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A25241 Looking unto Jesus a view of the everlasting gospel, or, the souls eying of Jesus as carrying on the great work of mans salvation from first to last / by Isaac Ambrose ... Ambrose, Isaac, 1604-1664. 1680 (1680) Wing A2957; ESTC R33051 999,188 563

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with man I know no reason why we should exclude civil peace out of Christ's wish many many a promise and precept we have in the Word scattered here and there to this purpose Lev. 26.6 Job 5.23.24 And I will give peace in the land and ye shall lye down and none shall make you afraid and thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field and thou shalt know that thy Tabernacle shall be in peace Ier. 29.7 Heb. 12.14 and seek the peace of the City and pray unto the Lord for it for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace And follow peace and holiness without which no man shall see God Orbem pecatum was ever a clause in the prayers of the primitive Church Rom. 12.13 that the world might be quiet I am sure it is Christ's command if it be possible as much as lyeth in you live peaceably with all men 3. It speaks there peace among themselves peace one with another such is or should be the condition of the Church Jerusalem is builded as a City that is compact together Psal 122.3 or unity within it self the Apostle dwells in this unity there is one body Eph. 4.4 5 6. and one Spirit and one hope and one Lord and one faith and one baptism and one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all The Church is a Court whose very pillars are peace the building of Christianity knows no other material to work upon if we look upon the Church it self there is one body if upon the very soul of it there is one Spirit if upon the endowment of it there is one hope if upon the head of it there is one Lord if upon the life of it there is one faith if upon the door of it there is one Baptism if upon the Father so it there is one God and Father of all who is above all and through all and in you all Mark 9.50 It was sometimes Christ's commands unto his Apostles have salt in your selves and have peace one with another and as a blessed effect of this salutation for I look upon them as words full of vertue the Apostles and Churches of Christ in primitive times kept a most sweet harmony the multitude of them that believed were of one heart Acts. 4.32 and of one soul 4. It speaks peace within peace of conscience the Apostles had exceedingly fallen from Christ one betrayed him and another denyed him but all run away and left him alone in the midst of all his enemies and yet to them he speaks this salutation peace be unto you I know not a better ground for comfort of poor humbled sinners than this is it may be you have dealt very unkindly with Jesus Christ you have forsook him denyed him forsworn him O but consider all this hindred not Christ's apparition to his Apostles he comes unexpected and quiets their spirits he stayes not till they had sued to him for mercy or pardon but of his meer love and free grace he speaks kindly to them all he stills the waves and becalmes their troubled Spirits working in them according to his words peace be unto you O the sweet of peace it is all wishes in one this little word is a breviary of all that is good what can they more than to have peace with God and peace with men and peace within Luke 2.14 sure there is much in it because Christ● is so much upon it at his birth the Angels sung Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace at his baptism the form of a dove lighted upon him and what meant this but peace in his life the sort of integrity was his court and what was here but peace near his death he gives peace as a legacy to his Church Iohn 14.27 peace I leave with you my peace I give you at his resurrection his first salutation to his Apostles is a wish of peace peace be unto you what can I say more to make us in love with peace Ioh. 17.2021 why all Christ did and all Christ suffered was for peace Luke 19.42 he prayed for it neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me that they all may be one as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us And he wept for it if thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day the things which do belong unto thy peace And he dyed to 〈…〉 but ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ for he is our peace Eph. 2 13 14. Of this we need no other proof or sign but that of the Prophet Jonah when the sea wrought and was tempestuous what shall we do unto thee said the Mariners that the sea may be calm unto us and he said take me up and cast me into the sea so shall the sea be calm Jona 1.11 12. when that great enmity was betwixt God and us what shall I do said God that my justice may be satisfied and my wrath appeased and that there may be a calm why take me said Christ and cast me forth into the sea let all thy waves and thy billows go over me make me a peace off●ring and kill me that when I am dead there may be a calm and when I am risen I may proclame it saying peace be unto you You hear what he said 3. What he shewed this is the next passage he shewed unto them his hands and his side I look upon this as a true and real manifestation of his resurrection And we find that without this Thomas professed he would never have believed except I shall see in his hands the print of the nayls and put my finger into the print of the nayls John 20.25 and thrust my hand into his side I will not believe But a question or two is here raised as whether these wounds and prints of the nayls spear can possibly agree with a glorified body and why Christ retained those wounds and prints for the first whether those prints could agree with a glorified bo●y some affirm it with much boldness and they say that Christ not only retained those prints whilest he abode upon earth but now that he is ascended into heaven he still retains them for my part I dare not go so far because Scripture is silent but the day is a coming when we shall see Christ face to face and then we shall know the truth of this only I conceive that Christ's body yet remaining on earth was not entred into that fulness of glory as it is now in heaven and therefore he might then retain some skars or blemishes to manifest the truth of his resurrection unto his Disciples which are not agreeable to his state in heaven But this I deliver not as matter of Faith reasons are produced both
soul-ravishing Subject to think upon and the rather if we consider that Conformity which we believe Phil. 3.20 21. We look for a Saviour saith the Apostle the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile Bodies that they may be fashioned unto His Glorious Body O my Soul that this Clay of thine should be a Partaker of such Glory That this Body of Dust and Earth should shine in Heaven like those Glorious Spangles of the Firmament that this Body that shall rot in Dust and fall more vile than a Carrion should rise and shine like the Glorious Body of our Saviour on Mount Tabor Surely thou owest much to Christ's Resurrection O consider of it till thou feellest the Influence and comest to the Assurance of this Blessed Change 4. Consider of the several Apparitions of Jesus Christ especially of those written by the Evangelist John As 1. Muse on His Apparition to Mary Magdalen Oh the Grief before He appeared And Oh the Joyes when He appeared 1. Before she apprehended nothing but that some or other had took away her Lord these were all the words she uttered before he appeared They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid Him so she told Peter and John And when Two Angels appeared in White asking her Woman Why weepest thou she gives the same Answer to them They have taken away my Lord and I know not where they have laid Him A Soul in desertion knows not what to do but to weep and cry Oh my Lord is gone I have lost my Lord my God my Jesus my King In this Meditation consider O my Soul as if thou hadst been in Maries Case Was it not a sad Case when the Angels of Heaven knew not how to comfort her Suppose any Son of Consolation had stood by and had such a one perswaded O Mary suppress thy Sadness refresh thy Heart with this Blessed Vision thou didst seek but One and thou hast found Two a dead Body was thy Errand and thou hast light on Two alive Thy Weeping was for a Man and thy Tears have obtained Angels Observe them narrowly the Angels invite thee to a Parley it may be they had some happy News to tell thee of thy Lord Remember what they are and where they sit and whence they come and to whom they speak they are Angels of Peace neither sent without Cause nor seen but of Favour they sit on the Tomb to shew they are no Strangers to thy Loss They come from Heaven from whence all happy News descendeth they speak to thy self as if they had some special Embassage to deliver unto thee No no these Cordials are in vain neither Man nor Angel can do her good or comfort her drooping Soul Either Christ Himself must come in Presence or she cryes Miserable Comforters are ye all Alas small is the Light that a Star can yield when the Sun is down A sorry Exchange it is to go gather Crumbs after the Loss of the Bread of Life Oh What can these Angels do They cannot perswade me that my Master is not lost for my own Eyes will disprove them They can less tell me where He may be found for they themselves would wait upon Him if they knew but where I am apt to think they know not where He is and therefore they are come to the Place where He last was making the Tomb their Heaven and the Remembrance of His Presence the Fewel of their Joy Alas What do Angels here I neither came to see them nor desire to hear them I came not to see Angels but the Creator of Angels to whom I owe more than both to Men and Angels 2. After He appeared she was filled with Joy for so it was that when nothing else would satisfie or comfort this poor Creature Jesus Himself appears At first He is unknown she takes him for the Gardiner of the place but within a while he utters a voice that opens both her ears and eyes And Jesus saith unto her Mary It was the sweetest sound that ever she heard many a time had she been called by that name but never heard she a voice so effectual powerful inward feeling as at this time hereby the cloud is scattered and the Sun of Righteousness appears this one word Mary lightens her eyes dryes up her tears chears her heart revives her spirits that were as good as dead One word of Christ wrought so strange an alteration in her as if she had been wholly made new when she was only named And hence it is that being ravished with his voice and impatient of delayes she takes his talk out of his mouth and to his first and only word Mary she answers Rabboni which is to say Master q. d. Master is it thou with many a salt tear have I sought thee and art thou unexpectedly so near at hand thy absence was hell and thy presence is no less than heaven to me Oh how is my heart ravished at thy sound if the babe leaped in the womb of Elizabeth when she but heard the salutation of Mary how should my heart but leap at thy salutation I feel I am exceedingly transported beyond my self Instead of my heavy heart and troubled spirit I feel now a sweet and delightful Tranquility of mind thou art my solace and souls delight whom have I in heaven but thee and whom desire I upon earth in comparison of thee and yet I am not satisfied not only fruition of thee but union with thee is that which my soul longs after not only thy presence but thy embraces or my embraces of thee can give content come then and give me leave my Lord my God to run to the haunt of my chief delights to fall at thy sacred feet and to bathe them with my tears of joy O my Jesus I must needs deal with thee as the Spouse dealt with thee Now I have found thee whom my soul loves dearly I will hold thee Cant. 3.4 and I will not let thee go I know not in all the Book of God a soul more depressed with sorrow and lifted up with joy O meditate on this if Christ be absent all is night but if Christ appear he turns all again into a lightsome day there is no sorrow like that which apprehends Christ's loss and therefore in hell it is looked upon as the greatest pain of the two say Divines it is a greater torment to lose God and to lose Jesus Christ than to endure all those flaming whips unquenchable fires intollerable cold abominable stench and on the other side there is no joy in heaven like to that which apprehends Christ's presence In thy presence there is fulness of joy Psal 16.11 and at thy right hand there are pleasures evermore I had rather be in hell with Christ said one than in heaven without Christ This is the very top of heavens joy the quintessence of glory the highest happiness of the Saints O my soul seek with
gone to Heaven surely this was the meaning God would rather that the main points of faith should be learned by hearing than by seeing however Christ's own Disciples were taught the same by sight that they might better teach others which should not see yet the ordinary means to come by faith is hearing Rom. 10.14 17 18. how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God And as for the Jews saith the Apostle have they not heard yes verily their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the end of the world 3. He ascended principally by the mighty power of his God-head thus never any ascended up into heaven but Jesus Christ for though Enoch and Elijah were assumed into heaven yet not by their own power nor by themselves it was God's power by which they ascended 2 Kings 2.11 and it was by the help and Ministry of Angels there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire and Elijah went up by a Whirl-wine into Heaven Acts 1 9. 4. He ascended in a cloud While they beheld he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight Hereby he shews that he is Lord of all the creatures he had already trampled upon the earth walked upon the sea vanquished hell or the grave and now the clouds received him and the heavens are opened to make way for this King of Glory to enter in Mat. 24.30 Mat. 26.4 When Christ shall come again it is said that he shall come in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven Which verifies that saying of the Angel Acts 1.11 This same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven He went up in clouds and he shall come again in clouds 5. He ascended in the found of a trumpet not on earth sounding Hosanna but in Heaven Psal 47.5 crying Hallelujah So the Psalmist God is gone up with a shout the Lord with the sound of a trumpet Certainly great joy was in heaven at Christ's ascending thither the very Angels struck up their Harps and welcomed him thither with Hymns and Praises 6. He ascended in triumph as a Roman Victor ascended to the Capitol or as David ascended after his conquest up to Zion Now we read of two triumphal Acts in Christs Ascension whereof the first was his leading of his captives and the second was the dispersing of his gifts the Apostle and the Psalmist joyn both together Psal 68.18 Ephes 4.8 When he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men 1. He led them captive who had captivated us Death was led captive without a sting Hell was led captive as one that had lost her victory the Law was led captive being rent and fastened to his Cross as it were Ensign wise the Serpents head being bruised was led before him in triumph as was Golias's head by David returning from the victory and this was the first Act of his triumph 2. He gave gifts unto men this was as the running of Conduits with wine or as the casting abroad of new Coyn or as the shutting up of Christs triumph in his ascension up to heaven what these gifts were we shall speak in the Mission of the holy Ghost only thus much for the present SECT II. Of the place whither he ascended 3. WHither he ascended the Gospel tells us into heaven only Paul saith that he ascended far above all heavens But the meaning is Ephes 4 10. he went above all these visible Heavens into those heavenly Mansions where the Angels and the Spirits of the just have their aboad Or if the highest heavens be included I see no absurdity in it the highest Heaven we usually call The Kingdom of Heaven which is either Heaven material or heaven s●iritual and first for the material Heaven in some sense he may be said to ascend above that both in respect of his Body because the Body of Christ is more glorious than any material Heaven And in respect of his soul because the Soul of Christ is more blessed than all things else whatsoever And 2 For the spiritual Heaven i.e. all Angelical or Heavenly perfections he is said to ascend above them all both in respect of his humiliation because he hath vilified himself below all things and therefore he is worthily exalted above all things and in respect of his perfection because the humane nature of Christ is more excellent than any creature it being joyned to the Godhead by an hypostatical union Some there are that understand this place of Christs ascending far above all Heavens not so much by a l●cal motion as by a Spiritual mutation and exaltation of his person as earth heightned unto a flame changeth not its place only but form and figure so the person of our Saviour was raised to a greatness and glory vastly differing from and surmounting any image of things visible or invisible in this Creation so it is fitly expressed Heb. 7.26 He was made higher than the Heavens he was heightened to a splendor enlarged to a capacity and compass above the brightest and beyond the widest Heavens he transcended all in the spirituallity of his Ascension but I shall not much insist on that SECT III. Of the Reasons why he Ascended 4. WHy he ascended the Reasons are 1. On Christ's part that through his Passion he might pass to glory Luke 24.26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things and so to enter into his glory I shall not insist on that controversie whether Christ merited for himself this is without controversie that by his Passion I will not say he properly merited but he obtained glory because he humbled himself so low God exalted him above the Grave in his Resurrection above the Earth in his Ascension and above the Heavens in placing him at his right hand And he ascended that all those Prophesies which were foretold of Christ might be accomplished Thou hast ascended on high And his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives Psal 68.18 Zach. 14.4 which is before Jerusalem on the East The types of this were Enoch's translation Elijahs's ascension Sampson's transportation of the gates of Gezza into an high mountain the high Priests going into the Holy of Holies Seeing that we have a great high Priest Heb. 4.14 that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God Why all these prophesies types figures must needs be accomplished and therefore on his part it was necessary that Christ must ascend and go into Heaven 2. The Reasons on our part are 1. That in our stead he might triumph over sin death and hell In his Resurrection he conquered but in his
conversation is in heaven Phil 3.20 I do not know any one thing wherein we can be more like to Christ exalted whiles we are upon earth than to have our hearts our affections our conversations with Christ where he is now then if we be vertually risen with Christ and ascended with Christ and set down with Christ in heavenly places let us spiritually ascend and sit down with him in these respects certainly there is a proportion in our heavenly conversation oh let our conversations be in Heaven In prosecution of this I shall examine these Quaeries 1. What do we mean by our conversation in heaven 2. Why must our conversation be in heaven 3. By what means must we come up to this conversation in heaven 1. By our conversation in heaven I mean our aim at heaven as heaven is our home so our eye is there whatever we do our end our scope is to fit us for heaven and to lay in for heaven We look not saith the Apostles at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen 2 Cor. 4.18 for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are not seen are eternal We look not that is we aim not at things which are seen invisible things are the only scope and aim of a gracious soul 2. By our conversation in heaven I mean our communion with Christ in heaven Truly our fellowship is with the Father 1 John 1.3 and with his Son Jesus Christ As it is amongst friends that converse together they act mutually for the comfort one of another there is a mutual embracing and opening of their hearts to one another at every turn so in our conversings with Christ there is a communion or a mutual acting of the soul upon Christ and of Christ upon the soul we let out our hearts to Christ and he lets out his heart to us especially when we are with Christ in his Ordinances it 's not enough to call upon God and to use some broken-hearted expressions but oh what communion have I with Jesus Christ I cannot be satisfied except I taste and see how good the Lord is I cannot be quiet except I hear somthing from Heaven this morning Why this is an heavenly conversation 3. By our conversation in Heaven I mean our living according to the Laws of Heaven in all our ways we must still enquire What rule is there from Heaven to guide me in these ways such and such a thing I have a mind to but will the Law of Heaven justifie me in this have I any word from Jesus Christ to guide me in this sometimes indeed my lust my own ends and the common course of the world was my rule but now I dare not act but according to the Will and Scepter of Jesus Christ now I am guided by the Laws of Heaven Why this is an Heavenly conversation 4. By our conversation in Heaven I mean our thoughts and meditations of Heaven and heavenly things When I awake saith David I am always with thee Psal 139.18 the hearts of believers are frequently upon their heavenly treasures as it is storied of Queen Mary that a little before her death she told them if they ript her open they would find Call is in her heart so it may be said of them whose conversation is in Heaven if you rip them up you shall find Heaven in their hearts not a day passes over their heads without some converse with Heaven without some thoughts or meditations of heaven and heavenly things 5. By our conversation in heaven I mean our affections on heaven or on Christ in heaven Set your affections on things above i.e. set your desires loves hopes joys Col. 3.2 breathings on heavenly things our affections are precious things and are onely to be set on precious objects oh what a shame is it to set our affection on the things of this life have we a Kingdom a God a Christ a Crown in Heaven to set our affections upon and shall we set them upon dross and dung and such base things are not all our pleasures and vanities base in comparison of Christ O be not we so base to set our affections on earthly things but rather on God and Christ and this is our heavenly conversation 6. By our conversation in Heaven I mean our tradings our negotiations for Heaven even whilest we are upon Earth the word in the Original points at this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 our trading is in Heaven though our bodies be not there yet our tradings are there we carry and behave our selves in this life as free Denizons of the City of Heaven our City whereof we are Citizens and whereunto we have right is in Heaven above in this respect we trade not for strifles as other men do but we trade for great things for high things we merchandize for goodly pearls even for God and for Christ who sitteth at the right hand of God We see now what is meant by our conversation in Heaven 2. Why is the conversation of the Saints in Heaven 1. Because they know full well that the Original of their souls came from God and Heaven the body indeed was of the dust of the ground but the soul was the breath of God so it is said of the first man God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life Gen. 2.7 and man became a living soul The soul had a more heavenly and divine Original than any of the other creatures that are here in this neather World and when God works grace in the soul and so it begins to know it self and to return to it self it then looks on all things here below as vile and as contemptible things it then looks upward and begins to converse with things sutable to its Original As it is with a child that hath a noble birth if transported into another Country and there used like a slave there set to take channels or as the Prodigal to feed swine while he is there and knows not his Original he minds nothing but to get victuals and to do his work that he is set about but if once he come to know from whence he was that he is indeed born heir to such a Prince in such a Country O then his thoughts and mind and longings will be altered O that I were in my own Country O that I were with my Father in his Court Even so it is with the souls of the Sons of men they are the birth as I may so speak of the great King of Heaven and Earth and though by the fall of man they came to be as slaves to Satan yet when God is pleased to convert the soul then he discovers thus Oh man thou art born from on high thy soul is as it were a sparkle of God himself thou art come from God and thou art capable of communion with God even with God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy
and loyal to Jesus Christ what adultery is this Ye cannot serve God and Mammon Matth. 6.24 that woman that is not contented with one husband must needs be an harlot 3. The preferring of the world before Christ himself This is the height of covetousness and the height of this adultery what to make the members of Christ the members of an harlot Why worldlings those admiring thoughts are Christs those pains are Christs that love is Christs that time that care that earnestness is Christs they are all Christs and will you give that which is Christs unto the world and prefer the world before Christ with his own What live as professed prostitutes that prefer every one before their husbands how will this expose you to the scorn of men and Angels at the last day thy will come pointing and say This is the man that made not God his strength but trusted in the abundance of his riches Psal 52.7 this is the Gadaren that loved his swine more than Christ Jesus Love not the world said John 1 John 2.15 Christ is never precious in mans apprehension so long as the world seems glorious to him As we begin to relish sweetness in Christ so the world begins to be bitter to us Cui Christus incipit dulc●ss●●e necess esto marescere mundum Bern. the more sweetness we taste in the one the more bitterness we taste in the other 3. We must look off the world in respect of its sinful honours what is this honour but a certain inordinate desire to be well thought of or well spoken of to be praised or glorified of men as if a man should run up and down streets after a feather flying in the aire and tossed hither and thither with the gusts and blasts of infinite mens mouths it is a question whether ever he get it but if he do it is but a feather such is this pride of life honour vain-glory it is hard to obtaine it but if obtained it is but the breath of a few mens mouths that alter upon every light occasion but that which is worst of all it hinders our sight of Jesus Christ not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called 1 Cor. 1.26 Heb 11.24 26. wordly honour keeps many back from Christ and therefore Moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter esteeming the reproaches of Christ greater riches than all the Treasures of Egypt If the blind Man in the way to Jerico had depended on the breath or liking or approbation of the multitude he had never received the benefit of his sight Luke 18.39 for they saith the text which went before rebuked him that he should hold his peace they disswaded him from running crying so vehemently after Christ experience tells us how these things pull and draw us off from Jesus Christ the lusts of the eyes the lusts of the flesh and pride of life Question 2 But why must we look off every thing that diverts our looking unto Jesus 1. Because we cannot look fixedly on Christ and such things together and at once the eye cannot look upwards downwards at once in a direct line we cannot seriously mind heaven earth in one thought no man can serve two masters saith Christ especially such as jar Mat. 6.24 and who have contrary imployments as Christ and Mammon have 2. Because whiles we look on these things we cannot see the beauty that is in Christ suppose a squint look on Christ whilst we have a direct look on other things alas Christ will be of no esteem that while this was the voice of sinners concerning Christ he hath no form Isa 53.2 nor comeliness and when we see him there is no beauty that we should desire him Indeed beauty is the attractive of the soul the soul must see a beauty in that which it lets out it self to in desiring but our wishing looks on other things makes Christ but mean and contemptible in our eyes 3. Because all other things in comparison of Christ are not worthy a look they are but as vile things as under-things as poor low and mean and base things in comparison of Christ I count all things but loss saith Paul for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Phil 3.8 I count them but dung that I may win Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 some translate it chaffe others dogs-meat others excrements dung all agree it is such a thing as men usually cast away from them with some indignation 4. Because it is according to the very law of marriage therefore shall a man forsake father Gen. 2.24 and mother and cleave to his wife the Lord Christ marries himself to the souls of his Saints Hos 2.19 I will betroth thee unto me for ever I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness and in judgement and in loving kindness and in mercies and for this cause the soul must forsake all and cleave unto Christ as married wives use to do we must leave all for our husband the Lord Jesus Harken O daughter and consider and encline thine ear forget also thy own people P●al 45.10 and thy fathers House 5. Because Christ is a jealous Christ now jealousie is a passion in the soul that will not endure any sharing in the object beloved the woman that hath a jealous husband must leave all her old companions if she cast any amorous looks or glances after them the husband will be jealous and Jealousie is cruel as the Grave Christians Cant. 8.6 Exod. 20.5 our God is a jealous God our Christ is a jealous Christ He cannot endure that we should look on any other things so as to lust after them 6. Because all other things can never satisfie the eye Eccles 1.8 all things are full of labour saith Solomon man cannot utter it the eye is not satisfied with seeing it is but wearied with looking on divers objects yet still desires new ones but once admit it to behold that glorious sight of Christ and then it rests fully satisfied Hence it is that the Daughters of Zion are called to come forth Go forth O ye daughters of Zion Cant. 3.11 and behold King Solomon with the Crown wherewith his Mother hath crowned him in the day of his espousals and in the day of the gladness of his heart Go forth O ye daughters of Zion lay aside all private and earthly affections and look upon this glory of Christ As the daughters of Jerusalem sitting or remaining in their chambers closets houses could not behold the glory of King Solomon passing by therefore they were willed to come forth of their doors even so if we will behold the great King Jesus Christ in his most excellent glory a sight able to satisfie the Eye to ravish the Heart we must come out of our Doors we must come
roots did not that immortal seed preserve them Of this sign we are sure if any of the former belongs to us but to this we cannot actually seal till the end of our life Come now are these O my soul the grounds of thy hopes hath Gods word come with power on thy heart hath the Lord so effectually called thee that thou hast left all to follow Christ dost thou believe on the Lord Jesus for life and for salvation art thou holy is thy life holy dost thou walk exactly as the grace of God which bringeth to salvation teacheth Canst thou with inlarged thankfulness amplifie the love and grace of God in thy election surely these effects are the very fuel of hope they are the blessed and clear evidences so thy souls election and therefore hope well take strong consolation it is clear as the Sun that God hath predestinated thee to life and that thy name is written in the Book of Life and that none in Heaven or on Earth or in Hell shall be able to blot it out again Away with all sad dumpish dejected thoughts Look unto Jesus hope in Christ that that very salvation concerning which that great transaction was betwixt God and Christ belongs even to thee and that one day thou shalt see it and enjoy the happiness of it to all Eternity SECT V. Of believing in Jesus in that respect 5. WE must believe in Jesus as carrying on that great work of salvation for us in that Eternity It is not enough to know and consider and desire and hope but we must believe Now this is the nature and property of faith to apply all these ancient and future doings and dealings of God to our selves as if they were now present Some difference there is betwixt hope and faith as hope hath respect to that which the Word pomiseth rem verbi but faith respects the word it self verbum rei hope eyes chiefly the mercy and goodness of the promise but faith eyes mainly the authority and truth of the promiser hope looks upon its object as future but faith only looks upon the object as present both make a particular application to themselves but hope in a waiting for it and faith in a way of now enjoying it Hence faith is called the substance of things hoped for it is the substance or confidence of things hoped for Heb. 11.1 as if we had them already in hand faith gives the soul a present interest in God in Christ in all those glorious things in the Gospel of Christ even in the things of eternal life Faith is an appropriating an applying an uniting grace it is a blessed thing to have the sight of God there is much power in it but to see God in his Glory as my God to see all the Majesty greatness and goodness of God as those things that my soul hath an interest in to see how the eternal counsels of God wrought for me to make me happy why this is of the nature of Faith And herein lies the sweetness of faith in that we believe not Christ only to be a Saviour and righteousness but my Saviour and my righteousness And therefore Luther affirmed that the sweetness of Christianity lay in pronounes when a man can say my Lord and my God and my Jesus I live by the faith of the Son of God Gal. 2.20 who loved me and gave himself for me O my soul believe for thy self believe and be confident of it that those Eternal projects counsels love purpose decree and covenant betwixt God and Christ were all for thee hast not thou a promise Nay was there not a promise before the world began and that very promise the promise of eternal life Mark the words Titus 1.2 in hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the World began Here 's a promise and a promise of Eternal life and a promise of Eternal life made by God by God that cannot lie and that before there was a World or any man in the World If thou enquirest to whom then was this promise made Sweet soul it was made to Christ for thee many promises thou hast in Scripture made more immediatly to thy self but this was the grand promise and all the other promises they are but a draught of that grand promise that God the Father made to his Son before the World began O cries the Soul I cannot believe what is it possible that God in his Eternity should have any thought of me What of me being not yet born Rom. 9.11 neither having done any good or evil What of me born in these last times of the world the least of Saints the greatest of Sinners less then the least of all Gods mercies that of such a one the great God the Majesty of Heaven and Earth should have a thought a project a counsel a knowledge of approbation a purpose a decree Nay enter into a Covenant with his Son for my salvation I cannot believe it Alas What am I to God or what need hath God of me If all the Nations of the Earth are to him but as a drop of a bucket Isa 40.15 and as the small dust of the Ballance O what a minime am I of that drop or what a little little atome am I of that small dust and is it probable that the greatness of God the goodness of God the power of God the wisdom of God the Eternal Counsels of God should work for me to make me glorious blessed happy to make me one with himself and one with his Son and one with his Spirit what care take I of every dust of the Earth or of every sand one the Sea-shore and yet these are my fellow-creatures there 's a thousand times more disproportion betwixt God and me and would God take care of me before I was or before the World was what would he busie himself and his Son about such a worthless wretched worm would he decree Christ to come from the Father for me to be my Redeemer my Jesus my Saviour I cannot I dare not I will not believe O stay my soul and be not faithless but believing I 'le take thy argument in pieces As Jer. 29 11 1. Thou sayst hath God any thoughts of me Yes saith God I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of peace and not of evil and before the World was my thoughts Prov. 8.3 and my delights were with the Sons of men 2. Thou sayst I have no thoughts no care of my fellow-creatures Isa 55.8 as of the dust or sand or atoms and what then my thoughts are not as your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord for as the Heavens are higher than the Earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts What if thou hast no thoughts or care of the smaller creatures yet God extends his thoughts and care and providence not only to thee but
these have known that thou hast sent me Christ gives a good report of the Saints in Heaven the Father and the Son are speaking of him as I may say behind back and surely a good report in heaven is of high esteem Christ tells over Ephraim's prayers behind his back I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself thus Jer. 31.18 20 Thou hast chastised me and I was chastised as a Bullock unacustomed to the yoke turn thou me and I shall be turned thou art the Lord my God and thereupon God resolves Is Ephraim my dear Son Is he a pleasant Child for since I spake against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord. Happy souls of whom Christ is telling good Tidings in heaven for he is the Angel of the Covenant 3. He is the witness of the covenant he saw and heard all Isa 55.4 Rev. 1.5 Rev. 3.14 Luke 19.10 Behold I have given him for a witness to the people And he is called the faithful witness The Amen The faithful and true witness The covenant saith The Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost Amen saith Christ I can witness that to be true the covenant saith Christ dyed and rose again for sinners Amen saith Christ I was dead and behold I live for evermore Amen Rev. 1.18 There 's not any thing said in the covenant but Christ is a witness to it and therefore we read in the very end of the Bible this Subscription as I may call it in relation to Christ He which testifieth these things saith surely I come quickly Amen Rev. 22.20 4. Christ is the Surety of the covenant Heb. 7.20 22. In as much as not without an oath he was made a Priest by so much was Jesus made a surety of a better Testament The covenant of works had a promise but because it was to be broken and done away it had no oath of God as this hath O doubting soul thou sayest thy salvation is not sure think on this Scripture thou hast the oath of God for it it is a sworn article of the covenant Believe in the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be Saved and to this end is Christ a Surety 1. Surety for God he undertakes that God shall fulfil his part of the covenant Fear not little flock Luke 12.32 for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom And all that the Father giveth me John 6.37 shall come to me and him that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out 2. Surety for us and to this purpose he hath paid a ransome for us and giveth a new heart to us and he is ingaged to lose none of us Those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost John 17.12 Heb. 12.24 5. Christ is the Mediator of the covenant the Apostle calls him Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant He hath something of God as being true God and something of man as sharing with us of the nature of man hence he is Mediator by office Job 9.33 and layeth his hands on both parties as a dayes-man doth and in this respect he is a friend a reconciler and a servant 1. A friend to both parties he hath Gods heart for man to be gracious and he hath mans heart for God to satisfie justice 2. A reconciler of both parties he brings down God to a treaty of peace and he brings up man by a ransome paid so that he may say unto both Father come down to my brethren my kindred and flesh and thou my Sister and Spouse come up to my Father and my Father to my God and thy God 3. He is a servant to both parties Behold my servant saith God Isa 24.1 Isa 53.11 Mat. 20.28 my righteous servant Yea and our servant He came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransome for many 6. Christ is the Testator of the covenant He dyed to this very end that he might confirm the covenant Where a Testament is Heb. 9.16 17. there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator for a Testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all whiles the Testator liveth Christ then must dye and Christs blood must be shed to seal the covenant of grace it is not every blood but Christs blood that must seal the everlasting covenant Heb. 13.20 And his blood being shed he is then rightly called the Testator of the covenant O what fewel is here to set our desires on flame come soul and bend thy desires towards Christ as the Sun-flower towards the Sun the Iron to the Loadstone and the Loadstone to the Pole-star yea the nearer thou drawest towards Christ the more and more do thou desire after Christ true desires never determine or expire Bern. delect evang serm He that thirsts let him thirst more saith Bernard and he that desires let him desire yet more abundantly Is there not cause O what excellencies hast thou found in Christ Poor soul thou hast undone thy self by sin there 's but a step betwixt thee and damnation but to save thy soul Christ comes leaping on the Mountains and skipping on the Hills he enters into a covenant with God he is the covenant the Messenger of the covenant the Witness of the covenant the Surety of the covenant the Mediator of the covenant the Testator of the covenant the great business the all in all in a covenant of grace If David could say Psal 119.20 My soul breaks for the longings that it hath to thy judgements at all times how mayst thou say My soul breaks for the longings that it hath to thy mercies and my Jesus at all times Oh I gaspe for grace as the thirsty land for drops of rain I thirst I faint I languish I long for an hearty draught of the Fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem Oh that I could see Jesus flying through the midst of heaven with the Covenant in his hand Oh I long for that Angel of the Covenant I long to see such another vision as John did when he said And I saw another Angel flie in the midst of Heaven having the everlasting Gospel to Preach unto them that dwell upon the Earth What Is that Covenant in the hand of Christ and is my name written in that roll Say Lord Is my name written on the Heart of Christ Oh! if I had the glory and possession of all the world if I had ten thousand worlds and ten thousand lives I would lay them all down to have this poor trembling soul of mine assured of this Oh my thirst is insatiable my bowels are hot within me my desire after Jesus in reference to the Covenant is greedy as the grave the coals thereof are coals of
as one says well that had been Virgo decipiet not concipiet rather a deceiving of us than a conceiving of him 2. That of the Valentinian revived lately in the Anabaptists who hold that he had a true body but made in heaven and sent into the Virgin here on earth and if so that had been virgo recipiet not concipiet rather a receiving than conceiving yet I cannot but wonder how confidently the Anabaptists tell us that the Flesh of Christ came down from heaven and passed through the Virgin Mary as water through a Conduit-pipe without taking any substance from her Their objections are raised out of these Texts 1. No man ascendeth into heaven but he that came down from heaven John 3.13 even the son of man which is in heaven I answer first this speech must be understood firstly in respect of the God-Head which may be said in some sort to descend in that it was made manifest in the Manhood here on earth 2. This speech may be understood truly of the whole person of Christ to whom the properties of each Nature in respect of the communication of properties may be fitly ascribed but this doth no way prove that this flesh which he assumed on earth descended from heaven 1 Co. 15.47 48 2. The first man is of the earth earthy the second man is the Lord from heaven heavenly I answer 1. This holds forth that Christ was heavenly-minded as sometimes he told the Jews you are from below I am from above you are of the World I am not of this World Christ was not worldly-minded or swayed with the lusts of the Flesh John 8.23 John 15.19 or any way earthly affected as sometimes he could tell his Apostles ye are not of the world so much more might he say of himself that he was not of this world but his Conversation was in heaven Or 2. This holds forth that Christ was heavenly or from heaven in respect of the glorious qualities which he received after his Resurrection and not in respect of the substance of his Body many glorious qualities was Christ endowed with after he was raised I shall not now dispute them which he had not before and in respect of these he might be called heavenly or from heaven 3. This holds forth that Christ also was in some sort heavenly or from heaven in his humane nature in that the humane nature was united to the divine and withal in that the humane nature was formed by the holy Ghost so John's Baptism is said to be from heaven though neither he nor the water wherewith he Baptized descended from heaven but because he received it from God who is in heaven Christ was conceived as you heard by the Holy Ghost and in that regard his generation was divine and heavenly or from heaven 2. In way of comfort and incouragement Christ was thus conceived that he might Vse 2 sanctify our conceptions as the first Adam was the root of all Corruption so is the second Adam the root of all sanctification Christ went as far to cleanse us as ever Adam did to defile us what were our very Conceptions defiled by Adam in the first place Christ takes course for this you see he is conceived by the Holy Ghost and he was not idle whilst he was in the womb for even then and there he ea●e out the Core of corruption that cleaved close to our defiled natures so that now God will not account evil of that nature that is become the nature of his own deare Son O the Condescentions of our Jesus O that ever he would be conceived in the womb of a Virgin O that he would run through the Contumelies of our fordid Nature that he would nor refuse that which we our selves in some sort are ashamed of Some think it a reason why the Anabaptists and some others run into such Fancies and deny this Conception of Christ only to decline those soul indignities as they take them for the great God of heaven to undergo but certainly this was for us and for our sakes and therefore far be it from us to honour him the less because he laid down his honour for our sakes no no let us honour him more and love him more the lower he came for us the dearer and dearer let him be unto us consider in all these transactions Christ was carrying on the great work of our salvation otherwise he had never been conceived never had assumed to his Person humane Nature never had been Man SECT III. Of the Duplicity of Natures in Christ Isa 9.6 Gal. 4.4 3. THe duplicity of Natures in Christ appears in that he was truly God and truly Man To us a Child is born saith the Prophet there is a Nature humane and he shall be called the Mighty God there is a Nature divine God sent his Son saith the Apostle therefore truly God and this Son made of a Woman therefore truly Man one would have thought this truth would never have come into controversie in our days but these are the last days and that may take off the wonder In the last days shall come perillous times 2 Tim. 3.1 Men shall resist the Truth c. In the last days I know there will be abundance of Truth revealed Zech. 12.8 The Knowledg of the Lor● shall be as the waters that cover the Sea and every Child shall be as David And the Book that was sealed must be opened Dan 12.4 and knowledg shaall be increased but Satan even then will be busie to sow his Tares as God is in sowing of his Wheat then is Satan active to communicate errors when he sees God begin to discover truths he hopes in the heat of the Market to vent his own wares and I believe this is one reason why now the Devil sets on foot so many dangerous errors that so he may prejudice the hearts of God's People in the receiving and entertaining of many Glorious truths But that we may not pass over such a Fundamental Error as this some saying with Martian that he is God but not man and others with Arrius that he is man but not God I shall therefore confirm this truth of the two Natures of Christ against the Adversaries of both sides And 1. That Christ is true God both apparent scriptures and unanswerable Reasons drawn from scriptures do plainly evince 1. The scriptures call him God In the beginning was the word and the word was with God Dan. 12.4 John 1.1 Heb. 1.8 John 20 28. Acts. 20.8 1 John 3.16 1 John 5.20 1 Tim. 3.16 and the word was God And unto the son he saith Thy Throne O God is for ever And Thomas answered and said unto him My Lord and my God and take heed to your selves and to all the flock To feed the Church of God which he hath purchased with his own Blood And hereby perceive we the Love of God because he laid down his life for
these words we find first a meeting of Gods blessed Attributes and secondly this meeting at a birth the birth of Truth at which meeting thirdly was that glorious effect that Righteousness looked down and indeed came down from Heaven I desire a little to invert the words and shall first speak to Christs Birth secondly to the effects of his Birth of Righteousness looking down from Heaven thirdly to the meeting and agreement of all Gods Attributes as the issue and effect of all When Mercy and Truth met together and Righteousness and Peace kissed each other 1. For his Birth our Vine doth Bud Truth shall Bud out of the Earth i. Christ shall be born upon the Earth or Christ shall be born of a Woman for Truth is Christ Bud is born and the Earth is a Woman 1. Truth is Christ I am the Way and Truth John 1.4 6 said Christ he is the truth of all Types and the truth of all Prophesies and the truth of all promises for in him are all the Promises Yea and Amen 2. Bud is born the Vine budding is the first putting forth of the Grape so Christ being born was Truth budding out of the Earth he then first shewed himself to the World and was first seen like the Vine springing forth above ground 3. The Earth is the Woman Isa 45.8 thus some render that Text Let the Earth bring forth a Saviour look how the Field-flowers spring forth of themselves without any Seed cast in by the hand of Man so the Virgin brings forth Christ It is observable that in the Creation of Adam was laid the Prognosticks of this future birth begin with the first Man Adam and you may see him parallell'd in this second Adam Christ Adam was created of the Virgin-Earth Christ was born of a Virgin-Mother the Earth had no Husbandman yet brought forth without Seed Mary had no Husband yet brought forth without Seed of Man in the Creation God said Let us make Man and now saith the Holy Ghost the Word is made flesh Gen. 1.26 John 1.14 or the Word is Man indeed those were but Types but Christ is the Truth he is the Vine that Buds the Messias born the Angels own him the Star designes him the Prophets foreshew him the Devils confess him his Miracles declare him the Sages seek him and Heaven and Earth Rings with the News that Truth is Budded out of the Earth 2. For the effect of this Birth Righteousness shall look down from Heaven No sooner Christ born but Righteousness looked down from Heaven she cast her eye upon Earth and seeing Truth freshly sprung there she looked and looked again certainly it was a sight to draw all the eyes of Heaven to it It is said of the Angels that they desired to look into these things they looked wishly at them 1 Pet. 1 12● as if they would look through them no question but Righteousness looked as narrowly and piercingly as the Angels Some observe that the Hebrew word she looked down signifies that she beat out a window so desirous was Righteousness to behold the sight of the Vine Budding of Christ being born that she beats out a Window in Heaven before this time she would not so much as look down towards the Earth Righteousness had no prospect no window open this way she turned away her eyes and clapt to the Casement and would not abide so much as to look on such sinful wretches forlorn sinners as we are her eye was purer than to behold Iniquity she abhorred it and us for it and therefore would not vouchsafe us once to cast off her eye O but now the case is altered no sooner doth our Vine Bud upon the Earth but she is willing to condescend and so willing that she breaks a Window through the Walls of Heaven to look down upon this Bud and nomarvail for what could Righteousness desire to see and satifie her self in that was not to be seen in Jesus Christ He was all righteous there was not the least spot of sin to be found in him his Birth was clean and his Life was holy and his Death was innocent both his Soul and Body were without all sin both his Spirit and his Mouth were without all guile whatsoever satisfaction Righteousness would have she might have it in him lay Judgment to the Line and Righteousness to the Balance and there is nothing in Jesus but Streight for the Line and full Weight for the Balance 3. For the meeting and agreement of all Gods Attributes as the issue and the least effect of this budding Vine the Verse before tells us that Mercy and Truth are met together Righteousness and Peace have kissed each other This meeting presupposeth a distance before they met for they that meet come from divers coasts Here then are two things considerable first the distance and secondly the meeting But you will say how came this distance Are they not all the Attributes of Gods undivided essence are they not all four in the bosom of God from all eternity I answer Yes they are undivided in themselves but they were divided about us it was Adam's sin and ours in him that first divided Heaven yea the very Attributes of God and in a sort God himself I shall speak to both these that you may first see the Differences and then the Agreement and blessed Harmony of these glorious Attributes 1. The Difference immediately after the Fall the great question which before you heard of in the Decree and Councils of God was actually propounded What should be done with sinful Man in this case we must speak of God after the manner of men and I hope you will give me the liberty that others I suppose warrantably take Come saith God What shall be done with sinful Man He hath violated my Law broken my Command and as much as lies in him unpinn'd the Fabrick of the World spoiled my Glorious Work of Heaven and Earth and Sea and all therein undone himself for ever and ever and ever O what shall be done with this sinful rebellious forlorn unhappy Creature Man Silence being a while in Heaven and all struck into amaze to see the great God of Heaven stirred up in wrath at last Mercy and Peace stand up and they seek with sweet gentle intreaties to pacifie Gods Anger but Righteousness and Truth are on the contrary side and they provoke God Almighty to go on and to manifest himself as he is indeed a consuming Fire a sin-revenging God The Plea is drawn up and reported at large by Bernard Andrews and others 1. Mercy began for out of her readiness to do good she is ever formost her inclination is to pitty or rather she her self is an inclination to pity those that are in misery and if she can but relieve them let them deserve what they will be sure she will relieve them for she looks not to the party what he is nor what he hath done nor what he he
deserved but which is the comfort of us miserable sinners she looks at what he suffers and in how woful and wretched a case he is Her Plea was thus What Lord hast thou made all Men in vain wilt thou now destroy him for whom thou madest the World shall the housholder be cast out and thrown into prison and there remain till he hath paid the utmost Farthing shall all the Men and Women in the World from first to last be damned for ever and ever alas What profit is in their Blood What will it avail to crowd Men and Devils together in Hell-flames Will not those Devils the grand Enemies of God rejoyce at this And what then will become of thy great Name on Earth Is not this thy Name The Lord the Lord Merciful and Gracious Long-suffering and abundant in Goodness and Truth keeping Mercy for Thousands forgiving Iniquity Transgressions and Sins What will the Lord undo his Name Will the Lord cast off for ever And will he be favourable no more Is his Mercy clean gone for ever Will he be no more entreated hath God forgotten to be gracious Hath he in Anger shut up his tender Bowels With these and such like holy whisperings or mutterings did Mercy enter into Gods bowels and make them yern and melt again into compassions But 2. Truth must be heard as well as Mercy and she layes in matter of exception and her Plea was thus What is God but his Word Now this was thy word to Adam In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die the death and this was thy word to all the Sons of Adam 〈◊〉 17. 〈◊〉 8.10 the soul that sinneth that soul shall die And God may not falsifie his word his word is truth falsifie truth That may not be all men are liars but God is true even truth it self This Plea of Truth is seconded by Righteousness and thus she bespeaks God shall not the Judge of all the world do right Thou hast declared thy self over and over to be just and righteous 〈◊〉 15. 〈◊〉 19.13 〈◊〉 6.5 7. 〈◊〉 ●5 17 O Lord God of Israel thou art righteous Righteous art thou O Lord and upright are thy Judgments Thou art righteous O Lord which art and wast and shall be Even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are thy Judgments Yea the Lord is righteous in all his wayes and holy in all his works and wherein consists this righteousness but in rendring to every one according to his due And what is the sinners due 〈◊〉 ● 23 but Death The wages of sin is Death What shall not those sinners die the Death That were as before to make Truth false so here to do Right Wrong These were the Controversies at that time so that Peace could not tell how to speak a prevailing word amongst them nay the controversie grew so high that they made it their own cases what shall become of me said Mercy if God spare not sinners and what shall become of me said Justice if God do spare sinners what shall become of me said Mercy If God will shew no mercy And what shall become of me said Justice if God will do no Justice why alas perish said Mercy if thou wilt not pity if man die I die also and I perish said Justice if thou wilt have mercy surely I die if man die not To this it came and in these terms brake up the Assembly and away they went one from another Truth went to Heaven and was a Stranger upon Earth Righteousness went with her and would not so much as look down from Heaven Mercy she staid below still for where should Mercy be if not with the miserable As for Peace she went between both to see if she could make them meet again in better terms in the mean while our Salvation lies a bleeding the Plea hangs and we stand as Prisoners at the Bar and know not what shall become of us for though two be for us yet two are against us as strong and more stiff than they so that much depends upon this meeting for either they must be at peace between themselves or they cannot be at peace with us nor can we be at peace with God Many means were made before Christs time for a blessed meeting but it would not be Sacrifice and Burnt-Offering thou wouldst not have Heb. 10.5 these means were not prevalent enough to cause a meeting Where stuck it you will say Surely it was not long of Mercy she was easie to be intreated she looked up to Heaven but Righteousness would not look down and indeed here was the business Righteousness must and will have satisfaction or else Righteousness should not be Righteous either some satisfaction for sin must be given to God or she will never meet more better all men in the World were damned than that the Righteousness of God should be Unrighteous And this now puts on the great transaction of our Saviours Birth Well then our Saviour is born and this birth occasions a gracious meeting of the Attributes such an attractive is this Birth this Bud of Christ that all meet there indeed they cannot otherwise but meet in him in whom all blessed Attributes of God do meet It is Christ is Mercy and Christ is Truth and Christ is Righteousness and Christ is Peace 1. Christ is Mercy thus Zacharias prophesied Luke 1.78 That through the tender Mercy of our God the day-spring or Branch from on high hath visited us And God the Father of Christ is called the Father of mercies as if Mercy were his Son who had no other Son but his dearly boloved Son in whom he is well pleased 2 Cor. 1.3 John 14.6 2. Christ is Truth I am the Way and the Truth and the Life That Truth in whom is accomplished whatsoever was prefigured of the Messiah God shall send forth his Mercy and his Truth Psal 57.3 Psal 64.7 Exod. 34.6 Deut. 32.4 Psal 86.15 John 1.14 17. Jer. 23.6 Mal. 4.2 1 Car. 1.30 Heb. 7.2 Isa 9.6 Eph. 2.14 2 Thes 3.16 And O prepare Mercy and Truth And this is his Name the Lord the Lord abundant in Goodness and Truth He is a God of Truth saith Moses plenteous in Mercy and Truth saith David full of Grace and Truth saith John for the Law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ He is Truth by Name and Truth by Nature and Truth by Office 3. Christ is Righteousness This is his Name whereby he shall be called the Lord our Righteousness And unto you that fear my Name shall the Son of Righteousness arise with healing under his Wings And Christ of God is made unto us Wisdom Righteousness and Sanctification and Redemption And according to his Type Melchisedech this was his Style King of Righteousness 4. Christ is Peace This is his Name wherewith he is called wonderful Councellor the Mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace And Christ
of this World or of that World to come Here is an Object of Faith and Love and Joy and Delight here is a Compendium of all Glories here is one for a heart to be taken with to all Eternity O lay thy mouth to this Fountain suck and be satisfied with the brests of his Consolation Isa 66.11 Milk out and be delighted with the brightness of his Glory 2. From the sutableness of this Object Christ Incarnate is most sutable for our Faith to act upon We are indeed to believe on God but God essentially is the utmost Object of Faith we cannot come to God but in and through Christ alas God is offended and therefore we cannot find ground immediately to go to God hence you heard that Faith must directly go to Christ as God in our Flesh O the infinite condescentions of God in Christ God takes up our Nature and joins it to himself as one person and layes out that before our Faith so that here is God and God suited to the particular state and condition of the sinner Oh now with what boldness may our souls draw nigh to God Why art thou strange poor soul Why standest thou afar off as if it were death to draw nigh Of whom art thou affraid Is God come down amongst men and canst thou not see him lest thou die and perish Oh look once more and be not discouraged See God is not come down in fire God is not descended in the Armour of Justice and everlasting burnings No no he is cloathed with the Garments of Flesh he sweetly desires to converse with thee after thine own form he is come down to beseech thee to see with thine own eyes thy eternal happiness q. d. Come poor Soul come put in thy hands and feel my heart how it beats in love towards thee O the wonder of Heaven it is the cry of some poor souls Oh that I might see God! loe here God is come down in the likeness of man he walks in our own shape amongst us it is the cry oft others O that I might have my heart united to God! Why he is come down on this very purpose and hath united our nature unto himself Surely God hath left all the World without excuse Oh that ever there should be an heart of unbelief after these sensible demonstrations of Divine Glory and Love Why soul wilt thou now stand off Tell me what wouldst thou have God do more Can he manifest himself in a more taking alluring sutable way to thy condition Is there any thing below flesh wherein the great God can humble himself for thy good Come think of another and a better way or else for ever believe Methinks it is sad to see Believers shy in their approaches to God or doubtful of their acceptance with God when God himself stoops first and is so in love with our acquaintance that he will be of the some nature that we are O let not such a Rock of strength be slighted but every day entertain sweet and precious thoughts of Christ being incarnate enure thy heart to a way of believing on this Jesus as he carries on the great Work of thy Slavation at his first Coming or Incarnation 3. From the Gospel-tenders and offers of this blessed Object to our Souls As Christ is come in our natue to satisfie so he comes in the Gospel freely and fully to offer thee terms of Love therein are set out the most rich and alluring expressions that possibly can be therein is set out that this Incarnation of Christ was Gods own acting out of his own Love and Grace and Glory therein is set out the Birth and Life and Death of Christ and this he could not do but he must be Incarnate God takes our Flesh and he useth that as an Organ or Instrument whereby to Act he was Flesh to suffer as he was Spirit to satisfie for our sins Methinks I might challenge Unbelief and bid it come forth let it appear if it dare before this Consideration What is not God Incarnate enough to satisfie thy Conscience Come nigh poor Soul hear the Voice of Christ inviting Mat. 11.28 Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden with Sin and O let these rich and glorious openings of the heart of Christ overcome thy heart Suppose the case thus what if God should have done no more than this Had he only looked down from Heaven and hearing sinners cry out O wo wo unto us for ever we have broke Gods Law incurr'd the penalty damned our own souls O who should deliver us Who will save us from the Wrath to Come Who will keep us out of Hell our deserved Dungeon where the fury of the great Judge burns in a fiery Brimstone and his revenge boyls in a fiery Torrent limitless and unquenchable In this case if God hearing sinners thus crying out had he I say only looked down and told them in sweet Language Poor souls I will pardon your Sins by my own Prerogative I made the Law and I will dispense with it fear not I have the Keyes of Life and Death and upon my word you shall not perish What soul would not have been raised up even from the bottom of Hell at this very voice I know a poor soul would have scrupled at this and have said What then should become of infinite Justice shall that be dishonoured to save my Soul This would have been a scruple indeed especially considering that great controversie as we have heard of Mercy and Truth and Righteousness and Peace but to remove all controversies God hath not only spoken from Heaven by himself but he himself is come down from Heaven to Earth to speak unto us O see this Miracle of Mercy God is come down in Flesh he is come as a price he himself will pay himself according to all the demands of his Justice and Righteousness before our eyes and all this done now he offers and tenders himself unto thy soul Oh my soul why shouldest thou fear to cast thy self upon thy God I know thy Objection of vileness notwithstanding all thy vileness God himself offers himself to lead thee by the hand and to remove all doubts God himself hath put a price sufficient in the hands of Justice to stop her Mouth or if yet thou fearest to come to God why come then to thy own Flesh go to Christ as having thy own nature it is he that calls thee How Go to Flesh Go to thy own Nature What can be said more to draw on thy trembling heart If God himself and God so fitted and qualified as I may say will not allure must not men die and perish in unbelief What O my soul give me leave to chide thee Is God come down so low to thee and dost thou now stand questioning whether thou shouldst go or come to him What is this but to say all that God is or does or sayes is too little to perswade me
glorious but to shew that he will by that make thee glorious also Christ is the great Epitome of all the designs of God so that in him thou mayest see what thou art designed unto and how high and rich thou shalt be in the other world Beloved now are we the Sons of God 1 John 3.2 and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know when he shall appear we shall be like him he is now like us but then saith the Apostle we shall be like unto him Phil. 3.21 he will change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his Glorious body Oh consider what a frame of eternal comfort may we raise up from this ground of Christ incarnate God in the flesh 5. God in the flesh is the first opening of his eternal plot to do us good the Seed of the woman was the first word of comfort that ever was heard in the world after man was fallen the Plot was of old but the execution was not till after the Creation and then was a dim discovery of it even in the beginning of time though no clear manifestation till the fulness of time Well take it as we please whether in the beginning of time or in the fulness of time whether in the promise or in performance this discovering of Christ incarnate is the first opening of all Gods heart and Glory unto the Sons of men and from this we may raise a world of comfort for if God in the execution of his Decrees begins so gloriously how will he end if God be so full of love as to come down in flesh now in this world Oh what matter of hope is laid up before us of what God will be to us in that world to come if the Glory of God be let out to our souls so fully at first what Glorious openings of all the Glory of God will be let out to our souls at last Christians what do you think will God do with us or bring us unto when we shall be with him in heaven you see now he is manifested in flesh and he hath laid out a world of Glory in that but the Apostle tells us of another manifestation for we shall see him as he is he shall at last be manifest in himself 1 John 3.2 now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face now we know in part but then we shall know even as also we are known To what an height of knowledg or manifestation this doth arise I am now to seek and so I must be whilst I am on this side Heaven but this I believe the manifestation of God and Christ is more in Heaven than is or ever hath been or ever shall be upon earth thine eyes shall see the King in his Beauty Isa 33.17 or in his Glory saith Esay there is a great deal of difference betwixt seeing the King in his ordinary and seeing him in his Robes and upon his Throne with his Crown on his head and his Scepter in his hand and his Nobles about him in all his Glory the first openings of Christ are glorious but O what will it be to see him in his greatest Glory that ever he will manifest himself in we usually say that workmen do their meanest work at first and if the Glorious incarnation of Christ be but the beginning of Gods works in reference to our souls salvation what are those last works O my soul weigh all these passages and make an application of them to thy self and then tell me if yet thou hast not matter enough to raise up thy heart and to fill it with joy unspeakable and full of Glory Mat. 2.10 when the wise men saw but the Star of Christ they rejoyced with an exceeding great joy how much more when they saw Christ himself Your Father Abraham said Christ to the Jews rejoyced to see my day John 8 5● and he saw it and was glad he saw it indeed but afar of with the eyes of Faith they afore Christ had the promise but we see the performance how then should we rejoyce how glad shouldst thou be O my Soul at the sight and effect of Christs Incarnation if John the Baptist could leap for joy in his Mothers belly when Christ was but yet in the womb how should thy heart leap for joy who canst say with the Prophet Luke 2.28 unto me a Child is born and unto me a Son is given if Simeon waiting for the consolation of Israel took him up in his arms for joy and blessed God how shouldst thou with joy embrace him with both arms who knowest his coming in the flesh and who hast heard him come in the Gospel in the richest and most alluring expressions of his Love If the Angels of God yea if multitudes of Angels could sing for joy at his Birth Luke 2.14 Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will towards men how much more shouldest thou whom it concerns more than the Angels join with them in consort and sing for joy this joyful song of good will towards men Awake awake O my Soul awake awake uttter a Song tell over these passages that God is come down into the world that God is come down in flesh that God is come down in flesh in order to thy reconciliation that God is come down in the likeness of man that he may bring thee up into the likeness of God and that all these are but the first openings of the Grace and goodness and Glory of God in Christ unto thy Soul and Oh what work will these make in thy Soul if the Spirit come in who is the comforter SECT VIII Of Calling on Jesus in that Respect 8. LEt us call on Jesus or on God the Father in and through Jesus Now this calling on Jesus contains Prayer and Praise 1. We must pray that all these transactions of Jesus at his first coming or incarnation may be ours and is not here encouragement for our Prayers If we observe it this very point of Christs Incarnation opens a door of rich entrance into the presence of God we may call it a blessed Portal into Heaven b. 10. 20. not of Iron or Brass but of our own flesh this is that new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the Vail that is to say his flesh with what boldness and freeness may we now enter into the Holiest and draw near unto the Throne of Grace why Christ is incarnate God is come down in the flesh though his Deity may confound us if we should immediately and solely apply our selves unto it yet his humanity comforts our faint and feeble souls God in his humility animates our souls to come unto him and to seek of him whatsoever is needful for us Go then to Christ away away O my soul to Jesus or to God the Father in and through Jesus and O desire that the
Jesus Christ in carrying on our souls Salvation is adding miracle to miracle there is a chain of miracles in the matter of our salvation from first to last As. 1. It was a miracle that God in his Eternity before we had a being should have once thought of us especially that the Blessed Trinity should sit in councel and contrive that most admirable and astonishing plot of the Salvation of our souls Oh what a miracle was this 2. It was a Miracle that God for our sakes should create the world and after our fall in Adam that God should preserve the world especially considering that our sin had unpin'd the whole frame of the Creation and that God even then sitting on his Throne of Judgment ready to pass the doom of death for our first Transgression should unexpectedly give a promise of a Saviour when justly he might have given us to the devil and to Hell according to his own Law Gen. 2.17 In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt dye the death 3. It was a Miracle that Gods Son should take upon him our nature and that in our nature he should Transact our peace that he should Preach Salvation to us all if we would believe and to the end that we might believe that he would work so many signs and Miracles in the presence of his Disciples and of a world of men was not Christs Birth a Miracle and Christs Life a Miracle and Christs Death a Miracle and Christs Resurrection a Miracle and Christs Ascension a Miracle was not Christs Ministry a miracle and was it not a miracle that Christs Word should not be credited without a world of miracles to back it and confirm it to the Sons of men 1 Tim. 3.16 Without controversie great is the miracle as well as mystery of godliness God manifest in the flesh justified in the Spirit seen of Angels preached unto the Gentiles believed on in the World received up into glory 4. It was a Miracle that God should look upon us in our blood what a sight was it for God when thy navel was not cut when thou wast not salted at all Ezek. 16.4.5 6. nor swadled at all when thou wast cast out in the open field to the loathing of thy person yet that then even then the Lord should pass by thee and see thee polluted in thy own blood and should say unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live yea say unto thee when thou wast in thy blood live O miracle of mercies If creation cannot be without a miracle surely the new creature is a miracle indeed So contrary is our perverse natures to all possibilities of Salvation that if Salvation had not marched to us all the way in a miracle we should have perished in the ruines of a sad eternity Election is a miracle and Creation is a miracle and Redemption is a miracle and Vocation is a miracle and indeed every man living in the state of grace is a perpetual miracle in such a one his reason is turned into faith his soul into spirit his body iinto a Temple his earth into heaven his water into wine his Aversations from Christ into intimate Union with Christ and Adhesions to Christ O what a Chain of Miracles is this Why Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean say thus you that are yet in your blood why Lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean O Lord I believe help thou my unbelief After this there was a feast of the Jews and Jesus went up to Jerusalem John 5.39 Some would have this feast to be Pentecost and to speak truly the most of our Commentaries run that way others take this for the feast of the Passover and the rather because the Evangelist John reckons the time of Christs publick Ministry by the several Passovers now if this feast were not a Passover we cannot find in the Gospel so many Passovers as to make up Christs Ministry three years and an half On this ground I joyn with the latter Opinion and so here I end the second year of Christs Ministry and come to the third and to his Actings therein in reference to our souls Salvation CHAP. III. SECT I. Of the third year of Christs Ministry and generally of his Actings in that year HItherto all was quiet neither the Jews nor the Samaritans nor Galileans did as yet malign the Doctrine or Person of Jesus Christ but he preached with much peace on all hands till the beginning of this year I shall not yet speak his sufferings neither shall I speak much of his doings many things were done and spoken this year which I must pass least I be too prolix only such things as refer more principally to the main business of our souls Salvation I shall touch in these particulars As 1. In the Ordination of the Apostles 2. In his Reception of Sinners 3. In the easiness of his yoak and the lightness of his burthen which he imposeth on men SECT II. Of Christs Ordination of his Apostles 1. IN the Ordination of his Apostles are many considerable things the Evangelist Luke layes it down thus Luke 6.12 13. And it came to pass in those dayes that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God and when it was day he called unto him his Disciples and of them he Chose Twelve whom also he named Apostles Till now Christ taught alone but because after his Ascension he must needs have a Ministry till the end of the world in the first place he choseth out some whom he would have on purpose to wait upon him all the time of his Ministry till he was taken up into Heaven In this Election or Ordination here is first the person by whom they are Chosen Jesus Christ 2. The place were they are chosen viz. in a mountain 3. The time when they were Chosen after his watching and praying all night and when it was day 4. The company out of whom they were Chosen they where his Disciples and out of them he makes this Election 5. The number of them that were Chosen they were Twelve nor more nor less 6. The end to which they were chosen it was to an Apostleship he Chose Twelve whom he also named Apostles 1. The person by whom they are Chosen is Jesus Christ They Chose not themselves but were chosen of Christ this call was immediate and therefore most excellent but now we look not after such calls and therefore I shall not insist on that only by the way Ministers of the Gospel must be Ministers of Christ either immediately or mediately called 2. The place where they were chosen it was on a mountain mountainous places have their situation nearest to Heaven which shews that they were called to high and heavenly things mountains are open and in view which shews their Ministry must be publick they cannot lye hid in a mountain a City that is set upon a hill
Question and therefore I shall not amuse my self in giving any account of it only these remain as sure truths 1. That the things communicated to our inward man I mean those inward motions and suggestions to holiness and obedience are frequently and usually by the administration of Angels 2. That the same things communicated to our inward man are ever originally and primarily from the Spirit of Christ and hence it is that commonly we put them all on that score we give them all to Christs Spirit 3. That 't is proper to the spirit to enlighten the understanding and to determine the will effectually the Angels are but Cisterns the spirit is the fountain the Angels may speak and move us to our duties but the blessing the efficacy is of the Spirit and in this respect we leave to Christ and his Spirit the all in all Well then O my soul consider especially in Church assemblies and in the enjoyment of Ordinances the especial presence of Christ in the presence of his spirit and in the presence of his Angels What dost thou feel any stirrings actings movings in thy spirit dost thou feel any quickening warming feeding cherishing healing Gen. 28.16 17 mollifying melting comforting strengthening in thy inward parts say then Surely the Lord is in this place this is none other but the House of God this is the gate of Heaven O here is the Spirit and here are the Angels ascending and descending and therefore avoid Sathan avoid all prophane thoughts and earthly-mindedness avoid dulness deadness drousiness avoid looseness lasciviousness and all irreverence 1 Cor. 11.10 because of the Angels and because of the Spirit and because of the especial presence of Christ which encauses them both 6. Consider the the Preaching of Christ O the admirable Sermons of this great Prophet the Spouse tells us His Lips like Lillies dropped sweet smelling Myrrh his Doctrine was sweet as the Lillies and sound as the Myrrh His Lipps were like Lillies Cant. 5.13 as certain odoriserous Lillies that cast forth a sweet smelling savour they were full of Heavenly Grace and sweetness Grace saith the Psalmist was poured into his lips Psal 45.2 and they dropped sweet-smelling Myrrh the nature of this Herb is to keep from putrefaction as it is sound it self so it makes other things sound Error is of a putrifying nature corrupting and defiling the soul but the Doctrine of Christ keeps the soul sound it is the souls preservative it keeps the soul free from all corruption and defilement See here the prophetical office of Christ held forth in similitudes his lips were ever dropping distilling publishing sweet and sound truths Read and peruse those Sermons he hath left on record yea ruminate and meditate on them in order to piety and an holy life How sweet was the first Sermon of Christ Repent Matth. 4.17 John 3.3 for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand And how Spiritual was that Sermon of Christ Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God It may be thou art a Doctor a Master of Israel thou art a learned Schollar thou art a man of parts and abilities in other things it may be thou hast read so long in the Bible thou hast heard so many and so many Sermons c. but ah miserable soul it may be all the work is to do still within Come say this Sermon of Christ to thine own soul Vnless I be born again I cannot enter into Heaven born again O Lord what is that was ever such a thing done upon me was ever I cast into the pangs of a new birth and continued I in those pangs untill Christ Jesus was formed in me are old things done away and are all things now become new is the old man the old lusts the old conversation quite abandoned and left are my principles new my aims and ends new my life and conversation new Thus might I paraphrase on all the Sermons but I intend brevity only consider O my soul as if this Sermon and all the rest had been preached to thee Reallize Christ standing by thee Heb. 12.25 and opening his mouth and teaching thee thus and thus surely there is a speaking of Christ from Heaven See that ye refuse not him saith the Apostle that speaketh from Heaven And besides he hath his Ministers here on earth and they are daily Preaching over these Sermons of Christ again and again they Preach such things as were first spoken by the Lord himself Heb. 2.3 2 Cor. 5.20 1 Tim. 4.15 they beseech and pray thee in Christ's stead O then meditate on these things and give thy self wholly to them that thy profitting may appear to all 7. Consider the miracles of Christ in pursuance of the Doctrine delivered in his blessed Sermons Here 's a world of matter to run over such miracles are done by Christ as never man did before Moses indeed smote the Rock and the waters gushed out but he could not turn Water into Wine Elisha raised a Child that was dead to life but Jesus raised one who had been dead four days yea who was buried and corrupted Elias and Samuel and all the Prophets and the succession of the high Priests in both the Temples put all together never did so many and so great miracles as Jesus did he turned water into Wine he healed the Noble-mans Son even at the point of death he cured the Leaprous by his touch he made the lame man to walk and the crooked limbs to become straight he made habitual diseases and inveterate of eighteen years continuance and once of thirty eight years to disappear at his speaking even as darkness at the brightness of the Sun John 9.23 he fed thousands of People with two small fishes and five loaves he cast out Devils and commanded them whithersoever he pleased he restored sight to the blind in a word he did such miracles as no man else ever did and the poor blind man proved it by instance of himself It was never heard that any man opened the Eyes of one that was born blind O my Soul consider of these miracles and believe that Doctrine which was ratified with Arguments from above how shouldst thou but assent to all those mysterious truths which were so strongly confirmed by an Almighty hand What dost thou think a meditation needless in this respect art thou fully satisfied of the truth of Scriptures It is well I hope thou art and yet who knows how soon thou mayst be put to it by an enemy or a strong temptation One can tell us in print Some are now talking of a tolleration of all Religions and some desire that the Jews may have a free commerce amongst us it is good therefore to be well armed at this point and the best Argument to prove the verity of the Gospel next to the inward testimony of the Spirit is this demonstration or common place of the miracles of Christ Luke 6.13 Mat. 28.19
feet and to kiss them another woman breaths out these desires after Christ If I may but touch the hem of his garment I shall be whole Mat. 9.21 Mary Magdalen sought only to have her Arms filled with his dead body Joseph of Arimathea was of the same mind O the bloody winding-sheet together with the dead and torn Body of Christ in his arms are most precious and sweet Christ's Clay is Silver and his Brass Gold John the Baptist thinks it an honour to unloose the Latchets of his shoes David John 1.27 though he was a great Prophet and appointed to be King over Israel yet his soul pants thus O that I might be so near the Lord as to be a door-keeper in the house of my God Yea Psal 84.10 Ver. 3. he puts an happiness on the Sparrow and the Swallow that may build their Nest besides the Lords Altar 2. The more considerable actions of Christ are especially desireable Oh my soul wouldst thou but run through his Life and consider some of his more eminent actions in relation to his Friends or in relation to his Enemies what desires would these kindle in thine heart after Christ 1. To his Friends he was sweet and indulgent where there was any beginnings of Grace he did encourage it so was the Prophesie A bruised reed shall he not break and smoking flax shall he not quench Nay Mat. 12.20 where was but a representation of Grace he seemed to accept of it Thus when the young man came and said What good thing shall I do to inherit eternal life he embraced him Mar. 10.17 21 and made much of him then Jesus beholding him he loved him And so the Scribe which asked him which is the first Commandment of all in the conclusion Christ told him Mar. 12.28 34 Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God He laboured to pull him further in telling him he was not far from Heaven and Glory Mat. 9.36 And so the people that fainted for bread of Life that were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd he was moved with compassion on them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he was bowelled in heart his very bowels were moved within him 2. To his enemies he was kind and merciful many a time he discovers himself most of all unto sinners he was never more familiar with any at first acquaintance than with the woman of Samaria that was an Adultress and Mary that had been a sinner how sweetly did he appear to her at the very first view how ready was he to receive sinners how ready to pardon and forgive sinners how gracious to sinners after the pardon and forgiveness of sin See it in Peter he never cast him in the teeth with his Apostasie he never upbraided him with it he never so much as tells him of it only he looks upon him and afterwards Lovest thou me O Peter lovest thou me why Peter lovest thou me Often he was wronged and injured by men but what then was he all on a heat did he call for fire down from heaven to destroy them Indeed his Disciples being more flesh than spirit would fain have had it so but he sweetly replies O you know not what spirits you are of Luke 9.55 56. the Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them Sometimes we find him shedding tears for those very persons that shed his precious blood Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem c. if thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day the things belonging to thy peace c. Why O my soul Isa 26.1 8. if thou wouldst but run through such passages as these how desireable are they well might they sing in that day in the Land of Judah In the way of thy judgments O Lord have we waited for thee the desire of our soul is to thy name and to the remembrance of thee Cant. 5.10 16. 3. The ever blessed and holy person of Christ is desireable above all My Beloved is white and ruddy the chiefest of ten thousands yea he is altogether lovely or desireable so Vatablus renders it Christus est totus desideria Christ is all desir●s If the actions of Christ be desirable what must himself be If the parings of his bread be so sweet what must the great Loaf Christ himself be Christ is admirable in action and person but above all his person is most admirable no creature in the world yields the like representation of God as the person of Jesus Christ he is the express Image of the person of his Father Heb. 1.3 as the print of the Seal on the Wax is the express image of the Seal it self so is Christ the highest representation of God he makes similitude to him who otherwise is without all similitude And hence it is that Christ is called the Standard-bearer of ten thousands Cant. 5.10 all excellencies are gathered up in Christ as Beams in the Sun Come poor Soul thy eyes run to and fro in the world to find Comfort and happiness thou desirest after worldly Honour worldly Pleasure worldly Profits cast thy eyes back and see Heaven and Earth in one look if thou wilt at what thy vast thoughts can fancy not only in this world but in the world to come or if thou canst imagine more variety see that and infinitely more shining forth from the person of the Lord Jesus Christ no wonder if the Saints adore him no wonder if the Angels stand amazed at him no wonder if all Cteatures vail all their glory to him Oh what are all things in the world to Jesus Christ Paul compares them together Phil. 3.8 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all things with this one thing And I account all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ And I count all things surely all things is the greatest count that can be cast up for it includeth all prices all sums it takes in Earth and Heaven and all therein that are but as created things q. d. Nations and all Nations Gold and all Gold Jewels and all Jewels Angels and all Angels all these and every all besides all these what are they in comparison of Christ but as feathers dung shadows nothing If there be any thing worthy a wish it is eminently transcendently originally in the Lord Jesus Christ there is no honour no felicity like that which Christ hath some are sons Christ is an only Son some are Kings but Christ is King of Kings some are honourable none above Angels Christ is above Angels and Arch-angels To which of the Angels said he at any time thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Heb. 1.5 Some are wealthy Christ hath all the sheep on a thousand hills the very utmost parts of the earth are his some are beautiful Christ is the fairest of all the children of men he is spiritually fair he is all glorious within if the beauty of the Angels
