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A10318 A directorie teaching the way to the truth in a briefe and plaine discourse against the heresies of this time Whereunto is added, a short treatise against adiaphorists, neuters, and such as say they may be saued in any sect or religion, and would make of many diuers sects one Church. Radford, John, 1561-1630. 1605 (1605) STC 20602; ESTC S115540 239,684 640

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thee the euerlasting truth and beleeue or followe any brainsicke hereticke in the worlde what shoulde I aunswere or howe durst I appeare before thy face I confesse then it is most certaine and sure which thou hast saide of this blessed Sacrament This is my Bodie This is my Bloud And that euery heretike that saieth This is a figureof thy Body This is a figure of thy Bloud is a most blasphemous and impudent hereticke and lyar Chap. XXIII Wherin is declared that we ought as really and truely to receaue his Body with our mouthes to health saluation as Adam did eate the forbidden apple to death and damnation BVt it is a woonder what shiftes these false Prophets the heretickes haue to couer their lyes vnder some shewe of trueth as though we were to eate Christ at his Fathers right-hand and so to delude the simple for as a learned man of our time writeth of this matter in this sorte Concerning that Caluin willeth vs to goe into heauen by faith to eate Christes body know you not because our nature was not able to clime vp to the seat of God in heauen therfore the sonne of God came downe from heauen to earth to lead and lift vs vp to the fruition of his father Know you not that because our body more quickly draweth our soules downwarde then our spirite is able to drawe our body vpward therfore Christ toke not only the soule but also the body of man giuing vs in his last supper that body of his to the intent that our bodies taking holde in the Sacrament of the Alter of his bodye might be caried into heauen to haue the sight of God because faith without the Incarnation of Christ cannot lifte vp our bodies therefore Christ fulfilled faith with trueth and hauing taken of the Virgin our nature gaue his body in deede to our bodies and soules that we againe might in body and soule be lifted vp with it It is not then sufficient to eate Christ by faith only but to arise againe in Christ the second Adam we must eate him in this blessed Sacramente as reallye and verily as our first father Adam wherein we all fell did eate the forbidden fruit The fruite of the tree forbiden entred into the mouth and damned the fruit of the blessed Virgin of the tree of the Crosse must enter into our mouths and spiritually worke effect in our soules and thereby wee shal be saued For as a man that is cast into a deepe pitt calleth by the meane of his tongue for helpe but when a cord is lett down to him for the ayde and succour of him it is not then sufficient to vse his tongue still to let his hands alone Euen so our faith called for Christ to come from heauen to helpe vs to let downe the corde of his humanity and of his fleshe and bloud and shall we nowe when it is let downe to be fastened in our bodies and in the bottome of our hearts by eating it really shall we nowe refuse it and say we will goe into heauen by faith our selues and there take holde of Christ whereby we may be saued and deliuered out of the deepe vale of misery As though neede were that the corde shoulde haue beene let downe if we coulde haue fastned our bodies to any thing in heauen and yet our bodies are they which weigh downe our soules cheifly Authorities to proue the vndoubted trueth of this most blessed Sacrament bee almost inumerable For if I should reckon vp all holy Saints and blessed Fathers that haue written of the trueth of this B. Sacrament I should neuer make an ende S. Ambrose saith Lib. 4. de Sacram. This bread is bread before the words of the Sacrament but when Consecration commeth to it of bread is made the body of Christ and howe at Masse the Priest prayeth for Kings Princes and the people but when he commeth to the most venerable renowmed Sacrament then he vseth not his owne wordes saith he but the worde of our Lord Iesus God commaunded saith he and heauen was made earth was made all creatures were made thou seest then saith he of what vertue the worde of Christ is If then God made thinges before of nothing that were not how much-more able is he to make things to be that were before and to change them into another As for example to make that which before was bread wine by consecration his Body and Bloud and before the wordes of Christ saith he the Chalice is full of wine and water but when the wordes of Christ come thereunto there is then the Bloud that redeemed the people All the holy Doctours as Saint Chrysostome Saint Cyrill Saint Ciprian both the holy Gregories Saint Hierome Saint Augustine Saint Barnarde bee full of the like testimonies for this matter many of them recording woonderfull miracles that haue beene wrought by vertue of this Sacrament Saint Augustine amongst De. ciu Dei the rest recordeth howe a place beeing troubled with euill spirits One of his bretheren a. religious mā that was a frier or a moncke went and offred there the healthfull Sacrifice as much to say as he said Masse and so the euill spirites were driuen away Hard you euer anye such miracle wrought by their Communion all this time I haue probably hard how the Diuell hath appeared in some of their Churches of late and in the beginning of this Queenes time when Paules steeple was burnt the very communion table from all other thinges about it was burnt in token of Godes wrath and indignation against that venemous bread of theirs whereby they poyson the souls of the simple people In the four general Councels that S. Gregorie did honour as the fouer Gospells you shall finde the blessed Sacrament of the Altar spoken of in most reuerent sort as called An honorable Sacrament called a most pure and vnbloody sacrifice of Christs body blood a pure and vndefiled host the lambe of God and the like by vertue whereof as wee read in Saint Gregories dialogues and other holy Fathers the deaffe haue beene made to heare the dumme to speake the lame to walke many other cured of incurable diseases Being abused by Iewes Heretickes and Infidles it hath issued out of blood and sometimes bin seene with streames of glorious lighte proceeding from the same as auncient histories doe recorde and blessed Saints in their writings doe witnes To be breife then this blessed Sacrament and our pure and most blessed vnbloody Sacrifice being so plainlye declared to bee Christes blessed bodye and blood by Christes owne words the holy Apostles and Euangelistes and all good men that euer writte since Christes time by the generall practize of the Church by generall Councells that cannot erre because Christ hath promised his holy spirite to assist them and his Church in all truth and by so many and wonderfull miracles we may firmely conclude with that holy Father Saint Hillary I am de
is a great glorie in the profession of cookery to bee able to make of one kinde of stuff as for example of eggs alone sixteene or twenty diuers dishes but to doe that feate much labour many spices and sawces greate compositions and mixtures are required Christ in steede of all those shiftes vsed blessing and working words of thankesgiuing which were so sure to worke their intent that some mē haue doubed whether he gaue thankes first because he fore-saw the whole purpose out of hand should be obtained as himselfe wished or else which is more probable whether the very working of the feate were not the selfe thankes-giuing for the worke For his blessing and thankes-giuing was the saying ouer the bread This is my body ouer the wine This is my bloud By vertue of which wordes his body bloud beeing made of the creatures of bread wine as wel were a thankful sacrifice themselues to God as Christ also in his visible forme hauing wrought this did praise and thanke his Father for such an excellent effecte the which body and bloud his Apostles eating and drinking were made pertakers of the greatest most excellent banquet that euer was made on earth For the better vnderstanding whereof it may please a man to repeat in his minde howe God in the beginning adorned this world First with Angels heauenly spirits secondly with the heauens themselues thirdly with the elements of fire ayre water and earth and as the Angells occupie the highest place so doe the heauens with the lightes starres in them occupie the second place and the fower elements are beneath them When things were come after this sort frō the highest order of Seraphins to the earth which is the lowest element of al thē it pleased the wisedome of god to make as it were a reuolt of al things to return his creatures frō the bottome of the earth vpwarde again towards himselfe he therfore made the earth to bring forth greene grasse with al such kinde of things as haue animam vegetiuam in thēselues to growe increase of which kind al hearbs springs trees be aboue those in a higher degre were birds fishes beasts which haue a life sensitiue being able to moue from place to place Lastly god made mā who hath not only vegetatiue power sensitiue in his soul but also reason vnderstanding in whose body are the vertues of the fower elements with the influence of the heauens in whose soul is free will and power to gouerne agreable to the nature of Angels and of heauenly spirits for this cause this creature hath beene worthelie called euen of the Christian philosophers Microcosmos a litle world for that he alone hath in him all the degrees of creatures both liuing and with out life both sensible and reasonable therefore hee is called in holy scripture Omnis creatura All creatures Nowe when the sonne of God taking pittye that this little world the worke of his great power was by the diuell seduced came downe and tooke flesh of the virgin Marye being true God true man in one person at that time were al things breifly brought againe to God whence they first were created brought forth Christ alone is all in one In his Godhead he is all that is aboue the heauens and that filleth the worlde In his manhoode which is the foote-stoole of God he is all that is in or vnder the heauens in this manhoode are al creatures most perfectly compiled without blemishe of nature of mind or of body so that seing this body of Christ wherein also all the fulnes of the Godhead dwelleth is giuē eaten at a banquett there is no doubt but the same is such a banquett as cannot bee made with all the creatures of heauen and earth gathered together In this one dishe is a composition most delicate of Angels heauens elements of herbs fishes birdes beasts of reasonable men and of God himselfe no kinde of salett meat sause fruites confection no * Vnderstand here that I mean not that any earthly thing is in the B. Sacrament after Consecration saue only the very Body and Bloud of Christ who because it pleased him after a humane sorte to conuert by eating drincking bread wine and other visible creatures into his sacred Body and Bloud therefore though the proprietie of such creatures be changed in substance yet iuxta aliquid in some manner and sort they be set on that table still but wholly conuerted into the Body and Bloud of Christ kinde of wine aqua-uitae aqua-composita liquors sirrops can be founde in nature made by art deuised by witt but it is all se●t vpon this table and that in a small roome where it cloyeth not with the abundance or annoyeth with the vncleane handling it filleth without lothsomenes it prouoketh the appetite without danger of surfeting to be short were it not a banquett prouided by the sonne of God no mā would think it possible to haue such a feast made in the de sart of this wicked world Thus do we catholiks teach of the supper of our lord beleue it agreable to his word worthy his worshipp this banquett feedeth the whole man There is a reasonable soul to feed our reasō a natural substāce of flesh to feed nourish our flesh ther is the spirit of God which quickneth both soul flesh to life euerlasting This is the true Manna which containeth the tast of all sweetnes hath in it selfe all manner of pleasāt refectiō this is the food of life the which who so eateth worthely shall liue for euer This is the feast wherof Salomon speaketh Hoc itaque visum est mihi bonum Eccles 3 5. 7. c. This therfore seemeth to me good that a man eat drinck enioy gladnes of his labour which words S. Aust expoūdeth thus Non est bonum homini nisi c. It is De ciuit Dei li. 17. cap. 20. not good for a man but that which hee shall eat drinck what more credibly is he vnstood to say then that which belongeth to the partaking of this table which he himselfe a preist mediator of the new testament offreth or giueth according to the order of Melchisedech of his bodye bloode If then the Prophet hath affirmed the greatest good that mā hath in this life to be eating and drincking that eating drincking be long to the supper of our lord Christ we may perceiue right well that the matter substance of Christs supper cōsisteth not in bread wine for then we might not be better occupied thē in eating and drincking but in the reall flesh blood of Christ wherin al goodnes spiritual corporall is collected into one heape giuē vnto vs vnder the form of bread wine for so God hath appointed Instaurari omnia in Christo que in celis que in terra c. To renue al things
of bread and wine that the sight and horror of raw flesh and bloud should not affray or appall vs so that to our outward eyes tast feeling other sences it seemeth no other but that it was before yet is it quite contrary from that it was before as farre as heauen and earth is asunder the accidents remaining without the subiect that is tast feeling and seing bread and wine but not so nor yet any part thereof bread or wine but wholy and perfectly the very body and bloud of Christ Chap. XXVII Of the Manna the paschall Lamb and other figures of the B. Sacrament BVT when as GOD hath wrought so many miracles in this B. Sacrament what sacrilegious impiety what damnable heresie or rather Apostacy is this of any mortal men to goe about to feede vs with figures pull Christ out of his kingdome remayning in this B. Sacrament in his Church militant here in earth These heretikes would make vs Christians nowe in this state of grace who haue by Christs promise the things themselues that were shadowed prefigured in the old law in worse case thē the Iewes themselues For Manna was a figure of the B. Sacrament of the Altar as apeareth by Christs owne words Your Ioh. cap. 6. fathers saith he did eate Manna in the wildernesse are dead but he that eateth this bread that I will giue him shall liue for euer For whether think you Manna that bread that was rayned downe from heauen and fedde the children of Israell forty yeares in the wildernesse was not a more excellent thing then a peece of bakers bread and yet these blasphemous heretickes vvoulde haue the blessed Sacrament to be no better and so make it worse then that which was but a figure of the Sacrament O but the thing it selfe this blessed Sacrament of ours Christs body and bloud as farre exceedeth that Manna of olde as the Sunne exceedeth the morning starre the fore-runner thereof in brightnesse Almighty Exod. 16. God when he rayned Manna downe from heauen the Iewes knowing not what it was for it did lie vpon the earth like hore dewe or the seede of the Coriander brayed with a pestle meruailing said Manhu that is quid est hoc what is this to whome Moyses answered as from God iste est panis c. this is the breade our Lorde hath giuen you to eate Nowe in this Manna there is a meruailous and strange quality which was that he that gathered more then his fellowes had but to suffice and he that gathered lesse had as much to suffice as he that gathered more and all sufficient and enough Nowe in this blessed Sacrament of the Altar Christs body though it farre exceede mans reason to knowe the manner howe it is yet we must most certainly and stedfastly beleue our true Moyses which is Christ who telleth vs it is the bread that came downe from heauen that is his very body and bloud What a goodly figure then was this Manna of our most pure and B. Sacrament of the Altar Manna came downe from heauen our Sacrament more It was to euery one that which he liked best our Sacramēt more a little suffised thereof as well as a great deale our Sacrament more the murmering Iewes repined at Manna and our murmering heretickes doe at our B. Sacrament much more the bodies of the Iewes were fedde with Manna and our bodies and soules with the body and bloud of our Lorde Iesus in this blessed Sacrament much more Thus you see howe the figure answereth and foresheweth that holy thing of our Lord and what an excellent and vnspeakable thing this B. Sacrament of the Altar is when the very shadowe of it Manna that betokened it so longe before was of such excellencie and so miraculous then howe vvorthy and miraculous I say is the thing it selfe and how base conceipts haue the heretikes of Christ and how vnworthy and vnsauory this their Comunion Caluinisticall bread is in respect of the Iewes Manna the very figure of our most B. Sacrament 3. Reg. 19. That bread which Elias did eate by vertue whereof hee arriued to the mount of God Horeb is a figure likwise that by vertue of our bread of life in the Sacrament we shall arriue to the mount of God the kingdome of heauen that bread baken vnder ashes and the bread of propositiō likwise euer kept in store That Paschal lamb that with such The Paschall lamb solemnity was eaten when the childrē of Israell passed through the redde Sea to the land of promise O what a notable figure is it of the B. Lamb of God vpon the Altar in this B. Sacrament and what preparation and disposition there ought to be to receaue the same we be taught by the figure The lamb was eaten with Exod 12 wilde lettuse signifying to vs with what sharp and bitter teares and contrition for our sinnes we ought to receaue the Lamb of God in this B. sacrament They did eate it with their raines girt betokening vnto vs the purenes and chastitie we ought to come with all to this lamb of God They had staues in their handes and did eate with hast whereby we be taught that this is the true foode of vs wayfaring-men herevpon earth They eate it rosted that we should pre pare our selues to this sweete lambe of God with hot loue that is feruent charity and whatsoeuer was left was burnt with fier giuing vs thereby to vnderstand that whatsoeuer wee cannot by reason comprehend of this diuine mistery that we are to consume burne vp in our selues by most faithfull feruent loue and charitie For perfect loue to God supplieth all our defects all this teacheth vs with what worthy preparation wee ought to come to our most blessed Sacrament the Lambe of God prefigured by this paschall Lamb of the Iewes which with such preparation was eaten but what needes all this adoe for bare bakers breade Iohn Caluins Communion Chap. XXVIII Wherein is touched how this Sacrament is also a sacrifice daily vnbloudely offered by Priests and propitiatory for the quicke and the dead and that it is the only sacrifice whereby God is chiefly honoured and worshipped NOW this B. Sacrament of ours is also our owne only most pure and vnbloudy sacrifice of the Church whereby God is chiefly worshipped his wrath appeased by meanes whereof grace and saluation is giuen to vs from that most gratious and bloudy sacrifice of the Crosse once there offered after a bloudy manner for all as the full and superabundant price of our redemption but here daily vpon the Altar after an vnbloudy sort to make vs partakers of the same sacrifice once bloudely offered but in both places on the Altar of the Crosse and here in this blessed Sacrament one and the same Christ Which sacrifice was prefigured by that of Melchisedech who offered sacrifice Gen. 14. 18. Heb. 7. 3. 4. in bread and wine and was the Priest of the most
