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A15395 An antilogie or counterplea to An apologicall (he should haue said) apologeticall epistle published by a fauorite of the Romane separation, and (as is supposed) one of the Ignatian faction wherein two hundred vntruths and slaunders are discouered, and many politicke obiections of the Romaines answered. Dedicated to the Kings most excellent Maiestie by Andrevv Willet, Professor of Diuinitie. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1603 (1603) STC 25672; ESTC S120023 237,352 310

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great many of other diseases Christ and his Apostles were but bunglers in working miracles to these if they may haue their saying Origen to Celsus who counted it as a fable that Christ raised some from the dead maketh this answere Si fabulosa haec essent multos resurrexisse finxisset If these things were fabulous they would haue fained more to haue risen whereas now three onely are said to haue been raised We may therefore worthily doubt of these straunge reports of miracles wherein they haue no measure bringing foorth such a beadrole of them Thirdly we haue the aduersaries owne confession who themselues suspect the credit of these tales therefore Alexander the 3. forbiddeth a certaine Popish saint to bee worshipped although miracles were done by him without the authoritie of the Church of Rome Innocentius 3. also decreeth that Prelates should not suffer those which come to their Churches to be deceiued varijs figmentis aut falsis documentis with diuers figments and cousening trickes The Abbot of Clumack testifieth that he noted foure and twentie lies in the song of Benedict as he sung it in the Church Espencaeus a learned Papist holdeth that to be but a fable reported by Christianus Massaeus lib. 8. Chronic. of Trophimus that hauing buried his wife in a rocke dying in trauell with the childe sucking at her breasts two yeere after sailing that way found her aliue and the childe sucking Many fables are current among the Ignatian Fathers of the straunge visions which their founder Ignatius Layola had As how he was rapt into heauen where hee saw the Trinitie in three persons and one essence how the tooles and paterne were shewed vnto him whereby God made the world how at the eleuation of the hoast he saw Iesus Christ in it in bodie and flesh iust as he was vpon the earth c. The like stuffe they haue vented of Xauiere one of the Ignatian sect who wrought great wonders among the Indians how he raised sixe dead men to life how sending a little child with a crosse to one possessed with diuels they went out fretting at this most of all quod per puerū pellebantur because they were cast out by a child as saith the fabulous author How a diuell being cast foorth scratched him by the back and bellie as he prayed to the Virgine Mary that he was constrained to keepe his bed till the skin was healed How when he was dead a blind man by rubbing his hand vpon his eies receiued his sight how with his whip wherewith he vsed to beate himselfe and a piece of his girdle an infinite number of diseases were cured All these tales though magnified by Bellarmine who is readie to take any occasion to grace his own order yet by other Papists not so light of credit are reiected as meere fables and old wiues tales as they well deserue Fourthly many of these Monkish miracles and Frierlie fables are ridiculous and not beseeming the grauitie of right holie men such is that of Dunstanes holding the diuell by the nose with a paire of tongs and of the diuell scratching Xauiere by the backe Are not these very worthie matters thinke you to bee registred Such tooles Hierome calleth Prandiorum coenarumque fabulas table talke and mimum Philistionis vel Marilli stropham he compareth them to Philistions iests who made verses to moue laughter and died of laughing or Marillus toyes Fiftly the end of these Popish miracles is to be considered which is not to perswade faith in Iesus Christ or to stirre vp to godlines of life which was intended by our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles in their miracles But this was the drift of them to confirme their owne superstitious deuises in the adoration of Images inuocation of Saints visiting the tombes of the dead worshipping their reliques and such like This difference Origen well obserued betweene the miracles of the Christians and the Pagans Magorum nemo per ea quae facit sicut Iesus ex rebus quas factitârit mirandis ad morū imitationem inuitat None of the Magicians by their miraculous workes as Christ did by his doe moue men to amendment of their manners May we not now iustly wonder that any are so simple to giue credit to such grosse fables but that it is a iust iudgement of God vpon those that will not receiue the truth to beleeue lies These false teachers as Ambrose saith Per ea quae placida sunt suadent foeda By pleasing tales perswade beastly stuffe And their blind schollers as Hierome sayth sub martyris nomine bibunt de aureo calice Babylonis vnder the colour of martyrs and of their miracles do drinke of the whore of Babylons golden cup but like as Satyrus the Sauian his friends are said to haue stopped his eare with waxe that he should not heare the rayling speech of his aduersaries so men had more neede to stop their eares against these flattering and pleasing tales as against the Syrene songs But I haue stayed too long in raking in this channell and stirring in this dunghill of popish legends The seauenth Perswasion 1 I Defend not a religion tossed and tennised vp and downe with so many bounds and rebounds both in head and members contayning so many falsities by their owne proceedings 2 So many contradictions in essentiall things as there be essentiall questions 3 Neither do what it could hauing the temporall sword hath hitherto condemned vs. 4 But a religion which in the space almost of 1600. yeares neuer