life his way on earth was a continual lecture of humility a little before his death he gave such an example of humility as never was the like He poured water into a bason John 13.5 and began to wash the disciples feet O ye Apostles why tremble ye not at the wonderful sight of this so great humility Peter what dost thou wilt thou ever yield that this Lord of Majesty should wash thy feet methinks I hear Peter saying What Lord wilt thou wash my feet art not thou the Son of the living God the Creator of the world the beauty of the heavens the Paradise of Angels the Redeemer of men the brightness of the Fathers glory and I what am I but a worm a clod of earth a miserable sinner and wilt thou notwithstanding all this wash my feet leave Lord O leave this base office for thy servants lay down thy towel and put on thy apparel again beware that the heaven or the Angels of heaven be not ashamed of it when they shall see that by this ceremony thou set'st them beneath the earth take heed least the daughter of King Saul despise thee not when she shall see thee girded about with this towel after the manner of a servant and shall say that she will not take thee for her beloved and much less for her God whom she seeth to attend upon so base an office Thus may I imagine Peter to bespeak his Master but he little knew what glory lay hid in this humility of Christ it was for us and our example an humble Christ to make humble Christians 3. In him was patience O when I think of Christ's labours in preaching weariness in travelling watchfulness in praying tears in compassionating and then I add to all these his submission of Spirit notwithstanding all the affronts injuries and exprobrations of men how should I but cry out O the patience of Christ 1 Pet. 2.23 the Apostle tells us that when he was reviled he reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously I have already given a touch of these graces in Christ which now I may set before me In him was wisdom and knowledge and justice and mercy and temperance and fortitude and every vertue or every grace that possibly I can think of A bundle of Myrrh is my Beloved unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi 3. I look at the conversation of Christ in word and deed for his words they were gracious Not an idle word ever came out of the lips of Christ himself tells us that of every idle word we must give an account O then how free was Christ of every idle word Mat. 12.36 he knew the times and seasons when to speak and when to be silent he weighed every word with every Circumstance time and place and manner and matter Eccles 3.7 There 's a time to keep silence and a time to speak said Solomon when he returned again to his wisdom and hence we read that sometimes Jesus being accused he held his peace Mat. 26.63.27 12. and when he was accused of the chief Priests and Elders he answered nothing but other whiles he pours out whole Cataracts of holy instructions he takes occasion of vines of stones of water and sheep to speak a word in season he is still discoursing of the matters of the Kingdom of Heaven and he speaks such words as give grace unto all the hearers round about him so for his deeds and actions they were full of grace and goodness the Apostle Peter gives him this character which I look upon as a little description of Christ's life who went about doing good Acts 10.38 it was his meat and drink to do all the good he could it was as natural to him to do good as it is for a fountain to stream out he was holy and heavenly unspotted every way O the sweet conversation of Christ how humbly carries he it amongst men how benignly towards his Disciples how pitiful was he towards the poor to whom as we read he made himself most like 2 Cor. 8.9 He became poor that we might be made rich he despised or abhorred none no not the very Leapers that were eschewed of all he flattered not the rich and honourable he was most free from the cares of the world his prescriptions were Care not for the things of the morrow and in himself he was never anxious of bodily needs above all he was most solicitous of saving souls Much more I might add if I should go over the particulars in the Gospel but by these few expressions of Jesus Christ we may conceive of all the rest 2. Let us be humbled for our great inconformity to this copy what an excellent pattern is here before us and how far how infinitely do we come short of this blessed pattern O alas if Christ will not own me unless he see his Image written upon me what will become of my poor soul why Christ was meek and humble and lowly in spirit Christ was holy and heavenly Christ ever went about doing good and now when I come to examine my own heart according to this original I find naturally a meet antipathy a contrariety I am as opposite to Christ as Hell and Heaven 1. For my thoughts within I am full of pride and malice I am full of the spirit of the world what is there in my heart but a world of passions rebellions darkness and deadness of spirit to good and 2. If the fountain be so muddy can I expect clear streams what words are these that come many a time from me Christ would not speak an idle word but how many idle evil sinful words come daily flowing from my lips Out of the abundance of the mouth the heart speaketh and if I may guess at my heart by my words where was my heart this Sabbath and the other Sabbath when my discourse was all on my calling or on the world or it may be on my lusts or on my Dalilah's on my right-hand-sins or on my right-eye-sins and 3. What actions are these so frequently performed by me if I must read my state by my conversation Whose image and superscription is this the last oath I sware the last blasphemy I belched out the last act of drunkenness idolatry adultery I committed or if these sins are not fit to be named the last piece of wrong I did my neighbour the last prank of pride I played on this stage of the world the last expence of time when I did no good in the world neither to my self nor others the last omission of good as well as commission of evil O my soul whose Image is this is it the Image of Christ or of Sathan If the worst Scholar in the School should write thus untowardly after his copy would he not be ashamed if in my heart and life I observe so many blots and stains so
of greater place and calling whether it did not savour of sedition and disturbance of the State to lead about such a Crew of Disciples and followers after him and what was the reason of their flight whether it were not a token of their guiltiness of some disorder or of riotous practises It is not for me to speak how many Queries the High Priest might make to tempt Jesus but certainly he was sifted to the Bran examined to the full of all such circumstances as either might trap Christ or in the least degree advance and help forward his Condemnation to this question concerning his Disciples our Saviour answered nothing alas he knew the frailty of his followers he might have said For my Disciples you see one hath betrayed me and another will anon forswear me he stayes but for the crowing of the Cock and then you shall hear him curse and swear that he never knew me and for all the rest a pannick fear hath seized upon their hearts and they are fled and have left me alone to tread the Wine-press Ah no he will not speak evil of the Teachers of his people it was grief to him and added to his sufferings John 6.67 68 69. that all had forsaken him once before this many of his Disciples went back and walked no more with him which occasioned Jesus to say to the twelve will ye also go why no said Peter then Lord whether shall we go thou hast the words of Eternal Life and we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ the Son of the Living God Oh Peter what a strong Faith was that We believe and we are sure but how is it now that ye have no faith or why are ye so fearful O ye of little Faith I believe this sate upon the heart of Christ and yet he would not accuse them who now stood in their places and was accused for them and for us all and therefore to that question of his Disciples he answered nothing 2. He asked him of his Doctrine what his questions were of that are not set down neither but probably they might be such as these Who was his Master or instructer in that new Doctrine he had lately broached why he did seek to innovate and alter their long practised and accustomed Rites and what ground had he to bring in his own devices in their steads as Baptism for Circumcision the Lords Supper for the Passover himself and his Apostles for the high Priests and Levites when neither he nor most of them were of that Tribe why he was so bold and saucy being but three and thirty years of age to declame so bitterly and satyrically against the Pharisees and Sadduces and Scribes and Priests and Elders of the People Much of this stuffe he might bring out in his Interrogatories that so by his questioning him in many things he might trap him in something to his confusion and destruction And to this question our Saviour answers John 18.20 21. but Oh how wisely I spake openly to the World saith he I ever taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple whither the Jews alwayes resorted and in secret have I said nothing why askest thou me ask them which heard me what I said unto them behold they know what I said q. d. I appeal to the testimony of the very enemies themselves thou suspectest me to be a seditious person and one that plots mischief against the State in secret I tell thee truth I speak nothing in secret i.e. nothing in the least manner tending to sedition my Doctrine I brought with me from the bosom of my Father it is the everlasting Gospel and not of yesterday and it containes nothing in it of Sedition Faction Rebellion Treason ask these mine Enemies these who have apprehended and bound me and brought me hither they know what I said let them speak if they can wherein I have transgressed the Law 2. For the stroke given Christ by that base servant one of the Officers which stood by stroke Jesus with the palm of his hand saying answerest thou the High Priest so John 18.22 That holy face which was designed to be the object of Heaven in the beholding of which much of the celestial glory doth consist that face which the Angels stare upon with wonder like Infants at a bright Sun-beam was now smitten by a base varlet in the presence of a Judge and howsoever the Assembly was full yet not one amongst them all reproved the fact or spake a word for Christ nay in this the injury was heightned because the blow was said to be given by Malchus an Idumean Slave it was he Chrys hom 82. in Joh. whose ear was cut off by Peter and cured by Christ and thus he requites him for his Miracle Amongst all the sufferings of Christ one would think this were but little and yet when I look into Scriptures I find it much Thus Jeremy He giveth his cheeks to him that smiteth him he is filled full with reproach Thus Micah Lam. 3.30 Mich. 5.1 speaking of Christ They shall smite the Judge of Israel with a Rod upon the Cheek there was in it a world of shame 2 Cor. 11.30 the Apostle layes it down as a sign of suffering and reproach if a man smite you on the face Nothing more disgraceful saith Chrysostom Chrys hom 82. in Joh. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 virgam crepidam significat Lei. Crit. Sacr. than to be smitten on the Cheek the diverse reading of the word speaks it out further he stroke him with a Rod or he stroke him with the palm of his hand 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 say some refers to his striking with a rod or club or shoe or pantoffle or as others it refers to his striking with the palm of his hand of the two the palm of the hand is judged more disgraceful than either rod or shoe and therefore in the Text we translate it with the palm of the hand he struck at Jesus i.e. with open hand with his hand † 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pugno 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 palmi Idem Chrys hom 81. in Joh. c. 18. stretched out The Antients commenting on this Cuff Let the Heavens be afraid saith one and let the Earth tremble at Christ's patience and this Servant's impudence O ye Angels how were ye silent how could you contain your hands when you saw his hand striking at God If we consider saith another who took the blow was not he that struck him Aug. in Tract 113. worthy to be consumed of fire or to be swallowed up of earth or to be given up to Satan and thrown down into Hell If a Subject should but lift up his hand against the Son of an earthly Soveraign would he not be accounted worthy of punishment how much more in this case when the hand is lifted up against the King of Kings and Lord of Lords
they pronounced sentence And here Pilate sitting down he gave the doom What was the form or manner of the sentence is a great question amongst Divines Chrisost 1 Cor. ser ult de Elecmos Chrysostom is of mind that he pronounced no form at all but only delivered Jesus unto them to be crucified Mark 15.15 John 19.16 Others cannot yield to this for to what end say they should he then sit down upon the judgement seat and yet amongst themselves they cannot agree on a form Ansel de pass Anselme gives it thus I adjudge Jesus of Nazareth to that ignominious and shameful Death of the Cross Vinc. de pass Vincentius thus I condemn Jesus seducing the people blaspheming God and saying that he was Christ the King of the Jews to be fastened to the Cross and there to hang till he dye Many other forms are brought in by others but that of Luke is I am sure most authentick Luke 23.24 25. And Pilate gave sentence that it should be as they required and then he delivered Jesus to their will Here 's a sentence indeed a delivery of Jesus not to his own but to his enemies liberty to the boundless bonds and all the possible Tortures of their own wills and wishes O unjust sentence Give me not over to the will of my adversaries Psal 27.12 cryes David the will of malice is an endless wheel it cares not how long it spins out pain and therefore they cryed Crucifie him Crucifie him let him be crucified Amen sayes Pilate do what you please Crucifie him and Crucifie him as often as you will it shall be as you require Lo now I deliver him to your own will We cannot shake this tree without some fruit from this sight of Christ and sentence of Pilate we may learn some good Vse 1. From this sight of Christ as he was presented by Pilate to the people we may learn remorse not any of us who have crucified Christ by our sins but we are called on at this time to behold the man suppose we saw him with our bodily eyes suppose we had the same view of Christ as the Jews had where he was thus presented suppose we saw him in the very midst of us wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe and the cane or reed held in his right hand suppose we heard the voice of Pilate speaking to us as he did to the Jews Behold the man suppose we saw the purple robe lifted up that we might see all under how his body was torn and that same voice from Heaven should come to us Acts 2.37 saying This same is he whom ye have buffetted scourged crowned crucified by your sins were not this enough to prick us in our hearts and to make us cry Men and brethren what shall we do Oh we look at the instruments and we cry Fie on Pilate fie on the Souldiers fie on the Jews but we look not on our sins saying fie on them Could we but reallize our sins as the principal of these sufferings of Christ methinks our hearts should break in very pieces consider yesterday in the midst of our Markets so many lies were told and so many oaths were sworn and this day so soon as the day-light sprang so many acts of prophaning the Lords day were committed by us little did we think that all this while we had been stripping Christ naked whipping Christ with rods or little chains cloathing Christ with a Purple-Scarlet Robe platting a Crown of Thorns and putting it on his head sceptring him with a reed and saluting him in scorn Hail King of the Jews Men Brethren and Fathers be not deceived Christ is mocked scorned and thus abused by you when you sin your sins thus dealt with Christ and in God's acceptation your sins thus deal with Christ even to this very day Never say it was long since Christ was crucified and he is now in Heaven for by your sins you crucifie again the Lord of glory you put him again to open shame you strip him and whip him and torment him afresh Oh look on him whom you have pierced Pilate thought that if the Jews would but see the man Behold the man their hearts would have molified and shall not I think as well of you it is a blessed means to make sin bitter and to breed in our hearts remorse for sin if we will but hearken to this voice of Pilate Behold the man 2. From the sentence of Pilate that Christ should be crucified as the Jews required we may learn the deceitfulness of our hearts in making self the end and aim of our particular callings Pilate as Judge should have glorified God in doing justice but when he hears the Jews cry If thou let him go thou art not Cesar's Friend he then looks to himself and his own interests Judges can have their ends in the very place of judicature nay is not this the very common sin of Magistrates Ministers Tradesmen of all sorts of callings come what is it you aim at in your several places is it not to be great and rich and high and honourable say truly is it in your hearts to say that by this calling my chief aim is to glorifie God and to serve my generation with all faithfulness and these two ends I prefer before all worldly advantages whatsoever O then what a blessed reformation would be amongst us if it be not thus what are you but as so many Pilate's that if you were but threatned into a sentence you would rather condemn Christ than your selves of enmity against Cesar such would be the cry Let Christ be crucified and self advanced Much more might be said but the hour strikes again Pilate is now risen the Court dissolved and Jesus is delivered into the hands of the Jews for execution How that went on the next hour will speak only God prepare your hearts to hear devoutly and to consider seriously what Jesus the great Saviour of the World hath suffered for you SECT VI. Of Christ's crucifying with its appendices ABout Eleven they prepare with all speed for the execution in the revolution of this hour we may observe these several passages As 1 Their taking off the robe and cloathing him again with his own rayment 2. Their leading him away from Gabbatha to Golgotha 3. His bearing the Cross with Simon 's help to bear it after him 4. His comforting the women who followed weeping after him as he went 5. Their giving him Vinegar to drink mingled with gall 6. Their crucifying or fastening him on the Cross whereon he dyed 1. The Evangelist tells us They took the robe off from him Mat. 27.31 and put his own rayment on him Origen observes They took off his robes but they took not off his Crown of Thorns what served their interest they pursued still but nothing of mitigation or mercy to the afflicted Son of Man It is supposed this small business could not be done
earthly men included in him and Christ had all his elect whose names are written in heaven and therefore called Heavenly men included in him so that now whatsoever Christ did it is reckoned by God as if done by us and for us When Christ arose he arose as our head and as a common Person and in God's account we arose with him and in him As among all the sheaves in the Field there was some one sheaf that in the name and room of all the rest was lift up and waved before the Lord so when all were dead Christ as the first-fruits rose again from the dead and by this act of his resurrection all the Elect from the beginning of the World to the end are risen with him and in him He is the first fruits of them that sleep 1 Cor. 15.20 though the Saints are a sleep yet are they vertually risen already with Christ because he is their first-fruits Let this ever be remembred that Christ rose again as the first-fruits as the second man as an head as a common Person 2. That Christ rose again by his own Power this he meant when he said John 2.19 destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up He saith not destroy you and some other shall raise it up no no but I even I my self will do it yea and I will do it by my own Power and vertue here is a plain argument of the Divine nature of Christ for none ever did ever could do that but God himself some were raised before Christ was incarnate but not any by himself or by his own proper Power only a Power was imparted to some Prophet by God for that time and turn and so they were raised but Christ rose again not by a Power imparted to some but by his own Power The Widows son of Sarephtah was raised by Elias and the Shunamites son was raised by Elisha both these were raised by others and those others that raised them did it not by their own power but by a power given them from above and therefore though in their life-time they raised others yet being dead they could not raise themselves but Jesus Christ did not only in his life-time raise others but also being dead and laid in his grave and pressed with stones and watched by Souldiers and sought to be deteined by all the Power of darkness yet he as a conqueror by his own Power raised himself he caused all things by the strength of his own arme to give way unto himself I have Power to lay down my life and I have Power to take it up again an equal Power to take it up as to lay it down John 10.18 But against this it may be objected The God of our Fathers raised up Jesus Acts. 5.30 Acts. 3.24 whom God hath raised up having loosed the pains of death In many places the resurrection of Christ is ascribed to his Father how then is he said to raise up himself by his own Power I answer it is true that the Father raised him and yet this contradicts not but that he raised up himself Whatsoever the Father doth I do saith Christ Christ's resurrection is the indivisible work of the blessed Trinity it is a work common to all the three persons there is but one power of the Father and of the Son so that of both it is truly verified the Father raised him and the Son raised himself Mat. 28.2 3. That Christ rose again with an Earthquake and behold there was a great Earthquake for the Angel of the Lord descended from heaven The earth shook at his death and now it trembles at his Resurrection plainly speaking that it could neither endure his suffering nor hinder his rising As a Lion with a Roar is said to make the Bed wherein he lies to tremble so this Lion of the tribe of Judah was able with his voice or sight to make his Bed the earth wherein he lay to tremble no sooner he shakes himself but he shakes the earth at his first motion the earth moves and now was fulfilled that prophesie Psal 114.7 Tremble thou earth at the presence of the Lord at the presence of the God of Jacob. It is not for us curiously to enquire into the cause of this earthquake certainly the cause was above Natures reach it was not any hollow wind got into the bowels of the earth but either it was Christ's rising or the Angels descending the earth either danced for joy that Christ was risen or it trembled for fear that men would no believe his resurrection The Evangelist seems to lay it on the Angel for the Angel of the Lord descended from heaven sure the power of Angels is very great they can move all corporeal things almost in an instant they can stir up tempests they can shake the earth move the waters only all their power is subjected to God's will Bless the Lord all ye Angels that excel in strength Psal 103.20 that do his Will it was the Will of God that now an Angel should take hold on the pillars of the earth and make it shake no wonder if for fear of him the keepers shake Mat. 28.4 and become as dead men and if one Angel be able to shake the earth and to shake the Keepers those armed Souldiers that were set to watch the Tomb what then will Christ himself do when he shall come to judgment the second time with many thousand thousands of Angels Oh now terrible and fearful will his coming be As at Christs Resurrection so at the last Resurrection there will be earthquakes in divers places Mat. 24.7 Christ hath shewed and he will shew himself to be the absolute Lord of heaven and earth see how the earth trembling under his feet doth as it were pay him homage and behold there was a great Earthquake Mat. 28.2 4. That Christ rose again Angels ministring to him An Angel came and rolled back the stone from the door and sate upon it Christs Power was not included in the grave or on the earth but extended to Heaven and to the Hosts therein however the chief Priests and Pharisees conspired together to close him in the earth they sealed the stone and set a watch they made all as sure as possibly they could yet the Angels of heaven are ready to wait on him as their Sovereign Lord. An Angel descended to role away the Stone not that Christ was unable to do it himsef he shook the earth and could he not lift up a stone O yes but thus he would manifest his Power by declaring his Power over the mighty Angels he needed but to say unto his Angel do this and he doth it I find some difference amongst Authors why an Angel should role away the Stone some think it was only for the womens sake that they might go into the Sepulchre and take a view of the empty Tomb and so be satisfied that Christ was
not here but risen Mat. 28.6 as they said Come see the place where the Lord lay Others think it was to do their office of duty and service to Christ Jesus to make way for his body to pass out of the grave without any penetration of other Bodies for my part I adhere to these though we need not to exclude the former for the stone might be removed both that Christ might come forth and that the women might be convinc'd that he was risen again But as for the opinion of them who think the stone was not removed till after the resurrection that the body of Christ went through the grave-stone when he rose again it is without all warrant the very order of nature will not permi● that one body should pass through another without corruption or alteration of either We say two bodies cannot be together and at once in one proper place no more than one body can be together and at once in an hundred or a thousand places now that Angelical argument is full for this he is not here for he is risen he is not in the grave Mat. 28.6 for he is risen out of the grave he could not be in the grave and out of the grave at one and the same time But I mean not to dwell on controversial Points Mat. 27.52 53. 5. That Christ rose again accompanied with others and the graves were opened and many bodies of Saints w●ich slept arose and came out of the graves after his resurrection and went into the holy City and appeared unto many It may be the graves were opened when Christ was laid down in his grave yet the spirits came not into the dead bodies till Christ's Resurrection the Text i● plain that they came not out of their graves till Christ was raised Christ is the beginning saith the Apostle the first-born from the dead Col. 1.18 how the first-born I answer both in time and efficacy 1. In time he rose to eternal life the first of all men This was the sum of Paul's preaching that Christ should suffer and that he should be the first that should rise from the dead It is true indeed Acts 26.2 3. that Lazarus and fundry others rose before Christ but they rose to live a mortal life and to die again Christ was the first of all that rose to eternal life never any in the world rose before Christ in this manner 2. In respect of efficacy Christ rose first that by his power all the rest might rise there is in Christ's resurrection a reviving and a quickning vertue and herein is a main difference betwixt the Resurrection of Christ and the Resurrection of any other man the Resurrection of Abraham availes nothing to the resurrection of Isa●c or of Jacob but the resurrection of Christ availes to the resurrection of all that have believed or that shall believe in him is not Christ called a quickning Spirit how then should he but quicken all his members 1 Cor. 15.45 when a man is cast into the Sea and all his body is under water there is nothing to be looked for but present death but if he carry his head above the water there is good hope then of a recovery now Christ is the head unto his Church and therefore he being raised all his members must follow in their time no sooner did Christ arise but many of the bodies of the Saints arose not all that were dead but only some to shew the resurrection of all to come the time for the whole Churches rising being not yet till the great resurrection day It is a question what became of those bodies which now arose Some think they died again but it is more probable that seeing they rose to manifest the quickning vertue of Christ's resurrection that they were also glorified with Christ and as they rose with Christ arising so they ascended up into heaven with Christ ascending 6. That Christ rose again with a true perfect incorruptible powerful spiritual agile and glorious body 1. He had a true body consisting of flesh and blood and bone so he told his Disciples when they supposed him a Spirit Handle me Luke 24.39 and see said he for a Spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me have I know this body after his resurrection was comparatively a spiritual body yet for all that he never laid aside the essential properties of a true body as length and breadth and visibility and locality and the like he still keepeth these because they serve to the being of a true body 2. He had a perfect body however he was cut and bored and mangled before his death yet after his resurrection all was perfect Eusebius tells of one of the Children of the Machabees that were put to death for the profession of the Truth and when they cut off his members saies he I have received these from heaven and now I do give them unto the God of heaven and I hope I shall have them again Not a member of Christ was wanting not a bone out of joint but all was perfect 3. He had an incorruptible immortal body To this end saith the Apostle Christ both died and rose and revived and why revived but to shew that he rose never to die again The Apostle is yet more express Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more death hath no more dominion over him Consonant hereunto is that of Christ I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen Rom. 14.9 Rom. 6.9 Rev. 1.18 And herein the body of Lazarus and the rest whom Christ raised differed from his for after they were raised they died again but Christ died no more 4. He had a powerful body Luther could say of the glorified Saints that they had a power so great as to toss the greatest mountains in the world like a Ball And Anselm hath an expression not much unlike that they have such a power Anselm lib. de simil cap. 52. as they are able to shake the whole earth at their pleasure How much more could Christ cause that great Earth-quake at the rising of his Body O it was powerful 5. He had a spiritual body it needed not to meat drink or refreshings as it did before it is true that the Disciples gave him a piece of a broiled fish Luk. 24.42 43 and of an honey-comb and he took it and did eat before them but this he did only to confirm their faith that he appeared solidly and not imaginarily he Ate out of power and not out of necessity even as the Sun sucks up th● water out of power but the earth out of want he Ate not as standing in need of food but to shew the truth of his being risen again as the Saints in heaven neither eat nor drink nor sleep nor have Magistrates nor Ministers but the Spirit of God is all in all to them so it was with
enough for me to all the objections either of Papist or Lutherans that the creature might yield to the Creator and the Creator needed not to pass through the Creature Christ came in when the doors were shut either causing the doors to give place the Disciples not knowing how or else altering the very substance of the doors that his body might pass through them without destru●tion I know not but he that thickened the waters to carry his body might also attenuate the doors to make way for his Body 3. For the persons to whom he appeared they were his Disciples they that were shut up in a conclave not daring to step out of doors for fear of the Jews to them now Christ appeared It is Christ's usual course to appear to them who are full of fears and griefs and most in dangers Isa 43.2 Psal 23 4. when thou passest through the wate●s I will be with thee and through the Rivers they shall not overslow thee yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil saith David for thou art with me He was with Joseph in prison with Jonas in the deep with Daniel in the Lions den with the three Children in the fiery furnace Lo I see four men said Nebuchadnezzar walking in the midst of the fire and the form of the fourth is lik● the Son of God Dan. 3.24 And thus he was with Paul when he stood before Nero though all men f●●sake me yet Christ the Lord stood by me strengthned me And do not his apparitions th●● day speak thus much when Mary was full of grief then Christ appeared to her when the two disciples travelling towards Emmans talked together of all those things which had happened and w r● sad then Christ appeared to them And when all the Apostles were afraid of the Jews 2 Tim. 4.16 17. and therefore shut the doors that none might enter then Christ appeared to them they were his Disciples his sad distracted timerous Disciples to whom Christ appeared 4. For the manner how he appeared it appears in these passages 1. He stood in the midst 2. He said peace be unto you 3. He shewed unto them his hands and his side 1. He stood in the midst Herein he represents himself as a common good Luke 24.17 things placed in the midst are common and he stands in the midst as a common Saviour and hence it is that our faith is called a common faith Tit. 1.4 to Tytus my son after the common faith Ju● 3. and our salvation is called a common salvation I gave all diligence to write unto you of the Common salvation And in that way as salvation is common Christ Jesus is called a common Saviour behold I bring you glad tidings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you unto all you is born in the City of David a Saviour Luk. 2.10 11 which is Christ the Lord. This posture of Christ standing in the midst decla●es that he despiseth none but that he takes care of them all Some observe that all the while Christ was on earth he most-what stood in this posture at his birth he was found in a stable in the midst of beasts Luk. 2.49 John 1.26 Luke 22.27 in his Childhood he was found in the Temple in the midst of the Doctors in his manhood John the Baptist told them there standeth one in the midst of you whom ye know not and he said of himself I am in the midst of you as one that seveth at his death that very place fell to his turn for they crucified him in the midst betwixt two theeve● one on the right hand and the other on the left Luke 23.33 And now at his rising there we find him again the Disciples in the midst of the Jews and he in the midst of his Disciples After this in Patmos John saw him in heaven in the midst of the throne Rev. and in earth he saw him in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Mat. 25.33 and in the last day he shall be in the midst too of the sheep on his right hand and of the goats on his left But I find there is yet more in it that he stood in the midst for the midst is Christ's place by nature he is the second Person in the Trinity and the midst is Christ's place by office he dealeth betwixt God and man and the midst is Christ's place in respect of his Person he is God-man one that hath interest in both parties it was the middle Person who was to be the midle one that undertook this mediation betwixt God and us We read in the Roman history that the Romans and Sabines joyning battle together the women being daughters to the one side and wives to the other interposed themselves and took up the quarrel and by their mediation who had a peculiar interest in either side they who before stood upon highest terms of hostility did now joyn themselves together into one body and state God and we were enemies but Christ stood in the midst to reconcile us unto God and to slay this enmity and to this purpose Christ is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Mediator a tearm peculiar to the Scriptures not to be found amongst prophane Authors O what comfort is here to see Jesus Christ stand in the midst now may the Disciples behold him as their blessed peace maker their Mediator as one that hath slain the enmity Eph. 2.16 not only that enmity betwixt men and men J●ws and Gentiles but also betwixt God and men This he did by his death and now he declares it at his resurrection for so the Apostle there goes on having slain the enmity by his Cross he came and preached peace ver 17. and so the evangelist here goes on after his resurrection Jesus came and stood in the midst and said unto them peace be unto you You see how he stood 2. What he said this is the next passage he said peace be unto you a seasonable salutation for now were the Disciples in fear and trouble they had no peace with God or man or with their own consciences and therefore a more welcome news could not have come I suppose this refers to all these As 1. It speakes their peace with God sin was it that brought a difference betwixt God man John 1.29 now this difference Jesus Christ had taken away by his death Behold the Lamb of God which takes away the sins of the World he had taken it away in its condemning power or as ●o it 's separating power betwixt God and them this was the great design of Christs coming to make peace betwixt God and man his Father imposed this office upon him and Jesus Christ undertook it and discharged it and he proclaims it in the first place to his Disciples Peace be unto you 2. It spakes their Peace
that treadeth in the wine-fat q. d. here 's nothing but skars and wounds and blood if thou art so mighty to save How comes thy apparrel to be so red and sprinkled or stained with blood to which Christ answers I have troden the wine-press alone and I will tread them in mine anger I was troad and pressed till the very blood streamed out of my hands and feet and side so pressed that they pressed the very soul out of my body See here Behold my hands and my feet and my side that it is I my self I have tread the wine-press alone But as I was troad so I will tread up he gets and he treads on them that troad on him his enemies of Edom and Bozrah are now like so many clusters under his feet and he tramples upon them as upon Grapes in a fat till he makes the blood spring out of them and all to sprinkle his garments as if he had come out of the wine press indeed See here a double sight his own blood and his enemies blood here 's the blood of the Lamb that was slain and the blood of the Dragon that was troaden upon here 's a show both of his passion and his resurrection of his suffering and triumphing another text of this nature And one shall say unto him What are these wounds in thy hands then he shall answer Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends Zach. 13.6 I know in the stead of Christ some have imployed these words to the false Prophets as if they had passed through the Churches discipline and so had received their wounds But others refer them to Jesus Christ of whom without controversy the next verse speaks and of whom the first verse of this chapter speaks and to whom after a long Parenthesis the Prophet seems to return And one shall say unto him who was the fountain opened what are these wounds in thy hands or as the Septuagint in the midst of thy hands a wonder it is to see those prints and skars in the hands of Christ and therefore is the question What are these wounds to which Christ answers Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends i.e. in the house of my beloved the children of Israel my brethren according to the flesh the people of the Jews why these are the wounds they gave me and which now I shew as the signs of my victory and as the marks of my resurrection Thus far of the first head the apparition of Christ 2. For the fruits of this apparition they contain Thomas's confession and Christ's commendation of him in some respects 1. Thomas's confession And Thomas answered and said unto him my Lord my God a few words but of great weight 1. He acknowledgeth Christ a Lord Mat. 28.18 into whose hands are put the very keys of heaven all power is given unto me in heave● in earth 2. He acknowlegeth Christ God whom he saw with his eyes and felt with his hands he looks on not as a meer man but as God and as the second person in the God-head 3. He acknowledgeth Christ to be his Lord and his God this apropriating of Christ is the right character of a faith by which he brings home all the benefits of Christ unto his own soul I shall a while insist on all these 1. He acknowledgeth Christ a Lord How is he a Lord I answer 1. By essence as God is Lord so Christ is Lord the Father is Lord the Son is Lord and the Holy Ghost is Lord and yet they are not three Lords but one Lord. 2. By creation Christ is before all things saith the Apostle and by him all things consist Col. 1.17 This very thing is an argument of his Lordship To us there is but one Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 8.9 by whom are all things and we by him 3. By redemption unction office and Mediatorship unto which he was designed by his Father Act. 2.36 and therefore the Apostle saith that God hath made him Lord and Christ he is a Lord by his office and by the accomplishment of his office in dying rising and reviving he became Lord both of quick and dead For to this end Christ both dyed and rose Rom. 14 9. and revived that he might be Lord both of dead and living And thus he is a Lord in two respects 1. A Lord in Authority to command whom and what he will he only is Lord over our persons over our faith over our consciences to him only we must say Lord what wilt thou have me to do Lord save us or we perish 2. A Lord be is in power he hath power to forgive and power to cleanse he hath power to justifie and power to sanctifie he hath power to quicken and power to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by him he hath power to hold fast his sheep and power to cast out the accuser of the brethren he hath power to put down all his enemies and power to subdue all things unto himself in every of these respects Christ is a Lord. True say blasphemers he is Lord by office but he is not Lord by essence as God is Lord No peruse some texts in the Old Testament where the title of Lord is essentially spoken of and we shall find the very same texts and titles applyed to Christ in the New Testament As for instance in Isa 6.5 Woe is me saith Esay for mine eyes have seen the King the Lord of hoasts now this John refers to Christ these things saith Esaias when he saw his Glory Isa 6.5 and speak of him In Psal 68.17 18. the Lord is among them as in Sinai in the holy place thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive thou hast received gifts for men now this the Apostle applyes to Christ when he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men In Psal 110.1 Psal 110.1 the Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand Joh. 12.41 until I make thine enemies thy foot-stool Now this Jesus Christ applies to himself Psal 68.17 saying that David in spirit called him Lord saying the Lord said unto my Lord. In Isa 40.3 the voice of him that cryeth in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord now this the Evangelist applies to Christ Eph. 4.8 This is he that was spoken of by the Prophet Esay saying the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord. No wonder if Thomas call Christ Lord why both the Old and New-Testament agree in this that Christ is Lord Lord by creation and Lord by redemption Lord by office and Lord by essence Mat. 2.44 45. Isa 4.5 Mat. 3.3 2. He acknowledgeth Christ to be God as well as Lord my Lord and my God But how is he God I answer not only by participation similitude or in some
2 Cor. 6.16 Cant. 7.5 but as a Temple for himself to dwell in as a Gallery for himself to walk in Oh what longings Oh what pantings and gaspings Oh what faintings and swoonings should there be in thy spirit after this Spirit Come holy spirit O come and dwell in my soul I know thou wilt make the place of thy feet glorious if I have but thy presence I shall be all glorious within O come come holy Spirit SECT IV. Of hoping on Jesus in that respect 4. LEt us hope in Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in these particulars thus was the Apostles Prayer Rom. 15.13 Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and Peace in believing that ye may abound in hope through the power of the holy Ghost could we abound in hope that Christ's Ascension Session and Mission of his Spirit did belong to us we should never be ashamed Hope maketh not ashamed Rom. 5.5 O then let us look to our hope and be sure that it be of the right stamp which in reference to every of these passages we may examine thus As 1. If Christ's Ascension be mine then am I ascended with Christ I mean not in respect of any bodily Ascension for that must not be untill the last day nor in respect of any essential substantial soul-ascension for that must not be before the separation of soul and body at our deaths-day but in respect of our spiritual ascension for so we may ascend into heaven by faith and love though for the present we are on earth Col. 3.1 2. if ye be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God set your affections on things above and not on things on the earth If Christ our Head be ascended then we that are his Members must needs follow after him in our affections Christ tells us Where our treasure is there will our hearts be also Mat. 6.21 If Christ our Treasure be ascended into heaven our loves our affections our hearts will follow after him and if our hearts be in heaven no question but we our selves both souls and bodies shall at last ascend when Christ ascended we ascended virtually with him now we ascend spiritually and at last we shall ascend bodily for he that ascended shall descend and then we shall meet him in the ayr and so shall we be ever with the Lord. 1 Thes 4.17 In the mean time to maintain our hope let us ascend dayly by faith and love and this is our character that Christ's Ascension is truly ours 2. If Christ's Session be mine then am I set down with Christ in heavenly places I mean not bodily but by faith which faith makes it as sure to my soul as if I had a foot already in heaven Faith is the substance of things hoped for Heb. 11.1 and the evidence of things not seen By faith I now sit in heavenly places in that I verily believe I shall do it one day my hope is now certain in that I am as sure of that I look for as I am of that I have already received it is the common objection We see it not As the Apostle said of Christ We see not yet all things put under him but he presently answers We see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels crowned with glory and honour Heb. 2.8 9. and so we may be sure the thing is as good as done for if he be above all must come under in like manner we see not our selves in present possession but we see Christ crowned and our selves sitting with him virtually and therefore at last we shall see our selves actually crowned and sitting together with Christ in heavenly places In the mean time faith takes possession of the Kingdom of Heaven saith makes the soul even now to converse with God 1 Tim. 6.19 and Christ and Saints and Angels Faith layes hold upon eternal life it puts the soul as it were into heaven and sets it down at the right hand of Christ and this is our character that Christ's Session is truly ours 3. if Christs spirit be mine and sent to me then have I both the person and train of the spirit of Christ it is the having the spirit and the working of the spirit in me that is my evidence of the Spirits mission I look upon this as the greatest Question and the weightiest and most important case of conscience that can be propounded or known of us viz. Whether the spirit of Christ doth reside in us or whether we have a well-grounded hope to say of our selves that we have the in-dwelling of the spirit of God Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God saith the Apostle and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you 1 Cor. 3.16 1 Cor. 6.19 And again Know ye not that your bodies are the Temples of the holy Ghost In this Question he seems to put it out of Question that true Christians should know and in right temper do know that the spirit of God dwells in them if we know not this we cannot know that we have any part in Christ because the holy spirit is the principal bond of our union betwixt Christ and us if we know not this we cannot know that we are justified for we have nothing to do with Christ's Righteousness by which we are justified untill by our spiritual union Christ is made ours if we know not this we cannot know we are the adopted Children of God for it is the spirit of adoption Rom. 8.15 whereby we cry in our hearts Abba Father if we know not this we cannot know that we are sanctified for it is the spirit which is the beginner and perfecter of our sanctification if we know not this we cannot know that our prayers are heard for it is the spirit that helps our infirmities Rom. 8.26 and that makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered if we know not this we cannot know whether we are in error or truth or whether our religion which we profess be true or false for it is the spirit who enlightens us and teacheth us and leadeth us into all truth if we know not this we cannot know our own comforts for he is the only true Comforter from whom all sound comfort springs Come then and put we our selves to the trial Let us search whether we have the spirit of Christ which we may resolve if we will not deal deceitfully with our own hearts by these following signs 1. The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of illumination if he dwell in us he will enlighten our eyes reveal to us those saving truths of God as they are in Jesus But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost John 14.6 1 Joh 2.20 v. 27. whom the Father will send in my name he shall teach you all things But ye have an unction from
his holy Spirit and thou mayest go singing to thy grave a lively saith in such particulars would set a soul in heaven even whilest yet on earth SECT VI. Of loving Jesus in that respect 6. LEt us love Jesus as carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in these particulars much hath been said already of Christ's Conception Birth Life Death Resurrection such Arguments of love as are enough to swallow up souls in love to Christ again O the treasures of love and wisdom that have been opened in former passages but as if all those were not enough for God see here new Gold mines new found out Jewels never known to be in the world before opened and unfolded in Jesus Christ Here are the incomes of the beams of light most inaccessible here are the veins of the unsearchable Glories of Jesus Christ as if we saw every moment a new heaven a new treasure of love the Bosom of Christ is yet more opened the new breathings and spirations of love are yet more manifested See! Christ for us and for our salvation is gone up to Heaven is set down at God's right hand and hath sent down the holy Ghost into our hearts in the pouring out of these Springs of Heavens love how should our souls but open the mouth-wide and take in the streams of Christ's Nectar Honey and Milk I mean his sweet and precious and dear love-breathings We have heard of Christ's invitations Come to me all ye that are weary and heavy laden but suppose Christ had never outed his love in such a love-expressing Come to me Mat. 11.28 yet Christ himself in these glorious particulars is such a drawing object the very beauty of Christ the very smell of the Garments of Christ very capacious and wide Heaven of Christ's exaltation are intrinsecally and of themselves such drawing ravishing winning objects that upon the apprehension of them we cannot chuse but love Christ as Gold that is dumb and cannot speak yet the beauty and gain of it cryeth aloud Come hither poor creature and be thou made rich so if Christ should never open his lips if he should never gently move Open to me my sister my love my dove my undefiled Cant. 5.2 for my head is full of dew and my locks with the drops of the night yet the Glory the Power the Soveraignty of Christ the exaltation of his Person and the magnificence of his Gifts should even change our souls into a Globe or mass of Divine Love and Glory As it were by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor. 3.18 Two things I shall instance in which may be as the Load-stones of our love to Christ the first is his glory and the second his bounty 1. For his Glory no sooner was he ascended and set down at God's right hand but John the Divine had a sight of him and oh what a glorious sight Rev. 1.13 14 15 16. He was cloathed with a garment down to the feet and girt about the paps with a golden girdle his head and his hairs were white like wooll as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters and he had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth went a sharp two edged sword and his countenance was at the Sun that shineth in his strength when John saw him thus he swoons at his feet but Christ for all his Glory holds his head in his swoon saying fear not I am the first and the last I am he that liveth and was dead ver 17 18. and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and hath the Keys of hell and of death A glorious Christ is good for swooning dying sinners would sinners but draw near and come and see this King in the chariot of love and come and see his beauty the uncreated white and red in his sweet countenance he would certainly draw their souls unto him Nay say that all the damned in hell were brought up with their burning fiery chains to the utmost door of Heaven could we strike up a window and let them look in and behold the Throne and the Lamb and the Troops of glorified spirits cloathed in white with Crowns of gold on their heads and Palms in their hands singing the eternal praises of their glorious King oh how would they be sweetned in their pain and convinced of their foolish choice and ravished with the fulness of those joyes and pleasures that are in Christ's face for evermore surely much more may this glory of Christ warm thy heart O my soul what an happiness were it to see the King on his Throne to see the Lamb the fair Tree of Life the branches which cannot for the narrowness of the place have room to grow in For the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain him What an happiness were it to see love it self and to be warmed with the heat of immediate love that comes out of the precious heart and bowels of this princely and royal Standard-bearer as yet thou canst not must not see these sights there 's no seeing the King thus in his beauty till thou comest to glory for then and then only must thou see him face to face and yet the Idea and Image of this glory is seen and may be seen of every true believing soul enough may be seen by an eye of faith to kindle in thine heart a flame of love to the Lord Jesus Christ Oh who can think of the glory that is in this dainty delightful One and not be swallowed up in love Who can think of Christ's sitting at God's right hand and sparkling in this glory round about and casting out beams of glory through East and West and North and South through Heaven and Earth and Hell and not love him with the whole heart soul and might I remember one dying and hearing some discourse of Jesus Christ Oh said she speak more of this let me hear more of this be not weary of telling his praise I long to see him how should I but long to hear of him Surely I cannot say too much of Jesus Christ in this blessed subject no man can possibly hyperbolize had I the tongues of Men and Angels I could never fully set forth Christ it involves an eternal contradiction that the creature can see to the bottom of the Creator Suppose all the sands on the Sea-shore all the Flowers Herbs Leaves twigs of Trees in Woods and Forrests all the Stars of Heaven were all rational creatures and had they that wisdom and tongues of Angels to speak of the loveliness beauty glory and excellency of Christ as gone to Heaven and sitting at the right hand of his Father they would in all their expressions stay millions of miles on this side Jesus Christ O the loveliness beauty and glory of his Countenance can I speak or you
I will not say that the very blood which Christ shed on the Cross is now in heaven nor that it speaks in heaven these cryings are merely Mataphorical yet this I maintain as real and proper that the power merit and vertue of Christ's blood is presented by our Saviour to his Father both as a publick satisfaction for our sin and as a publick price for the purchase of our glory 3. Christ's Intercession consists in the presenting of his will his request his interpellation for us John 17.24 grounded upon the vigor and vertue of his glorious merits Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me This was a piece of Christ's prayer while yet he was on earth and some say it is a summary of Christ's Intercession which now he makes for us in his glory he prayed on earth as he meant to pray for us when he came to heaven he hints at this in the beginning of his Prayer for he speaks as if all his work had been done on earth John 17.4 5. and as if then he were even beginning his work in heaven I have glorified thee on earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do and now O Father glorifie thou me with thy own self with the glory which I had with thee before the World was I know it is a question whether Christ now in heaven do indeed and truth and in right propriety of speech pray for us some able Divines are for the Negative others for the Affimative For my part leaving a liberty to those otherwise minded according to their light I am of opinion that Christ doth not only intercede by an interpretative Prayer as in the presenting of himself and his merits to his Father but also by an express prayer or by an express and open representation of his will and to this opinion methinks these Texts agree I will pray the Father John 14.16 John 16.26 27. and he shall give you another Comforter and at that day ye shall ask in my Name and I say unto you that I will pray the Father for you when he saith I say not that I will pray for you it is the highest intimation that he would pray for them as it is our phrase I do not say that I will do this or that for you no not I when indeed we will most surely do it and do it to purpose Austin confirms this orat pro nobis orat in nobis oratur a nobis c. He prays for us he prays in us and he is prayed to by us he prays for us as he is our Priest Aug. Prefat in psalm 85. and he prays in us as he is our Head and he is prayed to by us as he is our God Ambrose tells us That Christ so now prays for us as sometimes he prayed for Peter that his faith should not fail Amb. super ad Roman 8. Methinks I imagine as if I heard Christ praying in heaven in this Language O my Father I pray not for the World I will not open my lips for any one Son of perdition but I imploy all my blood and all my prayers and all my interests with thee for my dear beloved precious Saints it is true thou hast given me a personal glory which I had with thee before the World was and yet there is another glory I beg for and that is the glory of my Saints O that they may be saved why I am glorified in them they are my joy John 17.10 13 24. and therefore I must have them with me where I am thou hast set my heart upon them and thou thy self hast loved them as thou hast loved me and thou hast ordained them to be one in us even as we are one and therefore I cannot live long asunder from them I have thy company but I must have theirs too I will that they be with me where I am If I have any glory they must have part of it this is my prayer that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me Why thus Christ prayed while he was on Earth and if this same prayer be the summary of Christ's intercession or interpellation now he is in heaven we may imagine him praying thus it were too nice to question whether Christ's prayer in heaven be vocal or mental certainly Christ presents his gracious will to his Father in heaven some way or other and I make no question but he fervently and immoveably desires that for the perpetual vertue of his sacrifice all his members may be accepted of God and crowned with glory nor only is there a cry of his blood in heaven but Christ by his prayer seconds that cry of his blood an argument is handed to us by Master Goodwin thus As it was with Abel Goodwin Christ set forth so it is with Christ Abels blood went up to heaven and Abels soul went up to heaven and by this means the cry of Abels dead blood was seconded by the cry of Abels living soul his cause cryed and his soul cryed as it is said of the Martyrs that the souls of them that were slain for the Testimony which they held cryed with a loud voice saying how long Lord Holy and True dost thou not judge and avenge our blood that dwell on the earth Rev. 6.9 10. even so it is with Christ his blood went up to heaven and his soul went up to heaven yea his body soul and all his whole person went up to Heaven and by this means his cause cryes and he himself seconds the cry of his cause Jesus Christ in his own person ever liveth to make Intercession for us he ever liveth as the great Master of requests to present his desires that those for whom he dyed may be saved 4. Christ's Intercession consists in the presenting of our persons in his own person to his Father so that now God cannot look upon the Son but he must behold the Saints in his Son are they not members of his body in near relation to himself and are not all his Intercessions in behalf of them and only of them but how are all the Elect carried up into heaven with Jesus Christ and there set down before his Father in Jesus Christ I answer not actually but mystically when Christ intercedes he takes our persons and carries them in unto God the Father in a most unperceiveable way to us for the way or manner I leave it to others for my part I dare not be too inquisitive in a secret not revealed by God only this we say that Christ presents our persons to his Father in his own person and this was plainly shadowed out by that act or office of the high Priest who went into the holy of holies Exod. 28.12 with the names of all the Tribes of Israel upon his shoulders and upon his breast
wide Ocean of delights there is room enough but herein I must leave thee in the duty for I can but point at the several particulars whereon thou mayst enlarge O think on it that Christ and Christ's blood and Christ's prayers should be all at work that Christ should play the Advocate and plead thy cause and perfume thy duties with his Incense and take thy person in an unperceivable way to God his Father and cry there O my Father be merciful to this sinner pardon his sin and save his soul for the sake of Jesus O blessed mediation O blessed is the man that on this blessed object knows how to meditate both day and night 8. Consider of the power and prevalency of Christ's intercessions with his Father Is he not to this puropose a Priest to God and called thereto by God is he not the Son of God yea God himself is he not God's Darling God's Commander as well as Petitioner nay is not the hand of God himself in this design is not the Fathers heart as much towards us and our salvation as Christ's own heart as sure then as Christ is gone into Heaven with thy name engraven on his heart so sure shalt thou follow him and be with him where he is Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect who is he that condemneth where Christ becomes Patron to defend against the sentence of damnation it is in vain for Sin or Law or Sathan to attempt any thing for as an innocent person is safe so long as he hath his learned Advocate to answer all Objections so it is with Believers who have Christ himself both Judge and Advocate a sure Advocate he ever prevails in whatsoever he undertakes he was never yet cast in any suit he hath for these Sixteen Hundred years carried away all the causes of hundreds thousands and millions of souls why he is so dear and near to his Father that he can work him to any thing he will And O my soul if thou hast any relation to Jesus Christ is not here comfort I dare in the Name of Christ be thy warrant and give it under my hand that if Christ pray for thee Christ will be sure to save thee he never yet failed he never will fail in any of his suits to God Oh consider of this 9. Consider of the reasons of Christ's intercession many are given but this may be sufficient It is Gods own Ordinance the very wisdom of God found out this way to save our souls viz. that an High-Priest should be appointed who should die for sinners and afterward present his death to his Father by way of intercession in their behalf Some may look upon this as needless what could not God have pardoned our sins and saved our souls without a Priest I shall not dispute God's power but if any will let such a one tell me what way could his own wisdome have found out to heaven between the wrath of God and the sin of man I believe it would have posed all the wisdom of the world of Men and Angels to have reconciled God's mercy in the salvation of man and his justice in the condemnation of sin to have poured out hell upon the sin and yet to have bestowed heaven upon the sinner now then if God himself did study to find out this way and that he hath said This is my pleasure that Christ my Son shall be a Priest and that he shall offer himself and Present himself and his offering and his prayer to me for his People O my soul rest on this as the very ordination of God admire at the contrivance of God say O the depth question no further only Meditate and ponder and consider of it till thou feelest Christ's intercession darting its influence and efficacy on thy sin-sick soul SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that respect 3. LEt us desire after Jesus carrying on this work of our salvation in his intercession I cannot but wonder what a dulness seizeth on my heart and on all the hearts of the Sons of men that we have no more longings after Christ whose heart is ever panting and longing after us Surely we do not set our selves to find out experimentally the sweetness that is in Christ if there were not another object to think upon but only this one of Christ's intercession is not here enough to put us all into a teeming longing frame O my soul rouze up and set this blessed object before thy face take a full view of it untill thy affections begin to warm and thou beginst to cry Oh for my part in Christ's intercession Oh I would not be left out of Christ's heavenly prayers for ten thousand worlds come and be serious the object is admirably sweet and precious long for it pant after it God understands the Rhetorick of thy breathing as well as of thy cry But what is there in Christ's intercession that is so desirable I answer 1. In Christ's intercession lyes the present transaction of our souls salvation Such passages as hitherto we have spoken of are done and past the transactions of eternity were at an end when time began the transactions of Christ promised had their period when Christ was incarnate the transactions of Christ's Birth and life and death and resurrection and ascension are now above a thousand and six hundred years old I know the vertue and influence of all these transactions continue and will continue for ever and ever but the several actings had their periods and only Christ's session and mission of his spirit and his blessed intercession both were and now are the very present imployment of Jesus Christ If it were possible that we could see into Heaven if with Stephen we could look up steadfastly and see the Heavens opened if our eyes by an extraordinary power were carryed through that azure sky and through all till we come to the Holy of Holies and to Jesus Christ in his glory what should we see but Christ interceding Christ busie with his Father in his poor Saints behalf now he prayes now he presents his person merits intercession interpellation q. d. Father here are a company of Rebels justly fallen under thy displeasure they deserve to be set at an eternal distance from thee but I must needs have them pardoned and received into thy bosom come make thine own terms let justice require never so great satisfaction I have paid a price sufficient for all and effectual for them give them what laws thou pleasest I will undertake they shall observe them and to this purpose away away holy spirit go to such and such souls enable them to their duties yea enable them in duty and sanctifie them throughout in souls bodies and spirits Why this is the present transaction of Jesus Christ and therefore most desirable methinks I long to know what Christ is now a doing in Heaven for my soul and is it not thus is not all his time spent either
Christ's intercession why this is the most perfect and consummate act of Christ's Priestly office this argues thy Christ to be a perfect Mediator and being a perfect Mediator no condition can be desperate And being made perfect saith the Apostle he became the Author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him Heb. 9.5 now therefore lead up thy faith to this blessed object and thou hast under consideration the whole of Christ and the total of Christ's actings in this world from first to last in respect of mediation this is the Coronis the up-shot the period the consummation the perfection of all 8. Faith in going to Christ as interceding for us it is principally and mainly to look to the purpose end intent and design of Christ's intercession now the ends of Christ as in the reference unto us are these 1. That we might have communion and fellowship with the Father and the Son I pray for these that as thou Father art in me and I in thee John 17.21 they also may be one in us 2. That we might have the gift of the Holy Ghost I will pray the Father John 14.16 17. and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever even the Spirit of Truth 3. That we might have protection against all evil John 17.15 I pray saith Christ that thou wouldst keep them from the evil Some may object are not the faithful Subject to evils corruptions and temptations still how then is that part of the intercession of Christ made good unto us I answer the intercession of Christ is presently available only it is conveyed in a manner suitable and convenient to our present condition so as there may be left room for another life and therefore we must not conceive all presently done it is with us as with Malefactors doomed to death suppose the Supreme power should grant a pardon to be drawn though the grant be of the whole thing at once yet it cannot be written but word after word and line after line so the grant of our protection against all evil is made unto Christ at first but in the execution thereof there is line upon line and precept upon precept here a little and there a little we know Christ prayed for Peter I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not yet Peter's faith did shake and totter the prayer was not that there might be no failing at all but that it might not utterly and totally fail and in that respect Peter was protected Heb. 4.14 16. 4. That we might have free access to the Throne of Grace So the Apostle Seeing then we have a great high-Priest that is passed into the heavens Jesus the Son of God let us hold fast our profession Heb. 10.23 and come boldly to the Throne of grace And again Having therefore boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus and having an high Priest over the House of God let us draw near with a true heart in a full assurance of faith 5. That we might have the inward interpellation of the Spirit which is as it were the Eccho of Christ's intercession in our heart Rom. 8.26 The Spirit maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered It is the same Spirit groans in us which more distinctly and fully in Christ John 17.13 prayeth for us These things I speak in the world saith our Saviour that they might have my joy filled in themselves q. d. I have made this prayer in the world and left a record and pattern of it in the Church that they feeling the same heavenly desires kindled in their own hearts may be comforted in the workings of that Spirit of prayer in them which testifieth to their souls the quality of that intercession which I make for them in the Heaven of Heavens certainly there is a dependance of our prayer on Christ's prayer as it is with the Sun though the body of it abide in the Heavens yet the beams of it descend to us here on earth so the intercession of Christ though as tyed to his person it is made in Heaven yet the groans and desires of the touched heart as the beams thereof are here on earth 6. That we might have the sanctification of our services of this the Levitical Priests were a type Exod. 28.38 Rev. 8.3 For they bear the iniquity of the holy things of the children of Israel that they might be accepted and he is the Angel of the Covenant who hath a golden Censer to offer up the prayers of the Saints Some observe a three-fold evil in man of every of which we are delivered by Christ First an evil of state or condition under the guilt of sin Secondly an evil of nature under the corruption of sin Thirdly an evil in all our services by the adherency of sin for that which toucheth an unclean thing is made unclean thereby Now Christ by his righteousness and merits justifieth our persons from the guilt of sin and Christ by his Grace and Spirit doth in measure purifie our faculties from the corruption of sin and Christ by his incense and intercession doth cleanse our services from the adherency of sin so that in them the Lord smells a sweet favour and both we and our services find acceptance with God 7. That we might have the pardon of all sin It is by vertue of Christ's intercession that a Believer sinning of infirmity hath a pardon of course for Christ is his Advocate to plead his case or if he sin of presumption and the Lord give repentance he hath a pardon at the hands of God the Father by vertue of this intercession in a way of justice And to this end rather is Christ called an Advocate than a Petitioner 1 John 2.1 If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father The work of an Advocate differs from the work of a Petitioner an Advocate doth not meerly petition but he tells the Judge what is Law and what ought to be done and so doth Christ O my Father saith Christ this soul hath indeed sinned but I have satisfied for his sins I have payed for them to the full now therefore in a way of equity and justice I do here call for this mans pardon If this were not so our estate would be most miserable considering that for every sin committed by us after repentance we deserve to be cast out of the love and favour of God our Father for ever and ever 8. That we might have continuance in the state of grace I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not Luke 22.32 Some that dissent from us in the point of perseverance object that in our Saviour's Prayer for Peter there was somewhat singular but we say that in this Prayer there is nothing singular which is not common to all the faithful and unto such as are given unto Christ of the Father they
in his Kingly but now he must be fully honoured in his Kingly office Rev. 11.15 now especially The Kingdoms of this world must become the Kingdoms of the Lord and of his Christ and so he shall reign for ever and ever Certainly there is a difference betwixt Christ's reign before and his present reign at the day of judgment Christ hath a double Throne wherein he sits and reigns Rev. 3.21 To him that overcomes will I give to sit with me in my throne as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne That Kingly rule that Christ hath from his ascension is upon his Fathers Throne but the Kingdom that Christ shall have at the day of judgment and ever after it is the joynt reign of him with the Father he shall have a Throne himself and the Saints shall sit with him in his own Throne And now saith the Father John 5.22 Sit thou at my right hand q. d. sit on thy own Throne by me go on to judge the Nations I will not judge them but only in thee and by thee Lo I have committed all judgment unto the Son and do thou judge them until thou hast rewarded thy friends and made thine enemies thy footstool Mark He hath committed all judgment unto the Son the Father gives the Son a Commission wherein is written as it were these words My Son now is the time or season which I had put in my own power and my pleasure is 2 Pet. 3.10 13. that all the world shall be set on fire these heavens under thee shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up and I will have new heavens and a new earth wherein shall dwell righteousness go too then put on thy robes appear in thy glory empty thi● heaven of all those glorious spirits that are therein and let them wait on thee to thy judgment seat go pass thy doom upon all flesh and send reprobates to hell and bring up hither all thy Saints that they may live with thee and here behold thy glory for ever and ever Lo here is thy commission be gone and return no more hither until it be accomplished Christians I cannot but wonder at this joy and exultation in Heaven Vse and that we have so little or none of this on earth we say with cold lips and frozen hearts Thy Kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven but if our prayers were real and fervent if we could but imitate those heavenly Citizens what longings would be in our hearts after Christ's coming how should we rejoyce at the very thoughts hereof Christ comforting his Disciples in respect hereof he speaks these words Luke 21.28 When these things begin to come to pass then look up said he and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh The fulness of our redemption is a ground of consolation all the spirits above are sensible of this God and Christ and the Angels and Saints rejoyce Rev. 12.19 Ver. 20. and again rejoyce The Spirit and the Bride say come and Christ himself saith Surely I come quickly O let us say Amen to it Even so come Lord Jesus SECT II. Of Christ coming to judgment 2. FOr Christ's coming to judgment no sooner Christ prepared and all in readiness but down he descends from his Imperial throne to the Judgment-seat In this passage I shall observe these particulars 1. He descends with his Train He comes with his Royal Attendants out of Heaven This is the glory of a Prince that hath so many Nobles waiting on him and this is the glory of Jesus Christ that when he comes to judge the world he shall have his Saints and Angels the glory of the creation to be his Attendants in that work Behold the Lord comes with mighty Angels 2 Thes 1.7 Jude 14. Behold the Lord comes with ten thousands of his Saints to execute judgment upon all Certainly a numberless number shall wait upon him Daniel tells us of a thousand thousand that this day Minister unto Christ A thousand thousands ministred unto him Dan. 7.10 and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him or if Heaven have more I believe Heaven will empty it self of all the Saints and all the Angels not one Spirit whether Saint or Angel shall stay behind when Christ descends Matth. 25.31 The Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him Oh what a glorious day will this be if one Sun make the morning Sky so glorious what a bright shining and glorious morning will that be when so many thousands of Suns shall shine over all our heads the glorious Body of our Christ surpassing them all in splendor and glory here 's a new Heaven of Sun and Stars such as this nether-world never saw Lo yond the Sun of righteousness with all his Morning-stars singing and shouting for joy Heaven now empties it self of all its created Citizens and cleaves asunder to make way for Christ and all his Train Matth. 24.29 2. In his descent through the Heavens he shakes the Heavens And the powers of the heaven shall be shaken The whole frame of Heaven most strong and immutable in its being and motion or the mighty bodies thereof most mighty in their substance lastingness motion and operation shall be shaken I know by the powers of heaven some mean the Angels who at this wonderful descent of Christ shall admire and move but I rather think the Heavens themselves are meant hereby whose very nature shall be moved Job 26.11 and shaken at that day At his nod the pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished As yet they are Subject to vanity and therefore 't is no wonder if at the coming of Christ they tremble and are moved In this moving or shaking the Evangelists adds that the glorious lights of Heaven shall be altered Matth. 24.29 The Sun shall be darkened and the Moon shall not give her light Adventum Christi tantam lucem allaturam ut ea solis lunae splendor obscuretur Aretius in loc Certissimum autem diem judicii magna majestate sore ut rede sol luna dicantur obscurandi Aretius in loc Psal 50.3 and the Stars shall fall Many interpretations are given of this I am not for Allegories but rather conceive these things are real the very coming of Christ shall bring with him such a light that the splendor of the Sun and Moon shall be obscured this is most certain saith Aretius that both Sun and Moon shall really be darkened at that day it is the glory of his Majesty that will dazle those Candles 3. As he passes through the Elementary world a fire doth usher him Our God shall come and shall not keep silence a fire shall devour before him and it shall be very
tempestuous round about him Whence this fire should come I shall not dispute only one tells us with some confidence * Suarez de renovatione mundi in 3. part Thomae Psal 97.3 Isa 66.15 2 Thes 1 7 8. Dan. 7.9 10. 2 Pet. 3.10 2 Pet. 3.11 12. that 't is begotten in the middle Region of the Air by Divine command and that first it goes before him ushering the Judge to the Judgment-seat and that there it stayes during the judgment and that ended and the doom passed on all flesh then it sets on fire all the world Let this pass as it may Scripture goes thus far that a fire goeth before him Behold the Lord will come with fire and with his chariots like a whirlwind And the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire In which respect Daniel saw his throne like the fiery flame and his wheels as burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him and at last this fire shall have that effect that the very Elements shall melt with fervent heat the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up O Christians what cause have we to make the Apostles use on this point Seeing all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought we to be in all holy conversation and godliness looking for and hastening unto the coming of the day of God wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat 4. He descends lower and lower till he is inwrapt with clouds Matth. 26.64 Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven When he went up into Heaven it is said that a cloud received him out of their sight Act. 1.9 and the Angels then said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come Act. 1.11 12. Dan 7.13 in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven He went up in clouds and he shall come down in clouds I saw in the night visions and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven Here is the first sight of Christ to men on the earth when once he is come down into the clouds then shall they lift up their eyes and have a full view of Jesus Christ a cloud first received him out of their sight and a cloud now discovers him to their sight Then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven Matth. 24.30 and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory is it not plain that the first appearings and sight of Christ at his second coming from Heaven is in the midst of clouds Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him Rev. 1.7 and they also which pierced him Some controversie there is about these clouds as whether they be Angels when the Psalmist speaks of all sorts of Meteors as of Waters Clouds Winds Flames some say all these are Angels and of the Angels he saith who maketh his Angels spirits and his Ministers a flame of fire For my part I take it in the literal sense that upon the very backs of clouds Christ shall come riding along at the general day and howsoever this may seem a small matter unto us yet I cannot look on any circumstance of this transaction as small and trifling the very clouds on which Christ rides speaks terror and comfort 1. Oh what a terror is this to the wicked Heb. 1.7 Matth. 24.30 Id de impiis solum intelligo ad quos planctus luctus ille miserandus solum pertinet Aretius in locum They shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourn These Tribes of the Earth are the Tribes of the wicked no sooner shall they look up and see Christ in his clouds but with unconceivable horror will they cry it out O yonder is he whose blood we neglected whose grace we resisted whose counsels we refused whose government we cast off O yonder is he that comes now in clouds in tempestuous clouds O see how he storms do not those very clouds in which he rides speak or threaten a storm In the eighteenth Psalm is a description of Christ's coming to judgment But O how terrible in the seventh verse we find the earth trembling in the eighth verse a fire devouring in the ninth verse the heavens bowing downwards in the 12 13 14 15. verses are thick clouds darkning the skie thunders lightnings hailestones flying through the air the foundations of the world discovered thus the Mighty God our Jesus descends Oh how should the wicked but tremble at this when but a consideration of this hath sometimes startled God's own people behold Habakkuk with quivering lips trembling joynts Hab. 3.16 bones mouldering into dust when he had onely a Prophetick representation of Christ's second appearance all the dreadful things that attended the presence of God in Egypt at the red Sea on Mount Sinai through the Wilderness are made but types but shadows of the terrible march of the Captain of the Lord of Hosts and therefore shall the wicked mourn 2. Here is the patience and faith and joy of Saints Rev. 1.7 And all the kindreds of the earth shall mourn over him even so Amen This I cannot but understand of the wicked onely some tell us of a double mourning on that day the one of joy and love and the other of sorrow and despair I shall not deny but there may be some sweet tears upon this sweet Subject Christ's apparition in the clouds Such a shine will be from Christ in the cloud that the very shine will pierce the hearts of men with the golden-headed arrow of love and how may this work tears Rev. 1.7 Hinc consequitur Christum in eo judicio cicatrices vulnerum ostensurum tanquam trophaeum infallibile contra omnes suos bostes Aret. in loco from this Text of John Behold he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wayle c. Some Divines gather that Christ at that day will shew in his glorified body the wounds of his crucifying as an infallible trophy of his victory over all his enemies and hence the wicked who pierced or crucified the Lord of glory by their sins will weep and waile I can think no less but that Christ at that day will open his bosom and shew those wounds of love which he had in his heart from all eternity together with those wounds which he received on the Cross as they are glorified in his eternal love and then as at the discovery of Joseph he and his brethren fell upon the necks
Saints why what bodies you will say have they I answer glorious bodies no sooner shall the bodies of the Saints arise but they shall exceed with singular qualities 1 Cor. 15.42 43 44 They were sown in corruption but they are raised in incorruption they were sown in dishonour but raised in glory they were sown in weakness but raised in power they were sowen natural bodies but raised spiritual bodies The Sun in its shinings doth but shadow forth the glory of their bodies and this will in some measure torment Reprobates to see the difference of their bodies and the bodies of the Saints O will they say yond are they whom we despised and now are they honoured See a world of Suns rising at once out of all parts of the Earth sometimes we lived on Earth and we never saw but one Sun rising in the East but lo millions of Suns on East and West and North and South O those are the glorious Saints of Heaven see with what swift and agile bodies they are preparing to fly into the Air to meet their Lord and Saviour there whilst in the mean time we rise with such heavy dull and deformed bodies that we cannot mount O what will become of us why this is the day of resurrection The Angels have been here to unseal our graves to roll away the stones and at their shout and sound of the Trumpet our scattered dusts have met together and lo now we stand upon the Earth 4. No sooner the Saints raised and their souls and Bodies re-united with excellent Majesty but then shall all the elect of God from first to last be gathered together if you ask whence and whither I answer 1. To the question whence from the four winds from one end of Heaven to another i.e. From all parts of the world from East and West and North and South from one end of Heaven to another a Vulgar term in regard of our sight for in it self Heaven is round and hath no end the meaning is that not one Saint in all the world from Adam to the last man shall be concealed or lye hid from the most hidden inward secret bosom of the earth all shall be gathered howsoever their dusts may be scattered into a thousand thousand parts yet the power of Christ shall restore all those dusts and bring them together into their several compacted bodies 2. To the question whether they shall be gathered Some say to the Valley of Jehoshaphat Joel 3.12 from that Text Let the Heathen be weakened and come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat for there will I sit to judge the Heathen round about but I believe this Text hath reference to a particular judgment of God upon Israels enemies which dwell round about Jerusalem and not to the general day of Judgment Others say Acts 1.11 12. to Mount-Olivet from that Text This same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven then returned they unto Jerusalem from the Mount called Olivet But I believe this Text speaks onely of the manner how Christ shall come and not of the place to which he shall come Indeed 't is not probable that either the valley of Jehoshaphat or the Mount of Olivet can be sufficient places to contain all the men that ever were are and shall be and therefore if such a thing can be determined I should rather appeal to that Text 1 Thes 4.17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them that are raised in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air When Christ was askt this very question where Lord whither shall the Saints be gathered where shall the general Judgment be he answers wheresoever the body is thither will the Eagles be gathered together By the body Christ meant himself and by the Eagles Christ meant his Elect because their youth is renewed as the Eagles now the elect must resort to Christ wheresoever he is and the Apostle is express that Christ is in the air and in the clouds and therefore thither must the elect be gathered Luke 17.37 they shall be caught up by the holy Angels into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air Vse O my brethren what sights are these what changes wonders strange face of things will be this day how is it that we are not as frequent in the meditation of this Summons as Jerom was who as he thought heard dayly that sound Arise ye dead and come to Judgment methinks a sad and serious consideration of these passages might keep us close to Christ come try a little if in the hurryings of the day we are so distracted that we cannot reach the spiritual part of a meditation yet in the evening or morning when all is still or in the night-season when all is quiet then labour to prevent the day of doom so realize it as if then we saw Christ in the clouds sending his Angels on this errand Away and bring hither all the men and women in the world and in the first place gather my Saints together unto me Adam and Abraham those Fathers of the world and of the faithful let them see all their children and let all their children see them and bring them all to my Throne awaken the world let them who have slept in their graves some thousand of years be now rouzed and raised Imagine then as if we heard the Trumpet of God founded by the Angels of God and as the sound of it waxed louder and louder that we saw the Mountains skip like Rams and the little Hills like young Sheep That we saw all the graves in Churches or Church-yards in Fields or Plains or Seas fly open that we saw all the bodies of the dead beginning to stir and to stand upon their feet and presently the Angels coming and taking all the Saints upon their wings and so flying with them through the air till they came to the Throne and judgment-seat of Christ is it possible that such a meditation should pass without some tincture of it on our spirits if my ears shall hear that sound and if my eyes shall see these sights is it not time for me to lay these things to heart that I may be found faithful and well-doing as sure as I have this Book in my hand I must be one of those that shall hear the sound of the Trumpet and away I must from the mouth of my grave where ever I shall be buried to the cloud where Christ doth sit come then how would I rise as foul as a toad or as an Angel of God O my God! set this home on my soul O where 's my Lamp and where 's my oyl are all ready and am I ready furnished and prepared to meet the Lord in the Air Christians if we have any life in us let us act and realize this to the life O this would keep