high God whose father and mother is vnknowne so our B. sacrifice then though not bread and wine but the very body and bloud of Christ is consecrated and offered vnder the likenesse of bread and wine Which blessed Sacrament was offered at Christs laste supper a sacrifice also hee our Redeemer in his Disciples giuinge Priestes authority to consecrate and offer the same and so hee remaineth in them being daily offered vp by their ministery A Priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedech who vvas without mother according to his Godhead and without father according to his manhood and so figured and foreshewed by Melchisedech whereof holy Dauid in spirit called our Sauiour Psal 109. Christ foreseeing our blessed Sacrifice A priest for euer according to the order of Melchisedech if he be a Priest then hee must needes offer sacrifice but he neuer offered sacrifice saue only at his last supper I meane after the order of Melchisedech Wherefore we offering or doing the same he did at his last supper that is consecrating his body and bloud it followeth that this Sacrament of ours is also a sacrifice yea and that propitiatorye both for the quicke and the dead which as prophecied Daniel the prophet is Iuge sacrificium A continuall sacrifice that neuer shall cease to the worldes end saue that the publike administration thereof by Daniels prophesie Daniell Cap. 12. Malachy cap. 13 shall cease in Antechristes time but shall as prophesied Malachie the prophet Be offered a pure oblation and sacrifice in euery place What other is that but the holye Sacrifice of the Masse Which sacrifice of it selfe though the Priest may often be vnworthy is euer acceptable Ex ●pere operato as diuines tearme it in Godes sight because this sacrifice is his only sonne in whome hee is well pleased If they saye the Prophet meant the sacrifice of a pure harte it is not so for no man can saye his hart is alltogether pure from sinne at least from a soule or light thought if they say it was the sacrifice vpon the Crosse which the prophet foretolde that cannot be because it was but in one place wherfore it must needs follow the prophet foretolde the one onlye pure and vnbloudy Sacrament and sacrafice of the Altar at Masse offered in euery place and in steed of all those blouddy sacrifices of olde From the rising Psal 112. of the sonne to the setting of the same againe Whereby you see this B. Sacrament was instituted by Christ not only as a healthfull medicine and food of our soules but also that it might be offered continually as the cheife and proper sacrifice of the new testament for a sufficient thanksgiuing to God the father and continuall memory of our L. Iesus his bitter Passion till his comming againe wherby we eschew the euills of this life obtaine remission of sins with the grace of God glory in the world to come And because Christ bad the Apostles and Priestes of the newe Testament doe or sacrifice this in memorie of him his Incarnation Life Passion Resurrection therefore as by Christs institution it is a sacrifice and liuely representation especially of his death and Passion So euerye thinge about the Altar as the ornaments ceremonies actions of the preist at Masse do chiefly represent and reduce into our memories the same And if I would stand to recite the Scriptures Councels and Fathers to this purpose that call it an host an oblation a pure and vnbloudy Sacrifice the price of our Redemption a healthfull Sacrifice and the like I might fill great volumes but I must be briefe Neither is it my purpose to answere here all hereticall obiections neither to make any long discourse of so vnspeakable a matter for to giue or set downe the full doctrine hereof would require and fill as I said many and lardge bookes which already of most learned men bee written My purpose is here but to instruct the simple and vnlearned who ought rather to ground them selues in true faith and beliefe then to looke into such high misteries to comprehend Gods mighty workes by reason For what is man to compare as it were himselfe with God to think to containe him whome heauen and earth cannot holde for what is one man in respect of so many men or what be al men in respect of God Man is as it were a mite like a vanity a puff of winde God is mighty incomprehensible yea great in the least thinges without variance or inconstancie at a becke of whose finger the very heauens and earth do tremble and quake the deapth of whose mightie workes we cannot reach vnto no not in the least thinges or creatures wee daylie see here before our eyes Who can number the starres or giue a iust accompt of their swift course without going one iote out of order from the beginning of the worlde to this day the very herbes plantes and trees wee see doe daily grow and increase Who is so wise that can discerne or say nowe at this very instant I perceaue the increase Againe vvhen they bee as it vvere deade in vvinter who can say they shal so flourish in sommer but he that hath experience Imagine some man brought vp in some caue vnder the earth neuer seeing light nor conuersing with men If one should come vnto him on a sodain and discourse with him of collours blacke and greene and the like tell him of the spring the course of the sonne moone and starres would he not wonder and think them aboue reason till he sawe and perceaued them as we doe If then these thinges so familiar to vs seeme so admirable to those that be vnaccustomed to see them or if we our selues cannot giue a reason to the depth of the least things can wee thinke to comprehend God in the greatest would we haue God so litle that he cannot exceed our reasō And yet o blasphemy malicious blindnes such be the heretiks of our time who because they cannot attaine by humane reason to the depth of this mistery of Christs body in the Sacrament therefore they forsake faith beliefe in Christ herein against both truth and reason O hereticke shal Christ cease to be with vs according to his promise because thou art vnable of reason Nay he shall be when thou art not Chap. XXIX Of the great loue and humility of Christ in this Blessed Sacrament and of the deuotion of Christians of olde towards the same THis Blessed Lord Iesus thē perfect God man which enclosed himselfe for our sakes in the wombe of the most Blessed Virgin when as him the heauē of heauens cannot comprehend is also with vs according to his word in the least particle of the B. Sacrament whole perfect Christ entreth into the Cottage of our homely bodies is allwaies delighted to be with the sonnes of men and yet is stil incomprehensible al glorious with his father in heauen that by his
consider the importance of this matter and remember your saluation Consider first what perilous times wee liue in now towards the ende of the world consider withall the shortnes instability of this life how daily of all sorts by death you see men taken awa●e before your eies Remember at least whē you see as it were the heauens open with lightnings perceaue the earth sometimes chime trēble vnder your feete and when to the terror of al mortal creatures you heare the most high mighty Lord at a beck of whose finger heauē earth quaketh thunder frō aboue thē I say learne to feare not for get him after But remember deeply consider that euerlasting punishment vnquēchable fire prepared for the wicked and those vnspeakable ioyes prepared for the iust consider the strait way to saluatiō how fewe shall bee saued in respect of those that shall be perpetually lost and damned Eight persons in the vvhole world were but saued frō dro vning in the vniuersall deluge Noes fludde But one just Lot could be found in fiue Citties Sodom and Gomorrah and the rest for sinne consumed with fire and brimstone from heauen here and burning in hell for euer but twelue Apostles CHRIST chose amongst all the Iewes and yet one was a traytor good thinges therfore you see but especially good mē indeede are hard to be founde therefore you see how true Christs words be many are called but few are chosen yet I hope and most confidently trust in God you all those that will read this litle treatise and follow it auoide the heresies and sinnes herein refelled and disproued you and euery one such I say that will this do my full confidence is in God and you may be in sted fast hope you shall be of that few nomber that Christ hath chosen consider moreouer wherefore you were created and made of God not to eat drinck sleep liue heere but to passe this life with dutiful seruice to God that you may enioy his endles kingdome The end then God hath made you for is to be pertaker of his glory in heauen and therefore all thinges you haue heere in this world on earth you ought to referre to the seruice of God for what is this life but as saith Saint Gregory a continuall death wherein euery day we dye a litle something of our life is cut of daylie account then this world and all worldly possessions and habitatiōs but as it were an Inne wherein you are but to stay as it were for a night and away and therefore seeke not to make you a dwelling place on earth chiefely though to haue moderate care of our bodies also is not forbidden vs but looke for and builde you a place in heauen Alas what be al pleasures this world can afford you You see they be but vaine and can neuer content mans minde the couetous man is neuer full fraught or contented with golde and riches but euer coueteth more the dronkard and glutton euer seekerh how he may more and more delight his tast and fill his belly and panch the lecherous man more fleshly pleasure he hath like the wood set on fier he desireth burneth faster therein riches fade beauty decayeth memory saileth all the glory of the world passeth away as the shaddow nothing can truly satiate content the soule but God himself which is had by enioying of his diuine glory To obtaine this then you must bend all your might and power Nam regnum calorum vim patitur violenti rapiunt illud Saith our Sauiour we must by violence as it were obtaine his kingdome not only sighting and striuing against our selues that is this froward and corrupt nature of ours that is too much giuen to selfe loue and liking of this world and our selues in being ready to forsake this trāsitory life of this body to enioy the eternall life of the soule but what lettes or impediments soeuer you haue to the cōtrary manfully and ioyfully remoue them and shake them off as if the Tyrant threaten thee or with flatterie or faire wordes and promises seeke to allure thee yea if thy parentes that begot and bore thee or thy children that be part of thy substance of thy flesh and bloud or thy owne wife that is as it were thy one body and sleepeth in thy bosome would hinder thee from thy saluation GOD is neerer and deerer to thee then them all Forsake comfortably thy parents with their weeping eyes respect not they children with stretched out handes passe by thy wife though on thy threshold shee lye at thy feete with spreadde and torne haire Yea be cruell to thine owne body in this case and as saieth Saint Ierome fortiter ad crucem Christi euola flie with that simple sweete Doue in cauernas petrae into the holes of that sure rock the open woundes of thy redeemer and manfully with good courage and all ioye imbrace the crosse of CHRIST thus by violence you must obtaine his kingdome thus bend all your might and power I say to winne CHRIST and please him For him I say be content to forsake wife children liuings possessions yea this life it selfe to winne a better taking vp the crosse and following him For so all haue and must do that will enter into his kingdome remembring wee must suffer with him to be glorified with him and if he our head would not enter into his kingdome but by Passion and labours then we his seruaunts members cannot looke to follow him but by the same way of paynes and sufferance the disciple is not better then his Maister neither a delicate member is comely vnder that head that weareth a Crowne of thornes If then thus you by patience follow and winne Christ you shall haue al thinges him if you forsake you loose all If you truly cleaue and stick to him and his commandements he is mighty and will desend you he is mercifull and wil pardon you he is bountifull wil bestow al gratious gifts of you he is rich will sustaine and nourish you he is pittifull and will comfort you knowing your weaknes and bearing the heauier end of the yoke or crosse with you wil lay no more of your shoulders thē you are able to beare nor will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength as he hath said by his true messenger wherein he is faithfull will performe his promise he is louing and iust and will make vs for our labours crowning his graces gifts in vs pertakers of his glory where art we ought all to shoote comforting our selues euer in the troubles of this life with hope of that fruition of God our finall rest and perfect delight The 80. and last chap. How though euery one ought to be prepared to suffer yet none ought rashly to cast thēselues into tentation but if we bee called thereunto then we ought to be most glad to suffer as being
soule which is a greater worke of God then raising a dead man in body hee then biddes his disciples lawfull Preistes loose him by his authority lefte and giuen them whereby what soeuer is bound in earth or loosed shal be bounde or loosed in Heauen and so lett him goe freelye away loosed from the bandes of sinne Chap. XV That Confession of our sinnes to a lawfull Preist is necessary BEsides this Confessiō is necessary because no mā knoweth whether he hath true Contrition or no it is a thing so hard to be known for though whē a mā doth that which he cā he may be in good hope he is in gods grace and fauour yet none knoweth certainely whether he be worthy loue or hatred nowe though a man haue not perfect sorow and contrition yet if he be sorie he can be no more sory and fullye purpose to satisfie amend that which is past cōming thē with lowly Confessiō to the Preist an vnperfect sorow which diuines call attrition by vertue of the holy Sacrament of Penance in Confession I speake here after the common phrase of some who say Ex attrito fit quis contritus though In rigore nun quam attritioper se fit contritio quorum principia sunt contraria cum vna ex timore alia vero ex amore ●riatur it is made and allowed before God for contrition and so the eternal punishment for the sinne is forgiuen by vertue of the keyes committed to S. Peter yet the Church with attrition or imperfect sorrow without Confession cannot saue a man but if he should die in it so without the holy Sacrament of Confession yea though he had purpose to confesse if he could without doubt he should be damned whereby you may se of what necessity Confession is if there were no other reason saue this Moreouer the grace of God so concurreth with this Sacrament that sometime in Confession a man may haue contrition though he had it not before All which and many mo important reasons shew the conueniency and necessity of Confesion Now this Contrition is nothing els but an inward and most great sorrow that a man hath that he hath offended God chiefly to bee beloued aboue all thinges whereby we maye gather that it is not true Contrition when a man is sorye for anye worldly losse hinderance or shame that commeth vnto him for that he hath offended neither when one repenteth for feare of hell only though the holy Church in her Sermons and otherwise right worthely setteth before mens eies the paines of hell that so through feare of Gods iudgement hard harted sinners may come to the perfect loue of God neither is it true contrition whē one is sory amendeth for feare of death onely or the losse of Heauen though that feare be good and laudable yet is not so perfect but a very good disposition to perfection For if there were neither Death Iudgement Hell nor Heauen yet we ought to bee sory for that we haue by sinne lost and offended God which aboue ourselues and all things is to be beloued when we be sory for that espeacially thē haue we perfect sorrowe contrition wherby it appeareth how farre those be from true contrition and conuersion to God that liue a loose and euill life and then in perill of death for feare thereof only and that which followeth seeme to lament and be sory and not for any loue to God who crie then Lord Lord yet neuer do the will of that heauēly Father which kind of men Christ affirmeth shal neuer enter into that heauēly kingdome for though no man may dispaire at any howre when he hath full will to come to God yet S. Aug. right worthelie doubteth of those that defer their cōuersion to the last howre the reason is because with out a rare speciall grace of God such mē thē come to God rather for fear of death thē loue of God so want true cōtritic̄ yet if they can come to the Sacrament of Confessiō then lastly be sory they can be no more sory with purpose fullie to amend there is great hope then of Saluation in thē See then of what value Confession is wherof mention is made yea the practize thereof shewed thus in the 19. Chapter of the Actes of the Apostles Multi credentium veniebant confitentes annunciantes actus suos That as many of those that beleeued came confessing and shewing their workes And Saint Iames in the fift Chap. teacheth vs thus Confitemini c. Confesse to one another your sinnes whereof see but only Venerable Bede his expositiō Many desperate sinners deferre their amendment to God desiring but one howre to bee saued at last with the good thief but one swallow maketh not a spring the example of the thiefe was that no man should dispaire but the dānation of infinit thousāds that defer their conuersion to God till the last howre for-warneth vs not to presume to sin For that thiefe that in the end becōing good was saued sinned of ignorance perhaps all his life and not of malicious presumptiō as those do that wil come to god whe they list nay it is his great mercy if he receiue any liue they neuer so wel again the thiefe had so perfect cōtrition made such satisfactiō for his sin as I doubt whether any mā can do the like For his sorrow repētance none doubteth of which contrite humbled hart god wil neuer despise he cōfessed ther his sin to Christ the high-Priest he made therof such satisfactiō in cōfessing Christ vpō the Crosse reprehēding the blasphemer before that multitude and the whole world in so much that one act of his was of more value thē perhaps some good preacher can merite in preaching Christ forty yeares together in the pulpitte So that this theefe died a glorious Martir Let desperate sinners then that The opinion of some die in bed take heede betime they come not short of him Now what this Confession is to whome it ought to bee made who or dained it and what fruite commeth therby I will breifely declare First Confession is the opening of mans fault aswell secret as publike spiritual corporall with detestation of sinne aboue all thinges Confession in holy Scripture is diuers as aboundantlye in the olde Testament is declared as to God to lawfull iudges c. But now sacramētal confession in this law of grace is to a lawfull Priest hauing iurisdiction siting in Christes steed and place whereof saieth Saint Iames. Confesse one to another Iames. 5. 16. your sinnes that you may bee saued Chap. XVI Of Confession more in particular and of some sinnes against the first and second commaundement None is bound by the law of god to confession to a priest that is Sacramentall Confession vnlesse hee can iustly accuse himselfe of deadly sinne that is of the breach of any of Gods commādements or vnlesse he doubt probably that he
