Birth of their Children but rejoice at their Funeral The time will come that we must part with our Isaac's our Benjamin's nearest Friends and dearest Comforts Then remember my Text if they die in the Lord take no care for them they are Blessed they are at their Rest. But some will say Shall we meet with our Friends again departed in the Faith Yes without peradventure if we walk in ways of Obedience to the end It was David's Comfort upon the death of his Child While the Child was living he fasted and wept and lay upon the Ground but when it was dead he arose and anointed himself aad eat Bread His Reason is very strong and convincing 1. An impossibility of Recovery He shall not come to me 2. An assured Hope of meeting again in Heaven But I shall go to him He shall not come to me that would be for his loss to part with his Rest in Heaven for a restless condition on Earth but I shall go to him I have not lost him for ever we shall meet again as comfortably as Jacob and Joseph met in Egypt meet again in Heaven and never part Now you know it never troubles us to see the Sun set because we know it will rise again in the Morning it never troubles us to part with a Friend when he goes to Bed because we hope to see him again in the Morning Beloved the Death of a Friend is but like the setting of the Sun or the uncloathing of a Man when he goes to Bed there will be a glorious appearing in the Morning of the Resurrection and therefore St. Paul condemns immoderate sorrow for the dead I would not have you sorrow as those that have no hope Nature will be sorrowful but let Grace moderate the sorrow and keep it within the bounds of hope and the ground of hope is set down If ye believe that Jesus died and is risen again even so also them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him 'T is true the Scripture mention some that shall not die as they that shall be found alive at the Coming of Christ to Judgment St. Paul tells us in plain terms we shall not all sleep but we shall be changed The meaning is they shall not so sleep as to continue in the state of the dead but be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an Eye yet such a change as they shall have a dissolution and in the same moment a redintegration a real Death and a real Resurrection though no sleeping in the Grave of Corruption You see one Generation passing and another Generation coming one Friend and Neighbour drops into the Grave after another and when your turn shall be you know not This you may be assured of Death will come certainly and it may be speedily it may be suddenly What Man is he that liveth and shall not see Death Psal. 89. 48. Now I beseech you embrace and improve these few directions in order to a Pious Life and a Peaceable Death First if you would live to the Lord and die in the Lord labour for exemplary purity of Life Not every one that saith Lord Lord shall enter into the Kingdom but he that doth the Will of the Father Secondly If you would live to the Lord and die in the Lord give the World a Bill of Divorcement otherwise it will clip your Wings and clog your Souls and hinder your pursuit of Heaven there is nothing in all the World that is worthy of your Affections nothing but what is transitory and unsatisfactory and therefore look on it and pass away Gregory Nazianzen speaks of a Land which had abundance of Curious Flowers in it but no Corn for Bread to satisfie the Peoples Hunger the World is very like that Land here are many Flowers which may please our Sences and our Phantasies but here is no Corn for Bread no substantial satisfying Comforts As Death should be the Subject of your Meditat●…on so Heaven the Center of your Affections Richar●… the First sometimes King of England gave charge that his Bowels should be Buried at Charron but his Heart at Roan the Faithful City the City of his Love Truely the World deserves but our waste parts we may Bury our Bowels in the Earth but our Hearts should be laid up in Heaven the Royal City the New Jerusalem That so after a troublesome Life we may have a peaceable Death and after Death a glorious Reward of Everlasting Rest in Heaven according to this voice from Heaven in the Text. Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord for they rest from their Lab●…urs and their Works follow them I have now done with the Text and now come to address my self unto that sad occasion which hath given my present Discourse this Mourning Suit The occasion of our present meeting is to Solemnize the Funeral of our deceased Neighbour and Friend to do our last office to her Body by a●…ording it the benefit of a Christian and Comely Burial Concerning whom I might upon very good and warrantable Grounds enlarge my Discourse in the description of the blessedness both of her Life and Death but as the Orator said Quid opus est verbis What need is there of words when her deeds are so manifest She died the death of Moses he died leisurely God gave him notice of his Journey before-hand for his better preparation Go up to the Mount and die So departed she from the World not before she expected Death not before she provided for Death God was pleased in Mercy to give her warning before she flitted to ring her Passing-bell in her Soul many days before she died and whereas many are flattered with hopes of Life till the very Hour of Death yet she was upon a meditation of Death from the first beginning of her sickness Death was not sudden to her either in respect of Expectation or Preparation she had her Wedding-garment on and her Lamp trimmed with Faith and a good Conscience she was ready for Death and ripe for Eternity behold she is coming to the Grave and she comes as a shock of Corn from the Field in due Season Hopes of a joyful Resurrection SERMON XIII JOB 19. v. 25 26 27. For I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth And though after my Skin Worms destroy shis Body yet in my flesh shall I see God Then I shall see for my self and mine Eyes shall behold and not another though my Reins be consumed in me AS if he had thus argued He that waites by Faith in the Redeemer of the Resurrection of his Body to eternal Life after Death hath done its worst is not a wicked man or an Hypocrite as you have charged me But such is my Faith I believe in the Redeemer and I look to rise after this body is consumed and eaten of Worms to an eternal happy Life therefore
sigh p. 36. Man giveth up the Ghost and where is he p. 44. He 's carried by Angels into Abraham's Bosom p. 49. The Winding-sheet p. 77. Tears for a Dead Husband p. 99. The Dying Knell p. 111. Put on Mourning Apparel p. 117. But now he is dead wherefore should I fast p. 126. Bury my Dead out of my sight p. 146. The Funeral Procession p. 150. The Worms shall feed sweetly on him p. 172. Prepare to follow p. 174. Look upon every day as your last p. 205. The Swan-like Note of a Dying Christian 216. The Eye that hath seen him shall see him no more p. 231. The Good Mans Epitaph p. 235. Hopes of a Joyful Resurrection p. 244. The Yearly Mourner p. 253. Weep not she is not dead but sleepeth p. 255. Good-night p. 262. Death-Bed Thoughts p. 81. The Fatal Moment p. 281. The Treatment of the Dead in order to their Burial p. 284. The Funeral Solemnity p. 291. An Account of the Death and last Sayings of the most Eminent Persons from the Crucifixion of our Blessed Saviour down to this present time To which will be added in the second part of the Mourning-Ring all the Remarkable Deaths omitted in the First Part. THE CONTENTS OF THE Second Part OF THE Mounrnig-Ring Which said Book is now going to the Press to supply what was wanting in the First Part and to compleat this Funeral Gift ADvice to those that are Diseased either in Body or Mind The solemn Wishes of a Person giving up the Ghost The Death watch The Sick-man's Passing-Bell A Conference between the Mourners The History of those that have died suddenly c. Observations on the weekly Bills of Mortali●…y The Author's Tears or Meditations on his own Sickness Death and Funeral The Danger of a Death-bed Repentance A walk among the Tombs or a Discourse of Funeral Monuments of the several Customs of Burials from Adam to this time of Epitaphs and other Funeral Honours The Pilgrim's Guide from his Cradle to his Grave A Discourse of the Four last Things composed chiefly of the Authors own Experiences during his late Illness This Second Part will be Published in a few Weeks ERRATA IN Page 216. Of the House of Weeping for Dying Christian read The Swan-like Note of a Dying Christian. THE Introduction TO THE HOUSE OF Weeping Upon first hearing of the Death of a Neighbour or of a House-weeping for the loss of a Friend think with thy self and say HOW is my Neighbour Dead Then surely the Bell rings out and tells me in him that I am Dead also The Soul of my Neighbour is gone out and as a Man who had a Lease of 1000 years after the expiration of a short one or an Inheritance after the Life of a Man in a Consumption he is now entred into the possession of his better Estate Time was his Race but newly was begun Whose Glass is run He in the troubled Sea was heretofore Though now on Shore And 't is not long before it will be said Of me as 't is of him alas he 's Dead His Soul is gone whither Who saw it come in or who saw it go o●…t No body yet every body is sure he had one and hath none If I will ask not a few Men but almost whole Bodies whole Churches What becomes of the Souls of the Righteous at the departing thereof from the Body I shall be told by some That they attend an expiation a purification in a place of torment by some that they attend the fruition of the sight of God in a place of rest but yet but of expectation by some That they pass to an immediate possession of the presence of God Saint Augustine studied the nature of the Soul as much as any thing but the salvation of the Soul and he sent an express Messenger to Saint Hierome to consult of some things concerning the Soul But he satisfies himself with this Let the departure of my Soul to Salvation be evident to my Faith and I care the less how dark the entrance of my Soul into my Body be to my Reason It is the going out more than the coming in that concerns us The Soul of my Neighbour this Bell tells me is gone out Whither Who shall tell me that I know not who it is much less what he was The condition of the Man and the course of his Life which should tell me whither he is gone I know not I was not there in his sickness nor at his death I saw not his way nor his and nor can ask them who did thereby to conclude or argue whither he is gone But yet I have one nearer me than all these mine own Charity I ask that and that tells me he is gone to everlasting rest I owe him a good opinion it is but thankful Charity in me because I received benefit and instruction from him when his Bell tolled But for his Body How poor a wretched thing is that We cannot express it so fast as it grows worse and worse That Body which scarce three minutes since was such a House as that that Soul which made but one step from thence to Heaven was scarce throughly content to leave that for Heaven That Body which had all the parts built up ●…nd knit by a lovely Soul now is but a Statue of Clay and now these Limbs melted off as if that Clay were but Snow and now the whole House is but a handful of Sand so much Dust and but a peck of Rubbidge so much Bone If he who as this Bell tells me is gone now were some Excellent Artificer who comes to him for a Cloak or for a Garment now or for Counsel if he were a Lawyer if a Magistrate for Justice O my God thou dost certainly allow that we should do Offices of Piety to the dead and that we should draw instructions to Piety from the dead Is not this O my God a holy kind of raising up seed to my dead brother If I by the meditation of his death produce a better life in my self It is the blessing upon Reuben Let Reuben live and not dye and let not his men be few Deut. 33. 6. Let him propagate many And it is a malediction That that dyeth let it dye Zechar. 11. 9. Let it do no good in dying for Trees without fruit thou by thy Apostle callest Twice dead Jud. 12. It is a second death if none live the better by me after my death by the manner of my death Therefore may I justly think that thou madest that a way to convey to the Egyptians a fear of thee and a fear of death that there was not a house where there was not one dead Ex. 12. 30. For thereupon the Egyptians said We are all dead men The death of others should catechise us to death Thy Son Christ Jesus is the first-begotten of the dead Apoc. 1. 5. He rises first the eldest Brother and he is my Master in this science of death
grant that we may all do what he requireth at your hands Do not ye grieve too much that I am so near my rest For it is the Decree of my God and the longing expectation of my wearied self The Lord give you patience to endure this Affliction and the Lord give me patience and perseverance unto the end 1 King 2. 2 3. Now I go the way of all the Earth Keep ye the charge of the Lord your God to walk in his ways to keep his statutes and his Commandments and his judgments and his testimonies as it is written in the S●…riptures that ye may prosper ●…n all that ye do and whithersoever ye turn your hands Deut. 33. 7. The Lord give you the blessing of Judah and hear your voices and let your hands be sufficient for you and let him be an helper to you from your Enemies And the Lord give you the blessing of Benjamin vers 12. The Lord cover you all the day long and dwell between your shoulders And the Lord give you the blessing of Joseph v. 13. Blessed of the Lord be your Land for the precious things of Heaven for the dew and for the deep that coucheth beneath v. 14. and for the precious Fruits brought forth by the Sun v. 16. and for the precious things put forth by the Moon and for the precious things of the Earth and 〈◊〉 thereof and for the good will of him that dwelt in 〈◊〉 bush v. 27. The eternal God be your Refuge and underneath you the everlasting Arms. 2 Sam. 7 ●…6 29. And now O Lord God let it please thee to bless the House of thy Servant and with thy blessing let the Family of thy Servant be blessed for ever Deut. 26. 15. ●…ook down from thine holy Habitation from Heaven and b●…ss them Psal. 67. 1. O my God be merciful unto them and bless them and cause thy face to shine upon them And now with I●…ob I have made an end of commanding you and ready I am to gather up my Feet into the Bed and to yield up the Ghost and to be gathered unto my Fathers Gen. 49. 33. Only come ye near my dear ones that I may kiss you and that my cold and clammy hands may be laid upon your heads that I may once more bless you and die Fare well my pretty ones farewell the children of my dear affection I must leave you and I hope I shall leave my God with you who will be unto you a Father of mercies and a God of all consolation 2 Cor. 13. 11. Once more farewell Love as brethren and the God of love and peace be with you 1 Pet. 3. 8. The Lord Jesus Christ be with your Spirits Grace be with you all Amen 2 Tim. 4. 23. Man giveth up the Ghost and where is he AMong the many serious and weighty Questions which a sober considering Person may propound unto himself that is of none of the least concernment which is mentioned by the Holy Man Job Chap. 14. verse 10. Yea Man giveth up the Ghost and where is he We may take the words asunder and consider them apart Yea and as much as to say it is a Truth past all doubt there is no nay to be said to it it is sealed with Yea and Amen for it shall certainly come to pass at some time or other that Man must give up the Ghost and as much as to say his Soul shall be separated from his Body Those two loving twins being at the point of Death to go several ways they must part at last And for as much as it is evident to sense that the body returns to the dust what way the Soul taketh is the great Question as followeth Man giveth up the Ghost and where is he Or what becometh of his Soul when it hath once taken its leave of the body This Question may more easily than comfortably be answered by most thus every separated Soul goes either to Heaven or Hell But alas those two places are not more distant than different in their Natures Heaven is a place of eternal happiness Hell is a place of everlasting Misery And therefore O my Soul it is both good and necessary that thou shouldst think before hand what will be the place of thy future abode The Body which is the Souls present habitation it is not as Job speaketh a body of Brass but a body of Clay and therefore when the stroke of death shall knock that earthen Vessel in pieces where then Oh my ●…oul ●…il be thy next lodging Either thou must lye down in everlasting burnings or else rest upon the Mountain of My●…rh and the Hill of Frankin●…nse with sweet Jesus Man when he hath a an hireling accomplished his day ought seriously to consider of the approaching Night And seeing it may be said as of Ephraim thou hast here and there a gray hair upon thy head and the shadows of the Evening are lengthened out it is neither safe nor prudent Oh my Soul to be serious about tri●…es or to trifle about serious things Before the great and terrible day of account therefore Oh my Soul do thou call thy self to account and ask these questions of thy self Canst thou think of going to Hell with comfort Or can the thoughts of Heaven be any otherwise comfortable than as thou believest it to be thy Heaven Canst thou rejoice when thou thinkest how many shall put on Crowns of Glory and yet thy self have no part or lot in that matter Art thou deeply convinced Oh Man what a glittering and a glorious Divine Ray doth quicken actuate and ennoble that Lump of Atoms which thy Body is composed of And when that Body of thine shall be crumbled into Ashes by one touch of the Almighty hast thou forethought what shall become of that immortal In-mate which for a little season hath been cloystered up in thy clay Breast And dost thou soundly believe that there is a future state of Infinite joy and eternal Sorrow And hast thou throughly pondered the certain uncertainty of all temporal Enjoyments And art thou heartily perswaded that Heaven is only worth the looking after What sayest thou to these things Oh my Soul Let the matter be urged home is everlasting damnation by all means possible to be prevented Or may Hell be supposed to be a tolerable Habitation Or can a poor guilty Worm endure with ease the burden of infinite Wrath Or is endless glory no whit desirable Or will it not repent thee Oh my Soul hereafter when it is too late if thou now neglect so great Salvation as is freely offered to thee in Christ Jesus Dost thou know Oh Man that thou must shortly give up the Ghost And yet hast thou not had one serious deep thought what place of entertainment thy naked Soul shall find in another world when it is stript of its present fleshly case and cloathing Oh press thy Soul hard with these thoughts how it is like to go with thee when