and Powers that captive wicked men at their pleasure even they must be judged by those whom they formerly soyled so then there is no question but they shall judge Only how the Saints shall judge together with Christ is a very deep question For my part I am apt to think that it shall not be directly known ere it be seen or done I shall only relate what others say to this point and so leave you to your liberty of judging what is right 1. Some say that the Saints shall judge the World by presenting their persons and actions by comparing their good examples with the evil examples of all the Reprobates Jude 15. and so they shall convince and condemn the World Behold the Lord cometh with Ten thousand of his Saints to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them This I conceive to be a truth yet surely this is not all truth 2. Others say that the Saints shall judge the World by way of indicting impleading accusing witnessing c. And I conceive it may be thus too the Saints of the Law more especially accusing the breakers of the Law by the Law Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father John 5.45 there is one that accuseth you to the Father there is one that accuseth you even Moses in whom ye trust And the Saints of the Gospel more especially judging the prophaners of the Gospel Rom. 2.16 by the Gospel in that day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel This likewise is truth but I believe as yet we have not the whole truth Psal 58.10 3. Others say that the Saints shall judge the World after the manner of exaltation glorying and rejoycing to see the vengeance The Righteous shall rejoyce when he seeth the vengeance he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked But this their exulting being a constant and perpetual act not for a time but for eternity methinks this present act should be yet somewhat more Rev. 16.17 Rev. 19.1 2. 4. Others say that the Saints shall judge the World by way of assession assent vote suffrage comprobation and the like subordinate and conformable acts And I heard another out of the Altar say even so Lord God Almighty true and righteous are thy judgments And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven saying Allelujah salvation and glory and honour and power unto the Lord our God for true and righteous are his judgments this certainly is truth and commonly so received yet neither is this all truth 5. Others say that the Saints shall judge the World i.e. Christ in the Saints and the Saints in Christ He in them by those Infallible principles of Divine Justice which are imprest in them and they in him by those inseparable bounds of union whereby they wholly relate to him or he and they together as head and members the act of the head imputed to the members and the act of the members acknowledged by the head his Judiciary Act especially as from his Mediatorship and Manhood having a peculiar influence upon them and their Judiciary act in a perfect conformity though not any absolute proportion having a peculiar reference to him And methinks those Texts of Mat. 19.28 Jude 14.15 speak there of Christs and of the Saints judgment as of one joynt act Oh what terror will be to all wicked men when not only Christ but all the Saints shall say of them away with them away with them let them be damned You that are Fathers it may be that your Children will thus sentance you I remember when the Jews told Christ that he cast out Devils through Belzebub the Prince of Devils Mat. 12.7 he answered If I through Belzebub cast out Devils by whom do your Children cast them out therefore they shall be your judges They liked well enough of the Miracles of their Children who were the Disciples of Christ but they could not endure them in Christ and therefore he tells them that their Children whom God hath converted and to whom he had given power to do the same works as he did even they should be their judges to Condemn them And so it may be with you if any of your Children be converted to the Lord and you remain still in a natural estate your very Children shall be your judges and condemn you to Hell But of that anon 6. In this doom which Christ and his Saints shall pass on Reprobates our Saviour tells us of some reasonings betwixt him and them I was an hungred saith Christ and ye gave me no meat I was thirsty and ye gave me no drink c. Mat. Then shall they answer Lord when saw we thee hungry or a thirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not minister unto thee and then shall he answer them verily I say unto you inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me As if Christ should have said time was that I was under reproach misery calamity necessity I lay at your doors like Lazarus full of sores and as I thought nothing too much for you so I expected also something from you but oh cruelty to see thy Christ an hungred and not to feed him to see thy Christ a thirst and not to cool or quench his thirst to see thy Christ a stranger and not to give him a nights lodging to see thy Christ naked and not to cover him with a garment who would gladly have covered thee with the robe of righteousness the garment of Salvation O monstrous inhumane heart O prodigious wretch who among the Heathens ever dealt thus with their Idols have any of the Nations starved their Gods turned them out of doors and must I only be slighted away Reprobates you had no mercy on me and now I laugh at your calamity surely he shall have judgment without mercy that hath shewed no mercy They stand wondering at this and cannot remember that ever they saw Christ in such a condition Why Lord say they when saw we thee an hungred or thirsty or naked art thou not he that rose again from the dead and ascended on high and ever since hast been exalted above the highest Cherubims a name being given thee above every name at which name to this day but especially now on this day every knee doth bow of things in heaven and things in earth Phil. 2.9 10. and things under the earth how then could we see thee in such a condition is not this thy second coming in glory and were we alive at thy first coming in humility how can this be oh how shouldst thou charge us with unkindness to thy self surely if we had known thee in need we would have given thee of thy own thou shouldst never have wanted what things we enjoyed but thou shouldst
now shall pass away with a great noise 11 12. that the Elements shall melt with fervent heat and that the earth also and the works therein shall be burnt up and doth he not infer thereupon in the eleventh and twelfth verses that all these things shall be dissolved and in the thirteenth verse that we are therefore to look for new heavens and a new earth dissolution mends not a fabrick but destroyes it how then should that which is dissolved be said to be reserved and let stand surely if Peter had thought of this refining only some words of his would have intimated so much The end of these creatures was for man's use and man using them no more to what end should they be reserved to say for a monument of what hath been or for the habitation of the Saints or for an out-let for the Saints descending sometimes from the highest heavens to solace themselves here below are but groundless surmises and deserve no answer at all 2. Positively by new heavens and a new earth is meant the heaven of heavens and place of glory Now these heavens are termed new not in regard of their new making but of our new taking possession of them for our new habitation and they are called heavens and earth because they come in stead of that heavenly covering and that earthly habitation which we now enjoy so that the Text may well bear this paraphrase we look for new heavens i.e. the supreme court of God's presence and a new earth i.e. a new habitation for us which shall infinitly exceed the commodities and happiness of these heavens and earth which we now enjoy thus John in his Revelations Rev. 21.1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more Sea This new heaven and new earth is the place or habitation prepared for the blessed Saints and people of God A new heaven where the Moon is more glorious then our Son and the Sun as glorious as he that made it for it is he himself the Son of God the Son of righteousness the Son of Glory a new earth where all their waters are milk and all their milk honey where all their grass is corn and all their corn is Manna where all their glebe and clods of earth are Gold and all their Gold of innumerable Carats where all their minutes are ages and all their ages Eternity where every thing is every minute in the higest exaltation as good as can be Of these new heavens and this new earth I can never say enough not know enough till I come there to inhabit it Something only we shall discover of it in our next Sections for now are the Saints entred in with Jesus Christ Vse Only one word of use Christians what 's the matter that we are so busie about this world why look about you not one of these visible objects shall that day remain or have a being those houses wherein we dwell these Temples wherein we meet this Town this Country this Isle and the Seas and waters that surround it shall be all on fire and consume to nothing the Sea shall be no more and time shall be no more or if we look higher yond Sun and Moon and Star shall be no more that glorious Heaven which rolls over our heads shall be rolled together as a scrol Isa 34.4 Isa 51.6 and all the hoast shall fall down as a leaf falleth from the Vine and as a falling Fig from the Fig-Tree the heavens shall vanish away like smoak saith Isaiah comminuentur in nihilum as Hierome reads it they shall be battered into nothing Alas alas what do we toyling all the day it may be all our life for a little of this little almost nothing earth you that have an hundred or two hundred or a thousand Acres if every acre were a Kingdom all will be at last burnt up so that none shall say here was Preston or here was London or here was England or here was Europe or here was the Globe of Earth on which men troad let others b●ast as they will of their inheritances but Lord give me an inheritance above all these visibles heaven shall remain when earth shall vanish that Empyreal Heaven those seats of Saints those mansions above prepared by Jesus Christ shall never end but for my riches lands possessions moveables goods real or personal they will end in smoak in nothing what wilt thou set thine eyes upon a thing that is not Prov. 23.5 upon this the primitive Christians took joyfully the spoiling of their goods it was but a loss a little before the time and they knew in themselves that they had in heaven a better and an enduring substance O let this be our care here we have no abiding City but O let 's seek one to come even that one that will abide for ever and ever Amen SECT VIII Of Christ's surrendring and delivering up the Kingdom to God even the Father 8. FOR Christ's surrendring and delivering up the Kingdom to God even the Father no sooner is he in heaven but these things follow 1. He presents the Elect unto his Father of this the Apostle speaks you hath he reconciled in the body of his flesh through death to present you holy and unblameable Col. 1.12 22. and unproveable in his sight to this end Christ dyed that he might wash us and cleanse us by his blood and then that he might present us without spot unto his Father We may imagine Christ as going to his Father with his bride in his hand and saying thus O my Father here is my Church my Spouse my Queen here are the Saints concerning whom I covenanted with thee from Eternity concerning whom I went down from heaven and dyed on earth and ascending up I have interceded these many hundred years concerning whom I went down to Judge the World and having sentenced them to life eternal I now bring them in my hand to give them the possession of thy self These are they whom thou gavest me in the beginning of the World and now I restore them to thy self at the end of the World for they are thine Thus he presents them to his Father Indeed we read that Christ presents the Saints to himself as well as to his Father Eph. 5.25.27 Christ loved the Church and gave himself for it that he might present it to himself a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle but this I take it was done before when first a Soul believes it is contracted to Christ when the soul is sentenced to glory then is the solemnity and consummation of the Marriage then doth Christ present the Soul to himself and I know not but that the Ministers of Christ may have a part in this matter for I have espoused you to one husband said Paul to his Corinthians that I may present you as a chast Virgin to
to his Saints more then ever before In this respect might I say if any person in the Trinity receives more honour than other Christ should have most Rev. 5.13 every Creature which is in heaven heard I say blessing honour glory and power be unto him that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever not only unto God but particularly to the Lamb for ever and ever It is true that God only and God fully and God immediately is all in all but doth that hinder that Jesus Christ is not also only fully and immediately all in all see how the Scripture joyns them together Rev. 21.22 23. which plainly argues that they may consist I saw no Temple in the City for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it and the City had no need of the Sun neither of the Moon to shine in it for the glory of God does lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof Now then as I have spoken of God so that I may speak of Christ and conclude all with Christ I assert this Doctrine that the glory of Christ which the Saints shall behold in Christ to all eternity is their all in all In the discussion of which I shall open these particulars 1. What is the glory of Christ 2. How the Saints shall behold his glory 3. Wherein is the comprehensiveness of this expression that the beholding of Christ is our all in all 1. What is the glory of Christ I answer that the glory of Christ is either humane or divine 1. There is an humane glory which in time was more especially conferred upon his manhood 2. There is an essential or divine glory which before time and after time even from everlasting to everlasting issueth from the God-head I shall speak to both these that we may rather take a view of Christ in those glories as we are able wherein he will appear to his Saints as their all in all to all Eternity 1. For his humane glory that is either in regard of his Soul or body for his Soul Christ was from the first instant of his conception full of glory because even then he received grace not by measure as we do but as comprehension he had the clear vision of God even as the Angels of heaven which arose from that hypostatical union of two natures at his first conception It is true that by the special dispensation of God the fullness of thy accompanying that glory was with-held from Christ in the time of his passion and the redundancy of glory from his soul unto his body was totally deferred until the exaltation of Christ but Christ no sooner exalted and set on the right hand of God but immediately the interruption of joy in his soul and the interception of glory from his soul to his body was altogether removed Then it was that his soul was filled with all joy solace pleasure which could possibly flow from the sight of an object so infinitely pleasing as is the essence Majesty and glory of God And then it was that his body was replenished with as much glory as was proportionable unto the most vast capacity of any creature not only his soul but his body is a glorious Creature it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a body of glory that is a most glorious body in it self And the spring of glory unto others ought not Christ to have suffered these things Luk. 24.26 and so to enter into his glory it is called his glory as if it were appropriated unto him as the most eminent subject and principal efficient of glory as if he had the monopoly of glory all the glory in heaven is in some sort his glory Surely Christ's manhood is exalted unto an higher degree of glory than the most glorious Saint or Angel ever was or shall be principalities powers mights and dominions fall short of his glory But some object that the mediatory office of Christ shall wholly cease and that the body and soul of Christ shall then be annihilated Indeed this was the opinion of Eutiches that the human nature of Christ should be changed or converted into the divine and thus he interprets that Scripture then shall the Son also himself be subject that God may be all in all what is this subjection saith he but a conversion of the Creature into the very substance 1 Cor. 15.28 or essence of the Creatour himself Vt ipsam subjectionem communicationem conversionem credat futuram creaturae in ipsam substantiam vel essentiam creatoris Aug. de Trinit lib. 1 c. 8. Aret. in loco Job 19.27 2 Thes 1.10 But we deny the interpretation the Son as man shall be subject and yet the manhood of Christ shall still remain it is true that his Mediatory office shall wholly cease but it follows not that therefore the manhood of Christ shall be converted or changed into the Deity there may be other reasons for the continuation of his human nature besides the execution of his Mediatory office As 1. That the lustre of his Deity might shine through his humanity and that thereby our very bodily eyes may come to see God as much as is possible for any creature to see him I shall see him saith Job not with other but with these same eyes 2. That the Saints may see how the power of an infinite God can conveigh the lustre of his Deity into a Creature upon this account I verily believe that Angels and Men will be continually viewing of Jesus Christ he shall come to be admired of the Saints he shall be admired as we have heard at the Judgment-day nor is that all but the Saints in heaven shall see with their eyes such excellencies in Christ as that they shall admire for ever I say for ever as much as they did at the first moment when they saw him here if we see any thing excellent we admire at first but after a while we do not so but in heaven there will be so much excellency in Christ that we shall admire as much to all Eternity as we did at the very first moment there will be no abatement in glory of our being taken with the sight of the glory in Jesus Christ 3. That Christ by his humanity may converse more freely and familiarly with his brethren in his Fathers house oh the intimacy that will be there betwixt Jesus Christ and his Christian Saints oh the mutual rejoycing and delight that will be there betwixt Jesus Christ and his dearest darlings as Christ from Eternity rejoyced in the habitable part of his Earth so will the Saints his habitable Earth to all eternity rejoyce in Christ the eye of the Saints in glory can never be off Christ as Mediator and God now the eye of the Saints in glory shall never be off Christ as God and Mediatour then Thus far of his human glory 2. For his Essential divine glory it is that
glory which Christ hath as God this he never laid aside but as the Sun in a dark gloomy day may not send forth its beams so Christ the Son of righteousness in the time of his abode upon earth except a little glimps only in his transfiguration did not send forth his glorious beams but hereafter the body or humanity of Christ shall not hinder the breaking forth of all his divine glory No sooner the Son subject and his Mediatory office discharged but Christ as God will manifestly put forth his more immediate glory to all his Saints Behold now we are the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know when he shall appear we shall be like him 1 John 3.2 for we shall see him as he is Mark it when he shall appear at and after the Resurrection day we shall see him as he is i.e. we shall see the very essential glory of Jesus Christ Quest But what is the essential glory of Christ I cannot answer it is a question not to be resolved by all the men in the World we know little of the glory of Saints how should we know any thing of the essential glory of Christ as God Answ The Scriptures say that God spake to Moses face to face yet God tells him thou canst not see my face and he favours him so far as to tell him the reason for there shall no man see my face and live Exod. 33.11 20. q. d. No man in this life he must first dye and be changed and then he shall have a peculiar revelation of the divine Majesty then he shall see him as he is but how that is I cannot tell come let us question this no further surely it is a mercy that this infinite glory is not discovered to us for as a weak eye is not able to behold the Sun or to see in it rota as the School-men speak in that wheel or circle wherein the Sun doth run but only in the beams of it no more can we see Christ as God in his glorious essence or in his essential glory but only in the beams thereof in his Word and Effects if now we know so little of spirits and spirituals oh then how little do we know of him who is the Father of Spirits I shall say no more therefore let us be content to be ignorant of these things till we enter into the confines of Eternity But whether shall this glorious Essence or Essential glory of Christ be more seen or manifested at or after the day of judgment then ever it was before Quest I answer I believe it will Answ Dr. Annesly Communion with God Some tell us of several periods wherein the glory of Christ is still more and more seen as 1. In this life we may see it in part thus David speaks of himself my soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee to see thy power and thy glory as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary but this sight is very dim we see onely now as through a glass darkly The second period is betwixt our dissolution and resurrection 1 Cor. 13.12 and then shall we see the essential glory of Christ more immediately and fully our creeping apprehension of God shall then be elevated and our distance from God shall then be shortned and all the riddles of grace and of Jesus Christ shall then be opened This sight is so great that if a soul should come from heaven to declare it neither could that soul express it nor we understand it we read of Lazarus whose soul Christ returned into his body whom much people of the Jews came purposely to see that they might hear stories of the other World but not a word from him of any such matter Paul's rapture may satisfie with the reason of it he heard there 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wordless words 2 Cor. 12.4 such words as could not possibly be repeated on earth and yet all this is but a second step to the full vision of Christ's essential glory The third period is at the Resurrection and during the time of the last Judgment and then we shall see more of his glory Camero affirms that 't is no curiosity to say that the Saints and Angels in heaven had a new glory by the exhibition of Christ the great mystery of the Incarnation being thereby better known and we may as safely affirm that the Saints shall have a new glory by new visions of the glory of Christ at the day of Resurrection they shall then see the solemnity of heavens glory carried on by Christ in his glorious actings and all that ever the soul saw before in being with Christ in Heaven till the Resurrection shall be swallowed up with the sight of this glory of Christ at the Resurrection-day The last period is after the Resurrection and that shall continue even to all Eternity now all the manifestations of Christ's glory before this are but as a few green ears rubb'd in our hands so that the full crop or the full harvest is yet behind But this is that which as we told you before we cannot tell though we had the tongues of men and Angels Thus far of the first point what is the glory of Christ 2. How sh●ll the Saints behold this glory I answer As Christ hath a twofold glory so there is a twofold manner of beholding it i.e. ocular and mental 1. There is an ocular vision a sight of Christ with our very eyes Job 19.27 whom I shall see for my self and mine eyes shall behold him with these eyes in our heads we shall one day behold the human glory of Christ I doubt not we shall behold the beauty of Heaven the shining bodies of the Saints but above all our very eyes shall delightfully contemplate Christ's glorious body and indeed this shall drown all the other sights if any think that Christ's glorious body shall be too intensive and too extraordinary a brightness for our weak eyes let such consider that 1. The eye in heaven shall be glorified now glorification adds a singular excellency to the faculties it advanceth the faculties and raiseth them to an higher pitch of excellency glorification adds a greater capacity to the eye then ever it had before In this world there is a difference in our eyes and sight a man of a clear sight sees more things and more of every thing then a dark sight doth so a glorified eye sees more of things then our eyes now can see it shall be enlarged exceedingly to take in objects which now it cannot receive glorification adds strength to the faculties both internal and external so that the eye shall be able to look on the glory of Christ not with difficulty but with contentment in this World every sense we have is apt to be destroyed by excellent Objects and the more excellent and transcendent the object is the more it hurts
and destroys the sense as the Sun by its brightness darkens the eye and other things by mighty sounds bring deafness to the ear Paul indeed had a vision of glory but because his faculties were not glorified he was he knew not how whether in the body or out of the body whether alive or dead he did not know certainly the sight of the glory of the other world would amaze distract and destroy us if we had a sight of it as now we are but in heaven the eye shall have great pleasure in beholding the brightest light because it shall be advanced to the highest pitch of strength that may be 2. As the eye shall be glorified so it shall act in a glorified body and this will make the sight of the glory of Christ in stead of hurting us to leave upon us a more sweet enlivening and powerful impression By this means all the impediments that hinder the conveyance of divine influences from that heavenly object will be removed To illustrate this let the most excellent sight be set before a man that is defective in his bodily state and it doth not take him what should a sick man do with such things he makes nothing of the most pleasant gardens orchards buildings nor of the most glorious sights that are when he is sick they are but sick things to him and of none effect but in heaven the body shall be glorified and stript of all corruptions and imperfections so that there shall be no bar unto the influences of the glory of Christ which shall there be seen 3. As there shall be a glorified eye acting in a glorified body so it shall be acted by a glorified Spirit the eye is but the organ or instrument of sight and without the spirit would conveigh no more then a glass doth it is the Spirit of a man that gives life to vision it is the Spirit of a man that discovers things and sets them forth in their worth vertues ends now in heaven the spirit of men shall be glorified and enabled to perform all those offices in perfection so that when a man shall look on the man Christ Jesus by vertue of a glorified spirit he shall see more know more taste more than any other can As a man of understanding when he looks on a diamond or a wedge of gold he hath other apprehensions of it and a further touch upon his spirit then a beast or a child in a cradle hath so where the sight of the eye is acted by a glorified mind it takes in more from the sight of every thing which is to be seen unexpressibly more then what can be done here by the most sanctified Spirit in the World Now in these respects Christ's glorified body though it be the brightest visible thing in the Heaven of Heavens yet may it be the object of the eye of Saints for they shall have glorified eyes in glorified bodies and acted by their glorified spirits 2. There is a mental vision a sight of Christ by the eyes of our understandings and surely this exceeds the former the eye of the body is only on the body of Christ but the eye of the soul is on the body and soul on the Humanity and Deity of Jesus Christ This is the very top of heaven when Saints shall be illightned with a clear and glorious sight of Christ as God Divines usually call it Beatifical vision Quest But how shall Saints behold the glorious Essence or God-head of Christ Answ 1. Some say Christ as God or the God-head of Christ shall be known by the Humanity of Christ such a lustre of his Deity shall shine through his humanity as that thereby and by no other means shall the Essential glory of Christ appear 2. Others say That besides the Humanity of Christ there shall be a species representing the Divine Essence of Christ and a light of glory elevating the understanding by a Supernatural strength and that thereby the glorious Essence of Christ shall be discovered 3. Others say That the Divine Essence shall be represented to the glorified understanding not by Christs humanity nor by any species but immediately by it self yet they also require a light of glory to elevate and fortifie the understanding by reason of its weakness and infinite disproportion and distance from the incomprehensible Deity 4. Others hold that to the clear vision of Christ as God there is not required a sight of Christ's humanity as the first suppose nor a species representing the Divine Essence as the second suppose nor any created light elevating the understanding as the third suppose but only a change of the natural order of knowing It is sufficient say they that the Divine Essence be immediately represented to a created understanding which though it cannot be done according to the order of nature as experience tells us for so we conceive things as first having passed the sense and imagination yet it may be done according to the order of Divine grace I shall not enter into these Scholastical disputes 1 Cor. 13.12 Rev. 22.4 it is enough for a sober man to know that in heaven we shall see him face to face his Servants shall serve him and they shall see his face Quest His face what 's that I answer Answ 1. They shall see Christ as God of the same Essence with the Father and the holy Ghost and yet a distinct Person from them both they shall see the Unity in Trinity and Trinity in Unity they shall see how the Son is begotten of the Father and how the holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son they shall see the difference between the generation of the Son and procession of the Spirit These are mysteries in which we are blind and know very little or nothing but in seeing his face we shall see all these 2. They shall see Christ at their first being or principle of all the good that is in the World they shall see how all things were made by him and without him was not any thing made that was made they shall see all the good in the creature as flowing from Christ John 1.3 and as contained in the absolute perfection of Christ's Divine Nature they shall see in one Christ all the excellencies of all the creatures united which is indeed to see him in his eminency if there be any beauty riches honour goodness in any creature that is eminently transcendently and originally in Christ and that shall be seen 3. They shall see Christ in all his ways counsels decrees executions transactions from everlasting to everlasting that great business of Election and Reprobation will then be discovered it is an expression of Augustine They shall then see the reason why one is Elected and another Reprobated why one is rich and another poor they shall then see all the works that ever God did or that ever God will do it is not yet Six thousand years since
that sitteth on the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever Amen Ver. 13. Why this is their continual work in heaven they have nothing else to do but with joy and gladness to sing forth the praises of God and of Christ and that his mercy endureth for ever And this likewise is comprehended under that notion of the Saints beholding of Christ which compleatly makes up the proposition asserted that Christ or the glory of Christ which the Saints shall behold to all eternity is their all in all Thus far we have propounded the object which is Jesus carrying on the Salvation of his Saints in his coming again to earth and taking them up with himself and his Angels into heaven our next work is to direct you how to look unto Jesus in this respect and then we have done CHAP. II. SECT I. Of knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his second coming WHAT looking is and what it contains we have often heard and that in these respects we may look on Jesus 1. Let us know Jesus carrying on the Saints Salvation in his second coming and taking them to Heaven Many glorious excellent things many precious passages many high and heavenly carriages are in this transaction Is it not of high concernment that he that now sits at God's right hand interceding for us should thence come again to judge the World and after judgment take up his Saints with him into glory can we read of the several actings of this general Assize and not desire to read on still nay is not all our reading mixt with admiration of every passage come wonder and sit and pause and stop at every word stay and wonder and adore that light which appears in any beam of truth and in the admiration of that truth which doth appear cast thy self down at the feet of Christ and cry out O the depth of Glory and Majesty and goodness and grace in thee O the riches of love that thou shouldst let out thy self in these several admirable dispensations come be exact in this study gather up all the crumbs and fillings of this gold the least beams of the glory of Christ especially as it shines and glitters at his second coming have so much light and love and splendour in them as that they will be very sweet to look upon them every piece or part of this knowledge will be of special use and worth yea the low and imperfect knowledge of this mystery is of infinite more value then the high and perfect knowledge of Ten thousand things besides And one thing O my soul let me tell thee it is possible for thee to attain a very sweet and satisfactory degree of this very knowledge And therefore study close run over again all that hath been spoken and dig yet deeper into that glorious mine content not thy self with a bare discovery of that gold-oare which is only upon the superficies or top of the mine but go so far as to find out the inward spiritual and experimental knowledge which the Saints by the light of the Spirit may come to attain O study Christ in his second coming to judgment SECT II. Of considering Jesus in that respect 2. LET us consider Jesus carrying on this work of Salvation at his second coming It is not enough to know but we must meditate and seriously consider of it A meer student may know Christ and study Christ as he knows and studies other things he may keep together many notions concerning Christ and his coming to Judgment but he hath no impression of the holiness of Christ upon his heart and in this respect he is a stranger to Christ and all his actings alas he studies Christ but he doth not rightly seriously inwardly consider of Christ but he doth not look unto Jesus as one that looks to his pattern or as one that looks to his refuge hope and help true and spiritual consideration is a serious matter it s not some few and freeting thoughts that are the discharge of this work but thoughts resting dwelling fixing and staying upon Christ until they come to some profitable issue O it is another manner of business then many are aware of it 's a thinking with thought upon thought it 's a reiteration and multiplication of the thoughts of the mind upon the Subject propounded so the Scripture expresseth it I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought Eccles 2.11 12. and in that next verse I turned to see he looked upon and considered his works and he returned to behold them he thought on them before but now he returned to think he renewed his thoughts upon the matter and took a new view of them Indeed when the understanding works seriously and spiritually it will fetch things into sight and not only so but it will hold them there and fasten upon them Lam. 4.20 and when they are gone it will fetch them again my soul hath them still in remembrance my soul in remembring doth remember them and will not off till the end he obtained so a man eyes Christ till he have more of Christ more of his presence and more of his light and more of his favour and more of his image O let this be our work let us thus consider Jesus in reference to his second coming to judgment And that we may do it in Order 1. Consider Christ's preparing for judgment realize it as if thou sawest or heardst the same no sooner the time determined which God hath appointed but Christ commands make ready ye Angels to wait upon me and make ready ye glorious souls that now are with me it is the Fathers pleasure and it is my pleasure to go down into the neather World and to call before me all the men and women that ever lived in it there will I pass my doom upon all flesh and reward every one good and bad according to his works O what a shout may I imagine in heaven at this news what joy is in the souls of Saints that now they must go to their bodies and enter into them that both their souls and bodies which sometimes lived together may now dwell together with Christ in glory and never part more if those that live on earth are commanded by Christ To lift up their heads because their redemption draweth nigh how much more shall they joy in Heaven who also have waited for the adoption to wit Rom. 8.23 the redemption of their bodies that now the long-looked-for day is come it is come O the exaltation of the Angels at this tydings This is worthy a pause a Selah to be set upon it 2. Consider Christ's coming to judgment all now in readiness the Son of God comes forth with all his glorious attendants Matt. 16.27 For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his Angels and with the souls of Saints that for a time have been in
Paradise Oh what a goodly sight is here In this meditation I may see with John Rev. 21.2 The new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband Down comes Christ and down come the Angels and down come the spirits of the just made perfect and as they come along see how they shake the Heavens and dim and dark the very lights of Heaven see what a flood of fire goes before them see how they pass into the cloud where Christ makes a stand and erects a Throne for himself to sit on Sure 't will be a guilded glorious cloud when Christ with all his celestial servants shall sit upon it a mornings cloud guilded with the beams of the Sun is admirably fair and shining but what a shining cloud is that where the Sun of righteousness with all his morning stars do sit and shine here 's enough to dazzle my eyes and to take up my thoughts O my soul think on it 3. Consider Christ's summons of the Elect to come under judgment no sooner in the cloud but He shall send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet Mat. 24.31 and they shall gather together his Elect from the four winds from the one end of heaven to another Will not this be a strange sight to see Christ a coming with Trumpets sounding before him causing all the dead to awaken out of their sleeps of death the very sound of this Trumpet was ever in Jerom's ears Arise ye dead and come to Judgment and no question but thy ears shall be filled with the blast thereof the Trumpet shall found that shall bp heard over all the World and then shall the dead arise out of their graves and every Saints soul shall re-enter into his own body by vertue of the resurrection of Christ their Head Can I pass this meditation without some reflection on my self O my soul how joyfully wilt thou greet thy body when thou shalt enliven it again how wilt thou say O my dear Sister whom I left behind me in the dust when I went to Heaven how sweet is thy carcass how comely is thy countenance how do I enter into thee and animate thee and I will never more leave thee thou wast my yoke-fellow in the Lords Labours and my companion in persecution and wrong now shall we enter together into our Masters joy see lift up thy head behold Jesus Christ yonder sitting in the cloud and lo here the Angels waiting on us and coming to take us with the rest of the Saints into the Air to meet our Redeemer there Could I but realize this summons this resurrection this meeting of the soul and body and going with the Angels into the judgment-seat oh how would it work and what work would it make within 4. Consider Christ and the Saints meeting at the judgment day oh how shall the Saints look and stare and gaze at the beauty of Jesus Christ oh how will they break out into admiration at the first view of those glories which never before appeared on this side Heaven is not this he will they say of whom we read so often that he was fairer than the sons of men that he was white and ruddy the chiefest of ten thousands that his countenance was as Lebanon excellent as the Cedars glorious as when the Sun shineth in his strength but was ever the half told us of what now we see and behold O the super-excellent transcendent beauty of this Son of righteousness O the treasures of loveliness in this Jesus Christ never seen before And thus as they admire so they adore now they begin those Hallelujahs that never never shall have end they fall at the feet of Christ and the Lord Christ takes them up with his hands and folds them in his arms oh what mutual reciprocal salutations are these betwixt Christ and his members oh my head and oh my body oh my husband and oh my spouse oh my dear and oh my darling never two lovers met with such heat of love as Christ and his Saints come saith Christ and sit you down here at my right hand and let the world be on my left hand it was otherwise with you in your life-time my gold and my jewels were then cast in the dust you were then cloathed with infamy and the vilest of men were then guilded with honour but now I will set all right now the dust shall be swept away and the jewels of my Kingdom shall be gathered up now the Goats shall be driven into the desart and you who are the Sheep shall be brought into my fold Oh my soul what a meeting is this what a sight will this be to behold the Saints in this condition and thy self amongst them couldst thou but realize this one very passage it were enough to quench thy lust and to kindle a flame of pure love in thy heart to Jesus Christ it is a quickning rouzing rising rejoycing consideration 5. Consider Christ sentencing the Saints for eternal glory then shall the books be opened and all the good works of the Saints shall be revealed and made known and then shall the Judg from his Throne of Majesty in the sight and hearing of all the world pronounce that sentence Come ye blessed of my Father inherite the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the world Mat. 25.34 q. d. Come my Saints come with me into glory come now from labour to rest from disgrace to glory from the jaws of death to the joys of eternal life for my sake ye have been railed on reviled and cursed but now it shall appear to all those cursed Esaus that you are the true Jacobs that shall receive the blessing and blessed shall you be come now and possess with me the inheritance of Heaven where you shall be for love Sons for birth-right heirs for dignity Kings for holiness Priests come you may boldly enter in for my Father hath prepared and kept it for you ever since the first foundation of the World was laid O my soul dost thou not remember when sometimes thou hast been at the feet of Christ in the beauty of holyness and there tookest in those droppings of his spirit which were better to thee than the feasts of Kings dost thou not remember when sometimes thou hast had the very beams of light darted from the face of Jesus Christ when he whispered to thy soul the forgiveness of thy sins saying Fear not thy sins shall not hurt thee I am thy salvation oh what joy was then what meltings movings stirrings leapings of heart were then in thy bosom but was that joy any thing to this or to be compared with this that was a drop but here 's an Ocean here 's fulness of joy oh what leapings of heart what ravishments will be within when thou shalt see thy self in the arms of Christ and shalt receive words of life from the mouth of Christ in the face of
excellencies meet together rest in Christ and Christ is all good things to all his Saints in Heaven he is Beauty to their Eyes Musick to their Ears Honey to their mouths Perfume to their Nostrils Health to their Bodyes Joy to their Souls Light to their Understandings Content to their Wills he is Time without sliding Society without loathing Desire without fainting Alpha and Omega the beginning and ending wanting both needing neither yet the Author of them both he is All in all from one not all Even all the Strength Wit Pleasure Vertues Colours Beauties Harmony and goodness that are in Men Beasts Fishes Fouls Trees Herbs and all Creatures are nothing but sparkles of those things which are in Christ Christ himself will then supply their use so that the best Creatures which now serve the Saints shall not have the honour to serve them then Rev. 21.23 There will be no need of the Sun nor of the Moon to shine in that City for the glory of God doth lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof And hence the beholding of Christ is the All in all to his glorified Saints this was Christ's Prayer Father I will that those whom thou hast given me be with me where I am to what end John 17.24 that they may behold my glory Christ's heavenly presence is conspicuous he is not present as some things that are not seen and yet are present but his presence is or certainly shall be conspicuous to all his Saints when he was in the world his glory was covered under a mean outside he was like a bright light in a dark-Lanthern and there were very few that knew him then but in Heaven he shall be as a Cabinet opened or as the Sun in his full glory We shall know him as we are known and behold him face to face 1 John 3.2 and we shall see him as he is Nor only will he be conspicuous but his presence shall be vital a stone may be with us and seen clearly but there 's little in the sight of that in the beholding of Christ there will be an acting of kindness upon the Saints there will be visions with life and dear refreshing O the influences that the sight of Christ will have on his Saints in Heaven nor onely will he be conspicuous and vital but his presence shall be fixed he shall abide with the Saints that they may for ever behold him Oh if there was such running after Christ in this world some getting on hills and others on trees that they might behold him when he passed by what will the sight of Christ in Heaven be when he shall be alwayes in the eye of his Saints and never out of sight when they shall be alwayes viewing of him and be alwayes satisfied with that view nor only will he be conspicuous vital fixed but his very presence shall transform They shall see his face and they shall reign for ever and ever O the influence of this sight Revel 22.4 5. it is of such a transforming Nature that to see the King will make Kings this vision of glory amounts unto a fruition of glory if ever thou art a spectator of Christ thou art sure to be a partaker of Christ in all his glory I shall be satisfied Psal 17.15 1 John 3.2 when I awake with thy likeness It doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him why so for we shall see him as he is And no wonder for if the imperfect beholding of his glory in the glass of his Gospel change the soul into the same image from glory to glory how much more shall the full view of his glory in Heaven transform both the souls and bodies of his Saints into a fulness of glory 1 Cor. 13.12 Here then is the top of Heaven here is the All in all here is the satisfaction of souls to the very uttermost if Christs glory in his transfiguration was so satisfactory to Peter as that he desired his sight of it might never have end or interruption O it is good to be here let us here build Tabernacles and yet Peter was onely a spectator of this glory for he had himself no share in it O then what infinite satisfaction mayst thou expect in the beholding of Christ's Glory in Heaven which will be accompanyed with an everlasting enjoyment the lusture of his glory will be diffused unto all so that some shall enjoy the glory of the Sun others of the Moon and others of the Stars O my soul if thou art but a Star there yet if thou art filled with that light that comes from the Sun of righteousness it is enough O remember oh consider oh never forget this Looking unto Jesus as it is thy duty on Earth so it is thy priviledge and highest happiness in Heaven for ever and ever SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that respect 3. LET us desire after Jesus carrying on this work of man's Salvation at his second coming It is true many shrink at the thoughts of death and judgment and 't is an high pitch to desire the dissolution of our selves and of this world the best Christians are compounded of flesh and spirit and if the spirit long to be in Heaven yet the Flesh is loath to leave this Earth Speak out of my soul thou prayest daily Come Lord Jesus let thy Kingdome come but is not the Flesh afraid lest God should hear thy Prayers Oh that we could loath our loathness in that respect oh that we could long for this second coming of Christ to Judgment And Christians this is attainable or otherwise I should not perswade you to it Phil. 1 2● I am in a strait said Paul between two having a desire to depart and to be with Christ which is far better And this is the voice of the desolate Bride Come for the spirit of Christ within her saith come The Spirit and the Bride say come Yea the whole Creation saith come Rev. 12.17 Rom. 8 21 23. Waiting to be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the Sons of God and not onely they but our selves also which have the first-fruits of the Spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our body Oh that we could groan oh that we could come up to this high pitch even to sigh out not our breath but our spirits even to groan out not some vapours but our hearts I know it is suitable to flesh and blood to tremble at the thoughts of judgment When Paul reasoned of righteousness temperance and of Judgment to come Felix trembled Acts 24.25 Weak Christians as well as Heathens may have many terrible fancies and notions of that day Oh to think of a time When there shall be a great earthquake Rev. 6.12 13 14 15 16 17 when the Sun shall become
Jesus Christ Doctor Sibbs is clear that the special office of the ministry of Christ is to lay open Christ to hold up the tapistry to unfold the hidden misteries of Christ and therefore he exhorts that we should labour to be alwayes speaking somewhat about Christ or tending that way when we speak of the law let it drive us to Christ when of moral duties let them teach us to walk worthy of Christ Christ or some what tending to Christ should be our theme and mark to aime at Sibbs Cantic p. 428. And I may feelingly say it is the sweetest subject that ever was Preached on is it not as an ointment poured forth whose smell is so fragrant and whose savour is so sweet that therefore all the Virgins love him is it not comprehensive of all glory beauty excellency whether of things in Heaven or of things on Earth is it not a mystery sweet and deep surely Volumes are written of Jesus Christ there is line upon line Sermon upon Sermon Book upon Book and Tome upon Tome and yet such is the mystery as one speaks plainly that we are all but as yet at the first side of the single Catechism of Jesus Christ yea Solomon was but at What is his Name and I fear many of us know neither Name nor thing It is a worthy study to make further and further discoveries of this blessed Mystery and it were to be wished that all the Ministers of Christ would spend themselves in the spelling and reading and understanding of it Look as some great point doth require the abilities of many Scholars and all little enough when joyned together to make a good discovery thereof such is this high point this holy sacred glorious Mystery worthy of the pains of all the Learned and if they would all bring their notes together and add all their studies together which I have in some measure endeavoured in the following Treatise they should find still but a little of this Mystery known in comparison of what remains and is unknown only this they should know Quod difficily intellectu dilectabile inquisitu as Bernad said That which is hard to understand is delightful to be dived into and so I found it 2. For the act of looking unto Jesus as it is comprehensive of knowing desiring hoping believing loving so also of joying how then should I but be filled with joy unspeakable and glorious whilst I was studying writing and especially acting my Soul in the exercise of this Looking If there be any Duty on Earth resembling the Duty of the Saints in Heaven I dare say this is it Mr. Rutherford in his Epistle to Christ dying writeth thus An act of living in Christ and on Christ in the acts of seeing enjoying embracing loving resting on him is that noon-day Divinity and Theology of Beatifical Vision there is a general assembly of immediately illuminated Divines round about the Throne who study lecture preach praise Christ night and day Oh what rays what irradiations and dartings of intellectual fruition beholding enjoying living in him and fervour of loving come from that face that God-visage of the Lord God Almighty and of the Lamb that is in the midst of them And Oh what reflections and reachings forth of intellectual Vision embracing loving wondering are returning back to him again in a circle of Glory Now if this be the Saints Duty who are perfect in glory do not we imitate them and feel something of Heaven in our imitation in our looking also unto Jesus I write what in some measure I have felt and of which I hope to feel yet more and therefore whoever thou art that readest I beseech thee come warm thy heart at this blessed fire O come and smell the precious ointments of Jesus Christ O come and sit down under his shadow with great delight Oh that all men especially into whose hands this Book shall come would presently fall upon the practice of this Gospel-art of looking unto Jesus if herein they find nothing of Heaven my skill will fail me only let them pray that as they look to him so vertue may go out of him and fill their souls Reader One thing more I have to say to thee if thou wouldest know how to carry on this Duty constantly as thou dost thy morning and thy evening prayer it were not amiss if every day either morning or evening thou wouldst take some part of it at one time and some part of it at another time at least for some space of time together I know some that in a constant daily course carry on in secret those two necessary duties of meditation and prayer what the subject matter of their meditation is I am not very certain only our experience can tell us that be it heaven or be it hell be it sin or be it grace or be it what it will if we be in exercise of the self-same subject either constantly or frequently we are apt to grow remiss or cold or formal and the reason is one thing tires quickly unless that one be all now that is Christ for He is All Col. 3.11 if then but once a day thou wouldst make this Jesus Christ thy subject to know consider desire hope believe joy in call upon and conform unto in his several respects of plotting promising performing thy redemption in his Birth Life Death Resurrection Ascension Session Intercession and coming again and that one of these particulars might be thy one dayes exercise and so every day thou wouldest proceed from first to last in thus looking unto Jesus I suppose thou wouldst never tire thy self and why so O there is variety in this matter to be looked unto and there is variety in the manner of looking on it Ex. gr one day thou mightst act thy knowing of Jesus in carrying on the great work of thy salvation in his Eternity the next day thou mightest consider Jesus in that respect and the next day thou mightst desire after Jesus in that respect and the next day thou mightst hope in Jesus in that respect and so on till thou comest to the last day of the work which besides * I suppose the Reader will at least once read over the whole book and then for this constant dayly exercise during eighty one dayes in a year I leave the object in every period to be read or not read as he pleaseth unless it may in whole or in part conduce any thing to that one act of knowing Jesus in such or such a respect the object handled at large in every period in these very actings upon the object would in all amount to the number of eighty one dayes Now would not this variety delight It is the observation of Mr. Lockyer on Col. 1.16 that an holy soul cannot tire it self in the contemplation of Jesus how much less can it tire it self in Looking unto Jesus which is far more Comprehensive than contemplating of Jesus come try this Duty and be
shall be here no more time passeth on many hundred diseases are ready to assault you you that are reading hearing talking or walking you must very shortly be carried on mens shoulders laid in the dust and there left to the worms in darkness corruption you are almost there already it is but a few days or months or years and what is that when once thy are gone and past and Oh what is a man profited if he gain the whole world and then lose his soule Math. 16 26. 7. Consider the great account that you are to give of earthly things it is the sin of most of the sons of men to look on creature-comforts but they consider not the account thy must give for them Oh here 's a prevailing motive to take off your eyes Consider the last accounts what if you were now to die and to go the way of all flesh and then to make up your reckoning what good would it do you to remember all those contentments pleasures you once enjoyed upon the earth If the factor after many years spent in forreigne countries at last returns home with this bill of accounts thus much for singing so much for dancing this for courting that for feasting who would not blame him for so fond a reckoning oh it will be a sad reckoning if the bill come in that you have spent most of your time in looking and gazing upon earthly things SECT III. Directions how to look off all other things 1. STudy every day more more the vanity of the creature Read over the Book of Ecclesiastes well it is enough through the assistance of Christ to teach you that lesson A serious and fruitful meditation of that word Vanity of vanities Eccles 2.2 saith the Preacher vanity of vanities all is vanity what work might it make in your hearts men usually look on these things through some false glass or at a distance which makes them so admire them but if they could see them truly in themselves oh how uncomely would they be or if they could see them as compared to Christ oh how vain would they be honours and greatness in that respect would appear as bubbles pleasures and delights in that respect would appear as shadows 2. Converse but a little with any evil thing on this side Christ Have as little to do with the world the sinful pleasures profits riches manners of it as possibly you can the lesser the better things of this world have a glutinous quality if you let the heart lie any while amongst them it will cleave unto them and if it once cleave to them there will be no way but either Repentance or Hell fire must part them 3. Be more and better acquainted with Jesus Christ get nearer to him be more in communion with him get more tastes of Christ and heaven and earth will relish the worse for them Oh when I look on Christ and consider that he that was the Lord of heaven and earth put himself into so poor and low a condition meerly for the redeeming of his Elect how should this but deaden my heart to the world Phil. 3.8 I account all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord and account them but dung that I may win Christ If Christ be in view all the world then is but dung and dross and loss in comparison the Glory of Christ will darken all other things in the world 4. Set before you the examples of such Saints who accounted themselves pilgrims and strangers upon earth The Apostle gives you a Catalogue of such who confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth and see how they are used Heb. they were stoned they were sawn asunder were tempted were slain with the sword they wandred about in sheep-skins and goat-skins being destitute afflicted tormented who were these they were they of whom the world was not worthy Oh when you read or hear how joyfully these servants of the most high went through their wilderness condition methinks this should take off your hearts from earthly things 5. Go in your meditations to heaven and keep there a while the mind that is in heaven cannot attend these earthly things would a man leave his plough harvest in the field to run with children a hunting after butter-flies no more will a soul that is taking a survey of heaven and heavenly things fix his eyes on such poor things below non vacat exiguis c. is the character of a truly prudent man the children of that Kingdom above have no while for trifles and especially when they are imployed in the affairs of the Kingdom Oh when a Christian hath but a glimpse of eternity and then looks down on the world again how doth he contemn and vilipend these things Eccles 2.2 How doth he say of laughter thou art mad and of mirth what is this thou doest whilst the Saints are tasting heaven they feel such sweet that they care not for other things Christians how would this meditation wean your hearts and make you laugh at the fooleries of the world and scorn to be cheated with such childish toyes If the devil had set upon Peter in the mount when he saw Christ in his transfiguration and Moses and Elias talking with him would he so easily have been drawn to deny his Lord what with all that glory in his eye so if the devil should set upon a beliveing soul and perswade his heart to profits or pleasures or honours of the world when he is taken up in the Mount with Christ what would such a soul say Get thee behind me Satan would'st thou perswade me from hence with many trifling toyes would'st thou have me sell these joys for nothing is there any honour or delight like this or can that be profit which loseth me this Some such answer would the soul return Oh if we could keep the taste of our souls continually delighted with the sweetness of Heaven as a man would spit out aloes after hony so should we spit out all these baits of the world with disdain 6. Cry mightily unto God that he would take off your hearts and eyes Psal 119.37 turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity prays David either God must do it or you will be wearied in the multitude of your endeavours but if the Lord draw off the eye it will be drawn indeed Psal 11● 36 Incline my heart unto thy testimonies and not to covetousness prays David again if the heart bend down-wards then go to God to erect it and to incline it heaven-wards if it be after covetousness then cry to God and say Lord not after covetousness but after thy testimonies incline my heart I have hitherto stood only at the door of the Text to call you in if now you will enter and be intent and fix your eyes I 'le shew you a blessed a most glorious sight But first I
must explain the act you must look Secondly the object you must look on Jesus CHAP. III. SECT I. An Explanation of the Act and Object 1. FOr the act you must look Looking is either ocular or mental First for ocular vision there may be some use of that in heaven for there we shall look on Jesus with these eyes shall I behold him saith Job Job 19 27. 1 John 3 2. 1 Cor. 13.12 2 Cor. 5.7 we shall see him as he is saith the Apostle now we see him as in a glass but then we shall see him face to face But till then we must walk by faith and not by sight Secondly for mental vision or the inward eye that is it that will take up our discourse and that is it which the Apostle speaks of in his prayers for the Ephesians Ephes 1.18 that the eyes of their understanding may be opened that they may know c. * Sim●●ds sight and saith Now the excellency of this mental sight is far above the ocular sight for there are more excellent things to be seen by the eye of the mind than by the eye of the body we only see a peece of the creation by the eye of the body but the mind reacheth every thing that is in it yea the mind reacheth to him that made it God is invisible yet this eye sees God Heb. 11.27 it is said of Moses that he saw him that is invisible 2. It is the sight of the mind that gives light and vigour to the sight of the eye take away the inward light and the light of the external sense is but as darkness and death 3. It is the sight of the mind that looks into the worth use c. propriety of any thing presented the eye can see a thing but not the worth of it a beast looks on gold as well as a man but the sight and knowledge of the worth of it is by the internal light of the mind so the eye can see a thing but not the use of it a child looks on a tool in the hand of a workman but the sight and knowledge of the use of it is only by a man of reason that hath internal light to judge of it and so the eye can see a thing but not the propriety of it a beast looks on his pasture but he likes it not because it is his but because it is a pasture and well furnished Now we know that the worth and use and propriety of a thing are the very cream of the things themselves and this the eye of the mind conveys Gen. 42.7 8. and not the eyes of the body It is said of Joseph that he saw hi● brethren and knew them but they knew not him this was the reason why Joseph was so exceedingly taken at the sight of his Brethren that his bowels wrought with joy and a kind of compassion towards them but they were before him as common strangers though they saw Joseph their brother a Prince yet they were taken no more with the sight of him than of any other man because they knew him not Again this mental looking is either notional and theoretical or practical and experimental the first we call barely the look of our minds it is an enlightning of our understandings with some measure of speculative sight in spiritual and heavenly mysteries the second we call the look of our minds and hearts whereby we not only see spiritual things but we are * Sub oculorum nomine-omnes affectus notari non rarum est Calv. in Ps 25.17 Phil. 3.10 affected with them we desire love believe joy and embrace them To this purpose is that rule that words of knowledge do sometimes signifie the affections in the heart and the effects thereof in our lives And this was the look which Paul longed for that I may know him and the power of his resurrection i.e. that he might have experience of that power In legendu lib●is non quaeramus scientiam sed sapo●em Dei Phil 1.9 that it might so communicate it self unto him as to work upon him to all the ends of it And this was the look that Bernard preferred above all looks In reading of books saith he let us not so much look for science as savoriness of truth upon our hearts This I pray said the Apostle that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgement i.e. in knowledge and feeling And certainly this feeling this experimental Looking on Jesus is that my Text aims at it is not a swimming knowledge of Christ but an hearty feeling of Christs inward workings it is not heady notions of Christ but hearty motions towards Christ that are implied in this inward looking 2. For the Object you must look on Jesus It is the blessed'st Object that the eye of the mind can possibly fix upon of all Objects under Heaven Jesus hath the preheminence in perfection and he should have the preheminence in our Meditation It is he that will make us most happy when we possess him and we cannot but be joyfull to look upon him especially when looking is a degree of possessing Jesus for the name signifies Saviour it is an Hebrew name the Greeks borrowed it from the Hebrews the Latines fom the Greeks and all other Languages from the Latines It is used five hundred times in Pauls Epistles saith Genebrard it comes from the Hebrew word Jehoshua or Joshua which in the Books of Ezra and Nehemiah Ezra 5.2 Nehem. 8.17 written after the Babylonian captivity is Jeshua and so is our Saviours Name always written in the Syriack translation of the new Testament This name Jesus was given to Christ the Son of God by his Father and brought from Heaven by an Angel first to Mary and then to Joseph and on the day when he was circumcised as the manner was this Name was given him by his Parents as it was commanded from the Lord by the Angel Gabriel Luke 1.26.31 Not to stand on the Name for the matter it includes both his office and his natures he is the alone Saviour of man Act. 4.12 for there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby we must be saved and he is a perfect and an absolute Saviour Heb. 7.25 he is able to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them I will not deny but that the work of salvation is common to all the three persons of the Trinity it is a known rule Opera trinitatis ad extra sunt indivisa all outward actions are equally common to the three persons for as they are all one in Nature and Will so must they be also one in Operation the Father saveth the Son saveth and the holy Ghost saveth yet we must distinguish them in the manner of saving the Father saveth by the Son the Son saveth
you more 2. For the godly are not they careless of this Duty O their excursions from God! sad dejections of spirit inordinat affections of the world and in the mean-while O the neglect of this Gospel-ordinance even amongst Saints themselves I know not whether through want of skill or through want of will but sure I am this duty lies dormant neglected of most of the people of God their faults I may express in these respects 1. In not sending out their understandings in not pointing their minds towards Jesus I write unto you said the Apostle to stir up your pure minds by way of remembrance it is in the Original 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Pet. 3.1 Psal 57.8 Judg 7.12 to awaken your pure minds and it was but need See how David calls upon himself Awake my glory and see how Deborah calls upon her self Awake awake Deborah awake awake utter a song Awaking is a word that imports rouzing as birds that provoke their young ones by flight to make use of their wings now how few are there that thus call upon themselves it was the Prophets complaint no man stirs up himself Isa 64.7 to take hold of God O what a shame is this is it fit that our understandings which God hath entrusted us withal should be no more improved is it fit that our minds those golden cabinets which God hath given us to be filled with heavenly treasure should either be empty or stuft with vanity nothing worse then nothing O that such glorious creatures as our souls should lacquey after every creature which should be in attendance upon Christ which should be like Angels waiting and standing in the presence of our God! O that such glorious things as our immortal spirits should run after vanity and so become vain which if rightly improved should walk with Angels should lodge themselves in the bosom of the glorious God! Do we not see how Christ is sending out to us continually the thoughts of his heart are love eternal love and shall not we send out our thoughts towards him shall not we let our minds run out towards him 2. In not bending of their minds to this work It may be the mind looks up but it 's so feeble that like an arrow shot from a bow weakly bent it reacheth not the mark It is the wise mans counsel Eccl. 9.10 Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with all they might O that Gods people should be so lazie dull sluggish sloathfull in this spiritual work As Jesus said to the multitudes concerning John Matt 11.7 What went ye out into the wilderness to see So may I ask believers in their looking unto Jesus What went ye out to see when you crawle move as if you had no hearts nor spirits within you whom go ye forth to see what Heb. 1 3. him that is the Lord of glory what him that is the brightness of his Fathers glory and the express image of his person what are such heavy lazy aspects fit to take in such a glory as this is you see in what large streams your thoughts fly forth to other things are you only languishing weak and feeble in things of so great concernment Oh that Christians should be cold in spirituals hot in the pursuit of earthly temporal things 3. In not binding of their minds to this object in not staying the eye on Jesus Christ Some may give a glance at Christ but they are presently wheeled off again but why doth not the eye abide there at least till it come to some profitable issue is not Christ worthy on whom our souls should dwell Certainly if we love our Jesus that love will hold us Christ then will be in our thoughts and minds and we cannot off him as the load-stone having drawn the iron it keeps it fast to it self so if love draw our hearts it holds it fast to the object loved Christ himself acknowledgeth such an operation of love upon himself Turn away thine eyes for they have overcome me thou hast ravished my heart my sister my spouse with one of thine eyes Cant. 6.5 Christ was held in the galleries and captivated with love to his people so that his eyes was ever upon them nay he could not get his eyes off them Can a mother forget her child Isa 49.14 no more can I forget you and is Christ so tender in his love towards us that he ever minds us and shall our minds be so loose to him so fluttering and fleeting shall there be no more care to bind our selves in cords of love to him who hath bound himself in such cords of love to us 4. In not dayly exercising this blessed Duty it may be now and then they are awakened and they get up into heaven to see their Jesus but it is not dayly Oh consider Is this now and then going to heaven within the vail to live the life of friends is this to carry our selves as children what to be so strange at home but now and then once in a month in a year there to be seldom where we should always be is Jesus Christ such a mean thing that a visit now and then should serve the turn the Queen of Sheba hearing Solomons wisdom Oh said she 1 King 10.8 Blessed are those thy servants that always stand before thee and hear thy wisdom if she were so taken with Solomon remember that a greater than Solomon is here and shall we deprive our selves of that blessedness which we might enjoy by standing always in the presence of Christ to hear his Wisdom and to behold his Glory Oh my Brethren let us take shame to our selves that to this day we have been so careless in sending bending binding our minds to this blessed object Jesus Christ yea let us blush that we have not made it our daily business Psal 1.2 David describes the blessed man by his delighting in the law of the Lord and by his meditating on that Law day and night how then is he to be reproved that neither meditates on the Law of the Lord nor on the Lord the Law-maker day and night O alas we keep not a constant course we are not daily in the exercise of viewing Jesus nay I fear we look upon this Duty of looking unto Jesus as a questionable thing it seems to many as a Duty unknown unheard of unthought of it is not in their notice and how should it be in their practice But I leave this first Use SECT IV. Vse of Exhortation IS inward experimental Looking unto Jesus a choice and high Gospel-ordinance Vse 2 One Use of Exhortation I beseech you by the meekness and gentleness of Christ 2 Cor. 10.1 Rom. 12.1 Rom. 15.30 I beseech you by the mercies of God I beseech you brethren for the Lord Jesus Christs sake and for the love of the Spirit to look unto Jesus or if my beseeching will not prevail why yet
coming to Christ as a river of much waters is strong in coming home to the Ocean 13. That Christ gives the sense of his own worth and excellency unto them they see now in Christ is wisdome surpassing the brightness of the Sun even all the treasures of wisdome in Christ is power excelling the strength of rocks he is not onely strong but strength it self in Christ is Honour transcending all the Kings of the earth for he is King of Kings and Lord of Lords in Christ is beauty excelling the Rose of Sharon and Lilly of the valleys he is fairer than all the flowers of the field than all the precious stones of the earth than all the lights in the firmament than all the Saints and Angels in the highest heavens 14. That Christ gives the sense of their wants and of the worlds vanity and of his sutable goodness unto them In looking unto Jesus they see themselves in themselves miserable and all other things miserable comforters they have learnt the meaning of that Psalm Psal 146.3 4. Put not your trust in Princes nor in the son of man and in whom there is no help his breath goeth forth he returneth to his earth in that very day his thoughts perish happy is the man that hath the God of Jacob for his God whose hope is in the Lord his God 15. That Christ gives all things every thing unto them All things are yours saith the Apostle whether Paul 1 Cor. 3. 22 23. or Apollo or Cephas or the world or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours and you are Christs and Christ is Gods All things are yours First all the Ministers of Christ from the highest to the lowest whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas they are your servants they are men that watch over you for your salvation Secondly the world is yours indeed the world stands but for your sakes if your number were but once compleated quickly would the world be set on fire you will say ay! but how is the world ours we find not this for who hath the world at will why though you have not yet the misery you find in the world the want of wealth as well as the enjoying of it is yours i e. it tends to your advantage Thirdly life is yours it is a fitting a preparing a squaring of you for a better life even for eternity Fourthly death is yours for you shall die just then when it is best for you death shall serve but as a servant to your advantage 1 Tim. 4.8 Fifthly things present and things to come are yours godliness hath the promise of this life and of that which is to come Sixthly I will add the Lord himself is yours take God and look on him in his greatness in his mighty power even this great God the Lord of heaven and earth is yours he is yours and all that he hath is yours and all that he doth is yours and all that he can do is yours I will be thine saith God to Abraham I will be to thee an exceeding great reward Gen. 15.1 Here is a Catalogue an Inventory of a Christians riches have Christ and have all when an Heathen was but asked where all his treasure was he answered where Cyrus my friend is and if any ask you where all your treasure is you may answer where Christ your friend is in this respect you may truly say Ephes 3.8 there is no end of your riches they are called the unsearchable riches of Christ Paul could find no bottom of these riches O who would not look unto Jesus If Christ be yours besides those particulars enumerated in this Text 1 Cor. 3.22 23. God is yours the Father is yours the Son is yours the Spirit is yours all the promises are yours for in Christ they are all made and for him they shall be performed Come let the proud man boast in his honour and the mighty man in his valour and the rich man in his wealth but let the Christian pronounce himself happy only happy truly happy fully happy in beholding Christ enjoying Christ having Christ in Looking unto Jesus You have the Motives of our wants in case of neglect and of our riches in case we are active frequent serious and lively in this Duty But for our further encouragement to fall upon it I shall add a few Motives more SECT VII More Motives to encourage us in this work 1 COnsider your looking on Jesus will maintain your communion with Jesus and is not this worth the while Why Christians what is this communion with Christ but very heaven aforehand hereby we enjoy his person and all sweet relation to his person his death and all the saving fruits priviledges and influences of his death hereby we are brought into Christs banquetting-house Cant. 2.4 held in his galleries his banner over us being love hereby we are carried up into the Mount with Christ that we may see him as it were transfigured and may say with Peter Master it is good for us to be here and let us here build Tabernacles Oh it 's an happy thing to have Christ dwell in our hearts for us to lodge in Christs bosome Oh it s an happy thing to maintain a reciprocal communication of affairs betwixt Christ and our souls as thus he bare our sins take we his healing he endured wounds for us drink we the spiritual balsom that sprang out of his wounds he took upon him our unrighteousness do we cloath our selves with his righteousness he endured pains for us come we to him and take his rest to our souls he embraced our curse and condemnation do we embrace his blessing justification and salvation To this end do we look on Jesus if he hide his face by desertions rest not till we find him if we find him hold him fast let him not go disturb him not out of our hearts by our corruptions Thus if we would prize the presence of Christ how comfortably should we maintain and encrease our Communion with Christ 2. Consider that your daily necessities call for a frequent looking up unto Jesus you have need of Christ you have need that he pray in you and need that he pray for you to your heavenly Father you have need that he work in you and need that he work for you his own blessed will you have need that he present you and yours blameless before his Fathers presence in life and death and at the judgment day there 's not a moment in your life wherein you stand not in continual need of Jesus Christ And can a hungry man forget his bread can the heart that pants for thirst forget the River can a man in bonds forget freedom can a child in distress forget a Father in honour and wealth Oh then let your necessities drive you to Christ and mind you of Christ Is not he the fountain that supplies all wants Christians consult your own
should be offered and administred unto all Men without Exception 4. That certain singular Persons should be saved whom God fore-saw would Repent and Believe and Persevere This way is justly opposed by Others who deny God's Acts in Intention to be in the same order as we see them in Production In order of Material Existing it is granted that Christ is Revealed Promised and Exhibited after Sin and that we Repent Believe Persevere before we are Saved But in order of God's Intention Christ is before Sin and Salvation before Repentance Faith Perseverance The Apostle reckoned the Order in which Things exist thus 1. The World 2. You The Elect. 3. Christ 1 Cor. 3.22 23. 4. God 1 Cor. 3.22 23. But he gives us to understand the Order of Intention thus As First God intends His own Glory then Christ then the Elect then the World Certainly it is an hard thing to marshal the Eternal Immanent Acts of the Divine Understanding or Will into First Second Third Fourth All God's Projects are like Himself Tota simul perfecta possessio sui who is a whole and perfect Possession of Himself together and at once so as in Him considered there is no Prius nor Posterius in any of His acts but considered in Effects or in respect of us one thing may be said to be First Second or Third in Nature Time Being before or after another And thus in respect of us we say the End must be in Nature before the Means to the End Now the Permission of the Fall Repentance Faith Perseverance are used by God as Means to bring some to Salvation God therefore doth first project our Salvation and then the Means and both the End and the Means are the Product of God's Election or Predestination Here then is the Project That God will glorify His Grace to this end He will predestinate Christ in Christ He will choose some of the Sons of Men to Salvation whom Eccles 1.4 notwithstanding Sin He will make holy and without blame before Him in love This Project or Plot or Design of God will be further enlarged in the next Passage viz. His Counsels SECT V. The Counsel OF the Counsels of God concerning Man before all Worlds we read in several Texts Christ was delivered by the determinate Counsel of God For of a truth Acts 2.23 against thy Holy Child Jesus whom Thou hast anointed both Herod Pontius Pilate with the Gentiles Acts 4.27 28. the People of Israel were gathered together for to do whatsoever thy Hand thy Counsel determined before to be done Ephes 1.11 And thus the Members of Christ are said to Obtain an Inheritance being Predestinated according to the Purpose of Him who worketh all Things after the Counsel of His own Will Of this Counsel of God's Will we know but little now yet this will be made known when we come to Glory yea it will be a great Part of the Glory of Heaven for the Lord to make known the Counsel of His Will we now know his Will but we shall then know the Counsel of His Will praise Him to all Eternity for it This shall be the Glory of the Saints that they shall see into the Counsel of God's Will in chusing them and calling them and passing by others and letting others go In the mean-while thus far we may know for thus far He hath revealed Himself concerning His Counsels about Man from Everlasting 1. That Man should be a Reasonable Creature and because that very Creature is unavoidably subject to the Creator for He made all things for Himself Prov. 16.4 and all is to return that Glory to Him for which He made them therefore Man should serve Him as all other Creatures must only his Service should be after a reasonable manner out of Judgment Psal 119.30 Heb. 11.25 26. Discretion and Election Hence David is said to have chosen the Way of Truth Moses to have Chosen the Afflictions of God's People the Reproaches of Christ before the Pleasures of Sin or the Treasures of Egypt And hence it is that Holiness in the Phrase of Scripture is called Judgment He shall convince the world of Judgment John 16.11 Mat. 12.20 he shall bring forth Judgment unto Victory and hence it is that our Service is called a Reasonable Service God would not set any such determinating Law over the Operations of Man as over other Creatures that so he might truly work out of Judgment and stand or fall by his own Election 2. That if Man should deviate from this Reasonable Service and break the Law which God would give and which he himself should have an Original Power to perform that then he should incur the Displeasure of God and such a Curse and such a Penalty should be inflicted And here comes in the Fall of Man into God's Consideration He looks upon it as a wilful transgression of his Law and by how much the Law was more just and the obedience more easie by so much he judges the transgression more unreasonable and the punishment more certain and intolerable 3. That Sin should not pass Unrevenged and that for these reasons 1. Because of Gods infinite hatred thereof Hab. 1.13 He is of purer Eyes than to behold Evil He cannot look on Iniquity it provokes a Nauseousness and Abhorrency in him For all these are things which I hate Zach. 8.17 saith in the Lord They are a trouble unto me I am weary to bear them 2. Because of his truth Gen. 2.17 he hath said In the day thou eatest thereof thou s●al● surely die or thou shalt dying die die Temporally and die Eternally and surely God will in no wise abolish this Law Matth. 5.8 One jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the ●aw till all be fulfilled 3. Because of his terrour and fearful Majesty for God will have Men alwayes tremble before him and by his terrour to be perswaded from sinning 2 Cor. 5.11 Matth. 10.28 Knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord we perswade men and Fear him who is able to destroy bo●h Body and Soul in Hell I say unto you Heb. 12.28 29. f●ar him Let us have Grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with Reverence and Godly Fear for God is a Consuming Fire Upon these Reasons God is resolved Sin shall not pass unrevenged lest thereby His Justice should be securely abused his Hatred against Sin the less declared His Truth questioned and His dreadful Majesty by Men neglected 4. That every Man notwithstanding Sin should not be utterly destroyed and that for the●e Reasons 1. Because of that infinite Delight which the Lord hath in Mercy Why this Delight is it that so disposeth Him to pardon abundantly to exercise Loving-kindness on the Sons of Men Psal 103.8 Who is a God like unto Thee that pardonest Iniquity and passest by the Transgression of the Remnant of
Word Mark here one of Satans depths in outward things he tempts men to distrust God and to rely altogether on means but in heavenly things and matters of salvation he tempts men to lay all on Gods Decrees and Gods purposes without any regard had to the means Such men might as well say the Lord hath appointed that we shall live to such a time and till then we shall not die and therefore what need we food in health or physick in sickness Oh take heed of these reasonings Gods Decree doth not remove the use of the means but establish and confirm them 2. The Decree is the same with that book of life wherein are written the names of the Elect Phil. 4 3 Luke 12 20 Rev. 20.12 Paul tells us of some women with Clement and other fellow-labourers whose names are in the book of life And Christ bids his Disciples rejoyce because their names are written in heaven And John saw in his vision the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life As Captains have a book wherein they write the names of their Souldiers and Citizens have a book wherein they record the names of their Burgesses So God hath his Decree or book of life in which he registers all that belongs to him Exod. 32.32 33. Some other texts speak of a book of life as blot me I pray thee out of thy book which thou hast written said Moses in his zeal for Israel to whom the Lord answered whosoever sinneth against me him will I blot out of my book But this was not the book say some of Gods eternal Decree but the book of his providences God hath a double book and both in a figure he hath a book of his resolved Decrees and a book of his acted providences this latter is but a transcript or a copy of the former those huge original volumes of love and blessings which God hath laid up in his heart for his own people from all eternity is the book I mean Indeed this book is writing out every day by the hand and pen of providence in the ordering of all those affairs which concern our salvation 3. This Decree is the very same also with Gods seal the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his A seal is used in three cases 1. To keep things distinct 2. To keep things secret 3. To keep things safe In every of these respects Gods Decrees are seals but especially in the last those souls that are sealed by God they are safe in the love and favour of God as when Job tells us that God sealeth up the stars i.e. say some he preserveth the stars in their Orbs in the places where he hath set them they shall never drop out so God seals up his Saints i.e. he secures them of the eternal love of God so that they shall never drop out of his heart All these titles speak the immutability of Gods eternal emminent acts q. d. I decree I predestinate I book it seal it that such and such persons shall be eternally saved and why all this but to note the certainty and stability of the thing shall great Monarchs of the earth do thus shall they decree and book and seal to shew their greatness and wisdom that they could so resolve as no person or power whatsoever should be strong enough to cause them to change their resolutions and shall not I much more do not I know or foresee all that can or will follow is there any power or ever shall be to take them out of my hands Or is it possible that ever I should have a relenting thought at the saving of th●se souls Can any thing fall out hereafter to make me more provident more powerful more wise more merciful then now I am it may be in some things I may will a change but can I in any thing truly change my will no no I am the Lord I change not therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed Mal. 3 SECT IX The Covenant THE Covenant concerning mans salvation is the last and main particular I instanced in I dare not be too curious to insist on the order of nature and the rather because I believe the Covenant betwixt God Christ from everlasting is interwoven with the Decree fore-knowledge and election above So the Apostle tells us Ephes 1.4 He hath chosen us in Christ before the foundation of the world mark that in Christ There was an eternal plot betwixt the Father and the Son there was a bargain made I speak it with reverence betwixt God and Christ there was a Covenant betwixt the Lord and his Son Jesus Christ for the salvation of the Elect and of this observe we especially these following Texts In Isaiah 49.1 2 3 4. the Prophet seems to set it Dialogue-wise one expresseth it thus First Christ begins and shews his commission telling God how he had called him and fitted him for the work of redemption and he would know what reward he should have of him for so great an undertaking The Lord hath called me from the womb Isa 19 1 2. from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name and he hath made my mouth like a sharp sword in the shadow of his hand hath he hid me and made me a polished shaft in his quiver hath he bid me Upon this God answers him and tells him what reward he should have for so great an undertaking only at first he offers low viz. onely the elect people of Israel And he said unto me thou art my servant O Israel Ver. 3. in whom I will be glorified or Israel it is in whom I will be glorified by thee Christ who stood now a making his bargain with him thought these too few and not worth so great a labor and work because few of the Jews would come in but would refuse him and therefore he says he should labour in vain if this were all his recompence then said I ver 4. I have laboured in vain I have spent my strength for naught and in vain yet withal he tells God that seeing his heart was so much in saving sinners he would do it howsoever for those few comforting himself with this that his work or his reward was with the Lord. Upon this God comes off more freely and opens his heart more largely to him as meaning more amply to content him for his pains in dying ver 6. it is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribe of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel that is not worth the dying for I value thy sufferings more than so I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles that thou mayest be my salvation unto the ends of the earth Methinks I imagine as if I heard God speak unto Christ from