this respect of the representation of Christs Passion and knitting togither of his members with him the very and most B. Body of our Lorde giuen vs at his last supper is called a signe or Sacrament and yet neuerthelesse the thing it selfe that is his B. Body and Bloud not figured or signified by bread and wine but giuen vnder the formes or likenes of bread and wine For that which before consecration was bread wine is now by Christs wordes transubstantiate or wholy turned into the Body and Bloud of Christ as I declared before though to our outwarde eyes and carnall sences there seemeth no other thing then before yet by our faith we be taught farre otherwise as that it is most certainly without all doubt the very Body and Bloud of Christ without which diuine Sacrament a reall coniunction betwixt his fleash the fleash of man cannot be made by faith spirit and vnderstanding only for that is the coniunction of minde but not of fleash and bones as the man and wife by consent of mariage cānot be one body vnlesse they come togither neither doth Christ come from his Fathers right hand corporally to be ioyned with our flesh but bread by consecration is turned into Christs flesh to the intent it may be receiued and made one with our flesh to the end we may be Concorporei as the auncient Fathers tearme vs one fleash and body with Christ Chap. XXV Declaring how it implieth not contradiction that Christ is in heauen and in the Sacrament in many places at once but only declareth an infinite and Almighty power of God that Diuine honor is due hereunto YOu see nowe in some maner and sort by this which is said in the former Chapter the excellencie of this most diuine mystery as our infirmity is able to declare to you and in what respect this B. Sacrament is called a signe or figure and yet the very thing it selfe wherefore you se the heretikes doe most pitifully and wickedly abuse the poore people to both their damnations that contrary to Christ the receiued faith of the Church and al auncient doctors would haue the B. Sacrament but onlie a bare peece of bread in signe figure Reade the holy Fathers and Doctors and when they speake of the Sacramentall receiuing of this B. Sacrament they so plainly without all tropes signes and figures call it verely really and substantially his bodye and bloud so often so pithylie with so firme reasons and so plainly that if they had spoken against the Sacramentaries heretickes of our time they could haue spoken no more plainly For what wordes can be playner then those of that most famous Councell of Nice wherein Arrius the enemy to the sonne of God by more then three hundred holy Fathers was condemned The wordes of the Nicene Councel to our purpose are these Iterum etiam hic diuina mensa c. Againe here also in the holy table let vs not basely attend the bread and cuppe set before vs but lifting vp our minde let vs vnderstand by faith that Lamb of God which taketh away the sinnes of the world Situm ●sse to be put and laid on that holy table Incruente a sacerdotibus immolatum to bee vnbloudely Sacrificed of the Preistes and that wee vere truly and in deed taking his owne pretious Bodye and Bloud doe beleeue this to be the misticall tokens of our redemption For this cause wee take not much but little that wee might knowe wee take not to fill vs but for holinesse Thus farre the Councell The blessed noble and most glorious Martyr S. Ciprian Decena Domini of the supper of our Lord is as plaine Panis iste c. That Bread saith hee which our Lorde gaue to his Disciples being changed not in outward forme but in nature through the almighty power of the word is made flesh And because mans heart is not quiet till it rest in God and because nothing can truly fil or content man saue only God therefore S. Hillary that strong pillar of Gods Church againste the Arrians teacheth vs in his 8. booke of the Trinity how Christ in this holy Sacrament naturally dwelleth in vs. St vere ● if the worde sayeth hee bee verely made flesh and wee verely take or receiue the worde flesh in our Lordes meate howe is he esteemed not to dwell naturally in vs Seeing then God is by nature the only euerlasting meate which perisheth not and seing he must be giuen to vs in his owne nature and wee are not able to receiue him as he is a spirit hee hath done for vs as good mothers and nources doe for their babes the mother eateth bread and by her eating turneth it into milke and that milke shee giueth to the infant and by that meanes the infant eateth bread and milke In the reall fleshe of Christ is the substance of God only made meate to bee eaten of man Faith is a great gift of God but yet a creature only wherein the fulnesse of the Godhead dwelleth not and therefore it is not able to attaine to the vnion of Gods nature and much lesse able to giue it by eating of Christ we corporally haue and carry God in our bodies corporally no otherwise in the worlde can be deuised for it As for the figure of bread it is the only true figure because it is a figure without substance of bread For whereas S. Augustine in his third booke sixteene chapter de doctrina Christiana vpon these wordes Nisi manduca●eritis c. Vnlesse you eate the flesh of the sonne of ●an and drinke his bloud c. saith videtur facinus c. how Christ seemeth to commande a heynous act or sinne it is a figure therefore saith he but vnderstand you of the Passion of our Lord commanding vs sweetly to rest in Christ c. These wordes are to be vnderstood of the maner of eating not as a dead carcase is torne in peeces in the shambles but Christ is to be eaten in a mistery and a Sacrament though verely and really yet after a spirituall maner Eor as the figure which was in that Paschall Lamb did not diminish the reall killing and eating thereof but only did refer it to a higher truth so the figure which is in eating Christs flesh doth not diminish the true eating thereof but only declareth the eating to be a figure because it is referred againe to a higher truth both in Christ whose flesh that once died is now eatē in vs who eate it not so much for to eate it corporally as to feede spiritually of God him selfe who maketh that flesh profitable August in Iohn tract 26. 27. that S. August though so it is euident by his owne words vpon S. Iohn Ye know not what is this maner of eating this flesh but except yee eate it Lo the maner of eating was secrete but the thing that shoulde bee eaten was naturall flesh these also be his wordes to the same
to S. Paul on earth and yet at that present sat at his fathers right hand in heauen To be briefe such a glorified deficate body to whome by power of his diuinity vnited thereunto nothing is impossible this I say if Heretickes woulde beleeue with vs then to them the flesh of Christ would profit much This is my Body this is my Bloud said Christ the pronoun● This pointeth to body or bloud and not to bread and wine as appeareth by the genders contrary God prouided of purpose that the article This therefore shoulde neither agree with bread nor with wine but only with body bloud or with the Chalice wherin the bloud is conteyned and therefore this to be true that Christs very body and bloud is in the B. Sacrament of the Altar as being most expresse and plaine by the very words of christ we are bound to beleue though to declare the maner how excedeth mans reason because he said it to whom nothing is impossible And therefore for ignorant vnlearned mē especially when heretikes aske the reason how it is possible for Christ to be here there in many places at once it is not fit for thē to reasō but to haue recourse to faith which is aboue reason plainly say I beleeue Christ that said This is my body to whose power nothing is impossible and let the heretike demand scof or flout neuer so much go you nofurder with him but leaue him to the more lerned that cāhandle him better For with his whyes how 's he deceueth the simple souls as the serpent did Eue who begā first with the woman the weaker vessell whereby diuines vnderstand the sensual part or inferior part to reason proposed things that seemed delectable reasonable and good and so in the end drew reason and all awry making her to consent by answering first doubtfully and so made her doe the things vnlawfull but if shee neuer had stood to haue reasoned or answered the wily serpēt but had fled him at first she had neuer bin ouercome The diuel thē in like maner against the simple childrē of Gods Church taketh the bodies of heretiks his members speaketh in thē as in paradise he spake in the body of the serpent so poore simple soules listning to his wily crafts he deceiueth vnder pretence of good casteth them out of paradise Christs kingdome that is his holy Church wherefore flie you alwaies the whispering of that olde serpent in heretikes that you be not deceiued with thē For heresy creepeth as a canker and the diuels deceipts be diuers many somtimes he armeth hī selfe against the people of God with the word of God euill vnderstood to ouerthrow the truth of Gods word in this Sacramēt other misteries of our redēption as whē Christ saith poore men shal you Ioh. 12. 8. alwaies hau● c. meaning passible in forme of pouerty but not by withdrawing himself from vs by his corporal presēce in this B. Sacram. as whē it is said he is risen ascēded into heauē we must vn derstand he is neuerthelesse in his sacred flesh meat indeed in this miraculous mistery and so in spirit truth with vs all daies euen to the end of the worlde For Christ ascended into heauē there sitting at the right hand of his father and leauing vs the beliefe thereof as a chiefe article of our faith Christ made his owne supper saying This is my Bodye and commaunded his Apostles and their successors to make the same saying doe and make this thing for the rememberance of me Therfore neither the making of Christs bodye neither the beleefe thereof can be contrary to the sitting of Christ at the right hand of his father Againe sith nothing is impossible to God albeit that which implieth contradiction in it selfe be therefore impossible because it repugneth to the truth it felfe which is God is it not possible to God Christ shoulde both be in heauen after one visible sort and in the Sacrament after a misticall sort It were impossible for the body of Christ both to be in heauen and not in heauen or to be in the Sacrament and not to bee there in the same respect but to bee in heauen and in the Sacrament or to bee in many places at once that maketh no contradiction but only sheweth an allmighty infinite power in him who worketh it In somuch as Christ is allmighty to sitt at the right hand of God he is able to performe his owne word gift in the Sacrament of the Altar and therefore in the sixt of S. Iohn when hee spake of eating his flesh and drinking his bloud which he would giue he also declared that he would go vp into heauen in his man-hoode where hee was before in his god-head And that thing hee spake as S. Cirillus hath noted to declared that he was God and therfore able to worke that which hee spake of in so much as his wordes were Spirit and Chris de sacerdoti● lib. 3. Life For this cause S. Chrysostome crieth out O miraculum O dei benignitatem O miracle O goodnes of God hee that sitteth aboue with the Father in the same very momente of time is touched with the handes of men and deliuereth himselfe to those that will receaue and imbrace him seeme these thinges worthy to bee despised and neglected thou shalt perceaue our holye things not only to bee wonderfull but also exceed all wondring and astonying of the mind Thus saith S. Chrisostome This Blessed Sacrament then thus miraculously instituted by Christ for a perfect memorye of his death and pleadge of his infinite loue with all reuerence and honor is to bee vvorshipped and vvith gratefull memories and pure hartes to bee receaued of vs seeing hee coulde shevv vs no greater token of vnmeasurable loue then this by giuing himselfe wholy vnto vs nor deuise any more excellent way to declare the same For as a man that in fight is wounded with a scarre in his face for his friendes sake comming with that in his face putteth his frend in more perfect memorye of his loue then if hee left or sent him an hundreth other tokens so Christ for our loue taking a deepe vvounde to death coulde leaue vs no more perfect memory thereof then his ovvne bodye in an vnspeakable mistery whereby his death is shewed vntill hee come to iudgment at the end of the vvorlde For euen as the noble actes vvhich other men haue donne bee written vpon their sepulchers so in this memorie of Christ his actes are daylie shewed and rehearsed Then his Incarnation is be●okened most mistically vvhen breade is made fleshe as the vvorde was before made fleshe and that Incarnation is represented in outvvarde shevv also by singing of the Angells hymne Glory bee to God in the highest Then See here how in the B. Sacrament at Masse the whole life death and resurrection of Christ is represented the going before of
Saint Iohn Baptist is expressed by readinge the Epistle then Christs preaching is represented by singing of the Gospell then the faith of his Apostles and Disciples is betokened in pronouncing the Creede or Articles of the faith Then the supper of CHRIST is made with no lesse authority then himselfe instituted it then his Crosse is shewed by making the signe thereof vpon the holy misteries then his death is inuisibly wrought vnder the formes of breade wine by turning their substances into himselfe and shewing them as if the very body were deuided frō the bloud Then the fruite thereof is sowen in the hearts of the faithfull people by giuing them the grace to feare him to loue him to come penitētly to him to be made one with him then the resurrection is outwardly shewed because the seuerall formes of bread and wine each of them conteine whole Christ vnder them then the body is eleuated and adored that suffered for vs then Christ is glorified for the redemption of all mankind then thankes bee giuen to God blessing to the people and prayer is made for al the world But the incredulous heretike still obiecteth is bread turned into Christs flesh yea by his infinite power and vnspeakeable humility whereby hee fo● our loue disdayned not to take fleshe of our earthly substance which things considered bread seemed vnto his wisdome the most fitte matter where of hee would make this Sacrament For bread was vsually turned into Christs bodye whilst hee liued in earth for his bodye was nourished with bread the which bread was turned into his flesh Wherefore now also Wee beleeue well saith Nissenus Nissen in orat catech Luc. 24. Aug. ex-Ser deverbis Euaug apud Bed brother to S. Basill the bread which is sanctified with the worde of God to bee changed into the bodye of God the worde Nouerunt fideles the faith full know what I say they k●owe Christ in the breaking of bread for not euery bread but that which receaue●h the blessing of Christ is made the bodye of Christ Let vs once deny the flesh of Christ to bee really in the blessed Sacrament of the Altar and here is no perfect building toward the flesh of Christ and consequently no reason why wee shoulde bee called Ephes 4. 5. his misticall bodye or flesh of his flesh and bone of his bones For as if Eu● had not been taken really out of the naturall bodye of Adam shee shoulde not haue beene in truth bone of his bones so vve are not fleshe of Christs fleshe in trueth it selfe except the fleshe of CHRIST in the naturall substance thereof bee the meane by our naturall coniunction to it that vvee are framed and vvrought into a spirituall man And our fleshe is I mean● not into a mere spirituall substance turned vvith out losse of his owne substance or propriety into the nature of Christs flesh because it being the fleshe that is dwelt in by the Godhead is stronger then our nature yet although the vnvvorthy receauers doe verely receaue the body of Christ we must conforme our liues to the example of christ that by receauing this Sacrament wee may not procure to our selues damnation but for euer liue in and vvith Christ For as Saint Augustine haueing spoken of Iudas whoe gaue himselfe to the Diuell right worthely said Non malum accipiendo sed male accipiendo De bap contra do na cap. 5. 8. c. Not in receauing an euill thinge but in receauing euilly For it was the body and bloud of our Lorde Yea to them to whome the Apostle said hee that eateth vnworthely eateth and drinketh Iudgement to him selfe as the Apostles and other Saints did eate the body of Christ as Saint Hierome affirmeth to their Saluation Hiero. in psal 21. The manner of eating this diuine mistery carnall men cannot attaine to all corporall natures stande of an inuisible substance and of a visible forme the forme of Christes body was that the Caphernaites sawe and coulde not eate but the substance of Christes body is that wee eate in mistery Hereof said Saint Augustine you shall not eate the body you see Viz. in visibili forma That is to saye In a visible forme Yet in another place touching the veritye of the thing in this Sacrament hee said Euerie man Aug. in psal 98. ought to adore earth or the fleash of Christ before hee did eate it Did not likewise Saint Ambrose saye To this daye Amb. de spir sanct lib. 3. cap. 12. we adore the fleash of CHRIST in the misterie● So you see diuine honor is due to this diuine Sacrament But Heretickes in steede of due worshippe doe worshippe theyr owne inuentions and opinyons like to GODS as Saint Hierome vpon Zacharie the thirteene Chapter well noteth Sicut Idola fiunt manu artificis c. Euen as Idolls saith hee are made with the hande of the artificer So the peruerse Doctrine of Heretickes whatsoeuer it faineth it turneth into an Idoll and maketh Antechrist to bee adored for CHRIST Saint Chrisostome exhorting to come to this Sacrament with Zeale and most vehement loue writeth Hoc corpus in presepe Chris in 1 Cor hom 24. Hoc reueriti sunt Magi c. The wise men commonly called the three kings reuerenced this body in the Manger and being men without good religion and barbarous they worshipped it with feare much trembling after a long iorney taken Let vs therefore who are the Citizens of heauen at the least wise followe those barbarous men for when they sawe the Manger and Cottage only and not any of those thinges which thou nowe seest they came with most great reuerence and quakmge but thou seest that thing not in the Manger but on the Altar not a woman which might holde it in her armes but the Preist present and the hely Ghost copiously spred vpon the Sacrifice which is sett forth neither thou lookest barely vpon the body as they did but thou knowest the power os it and all the order of dispencing things and thou art ignorant of none of those things which were done by him and thou hast beene diligenly instructed in all things Let vs be stirred vp therefore lett vs quake lett vs professe openly a greater deuotion then those barbarous men least if we come barely and coldly we ●eopard our head into a more vehement fire Hitherto S. Chrisostome hee said before Quando c. When thou seest it set before thee say with thy selfe for this body I am no more earth and ashes This body which is himself Christ then gaue his twelue disciples at his last supper vnder the forme of twelue fragments or peeces of bread bidding euery one of them take and eate in which deede hee sheweth himselfe to make the substance of his bodye present vnder the formes of bread in diuers places at one tyme althoughe not after the manner of locall scituation because his body hath not in the B.