Erasmus also saith that it is but a Parable whereby Rich Men may learn to be merciful to their poor Brethren that they may speak for them in the day of Vengeance and Wrath. Many Writers there are also that rather aiming at the Arguments and Observations herein have not set down their Judgments whether it be a Parable or History Therefore it might seem Wisdom in me to suspend my judgment also herein especially since Marlorat saith Parum refert ut tam sit Parabola an Historia modo summam doctrinam teneant lectores It greatly skilleth not whether it be a Parable or History so that we duly consider the Doctrine herein But because it is requisite that I also shew my Opinion I will return my Verdict according to my Evidence And therefore in naked truth I find and hold that it is a Parable And my Reasons are these two First because our Saviour in the beginning of this Chapter doth relate a Parable of the Rich Man that had a Steward c. therefore he continueth in this Chapter to open his mouth in Parables according to the Prophet I will open my mouth in Parables and shew dark sentences of old time Secondly because the Rich Man cryed out of Hell unto Abraham and Abraham answered the Rich man which needs must be understood Parabolically For the Damned in Hell cannot see nor hear the Saints that are in Heaven neither by reason of the distance of place and also because of many Sphears and Orbs that are betwixt Heaven and Hell neither shall they see nor know what is done there And again Abraham's throat is dry and cleaveth to the Roof of his Mouth Therefore he cannot speak so loud as to be heard out of Heaven into Hell Therefore it is but a Parable Secondly let us consider what his Apparel was Purple and fine white as some will have But we read 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 although some take it for fine Flax yet let it here be understood of Silk There was a very great difference betwixt the Apparel of John the Baptist and this Man John's Rayment was Camels Hair with a Leathern Girdle about his Loins which did Argue Repentance and Mortification in him but this Rich Mans Apparel was Purple and fine Silk whose outward Apparel did argue the Pride at his Heart The outward Habit for the most part resembles the inward Habit and condition of the Mind Pride as saith one is grounded in the Heart of Man a Vice most loathsom to God hateful to Men and hurtful to the Soul But let us consider the third Circumstance in the Life of the Rich Man to wit what his Dyet was Deliciously every day And here we see what the Children of this World delight in namely in fulness of Meat who neglecting the serving of God have given themselves to serve Bacchus and Venus Hence one noteth A gluttonous Person eateth more for Pleasure than Necessity So did the Rich Man so did our first Parents it was not through need or necessity that they did eat of the forbidden Tree but through Wantonness Pleasure and Idleness Gluttony is a flattering Devil and a pleasant sin and a sweet Poyson which whoso useth hath not the use of himself which who so hath not hath no sin for he is all sin it self Besides it hath an especial effect for it doth as Gregory saith generate Lust. To be short it was Gluttony that caused our Parents to transgress It was Gluttony that caused Lot to commit Incest It was Gluttony that made Esau to sell his Birth-right It was Gluttony and Drunkenness that caused Nabal's Death It was Gluttony that lost Belshasars Kingdom Be not thou desirous of dainty meats saith Solomon For he that loveth Banqueting shall be Poor and he that delighteth in Wine shall not be Rich. But let us a while leave this Rich Man and consider the second that which is the Life of the Beggar There was also a certain Beggar named Lazarus c. And here observe these things 1. That the Saints of God are a poor contemptible People There was a certain Beggar If you understand the word Beggar to hold forth outward Poverty or scarcity in outward things such are Saints of the Lord for they are for the most part a poor despised contemptible People but if you Allegorize and Interpret it thus they are such as beg earnestly for Heavenly food this is also the spirit of the Children of God and it may be and is a truth in this sense though not so Naturally gathered from this Scripture 2. That he was laid at his Gate full of Sores These words hold forth the Distempers of Believers saying he was full of Sores which may signifie the many Troubles Temptations Persecutions and afflictions in Body and Spirit which they meet withal while they are in the World And also the Entertainments they find at the hands of those ungodly ones who Live upon the Earth Whereas it is said he was laid at his Gate full of Sores Mark he was laid at his Gate not in his House that was thought too good for him but he was laid at his Gate full of Sores From whence Observe that the Ungodly World do not desire to entertain and receive the poor Saints of God into their Houses If they must needs be somewhere near unto them yet they shall not come into their Houses Shut them out of Doors if they will needs be near us let them be at the Gate And he was laid at the Gate full of Sores 2. Observe that the World are not at all touched with the afflictions of God's Children for all they are full of Sores a despised afflicted tempted persecuted people the World doth not pity no but rather labour to aggravate their Trouble by shutting them out of Doors sink or swim what cares the World they are resolved to disown them they will give them no Entertaiment if the lying in the streets will do them any good if hard Usage will do them any good if to be disowned shut out of Doors rejected of the World will do them any good they shall have enough of that but otherwise no Refreshment no Comfort from the World And he was laid at his Gate full of Sores Poor Lazarus What lying at a Gate and full of Sores too Would not this Rich Man afford thee some out-house to lie in to shroud thee from Storms and Tempests no would not his servants pity thee no would not his Children speak for thee no Would not his Wife intreat her Husband for thee no Hadst thou ever done them any wrong no But Lazarus it may be thou art stout and often-times Beggars will be chusers thou perhaps wouldest have some great Alms or Copy-hold some Farm of this Rich Man no Or thou wouldest have some delicate Meat no. Many Dishes no Or thou wouldest sit at the Table with his Sons and Servants no no What is it then that thou dost desire
altogether the meaning when some of the Creatures die yet it is but in part the meaning when it is said that Men Women or Children die for there is to them something else to be said more than a barely going out of the World for if when unregenerate Men and Women die there were an end of them not only in this World but also in the World to come they would be more happy than now for when ungodly men and women die there is that to come after Death that will be very terrible to them namely to be carryed by the Angels of Darkness from their Death beds to Hell there to be reserved to the Judgment of the great day when both Body and Soul shall meet and be united together again and made capable to undergo the uttermost vengeance of the Almighty to all Eternity Ah Beloved if this great Truth that men must die and depart this World and either enter into Joy or else into Prison to be reserved to the Day of Judgment were believed we should not have so many Wantons walk up and down the streets as there do at least it would put a mighty check to their filthy Carriages so that they would not could not walk so basely and sinfully as they do Belshazzar notwithstanding he was so far from the fear of God as he was yet when he did but see that God was but offended and threatned him for his Wickedness it made him hang down his head and knock his knees together Dan. 5. 5 6. If you read the Verses before you will find he was careless and satisfying his Lusts in Drinking and playing the Wanton with his Concubines But so soon as he did perceive the Finger of an hand writing Then saith the Scripture the King's countenance was changed and his thoughts troubled him so that the joynts of his Loins were loosed and his knees smote one against another And when Paul told Felix of Righteousness Temperance and Judgment to come it made him tremble Further this is a certain truth that not only the Wicked but the Godly also must have a time to depart this Life And the Beggar died the Saints of the Lord they must be deprived of this Life also they must yield up the Ghost into the hands of the Lord their God they must also be separated from their Wives Children Husbands Friends Goods and all that they have in the World for God hath decreed it It is appointed namely by the Lord for Men once to die and we must appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ as it is 2 Cor. 5. 10 11. But again in the Death of the Beggar First we noted what became of his Soul It was carried by Angels into Abrahams Bosom Whereby we learn the Immortality of the Soul Pythagoras was the first among the Grecians that taught the Soul was Immortal The Philosophers also and Heathen Poets do prove the Immortality of the Soul Cedit enim retro de terra quod fuit ante In terram sed quod missum est ex aetheris oris Id rursum coeli fulgentia templa receptant The part of Man that was made of Earth went to Earth and that part as came from Heaven went to Heaven again But leaving these we prove by Scripture the Immortality of the Soul Man was made a living Soul Therefore the Soul is Immortal And here in the Text Lazarus being dead his Soul was carried into Abraham 's Bosom Here therefore is the damnable Opinion of the Atheists overthrown For if they deny God they must also deny that they have Souls and so consequently that they are not men But St. John teacheth them that all things were made by the Word of God and without it nothing was made therefore if they are made they are made by the Word of God and of a reasonable Soul which do acknowledge and believe in the Creator Anima est primum principium vitae per se subsistens incorporea ac incorruptibilis The Soul is the first beginning of Life subsisting of it self incorporeal and incorruptible St. Austin Anima est spiritus est substantia incorporea corporis sui vita sensibilis invisibilis rationalis immortalis The Soul of man is a spiritual or incorporeal substance sensible invisible reasonable immortal For as he also saith Solum homo habet animam rationalem Only Man with an Immortal Soul Lazarus Soul was carried into Abraham's Bosom which is a quiet Haven which the faithful have gotten by the troublesom Navigation of this Life that is the Kingdom of Heaven Here therefore we note that the Souls of the Elect being separated from their Bodies are presently in Joys and are carried into Abraham's Bosom so called because it belongeth only to the Faithful Well then Lazarus Soul went to Heaven and Christ said to the Thief on the Cross This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise Not to morrow or next Year but this day Therefore the Souls of the Elect being separated from their Bodies are in Joy and Rest. As also on the other side the soul of the Rich man and the Damned after they be separated from their Bodies are in Hell Torments And thus much concerning the place whither Lazarus soul was carried being dead namely into Abraham's Bosom Lastly We noted by whom by Angels It was carried by Angels into Abraham 's Bosom And here an Objection ariseth viz. If this be so that the Godly die as well as the Wicked and if the Saints must appear before the Judgment-seat as well as the sinners then what Advantage have the Godly more than the Ungodly and how can the Saints be in a better condition than the Wicked Answ. Read the 〈◊〉 Verse over again and you shall find a 〈◊〉 difference between them as much as is between Heaven and Hell everlasting Joy and everlasting Torment for you find when the Beggar died which represents the Godl●… he was carried by the Angels into Abraham's Bosom or into everlasting Joy Psal. 1. But the Ungodly are not so but are hurried by the Devils into the Bottomless Pit drawn away in their Wickedness Prov. 14. 32. for he saith And in Hell he lift up his Eyes when the Ungodly do die their misery beginneth for then appear the Devils like so many Lions waiting every moment till the soul depart from the Body sometimes they are very visible to the dying Party but sometimes more invisible But always this is certain they never miss of the soul if it do die out of the Lord Jesus Christ but do hale it away to their Prison as I said before there to be tormented and reserved until the great and dreadful day of Judgment at which day they must Body and Soul receive a final Sentence from the Righteous Judge and from that time be shut out from the Presence of God into everlasting woe and distress But the Godly when the time of their departure is at hand then are also the Angels of the Lord at hand