desire besides thee A right beholding of Christ in his eternal workings will cause a desire of Christ above all desires the heart now thirsts for nothing but him that is all all power all love all holiness all happiness tell such a soul of the world and gold and glory O what are these the soul will quickly tell you Phil. 3.8 the world is dung and gold is dung glory is dung all is but loss dung for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. Give me God Christ saith the soul or I die Oh my desires are to him who hath done all this for me Is not this the period still of thy expression at the end of every discourse would Christ were mine thou hearest it may be some worldings talk such a one and such a one hath got so much in these times he that was yesterday as poor as Lazarus he is this day like that nameless rich man cloathed in purple Luk. 16.19 and fine linnen and faring sumptuously every day ay but dost not thou reply either in word or heart would Christ were mine and then I had got more then he Poor soul dost thou not gasp only after Christ when thou fetchest as I may say the very deepest breath canst thou read over the generation of Jesus the Son of God the time when he was begotten the manner of his begetting the mutual kindness and love of him that begets and of him that is begotten and dost not thou pant and breath and gasp after Jesus at every period canst thou read over Jesus his acts and decrees in reference to thy self canst thou turn over those many leaves in every of which is discovered those everlasting loves of God in his projects counsels foreknowledg purpose decree covenant for thy souls happiness and art thou not ready at every discovery to sing Davids Psalm Psa 42.1 2 as the hart panteth after the water-brooks so panteth my soul after thee O God my soul thirsteth for God for the living God O when shall I come and appear before God O my soul hadst thou but these pantings thirstings breathings after God and Christ thou mightest comfortably conclude these are the fruits of Gods Spirit it is the Spirit of the Lord Jesus which makes those sighs and groanes in thee Rom. 8.26 which cannot be expressed He and thee sigh together one in another and one after another O therefore look Look unto Jesus and sigh and desire after him 3. We may and must desire after the full and utmost execution whereby God effectually Workes in time according to all his workings or decrees before time God that purposed and decreed from all Eternity he will not have done the full execution of that purpose or decree till that after-Eternity in that world without end Indeed some part is a fulfilling now but the main the great part is yet to come why then as we see the Plot Phil. 1.23 let us desire after the full accomplishment let us desire after the glory without end to which we were predestinated before the beginning It was Pauls desire to be dissolved to be with Christ As men burthened so should we desire and groan after the enjoyments of God in the world to come O my soul that thou were but cast in the Apostles mould that they affections were but on the wing that they might take flight and steer their course towards heaven and thereupon that thou mightest say yond is the glorious house the goodly building made without hands which God from all Eternity decreed to be my home my rest my dwelling place to all Eternity and in yond stately Fabrick is many an heavenly Inhabitant before I come there are Angels and there are all the souls of Sain●s that from Adam to this day have had their pass out of this sinful world yea there is Jesus the Son of God and there is God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost and if I am predestinated to this fellowship Lord when shall I have run through the means that I may come to this end O my end where is my end where is my Lord my God my Comforter where is my rest where is my end I cannot be at rest without my end and therefore come Lord Jesus come quickly be like a Roe Cant. 8.14 or a young Hart upon the Mountains of Spices Christians why are not your Spirits alwayes breathing thus after the glory to which you are predestinated why do not you long after full enjoyment the utmost execution of Gods decree why are not your hearts your souls your spirits already in heaven Surely there be your relations your Father is there your elder brother is there and there are many I dare say most of your other younger brethren again there is your interest your estate is there if you believe and therefore Where should your hearts be but where your treasure is come then come set in tune those desires of your souls set your affections on things above especially on that one thing Jesus Christ Looking unto Jesus SECT IV. Of hoping in Jesus in that respect 4. WE must hope in Jesus as carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in that Eternity It is not enough to know and consider and desire but we must hope and maintain our hope as to our own interest Now hope is a passion whereby we expect probably or certainly some future good All the question is whether that salvation concerning which the great transaction was betwixt God and Christ belongs now to me and what are the grounds and foundations on which my hope is built I know some exceedingly abuse this Doctrine If God had before all worlds appointed me to salvation why then I may live as I list I need not hear or pray or confer or perform any holy Duty for I am sure I shall be saved And thus at once they take away all grounds of hope It is true Gods decrees are unchangeable but they do not afford any such inferences or deductions as these you might as well say the Lord hath appointed me to live to such a time and before that time I shall not cannot die and therefore I need no meat nor drink nor cloathes nor any other thing Ah silly foolish devilish arguing Gods decree is for the means as well as for the end whom God hath decreed to save them also hath he decreed to call to justifie to sanctifie before he save O my Soul look to the grounds whereon they hope is built if those be weak thy hope is weak but if those be strong thy hope will prove most strong and certain and prudent In the disquisition of these grounds say not in thine heart who shall ascend into Heaven Rom. 10.16 or who shall descend into the deep seek not above or below it is not possible for thee to go bodily into Heaven to see the Records of Eternity and to
everlastingly for it O my soul canst thou ponder on this and not love him dearly who has thus loved thee Come stir up the gift that is in thee if thou art a Christian thou hast some sparks though now it may be under the ashes come rub chase and warm thy affections at this fire love like a watch must be wound up or else it will fall downwards what dost thou why stand'st thou idle in the heat of the Day Christ hath fire in his hand 't is but looking up and reaching out thy hand to take it from him O take it with both thy hands and be thankful for it Prayer ejaculation contemplation judicious observation of the Spirits season are thy best instruments to kindle this fire of love in thee And methinks thy heart should begin now to melt methinks it should receive more easie impressions from the object before it methinks these eternal works and acts of God and Christ towards thy poor soul should begin to overcome thee Cant. 6.5 Cant 8.6 and to burne thy heart as with coales of Juniper Why Lord is it thus was I Elected from all Eternity in Christ was I ordained to a glorious inheritance before there was a World was this business to make me happy one of the cheef deep counsels of God was this one of the works of his wisdome that he was exercised about before the World began was this the great designe of God in making the World and in making Heaven the place of glory to glorifie himselfe and to glorifie such a poor wretch as I am O then how should this but mightily inflame my heart with the love God and love of Christ how should I choose but say as the Martyr did Oh that I had as many lives as I have haires on my head to lay them down for Christ Ah what flames of Divine affection what raptures of zeal what ravishments of delight what extasies of obedience can be enough for my blessed God and dearest Redeemer SECT VII Of joying in Jesus in that respect 7. WE must joy in Jesus as carrying on that great work of our salvation in that Eternity This joy is a passion arising from the sweetness of the Object that we enjoy O my soul dost thou believe and art thou now cast into a pang of love how then should thy joy but come on As Christ said to the 70. In this rejoyce not Luk. 10.20 that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoyce because your names are written in Heaven so rejoyce not thou in this that the world is thine that riches are thine that thou hast subdued men and devils but herein rejoyce that thy name is written in the Book of life O what a comfortable point is this that the Father and Christ should transact a bargaine from Eternity concerning thee by name that the Father and the Son should commune together concerning thy heaven as if their language had been thus Father what shall be given to thy justice to ransome such a one Abraham Isaac Jacob Matthew Mark Luke John Mary Martha Hannah c. why no more but this thou shalt dye my Son and whosoever believeth in thee shall live for ever Why then saith Christ I will engage for such and such a one I will enter into Bond for such and such a person Abraham shall believe in time See I have writ down his name in the Book of life And who art thou that readest art thou a believer dost thou believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Christ said the same of thee and entered into a bond for thee and entered they name in the Book of life See the certainty of this in Phil. 4.3 Phil. 4 3. Thou Thomas Andrew Peter Christ knows thee by name and thy name is written in the Book of life O go thy way and rejoyce and take strong consolation is there not cause why I tell thee thy name is in the Book of Heaven and if this may adde to thy joy know there is none in Heaven or Earth shall ever be able to blot it out again No no poor soul Rom. 8.1 there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus God hath decreed thy salvation and Gods decree shall stand let Men and Devils say what they will to the contrary Psal 33.11 The counsel of the Lord standeth for ever the thoughts of his heart to all generations it is as possible for God to deny himself as it is possible for thee a believer to perish 1 Pet. 1.5 We are kept saith the Apostle by the power of God through faith to salvation and therefore rejoyce and againe rejoyce yea raise up thy joy to that pitch of triumph which is joy elevated and elevated so high that it comes to victoriousness and magnanimous conquest of heart over all things say with the Apostle what my name written in the Book of life Rom. 8 3● 35 38 39. who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect who then shall separate me from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword nay I am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor Principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus my Lord. SECT VIII Of calling on Jesus in that respect 8. VVE must call on Jesus or on God the Father in and through Jesus This also is included in looking as David while Praying unto thee do I lift up mine Eyes Psa 123.1 O thou that dwellest in the Heavens Now this calling on God or looking to God contains Prayer and Praise 1. We must pray that all these transactions betwixt God and Christ may be assuredly ours and that God would clear up our Titles more and more yea and seeing all good things tending to Salvation were from all Eternity prepared for us we are therefore to pray that by prayer we may draw them down from Heaven for what though our Evidences be clear Yet this must not cast out means God doth not use to bestow his saving Graces on lazy sluggards those therefore who from the certainty of Predestination do pretend that the duty of Prayer is superfluous do plainly shew that they have no certainty at all Aquinas Aquinas part c q. art 8. was Orthodox in this the Predestinate must Pray because by these effects of Predestination the Salvation of Souls is best ascertained The same Spirit which Witnesseth to our Spirit that we are his Chosen is also the Spirit of Prayer and Supplication and therefore he that believes that he is one of Gods Elect he cannot but pray for those things which he believeth that God hath prepared for him before the foundation of the World 2. We must praise God what that God should look on us and Predestinate us to Life
the next Sections SECT II. Of the Covenant of promise as manifested to Adam THe Covenant of grace in this sense is nothing else but a compact made betwixt God and man touching reconciliation and life Eternal by Christ Now the first breaking forth of this gracious Covenant was to Adam and Eve immediatly after the fall expressed in these words I will put enmity between thee and the woman Gen 3 19. and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel This promise as it is the first so the hardest to be understood it contains in it good news of the overthrow of Satans Kingdome and of mans freedom by the death of Christ But the obscurity is such that Luther exceedingly complains Textus qui omnibus debebat esse notissimus a nemine quod ego sciam diligentor accurate explicatus c. Luther Gen. 3.14 the Text which of all men should rightly be known is of no man that I know saith he especially and accurately unfolded amongst the Antients there is not one that hath explicated this Text according to the dignity of it The occasion was this The Lord looking down from heaven and seeing how Satan had prevailed against man and in some sort undone the whole fabrick of the creation he resolves upon Satans ruine and mans preservation And the Lord God said unto the Serpent because thou hast done this thou art cursed This literally is understood of the Serpent but Spiritually of the Devil both were as means to draw man unto sin and therefore they are joyned as one in the punishment The Lord cut off the feet of the Serpent say the Rabbies and cursed him R. Eliezer c. 14. and he cast Samael the Devil and his company out of heaven cursed them Indeed man being in the transgression must also have his punnishment as it follows vers 17 18 19. and yet that God might manifest the riches of his grace he includes in the Serpents malediction this everlasting Gospel I will put enmity between thee and the woman c. For the sense of the Words we shall open these termes as 1. Who is the Serpent 2. Who is the woman 3. What is the seed of the Serpent 4 What is the seed of the woman 5. What is that Hu in our Bible translated it 6. What is the Serpents head and the bruising of it 7. What is the heel of the seed of the woman and the bruising of it 8. Amongst whom was the enmity or rather enmities for in the Text we find many Armies I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed c. 1. Who is the Serpent I find diversity of opinions among Interpreters Some say it was onely the Serpent and that which belongs unto Satan is but mystically understood others say it was onely Sathan under the notion of a Serpent as sometimes he is called the great Dragon And the great Dragon was cast out that old Serpent called the Devil Rev. 12.9 and Satan which deceived the whole world Others say it was both Satan and the Serpent as men are said to be possessed of Satan so was the Serpent possessed of the Devil Satan could not provoke our first parents to sin by any inward temptation as now he doth by the help of our corruption nor could he enter into their bodies or minds because of the holiness and glory that was in them and therefore he presumed to take a beast of the earth and by disposing of his Tongue he speaks within him But what must the Serpent have punishment that was only Satans instrument in the temptation yes Such was Gods love to man that he condemns both the Author and instrument of that that evil as one that in anger breaks the sword wherewith his son or his friend was wounded so Gods breaks Satans sword the Serpent is punnished according to the letter of the Text and Satan is punished in the spiritual meaning of the Lord. Who is the woman Some are all for Allegories and thy will tell you that the Serpent and the Woman are the superiour inferiour faculties of the Soul and that ever since the Fall there hath been a continual War betwixt these but I look at this Commentary as vain and trifling though it be fathered on some of the Antients and of no small note others say this Woman is the Blessed Virgin in relation to which they read the last words thus she shall bruise thy head this reading is not only allowed but confirmed by the Councel of Trent and in some of their Prayer-books thy call her The Mother of the Lord the Tree of Life the breaker of the Serpents head and the Gate of Heaven But I look on this Commentary as ignorant Idolatrous Antiphona de domina nostra secundum usum Eccles Hildenshem and wholly derogatory to the Kingdom of Christ Others are not so easily mislead and therefore say that the Woman wheresoever mentioned in this Text is Eve and none but Eve she it was whom the tempter had seduced and in just judgment for her familiarity with the tempter God meets with her I will put enmity saith God between thee and the Woman 3. What is the Seed of the Serpent in Scripture phrase Seed is sometimes taken collectively for many at once as when the Lord said to Abraham I will be thy God and the God of thy Seed Gen. 17 17 18 and to thee and thy Seed will I give this Land and I will multiply thy Seed as the sand of the Sea and sometimes it is taken singularly for one only person thus Eve called her Son Seth for God said she hath appointed me another Seed instead of Abel Gen. 4.25 Gen. 22.18 and so it is said of Christ in thy Seed shall all the Nations of the Earth be blessed Now in this place the Seed of the Serpent is taken collectively for all the families of Devils Mat. 25.4 for the Devil and his Angels as Christ calls them and for all the Sons of the Devil i. for all reprobate men whose Father and Prince is the Devil as Christ told the Jews ye are of your Father the Devil John 8 44 and the lusts of your Father ye will do and as John tells us 1 John 3 8 10 he that committeth sin is of the Devil in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the Devil and thus both Devils and reprobates are reckoned as the seed of the Serpent 4. What is the Seed of the Woman The Seed of the Woman is that posterity of the Woman which do not degenerate into the Seed of the Serpent that is the meaning of the first sentence I will put enmity and then it follows between thy Seed and her Seed and for this sense we have these arguments 1. The opposition of the Seeds for as the Seed of the Serpent is taken collectively
the Covenant are said to be everlasting forgiveness of sins is everlasting being once forgiven they are never remembred any more peace and joy is everlasting your heart shall rejoyce and your joy no man taketh from you Jer. 31.13 Joh. 16.22 Isa 45.17 salvation is everlasting Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation decretal Covenant-mercy was not a lease but a making the fee-simple as we call it of grace and glory to the Saints for ever death may put an end to other Covenants as betwixt man and man or betwixt man and wife but this Covenant betwixt God and us stands fast for ever though Abraham be dead yet God is Abraham's God still and by vertue of this Covenant Abraham shall be raised up at the last day 5. What are the priviledges of the Covenant I answer the priviledges of the Covenant are many as they are great things and great blessings which our great God promiseth so they are very many and numerous the Covenant is full of blessings it is a rich store-house replenished with all manner of blessings it is not dry nor barren but like the fat Olive or fruitful Vine it is a Well of salvation a fountain of good things a treasure full of goods or unsearchable riches which can never be emptied nor come to an end Hence it is that our finite narrow capacities can never apprehend the infinite grace that this Covenant contains yet as we may see things darkly in a Map so let us endeavour as we are able to view them in some Map or brief compendium that by the little we do see we may be raised up to the consideration of things not seen which shall be revealed in due time The priviledges of the Covenant are folded and wrapped up in the promises of it every promise contains a priviledge but the time of unfolding every promise is not yet come then only shall the promises of all sorts be unfolded when the heavens as a vesture shall be folded up Heb. 1.12 In the mean time we have a right interest in the priviledges of eternity by vertue of the promise and hence the very terms of Covenant and promise are taken for the same Ephes 2.12 Rom. 9.4 I shall for the present confine my self only to those promises and priviledges of the Covenant which were manifested to Abraham And they were Of things Temporal Spiritual Gen. 12.2 3 7. 1. Of things Temporal Thus we read God promiseth Abraham I will make of thee a great Nation and I will bless thee and make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee and unto thy seed will I give this Land We may add hereto the repetitions that God makes of these promises over over Gen. 13.14 15 16. lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thou art North-ward and South-ward and East-ward and West-ward for all the Land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed for ever And I will make thy seed as the dust of the Earth so that if a man can number the dust of the Earth then shall thy seed also be numbered And the Lord brought forth Abraham abroad and said look now towards Heaven and tell the stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy seed be And the Lord again appeared to Abraham Gen. 15.5 Gen. 17.2.4 5 6. and said I will make my Covenant between me and thee and will multiply thee exceedingly and thou shalt be a Father of many Nations neither shall thy name any more be called Abram but thy name shall be Abraham for a Father of many Nations have I made thee and I will make thee exceeding fruitful and I will make Nations of thee 8. and Kings shall come out of thee and I will give unto thee and thy seed after thee Gen. 22.16 17. the Land wherein thou art a stranger all the Land of Canaan for an everlasting possession By my self have I sworn saith the Lord that in blessing I will bless thee and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the Stars of the Heaven and as the sand upon the Sea-shore and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies See here the temporal blessings that God promises Abraham Gen. 12.2 3 7. they are heaped together in Gen. 12.2 3. As 1. I will make of thee a great Nation and this he promiseth once and again it seemed a thing incredible because Abraham was old and Sarah was barren and old it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women yet for all this God is all-sufficient Abraham shall have his desire he shall be a Father not only of a few Children but of a numerous Nation yea of many Nations Ishmaelites and Midianites and that famous Nation of the Jews of whom it is said Deut. 4.7 8. what Nation is so great must all descend from Abraham Scripture and heathen Authors use three things proverbially to signifie an huge and exceeding great number the dust of the Earth the sands of the Sea and the Stars of Heaven and all these are brought in to resemble the number into which the Seed of Abraham should break forth 2. I will bless thee saith God and this blessing had relation to his wealth and riches Abraham was very rich in cattel in silver and in gold Gen. 13.2 No question those riches came from this blessing the blessing of the Lord it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it This was Gods care of the children of Abraham that he would give them riches but lest their hearts should be lifted up and they should forget the Lord in the midst of their riches he learns them and bids them remember this lesson Deut. 8.17 18 say not in thine heart my power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth but remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers as it is this day True riches come from God and by vertue of this covenant O that none of us had any wealth but such as comes by vertue of a promise and of the covenant of grace 3. I will make thy name great saith God no Monarch was ever so famous in conquering nations or the whole world as Abraham for his faith and obedience God hath magnified his name amongst the Hebrews who for these three thousand years and upwards have acknowledged none except Moses greater than Abraham the Jews could say to very Christ art thou greater then our father Abraham John 8.53 whom makest thou thy self and God hath so magnified his name amongst Christians that all believers look upon it as a glory to be called children of Abraham nay we cannot be Christs we have no part in Christ
answer the words either relate to the grounds of Religion and so in Gospel-times Christians need not to be taught in these fundamental points for now all know the Lord from the least to the greatest or else these words are an Hebraisme which deny positively when they intend it only comparatively or secundum quid as when God and men are compared together man is vanity lighter than vanity and a very nothing here is a comparison of knowledge in Gospel-times with the knowledge of Israel in those dark times when God brought them out of the Land of Egypt then all was dark and they were fain to teach one another the very Principles the Rudiments of Religion there was very little effusion of Gods Spirit in those times but in Gospel-times saith the Prophet the Spirit of grace and knowledge shall be so abundant that rather God himself shall be the teacher than one man shall teach another There shall be such exuberancy and seas of knowledge under the new Covenant above the Covenant made with his people when he brought them out of Egypt that men shall not need to teach one another comparatively for all shall know the Lord who are taught of God from the least to the greatest An high-way shall be there Isa 35.8 and it shall be called the way of holiness the wayfaring men though fools shall not err therein 7. How is God said to forgive iniquity and never more to remember Sin For the first God is said to forgive iniquity when guilt of sin is taken away and for the second God is said never more to remember Sin in that the Sinner after pardon is never more looked on as a Sinner Is not this the Covenant q. d. I will remove thy Sins and do them away as if they had never been I will blot them out of the Book of my Memory I will obliterate the Writing that none shall be able to read it But you will say If Sin remain still in the Regenerate How are they so forgiven as to be remembred no more Divines tell us of Two Things in every Sin there is macula reatus the Filth and the Guilt This Guilt some again distinguish into the Guilt of Sin which they call the Inward Dignity and Desert of Damnation and the Guilt of Punishment which is the Actual Ordination of a Sinner unto Damnation Now in different Respects we say That Sin remains still in Believers and Sin doth not remain in Believers First If we speak of the Filth of Sin or of the Desert of Damnation so it remains still but if we speak of the actual Obligation of a Sinner to Condemnation so it remains not after Pardon but the Sinner is as free as if he had never sinned But you will say Is not the Filth of Sin done away when Sin is remitted I answer The Filth of Sin is not done away by Remission but by Sanctification and Renovation and because in this Life we have not a perfect inherent Holiness Sanctification at best being but Imperfect and wrought in us by degrees therefore during this Life there is something of the Filth of Sin and especially of the Effects of Original Sin sticking and still cleaving to us But here is our Comfort and herein lies the sweet of the Promise that when God hath pardoned Sin He takes away the Guilt as to Condemnation He acquits the Sinner of that Obligation He now looks upon him not as a Sinner but as a Just Man and so in this Sense He will forgive and never more remember his Sin Ah Christians Take heed of their Doctrine who would have Justification an Abolition of Sin in its real Essence and Physical in-dwelling let us rather say with Scripture that all justified Saints must take down their Top-sail and go to Heaven halting and that they carry their Bolts and Fetters of in-dwelling sin through the Field of Free-Grace even to the Gates of Glory Christ daily Washing and we daily Defiling to the end that Grace may be Grace I have run through all the manifestations of the Covenant of Grace as we have them discovered in the Old-Testament And yet that we may see the better how these things concern us I shall only propound these Two Queries more and then we have done 1. Whether is the Covenant of Grace the same for Substance in all Ages of the World We answer Yea The Fathers before Christ had but one Covenant and we another but the same Covenant of Grac● belongs to us both This appears in that first they had the same Promise secondly they had it upon the same Grounds 1. They had the same Promise as I will be your God and you shall be My People Lev. 26.12 Deut. 33.20 And Happy art thou O Israel saved by the Lord. And The Lord is our King and He will save us They had not only the Hopes of an Earthly Inheritance in Canaan as some fondly imagine but of an Heavenly Inheritance in the Kingdom of God And to this purpose our Saviour speaks expresly Many shall come from the East and West Isa 33.22 Mat. 8.11 and shall sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven 2. As they had the same Promise so they had it upon the same ground that we have John 8.56 Heb. 13.8 even by Faith in Christ Jesus Abraham saw My Day said Christ and Christ is the same Yesterday and to Day and for Ever He is the same not only in regard of Essence but also in regard of the Efficacy of His Office from the Beginning to the End of the World We believe said Peter that through the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ Acts 15.11 Heb. 4.2 we shall be saved even as they And Vnto us was the Gospel Preached saith Paul as unto them Some may think they had no Gospel but only the Law before Christ But What say you Have we not observed a Thred of the Gospel and of the Covenant of Grace to run through all the Old-Testament from First to Last And How plain is the Apostle For this cause also was the Gospel preached also to them that are Dead Dead long since for he speaks of them who lived in the Dayes of Noah Nay the Apostle to the Hebrews 1 Pet. 4.6 gives us a Catalogue of Old-Testament-Believers By Faith Heb. 11.4 Abel offered up unto God a more excellent Sacrifice than Cain By Faith Enoch was Translated that he should not see Death By Faith Noah being warned by God prepared an Ark. By Faith Abraham when he was called to go into a Place which he should after receive for an Inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whither he went These all died in Faith not having received the Promises but having seen them afar off and were perswaded of them and embraced them Besides these he reckons up the Faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and Joseph and Moses and Rahab and Gideon and
and in some of these if not in all of these thou wilt find thy Objections answered removed routed 3. It is sure God is not fast and loose in his Covenant heaven and earth shall pass away before one jot or title of his Word shall fail consider O my Soul he both can and will perform his Word his Power his Love his Faithfulness his Constancy all stand engaged What sweet matter is here for a Soul to dwell upon what needs it go out to other objects whilst it may find enough here but especially what needs it to bestow it self upon vain things O that so much pretious sand of our thoughts should run out after Sin and so little after grace or after this Covenant of grace 5. Jer. 31.33 34 Consider Jesus in that new Covenant or Promise which God made with Israel and Judah I will put my Law in their inward parts and write it in their hearts and I will be their God and they shall be my People and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour and every man his brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will forgive their Iniquity and I will remember their Sins no more Oh what an errour is it that there is no inherent righteousness in the Saints there is no grace in the soul of a believer but only in Christ is not this the ordinary Scripture phrase Ezek. 36.27 John 4.14 1 John 2 27. Col. 1.27 Ezek. 1.20 I will put my Spirit within you and the water that I shall give you shall be in you a Well of water springing up into everlasting Life and the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and Christ in you the hope of glory Observe how the spirit of the Living Creatures was in the Wheels so that when the Spirit went they went and when the Spirit was lifted up they were lifted up even so is the Spirit of Christ acting and guiding and framing and disposing them to move and walk according to his Laws Luk. 17.21 Psal 40.8 The Kingdom of heaven is within you saith Christ and I delight to do thy Will O God saith David yea thy Law is within my heart O my Soul if thou art in Covenant whith God besides the in-dwelling of the Spirit there is a certain spiritual Power or Principle of Grace which Christ by his Spirit hath put into thy heart enabling thee in some measure to move thy self towards God And this Principle is sometimes called a new Life Rom. 6.4 Sometimes a Living with Christ Rom. 6 8. Sometimes a being alive to God Rom. 6.11 Sometimes a revealing of his son in man Gal. 1.15 And somtimes a putting of the Law into our inward parts and a writing of the Law within the heart Jer. 31.33 O consider of this inward Principle it is an excellent subject worthy of thy consideration 2. I will be their God and they shall be my people Consider God essentially and personally God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Ghost God in himself and God in his Creatures this very promise turns over heaven and earth and sea and land and bread and cloths and sleep and the world and life and death into free grace No wonder if God set this promise in the midst of the Covenant as the heart in the midst of the Body to communicate life to all the rest this promise hath an influence into all other promises it is the great promise of the new Covenant it is as great as God is though the heavens and heaven of heavens be not able to contain him yet this Promise contains him God shuts up himself as it were in it I will be their God 2. They shall be my People i.e. They shall be to me a peculiar People Tit. 2.14 The word hath this Emphasis in it that God looks upon all other things as accidents in comparison and his substance is his People they are his very Portion for the Lords Portion is his People Jacob is the Lot of his Inheritance They are his treasure his peculiar treasure Deut. 32.9 Exod 19.5 his peculiar treasure above all People If ye will obey my voice indeed and keep my Covenant then shall ye be a peculiar treasure unto me and above all people for all the earth is mine Observe O my soul all the earth is mine q. d. All people is my people but I have a special interest in my covenanted people they are only my portion my peculiar treasure Blessed be Egypt my People Assyria the work of my hands and Israel mine Inheritance I have made all People Egypt and Assyria and all the world is mine but only Israel is my inheritance the Saints are those that God satisfies himself in the Saints are those that God hath set his heart upon they are children of the high God they are the Spouse that are Married to the Lamb they are nearer God in some respects than the very Angels themselves for the Angels are not in a mystical union so Married to Christ as Gods People are Isa 19.28 O the happyness of Saints I will be their God and they shall be my People 3. They shall teach no more every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother saying know the Lord for they shall all know me from the least of them to the greatest of them saith the Lord. Consider of this O poor Soul thou complainest many a time of thy weakness thou knowest little or nothing why see here a Glorious promise if thou art but in Covenant with God thou shalt be taught of God and then thou shalt know God far more clearly than the Jews of old he will open to thee all his treasures of wisdom and knowledg he will bestow on thee a greater measure of his Spirit so that out of thy belly shall flow Rivers of Living waters John 7.38 We say a good Tutor may teach more in a day than another in a week in a month now the promise runs thus that all thy Children shall be taught of God Isa 54.13 not that private instruction or publick Ministry must be excluded we know these are appointed under the New Testament and are subordinate to the Spirits teaching but that the teachings of God do far surpass the teachings of men and therefore the knowledg of God under the New Testament shall far surpass that under the old herein appears the excellency of Christ's prophetical Office He is such a Prophet as enlightens every man within John 1.9.33 that comes into the World He is such a Prophet as baptiseth with the Holy Ghost and with Fire He is such a Prophet as makes men's hearts to burn within them when he speaks unto them He is such a Prophet as bids his Ministers Luk. 24.32 Mat. 28.19.20 Go teach all Nations and I will be with you and I will
strong temptations so many lusts that now he doubts O what will become of my poor Soul what will be the issue of this woful work why come now and desire after perseverance when Peter was ravished on the mount it is good being here sayes he let us build three Tabernacles Mat. 17.4 his desire was to have continued there for ever and it was the prayer of Christ in Peters behalf Luk. 22.3 I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not what was this Prayer but Christ's vehement desire of Peters continuing in the faith shall Christ desire and will not thou desire after thy own perfection O come with these Pantings and Breathings after God put forth thy desires in these or the like expressions O Lord thou hast said I will betroth thee unto me for ever Hosea 2.19 and what means this but that the conjugal love of Christ with a gracious soul shall never be broken what means this but that the bond of union in a believer to Christ is fastened upon God and the spirit of God holds the other end of it and so it can never be broken 2. O Lord thou hast discovered in thy Word that th s union is in the Father who hath laid a sure foundation 2 Tim 2.19 the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that are his John 13.1 and that this union is in the Son who loves his to the end and that this union is in the spirit who abides in the elect for ever 3. Thou hast discovered that the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed but my kindness shall not depart from thee Isa 54.10 neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee 4. Thou hast said that the Saints shall be kept by the Power of God q. d. The special Power I mean to put forth in this world 1 pet 1.5 it is to uphold the spirits of my saints the special work I have in the world to exercise my power about it is to keep Christ and the saints together it is through the power of God that heaven and earth is kept up but if God must withdraw his Power from the one of these sooner should heaven and earth fall in pieces than God would not uphold one gracious soul that hath Vnion with his Son Jesus Christ And if th●se be thy sayings why then Lord I desire the accomplishment O fulfil what thou hast said it would break my heart if ever the Covenant should be broken betwixt me and thee my desire is towards thee and the more I enjoy thee the more and more I desire and pant after thee my desires are like thy self infinite eternal everlasting desires 4. Desire after Jesus the great business or the all in all in a Covenant of Grace the most proper object of desire especia●ly to man fallen is Jesus Christ hence it is that a poor sinner under the sense of sin cryes out with the vehemency of desire Christ and none but Christ give me Christ or I dye I am undone I am lost for ever But what is Christ or Jesus to a Covenant of grace Ru●kers tryal of Faith I answer he is the great business he is the all in all Christ hath at least a Six-fold relation to the Covenant of grace 1. As he is more than a creature he is the Covenant himself 2. As he deals betwixt parties he is the messenger of the covenant 3. As he saw and heard and testifieth all he is the witness of the covenant 4. As he undertaketh for the parties at variance he is the surety of the covenant 5. As he standeth between the contrary parties he is the Mediator of the covenant 6. As he signifieth the covenant and closeth all the Articles he is the Testator of the covenant Oh here is abundance of fuel for thy desire to work upon 1. Consider the fuel and then set on the flame thy desire Isa 42.6 Isa 41.9 1. Christ is the covenant it self I gave thee for a covenant of the People for a light of the gentiles And I will preserve thee and give thee for a Covenant of the People Christ God and Man is all the Covenant 1. Fundamentally he is the original of the Covenant the Covenant of grace takes i●s being and beginning from Christ he is the covenant-maker undertaker manager dispatcher he doth every thing in the covenant 2. Materially the very substance of the covenant stands in this I will be their God and they shall be my People now Christ he is both these in himself he is God unto his People and he is the People representatively unto God and before God 3. Equivalently many branches or fruits of the Covenant are to be fulfilled to believers in their season but as soon as ever they are Justified Christ is said to be the Covenant as a present pawn or earnest delivered into the hands of a man at the very instant of his justification and this pawn is of equal value and worth with the whole Covenant when it is fulfilled to the uttermost Thus Christ in every of these respects is the Covenant it self he is very peace and reconciliation it self and this man shall be the Peace when the Assyrian shall come into our Land As fire is hot for it self and all other things hot for it Micah 5 5. as they participate of it so Christ is the Covenant it self and all we are so far in Covenant to Christ as we have any thing of Christ want Christ and want peace and want the Covenant of grace 2. Christ is the messenger of this Covenant The Lord whom ye seek shall suddainly come to his Temple Mal. 3.1 even the messenger of the Covenant whom ye delight in Christ travels with tydings between parties of the Covenant 1. He reports of God to us he commends his Father unto us Joh. 15.1 Joh. 6.29 Joh. 6.48 Joh. 8.12 Joh. 10.9 11. Prov. 1.20 Prov. 9.5 my Father is the husband man and this is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I shall lose nothing and he commends himself to us it became the Lord Jesus to commend himself I am the bread of Life I am the Light of the world I am the Door I am the good Shepherd It is a wonderful thing how Christ is a broker as I may say for Christ wisdom cryeth out she uttereth her voice in the streets come eat of my bread and drink of my wine which I have mingled Ministers cannot speak of Christ and of his Father as he can do himself O my Soul to excite thy desires come and hear Christ speak of Christ and of his Father and of Heaven for he saw all Joh. 17.25 2. He reports of us to God he commends us to his Father O righteous Father the world hath not known thee but I have known thee and
find help in our necessities having such an High-Priest as was in all things tempted like unto us and was acquainted with our infirmities in his own person Heb. 4.15 5.2 SECT IV. Of the distinction of the two Natures of Christ 4. A Real distinction of these two Natures is evident 1. In regard of essence the Godhead cannot be Manhood nor can the Manhood be the Godhead 2. In regard of proprieties the Godhead is most wise just omnipotent yea wisdom justice omnipotency it self and so is not the Manhood neither can it be 3. They have distinct Wills Luke 22.42 Not my Will but thy Will be done O Father Plainly differencing the Will of a Creature from the Will of a Creator 4. The very actions in the work of Redemption are indeed inseparable John 10.18 and yet distinguishable I lay down my life and take it up again to lay it down was the action of man not of God and to take it up was the action of God not of man in these respects we say each nature remains in it self entire without any conversion composition commixtion or confusion there is no conversion of one into the other as when he changed water into wine no composition of both no abolition of either no confusion at all It is easy to observe this real distinction of his two natures from first to last as first He was conceived as others and so he was man but he was conceived by the holy Ghost as never man was and so he is God 2. He was born as others and so he was man but he was born of a Virgin as never man was and this speaks him a God 3. He was crucified died and was buried and so he was man but he rose again from the dead ascended into Heaven and from thence shall come at last to judge the quick and the dead and so he is God Or if from the Apostles Symbol we go to the Gospel which speaks both natures at large we find there 1. He was born of his Mother and wrapped in swadling-clouts as being a man but the Star shines over him and the wise men adore him as being a God 2. He was Baptized in Jordan as being a man but the holy Ghost from heaven descended upon him as being a God 3. He is tempted of Satan as being a man but he overcame Satan and dispossessed Devils as being a God 4. He travelled and was thirsty and hungry and weary as being a man but he refreshed the weary and fed the hungry and gave drink even water of life to the thirsty as being a God 5. He slept in the Ship and his Disciples awoke him as being a man but he rebuked the winds and stilled the raging of the tumultuous Seas as being a God 6. He was poor and needy had not an house to put his head in as being a man but he was and is rich and mighty and cannot be contained in the heaven of heavens as being a God 7. He was sorrowful and sad he wept and he prayed as being a man but he comforts the sorrowful and heareth the prayers of all his Saints as being a God 8. He was whipped and rent and torn and crucified as being a man but he rent the vail of the Temple and caused the Sun to hide his face for shame when he was crucified as being a God 9. He cried out on the Cross Eloi Eloi lamasabacthani as being a man but he could say to the Thief To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise as being a God 10. He died and was buried and lay in the grave as being a man but he overcame death and destroyed the Devil and raised up himself to life again as being a God 11. After his Resurrection he appeared to his Disciples and ate with them and talked with them as being a man but he provided meat and vanished out of their sight as being a God 12. He ascended into heaven and the heavens now contain him as he is Man but he sustains the Heavens and commands all therein and rides on the same as being a God Thus we see all along two real distinct natures still continuing in Christ God being become Man the Deity being abolished but the humane nature was adjoyned according to the old Distich Sum quod eram nec eram quod sum c. I am that I was but I was not that I am You will say How then is it said the word was made flesh or God became Man I answer one thing may become another either by way of change as when the water was turned into wine but thus was not Christ the Godhead was for a time concealed but it was never cancelled or one thing may become another either by way of union as when one substance is adjoyned unto another and yet is not transferred or changed into the nature of the other thus a Souldier putting on his Armour is an armed man or a man wearing on his Garments is no more a naked but a cloathed man and yet the Armour and the Souldier the man and his Apparel are distinct things and thus was it with Christ the flesh is said to be deified and the Deity is said to be incarnate not by the conversion of either into the nature of the other but by assuming and adjoyning the humane nature to the divine and yet still the humane nature and the divine are distinct things both the natures in Christ do remain entire and inconfused indeed the humanity is much magnified by the divinity but the divinity is nothing altered by the humanity Thus much for the distinction of his two Natures SECT V. Of the Vnion of the two Natures of Christ in one and the same Person 5. THe Union of two Natures of Christ in one and the self-same person is that great wonder which now we must speak of as we are able but alas how should we speak this union and not be confounded in our selves It is a great mystery a secret a wonder many wonders have been since the beginning of the world but all the wonders that ever were must give place to this and in respect thereof cease to be wonderful neither the Creation of all things out of nothing nor the restauration of all things into their perfect being I mean neither the first work nor the last work of God in this world though most admirable pieces may be compared with this This Union of the two Natures of Christ into one person is the highest pitch if any thing may be said highest in that which is infinite of God's wisdom goodness power and glory well therefore said the Angel to Mary The power of the highest shall overshadow thee and if God did overshadow this Mystery with his own Vail How should we presume with the men of Bethshemesh to look into it Christians If you will needs put it to the question How that wonderful connection of two so infinitely differing natures in the unity of one
table or behind a solid partition it stirreth the needle as effectually as if it were within view Shall not he contradict his sences that will say It cannot work because I see it not Oh my Saviour thou art more mine than my Body is mine my sense feels that present but so as that I must lose it but my faith so feels and sees thee present with me as that I shall never be parted from thee 2. It is a very near union You will say how near If an Angel were to speak to you he cannot satisfie you in this only as far as our understanding can reach it and the Creatures can serve to illustrate these things take it thus Whatsoever by way of comparison can be alledged concerning the combination of any one thing with another that and much more may be said of our union with Jesus Christ To give instance out of the Scripture see what one stick is to another being glewed together see what one friend is to another as Jonathan and David who were said to be woven and knit each one to other see how near the father and the child are how near the husband and the wife are 1 Cor. 6 17. 1 Sam. 18.1 Isa 62.5 see what union is between the Branches and the Vine the members and the head nay one thing more see what the the soul is to the body such is Christ and so near is Christ and nearer to the person of every true believer I live yet not I saith Paul but Christ liveth in me John 15.5 1 Cor. 12 12. Gal. 2.20 q. d. as the soul is to the body of a natural man that acts and enlivens it naturally so is Jesus Christ to my soul and body O there is a marvellous nearness in this mystical union 3. It is a total union i.e. whole Christ is united to the whole believer soul and body If thou art united to Christ thou hast all Christ thou art one with him in his nature in his name thou hast the same Image Grace and Spirit in thee as he hath the same precious Promises the same access to God by prayer as he thou hast the same love of the Father all that he did or suffered thou hast a share in it thou hast his life and death all is thine so on thy part he hath thee wholly thy nature thy sins the punishment of thy sins thy wrath thy curse thy shame yea thy wit and wealth and strength all that thou art or hast or canst do possibly for him It is a total union My beloved is mine and I am his whole Christ from top to toe is mine and all that I am have or can do for evermore is his 4. It is an inseparable union it can never be broken I will make saith God an everlasting Covenant with them Jer. 32.40 and I will not turn away from them to do them good I will put my fear in their hearts that they shall not depart from me This is a glorious promise some poor souls may say True Lord thou wilt not turn away from me I know thou wilt not Oh but I fear I shall turn away from thee Oh alass I turn every day towards sin and Satan Nay saith God I will put my fear in their heart that thou shalt not turn away from me q. d. We shall be kept together for evermore and never be separated Hence Paul triumphantly challenges all enemies on earth or rather in hell to do their worst to break this knot Rom. 8.5 Who shall separate us from the love of God in Christ shall tribulation Distress Famine Nakedness Peril or Sword Come all that can come and see if that blessed union betwixt me and Christ shall ever be broken by all that you can do Thus for this union 2. There is a spiritual communion with God in Christ Both these are the effects of Christs personal or hypostatical union first union to his person and then communion with his benefits union in proper speaking is not unto any of the benefits flowing to us from Christ we are not united to forgiveness of Sin Holiness Peace of Conscience but unto the person of the Son of God himself and then secondly comes this communication of all the benefits arising immediately from this union to the Lord Jesus that as Christ was Priest Prophet and King so we also by him are after a sort Priests Prophets and Kings for being made one with him we are thereby possessed of all things that are his as the Wife is of the wealth of her Husband now all things are yours saith the Apostle whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the World c. Hitherto have we took a view of Christ in his Mothers Womb 1 Cor. 3 21.23 and O what marvails there Did ever womb carry such a fruit Well might the Angel say Blessed art thou amongst Women and well might Elizabeth say Blessed is the Fruit of thy Womb but the blessing is not only in conceiving but in bearing and therefore we proceed SECT VI. Of the Birth of Christ 6. THe birth of Christ now follows Now was it that the Son of Righteousness should break forth from his bed where nine months he had hid himself as behind a fruitful cloud this was the worlds wonder a thing so wonderful that it was given for a sign unto believers seven hundred and forty years before it was accomplished Isa 7.14 therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign behold a Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son A wonder indeed and great beyond all comparison that the Son of God should be born of a Woman that he who is the true Melchizedech without Father and without Mother must yet have a mother-Virgin that he that is before Abraham was should yet be born after Abraham a matter of two thousand years that he who was Davids Son therefore born in Bethlehem should yet be Davids Lord wonderful things are spoken of thee Heb. 7.3 O thou Son of God before he was born the Prophets sing the Sybils prophesie the Patriarchs typisie the Types foretel God promiseth and the Son of God performeth when he was born Angels run errands Gabriel brings tidings the glory of Heaven shines a Star displaies and wise men are the Heralds that proclaim his Birth But come yet a little nearer Let us go to Bethlehem as the Shepherds said and see this thing which is come to pass if we step but one step into his loding Heavens wonder is before our eyes now Look upon Jesus Luke 2.15 look on him as in fulness of time he carried on the great work of our Salvation here now you may read the meaning of Adams Covenant Abrahams promise Moses revelation Davids succession these were but vailes but now shall we draw aside the Curtains come take a view of the truth it self O wonder of wonders whom find we in this lodging a Babe in a Cratch a Mother-maid a
the soul was it that was especially made after the Image of God the soul was it that was tempered in the same Mortar with the Heavenly Spirits the soul was Gods sparkle a beam of his divine Glory a ray or emanation of God himself as man was the principal part of the Creation so the Soul was the principal part of man here was it that Gods Love and Glory were centred for the time here was it that Gods love set and fixt it self in a special man whence flowed that Communion of God with Adam and that familiarity of Adam with God 3. Within a while this man the object of Gods Love fell away from God and as he fell so all that were in him even the whole World fell together with him and hereupon Gods Face was hid not a sight of him but in flaming fire ready to seize on the Sons of Men. And yet Gods Love would not thus leave the Object he had yet a further reach of Love and out of this dark Cloud he le ts fall some glimpses of another discovery These glimpses were sweet but alas they were so dark that very few could spell them or make any sense or comfortable application of them but by degrees God hints it out more he points it out with the Finger by Types and Shadows he makes some models of it in outward Ceremonies and yet so hid and dark that in four thousand years men were but guessing and hoping through promises for a manifestation of Gods Love this is the meaning of the Apostle who tells us of the Mystery that was hid from Ages and from Generations but now is made manifest to his Saints Col. 1.26 This Love of God was hid in the breast of God from the Sons of Men for an Age so that they knew not what to make of this great Design I speak of the generality of men for in respect of some Particulars as to Adam and Abraham and Moses and David and the Patriarchs you have heard the Lord made his Loves clear to them in a Covenant-Way and still the nearer to Christ the clearer and clearer was the Covenant of Grace 4. At last God fully opens himself in the fulness of time God takes the flesh of those poor sinners which he had so loved and joins it to himself and calls it Christ a Saviour O! now was it that God descended and lay in the Womb of a Virgin now was it that he is born as we are born now was it that he joined our Flesh so nigh to himself as that there is a Communication of properties betwixt them both that being attributed to God which is proper to Flesh as to be born to suffer and that being attributed to flesh which is proper to God as to create to redeem who can chuse but wonder when he thinks of this phrase that a piece of Flesh should be called God and that God should be made flesh and dwell amongst us that flesh should infinitely provoke God and yet God in the same flesh should be infinitely pleased that God should veile himself and darken his Glory with our flesh and yet unveile at the same time the deepest and darkest of his designs in a comfortable way to our souls O my soul how shouldst thou contain thy self within thy self how shouldst thou but leap out of thy self if I may so speak as one that is lost in the admiration of this Love Surely God never manifested himself in such a strain of Love as this before herein was love manifested and commended indeed that God would come down in our nature to us One observes sweetly that God did so love the very Nature of his Elect that though for the present he had them not all with him in Heaven yet he must have their Picture in his Son to see them in and love them in in this respect I may call Christ incarnate a Statue and Monument of Gods own infinite Love unto his Elect for ever Well hitherto we have followed the passages of his Love and now we see it in the Spring or at full Sea If any thing will beget our love to God surely Christ incarnate will do it Come then O my Soul I cannot but call on thee to love thy Jesus and to provoke thy Love O fix thy eye on this lovely Object come put thy Candle to this Flame what doth not thy heart yet burn within thee dost thou not at least begin to warm why draw yet a little nearer consider what an heart of Love is in this Design God is in thy own nature to take upon him all the miseries of thy Nature mark it well this is none other than Gods heart leaping out of it self into our bosoms q. d. Poor souls I cannot keep from you I love your very Nature I will be nothing so you may be something my Glory shall not hinder me but I will vail it rather than it shall hurt you so I may but shew my self kind and tender unto you and so I may but have Communion with you and you with me I care not if I become one with you and live with you in your very flesh Oh my heart art thou yet cold in thy Loves to Jesus Christ canst thou love him but a little who hath loved thee so much how should I then but complain of thee to Christ and for thy sake beg hard of God Oh thou sweet Jesus that cloathest thy self with the Clouds as with a garment and as now thou cloathest thy self with the Nature of a man O thou that wouldest inflame my Spirit with a Love of thee that nothing but thy self might be dear unto me because it so pleased thee to vilifie thy self thine own self for my sake SECT VII Of joying in Jesus in that respect 7. LEt us joy in Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation for us at his Coming or Incarnation If it be so that by our Desire and Hope and Faith and Love we have indeed and truth reached the Object which our souls pant after how then should we but joy and delight therein the end of our motion is to attain quiet and rest now what is joy but a sweet and delightfull Tranquility of mind resting in the fruition and possession of some good what hast thou in some measure attained the presence and fruition of Christ as God incarnate in thy Soul it is then time to joy in Jesus it is then time to keep a Sabbath of thy thoughts and to be quiet and calm in thy Spirit But you will say how should this be before we come to Heaven I answer there is not indeed any perfection of joy whilest we are here because there is no perfection of Union on this side Heaven but so far as Union is our joy must be examine the grounds of thy Hope and the actings of thy Faith and if thou art but satisfied in them why then lead up thy joy and bring it up to this
That he might give an example himself of the performance of that which he enjoyned others 5. That he might receive Testimony from Heaven that he was the Son of God 6. That he might fulfil all Righteousness not only the Moral but the Figurative Ceremonial and Typical Some think that the Ceremony to which our Saviour looked at in these words was the washing of the Priests in water when they entred into their Function Exod. 29.4 Lev. 8.6 And Aaron and his Sons thou shalt bring to the door of the Tabernacle of the Congregation and shalt wash them with water And surely this was the main reason of Christs being Baptized that by this Baptism he might be installed into his Ministerial Office 2. How did John know him to be Christ It is very probable he had never seen his Face before they had in their Infancy been driven to several places and they were designed to several imployments and never met as we may well conceive till now besides the Baptist speaks expresly I knew him not John 1.33 but he that sent me to Baptize with water the same said unto me on whomsoever thou shalt see the Spirit descending and abiding on him the same is he that Baptizeth with the Holy Ghost Now this descent of the Holy Ghost was not till after Baptism how then did he know him to be Christ The Answer is given by some thus that John knew Christ in some measure before his Baptism but he knew him not so fully as after when the Holy Ghost had descended on him Others thus that John knew Christ before his Baptism by a present revelation and after Baptism by a present sign it is not unlikely but John knew Christ at his first arrival by revelation for if whiles he was in his Mothers womb he knew Christ being yet unborn how much more might he know and acknowledg him now at his Baptism Thus Samuel knew Saul and thus John might know Christ But for that knowledg he had after Baptism it was a further confirmation of that same knowledg that he had before Baptism and that not so much for his own sake as for the Peoples John 1.34 I saw and bear record that this is the Son of God 3. Wherein was the Glory or excellency of Christs Baptism The Ancients give many Encomiums to it and in some respects prefer it to the Birth of Christ Aug. Serm. 36. thus Augustine Many great Miracles were at Christ's Birth but they were far greater at his Baptism the Holy Ghost overshadowed him in the Womb but he brightly shone on him in the River then was the Father silent not a word from him but now a loud voice is heard from Heaven This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased then was the Mother under suspition because she was found with Child without a Father but now is the Mother greatly honoured in that the Holy Child is Fathered by God himself then was Christ hid to the world and this made John the Baptist say there stands one amongst you whom ye know not He was before his Baptism as the Sun in a Cloud or a Pearl in a shell or a Gold-mine in a Field but now he appears in publick and to manifest his Glory the Heavens open and from the Heavens the Holy Ghost descends and alights upon his sacred head and God the Father gives a voice from Heaven declaring his Divinity to the world If the Jews require a sign here is not one but many signs at once which as Beams do discover a Sun so they discover this Sun of Righteousness to be risen amongst them and herein was the Glory of Christ's Baptism 4. What was the Prayer of Christ at or after his Baptism The Evangelist Luke Luke 3.21 speaks of his Prayer It came to pass that Jesus being Baptized and Praying the Heavens were opened This was the manner of those that were Baptized assoon as they were Baptized to come out of the water and Pray and some think that these words Mat. 3.36 they were Baptized of him in Jordan confessing their sins hath reference to this if so then Christ having no sins to confess of his own the tenour of his prayer must needs be to some other purpose But to what purpose some say to the same purpose as his Prayers were usually as in John 17. that his Father would preserve his Church in Vnity and Truth and that he would Glorifie his Church that they also might be one even as he and his Father are one and especially that many might be converted by his Ministry which he was now beginning Others think that this Prayer at this time was for that which followed upon his very prayer i.e. that the Holy Ghost might descend and that the Father would Glorifie the Son by a Testimony from Heaven Indeed the Text hath laid his Prayer and the opening of the Heavens so close together as that it seems to point out what was the tenour of his Prayer by the consequent of it Before the Heaven was mured up no Dove to be seen no Voice to be heard but streight upon it as if they had but waited the last word of his prayer all of them follow and in another place we find the like return upon the like prayer John 12.28 Father Glorify thy Name then came there a voice from Heaven saying I have both Glorified it and I will Glorifie it again one reason more if we consider that Christ was now to enter upon the great Work of our Redemption and the preaching of the Gospel it will be no less strange to conceive that he prayed for the visible sealing of him to that Work and Office by the coming of the Holy Ghost John 6.27 To this purpose is that of the Evangelist for him hath God the Father sealed it is a Phrase borrowed from them who give their Commissions under hand and seal and this is certain that upon his Prayer God sent the holy Spirit who sealed him or allowed and confirmed him to the Office of our Redemption and therefore very probable it is that his Prayer might tend to that purpose but herein take heed of excluding what was mentioned in the former opinion for my part I suppose Christs prayer was both for himself and all Believers that the holy Ghost might now be joyned to the water and that all others as should ever after believe in his Name as afterwards he enlargeth his Prayer might have the Holy Ghost descend upon them John 17.20 5. Why was it that the Holy Ghost descended on Jesus I answer for these reasons 1. That John the Baptist might be satisfied for this Token was given John when he first began to preach John 1.33 that upon whom he should see the Spirit descending and remaining on him the same is He which Baptizeth with the Holy Ghost It was a sure sign to the Baptist whereby to know the Christ whose Harbinger and
pray not to run into temptation before we are led and yet for the comfort of God's people if it be so that we are led if by divine permission or by an inspiration of the holy Spirit we are engaged in an action or in a course of life that is full of temptations and empty of comforts let us look upon it as an issue of divine Providence in which we must Glorifie God but no argument of disfavour or dislove of God and why because Christ himself who could have driven the Devil away by the breath of his mouth yet was by the Spirit of his Father led to a Tryal by the Spirits of Darkness My Brethren count it all joy saith James James 1.2 when ye enter into divers temptations knowing that the trial of your Faith worketh Patience 3. The end of the Spirits leading Christ into the wilderness it was either immediate or remote 1. For the immediate end it was to be tempted of the Devil to this purpose was Christ brought thither that Satan might tempt him One would think it a very strange design that the Son of God should be brought into a wilderness to be set on by all the Devils in Hell but in this also God had another remote end i.e. his own Glory and our good 1. His own Glory appeared in this had not Satan tempted Christ how should Christ have overcome Satan The first Adam was tempted and vanquished the second Adam to repay and repair that Foil doth vanquish in being tempted now herein was the Power of Christ exceedingly manifested the Devil having the Chain let loose he lets flie at Christ with all his might and Christ that without blows could not have got a Victory by this furious assault of Satan he both overcomes him and triumphs over him And herein were the Graces of Christ exceedingly manifested how was the Faith Patience Humility Zeal and Valour of Christ set forth which they could not have been if he had alwayes lain quietly in Garrison and never had come into the Skirmish Who could have felt the Odoriferous smells of those Aromatical Spices if they had not been punned and bruised in this Mortar of Temptation It was by this means that the Graces of Christ clearly shined forth to his eternal Praise 2. As it was for his Glory so also for our Good Now we see what manner of Adversary we have how he fights and how he is resisted and how overcome now we see the dearer we are to God the more obnoxious we are to a trial of temptation now we see that the best of Saints may be tempted or allured to the worst of evils since Christ himself is solicited to Infidelity Covetousness and Idolatry now we see that we have not a Saviour and High Priest Heb. 4.15 16. that cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities but such a one as was in all things tempted in like sort yet without sin and therefore we may go boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may receive Mercy and find Grace of help in time of need 4. The time and occasion of the Devils Onset it was at the end of forty dayes Fast and when he was an hungred Some say as you have heard that all those forty dayes when Christ was in the Wilderness he was tempted only invisibly for Satan during that time assumed not any visible or conspicious shape which it the end of forty dayes say they he did my meaning is not to controvert these points Howsoever for his tempting yet for his fasting forty dayes and forty nights there is no controversy and of that we had some Types before Christ came into the World thus Moses fasted forty dayes at the delivery of the Law and Elias fasted forty dayes at the restitution of the Law and to fulfil the time of both these Types Christ thinks it fit to fast forty dayes at the accomplishment of the Law and the promulgation of the Gospel In fasting so long Christ manifests his Almighty Power and in fasting no longer Christ manifests the truth of his Manhood and of his weakness that he might approve that there was no difference betwixt him and us but sin he both fasted and was an hungred we know well enough that Christ could have lived without meat and he could have fasted without hunger it had been an easy matter for him to have supported his Body without any means of nourishment or Life but to shew that he was man as well as God and so fit a Mediator betwixt God and Man he would both feed and fast make use of the Creature and withall suffer hunger And now our Saviour is an hungred this gives occasion to Satan to set upon him with his fierce and violent temptations he knows well what baits to fish withall and when and how to lay them he hath Temptations of all sorts he hath Apples to cozen Children and Gold for Men he hath the Vanities of the World for the intemperate and the Kingdomes of the world for the ambitious he considers the temper and constitution of the Person he is to tempt and he observes all our exterior Accidents Occasions and Opportunities but of this hereafter 5. The Temptations themselves are in number three whereof the first was this If thou be the Son of God command that these stones be made bread What an horrible Entrance is this if thou be the Son of God no question Satan had heard the glad tidings of the Angel he saw the Star and the Journey and the Offerings of the Sages he could not but take notice of the gratulations of Zachary Simeon Anna and of late he saw the Heavens open and he heard the Voice that came down from Heaven This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased and yet now that he saw Christ fainting with hunger as not comprehending how infirmities could consist with a Godhead he puts it to the question if thou be the Son of God Oh here 's a point in which lies all our happiness how miserable were we if Christ were not indeed and in truth the Son of God Satan strikes at the root in this supposition If thou be the Son of God Surely all the work of our Redemption and all the work of our Salvation depends upon this one necessary Truth that Jesus Christ is the Son of God If Christ had not been the Son of God how should he have ransomed the world how should he have done or how should he have suffered that which was satisfactory to his Fathers wrath how should his Life or Death have been valuable to the sins of all the world If Christ be not the Son of God we are all gone we are lost we are undon we are damned for ever O alas farewell Glory farewel happiness farewell Heaven If Christ be not the Son of God we must never come there well Satan thou beginnest thy assault like a Devil indeed if thou be the Son of God but
At the opening and discovery of Jesus Christ the kindness and pity and love of God our Saviour towards man appeared 3. Because this manifestation hath something in it of the removal of sin it is the voice of Christ unto such as are in sin Isa 65.1 Behold me the first step towards the remission of Sins is the beholding of Christ now we cannot behold him that will not come into view 1 John 3.5 and therefore saith the Apostle ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins 4. Because this manifestation hath something in it to the overthrowing of Satan for the while that Christ hid himself Satan blinded the minds of men but when once Christ the Image of God shone forth then Satan like Lightning fell down from Heaven 1 John 3.8 for this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil 5. Because this manifestation tends to our believing in Christ and by consequence to our Salvation through Christ John 20.30 31. Many signs Christ did in the presence of his disciples which are not written but these are written saith John that ye might believe that Jesus is Christ the Son of God and that believing ye might have life through his Name Well but wherein was this first manifestation of Jesus I answer in those several witnesses that held him forth John 8.17 It is written in the Law saith Christ that the testimony of of two men is true but to manifest Christ were many witnesses As 1. From Heaven the Father is witness John 8.18 John 8.14 for see saith Christ the Father that sent me beareth witness of me and the Son is witness for so saith Christ I am one that bear witness of my self and though I bear record of my self yet my record is true for I know whence I came and whither I go Heb. 10.19 and the Holy Ghost is witness so faith Paul The Holy Ghost also is a witness to us and to that purpose he descended like a Dove and light upon him 2. On Earth John the Baptist is witness Mat. 3.16 John 5.33 John 1.7 for so saith Christ ye sent unto John and he bare witness unto the truth he came for a witness to bear witness of the Light that all men through Christ might believe No sooner was John confirmed by a sign from Heaven that Jesus was the Christ but he immediately manifests it to the Jews and first to the Priests and Levites sent in legation from the Sanhedrim he professed indefinitely in answer to their question that himself was not the Christ nor Elias nor that Prophet whom they by a special tradition expected to be revealed though they knew not when and secondly to all the People he professeth definitely wheresoever he saw Jesus Christ this is he yea he points him out with his finger John 1.29 Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the World Then he shews him to Andrew Simon Peter's Brother and then to another Disciple with him who both followed Jesus and abode with him all night John 1.39 Andrew brings his Brother Simon with him and Christ changes his Name from Simon to Peter or Cephas which signifies a Sone Ver. 42. Ver. 43. Ver. 44. Ver. 47. Then Jesus himself findes out Philip of Bethsaida and bade him follow him and Philip finds out Nathanael and bids him come and see for the Messiah was found when Nathanael came to Jesus Christ saw his heart and gave him a blessed Character Behold an Israelite indeed in whom there is no guile Thus we see no less than five Disciples found out at first which must be as so many witnesses of Jesus Christ And yet we find more witnesses The works saith Christ that I do in my Fathers name they bear witness of me These Works or Miracles of Christ were many John 10.25 but because we are speaking of his first manifestation I shall instance only in his first work which was at a Marriage in Cana of Galilee The power of Miracles had now ceased since their return out of Captivity the last Miracle that was done by man till this very time was Daniel's tying up the mouth of the Lions and now Christ begins He that made the first Marriage in Paradise bestows his first Miracle upon a Marriage-Feast O happy Feast where Christ is a Guest I believe this was no rich or sumptuous Bridal who ever found Christ at the magnificent Feasts or Triumphs of the great The state of a Servant in which state Christ was doth not well agree with the proud pomp of the World This poor needy Bridegroom wants drink for his Guests and assoon as the Holy Virgin hath notice of it she complains to her Son whether we want Bread or Water or Wine Necessaries or Comforts whether should we go but to Christ The Lord is my Shepherd and if that be so it wall surely follow I shall not want Psal 23.1 John 2.4 But Jesus answered her Woman what have I to do with thee mine hour is not yet come This shews that the work he was to do must not be done to satisfie her importunity but to prosecute the great work of divine designation In works spiritual and religious all outward relation ceaseth Matters of Miracle concerned the Godhead only and in this case O Woman what have I to do with thee We must not deny Love and Duty to Relations but in the things of God natural Endearments must pass into spiritual and like Stars in the presence of the Sun must not appear Paul could say Henceforth know we no man after the flesh yea though we have known Christ after the flesh 2 Cor. 5.16 yet now henceforth know we him no more At the Command of Jesus the water pots were filled with water and the water by his Divine Power is turned into Wine where the different dispensation of God and the world is highly observable Every man sets forth good Wine at first and then the worse But Christ not only turns water into Wine but into such Wine that at the last Draught is most pleasant the world presents us with fair hopes of pleasures honours and preferments but there 's bitterness in the end every sin smiles in the first address but when we have well drunk then comes that which is worse only Christ turns our water into Wine if we fill our water-pots with water if with David we water our Couch with our tears for sin Christ will come with the Wine of gladness sooner or latter and he will give the best wine at the last O how delicate is that new Wine which we shall one day drink with Christ in his Fathers Kingdom These were the first manifestations of Jesus you see he had several witnesses to set him forth some from Heaven and some on earth the Father Son and Holy Ghost witness from Heaven The Baptist Disciples and his works
witness on earth and there 's no disagreement in their witness but all bring in this testimony of Jesus that he is the Messiah that is being interpreted John 1.41 the Christ But what are those manifestations to us Vse or to that great design of Christ in carrying on our souls salvation Much every way For either must Christ be manifested to us even by these witnesses in the preaching of the Gospel and manifested in us by that one witness his holy spirit or we are undone for ever 1. Christ must be manifested to us in the preaching of the Gospel This mercy we have this day nay you see every Sabbath day all the witnesses speak in us What do we but in God's stead in the Baptist's stead in the Disciples stead manifest Christ to you in every Sermon It is the Commission which Christ hath given us of the Ministry Go preach the Gospel to every Creature Mark 16.15 Observe but how open Christ's heart is towards you he cannot contain his Love and Grace within himself he cannot keep his own councels that are for the good of your souls but all must be manifest and that in the openest way by Preaching and Proclaiming them to the world Christ must be laid out to open view Christ will have nothing of his Love kept back he wills and commands us of the Ministry instead of all those former witnesses to make all known what he is and what he hath done and suffered for you Oh Christians how cheap are the mysteries of the Gospel to you ward you may know them if you will but lend an ear and listen to them the word is nigh you even in your mouths Christ is proclaimed in your very streets you may have him if you will without mony or mony-worth Come buy Wine Isa 55.1 and Milk without Money and without Price Do you not hear Christ is laid open for every man's good and profit Christ deals not under-hand with you he must be manifested that you may see what you buy if I should tell you the meaning of the Commission which Christ hath put into our hands he bids me say thus to your souls Come poor Creatures you that stand in need of Jesus Christ here is Christ for you take him and do with him in an holy manner what you will he is of infinite use for wisdom righteousness sanctification and redemption What is our preaching but a manifesting of Christ in this manner what is the sum of all our Sermons but a discovery of this that life and light is in Christ for you that eternal Love waits and attends on you that whatever may do you good is provided and made ready for you Oh will souls now refuse Christ when thus and thus manifested God forbid 2. Christ must be manifested in us by his holy Spirit Christians look to your hearts what manifestations of Christ are there When Paul speaks of the Gospel in general Gal. 1.16 2 Pet. 1.10 Rev. 22.16 he adds in particular that it pleased God to reveal Christ in me And when Peter speaks of the Word of God he adds that we take heed thereunto until the day dawn and the day-star that is Christ Rev. 22.16 arise in our hearts till then though we be circled with Gospel discoveries our hearts will be full of darkness but when Christ Mal. 4.2 whom the Prophet calls the Son of Righteousness and Peter the day-star shall arise within us we shall be full of light Sometimes I confess I wonder that in these dayes there should be such glorious discoveries of the beauties and sweetness and excellencies of Jesus Christ and yet that mens hearts are generally so full of darkness but this takes off the wonder John 1.5 hearts are carnal Light shines in darkness but darkness comprehendeth it not Lead a blind man through a glorious City and though there be such and such things in it yet he tells you he cannot prize them he sees them not though Jerusalem should come down from God out of Heaven as John saw it in his Vision prepared as a Bride adorned for her Husband Rev. 21.2 yet the natural man sees neither Walls nor Gates nor Streets you may tell him all is Gold and Jasper and Precious Stones but for all this he cannot prize them alas he sees them not how many glorious Objects do the unregenerate slight they see no beauty in Jesus Christ they feel no sweet in Ordinances the Sabbath is a trouble and no delight to them and whence all this it is because there is no light no manifestation of Christ within them the Spirit of Christ hath not witnessed Christ hath not manifested Christ within their souls and therefore they remain in darkness SECT VI. Of Christ's Whipping the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple 5. COncerning Christ's whipping the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple we read in the Gospel That the Jews Passover being at hand Jesus went up to Jerusalem Thither John 2.13 if we follow him the first place that we find him in is the Temple where by the occasion of the National Assembly was an opportune Scene for Christ's transactions of his Fathers business In that Temple Christ first espies a Mart there were divers Merchants and Exchangers of Money that brought Beasts thither to be sold for sacrifice against that great Solemnity at the sight of which Jesus being moved with Zeal and Indignation he makes a Whip of Cords and according to the custom of the Zealots of the Nation he takes upon him the Office of a private inflictor of punishment he drives them all out of the Temple he overthrows the accounting Tables and commands them that sold the Doves to take them from thence and being required to give a sign of this fact he only foretels the Resurrection of his Body after three dayes death expressing it in the Metaphor of the Temple which was never rightly understood till it was accomplished In this heroical act we may see how Christ is carried on with a Zeal for God insomuch that it brings to mind that saying of the Psalmist Psal 69.9 The Zeal of thine House hath eaten me up a Metaphor taken from Men that receive nourishment which after its several concoctions is assimilated into the nature of them that receive it Zeal doth totally surprize us in what concernes God in our Zeal we do so mind the things of God as if we minded no nothing else To what dangers hazards and censures did Christ here in the exercise of the Zeal expose himself His eminent Zeal appears 1. In the weakness of his means whereby he did both attempt and effect the work we find him not armed with any weapons that might carry dread and terrour with them at most but with a Whip made of a few small Cords which probably were scattered by the Drovers which came thither to sell their Cattel 2. In the strength that the opposite power did hold out
6.1 2. Isaiah describe thus I saw also the Lord sitting upon a Throne high and lifted up and his train filled the Temple about it stood the Seraphims They were God's Train and they filled the Temple And hence David addresses to God were said to be in the presence of Angels Before the Gods will I sing praises to thee I will worship towards thy Holy Temple Psal 128.1 2. The Septuagint translates it thus 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 before the Angels I know in the time of the Gospel we do not so fix God's presence to our Temples or places of publick assembling for the worship of his Name but to our Church-assemblies in such places why may we not Were the Rudiments of the Law worthy of an attendance of Angels and are the Churches of the Gospel destitute of so glorious a Retinue Did the blessed Spirits wait upon the Types and do they decline the Office at the ministration of the substance Is the Nature of Man made worse since the Incarnation of the Son of God Or have the Angels purchased an exemption from their Ministry since Christ became our Brother in the flesh We have little reason to think so the Apostle treating of a comely and decent demeanor to be observed in Church-assemblies and in particular of women's being covered or veiled there he enforces it from this presence of Angels 1 Cor. 11.10 Chrys hom 16. in 1 Cor. hom 15. in Heb. For this cause ought the Woman to have a covering on her head because of the Angels namely which are there present Upon this ground Chrysostome reproves the irreverent behaviour of his Auditory The Church saith he is not a Shop of Manufactures or Merchandize but the place of Angels and of Archangels the Court of God and the Image and Representment of Heaven it self I know thou seest them not but hear and know that Angels are every where and especially in the House of God where they attend upon their King and where all is filled with incorporeal powers By this time I hope we know what is the meaning of Christ's presence in Church-assemblies to wit the presence of his Spirit and the presence of his Angels Vse And if it be so would not a perswasion of this presence of Christ in our Church-Assemblies be a special means or motive to bring all into order Sometimes I wonder at the irreverent carriage of some Hearers Laughing Talking Prating Sleeping in our congregations what is this a demeanour beseeming the presence of Angels and the Spirit of Christ wouldst thou carry thy self thus in the presence of a Prince or of some earthly Majesty Chris ibid. If thou goest but into a Kings Palace as Chrysostome speaks thou composest thy self to a comliness in thy habit look gate and all thy guise and dost thou laugh I may add dost thou any way carry thy self undecently in God's Presence some there are that in the very midst of Ordinances the Devil usually rocks them asleep but Oh! dost thou not fear that thy damnation sleeps not how justly might Christ come against thee in his wrath and whip thee out of the Temple into Hell surely we should do well to behave our selves in such a presence with the thoughts and apprehensions of Heaven about us our business here is an errand of Religion and God himself is the object of our worship how then should our actions bear at least some few degrees of a proportionable address to God and Christ and the Spirit of Christ what is Christ's Presence in his Spirit and his Angels here Oh let us walk with God as Enoch did Gen. 5.22 let us do all we do as in the Presence of Christ and his Holy Angels And now was the first passeover after Christ's Baptism as it is writtten John 2.23 and the Jews Passeover was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem This was the first year of Christs Ministry whereof the one half was carried on by his Prodromus or fore-runner John the Baptist and the other half betwixt his Baptism and this first Passeover was carried on by himself And now hath Christ three years to his death according to the method propounded I shall come on to the second year and to his actings therein in reference to our Souls Salvation CHAP. II. SECT I. Of the second Year of Christ's Ministry and of his Acts in general for that Year NOW was it that the Office of the Baptist was expired and Christ beginning his Prophetical Office he appears like the Sun in succession of the Morning-Star he takes at John and preacheth the Sum of the Gospel Faith and Repentance Repent ye and believe the Gospel Mark 1.15 Now what this Gospel was the sum and series of all his following Sermons expressed and declared it is fully contained in the new Covenant of which we have spoken for what is the Gospel but a Covenant of Grace wherein all the imperfections of our works are made up by the perfection and Grace of Jesus Christ the Gospel is not a Covenant of works i.e. it is not an agreement upon the stock of innocence requiring strict and exact obedience without any allowance of Repentance no no be Holy saith the Gospel and where that fails Repent and believe By this time the work in his hand was grown high and pregnant and Jesus saw it Convenient to chuse more Disciples with this Family he goes up and down the whole Galilee Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom healing all manner of Diseases curing Demoniacks cleansing Leapers giving strength to Paraliticks and to lame People It is not my purpose to enlarge on all the Sermons Miracles Conferences or Colloquies of Christ with men I am not for large Volumes and I suppose with John that if all the Acts of Christ should be written with Commentaries on them that even the world it self could not contain the Books that should be written John 2.25 In this year therefore I shall contract and limit my self to the Consideration of Christ in these two particulars As first to his Preaching 2. To his Miracles both these relate to the use and exercise of his Prophetical Office SECT II. Of Christ's Sermons this Year 1. HIs Preaching this year was frequent and amongst others his Sermons now it was that he delivered the first Sermon Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand 2. Now was it that he delivered that spiritual and mystical Sermon of Regeneration at which Nichodemus wonders John 3.4 how can a man be born when he is old Can he enter the second time into his Mothers womb and be born But Jesus takes off the wonder in telling him this was not a work of flesh and blood but of the Spirit of God for the Spirit bloweth where it listeth and is as the wind certain and notorious in the effects but secret in the Principle and manner of production Then Christ proceeds in his Sermon telling him yet of higher things as of