but one externall Sacrifice of Christs body and bloud that shee offereth to God alone which is the holy Masse And neither to Peter nor Paul saith S. Aug. lib. 8. de ciuit Dei c. 27. Augustine though the Priest that sacrifiseth standeth ouer their bodies and offereth in their memories But other kindes of honours and duties inferiour without all comparisons how great soeuer they be to this we doe as the Scriptures and nature teach vs to all superiors in heauen and earth according to the degrees of grace honour and blessednesse that God hath called them vnto from our B. Lady Christs owne mother to the least seruant he hath in the world For which the heretikes would neuer accuse Christian people of Idolatry if they had either grace learning faith or natural affection As for that the Angel would Apoc. 19 10. not let S. Iohn worship him it was because as he said he was his fellow seruant especially now after Christs incarnation and to instruct vs that what good giftes vertues or holines wee receaue of God we seek not honour to our selues for it but for God Saint Iohn then beeing in an extasie knewe not so perfectlye whether the Angell was CHRIST oran Angell which if the Angell had not tolde it might haue beene Saint Iohn vvoulde then haue worshipped him as God which he forbad bidding him adore or worshippe God that was with the honour due vnto God and in other places of scripture when Angells appeared to men as for example to Iosue they knowing them Ios 5. 13 to bee but Angells then they neuer forbad men any such worshippe but Angells and holye men vvhen they had due honour done vnto them did not dissalowe it but rather commended it as by many other places of scripture may be shewed but I would bee briefe Nowe that Saintes praye for vs you shall find it in the holy Scripture of Ieremy in the fifteene Chapter of the second booke of the Machabees where is mention made howe Ieremie long after his death prayed for the people and that for the merites and prayers of Saints though they be departed God giueth many good gifts and graces to his seruantes you shall finde it in diuers places of holye Scripture as for example in the olde Testament almost in euery booke you shall finde hovve God for his seruauntes Abraham Isaac and Iacob and for Dauid his seruantes sake and the like spared and did not punishe his people vvhen they deserued it but gaue them benefites for their sakes longe before departed Neither bee our prayers to Saintes any iniurye to Christ our mediatour no more then when wee desire one another to praye for vs as Saint Paul did the Romanes and others Ro. 15. 30. desiring them to helpe him in their prayers For though Christ bee Col 4. Ephe. 6. our only mediator of redemption yet there bee manye mediators of intercession to make vs partakers of that redemption once vvroughte for all Neither is it meruaile the Saintes can heare our prayers for as appeareth by the Gospell they bee as Angells of God who reioyce at the conuersion Math. 22. 30. Luc. 15. 7. of a sinner and therefore no doubt see our needes assiste vs with their prayers and reioyce at our victories For if the Diuells by Godes permission see and knowe our actions much more then doubtlesse doe the Saintes of GOD by his gratious fauour see and perceaue our actions and necessities Neither is this contrary to that that God alone seeth mans hart for we Dan. 2. 1. Reg. 5. reade of Daniell and other men that haue knowne the secrets of mans hart by Godes reuelation much more doe the Saints in heauen that in seeing God as in a cleare glasse see them-selues our necessities and all thinges that are requisite for any creatures to know Gre. lib. 1. moral in Iob. For as saith Saint Gregory how is it but that they know all things that see him that knoweth and seeth all things Chap. LIII Declaring how God for his holy seruants sakes heareth our praiers and how the holy Fathers of olde praied to Saints NOwe all the Scriptures be ful how vvee men on earth be releeued and holpen by Angels in heauen as appeareth Tob 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. by holye Tobie guided by an Angell that deliuered him and his wife from the Diuell and helpt him to his mony made that holye mariage cured his fathers eyes and offered their prayers to God what vvill you haue more Holy Iacob the Patriarke when he blessed his grand children the sonnes of Ioseph these were the very wordes in the eight and fortie Chapter of Genesis saying GOD which feedeth mee from my youth euen to this present daye the Angell which deliuereth me from all euils blesse these children and vpon them my name be called and the names of my Fathers Abraham and Isaac As much you see said this blessed Prophet and Patriarke as we do when we say God and our Lady blesse the child GOD and Saint Iohn helpe you and the like which heretickes scoffe at and when Iacob said my name and of my fathers be called vpon did he not plain●ie declare that their children and posteritye shoulde beseeche GOD for their sakes to bee mercifull to them or else pray to them to pray for them as when wee praye to them and others saying Lorde for Dauid thy seruants sake haue mercy vpon vs O all Patriarkes and Prophets of GOD pray for vs Saint Peter praye for vs Saint Paul pray for vs and so forth Doe you not see here what substantiall groundes of holy Scripture wee haue for honouring and praying to Saints thoughe in a far lower degree then we honour and pray vnto God as I haue declared before for we say to God in our prayer God the father of heauen haue mercy vpon vs and not as wee doe to Saintes pray for vs signifying thereby that all honour wee giue to Saints tendeth to GOD and that all grace and goodnesse commeth principallye from God neither that the Saintes haue any goodnes or graces as of themselues without God but all from him so that we pray not to Saints for any want or insufficiency in God but in respect of our owne vnworthines that be not so worthy nor can be so speedily heard of God by our own prayers as by the prayers of his Saints of his Saints and deerest friends And this appeereth plainly by the last chapter of Iob that where Iobs friends vvere reprehended for their faults yet would not God accept their prayers for their vnworthynesse but bad them go to Iob to his seruant My seruant Iob saith God shall pray for you Now that all holy Fathers from Christs time to this day haue made their humble prayers and petitions to the Mother of God and all Saints their workes and deuout prayers declare time serueth mee not to repeate them they vvoulde fill vvhole bookes Chap. LIIII Touching by the way
Heretickes liue as though there were no God indeede hell nor heauen what they stick not to confesse some of them that hell is only in the brest and but a darkenes of the minde and conscience or some biting of the same but they shal feele vnlesse they speedely amend another hell indeede as Christ said where that deadly worme gnawing vppō them shall neuer dye and where that euerlasting fier that he at the last day shall cōmand the wicked to depart into shal neuer be quenched where is weeping wayling and gnashing of teeth Truly I my selfe knew an vsurer now become a Maister by his honest trade that said who is able to say there is a hell and yet this mā would seeme to be wise indeede it is seldome seene that any returne from hell to bring newes back especially vsurers but if he would beleeue God to be iust or beleeue Christe he would not doubt of this matter for our iust Lord thretneth hell to the wicked as he promiseth endles reward of glory to the iust yea our meeke and mercifull Sauiour saith there is a hell and that with no small nor short paines and punishments but with vnmeasurable endles torments For what do you thinke that rich glutton which Christ speaketh of in the Gospell would giue that could not haue a droppe of cold water to quench the thirst of his tongue end being punished in flames of fire What thinke you would he do at this day to be released of his torments who would not looke at the poore beggar nor spare him a mite or giue him a peece of bread lying in misery the dogges licking his sores when the rich glutton fared deliciously euery day in silkes and veluttes what thinck you would he do to be with that poore beggar in heauen if life but for seauen yeares vvpon earth might be graunted for his saluation but that tyme is past for euer in hell is no redemption where the tree falleth there foreuer it lyeth that is whether a man dye in state of saluation or damnation after death passed it cannot be altered because his soule is hardened in malice dying without iust sorrowe and with affection euer to sinne if it might bee wishing there were no GOD to punish sinne and so dying in displeasure of his Maiestie which is infinite deserueth endles torments but those we pray for departed that dye in state of saluation as I said before and neuercome in that bottomles pitte I now speake of But touching those in hell with them the gate is shutt vp which once shutt there is neuer hope of saluation the night is come when man can worke there no more his saluation therfore would God this rich vsurer and all of his minde betime would know there is a hel as christ telleth and worke their saluation as he exhorteth which this rich glutton if he might would but being in hell he can doe no more as being in an end of that which shall neuer haue end Chap. LXIX Of heauen which worldlinges contemne how we may obtaine it and of the glorious and most happy estate of the body with the soule for euer after the generall resurrection BVT you se what opinions heretickes and vsurers haue of hell I would gladly know what they thinke of heauen I haue heard of some that haue had so good a conceipt thereof that if God would euer let them liue heere they would neuer desire him as they say to trouble him in heauen nor no more I warrant you they shall vnlesse they haue a better desire to come thither whether to arriue a mā must leaue affection to this worldly trash or els quite forsake it which worldlings cannot abide to heare of for heauen is high cannot be obtained with too great a burden on our backs nor without labour paines and earnest desires as saith Christ The Kingdome of heauen suffereth violence and men must take it as it were by force that is swinck and sweat for it as an inheretance of greatest importance let therfore a man ioyfully giue himself and all he hath for it he shal win it As the wise mā that found the treasure in the field solde all he had to enioy that field and treasure whereby is vnderstoode the Kingdome of GOD the treasure and fulnes of all good thinges wherin wee shall finde Christ the full delight and infinite treasure of mans soule Heretickes woulde some of them haue vs now in no better case since Christ hath by his bloudshed opened heauen gates and remoued that wall betwixt God vs then the Iewes were before Christ when none entered into Gods glory till Christ had deliuered them but Heretiks be-ly the truth think too basely of Christs victory ouer the deuill hell death who would haue mens soules That some gather out of Luthers works was his opinion of others or rather worse Note the perfection of man is greater by how much he approch eth neerer to angelical nature to lye I know not in what obscure places and hidden receptacles till the day of iudgment but truth it is as wee bee taught by the Scriptures our Sauiour with the rich spoyle of Saints many blessed soules entered into his fathers glory with whome Saint Paul desired to be when he said I desire to bee loosed from his body that was and be with Christ so that Christ is in heauen no doubt now and Saint Paul al his blessed friends and innumerable saued soules since his Ascention with him and he hath prepared the way for vs if we well and perfectly doe liue to be with him as soone as the soule is from the body and at the glorious resurrection with Christ then shall we be clothed with a glorious stole of our bodies also in which respect we shall be better by it in some sort then I meane not that humane nature exceedeth ange●icall but thus I speake chiefely for the honor of our Lord ●●svs who in himself hath so highly exalted our nature Angels that want bodies which body as it was pertaker with the soule of the griefe and paines of Christ so it shall be for euer pertaker of the glorious resurrection with him where after with Christ shall be more ioy happines of all good things thē may be thought or imagined Chap. LXX Of the Pope that he is the Vicar of Christ and lawfull successor of Saint Peeter LAstly the heretickes raile much against the Pope for he is euer in one end of their sermons and therefore I wil end with him in this litle treatise I told you before and proued vnto you in one of the notes of the true Church which is succession how the Pope is Vicar of Christ and successor most lawfull to Saint Peter to whom and all his successors in him Christ committed chiefe charge and authority ouer the Church wherein at the first generall consell he made decree gaue first sentence he raysed the dead healed the
rewarder of wel doers But our diuelish heretiks most blaspheamously affirme he is the author of euill that his commaundements are impossible to be kept and therefore it followeth he is vniust and most vnmercifull to punish men with endles tormentes for breaking those lawes that none can keepe besides that they hold that men want free will and whether he do well or ill if he be predestinate to bee saued or damned hee shall be all is one Caluine affirmed that CHRIST despaired and blaspheamed his father vppon the crosse suffring in his soule the paines of the damned Yet the Turks hold him euer to be a holy Man the Sonne of a Virgin and the most blessed man that euer was or shall be yea punish such as deny it but you will say Caluin and his followers hold him to be GOD which Turks do not I deny that Caluin and his adherents acknowledge Christ for GOD vnlesse they will haue mo GODS then one and in so affirming they be worse thē Turks For what meaneth Caluin when contrary to the Churches creede and faith he denieth the Sonne of God to be Deus de Deo God of God that is euerlastingly begotten of his fathers substance but he wil haue him Deus ex se or per se as much to say as of another substance from his father and so of the holy Ghost and so it must needes follow that either there be three Gods as of diuers substances or els that the Sonne and the holy Ghost be no Gods at al by this doctrine of Caluin his followers but the first cannot be yet if the sonne be of another substāce from his father then whether he be lesse then his father equal or greater then his father yet being of another substance frō his father as Caluin blaspheameth then must it needes follow there be two Gods at least which consequent because Caluin denyeth yet obstinatly affirmeth the precedēt therfore he affirmeth Christ or his father or both to be no god at al. And truly in my opinion it seemeth more tollerable to affirme ther is no god thē thus with Caluin other heretiks to blaspheame his infinite goodnes which indeede cānot cōsist with the very essential nature of God as to say he is vniust vnmercifull the author of euill so that Protestāts be worse thē very atheists how much more tollerabe then be Turks then they who though they deny the passion of Christ yet do they not hold that euer he dispayred or blaspheamed God as Caluinists do teaching likewise but especially the Zwinglians that not only Turkes and all heathenish children if they be predestinate be aswell saued as Christian mens childrē Christened who dying yea in their infancy they say if they be not predestinate though Christined yet can they not be saued but also that the old heathēs as Socrates Hercules Numa c. be saued as much to say as christ dyed in vaine for the world if such as neuer had respect to him coulde be saued without him as well as the B. Virgin Peter Paul and such for these and olde heathens Zwinglius ioyneth together telling the King of France in his Epistle to him exhorting him to imbrace his Gospell which if he would do he telleth yea and promiseth him he shall see these and many moe there together in one kingdome Do you thinck this doctrine of these two men Caluin Zwinglius which our english Heretiks chiefely follow and teach can ioyne the followers and beleeuers thereof in the Catholike Church suerly then as I said Turks Atheists and all heathens be of the Church doth not Caluin vtterly These bee Caluins ownewords Epist ad Polonos pag. 946. vt cognoscant te vnum Deū id est Trinitatem hoc non modo tanquam insipidum sed prophanū quoque repudiamus vtterly mislike and forbidde that any should cal vpon pray to yea or vse this word Trinitye as to say o holy Trinity one GOD haue mercy vppon vs for though he can abide in that manner as he teacheth to heare named the Father the Sōne and the holy Ghost yet can he not abide this word consubstantiality which one viz. Luther said his soule abhorred nor this word Trinity neither as a papisticall inuention For mee to recite these places of theirs written at large would be too long and tedious but their bookes bee extant in euery stationers shoppe and their doctrine heerein so manifest to the world that none can deny it howsoeuer our politik courtly parlamētary religion heere in England to dazle simple mens eyes will haue such wordes as of Trinity still vsed to content the vulgar sort though they iump with their Apostles Zwinglius Caluin in conceipt opinion in the deepest degree Thus you see how in the chiefest points of our religiō as of God Christ the Blessed Trinity heretikes quite differ from the catholike Church as also in that great matter of iustification by faith and good works in Christ Iesus which the holy Apostle S. Paul in his Epistles so diuinely teacheth whose meaning S. Iames after so perfectly explaneth yea S. Peter the Prince of the Apostles exhorting vs by good works to make our vocatiō suer stable forwarneth Christians to take heede how they vnderstād his brother Paul who according to that hye diuine wisedome of God giuen him wrote many thinges hard to be vnderstood which the vnlearned vnstable depraue as the rest of the Scriptures to their owne destruction saith he good Lord do not these wauering vnstable heretiks of our tyme as S. Peter right worthely termeth them neuer long contynuing in one opinion but full with themselues and others of sects and dissentions do they not most peruersly and corruptly interpret chiefly this holy Apostles Epistles against the true matter of iustification confounding faith good works yea affirming faith alone to iustifie which is a very diabolicall faith affirming man hath no true iustice in him with many absurdities and heresies As about the merrits not only of our good workes and the Saints in heauen which they affirme to be none but about the merrittes of IESVS Christ himselfe the like absurdities they hold about predestination free will the Sacraments inuocation of Saints prayer for the dead images pilgrimage pardons fasting prayers and euery point all most of the Catholike Churches faith And be these of the Church of God who hold not one sounde opinion almost of God Heauen Hell Purgatory nor of the Church of God it self militant heere on earth sparing neither the soules of the glorious S. in heauen nor their bodies and sacred reliques heere in earth but digge them out of their tombes cōsume them with fire and cast their ashes to be dispersed in the water and the winde to trye perhappes with the old heathens whether they shall rise againe at the last day and can wee make these men or rather monsters members with these glorious Saints in heauen as of the same Church whose