that the sad sorrowful news was told him of his dearly beloved Sons death then in a rage he put all out of the Room where he was and fell upon his knees with wet-shod Eyes still wringing his hands and wishing heartily that God had been pleased to take him instead of his son Absalom that precious Jewel of his I say that Abraham the Father of the Faithful could not have taken it out worse he could not have been more sorrowful if that his dear Son Isaac had been offered nor our old Grandsire Adam the Father of the Living for his slain Son Abel than holy David that good King of Israel did here for these two Sons of his but especially for Absalom 'T is true so long as the sweet Babe was alive still striving and strugling in his sight daily and hourly for Death which like that Serpent Regulus by no Charms can be charmed he took on most grievously but when he had yielded up the Ghost when Death Gods special Bailiff had arrested him with a Habeas Corpus then he could leave off sorrowing and resolve fully with himself to fast no longer So long as it was alive saith he in the former Verse I had hopes that God would hear my Prayer be gracious unto me and prolong his days here with me in this habitable Orb but now it hath pleased almighty God to take unto himself my dear Child out of this miserable world wherefore should I fast wherefore should I take on thus sadly being all is in vain No I will not do it I will not be guilty of such a great Offence for now he is dead wherefore should c. Daniel that holy Prophet was of such a tender disposition that he wept and mourned full three weeks together not suffering himself to eat any pleasant thing Dan. 10. 2. Esau wept for the loss of his Blessing and Joash for Elisha being ready to die Job wept and mourn'd for such as were in sorrow trouble or any other adversity and for his own afflictions and so did Isaiah with the good Prophet Jeremiah for the misery of the Israelites to come Jer. 13. Naomi wept and mourn'd most dolefully departing from her Country and so did Nehemiah for Jerusalem's misery Elisha did mourn and weep bitterly seeing the evil which Hazael should do to the Israelites Children and so did the Women for their harmless Children slain by Herod Luk. 23. 28. Insomuch that their cry penetrating the clouds and knocking at Heavens gate did enter into the ears of the Lord of Hosts And to preceed Abraham mourned and wept bitterly for his Wife being deceased Abigail for Uriah her loving husband David for Saul Abner and Jonathan the Egyptians for Jacob seven days Jacob for Joseph supposing him dead Joseph for Jacob being dead Jeremiah for Josiah with great Lementation and the Israelites for Moses and Aaron thirty days But holy David here in my Text took a better course who as soon as his child was departed left off sorrowing saying Now he is dead wherefore should I mourn c. St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans bids us weep with them that weep Rom. 12. 15. And for the dead 1 Thess. 4. 13. but not as others sorrow which have no hope We must not weep and mourn immoderately lest with Samuel we be reproved when he lamented overmuch for Saul but moderately as St. Paul that blessed Apostle did for Epaphroditus Phil. 2. 27. They mourn moderately do nothing contrary to the Word of God For Almighty God by whom Death is inflicted would have the nature thereof to be such that it should bring Tears and sorrow not only unto them which die but unto those also of whom they that die are beloved Who but a man of a stony heart in the mourning Troop accompanying his loving Neighbours deceased Son unto his Grave dying in the Spring of his Youth even at that Age when he was most able to comfort his dearest Friends even her that brought him into the World or in the Winter of her Widowhood when she did most want him could refrain from mourning and weeping Children are walking Images of their tender Parents even Flesh of their Flesh and Bone of their Bone the Wealth of the poor man and the Honour of the Rich it must then be one step unto Weeping Cross when any Parents lose their Children St. Ambrose in his book concerning Naboth ch 5. makes mention of a Tragical Accident How that in his time there was a poor man in extream necessity constrained to sell one of his Sons in perpetual Bondage that he might hereby save the rest from a present Famine who calling all his dear Children unto him and beholding them as Olive Branches round about his Table could not resolve which he might best spare his eldest Son was the strength of his Youth even he that called him first Father and therefore not willing to part with him his youngest Boy was the Nest-chick the dearly beloved of his mother and therefore not willing to part with him a third most resembled his Progenitors having his Fathers Bill and his mothers eye therefore not willing by any means to part with him one was more loving than the rest and another more Diligent so that the good Father in conclusion among so many could not afford to part with any Nay it is almost Death to some to part with any of their Children but for a Year or two although that they go but a little way and may return when they will Therefore could David be thought blame-worthy to mourn for his Child whom he could not see till he went to him but now he is dead c. And this brings me now unto the second thing considerable in my Text which is the Person whom David that good King wept and mourned for thus dolefully and that was for his Son an innocent Babe who was no sooner born into this miserable World but visited with a mortal Disease and so cut off for the Life of Urias in his Infancy The Life of his Son Ammon was not satisfaction sufficient nor of his dearly beloved Son Absalom nor yet the Life of his Son Adonijah but also this poor harmless Creature must suffer together with them now he is dead It is enacted by Almighty God in the high Court of Parliament in the Kingdom of Heaven unto all men that they shall once Die and therefore says David Psalm 89. 48. What man is he that liveth and shall not see death Shall he deliver his Soul from the Hand of the Grave There are two sorts of Deaths Corporal which is either natural or violent or Eternal Death which is called a Spiritual Death or the second Death The first being only a Separation of the Soul from the Body with all the evils that attend thereon this sweet Child suffered Death is like an Archer making man his Butt who when he shooteth pierceth in this manner following In shooting over us he wounds our Ancestors
behind us our Servants on our right hand our Wives and Children on our left hand our Friends and in the midst our selves so that as St. Paul says Heb. 9. 27. No one can escape him So that you may see as Job saith man's time is appointed his months determined and his days which are but few upon Earth numbered yea and as our Saviour Christ says his very last hour is limited He was made of the mould of the Earth and therefore thither shall he return and as all have one entrance into Life the like going out shall they have to death Naked came we into this most miserable World and naked shall we return again If Adam had not eaten of the forbidden Fruit we had never known what Sin had been and so by consequence Death which is a thing that now cannot by any means be avoided before that we knew what sin was we had strong Houses But ever since God let 's us dwell in thatch'd Cottages and clay Walls every Disease like a storm is ready to totter us down In old time men us'd to live long but now many are thrust out of house and harbour at less than an hours warning yea and even in their infancy at their first coming into the world as this poor innocent Child was and not only for their own faults for their own transgressions but for their Parents In the Third of Gen. you may find mans Exodus and that is thou shalt die Ever since Old Adam our great great great Grandfather neglected his Duty towards God Death the lodge of all mens lives comes with insensible degrees upon the sons of men it 's impartial hand is always destroying no Wisdom can appease no Policy can prevent nor any earthly Riches redeem us from the Grave semel aut bis morimur omnes some once some twice we must all die we have an old Statute for it that this earthly Tabernacle must suffer corruption and therefore the Poet sings sweetly Post hominem vermis post vermen foetor horror Sic in non hominem vertitur omnis homo As man came from the Earth so thither shall he return and become a habitation and food for Worms If any had been exempted from the fatal and general sentence of Death then without all question our most blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ had been who for our Sins and for our insufferable Iniquities suffer'd the sharpest death imaginable even to die upon the Cross who was equal to the Father touching his God-head Now seeing that this ever blessed Virgins Son Lion of the Tribe of Judah and harmless Lamb of God did suffer an ignominious Death to redeem us from Eternal Death let not us be unwilling for our own good to lay down our lives and to part without sorrow and grief with our dearest Friend or Relation but rather let us take up a full resolution when any of our Friends although never so near and dear unto us be departed and say with David now he is dead now he ceaseth to breath and now he hath taken a farewell of the Elements wherefore should I fast Can I bring him back again Good Christians can with patience embrace this Life yet in their best meditations they do commonly wish for Death they honour all that contemns it but cannot endure or heartily love any that is afraid of it this makes many naturally love a Souldier and honour those tattered and contemptible Regiments that will die at the command of a Sergeant For a Pagan there may be some motives to be in love with Life for a Christian to be amazed at Death I see not how he can escape this dilemma that is too sensible of this Life or careless of the Life to come If a Wife put forth her Child to Nurse and the Nurse having kept it long enough she taketh it home again can the Nurse or any other have any cause to complain so the cause stands between God and our Souls If God having inspired into these mortal Bodies of ours that which is immortal come and take it to himself lest it should come to harm can any one have any reason to Complain As seed unless sown in the Ground cannot bring forth so we until that Death come and we be laid in the Ground cannot expect our consummation and bliss with Gods Saints in his Kingdom of Glory Death freeth the godly from the Tyranny of Satan from Sin from the World from the Flesh and from eternal Damnation placing them with Christ for evermore in Heaven the Center of all good wishes where instead of Earthly Bodies they shall be cloathed with unspeakable Glory and all this holy David was not Ignorant of which made him as soon as his dearly beloved Son had taken his Farewell of this inferior Orb say Wherefore should I fast seeing my Child yea my precious Jewel has changed his Life out of a miserable world into a Kingdom where pleasures ineffable are to be had for evermore but now c. And this brings me now unto the Third thing considered in my Text which is the manner of his mourning and that was how he spun away his time in weeping fasting and praying for his dear child so long as he was alive he did not as Priamus did for his Son Hector Fast Weep and Pray after his Death or as many do now adays only in outward shew altering their Garments No his was far otherwise it was real true and hearty sorrow not countenanced in the least with a heavy look or with a solemn sigh blown from deceitful lungs No his was a Weeping Watching Mourning and Fasting Grief he was sequestered from all Worldly contentment imprisoning his Body from all the pleasures of this mortal Life ever making his bed to swim and watering his couch with tears He mourned as one for his only Son eating ashes like Bread and mingling his Drink with weeping still weeping wailing and crying as one that had parted with his dear Mother Psalm 35. 14. or as a virgin girded with sack-cloath for the husband of her youth Joel 11. 8. Nature being we are Members of one Body thinking the mishap of other men to be our own through the mutual compassion of Christ's Body makes us desirous to live together so long as is possible therefore was it possible for David to refrain from tears when he took his farewel of one Child part of his own Body No he could not forbear crying until he began to consider with himself that he was dead and that the Death of the Saints is precious in the sight of the Lord and the day thereof better to them than the day of their birth being then and not before as Saint John Says Revel 14. 13. they rest from their labour then yea then and not before he could rise change his cloaths wash his hands and break his fast Now such I say if they will mourn ought to be your manner that is so long as your friends
are visited with Sickness they ought to sympathize condole and have a fellow-feeling of their Maladies ever providing to your power all good means for their Health and Recovery and for good looking to them in the time of their weakness yea you must pray for them and use all lawful and good means possible for their ease and succour so long as it shall please God to continue them with you in that sorrowful condition but then as soon as it shall please Almighty God to call any of your Relations from you although never so near and dear unto you yea although he be the staff of your Life and your only Joy and Comfort you ought to refrain from tea●…s and immoderate mourning cheering up your selves and resolving fully in your mind as holy David did here lest that you displease the Creator and Preserver both of our Souls and Bodies saying Now he is dead c. for there is a time to Mourn and a time to Rejoice I took on saith he most sadly in the former verse so long as he was alive because I thought still that God would restore him to his Health again and grant him a longer time to stay with me his loving Father but now seeing that it cannot be obtained I 'll 〈◊〉 my self no more for now he is dead dead dead now he is dead and gone now he is past calling back again wherefore or to what end should I fast can I bring him back again And thus much concerning the manner of David's Mourning for his Son wherefore that which shall have the next place in my discourse is concerning the reason this Princely Prophet and good King gave why he would not continue any longer in his sorrowful condition and that is Can I bring him back again can I revive him can I put life into him No it is beyond my Skill to add one Moment to any mans life I can neither call him back nor go to him my self now he is dead and gone all the world cannot save him alive I must follow him but he shall not return to me Here you may see an acknowledgment of his own imbecillity weakness in recovering his dead Child can I bring him back again It hath been experienced and found possible for a man from the ashes of a Plant to revive the Plant and from its cinder to recall it to its stalk and leaves again but to call those that are ascended up to Heaven or descended into the world of Damned Souls is far beyond the power of Man Abraham being full of faith as it is Evident Heb. 11. 19. having commanded that his son Isaac should be offered thought that God would raise him up again from the dead therefore why did not David hope the same the reason as Peter observes upon this place in my Text is diverse Abraham had the promise concerning his Son Isaac he knew that God would do whatsoever he desired rather than his promise should not be fulfilled therefore he came with a willing mind unto that offering but David had not such promises concerning this his dearly beloved Son but rather a threatning seeing he was ready to die or just newly dead wherefore being not encouraged in the least his own Conscience telling him how it was Impossible unless God the efficient cause of our Life by whom we live move and have our being would restore him to Life again fully ●…esolved with himself to leave off sorrowing and to prepare himself to go to him seeing he was not to return But now c. and this brings me unto the last thing considered and that was his confidence how he should follow c. Here you may see how that David did not doubt in the least but that his sweet Babe was ascended up to Heaven which is far beyond thought and glorious beyond report and that he himself should follow quickly after some are of opinion and will not stick to maintain their damnable doctrine with devilish Arguments that Infants dying unbaptiz'd are not capable of salvation which is as false as God is true else what became of those Children of Bethlehem and in the coasts thereof from two years old and under among whom questionless some were uncircumsized or not baptized when Murthered by bloody Herod who would not suffer the King of Heaven and Earth and the whole World to Reign in Jury certainly their condition is very good for although he had power to hurt their innocent Bodies yet he had not power to hurt their poor harmless Souls being hid with Christ Jesus that sinless Babe in God Our Saviour seems to have a special love for Children above all other which made him say in his holy Gospel suffer the little Children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven Matth. 10. 14. Now David knowing no less might well believe that his Child was received into Heaven O blessed Babe which came to the wished Haven without any Tempest enjoying the comforts of another Life before thou knew the cruel miseries of this Life having thy head crowned with happiness before thou wert covered with hair thy dear Father although a King could never have pleasur'd thee in this vail of misery as thou art now in the Kingdom of Heaven where Likewise now the Father is But now he is dead so that you may see David's shall go came at last to is gone The life and spirit of all our actions is the Resurrection and stable apprehension that our ashes shall enjoy the fruit of our pious Endeavours without this all Religion is a fallacy how shall the dead arise is no question of a true Christians Faith Job was ever confident that our estranged and divided Ashes should unite again that our separated dust after so many pilgrimages and transformations into the parts of Minerals Plants Animals Elements should at the voice of God return into their Primitive shapes and joyn again to make up their primary and predestinate forms as it is evident by his own words for saith he I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and tho●…gh after my skin worms destroy this Body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold and not another Job 19 25 26 27. ●…hat is made to be Immortal nature cannot nor will the voice of God ●…stroy As at the Creation of the World all that distinct species that we behold lay involved in one Mass till the fruitful voice of God separated this united multitude into its several species so at the last day when those corrupted relicks shall be scattered in the wilderness of forms and seem to have forgot their proper habits God by a powerful voice shall command them back into their proper shapes and call them out by their single and individuals then shall appear the fertility of Adam and the Magick of that sperm that hath