changed one point of doctrine neuer admitted error in faith or the least contradiction therein either in decree of Pope or confirmed Councell The Disswasion 1 ANd I defend that religion which hath not beene tossed vp and downe chopped or changed in head or members as this alogisticall discourser sclandereth the Gospell but hath continued one and the same for these 60. yeares since the first abolishing of the Masse in England all which time the profession of the Protestants in England in the substantiall points of faith hath not altered hitherto neyther I trust shall hereafter The Communion booke hath been but once altered among vs all this while whereas the forme of the Masse in the Romane profession hath beene often chopped and changed patched and pieced by adding to it and taking from it which was for the space of 700. yeares in fining and refining before it came to that deformed perfection which now it hath Reade Platina and Polidore Virgil there shall you finde how and by whome and in what processe of time euery part of the Masse was deuised 2 Which conteyneth neither falsities nor contradictions in any essentiall points as poperie doth neither shall this trifler be able to shew any such falsitie or cōtrarietie who herein and euery where almost would haue vs take his owne word as though he were the
2 But a religion that hath in euery state a remedie for those that haue offended for the state of all till they come to such discretion and iudgement as may be cause of sinne the sacrament of baptisme both taking originall offence away and arming the soule against new and actuall infections 3 To confirme the former grace c. the sacrament of confirmation 4 To feede and foster all estates the sacrament of the most holie bodie and bloud of Christ. 5 The sacrament of penance for the cure and comfort of all offenders 6 The sacrament of extreame vnction to auoide the relikes of sinne and giue strength in that extremitie 7 For particular helpes and assistance to particular states particular sacraments the sacrament of Orders and of Matrimonie c. The disswasion 1. ANd wee defend a religion which doth not separate man from God as this Libeller belieth it but teacheth faith in Christ whereby wee are reconciled vnto God and are at peace with him Rom. 5.1 Not that religion which separateth from God in destroying faith which ioyneth vs to God in teaching iustification by workes whereby faith is euacuated as the Apostle saith Ye are euacuated from Christ whosoeuer are iustified by the law Galath 5.4 But that religion which preacheth faith in Iesus Christ which is both a remedie for sinnes past in the remission of them We are sanctified and iustified in the name of the Lord Iesus 1. Cor. 6.11 And a preseruatiue also from further offending for the grace of God teacheth vs to denie vngodlines and worldly lusts Tit. 2.12 Which faith for the remission of sinnes is sealed and confirmed in the most holie Communion which the Popish sort denieth properly to be ordained for remission of sinnes contrarie to the words of our Sauiour who in the institution of this Sacrament saith directly this is the bloud of the new Testament that is shed for many for remission of sinnes Mat. 26.28 This faith is both preached and practised in this religion which they vndoubtedly haue attained vnto which haue beleeued and are carefull to shew good workes Titus 3.8 But this iustifying faith by the grounds of Popish religion cannot be had seeing they teach that for a man to be sure of his saluation by faith is a faithlesse perswasion and the faith of diuels and yet such was S. Pauls faith whereby he was perswaded that nothing could separate him from the loue of God in Christ. 2. I maintaine a religion which leaueth not infants dying before baptisme without remedie and condemneth them to hell for the want thereof without their fault as the Church of Rome doth but euen comprehendeth such infants being the seede of the faithfull vnder the couenant of Gods grace who hath promised I will be thy God and the God of thy seede which maketh not Baptisme vnperfect onely to serue for sinnes going before Baptisme but extendeth the efficacie thereof as well to sins following after as past before For as Circumcision was a seale of the righteousnes of faith Rom. 4.11 so likewise is Baptisme by which through faith in the bloud of Christ both our sinnes before and after Baptisme are forgiuen Which doth not allow women lay men Turkes Iewes and Infidels to baptize as the Romanists doe whereas Christ gaue this power onely to Ministers and teachers Goe teach all nations c. baptizing them c. Which doth not prophane this Sacrament in baptizing of Bels as they doe neither doth contaminate it with the humane additions of spittle salt oyle Can any man forbid water saith S. Peter that these should not be baptized then they onely vsed water 3. Which doth not bring in new Sacraments not instituted by Christ and his Apostles as are those of Confirmation Penance extreame Vnction Orders Matrimonie but onely contenteth it selfe with two Sacraments of Christs ordaining Baptisme and the Lords Supper because we finde no more of Christs institution which doth not adde more strength against the diuell to their deuised sacrament of Confirmation then to Baptisme a Sacrament of Christs institution neither giueth vertue to Chrisme tempered of oyle and balme with the signe of the crosse which are but terrene and externall things against spirituall tentations as they doe for the weapons of our warfare are not carnall 2. Corinth 10.4 but exhorteth Christians to put on the whole armour of God the shield of faith the sword of the spirit the word of God with the rest whereby they may bee able to resist in the euill day By this meanes is a faithfull man armed and confirmed against spirituall tentations 4. That religion which mangleth not the Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ robbing the faithfull communicants of the cup the one part thereof nor yet teacheth that wicked men doe eate the bodie of Christ neither forceth the glorious bodie of Christ from heauen into the forme of a piece of bread neither saith that this sacrament was not ordained properly for remission of sinnes neither that it is auaileable without the faith of the receiuer by the action and worke it selfe done all which positions the profession of the Romane sect maintaineth But which according to Christs institution exhibiteth the holie Sacrament in both kindes of bread and wine according to the first institution Matth. 