you see howe it prooueth vvith them Quot capita tot fides tot senten tiae Secondly they haue quite taken away Priesthood and Sacrifice and haue induced a newe ministery altogither vvhich is a matter of so greate importance that it altereth the whole lawe Thirdly of seauen Sacraments they haue taken away quite six is this a small point thinke you which in effecte taketh from vs the chiefe effects of CHRISTS Passion and Redemption insomuch that a true Catholicke rather ought ro suffer death then deny the least Sacrament but Buny and such like can swallowe vppe any thing Fourthly they haue quite abolished certaine articles out of the very Apostles Creede as for example vvhereas according to the Scriptures we are taught to beleeue how CHRIST dsscended into hell if the Apostles creede bee not substantiall parts of our religion wherein wee are taught chiefly what to beleeue vvhereas this vnity of the faith Apostolicke is one chiefe foundation of christian religion then nothing at all is materiall or of substance to bee beleeued Fiftly as I sayde before touching predestination iustification free will rewarde of good workes Protestantes haue coyned such newe opinions besides olde heresies which they holdt about some of them as were neuer heard of before Sixtly they deny authority to many of the canonicall Scripturs Seauenthly as I also touched before of the nature of GOD of the blessed Trinity of three persons and vnity of one substance of the death of Christ and redemption heretiks haue deuised monstrous horrible opinions and blaspheamyes horrible for not only Christians but very Turks to thinke or speake of be these the fellowes that make not a Church a new of their owne but amend the old do they differ from vs I say but in small indifferent matters Fie vppon such palpable lyes fie vppon such impudency that euer men that would be accounted reasonable creatures can haue faces to auouch such absurdities to goe about to huddle vp such grosse inconueniences all in one bowgett and most miserable and weake senceles and vngratious be those men that can beleeue such lying Masters that vnder such pretēce of piety or rather the profession of open impiety bring in such sects of perdition to the subuersion of many seely soules Thirdly as I heere 3. before haue noted in taking away externall priesthood sacrifice they haue quite in a most essentiall point altered the whole law of Christ for according to the Apostles doctrine and Haeb. 7. 5 12. translate enim sacerdotio necesse est vt legis translatio fiat so that say Bullinger Buny or any other Protestāts in the world what they wil they must goe seeke a new Church from the Catholike Church to maske themselues in for heere possibly can be no hold for them whose priesthood they haue taken away whose sacrifice they haue aboleshed which priesthood sacrifice is one great part of the chiefe forme and substance of the whole law of Christ for heereby we be taught the law of God heereby we be gouerned and conserued in the law of God heereby we chiefely acknowledge god heereby wee bee seuered from false beleeuers and worshippers of GOD and heareby we truly worshippe honour and adore the most high and only God and with such supreme worshippe as is due to no creatuer neither in heauen nor earth so that you see what heretikes hane done in not only altering but leauing no externall priesthood nor Sacrifice at all First they by quite altering the law of Christ haue made them a new Church of their owne to dwell in more then euer GOD made they haue also abrogated all good discipline and orderly gouernment both to learne how to beleeue and how to liue and conserue themselues in the grace of GOD and openly to be knowne for his seruants yea in taking away Sacrifice the chiefe seruice of GOD they frustrate in themselues the comming of Christ the fruits of his Passō and make an open gappe to all sinne infidelity and plaine Atheisme as by lamentable experience wee see at this day whersoeuer Protestāts haue planted their fift Gospell that quite supplanteth thē out of the true Church of Christ into the malignant church of Sathan Fourthly heretiks truly acknowledging now by force the Romaine church for the true Catholik Church iustly cōdemne themselues as beeing iustly censured and condemned for blaspheamous obstinate heretiks of the same which if she be the true Church as they say desiring to bee accounted members of the same then is she not cōtrary to her selfe as being guided with the holy Ghost as Christ promised his true Church euer should be thus you see the Apostles words verefied in heretiks who be damned by their owne iudgmēt saith he therefore biddes vs. Flee them after the first and second correction to such Christ shall iustly say at the last day Ex ore tuo te iudico serue nequam who for their impiety and misbeleeuing beeing openly condemned accursed quite cut of by excōmunication by his spouse frō her who yet beeing vrged they durst not but confesse her to be the true Church yet stil they disobayed her to their owne perdition and of their deceiued followers like to those proude deuils who confessing Christ to be the Sonne of God yet giuen ouer in desperate obstinacy to a reprobate sence still by their sleights tentations draw as many as they can from God blaspheaming his holy name though to their owne paine euer and greater damnation heerevppon it is so hard to heare of a learned chiefe heretike truly conuerted if he haue long continued obstinate because he sinneth of malice and commonly in the beginning especially against his owne conscience and so damned by his owne iudgement in the end is by Gods iust iudgement quite blinde in soule vnderstanding and so being become obdurate or hardened in hart is giuen ouer in reprobum sensum Thus you see how heretiks make an argument against themselues in accounting themselues members of that Church which they rebelliously disobay which by Christs commandement they are commanded to heare follow contrary to whose precept from which they be runnegates plaine Apostates of the same Church be publikly condemned Fiftly it yrketh me to finde any so feeble or weake if they be but once well inclined to the true Catholike Church as once to thinke that the heretiks of our tyme can be in any sort members of the same to yeeld reasons for the disproofe of so manifest an vntruth seemeth to mee as needeles as to proue that the Diuell is alyar or that the Sunne shyneth at the noone day For besides as I touched before the Heretikes of our time one sect or other either quite deny or els damnably erre in the most principall and substantiall articles of Christian faith and religion yea so farre and deepely that Turkes may as well yea and Except that heretiks beare the name of Christians c better though both be
sent backe againe with great honour and gifts and the like triumph and reioycing to my knowledge was neuer in Rome before since our Country was first conuerted vnto Christ in Gregory the greats time our holy Apostle that sent S. August●ne to preach the Gospell amōgst vs English men These coūtries new y conuerted in the Indians be conuerted by Iesuites Monkes and Friers so honourab●e once in our Country but now odious yea their very names They in those mighty Countries citties far greater then the rest of all Christendom● do raise vp houses of religion as fast as we pull the downe they know or beleeue no other faith but only the Catho Romane faith Church praysed ●om 1. 8. with the Apost●es mouth to be preached through the whole worlde Heretickes here you see in corners of Christendome rent and teare in peeces like rau●ning Wolues the flocke of Christ but they plant it in no place amongst I●fidelles where Christ was neuer heard of before as our Priests and religious men doe which they so rai●e against in their pulpits amongst ignorant people But no maruell for our Sauiour describeth such Wolues vnder the name of hirelings or rather no Pas●ors but theeues and robbers that come in by the window not by the doore that feede themselues and not the flocke of Christ but be like to those whereof the Prophet speaketh De Psal 52. 5 uorant plebem meā vt cibum panis deuouro my poore people a● meate of bread It is the property o● the heretike vt furetur mactet perdat to steale murder destroy but not as a good shepheard to feed the flock of Christ and raise vp and build the walles of Ierusalem the holy Church Thus you see how the Church of Christ is no priuate conuenticle or tied to one or two Countries or Nations but it is common to the whole world A mari vsque ad mare a flumine vsque ad terminos orbis terrarum a visible Church to be seene as hee promised by the holye Prophet it should bee that all Nations might haue recourse thereunto Againe Ps 112. 3. he promised by his Prophet it shoulde be from the rising of the Sunnet to the setting of the same againe Et aperienter portaetuae Isa 60. 11 iugiter die ac nocte non claudenter vt afferatur ad te fortitudo gentium reges earum adducantur That her gates should neuer be shut that is that shee should be common to all Nations of the world both Iew and Gentile but this is proper to no sort of Heretickes in the world which be enclosed you see in a few corners of the same as England and Germany But our common knowne faith Church and religion is Catholicke that is vniuersall generall and common not only to these countries but to all the countries of the worlde where Christ was euer preached or heard of Euen from the rising of the Sunne to the setting of the same againe therefore no other Church the true Church but ours only that is the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolicke Romane Church First then you see what Church hath the first true marke which wee be taught in our Creede to beleeue that is our Romane Church no other because ours and no other you see can properly be called Catholicke that is common to all Nations Chap. III Of the second certaine note of the true Church SEcondly this Catholike Roman church is of greatest antiquity which is a sure note or marke of the true Church proper to no Church but onely to our church that is the true catholike church For this catholike faith religion which at this day for example is preached at Rome in the Indians in al the coasts of the world is no new fangled vpstart opiniō sect as lutherans protestants be whose first rising is yet in our fathers memory but most ancient that is both euer continued one and the same Faith and church for almost these 1600. yeers from Christes Ascention euen vnto this day whereas the Protestants can neither shew church chappel nor congregation of their faith religion through the whole world till only within these 80. yeres till Luther his fellows licentious Lollards first arose if their were anie of more anciēt years as Wicliff Hus Ierom of Prague and the like yet with their opinions they held other damnable heresies which the Protestants mislike as-well as Catholikes so that only our Catholike Church is that which hath continued not for fourescore yeers but fifteene hundred fourescore which marke so auncient of Antiquity because heretikes want therfore they cannot be members of Christs Catholike Church against which our Sauiour promised The diuell and all his power should neuer preuaile but that it shoulde continue from his Ascention into Heauen to his comming againe to Iudgement euē to the end of the world when by his iust Iudgemēt he shal seuer the good corne and chaffe a-sunder make himselfe a glorious triumphant Church in Heauen without spotte or wrinckle Nowe then either it must followe that Christ failed of his promise which to thinke or saye is extreame blasphemie or else that our Church the Catholike Romane Church and no other is only the true church because no other Church but ours only hath beene seene and openly continewed and preuailed against the deuil and all his members from Christes time to this day For their church if not you yet your father knew when it sprong vp that of what ground and occasion it rose that was of Couetousnes Pride and whordome but our Catholike Church hath continued by most of there owne confessions for a thousand yeares yea some of them giue vs thirtene hundred yeares but wee will take to vs and are able to proue by all auntient authority and the invincible truth sixteene-hundred yeres nowe well drawing on that is euen frō Christs time to this day Wherefore our Church being the only church that hath euer visibly beene seene and florished in many Though the church hath euer beene visible yet I meane she hath especially florished since times according to the promise of our Sauiour his Church shoulde doe Therefore it must needes followe that noe Church but onely our Catholyke Romane Church is the true Church as being by farre most antient euen from Christes time But the heretike hath another shift for this he granteth with vs that the Church of Christ shall euer continew but he would haue it an inuisible congregation secrett in mennes hearts a congregation knowne to God alone to no mortall crea●ure saue only to such as be of the same whereupon he woulde haue the Church to consist of the onely Elect saued soules that there be not of both sorts good and bad in the holie true Catholike Church which wily shift of the heretikes we easily shift off reproue plainly by Gods word his gospel which compareth his church Vnto
hath offēded deadly yet the holy Church commaundeth once a yeare to recieue before which Confession in lay-men but much more in Preists if they finde their consciences guilty is commonly presupposed which vnlesse euery one obserue vnlesse he haue some iust impediment he grieuously sinneth and though a man cannot finde himselfe guilty of deadly sinne yet of some smal sinnes wherein we daily al offend and without which this life can hardlye be led the best maye accuse themselues may very well confesse them and ordinarely good men some euerye w●eke do confesse such small sinnes as light thoughts vaine wordes and the like which be commonly called veniall sinnes and whereof Christ saieth we shal make account at the daye of iudgement if wee first iudge not our selues here which though not of necessity because other-waies they maye bee forgiuen yet they may be matters of confession But a deadly sinne if one after due discussion of his conscience can remēber it come to a lawful Priest euery one vnder paine of damnation is bound to confesse to a lawfull Preist a deadlye sinne I say that is the transgression or breach of Godes Commaundement it is called deadlye because it draweth to euerlasting death vnlesse wee confesse it in the holy Sacrament of Penance if in any sort we can come to the Priest Deadly sinnes be many but especially these following bee called capitall and principall sinnes whereof all other sinnes proceede Pride Couetousnes Leachery Gluttony Wrath Yet these sins some of them especially be not alwaies mortall but in some deepe or high degres Enuy Slouth Moreouer false beleife infidelity heresie these three be most grieuous deadly sins likewise witches or those that goe or send to witches or such you call wisemen coniurers those offend deadly Likwise those that speake euil of God our Lady or his holy Saints or against the Pope Christs vicar heer in earth or against the holy Sacraments especially the B. Sacrifice of the Masse those be all or some of them sacrilegious blasphemous sinners excōmunicate cannot be forgiuen without Confession at least in will when a Preist cānot be had for those sinnes be most deadly against the first Cōmandement of God that cōmaundeth no God but one to be worshiped as for Images or Pictures of Christ his holy saints they be no more forbidden vs therein than to carry the Image of our Queene in our mony or the like God forbad all Idolatry worshiping of false Gods vncleane false Idoles Images not true Images that be liuely memories of our Redemption vertuous personages therefore be called Lay-mens books as holy Fathers tearme them Nay God himselfe as you shal reade in holy Scripture commaunded Images to be made of Angels which were set vpp in Salomons Temple 3. Reg. 6. wherefore Christians right worthily set in their temples the Images of Christ his Saints For many a simple vnlearned man knoweth not how Christ died vpon the Crosse but only by seing his picture vpon the Crosse therfore heretikes that haue pulled it out of Churches doe that which lieth in them to put Christs Passion out of mans mind bragge they neuer so much in wordes of the same We then offend not against the first commaundement of God that religiouslye keepe and set vp holy pictures to imprint Christes memory in our hartes but they that breake and pull them down be impious heretikes who therefore in general Councels many hundred yeares before by the consent of all Christendome haue beene condemned Who in deed bee worse then olde Idolators as worshipers of their owne opinions an Idolatry far worse then that of the gentils Againe great swearers and forswearers offend deadlye and ought to confesse for an oathe ought not to be vsed but in Iustice and Iudgement whereby God is called to witnesse Likewise those that breake their vowes as of chastity and the like Let Schismatike Preistes that after their vowes haue taken whoores to their concubines which they tearme their wiues looke to this as for Ministers they haue no damnation for mariage which Preistes with their so tearmed wiues haue because they neuer made vow of chastity for they good men thinke it impossible to bee chast whereas * Cor. 7. 7. Ministers I meane so that they would forsake their hereticall ministerie and become Catholikes should not sin in taking vppon them honest mariage or in being maried Saint Paul wisheth all men to be so as himselfe that was chast As for vnlawful oathes when where before whomsoeuer they be taken they ought not to be kept for they doe euill in taking them but worse in keeping them if the matter be of importance and vniust As when Herod swore his daughter should haue what she asked and she like an enuious caytiffe by her mothers suggestion asked Saint Iohns head Herode did euill in swearing rashly but he offended worse in keeping his oath deliberatly * Mar. 6. Chap. XVII Of the rest of the Commaundements and of some sins against them to be confessed to the Preist LIkewise whē one goeth as oftas he goeth to the heretiks Church to heare or bee present with them at seruice it is a deadly sinne and Schisme and a deniall of Christ which is the truthe and much more grieuous a sinne it is in recieuing that wicked and most blasphemous communion of theirs which is haynous Idolatry for that a man taketh a peece of bread reposing therein his saluation contrary to Christes holy ordinance that left vs his body and blood in the holye Sacrament to bee receiued which they like traitors to God and his Church haue abolished and deceiue with a peece of bakers breade the simple people giuing it them in steede of that bread of life that came downe from heauen whereby we all doe liue So that this communion of theirs being quite contrarye to Christes ordinance to receiue it is most horrible and deadly sinne And as by a worthye receiueing the blessed Sacrament a man is made one body with christ so to recieue their cōmunion it maketh a man one body with Antechrist the diuel wherfore I cannot find or cā hardly find a greater sin than to go to the heretiks Church receaue with them For receiuing the cōmunion as the Diabolicall Samaritanes the ministers therof do raise vp an Altar as it were against the true Altar of God which God euer so abhorred terribly punished so the receauers of that communiō I say make a publike professiō of the deniall of the B. Body Blood of Iesus in the holy Eucharist of the catholike Faith Religion yea take a signe seale of the same incorporating theselues therby to the synagogue of Antechrist the diuell as the worthy receauers of the B. Sacramēt be incoporate knit or made one body with Christ Likewise not to come to Masse euery Sonday Holy-day if a man can conueniently is deadly Sinne. So
in against them When Protestantes to couer their heresies about the Sacrament giue it honorable tearms we may say to them Lib. 8. de Trim. as Saint Hillarye saied to the Arrians who called Christ Lord Dominum licet nuncupes c. Albeit you name him Lord Yet you meane him not to bee the Lord because he is a Lord to you rather by a common kinde and familiar name then by nature Euen so pretende what honorable opinion or doctrine the Protestants list of Christs supper yet as long as by nature and substance they thinke not that externall gifte to be his body which himselfe called so they rather sooth it by a better name than meane it to be any better thing than a bare signe or figure Ebion although he denied Christs Godhead Epiphan Her 30. yet as Epiphanius telleth he affirmed him to rule Angells and all that euer was made by God and his scholers called him a Prophet and the Sonne of God which notwithstāding forsomuch as they beleeued him not to be God by nature the Catholikes neuer doubted to say that they taught him to be Nudum hominem A naked bare man Right so whatsoever holinesse bee annexed to bread and wine be it the signe of neuer so great a vertue and efficacy be it neuer so much called the body and bloud of Christ yet if it remaine still in the former substance if the trueth which it is appointed to signifie be absent it is bare bread and bare wine and a bare token of Christs Body and Bloud Some signes containe the trueth they signifie as a loaf set out that bread is there is to be solde another kind of signes signify the trueth absent as the Iuy-bushe doth wine The latter signe is a bare signe but not the first The Catholickes say the best and richest kinde of seales is in the sacrament because there is Christs body really present to signifie and as it were by seale to witnesse his owne death and Passion The bloudy sacrifices of the olde Lawe did better signifie Christs Passion than Protestants bread wine beeing but a bare signe Melchisedeche likewise had besides his bread wine the reall body of Abraham present whō he offered to God in him Iesus Christ his seede and so that also farre more excellent than bakers bread The body of Christ vnder the forme of bread is of it selfe both the thing and also a figure of the mystical vnity of the Church Res Sacramenti that is the thing of the Sacrament is the grace of God The substance of Christ vnder the forme of bread is the signe For Christ commeth in his own corporall presence to seaze and to endue vs with his grace Hence it commeth that S. Augustine so ofte calleth this Sacrament a figure because the body it selfe is heere not for it selfe but to put vs in possesion of so great a grace as the vnion with God is Moreouer those that say the bodye of Christ is eaten by faith only and no otherwise bee against the Gospell that affirmed Christ gaue his bodye with his owne handes beeing present and not at his fathers right hand But faith is Heb. 11. an argument of thinges to bee hoped for not appearing If in S. Iohn spirituall eating by faith bee only spoken of why is it said Dabo I will giue wheras sprituall eating was already giuen to all that euer beleued and therfore it was not to come but the bread which Christ will giue is his flesh and the guift therof is to come therfore it is more then a spirtuall eating by faith which was both past and present Note that the place in S. Iohn which Ioh. 6. heretiks take to make most for them in very deede maketh most against them What saith Christ If you see the Sonne of man ascending c. Whereby is declared the power of our Sauiours Godhead whereby onlye hee ascended which if the Capharnaits and heretikes woulde perfectly beleeue they woulde then neuer doubt of Christes reall presence in the Sacrament which through the omnipotencie of his godhead hee is able to performe Consider also against the heretikes these figure makers that it standeth well together the Eucharist to be a signe the truth as Christ is the Image of God and yet also God the higher euery signe or Image is the lesse it differeth from the truth and therefore the figure of Christs bodye and bloud differeth in forme but not in substance from Christ him selfe and so although the Sacrament be a figure yet the words This is my Body be not tropicall or vnproper Hoc that is the word This signifieth not bread but that is contained vnder bread Hoc facite doe this the making of the sacrificed substāce also must needes be a Sacrifice not only suffering himselfe to be seene of those that desire him as saith S. Chrysostome but also to In Iohn hom 45. be toucht eatē teeth to be fastned in his flesh al to be filled with desire of him Besides the reall presence sacrifice Christes body also hath a locall being in vs in respect that the substance of Christ occupieth the same place vnder the forme of bread which the substance of bread did occupie before when we haue that kinde of bread in vs euen so Christs beeing is locall in vs. Moreouer as Christ at his Incarnation came not from heauen by forsaking his glorie but by asumpting fleshe of the Virgin so nowe at the time of the Consecration his bodye commeth not downe from heauen but the bread is changed into his body by that meane his body is present with vs. And as after his resurrection hee ascended into heauen so after the communion the formes of bread and wine being consumed Christ ceasseth to be corporally with vs to the end wee should againe desire his presence well knowe these Note wel two cheife points of our beleife the one that the ende of the conioyning consisteth in spirit rather thā in flesh the other that the flesh of Christ really eaten is the means whereby we haue accesse to the spirite of God with trust confidence Now Christ cannot bee better present in spirite and grace then if hee bee present in his selfe therein to conuert to vs his spirite and grace for the cause of his taking flesh was to make his flesh an instrument to deliuer his spirite grace to our flesh to the end that no meane of prouiding for our saluation might be omitted by so louing a father In consideration wherof S. Ambrose saith Thou that Lib. 6. de Sacram. Cap. 1. takest his flesh art made pertaker of his diuine substance in that foode Note that the spirite and substance of God commeth to vs by taking Christes flesh Chap. XXIIII Of the excellency of the most blessed Sacrament and in what respect it is called a Sacrament signe or figure and yet is the very thing it selfe which it betokeneth IT