of ours In Ezekiel the King of Tyre said I am a God but he was answered that he was but a man that is base vile and miserable So holy David said Let the Nations know that they are but men that is base and vile and St. Paul said Are ye not men 1 Cor. 3. When we see a man swallowed up sometimes in the misery of the Body and sometimes of the Soul we say in the conclusion he is a Man Now if instead of the Gold of the Angels there was found Rust and that so fine Cloath as that was not without its Moths and that incorrupted Wood without its Worm what will become of those that are but Dust who dwell in Houses of Clay Verily they must as fearful of their own harm repeat this Lesson Dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return One asking the question Why God having Created the Soul for Heaven did knit it with so straight a Knot to a Body of Earth so frail and so lumpish Whose answer was That the Angels being overthrown by their Pride He was willing to repair and to help this Presumption in Man a Creature in his superiour part as it were Angelical but having a heavy and miserable Body which might serve as a Stay unto him that if the nimbleness of his Understanding should puff him up yet that Earth which Clogged his Body should humble and keep him down Those that entred Triumphantly into Rome had a thousand occasions given them to incite them to Pride Arrogancy and Vanity As their great number of Captives their Troops of Horse their Chariots drawn with Elephants or Lions and their Ladies looking upon them from their Windows and the like But the Senate considering the great danger of the Triumpher ordered one to sit by his Side to whisper this still in his Ear Remember thy self to be a Man The Princes of the Earth have many Motives to make them forget themselves not regarding the Complaints of the Poor and Needy yet as the Wise Man saith Wisdom 7. 5. No King had ever any other beginning of Birth they are as other Men the Off-spring of the Earth and the Children of Men and to them it is also said Dust thou art c. But to proceed As Man is Dust and Earth by Procreation so likewise he is Dust and Earth by Sustentation and that in two respects In regard of Aliment and Indument Meat and Apparel It is truly said That of which we consist we are nourished with Elements are Aliments where we begin we do receive all Meats for our Bodies in Health and all Medicines for the same being Sick are Earth and Earthy even Dust and Ashes as we our selves are we feed on the Things of the Earth and walk and sleep thereon As for Apparel and Ornaments we borrow Wooll of the Sheep Hair of the Camel Silk of the Worm Furies of the Beasts and Feathers of the Fowls of the Air like unto Aesop's Crow having some Plume from every Bird something from every Creature Flowers are richly decked Plants with an infinite variety of coloured Leaves adorned and other Animals as well Vegetative as Sensitive comely covered only Man that unhappy and base Creature is born to nothing but Beggery and Misery So that we may justly exclaim and cry out with the good Prophet David saying What is Man c. Nay what are we If that the good Prophet Jeremy who was Sanctified in his Mothers Womb did bewail his Condition what may we do who are Born in Sin and Conceived in Iniquity being Formed of most base and unclean Matter God Created Stars and Planets out of Fire Birds out of Air Fish out of Water but Man with other Animals out of the Slime of the Earth therefore remember and consider O Mrn what thou art and thou shalt find thy self much worse than any other Creature whatsoever besides even Dust and Ashes Now from this Principle I will infer three or four Conclusions of very great Fruit and Consequence The First is this If thou art Dust and Ashes wherefore art thou proud thou Dust and Ashes Of thy Beginning No of thy End No Of what then If thou shouldest see thy self Seated between the Horns of the Moon think on the baseness of thy beginning and thou shalt then see clearly that Pride was not born for Man nor Anger and Pettishness appointed for Woman's Condition Pride cannot sute with Dirt nor Curstness with Woman's Softness Lord cleanse me from my secret sins and spare thy Servant from those that are strangers By Aliens you may understand those of Pride for it is a Stranger as it were and another kind of thing differing much from Man's base and vile Condition There is not any Sin more alien and strange to Man's Condition than Pride or that doth carry with it less excuse Those Fools that are Painted forth going about to build a Tower that should overtop the Clouds and reach to Heaven Gen. 11. 4. did in their very first word say Come let us make us Bricks Bewraying their Foolishness What go about upon Earth to rear a Foundation that should emulate Heaven which is far beyond Thought and glorious beyond Report God Almighty said unto Ezekiel Take thou a Tile and pourtray upon it the City of Jerusalem the Walls the Ditches the Towers the Temple and a great Army of Men Ezek. 4. 1. Strange yet true we see it is that the Strength of Cities the Power of Armies is contained in a poor brittle Tile-stone The good Prophet Isaiah threatned those of Moab with Whips and Scourges Isa. 16. because they insulted and proudly triumphed upon the Walls and Towers of his City Speak Punishment unto those that rejoyce in Walls that are made of Brick What can earthen Walls raise up such Pride in Men Samuel being to Anoint Saul God gave him for a Sign that he would have him Prince over his People That he should find two Men as soon as he was gone from 〈◊〉 near unto Rachels Sepulchre God migh●… have given unto him some other Sign but he chose 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to give him to quell the Pride and Haugh●…ess of this new Honour as if he should admonish and put you in mind that the Ashes of so fair a Creature as Rachel should read a Lecture unto you what you must be And this is the reason why the Church though she might use other Metaphors to express the Misery and shortness of Mans Life as is often made mention of in the Ornament of Grace as by a Leaf a Flower and a Shadow yet it makes more particular choice of Dust and Ashes because the other are Metaphorical these Literal for nothing more properly appertaineth unto Man than Dust and therefore the Scripture termeth Death a Mans returning again unto the Earth from whence he came The Flower the Leaf and the Fruit have some good in them though of short continuance as Colour Odour Beauty Vertue and Shade and albeit not good in themselves yet
my present hope is my only help for indeed such an one hath only help in this Life ●…but a Christians common Expression is this Dum Exspiro Spero Expiration is my Expectation for such an one hath hope in the Life to come when a wicked Man dies he thinks he shall live worse but a Christian when he dies he knows he shall live better he cries with the holy Apostle for one to live is Christ and to die is gain Job 19. 25. I know that my Redeemer liveth and he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth and though after my Skin Worms destroy this Body yet in my flesh shall I see God Thirdly Death was never intended to be as a privation of good but as a priviledge for good to the Believer and it is attended with these several Priviledges First Corporal and Temporal Death it serves to set out the Beauty and Excellency of eternal Life It is Gods usual method to set out one contrary by another Contraria juxta se posita magis elu●…escunt In War God commends Peace to us In Adversity Prosperity in Sickness Health and in Death he commends eternal Life to us As the Limner lays the Foundation of a curious Picture in a Dark Ground-work so God doth oftentimes lay the foundation of our sweetest Mercies in the greatest miseries and this he doth that his Mercies may appear more lovely in our eyes and thus he sets off the joys of Heaven by the troubles we meet with on the Earth It is said of Zeno that he was wont to eat bitter things that he might the better taste sweet and he would say sweet things were nothing worth if they were not so commended to us And so bitter Death it is but an Engine devised by infinite Wisdom and for to set out the Unspeakable sweetness of Everlasting Joys God could as easily have received all his redeemed ones into the immediate imbraces of Divine Love and Glory without letting them know what it was to be tempted to be afflicted or to die but only for the better sweetning and endearing fulness of Glory to them Secondly Deaths mortal Wound it is but preparatory to an immortal weight of Glory Death it is the midnight of all troubles and sorrows which is in Travel with a morning of everlasting Joy and Comfort Death it is the Saturday or last day of our Weekly labours which ushers in a Sabbath of eternal rest Rev. 14. 13. And I heard a Voice from Heaven saying unto me Write Blessed are the Dead which die in the Lord for they rest from their Labours and their VVorks follow after them Here the Believer hath labour without rest but in Heaven he shall have rest without Labour Death tends indeed to a Believers perfect everlasting reign and rest The Believers Afflictions upon Earth they are fore-runners of Deliverances they are as throws to the Birth of future Comforts The Whale which swallowed up Jonah God appointed as the means of bringing himself to the Shore And so the trouble which we often times think may swallow us up it brings us to our harbour Death it lands us safely upon Glory One excellency sets out the state of a dying Christian in these Words Per Augusta ad Augusta per Spinas ad rosas per Procellas ad Portum per Mortem ad Vitam migramus Lastly Death it is as a Bridge that all Saints must walk over to the everlasting Hill of endless Peace to the perfection of Grace to the participation o●… Glory to the full possession of Christ. 1. Death it leads us to the perfection of Grace the believer would live that he might be more perfect but when he dies he is perfect indeed a dying life that is a dying to sin it frees us from a living Death well doing fits us for dying Holiness frames us for Happiness 2. Death it leads us to a participation of Glory the consummation of Grace is the inceation of Glory Grace that puts the Soul into a capacity of enjoying glimps of God as in a Glass darkly but glory brings the Soul ad visionem beatificam into an immediate converse with God face to face 1 Cor. 13. 12. For now we see through a Glass darkly but then face to face now I know in part but then I shall know even as I am known 3. Death it leads us into a full possession of Christ Luke 23 43. This day shalt thou be with met in Paradise so saith Paul Then shall we be ever with the Lord comfort comfort ye one another with these words to be always with Christ will be very comfortable indeed Death that deprives us of commerce with men yet it delivers us up into an immediate communion with God and Christ and the blessed Angels Saints in Heaven shall be as the Angels nay saith John now are we the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is Death speaks the sad disjunction of the Soul from the Body and the sure and sweet Conjunction of the Soul with Christ and therefore saith Paul and every Christian when he is in a right temper I have a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is best of all And thus I have endeavoured to lay open before you those Soul supporting and Soul encouraging Arguments the consideration of which makes the believing Soul so willingly and so boldly to look Death in the Face to invade Death in its own Quarters which is indeed but as a Passage or Bridg whereby the Soul is carried over unto the Mountains of Mirrh and unto the Hill of Frankincense where it shall lie down with Christ on his Green Bed of Love which is perfumed all over with the fulness of increated Glory And thus having shewed you many Arguments the Consideration of which doth much facilitate a Believers passage through Death into Glory I shall in the next place for a further Illustration of this truth present unto you the admirable carriage and department of some famous Christians since Christ his time as in Relation to their contempt of Death and earnest desiring to be with Christ in Glory and in this Relation I shall begin with Ignatius who lived while Christ was upon the Earth and so proceed to several other remarkable Instances in successive Generations Ignatius when he was sent by Trajan the Emperour to Rome there to be devoured of Lyons for his free reproving of Idolatry instead of fearing Death he thus couragiously expressed himself I wish says he that I could see those wild Beasts that must tear me in pi●…ces I would speak them fair to dispatch me quickly and if that would not do I would incite them to it Hierom of Prague the renowned Bohemian Martyr he uttered these words with much chearfulness at his very giving up the Ghost Hanc animam in flammis affero Christe tibi freely do
have been used twice every day to contemplate their Coffins the Monument of their Death Genebald 〈◊〉 of Laudanum say in a Bed made like a Coffin for seven years together all which time he lived a most severe Life Ida a Woman of applauded Sanctity long before her Death caused her Coffi●… to be made which twice a day she filled full of Bread and Meat which she twice a day gave liberally to the Poor The Study of Vertue is the best preparation for Death No Death can defile Vertue He easily contemns all things who always meditates upon this that he is to die Sect. 29. What is Life IT is a Flower a Smoak a Shadow the Shadow of a Shadow A Bubble Dust Froth Dew a Drop It is Ice the Rainbow a wasted Torch a Bag with holes in it a ruinous House treacherous Ashes a Spring day a most inconstant April one twang of a Harp a broken Bucket the Wheel of a Well a Spiders VVeb a little drop of the Sea a slender Stalk a Solstitial Plant a short Fable a shooting Spark a little Cloud a Bladder full of VVind a Doves Neck glistering in the Sun Life is a thin Glass a tender Leaf a fine Silk Thread a Golden Apple rotten within If a shadow be nothing say whar is the Dream of a shadow A thousand such like things may Humane Life be compared to To me they seem to have spoken most truely who call Life the shortest Dream of a shadow VVe will abbreviate the Business Life is A Dream a Bubble Ice a Flower and Glass A Fable Ashes and the fading Grass A Shadow a small Point a Voice a Sound A blast of VVind at length 't is nothing found Poor miserable Mortals what Riches do we seem to heap what Honours do we invest our selves withal what Pleasures do we seem to enjoy yet all these are but a Dream how short and how vain They have slept out their sleep and all the Men whose hands were mighty have found nothing O Men you dreamt that you were happy and blessed but of all those things which ye had which ye hoped for what do ye retain These were the Dreams of those that waked and the meer Toys of Dreamers Now punishment opens your Eyes that Sin shut before Life therefore what is it I will tell ye in short The time of Humane Life is a Point Nature Inconstancy Sense Obscurity The whole Body a composure easily corrupted The Mind a Rover Honour Smoak Riches Thorns Pleasures Poyson And in a word all things pertaining to the Body a River all things belonging to the Mind a Dream Life is a warfare and the Habitation of a Stranger in a Forreign Land the Shop of innumerable Miseries Fame after Death Oblivion According to Ausonius How wonder Men should die the Hours decay Marble and Fame it self to Death give way Before Death to compleat thy days in Vertue is the Noblest Designs Sect. 30. Life a Mimick ALL Life is a Comedy VVe are the Actors One plays a King another a Beggar One takes upon him the Person of a Prince another of a Physician another of a Husbandman VVhatever part God has imposed upon us that we ought decently to perform Neither does the praise consist in this for thee to act an Emperor or a Duke VVhatever part thou acts thou shalt win applause so thou performedst it well VVhich is the seasonable admonition of Epictetus Remember saith he that the Actor is to be the Actor of such a part as the Composer pleases If he would have thee act a Beggar be sure to represent that