26.28 and teacheth onely the faithfull to be partakers by faith of Christs bodie and bloud as our Sauiour saith He that eateth me shall liue by me Ioh. 6.57 which affirmeth that Christs bodie is not in earth but in heauen Act. 3.21 And that the speciall vse of this Sacrament is to confirme our faith in Christ for the remission of sinnes Matth. 26.28 and that least men should be secure it profiteth no man vnlesse hee examine himselfe whether he be in the faith 1. Cor. 11.28 5. That religion which doth not enioyne men of necessitie to make confession of all their secret sinnes into the eares of the Priest with an opinion to merit by it nor yet imposeth vpon them penall workes thereby to satisfie the iustice of God for the punishment due vnto their sinne But which teacheth men to confesse vnto God I acknowledge my sinne vnto thee c. and thou forgauest the punishment of my sinne Psal. 32.5 to challenge Gods mercie not our merits According to the multitude of thy mercies put away mine offences Psal. 51.1 and to hope for satisfaction to Godward onely in the death of Christ He was wounded for our transgression c. with his stripes are we healed Isay. 53.5 6. Which doth not imitate without ground the Apostles annoynting of the sick with oyle which was a signe for that time of the miraculous gift of healing for whom they anoynted they healed Mark 6.13 Neither thinketh to cure spirituall maladies with bodily bathings as though the suppling of the bodie were a supplie to the soule neither doth it leaue the sicke remedilesse
so ample in iurisdiction that no temporall Prince Christian or Infidell no professor of regiment in ecclesiasticall causes c. was by many degrees possessed of so large a regiment 8. Our priuate Priests the most reuerend and learned fathers of the societie of Iesus are honoured of the greatest Princes in the world c. The disswasion 1. NEither doe I defend that religion that diuideth the militant and triumphant Church in robbing God of his honour in giuing it to Angels and Saints against their wils who refused to bee worshipped here in earth as the Angell of Iohn and Peter of Cornelius And therefore God requireth no such honour to be giuen vnto them so that as our Sauiour saith of Moses There is one which accuseth you euen Moses in whom ye trust euen so the Angels and Saints shall be witnesses and accusers of popish superstitious worshippers who honour the creature in steed of the Creator But the religion which Protestants professe and I defend doth make but one familie in heauen and in earth Ephes 3.15 ioyning them together in an holie societie and communion we in earth giuing thankes for them whom God hath deliuered from these terrene miseries and they longing to see vs also with the whole Church to be made partakers of their ioy As Cyprian saith Magnus illic charorum numerus nos expectat parentum fratrum filiorum de salute sua securi de nostra solliciti A great number of our friends doth there looke for vs of our parents brethren sonnes secure of their saluation and sollicitous for ours Other entercourse betweene the Church militant and triumphant there is none neither of our prayers to them that were superstitious for the Lord saith Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee Psal. 50.15 nor of their help and assistance to vs that were superfluous God is able alone and sufficient to defend his Church as the Angell saith None holdeth with me in these things in the defence of the Church but Michael your prince which is Christ. Dan. 10.21 2. Which doth not that wrong to the faithfull departed to thrust them downe into the extreame paines of purgatorie which they say exceede all the paines of this life when as the Scripture saith that they which dye in the Lord doe from thencefoorth rest from their labours and all teares are wiped from their eyes They neede not therefore any reliefe from the liuing being in ioy and happines 3. Which doth not make any representation of Christ by Images for wee are commaunded not to corrupt our selues in making any grauen image or representation of any figure Deuter. 4.16 Neither doth it presume to offer vp Christ in sacrifice as the Papall priesthood doth because the Scripture saith that Christ doth not offer himselfe often but he appeared once to put away sinne by the sacrifice of himselfe And with one offering hath hee consecrated for euer them that are sanctified But our religion prescribeth the holie Sacrament of the bodie and bloud of Christ to bee vsed according to his institution in his remembrance as our Sauiour himselfe saith Doe this in remembrance of me Whereupon it was thus concluded and resolued in a generall Councell Ecce viuificantis illius corporis imaginem totam panis scilicet substantiam quam mandauit apponi Behold the whole or all the image of that quickening bodie the substance of bread which he commaunded to be vsed We haue then no other commemoration or representatiue image of Christ but onely the Sacrament celebrated according to his owne institution As for blasphemous swearing by instruments of our redemption though too many among Protestants are addicted to that euill custome yet he might haue bin ashamed to obiect it to vs knowing how common a thing it is among Papists to sweare as it appeareth by their own Synode which thus complaineth Quo colore nunc consuetudo passim iurantium in omni negotio excusari possit non videmus With what colour the custome of such which sweare vpon euerie occasion can be excused wee see not Those sacrilegious oathes to sweare by the Masse by the crosse nailes bodie bloud of Christ his wounds by S. Peter S. Anne S. Mary and the rest where els had they their beginning but in Poperie Yea it seemeth that swearing by such is not onely vsuall among them but commendable also for one Sanpaulinus for reprouing one of swearing was suspected to be a Lutherane and thereupon further examined sifted condemned and burned at Paris ann 1551. 