liue for euer In S. Mathew the 26. and S. Marke 14 Chap. His body his bloud of the new Testament In S. Luke the 22 Chap. His body which is giuen for vs and the Chalice which is the new Testament in his blood which is shed for vs. In S. Paul the first epistle to the Corinth and 11 Chap. The bread which we break is the communicating of our Lordes body the Chalice of blessing which we blesse is the communicating or pertaking of Christes bloud The newe Gospellers that saye they sticke only to Gods worde yet cannot finde one Apostle one Euangelist one Prophet or Patriarch that taught our Lordes supper to be a signe S. Paul 1. Cor. 11. threatheth damnation to him that vnworthily eateth it and he calleth vnworthy eating not only the contempt therof or lacke of faith but euen the omitting to proue or examine him himselfe before he eate our Lords body and that because hee maketh no difference betwixte it and common meates yet come the protestants with a newe doctrine affirming that we receiue not our Lordes body into our bodies but an euident signe and token thereof They admit no authority no rule no triall of matters belonging to faith but onlie the holye Scriptures immediately they breake their owne rule In so much as the holy Scriptures calling the Supper of our Lord his body and bloud they teache it to be an euident token of his body bloud if they keepe not their owne rule who can they binde to keepe the same But the Protestants will aske me perhaps whether the Lordes Supper bee not a Sacrament if a Sacranient then also a signe or token I aunswere they that prescribe rules of bleeuing to the worlde they that will haue all thinges prooued by the touch-stone of Gods worde they that for pretence of following the Gospell haue stirred vp so great strife through all Christendome must not talke with vs vvith if and and vvith conditions and peraduentures but they must bring forth the vvorde of God for that they saye So that although the Supper of our Lord were neuer so much a Sacrament surely to them it vvere none because they cannot proue out of the vvorde of God vvhere it is so named to vs it is both a Sacrament and a Sacrifice a Sacrament because vve are so taught by tradition from the Apostles a Sacrifice because Malachie the Mal. Cap. 1. Prophet in the person of God expressely saieth In omni loco sacrificatur offertur nomini meo oblatio munda quia mag num est nomen meum in gentibus In euery place a pure oblation is sacrificed offered to my name because my name is great among the Gentiles There is absolutely no cleane pure oblatiō but the sacrifice of Christs body bloud which was offered to death not in euery place but without the gate of Hierusalem alone the same is at this day vnbloudely offered in the Masse in euery place wheresoeuer amongst the gentiles the name of God is rightly called vpon Thus both they and we may proue the supper of our Lord to be a Sacrifice by Scripture but that it is a Sacrament we can proue because our forefathers deliuered such a Doctrine to vs they cannot proue the same seeing they will not be bounde to vnwritten Traditions If they flie to the Church for naming it it is a Sacrament the same Church teacheth them ther be seauen Sacraments but the Protestants say they find but two sanctified and deliuered by Christ allowed of the olde fathers Ambrose Augustine but concerning the deliuery of Sacraments by Christ they might haue founde it in the worde of God Confirmation in the 8. cap. of the Acts of the Apostles Penance Iohn 20. Extreame-Vnction Iac. 5. Preisthood Luc. 22. Matrymony Ephes 5. And not onely Baptisme and the Eucharist But what talke is this to say S. Ambrose S. Augustin● allowe the workes of Christ Was not the deliuery and consecration of Christ of sufficient authority except Ambrose and Augustine had proued it I thought Ambrose Augustine should haue beene allowed by Scripture and not Scripture by them I stande with them vpon the authority of the worde of God Proue me thence these two Sacraments alone yea proue that they are so named at all what Gospell called Baptisme a sacrament What holy write nameth the Supper of our Lord a sacrament Da●e they giue these thinges a name that which is not in the worde of God What warrant haue they for that deede They will say Ambr●se and A●gustine call them so I replye Peter and Paul call them not so at other times and with other men I will stay vpon the authoritye of Ambrose and Augustine whom as I ought to doe I reuerence for men of excellent vertue learning but they were men as they were woont to say they might erre and be deceiued heare first the Scriptures to whom Protestantes appeale onely and afterwardes you shall heare what the Fathers say But first I say that neither the olde Testament nor the new calleth the Supper of our Lorde a Sacrament therefore the Protestantes that so call it goe from the assurance of the word of God to the good and laudable inuentions and Traditions of men which themselues condemne whē they list And yet they so cal it a Sacrament that vpō that only word the authors thereof ground all their doctrin thence it hath to be a signe to be a tokē to be a badge a seale a patterne a counterpaine thence all the figuratiue doctrine riseth thence it commeth that the reall body and bloud of Christ is denied to bee vnder the formes of bread and wine Shall now so much as Christ hath plainlye spoken of his bodye and bloud so much as his Apostles and disciples haue preached and written in that behaulf shall now all this be ouerthrowne by an vnwritten veritye are these the men of God who flie from S. Mathew S. Marke S. Luke Saint Iohn Saint Paul to Augustine and Ambrose If none but Prophets and Apostles had written where had they found two Sacraments Where had they read that the supper of our Lord is a signe and token they make much a-doe about the worde of God vntill they haue gotten credite among the ignorant and then they quite leade them from al the worde of God I speake to such good Christians as haue the true loue of the worde of God lefte in their heartes to them I speake giue not ouer S. Mathew S. Iohn Saint Paul for Ambrose and Augustine giue not ouer Christ who is God and man to haue the opinion of whatsoeuer Doctor and Father in causes of beleife Some men in comparison of others be of great authoritye but in comparison of God all men be nothing at al God saieth This is my body nowe whatsoeuer man or Angell from heauen tell you this is not the bodye of Christ but onely a figure of it beleeue him not but
shewed him by most graue authoritie which was said to be Christ if such thing had beene taught him he for his part was so obedient to beleeue so willing to adore Christ that he woulde haue done any thing which had beene commaunded him vnder the name of Christ or of his religion Is this a fault why the poore man should be condemned no surelye seeing the prophet Dauid saith Vt iumentum Psal 62. factus sum apudte I am become as it were a beast before thee It is laudable saith Enthymius that in the sight of God we take our selues as beasts which being so I can deuise no fault in this poore and simple man who if he be deceaued he is deciued by Christ by his forefathers by diuers Catholicke and vertuous preachers by the vertue of humility of obedience and of pure loue towardes God But on the other side if Christ call one of them before him who denieth his reall presence and aske him why hee did not beleeue the Sacrament of the Altar to bee the body of Christ what will he answere for himselfe will he say Sir I beleeued your body to sitt at the right hand of God the father and therefore that your body was not in the Priests hande Why then thinkest thou that I am not able to make the same which is at the right hand of my father to be also present vnder the forme of bread Sir whether you are able or no I can not say But I haue heard many preachers tell that one bodye cannot be at one time in diuers places O how dreadfully would Christ answere in this case Did not those preachers whome thou pretendest to follow say alwayes they preached to thee the sincere worde of God did they not by that colour ouerthrow Monastaries Churches Altars Images of Saints and mine owne Image and Crosse Did they not deny the sacrifice of the Masse Praying for the dead such like auncient vsages only for pretence of the word of God nowe se how inexcusable they and thou art I saide Take eate This is my Bodye I said this to twelue men I gaue each of them my body bad make that thing as it is written in the Gospell I shewed at Capharnaum that I was signed of my father and equall with him in power they them selues beleue that I made all creatures places times of nothing nowe is it doubted how I am able to make my body present vnder the forme of bread in diuers pa●ces Yea to mainteine the better the argumēt against my almighty power they say I entred not into my Disciples the dores being shutt but either preuented the shutting of them contrary to the wordes of my Gospell or came in by the windowe as theeues do or by some hole as creepers do yea any thing is sooner beleeued thē my diuine strength and working thou Hypocrite seeing the worde of God hath it written fower times in the newe Testament This is my body how cōmest thou to talke with me of my sitting in heauē as though one of my workes were contrary to the other if in deed thou hadst bin humbly perswaded that I were god thou wouldest not measure my almighty power by thy simple witt Thou art twice condemned first for deniall of a truth and againe for denying it against my expresse worde which thou pretendest to esteeme and pronouncest it false If the poore man say he knewe not so much nor sawe not the falsehood of that argument and begin to accuse the false preachers who deceaued him Christ may well say that he was not deceaued for before these false preachers began their false doctrine he had said This is my Bodye and This is my Bloud and all the world beleeued and taught the reall presence of Christs body and bloud fiftene hundred yeares togither what cause now hadst thou to beleeue a newe Gospel and newe preachers thereof forsooth Sir they said the Bishop of Rome had deceaued vs. If in this case Christ tell him that the Bishop of Rome were the successor of Saint Peter and so his Vicar hauing promise by him not to erre in faith and yet that he alone taught not that Doctrine but that all the Bishoppes Doctors and Preachers of the whole Church taught the same from the beginning and that Christ himselfe had said the same that all the Euangelists and the Apostle Saint Paul had written the same that all faithfull men beleeued the same what excuse can hee haue who forsooke CHRIST the Apostles the Bishopps the Fathers the Preachers and the whole Church to follow an vpstart renegate Frier who began his doctrine so ambitiously and proudly who liued so euill and died so terribly that his very abhominable dealing with great princes his shamefull incest and horrible death might make any good man weary to thinke vpon him much lesse shoulde any haue followed him To be short answere the poore man for himselfe what he may yet he cannot deny but that both Christ said This is my body and the Church taught the same yet beleeued he not this to be the body of Christ and therefore is one of them who beleeue not and without faith which is but one there is no saluation no pleasing of God no part in the kingdome of heauen which thing if they that be aliue will consider they may returne againe to the Catholicke faith and Church and so be made liuely members of Christs body whereof Christ is the Sauiour O but the Hereticke still vrgeth if I eate Christ really then I feede not of him spiritually I answere it is the fondest kinde of reasoning in the worlde by one truth to deny an other seeing both stande togither Is my faith the lesse because Christ was bodely seene in earth howe is then my spirituall feeding the worse because the foode of life is in my mouth Doth not Tertullian say the flesh is fedde De resurrect cor with the body and bloud of Christ to the ende the soule may be made fat with God and yet will the Heretickes say Christ in his last supper left vs but a figure of his body Except yee eate the flesh of the sonne of man is in deede a figure and the speaking thereof is figuratiue because it was not meant that a man should be visibly eaten as flesh is at common tables but yet that he shoulde be really eaten albeit the maner of eating be figuratiue as we knowe S. Augustine then as I said before calling those wordes except yee eate my flesh figuratiue referreth the figure to the manner of eating but not to the substance which is to be eaten for else if by no meane the flesh of Christ might be eaten it shoulde not be eaten by faith but if it may so be eaten it may be eaten by mouth also in that pure manner as it is giuen vs. The whole man must eate as well in body as in soule because the whole is taken and assumpted of Christ the
whole is incorporated by Baptisme the whole redeemed by death and the whole shall be crowned with glory therefore the true eating is to eate that meate which of it selfe consisteth of body soule and Godhead to eate it I say in body soule and spirite and not by faith only Chap. XXVI of the blessed Sacrament of the Altar shewing how conueniently it was ordained for our reparation and what preparation we ought to make to the same BVT it is not my purpose here to recount the shifts of our aduersaries or rather deceipts of the Diuell speaking by them his instruments to delude the simple to their damnation but rather for our instruction and comfort Let vs note here the prouidence of God sweete disposition in the ordinance of this most diuine mistery Our first parents by pride in coueting to bee as Gods and in incredulity beleeuing the serpent and mistrusting God fell from God contra●● 〈…〉 vs like God in deede and to recall vs 〈…〉 heauenly Paradise which our parents lost by eating the forbiddē fruit Christ hath ordeyned a remedy quite contrary giuing vs in this B. Sacrament himselfe the fruit of the B. Virgin that bread that came downe from heauen that so with humility beleeuing Christs worde and promise far aboue our reason forsaking our selues submitting our reason to faith in Christ wee may receaue him his B. body that happy fruit of endlesse life and by vertue thereof recouer the possession Eue lost by her vnbeleeuing and tasting the forbidden fruit Leaue vaine disputes then of this blessed Sacrament and with steedfast faith imbrace the truth for this high mistery farre exceedeth mans reason For of all the workes that euer God wrought this is * So S. Thomas calleth it miraculorū maximū if any can finde a greter vnusquisque abūdet in sensu suo Psal 100. most wonderfull and miraculous insomuch that herein God sheweth as it were the periode summe and perfection of all his workes as he spake before by his holy Prophet Memoriam secit mirabilium suorum miserator et misericors Dominus escam dedit timentibus se GOD herein hath made a memorye of his wonderfull vvorkes hee hath giuen meate to those that feare him So that this heauenly food is giuen to the saluation of those only that with reuerent loue with perfect faith come vnto this diuine banquet for what a wonderfull and mitaculous worke of Christ is this to feed man with the food of Angels for that Christ whose glory is the repast dainty and satiety of Angells in heauen is the foode of poore pilgrimes in this B. Sacrament here in earth nay herein God hath exalted man aboue Angels giuing the Preist power by his mighty word to consecrate his body so that that which before was bread nowe is no more breade but his body which power he neuer graunted to Angell Againe as God is all in all and in euery place in heauen and earth and yet not deuided but whole perfect God and as saith the Apostle In ipso viuimus mouemur sumus In him wee liue be moued and are Euen so though the Blessed body of Christ be not in all places at once where his God-head is as the Lutherane Vbiquitary Heretickes that so they might coarcte the mistery of this Blessed Sacrament in their reasons do dreame yet it is most certaine according to our beliefe and Godes truth that Christ euer sits at the right hand of his father most glorious and yet is here sacramentally and in a mistery in the B. Sacrament and as fullye Christ here perfect God and man as hee is in heauen and in many places and diuers Altars in all coastes of the worlde at once and yet not many but one and the same Christ indiuisible Yea in euery litle parte or particle of the holye Host and B. Sacrament is as whole and perfect Christ as in the vvhole host and looke where the Blessed body of Christ is there is his bloud and where his body and bloud is there is his God-head by vertue of that vnion of the diuine and humane nature in one person therefore it followeth that where the holye Sacrament is there is God the sonne And because the workes of the Trinity be indiuisible though no person but the second ●erson in Godheade was incarnate an● tooke vpon him our nature yet there 〈◊〉 present the Father and the holy Ghost three persons and one GOD in Trinity by vertue of the concomitance as wee tearme it and hypostaticall vnyon whome all creatures doe worshippe to whome Angells singe out perpetuall prayses and before whome heauen and earth doe tremble and quake O vnspeakable and dreadfull mistery An other miracle in this B. Sacrament is that though it be daily eaten yet is it neuer consumed nor any thing impaired though manye vncleane persons and traytors like Iudas doe ofte vnworthely receaue the same yet in it self it is euer vndefiled As you see the cleare sonne that shineth vpon the foule clay is nothing darkned but still remaineth pure in it self which as it is noysome to the watrye and euill disposed eye so is it comfort to the cleare and vvell disposed euen so Christ the sonne of righttuousnes giuen vs in this B. Sacrament is comfort health and saluation to the well disposed but euerlasting death damnation to those that come with vncleane consciences ●oaden with mortall sin without cleansing their soules before that is without contrition and lowly confession for the same not because the fault is in Christ but because the thing that receaueth him is impure and vncleane yet Christ alwayes perfect glorious in himselfe without defect and no meruaile for if he suffred himselfe to bee abused and shed his bloud with wonderfull blasphemies against him by those traiterous villaines hanging vpon the Crosse passibly no meruaile I say though in this B. Sacrament impassible he suffereth himself to be vnworthely receaued of hypocrites and wicked men whereof some will not sticke to stab their daggers in this By stab vnderstand pricke thrust or strike Blessed Sacrament and tread it vnder feet al which he suffreth wicked men to worke not with-drawing his diuine presence that the good bee not defrauded of so vnspeakeable a benefit for by this their abuse they hurte and soile themselues but not him who is immortall impassible Hereby we may answere the sond obiections of heretiks that say what if cat or rat should eatiet no doubt whatsoeuer taketh or abuseth it it is neuertheles the very body of Christ still but when the outward species or forme of the Sacrament passeth away from that vnseemly vessell then Christs B. Body and Bloud also passeth can be there no more abused An other wonderfull miracle we see and by daily experience proue in this B. Sacrament that is that whereas Christ hath ordeyned this B. Sacrament vnder the formes and liknes of those things that be most vsuall and familier to vs that is vnder the formes