it was in that hour when he saw an handsel of the fruit of his Disciples Ministry as an earnest of the many thousands that should afterwards come in John 11.15 And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there said Christ when Lazarus was dead But why was he glad It follows to the intent ye might believe He rejoyced if any of his got faith a little more faith more and more faith Luke 19.41 42. 5. From grief in case of sinners not repenting witness his tears over Jerusalem and those speeches of his And when he was come near he beheld the City and wept over it saying if thou hadst known even thou at least in this thy day the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes Look as it is with a man carrying to be buried his wife weeps his children weep his friends weep so our Saviour follows Jerusalem to the grave and when he can do no more for it he rings out this doleful passing-bell Mat. 23.37 O that thou hadst known c. 6. From his wishes groanings O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as an hen gathers her Chickens under her wings and ye would not In this Argument before we pass it observe we the several passages here 's first the groan Oh! this Aspiration argues a compassionate pang of grief it ran to the very heart of Christ that Jerusalem had neglected their souls salvation Oh Jerusalem Secondly here 's an ingemination or a double calling on Jerusalem O Jerusalem Jerusalem the name doubled expresseth great affection in the speaker as when David doubled the name Absolom it is said the King was much moved 2 Sam. 18.33 and so he cryed O my Son Absolom my Son my Son Absolom thirdly here 's the monstrous sin wherewith the Lord charges Jerusalem Thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee Jerusalem was the very slaughter-house of the Prophets in so much that very few of the Prophets had been murthered elsewhere and so comparatively Christ speaks it cannot be that a Prophet perish out of Jerusalem Fourthly Luke 13.33 here 's Christs willingness to save Jerusalem which he discovers 1. In his frequent applications to it how often q. d. not once nor twice nor thrice but many and many a time have I come to Jerusalem and spoke to Jerusalem and wooed Jerusalem how often 2. In the acting exercising and putting forth of his will how often would I have gathered thy children together The will of Christ was serious though not absolute I know his divine will absolutely considered could not have been resisted but this was * There is voluntas absoluta efficax deceinens infalibiliter producens effectum volitum voluntas conditionata revelata approbationis simplicis complacentia August tract 15. in John not his absolute will but only a will of divine complacency and so he would not have the death of any but that all should live or he speaks here of his humane ministerial will say some and not of his divine many a Sermon had he preached and many an Exhortation had he dropped and every Sermon every Exhortation proclaimed his willingness I would yea that I would have gathered thy children together 3. In resemblance of his willingness Christ would have gathered Jerusalems children as the hen gathers her chickens under her wings in the metaphor Christs care is admirably displayed 1. As the hen with her wings covers the unfeathered chickens 2. As the hen provides for their food not eating her self till they are filled 3. As the hen defends her chickens from the ravenous birds so that to blood she will fight in their defence so hath Christs care been for Jerusalem No bird saith Austin expresseth such tender love to her young ones as the hen doth no fowls so discover themselves to be mothers as hens do other birds we know to be mothers when we see them in their nest but no other way only the hen discovers her self to be a mother when her chickens do not follow her for then her feathers stand up her wings hang down she clocketh mournfully and goeth feebly now in respect of this singular love Christ compares himself to an hen As an hen gathers her chickens so would I have gathered Jerusalem 4. In that he adds so dolefully but ye would not I would but ye would not q. d. in me no care so great as to save your souls in you no care so little as your souls Salvation I strove towards you in acts of love and you strove towards me in acts of ingratitude I would have done you good but you would not receive it I would yea how often would I but ye would not 2. Christs reception of sinners appears yet more in his practise How welcome were all sorts of sinners unto him He casts out none that acknowledged him for the Messiah he turned none away that gave up their souls to be saved by him in his own way This he manifests 1. Parabolically 2. Really 1. Parabolically especially in those three Parables of the lost Groat and of the lost Sheep and of the lost Son I shall instance in this last Luke 15.20 which may well serve for all the rest When the Prodigal was yet afar off his Father saw him and had compassion on him and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him In these words observe 1. His Father sees him before he sees his Father no sooner a sinner thinks of Heaven but the Lord spies him and takes notice of him 2. The Lord sees him whiles he was yet a great way off he was but in the beginning of his way his Father might have let him alone till he had come quite home to his house and it had been a singular mercy to have bid him welcome then but he takes notice of him yet a great way off sinners may be far off from God in their own apprehensions and yet the Lord even then draws near whiles thus they apprehend 3. His Father had pity or compassion on him the Lords bowels even yearn and work and stir within him at the sight of his returning prodigals when Ephraim had bemoaned himself Thou hast chastised me and I was chastised Jer. 31.18 19 ver 20. as a bullock unaccostomed to the yoak why then cries God Is Ephraim my dear son is he a pleasant child for since I spake against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore my bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord. 4. His Father run there is much in this As 1. It had been mercy though his Father had stood still till his Son had come 2. What a mercy is this that his Father will go and give his Son the meeting 3. But above all oh what abundant mercy
how sweet Christ is to hungry Consciences And of that said he as I feel some part and I would feel more so I bequeath it unto thee and to the rest of my beloved in Christ O my soul if thou canst but taste Psal 119.10.3 thou wilt find a world of sweetness in Christ's wayes there is sweetness in the Word How sweet are thy Words to my taste yea sweeter than honey to my mouth There is sweetness in prayer Rom. 10.12 hast thou not known the time that thou hast touched the hem of Christs garment and tasted of the joyes of Heaven in prayer hast thou not seen heaven cleft and Christ sitting at Gods right Hand surely the Lord is Rich to all them that call upon him There is sweetness in meditation some call this very duty The Saints pastime which recreates and perfumes the tired Spirits Now O my soul thou art in the exercise of this duty now thou art in the meditation of the easiness of Christ's burthen Psal 119.99 and of the sweetness of his wayes tell me is there nothing of Heaven in this meditation is it sweet or is it bitter to thy Soul thou mayest read in Scripture of many admirable effects of meditation as that it confirms our knowledg I have more understanding than all my teachers Psal 119.99 Ver. 97. Ver. 15. for thy Testimonies are my Meditations that it inflames our love Oh how love I thy Law it is my Meditation all the day that it casts a sweet influence on our lives I will Meditate in thy precepts and have respect unto thy wayes What is it thus with thee Psal 104.34 Psal 94.19 canst thou say with David My Meditation of him shall be sweet And in the multitude of my thoughts within me thy Comforts exceedingly delight my soul Why then thou hast truly tasted of God's goodness thou hast actual discoveries of the sweetness of Gods wayes thou hast experienc'd this truth that his yoak is easie and his burthen is light Matth. 11.3 Psal 119.99 that his wayes are wayes of pleasantness and all his paths are peace Oh if men did but know what ravishing sweetness were in the wayes of God they could not but imbrace them and esteem one dayes society with Jesus Christ as Caracciolus did better than all the gold in the world 11. Consider the holiness of Christ's Nature and the holiness of Christs Life 1. For the holiness of his Nature if thou couldst but clearly see it what work would it make in thy Breast Christ's inward beauty would ravish Love out of the Devils if they had but Grace to see his beauty yea he would lead captive all hearts in Hell if they had but eyes to behold his loveliness O what a Flower what a Rose of love and light is the Lord Jesus Christ Cant. 5.10 My Beloved is white and ruddy said the Spouse the chiefest of ten thousands Summon before Christ fair Angels glorified Spirits the azure Heavens the lightsome Stars all the delicious Flowers Gardens Meadows Forrests Seas Mountains Birds Beasts yea and all the Sons of Men as they should have been in the world of Innocency and let them all stand in their highest excellency before Jesus Christ and what are they Rev. 22.4 the Saints in Glory now see the face of Christ i.e. they see all the dignity beauty that is in Christ and they are so taken with his sight that they do nothing else but stare and gaze and behold his Face for Ages and yet they are never satisfied with beholding suppose they could wear out their eyes at the eye holes in beholding Christ they should still desire to see more O this loveliness of Christ ravishes the souls of the glorified how is it O my soul that thou art not taken with this meditation But 2. Go from the holiness of his Nature to the holiness of his Life it may be that will make deep impressions on thy spirit consider his charity his self-denial his contempt of the world his mercy his bounty his meekness his pity his humility his obedience to his Father A fruitful meditation on these Particulars cannot cannot but cause some resemblance within and make thee like Christ O the wonder that any should disclaim the active obedience of Christ as to his own Justification Away away with these cavils and consider the obedience of Christ in relation to thy self God sent forth his Son made of a woman made under the Law Gal. 4.4 to redeem them that were under the Law that we might receive the adoption of Sons It is a sweet note of Doctor Andrews Christ made under the Law i.e. under the whole Law the one half of the Law which is the directive part he was made under that and satisfied it by the innocency of his Life without breaking one jot or title of the Law and so he answers that part as it might be the principal the other half of the Law which is the penalty he was under that also and satisfied it by suffering a wrongfull death no way deserved or due by him and so he answered that part as it might be the forfeiture But if we come now to ask for whom is all this it is only for us that we might be redeemed und adopted redeemed from all evil and adopted or interested into all good If this be so O who would for a world of Gold lose the influence and the benefit of Christs active obedience consider of this O my soul till thou feelest some vertue to come out of Christs life into thy self SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that respect 3. LEt us desire after Jesus carrying on the work of our salvation in his Life It is not enough to know and consider but we must desire our meditation of Christ should draw forth our affections to Christ and amongst all affections I place this first of all a desire after Christ But what is it in Christ's Life that is so desirable I answer every passage or particular named yea every thing of Christ is desirable named or un-named all that concerns Christ in any kind whatsoever if to the former particulars I should add a thousand and a thousand more it is very precious and excellent and necessary and profitable and comfortable and therefore desirable but to put them in order 1. The meanest things of Christ are desirable things the very filings of Gold the dust or sparkles of precious Stones are of real price and value yea of much worth yea the very Leaves of the Tree of Life are healing the very Hem of Christ's garment but even touched sends forth its vertue the meanest and worst things of Christ are incomparably to be desired above all things the dust of Zion the very ground that Christ's feet treadeth on any thing that hath the poorest relation to Jesus Christ it is desireable for him Hence we read that one poor woman sought no more of him but to wash Christ's
from him O let this be thy wisdom to think much of Christ so as to provoke thee to the imitation of Christ then shalt thou learn to contemn the world to do good to all to injure no man to suffer wrong patiently yea to pray for all those that despightfully use thee and persecute thee then shalt thou learn to condescend to the weak to condole sinners cases to embrace the penitent to obey Superiours to minister to all then shalt thou learn to avoid all boasting bragging scandal immoderate eating and drinking in a word all sin Then shalt thou learn to bear about in thy body the dying of our Lord Jesus Christ that the life also of Jesus may be made manifest in thy body So the Apostle For we which live are alwayes delivered unto death for Jesus sake that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh 2 Corinth 4.10 11. Why this is to follow Christ's steps he descended from heaven to earth for thy sake do thou trample on earthly things Seek after the Kingdom of God and his righteousness for thy own sake though the world be sweet yet Christ is sweeter though the world prove bitter yet Christ sustained the bitterness of it for thee and now he speaks to thee as he did to Peter Andrew James and John Come follow me O do not faint in the way lest thou lose thy place in thy Country that Kingdom of glory Thus far we have looked on Jesus as our Jesus in his life during the whole time of his Ministry our next work is to look on Jesus carrying on the great work of man's salvation during the time of his suffering and dying on the cross until his resurrection from the dead LOOKING UNTO JESUS In His Death The Sixth Book PART III. CHAP. I. Lam. 1.12 Is it nothing to you all ye that pass by behold and see Heb. 12.3 Consider him who hath endured such contradiction of sinners against him SECT I. Of the day of Christ's Sufferings divided into parts and hours THe Son of Righteousness that arose with healing we shall now see go down in a ruddy Cloud And in this Piece as in the former we must first lay down the Object and then direct you to look upon it The Object is Jesus carrying on the work of mans Salvation during the time of his Sufferings now in all the transactions of this life we shall observe them as they were carried on successively in those few hours of his Passion and death As this work of mans salvation was great so we cannot but observe how every piece of it was carried on in its due time even from eternity to eternity The very time of Christ's passage depended not on the will of man for his enemies sought many a time before to slay him as Herod in his Infancy Matth. 2.16 The Jews in his riper age when sometimes they took up stones to stone him John 8.59 and sometimes they would have broke his neck from an hill Luke 4.29 but his time was not then come We read of the Paschal Lamb that it was to be slain on the fourteenth day of the first Moneth called Abib or Nisan Exod. 12.2 ● at the full of the Moon in the evening or between the evenings some think this Moneth answers to our March others to our April I shall not be too curious in the Inquisition for I think it not worth the while only this I cannot but observe that the same day that the Lamb must be slain must our Paschal Lamb begin his sufferings and as then it was full Moon so it notes unto us the fulness of time which now was come and as it was in such a Month as when light prevails against darkness and every thing revives and springs so Christ by his sufferings was to chase away our darkness and death and to bring in light and life and a blessed spring of Grace and Glory and as it was to be slain in the evening or between the evening so must Christ the true Paschal Lamb be sacrificed about the very same hour that the Mystical Lamb was slain to understand which we must know that the Jews distinguished their Artificial day into four parts from six to nine from nine to twelve from twelve to three from three to eight this last part was counted the Evening of the Day and the next three hours the Evening of the Night now in this last part of the Day used the Paschal Lamb to be slain and after it was slain some time was taken up to dress it whole for Supper so Christ at the fourth part of the day at their nineth hour that is at our three of the Clock in the afternoon between the Evenings Mat. 27.50 with a loud voice yielded up the Ghost For the whole time of these last and extream sufferings of Christ I shall reduce them to somewhat less than one natural day or if we may take the whole day before us consisting of twenty four hours and begin with the Evening according to the beginning of natural dayes from the Creation as it is said Gen. 1.5 the evening and the morning made the first day In this revolution of time I shall observe these several passages As. 1. About six in the Evening Christ celebrated and eat the Passover with his Disciples at which time he instituted the Sacrament of the Lords Supper and this continued till the eighth hour 2. About Eight in the Evening he washed his Disciples feet and then leaning on the Table he pointed out Judas that should betray him and this continued until the nineth hour 3. About Nine in the Evening the second Watch in the night Judas that Traytor went from the Disciples and in the mean time Christ made that spiritual Sermon and afterwards that spiritual Prayer recited only by John John 14 15 16 17 chapt and this together with a Psalm they sung continued at least until the tenth hour Thus far we proceeded before we had done with the Life of Christ That which concerns his Passion follows immediately upon this and upon that only I shall take notice in my following Discourse This Passion of Christ I shall divide between the night and day 1. For the night and his sufferings therein we may observe these periods or thereabouts As 1. From ten to twelve he goes over the Brook Cedron to the Garden of Gethsemani where he prayed earnestly and sweat water and blood 2. From twelve till three he is betrayed and by the souldiers and other Officers he is bound and brought to Jerusalem and carried into the house of Annas who was one of the chief Priests 3. From three till six they led him from Annas to Caiaphas when he and all the Priests of Jerusalem sate upon Jesus Christ and there it was that Peter denied Christ and at last the whole Sanhedrim of the Jews gave their consent to Christ's Condemnation 2. The Night thus dispatcht at six
lowest pit in darkness and in the deeps and I sink in the deep mire where there it no standing Behold the Bed which is Solomon's or rather which is Christ's for a grater than Solomon is here Behold the flourishing Bed wherein the King of Saints doth lie surely a place most fordid full of stench his other senses had their pain and his smell felt a loathsom savour in this noysom puddle But we need not borrow light from Candles or lesser stars the Scripture it self is plain Observe we these Particulars 1. They spit in his face this was accounted among the Jews a matter of great infamy and reproach Numb 12.14 And the Lord said to Moses if her Father had but spit in her face should she not be ashamed seven dayes We our selves account this a great affront and so did Job Job 30.9 10. I am their song and their by-word they abhor me they fly far from me and spare not to spit in my face Oh that the sweet face of Christ so much honoured and adored in Heaven should be defiled and deformed by their spitting Oh that no place should be thought so fit for them to void their Excrements and Drivel in as the blessed face of Jesus Christ Isa 50.6 I hid not my face saith Christ from shame and spitting I used no Mask to keep me fair though I was fairer than the Sons of Men I preserved not my Beauty from their nasty Flegm but I opened my face and I set it as a Butt for them to dart their frothy Spittle at 2. They buffet him we heard before that one of the Officers strook Jesus with the palm of his hand but now they buffet him some observe this difference betwixt 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the one is given with the open hand but the other with the fist shut up and thus they used him at this time Colaphis illi tuber totum caput facies livida forto excusse dentes they struck him with their fists and so the stroke was greater and more offensive By this means they made his face to swell and to become full of Bunches all over One gives it in thus By these blows of their fists his whole head was swollen his face became black and blew and his teeth ready to fall out of his Jaws Very probable it is that with the violence of their strokes they made him reel and stagger they made his Mouth and Nose and Face to bleed and his Eyes to startle in his Head 3. They covered his face Mark 14.65 Mark 14.65 Several Reasons are rendered for it As 1. That they might smite him more boldly and without shame 2. That they might not have that object of pity in their view it is supposed that the very sight of his admirable form so lamentably abused would have mollified the hardest heart under heaven and therefore they veiled and hoodwink'd that alluring drawing countenance 3. That they might not see their own filth in his face however his Beauty was winning yet they had so bedawbed it with their beastly spitting that they began to loath to look upon him It was a nauseous sight saith one and enough to make one spew to look upon it Nauseam ipsis spectatoribus saeditas illa provocabat But whether his splendor or his horror occasioned this veile over his face this is most certain that it veiled not their cruelty but rather revealed it and made it manifest to all the World 4. They smote him with the palms of their hands saying Prophesie unto us thou Christ who is he that smote thee To pass away that doleful tedious night they interchangeably sport at him first one and then another gives him a stroke we usually call it a Box on the ear and being hoodwink'd they bid him a-read who it is that smote him Some reckon these Taunts amongst the bitterest passages of his Passion nothing is more miserable even to the greatest misery than to see it self scorned of Enemies It was our Saviour's case they used this despight for their desport with a wanton and merry malice they aggravate their injury with scorn q. d. Come on thou sayest thou art Christ the Son of the living God and therefore it is likely thou art Omniscient thou knowest all things tell now who is it that strikes thee We have blind-folded thee that thou canst not see us with thy bodily eyes let thy Divinity aread guess tell prophesie who is it now that smote thee last Who gave thee that blow O Impiety without example Surely if his patience had been less than infinite these very injuries would have been greater than his patience In way of Application Vse 1. Consider Christians whether we had not a hand in these abuses for 1. They spit in the face of Christ who defile his Image in their souls who reject his holy and heavenly motions in their hearts 2. They buffet him with their fists who persecute Christ in his Members Saul Saul why persecutest thou me It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks 3. They cover his face Luke 10.16 that do not readily and willingly confess their sins that extenuate their frailties and imperfections with counterfeit pretexts 4. They mock and scoff at Christ that scorn and contemn his Messengers and Ministers He that despiseth you despiseth me saith Christ O that we would lay these things to our hearts and see and observe wherein we stand guilty of these sins that we may repent 2. Consider Christians and read Christ's Love in all these sufferings O un-heard of kindness and truly paternal bowels of pity and compassion who ever heard before of any that would be content to be spit upon to wipe their filths who spit uppn him that would be content to be beat and buffetted to save them from buffets who were the buffetters that would be content to be blind-folded that he might neither take notice of nor see the offences of them that blind-folded him that would be content to be made a scorn to save them from scorn that shall scorn him Christians you that take your name from Christ how should you admire at the infiniteness and immensity of this love of Christ was it a small thing that the wisdom of God should become the foolishness of men and scorn of men and ignominy of men and contempt of the World for your sins sake O think of this And now the dismal night is done what remains but that we follow Christ and observe him in his Sufferings the next day the Psalmist tells us Psal 30.5 Sorrow may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning only Christ can find none of this joy neither morning nor evening for after a dismal night he meets with as dark a day what the passages of the day were we shall observe in their several hours CHAP. II. SECT I. Of Christ's Indictment and Judas's fearful end ABout six in the morning Jesus was
should be defiled the very prophane can learn to be superstitious in lesser matters how many amongst us will make conscience of outward Ceremonies as of eating meats observing dayes but as for the weightier matters of the Law Judgment and mercy they leave them undone 3. Christ is most falsly accused of Sedition seduction and usurpation it were indeed to be wished that they who take upon them the name of Christianity were guiltless of such crimes but let them look to it who are such This I am sure was Christ's Rule and Practise Be subject to every constitution and authority of man 1 Pet. 2.13 Rom. 13.2 for the Lord's sake If any dare to resist the Power that is of God they shall receive to themselves damnation Nor can we excuse our selves because our Governours are not Godly for all the Governours to whom Christ and his Apostles submitted themselves and to whom all those strict precepts of duty and Obedience related in the New Testament were no better for ought I know than Tyrants Persecuters Idolaters and Heathen-Princes 4. Christ is examined only of his usurpation Art thou the King of the Jews the men of this world mind only worldly things the Apostles so describes them Phil. 3.19 who mind earthly things Pilate regards not Christ's Doctrine but he is afraid lest he should aspire the Kingdom and concerning this our Saviour puts him out of doubt My Kingdom is not of this world As Pilate and Christ so Worldlings and Christians are of different Principles they mind earthly things but our Conversation saith the Apostle is in heaven our conversation i.e. the aim and scope of our hearts in every action Ver. 20. is only for heaven whatsoever we do it should some way or other fit us for Heaven we should still be laying in for heaven against the time that we shall come and live there we should have our thoughts and hearts set upon heaven so it is said of holy Mr. Ward that being in the midst of a Dinner very contemplative and the People wondering what he was musing about he presently breaks out for ever for ever for ever and though they endeavoured to still him yet he still cryed out for ever for ever for ever Oh eternity to be for ever in heaven with God and Christ how shall this swallow up all other thoughts and aims and especially all wordly careful sinful thoughts aims or ends 2. Pilate having dismissed Jesus this hour is concluded with a sad disaster of wicked Judas then Judas which betrayed him when he saw that he was condemned Mat. 27.3 repented himself c. Now his conscience thaws and grows somewhat tender but it is like the tenderness of a Boyle which is nothing else but a new disease there is a repentance that comes too late Esau wept bitterly and repented him when the Blessing was gone the five foolish Virgins lift up their voices aloud when the gates were shut and in hell men shall repent to all eternity and such a repentance was this of Judas about midnight he had recieved his mony in the house of Annas and now betimes in the morning he repents his bargain and throws his mony back again the end of this Tragedy was that Judas died a miserable death he perished by the most infamous hands in the world i. e by his own hands he went and hanged himself And as Luke he fell headlong and burst asunder in the midst and all his Bowels gushed out Mat. 27.5 In every passage of his death we may take notice of God's Justice and be afraid of sin it was just that he should hang in the air who for his sin was hated both of heaven and earth and that he should fall down headlong who was fallen from such an height of honour and that the Halter should strangle that throat through which the Voice of treason had founded and that his Bowels should be lost who had lost the bowels of all pity piety and compassion and that his Ghost should have its passage out of his midst he burst asunder in the midst and not out of his lips because with a kiss of his lips he had betrayed his Lord our blessed Jesus Here 's a warning-piece to all the world Vse who would die such a death for the pleasure of a little sin or who would now suffer for millions of Gold that which Judas suffered and yet suffers in hell for thirty pieces of silver Now the Lord keep our souls from betraying Christ and from despairing in God's mercy through Christ Amen Amen I see one sand is run I must turn the Glass now was the seventh hour and what were the passages of that hour I shall next relate SECT II. Of Christ's Mission to Herod and the Transactions there Luke 23.7 ABout seven in the Morning Jesus was sent to Herod who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time The reason of this was because Pilate had heard that Christ was a Galilean and Herod being Tetrarch of Galilee he concludes that Christ must be under his Jurisdiction Ver. 8. Herod was glad of the honour done to him for he was desirous to see Christ of a long season because he had heard many things of him and he hoped to have seen some Miracle done by him That which I shall observe in this passage is Ver. 9. 1. Herod's questioning of Jesus Christ 2. Christ's silence to all his questions 3. Herod's derision and Christ's dismission back again to Pilate Luke 23.8 1. Herod questioned with him in many words what those words were are not expressed only we have some conjectures from Luke 23.8 q. d. What! art thou he concerning whom my Father was so mocked of the Wise men and for whose sake my Father slew all the Children that were in Bethlehem I have heard thou hast changed water into Wine and hast multiplyed Loaves whereon so many thousands fed come do something at my request which elsewhere thou hast done without request of any come satisfie my desire work now but one Miracle before me that I may be convinc'd of thy Divinity I dare not deliver these words as certain truths because of that silence that is in Scripture only we read that he hoped to have seen some Miracle done by him Herod could not abide to hear his Word and to bear his yoke but he was well content to see the works and miracles of Jesus Christ 2. Whatever his questions were he answered him nothing many reasons are given in for this Ver. 9. as 1. Because he enquired only in curiosity and with no true intent or end Prov. 26.4 Jam. 4.3 concerning which saith the wise man Answer not a fool according to his folly And ye ask and receive not saith James because ye ask amiss 2. Because Christ had no need of defence at all let them go about to Apologize that are afraid or guilty of death as for Christ he despiseth their Accusations
the Day of his espousals And this we shall do the next hour SECT V. Of Christ brought forth and sentenced ABout ten Christ was brought forth and sentenced 1. For his bringing forth I shall therein observe these particulars As 1. We find Pilate bringing forth Jesus out of the common Hall and shewing this sad spectacle to all the People John 19.5 Then came Jesus forth wearing the Crown of Thorns and the purple Robe and Pilate saith unto them behold the Man he thought the very sight of Christ would have moved them to compassion they had lash'd him almost unto death they had most cruelly divided those azure channels of his guiltless Blood they had cloathed him with Purple crowned him with Thorns and now they bring him out by the hair of the head say some and expose him to the Publick view of the scornful company Pilate crying unto them Behold the man q. d. Behold a poor silly miserable distressed man behold I say not your King to provoke you against him nor yet the Son of God which you say he makes himself to be but behold the man a mean man a worm and no man behold how he stands disfigured with wounds behold him weltring and panting in a crimson river of his own gore blood and let this sufficient yea more than sufficient punishment suffice to satisfie your rage what would you have more if it be for malice that you are so violent against him behold how miserable he is if for fear behold how contemptible he is As for any fault whereby he should deserve his death I find no fault in him he is a Lamb without spot a Dove without gall O come and behold this man I can find no fault in him Some Doctors affirm that while Pilate cryed out behold the man his servants lifted up the purple robe that so all might see his torn and bloody and macerated body he supposed his words could not so move their hearts as Christ's wounds and therefore said he Behold the man as if he had said again Look on him and view him well is he not well paid for calling himself King of the Jews now see him stript and whipt and crowned with thorns and scepter'd with a reed anoynted with spittle and cloathed with purple what would you more 2. We find the Jews more inraged against Jesus John 19.6 When the chief Priests and Officers saw him they cryed out saying crucifie him crucifie him The more Pilate endeavours to appease them the more were the people enraged against him and therefore they cry away with him away with him crucifie him crucifie him Ver. 15. Jer. 12.8 Now was fulfilled that prophesie of Jeremy My heritage is unto me as a Lion in the forrest it cryeth out against me The Naturalists report of the Lion that when he is near to his prey he gives out a mighty roar whereby the poor hunted beast is so amazed and terrified that almost dead with fear he falls flat on the ground and so becomes the Lions prey indeed And thus the Jews who were the heritage of the Lord were unto Christ as a Lion in the forrest they hunted and pursued him to his death and being near it they give out a mighty shout that the earth rung again Away with him away with him crucifie him crucifie him O ye Jews children of Israel seed of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is not this he concerning whom your fathers cryed O that thou wouldst rent the heavens Isa 64.1 that thou wouldst come down that the mountains might flow down at thy presence How is it that you should despise him present whom they desired absent How is it that your cry and theirs should be so contrary The Panther say they is of so sweet a savour that if he be but within the compass of scent all the beasts of the field run towards him but when they see his ugly visage they fly from him and run away so the Jews afar off feeling the sweet savours of Christ's Oyntments they cryed Draw me Cant. 1.2 we will run after thee come Lord Jesus come quickly but now in his passion looking on his form they change their note He hath no form or comeliness there is no beauty Isa 53.2 that we should desire him away with him away with him 3. We find Pilate and the Jews yet debating the business Pilate is loath to pronounce the sentence and the chiefest of the Jews provoke him to it with a threefold argument As 1. They had a law and by their law he ought to dye John 19.7 Ejus absolvere cujus est condere legem because he made himself the Son of God thus the Doctors of the Law do accuse the Author and Publisher of the Law but they consider not the rule concerning Laws He may lawfully abolish who hath power to establish nor did they consider that this Law concerned not himself who is indeed and in truth the Son of God the Text tells us that Pilate hearing this argument was the more afraid Pilate saith Cyril was an heathen idolater and so worshipping many Gods he could not tell but that Christ might be one of them and therefore in condemning Christ he might justly provoke all the Gods to be revenged of him This was the meaning of Pilate's question Whence art thou what is thy Off-spring of what Progenitors art thou sprung And from thence forth Pilate sought to release him 2. The Jews come with another Argument they threaten Pilate John 19.12 If thou let this man go thou art not Cesar's friend a forcible reason as the case then stood it was no small matter to be accused by so many audacious impudent men of high treason against Cesar and therefore under this obligation Pilate seems to bend and bow whom the fear of Christ's Divinity had restrained him the fear of Cesar's frown provoked to go on to sentence and condemnation Oh he was more afraid of man whose breath is in his nostrils than of God himself who made the heavens and framed the world Matth. 27 24. And yet before he gives sentence he takes water and washeth his hands before the multitude saying I am innocent of the blood of this just person see ye to it 3. In reference to this they engage themselves for him which was their last argument Matth. 27.25 His blood be upon us and our children q. d. act thou as Judge let him be condemned to dye and if thou fearest any thing we will undergo for thee let the vengeance of his blood be on us and on our children for ever Thus far of the first general John 19.13 2. For the sentence it self When Pilate heard that he sate down in the judgment seat in a place that is called the pavement because erected of stones but in the Hebrew Gabbatha This word signifies an high place and raised above it was so on purpose that the Judges might be seen of men when
that he is both our justification and sanctification Physitians tell us that about the heart there is a film or skin like unto a purse wherein is contained clear water to cool the heat of the heart and therefore very probable it is that that very skin or pericardium was pierced through with the heart and thence came out those streams of blood and water O gates of Heaven O windows of Paradise O Palace of refuge O Tower of strength O Sanctuary of the Just O flourishing bed of the Spouse of Solomon methinks I see water and blood running out of his side more freshly than those golden streams which ran out of the garden of Eden and watered the whole world Here if I could stay I might lengthen my Doctrine during my life oh it were good to be here it were a large field and a blessed subject 4. About five which the Jews call the eleventh and the last hour of the day Christ was taken down and buried by Joseph and Nicodemus But enough I must not wear out your patience altogether Thus far we have propounded the blessed object of Christ's suffering and dying for us our next work is to direct you as formerly in the art or mystery how you are to look unto him in this respect CHAP. III. SECT I. Of knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our salvation in his death 1. LEt us know Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation during his sufferings and death This is the high point which Paul was ever studying on and preaching on and pondering on For I determined not to know any thing among you 1 Cor. 2.2 save Jesus Christ and him crucified Christ crucified is the rarest piece of knowledge in the world the person of Christ is a matter of high speculation but Christ further considered as cloathed with his garments of blood is that knowledge which especially Paul pursues he esteems not reckons not determines not to make any profession of any other science or doctrine than the most necessary and only saving knowledge of Christ crucified O my soul how many dayes and months and years hast thou spent to attain some little measure of knowledge in the Arts and Tongues and Sciences and yet what a poor skill hast thou attained in respect of the many thousands of them that knew nothing at all of Jesus Christ and what if thou hadst reached out to a greater proficiency couldst thou have dived into the secrets of Nature couldst thou have excelled the wisdom of all the children of the East country and all the wisdom of Egypt 1 Kings 4.33 and the wisdom of Solomon who spake of beasts of fowls of fishes of all trees from the Cedar tree that is in Lebanon even to the hyssop that springeth out of the wall yet without the saving knowledge of Christ crucified Christ suffering bleeding and dying all this had been nothing see Eccles 1.18 only that knowledge is worth the having which refers to Christ and above all that is the rarest piece of Christ's humiliation which holds him forth suffering for us and so freeing us from hell sufferings Come then and spend thy time for the future more fruitfully in reading learning knowing this one necessary thing Study Christ crucified in every piece and part O the precious truths and precious discoveries that a studying head and heart would hammer out here much hath been said but a thousand-thousand times more might yet be said we have given but a little scantling of that which Christ endured Volumes might be written till they were piled as high as heaven and yet all would not serve to make out the full discoveries of Jesus's sufferings Study therefore and study more but be sure thy study and thy knowledge be rather practical than speculative do not meerly beat thy brains to learn the history of Christ's death but the efficacy vertue and merit of it know what thou knowest in reference to thy self as if Jesus had been all the while carrying on the business of thy souls salvation as if thou hadst stood by and Christ had spoke to thee as sometimes to the women Weep not for me but for thy self thy sins caused my sufferings and my sufferings were for the abolition of thy sins SECT II. Of considering Jesus in that respect 2. LEt us consider Jesus carrying on this great work of our salvation during his sufferings and death Zach. 12.10 Heb. 12.2 They shall look upon me whom they have pierced saith the Prophet i.e. they shall consider me and accordingly is the Apostle looking unto Jesus or considering of Jesus the Author and finisher of our faith who for the joy of our salvation set before him endured the cross and despised the shame Then indeed and in that act is the duty brought in it is good in all respects and under all considerations to look unto Jesus from first to last but above all this Text relates firstly to the time of his sufferings and hence it is that Luke calls Christ's passion 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a theory or sight And all the people that came together to that sight Luke 23.48 smote their breasts and returned Not but that every passage of Christ is a theory or sight worthy our looking on or considering of Christ in his Fathers purpose and Christ in the promise and Christ in performance Christ in his birth and Christ in his life O how sweet what blessed objects are these to look upon but above all consider him saith the Apostle that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself Heb. 12.3 Ver. 2. Consider him who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross and despised the shame of all other parts acts or passages of Christ the holy Ghost hath only honoured Christ's passion his sufferings and his death with this name of theory and sight Why surely this is the theory ever most commended to our view and consideration O then let us look on this consider of this As in this manner 1. Consider him passing over the Brook Cedron it signifies the wrath of God and rage of men the first step of his passion is sharp and sore he cannot enter the door but first he must wade through cold waters on bare feet nor must he only wade through them but drink of them through many tribulations must he go that will purchase souls and through many tribulations must they go that will follow after him to the Kingdom of Glory Consider him entring into the Garden of Gethsemane in a garden Adam sinned and in this garden Christ must suffer that the same place which was the nest where sin was hatched might now be the child-bed of grace and mercy into this garden no sooner was he entred but he began to be agonized all his powers and passions within him were in conflict Consider O my soul how suddenly he is struck into a strange fear never was man so afraid of the torments of
hope This is to undervalue Christ's redemption this is to think there is more in sin to damn than in Christ's sufferings to save whereas all thy Sins to Christ are but as a little cloud to the glorious Sun yea all the Sins of all the men in the world are but to Christs merits as a drop to the Ocean I speak not this to encourage the presumptuous sinner for alass he hath no part in this satisfaction but to comfort the humble sinner who is loaden with the sense of his Sins what though they were a burthen greater than he can bear yet they are not a burthen greater than Christ can bear there is in Christ's blood an infinite treasure able to sanctifie thee and all the World there is in Christs death a ransome a counterprice sufficient to redeem all the sinners that ever were or ever shall be the price is of that nature that it is not diminished though it be extended to never so many as the Sun hath fulness of light to enlighten all the world and if the blind do not see by it it is no any scarcity of light in the Sun but by reason of his own indisposition so if all men are not acquitted by Christ's death it 's not because that was insufficient as if it had not vertue enough to reach them as well as others but because they by their unbelief do reject this remedy Oh what large room hath saith to expatiate in sit down and dive and dive yet thou canst not come to the bottom of Christ's blood but as the Prophet Ezekiel saw still more and greater abominations so mayest thou in the sufferings of Christ observe more and more fulness See what a notable opposition the Apostle makes Rom. 5.15 16 17 18 19 20 21. between the first and second Adam proving at large that Christ doth super-abound in the fruits of his grace above the first Adam in the fruits of his sin he calls it grace and the abundance of grace and this abundance of grace reigneth to life Ver. 17. so that these Texts should be like so much oyl poured into the wounds of every broken-hearted sinner Oh is there any thing that can be desired more than this 5. There is in it remission of sins so saith Christ Mat. 26.28 This is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins Remission of sins is attributed to Christ's death as a cause it is not thy tears or prayers or rendings of heart that could pay the least farthing Heb. 9.22 Without shedding of blood saith the Apostle there is no remission God will have tears and blood also though not for the same purpose for all thy tears thou must flie to Christ only as the cause it is true thou must mourn and pray and humble thy self but it 's Christ's blood only that can wash us clean Oh remember this God will not pardon without satisfaction by the blood of Christ And surely this makes Christ's death so desirable Oh my sins afflict me cries many a one Oh I am loathsome in mine own eyes much more in Gods surely God is offended with my dulness slothfulness and my thousand imperfections I am all the day long entangled with this sin and that sin and the other sin but let this contrite spirit look on Christ's death and therein he may find all sin is pardoned see here what an Argument is put into thy mouth from these sufferings of Christ well mayest thou say O Lord I am unworthy but it is just and right that Christ obtain what he died for Eph. 2.13 14. O pardon my sins for his death's sake and for his precious blood sake 6. There is in it reconciliation and peace with God In Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were afar off are made nigh by the blood of Christ for he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us Rom. 5.10 Eph. 2.16 Col. 1.20 When we were enemies we were reconciled unto God by the death of his Son that he might reconcile both viz. Jews and Gentiles unto God in one body by the Cross And having made peace through the blood of his Cross by him ●o reconcile all things to himself This certainly should admirably support the drooping soul it may be thou cryest My sins have made a breach betwixt God and my soul I have warred against heaven and now God wars against me and oh what odds if the Lord be angry yea but a little what will become of my poor soul is a little stubble able to contend with the consuming fire how then should I contend with God but come now and look on Christ's death as the means and meritorious cause of reconciliation and thou canst not but say O this death is desirable When God the Father looks at a sinner in the bloody glass of Christ then saith God Oh now fury and wrath is not in me I have no more quarrel or controversie with this soul seeing Christ hath suffered it is enough I have as much as my justice can demand my frowns are now turned into smiles and my rod of iron into a Scepter of grace Why this is it that makes Christ's death and blood so desirable to the soul what shall Jacob so rejoyce in seeing Esau's face altered to him shall he say to Esau I have seen thy face as the face of God how much rather may the humble and believing sinner be filled with gladness when through Christ's blood shall be thus appeased and reconciled with him 7. There is in it immunity and safety from all the judgments and dangers threatned against our sins Surely if there were such force in the blood of the type that by the effusion of it the Israelites lay safe and untouched of the revenging Angel how much more in the blood of Christ Rev. 12.11 Satan himself is said to be overcome by the blood of the Lamb and God's revenge due to our sins is said to be removed by the blood of Jesus therefore it is called The blood of sprinkling that speaks better things than the blood of Abel Heb. 12.24 the blood of sprinkling was for safety and Christ's blood is for safety it cries not for revenge as Abel's blood cryed but for mercy and for deliverance from all misery 8. There is in it a blessed vertue to open Heaven and to make passage thither for our souls Having boldness or liberty to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Heb. 10.19 it is the blood of Christ that rents the Vail and makes a way into the Holy of Holies that is into the Kingdom of Heaven without this blood there is no access to God it is only by the blood of Christ that heaven is open to our prayers and that Heaven is open to our persons this blood is the key that unlocks Heaven and lets in the souls of his Redeemed
the fruit of Christ's death conferred upon him but this fruit is not of one kind for 1. Some fruit is common to every man as the earthly blessings which Infidels enjoy may be termed the fruits of Christ's death 2. Other fruit is common to all the members of the visible Church as to be called by the Word to enjoy the Ordinances to live under the Covenant to partake of some graces that come from Christ 2. Other fruit is indeed peculiar to the Saints of God as faith unfeigned regeneration pardon of sin adoption c. And yet this fruit is universal to all the Saints whether Jews or Gentiles in which sence speaks the Apostle Rom. 11.32 1 Tim. 2.6 Rom. 11.32 Rom. 5.18 Heb. 2.9 He spared not his own Son but delivered him up for us all And he gave himself a ransome for all and God hath concluded them all in unbelief that he might have mercy upon all And by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life He tasted of death for all men or distributively for every man All which texts are rightly interpreted by Caiphas He prophesied that Jesus should dye for that Nation John 11.51 52. and not for that Nation only but that also he should gather together in one the children of God that were scattered abroad And thus John brings in the four beasts and four and twenty Elders saying Thou art worthy to take the book Rev. 5.9 and to open the seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and thus Paul rightly argues Is he the God of the Jews only Rom. 3.29 is he not of the Gentiles also yes of the Gentiles also O the fulness of Christ's death many are apt to complain Would Christ dye for me why alas I am an alien I am not of the common-wealth of Israel I am a dog I am a sinner a grievous sinner Eph. 2.13 14 16. a sinner of the Gentiles And what then Ye who sometimes were afar off are now made nigh by the blood of Christ for he is our peace who hath made both one and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross Oh what encouragement is this for thee to believe thy part in the death of Christ 2. Consider the worth the excellency of this glorious object Christ crucified There is an infinite of worth in the death of Christ and this ariseth first from the dignity of his person he was God-man the death of Angels and men if put together could not have amounted to the excellency of Christ's death stand amazed at thy happiness O believer thou hast gained by thy loss thou hast lost the righteousness of a creature but the righteousness of an infinite person is now made thine Rom. 10.3 2 Cor. 5.21 hence it is many times called the Righteousness of God both because Christ is God and because it is such a righteousness as God is satisfied with he looks for no better yea there can be no better 2. This worth is not only in respect of the dignity of the person but also in respect of the price offered O it was the blood of Christ one drop whereof is of more worth than thousands of gold and silver Acts 20.28 It was this blood that purchased the whole Church of God which a thousand worlds of wealth could never have done 3. This worth is not only in respect of the person and price neither but also in respect of the manner of the oblation 2 Pet. 1 18. Christ must dye on the Cross as it was determined the price in it self is not enough unless it be ordered and proportioned according to the will of him who is to be satisfied if a man should give for a captive prisoner an infinite sum of money sufficient in it self to redeem a thousand yet if not according to such a way as the conquerour prescribeth if not according to the condition it could not be called a satisfaction now this was the condition that Christ must die and dye that death of the Cross and accordingly he undertook and performed which set a lustre and glory and excellency and worth upon his death O the worth O the excellency of this death of Christ many are apt to complain O the filth of my sins Oh the injuries and unkindness that have been in mine iniquities it is not my misery my destruction that so much troubles me as that God is displeased Sweet soul turn thine eyes hither surely this death of Christ is more satisfactory to God than all thy sins possibly can be displeasing to God there was more sweet savour in Christ's sacrifice than there could be offence in all thy sins the excellency of Christ's death in making righteous doth super-abound the filthiness of sin in making a sinner Come on then and close with Christ upon this encouragement there is a dignity an excellency in this object of faith Christ crucified 3. Consider the suitableness of this blessed object The death of Christ There is in it a sutableness to our sinful condition whatsoever the sin is it is the cry of some They dare not believe they dare not touch Christ crucified they dare not approach to that precious blood because of this sin and that sin and the other sin Whereas in the death and blood of Christ if they could but take a full view of it they might find something suitable to their estate As for instance suppose thy sin the greatest sin imaginable except that against the holy Ghost art thou a murtherer hast thou had thy hands imbrued in the blood of Saints why see now how Christ for thy sake was esteemed of the Jews a murtherer and worse than a murtherer Barabbas is preferred before Jesus Barabbas is released and Jesus is murthered yea his blood is shed to wash away thy blood-shed art thou a Sorcerer a Negromancer is thy sin the sin of Manasseh of whom it is said 2 Chron. 33.6 that that he used inchantments and witchcraft and dealt with a familiar spirit and with wizards why see now how Jesus Christ for thy sake was esteemed of the Jews as an impostor an inchanter for so some say that he got the Name of God and sowed it in his thigh and by vertue thereof he wrought all his miracles and they commonly reported of him that he had a devil and that he cast out devils through Belzebub Prince of devils Art thou a blasphemer hast thou joyned with those in these sad times who have opened their mouths against the God of Heaven enough to make a Christian rend his heart and weep in blood why see now how Jesus for thy sake was judged of Caiaphas and all the Sanhedrim for a blasphemer of God and that in the highest kind of blasphemy
Mat. 26.65 as making himself equal with God yea see how the high Priest rends his clothes saying he hath spoken blasphemy Surely all this he endured that very blasphemers may find mercy if they will but come in and believe in Jesus I might instance in other sins art thou a Traytor a glutton a drunkard a wine-bibber a thief a seducer a companion of sinners why see now how Jesus Christ was for thy sake thus called reputed accounted whatever the sin is there 's something in Christ that answers that very sinfulness thou art a sinner and he is made sin to satisfie the wrath of God even for thy sin thou art such and such a sinner and he is accounted such and such a sinner for thy sake that thou mightest find in him something suitable to thy condition and so the rather be encouraged to believe that in him and through him all thy sins shall be done away Away away unbelief distrust despair you see now the brazen serpent lifted up you see what a blessed object is before you O believe O look up unto Jesus O believe in him thus carrying on the work of thy salvation in his death SECT VI. Of loving Jesus in that respect 6. LEt us love Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation for us during his sufferings and death What! did he suffer and dye Rom. 5.8 Greater love than this hath no man that a man should give his life for his friends but God commendeth his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ dyed for us Why here 's an argument of love indeed how should we but love him who hath thus loved us in prosecution of this I have no more to do but first to shew Christ's love to us and then to exercise our love to him again 1. For his love to us had not God said it and the Scriptures recorded it who would have believed our reports yet Christ hath done it and it is worth our while to weigh it and consider it in an holy meditation Indeed with what less than ravishment of Spirit can I behold the Lord Jesus who from everlasting was cloathed with Glory and Majesty now wrapped in rags cradled in a manger exposed to hunger thirst weariness danger contempt poverty revilings scourgings persecution but to let them pass into what extasies may I be cast to see the Judg of all the world accused judged condemned to see the Lord of life dying upon the tree of shame and curse to see the eternal Son of God strugling with his Fathers wrath to see him who had said I and my Father are one sweating drops of blood in his agony and crying out on his cross my God my God why hast thou forsaken me Oh whither hath his love to mankind carried him had he only sent his creatures to serve us had he only sent his Prophets to advise us in the way to Heaven had he only sent his Angels from his chamber of presence to attend upon us and to minister to us it had been a great deal of mercy or if it must be so had Christ come down from Heaven hnmself but only to visit us or had he come only and wept over us saying Oh that you had known even you in this your day the things belonging to your peace Oh that you had more considered of my goodness Oh that you had never sinned this would have been such a mercy as that all the world would have wondered at it but that Christ himself should come and lay down his blood and life and all for his people and yet I am not at the lowest that he should not only part with life but part with the sense and sweetness of God's love which is a thousand times better than life Psal 63.3 Thy loving kindness is better than life that he should be content to be accursed that we might be blessed that he should be content to be forsaken that we might not be forsaken that he should be content to be condemned that we might be acquitted O what raptures of Spirit can be sufficient for the admiration of this so infinite mercy be thou swallowed up O my soul in this depth of Divine love and hate to spend thy thoughts any more upon the base objects of this wretched world when thou hast such a Saviour to take them up Come look on thy Jesus who dyed temporally that thou mightest live eternally who out of his singular tenderness would not suffer thee to burn in hell for ten twenty thirty forty an hundred years and then recover thee by which notwithstanding he might better and deeper have imprinted in thee the blessed memory of a dear Redeemer no no this was the Article betwixt him and his Father That thou shouldst never come there see but observe but Christ's love in that mutual agreement betwixt God and Christ Oh I am pressed saith God with the sins of the world as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves come my Son either thou must suffer or I must damn the world Accordingly I may imagine the Attributes of God to speak to God Mercy cryes I am abused and Patience cryes I am despised and goodness cryes I am wronged and Holyness cryes I am contradicted and all these come to the Father for Justice crying to him that all the world were opposers of his Grace and Spirit and if any be saved Christ must be punished In this case we must imagine Christ stepped in nay rather than so saith Christ I will bear all and undertake the satisfying of all And now look upon him he hangs on the cross all naked all torn all bloody betwixt Heaven and Earth as if he were cast out of Heaven and also rejected by Earth he hath a Crown indeed but such a one as few men will touch none will take from him and if any rash man will have it he must tear hair skin and all or it will not come his hair is all clodded with blood his face all clouded with black and blew he is all over so pittifully rent outwards inwards body and soul I will think the rest alas when I have spoken all I can I shall speak under it had I the tongues of men and Angels I could not express it Oh love more deep than hell Oh love more high than heaven the brightest Seraphims that burn in love are but as sparkles to that mighty flame of love in the heart of Jesus 2. If this be Christ's love to us what is that love we owe to Christ Oh now for an heart that might be some wayes answerable to these mercies Oh for a soul sick of love yea sick unto death how should I be otherwise or any less affected this only sickness is our health this death our life and not to be thus sick is to be dead in sins and trespasses why surely I have heard enough for which to love Christ for ever The depths of God's grace are
making Christ 's death of none effect O come and with joy draw water out of this well of Salvation Isa 12.3 5. Another cries thus Oh I know not what will become of me the very thoughts of hell seem to astonish my heart methinks I see a little peep-hole down into hell and the devil roaring there being reserved in chains under darkness untill the judgment of the great day and methinks I see the damned flaming and Judas and all the wicked in the world and they of Sodom and Gomorrah there lying and roaing and gnashing their teeth now I have sinned and why should not I be damned Oh why should not the wrath of God be executed on me yea even upon me I answer the death of Christ acquits thee of all Rom. 20.6 Blessed is he that hath a part in the first resurrection on such the second death hath no power Christ's death hath took away the pains of the second death yea pains and power too for it shall never oppress such as belong to Christ If Hell and Devils could speak a word of truth they would say Comfort your selves ye believing souls we have no power over you for the Lord Jesus hath conquered us and we have quite lost the cause Paul was very confident of this and therefore he throws down the Gauntlet and challengeth a dispute with all commers Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods Elect Rom. 8.33 34. it is God that justifieth who is he that condemneth it is Christ that dyed let sin and the law and justice and death and hell yea and all the Devils in Hell unite their forces this one argument of Christ's death it is Christ that dyed will be enough to confute and confound them all Come then and comfort your selves all believers in this death of Christ what do you believe and are you confident that you do believe why then do you sit drooping What manner of communications are these that you have as ye walk and are sad Luke 24.17 Away away dumpishness despair disquietness of spirit Christ is dead that you might live and be blessed in this respect every thing speaks comfort if you could but see it God and men heaven and earth Angels and devils the very justice of God it self is now your friend and bids you go away comforted for it is satisfied to the full Heaven it self waits on you and keeps the dores open that your souls may enter We have boldness saith the Apostle to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus Heb. 10.20 by a new and living way which he hath consecrated for us through the veil that is to say his flesh Christ's death hath set open all the golden gates and dores of glory and therefore go away chearily and get you to heaven and when you come there be discouraged or discomforted if you can O my soul I see thou art pouring on sin on thy crimson sins and scarlet sins but I would have thee dwell on that crimson scarlet blood of Christ Oh it is the blood of sprinkling it speaks better things than the blood of Abel it cryes for mercy and pardon and refreshing and salvation thy sins cry Lord do me justice against such a soul but the blood of Christ hath another cry I am abased and humbled and I have answered all Methinks this should make thy heart leap for joy Oh the honey the sweet that we may suck out of this blood of Christ come lay to thy mouth and drink an hearty draught it is this spiritual wine that makes merry the heart of man and it is the voice of Christ to all his guests Eat O friends Cant. 5.1 drink yea drink abundantly O beloved SECT VIII Of calling on Jesus in that respect 8. LEt us call on Jesus or on God the Father in and through Jesus 1. We must pray that all these Transactions of Christ in his sufferings and death may be ours if we direct our prayers immediately to Jesus Christ let us tell him what anguish and pains he hath suffered for our sakes and let us complain against our selves Oh what shall we do who by our sins have so tormented our dearest Lord what contrition can be great enough what tears sufficiently expressive what hatred and detestation equal and commensurate to those sad and heavy sufferings of our Jesus And then let us pray that he would pity us and forgive us those sins wherewith we crucified him that he would bestow on us the vertue of his sufferings and death that his wounds might heal us his death might quicken us and his blood might cleanse us from all our spiritual filth of sin and lastly that he would assure us that his death is ours that he would perswade us That neither death nor life nor Angels Rom. 8.38 39. nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature should be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 2. We must praise the Lord for all these sufferings of Christ Hath he indeed suffered all these punishments for us Oh then what shall we render unto the Lord for all his benefits upon us what shall we do for him who hath done and suffered all these things but especially if we believe our part in the death of Christ in all the vertues benefits victories purchases and priviledges of his precious death oh then what manifold cause of thankfulness and praise is here be enlarged O my soul sound forth the praises of thy Christ tell all the world of that warmest love of Christ which flowed with his blood out of all his wounds into thy spirit tune thy heart-strings aright and keep consort with all the Angels of Heaven and all his Saints on earth sing that Psalm of John the Divine Rev. 1.5 6. Vnto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us Kings and Priests unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Amen SECT IX Of conforming to Jesus in that respect 9. LEt us conform to Jesus in respect of his sufferings and death looking unto Jesus is effective of this objects have an attractive power that do assimulate or make like unto them I have read of a woman that by fixing the strength of her imagination upon a Blackamore on the wall she brought forth a black and swarthy child And no question but there is a kind of spiritual-imaginative of power in faith to be like to Christ by looking on Christ come then and let us look on Christ and conform to Christ in this respect In this particular I shall examine these Queries 1. Wherein we must conform 2. What is the cause of this conformity 3. What are the means of this conformity as on our parts For the first wherein we must conform I answer we must conform to Christ
there is a conveyance of an healing strengthning quickning vertue flowing into the Soul in the time of its viewing eying contemplating reflecting upon Christ crucified Christ lifted up and this comes from the secret presence of God blessing this our looking upon Christ as the Ordinance by which he hath appointed to make an effectual impression upon the heart It is not for us curiously to enquire how this should be Principles we say are not to be proved save only God hath said it and experience hath found it out that when Faith is occasioned to act on any sutable sacred object God by his Spirit doth not fail to answer in such a case he fills the Soul with comfort blessing vertue he returns upon the Soul by from and through the actings of Faith whatsoever by it is looked for Indeed none knoweth this but he that feels it and none feels this that knoweth how to express it as there is somewhat in the fire heat warmth and light which no Painter can express and as there is somewhat in the face heat warmth and life which no Limner can set forth so there is somewhat flowing into the soul while it is acting faith on the Death of Christ which for the rise or way or manner of its working is beyond what tongue can speak or pen can write or pencil can delineate Come then if we would have grace endure afflictions die to sin grow in our mortification let us again and again return to our duty of looking unto Jesus or believing in Jesus as he was lifted up And yet when all is done let us not think that sin will die or cease in us altogether for that is an higher perfection than this life will bear only in the use of the means and through God's blessing we may expect thus far that sin shall not reign it shall not wear a Crown it shall not sit in the Throne it shall hold no Parliaments it shall give no laws within us we shall not serve it but we shall die to the dominion of it by vertue of this Death of Jesus Christ And this He grant who died for us Amen Amen Thus far we have looked on Jesus as our Jesus in his sufferings and death Our next work is to look on Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation during the time of his Resurrection and abode upon earth until his Ascension or taking up to Heaven LOOKING UNTO JESUS In his Resurrection The Seventh Book PART VII CHAP. I. Matth. 28.6 He is risen Come see the place where the Lord lay 2 Tim. 2.8 Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead SECT 1. Of the Time of Christ 's Resurrection THe Sun that went down in a ruddy cloud is risen again with glorious beams of light In this piece as in the former we shall first lay down the Object and then give directions how to look upon it The Object is Jesus carrying on the work of man's salvation in his Resurrection and during the time of his abode on earth after his Resurrection Now in all the transactions of this time I shall only take notice of these two things 1. Of this Resurrection 2. Of his Apparitions for first he rose and secondly he shews himself that he was risen in the first is the Position in the second is the Proof 1. For the Position the Scripture tells us that he rose again the third day In this point I shall observe these particulars 1. When he arose 2. Why he arose 3. How he arose 1. When he arose it was the third day after his crucifying Mat. 12.40 As Jonas was three dayes and three nights in the whales belly so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth This was the time he had appointed and this was the time appropriated to Christ and marked out for him in the Kalender of the Prophets of all those whom God raised from death to life there is not one that was raised on the third day but Jesus Christ some rose afore and some rose after the Son of the Shunamite the son of the widow of Sarephtah the daughter of Jairus he of Naim and some others rose afore Lazarus and the Saints that rose again from the dust when Christ rose staid longer in the grave but Christ takes the day which discovers him to be the Messiah Luke 24.46 Thus it is written and thus it behoved Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day Had he rose sooner a doubt might have been of his dying and had he lain longer a doubt might have been of his rising he would rise no sooner because in some diseases as in the Apoplexy or such like examples are given of such as seeming to be dead have indeed revived and he would lie no longer in his grave because in all dead carcasses and especially in a wounded body putrefaction and corruption begins the third day this may be gathered by the Story of Lazarus in the Gospel where Jesus commanding the stone to be rolled from his grave John 11.39 Psal 16.10 Martha his Sister answered Lord by this time he stinketh for he hath been dead four dayes Now the body of Christ as it was prophesied must not corrupt for thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thy holy one to see corruption Mark this Text All men shall rise again but their bodies must first see corruption only the Messiah was to rise again before he saw corruption and therefore he would not delay his resurrection after the third day Hosea 6.2 Some think this and that of Hosea after two days he will revive us and in the third day he will raise us up to be the main Texts to which Christ refers when he said Luke 24.46 Thus it is written And to which the Apostle refers when he said that Christ rose again the third day according to the Scriptures 1 Cor. 15.4 I dare not be too curious in giving reasons for this set time and the rather because Christ is a free worker of his own affairs he doth what he pleaseth and when he pleaseth times and actions are in his own power and he needs not to give us any account of them and yet so far as Scripture discovers we may go along and amongst many others I shall lay down these following Reasons 1. Because the Types had so prefigured we see it in Isaac Jonah and Hezekiah a Patriarch a Prophet and a King 1. For Isaac from the time that God commanded Isaac to be offered for a burnt offering Isaac was a dead man but the third day he was released from death this the Text tells us expresly that it was the third day when Abraham came to Mount Moriah Gen. 22.4 Heb. 11.19 and had his Son as it were restored to him again Gen. 22.4 And Paul discovers that this was in a figure
Christ after his Resurrection he was full of the Spirit he was enlivened immediately by the Spirit of God which flowed into him and that supplied the absence of all other things 6. He had an agile body it was in his pleasure to move as well upwards as downwards as it may appear by the ascension of his Body into heaven which was not caused by constrain● or by any violent motion but a property agreeing to all bodies glorified Aug. li● 22. de C●v Dei cap. ult Augustine hath an expression concerning the glorified Saints that they shall move to any place they w●ll and assoon as they will they shall move up and down like a thought how much more m●y it be said of the Body of Christ 7. He had a glorious body this appeared in his Transfiguration when his face did shine as the Sun Mat. 17.2 and his rayment was white as light but especially after his Resurrection and Ascension Rev. 1.14 15. Phil. 3.21 when his head and his hairs were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes were as a flame of fire and his feet like unto fine brass as if they burned in a furnace the glorified bodies of Saints which are fashioned like unto his glorious body are said to shine like stars Dan. 12.3 or like the Sun it self Matth. 13.43 O then how glorious is the Sun of righteousness from whence all those Suns and Stars do borrow their Light It is true that from his Resurrection until his Ascension his body appeared not thus glorious unto them that saw it But wh●ther his Glory was delaied and he was not possessed of it du●ing his forty daies abode upon the earth or whether he so far condescended for his Disciples sake as to keep in his Glory that it might not dazle them and therefore appeared sometimes in the form of a Gardiner John 20.15 John 20.15 and sometimes in the form of a stranger Luke 24 18. Luke 24.18 and sometimes in another form Mark 16.12 Mark 16.12 and sometimes in his own form in the same form wherein he lived before he was crucified John 20.20 27. Joh. 20.20 27 is hard to determine I am apt to think that in some sort he might draw in the beams of his Glory and yet that he was not entred into that sulness of glory as after his Ascension and so some expound those words of Christ to Mary Touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my Father q. d. fix not thy thoughts so much upon my present condition for I am not yet attained to the highest pitch of my exaltation nor shall I until I ascend unto my Father Vse Rom. 1.4 From this Resurrection of Christ how are we informed that Christ is the Son of God Thus Paul speaks he was declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness by the resurrection from the dead And how are we informed that Christ is Lord over all things that are Rom. 14.9 For to this end Christ both died and rose and revived 1 Cor. 15.20 that he might be Lord both of the dead and living And how are we informed that Christ rose again for us as one that stood instead and room of all the Elect but now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first-fruits of them that sleep And how are we informed that by his resurrection we are justified Rom. 4.25 1 Pet. 1.5 who was delivered for our offences and was raised again for our justification and that by his resurrection we are regenerate for he hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead And that by his resurrection we are sanctified for as he was raised up from the dead by the glory of his Father Rom. 6.4 even so we also should walk in newness of life and that by his resurrection at the last day we shall be raised Rom. 8.11 for if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead shall also quicken our mortal bodies and that by his resurrection finally we shall be saved for after we are raised we shall never die any more but be equal unto the Angels and be the children of God Luke 20.36 as being the children of the resurrection of Christ Thus far the position Christ rose again the third day Now for the proof SECT IV. Of the Arguments of Christ 's Resurrection CHrist after his passion shewed himself alive by many infallible proofs Acts 1.3 And so he had need to perswade men into the faith of so strange a truth if we consult with antiquity or novelty with primitive times or later times never was matter carried on with more scruple and slowness of belief with more doubts and difficulties than was this truth of Christ's resurrection Mary Magdalen saw it first and reported it But they believed her not Mark 16.10 the two Disciples that went to Emmaus they saw it also and reported it but they believed them not Luke 24.37 divers women together saw him and came and told the Disciples but their words seemed to them as idle tales and they believed them not Luke 24.11 They all saw him and even seeing him Yet they believed not for joy but wondred Luke 24.41 When the wonder was over and the rest told it but to one that happened to be absent you know how peremptory he was Not he except he saw in his hands the print of the nails and put his fingers into the print of the nails and thrust his hands into his side he would not believe John 20.25 In after-times the whole world stopt their ears at this report of the resurrection of Christ it was with the Grecians at Athens a very scorn When they heard of the Resurrection of the dead some mocked Acts 17.32 It was with Festus the great Roman 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a sickness of the brain a plain phrenzy Festus said with a loud voice Paul thou art besides thy self much learning doth make thee mad Acts 28.24 But come we to our own times the resurrection of Christ is to this day as much opposed by Jews and Atheists as any one Article of our Creed And surely we had need to look to it for if Christ be not risen as the Apostle argues then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain 1 Cor. 15.14 If Christ be not risen ye are yet in your sins and they which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished 1 Cor. 15.17 18. Of all the precious truths in the Book of God we had need to preserve this truth and to be well skilled in the defending of this truth of the resurrection of Christ Some talk of a tolleration of all Religions and some desire that the Jews may have free commerce amongst us it will then be time as I think to be well armed at this point Let the ordinary Professors of our times
that was against us and nailed to his cross now he spoiled Principalities and Powers and carried the keys of death and hell at his own girdle now he came out of the grave as a mighty Conqueror saying as Dehorah did in her song O my soul Judg. 5.21 thou hast trodden down strength thou hast marched valiantly Again was it not to become the first-fruits of them that sleep Christ was the first that rose again from the grave to dye no more and by vertue of his resurrection as being the first-fruits all the Elect must rise again As in Adam all dye even so in Christ shall all be made alive 1 Cor. 15.22 23. but every man in his own order Christ the first-fruits and afterwards they that are Christ's at his coming Some may wonder can the resurrection of one a thousand six hundred years ago be the cause of our rising yes as well as the death of one five thousand six hundred years ago is the cause of our dying Adam and Christ were two heads two roots two first-fruits either of them in reference to his company whom they stand for And now O my soul thou mayst say with Job I know that my Redeemer liveth Job 19.25 and that I shall see him at the last day not with other but with these same eyes If Christ live then must I live also if he be risen then though after my skin worms shall destroy this body Ver. 26. yet in my flesh I shall see God Again was it not that he might be declared to be the Son of God was it not that he might be exalted and glorified this is the main reason of all the rest see thou to this O give him the glory and praise of his resurrection so muse and meditate and consider on this transaction as to ascribe to his Name all honour and glory what is he risen from the dead Hath God highly exalted him Psal 2.11 and given him a name above every name O then let every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father 3. Consider of the manner of Christ's resurrection he rose as a common person in which respect his resurrection concerns us no less than himself We must not think that when Christ was raised it was no more than when Lazarus was raised his resurrection was the resurrection of us all it was in the name of us all and had in it a seed-like vertue to work the resurrection of us all O the priviledge of this communion with Christ's resurrection if I believe this truly I cannot but believe the resurrection of my body and the life everlasting why Jesus Christ hath led the dance and though of my self I have no right to Heaven or Glory yet in Christ my Head I have as good right to it as any heir apparent to his lands 2. He rose by his own power and so did none but Jesus Christ from the beginning of the world it was never heard that any dead man raised himself Indeed one Instance we have that a dead mans Corps should raise up another dead man They cast the man into the Sepulchre of Elisha 2 King 13.21 and when the man was let down and touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet dead Elisha raised up a dead man from the grave but dead Elisha could not raise up himself from the grave only Christ arose himself and at the same time he raised many others and here was the argument of his God-head John 10.18 I have power to lay down my life and I have power to take it up again how should we but trust him with our life who is the resurrection and the life He that believeth in him though he were dead yet shall he live O my soul he was able to raise himself much more is he able to raise thee up only believe and live for ever 3. He rose with an earthquake O the power of Christ in every passage what ayled thee O earth to skip like a Ram was not the new Tomb hewn out of a Rock and was not a great stone rolled to the door of the Sepulchre the ground wherein he lay was firm and solid Job 18.4 Psal 99.1 and shall the rock be removed out of his place O yes the Lord reigneth and therefore the earth is moved Oh what a rocky heart is this of mine how much harder is it than that rock that moves not melts not at the presence of God at the presence of the God of Jacob the Sun they say danced that morning at Christ's resurrection the earth I am sure then trembled and yet my heart is no way affected with this news I feel it neither dance for joy nor tremble for fear O my soul be serious in this meditation consider what a posture wouldst thou have been in if thou hadst been with those Souldiers that watched Christ so reallize this Earthquake as if thou now felt it trembling under thee 4. An Angel ministred to him at his resurrection An Angel came Mat. 28.2 and rolled back the stone from the door and sate upon it Angels were the first Ministers of the Gospel the first Preachers of Christ's resurrection they preached more of Christ than all the Prophets did they first told the woman that Christ was risen Luke 24.6 and they did the first service to Christ at his resurrection in rolling the stone from the doors mouth O my soul that thou wert but like these blessed Angels how is it that they are so forward in God's Service and thou art so backward One day thou expectest to be equal with the Angels and art thou now so far behind them What! to be equal in Reward and behind them in Service Here 's a Meditation able to check thy Sloath and to spur thee on to thy Duty 5. Many of the Bodies of the Saints arose out of their Graves at His Resurrection as the Angels ministred so the Saints waited on Him In this Meditation trouble not thy self whether David Moses Job Abraham Isaac and Jacob were some of those Saints as some conjecture upon some Grounds It is a better Consideration to look upon them as the Fruit of Christ's Resurrection and as an Earnest of thy Own The Vertue of Christ's Resurrection appears immediately and it will more appear at the general Resurrection Day As sure as these Saints arose with Him and went into the Holy City and appeared unto many so sure shall thy Body rise again at the Last Day and if thou art but a Saint it shall go with Him into the Heavenly Jerusalem and appear before God and His Son Jesus Christ in Glory 6. Christ rose again with a true and perfect Body with an Incorruptible and Powerful Body with a Spiritual and an Agile Body with a Glorious Body brighter than the Sun in his utmost Glory On these things may the Soul expatiate O it is a worthy blessed
desirest no more good name repute or honour than Christ will afford thee or in case of death dost thou like Stephen resign up thy soul to Christ dost thou see death conquered in the resurrection of Christ dost thou look beyond death dost thou over-eye all things betwixt thee and glory O the sweet of this life of faith on the Son of God! if thou knowest what this means then mayst thou assure thy self of thy vivification 3. True vivification is a new life acting upon a new principle of hope of glory Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.3 4. which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again to a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away reserved in heaven for you By Christs resurrection we have a lively hope for our resurrection unto glory is not Christ our head and if he be risen to glory John 18.22 shall not his members follow after him certainly there is but one life one Spirit one glory of Christ and his members The glory which thou gavest me I have given unto them said Christ The soul that is vivified hath a lively hope of glory on several grounds As 1. Because of the promises of glory set down in the word now on these promises hope fastens her anchor if Christ hath promised how should I but maintain lively hope 2. Because of the first-fruits of the Spirit there are sometimes fore tasts of the glory drops of heaven poured into a soul whence it comfortably concludes if I have the earnest and first-fruits surely in his time Jesus Christ will give the harvest 3. Because of Christs resurrection unto glory now he rose as a common Person and he went up into heaven as a common Person whence hope is lively saying why should I doubt or despair seeing I am quickened together with Christ Eph. 2.5 6. and raised up together with Christ and am made to sit together with Christ in heavenly places Try O my soul by this sign Art thou lively in the hope of glory doth thy heart leap and rejoyce within at a thought of thy inheritance in heaven in a lively fountain the waters thereof will leap and sparkle so if thy hope be lively thou wilt have living joys living speeches living delights amidst all thy afflictions thou wilt say these will not endure for ever I my self shall away ere long Glory will come at last O the sweet of this life of hope if thou feelest these stirrings it is an argument of thy vivification 4. True vivification acts all its dutyes upon a new principle of love to Christ men not enlivened by Jesus Christ may do much and go far in outward service yea they may come to sufferings and yet without love to Christ all is lost all comes to nothing 1 Cor. 13.1 Though I speak with tongues of men and Angels though I have the gift of Prophesie and understand all mysteries and all knowledg though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor Ver. 2.3 and though I give my body to be burnt and have not love it profiteth me nothing All the rest may be from the flesh and for the flesh and fleshly ends but a true Gospel-love is from Christ and tends to the Glory of Christ For Love is of God and every one that loveth is born of God and knoweth God 1 John 4.7 But how may we know that all our actings are out of love to Jesus Christ I answer 1. If we act by the rule of Christ If ye love me keep my commandements He that hath my Commandements and keepeth them 1 John 14.15 21.23 24. he it is that loveth me If any man love me he will keep my commandements He that loves Christ he will look upon every act every service every performance whether it be according to the rule of Christ and then on he goes with it 2. If we act to the honour of Christ We may pray and hear and preach and act self more then the honour of Jesus Christ whiles Christ shewed miracles and fed his followers to the full they cryed up Jesus and none like Jesus but when Christ was plain with them ye seek me not because ye saw the miracles but because ye did eat of the loaves John 6.26 Ver. 66. and were filled when he pressed sincerity upon them and preparation for sufferings from that time many of his Disciples went back and walked no more with him It s no news for men to fall off when their ends fail only they that love Christ look not at these outward things in respect of the honour of Jesus Christ and hence it is that in all their actings they will carry on the design of the Father in advancing the honour of the Son whatever it cost them O my soul apply this to thy self if thou livest the life of love if in all thy actings duties services thou art carried on with a principle of love to Jesus Christ it is a sure sign of thy vivification For the second question whether we increase and grow in our vivification we may discover it thus 1. We grow when we are led on to the exercise of new Graces this the Apostle calls adding of one Grace unto another 1 Pet. 1.5 6 7. add to your faith vertue and to vertue knowledg and to knowledg temperance and to temperance patience and to patience Godliness and to Godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness charity At first a Christian doth not exercise all Graces though habitually all Graces may be planted in him yet the exercise of them is not all at once but by degrees Thus the Church tells Christ at our Gates are all manner of pleasant fruits new and old which I have laid up for thee O my beloved Cant. 7.13 she had all manner of fruits which she had reserved for Christ new and old she had young converts and more seetled professors or she had new and old Graces as others she added Grace to Grace she was led on from the exercise of one Grace unto another new Grace As wicked men are led on from one sin to another and so grow worse and worse so godly men are led from one Grace to another Rom. 5.3 4. and so they increase knowing that tribulation worketh patience and patience experience and experience hope 2. We grow when we find new degrees of the same Grace added as when love grows more fervent when knowledg abounds and hath a larger apprehension of spiritual things when faith goes on from mans casting himself on Christ to find sweetness in Christ and so to plerophory or full assurance of faith when Godly sorrow proceeds from mourning for sin as contrary to Gods holiness to mourn for it is as contrary to him who loves us which usually follows after assurance when obedience enlargeth its bounds Rev.