4. It is also vntrue that there is no consecration or distinction of callings among vs for both Bishops haue their consecration from the Metropolitane with his Suffraganes and Ministers their ordination from their Ordinaries by imposition of hands which ought to be and is assisted with other Presbyters The Prince doth not challenge any power or authoritie of the Ministrie of any diuine offices in the Church or to conferre orders or consecration but onely by the Letters Patents conferreth the temporalties of Bishoprickes the Metropolitane with his assistance consecrateth as other Patrones present to benefices and the Ordinarie instituteth And this hath been the ancient vse and custome of England and prerogatiue of the Crowne that licence should be demaunded of the King to chuse and his royall consent to be had after election made as it is euident in diuers ancient statutes 5. As for the Papall Hierarchie it is altogether imperfect and out of order 1. The office of the Pope is iniurious and Antichristian taking vpon him to haue iurisdiction and prerogatiue ouer all other Bishops contrarie both to the Scriptures which gaue vnto all the Apostles the same authoritie and to them al the keyes were equallie committed and power to binde and loose Mat. 18.18 And to the Canons for Nicen. 1. can 6. parilis mos the like custome and iurisdiction is decreed to the Patriarke of Alexandria as to the Bishop of Rome Chalcidonens action 16. equall priuiledges are yeelded to Constantinople which is called new Rome as to old Rome The like may be shewed out of the eight first generall Councels The offices of Archbishops and Bishops as wee condemne not absolutely when they are vsed not as titles of ambition but as holesome meanes to preserue vnitie as they should be exercised among Protestants so in the Papall policie wee mislike them being but the Popes creatures and fit props to vphold his Antichristian and vsurped power But concerning your seuen orders of Priests Deacons Subdeacons Acolythists Readers Exorcists Doorekeepers wee hold them as superfluous and vnnecessarie seruices The Apostle sheweth that Christ hath giuen some to be Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some pastors some teachers for the gathering together of the Saints for the worke of the Ministrie for the edification of the bodie of Christ c. If these bee sufficient to
Priests do rightlie conclude to be false and vnchristian Ibid. 4 Parsons affirmeth that the consideration of Catholike religion is the principall point in the succession to the Crowne Manifest fol. 63. a. And he seemeth to conclude that succession by birth and bloud is neither of the lawe of God or nature Quodlib p. 30. The Priests hold the contrarie that Catholikes are not bound to stand for a Catholike competitor vnlesse there concurre the right of succession Reply f. 76. a. 5 The Priests affirme We are most confident not onely in the excellencie of our Priesthood but also in the assurance that we in the execution haue a sufficient direction of Gods spirit 6 Parsons calleth this high presumption of heretikes and denieth both that by their character only Priests were made secure from erring and so consequently the sacrament of orders not to conferre grace which is a popish ground as also that they cannot haue such assurance of Gods spirit Manifest fol. 87. a. b. 7 Parsons saith that in Gods high prouidence we find the necessitie and ineuitabilitie of many accidents Manifest fol. 100.1 The Priests say these words taste vnsauourie if not hereticallie to put absolute necessitie and ineuitabilitie in those actions which are subiect to mans wil and reason Replie fol. 98. a. 8 Parsons saith that this position that the life and estate of secular Priests is more perfect then the state of religious men which the Priests maintaine is refuted and condemned not onely by Thomas Aquinas but by S. Chrysostome and other writers of that time Manifest fol. 104. b. 9 The Priests call Parsons interpretation of that place of S. Iohn Trie the spirit c. false and hereticall thereby leading his Reader into a presumptuous error of iudging all both men and matters Replie fol. 101. b. 10 The Priests hold that the Pope as an Ecclesiasticall Magistrate hath no power to moue warre for religion against any tēporal Prince or for whatsoeuer cause or pretence c. and that they would oppose themselues against him if he should come in person in any such attempt and that they will reueale whatsoeuer they shall know therein Imp. consyd p. 38. Parsons full like himselfe calleth these positions pernicious erronious hereticall Manifest f. 13. b. 11. The Priests doubt not to say that the Pope was not endued with the worthie gift of the holy Ghost tearmed discretio spirituum discerning of spirits and that he was deceiued in setting vp the Archpriest Relat. p. 57. Imp. consyd p. 11. Parsons stifly maintaineth the Pope not to haue erred herein Manifest 76. b. In diuers other points these two Popish sects doe differ as may bee gathered out of their late polemicall writings and inuectiues set foorth by one against the other And three hundred more of these contradictions and diuersities of opinion in matters of faith and doctrine which haue been and are in the Romane Church might be brought foorth but that it were needlesse these fewe examples being sufficient to conuince the