person ingeniously So do if thou art to act a Lame person a Prince or a Plebeian This is thy Duty to play thy part well but it is the business of another to chuse it Augustus the Emperor the last day of his Life asked his Friends that were about him whether he seemed to them to have acted the play of Life well Adding this little Clause if so give me your applause Seneca most admirably concerning this Comedy of Life I must often saith he use this Example For this Mimicry of Life is by no Simile better Expressed which has assigned us those parts which through our fault and ignorance we act amiss Laertius in Leno saith that a wise Man is like a good Actor who whether he be to represent the Person of Thersites or Agamemnon doth both well Therefore we must not take notice what we now are but what we are to be when we have put off our Vizards and our Habits Nor matters it whether we take up the part of the first or last Actor so we act well Sect. 31. The Type of Humane Life OLD Balaam propounded to Jehosaphat the King the deceitful Joys of Humane Life A errtain Person saith he flies from a Unicorn which is a fierce Creature in his flight he is ready to tumble into a deep Ditch but as he is tumbling catches hold of a Tree which preserves him from the fall VVhile he clings to the Tree contemning his past danger he sees two Mice the one white the other black gnawing the Root of the Tree and now got as far as the very Pith. Then looking into the Ditch he spies at the bottom a terrible Dragon breathing Fire Lastly casting his Eyes about he spies the Heads of four Asps reaching out of the adjoyning Well At ●…ength neglecting all these sights he perceives a small quantity of Honey distilling out of the Tree Wherefore now forgetful of the Unicorn the Mice the Dragon and the Serpents he falls to licking the sweet Honey And this said Bartaam is the Type of Humane Life The Unicorn ●…epresents Death that every where persecutes Mankind The Ditch is the World full of Calamities The Tree which we hold by is our Life confined within certain bounds The two Mice Night and Day which by little and little consume that Tree The four Asps the four Elements whose Repose being disturb presently follows a disunion of Soul and Body That Fiend and fierce Dragon represents the Jaws of Hell always open to devour us The drops of Honey signifie the filthy Pleasures of this Life and the deadly sweetness of Vice Allur'd with this noxious Sweetness we neither fear Hell nor think of Heaven contented to die voluptuously Thus Barlaam to Jeosaphat O certain O most certain all these Sayings If we are wise we should believe every Hour the last Eternity hangs at every moment of Life Sect. 33. The Prologue of Life the Narration the Epilogue THE Prologue of Humane Life is To be Born The Narration To Grieve The Epilogue To Die The Explanations of this Oration are Mean and Tears or Joy which is worse than Weeping Most learnedly Seneca Behold saith he all Mortals There is ample and daily occasion of weeping one tedious Want calls to daily Labour another restless Ambition sollicites another is in continual fear for the Riches he enjoys and is tir'd with his own Wishes Another Care
Affliction that he is upon his Journey Thus are we all carried to the Gibbet of Death we are all upon the way only parted by some little Intervals They do not leave us at our Death but go before us But thou wilt say I am in Health I perceive no likelyhood of Death Whatever thou sayst thou art upon thy Journey and we are upon the Road as thou art But I sayst thou have not attained my Thirtieth year Thou wert in the way at Twenty yea at Ten ev'n at one year nay at the first Hour only go on shortly thou wilt be at thy Journeys end But I sleep well relish my Meat and Drink well Fool that thou art Death minds none of these things We are in the way see where the Gibbet threatens thee But a little while and thou shalt expire and with thee all thy Pomp and Luxury dies All our Life is the way to Death Sect. 41. A most Compendious and the best Permeditation upon Death Happy to be in Death first learn to live That thou mayst happy live to dye first strive THis is the Sum of all this is the Art of Arts. To live well we must learn as long as we live and which some perhaps may more admire all our life long we must learn to dye So many great Men leaving all their lumber behind when they had renounced their Riches their Pleasures and their Offices have employed themselves in this one thing to the last that they might know how to live But many of these confessing they had not learnt their Lesson have departed this Life But how shall they know this that never endeavouted to learn Most Mortals care not for living well but for living long Some then begin to live when they are ready to leave the World Hence it is that we are empty of all those Comforts which we desire at the end of our Lives fearful of death and ignorant of living VVhoever then desires to learn the Art of living let him first learn the Art of dying Perhaps some may think that needless to be learnt which is but once to be made use of Therefore it is that we are with all diligence to apply our selves to this Study For that is always to be learnt of which whither we know it or no we can never make the Experiment The great matter is not to live the great matter is to dye Sect. 42. To day for me to morrow for thee FRancis the First King of France being tak'n by Charles the Fifth when he had read at Madrid Charles's Impress upon the Wall Plus ultra Farther yet added thereto To day for me to morrow for thee The Victor took it not ill but to shew that he understood it wrote underneath I am a Man there is no humane accident but may befal me Elegantly Gregory Nazianzene The Head quoth he grows gray the Summer of Life is at Hand The Sickle is sharpn'd against us and I fear least while we are asleep and lull'd in hopes the terrible Reaper come But thou wilt say old Men fear I am young Be not deceived Death is not perfixed to any Age. The same Bier to day carries an old Man to morrow beautiful Youth to day a strong lusty Man to morrow a Virgin or an old Woman Seneca speaks to the purpose Death saith he ought to be set before the Eyes of young as well as old Men For we are not summoned by the Censers Books wherein the Ages of every one are set down Such a Partial Citation might serve for War but not for Death The last Farewel and Admonishment of all dying Men is this To day I to morrow Thou But the Dead alter the Sentence and they crie I yesterday Thou to day Be mindful of Death be mindful of Eternity which I yesterday thou to day or to morrow shalt begin never to end with either Sect. 43. Therefore Live while thou hast NOT for thy Wit not for thy Body not for thy Pleasure not for thy Vertues sake but for Heaven and for Gods sake Live and Act as well suffering for God as acting and labouring For thou knowest not how long thou shalt subsist nor how soon thy maker will take thee away Most wisely admonishes the wisest of Preachers Whatever thou takest in Hand to do that do with all thy power for in the Grave that thou goest unto there is neither Work Counsel Knowledg nor Wisdom Therefore as the Apostles exhorts us Let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not While we have therefore time let us do good unto all Men. Thou hast begun to Labour prosecute thy labour begun with a co●…tinual Industry Never cease nor intermit that Labour which may bring to Heaven For there is no moment of thy Life wherein thou mayst not gain and increase thy Heavenly Treasure In this manner therefore labour without ceasing The time of rest shall come which no labour shall ever interrupt The Life of Man is a Warfare upon Earth and like the days of a Bond-Servant are his Days A Hireling saith St. Gregory allwages the Pains of his Labour with the thoughts of his wages A Hireling is sollicitous least any day should pass him without work for he knows that the Night is for rest and that the Day is appointed for Labour Do thou therefore Labour while it is day while thou hast an opportunity to Work The Night cometh says the voice of Truth when no Man can work Therefore work while the Sun favours thee There is one that will pay thee for thy Labour Thou hast a perpetual and most accurate Overseer of thy work who is God who keeps the number of the Haires of thy Head so doth he keep an account of thy least Fa●…lings and of the smallest of thy Actions done in Honour of Him Never question it he numbers all thy steps With one leap yea with one step thou hast finished thy whole Journey to Eternity but take heed that thou fi●…est thy ●…et right For such shalt thou be to Eternity as thou we●…t at thy Death Sect. 43. If to Morrow why not to Day THere is ●…ut one and that a most ponderous Chain that holds us fast the Love of Life which as it is not always to be contemned so there is an allay to be allowed it so that nothing may hinder us but that we may be always prepared to do that presently which is at some time to be done Life is not imperfect so it be upright VVhere-ever thy end happen if thy Life be good thy end is safe St. Austin Bishop of Hippo went to visit another Bishop of his Familiar Acquaintance lying in Extremity to whom as he was lifting up his Hands to Heaven to signifie his Departure St. Austin replyed That he was a great support of the Church and worthy of a longer Life to whom the sick Person made this answer If never 't were another thing but if at
'T is too late to layter here we strive in vain against the Stream Nature is a Mother not a Step-dame Dost thou accuse Nature O T●…eophrastus as if less favourable to Man than Beasts certainly ●…e intended more to him than to them For which is best to suffer quickly what thou art no more to fear or to fear long what thou art slowly to endure Nature gives a long torment to Man when she grants him a short Life For always all Men must expect Their Day perfix'd What art thou then afraid of Is thy Life tak'n from thee Not only so but also the fear of Death and most Evils of Life This is the general choice of most Men rather to suffer quickly what we ought than to continue long in fear and pain There is little difference saith the second Pliny between suffering and expecting Misfortunes Only that there is a Measure of Fear and not of Grief For thou mayst bewail and grieve for what thou knowest has happened thou fearest what may happen Therefore come Death I am thy Debtor I will pay what I owe when ever God requires me Therefore freely willingly Will I the number of my days compleat And straight surrender up my soul to sate Hoping to ascend from the dark Grave to everlasting Light Death is not an Evil but Punishment after Death is an Evil. Sect. 8. They fear Death who foresee it not MOST certain it is that nothing terrifies so much as an unexpected necessity of dying Behold how they who are subject to the power of another being commanded a long Journey pack up their things in haste sollicitous and sad how they murmur because they had no longer warning As they are upon their departure they often look back pretending this and t'other Obstacle Now there is no longer Journey than to Die no way more crabbed more dark more hard to find none more suspitious and infested with Robbers Besides there is no return again Therefore we must t●…e more heedfully take care that we leave nothing behind There is a necessity of going thither fellow Souldiers said the Roman Captain from whence there is no necessity of returning There is only one remedy to answer being called and to obey being commanded Alas How improvident are they who never take care to provide for thy Journey They take care to fare well the rest they commit to Fortune Smyndirides that debauched young Man was wont to brag that in Twenty Years he had not seen the Sun rising or setting being continually either a Bed or at his Riot I fear one of you may find many like him among the Christians who make Gluttony Playing and Drinking their greatest Business To these will happen that which Cicero in his Epistles foretold to Brutus Believe me saith he you will be ruined unless you provide well Thus it will happen to all unwary People that want fore-sight Foresight is necessary in all things especially in those things that are never to be done but once where one mistake draws a thousand along with it This is the Condition of Death one Error causes a thousand Mistakes To err once there is to perish eternally O blind Mortals it will happen to you as it happens to them that shut their Eyes against their Enemies Swords in a Battle as if they were not to feel the danger which they see not Ye shall be smitten ye shall die ye shall be sensible and feel the stroke but whether blind or seeing that is at your choice You refuse to think upon Death which you must shortly think upon and feel The sufferance would soon follow when the Consideration precedes Sect. 9. They fear Death who are negligent of Life NEither is there any Question to be made of this They chiefly fear to die who know not how to live who believe no other Happiness but that of the Body Who only know how to eat well drink well and sleep well and place all their Heaven in pleasure persons certainly most obedient but to their Bellies not to the Divine Will Of whom St. Gregory truly said They know not what the Celestial Souls desire who set their Hearts upon Earthly Delights A prudent Christian that takes no more care of the Body than of a mean and abject Slave looks upon Death no otherwise than a Morning departure out of a dark unpleasant and incommodious Inn. Whoever thou art thou canst not fear thy Exit as of this Life if thou hopest to enter into the other Thy fear arises from hence For though there are many causes vulgarly given of this fear yet they all vanish upon the hopes of a more blessed Life He who seriously aspires to Heaven fears not these Baubles To such a Man Labour Sadness Grief Contempt Ignominy Loss Servitude Poverty Old Age are nothing else but the School of Experience the Time of Patience and the Honour of Victory Sect. 10. Three Things hardly supportable in Sickness IN almost all Sickness three things are hardly supportable Fear of Death Pain of the Body Discontinuance from Pleasure But as hot Diseases are Cur'd by cold cold by hot Medicines so are they Cur'd by their own Antidotes Therefore the fear of Death is to be Cur'd by Love but by Divine Love a little Dose of Divine Love will dispel the fumes of vain fear He that loves Christ will the less love Life and shall perceive the love of Christ to him By words alone this is not prov'd Love Marcus love if thou wouldst be belov'd Pain of the Body is to be asswag'd by tranquility of Conscience A guiltless Mind is a wonderful Consolation to the Sick And indeed a pure Conscience is a potent remedy against all Torments That also asswages pain as St. Gregory intimates in these words More easily will the Sick Person endure pain if he bear but this in his mind The most Just God will have me suffer this But Discontinuance from Pleasure will nothing at all afflict him who thinks upon Eternal Joys Those which leave are vain short and filthy and before they are forsaken frequently leave their admirers those which we promise our selves Immense Stable and Eternal He easily contemns Fading Delights who sincerely hopes for Eternal Sect. 11. Sickness the Sport of Vertue THou art well smitten if they Conscience be smitten Sickness is the School of Vertue it is also called a kind of Slaughter-house of Vice whoever is sick is a Scholar in this School On the other side Sickness is the Slaughter-house of Vertue to some and the School of Vice while they are well they are mad While they are well they have a hundred Businesses the Business of God is their last care How many are Chaste while they are Sick when they recover they return to their former filthy Lusts. Such people would do better Sick to whom health is so dangerous These therefore God tyes them to the Bed of Sickness that they may be at leisure to themselves and may mind their Salvation Forsake Vanity and