yet time might injure them and these words he would have last for ever O that they were graven in the rock for ever Moses and Job are said to have lived at one time now Moses writ the Law in stone and considering that these words were Gospel there was no reason the Law should be in tables of stone and the Gospel in sheets of paper no no it were fit that this should be as firm and durable as that Oh that my words were written Oh that they were printed in a book c. 2. The matter wished or the words he would have written are these I know that my Redeemer liveth and that I shall live again Here 's first his Redeemer and his rising 2. His own rising and his seeing God O this was the matter of his joy his Redeemer must rise again and he must rise too and see his Redeemer it was a point that exceedingly ravished and revived Job and therefore he iterates the same thing over and over I shall see God and I shall see him for my self and I shall see him with my eyes Job 8.56 and not with others As Christ said of Abraham Your father Abraham rejoyced to see my day and he saw it and was glad So it appears of his Servant Job he saw Christ's day both his first day and his latter day and he rejoyced and was glad Away away all scrupulous doubtfull dumpish thoughts consider what joyes were of old at the foresight of Christs resurrection but especially what joy was all the World over when he rose again from the dead Greg. hom in pasca Job 20.20 Luke 24.41 Apostoli die dominico exhilirati non solum ipsum festivissimam esse voluerunt verum etiam per omnes hebdomadas frequentandum esse duxerunt Juno cent 1 Epist ad Decent 11. 4. then came the Angels from heaven and appeared in white then the Sun danced for joy so it is storyed or shone sooner and brighter than ever it did before then I am sure the Diciples were exceeding glad when they saw the Lord yea so glad that they believed not for joy it is worthy our observing to see how all the primitive Saints were affected with this news and because of it with the very day on which Christ arose some call it The first day of joy and gladness and because of the joy occasioned on this day the Apostles say they devoted the first day of the week to the honour and service of Jesus Christ Augustine applyes the words of the Psalm unto this day This is the day which the Lord hath made let us be glad and rejoyce in it Psal 118.24 Ignatus who lived in the Apostles age and was John's Disciple calls it the Queen the Princess the Lady Paramount among the other weekly dayes Chrysostom calls it a Royal day and Gregory Nazianzen orat 42. saith it is higher than the highest and with admiration wonderfull above other dayes Certainly the Lord's day was in high esteem with the antient Church and the principle motive was because of Christs resurrection from the dead O that on these dayes we could rejoyce in the Lord and again rejoyce it is observed that Many Christians look upon broken-heartedness and much grieving and weeping for sin as if it were the great thing that God delighteth in and requireth of them Baxters method for a setled Peace and therefore they bend all their endeavours that way they are still striving with their hearts to break them more and they think no Sermon no Prayer no Meditation speed so well with them as that which can help them to grieve or weep but O Christians understand and consider saith my Authour that all your sorrows are but preparatives for your joyes and that it is an higher and sweeter work that God calls you to and would have you spend your time and strength in Delight thy self in the Lord psal 37.4 and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart Never take your hearts to be right till they be delighting themselves in their God when you kneel down in Prayer labour so to conceive of God and bespeak him that he may be your delight do so in hearing and reading and meditating and in your feasting on the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ at his Supper Especially improve the happy opportunity of the Lords day wherein you may wholly devote your selves unto this work O spend more of this day in spiritual rejoycing especially in commemoration of Christ's resurrection yea and of the whole work of redemption or else you will not answer the institution of the Lord. SECT VIII Of Calling on Jesus in that Respect 8. LEt us Call on Jesus that is to say 1. Let us pray that Christ's resurrection may be ours and that we may be more and more assured of it Phil. 3.10 Let us say with the Apostle O that I may know him and the power of his resurrection O that I may find the working of that power in my soul which was shewed in the resurrection of Christ from the dead O that the Spirit of holiness which quickened Christ from the dead would by the same glorious power beget holiness and faith and love and all other graces in my poor soul O that Christ would by his resurrection apply his active and passive obedience to me O that he would be to me the Lord of the living and the Prince of life that he would overcome in me the death of sin and that he would regenerate quicken renew and fashion me by the power of godliness to become like himself O that all the vertue power priviledges and influences of Christ's resurrection might be conferred on me and that I might feel them working in me every day more and more 2. Let us praise God for Christ's resurrection and for all the priviledges flowing from Christ's resurrection into our souls 1 Pet. 1.3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath begotten us again by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead Christ is risen by his resurrection he hath justified sanctified quickened saved our souls and therefore Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ surely God requires a thousand thousand Hallelujah's and that we should bless him upon a thousand-stringed instrument here is fewel enough the Lord kindle a great fire in every one of our hearts to burn out all our lusts and to enflame all our hearts with a love to Jesus Christ Can we ever too much praise him for all his actings in our behalf are not all God's creatures called upon to rejoyce with us and to bless God for his redeeming of us Sing O ye heavens for the Lord hath done it shout ye lower part of the earth Isa 44.23 break forth into singing ye mountains O forrest and every tree therein for the Lord hath redeemed Jacob and glorified himself in Israel This is the duty we shall do in heaven and
confusions distractions despondences staggering and sinking terrors Mat. 11.28 it will find it something yea it will look on it as a glorious work to discover but the morning Star through so much darkness any thing of life in such a valley and shadow of death 3. The understanding hath yet some brighter believing beams it confidently closeth with this truth that it is the will of the Lord that he should come and live and believe and lay hold on Christ it apprehends the particular designs of mercy to him and doth really principle the soul with this that God doth particularly call invite and bid him come to Christ the Fountain of life for life Now the understanding takes in general Gospel-calls in particular to himself It is my poor languishing soul which the Lord speaks to when he sayes come to me all yea that are weary and I will give you rest Ephes 5.14 Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light Surely this is a great work when set home by the Lord that the soul acts in its addresses to Christ in the strength of a particular call from God 2. And now the answer to this call is wrought up in the renewed will as thus 1. The will summons all its confidences and calls them off from every other bottom to bestow them wholly upon Christ and this consists in our voluntary renouncing of all other helps excepting Jesus Christ alone now the soul sayes to Idols Get ye hence Hos 14.3 Ashur shall not save us we will not ride upon horses neither will we say any more to the works of our hands ye are our Gods Ashur shall not save us Not only cannot but shall not save us now as the soul is dissatisfied in Judgment as to the resting on any thing but Christ alone so the heart and will is disaffected to all other helps but Christ alone now it renounceth its own righteousness and worthyness not only because of their inability to save but mainly because their glory is swallowed up in that unmatchable excellency which appears in the way of life and salvation by Jesus Christ It calls home dependance from every other object 2. Hereupon there is a willing and chearfull receiving of Christ and resignation of our selves to his actual dispose to quicken us and save us in his own way A great part of the answer of Faith to the call of Christ lyes in this for as Faith sees life and salvation in the hands of Christ so it considers it to be given forth in the methods of Christ and so believing lyes not only in assent but consent of heart John 1 1● that Christ shall save us in his own way this is called A receiving of Christ As many as received him to them he gave power to become the Sons of God Many a soul would be saved by Christ that sticks and boggles at his methods they will not pass to happiness by holiness nor set him up as a King and Lord whom they could consent to set up as a Saviour Oh but now Christ that stood at the door and knocked Rev. 3.10 is received in consent hath made up the match and the door is opened that never shall be shut again 3. Upon this follows the souls resting and relying the souls confidence and dependance upon Jesus Christ for life and for salvation this closeth up the whole business of believing unto righteousness those various expressions used in Scripture of committing our way and selves to God of casting our care upon God of rolling our selves on him of trusting in him of hoping in his mercy c. wrapt up faith in this affiance dependance not without some mixture of confidence and resolved resting upon Jesus Christ a clear beholding of God in Christ and of Christ in the promises doth present such variety and fulness of Arguments to bear up hope and affiance that the heart is resolved and so resolved that we commit our selves and give our souls in charge to Christ I know whom I have believed 1 Pet. 4.19 2 Tim. 1.12 and I am perswaded he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day 4. The upshot of all is this that the same close which the soul makes in believing with Jesus Christ as to justification and righteousness is not fruitless to this effect of conveying life and vertue from Jesus Christ as to grace and holiness for that union which then and thereby comes to be enjoyned with Christ is such an union as is fruitful in begetting a quickening power and principle in the heart and this is that which we ordinarily intend by saying saving faith to be operative James 2.16 that faith which brings forth nothing of holiness what is it but a dead faith As the body without the Spirit is dead so faith without works is dead also Justification and sanctification are twins of a birth and hence it is that vivification which is one part of sanctification is wrought in the soul after the self-same manner As first the understanding is illighttened 2. The will is changed 3. All the Affections are renewed 4. The internals being quickened there ensueth the renewing of the body with the outward actions life and conversation And now is fulfilled that saying of Christ in a spiritual sense John 5.25 The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live Now is the soul vivified now it begins to live the life of God now it feels the power of Christ's resurrection and is made conformable to it And immediately upon this joy is made in heaven by the Angels Luke 15.24 God himself applauding it For this my Son was dead and is alive he was lost and is found Thus is the state of vivification wrought I know it is not in all men after one manner for every circumstance the methods of God are exceeding various and we cannot limit the holy one of Israel I have sometimes concerning this desired the communication of other thoughts whom I looked upon as such who had more than ordinary communication with Christ's Spirit and from one of such I received this answer I must profess to you I have in all my speculations in divinity found dissatisfaction in the writings of men in nothing more than is the work of clear and distinct conceptions concerning regeneration which yet is of such a Cardinal importance is that the great doors of heaven move upon the hinges of it the Lord enlighten us more for we see but in part and prophesie but in part For the third question what are the means of this conformity or vivification which we must use on our parts I shall answer herein both to the state and growth of our vivification As 1. Wait and Attend upon God in the ministry of the word this is a means whereby Christ ordinarily effecteth
this vivification By this meanes it was that those dead bones were quickened in Ezekel's prophesie viz. by the Prophets prophesying upon them And he said unto me son of man prophesie upon these bones Ezek 37.4 and say unto them O ye dry bones hear the Word of the Lo●d And by this means it is that dead souls are quickened the Ministry of the Word is the Trumpet of Jesus Christ when that sounds who knows but he may quicken the dead hearken therefore to this Word of God 2. Act saith upon the Lord Jesus as to justification As is the clearness and fixedness of our souls in bottoming our selves on Christ for righteousness so will be our quickness Luke 7.47 and successfull pr●gress in the work of holiness because Maries sins which were many were forgiven her therefore she loved much but to whom little is forgiven the same loveth little Many a soul loseth much of vivification for want of clearness in its justification or for want of setledness and stronger measure of acting faith Oh what life would be raised as to holiness what working binding filling the laws of love retribution thankfulness would there be when we see our selves clearly reconciled with God and wrapt up in the foldings of everlasting love 3. Trace every Ordinance and every duty for the appearings of the Son of God Be much in Prayer hearing reading fellowship with the Saints living in the fulness of Sacraments be much in secret conversings with God in meditation exp●s●ulation enquiries searchings and which is a precious work be much in diligent watching of and hearkening and listening to the movings workings hints int●mations of the Spirit of God be much in observing the methods and interpreting the meanings and language of God in all his secret dispensations with the soul Certainly there will be abund●nce of the life of God conveyed to him that walks in these paths Blessed are they that dwell in thy house might David well say and one Reason is pertinent to this case Luke 15.17 because In our fathers house is bread enough and to spare while the Prodigal that goes out from it shall feed upon husks and with Ephraim swallow up the East-wind Oh for a Spirit of Prayer Meditation c. Oh for a Spirit even swallowed up in communion with God! Isa 64 5. Thou meetest him that worketh righteousness and those that remember thee in thy wayes 4. Look much at Christ raised Christ Glorified Christ's Resurrection was the beginning of his glory and therein is comprehended both the glory that draws desires towards Christ Psal 34 5. Psal 123.1 2. and the grace and power that establisheth faith in its depen●ancy They looked unto him and were lightened unto thee lift I up mine eyes O thou that ●wettest in the heavens behold as the eyes of the servants look unto the hand of their Mast●rs and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her Mistris so our eyes wa●te upon the Lord our God It is said of Moses Heb. 11.27 that he endured affliction as seeing him who is invisible Oh could we keep our hearts in a more constant view and believing meditation of the glory of Christ our faces would certainly bring some beams of Divinity with them from the Mount 2 Cor. 3.18 We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory The very beholding of Christ hath a mightty conforming and assimilating vertue to leave the impressions of glory upon our Spirits 5. See our own Personal vivification linked unseparably unto and bottomed unremoveably upon the resurrection of Christ when we can by faith get a sight of this it is not to speak how couragiously and successfully the soul will grapple in the controversies of the Lord against the Devil and our own deceitful hearts with what strength could Joshua Gidion c. go on when backed with a promise and their Spirits setled in the perswasion of it and what use will the promises be in this kind and more than all the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ when we can clearly and steadfastly rest upon this that there is an inseparable connection betwixt the resurrection of Christ and our personal holiness and perseverance to the end Oh that I could act my faith more frequently on Christs resurrection so that at last I could see it by the light of God to be a destinated principle of my vivification in particular what a blessed means would this be 6. Walk as we have Christ Jesus for an example This example of Christ though it be not ours as it is the Socinians totum Christi yet certainly it yields much to our vivification who can deny but that acting with the pattern ever in ones eye is very advantageous come then and if we would live the life of God let us live as Christ lived after his resurrection But how is that I answer 1. See that we return to the grave no more take heed of ever returning to our former state you may say what needs this Caveat hath not Christ said He that liveth and believeth in me shall never dye or never fall away I answer it is true they shall never totally and finally fall away yet they may fall foully and fearfully they may lose that strength and vigour that sense and feeling which sometimes they had they may draw so nigh to the grave as that both by themselves and others they may be accounted amongst them that go down to the pit free among the dead Psal 88.5 as Heman saith of himself The Apostle saith something that might even startle Christians he tells of some who have been once enlightened by the Word and have tasted of the heavenly gift some flashes of inward joy and peace and were made partakers of the holy Ghost the common gifts and graces of the Spirit and have tasted the good Word of God have found some relish in the sweet and saving Promises of the Gospel and the powers of the world to come have had some ravishing apprehensions of the joyes and glory in Heaven and yet fall away by a total Apostacy Christians Heb. 6.4.5 6. how far goes this I know it is said only of such who have a name to live and no more but surely it gives a warning to us all that we come not nigh the verge the brink of the grave again let us not give way to any one sin so as to live in it 2. Let us evidence our resurrection Christ being raised he shewed himself alive by many infallible proofs so let us evidence our vivification by many infallible proofs i.e. Let us yield up our selves unto God as those that are alive from the dead Rom. 6.13 Col. 3.2 let us walk as men of another world If ye be risen with Christ seek the things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God let us serve God
in holiness and righteousness all the dayes of our life surely this is the end for which we are delivered out of the hands of our enemies sin death and hell Eph. 5.8 Ye were sometimes da ●n●ss during your abode in the grave of sin but now being risen ye are light in the Lord walk therefore as children of light Walk i.e. bestir your selves in the works of God Arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee When God doth let the Sun of Righteousness arise Isa 60.1 it is fit we should be about the business of our souls We see that the night is dedicated to rest and therefore God that doth order all things sweetly he draws a curtain of darkness about us as which is friendly to rest like a Nurse that when she will have her little one sleep she casts a cloath over the face and hides the light every way but when this natural Sun ariseth then men go out to their work so must we though in the darkness of the night we shorted in sin yet now we must bestir our selves seeing the Sun of the spiritual world is risen over us And yet when all is done let us not think that our vivification in this life will be wholly perfect as it is with our mortification in the best it is but an imperfect work so it is with our vivification it is only gradual and never perfected till grace be swallowed up of glory Only let us ever be in the use of the means and let us endeavour a further renovation of the new man adding one grace to another To faith vertue to vertue knowledge to knowledge temperance to temperance patience 2 Pet. 1 5 6. Rom. 7.1 to patience godliness c. till we perfect holiness in the fear of God till we shine with those Saints in glory at perfect day Thus far we have Looked on Jesus as our Jesus in his resurrection and during the time of his abode on earth Our next work is to Look on Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation in his ascension into Heaven and in his session at God's right hand and in his mission of the holy Spirit LOOKING UNTO JESUS In his Ascension Session and Mission of his Spirit The Eight Book PART VIII CHAP. I. Heb. 12.2 Looking unto Jesus who is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God SECT I. Of Christ's Ascension and of the manner how THUS far we have traced Jesus in his actings for us untill the day in which he was taken up Acts 1.2 That which immediately follows is his Ascension Session at God's right hand and Mission of his holy Spirit in prosecution of which as in the former I shall first lay down the object and secondly direct you how to look upon it The object is threefold 1. He ascended into Heaven 2. He sate down at Gods right hand 3. He sent down the holy Ghost 1. For the Ascension of Christ this was a glorious design and contains in it a great part of the salvation of our souls In prosecution of this I shall shew first that he ascended 2. How he ascended 3. Whither he ascended 4. Why he ascended 1. That he ascended 1. The types prefigure it Then said the Lord to me Ezek. 44.2 3. this gate shall be shut it shall not be opened it is for the Prince the Prince he shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate and shall go out by the way of the same As the gate of the Holy of Holies was shut against every man but the High Priest so was that gate of Heaven shut against all so that none could enter in by their own vertue and efficacy but only our Prince and great high Priest the Lord Jesus Christ indeed he hath opened it for us and entred into it in our place and stead Whither the fore-runner is for us entred even Jesus made an high Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedech 2. The Prophets forsaw it Heb. 6.20 Dan. 7.13 14. I saw in the night visions and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of dayes Mark 16.19 Luke 24.31 and they brought him near before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdom 3. The Evangelists relate it He was received up into heaven He was carried up into heaven 4. The eleven witness it For while they beheld he was taken up Acts 1.9 Acts 1.10 11. and a cloud received him out of their sight 5. The holy Angels speak it For while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven Eph. 4.8 10. 1 Pet. 3.22 6. The blessed Apostles in their several Epistles ratifie and confirm it When he ascended up on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens Who is gone into heaven and is on the right hand of God Angels and Authorities and Powers being made subject unto him 2. How he ascended The manner of his Ascension is discovered in these particulars 1. Luke 24.51 He ascended blessing his Apostles While he blessed them he was parted from them and carried up into heaven It is some comfort to Christ's Ministers that though the world hate them Christ doth bless them yea he parted with them in a way of blessing as Jacob leaving the world blessed his Sons so Christ leaving the world blessed his Apostles and all the faithful Ministers of Christ unto the end of the world Some add that in these Apostles not only Ministers but all the elect to the end of the world are blessed The Apostles were then considered as common persons receiving this blessing for all us and so those words uttered at the same time are usually interpreted Mat. 28.20 Lo I am with you alway even to the end of the world This was the last thing that Christ did on earth to shew that by his death he had red●emed us from the curse of the Law Eph. 1.3 and that now going to heaven he is able to bless us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places Acts 1.19 2. He ascended visibly in the view of the Apostles while they beheld he was taken up he was not suddenly snatched from them as Elija was nor secretly and privily taken away as Enoch was but in the presence of them all both his Apostles and Disciples he ascended up into Heaven but why not in the view of all the Jews that so they might know that he was risen again and
Ascension he triumphed now it was that he led sin death and devil in triumph at his Chariot wheels And this is the meaning of the Psalmist and of the Apostle Ephes 4.8 When he ascended up on high he led captivity captive He vanquished and triumphed over all our enemies he overcame the world he bound the devil he spoiled hell he weakened sin he destroyed death and now he makes a publick triumphal shew of them in his own Person he led the captives bound to his chariot-wheels as the manner of the Roman triumphs was Col. 2.15 when the conqueror went up to the Capitol It is to the same purpose that the Apostle speaks else-where Having spoiled Principalities and Powers he made a shew of them openly triumphing over them in himself it is a manifest allusion to the manner of triumphs after victories amongst the Romans first they spoiled the enemy upon the place ere they stirred off the field and this was done by Christ on the Cross and then they made a publick triumphal shew they rid through the streets in the greatest state and had all their spoils carried before them and the Kings and Nobles whom they had taken they tied to their chariots and led them as captives and this did Christ at his Ascension Then he openly triumphed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in himself i.e. in his own Power and strength other Conquerors do not thus they conquer not in themselves and by themselves but Jesus Christ conquer●d 〈◊〉 himself and therefore he triumphed in himself And yet though he triumphed in himself and by himself it was not for himself only but for us which made the Apostle to triumph in his triumph 1 Cor. 15.55 56 57. O death where is thy sting O grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the Law but thanks be to God which giveth us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ If I may speak out what I think was this victory of Christ I believe it was that honour given to him after his Resurrection by the conversion of enemies by the amazements of the world by the admiration of Angels and especially by his sitting down at the right hand of Majesty on high for therein is contained both his exaltation and his triumph over all his enemies to the utmost 2. That he might lead us the way and open to us the doors of glory It is a question whether ever those doors of Heaven were opened to any before Christs Ascension Christ tells us John 14.2 3. In my Fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you but I go to prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto my self that where I am ye may be also Some infer hence as if there should be many outer courts and many different places or states in glory and yet there is one place whither the Saints should arrive at last which was not then ready for them and was not to be entred into until the entrance of our Lord had made the preparation Again the Apostle tells us that the Fathers received not the promises Heb. 11.40 God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect Whence some infer that their conditions after death was a state of imperfection and that they were placed in an outer court on this side Heaven called Paradise or Abraham's bosome and thither also Christ went when he dyed and was attended with the blessed Thief For my part I shall not joyn with such who think all souls of Saints shall go to paradise where they must remain till the day of judgment and then and not till then must enter into that heaven called the third heaven or the Kingdom of Heaven Indeed some of the ancients make heaven and the immediate receptacles of souls to be destinct places both blessed but hugely differing in degrees And a modern writer is very confident Dr. Tayl. great Exemplar Multas dicit non varias aut dispares sed quae pluribus sufficiant acsi diceret non sibi uni sed omnibus etiam discipulis locum illic esse Calvin i. loc Heb. 6.20 That no soul could enter into glory before our Lord entred by whom we hope to have access and to that purpose he cites those texts John 14.2 3. Heb. 11.40 But I see no ground why the souls of Saints should be excluded heaven either before or after Christ As for that text of John 14.2 Christ saith In my Fathers house are many mansions not many outer courts nor many different states and as for the Fathers mentioned Heb. 11.40 Surely they without us shall not be made perfect and we without them shall not be made perfect in some sense until the day of judgment But our Perfection is not in respect of a more glorious place but in respect of that perfection whereof all the faithfull shall be made partakers as well in body as in soul at the resurrection of the just Thus far I grant that no soul ever entred into Heaven but by the vertue and power of Christ's Ascention and that no soul and body joyntly ever ascended except Christs types before Christ himself opened those doors and lead the way and in this respect he is called The forerunner of his People 3. That he might assure us that now he had run through all those Offices which he was to perform here on earth for our redemption He that hath entred into his rest Heb. 4.10 hath also ceased from his own works as God did from his He was first to execute his Office and then to enter into his rest Though he were a Son Heb. 5.8 9. and so the inheritance were his own yet he was to learn Obedience by the things which he suffered before he was made perfect and so to become the Author of eternal Salvation unto all them that obey him This was the argument which Christ used when he prayed to be glorified again with his Father I have glorified thee on the earth John 17.4 5. I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do And now O Father glorifie thou me with thy own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was This was the order of the dispensation of Christ's Offices his first work was a work of ministry and Service in the Office of obedience and suffering for his Church and this next work was the work of power and majesty in the protection and exaltation of his Church and there was a necessity in this order 1. In respect of God's Decree who had so fore-appointed it Acts 2.23 24. 2. In respect of God's justice which must first be satisfied by obedience before any entrance into glory Luke 24.26 3. In respect of Christ's infinite Person which being equal with God could not possibly be
exalted without some preceding decent and humiliation Ephes 49. That he ascended saith the Apostle what is it but that he descended first into the lower parts of the earth 4. In respect of our evidence and assurance this is the sign that Christ hath finished the work of our redemption upon the earth first he was to act as our Surety and then he was to ascend as our Head our Advocate as the first-fruits the Captain the Prince of life the Author of salvation the forerunner of his people 4. That he might throughly convince the world of believers of their perfect righteousness The Spirit when he comes saith Christ shall convince the world of sin and righteousness and of judgment of sin because they believe not on me of of righteousness because I go to my Father and ye see me no more John 16.8 9 10. If Christ had not fulfilled all righteousness there had been no going to heaven for him nor remaining there certainly God would have sent him down again to have done the rest and the disciples should have seen him with shame sent back again but his ascension to heaven proclaims openly 1. That he hath compleatly finished the work he had to do for us here that no more was to be done in this world for us that the satisfactory work to justice was in it self finished 2. That God was well pleased with Jesus Christ and with what he had done and suffered for us yea God was so infinitely taken with him and his oblation after his sufferings as that he thinks it not fit to let him stay above forty days longer in this world he cannot be without him in heaven but he takes him up into glory and gives him a name above every name 3. That we have our share in heaven with him he went not up as a single person but vertually or mystically he carried up all the Elect with him into glory or otherwise how should the Spirit convince the world by his ascension of their righteousness or otherwise how should the Son of God convince his Father by his Ascension of his righteousness I look upon Jesus Christ going into Heaven as a confident Debtor after payment going into a Court and saying Who hath any thing to lay to his charge all is paid let the law take his course when Christ entred into heaven he seemed thus to challenge Justice Make room here for me and mine who should hinder hath the law any thing to say to these poor souls for whom I dyed if any in heaven can make objection Rev. 8.1 here I am to answer in their behalf Methinks I imagine a silence in heaven as John speaks at this speech only Mercy smiles and Justice gives in the Acquittance and God sets Christ down at his right hand 4. That he hath a new design to be acted in heaven for us he is taken up into glory that he may act gloriously the second part of out righteousness I mean that he might apply it and send down his Spirit to convince us of it He acted one part in the flesh in the habit of a beggar cloathed with rags but now he is gone to act the person of a Prince in robes of glory and all this to manage our salvation in the richest way that may be Three great things Christ acts for us now in glory First he is in place of an advocate for us He liveth to intercede for us Heb. 7.25 He is always begging of favour and love for us he lyes there to stop whatever plea may be brought in against us by the devil or Law yea he is there to get our fresh pardons for new sins Secondly he is the great provider and caterer for us John 14.2 he is laying in a great stock and store of glory for us against we come there In my Fathers house are many mansions I go to prepare a place for you Jesus Christ went before to take up God's heart for us and now he is drawing out the riches of love from God his Father and laying them in bank for us Phil. 4.19 which made the Apostle say My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus Thirdly he sends down his Spirit to convince us that Christs righteousness is ours indeed the means of procuring this was the life and death of Christ but the means of applying this righteousness are those following acts of Christ's Resurrection Ascension Session Intercession c. By his death he obtained righteousness for us but by his Ascension he applies righteousness to us now it is that in especial manner he convinceth us of righteousness Because he is gone to his Father and we shall see him no more 5. That he might receive his Kingdom over us in the place appointed for it look as Kings are crowned in the chief Cities of their Kingdoms and keep their residence in their palaces near unto them so it was decent that our Saviour should be Crowned in Heaven and there sit down at Gods right hand which immediatly follows after his Ascension to which we now come SECT IV. Of God's right hand and of Christ's Session there 2. FOr the Session of Christ at God's right hand which is a consequent following after his ascension into Heaven I shall examine 1. What is God's right hand 2. What is it to sit there 3. According to what nature doth Christ sit there 4. Why is it that he sits at the right hand of God his Father in Glory 1. What is this right hand of God I answer 1. Negatively it is not any Corporal right hand of God if we speak properly God hath neither right hand nor left hand for God is not a body but a spirit or spiritual substance 2. Positively the right hand of God is the Majesty Dignity Dominion Power and ●l●●y of God The right hand of the Lord is exalted Psal 118.15 Exod. 15.6 Psal 89.13 Isa 48.13 the right hand of the Lord doth valianity Thy right hand O Lord is become glorious in Power thy right hand O Lord hath dashed in pieces the enemy Thou hast a mighty arm Strong is thy hand and high i● thy right hand Mine hand hath laid the foundations of the earth and my right hand hath spanned the Heavens I know some of our Divines make this right hand of God something inferior to God's own power but others speak of it as every way equal and I know no absurdity to follow on it 2. What is it to sit at the right hand of God I answer it is not any corporal Session at Gods right hand as some picture him with a crown of gold on his head sitting on a Throne as if he had no other gesture in Heaven but sitting still which Stephen contradicts Acts 7.56 saying I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing on th● right hand of God The words sitting or standing are both metaphorical and borrowed
Christ was not David's Lord meerly as man but as God And 2. He sits at God's right hand as man too hereby his Humanity was exalted and a Power is give to Christ as man He hath given hiw power to execute judgment John 5.27 in as much as he is the Son of man In the administration of his Kingdom the man-hood of Christ doth concur as an Instrument working with his God-head Hence this Session at God's right hand is truly and properly attributed to Christ as 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not only to the one nature of Christ whether Divine or Humane Or it is attributed to Christ as Mediator in which respect he is called an high Priest Heb. 8.1 We have such an high Priest who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the heavens And in which respect he is called a Prince Acts 5.31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour Now Christ is not a Priest and a Prince meerly according to one Nature whether Divine or Humane I deny not but Christ had a natural Kingdom with his Father as God before the foundation of the world but this Kingdom as God-man Christ had not before his Asension into heaven So then Christ sitteth at the right hand of God by a mediatory action which he executeth according to both natures the word working what pertaineth to the word and the flesh what appertaineth to the flesh Christ is Mediator as God and man and glory hath redounded unto him as God and man and living in this glory he ruleth and governeth his Church as God and man he ascended indeed into heaven in his humanity only but he sitteth at the right hand of God as Mediator in respect of both natures The Lutherans attribute this Session at God's right hand only to the humane nature of Christ they say this Session is nothing else but the elevating of his humane nature to the full and free use of some of the divine properties as of omnipotency omniscience omnipresence the ground of this error is that they suppose upon the union of the two Natures in Christ a real communication of the divine properties to follow so that the humane nature is made truly omnipotent omniscient omnipresent not by any confusion of properties nor yet by any bare communion and concourse of it to the same effect each nature working that which belongeth to it with commuion of the other for this we grant but by a real donation by which the divine properties so become the properties of the humane nature that the humane nature may work with them no less than the Divine nature it self for the perfecting of it self Against this opinion we have these Reasons 1. The union cannot cause the humane nature to partake more in the properties of the Divine than it causeth the Divine to partake in the properties of the humane 2. If a true and real communication did follow of the Divine Attributes it must needs be of all the Attributes as of eternity and infiniteness seeing these are the Divine Essence which can no way be divided 3. Infinite perfections cannot perfect finate natures no more than reasonable perfections can make perfect unreasonable creatures 4. To what end should created gifts serve which Christ hath received above measure if now more noble properties should enter and be conferred on Jesus Christ other reasons are given in but I willingly decline all controversal points SECT VI. Of the Reasons why Christ doth sit on God's right hand 4. WHy doth Christ sit at the right hand of God his Father in glory I answer 1. On Christ's part that He might receive power and dominion over all the creatures Math. 28.18 All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth he speaks of it as done because it was immediatly to be performed Christ at his Session received a power imperial over every Creature that he hath Power over the Angels is plain both by the reverence they do him and by their obedience towards him at the name of Jesus every knee must bow good Angels and evil Angels must yield signs of subjection to Jesus Christ if the Saints shall judge the Angels how much more shall Christ Oh what Power hath Christ himself this way and as for the excellencies on earth they all receive their power from Christ and are at his dispose it is Jesus Christ that is Crowned with Glory and Honour and all things are put under his feet Heb. 27.8 And hence it is that when the Apostle speaks of Christs session at the right hand of God he tells us he is far above all Principalities and Powers on earth Eph. 1.21 and Mights and Dominions in Heaven yea that Angels and Authorities 1 Pet. 3.22 and Powers are made subject unto him 2. On our part many reasons may be given As 1. That he might be the Head of his Church I mean not head in a large sense for one who is in any kind before another for so Christ is the head of Angels and God is the head of Christ and to this we have spoken before But in a strict sense for one that is in a near and communicative sort conjoyned with another as the Head is conjoyned with the Body and Members and so is Christ the head of his Church Look as the King hath a more intimate and amiable Superiority over the Queen then over any other of his Subjects so is it here in Christ our King he is more amiably tempered and more nearly affected to his Spouse and Queen the Church of God then to any other whomsoever And to this purpose he sits at Gods right hand that having now fulness of Grace and Glory in himself he might be ready to communicate the same to his Church who are as the members of his body that he might give them Grace here and Glory hereafter when he shall deliver up his Kingdom to his Father and be all in all 2. That he might be the object of divine adoration then especially it was said and accomplished Let all the Angels of God Worship him Heb. 1.6 and let all men Honour the Son as they Honour the Father After Christ's Session John 5 23. Stephen looken up into Heaven and saw the Glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God and then he Worshipped and called upon God saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit It is true Acts 7.59 that the ground of this divine adoration is the Union of the two natures of Christ and therefore the Magi worshipped him at his Birth and as soon as ever he came into the World the Angels of God Worshipped him but because by his Session at God's right hand the Divine Nature was manifested Heb. 1.6 and the Humane Nature was exalted to that dignity and glory which it never had before therefore now especially and from this time was the honour and
dignity of Worship communicated to him as God and man And hence Divines usually make this one ingredient of Christ's sitting at the right hand of God viz. That Christ God and Man is the object of Divine adoration O it is a great thing and admirable and full of wonder that the man Christ should sit above at God 's right hand and be adored of Angels and Archangels Chry. Hom. 5 in Heb. Before this was the grace of Union conferred on Jesus and so he was adored before he suffered but after he had humbled himself and was made obedient unto death even to the death of the Cross then yea and therefore God highly exalted him and gave him a Name Phil. 2.8 9 10 11. which is above every Name that at the Name of Jesus every knee shall bow of things in Heaven and things in Earth and things under the Earth and that every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father He was Lord before in that he is the Son of God but now he is Lord again by vertue of his humiliation and Session at God's right hand Trouble not your selves with their objection who say That if adoration be due to Christ as God and man that then the humane nature is to be adored the Person adored is man but the humanity it self is not the proper object of that Worship There is a difference betwixt the concrete and the abstract though the man Christ be God yet his manhood is not God and by consequence not to be worshipped with that worship which is properly and essentially Divine Certainly if adoration agree to the humanity of Christ then may his humanity help and save us but the humanity of Christ cannot help and Save us because omnis actio est suppositi whereas the humane nature of Christ is not suppositum a subsistance or personal being at all 3. That he might intercede for his Saints Heb. 8.1 2. Now of the things which we have spoken this is the Summe we have such an high Priest who is set on the right hand of the Throne of the Majesty in the Heavens and a Minister of the sanctuary and of the true Tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not men he is set on the right hand of God as an high Priest or Minister to intercede for us For as Christ is not entred into the holy Place made with hands which are the Figures of the true Heb. 9.24 but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us This appearing is an expression borrowed from the custome of human Courts for as in them when the Plaintiff or Defendant is called their Attorney appeareth in their names so when we are summoned by the justice of God to answer the complaints which it preferreth against us we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the righteous John 2.1 Exod. 28.9 10 11 12. and he standeth up and appeareth for us or it may be this appearing hath a respect to the manner of high Priests in the time of the Law for as they used to go into the most holy place with the names of the Children of Israel written in precious stones for a remembrance of them that they might remember them to God in their Prayers so Jesus Christ being gone up to Heaven he there presents to his Father the Names of all his chosen and he remembers them to his Father in his Intercessions Certainly Christ is not gone to Heaven and advanced to the right hand of God only to live in eternal joy himself but also to procure happiness for his Saints it is to excellent purpose and to the great good of his Church that he sits at the right hand of his Father for thereby he governs and protects his people and he continually executes the Office of his Priesthood presenting himself and the sacrifice of himself and the infinite merit of that sacrifice before the eyes of his Father in their behalf 4. That true Believers may assuredly hope by vertue of Christs Session to sit themselves in the Kingdom of Glory Heb. 1.5 It is true that Christ and only Christ hath his seat at the right hand of God to which of the Saints or of the Angels did he ever say sit thou at my right hand It is a prerogative above all Creatures and yet there is something near it given to the Saints Rev. 3.21 for him that overcometh I will grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also am set down with my Father in his Throne There is a proportion though with an inequality we must sit on Christ's Throne as he sits on his Fathers Throne Christ only sits at the right hand of God but the Saints are to sit at the right hand of Christ Psal 45.9 and so the Psalmist speaks upon thy right hand did stand the Queen in Gold of Ophir It is enough to greaten the Spirits of Saints how should they tread on earth and contemn the World when they consider that one day they shall judg the World 1 Cor. 6.2 do you not know that the Saints shall judg the World nay 2 Tim. 2.12 when they consider that one day they shall reign with Christ if ye suffer with him ye shall reign with him Christ sitting in Heaven is a very Figure of us Christ's person is the great model and first draught of all that shall be done to his Body the Saints therefore he is said to be the Captain of our Salvation that leads us on he is said to be our fore-runner into Glory he breaks the clouds first he appears first before God he sits down first and is glorified first and then we follow Christ wears the Crown in Heaven as our King and he is united and marryed to God as our proxy And yet there is another ground of hope not only shall we sit with Christ in Glory but even now do we sit with him in Glory Christ is not only gone to heaven to prepare a place for us but he sits in Heaven in our room and God looks on him as the great picture of all that body whereof he is Head and he delights himself in seeing them all Glorified as in his Son To this purpose the Saints are said to sit down with Christ at very present Ephes 2.6 he hath made us to sit together with him in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus Christ in our nature is now exalted this is that admirable thing which carried up Chrysostom into an extasie that the same nature of which God said dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return should now sit in Heaven at God's right hand but not only the human nature but Christ in person sits there as a common person in our stead he is in his Throne and we sit with him in supercelestial places O what structures and pillars of hope are raised up here 5. That he might defend
Students beat out their brains on lesser subjects what endeavours have there been to dive into the secrets of Nature what volumes have been written of Physicks Metaphysicks Mathematicks and is not this subject Christ is not every of these subjects Christ's Ascension Christ's Mission of the holy spirit of more worth and value and benefit than all those come study that piece of the Bible wherein these are written there is not a line or expression of Christ in the Scripture but 't is matter enough for a whole Age to comment on thou needest not to leave old principles for new discoveries for in these very particulars thou mightest find successive sweetness unto all eternity SET II. Of considering Jesus in that respect 2. LEt us consider Jesus carrying on this work of our salvation for us in these particulars We must not only study to know these things but we must meditate on them till they come down from our heads to our hearts Meditation is the poize that sets all the wheels within a going it were to small purpose to bid us desire hope believe love joy c. if first we did not meditate in meditation it is that the understanding works that the will is inclined to follow that devotion is refreshed that saith is encreased hope established love kindled and therefore begin here O my soul it is a due consideration that gives both life and light and motion to thy actings in all proceedings And to take them in order 1. Consider of Christ's Ascension into Heaven Methinks souls should put themselves into the condition of the Disciples Acts 1.10 When they looked stedfastly towards heaven as Christ went up What shall he ascend and shall not we in our contemplations follow after him gaze O my soul on this wonderfull object thou needest not fear any check from God or Angel so that thy contemplation be spiritual and divine No sooner had Christ finished his work of redemption here on earth but on the Mount called Olivet he assembles with his Disciples where having given them commands he begins to mount and being a little lifted up into the Ayr presently a Cloud receives him into her lap Herein is a clear demonstration of his Godhead Clouds are usually in Scriptures put for the House or Temple or Receptacle of God himself How often is it said that The glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud Exod. 16.10 19 9.-24.16.-34.5 Isa 19.1 psal 104.3 And that He came to Moses in a thick cloud and that he called unto Moses out of the midst of the cloud and that the Lord descended in the cloud Is not the Cloud God's own Chariot Behold the Lord rideth on a swift cloud and O Lord my God thou art very great saith David great indeed and he proves it thus Who maketh the clouds his Chariot Jesus Christ in his ascension to heaven enters by the way into a cloud this was his chariot led by thousands and ten thousands of his Angels psal 68.17 18 The Chariots of God are Twenty thousand even thousands of Angels the Lord is among them in Sinai in the holy place thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive thou hast received gifts for men Some are of opinion that not only thousands of Angels led this chariot but that many of the Saints which slept and rose with Christ at his resurrection now ascended with him and compassed about this glorious cloud English Annotations on Eph. 4.8 whence they give this for the meaning of the text that when he went up through the ayr and ascended up on high he led captivity captive that is he led a certain number of captives namely the Saints that were long held in captivity of death whose bodies arose at Christ's resurrection and now they accompanied Christ at his triumphant march into heaven However he was attended be not too curious O my soul in this the bright cloud that covered his body discovered his Divinity and therefore here is thy duty to look stedfastly towards heaven and to worship him in his ascension up into heaven O admire and adore But stay not thy contemplation in the cloud he ascends yet higher through the Ayr and through the Clouds and through that sphere or element of fire and through those Orbs of the Moon Mercury Mars of the Sun Jupiter Venus Saturn and through that azure Heaven of fixed Stars and through that first moveable and through those condence and solid waters of the Christaline Heaven nor stood he still till he came to those doors and gates of the Empyreal Heaven called The heaven of heavens in all this triumphant glorious march some tell us of an heavenly harmony made by those Choristers of Heaven Cypr. in Serm. Ascens Psal 4.5 the blessed Angels Some going before and some going after they chant his praises and sing Hallelujahs and that is the meaning of the Psalmist God is gone up with a shout the Lord with the sound of a Trumpet In this meditation pass not over thy duty which immediately follows Sing praises unto God Ver. 6. Psal 68. ● sing praises sing praises unto our King sing praises Sing unto God sing praises to his Name extol him that rideth upon the heavens by the Name ●ah and rejoyce before him Thou hast great cause O my soul to praise him and to rejoyce before him especially if thou considerest that Christ ascended not for himself but also for thee it is God in our nature that is gone up to heaven whatever God acted on the person of Christ that he did as in thy behalf and he means to act the very same on thee Christ as a publick person ascended up to heaven thy interest is in this very ascension of Jesus Christ and therefore dost thou consider thy Head as soaring up O let every Member praise his Name let thy Tongue called thy glory glory in this and trumpet out his praises that in respect of thy duty it may be verified Christ is gone up with a shout the Lord with the sound of a Trumpet And yet stay not by the way but consider further Christ being now arrived at Heavens doors those heavenly spirits that accompanied him began to say Psal 24.7 Lift up your heads O ye gates even lift up your selves yea everlasting doors and the King of glory shall come in to whom some of the Angels that were within not ignorant of his person but admiring his majesty and Glory said again Who is the King of Glory and then they answered The Lord strong and mighty the Lord mighty in battel Ver. 8. Rev. 21.12 and thereupon those Twelve gates of the Holy City of new Jerusalem opened of their own accord and Jesus Christ with all his ministring Spirits entred in O my soul how should this heighten thy joy and enlarge thy comforts in that Christ is now received up into glory every sight of Christ is glorious and in every sight thou shouldst wait
on the Lord Jesus Christ for some glorious manifestations of himself Come live up to the rate of this great mystery view Christ as entering into glory and thou wilt find the same sparkles of glory on thy heart O this sight is a transforming sight We all with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord are changed into the same Image from glory to glory 2 Cor. 3.18 even as by the spirit of the Lord. 2. Consider of Christ's Session at God's right hand no sooner was Christ entered into Heaven but he is brought before his heavenly Father and herein was the vision accomplished I saw in the night visions Dan. 7.13 14. and behold one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven and came to the ancient of dayes and they brought him near before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdom This is that we call his Session at God's right hand a dominion was given him above all creatures yea a dominion above the Hierarchy of all the Angels O the glory of Christ at his first entrance into glory immediatly all the Angels fell down and worshipped him immediately his Father welcomed him with the highest grace that ever yet was shewen Psal 110.1 Come said he sit thou at my ri●ht hand untill I make thy enemies thy footstool One sweetly observes that usually in the several parts of the performance of Christ's office either God is brought in as speaking to Christ or Christ is brought in as speaking to his Father thus when he chose him first to be our Mediator God speaks to Christ Thou art a Priest for ever after the order of Melchizedech and when Christ came to take upon him our nature Heb. 10.7 Psal 22.1 he spake to his Father Lo I come to do thy will a body hast thou prepared for me Again when Christ hung on the Cross he spakes to his Father Acts 13.33 Heb. 1.13 My God my God why hast thou forsaken me but when Christ rose again from the dead God spake to him Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee and when Christ ascended into heaven God spake to him Son sit thou down at my right hand This was the highest point of Christ elevated now was the prophesie accomplished He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high The Caldee Paraphrast reads it thus He shall be exalted above Abraham Isa 52.13 he shall be extolled more than Moses he shall be very high above the highest Cherubin and Saraphin O my soul meditate on this Session of Christ at God's right hand and thence draw down some vertue and sweetness into thy self what was Christ exalted had he a name given him above every name walk then as becomes those that have so glorious a Head O defile not that nature which in thy Christ was so highly honoured 1 Cor. 6.15 it was the Apostles arguing Shall I take the Members of Christ and make them the Members of an Harlot so argue thou shall I take the Nature of Christ that Nature which he in his Person hath so highly glorified and make it in my Person the Nature of a Devil O my soul walk worthy of such a Lord unto all well-pleasing sith now he is in his Throne at God's right hand O kiss the Son honour the Son with divine worship reverence and submission submit chearfully and willingly to the Scepter of his Word bow to his Name as it is written At the Name the Person the Power the Scepter of Jesus Christ ●●●l 2.10 every knee should bow 3. Consider of the Mission of the holy Ghost no sooner is Christ inaugurated in his Throne Eph. 4.8 John 4.10 but he scatters his coin and gives gifts When he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts unto men He gave gifts or the gift of gifts the gift of the holy Ghost If thou knewest the gift of God said Christ to the Samaritan woman John 7.39 that gift was the water of Life and that water of life was the spirit as John who knew best his mind gave the interpretation This speak he of the spirit O my soul consider of this princely gift of Christ such a gift was never before but when God gave his Son God so loved the World that he gave his Son and Christ so loved the world that he gave his spirit but O my soul consider especially to whom this Spirit was given Isa 9.6 Rom. 5.5 the application of the gift is the very soul of thy meditation Vnto us a Son is given said the Prophet and Vnto us the holy Ghost is given saith the Apostle And yet above all consider the reasons of this gift in reference to thy self was it not to make thee a Temple and Receptacle of the holy Ghost stand a while on this admire O my soul at the condescending glorious and unspeakable love of Christ in this it was infinite love to come down into our nature when he was incarnate but this is more to come down into thy heart by his holy Spirit he came near to us then but as if that were not near enough he comes nearer now for now he unites himself unto thy person now he comes and dwells in thy soul by his holy spirit O my soul thou hast many in-comes of the world though many are above thee yet many are below thee but Oh what little contentment hast thou in these outward things Come here 's that which will infinitely content thy vast desires Christ is in thee realy in thee by his Spirit will not this content the utmost capacity of an heart surely he is too covetous whom God himself cannot suffice if thou hast Christ thou hast all things and if thou hast the spirit of Christ thou hast Christ himself not notionally not by the habit of grace only but really essentially substantially by his Spirit it is the very spirit of Christ the spirit it self the holy Ghost it self in his own person that is united to thee and dwells in thee nor only comes he in person but he brings along with him all his Train hath he not endowed thee with some gifts hath he not divided a portion and measure to thee in thy place and calling take notice observe it and be thankfull if thou hast a gift of prayer of prophesie of wisdom of knowledge it comes and flows from this holy Spirit Vnto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Eph. 4.7 1 Cor. 12.11 Or according to the measure of the spirit who is the gift of Christ. And all these worketh that one and the self-same spirit dividing to every man severally as he will But besides a gift hath he not endowed thee with his grace hath he not planted in thy soul the habit the power the seed the spring the principle of grace hast thou not felt sometimes the excitings
quickenings stirrings of the spirit of God commanding thy faith love zeal and other graces to be in exercise hath he not many a time at some dead lift at some mighty straight at some prevailing temptation when thou wast even ready to yield to Satan Heb. 4.16 come in as betwixt the bridge and water and given thee grace to help in time of need O the sweet in-comes of the Spirit of God! as he is an holy Spirit so he makes holy hearts and if there be any holiness in thy heart what is it but an emanation influence effect of the Spirit of God if ever thou hadst any flowings of exciting quickening grace say This is above nature above flesh and blood it comes from the holy and blessed Spirit of God Some other effects thou mayst consider of as of the comforts of the spirit what hast thou not sometimes felt the joyes unspeakable and full of glory hast thou not sometimes known a mornings joy after a nights sorrow an healing of thy broken heart a reviving of thy dead Spirit a drop of heavens joy given thee as the hansel or earnest of thine inheritance why all these are but the workings of the promised comforter And I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you for ever John 14.16 Another effect is the seal of the spirit and what hast thou not sometimes had the seal of the Spirit stamped on thee I will not say this is absolutely necessary but hast thou not sometimes been assured of thy salvation by a reflect act of faith or by a work of grace habitual or actual or by an irradiation of the spirit on thy graces sometimes the spirit is pleased to shine with its bright and glorious and heavenly beams into our souls and then we are assured hence the Apostle prayes for the Ephesians Eph. 1.17.18 19. That they might have the spirit of revelation And to what end That they might know what is the hope of his calling i.e. that they might know upon what certain grounds and foundation their hopes were built and hence the Psalmist prayes for himself Psal 13.16 Cause thy face to shine upon thy Servant and again God be mercifull unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us psal 67.1 Selah If the spirit shine upon our graces then it seals O consider of this shining-sealing work and leave not till the Spirit dart in a spiritual light and give thee a revelation knowledg and perswasion of thy effectual calling Many other reasons are of the spirits mission but amongst them all consider O my soul and ponder on these few think over Christ's Ascension Session and Mission of the Spirit but in every thought be serious fruitful and particular say Christ is gone up into heaven for me and he is sate down at God 's right hand for me and he hath sent down his spirit into my heart O what workings would there be within if thou wert but lively and active in the meditations of these several passages SECT III. Of desiring after Jesus in that Respect 3. LEt desire after Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in these particulars who seeing Christ to ascend into Heaven would not be glad to ascend up with with him who seeing Christ to sit down at the right hand of his Father would not be glad to sit down with him who seeing Christ to scatter his gifts and spirit amongst his Saints would not cry Come holy spirit O Christ give me thy spirit thou that givest gifts unto me come and bestow those gifts on me even upon me The believing soul cannot hear of Christ in any true discovery of his grace and glory but it must needs send out many breathings after him Oh that Christ were mine Oh that I had any interest in this transaction it is true these transactions are past but the vertue of them continues still and accordingly the vertue power and influence of these transactions must be the object of our desires now what is the vertue of Christ's Ascension but that we might ascend and what the vertue of Christ's Session but that we might sit down with him in his Throne and what the vertue of the mission of his Spirit but that we might partake of the holy Ghost Oh let these be the objects of our desires come let us pant and breath after these things As 1. Let us see Christ ascending and so desire to ascend with him when Christ ascended it was not meerly for himself but also in our stead he ascended as a common person as the high Priest ascending into the Holy of Holies he carried all the names of the Twelve Tribes on his breast so Jesus Christ ascending into heaven he carried the names of all Believers in the world on his Breast thereby shewing that they were likewise to come after him in this case how should we long after him and cry after him as Elisha after Elijah when he saw him ascending My Father my father 2 Kings 2.12 Isa 14.14 15. the chariots of Israel and the horsemen thereof How should we cry after him O my Lord and my God see that my name be written in thy Breast O that vertually I may ascend with thee and that really and bodily I may at last ascend after thee There are many can say in their heart I will ascend above the heights of the clouds Psal 14.3 4. I will be like the most High but the prophet tells us Such shall be brought down to hell and to the sides of the Pit O the desires and eager pursuits of men after ambition what topping and advancing is there of one over another in the mean time the Psalmist's Question is quite forgotten Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord Isa 14.12 he that hath clean hands and a pure heart who hath not lift up his soul unto vanity Down O my soul with thy top and top gallant strike sail to God and Christ know that God resists the proud How art thou fallen from Heaven O Lucifer son of the morning even he that would exalt his Throne above the stars of God is brought down to hell Come come a desire after Christ and his Ascension is the way to Heaven if thou wilt ascend after Christ set thy desires upon Christ if thou wilt arrive at true glory breath after Christ ascending up into his glory let others ascend up into their heaven upon earth but O my soul desire thy interest in Christ's Ascension into the Heaven of Heavens O when will it once be that by the vertue of Christ's Ascension I shall ascend is Christ gone up and am I yet behind is my Head my Husband my Lord in Heaven and am I a poor member of his body grovelling here on earth what is Christ gone up with a shout the Lord with the sound of a trumpet are all the Angels sounding
his praise and bidding him welcome into glory and am I sinning here on earth and by my sins crucifying again and again the Lord of glory O that I might ascend with Christ O that I were now on the wing towards heaven Oh what is it that hinders my ascension but this clog of clay so long as this body remains a natural body I cannot ascend oh therefore that the change were come Oh that this natural body were spirituall that this corruptible had put on incorruption and this mortal had put on immortality then could I move upwards as well as downwards such is the supernatural property of a glorified body that it ascends or descends with equal case or if this be not possible for my present condition if this body if mine must first descend before it ascend if it must down into the grave before it go up into glory why yet Oh that my better part were on the wing Oh that my soul were mounting upwards Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver my soul from this body of death or if the union be so strong for a while that neither soul nor body can really or substantially ascend Phil. 1.23 yet O that I were still ascending in a spiritual way O that my affections were still on things above and not on things beneath yea I could wish a nearer union even by a dissolution why Christ is ascended and I would fain be where Christ is though it cost me dear I desire to be dissolved I desire to depart and to be with Christ which is for better 2. Let us see Christ sitting down at the right hand of God and so desire to sit with him when Christ sate down it was not in his own pure Personal right simply as it is his inheritance Eph. 2.5 6. but with relation to his Saints and Members He hath quickened us together wtth Christ and hath raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus I confess Christ's sitting at God's right hand as taken for the sublimity of his power is not communicable unto us for that is Christs own prerogative to which of the Angels said he at any time Heb. 1.13 Sit on my right hand Yet his sitting in heaven as it is indefinitely expressed is in some sort communicable unto us for he sate down as a common person thereby shewing that we were to sit down with him in our proportion Rev. 3.21 Him that overcomes I will grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne Christ sits in his Fathers Throne and we sit in Christ's Throne Christ sits at the right hand of God and w● sit at the right hand of Christ Oh how desirable is this The Mother of Zebedees Children understood this mystery very darkly Mat. 20.21 22 23. yet worshipping Jesus she desired a certain thing of him what thing why grant saith she that these my two Sons may sit the one at thy right hand and the other on thy left hand in thy Kingdom Christ blamed them because they know not what thy asked and yet he tells them that to sit on his right hand and on his left is given to them for whom it is prepared of his Father O my soul desire after this for this is worthy of thy desire this is a great thing an high exaltation another manner of honour than any that this world affords Courtiers desire no more but to sit at the Princes right hand but O the vertue of Christ's Session that thereby thou shouldst sit at the right hand of God! this is the very height and excellency of heavens glory only take heed of apprehending it after a carnal and natural way this very exaltation consists in the Image of God and communion with God it is the spiritual part and power and glory of heaven if any thing be desirable above another surely this above all Eph. 1.20 21. what that Christ should be exalted above all Principalities and Powers and mights and dominions and every thing that is named in this world and in the other what that Christ should sit down in his Fathers Throne Eph. 4.10 in the highest part of Heaven far above all heavens and that I a poor worm dust and ashes should sit with him in Heaven should be one with him in glory should be as near him in honour and happiness as such a poor creature is possibly capable of Oh how should I but hunger and thirst after this if I might have a wish I would not wish low things why this is the very top and height and quintessence of Heaven Christ in his Fathers Throne and I in Christ's Throne in desiring this I desire all and therefore whatever thou givest or denyest Lord give me this and I have enough for ever 3. Let us see Christs mission of his holy spirit and so desire a share in that gift we cannot expect to sit with Christ but we must first have the spirit of Christ and therefore as we would have that let us desire after this The greatest gift we can expect in this world is the spirit of Christ Consider O my soul all things here below are either temporal or spiritual things and of things spiritual this is the sum the in-dwelling of the Spirit O Lord give me thy self and that contains all gifts O give me the spirit Psal 4.6 and thou canst not but with him give me all things there be many that say saith the Psalmist Who will shew us any good earthly things are desired of many but is any thing on earth to be compared with this gift from heaven if it were only the beauty of holiness it were certainly a most desirable thing if we rightly understand it holiness though but one effect of the spirit is a most rare thing holiness fills the soul with joy peace quietness assurance holiness entertains the soul with feasts of fat things and of refined wines holiness carries the soul into the banqueting-house of apples and flaggons holiness gives the soul a dear communion with God and Christ holiness brings the soul into a sight of Christ an access to him a boldness in his presence holiness admits the soul into the most intimate conferences with Jesus Christ in his bed-chamber in his galleries of love and that which is an argument of more beauty than all the creatures in the world have besides holiness attracts the eye and heart and longings and ravishments the tender compassions and everlasting delights of the Lord Jesus and if holiness be thus lovely Oh what is the holy spirit it self what is the Rise the Spring the Fountain of holiness what O my soul that not only grace but the spirit of Christ should dwell in thy spirit that thou shouldst be God's building and that not as the rest of the world is for his creatures to inhabit 1 Cor. 3.9
with men and he will dwell with them Surely it was a miraculous mercy that heaven should come down upon earth and that God should come down to men but Oh what is this that Earth should go up to Heaven that men should ascend up to God yea that my soul with Christ and by Christ should ascend to God and sit down with God in heavenly places yea that my soul should have for its inmate the very same spirit that Christ himself hath Oh I cannot I will not I dare not believe Scrupulous souls be not faithless but believing there is none of these particulars for which we have not a warrant out of the Word of God and therefore believe But that I may perswade to purpose I shall lay down 1. Some directions and 2. Some encouragements of faith 1. For directions of Faith observe these particulars As 1. Faith must directly go to Christ 2. Faith must go to Christ as God in the Flesh 3. Faith must go to Christ as God in the Flesh made under the Law 4. Faith must go to Christ not only as made under the directive part of the Law by his life but under the penal part of the Law by his death 5. Faith must go to Christ not only as put to death in the Flesh but as quickned by the spirit of all these before 6. Faith must not only go to Christ as quickened by the spirit but as going up into glory as sitting down at God's right hand and as sending the holy Ghost Faith should eye Christ as far as he goes if he be ascended so should faith if he go into glory and sit down there and act there for his people so should faith and so should we in a way of believing follow after him and take a view of all his transactions where he is we have heard before how faith should go to Christ as dying and as rising again but yet faith is low while it doth not go within the vail and see him in glory it is not enough to have only a faith of Justification but of Glorification O come let us see Christ in Heaven and we can have no less than a glorious saith how many are there that never yet came to act saith in Christ as a glorified Christ we are yet still in the lower form many of us take in no more of Christ than what was done on the cross or what some natural and common resemblances of him can hold forth we seldom follow Christ into Heaven to see what he is doing these for us O my soul and O my faith mount up and be on the wing Christ is gone up to heaven Christ is set down at God's right hand Christ hath sent down his holy spirit to this purpose it was expedient that he should go away and now he is gone away to do something that remains to be done for thee in his Kingdom he had still some glorious piece to frame for thy salvation and therefore he left this world and went to his Father that he might act it in glory and now he is invested with all the riches of Heaven he hath all the keyes of Heaven and Hell he hath all power to command he hath received all the promise to himself and all that he hath to do it is to let out of himself again unto his Saints he hath not only got his Fathers heart for them but he hath got all his riches to bestow upon them when he came to Heaven the Father bid him sit down at his right hand and take what he would and bestow what he would upon his Saints and thereupon he gave gifts unto men yea he gave the gift of gifts even the Holy Ghost himself What art not thou a partaker of this gift O then Look up unto Jesus in reference to all these actings set him before thee Christ in all these particulars is a right object for thy faith to act upon 7. Faith in going to Christ his ascension session and mission of the holy spirit it is principally to look to the purpose intent and design of Christ in each of these particulars Christ did nothing but he had an end a meaning in it for our good and here is the life of Faith to eye the meaning of Christ in all his doings Now the ends of Christ's ascension session and mission of his spirit were several I shall instance onely in these few As 1. Christ ascended that we might ascend look whatever God acted on Christ's person that he did as in our behalf and he means to act the same on us was Christ crucified so are we is Christ risen again so are we risen together with him is Christ gone up into glory so are we Heaven is now opened and possessed by Jesus Christ for us and at last we shall ascend even as he ascended Christ cannot be content with that glory he hath himself John 17.25 until we be with him Father I will that those also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold or enjoy my glory which thou hast given me Christ as our head is in glory and so we are there already with him and Christ as our advocate is in glory and there he is pleading and praying for us that we may actually be received and brought up to him Father I will that these whom thou hast given me may be with me Christ's crown of glory is as it were a burthen on his own head untill it be set on the heads of all his ●aints O the blessed end of Christ's Ascension how should faith pry into this Believers you see your object you know his person never be quiet untill ye come into his condition as we must go through all ordinances and creatures till we come to Christ so through all conditions of Christ untill we come to glory 2 Christ sate down that we might sit with him in heavenly places what is the end of Christ's Session but ●hat we m●gh● invest all his ●aints with the same priviledge In this height of glory Christ is the pattern and plat-form and Idea of what we shall be surely this is the very top of Heaven Chri●t is exalted above the Heavens that we might in our measure and proportion be exalted with Christ it was Christ's Prayer that his Father and he and we might all be one As thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us Oh how should faith stand John 17.21 and gaze on Jesus Christ in this respect ●h●t is he on Gods right hand and is he there preparing a room a seat a mansion for my soul What shall I sit at the right hand of Christ shall I sit as an assessor on his udgment-seat to Judge the world wi●h Jesus Christ when the Son of man shall sit o● the Throne of his Glory Mat. 19.28 ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve Tribes of Israel O what