aduersarie of error and superfluous this being elsewhere in another worke performed whither I pray the Reader to haue recourse Is not this then a shamelesse man that hath told vs so many lies together and blusheth not to abuse such honourable persons with his Frierly glosses if his necke were not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an yron sinew and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his face brasse as the Prophet saith he would neuer haue faced out such manifest vntruths But he may be very well compared to raging and running brooks which as Basile saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as they runne carrie euerie thing along which they meete with So doth this bragger huddle vp together whatsoeuer is in his way be it true or false And they thinke it a good piece of seruice if they may with straining and ouerreaching bolster out a bad cause much like to some that Hierome speaketh of who thought they might make bold with their disciples Nos qui necdum initiati sumus audire debere mendacium ne parnuli lactentes solidioris cibi edulio suffocemur And that we which are hardly yet entred must heare lyes least being yet but little ones and sucklings wee might be choaked with stronger meate But though their disciples are credulous and will beleeue them vpon their word they haue small reason to thinke that wise and graue persons will be so easily deceiued The third Probation IN the third place the Epistler seemeth to reason thus that if a man may doubt to giue assent to any religion where there is such diuersitie this being but a speculatiue consent of faith onely exacting an agreement of the vnderstanding how much more doubt and difficultie wil be made c. for the obtaining of heauen c. His reason if it be any standeth thus It is an hard matter among Protestants to make choice of the right faith which consisteth onely in the vnderstanding Ergo it is an harder matter among them to obtaine heauen The Solution 1. IT is no hard matter among Protestants to discerne of the true religion seeing they make the Scriptures the rule of their faith but among Papists it is doubtfull seeing they refuse to bee tried onely by the Scriptures which they blasphemously affirme not to containe all things necessarie to saluation but they runne vnto vncertaine and doubtfull traditions and so as the Apostle saith they measure themselues by themselues where then the rule is crooked such as are their humane traditions how can that be straight which is measured by it But we say with Augustine Regula est illa Our rule is the will of God contained in the Scriptures stet regula quod prauum est corrgatur ad regulam Let the rule stand the word of God and let that which is amisse be corrected according to that rule 2. Neither is there such diuersitie of opinion or multitude of diuisions among Protestants and thereupon such manifest and apparant daunger of a false election as is shewed before And it is an absurd and grosse thing in a disputer still to begge the thing in question He may take himselfe by the nose and his fellow Friers that make among them aboue an hundred sects one holdeth of Francis another of Benedict another of Austine another of Ignatius the founder of the Iesuites like as among the Corinthians some held of Paul some of Apollo some of Cephas So that that saying of Hierome fitteth the Popish professors Nunc quoque mysterium iniquitatis operatur garrit vnusquisque quod sentit Now the mysterie of iniquitie worketh and euery man pratleth his owne fansie 3. Neither is faith onely an act of the vnderstanding and a speculatiue consent If your Popish faith bee nothing els the diuell may well be one of your Catholikes for hee in his knowledge and vnderstanding beleeueth there is a God and consenteth that the Scriptures are true and the historie of
Christs natiuitie death and resurrection he knoweth and confesseth But the right Christian faith beside the illumination of the vnderstanding maketh an assured confidence of the heart and setleth the conscience and maketh vs at peace with God and by this faith euery one that vnfainedly seeketh God beleeueth that he will reward them as the Apostle saith He that commeth vnto God must beleeue that he is and that he will reward those that seeke him Here are two parts of faith expressed a knowledge that God is and a beleefe or assurance that God will reward his seekers and followers 4. The argument proposed concludeth well against Papists that he which is doubtfull of faith is much more doubtful to obtaine heauē for a man may haue their speculatiue faith yet be no whit neerer to heauen nor sure thereof But the right faith which Protestants professe doth put them euen while they liue in assurance and in some sort in possession of the kingdome of heauen as our Sauiour saith He that beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but is escaped from death to life Wherefore it is an hard and difficult matter with Papists to obtaine heauen or to be assured thereof though they haue the Popish faith But with Protestants after they be endued with a liuely iustifying faith there is no doubt or difficultie in obtaining the reward for we are kept by the power of God through faith to saluation and the end of our faith is the saluation of our soules He therefore that is in the way of faith is sure to come vnto the end which is saluation I may therefore vse against this Romanist the words of Basile You are guiltie of that which you accuse in another It is an hard matter for your followers to obtaine or be sure of heauen and therfore you iudge so of the Protestants But as Augustine saith Quisquis adhuc malus non putet neminem bonum esse Let not him that is euill thinke no man good Because Popish religion is desperate and comfortlesse thinke not euery religion to be so The fourth Probation THe argument here vrged may be framed thus He whom all or most denie to haue title or interest to a