Christ towardes vs for loue you knowe deserueth loue againe but what greater loue could Christ shewe vs in not onlye dying for vs but still in this vnspeakable mistery remaining with vs Was there euer Pellicane that so tendred her young ones who though she fedde them with her bloud yet in the end she forsaketh them was there euer mother that so dearly looued her childrē as christ doth vs who said and persormeth it that If a mother can forget the onlye sonne of her wombe yet will he neuer forget nor forsake vs who not only feedeth vs with the sweet milk of his holy word the fruit full dewe of his grace taketh compassion vpon vs euen with shedding his bloud imbrasing vs with his stretched out armes of mercy vpon the Crosse but also still remaineth with vs euen to the end of the world fostring vs with his very body be dewing and washing vs also with his most sweet and precious bloud O hart why dost thou not relent why art thou so harde how canst thou abstain from teares for pure loue of that sweet Sauiour and Redeemer vvhy art thou not appalled with feare vvhy art thou not stricken with loue vvhy art thou not wholy inflamed with deuotion which is oft afforded to the deuout receauers hereof for by how much this mistery is aboue mans reason by somuch the feruēt loue deuotiō bestowed on vs by the fountaine of Gods grace giuē vs therin is of more vertue and aboundance If S. Peter when he had but one glimce of Gods glory whē he but tasted as it were a droppe of his loue in Mount Thabor thought it good to stay there and neuer to depart When wee receaue heare a fountaine of his loue a pleadge of his glorie the coelestiall dewe of all grace why shoulde wee not fully content satiate and repose our selues herein O if such disposition is made for the receipt of some noble King in his subiects house howe ought wee to cleanse our hearts and mindes to purifie our bodies to sweepe our spirits vvith compunction and penitent sorrowe of harte for our sinnes which bee the only things that bee foule in Gods sight and displease him to confesse vvith mouth to satisfie vvith deede to applie all the members of our bodies and powers of our soules to entertaine him that so our soules and bodies may be an habition for Christ and tabernacle of the holie Ghost But O sweete Sauiour if my vessell were of the purest mettall farre more excellent then golde and precious s●ones it were too base for thy Maiestie whome those glorious Angelicall spirits or the heauens cannot comprehende and where is then thy habitation but onlie in pure mindes and soules Giue me then grace good Lorde to flie sinne to serue and loue thee so to dwell in thee that thou m●yst inhabite in mee For in thee I can doe all thinges but without thee nothing thou art the high Priest and true Sacrifice thou art the offerer and pure oblation it selfe CHRIST IESVS our Lorde and God the true MESSIAS and Sauiour of the vvorlde thou be blessed for euermore To bee briefe you see nowe by this little vvhich is saide the vvonderfull goodnesse of CHRIST in leauinge vs his blessed body and bloude in this holy Sacrament whereby vvee all haue life and grace and saluation in our soules for as our bodies cannot liue vvithout breade so our soules cannot liue vvithout this breade of life Christes body giuen vs herein as hee saide Vnlesse you Ioh. 6. 53. eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloude you shall not haue life in you whereby you see howe these newe lying Masters heretikes bee worse then murderers that pine and murder mens soules in that they depriue and rob you of so vnspeakable a benefitte as Christs bodye and most blessed bloude giuen at Masse giuing you poyson in stead thereof a peece of poluted bakers bread wherein is no saluation but alas quite contrary as before I haue proued No other remedy then if you will saue your soules but flie their company and Communion and so by cleansing your selues from sinne by healthfull contrite Confession that you may bee iustified make your selues apte vessells to receaue grace that is become Catholickes reconcile your selues to God to the househould of faith to CHRISTS holy Catholicke Church wherein only and no where els assure your selues as before God the euerlasting truth you shall receaue the bread of life and saluation You haue heard here howe that vvhich CHRIST left vs at his last supper is a Sacrament and Sacrifice the very body and bloud of our Redeemer vnder the forme or likenesse of bread and wine beinge perfectly and wholy transubstantiated or conuerted into CHRISTS bodye and bloud and hovve vvith diuine honour we ought to adore and vvorship the same By the vvay also I haue touched a litle summe of the vvonderfull effects and fruites of the same that vvee daily receaue and what perill of soule you bee in for vvant of the same till you come to better estate Hasten then out of Babilon that is sinne and heresy that you may offer in Ierusalem Sacrifice vvhich only may please God vvhome only vvee ought to serue and that is in the vnity of his holy Catholicke Church The lawfull Minister of this Sacrament is a lawfull Preist wherefore n● Protestant Minister can consecrate because wanting lavvfull vocation and authority hee is no Preist The matter to consecrate vvith all is vnleauened bread and vvine of the grape whereunto is putt some water for a mistery whereunto when Gods sonne CHRISTS owne worde spoken by a lawfull Preist with intention to consecrate commeth of bread and wine is made the bodye and bloud of Christ whoe gaue that power to a Preist hee neuer did to Angells nor his Blessed mother that is to consecrate his bodye This Sacrament as I haue said ofte before is farre aboue reason but submitting our reason to true faith it greatly increaseth our merite For as saith Saint Gregory Gods worke is not merueilous if it bee comprehended in reason neither hath faith merite where mannes reason giueth experience The chiefe thing then of this blessed Sacrament is Christes bodye and bloud vvith the vvounderfull graces and gifts of God bestowed therein commonly called the effects and fruits thereof vvhich that wee may not vvith Iudas receaue to our damnation but vvith Saint Peter to our rising againe and endlesse Saluation I beseech our LORD that wee may bee armed vvith true and firme faith pure and innocent life feruent loue and charitye that as for our sinnes for wante of these vertues it now many yeares hath by Gods Iudgment and wrath beene taken from vs to our vnspeakeable losse and the continuall griefe of all good men So by renewing these vertues againe in vs and by amending our liues it once againe by Gods speciall grace may be restored to vs to the honour and glorie of his holy name to the confusion of the
Diuel and all his members and to our vnspeakable comfort and endlesse ioy in heauen that whereas here vvee nowe truly receaue CHRIST in this vnspeakeable misterie there wee may bee fedde and enioy his presence in that endlesse glorie vvhich hee onr LORD IESVS graunt who bee blessed for euer But yet moreouer one thing is to bee considered touching the manner of receauing this blessed Sacrament vvhich is that although CHRIST gaue this blessed Sacrament vnto his Apostles vnder both kindes that is his body and bloud apart and although both Bishops and Priests as oft as they celebrate Masse according to Christs institution are to receaue vnder both kinds yet the holy Church vpon most weighty consideration giueth the lay people but only one kind that is the holy Host Christs body and that which the Priest or Clarke giueth them after in the Chalice or in a glasse is but wine to washe their mouthes lest any of the holy Host shoulde be left behinde or sticke in the mouth neither are lay persons in this receauing vnder one kinde defrauded of the bloude of Christ nay they receaue in that one kinde as fully and perfectly Christ as the Priest that may liuely represent Christs Passion and shedding of his bloud as the publicke Minister of the Church receaueth both For though his body be consecrated apart and his bloud apart in mistery to signifie the effusion thereof and his death in his Passion yet Christ is not deuided and therefore whosoeuer receaueth his bodye likewise receaueth hys bloud as being nowe inseperably ioyned together For although through the force of the words of the Sacrament by consecration the body and bloud be seuerally present vpon the Altar yet by the concommitance naturall and inseparable vnion betwixt them it necessarily followeth that where the body is there also is the bloud and where the bloud there likewise the body Yet sor feare of inconueniences that might chaunce if the common people should receaue vnder both kindes yea and for conseruation of vniformity in receauing this B. Sacrament the knot of peace in all persons and places of the worlde and for other iust causes the holy Church who hath to dispose of this B. Sacrament as of the rest according to time and place for the most edifying of the people giueth it them vnder one kinde only knowing that Christ hath promised as much grace and saluation to the one kinde as to both For he that said the 6. of S. Iohn Vnlesse you eate the flesh of the sonne of man drink his bloud you shall not haue life in you hee likewise in the same chapter saide He that eateth this bread shall liue for euer yea he our Sauiour likewise as appeareth the 24. Chap. of S. Luke gaue it two of his disciples vnder one kind when he tooke bread blessed and gaue to them and their eyes were opened and they knewe him which was that bread as manye learned fathers vnderstand that bread of life I saye that came downe from heauen Christ himself his blessed body which would GOD the heretickes in true faith and charitye would dispose them selues with vs yea and the Disciples of Christes to receaue then no doubt their eyes would bee opened to see and bee partakers of the truthe whose eyes alas infidelity pride and other sins haue so blinded that whereas at first some of them began to contend for the cup the bloud of our Lord in breaking vnity charity in departing from the church they haue of Gods hea uy iustice and iudgement who in obstinat sinners suffereth one sinne to bee the punishment of an other lost both body bloud the price of their redemption al. Likwise as it appeareth in the acts of the Apostles they also themselus Act. 2. 42. ca. 20. 7 sometimes gaue it the people vnder one kinde as the Church now vniuersally doth through the whole world practise and vse and of most auncient time the people receaued vnder one kind as by many testimonies miraculous examples when in the Primatiue Church this B. Sacrament vnder one kinde as now was reserued caried about and giuen to the lay people if leasure and time would permit me I could shewe most euidently proue The Arke of God also carried about the wales of Hierico with solemnity of trumpets whereby the munitions of the impious fell downe betokening this B. Sacrament the Arke of the liuing God with all honour solemnly carried in Procession with all jubely of harts melody of voyces grauity of the Ecclesiasticall and noble personages adorned with most precious attire and riche ornaments assisted vvith troupes of the deuout people of both sectes euerye one occupied in their degree some hanging the streetes and wales with cloath of their best Tapestrie and Aurice like the true Israelites that furnished the tabernacle and adorned Salomons temple with their riches and Iewells others with the deuout companies of the Iewes spread their garments in the waies and strew the streats with rushes herbes flowers palme boughs and fragment blossomes others like valiant souldiers of that worthye Gedeon carry vvith exultations torches and lightes in their handes and sound out with great solemnity and pleasant harmony the sacred bells materiall trumpets of Christ his Church and other musicall instruments others with holy Ioseph Nichodemus and those deuout woemen couer as is meete the most maiesticall and venerable Sacrament the most blessed bodye of our Lorde with their white and finest sindons and most precious Iewells others with all or with the greatest parte of their riches and posessions chiefly in the honour hereof haue erected Altars of the best marble siluer golde and precious s●ones and haue builded most magnificent temples in diuers nations of the world litle inferour to Salomons temple in greatnes but farre excceding it in true honor and glory by the pure gratfull and sincere worship of God in that healthfull Sacrisice In temples this diuine mistery is reserued in guilt tabernacle with lampe and light to the comfort of the faithfull and health of the sicke from hence in solemne procession it is caried in holye vessell and sacred hands through Church princely street and couered path young olde of all states degrees prostrating themselues in body and mind singing with ioyfull harts sweet cōsent in voice with those deuout children of God Hosanna filio Ioh. 12. 13. Dauid blessed be he that commeth in the name of our Lord. And so the deuout army of God carying the banners displaied with the triumphant ensigne and standerd of the Crosse beseech him for Christ his sonnes sake there present al of one hart and accord that the rocks of sinne and walles of Satan may be pulled down that the people of God may haue true libertye the weedes of iniquitye may be rooted out true vertue may be exalted iustice executed God chieflye honoured and gloryfied in his people that so Christ resting in his sacred tabernacle remayning in his holy
forsake them for their taunts For though God bee not delighted with the number of prayers so much as with discreete affefection and desire to him yet these misticall and godly numbers help to encrease our deuotion and affection and therefore we had now more neede to vse Beades then euer when as deuotion waxeth cold both to pray for heretikes amendment and that we fal not in their blindnes for diuers other holy godly and reasonable causes and things Chap. LIX Of the Aue Maria how it is a most deuout prayer gratefull to God ioyfull to Angelles terrible to the Diuell and most healthfull and comfortable to all mankind AS for the Aue Maria it is the very wordes of the Angell Gabriell Elizabeth and the holy Church now where as heretickes say it is no prayer but a salutation they bewray their ignorance for many sentences and wordes be in Scriptures that seeme no prayers and yet effectuall prayers as in the Psalmes and other places may appeare where Gods mercy justice might bounty loue and the like is praysed or called on not in forme of prayer but yet a most effectuall prayer to obtayne his mercy goodnes bounty grace So in the Au● Mary our B. La is saluted to the intent to pray for vs thanks giuen to god that voutsafed by that vnspeakable mistery of his incarnatiō of her body to be incarnate made mā for vs wherby man is recouered frō damnatiō the Deuill ouercome the ruines of Angells bee repayred so that the Aue Maria was the most ioyfull tidings that euer was brought from God to mā No meruaile then though Infidels heretikes mēbers of the Diuel abhor the Aue Mary for as often as it is deuoutly said as it is ioyful to Angels in heauen so it maketh the Diuel and al' his Angels to tremble and quake But some Puritanes woulde haue no Pater noster neither nor any stint praier so long they haue babbled of the Lord and spirit that now you see they deny Ladies praier Lords praier too I am afraid in their corrupt consciences Christ and God too neither doe I meruaile for improbity wickednes neuer consisteth in one degree as one said Sed cum incipit labi ruit praecipitat till it come to the deapth of all euill and mischiefe For beeing fallen from the Church and hauing once lost the high way they must needes euer bee further from the truth wanting a sure ground and foundation to stay themselues vpon that is the true Catholicke Church 1. Ti● 3. 15. of God which Saint Paul calleth the foundation and piller of truth til once they returne back againe Chap. LX. Of diuers holy ornamentes and thinges belongîng to the Church as of lightes in Churches of insence Dedication of Churches and such like godly ceremonies AS for sacred and holye bells vestmentes holy vessells as Chalices and the like Heretickes beat them in peeces make gunnes of them chamber pots and fill their purses The like did heretickes and infidells of olde espeacially Iulian the Apostata that made water in the Chalice wherein the bloud of Maries Sonne for so the Infidells tearmed it in contempt of him and her was offered but he his fellowes had foule ends as these fellowes haue wil haue vnlesse God giue them grace to amend For if the people of God before Christ had their holy Trumpets to call the people togither the Leuits Priest their holy vestiments sacred cups and Phyals and other vessels though wee follow not now Iewish ceremonies as heretickes be-ly vs yet why should wee not haue our ornaments Sanctified by Gods word and that in more deuoute exquisite sort then the Iewes had by how much Christes law exceedeth the Iewish ceremonies For wee see these outward ceremonies much help to increase inward deuotion as for example the very candles and Church lights do signifie vnto vs the light of Gods grace the Gospell the purity of conscience good workes wee ought to haue with manye moe significations which well weighed excite and stir vp deuotion The Maiesty of our temples or churches adorned with sumptuous ornaments and Images of Christ and his Saints in a liuely history as it were setting before our eyes by their glorious death and martirdome their triumph and victories ouer hell and death these temples I say thus adorned being solemnlie dedicated to God yea their dedication yearely renewed or remembred do they not teach vs to dedicate our bodies and soules wholy to the seruice of God as being liuely temples of the holy Ghost and daylie to clense them more more from sinne to adorne them with vertues and to renew confirme and furnish them vp eftsoones with those effectuall signes and seales of our redemption those diuine misteries the healthfull Sacraments Yf God promised to heare the prayers of those that called vppon him in Salomons temple how much more will hee heare our prayers and lawfull petitions thus made in our Churches who serue God now in spirite and truth and not in presence of that vmbraticall Arke of the old testament but in that most high misterye before Christs most B. body our only mediator and redeemer whose intercession is euermore acceptable in his fathers sight the Arke of the liuing God that raigneth for euer Yf when two or three in Christs name bee gathered together hee hath promised to heare them how much more when manye hundred or thowsands bee so collected vnited in prayer in one Church will God bee amongst them and performe their good desires surely heretickes that thus ruinate despise and pollute Monasteries Oratories and christian Temples set vp an Idoll in their owne imaginations in steede thereof and prepare the way for that general and Antechristian abhomination of desolation which vvas prophesied by Daniell the Prophet O Christ whē thy signe shal appeare in the cloudes that lightneth the whole world then Church robbers Image breakers the razers downe cursed enemies of thy Crosse then then shal come to confusion whē thou shalt make al thy enemies thy footstoole Moreouer whē as in our Churches any ceremonies of incēse and sweete perfumes which signifie betoken the sweet odour and sauour of good life that ought to bee among vs be vsed it is well and commendable which and the like ceremonies though in some sort of olde they were vsed yet seing that Christ came not to break the law but to ful fill it any such ceremonies as be not euacuate and frustrate by Christs comming as the bloudy sacrifice circumcision and the like are now not to be obserued because wee haue the things themselues whereof those ceremonies and sacrifices were figures yet I say any thing that tendeth to nourishing of pie●y deuotion and charity are to bee kept still as fasting knocking kneeling or any such godly ceremonies which concerne the body as deuotion doth the mind both which we must offer to God as being all his owne and due
afflicted flock the Church which he shall neuer forsake Chap. LXXVI How the Diuell and Antechrist be compared to that monstrous serpentine tayled Dragon drawing numbers with them into euerlasting perdition and that one certaine man Antechrist is yet to come though hee hath many fore-runners LET any man of learning reade but only S. Gregory vpon Iob and he shall finde all this and much more then I can say vpon Antechrist comparing that great monstious serpent and dragon Behemoth which streatcheth out his tayle as the Cedar tree vnto the Diuell and Antechrist his vessell that as saith S. Iohn with his taile draweth Apoc. 12. the third part of the starres of heauen that is men in great account and authority in the sight of the world for learning and other qualities he by promises gifts and threatnings shall drawe downe with him out of Gods Church to destruction and damnation as his forerunners heretikes and Infidels doe you see a number that for feare of losse of life gaine pleasures and commodities forsake Christ the truth and their saluation so that many Antechrists no doubt as Ioh. 1. 4. saith S. Iohn be now in the world denyers of truth aduersaries of the same but yet one man of perdition properly called Antechrist is yet to come as wee by Scriptures and authorities of holy Fathers and Doctors be taught of which wicked man heretickes of these times as I haue oft said be no doubt Prophets fore-runners affirming that darknes is light and light darknes that is that the Pope which as by sufficient authority I haue already proued is the chiefe seruant and member of Christ is Antechrist so that when hee commeth faith being decayed Antechrist indeede may rule and take place without controlement or gainesaying but yet Christ will haue his Church and faithfull Apoc. 11. flocke euen in the heat of Antechrists time that shall boldly gainesay him and with their bloude testefie the trueth which shal neuer decay From which perilous times which seme now to approach our Lord deliuer vs For truly of all heretikes that euer were since Christ these heretiks aproach the nerest to Antechrist and seeme to be his very forerunners For Antichrist at his coming shall deny Christ God and all as heretiks haue by tymes since Christ denied some lesse articles of the Christian faith some more for of some heretiks we read of old that denied the cōsubstantiality of the sonne of God with his father as the Arrians some the grace of God other free wil as in Saint Augustine time Some denyed Pelagius Iouin an vigilātius Eu●ches inuocation of Saints derided their sacred reliques and scoffed at pilgrimage gate or deuout visitation of their holy Sepulchers as in Saint Ieromes tyme one denyed the resurrection of the body in Saint Gregories time Others beganne to bark against the blessed Sacrament before and in Saint Bernards time and so from time false heresies haue start vp against the Church of God for her better triall and exercise of wisedome of minde as by bloody persecutions of pagans and infidelles shee before was exercised in body But these protestants with their fellow puritans and other of their bretherē heretiks of this time deny almost or corrupt all articles of our faith and religion their faith standeth all of negatiues and therefore like and most like Antichrist which shall deny all goodnes God and all As for example the heretiks of our tyme deny the true Church deny free will deny all the Sacraments saue Baptisme and that I told you how they abuse also they deny purgatory prayer to the Saints of GOD deny pardon Pope pilgrimage fasting prayer yea haue some most erronious and badde conceipts of Hell Heauen Christ God and all be not these Appollionists Apoc. cap. 9. Abbadonists those destoryers whereof Saint Iohn speaketh the very messengers of the denill and forerunners of Antichrist that thus raise vp all old heresies from hell thus by heaping a fardell of them al sinne mischief to geather make an open gappe to an vniuersall defectiō general Apostacy the very high way to erect an ydol to adore Antichrist insteed of Christ our only Sauiour true God wherfore hold them for certaine to be very forerunners percursors members of Antichrist which we iustly feare will shortly follow Chap. LXXVII In a sewe words touching the chiefe matters that haue bene spoken in this treatise and how the vnlearned especially in matters of religion ought to leaue disputes and simply to beleeue the truth founding themselues in Christ and in the Catholike Church THus good Sir according to your desire I haue declared vnto you the truth of those matters you desire to bee enformed of I haue set you downe by what certaine markes and notes you may know the true Church from the false Synagogue of Satan I haue likewise more in particular briefly declared vnto you the truth of the seauen Sacramentes how they bee grounded of Christs holy word instituted by him by the Scriptures haue discouered to you the falsehood of our aduersaries the hereticks I haue also briefly touched almost euery thing at this day in controuersy as iustification freewill prayer for the dead prayers to Saints pardons Pope fasting prayer pilgrimage with other like These points articles that euery Catholik is bound vnder paine of damnation to beleeue I haue not only proued vnto you by the Scriptures but also by the churches authority that euery Christian is boūd to beleeue for whē you haue once foūd out the true church which by those notes I set downe you may easely do though wee haue authority sufficient for euery thing the holy Catholike Church vseth and teacheth yet it is not meete especially for vnlearned folkes to stand to reason or dispute with whies and howe 's but to stay them on that sure rock foundation and piller of truth the holy Catholik Church that so they may not bee wauering as the reede nor borne away with euery blast of new doctrine as circumuented with error and blindnes in the craftines and subtility of men alwaies learning and neuer comming to the perfection of true knowledge which indeede can neuer be had but in captiuating the vnderstanding in obsequium fidei into the obedience of the true Christian Catholick faith working by charity for wee see by too lamentable experence how vnfitte it is for the common people deceauing themselues that know not neither what they speak nor whereof they affirme to iangle and dispute of Scripture matters which as saith Saint Peter the vnlearned and vnstable do depraue to 2. Pet. ● cap. vlt● their owne destruction wherfore it behooueth the simple people especially that being thus forewarned by the chiefe Pastor of their soules vnder Christ Saint Peter they be carefull neuer to fall or decline from their proper sure stability in Christ his deare spouse the holy Catho●icke Church but say in al doubts when the hereticks