a man would read he must have all these or more than one of these so God hath appointed us three necessary means for our illumination and direction the Word the Ministry and the Spirit What God hath joyned let no man separate if any will foolishly go and set one of these against another when God hath set them all together and made them all necessary assigning to each a several part in the work of our illumination they may abuse God and themselves and go without the light while they despise the necessary causes of it God's evidences must not be separated much less must one be pleaded to the neglect of all the rest as the work within us is not the first testimony but a secondary confirming testimony so doth it not make the first unnecessary or void besides that by the external testimony we must convince other men which by the witness within us we cannot do But this only by the way 2. For the encouragement of our Faith to believe in Christ as in reference to his Ascension Session and Mission of his Spirit 1. Consider of the excellency of this Object what is it but Christ Christ in his Ascendant Culminant Regnant Power Christ in his Marching Conquering Triumphing Postures in his Free and Large and Magnificent Gifts When he Ascended on high he led Captivity Captive and gave Gifts unto Men. O the Glory O the Excellency of Christ in these Respects Verily they are enough to tire out Men and Angels with the only Act of wondering and surveying of their vastness Here is Gospel-Work for all Eternity to dig into this Gold-Mine to roul and turn this Soul-delighting precious Stone to behold enquire and search into these depths and heights of Christ exalted and I believe this is the satiety the top and prime of Heavens Glory to see and wonder at the vertues of him that sits on the Throne at the right hand of God to be filled but never Satiate with the Glory of Christ What Christ ascended Christ set down in Glory and Christ sending down his Holy Spirit here 's a Compendium of all Glories here is one for an heart to be taken with made up of nothing but of several Mysteries of Glory 2. Consider the Power Vertue and Influence of this Object into our souls Salvation oh what a stately Tower have we here erected to see Heaven on Faith may stand as it were on this Mount and see it self in glory Oh the flowings the rich emanations of Grace and Glory that come from hence come let us draw the Well is deep all the drops and dewings that fall on Men or Angels are but as chips in comparison of that huge and boundless body of the fulness of Grace that is in Christ one Lilly is nothing to a boundless and broad Field of Lillies Christ is in these respects the Mountain of Roses oh how High how Capacious how Full how Beautiful how Green could we but smell him who feeds among the Lillies till the Day break and the shadows fly away could we but dive into the Golden Veins of these unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ we should say It is good to be here Oh it 's good to gather up the fragments that fall from Christ his Crown shines with Diamonds and Pearls oh why do we toyl our selves in gathering sticks when to morrow we shall be out of this World and go to Christ come where is our mouth of Faith let us lay to it here let us suck and be satisfied with these Breasts of consolation let us milk out and be delighted with the abundance of his Glory 3. Consider of the suitableness of these Objects to our several conditions you may remember the first cry Was it not love enough for Christ to come down and to visit us here but that he must go up and take us with him no no his love was so great and vast that for our sakes he moves up and down this ravished the Spouse Behold he comes leaping upon the Mountains and skipping upon the Hills Cant. 2.8 Cant. 2.8 Gregory that measured his leaps thus gives them be first leaps from his Fathers Mansion to his Mothers Womb from her Womb to the Cratch from his Cratch to his Cross and from his Cross to his Grave from his Grave up again to Heaven great leaps indeed that shewed both his readiness to love and willingness to save infinite love can never be out-tired with greatest actions But another cries how should I believe that Christ is exalted and that by vertue thereof I shall be exalted when I see my self in a forlorn condition forsaken of God Psal 62.9 and abject amongst Men Alas Man at his best is altogether Vanity yea Men of low degree are Vanity and Men of high degree are a Lye to be laid in the Ballance I am altogether lighter than Vanity how then should I believe any such condition is a Worm a fit or a capable Subject to wear a Crown Yes the Lord is great and he can do great things He raiseth up the Poor out of the Dust 1 Sam 2.8 9. and lifteth up the Beggar from the Dunghil to set them among Princes and to make them inherit the Throne of Glory for the Pillars of the Earth are the Lords and he hath set the World upon them he will keep the Feet of his Saints Why there is my sadness cryes another He will keep the Feet of his Saints if I were but a Saint I could believe this Power but alas I am unholy an unsanctified piece of Clay I am a sinner a sinner of the Gentiles chief of sinners I deserve to be thrown down to Hell rather than to be invested with Glory and to sit in Heaven True but yet the Holy Ghost is given to make thee holy of thy self thou art vile and most vile but hath not the Holy Ghost entred in and took possession of thy Spirit hath he not washed thee with water yea throughly washed away thy blood hath he not anointed thee with oyl and covered thee with silk and decked thee with gold and silver and made thee comely through his comeliness which he put upon thee Why this is the office of the holy Ghost and if thou hast but the in-dwelling of the Spirit this is thy state I know there is a part of thee unregenerate and it will be so whiles thou art on earth but withall there is in thee a new nature another nature there is something else within thee which makes thee wrestle against sin and shall in time prevail over all sin and this is the Spirit of Christ sanctifying of thee Being sanctified saith the Apostle by the holy Ghost Rom. 15.16 Other complaints might be thus brought in but if we understand the meaning the design of Christ in his Ascension Session and mission of his Spirit how might a true faith answer all oh believe believe thy part in Christ's Ascension Christ's Session Christ's Mission of
Ghost O consider of thy Country whence thou camest at first certainly thou never hadst such a divine and excellent being given thee to delight only in the flesh to be serviceable only to thy body O look up unto Jesus why this it is that turns the heart and sets the conversation on heavenly things 2. Because their best and choice things are already in Heaven As their Father is in Heaven and their Saviour is in Heaven thither he ascended and there now he sits at the right hand of God their Husband is in Heaven their Elder Brother is in Heaven their King is in Heaven their Treasure is in Heaven their Inheritance is in Heaven their Hope is in Heaven their Mansion is in Heaven their chief Friends are in Heaven their Substance is in Heaven their reward is in Heaven their Wages are in Heaven and all these things being in Heaven no marvel their conversations be in Heaven 3. Because they are going towards Heaven even whiles yet they are on Earth If the Nobleman as we formerly supposed do once know his condition and begins his travel homeward towards his Fathers Court will he not every morning that he rises converse with them that come from his father to conduct him home doth it not do him good to hear any man speak of his fathers Country is it not in his thoughts in his talk in his eye in his aim at every step O my soul if thou art indeed travelling towards Heaven how shouldst thou but have it in thy motions affections conversations how shouldst thou but daily commune with thy own heart Heaven is the place that I shall come to ere long I shall be there I know that in this world I am but for a while but in Heaven I shall be for ever and ever 1. Thes 4.17 we shall be caught up into the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we be ever with the Lord. Our very travel towards Heaven implies an heavenly conversation Psalm 84.7 They go from strength to strength till every one of them in Zion appears before God Luke 17.21 Heb. 10.34 4. Because much of Heaven is already in the Saints The Kingdom of Heaven is within you saith Christ And knowing in your selves that ye have a better and an enduring substance Surely if the Saints have much of Heaven within them it must needs be that their conversation is in Heaven but they know this in themselves they know it by what God hath revealed in their own hearts eternal life is already begun in the souls of God's people Heaven is in them and therefore no marvel if their conversation be in Heaven My meaning is not as if the Saints had no other Heaven but that within them I know there is an Heaven above but some pieces or earnests or seeds or beginnings of that Heaven above is within them Is there not a renewed nature an Image of God a spark of life a drop of glory in God's people Surely yes And if so all these will work heaven-ward principles of grace will have some actings of grace till we come to glory 3. By what means should we attain or come up to have our conversation in Heaven 1. Let us watch opportunities for heavenly exercises God now by his Ministers calls Isa 55.1 3. 2 Cor. 6.2 Come ye to the waters come ye buy and eat come buy wine and milk without money come to me and your souls shall live Why now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation whiles Ministers call and we live under the droppings of the Word these are opportunities for Heaven O then he that never prayed let him now pray and he that never heard let him now hear the Lord is now come near to us Christ Jesus is calling and mercy is entreating and love is beseeching and wisdom is even hoarse with crying after us O lay hold on these opportunities for heavenly exercises and then we shall come up to heavenly conversations 2. Take heed of resting in the formality of duties many souls that have enlightnings of conscience dare not but take opportunities for heavenly duties but then comes in the temptations of the Devil and corruptions of their own hearts and they say now duty is done or our task is over and what needs more Alas alas It is not what have we done but where have we been what have our souls been in Heaven with God and with Christ have we had any communion with the Father and with the Son in our duties O take heed of formality it will exceedingly hinder our conversation in Heaven O keep our eye still upon our heart ask in duty what affections have been acted how much are we got nearer Heaven thereby and by this means we shall come to an heavenly conversation 3. Let us look up unto Jesus as hanging on the Cross and as sitting on the Throne this is the Apostles rule Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith Heb. 12.2 who for the joy that was set before him endured the Cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the Throne of God These two are the objects of a Christians look who studies an heavenly conversation viz. Christ's Cross and Christ's Session by the Cross he is Author and by the Throne he is the Finisher of our faith in the first is set down his love to us in the second is set down our hope of him with high wisdom hath the Holy Ghost exhorted us with these two motives to run and not to faint first here is love love in the Cross Who loved us Eph. 5.2 and gave himself for us a sacrifice on the Cross secondly Here is hope hope in the Throne To him that overcometh will I give to sit with me in my Throne Rev. 3.21 After Christ's death he rose again ascended and is now set down at the right hand of the Throne of God and the same is our blessed hope Christ's Throne is not onely his place but ours also the love of his Cross is to us a pledge of the hope of his Throne or of whatsoever else he is worth Come then and settle your thoughts and looks on this blessed object a sight of Christ's Cross but especially of Christ's Throne is a blessed means to wean us from the World and to elevate and raise up our affections to things above yea to form and frame our conversation towards Heaven 4. Let us wait for the appearing of Jesus Christ Phil. 3.20 Our conversation is in Heaven saith the Apostle from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ Where a man's conversation is there his expectations may be and where his expectations are there a man's conversation is and will be if we expect ere long that the Lord Jesus will appear in glory and that we shall see him not with other but with these same eyes the very waiting
for these things will help our conversation to be heaven-ward Certainly the day is a coming when Jesus Christ shall come with his Angels in his glory and then shall the bodies of the Saints shine gloriously before the Face of God and Jesus Christ O the wonder of this day the glory of Christ shall then darken the glory of the Sun and Moon and Stars but my body shall not be darkned but rather it shall shine like the glorious body of Christ Jesus if a candle should be raised to have so much lustre and beauty as if you should put it into the midst of the Sun yet it would shine you would think it a strange kind of light surely it shall be so with the bodies of Saints for though they are put into the midst of the glory of God and of his Son Jesus Christ yet their bodies shall shine in beauty and lustre there now did we believe this and wait for it every day How would it change us how would it work us to an heavenly conversation I have a diseased and lumpish body and my body hinders me in every duty of God's worship but within a while Christ will come in his glory and then he will make my body like unto his glorious body so that I shall be able to look upon the face of God and to be exercised in holy duties to all eternity without weariness without intermission I have many things here that trouble my mind and spirit and that hinder me in my converse with Heaven and heavenly things but within a while Christ will appear with his mighty Angels to be admitted of his Saints and then shall I sit as an assessor on the Throne with Jesus Christ to judge the world and then shall I live for ever with him to be where he is and enjoy all he has yea all that he hath purchased for me by his blood oh let me wait for this let me look for it every day God hath but a little work for me here on Earth and when that is done this shall be my condition Christians if but every day we would work these things on our souls it would be a mighty help to make our conversations heavenly conversations 5. Let us observe the drawings and movings and mindings of the Spirit and follow his dictates to this purpose Christ ascended and sate down at God's right hand and sent down the holy Spirit that the Holy Ghost being come down he might do his office in bringing on our souls towards salvation and if ever our souls get above this earth and get acquainted with this living in Heaven it is the Spirit of God that must be at the chariot of Elijah yea the very living principle by which we must move and ascend O then take heed of quenching its motions or resisting its workings take we heed of grieving our guide or of knocking off the chariot-wheels of this holy Spirit We little think how much the life of graces and the happiness of our souls doth depend upon our ready and cordial obedience to the Spirit of God when he forbids us our own known transgressions and we will go on when he tells us which is the way and which is not and we will not regard no wonder if we are strangers to an heavenly conversation if we will not follow the Spirit while it would draw us to Christ how should it lead us to Heaven or bring our hearts into the presence of God O learn we this lesson and let not only the motions of our bodies but also the very thoughts of our hearts be at the Spirits beck do we not sometimes feel a strong impulsion to retire from the world and to draw near to God O let us not despise or disobey but take we the offer and hoise up our sail while we may have this blessed gale if we cherish these motions and hearken to the Spirit O what a supernatural help should we find to this heavenly mindedness or heavenly conversation Thus far we have looked on Jesus as our Jesus in his Ascension Session and Mission of his holy Spirit our next work is to look on Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in his Intercession which he makes and will make to his Father on our behalf till his second coming to judgment LOOKING UNTO JESUS In his Intercession Book IX Part VI. CHAP. I. Heb. 3.1 Rom. 8.34 Consider the Apostle and High-Priest of our profession Christ Jesus who also maketh intercession for us SECT I. What the Intercession of Christ is WE have spoken of Christ's entrance into Heaven and of his immediate actings after his entrance there that transaction which yet remains and will remain untill his coming again it is his Intercession for the Saints In these actings of Christ in Heaven if we will follow him we must go from glory to glory no sooner come we out of one room of glory but presently we step into another as glorious as that before one would think enough had been said already of the glory of Christ and of our glory in Christ who would not willingly sit down under the shadow of this happiness and go no further but yet this is not all so thick and fast doth the glory of Christ break in upon us that no sooner out of one but presently we are led into the bosom of another Oh what a blessed thing is it to be viewing Christ and to be looking up to Jesus Christ Saints might do nothing else if they pleased but ravish their hearts with the diversity of heavenly light and comfort which breaks forth from the bosom of Jesus Christ Here is now another mystery as great and amazing as the former which springs out before our eyes in this transaction of Christ's Intercession And in prosecution of this as in the former I shall first lay down the object and secondly direct you how to look upon it The object is Jesus carrying on the great work of our salvation in his Intercession in ordering of which I shall examine these particulars 1. What is this intercession of Christ 2. According to what nature doth Christ intercede 3. To whom is Christ's intercession directed 4. For whom is the intercession made 5. What agreement betwixt Christ's intercessions and the intercessions of the High-Priests of old 6. W●●t is the difference betwixt Christ's intercession and the intercessions of those High-Priests 7. What are the properties of this intercession of Jesus Christ 8. Wherein more especially doth the intercessions of Christ consist 9. How powerful and prevailing are Christ's intercessions with God his Father 10. What are the reasons of this great transaction of Christ's intercession for his people 1. What is the intercession of Christ some define it thus Christ's intercession is that part of his Priestly office whereby Christ is Advocate and intreater of God the Father for the faithful I shall give it thus Christ's intercession is his gracious will fervently
Prayers and Incense then he went out of the holy of holies and laid aside his Garments again but our great high Priest is ascended into the holy of holies never to put off his princely-priestly garments nor does he only once a year sprinkle the mercy-seat with his sacrifice but every day he lives for ever to intercede Oh what comfort is this to a poor dejected Soul if he once undertakes thy cause and get thee into his prayers he will never leave thee out night nor day he intercedeth eyer till he shall accomplish and finish thy Salvation the smoak of his incense ascends for ever without intermission 6. The high-Priests then interceded not for sins of greater instances if a man sinned ignorantly there was indeed a Sacrifice and Intercession for him but if a man sinned presumptuously Numb 15.30 he was to be cut off from among his people no Sacrifice no Intercession by the high Priest then but we have such an high Priest as makes Intercession for all sins every sin though it boyl up to blasphemy so it be not against the holy Ghost shall by the vertue of Christ's intercession be forgiven In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David Zach. 13.1 and to the Inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness i.e. for sins of all sorts Verily I say unto you all sins shall be forgiven unto the Sons of Men Mark 3.28 i.e. Scarlet sins or crimson sins sins of the deepest dye shall by Christs Intercession be done away the voice of his blood speaks better things than the Blood of Abel it intercedes for the abolition of bloody sins 7. The high Priests then interceded not without all these materials viz. A Temple an Altar a Sacrifice of a young Bullock for a sin-offering Levit. 16.3 and a Ram for a burnt offering a Censer full of burning coals of fire taken off the Altar a putting the incense upon the fire that the cloud of the incense might cover the mercy-seat a sprinkling the mercy-seat with the blood of the Bullock and of the Goat with their finger seven times such materials they had and such actions they did which were all distinct as from themselves but Jesus Christ in his Intercessions now needs none of these materials but rather he himself and his own merits are instead of all As 1. He is the Temple either in regard of the Deity the gold of the Temple being sanctified by the Temple or in regard of his humane body destroy this Temple saith Christ and I will build it again in three dayes it was destroyed and God found it an acceptable Sacrifice and smelt in it a sweet savor as in a Temple 2. He is the Altar according to his Deity for as the Altar sanctifies the gift so doth the God-head sanctifie the man-hood The Altar must needs be of a greater dignity than the oblation and therefore this Altar betokens the Divinity of Jesus Christ 3. He is the Sacrifice most properly according to the Man-hood for although by communication of properties the blood of the Sacrifice is called the blood of God Acts 20.28 yet properly the human Soul and flesh of Christ was the Holocaust or whole burnt-offering roasted in the fire of his Fathers wrath 4. His merits are the cloud of Incense for so the Angel Christ is said to have a golden Censer and much Incense Rev. 8.3 4. that he should offer it with the prayers of all Saints upon the golden Altar which was before the Throne and the smoke of the Incense which came with the Prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angels hand the merits of Christ are so mingled with the prayers of his Saints that they perfume their Prayers and so they find acceptance with God his Father We see now the difference betwixt Christs Intercessions and the Intercessions of the high Priests of Old SECT VII What the Properties of this Intercession of Christ are 7. WHat are the properties of this Intercession of Jesus Christ I answer 1. It is heavenly and glorious and that appears in these particulars 1. Christ doth not fall upon his knees before his Father as in the days of his humiliation for that is not agreeable to that glory he hath received he only presents his pleasure to his Father that he may thereto put his Seal and Consent 2. Christ doth not pray out of private charity as the Saints pray one for another in this life but out of publick Office of mediation there is one God 1 Tim. 2.5 and one Mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus 3. Christ prayes not out of humility which is the proposing of requests for things unmerited but out of authority which is the desiring of a thing so as withall he hath a right of bestowing it as well as desiring it 4. Christ prays not merely as an advocate but as a propitiation too Christ's Spirit is an advocate but only Christ is advocate and propitiation Christs Spirit is our advocate on earth but only Christ in his Person applyeth his merits in heaven and furthers the cause of our salvation with his Father in heaven In every of these respects we may see Christs intercessions is heavenly and glorious 2. It is ever effectual and prevailing as he hath a power to intercede for us so he hath a power to confer that upon us for which he intercedes John 14 16. John 16.7 I will pray the Father and he shall give you another Comforter If I go not away the comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him unto you If Christ prayed on earth he was ever heard but if Christ prayed in heaven we may be sure the Father ever heareth and answereth there when Christ as man prayed for himself he was heard in that which he feareth but now Christ as Mediator praying for us he is ever heard in the very particular which he desireth James 4.3 We sinful men many a time ask and receive not because we ask amiss that we may consume it upon our Lusts but Jesus Christ never asks amiss nor to wrong ends and therefore God the Father who called him to this Office of being as it were the great Master of Requests in behalf of his Church John 11.41 42. he promiseth to hear him in all his requests Father I thank thee that thou hast heard me and I know thou hearest me alwayes saith Christ 3. It is of all other the transactions of Christ till the very end of the World the most perfective and consummate indeed so perfective that without it all the other parts of Christ's Mediatorship would have been to little purpose As the Sacrifices under the Law had not been of such force and efficacy had not the high Priest entred into the holy place to appear there and to present the blood there unto the Lord so all that ever Christ did or
and God be Omnipotent that he can do and can have whatsoever he pleases then Christ being one God with his Father he must needs prevail it is but ask and have let him ask what he will 5. That Christ is God's darling upon this very account because he intercedes for his People Therefore doth my Father love me because I lay down my life John 10.17 that I might take it again I lay it down by suffering and I take it again by rising ascending up into heaven and interceding there and therefore doth my Father love me O the love of God to Christ and of God in Christ to all his Saints God so loved the world that he gave his Son and Christ so loved the world that he gave himself and now again because Christ gave himself and his gift is as a sweet smelling savour unto God therefore God loves Christ O what a round of love is here God loves Christ and Christ loves us and the Father loves Christ again for loving of us there is not an act of Christ in his work of our redemption but the Father looks on it with love and liking Mat. 3.17 Isa 53.11 at his baptism lo a voice came from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased at his death He seeth of the travel of his soul and he is satisfied at his ascension he heareth of the intercessions of his soul and he is delighted Christ's intercessions are God's musick and therefore as sometimes Christ spoke to his Spouse Cant. 2.14 so God speaks to Christ Let me see thy countenance let me hear thy voice for sweet is thy voice and thy countenance is comely Now Christ's intercessions must needs prevail when God love's Christ for his intercessions sake if before the world was made Prov. 8.29 30. the Son was his Fathers darling for it is said When he appointed the foundations of the earth then I was by him and as one brought up with him and I was daily his delight In the Original delights intimating that the eternal Son was variety of delights to his Father O then what delights what variety what infinite of delights hath God in Christ now interceding for us what a dear darling is Christ to God when not only he stands by him but he represents to him all the Elect from the beginning to the end of the World q. d See Father look on my breast read hear all the names of those thou hast given me as Adam and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob of the Twelve Tribes and of the Twelve Apostles of all the Martyrs Professors and Confessors of the Law and Gospel I pray for them I Pray not for the World but only for them for they are mine methinks I hear God answer What my Son and what the Son of my womb and what the Son of my vows hast thou begotten me thus many Sons and are all these mine why then ask what thou wilt and have what thou pleasest I am as strongly inclined and disposed to give thee grant as thou wouldst have it it is my joy my delight my pleasure to save these souls and surely the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in thy hands 6. That Christ is God's Commander I speak it with reverence as well as petitioner it is a phraze given to the servants of God command ye me and may we not give it to the Son of God Christians God is as ready to do us service as if we had him at command Isa 45.11 1 John 5.14 This is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask any thing according to his will he heareth us and in this sense we may boldly say that God the Father is as ready to hear Jesus Christ as if he had him at command not that in deed and reality he commands God but that in deed and truth he commands all below God and he commands all in the stead of God And to this purpose is that voice of God I have set my King upon my holy hill of Zion Psalm 2.6 and why my King I dare not say he is God's King as if God were Christ's inferior or Christs subject God forbid why then my King I answer he is God's King because appointed by God or he is God's King John 5.22 because he rules in the stead of God The Father judgeth no man but hath committed all Judgment unto the Son God hath given away all his prerogatives unto Jesus Christ so that now the King of Saints can do what he will with God and with all the world only it follows Ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance as if the Father should have said I cannot deny thee and yet O my Son I would have thee ask do what thou wilt in Heaven Earth and Hell I have not the heart indeed I have not the power to deny thee any thing onely acknowledg this power to be originally in my self that all that honour the Son may honour the Father and all that honour the Father may honour the Son These are the terms betwixt God the Father and God the Son Oh then how powerfull and prevailing are Christs intercessions with his Father if he ask who hath power to command there is little question of prevailing in his suit We have heard in our days of a suit managed with a petition in one hand and a sword in the other and what the effect is all now can tell As a King who sues for peace backt with a potent Army able to win what he intreats for must needs treat more effectually so Christ sueing to his Father for his Saints with a power sufficient to obtain what he sues for he must needs effect what his desires may be it is well observed that Christ is first said to sit at God's right hand and then to intercede he treats the salvation of sinners as a mighty Prince treats the giving up of some Town which lyes seated under a Castle of his that commands the Town or he treats the salvation of sinners as a Commander treats the surrendring of a person already in his hands it is beyond God's power I speak i● with submission to deny his Son in any thing he asks Exod. 32.10 if the Lord sometimes cryed out to Moses like a man whose hands are held Let me alone how much more doth Christ's intercession bind God's hands and command all in Heaven Earth and Hell hence we say that God the Father hath divested himself of all his power and given the keys into Christ's own hands I am he that liveth and was dead Rev. 1.18 and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the keys of hell and death there is no man goes to Hell but he is lockt in by Jesus Christ and there is no man goes to Heaven but he is lockt in there by Jesus Christ he hath the keys of all men's eternities hanging
believe on the Son are we sanctified in some measure are we kept from the evil that sin may not have dominion over us hath Christ put up these prayers in our behalf that now we feel as it were and experience the truth of Christ's prevailings with his Father in our hearts and lives O sure signs that Christ's intercession is ours away away all diffidence doubting wavering fluctuating hopes a soul thus grounded may with Paul cast the ganlet and bid defiance to all the world Rom. 8.34 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's Elect who is he that condemneth it is Christ that died yea rather that is risen again who is even at the right hand of God and who also maketh intercession for us SECT V. Of believing in Jesus in that respect 5. LEt us believe in Jesus as carrying on this great work of our salvation in his intercession wounded spirits are full of scruples and thus they cry My sins will never be forgiven have not I sinned against God and Christ and the Spirit of Christ had I not my hands imbrued in the blood of his Son and have not I trodden under foot the blood of God and will that blood that I have shed and trod on intercede for my pardon Had I but gone so far as the Jews did who indeed killed and crucified Christ I might have had some hopes because they knew not what they did and therefore Christ prayed Father forgive them for they know not what they do But alas I sinned 1 Cor. 2.8 and I knew well enough what and wherein I have sinned had they known saith the Apostle they would not have crucified the Lord of glory but alas I knew it and I was fully convinced that the commission of every sin is a crucifying of Christ and yet against knowledge and judgment and light and checks of my own conscience I have crucified the Lord of glory Heb. 6.4 6. and is not the Apostle express it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted of the heavenly gift if they fall away to renew them again unto repentance seeing they crucifie to themselves the Son of God afresh and put him to an open shame Oh I fear my name is not in the roll of those for whom Christ intercedes I have crucified him afresh and will he intercede for such a dead dog as I am I cannot believe Silence unbelief be not tyrannical to thy self for Christ will not sin shall do thee no hurt nor Sathan no nor God himself for Jesus-Christ can work him to any thing if he but open his wounds in heaven he will so work his Father that thy wounds on earth shall close up presently O but I have sinned against light and what then I hope thou hast not sinned willfully maliciously despightfully against the light the Apostle tells us that if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth Heb. 10.26 27. there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins but a certain looking for of judgment and fiery indignation These two Texts in Heb. 6.4 and 10.26 are parallel and give light to each other and therefore unless thy sin be the unpardonable sin unless willfully maliciously and despightfully thou hast crucified Christ as some of the Jews did never pass a doom of final condemnation on thy soul what is there no difference betwixt a sin done willfully or purposely of malice with delight and aginst the feeling of thy own conscience and a sin done of meer ignorance inconsideracy infirmity or through a strong temptation though against light it self I know there is a light given in by God's Word and some beam of the Holy Ghost which yet never penetrated so far as to transform and regenerate the soul wholly to God's Image and in such a case a man may fall away even into an universal fall a general Apostasie but dost thou not hope better things of thy self than so I suppose thou dost O then believe O believe thy part in Christ's intercession and for the directions of thy faith that thou mayst know how or in what manner to believe observe these particulars in their order As 1. Faith must directly go to Christ 2. Faith must go to Christ as God in the flesh 3. Faith must go to Christ as God in the flesh made under the Law 4. Faith must go to Christ made under the directive part of the Law by his life and under the penal part of the Law by his death 5. Faith must go to Christ as put to death in the flesh and as quickned by the Spirit 6. Faith must go to Christ as quickened by the Spirit and as going up into glory as sitting down at God's right hand and as sending the Holy Ghost of all these before 7. Faith must go to Christ as interceding for his Saints this act of Christ is for the application of all the former acts on Christ's part and our faith closing with it is for the application of this and all other the actings of Christ on our part Now is our faith led up very high if we can but reach this we may say our faith stands very lofty when it may at once see earth and heaven when it may see all that Christ hath acted for it here and all that Christ doth act and will act in heaven for it hereafter It is not an ordinary single particular act of faith that will come up to this glorious mystery no no it is a comprehensive perfective act it is such an act as puts the soul into a condition of glorious triumph Who shall condemne Goodwin Christ set forth it is Christ that will save me to the uttermost seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for me That same word to the uttermost is a good word and well put in it is a reaching word and extends it self so far that thou canst not look beyond it let thy soul be set on the highest mountain that ever any creature was yet set on and there let thy soul take in and view the most spacious prospect both of sin and misery and difficulties of being saved that ever yet any poor humbled soul did east within it self yea joyn to these all the objections and hinderances of thy salvation that the heart of man can suppose or invent against it self lift up thy eyes and look to the utmost thou canst see and Christ by his intercession is able to save thee beyond the horizon and furthest compass of thy thoughts even to the utmost and worst case the heart of man can possibly suppose it is not thy having lain long in sin or long under terrors and despairs it is not thy having sinned often under many enlightnings that can hinder thee from being saved by Christ Do but remember this same word to the uttermost and then put in what exception thou wilt or canst O the holy triumphs of that soul that can but act its saith on
of his loves as if he were not his own he putteth on such relations and assumes such offices of engagement as if he were all for us and nothing for himself thus he is called a Saviour a Redeemer a King a Priest a Prophet a Friend a Guide an Head an Husband a Leader Ransomer Intercessor and what not of this nature O my soul come hither and put thy little candle to this mighty flame if thou hadst ten hearts or as many hearts in one as there are elected Men and Angels in Heaven and Earth all these would be too little for Jesus Christ only go as far as thou canst and love him with that heart thou hast yea love him with all thy heart and all thy soul and all thy might and as Christ in loving thee is not his own so let thy soul in loving Christ be not her own Come love thy Christ and not thy self possess thy Christ and not thy self enjoy thy Christ and not thy self live in thy Christ not in thy self solace thy self in Jesus Christ not in thy self say with the Apostle Gal. 2.20 I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me Certainly if ever thou comest to love Christ truly thou canst not but deny thy self and all created lovers This love will screw up thy soul so high above the world and above thy flesh and above thy self and above all other lovers that nothing on this side Christ whether in heaven or on earth will come in competition with him Suppose a man in the top of a Castle higher than the third Region of the Air or near the Sphere of the Moon should look down to the fairest and sweetest Meadows or to a Garden rich with Roses and Flowers of all sweet colours and delicious smells certainly he should not see or feel any sweetness pleasantness colour smell because he is so far above them so the soul filled with the love of Christ is so high above all created lovers that their loveliness cannot reach or ascend to the high and large capacity of a spiritual soul O for a soul filled up with all the fulness of God! O for a soul stretched out to its widest capacity and circumference for the entertainment of God! Eph. 3.18 19. O my soul that thou wert but able to comprehend with all the Saints what is the breadth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Christ that passeth knowledge Surely if Christ be mine if his death be mine his resurrection mine his ascension mine his session mine his intercession mine How should I but love him with a singular love farewel world and worldly glory if Christ come in room it is time for you to vanish I shall little care for a Candle when the Sun shines fair and bright upon my head What is my name written on the heart of Christ doth he wear me as a Favour and Love-token about his arms and neck is he at every turn presenting me and my duties to his heavenly Father Cant. 4.9 O thou hast ravished my heart my King my Jesus thou hast ravished my heart with one of thine eyes and with one chain of thy neck Suppose O my soul thou hadst been with Christ when he washed his Disciples feet and that he should have come and have washed thy feet Would not thy heart have glowed with love to Jesus Christ why Christ is now in glory and now he takes thy filthy soul and dirty duties and washes as it were the feet of all that he may present them to his Father thou canst not shed a tear but he washes it over again in his precious blood and perfumes it with his glorious intercessions Oh what cause hast thou to love Jesus Christ Oh you that never loved Christ come love him now and you that have loved Christ a little O love him more Above all let me O my soul charge upon thee this duty of love O go away warmed with the love of Christ and with a love to Christ SECT VII Of joying in Jesus in that respect 7. LEt us joy in Jesus as carrying on this work of our salvation in his intercession Surely this is glad tydings of great joy when wicked Haman procured letters from King Ahasuerus for the destruction of all Jews then Esther the Queen makes request to the King that her people might be saved and Haman's letters revoked Esther 5.3 8.15 16 17. And the King said to her What wilt thou Queen Esther and what is thy request and it shall be given thee O the joy of Jews at this happy tidings Then the City of Shushan rejoyced and was glad then the Jews had light and gladness and joy and honour in every province and in every City whithersoever the Kings Commandment and his Decree came the Jews had joy and gladness a feast and a good day Is not this our very case was there not a Law against us an hand-writing of Ordinances a sentence of a double death of body and soul had not Satan as wicked Haman accused us and sought by all means our condemnation but yet behold not only an earthly Esther but Jesus the Son of God was willing for our sakes to come down from Heaven and he it was that took away the hand-writing of Ordinances and cancelled it upon the Cross that ascended into Heaven and there makes requests for us and he it is in whom his Father is well pleased never comes he to his Father but he obtains the grace of the golden Scepter no sooner he cryes I will that these poor souls may be eternally saved but his Father answers Amen Be it so be it O my Son even as thou pleasest O that we could joy at this O that we could imitate the Jews O that light and gladness and joy and honour would possess our souls if at Christ's birth was such and so much joy because a Saviour was proclaimed Is not our joy to be heightened when salvation is effected if the first act of Christ's mediation was so joyous shall not the last act of his mediation be much more joyous But I hear many objections which keep back joy they are as bars and hindrances at the doors of many heavy hearts that joy cannot enter in I shall instance in some O I am much opposed here in this world sayes one men are as wolves and devils Psal 22.16 Dogs have compassed me the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me they have no bowels they persecute reproach revile so that I am killed all the day long And what then what matters oppositions of men so long as Christ doth intercede for thee in Heaven O remember Christ's bowels it may be he suffers men to be merciless on earth that thou mayst look up and behold how merciful he is who sits above and tell me hast thou no experience of this truth doth not relief strangely come in now and than why write upon
thine eternal election I have not lost a Saint in their several ages I produced them and gave them a being and in their times I remembred them and presented their conditions and necessities before thee and now I have not a Saint more in the Book of life there is not another name written to be born on earth and to what purpose should I now continue the world the Saints are they for whom I made the world the Saints are they that hold forth the light of my glory in the world the Saints are they for whom my eternal counsels before the world did work the Saints are they for whom I was content to shed my precious blood when I was in that world below and now their number is compleated I am resolved to unpin the fabrick of the world and take it down it stands but for their sakes and therefore now let the seventh Angel blow his trumpet that the mystery of God may be finished I swear by him that lives for ever Rev. 10.7 ver 6. that time shall be no longer Rev. 11.15 2. No sooner this said but the seventh Angel sounds This seventh Angel saith Pareus is the Arch-angel that proclaims Christ's coming with a great and mighty shout 1 Thes 4.16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch-angel and with the trump of God The Lord shall descend with a shout but before he descend and I believe upon the very discovery of his coming down there will be a shout in Heaven for so it follows And the seventh Angel sounded and there were great voices in Heaven Pareus in loc if we may believe Commentaries these are the voices of blessed souls and blessed souls and blessed Angels in heaven no sooner Christ bids the Angel sound q. d. summon those blessed souls that were slain for the Word of God Rev. 6.10 Rev. 22.20 and therefore cried How long Lord holy and true summon those blessed souls that have cryed so long Come Lord Jesus come quickly summon all souls and summon all Angels and bid them wait on me now I resolve to go down and to judge the world no sooner I say Christ bids the Angel sound but presently at the joy of this command all the voices in Heaven give up a shout why this is the long-look'd for day the day of perfecting the number of the Saints the day of joyning the souls and bodies of the Saints together the day of convening all the families both of Saints and Angels under one roof the day of bringing up the Bride unto the Lamb and of compleating the Marriage in its highest solemnity and therefore no wonder if at this news great voices and cryes such as are used by Mariners or gatherers of the vintage were made in Heaven O what an addition of joy is this to Heavens joy it self the spirits of the just and the blessed Angels that have lived together in heavens bliss had never such an adventitious joy as this before now they shout and sing a new and blessed Song Rev. 11.15 The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall reign for ever and ever We may call this Heavens triumph for the finishing of God's mystery Now is it that Christ will vindicate his Kingdom and overthrow the power of his enemies they had long set themselves against the Lord and against his anointed the Kings of the earth and the Rulers confederated they ruled all and as much as in them lay excluded Christ but now the Kingdoms of the world will return to Christ and he alone shall rule and thence the winged Choristers of Heaven chant forth this Anthem The Kingdoms of the world are become the Kingdoms of Christ Rev. 11.16 17 18. 3. After this shout The four and twenty Elders which sit before God on their seats fall upon their faces and worship God saying we give thee thanks O Lord God Almighty w●●●h art and wast and are to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and h● 〈◊〉 ●●ned and the nations were angry c. By these four and twenty Elders we un●● 〈◊〉 ●ll Gods Saints of the Old and New Testament comprehended under the twe●●● 〈◊〉 ●riarchs and twelve Apostles others would have them to be only those Saints 〈◊〉 Old Testament and therefore called Elders whosoever they are we find they are so glad at this news that Christ will now judge the world that presently they rise off their seats and fall on their faces and first they praise and then they pray 1. They praise God for taking to himself his own power Christ connived as it were till now at the power of his enemies Antichrist and not Christ seemed to rule and to sit in the Temple of God but now Christ is resolved to rule himself and to make all his enemies his footstool and therfore now We give thee thinks O Lord God Almighty Rev. 11.18 2. They pray Christ to go on to judgment 1. Because the nations were angry q. d. they have been angry long enough they have set themselves against Christ and against his Church and therefore now it is time to bridle their wrath and to break them with a rod of Iron O let thy wrath come 2. Because the time of judgment is now accomplished which God had decreed in his eternal counsel and which the Father had put in his own power This time was not for mortals to know Mortalibus ignotum caelestibus vero nunc revelatum a Christo Paraeus in loc Psalm 110.1 but now 't was revealed to these celestial spirits by Christ and therefore they beg Go on Lord Jesus reward now thy Servants Prophets Saints and destroy them which destroyed the earth 4. God the Father is well pleased with Christ's purpose of judging the world The Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool I know these words were spoke to Christ at his ascension into Heaven yet that hinders not but that now God speaks them again to Christ Heb. 2.8 for as yet saith the Apostle we see not all things put under him and God's purpose was that Christ should rule until he had put all things in subjection under his feet Nay why not these words spoken now rather than before Christ indeed reigned as King ever since his Ascension but now more especially he is to manifest his Kingdom for now is he to judge among the heathen Psal 110.6 now is he to wound the heads of many countries now is he to overthrow Pope Turk and all his enemies and he alone with the Father and the Spirit is to reign in his Elect Saints and Angels Thus all agree that Christ in the latter dayes shall be fully honoured in his Kingly power hitherto Christ hath been much honoured in his Prophetical and Priestly office but not so much
of earth other and wept so will this discovery in the appearances of Christ bring a sweet confusion upon the Spirits of Saints then shall a Saint fall at the feet of his Saviour and weeping say O my Jesus thou art my Father Brother Husband Self while there were other things I loved other things besides thy self but alas they are everlastingly gone and have left me alone yet now thou ownest me O my Jesus thou breakest my heart oh I cannot but weep out tears of love and tears of joy at this appearing O welcome welcome sweet Jesus into these clouds oh welcome welcome sweet Jesus into this neather world In these Clouds I must leave our Saviour for a while and the rather because I believe he will descend no lower onely before I pass one word of Use to all his Saints Vse You see him still upon his old design though the world now end yet hitherto there is no end of his great transaction his first coming and his second coming is to save your souls his first coming was to purchase his second to give you the possession of Salvation What are you not glad of this Gospel-news that Christ will come at last from this Empyreal Throne to his judgment-seat to give you the possession of salvation is not the promise of his coming comfortable is it not comfortable to believe in him and to hope for him why muse then what comfort will it be to see his person with all his glorious train coming for you Psal 50.1 2 3 4. The Mighty God the Lord hath spoken and called the Earth from the rising of the Sun to the going down thereof out of Zion the perfection of beauty hath God shined our God shall come and shall not keep silence a fire shall devour before him and it shall be very tempestuous round about him he shall call to the heavens from above and to the earth that he might judge his people It is indeed a most terrible day unto the wicked but oh how sweet and pleasant and comfortable to his Saints Christians do we not long to have Christ's Spirit come into our souls with life do we not droop while Christ is absent from our souls are not the feet of them beautiful that bring glad tydings of peace and of salvation by Jesus Christ Oh then what will it be to see the King not in his Embassadors but in his own person coming for us to fetch us into Heaven if we have but a dear friend returned from some far Country how do all run out to meet him with joy Oh saith the child my father is come saith the wife my husband is come and shall not we when we see our Father our Husband our Head our Saviour returning with great glory and glorious Majesty cry out he is come he is come shall not we at the first view of him in his clouds cry out O yonder is he whose blood redeemed us whose Spirit cleansed us whose prayers prevailed for us whose Law did govern us yonder comes he in whom we trusted and now we see he hath not deceived our trust yonder is he for whom we waited long and now we see we have not waited in vain I verily believe thus it will be with us one day we shall have comfort then oh let us comfort our selves with these words and ever and anon cry Come Lord Jesu come quickly Cant. 8.14 make hast my beloved and be thou like to a Roe or to a young Hart upon the Mountain of spices SECT III. Of Christ's summoning of the Elect to come under judgment 3. FOR Christ's summons of the Elect to come under judgment no sooner is he in the clouds his Throne of judicature but there he stands and thence he sends his holy Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet Mat. 24.31 and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the heaven to another Christ's summons are effectual if he will have the elect to meet him they must come to this purpose he sends his Angels and they return with his Saints back again to the judgement-seat In the carrying on of this affair we shall discuss these particulars 1. His mission of the Angels 2. The manner of the mission 3. The resurrection of the world 4. The collection of the Saints wherein 1. whence 2. whither they are gathered 1. For Christ's mission of his Angels he shall send his Angels This was their office from their first creation they were still sent of God this way and that way and indeed herein is one difference betwixt Christ and the Angels he was to fit on God's right hand but they were sent abroad to Minister to the Saints and people of God Heb. 1.13 14. To which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy foot-stool are they not all Ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation Now according to their office Christ puts them upon imployment at this day q. d. O my Angels you that wait upon me that excel in strength Psal 103.20 Psal 50.5 that do my commandments and hearken to the voice of my Word go your wayes now into all the four winds of the World gather all my Saints together unto me those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice search into all the dusts of the earth and leave not behind one dust that belongs unto any Saint search into the bottom of the Sea see what becomes of those drowned bodies of my dear ones if either worms have eaten those in graves or fishes have devoured them in the deep why now restore them am not I as able to recover them as I was to create them is it not as easie for me to raise the dead as to make Heaven and Earth and all of nothing go then and gather together all those dusts and let every dust be brought home to its own proper body and compact those dusts as soft as they are into solid bones and prophesie upon those bones and say unto them O ye dry bones hear the word of the Lord thus saith the Lord behold I will cause breath to enter into you and ye shall live Ezek. 37.4 5 6. and I will lay sinews upon you and cover you with skin and put breath in you and ye shall live and ye shall know that I am the Lord why this is my will and pleasure and therefore be gone O my Angels do your office what have not I commanded you 2. The Mission or commission or dismission given the Angels swift messengers of his will fall on the execution and to that purpose immediately they sound the Trumpet so it follows And he shall send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet Here is the manner of their mission they go and as they go they give a shout what this shout is or how it is
made is a curious question and sets many wits on work in this Scripture it is set out by the sound of a Trumpet * Anselmus in elucidario Suarez tuba ex aere Doctor Slater who faith I see not but we may take it properly c. Cornelius a lapide Mat. 24.31 1 Cor. 15.52 1 Thes 4.16 Now some would have it to be a material Trumpet because the Scriptures frequently call it a Trumpet He shall send his Angels with the sound of a Trumpet saith Christ and in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump we shall be changed saith Paul for the Trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised And the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trumpet of God But whether this Trumpet shall be of Silver or of Brass or of the Air or of the Cloud and Meteors whereon Christ rides they cannot agree † Piscator Estius Aretius alii fere omnes others more probably look upon this Trumpet as nothing else but a metaphor or a sound formed in the Air like the sound of a Trumpet A voice it is without all controversie and metaphorically it may be called a trumpet both from the clearness and greatness of the sound so loud shall it be that 't will pierce into the ears of the dead in their graves It will shake the world rend the rocks break the mountains dissolve the bonds of Death Cui omnia obediunt elementa petras scindit inferos aperit c. Chrysost in 1 Cor. 15. burst down the gates of Hell and unite all spirits to their own Bodies An horrible terrible voice shall it be But how should Angels who are spirits make a voice by a collision of the Air which the Angels can move at their pleasure and who can tell say some but there may be some new-created instrument trumpet-like adapted for the Angels at the sides of which by a force and collision of the air this great shout may be to convene all the World or who knows say others but that the Lord Jesus may fill the Angels even as trumpets are filled with a loud blast and that through them this loud blast shall come rushing like a mighty wind upon the dead Saints and so awaken their bodies out of the dust we all know this was usual in all the Jews solemnities to convene the people by the found of a trumpet And the Lord spake unto Moses saying Make thee two trumpets of silver Numb 10 1 2 3 9. That thou mayest use them for the calling of the Assembly And when thou shalt blow them all the Assembly shall assemble themselves and if ye go to war then ye shall blow an alarme with the Trumpets and in the same way say they Christ now will convene all the World with the sound of a trumpet or with the sound of some such instrument of divine power and vertue whereby the dead shall be raised and their bodies and souls re-united Amidst all those Authors if I may deliver my opinion I suppose the Text that will clear all to us above all that is written is that of 1 Thessalonians 4.16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout 1 Thes 4.16 with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God Give me leave to insist on it that we may come up yet to a more full and perfect knowledg of this passage In these words is shewed or held forth the coming of Christ in three particulars with a shout with a voice and with a trumpet some think this to be one and the same set out in variety of expressions but I am of another mind It is agreed by most that the transactions at the giving of the Law on Mount Sinai were a representation of the proceedings which shall be at the great day of Judgment now in that transaction we read of a three-fold voice The voice of God the voice of Thunder and the voice of a Trumpet Exod. 19.16 compared with Exod. 20.1 and accordingly we find the Apostle speaking of a three-fold voice Of the voice of Christ of the voice of Thunder and of the voice of a Trumpet 1. The Lord himself shall descend with a shout Arius Montanus and the vulgar translate it with a command Lyra and others think this to be the voice of Christ himself saying John 11.48 with a loud voice Arise ye dead and come to Judgment Thus Jesus cryed with a loud voice Lazarus come forth and with such a voice will he call on the dead at the last day J●hn 5.25 So much Christ himself hath taught us The hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live The hour is because by his voice he raised some at his first coming and the hour is coming because in the like manner he will raise up all men at the last day Marvel not at this saith Christ for the hour is coming John 5.28 in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice and they shall come forth As at the creation of the World he said Let there be light and there was light so at the dissolution of the World he will say Let the dead arise let the Sea give up the dead that are in it and Death and Hell deliver up the dead which are in them and it will be so 2. The Lord shall descend with the voice of the Archangel Two questions here 1. Who is this Archangel 2. What is this voice For the first some argue this Archangel to be Gabriel others Raphael others Michael The Jews have an antient tradition that there are seven principal Angels that minister before the throne of God and therefore called Archangels The Scriptures seem to speak much that way Revel 4.5 Rev. 5.6 Zach 4.10 Rev. 8.2 calling them seven Lamps of fire burning before the throne and seven hornes and seven eyes of the Lamb and the seven spirits of God sent for●h into all the earth and seven eyes of the Lord which run to and fro through the whole earth and yet more plainly seven Angels that stand before God Now which of these Seven is the Archangel here spoken of is hard to determine only probable it is that all the Archangels and all the angels are hereby understood as comprehended under that one to which agrees Matth. 24.31 Mr. Aynsworth observes that when things are done by a multitude where one is chief that the action is frequently ascribed either to the multitude or to him that is chief indifferently as Jehoiadah brought forth the Kings Son and he put the Crown upon him 2 Kings 11.12 or they brought forth the Kings son and they put upon him the Crown 2 Chron. 23.11 so David offered burnt-offerings 2 Sam. 6.17 or they offered burnt offerings 1 Chron. 16.1 and
as Rev. 20.12 1. The Book must be opened And I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the Books were opened and another Book was opened which is the Book of life It is spoken after the manner of men in whose publick Judgments are produced all the writings of the process informations depositions of witnesses to shew that all actions Aug. l. 20. de civitate Dei cap. 14. even the most secret ones shall then be rehearsed and made manifest Augustine thinks these Books to be the Books of the Old and New Testament wherein all things either to be done or omitted are prescribed by God and then shall these Books be opened Rom. 2.16 Orig. Com. ad Rom. 14. because according to them shall sentence be given In that day God shall Judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my Gospel Origen and all most all with him think these Books to be the Books of our consciences which now are shut up and concealed from men but then shall be made manifest to all the world whatever these Books are we find here one Book opened which is proper to the Saints called the Book of Life This Book contains in it the names of all that are elected from first to last Thou John and thou Joseph and thou Judeth and thou Mary and thou Elizabeth c. you are all Book'd down there is the particularity and there is the certainty Your names are written in Heaven rejoyce in it Oh what is the joy of Saints when once they see this book opened and their names inrolled engraven there in letters of glory This very Book clears it to me that God from all eternity made choice of a particular and determinate number of Persons to save them and that none other can be saved but those who were so elected and whosoever are so elected Rev. 13.8 17.8 they shall not fall away All that worship the Beast their names are not written in the Book of life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world On the other side Rev. 3.5 He that overcometh the same shall be written in the Book of life and I will not blot out his name but I will confess his name before my Father and before his Angels This is the day when that book of life shall be opened and Christ shall read the names of every elect person before God and Angels not that Christ needs a book or indeed reads a name but that his Election stands so firm that he knows every predestinated Saint as well as we know their names whom for our memories we commit unto our books and then he will so honour his Saints that he will publish their names to all the world 2. All the actions demeanours graces duties and it may be sins of Saints shall be produced and laid open the holy Ghost tells us that the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the Books It appears hence that not onely names but things were written and these things were produced and accordingly they were judged 1. As to evil things unfruitful works of darkness It is a question and I dare not be too positive in it viz. Whether the sins of God's People shall be manifest at the day of Judgment Some are for the negative because God in his promises speaks so expresly Isa 43.25 John 5.24 Of forgiving iniquities of remembring them no more of blotting them out of throwing them into the bottom of the Sea of casting them behind his back in which respect say they the Godly are said not to come into Judgement I suppose this last Text is ill urged for by Judgment is not meant discussion but condemnation and in our best Translations so it is rendred others are for the affirmative upon these grounds 1. Because many of the Godly and wicked men's sins are mingled together and there cannot be a Judgment of discussion preceding that of condemnation unless Godly men's sins are also produced 2. Because it is spoken generally in respect of all sorts that the Books were opened By which Books most understand the consciences of men and by the opening of those Books they understand the manifesting clearing and discovering of consciences at that general day 3. Because the Scriptures are express for the affirmative not but that those Texts are truths that sins are forgiven blotted out thrown away to be remembred no more i.e. as to condemnation but as for exploration or discussion the Lord speaks universally that of every idle word that men speak Mat. 12.36 they shall give an account thereof at the day of Judgment If the ballance weigh down on this side for my part I am not peremptory but shall easily submit to the spirits of the Prophets yet this manifestation shall not be for the shame grief trouble ignominy or confusion of the godly but only for the setting up of God's justice and that the goodness and free grace of God in Christ may be made more illustrious how will Christ then be exalted when all the world shall see his righteousness and goodness his truth and mercy now again meeting together and kissing each other it was so at his first coming and it will be so at his second coming then shall his justice and mercy his righteousness and goodness be manifested to all in that by his own merits notwithstanding their sins he will bring all his Saints to his heavenly glory 2. As for good things whether good works duties or graces there is no question but all these will be that day produced and laid open 1. We see Christ enumerating the good works of them on his right hand for I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked Mat. 25.35 26. and ye cloathed me sick and ye visited me in prison and ye came unto me It is true in this catalogue we find nothing of faith but all of works but certainly faith is included as the life of the Tree is included in the fruit not only nor principally are works here mentioned for the goodness of the work considered in it self but as these works did express our faith and love to Jesus Christ in that by saith we could see Christ in a poor beggar or prisoner and could love Jesus Christ in these poor better than all our worldly goods or liberties I do not wonder that Paul adviseth his Corinthians See that ye abound in this grace of contribution to the Saints 2 Cor. 8.7 Phil. 1.9 1 Thes 1.12 and that he prayeth his Philipians And this I pray that your love may abound yet more And that he prayeth for his Thessalonians now the Lord make you to increase and to abound in love one towards another and towards all men and that he praiseth God in their behalf We are bound to thank God always for you brethren as it is
swallowed up all my natural affections that I cannot but laugh at thy calamity and joy in thy damnation I gave thee a body and God himself gave thee a Soul but now let the Devils have both and torment them in Hell be gone I shall never see thee again Or if the Child be the Saint and the Parent the Reprobate then shall the Child say O unworthy Parent unworthy of everlasting life I had my natural being from thee but my Spiritual being was from the Lord if I had followed thy steps I had been everlastingly damned did I not know thy ignorance thy unbelief thy worldliness thy covetousness thy pride thy malice thy lust thy lukewarmness thy impatiency thy discontentment thy vain-glory thy self-love didst not thou often check me for my forwardness and zeal and holiness in Religion didst not thou ask me what art thou wiser than the rest of the neighbour-hood are there not many gray hairs amongst us whose wisdom and experience thou hast not yet attained and canst not thou walk on soberly towards heaven and either do as the most or keep pace with the wisest what have any of the Rulers or of the Pharisees believed on Christ oh I shall ever remember to the praise and glory of Christ what discouragements I had and yet how the Lord pluckt me as a fire-brand out of the fire and now hath the Lord set me on the Throne to judge thee according to thy demerits and therefore I joyn with him who is the Father of Spirits against the Father of my flesh depart go to the Gods whom thou hast served and see if they will help thee in the day of thy calamity 3. Betwixt Husband and Wife now if the Husband be the Saint and the Wife the Reprobate then shall the Husband say Thou art she whom I knew in the flesh whom I dearly affected with my heart and soul whom I nourished and cherished as my own body thou art she that was the Wife of my bosom as near and dear to me as my heart in my bosom thou wast my companion my yoke-fellow and my very delight but oh I could never rule thee lead thee guide thee in the way of life in the path that is called holy many a time have I wooed sued and sought to gain thy soul to that blessed Bridegroom the Lord Jesus Christ many a time have I prayed with thee and for thee many a time have I stirred thee up to hear the Word to waite upon God in the use of all means publick and private and instead of imbraces or yieldings to these blessed motions Prov. I have met with contentions and jars as a continual dropping in a very rainy day but death hath dissolved that knot so that now I am no more thy Husband this is the day of separation and I shall no more consort with thee at the Resurrection there is no use of Marriage but now I am to live as an Angel in Heaven and because thou wouldst not draw with me in Christ's yoke now therefore adue for ever and ever we shall never more lye in one bed Mark 12.29 or sit at one board or walk in one Field or grind at one mill thou hast lost me and thou hast lost Jesus Christ two husbands in one day go now and take thy choice in Hell thou art free from us but thou shalt be bound there with indissoluble bonds to the Devill and his Angels Or if the Wife be the Saint and the Husband the Reprobate then shall the Wife say Thou art he who I looked upon as my second-self my head my governour my helper my husband for whom I was willing to forsake my native home Fathers house dear Relations of Father Mother Brother Sister and many comforts in that kind and I expected to have found new matter and a continued influence of comfort and delight in a marriage-state but oh the vexations of Spirit hadst thou not almost drawn me away from Jesus Christ was I not forced through many provocations sometimes to break out and say Surely a bloody husband art thou to me many a time I cryed out Exod. 4.25 O my Husband when wilt thou set up the rich and royal trade of grace in thy Family when wilt thou exercise prayer reading catechizing conference days of humiliation and other houshold holy duties oh for doing something to assure our souls of meeting together hereafter in heaven But alas it would not be and now see the effect here I stand like a Queen deck't and adorn'd with cloth of Gold with rayment of needle-work with the white robe of Christ's righteousness so that the King of Heaven greatly desires my beauty and my soul is this day marryed to Christ I acknowledge him and no other Husband in the world and for thee who refused to joyn with me in the worship of God now God hath refused thee fare well or fare ill for ever 4. Betwixt Minister and some of his people at least if the people be as so many Saints and the Minister the Reprobate then shall the people say O thou art the man that undertookest that high and mighty calling of feeding souls with the Word of life but now are thy sins written in thy fore-head for either thou run'st before thou wast sent or being sent thou hast been exceeding negligent in the gift that was in thee Didst not thou prophesie in Baal and cause God's people to erre didst thou not studiously and mainly seek for the Fleece not regarding respectively the Flock didst not thou strengthen the hands of evil-doers in Preaching peace peace to wicked men wa st thou not prophane and wicked and loose in thy life and by that means ledst many thousands to hell O thou bloody Butcher of Souls hadst thou been faithful in thy Ministry well might those damned Companions about thee have escaped the flames but they are doomed to death and now thou mayest hear their cries and grievous groans and complaints against thee this was the man set over us to give us the bread of Life but oh Christ did he not fail us did he not feed us with unprofitable matter fables conceits airy sentences rather than any thing tending to godly edifying which is in faith did not our tongues and the tongues of our Children stick to the roof of our mouths in calling and crying for bread for the bread of life and he would not pity us we gave him the tenths which thou appointed but he gave not us thy truth which thou didst command him why Lord Christ thou Judge of all the world didst not thou bid him feed feed feed didst thou not bid him feed the flock committed to his charge didst not bid him preach the word be instant in season and out of season reprove rebuke exhort with all long-suffering and notwithstanding all thy commands did he not miserably starve us instead of feeding us unto salvation hath he not starved many thousands of us to our
Sermons when the Word came home didst not thou deny us the seals which might have been for confirmation of our souls salvation didst thou not estrange thy self from us in respect of any inward intimate and familiar society which thou affordest to others doth not the event plainly shew that all thy tears prayers words and works as in reference to us were hypocrisie flattery deceit dissimulation Oh cursed be the day that ever we lived under such a Ministry or that ever we heard of Jesus Christ Nay then saith the Minister it is time for us to part such were your invectives on earth and now they are and will be your language in Hell but have I not answer'd these cavils many a time have I not told you that the Word would harden some and soften others the fault being in your selves have I not cleared it that the seals are not to be set upon blanks and that confirmation could not be without a work of conversion to lead it and were we not commanded in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to withdraw our selves from every brother that walketh disorderly did not the wise man tell us he that toucheth pitch shall be defiled therewith 2 Thes 3.16 and he that hath fellowship with a proud man shall be like unto him can a man take fire in his bosome and his cloaths not be burnt can a man go upon hot coales and his feet be not burnt Prov. 26.27 28. as for other cavils the Lord be judge betwixt you and us nay the Lord hath been Judge betwixt you and us lo here we stand on the right hand of Christ so here we sit on our Throne to judge you and that world of wicked men and Angels let Christ be glorious Psal 109.17.18 and let his sentence stand and let that word of Judgment never be reversed he that loveth cursing let it come upon him and he that cloatheth himself with cursing as with a garment let it come into his bowels like water and like oyl into his bones no more but adieu souls adieu Reprobates adieu for ever you must descend but we must ascend Go you to Hell whiles we mount upwards to Heaven and Glory At this last word down they go the evil Angels falling like lightning and evil men haled and pulled down with them from the presence of God and Christ and Angels and all the blessed ones even from their fathers mothers wives husbands children ministers servants lovers friends acquaintance who shall then justly and deservedly abandon them with all detestation and derision and forgetting all nearness and dearest obligations of nature neighbourhood alliance any thing will rejoyce in the execution of divine justice Oh the shrikes and horrid crys that now they make filling the air as they go Oh the wailings and wringing of hands Oh the desperate roarings Oh the hideous yellings filling heaven and earth and hell But I shall follow them no further no sooner do they fall into the bottomless pit but presently it shuts her mouth upon them and there I must leave them SECT VII Of Christ and his Saints going up into heaven and of the end of this World 7. FOR Christ and his Saints going up into heaven and so for the end of this world no sooner are the Reprobates gone to their place but the Saints ascend now Christ ariseth from his judgment-seat and with all the glorious company of heaven he marches towards the heaven of heavens Oh what a comely march is this what songs of triumph are here sung and warbled Christ leads the way the Cherubims attend the Seraphims wait on Angels Arch-angels Principalities Powers Patriarches Prophets Priests Evangelists Martyrs Professors and Confessors of God's Law and Gospel following attend the Judge and King of Glory singing with melody as never ear hath heard shining with Majesty as never eye hath seen rejoycing without measure as never heart conceived O blessed train of Souldiers O goodly Troop of Captains each one doth bear a palm of Victory in his hand each one doth wear a Crown of Glory upon his head the Church Militant is now Triumphant with a final overthrow have they conquered Devils Death and Hell and now must they enjoy God Life and Heaven sometimes I have with much wonder and admiration beheld some Regiments passing our streets but had I seen those Roman Armies when they returned Victors and made their solemn Triumphs in the streets of Rome oh then how should I have then admired never was the like sight to this of Christ and his Army in this World O the comely march they make through the sky and through the Orbs and through all the Heavens till they come to the Heaven of Heavens were ever so many glistering Suns together in one day was ever so many glories together on this side the Kingdom of glory Cant. 6.10 not to speak of Christ or his Angels O who is she that looketh forth as the morning fair as the Moon clear as the Sun and terrible as an Army with Banners are not in the head of these Regiments Adam and Abel and Noah and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the Patriarchs and all the Prophets and all the Apostles And if thou art a Saint that readest this art not thou one Son appointed by God amongst the rest to follow Christ here 's enough to fill thy heart with joy before-hand as sure as yond Sun now shines in the Firmament shalt thou that believest pass by that Sun in its very orb and by reason of thy glory it shall lose it shine oh then what spreading of beauty and brightness will be in the heavens as all the Saints go along what lumps of darkness shall those glittering Stars appear to be when all the Saints of God shall enter into their several orbs and spheres and thus as they march along higher and higher till they come to the highest at last heaven opens unto them and the Saints enter their Masters joy what is there done at their first entrance I shall discover another time only for a while let us look behind us and see what becomes of this neather World No sooner Christ and his company in the Empyreal heaven but presently this whole world is set on fire To this prophane Authors seem to assent As 1. Philosophers especially the Stoicks were of this mind Humor primordium exitus ignis said Seneca Moisture was the beginning and fire shall be the end of this World And speaking of the Sun Moon and Stars mark says he whatsoever now shines in comely and decent order shall at last burn together in one fire 2. The Poets grant this Lucan speaking of those whom Cesar left unburned at the Battel of Pharsalia Hos Caesar populos si nunc non urserit ignis uret cum terris If fire shall not now burn these when Heaven and Earth and all shall burn then must they burn Ovid in like manner Esse quoque in fatis quo mare
Christ 2 Cor. 11 2. And after this when Christ takes the bride home brings her into Heaven and leads her by the hand into his Fathers presence then is his last presentation then he presents her faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy The word signifies leaping springing exalting joy O what springing leaping exalting is in heaven when Christ takes the hand of his Bride and gives her into the hand of his Father q. d. O my Father see what a number I have brought home to thee thou knowest what I have done and what I have suffered and what offices I have gone through to bring these hither and now my Mediatourship is done I resign all my charge to thee again see what a goodly Troop what a noble Army I have brought thee home why all these are mine and all mine are thine and all thine are mine Joh. 17.10 12. and I am glorified in them all those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost see here is Adam and Abel and Noah and Sem and every Saint from the beginning to the end of the World the Nuptial between them and me is solemnized and whither should I lead them but to my Father's house and into my Father's presence I have already pronounced them blessed and the glory which thou gavest me I have given them Joh. 17.22.23 that they may be one even as we are one I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one Here take them from mine hands now give them a welcome into glory and let them know that thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me 2. He presents all his Commissions to his Father as he is a Mediatour at least by Destination from all Eternity Eph. 1.4 were not the Saints chosen in Christ before the foundation of the World then was he a Mediatour in the business of Election and then was he Predestinated to be a Mediatour of Reconciliation Prov. 8.23 I was set up from Everlasting i.e. I was appointed and designed to be a Mediatour from all Eternity Howsoever he was a Mediatour virtually and inchoatively from the Fall of Adam then did he undertake that great Negotiation of reconciling God to man and man to God and actually he was a Mediatour after his Incarnation for then was he manifested in the flesh then was he manifested to be what before he was then did he act that part visibly upon earth which before he had acted secretly and invisibly in heaven then he entred upon the work of his active and passive obedience then he discharged his Prophetical and Priestly office here on Earth which having done then he entred upon his Kingly Administration in Heaven Now as to this work he was called by God him hath God the Father sealed John 6.27 it pleased the Father by him to reconcile all things to himself Colos 1.19 And as to these offices severally he had Commission from God the Lord hath annoynted me to Preach good tydings unto the meek and the Lord hath sworn Isa 61.1 Psal 110.4 Psal 110.1 and will not repent thou art a Priest for ever and the Lord said unto my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy foot-stool So now he comes with all his Commissions in his hand and he delivers them all up unto his Father again In this case it is with Christ as with some General whom the King sends forth with Regal Authority to the War who having subdued the Enemy he returns in Triumph and all being finished he makes a surrender of his place thus Christ having discharged all his offices imposed on him now the work is finished he leaves his function by delivering up his Commissions to his Father Rev. 21.23 In Heaven there is no need of Sun or Moon that is as some interpret there is no need of Preaching or Prophesying of the Word or Sacraments for the Lamb is the light thereof Christ is the only means of all the communication that the Elect there shall have and as for his Regal Office 1 Cor. 15.24 the Apostle is express then shall he deliver up the Kingdom to God even the Father Only here is the question how is Christ said to resign his Kingdom to God the Father Luk. 1.33 Heb. 1.8 for saith not the Scripture that Christ's Kingdom shall have no end and that Christ's Throne is for ever and ever for answer I see no contradiction but that Christ may both resign his Kingdom and yet reserve it See a like case Mat. 28.18 All Power saith Christ in heaven and earth is given to me of my Father shall we say now that the Father himself was quite stript of it no but as the Kingdom which the Father gave the Son is nevertheless called the Father's Kingdom or the Kingdom of God so Christ shall return it yet retain it also Two things we say are contained in the Term of Reign sci Dominion and Execution to wear the Crown and to bear the Scepter now Christ in the former sense shall reign for ever the honour of dominion and of wearing the Crown he shall never resign up to his Father for his Fathers Throne disturbs not his there are both their Thrones at once Rev. 7.11 but the functions of a King to sit in Judgment to reward deservers to punish evil-doers to rescue the oppressed to fight with the enemy Christ in this sense shall cease to reign and shall deliver up the Kingdom to his Father More particularly Christ is said to deliver up the Kingdom in three respects 1. Because he ceaseth to execute that Authority which nevertheless he hath as a Judge that goeth from the Bench is a Judge still although he giveth no judgment but imployeth his time about other occasions so Christ is said to resign his place not that his Authority is subject to Diminution but in that he makes no shew for when his enemies are all put under there is no need that any more blows should proceed from his Kingly power 1. Because the manner of his Kingdom after the judgment day shall be wholly changed he shall not Reign in the same fashion that he did before there 's no need in heaven of good Laws to keep men from starting into wickedness the orders of this life are changed into a new kind of Government and in that respect he is said to give over the Kingdome 3. Because he ceaseth to increase his Dominion In this World Christ was still gaining more souls to his Kingdom by the Preaching of his Word and so he spread his dominion further and further but when the Lord shall have made up the number of his Servants to his mind then he will end the World and give up the Kingdom i.e. he will cease to enlarge his confines any more he will be content with the number of his Subjects that he hath already Here is