kingdome will faintly take it in hand The Protestants make the kingdom of God vncertaine improbable impossible to be obtained and so denie men to haue interest to it Ergo they are the cause that few aduenture so certaine and painfull a worke for so vncertaine and doubtfull recompence The Solution 1. TO the proposition this may bee answered that although in terrene kingdoms where a title is denied of all there is small hope to obtaine because to a temporall inheritance admittance is by temporall meanes and entrance to kingdomes is made by the fauour and assistance of vnited friends yet moued by the iustnes of the title as the Wiseman saith In the multitude of the people is the honour of the King and for the want of people commeth the destruction of a Prince yet in the obtaining of the kingdome of heauen the case is farre diuers for the children of God haue good title vnto it and great interest in it and will earnestly contend and striue for it though all the world say nay as Elias was not dismaied in his course though he thought himselfe to be left alone and to be forsaken of all men 2. It is an impudent slaunder that the Protestants make the kingdome of God vncertaine improbable or impossible to be obtained these are the proper badges of the Popish Church For how doe not they make the kingdome of God vncertaine when they teach that the certitude of remission of sinnes is a vaine confidence and void of all godlines and others call it a faithlesse perswasion of saluation for a man to be assured by faith that hee shall be saued How is it not also improbable seeing if any among thē are likely to goe to heauen their Popes whom they call holy Fathers Christs Vicars hauing S. Peters keyes to whom the spirituall treasure of the Church is committed to whom it belongeth to canonize Saints who are priuiledged not to erre they in all reason and probabilitie should be most sure to goe to heauen Is it probable that they can open heauen to others and commaund the Angels to carrie other mens soules to heauen that they can canonize others and bee excluded heauen themselues And yet they dare pronounce of some of their Popes and those not the worst that they are damned as Bellarmine is reported to haue said to an English Doctor of Sixtus the last that descendit ad infernum that hee was gone to hell as farre as he could conceiue or vnderstand Yea by their doctrine the kingdome of heauen is impossible to bee had seeing they doe ascribe it to mens workes and merits for this I dare by warrant of the Scriptures affirme that he which maketh account to purchase heauen by his workes and not to obtaine it by faith is not like to come thither For by the workes of the law no flesh shall be iustified This obiection then might well haue bin spared which reboundeth back vpō their own face Thus are they snared in their owne words and so it falleth out vnto this brabler as it is in Iob He that speaketh many words shall be answered againe If hee be loth to haue the nakednes of his mother discouered he should haue followed Hieromes saying Vis me tacere ne accuses depone gladium ego scutum abijciam Would you haue vs quiet you should not haue accused vs if you had laid downe your sword I should not haue needed to take vp a shield Clitarchus could haue told you Vtter not those things which you are loth to heare your selfe The fift Probation THe Mahometanes were neuer more wicked then after the Persian schisme and diuision amongst them Likewise the Iewes were diuided into many sects and religions at the comming of Christ Samaritanes Pharisies Sadduces Essenes c. whereby that nation c. was drowned and ouerwhelmed in such monstrous and erronious iniquities The conclusion must be Ergo Protestants being so diuided are most wicked c. The Solution FIrst this argument is denied for though among the Infidels and misbeleeuers such as the Turkes are and the Iewes were at the comming of Christ where none hold the truth but al are in error diuisions and sects make them worse yet is it not so among those which professe the trueth 1. For there the diuersitie of sects and the springing and publishing of heresies doth make the defence of the truth more glorious and the defenders therof more faithfull and constant as the Apostle saith There must be heresies euen among you that they which are approoued among you may be knowne 2. And yet in the meane time the authors of schisme
Merchants If it should not England hath no cause to repent of her bargaine though she had bought the Gospell yet more dearely with the losse of all traffique and entercourse with other nations For be it knowne vnto you ye Popelings that this land neuer florished more with all kind of blessings then since it hath been vnder Gods blessing by the Gospell and the Popes curse Neither would we for all the world be in the like condition as we were in the 22. of King Henry the 8. We thanke God for this happie change hartely pray that in this change we neuer know any other change vntill the world change that as the Apostle sayth Wee may keepe the commandemēts without spot and vnrebukeable vntill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ 1. Timoth. 6.4 that as Origen well sayth Ignis semper ardebat super altare sic semper nobis ignis fidei lucerna scientiae accensa sit That as the fire alwayes burned vpon the altar so the light of faith and lanterne of knowledge may alwayes shine vnto vs in this land And as Augustus Caesar said to Piso that builded his house most curiously and sumptuously You reioyce my heart building so as though Rome should last for euer I trust God shall so direct the heart of our chiefe builder in this Church of England to lay such a foundation that Gods house among vs shall stand for euer THE ANSWERE TO THE NINTH Section of the Authors defence to all honorable Ladyes and Gentlewomen The Defence 1. I May not suffer the foundresses of so many Churches Chappels Aultars Monasteries Nunries Colledges to be reprooued for that pietie pag. 107. 