look after Heaven Sickness intangles the Body in a thousand Miseries but frees the Soul from as many 'T is the saying of St. Paul Though our outward Man perish yet the inward Man is renewed day by day Hence though Sickness seem evil nay the worst of Sufferings it then becomes the best when it renders the Sick Person more holy Many when they feel the pain correct the crime A sick Soul seldom inhabits but in a healthy Body Sect. 12. The Sickness of the Body is the Salvation of the Soul SIckness exhorts to Parcimony disswades from Lust and is the Mistress of Modesty Do thou lay aside all Care whatever happens to the Body thou art safe to the Mind be in health For the sickness of the Body has been of great advantage in many to the health of the Soul That sublime person rais'd from nothing from the Water below elevated to the Stars who keeps the Keys of Heaven whose only shadow expell'd the Distempers and Diseases of the Body being once ask'd why he suffer'd his own Daughter to lye under the Oppression of a violent Disease made answer It is convenient for her How knowest thou but that it may be as convenient for thee The same Person when he found his Daughter might be safely Cur'd recover'd her and made her fit to Cure others Do thou also take care that thy health may do thee good and perhaps thou shalt recover Lastly take care of thy Soul above all things and offer it up to the Heavenly Physician to be Cur'd And as to what remains hope if not for what is needful for yet for what is convenient fot thee Sickness is a very unpleasant Companion but a faithful which often pulls ye by the Sleeve and admonishes thee of thy condition A faithful Admonisher is a most certain fafeguard in danger If the Sickness be remediless be silent and rejoice for that thou shalt be the sooner free from a loathsom and ruinous Prison Most excellent was the saying of Gregory Nazianzene A sick Soul is near to God Sect. 13. Sickness admonishes us of Eternity HOW great a Benefit is this that the Miseries of this present Life by a short Experience should admonish us of Eternity Therefore let the sick person labour to avoid infinite Miseries while so impatiently endures the Bitternesses here let him learn by pains not long lasting to avoid pains Eternal which neither Pothecary nor Physician no Drug nor Herb not Death it self can Cure There are several ways to Death but but one to Eternity Anaxagoras dying in a Foreign Countrey when his Friends ask'd him whether he would be carried back into his Countrey There is no necessity said he and added the reason for the way is wide enough every where to the Infernal Shades This answer may as well be fit those who are Travelling up to Heaven O happy and profitable Flame of a Fever because short O dreadful Funeral Piles of Hell because Eternal Some Remedies are made out of some Poysons and oft-times a small and present pain admonishes us to prevent the approach of Excessive pains that threaten to twinge us And that which was troublesome became profitable Thus every Disease the more it perplexes and torments us the more it admonishes us of Eternity either in perpetual Joy or Misery Let the healthy take care let the sick be mindful whither they go Pleasure and Sorrow here are bounded within very narrow limits All the Felicity of Mortals is Mortal and within the same bounds are all Miserie 's restrained For bright Eternity no limits knows So that an Age of Time a Tittle shows Sect. 14. Therefore is Death to be desir'd I Have said Infirmity of Body is often to be desired to the end thou maist be the sooner a Freeman and a Victor This did he desire who said Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities For my strength is made perfect in weakness therefore have I delectation in Infirmities As a good Sword may be often in a bad Scabbard so in weak and sickly Body oft-times lyes hid a stout and couragious Mind That strength is to be desired which neither Time nor Fortune decays A sick person is not fit to carry Burthens or for digging and delving but to exercise his patience and maintain and increase his Faith So a Shipboard the stronger Row but the more prudent stand at the Helm Life is like a Ship tossed with the Waves of Business and the Sea of the World it has its Oars and its Helm If thou canst not perform the meaner Offices apply thy self to the more noble The true and generous strength of Man is in his Soul The Body the Soul's House how strong or how weak it is is nothing to a Guest of a few days If the House fall there 's a necessity of removing somewhere else and being hence excluded that necessity carries us unto a perpetual Mansion Strength is perfected in weakness so that although it seem so bad yet is that evil so much the rather to be desi●…d as being the prevention of a greater The condition of most is then most prosperous when most infirm and weak Sect. 15. What is to be read in Sickness ZEm the Son of Demius having consulted the Oracle to know how he might lead the best Life had this answer given him If he made himself of the same colour with the dead that is if he conversed with the dead Or as Suidas expounds it if he read the writings of the Ancients To dwell among Books being to live among the dead And this familiarity with the dead is the best Life But it is the same madness to lay before the Sick whole Libraries and huge Volumes as to set before them full Meals of Flesh. A little Broth or a small Sallet must serve them so a little Book is enough for them for several Months However still something is to be read to the Sick if the Disease and Pain will give leave but they are to be read as they eat What they eat they do not presently swallow but chew first So what they read they must not carelesly pass over but they are to consider and as it were to weigh every little sentence Otherwise to read is to neglect But let the Sick Mans only Book be Christ Crucified Let him read that Book continually wherein he will find as many Comforts as Words and Wounds Sect. 16. In Sickness we are often to pray SO I say we must always pray in sickness Neither is this a thing of any great difficulty to a sick person For either with his Tongue if he have strength enough may he pronounce his Prayers to God Or if his Tongue be numm'd or that his voice be intercepted by weakness a suppliant Mind is to be lifted up to Heaven while the Body lyes quiet but only for some ardent groans that distinguish these private Colloquies with God in Sickness But there is also a sort of Sickness that does
Torments shall bring me certain hope of Death For I know that while the pains as it were of Childbirth Crucifie me the Rest and Tranquility of another Life is preparing for me and that the Mercy of God shines over me either inflicting Death or defending my Life Therefore let not God be delayed through any commiseration of me For if I die I shall escape free and secure from my Sins nor shall I ever any more resist the will of God as one that has left this Life and the Inconstancy of Mortals Yet I am very much afraid of my weakness left I should faint in the right road and in my holy purpose Seeing then that hitherto through the Mercy and Grace of God I have remained stedfast in the truth I would not depart from the Innocency of my Life though I have a firm hope that it will never be that I shall contradict the will of God but rather that I may be always able to attend and wait upon it Which when God shall be pleased to fulfil in me I am so far from praying against it that I shall rather esteem it as a great favour For when I ought to endeavour to be holy there is nothing which I can receive at the hands of the most holy and pure of Spirits God that can be harmful if not rather profitable for me Come then pains and exercise my patience as God has given ye leave To begin to die and not to be in pain scarce happens to any Man Through pains we pass to Death That is the high road A little while we must be in pain that we may not be in pain to Eternity Sect. 33. Patience mitigates all pains PAin is a sharp cruel horrid sad bitter thing contrary to Nature hateful to the Sences yet which by the assistance of our Age may be mitigated or else little or nothing felt He that in this Combat unwillingly turns his Back but makes a resistance cordially and with all his might is always Superior always gets the Victory Why O Clay dost thou murmur against the Potter He designed from Eternity one Vessel for Honour another for Dishonour another for another use yet all Brittle and Mortal Wherefore then dost thou repine Complaints and Repinings are but an addition and increase of the Distemper For nothing so much exasperates the heat of a Wound as the impatience of enduring the pain All repining turns to its own Torment Thus while the wild Beast moves the snare he is taken Thus while the affrighted Birds disorder the Lime-twig they hang by the Feathers There is no Yoke so strait that does not less hurt him that bears it willingly than him that resists There is but one mitigation of terrible pains which is to suffer and submit to necessity Wherefore then dost thou add a Disease of mind to sickness of Body Making thy self more miserable by murmuring and provoking him the more thereby who beholds the Sufferings of Men from above and considers their Patience with a design to reward it But the sick Man objects thou canst not make me not to feel what I feel My tender sick Friend if no where else at least suffer patience to inhabit in thy Ears I do not deny pain to be pain but I say it may be lessened by patience Which if it take not away all sence of pain yet it gives thee the Victory over pain while thou hast strength to endure it manfully Therefore the Mind is to be roused up to be armed and embattelled against its Enemies An unprepared and impatient mind is dejected at the least Misfortunes like a Coward that upon the sight of the Enemy throws away his Arms and flies thus the thought of pain Exanimates a sluggish mind which had it held but out the Buckler of Patience had proved a Victor over pain Patience not only augments the Courage of the Mind but mitigates the sharpness of the pain So that if it be never so violent however begin then to hope Excess of pain promises an end For extremity of Grief is the beginning of Joy This is the Law of Contraries the one arises from the conclusion of the other But are we not ashamed that so many Christian Boys and Girls have joyfully endured what we Men could not bear without weeping and complaints Why tremblest thou Resume thy Courage hope in God the end is at hand The pains are terrible but short And it is a Noble thing for a true Christian neither to give way to pleasure nor to pain Sect. 34. An Example of Patience in a Beggar BEhold I beseech thee lying at the Pool of Bethesda a Beggar a Beggar do I say Yea a diseased Beggar Alas Poverty it self is a disease long and tedious enough If pain of the Body attend it the evil is redoubled which cannot be endured but by a double portion of patience as in this Paralytic He was so indigent that no body would help him into the troubled Waters No body would so much as compassionate his Poverty Ah. What a hard case it is to be at the same time both poor and sick This Mans Disease was not of a Months or a Years standing He had lost the u●…e of his Limbs Thirty and Eight years a breathing Carkass a Funeral before Death and buried while he yet lived Sick people think a Day a Month a Month a Year a Year an Age How many Ages could this Man but think so many Years Yet behold his patience he lost not his meekness of Mind Neither in this desperate Sickness had he wasted all his hope and patience He envied no body he repined at no body he reproaches no body He accuses no Man condemns no Man wishes no Man his ill Fate Neither does Curse himself nor the day of his Birth nor blame Fortune nor his Parents much less does he murmur against God complain of Heavens Cruelty or stand upon his own Innocency nor does he chide the slowness of Death Nor does he prepare to make himself away but patiently expects help and still hopes nor is he importunate with Christ contentedly satisfied that he had only not concealed his Miseries from his Saviour Thou who art sick canst thou imitate this poor Man Certainly thou oughtest or else thou canst not hope for Heaven Sect. 35. A Type of Patience in a Great Prince THou maist complain that either still Saints or vulgar and mean people are propounded as Examples of patience Why then O Man canst thou not imitate Christ upon the Cross St. Lawrence upon the Gridiron Imitate Lazarus waiting for the scraps Imitate Alexius in the narrow Dungeon and there ending his Life But there are State Examples Certainly there are not wanting Examples for thee to follow Behold great Princes who but few years ago so took care of their Bodies as not to neglect the health of their Souls Bishop Daniel when complaints were brought him that the wild Beasts spoiled the Corn. 'T is well said he I will soon
Divine Love nor will I any more let thee go Now to the World and all worldly things I bid adieu Now rejoicing I come to thee O God Nothing O sweet Jesu nothing shall separate me from thee For I am united with thee O Christ In thee will I live in thee will I die and in thee if it be thy pleasure will I remain to all Eternity No more do I live now but Christ liveth in me My Soul is weary of this Life I desire to be dissolved and be with Christ and to die a Gainer Now will I fear no evil walking in the shadow of Life because thou O Lord art with me As the Hart panteth after the Rivers of Water so panteth my Soul after thee O God My Soul hath thirsted after God the Fountain of Life when shall I come and appear before the Face of my God Bless me O Loving Jesu and dismiss me in peace because I am now truely thine and to all Eternity will I not forsake thee What have I now more to do with the World O my sweet Jesu Into thy Hands Lord Jesu I commend my Spirit Receive me O Celetial Love that I may be happy in thy Embraces to all Eternity and may for ever rest in thee A Conclusion of the Second Chapter To the Reader THese things I have therefore said for the comfort of the Healthy and the Sick that they may not be altogether without Comfort partly to stir them up to vigilancy partly to strengthen them that they may overcome prepared against all Assaults of Death An ill death is not only the worst but the most indeliable and inexpiable of all Errours in the Word Now I come to give some Precepts to the Dying not ●…o see them read but to be read in health to profit them in that dreadful Hour CHAP. III. The Remembrance of Death is represented to Dying People Sect. 1. The Art of Dying well is briefly Taught NOT to know how to die is the most miserable piece of Ignorance in the World Therefore that we may learn that which we ought to learn all our Lives there are five things that conduce to good Death First A free and undaunted Mind This is that which is of chiefest moment and upon which the rest depend It is a great satisfaction for our offences so willingly to abandon'd what is most dear to us Therefore saith David an Offering of a Free-heart-will I give unto thee There is nothing so acceptable to God nor so profitable to Man as a free and ready Mind and a generous Trust in God Secondly A Will made and Debts discharged 'T is an Errour never to think of a Will till Death is at the Door Dispose of thy Goods while thou art well in thy Sences Moreover as to the giving away of such things as are at our disposal Sect. 2. Nine causes why we are to Die with a contented Mind BEfore all things consider the death of thy Saviour and thou wilt fear thy own with a most contented Mind Compare I beseech thee thy Bed to his Cross thy Pillows to his Thorny Diadem thy Food with his Gall thy Drink with his Vinegar thy Pains with his Torments Thou didst die in the midst of thy Friends and Comforters he in the midst of his Enemies and Revilers Thou among thy Helpers and Assistants he expir'd deserted by all For thy health so many Medicines are still prepar'd His extream thirst wanted the refreshment of cold Water Yet he the Lord and chief of all Thou a Servant most vile and mean Him all these Miseries befel both Innocent and Undeserving thee for thy Deserts and Impiety And therefore thou hast no reason to complain 2. The chiefest Grace of the Supream King is a Good Death To die well is to avoid the danger of Living ill But he dies well who dies willingly Who does not readily rise from a hard Bed They only desire to lye long who cherish'd by the heat are loth to leave a warm Nest. If it be ill with thee in this Life wherefore shouldst thou not willingly pass to a better If well 't is time for thee to make an end lest Prosperity cast thee as it does many into a late but fatal Ruin 'T is a hard thing for the Fortunate to die How many Men are Condemned to perpetual Torments who had they dy'd Children or young had gone to Heaven 3. The Saints and all our dearest Friends invite us to them But saist thou we must leave our Friends and Companions Unadvisedly spoken thou art going to them Where are thy Parents Dost not thou hope in Heaven And that thou shalt also go thither But these are things uncertain and only hoped for Very right there is no Man hopes for what he sees or is certain of And therefore God affords thee an occasion for that Vertue He commanded thee to hope for Heaven he would never promise it thee certainly And yet thou art carried thither still with a certain hope though to a thing to thee uncertain A Creditor has no reason to mistrust a Faithful Debtor God is become thy Debtor Consider thou to whom thou art a Creditor Doth not St. Paul cry out with joy I know whom I have believed 4. Consider O Man of little Soul the extraordinary alacrity of Mind and the ardent desire to die of many Martyrs who contemn'd all the preparations of Death and suffered the severest Torments with a smiling Countenance Certainly neither Death nor Labour is terrible but the fear of Death or Labour Therefore let us applaud the saying of him who said Death is no evil but to die shamefully Children are frighted with Hobgoblins for want of knowledge What is Death A Hobgoblin Turn the Argument and thou shalt find it so Yet neither Children nor Infants nor Madmen fear Death and therefore 't is a most shameful thing that reason should not afford us that security which reason produces Death is a Tribute and a Duty to be paid by all why then art thou troubled Why dost thou not pay the Debt thou owest for Death allows no priviledges No Man was ever exempted or shall be The World saith St. Basil is Mortal and the Region of them that die 5. What is a long fear of Death but a long Torment Dost thou live long Thou art long in Torment Well said Tertullian That is not to be fear'd that frees us from all fear But thou wilt say 'T is a terrible thing in Sickness to foresee Death creeping on by degrees Worm of a Man what wouldst thou have Did not thy Saviour Christ foresee his Death and that a most sharp one for thirty years and more Art thou better than he But because thou dost not so much fear Death as the previous Inconveniences of Death hear Epictetus And shalt not thou saith he depart with a firm and constant mind but trembling and cowardly because of thy fine Cloaths or thy gaudy Silver Plate Unhappy Man Was it thus that hitherto