the creation of the World and what is Six thousand years to Eternity certainly the truth of Origen's opinion touching the existency of other worlds before this Orig. l. de Prin cipiis 3. c. 5. and the future succession of other Worlds after this will then be known If no worlds before this yet if God in Christ hath done such great things in only Six thousand years what he may do in the next Six thousand years and so in the next Six thousand years who now can tell we see not these things but the Saints in seeing the face of Christ shall see all things 4. They shall see Christ in all his glory ways counsels decrees executions transactions as working for their happiness Now this 〈◊〉 more then the former there 's a great deal of difference in seeing an object as excellent in it self and in seeing an object as conducing to my happiness As one that is a stranger and another is an heir rides over such a demesgne the stranger rides over it and takes delight to see the situation rivers trees and fruits but the heir looks upon it after another manner this saith he is the land for which my Father laid out so much and all to enrich me and all to bestow it on me as my Inheritance So the Saints admitted into the glorious sight of Christ they take not only a view of Christ of the Essential glory of Christ of the transactions of Christ things excellent in themselves but they see all these as to make them happy they say of Christ and of all his actings these are mine and for my happiness A stranger may look upon a King and see beauty and Majesty and glory and honour in him but the Queen looks upon the King and his beauty as her own so the Saints look upon the King of Heaven they see Christ and all in Christ as their own to make them happy for ever and ever 5. They shall see Christ as he is but what do we not see him now as he is oh no 1 John 3.2 we now see him not as he is indeed and truth but only as he is in hear-say and report we now see him only as he is shadowed out to us in the Gospel of peace and what is the Gospel but the pourtraiture of the King which he sent to another Land to be seen by his Bride so Kings and Queens on earth wooe one another whilst the Bride is on earth she never seeth him as he is in his best Sabbath-Royal Robe of immediate glory she seeth him rather by the second hand i.e. by messengers words mediation he rather sends his pourtraiture then comes himself but in heaven the Saints see him as he is they see Christ himself in his own very person they see the red and white in his own face they see all the inside of Christ and thousands of excellencies shall then be revealed that we see not now the mysteries of that glorious Ark shall then be opened his Incarnation his two Natures in one person his Suffering as Man and his sitting in the seat of God as God all these shall be seen 6. They shall see Christ without interruption and without intermission to all Eternity If once the eye be set on the face of Jesus Christ it will never be taken off again Some conceive this to be the reason why the Saints in heaven can never fall away because they shall have a continual view of Christ as God Surely to have but one glimpse of Christ in this respect though it were gone presently it were a great happiness beyond all that the World affords it was sometimes the desire of a Philosopher to see the nature of the Sun though he were to be burnt by it so if Christ should but grant us this happiness you shall come to see me but the sight of me will destroy you this were a desirable thing but to have such an excellent glorious sight as shall never end that Christ should not only pass by but stand still so as the soul shall never lose his sight O how glorious is this if a man do but look upon a delightful Object he is loath to have his eye drawn from it surely the eye of Saints shall be eternally opened to see the divine nature of Christ turn them which way they will they shall never turn aside the busied eyes of their understanding from off the Deity of Christ he fills heaven he is that fair Tree of life the branches whereof in all that huge and capacious borders of heaven have not room to grow in for the heaven of heavens cannot contain him O the wonders of heaven There is Abraham Moses Elias the Prophets the Apostles and the glorified Martyrs but the Saints have neither leisure nor hearts to feed themselves with beholding of creatures no no all the eyes of heaven which are a fair and numerous company are upon only only upon the Lord Jesus Christ the Father hath no leisure to look over his shoulder to his Son the Husband hath no leasure to look over his shoulder to his Wife Christ takes all eyes off from such created things surely 't is enough for the Saints and Angels in heaven to study Christ for all Eternity it shall be their only labour to read Christ to smel Christ to hear see and taste Christ to love joy and enjoy Jesus Christ for ever and ever Thus far of the second point how the Saints shall behold the glory of Christ 3. Wherein is the comprehensiveness of this expression that the beholding of Christ is our all in all I answer 1. It comprehends the immediate seeing and looking upon all that Majesty and Glory which Jesus Christ hath 2 Cor. 5.7 In this sense Paul took it when he complained we walk by faith not by sight q. d. on earth we have faith and in heaven we have sight it is some comfort that now I see Jesus Christ by faith but comparatively to that sight which the Saints have in heaven it is as no comfort at all alas I am not I cannot be satisfied so long as I am absent from the Lord I look upon my self as one from home And as a Prince in a strange Land sits down sadly because he hath not the sight of his Father so I am forced to complain O I cannot see my Lord I would fain behold him I am a stranger on earth a Pilgrim in this world I am not where I would be I am absent from him whom I most desire O I desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ I walk with him here on earth by faith but to walk with him in the streets of heaven by sight is far better O I long I pant I breath I desire I think every day a year and every year an age till I be in heaven at home in my Father's arms that I may behold and see him and that immediately I say immediately in his glory This
is one way of beholding Christ it is an immediate sight 2. It comprehends the fruition and enjoyment of Christ in his glory Surely the Saints shall not be meer idle spectators of the glory of Christ but they shall enjoy him and be taken into fellowship with him it was said of Moses that he did see the Land of Canaan but he was not admitted into it it is otherwise with the Saints they shall see heaven and they shall enter into heaven come thou faithful servant and enter into thy Master's joy not only behold it but enter into it they must behold Christ and take possession of Christ and enjoy them as their own And thus the word to see or behold is often used in Scripture except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God i.e. he cannot enjoy it John 3.3 John 17.24 and Father I will that those whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory i.e. that they may enjoy my glory for Christ is not only glorious in himself but he is the spring of glory unto others now in this respect more especially is Christ our all in all he is all in himself and if we enjoy him he is all in all unto us To see a little into the state and condition of the Saints in glory in this enjoyment of Christ 1. They possess Christ as their own they go to Christ and they lay hold on him saying thou art mine It was indeed the language of the spouse whilst yet on earth I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine there 's a right and a propriety made over to her in her betrothing unto Christ but after the solemnity of the marriage is over the possession is then more full when once the spouse comes to behold Christ in his Kindgom she may then go boldly to her beloved and say all I see is my own I had thee in hope but now hope is vanished and actual enjoyment comes in place lo now I have thee in my eye and in my heart and in my hands and in my arms and as nothing shall separate us now for all our enemies are trod underfoot so never will I part with thee so far as to be out of my eye I will still behold thee and in beholding I will still possess thee for thou art mine own 2. They have the use of what they possess and this is an infinite good to the Saints they shall not only possess Christ but they shall have what use they will of Christ and of all in Christ they shall as they please make use of his humanity and of his Deity of his glorious Essence and of his glorious attributes O wonder that a Saint should come to Christ and say O my Lord thou art mine and my pleasure is to make use of thy wisdome power and mercy and that Christ should reply and say welcome sweet soul use me and all my glory as thou pleasest why thus it is even as a friend will say to his friend make use of all I have as your own so will Christ come to his Saints and bid them make use of all his riches glory excellency even as they will even to the utmost that they are capable of 3. They have the sweet and comfort of all they use and this makes up a compleat enjoyment In things below we may have the possession of them and the use thereof but if we have not the sweet and comfort of that we use we cannot be said truly or fully to enjoy those things what is the possession and use of meat and drink if we taste not the sweet of them Hence God is said to give us all things richly to enjoy no creature can give us richly to enjoy another one may give us such and such things wherein there may be comfort but he cannot give us comfort in such things it is only God that can give us that it is so with the Saints in glory God gives them all things yea Christ gives himself to them as all in all to enjoy him richly fully sweetly to the very uttermost This another way of beholding Christ it is a fruition or enjoyment of Christ wherein and whereby he is our all in all 4. It comprehends all the effects and consequents of such a beholding of his glory which are infinite delight and complacency in the will and all praise and thanksgiving in the mouthes of his Saints For the first It is disputed whether Eternal happiness be more in the acts of the understanding or if the Will and some conclude that it is principally in the will because that is an active appetite arid predominant in a man indeed the whole of a man oh the joy delight and complacency that will arise in the will upon the seeing and beholding of Jesus Christ they shall delight infinitely in the Essential glory of Christ and in the declared glory of Christ they shall delight in all that glory that is reflected upon Christ by all his creatures in heaven they shall delight in his presence and in his love Christ is all delights and how then should they but delight in Christ for the second as they delight in their wills so will their mouthes be filled with praises we read of Saints and Angels continually praising God in heaven there shall be none of our duties of mourning fasting praising humbling the acts of patience and justifying faith shall cease in heaven but the duty of praising and glorifying God will contiuue to all Eternity Methinks I see the Saints following the Lamb methinks I hear the familiar converses betwixt Christ and them as Christ opens himself to them so they to him first he begins Oh my dearest Saints you are they for whom before all time I decreed this heaven and now you see the execution of my decrees whiles the world stood I was still carrying on the work of your salvation either in doing or suffering or in successive works applying my doings and sufferings my active and passive obedience to your persons and now the World is at an end you see the end of my work and the end of your faith which is the Eternal Salvation of your souls Oh how I have my wish and you have your happiness here you and I will live together that I may for ever behold you and that you may for ever behold me and my glory which no sooner said but methinks I hear all those innumerable Saints in heaven to answer worthy is the Lamb that was slain Rev. 5.12 to receive power and riches and wisdome and strength and honour and glory and blessing and therefore unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and hath made us Kings unto God and his Father to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever Rev. 1.6 Amen Yea methinks I hear every creature in heaven say blessing honour glory and power be unto him
respect 4. LET us hope in Jesus as carrying on the great work of our salvation for us in his second coming Hope is of good things to come hope is an act of the will extending it self towards that which it loves as future onely the future good as it is the object of hope is difficult to obtain and therein it differs from desire for desire looks at future good without any apprehension of difficulty but hope respects the future good as it is gotten with difficulty Lazy hopes that will not be in use of means though difficult are not true hopes we see many desirable things set before us of which we may say Oh that we had our part and portion of them but shall we go on and search and find out the truth whether we have any part or portion in them or whether we have any hopes of any such thing oh this is worthy our pains come then let us yet make a further progress let us not only desire that it may be thus and so but let us say on some sure and certain grounds we hope it is thus and so we hope Christ will come again John 14.3 and receive us to himself that where he is there we may be also Heb. 9.12 Indeed there is the Christians stay and comfort such an hope is a sure Anchor that will hold the ship in a storm onely because our souls lie upon it we had need to look to it that our hopes be true the worst can say They hope to be saved as well as the best but I fear the hopes of many will be lamentably frustrated Our Saviour brings in many pleading with confidence at the last day for life who shall be rejected with miserable disappointment Many shall say to me at that day Lord Lord c. and I will confess unto them I never knew them depart from me Now to clear this point that our hopes are of the right stamp and not counterfeit hopes I shall lay down some signs whereby we may know that Christ's coming is for us and for our good and for the grace that is to be given us at the revelation of Jesus Christ 1 Pet. 1.3 4. 1. If we are born again then will his glorious coming be to glorifie us Blessed be the God and Father of Lord Jesus Christ who according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope to an inheritance incorruptible Whoever hath the true hope of Heaven John 3.3 he is one that is begotten again so our Saviour Except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God Many things may be done as Herod heard John the Baptist and did many things but except a man be born again those many things are in God's account as nothing When Peter had told Christ that he and his fellow-disciples had forsaken all Math. 19.28 and followed him Then Jesus said verily I say unto you that ye which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory ye shall also sit upon twelve Thrones Judging the twelve Tribes of Israel q. d. Peter you have forsaken all and followed me but know that bare forsaking is not enough but you who have felt the Work of God regenerating your souls upon which ye have followed me ye shall sit upon twelve Thrones In those who are alive at the last day there will be a change and this change will be to them instead of death 1 Cor. 15.51 Behold I shew you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed Certainly in those who at the last day shall sit on Thrones with Christ there must be a change likewise in this life i.e. a new spirit and a new life must be put into them Oh what a change is this suppose a rational soul were put into a beast what a change would be in that Creature suppose an angelical nature were put upon us what a change would there be in us oh but what a change is this when a man is born again of water and of the spirit I must tell you that the highest degree of glory in Heaven is not so different from the lowest degree of grace here as the lowest degree of grace here is different from the highest excellency of nature here because the difference betwixt the highest degree of the glory of Heaven and the lowest degree of grace is only gradual but the difference that is betwixt the lowest degree of grace and the highest excellency of nature is a specifical difference Oh there 's a mighty work of God in preparing souls for glory by grace and this change must they have that must sit on Thrones Come then you that hope for glory try your selves by this is there a change in your hearts words and lives is there a mighty work of grace upon your spirits are you experienc'd in the great mystery of regeneration why here 's your evidence that your hopes are sound and that you shall sit upon Thrones to judge the world Heb. 9.28 2. If we long for his coming then will he come to satisfie our longings Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for they shall be satisfied how satisfied but in being saved Christ was offered to bear the sins of many and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin to salvation unto them that look for him or long for him shall he appear the second time unto salvation it is very observable how this looking for Christ is in Scripture a frequent description of a true believer in Christ Who are true sincere and sound Christians but such as live in a perpetual desire and hope of Christs blessed coming 2 Pet. 3.12 they are ever looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God Here are two signs in one verse looking for and hasting unto true believers are not only in a posture looking for the coming of Jesus Christ but also as it were going forth to meet Jesus Christ with burning Lamps Luther could say Mat. 6.10 That he was no true Christian neither could he truly recite the Lord's prayer that with all his heart desired not this day of the coming of Christ. It is true that whether we will or no that day will come but in the Lord's prayer Christ hath taught us to pray that God would accelerate and hasten the day of his glorious coming thy Kingdom come i.e. the Kingdom of glory at the Judgment as well as the Kingdom of grace in the Church It is true that the day of the Lord is a terrible day the Heavens and Earth and Sea and Air shall be all on a bone-fire and burn to nothing nevertheless we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth we that have laid hold upon God and laid hold on him by the right handle according to his promises we look for
this day of the Lord we look for it and hasten unto it we are glad it is so near and we do what we can to have it nearer with an holy kind of impatience we beg of the Lord Rom 8.22 23 Come Lord Jesu come quickly This was Paul's character We know that the whole creation groaneth and travelleth in pain together until now and not onely they but our selves also which have the first-fruits of the spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our bodies God's children such as have the first-fruits of the spirit the beginnings of true saving grace in them they constantly look and long for the day of full deliverance or of the coming of Christ This the Apostle instanceth in his Corinthians ye come behind in no gift 1 Cor. 1.7 waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and in like manner he writes to his Philippians Phil. 3.20 Our Conversation is in Heaven from whence also we look for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ Tit. 2.13 And to Titus himself he writes the same things We look for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ Now Christians lay this character to heart do you long pant and look for this glorious and second coming of Christ have you any such wishes and sayings of heart and mind as these are Oh that Christ would appear Oh that Christ would now break the Heavens and come to Judgment oh that I could see him in the Cloud and on his Throne oh that his enemies were ruined my sins subdued my soul saved that I might serve him without weariness for ever and ever Surely if these elongations of soul be in you it is a comfortable evidence that your hopes are sound and that Christ will come to receive you to hims●lf and to bring you to glory 3. If we love Christ's appearing then will he appear on our side 2 Tim. 4.8 Henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto them also that love his appearing A true Christian loves Christ's appearing in ordinances and in all the means of grace how much more in his own person but how should we love that we see not O yes there 's a kind of an Idea of Christ and of his glorious appearing in every sanctified soul and in that respect we love him though we cannot see him Who having not seen ye love 1 Pet. 1.8 Verse 7. saith the Apostle and so your love and faith at the appearing of Jesus Christ shall be found unto praise and honour and glory Those that have not seen Christ and yet love the Idea of his sight even they shall appear at the appearing of Christ in praise and honour and glory Is not the Crown laid up for them that love the appearing of Christ is it not a sign of a good cause to love a day of hearing surely the love of Christ's coming cannot consist without some assurance that a soul shall stand upright in the Judgdment He that hath not a confidence in his cause loves not the coming of the Judge no guilty prisoner loves the Sessions or loves the judges presence it is the cry of Reprobates Rev. 6.16 O ye mountains and O ye Rocks fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne But as for Christ and his Saints O the mutual loves and mutual longings in their breasts The last words that Christ speaks in the Bible and amongst us last words make deepest impressions are Surely I come quickly and the last answer that is made in our behalf is Amen even so come Lord Jesus I know this Character is near the former and therefore I shall pass it over 4. If our works be good then will he reward us according to our works At that great day this will be the trial works are no works Mat. 25.33 34 35 36. Then will he say to them on his right hand come ye blessed of my Father inherite the Kingdom prepared for you for I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirsty and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in naked and ye cloathed me I was sick and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came unto me Here were works Verse 46. upon which followed the rewards of Heaven for these went into eternal life I know Works are not meritorious and yet they are evidences I know works without Faith are but glisterrings sins and yet works done in faith are signs and fore-runners of eternal glory I know that if all the excellencies of all the moralities of all the men in the world were put together these could never reach glory and yet a cup of cold water given to one of Christ's little ones in the name of a Disciple of Christ shall not lose its reward Mat. 10.24 If a Christian doubt how should I know that my works are of a right stamp I answer 1. Look at the principle is there not something above nature do I not find some new light let out by God that shews a glory and excellency and beauty in good works is there not something in me that makes the same to be sweet or pleasant or agreeable to me 2. Look at the end natural works have no better end than self and creature-respects but in my works is there no aim at something higher than self whatever I do is not this in mine eye that all I do may tend to the honour and glory of God I had need take heed of vain-glory and self applause the Godly at the day of Judgment do not know the good works they did if my aim be at God I shall forget my self as if all I did were swallowed up in God 3. Look at the manner of my doing works Vzzah had a good intention but his work was not good because the manner was not good are my works according to the rule do they carry a conformity to the Law of God Let every man try his own work in this O my soul bring thy works to the touch-stone the Scripture the Rule of goodness is not all thy gold then discovered to be dross the Scripture doth not onely tell of works but tells us the manner of performing them as for instance if rightly done they must be done in zeal in fervency in activity thus Gods people are called a peculiar people zealous of good works a formal customary superficial performance of holy works fails in the manner of performing them what are my works performed in zeal is there not too much of coldness emptiness formality in all I do why thus may I know whether my works are of a right stamp certainly all works duties actings which are not done by a gracious heart through
in a peculiar and eminent manner the day of redemption And grieve not the holy spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption Eph. 4.30 1 John 3.2 3. They must be adopted It is true they are adopted in this life We are now the Sons of God saith the Apostle yet it doth not appear what we shall be the glory which Christ will put upon us at the last day is so far transcendent and superlative to what now we are that we know not what we shall be sons and more than sons and therefore the Apostle calls the last day Rom. 8.23 the day of adoption 4. They must be justified I know they were justified by Faith before and this justification was evidenced to some of their consciences but now shall they be justified fully by the lively voice of the Judge himself now shall their justification be solemnly and publickly declared to all the world The Syriack word to justifie is also to conquer because when a man is justified he overcomes all those bills and indictments which were brought in against him now this is manifestly done in the day of judgment when Christ shall before Men and Angels acquit and absolve his people oh what a glorious conquest will that be over Sin Death and Hell when the judge of the whole World shall pronounce them free from all Sin and from all those miserable effects of Sin Death Hell and Dominion 5. They must inherit the Kingdom prepared for them so is the sentence at that day Come ye Blessed Mat. 25.34 inherit the Kingdom Not only are they freed from Hell but they must inherit Heaven Now herein is an high step of salvation and a great part of the design of Christ's coming to bring his Saints into Heaven he went thither before to prepare it for them and now he comes again to give them the possession of it come enter into heaven Heaven what is Heaven surely it is not one single Palace but a City a Metropolis a Mother-City the first City of God's creation When the Angel carried John in the spirit to a great and high Mountain Rev. 21.10 11. he shewed him the great City the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God But a City is too little Luke 12.32 therefore it s more it s a Kingdom Fear not little Flock it s your Fathers good pleasure to give you the Kingdom and at this last day he bids his Saints to inherit the Kingdom Luke 20.34 35 36. Or if a Kingdom be too little it is called a World the Children of this world marry and are given in marriage but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage neither can they dye any more There 's another world besides this and for eminency it is called the world to come O the bredth and largeness of that world as the greater circle must contain the less Heb. 6.5 so doth that world contain this alas all our dwellings here are but as caves under the earth and holes of poor clay in comparison In the bosome of that Heaven is many a dwelling place John 14.2 In my Fathers house are many mansions there lodges many thousand of glorious Kings O what fair fields and mountains of roses and spices are there surely gardens of length and bredth above millions of miles are nothing in comparison O the Vines the Lillies the Roses the precious Trees that grow in Immanuel's land an hundred harvests in one year are nothing there The lowest stones in every mansion there are precious stones Rev. 21.18 the very building of the wall about it is Jasper and the City is pure gold like unto clear glass O glorious inheritance Tell me Christians in what City on Earth do men walk upon gold or dwell within the walls of Gold though none such here yet under the feet of the inhabitants of Heaven there is Gold All the streets and fields of that City Kingdom World Rev. 21.21 are pure gold as it were transparent glass But alas what speak I of Gold or Glass all these are but shadows indeed and in truth there is nothing so low as Gold or precious Stones there is nothing so base in this high and glorious Kingdom as Gardens Trees or Roses comparisons are but created shadows that come not up to express the glory of the thing I shall therefore leave to speak this because unspeakable 6. They must live with Christ in heaven they must see and enjoy Christ there to all eternity This is a main end of Christs coming I will come again John 14.3 John 17.24 and receive you unto my self that where I am there ye may be also And Father I will that those whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold the glory which thou hast given me O let faith eye this above all the former what will my Saviour come again and shall I see his face Oh what a pleasant sight will this same be if Heaven if the inheritance be such a wonder to the beholders what a beauty is that which is in the samplar oh what an happiness to stand besides that dainty precious Prince in Heaven to see the King on his Throne to see the Lamb the fair Tree of life the flowre of Angels the spotless Rose that Crown the Garland the joy of Heaven the wonder of wonders for eternity oh what a life to see the precious Tree of life to see a multitude without quantity of the Apples of glory to see love it self and to be warmed with the heat of immediate love that comes out from the precious heart and bowels of Jesus Christ Oh what a dearness to see all relations meet in one to see the Saviour the good Shepheard the Redeemer the great Bishop of our souls the Angel of the Covenant the Head of the body of the Church the King of ages the Prince of peace the Creator of the ends of the Earth the Song of Angels and glorified Saints Not only must they see Christ but they shall enjoy him whom they see they fly with doves-wings of beauty after the Lamb and in flying after him they lay hold upon him and they will not leave him they can never have enough of the chaste fruition of the glorious Prince Immanuel and they never want his in-most presence to the full they suck the honey and the hony-comb they drink of the floods of eternal consolations and fill all empty desires and as if the souls of Saints were without bottom a fresh they suck again to all eternity Now 〈◊〉 is salvation indeed the soul that attains this full enjoyment is saved to the uttermost 3. In respect of Christ himself that he may be glorified Now in two things more especially will he be glorified at that day 1. In his justice 2.
souls must Judge our souls if he that hath a great interest and increase of joy in our salvation must pass our sentence will not this work us into a rejoycing frame 3. Christ's sentence is the Christian's acquittance I may call it his general acquittance from the beginning of the World to the end thereof Hence some call this the day of the believers full justification they were before made just and esteemed just but now by a lively sentence they shall be pronounced just by Christ himself now is the compleat acquittance or the full absolution from all sin now will Christ pardon and speak out his pardon once for all now will he take his book wherein all our sins as so many debts or trespasses are written and he will cancel all Acts 3.19 Your sins shall be blotted out saith Peter when the time of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord. And is not this enough to cause our joy when the spirit witnessing with our spirits doth but in part assure us of sins pardon is it not exceeding sweet Oh but how sweet will be that sentence which will fully resolve the question and leave no room of doubting any more for ever consider O my soul the day is a coming when the Judge of Heaven and Earth will acquit thee of all thy sins before all the World it is a part of his business at that day to glorifie his Justice and free grace in thy absolution O Christians how may we comfort one another with these words 4. Christ in the issue will lead us into glory As the Bridegroom after nuptials leads his Bride to his own home that there they may live together and dwell together so Christ our royal Bridegroom will lead us into the Palace of his glory And is not this joy of our Lord enough to cause our Joy Oh what embraces of love what shaking of hands what welcomes shall we have into this City there shall we see Christ in his garden there shall we be set as a seal on Christ's arme and as a seal upon his heart there shall we be filled with his love enlightned with his light encircled in his arms following his steps and praising his Name and admiring his glory there shall we joy indeed For in thy presence there is fulness of joy Psal 16.11 and at thy right hand there are pleasures evermore There is joy and full joy and fulness of joy there are pleasures and pleasures evermore and pleasures evermore at God's right hand O the musick of the sanctuary O the sinless and well-tuned Psalms O the Songs of the high Temple without either Temple or Ordinances as we have them here can we choose to joy at the thought of this joy above if God would so dispense that even now we might stand at the utmost door of Heaven and that God would strike up a window and give us a spiritual eye and an heavenly heart so that we could look in and behold the Throne and the Lamb and the troops of glorified ones cloathed in white would not this chear up our hearts and fill them with joy unspeakable and full of glory certainly this day will come when Christ will bring us not only to the dore but through the gates into the City and then we shall see all these sights and hear all the musick made in heaven how then should we but joy in the hope of the glory of God O methinks raised thoughts of our mansion in glory should make us swim through the deepest Sea of troubles and afflictions and never fear Come then O my drowzy soul and harken to these motives if yet thou seest not the Son it self appear methinks the twilight of a promise should revive thee it is but a little while And he that shall come will come and he will not tarry It may be thou art reviled and persecuted here on Earth and what then hath not Christ bid thee to rejoyce in afflictions is it not his word that in this very case thou shouldst rejoyce Matth. 5.12 1 Pet. 4.12 and be exceeding glad is it not his command Think it not strange concerning the fiery tryals but rather rejoyce in as much as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed ye may be glad also with exceeding joy We must rejoyce now that we may rejoyce then indeed our present joy is a taste of our future joy and God would have us to begin our Heaven here on Earth Come then come forth O my dull conjealed heart thou that spendest thy days in sorrow and thy breath in sighing that minglest thy bread with tears and drinkest the tears which thou weepest thou that prayest for joy and waitest for joy and longest for joy and complainest for want of joy O the times a coming when thou shalt have fulness of joy the times a coming when the Angels shall bring thee to Christ and when Christ shall take thee by the hand and lead thee into his purchased joy and present thee unspotted before his Father and give thee thy place about his Throne and dost thou not rejoyce in this art thou not exceedingly raised in such a Meditation as this surely if one drop of lively faith were but mixed with these motives thou mightest carry an Heaven within thee and go on ever singing to thy grave say then dost thou believe or dost thou not believe if thy faith be firm how should'st thou but rejoyce if thou rollest thy self on Christ and on that promise I will see you again and your heart shall rejoyce and your joy no man taketh from you how shouldst thou but rejoyce and be exceeding glad if thou lookest upon the holy Ghost as designed by the Father and the Son to bring joy and delight into thy soul how shouldst thou but be filled with the water of life with the oyl of gladness and with the new wine of the Kingdom of God O the blessed workings of faith on such a subject as this if once we are but justified by faith and that we can act our faith on Christ's glorious coming then it will follow Rom. 5.1 2 3. that we shall have peace with God and rejoyce in the hope of the glory of God and not only so but we shall glory in tribulation also SECT VIII Of calling on Jesus in that respect 8. LEt us call on Jesus as carrying on our souls salvation at his second coming this contains prayer and praise 1. Let us pray for the coming of Christ this was the constant prayer of the Church Come Lord Jesu come quickly The spirit and the Bride say come Well knows the Bride that the day of Christ's coming is her wedding day Rev. 22.17 her coronation day the day of presenting her unto his Father and therefore no wonder if she pray for the hastening of it Make hast my beloved and be thou like to a Roe or to a young Hart thy Kingdom come
Cant. 8.14 Many prayers are in the bowels of this as that Christ when he comes may bid us welcome and give us a place on his Throne on his right hand and pronounce us blessed and take us to himself to live with himself in eternal glory c. But I mention onely this general and let each soul expatiate on the rest 2. Let us praise him for his coming and for all his actings at his coming Our engagement to Christ even for this transaction is so great that we can never enough extol his Name at that day the books shall be opened and why not the book of our engagements to Jesus Christ if it must be opened I can surely tell you it is written full the page and margent both within and without is written full it 's an huge book of many volumes O then let our hearts be full of praises let us joyn with those blessed Elders that fell down before the Lamb and sung Worthy it the Lamb that was slain to receive power Rev. 5.12 and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing Yea let us joyn with all those creatures in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the Sea whom John heard saying Blessing Honour Glory and Power be unto him that sitteth on the throne Ver. 13. and unto the Lamb for ever and ever Amen SECT IX Of conforming to Jesus in that respect 9. LET us conform to Jesus as coming again to judge the World Looking to Jesus contains this when the Apostle would perswade Christians to patience under the cross he lays down first the cloud of witnesses all the Martyrs of the Church of Christ and secondly Jesus Christ himself as of more vertue and power than all the rest the Martyrs suffered much but Christ endured more than they all and therefore saith the Apostle Heb. 12.2 look unto Jesus surely he is the best exemplar the chief pattern to whom in all his transactions we may in some way or other conform But how should we conform to Christ in this respect I Answer 1. Christ will in his time prepare for judgment Oh let us at all times prepare for his judging of us doth it not concern us to prepare for him as well as it concerns him to prepare for us if Christ come and find us careless negligent unprepared what will become of us the very thought of Christ's sudden coming to judgment might well put us into a waiting watching posture that we might be still in readiness it cannot be long and alas what is a little time when it is gone how quickly shall we be in another World and our souls receive their particular judgments and so wait till our bodies be raised and judged to the same condition or salvation it is not an hundred years in all likelyhood till every soul of us shall be in heaven or hell it may be within a year or two or ten or thereabouts the greatest part of this congregation will be in Heaven or Hell and I beseech you what is a year or two or ten what is an hundred or a thousand years to the dayes of eternity how speedily is this gone and how endless is that time or eternity that is come is it not high time then to prepare our lamps to trim our souls to watch and fast and pray and meditate and to remember that for all our deeds good or evill God will bring us to Judgment herein is our Conformity to Christ's coming before he comes he prepares for us oh let us against his coming prepare for him 2. Christ at his coming will summon all his Saints to arise to ascend and to come to him in the clouds O let us summon our souls to arise to ascend and to go to Christ in the Heavens What Christ will do really at that day let us do spiritually on this day It was the prodigal's saying I will arise and go to my Father and say unto him Luk. 15.18 We are naturally sluggish we lye in a bed of sin and security and we are loath to arise to ascend and to go to God Oh then let us call upon our own souls Awake awake Deborah why art thou so heavy O my soul let us stir up our spirits consciences wills affections every day let us wind them up as a man doth his Watch that it may be in a continual motion Alas alas we had need to be continually stirring up the gifts and graces that are in us it is the Lords pleasure that we should daily come to him he would have us on the wing of Prayer and on the wing of Meditation and on the wing of Faith he would have us to be still arising ascending and mounting up in divine contemplation to his Majesty And is it not our duty and the Saints disposition to be thus Whethersoever the dead carcass is thither will the Eagles resort Matth. 24.28 if Christ be in Heaven where should we be but in Heaven with him For where your Treasure is there will your hearts be also Oh that every morning and every evening at least our hearts would arise ascend and go to Christ in the Heavens 3. Christ will at last judge all our souls and judge all the wicked to eternal flames oh let us judge our selves that we may not be judged of the Lord in that sad Judgment If we would judge our selves saith the Apostle we should not be judged 1 Cor. 11.31 Good reason we have to conform to Christ in this point or otherwise how should we escape the judgment of Christ at the last day but in what manner should we judge our selves I answer 1. We must search out our sins 2. We must confess them before the Lord. 3. We must condemn our selves or pass a sentence against our own souls 4. We must plead pardon and cry mightily to God in Christ for the remission of all those sins whereof we have judged our selves and condemned our selves 1. We must search out our sins Winnow your selves O people not worthy to be beloved Zeph. 2.1 There should be a strict scrutiny to find out all the prophaness of our hearts and lives all our sins against light and love and checks and vows winnow your selves If you will not I pronounce to you from the eternal God that ere long the Lord will come in the Clouds and then will he open the black Book wherein all your sins are written he will search Jerusalem with candles he will come with a Sword in his hand to search out all secure sinners every where and then will all your sins be discovered to all the World O that we would prevent this by our search and scrutining a forehand 2. We must confess our sins before the Lord we must spread them before the Lord as Hezekiah did his letter onely in our confessions observe these rules As 1. Our confession must be full of sorrow Psal 38.18 I
Barak and Samson and Jephtah and David and Samuel and of all the Prophets who through Faith did marvellous things as it there appears Surely they had the same Doctrine of Grace as we have it is the very same for Substance without any difference 2. Wherein is the Difference then betwixt the Old and New-Testament or betwixt the Old and New Manner of the Dispensation of the Covenant of Grace They are one for Substance but in regard of the manner of Dispensation and revealing in the several Times Ages States and Conditions of the Church there is a difference I shall reduce all to these Particulars They are distinguished 1. In the Object In the Old Administration Christ was promised but in the New-Covenant Christ is exhibited It was meet the Promise should go before the Gospel and be fulfilled in the Gospel that so great a Good might earnestly be desired before it was bestowed 2. In the Federates Under the Old Dispensation they are compared to an Heir under Age needing a Gardian Tutor or School-master little differing from a Servant But in the New-Testament they are compared to an Heir come to ripe Years see Gal. 4.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 3. In the Manner of their Worship In the Old-Testament they were held under the Ceremonial Law and Oh What an heap of Ceremonies Rites Figures Shadows did they use in their Worship Certainly these declared the Infancy and Non-age of the Jews who being not capable of the high Mysteries of the Gospel they were taught by their Eyes as well as their Ears These Ceremonies were as Rudiments Introductions fitted to the gross and weak Senses of that Church who were to be brought on by little and little through such Shadows and Figures to the true Image and thing signified But in the New-Covenant or Testament our Worship is more spiritual Our Saviour hath told us 〈◊〉 4.23 24. That as God is a Spirit so They that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit Truth The Hour cometh and now is saith Christ when the true Worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth for the Father seeketh such to worship Him ●ts 15.10 4. In the Burthen of Ceremonies Peter calls the Ceremonies of old A Yoak which niether our Fathers nor we saith he were able to bear And no wonder if we consider 1. The burthen of their costly Sacrifices if any had but touched an unclean Thing he must come and offer a Sacrifice as sometimes a Bullock and sometimes a Lamb You that think every thing too much for a Minister of Christ if for every Offence you were to offer such Sacrifices now you would count it an heavy Burthen indeed 2. They had long and tedious Journeys to Jerusalem the Land lay more in length than bredth and Jerusalem stood almost at one End of it ●ut 16.16 and thither Thrice a Year all the Males were to go and appear before God 3. They were tyed to the Observation of many Dayes the New Moons and many Ceremonial Sabbaths and they were restrained from many Liberties as in Meats and the like Oh What Burthens were upon them But in the New-Covenant or Testament the Yoak is made more easie We are bound indeed to the Duties of the moral Law as well as they yet a great Yoak is taken off from us and therefore Christ inviting us to the Gospel He gives it out thus Take My Yoak upon you saith He for My Yoak is easie 〈◊〉 11.29 and My Burthen light 5. In the Weakness of the Law of old The Law then was unable to give Life to purge the Conscience 〈◊〉 7.18 to pacifie God's Wrath and therefore saith the Apostle There is verily a dis-annulling of the Commandment going before for the Weakness Vnprofitableness thereof Hence they are called weak and beggarly Rudiments 〈◊〉 4.9 in comparison of the New-Testament there was then a less forcible Influence of the Spirit accompanying that Dispensation of the Covenant 〈◊〉 7.39 The Spirit was not then given in that large Measure as now Because Christ was not then glorified It appears in these Particulars 1. There was less Power of Faith in the Saints before Christ when the Doctrine of Faith was more fully revealed then was Faith it self more fully revealed in the hearts and lives of God's People 〈◊〉 3.23 Before Faith came saith the Apostle we were kept under the Law shut up unto the Faith which should afterwards be revealed Surely this implies there was a Time when there was less Faith in God's People and that was the Time of the Law 2. There was less Power of Love in the Saints before Christ according to the measure of our Faith so is our Love The less they knew the Loving-kindness of God towards them in Christ the less they loved It may be they were more drawn by the Terrours of the Law than by the Promises of Grace and therefore they had less Love in them 3. They had a less Measure of Comfort to carry them on in all their Troubles Christ exibited is called the Consolation of Israel and therefore the more Christ is imparted Luk 2.25 Acts. 9 31 the more means of Comfort Hence the Primitive Saints after Christ are said to walk in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost Certainly the Spirit was poured in less plenty on the faithful in the Old Testament because that benefit was reserved to the times of Christ who was first to receive the Spirit above measure in his humane Nature and thence to derive Grace to his Saints 6. In the darkness of that administration of Old Christ was but shadowed out to the Fathers in Types and Figures and dark Prophesies but now we see him with open Face 2 Co. 5.18 Observe the difference in reference to the person of Christ and to the Offices of Christ and to the benefits that come by Christ 1. Concerning the Person of Christ it was revealed to them that he should be God Isa 9 6. And that he should be man Isa 9.6 Isa 9.6 The same verse speaks of a Child that is born and of a mighty God But how he should be God and man in one person it was very darkly Revealed 2. Concerning the Offices of Christ his Mediatorship was Typed out by Moses his Priesthood was Typed out by Melchizedeck among the Canaanites and Aaron among the Jews his Prophetical Office was typed out by Noah a Preacher of Righteousness his Kingly Office was typed out by David but how dark these things were unto them we may guess by the Apostles who knew not he should Die who dreamed of an earthly Kingdom and till the Holy Ghost came were ignorant of many things pertaining to the Kingdom of God 3. Concerning the Benefits that come by Christ Justification was signified by the sprinkling of Blood and Sanctification by the water of Purification Heaven and glorification by their Land flowing
with Oyl Olive and Honey Thus the Lord shewed the Jews these principal Mysteries not in themselves but in Types and Shadows as they were able to see them from day to day But in the new Covenant Christ is offered to be seen in a fuller view the Truth and Substance and body of the things themselves is now exhibited Christ is clearly Revealed without any Type at all to be our Wisdom 2 Cor. 1.30 Righteousness Sanctification and Redemption 7. In the number of them that partake of the Covenant at first the Covenant was included in the Families of the Patriarchs and then within the Confines of Judea but now is the partition Wall betwixt Jew and Gentile broken down Rom. 3.29 and the Covenant of Grace is made with all Nations He is the God of the Gentiles also and not of the Jews only Christians here comes in our happiness Oh how thankful should we be that our Fathers for many Hundreds and Thousands of years together should sit in darkness and that we should partake of this Grace What that we that were Dogs before should now be set at the Childrens Table Acts 11.18 The very Jews themselves hearing of this are said to glorify God When they heard these things they held their peace and glorified God saying then hath God also to the Gentiles granted Repentance unto Life If they praised God for it how much more should we do it our selves But of that hereafter I have now propounded the Object we are to look unto it is Jesus as held forth in a way of Promise or Covenant in that dark time from the Creation till his first coming in the Flesh Our next Business is to direct you in the Art or Mystery of Grace how you are to look to Him in this respect CHAP. II. SECT Of knowing Jesus as carrying on the great work of our Salvation from the Creation until his first Coming LOoking comprehends knowing considering desiring c. as you have heard and accordingly that we may practise 1. We must know Jesus carrying on the great work of our Salvation in the beginning and from the beginning of the World Come let us learn what he did for us so early in the morning of this World He made it for us and he made us more especially for his own Glory but presently after we were made we sinned and marred the Image wherein God made us this was the saddest Act that ever was it was the undoing of man and without the mercy of God the damning of all Souls both of men and women to all Eternity and O my Soul know this for thy self thou wast in the loins of Adam at that same time so that what he did thou didst thou wast partaker of his Sins and thou wast to partake with him in his punishment but well maist thou say Blessed be God for Jesus Christ at the very instant when all should have been damned Christ intervened a Covenant of Grace is made with man and Christ is the Foundation in and through whom we must be reconciled unto God Come soul and study this Covenant of grace in reference to thy self had not this been where hadst thou been nay where had all the World been at this day Surely it concerns thee to take notice of this great Transaction After man had fallen by Sin Christ is promised that all the Saints might partake of Christ a Covenant is entred this at the beginning of the World was more dim but the nearer to Christs coming in the Flesh the more and more clearly it appeared Howsoever dimly or clearly thus it pleased God in Christ to carry on the great work of our Salvation at that time viz. by a Promise of Christ and by a Covenant in Christ and for thy better knowledge of it study the Promise made to Adam and Abraham and Moses and David and Israel Come Soul study these several breakings out of the Covenant of Grace Col. 1.26 it is worth thy pains it is a Mystery which hath been hid from Ages and from Generations but now is made manifest to the Saints Here lies the first and most firm Foundation of a Christians comfort if thou canst but study this and assure thy self of thy part in this thou art blessed for ever O how incomparably sweet and satisfying is it to a self-studying Christian to know the faithful engagements of the Almighty God through that Son of his Loves in a Covenant of Grace SECT II. Of Considering Jesus in that Respect 2. WE must consider Jesus carrying on the the great work of our Salvation in that dark time it is not enough to study it and know it but we must seriously muse and meditate and ponder and consider of it till we bring it to some profitable Issue This is the Consideration I mean when we hold our thoughts to this or that spiritual subject till we perceive success and the work do thrive and prosper in our hands Now to help us in this Gen. 3.15 1. Consider Jesus in the first Promise made to man It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel When all men were under guilt of sin and in the power of Satan and when thou my Soul wert in as bad a case as any other then to hear the sound of this glad tidings then to hear of Jesus a Saviour and Redeemer sure this was welcome News Come draw the case nearer to thy self thou wast in Adams Loins suppose thou hadst been in Adams stead Gen. 3.8 9 ● suppose thou hadst heard the Voice of the Lord walking in the Garding suppose thou hadst heard him call Adam where art thou Peter Andrew Thomas where art thou What hast thou eaten of the Tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat Why then Appear and come to judgment the Law is irrevocable Gen. 2.17 in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die there is nothing to be looked for but death temporal and death spiritual and death eternal O what a fearful condition is this no sooner to come into the world but presently to be turned over into Hell for one day to be Monarch of the World and of all Creatures in the world and the very next day to be a slave of Satan and to be bound hand and foot in a darksome dungeon for a few hours to live in Eden to enjoy every tree in the Garden Pleasant to the sight and good for food and then to enter into the confines of eternity and ever ever ever to be tormented with the Devil and his Angels Gen. 3.8 It is no wonder if Adam hid himself from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the Garden O my soul in that case thou would'st have cried to the Rocks Rev. 6.16.17 and to the Mountains fall on me and hide me from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne If God be angry who may abide it When the great day
I will live with you in this World and you shall live with me in the World to come O here was Blessed News Why this is Gospel pure Gospel this is the Glad Tidings Free Grace proclaims a Jesus and a Jesus is made up as it were all of Free-Grace O what Eternal Thanks do we owe to the Eternal God! If there had not been a Jesus to borrow that Expression made all of Grace of Grace it self we could never have had Dealing with God O how may we say with the Angels Glory to God Blessed be God for Jesus Christ But in this Conception of Christ are so many Wonders that e're we begin to speak them 1 Tim. 3.16 we may stand amazed Without Controversie great is the Mystery of Godliness God manifested in the Flesh Say Is it not a Wonder a Mystery a great Mystery a great Mystery without all Controversie that the Son of God should be made of a Woman even made of that Woman which was made by Himself Is it not a Wonder that her Womb then and that the Heavens now should contain Him whom the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Concerning this Conception of Christ I shall speak a little and but a little What Man can conceive much of this Conception which was a Conception without Help of Man Luke 1.35 Our greatest Light we borrow from the Angel who describes it thus The Holy-Ghost shall come upon thee and the Power of the Highest shall over-shadow thee Out of these Words observe 1. The Agent or Efficient 2. The Fruit or Effect 1. The Agent or Efficient Cause of Christ's Conception is the Holy-Ghost This agrees with that Speech of the Angel to Joseph Matth. 1.20 That which is Conceived in her is of the Holy-Ghost Here it may be demanded why the Conception of Christ should be ascribed to the Holy-Ghost which is common to all the Actions in the Trinity I answer Not to exclude the rest but first to shew it was the free Grace of God which is often termed the Holy-Ghost 2. Because the Father and the Son effected it by the Holy-Ghost so was it his Work immediately and in a special manner Good reason have we to be thankful to all the Three Persons to the Father for ordaining this Garment to the Holy-Ghost for weaving it to the Son for wearing it to the whole Deity for cloathing us with it and making us Righteous by it Neither yet is the Holy-Ghost Christ's Father he did not beget Him he did not form Him he did not minister Matter from his own Substance whereof Christ was made but took a part of Humane Nature from the Virgin and of that he made the Body of Christ within her Away with all gross Opinions and old Heresies This Conception of Christ was not by any Carnal Effusion of Seminal Humour but by way of Manufacture i. by Handy-work or Operation or Virtue of the Holy-Ghost or else by the Energetical Command and Ordination of the Holy-Ghost whereby that part of the Virgin 's Blood or Seed whereof the Body of Christ was to be framed was so cleansed and sanctified that in it there should be neither Spot nor Stain of Original Pollution 2. The Fruit or Effect was the Framing of Christ's Manhood in which we may observe the Matter and Manner 1. For the Matter Observe we the Matter of the Body and of the Soul of Christ 1. The Matter of the Body of Christ it was the very Flesh and Blood of the Virgin He was made of Woman saith the Apostle i. of the Flesh and Blood Gal. 4.4 Rom. 1.6 Substance of the Woman And He was made of the Seed of David saith the Apostle according to the Flesh otherwise He could not have been the Son of David according to the Flesh And if it be true which the Philosophers say That the Seed of the Man doth not fall into the Substance of the Child but only doth dispose the Seed of the Woman as a Workman frameth and disposeth his Work to make the same into the Form of a Man Why then I know not wherein the Conception of Christ should differ in the Matter at all from our Conception save only in the Agent or Worker of his Substance who was the Holy-Ghost 2. The Matter or Substance of the Soul of Christ was not derived from the Soul of the Virgin as a part thereof but it was made as the Souls of other Men be i. of nothing by the Power of God and so infused into the Body by the Hand of God But of these Things of His Body and Soul and Humane Nature we shall speak more largely in the next Section 2. For the manner of forming Christs humane Nature it was miraculous The Angel ascribes two actions to the Holy Ghost in this great work the one to come upon the Virgin the other to overshadow her by the first is signified the extraordinary work of the Holy Ghost in fashioning the humane Nature of Christ as it was said of Sampson Judg. 14.6 The spirit of the Lord came upon him i.e. the Holy Ghost inspired him with an extraordinary strength so the Spirit of the Lord came upon her i.e. the holy Ghost wrought in her in an extraordinary way As for instance in ordinary generation our substance and parts are framed successively by degrees as first the seminal humour becomes an Embryo then a body in organical then are fashioned the Liver Heart and Brain and then the rest one after another and it is at least forty days before the body of a Child be fully formed now it was otherwise with the Body of Christ for in the very instant of his conception he was made perfect in Body and Soul void of Sin and full of Grace in the very instant of his Conception he was perfectly framed and instantly united unto the eternal Word perfect God and perfect Man Surely this was extraordinary and this is the property of the Holy Ghost subito operari to work instantly and perfectly as soon as ever the flesh was conceived it was presently united Aug'l De fido ad Pet. c. 18. and made the flesh of the Son of God it was suddenly made perfectly made holily made The second action ascribed to the holy Ghost is adumbration or overshadowing of the Virgin this teacheth us that we should not search overmuch into this great Mystery Alas it is to high for us if the course of ordinary generation be a secret how past all comprehension is this extraordinary operation the holy Ghost did cast a shadow over the Virgin and withall a shadow over this Mystery why should we seek a clear light where God himself will have a shadow Chrys hom 5. I know the Word was made flesh saith Chrysostome but how he was made I know not 1. In way of confutation this word conception is the bane of divers heresies 1. That Vse 1 of the Manichee who held he had no true body if so
Blessed Object here is matter for it to work upon if thou canst possibly rejoyce in any thing at all O rejoyce in the Lord and again I say rejoyce Is there not cause read and spell what 's the meaning of the Gospel of Christ what is Gospel but Good spell or good tidings and wherein lies the good ridings according to its emency is it not in the glorious incarnation of the Son of God Luke 2.10.11 behold I bring you a Gospel so it is in the Original or behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all People for unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. The Birth of Christ to them that have but touched hearts is the comfort of comforts and the sweetest balm and confection that ever was Oh my Soul what ailes thee Why art thou cast down and disquieted within me Is it because thou art a sinner why unto thee is born a Saviour his Name is Saviour and therefore Saviour because he will save his people from their sins Come then and bring out thy Sins and weigh them to the utmost aggravation of them and take in every Circumstance both of Law and Gospel and set but this in the other Scale that unto thee is born a Saviour surely all thy iniquities will seem lighter than vanity yea they will be as nothing in comparison thereof My Soul doth Magnifie the Lord said Mary and my spirit rejoyceth in God my Saviour Luke 1.46.47 Her soul and her spirit within her rejoyced at this Birth of Christ there is cause that every Soul and every Spirit should rejoyce that hath any interest in this Birth of Christ O my soul how shouldest thou but rejoyce if thou wilt consider these particulars 1. God himself is come down into the World because it was impossible for thee to come to him he is come to thee this consideration made the Prophet cry out Rejoyce greatly O thou Daughter of Zion Z●ch 9.9 shout O Daughter of Jerusalem behold thy King cometh unto thee he is called a King and therefore he is able and he is thy King and therefore he is willing but in that thy King cometh unto thee here is the marvilous love and mercy of God in Christ Kings do not usually come to visit and wait upon their Subjects it is well if poor Subjects may come to them and be admitted into their Presence to wait on them O but see the great King of Heaven Earth the King of Kings and Lord of Lords stooping and bowing the heavens to come down to thee surely this is good tidings of great joy and therefore rejoyce greatly O Daughter of Zion A little joy is too scant and narrow for this news hearts should be enlarged the doors and gates should be set wide open for this King of Glory to come in as Balaam said of Israel God is with him and the shout of a King is amongst them Num. 23.21 so now may we say God is with us and the shout of a King is amongst us Rejoyce Zion Shout O Daughter of Jerusalem 2. God is come down in flesh he hath laid aside as it were his own Glory whilest he converseth with thee when God manifested himself as on Mount Sinai he came down in Thunder and Lightning and if now he had appeared in Thunder and Lightning if now he had been guarded with an innumerable Company of Angels all having their Swords of vengeance and justice drawn well might poor souls have trembled and have run into corners for who could ever be able to endure his coming in this way but lo poor Soul God is come down in flesh he hath made his appearance as a man as one of us and there is not in this regard the least distance betwixt him and us Surely this is fewel for joy to feed upon O why should God come down so sutably so lowly as in our nature if he would have thy poor soul to be afraid of him doth not this very design intend consolation to thy soul O gather up thy Spirit anoint thy heart with the Oyl of gladness see God himself is come down in flesh to live amongst us he professeth he will have no other life but amongst the Sons of men see what a sweet way of familiarity and entercourse is made betwixt God and us now he is come down in humane frailty 3. God hath took on him our Nature as a vast pipe to his Godhead that it may flow out in all manner of sweetness upon our hearts if God had come down in flesh only to have been seen of us Exod. 33.12 it had been a wonderful condescention and a great mercy if I have found favour in thy eyes said Moses shew me thy way that I may know thee but to come down in flesh and to come down in flesh not only to be seen but to dispatch the great business of our souls Salvation here 's comfort indeed with what joy should we draw water out of this well of salvation Surely the great reason of the shallowness of our Comforts shortness of our Hopes the faintness of our spirits the lowness of our Graces is from the not knowing or the not heeding of this particular Christ in flesh stands not for a Cypher but it is an Organ of life and grace unto us it is a fountain of comfort that can never run dry In this flesh there is laid in on purpose such a fulness of the Godhead that of his fulness we might receive in our measure grace for grace O my soul thou art daily busy in eying this and that but above all know that all the fulness God lies in Christ incarnate to be emptied upon thee this was the meaning of Christ taking on him flesh that through his flesh he might convey to thee whatsoever is in himself as God As for instance God in himself is Good and Gracious and Powerful and All-sufficient and Merciful and what not Now by his being in flesh he suites all this and conveyes all this to thee observe this for thy eternal comfort God in and through the flesh makes all his Attributes and Glory serviceable to thy soul 4. God in our Nature hath laid out the Model and Draught of what he will do unto all his Saints for ever humane nature was never so advanced before what to be glorified above the Angels to be united in a Personal union with the second person of the Godhead surely hence may be expected great matters here 's a fair step for the bringing of our Persons up to the enjoyment of God if God be come down in the likeness of man why then he will bring us up into the likeness of God look what was done to our nature in Christ the very same as far as we are capable shall be done to our persons in Heaven Think of it O my soul why hath God made flesh so
be one with him in a spiritual holy and a mystical union if God be not in our persons as truely though not as fully as in our nature we have no particular comfort from this design of his personal hypostatical and wonderful union 6. Christ was born so must we be new-born to this I have spoken when I laid it down as an evidence that unto us a Child is born and unto us a son is given only one word more we must be new born as once born by nature so new born by Grace there must be some resemblances in us of Christ born amongst us As 1. Christ born had a Father in Heaven and a Mother on Earth so in our new Birth we must look on God as our Father in Heaven and on the Church as our Mother on Earth it was usually said out of the Church no salvation and to this the Apostle alludes Jerusalem which is above is free Gal. 4.26 which is the Mother of us all indeed out of the Church there is no means of Salvation no Word to teach no Sacraments to confirm nothing at all to hold forth Christ to a soul and without Christ how should there be the Salvation of souls ●o that we must look on the Church as our Mother and on God as our Father not that we deny some to be as spiritual Fathers unto others Paul tells the Corinthians 1 Cor. 4.15 that he was their Father though yea have ten thousand instructers in Christ yet have ye not many Fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel but al●s such Fathers are but ministerial Fathers and therefore Paul seems to correct himself 1 Cor. 3.7 who is ●aul and who is Apollo but Ministers by whom yea believed even as the Lord gave to every man it is God only is our Father principally originally supreamly God only puts Grace and vertue into the womb of the Soul it is not possible that any creature should be a Creator of the new Creature O then let us look up to Heaven and say O Lord n●w make me n●w Create me O be thou my Father 2. When Christ was born all Jerusalem was troubled so when this new birth is we must look for it that much commotion and much division of heart will be the Devi● could not be cast out of the professed person but he would exc●edingly fear and ●orment and vex the poss●ssed person the truth is we cannot expect that Christ should expel Satan from those holds and dominions he hath over us but he will be sure to put us to great fear and terror in heart Besides not only the evil Spirit but Gods Spirit is for a while a Spirit of Bondage to make every thing as a mighty burden unto us there are many pr●tenders to the grace of God in Christ but they cannot abide to hear of any pains or pangs in this new Birth O this is legal but I pray thee tell me dost thou ever know any woman bring forth in her sleep or in a dream without feeling any pain and how then should the heart of man be thus new changed and moulded without several pangs look as it is in the natural birth there are many pangs and troubles in in sorrow shalt thou bring forth Children so it is and must be in our spiritual birth there is usually I will not say alwayes to such or such a degree many pangs and troubles there 's many a throb and many an heart-ach ere Christ can be formed in us 3. When Christ was born there was a discovery of many of the Glorious attributes of God then Mercy and Truth met together and righteousness and peace kissed each other then especially was a discovery of the Goodness and Power and Wisdom and Holiness of God So when this New Birth is we must look upon it as a glorious discovery of those lovely Attributes As 1. Of his Mercy Goodness Love how often is this called his Grace and the riches of his Grace Christians you that know what the New Birth means do you not say The Goodness of God appears in this surely it was Gods Goodness to make a World but this is the riches of his Goodness to create a New Heart in you when Man by his sin was fallen he might have been thrown away as refuse fit fuel only for everlasting flames it might have been with mankind as it was with Devils in their deluge God did not provide an Ark to save so many as eight persons not one Angel that fell was the Object of Gods Grace And that God should pass by all those Angels and many thousands of the Sons Men and yet that he should look upon you in your Blood and bid you Live O the goodness of God! 2. As of the Goodness so in this New Birth there 's a discovery of Gods power and hence it is called a New Creature The very same Power that framed the World Gal. 6.15 is the framer of this New Creature the work of Conversion is set forth by the Work of Creation God only creates Man and God only converts Man in the Creation God said Let there be Light and there was Light in our conversion God saith Let there be Light and presently the same God shines in our hearts Nay this Power of conversion in some sense far passeth the Creation To whom is the Arm of the Lo●d revealed Isa 53.1 the Lord puts to his Arm his Power his Strength indeed in Conversion of Souls when he made the World he met with nothing to resist him he only spake the word and it was do●e but in the conversion of a sinner God meets with the whole frame of all creatures opposing and resisting him the Devil and the World without and sin and corruption within here then must needs be a Power against all Power 3. As of the Goodness and Power of God so in this New Birth there 's a discovery of the Wisdom of God I might instance in many particulars As 1. In that the regenerate are most-what of the meanest and contemptiblest persons not many wise 1 Cor. 1.27 not many noble c. 2. In that many times God takes the worst Weeds and makes them the sweetest Flowers thus Paul Zacheus the Publicans and Harlots 3. In that the regenerate are of the fewest and least number many are called but few are chosen 4. In that God chooseth such a time to be his time of love wherein he usually discovers many concurrences of strange love meeting together read Ezek. 16.4 5 6 8 9. in all these particulars is his Wisdom wonderful 4. As of the Goodness Power and Wisdom of God so in this New Birth there 's a discovery of the holiness of God If a clod of Earth or a piece of Muck should be made a glorious Star in Heaven it is not more wonderful than for a sinner to be made like an Angel doing the Will of God it argues the
Holiness of God and his love of Holiness to make man holy He tells us that without Holiness none shall see God and therefore fi●st he will make us holy and then he will bring us to himself O here 's a blessed Conformity as Christ was Born let us be New Born 7. Christ after his Birth did and suffered many things in his Childhood I should be too large to spea● to every particular so should we learn to bear Gods Yoak even in our Youth It is good to imitate Christ even betimes Lam. 3.27 Eccles 12.1 Rememb●r now thy Creator in the dayes of thy Youth while the evil dayes come not nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say I have no pleasure in them Do ye not see by experience what a blessed thing a gracious and an holy education is Train up a Child in the way he should go Prov. 22.6 and when he is old he will not depart from it O ye Parents that ye should do your duties and in that respect imitate Joseph and Mary in their care and nature of the Holy Child Jesus and O ye Children that you would do your duties and imitate Jesus the Blessedst pattern that ever was that as you grow in Stature Luke 2.52 you also might grow in favour with God and Man Observe him in the Temple when he was but twelve years Old see Him in the midst of the Doctors both hearing them and asking them Questions Children whiles little if but capable of instruction should with their Parents wait on God in the midst of our assemblies Exod. 10.9 Mos●s told Pharoah they must have their young ones with them to the solemn Worship and when Joshua read the Law of God to the Congregation of Israel Josh 8.35 they had their little ones with them in that solemn assembly Observe Christ also in Nazareth where during his minority he was ever subject to his Parents so Children obey your Parents in the Lord Eph. 6.1 2. for this is right not only the Law of God but the Gospel of Christ makes mention of this Honour thy father and Mother which is the first Commandment with Promise I know the subjection of Christs extends to his particular calling and this also is for your imitaion in obedience to his supposed Father the Holy Child would have a particular employment something must be done for the support of that holy Family wherein Jesus lived and to that purpose he puts to his own hands and works in the trade of a Carpenter such as will live idle and without a calling that serve for no other use but to devour Gods Creatures and to make a dearth O how unlike are they to Jesus Christ It is noted for a grievous sin and a chief part of the corruption of our nature to be unprofitable to the Generation with whom we live They are altogether become unprofitable Rom. 3.12 there is none that doth good Religion and Grace where ever it prevaileth makes Men profitable and in this respect the poorest Servant and drudge may have more comfort in his estate than the greatest Gentleman that hath nothing to do but to Eat and Drink and Play Thus far we have looked on Jesus as our Jesus in his Incarnation or his first coming in the Flesh Our next work is to look on Jesus carrying on the great work of Mans Salvation during his life from John's Baptism until his suffering and dying on the Cross LOOKING UNTO JESUS In His Life The Fifth Book PART II. CHAP. I. 1 John 1.2 For the Life was manifested and we have seen it SECT I. Of the Beginning of the Gospel IN this piece as in the former we must first lay down the Object and then direct you how to look to it The Object is Jesus carrying on the work of Mans Salvation during the time of his Life Now in all the transactions of this time we shall observe them as they were carried on successively in those three years and an half of his ministerial Office or if you will in those four compleat Years before his Passion and Death For the first Year and his actings therein the Evangelist Mark begins thus Mark 1.1 The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God q. d. the beginning of that age of the World which the Prophets pointed out for the time of good things to come or the beginning of the exhibition and completion of that Gospel which in respect of the promise figures and signification was from the beginning of the World This beginning of the Gospel the Prophets sometimes expressed by the term of the last dayes Isa 2.2 and it shall come to pass in the last dayes sometimes by the term of the acceptable year of the Lord the Spirit of the Lord is upon me to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord Mica 4.1 sometimes by the term of the Kingdom of God And in the dayes of these Kings Isa 61.1 2. Dan. 2.44 Isa 65.17 shall the God of Heaven set up a Kingdom which shall never be destroyed Sometimes by the term of a New Heaven and a New Earth behold I create New Heavens and a New Earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come in mind Howsoever it is called this is concluded that the beginning of the Gospel is not to be reckoned from the birth of Christ but from the beginning of the Ministry and Preaching of John the Baptist Mat. 11.12 15. from the dayes of John the Baptist untill now said Christ the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence for all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John and when the Apostles were ready in the Room of Judas to choose a new Apostle it is said Act. 11.21 22. that of those men which companied with them all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out amongst them beginning from the baptism of John unto the day that he was taken up must one be ordained to be a witness And Peter Preaching to Cornelius and his friends Acts 10.37 he tells them that the Word or Gospel was published throughout all Judea and began from Galilee after the Baptism which John preached Mark 1.1 2. and see but how immediately these words follow The beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God as it is written in the Prophets behold I send my Messenger before thy face which shall prepare the way before thee I know that Johns Ministry was six months before Christ's and yet that now was the beginning of the Gospel it appears 1. In that Baptism which was only used amongst the Jews for the admission of Proselites or Heathens to their Church is now published and proposed to the Jews themselves shewing 1. That now they were to be entred and transplanted into a new Profession and 2. That the Gentiles and they were now to be knit into one Church and Body And 2. It appears in that the Doctrine