2. I can not suffer such a triumphant companie so famous for miracles renowned for sanctitie c. whose bodies many yeares after their death remained vncorrupted c. whom so many testimonies from heauen and earth haue confirmed to be most happie Saints to be condemned pag. 107. 3. Which for the loue and honor of our religion forsooke all temporall pleasures c. and became sacred Nunnes as Edelburga Etheldreda c. Alfritha wife to King Edgar c. Editha king Edgars daughter c. with many others which are there reckoned vp pag. 108. 4. He vrgeth the fearefull examples of the principall Protestant Ladyes of England c. grieuouslie afflicted of God and made dishonorable to the world pag. 108. 5. In the next place pag. 109. he seemeth to frame this argument because the Ladyes of England in their daylie and new deuices esteeme it not dishonorable to learne of the Ladyes of Italy France Spaine and Rome that therefore they should imitate them in their religion 6. All your earthlie honors titles names were either first founded or afterward confirmed c. by the Popes Emperours c. pag. 110. 7. That religion defended your mariages to be honorable and a sacrament by that religion your matrimonie was not in the pleasure of your Lords repudiations and diuorcements at their wils were not knowne concubines could not possesse the maintenance of your honors their bastards might not enioy the inheritance c. pag. 110. The Answere 1. NEither doe Protestants reproue the ancient founders of Churches Chappels Colledges for their pietie but praise God for them but for their superstition in erecting Monasteries to a false end for the remission of sinnes and redemption of their soules as King Offa builded S. Albons for the murder of King Ethelbert K. Ethelstane founded the Abbeyes of Middleton and Michelenes to make satisfaction for the death of his brother Edwine Elfrida wife to K. Edgar erected a Monasterie of Nunnes for the remission of sinnes for the death of her husband Ethelwoldus as hath been declared before answere to sect 7. pag. 58. 2. We condemne not any that haue been famous for sanctitie renowned for true miracles and witnessed to be Saints from heauen But wee receiue not all those for Saints that haue been canonized in the Popish Church as Thomas Becket that was a traytor to his Prince and there is mention made in the decrees of one that was worshipped for a Saint that was slaine in drunkennes And many of their miracles as of Dunstane Berinus Bristanus Brendanus with others wee hold be Monkish dreames and fabulous fictions as hath been also before shewed answere to sect 7. pag. 55. Of the like credit are the tales of their incorruptible bodies as that of Editha that the rest of her bodie being consumed to earth her thumbe her bellie and the part vnder her bellie were vncorrupted the first for her pietie in vsing to crosse her selfe the other for her chastitie As that also is held to be a fable that William the Conquerors bodie was found vncorrupt more then 400. yeeres after his buriall The Papists themselues deride the tale which is told from the Indies of the bodie of Xauiere which sixe moneths after the buriall looked as fresh as when he liued These are sillie arguments for one to ground his conscience and religion vpon And the Frier may barrell vp these fictions to disport his Italian and Spanish dames with our Ladies and Gentlewomen of England are more warie birds then to be taken with such a thredbare Falconers stale 3. Concerning those noble Ladies which became Nunnes 1 the profession simply of Monasticall single life is not a sufficient argument of a good religion for the Romans had their vestal virgins that professed single life the Iewes had their Esseni that embraced a strict and solitarie kind of life and the Turkes at this day haue their Mahometane Monks whereof there are foure principall orders 2. And seeing most of them had a superstitious opinion of Monasticall life as being a state more meritorious worthie of heauen therein they deceiued themselues and with the Pharisie that boasted of his righteousnes of his almes and fasting were so much the further off frō true iustification and while they placed religion in touch not taste not handle not in superstitious abstinence from externall things in not sparing the bodie they followed the doctrines and commaundements of men not of God Coloss 2.22 3. Though in the choice of Monasticall life they were conformable to the Romane Church yet in many other opinions they dissented for transubstantiation was not yet hatched and many grosse errors beside since forged by that blacke Smith 4. Neither was Monasticall life then like to Popish Monkerie in these daies their life more chast their time not so idly spent their superstition not so grosse And that there was great difference betweene old and new Monkerie some of their owne side doe beare witnesse Multis persuasum est aliam tunc fuisse quam nunc est Monachismi rationem Many are perswaded that the profession of Monks then was diuers from that is now Coloniens par 10. c. 1. 5. Lastly let vs see what deuout persons some of these women were which are here rehearsed