grows a Worm which afterwards comes to be a Bird of the same Nature A●… plain Symbolum of the Resurrection Mirmeius the Roman Orator a great Antagonist of the Christians see saith he how for our comfort all nature points out our Resurrection The Sun sets and rises the Stars fall and return Flowers decay and reflourish the withered Trees recover their Vendure Seeds return their several species Thus the Body deceased like Trees in Winter cover their Vigour with a feigned dryness We are also to expect the Spring of the Body I know that my Redeemer Lives and that I shall rise again at the last day Sect. 29. The hope of Heaven WHat wouldst thou What desirest thou Wouldst thou live And wouldst thou not die So live then that thou mayst once live happy For to live and not to live happily is a kind of death or the way to death In Heaven thou shalt live never to die Therefore thou shalt live happily for thou neither shalt nor canst suffer pain because there is none there There thou shalt enjoy thy Wishes nor canst thou 〈◊〉 be put out of possession Eat O ye Cant. 5. 1. Friends drink and be merry O ye beloved This Banquet has no end St. Austin cries out O sempiternal Life and tempiternally blessed where joy without sorrow rest without labour dignity without fear health without sickness life without death happiness without calamity where all good things perfect in charity The Gates of Jerusalem shall be built of Saphyrs and Smarayds and of precious Stones the whole Circuit of her Walls The Streets of the City shall be pure Gold transparent as Glass and through her Villages shall Allelujahs be sung Therefore blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will be alwaies praising thee I believe verily to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living Sect. 30. Sighs to Heaven Exod. 35. SHew me thy Glory Shew me all thy vers 18. Good Isa. 61. 3. When wilt thou give unto them that mourn beauty in stead of ashes joyful Ointment for sighing pleasant rayment for a heavy mind Job 6. 8 9. 10. O that I might have my desire and that God would grant me the thing that I long for O that God would begin to smite me That he would let his hand go and take me clean away Then should I have some comfort yea I would defie him in my pain that he would not spare for I will not deny the words of the Holy One. Job 7. 2. For as a bond-servant desireth the shadow and as the hireling would fain have the reward of his work Psalm 15. 1. Lord who shall dwell in thy Tabernacle who shall rest in thy holy place Psalm 27. 45. One thing have I desired of the ●…ord which I will perform even that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to behold the fair beauty of the Lord and to visit his Temple Psalm 42. 1 2. Like as the Hart desireth the Water-brooks so longeth my Soul after thee O God My Soul is a thirst for God yea even for the living God When shall I come to appear before the presence of God Now when I think thereupon I pour out my heart by my self I went by with the multitude and brought them forth to the house of God Psalm 55. 6. O that I had wings like a Dove for then would I fly away and be at rest Psalm 60. 9. Who will lead me into the strong City Ps. 65. 4. Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and receivest unto thee he shall dwell in thy Court. Ps. 73. 1. Truly God is loving unto Israel even to such as are of a clean heart Vers. 24. Whom have I in Heaven but thee and there is none upon earth that I desire in comparison of thee Vers. 25. My flesh and my heart faileth but God is the strength of my heart and my portion for ever Psalm 84. 1. O how amiable are thy dwellings thou Lord of Hosts Vers. 2. My Soul hath a desire and longing to erter into the Courts of the Lord V. 10. For one day in thy Courts is better than a thousand years Psalm 116. 9. I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living Psalm 120. 5. My Soul hath long dwelt among them that be Enemies to peace Psalm 122. 1. I was glad when they said unto me we will go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 138. 1. By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept when we remembred thee O Sion Ver. 4. How shall we sing the Lord's Song in a strange Land If I forget thee O Jerusalem let my right hand finger forget her cunning Ps. 142. 9. Bring my Soul out of prison that I may give thanks unto thy Name Which thing if thou wilt grant me then shall the righteous resort unto my company I desire to be dissolved and be with Christ. Sect. 31. An Abstract of the Comforts against Death FIrst Death kills our familiar Enemy the Body There is no mischief more pestilential than a Bosom-Enemy The Flesh lusteth contrary to the Spirit and the Spirit contrary to the Flesh Gal. 5. 17. These are contrary one to another 2ly Death breaks the Door of the Prison wherein we are lockt up But as old Prisoners many times long acquaintance with the place detains us not unwilling in the midst of our Fetters and Sufffferings But the best of Kings desired to be delivered out of Custody 3ly Death eases us of a vast Burthen for why a corruptible Body is heavy to the Soul and the Earthy Mansion keepeth down that Understanding that museth upon many things No man can swim with this Burthen 4ly Death puts an end to our Pilgrimage What is Mortal Life saith St. Gregory but a way Consider my Friends what it is to be aweary upon the way Our present Life is full of pain a perpetual strugling and yet we cannot forsake it without Tears 5ly Death brings us out of all Danger The most Fortunate Man that lives is subject to many Dangers and Danger is hardly avoided without danger He has only escaped all Dangers who is out of this Life 6ly The necessity of Death Nobly said the wise Roman There is no greater comfort in Death than Death it self He would not live that would not die Death carries with it an impartial and unvanquishable Necessity For the first part of Impartiality is Equality 7ly The Death of Christ. To the Contemplation of this St. Paul exhorts us Let us saith he run with patience unto the Battel that is set before us Looking unto Jesus the Captain and Finisher of our Faith who for the Joy that was set before him endured the Cross. To the Members of this Head this is the greatest Consolation For that the Members should not fear Death the Head endured the utmost violence of Death The Author of Life by dying set open the Gates of Heaven Why do we fear to die
Salvation Sect. 35. The dying Person arms himself with Faith Hope and Charity THat this may be the more readily and easily done we have set down certain Forms for the Exercise of Faith Hope and Charity To Faith I do protest in the presence of God his Holy Angels and the Church both Triumphant and Militant that I believe what ever the Holy Universal Church believes and that I live and die in the Faith which the same Universal Church Profession in Union which and under her Head our Lord Jesus Christ. From which whatever is dissonant I utterly reject and abandon To Hope I have set God always before me for ●…he is on my right hand therefore I shall not fail Wherefore my heart was glad and my glory rejoiced my flesh also shall rest in hope For why thou shalt not leave my Soul in Hell nor suffer thine Holy One to see Corruption Thou shalt shew me the Path of Life in thy presence is fulness of Joy and in thy right hand is pleasure for evermore Psal. 16. v. 8. c. To Charity What shall I return to the Lord for all his Benefits I will receive the Cup of Death from the hand of God and call upon the Name of the Lord. I will call upon God with Praises and I shall be safe from my Enemies Into thy Hands O Lord I commend my Spirit Thou hast created me O God thou hast redeemed me thou hast sanctified me thine am I alive and dead I offer my self up entirely to thy will Jesu Son of David have mercy upon me Sect. 36. What is always to be in the thought and Mouth of a sick and dying Christian IN sickness O Christian if thou art asked how thou do'st or how is it with thee Beware of returning any other Answers but these As God will As God pleases As the Lord's pleasure 〈◊〉 So let it be done According to the ●…nd pleasure of God As it pleases God so let his ●…ill be fulfilled in Earth as it is in Heaven Nor will it be amiss to have these threefold Pre●…ces continually in thy lips and in thy mind as ●…ell in thy Sickness as at the hour of thy ●…eath 1. Blessed be God to all Eternity 2. Have mercy on me O Lord according to thy lo●…ing Kindness though I am not worthy of the least of ●…y mercies O God 3. Oh Lord my God I surrender my self wholly up 〈◊〉 ●…hy will let thy will be done Sect 37. Certain Precepts to be particularly observed by a dying Person FIrst Not to depend upon the Merits but with all thy Sins and Omissions to cast thy self into the Fathomeless Ocean of Divine Mercy Next To adhere stedfastly and constantly to the belief of the true Holy Church and to receive the Holy Sacrament Thirdly To forsake all the frail and passing Vanities of this Life and to unite thy self to God with all thy Soul and Affection To breath after the Land of Promise where thou may'st be able to offer up a lasting Sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving to God for all his Mercies Fourthly To offer up thy self a Living Sacrifice to the Glory of God for his great good will toward thee and to endure patiently for his sake all the pains and troubles of Sickness and the bitterness of Death Fifthly To set continually before thy Eyes the terrible Death and Passion of thy Lord Christ that so thou mayst unite thy Body and Soul with the wounded Body and afflicted Soul of Christ. But the safest way is whatever thou wouldst do in the utmost extremity of thy Sickness to begin to do that in the prime of thy Health Sect. 38. Refreshments for a dying Person COme my People enter thou into thy Chambers and shut thy Doors about thee Hide thy self for a little while till the Indignation be ●…verpast Isa. 26. 20. When I was angry I hid my Face from thee for a little season but through everlasting goodness I have pardoned thee saith the Lord thy Redeemer Isa. 54. 8. Why art thou so full of heaviness O my Soul And why art thou so unquieted within me Put thy trust in God for I will yet give him thanks for the help of his Countenance Psalm 42. 6. For we are the Children of the Holy Man and look for the Life which God shall give unto them that never turn their belief from him Tob. 2. 18. Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven that one of these little ones should perish Mat. 1●… 14. For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have Everlasting Life John 3 16. But if any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous And he is the Attonement for our Sins not for our Sins only but for the Sins of all the World 1 John 2. 1. Verily verily I say unto you he that heareth my Word and believeth in him that sent me hath Everlasting Life and shall not come into Damna●…ion but is escaped from Death unto Life John 5. 24. All that the Father giveth me shall come unto me and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out Joh. 6. 37. I am the Resurrection and the Life he that believeth in me yea though he were dead yet shall he live And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall not dye eternally Joh. 11. 25 26. In my Fathers House are many Mansions 14. 2. If God be on our side who can be against us Who spared not his own Son but gave him for us all how shall he not with him give us all things Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods chosen It is he that justifies who is he that condemneth It is Christ which dyed yea rather which is raised again which is also on the Right Hand of God and maketh Intercession for us Rom. 8. 31 c. For no Man liveth to himself and no Man dyeth to himself for if we live we live unto the Lord. Whether we live therefore or die we are the Lords For we know that if our Earthly House of this Tabernacle were destroyed we should have a Building of God even a Habitation not made with Hands but Eternal in Heaven For therefore sigh we desiring to be farther cloathed with our House which is from Heaven for if that we be cloathed we shall not be found naked 2 Cor. 1 2 3. Now also Christ shall be magnified in my Body whether it be by Life or by death For Christ is to me Life and Death is to me Advantage Having a desire to depart and be with Christ Philip. 1. 20 21. But our Conversation is in Heaven whence also we look for the Saviour who shall change our vile Body that it may be fashioned like his glorious Body This is a faithful saying and by all means worthy to be received that Christ Jesus came into the World to save sinners of
Bishop standing by said Now we commit thy Soul to the Devil but Huss lifting up his Hands and Eyes to Heaven said Into thy Hands Lord Jesus I commend my Spirit which thou hast redeemed with thy most precious Blood Then they Burnt his Books at which he with a joyful Countenance said to the People Think not good People that I die for any Heresie or Errour but through the hatred and malice of mine Adversaries As he lifted up his Face in Prayer the Cap fell off whereupon a Souldier put it on again saying He should burn with his Masters the Devils whom he had served Then rising up said Lord Jesus assist and help me that with a constant and patient mind by thy most gracious help I may bear and suffer this Ignominious Death whereunto I am Condemned for the preaching thy most Holy Gospel As they were binding him to the Stake with a Chain he said with a merry Countenance That he would embrace that Chain for Christ's sake who for his sake had been bound with a far worse When the Fire was kindled he began to sing with a loud Voice Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God have mercy upon me The which after he had repeated three times the flame stopped his Breath his Heart being afterwards found they roasted it upon a Stake and gathering up his Ashes they cast them into the Rhine He suffered Martyrdom Anno Christi 1415. The Death of Hierom of Prague HIS Enemies passed Sentence upon him after which they put a Paper about him painted with red Devils to make him odious to the People as likewise a Paper Mitre on his Head which he took very patiently saying Our Lord Jesus Christ when he suffered Death for me did wear a Crown of Thorns upon his Head and for his sake I will wear this Cap. As he went to the place of Execution he sung Psalms and coming to the place where John Huss was Burned he upon his Knees put up his Prayers to Heaven after a while they bound him to the Image of John Huss Carved in Wood which they had set up instead of a Stake and there with admirable patience he sustained the sury of the Flames when at the giving up the Ghost he with an Audible Voice said This Soul of mine in flames of Fire set free O! Christ my Saviour now I offer thee The Death of Martin Luther FAlling Sick he soon grew exceeding weak yet putting his trust in God he supported himself to Comfort his Friends beyond measure Insomuch that the day before his Death he dined and supped with Melancthone and the rest of his Accomplices But after Supper his Pain increasing he retired to pray and then went to Bed and slept till Midnight but being awakened by the Pain and