obiection of pride riches wine and women was vnfittest to proceed from this Ignatian Friers mouth For doth he with his fellows thinke to dance in a net haue we not bene certified from their companions copesmates the Masse priests that some of the Iesuites vse to reade Lectures by night to the auditories of women while their husbands scratch their heads at home They tell vs of their rich apparell their riding in coaches their stables of geldings their expences after 500. pounds by the yeare as hath bin before shewed more thē once Is not this now a prety vow of pouerty and chastity which these new vpstart Friers are entred into I say therefore with Hierome Ignominia est Ihesum esurientem fartis praedicare corporibus ieiuniorum doctrinam per rubentes buccas tumentiaque ora proferre It is a shame to preach of Christs fasting with a pampred body and to commend abstinence with red cheekes and swolne face Of all other of the Popish profession it may be worst sayd of them which Thucydides vttered of the Corinthians That they were worthy to reproue others 2. Neither can he shew vs twenty generall Councels in all Bellarmine can find but eighteene and some of them not extant neither is he able to produce a thousand prouinciall Councels nor halfe so many and both generall and prouinciall Synodes are more against them then with them as I haue else where declared Popes we yeeld them and heretikes the one their fathers the other their brethren The auncient Fathers that liued within sixe hundreth yeares after Christ are against them All schooles and Vniuersities neuer approued their doctrine The Vniuersitie of Oxford cleared Wickliffe of heresie The Vniuersity of Prage fauoured Iohn Husse The most famous Academies in Europe gaue sentence with king Henry concerning his mariage against the Pope And at this time Protestants neither in number nor in fame of schooles of learning will giue place to the Romanists 3. What safe conduct you vse to graunt to the learned Protestants to come to disputation is euident by the example of Iohn Husse and Hierome of Prage the first notwithstanding his safe conduct graunted by the Emperour Sigismund was vniustly put to death at the Councell of Constance the other could get none at all 4. True it is that Bishop Cranmer was entertained by the young students very rudely with hissing and clapping of hands but that shewed their impudency rather then his impotency That he deserued not to be hissed his learned writings to this day do sufficiently declare But they disputed with him as the high Priests and Scribes did with Stephen they gaue a shout and stopped their eares and as the Stoikes and Epicures disputed with Paul at Athens railing vpon him and mocking him Thus the Donatists conferred with Augustine and other Catholike Bishops they with their outcries and exclamations made such a noise that the other could not proceed And no other course do the Iesuites take at this day in their disputations seeking by their turbulent behauior and Stouterlike voice to countenance their cause as this last yeare Anno 1602. appeared in a colloquie at Ratisbone betweene Hunnius with other ministers and Tannerus with other Iesuites So that we may say of such disputers as Cicero of Orators That they which vse to exclaime do betake them to clamorous outcries for want of skill as a lame man to his horse euen so hissing and clapping of hands in a disputor bewrayeth want of matter 4. Our Chronicles indeed will tell how litle that disputation in the time of the first Parliament was to the glory of the popish sort how peruerse and forward they were and contemptuous to authority that being appointed to dispute in English they would haue it in Latine wheras they were to begin they vtterly refused so through their wilfulnes the disputation brake off The conference in the Tower to whose disgrace it tended the report thereof in print will sufficiētly testifie They say it is good beating of a proud man but to dispute with a froward spirit that will neuer yeeld nor confesse himself ouercome is a wearisome labour Thus these bragging Friers if we wil beleeue them are alwayes conquerours whereas poore soules they haue bene put to vnreasonable and shamefull foiles but that they set a good face vpon it as Thucydides sayd of Pericles when he was asked of Archidamus king of the Spartanes which of them wrastled best A man sayth he can hardly tell for when I cast him downe he by saying he had no fall perswadeth the beholders and so ouercommeth Such Hierome speaketh of Nihil impudentius arrogantia rusticorum qui garrulitatem authoritatem putant in subiectum sibi gregem tumidis sermonibus tonant Nothing is more impudent then certaine arrogant Rustikes which by brabling striue to haue great authority and thunder out swelling words among their disciples and flocke And thus do these bragging Friers boast of their disputations in corners among their simple and credulous schollers The third Inducement 1. I Will pleade by time as Daniel did it is the seuentieth yeare of our desolation since king Henry the eight began to impose this heauie burden vpon vs. The yeare of Iubile is begun when all exiles are to returne c. p. 129. 2. Your Honors know what a generall amitie Pope Clement the eight hath concluded c. that which maketh peace and vnitie with God and man is true religion that bindeth them together p. 130. there is no religion wherein England can agree with any because the religion thereof is different from all neither can any two protestant nations haue this peace together because no two of them be of one religion p. 131. 3. If we will agree in this point with Catholike nations we shall agree with God with Angels for the same is approued by them with all glorious soules in heauen with patient Christians in Purgatorie we shall haue peace with our selues We shall disagree with none but diuels and damned spirits p. 131. 4. If it be in your power to procure this attonement and perfourme it you shall effect the most honorable thing this age hath seene c. If you can performe it neglect it though ye be no formall persecutors yet because you suffer others to do it c. except you will recall your minds you are like to tast of the same vengeance c. What is to be done your Honors know what you will do I cōmit to your honorable prudent considerations and craue leaue to giue my lawfull charge vpon those impious and irreligious enemies of Christ and rebellious traitors to the holy Catholike Church c. The Aduertisement 1. YOu must haue Daniels cause before you can haue assurance of Daniels deliuerance And you are somwhat too forward in your account for the Papists had no great captiuitie in Henry the eights time while the Masse the