perceiving his Life near at an end he called his Friends about him and said I pray God to preserve the Doctrine of the Gospel amongst us for the Pope and the Council of Trent have grievous things in hand After which he prayed and earnestly desired of God that he would defend his Church against the Pope and all his Adherents When he was about to die Justus Jonas and Caelius bid him be constant and persevere in the Faith he had taught and held to the last To which he answered Yea and soon after gave up the Ghost dying Anno Christi 1546. He was a Man of great Temperance and Abstenence oftentimes had the Papists hired Ruffians to kill him but they had never the power to do it the Devil one time appeared to him as he was walking in his Garden in the shape of a huge Boar but he so flouted him that he soon vanished He was wont to say God would give Peace to Germany during his Life but woe to them that should live after him The Death of Zuinglius ZUinglius being the fout●…h time run in with a Spear he fell down upon his Knees and said Well they can kill the Body but cannot kill the Soul When the Soldiers came to strip the slain Zuinglius was found alive lying upon his Back with his Eyes up to Heaven whereupon they asked him if he would have a Priest to Confess him to which he answered No they then bid him call upon the Virgin Mary which he refusing they thrust him in with a Sword and so expired without fetching a Groan as soon as they knew it to be him they cut his Body in four pieces and burnt it the next day his Heart was found unperished by the Fire tho' the rest of his Body was consumed Before this Battel a Comet appeared which he said Prognosticated his Death and declared it openly in his Sermons Fourteen days before he fell in Battel He was slain in the year 153●… The Death of Oecolampadius AN Ulcer broke cut in his O●… Sacrum that he was forced to keep his Bed and though all means was used for his Cure he told 'em his Disease was Mortal and said I shall be presently with the Lord. Then putting his hand to his heart said Here is abundance of Light Next Morning he repeated the 51 Psalm and presently after said O Christ save me and so fell asleep in the Lord Anno 1531. aged 51. The Death of John Frith HE was condemned to be burnt as an Heretick When he came into Smithfield he with an undaunted Courage went to the Stake no sooner fastened but the fire was kindled He continued till the last with such Constancy and Patience that many were converted and began to pray to God to receive his Soul but Dr. Cook forbidding them saying They ought to pray for him no more than they would for a Dog which uncharitable Expression made many blame him He suffered Martyrdom Aano Christi 1531. He wrote many Treatises some were burnt during the Reigns of King Henry the Eighth and Queen Mary and some were saved by Providence for on Mid-summer Eve Anno 1626. A Cod-Fish being brought into Cambridge Market when it was cut up these Writings of John Frith were found in its Belly wrapt in Canvas which were afterwards Printed to the rejoicing of all good Christians viz. A Preparation for Death A Preparation to the Cross. The Treasure of Knowledge A Mirror to know your self A Brief Instruction to teach one willingly to die and not to fear Death Which Treatises preserved by such a special Providence have no doubt prov'd very useful The Death of Thomas Bilney HE Preached the Gospel till the Bishop of Norwich imprisoned him who would have persuaded him from his stedfastness but upon refusal he received ●…entence of Condemnation The day before his Execution eating heartily he said I imitate those who have a ruinous House to dwell in yet bestow cost as long as they may to hold it up Then discoursing about Fire he put his Finger in the Candle and said I find by Experience that Fire is hot yet I believe though the Stubble of my Body be wasted my Soul will be purged At his
eyes said Cast me not off O Lord now in my old Age when strength faileth me A while after he said He hath afflicted me sore but he will never never cast me off Being desired to arm himself with faith and a stedfast hope in God's Mercies against the Temptations of Satan He said I am wholly Christ's and the Devil has nothing to do with me and God forbid that I should not now have experience of the sweet Consolation in Christ. Then with a smiling Countenance gave up the Ghost and was interred nobly by the King's Commandment But in Q. Mary's time his Bowels being taken up they were burnt with Fagius's He died Anno Christi 1550. The Death of Gasper Hedio HE preached vigorously against Masses Indulgences and Auricular Confession and wrote many Books against them What time he could spare from his Ministerial Function he employed in writing Commentaries and Histories until the year of his Death which was Anno 1552. The Death of Oswald Myconius AFter the Death of Oecolampadius he was made chief Pastor in Basil where voluntarily laying down his Divinity Lectures upon some grudges the University had against him he inclining to Luther's Opinion about the real presence in the Sacrament he wholly applied himself to his Pastoral Office He died Anno 1552. aged 64. The Death of George Prince of Anhalt HE was a great Divine Learned in the Law and skilful in Physick he conserred with Camerarius about the mutation of Empires their Period and Causes about Heavenly Motions and the effects of the Stars The last Act of this Prince his Life expressed his Piety using frequent Prayer for himself and all the Princes of that ●…amily he often pondered upon these Texts God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten Son c. No Man shall take my Sheep out of my Hands Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest He died Anno 1557. aged 47. The Death of Justus Jonas HE employed himself much in Disputations about Religion in defence of the Truth and in School Divinity Several Churches were reformed by him and committed to his charge He was a Man of an excellent Wit great Industry and Integrity of Life joined with Piety and one whom Luther and most of the famous Men of that Age highly esteemed He died Anno 1555. aged 63. The Death of John Rogers HE was hurried to Newgate On the fourth of Febraary the Keeper told him he must prepare for Execution at which not being at all concerned said Then if it be so I need not tie my points Before he went to the Flames he was carried before Bonner Bishop of London who earnestly persuaded him to recant and live but he utterly refused life upon such conditions exhorting such as stood about him to repent and cleave fast to Christ. As he came out his Wife with Nine small Children about her and one sucking at her Breast waited to see him of which he took his leave bidding them trust in the Lord and he would plentifully provide for them After which he went couragiously to the Stake and with admirable patience embraced the Flames being the first that sealed his Testimony with his Blood during the Reign of that bloody Queen suffering Martyrdom Anno Christi 1555. The Death of Laurence Saunders DUring his Imprisonment he wrote to his Wife and Friends in this manner I am merry and I trust I shall be so maugre the Teeth of all the Devils in Hell Riches I have none to bestow amongst you but that Treasure of tasting how sweet Christ is to hungry Consciences whereof I thank my Saviour I do feel part that I bequeath to you and to the rest of my Beloved in the Lord. They offered to release him if he would Recant to which he replied That he did confess Life and Liberty were things desirable but that he would not murther his Conscience to save his life but by God's Grace said he I will abide the worst Extremity that Man can do against me rather than do any thing against my Conscience And when Gardiner threatned him with Death he said Welcom be it whatsoever the Will of the Lord be either life or death and I tell you truly I have learned to die but I exhort you to be ware of shedding innocent blood for truly it will cry aloud against you After a Year and three Months Imprisonment he was brought to the Stake which he embraced and afterwards kissing said Welcom Cross of Christ welcom everlasting life The Fire by the malice of his Enemies being made of green wood put him to exquisite Torments but he endured them with a Christian patience as being well assured when his fiery Tryal was at an end he should receive a Crown of Life that fadeth not away One thing I shall not think amiss to insert When the Nation was in fear of Queen Mary's bringing in Popery Mr. Saunder's being in company with Doctor Pedleton and seeming to be much dejected Pedleton said What man there is much more cause for me to fear than for you for asmuch as I have a big and fat Body yet will I see the utmost drop of this Grease of mine melted away and this Flesh consumed with Fire before I will forsake Jesus Christ and his Truth which I have professed Yet when Queen Mary came to the Crown he turned Apostate The Death of John Hooper BEing come to the County of Gloucester where he suffered he was received by the Sheriff who with a strong Guard conveyed him to the place of Execution being met by thousands of people who bewailed his Condition and sent up their Prayers to Heaven that he might be enabled to bear his Sufferings patiently many of them weeping to see so Reverend a Person fall into such misery but he comforted them and told them That he was unworthy who refused to suffer reproach or death for the sake of the Lord Jesus who refused not for our sakes to suffer a shameful and ignominious death upon the Cross. And hereupon he began to exhort them to be stedfast in their Faith but the Popish Varlets would not suffer him to proceed Then he addressed himself to the Sheriff saying Sir my request to you is that I may have a quick Fire which may soon dispatch me and I will be as obedient as you would wish I might have had my life with grrat advancement as to temporal things but I am willing to offer my life for the Testimony of the Truth and trust to die a faithful Servant to God and a true Subject to the Queen Then kneeling down he continued in servent Prayer for the space of half an Hour with an exalted and chearful Countenance and then rising up suffered them to fasten him to the Stake where such was the malice of his Enemies that they had prepared green Wood yet be●…re the Fire was kindled a Pardon was offered if he would Re●…ant but he cried out
he should be drawn through the Streets of London to the Gallows in St. Giles in the Fields and there hanged and afterwards burnt upon the Gallows as he hung The Death of Thomas Cromwell Earl of Essex HIS Enemies durst not bring him to a Tryal but procured an Act of Attainder whereby he was Condemned before he was Heard yet the King after his death repented this Haste and wished he had his Cromwell alive again Being mounted the Scaffold he made an humble Confession and begged the Prayers of all those which were present then in a pious Prayer he recommended himself into the Hands of the Almighty and at one Blow his Head was severed from his Body Anno 1541. The Death of the Lady Jane Grey THE Morning before her Exit from this World her Husband the Lord Guilford Dudley was conveyed to a Scaffold on Tower-Hill where he penitently ended his Life his Head and Body being laid in a Cart all bloody was brought to the Chappel and exposed to the Sight of this sorrowful Lady a Spectacle more dismal than the kneenest Axe of her Death And now her own part is to be acted upon a Scaffold erected upon the Green within the Tower where being mounted with a chearful Countenance she looked upon the People and with great Constancy directed her self after this manner That she was come thither to die for an Offence which was committed by a Device not of her own seeking then wringing her Hands and protesting her Innocency she desired them to take notice that she died a good Christian and requested their Prayers Then kneeling down she repeated in English the 51 Psalm after which her Gentlewoman helped her off with her Gown and the Hangman on his Knees asked her forgiveness which she forgave him freely and prayed him to dispatch her quickly Looking upon the Block and kneeling she said Will you take it off before I lay it down No Madam replied the Executioner then she tied a Handkerchief before her Eyes and feeling for the Block said What shall I do Where is it Where is it Being guided she laid her Head upon the Block and giving the Sign she said Lord into thy Hands I commend my Spirit Then receiving the Fatal Blow she ended this Life Anno 1554. Aged 16. Her Death was much lamented but did not go unpunished for the Judge which passed her Sentence shortly after fell distracted crying out continually Take away the Lady Jane from me The Lady Jane Grey had a curious Vein in Poetry In her Troubles she composed these Lines Think nothing strange which Man cannot decline My Lot's to Day to Morrow it may be thine If God protect me Malice cannot end me If not all I can do will not defend me After dark Night I hope for Light This Epitaph was also made on her My Race was Royal sad was my short Raign Now in a better Kingdom I remain The Death of Sir Philip Sidney SIR Philip lay for the space of 25 Days enduring his Pains with admirable Patience and at length resign'd up his Spirit into the hands of his Redeemer October 16. Anno 1586. Upon him was made this Epitaph Apollo made him wise Mars made him stout Death made him leave the World Before his Youth was out The Death of Galeacius Carracciolus SIckness the Harbinger of Death seizing upon him which proceeded from abundance of Rheum this was produced by his long and wearisome Journeys which he had formerly taken by Land and Sea for his Conscience sake His Physicians despairing of his Cure he wholly sequestred himself from all Worldly Cogitations and taking his Farewell of his Wife and Friends saving He would lead them the way to Heaven Then he desired God to receive him and acknowledge him for his own and so quie●…ly departed 1592. Aged 74. The Death of Katherine Bretterg ONce she took the Bible in her hand and joyfully kissing it said O Lord 't is good for me to be afflicted that I may learn thy Statutes The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and s●…ver Then she desired her Husband to be ware of Popery and to let her little Girl be brought up in the Fear of God saying So shall I meet her in Heaven whom I must now leave behind me on Earth Once she was very dull in Prayer and when she came to Lead us not into Temptation she said I may not pray I may not pray for Satan interrupts me yet her Friends left her not till she had gained the Conquest She repeated often We have not received the Spirit of Bondage to fear again but the Spirit of Ad●…tion whereby we cry Abba Father The Verse of Psalm 13. ult she often repeated chearfully Many Pious Meditations she used but the last was this My Flesh and my Heart faileth but God is the Strength of my Heart and my Portion for ever He that preserveth Jacob and defendeth his Israel he is my God and will guide me unto Death Then she departed this life without any motion of Body May ult Anno 1601. Aged 22. The Death of John Lord Harrington Baron of Exton FRom the First-Day of his last Sickness he apprehended the approach of Death and so readily prepared himself for it he made Confession of his Sins and oft confessed his Faith and undoubted hope of Salvation in Christ and when Death approached he breathed out O my God when shall I be with thee And in the midst of these longing Desires he departed Anno 1613. Aged 22. The Death of Phillip de Mornay Lord of Plessis Marley BEing displaced from his Government of Samur he betook himself to a Private Life and made his Will for the peace and good of his Family being seiz'd upon by a continual Fever and no hopes of Recovery he would often say I fly I fly to Heaven and the Angels are carrying me into the bosome of my Saviour then would he repeat the words of Job I know that my Redeemer liveth I shall see him with mine eyes and I feel I fell what I now speak He dyed in the 74th Year of his Age. The Death of John Bruen of Bruen-Stapleford in the County of Chester Esquire FAlling Sick the morning before his Death divers Friends took their leaves of him and hearing some make motion of Blacks he said I will have no Blacks I love no Proud nor Pompous Funeral neither is there any cause of Mourning but of rej●…icing rather in my particular Immediately before his Death lifting up his hands he said The Lord is my portion my help and my trust his blessed Son Jesus Christ is my Saviour and Redeemer Amen Even so saith the Spirit unto my Spirit therefore come Lord Jesus and kiss me with the kisses of thy mouth and embrace me with the Arms of thy Love into thy hands do I commend my Spirit O come now and take me to thy own self O come Lord Jesus come quickly O come O come O come So his