his holy waies yea so louing bountifull and gratious is God and so desirous of mans saluation that it is not the worst person in the world but somtimes he shall haue good motions and holy inspirations to amend his life and the more a man hath and yet followeth them not but is hardened and dyeth in sinne the greater shall bee his damnation Marke then O man whosoeuer the motions and stirrings of thy hart and noli contristare spirituns doe not as it were make sadde the holy Ghost by ingratefully repelling his most blessed and holy instincts beware you put not backe Gods holy motions nothing falleth on the earth without Gods will and holy disposition no not the very bird neither can any thing bee done without his permission whereof if we may make good and therefore nothing can happen to vs in this life good nor ill but if we will we may take occasion thereof to remember our ende and and dispose our selues more and more to our saluation and therefore I say to you especially for whome I haue taken this labour to write this treatise it ought to be a more euident and effectuall motiue and sufficient warning for the perfect amendment of your life by your reconciliation to GOD vvho because it is he that as hee straightly commandeth vs to keepe his commandements and followe his holy waies so without his grace and helpe wee cannot fruitfully doe nor execute the same For whether Paul or Apollo plant or water yet Deus incrementum dèdit God is he that euer hath and must giue the increase And therefore seing vpon this ground S. Augustine said vnto GOD good Lord giue that which thou commandest and command what thou wilt Let vs then followe his counsaile who said Aske and you shall haue seeke and you shall finde knocke it shall be opened vnto you Let vs therefore not cease to knocke humbly and instantly to craue grace and mercy at his hands that the sweete and seasonable raine of his gratious fountaine may bee plentifully instilled into our harts yea let vs make instance at least to obtaine one droppe of grace to mollifie and strengthen our hard weake harts Open then the eies of our soules O Lord and they shall be opened water them with the dewe of thy heaueuly grace strike our harts vvith thy feare and loue that wee euer may be so watchfull ouer our soules that we neuer preferre any pleasure of the flesh any worldly riches credit or honour before thy true seruice and euerlasting glory Let vs then worke busely our saluation as the matter of greatest importance whilst this life indureth for as saith our Sauiour the night will come when no man can worke from which darke night of sinne hell death and eternall damnation CHRIST the euerlasting truth of his infinite mercy deliuer you and vs all conuert all heretickes and poore deceaued soules make vs all members of one body his deare spouse the Catholicke Church that as heretofore by diuersity of minds a number haue beene deuided from Christ so knitting our selues altogither in the knot of peace vnity and charity in Christs holy Catholicke Church here on earth wee may then once enioy his endlesse glory altogither in his triumphant and most glorious Church in heauen where all errors sadnesse sorrowes paynes lamentations and mournefull teares shall quite cease and passe away where more ioy felicity and true happie blessednesse then euer eie hath seene eare hath heard or mans hart can imagine or conceaue whereunto hespeedely bring vs our Lord and Sauiour CHRIST IESVS To whome with the Father and the holy Ghost bee all honour and glory A SHORT TREATISE AGAINST ADIAPHORISTS NEVTERS SVCH AS SAY THEY MAY be saued in any sect or religion would make of many diuers sects one Church AMongst many shiftes of Heretickes and Schismatikes which by the example of their Master that old wily Serpent be commonly versipelles one is that they would beare Catholikes in hand they be of one Church with them still that so more easely they may draw the simple into their nettes perdition For the Maiesty of the church is so great that the very name thereof maketh the enemy appalled either to seeme to resist it or to liue with out it for though oftentimes in their pulpittes writinges especially amōgst themselues heretiks wil not stick most impudētly to affirme the visible Church especially was decayed for a thowsand yeeres and more glory that they be the men sent from God to restore it againe Yet when they be pressed by the learned to shew their vocation who sent them because as I declared before they haue neither extraordinary vocation by miracle nor ordinary by succession as is plaine and so euidently to all learned men shew thēselues false Prophets not sent of god for no man according to the Apostles doctrine ought to preach vnlesse he be sent by lawfull authority which the Heretikes perceiuing so plaine by Scriptures they cannot deny diuers shiftes they haue vsed some to shewe their vocation like the Apostles extraordinarie by miracle As Luther that by miracle would haue expelled the Diuell out of one possessed but in his exorcismes was driuen to such hard shiftes as hardly he could get honestly out of the place himselfe cleane a merry iest but scarce honest to be reported so Caluin killed a man which he hyred to faine himself dead and to rise at his call to confirme his Apostleshippe who by GODS iudgement falling dead indeede his wife bewrayed with exclamation the matter therefore these two new Apostles hauing no better successe for their mission and extraordinary calling Beza Caluins successor deuised another shift for his lawfull embassage and ordinarie calling and election For in that great and solemne meeting and most famous dispute in Fraunce betwixt Catholickes and Hugonots at Poissee Cardinall Guise being In conuētu Poissiaceno lib. 1. de stat religionis in Gallia sub Carolo 9. part 1. lib. 3. moderator himselfe asked Beza who sent him from whence come you but Beza being not able to answere he fell to this shift and most seely refuge that hee was lawfully called and chosen of those people that chose him to bee their Pastor leauing so Luther and Caluin his forefathers in the lurtch who were chosen neither of the Clergie nor people to preach hauing none to preach to and therefore intruded themselues first not sent like theeues that by violēce enter into another mans house or the adulterer that by stealth ascending another mans bedde corrupteth his wife so corrupteth these false Apostles Luther and Calum the Churches they inuaded the seely poore people the flock and spouse of Christ in some particular countries and citties with adulterous and false doctrine so sending themselues before they could be chosen and receiued of the people which Beza Calums honest successor said he was called of But such a calling as this is both Marcion Ebion Arrius Photinus Sabellius Pelagius
faith they despise whose good manners they so little followe and regard and whose very bodies and ashes they so racke teare and ransacke here ōn earth If we can of chalke make cheese make the Aethiopian white or firmely conjoyne brasse and earth togither then perhaps wee may joyne Catholikes and Protestants in one Church and make them beautifull and acceptable in Gods sight and not before no no these two as farre differ in Gods sight in his grace and fauour as the other things doe in nature and much more Heretikes that deuide their loue from the whole Church of God deuide their liues deuide their faith and religion can be no more acceptable of God the naturall head and spouse of his one only Church then it could be pleasing to the natural mother by Salomōs motiō to haue the child deuided who chose rather to leaue it in the euill womans keeping euen so God our true father will haue vs one as he is one in vnity of true faith and religion in his Church or else we cannot be true children with him in his house which is one and not deuided Hereupon my first ground 1. is this that neither Lutherans Protestants Puritanes nor any other secte whatsoeuer in the worlde dissenting from the common knowne Catholicke and Apostolike Romane Church can bee members of the true Church of GOD nor canpossibly bee saued because as God is one so his true Catholicke spouse the Church as one wife of one husband is one one in faith and religion and that in euery point and article tuam vnus Dominus vna fides vnum Baptisma and without true faith it is impossible to please God which is only the one Catholicke faith and Church vvithout vvhich vvhosoedyeth shall most certainly perish euerlastingly as all did bodely out of Noes Arke testemonies hereof bee abundant the Prophettes Saint Paul and all the whole course of Scriptures and Fathers so expounding them namely holy Athanasius vvhose Creede is receiued of the vniuersall Church of God which Church is rightly called vna Columba mea amica mea of Christ her spouse viz my only doue my darling one chosen out from amongst a thousand all heretickes then dissenting thus from Catholickes and amongst themselues can neuer be members of Gods Church as long as they remayne in this state deuided from that one and only Catholicke Church Secondly if wee looke inwardly into the most essentiall parts of our Catholike faith and religion you shall finde them chiefly to differ from vs therein for if they were but incertaine indifferent matters left for learned men to vse their opinions and judgment in and not articles of faith defined out of holy Scripture by the Church of God the true keeper and expositor of Scripture wherein they differ from vs they vvere tollerable but they differ from vs not only in lesse articles but in many and the chiefest substantiall intrinsicall parts and articles of faith the least vvhereof euery one vnder paine of damnation is bounde to keepe pure and vndefiled Nowe Buny in his Pacification pag. an hundred and eight following some of his fellowes Bullinger Musculus and the like vvho finding themselues miserably intangled vvith this question of the Church deuised certaine principles and foundations of faith wherein vvhosoeuer agreed they should be accounted all members of one church these Buny imitating of his bounty is so liberall towards vs poore Papists insomuch that more then once hee affirmeth that in substance of religion wee and they agree and therefore that wee bee all one members of one Catholicke and Apostolicke Church and blameth his fellowe Ministers that very rashly and inconsideratly they reject Papists from the communion of the true church For saith he vnlesse we confes the papistical Church to be the true Catholike and Apostolicke Church whereof wee are members no lesse then the Papists wee cast our selues into a great difficulty to finde any other Carholicke and Apostolicke Church which being planted first of the Apostles hath alwaies continued to our time wherein wee as members may be ingraffed which if wee cannot finde or performe then are vvee constrayned to confesse our Church to be more new and later then the Romane Church thus farre Buny whereby you may see what shifts heretikes are driuen to that woulde make the vvorlde to beleeue wee differ in small or no substantiall partes of teligion that so by seeming to creepe into one Church vvith vs though vvanting altogither the vertue and for the most part the true faith of members of the Church yet at leastwise they may couer themselues vnder the bare title of the true Church the more to couer their badde dealinges and to deceaue the simple But what frontlesse brazen faces of Protestants bee these to affirme that their sects agree with the CATHOLICKE CHVRCH not only of all former times and of all Nations in the vvorlde but also that they bee not contrary to the vniuersall Church at this day Let vs then briefly consider all the essentiall or substantiall parts of the Church of ancient time and of this age vvhich is all one and let vs see in vvhat one principall point of faith or gouernment Heretickes agree vvith vs. First they haue instituted another regiment or politique gouernment of the Church quite contrary to that of the true CATHOLICKE CHVRCH for in steede of the Bishoppe of Rome generall and only chiefe Pastor of the vvhole Church they haue made temporall Princes heads of the Church whereby as for example here in England making first a Man then a Boy and nowe a Woman heade of the Church they chaunge religion as oft as Princes vvhether the Prince bee Lutheran Adiaphorist halfe Catholicke as King Henry was Zwinglian as his daughter is said to be trinitary Arrian as another may be or Turke as perhaps the other may be if to bee supreame head of the Church bee so annexed to the Crowne as a matter of inheritaunce as our English Diuines nowe of late haue made it yea and that by Gods lawe wee bee bounde to obey them in spirituall matters then by this diuinity euery new King may coyne a newe religion quite contrary to his predecessor and all good and holy Whereas to Pster and his successors Christs Vicar by Christs ordinance made head of his Church to keepe vniformity of faith to the worldes end in the same is certainly promised to the confusion of all heretickes in the vvorlde that his faith euer one shall not faile which promise Christ hath hitherto kept with his Church and generall Pastor and shall doe to the worlds end let me see now vvhether any hereticke in the vvorlde can or dare auouch so much for his sect whereas vvee dare boldlye affirme that CHIST his prayer to his father for our true Church is heard Ego rogaui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua Well this ordinance of CHRIST of such importaunce for the gouernment of the Church heretickes haue altered and
not author Dissentionis fed pacis they would agree togither and with their first masters especially who many of them in the beginning since quite disclaime from our Church as quite decaied and come they now to vs with their foule feete when many of their fautors and all wise and honest men are weary of them Seauenthly such heretiks as can 7. admit any sect in their Church shew themselues to be of no conscience no feruour no faith no religion and bē the most daungerous persons in the world commonly the worst hardest to be reclaimed to good These be the persons God most abhorreth wishing they were either hot or cold Sed quaniam taepidus es because thou art luke warme saith he I wil euen spue thee out of my mouth signifying GOD can digest no such Neuter Nullifrdian sots in figure whereof it was forbidden in the law to haue a garment wouen of linnē wollen signifying that the mixture of contrary sects Christ cannot admit in his garment his spouse the Church which though it was well imbrodered whollie ouer declaring how his Church should be adorned glister with variety of all noble goldē vertues in euery state degree yet should they all tend to charity end in one signified by the same garment whole with out seame which the cruell souldiers yet deuided not then which heretiks be worse that rent teare with barbarous cruelty sundry heresyes asunder the misticall body and garment of Christ his Church and this to doe the better nowe in the latter end of the world and most dangerous dayes by subtilly creeping into her they vvoulde make of her as it vvere a linsey vvolsey medley garment for themselues a while to maske in till they might if it were posible rob spoyle her of al vertues and heauenly treasures of scriptures Saints sacramēts God all such drone bees that seek to their owne ruyne and of others to suck the sweete of other mens labours CHRIST IESVS will euer haue his watchmen to dryue back from his sacred inclosed garden whereinto none shall truly enter but the right in faith nor any enioy the fruits thereof euerlastingly but the righteous in hart for if the Church as I said hath iustly shurt out at all tymes before and since Christs tyme heretiks for lesse heresies then these of our dayes be by many degrees yea if God himself hath not spared iust reuēge of many of them in this life yea sometymes to the terror of others hath inflicted terrible sudden death for lesse sinnes then heresie yea spared not Angells in heauen for that vice proper to all hereticks which is pride then though he be long patient lett no heretik think he shall in the ende scape the heauy hand of God in token of whose heauy wrath and iust indignation for this sinne of heresie all good Christian Emperours Kinges Magistrates haue most seuerely punished it with fire to the terror of the wicked and preseruation of the good Lastly heretiks 8. Heretikes be most fit to bee linked in one Church with the Turk who haue pulled downe that most noble religious order of the Knights of the Rhodes ordayned to defend Christendome against the Turke to whom Protestantes now shewe al homage in most humble letters gift and other tokens of beneuolence yea cōplotting with him to the ruin of Catholick states princes as both by their letters intercepted euident actions ap●eereth that would be of one Church with Catholiks by what ioyntes sinnewes would they be knit to and with them surely they haue lest none for if they run as many of them haue done to the primitiue Church and the Apostles tyme they may indeede falsely and foolishly bragge of the head but then they must absurdly without body and other members ioyne their soule feete to their monstrous Chymerical head of that old dragon but not of Christ whose Church hath euer visibly continued shall do to the end of the world but if they will ioyne themselues with vs now that by Gods grace be Catholiks I see not one bond of faith Hope nor Charity left in them to make this cōnextion betweene vs they that haue rased out or defaced the whole Scriptures which by Gods grace we keepe to our defence they that cōtemne whole general councels where on we stand firmely they that nothing regard all holy Fathers which as watchmen in GODS house teach vs how to gouerne our selues they that take away Sacraments that ●oster and feede vs to life euerlasting they that abolish sacrifice whereby we are to worshippe God only they that blaspheame God the blessed T●inity on whome we are to beleeue they that take away Saints in heauen from praying for vs and the Church of GOD hee●e from all authority to guide and gouerne vs all which articles and diuerse others which they deny we stedfastly beleeue heere is no way left you see to conioyne vs in faith As for hope with vs in GOD they haue none left neither but in themselues only who they make iudges ouer themselues of their owne fancies Knowing without all doubt as they say they shall be saued before CHRIST come to iugement and so they be past hope As for Charity how can they agree with vs so quite contrary to them that can agree in no one point amongst themselues sauing that they in one point cōspire together yea all heretiks in the world that is to raile against and impugne the Pope our chiefe pastor vnder Christ the Bishop of Rome him the Lutherans him the Caluinists him Protestants him Anabaptists him Trinitaries him the family of loue cry out of with one vniforme consent crucifige but in other matters how many men so many opinions cōmonly raigne cursing one another like deuils whome they serue deriding and scoffing ech one another see but only the inuectiues of puritanes against protestants heere in England goe no further note how they be entertayned againe by Whitgift others and it wil giue some tast of the rest how they agree first amōgst themselues goeing about to thrust one another out of temporall possessions yea to cut one anothers throte As for their charity towardes vs it is no other then that of Iulian the Apostate towardes Christians of his tyme who spoyling them of their goods and many of their liues said hee did them a benefite because according to their Master CHRISTS promise they should receaue a hundred fold for thinges lost so heere in this life and after the Kingdome of heauen Such charity heretiks shew to vs that imprison vs spoile vs of goods and liuings consume many with a lingring persecution most terrible dispach others with violent death infame vs slaunder vs make vs odious to the state and Princes where we liue as traytors impouerish our widowes beggar o●r children infeeble corrupt our youth prophane our virgins robbe our churches kil murder our Preists be these in peace
let him bee accursed to you Shall wee not bee well occupied if we leaue the plaine vvorde of God to come and see whether Ambrose and Augustine teach two Sacramentes or moe Saint Paule teacheth Matrimonye to bee a Sacrament and shall we goe from him to Ambrose and Augustine to se whether it be one or no was euer such a practize hearde of as to brag of Scriptures to bost of holy writt to crie vpon vs for coming to the word of God and now that we are comen thither to call vs from all Prophets and Apostles yea from Christ himselfe to Ambrose and Augustine is this the way to the holy Scriptures can this fault bee excused can this hypocrisie be tollerated To winne the itching eares of the inconstant multitude to gett them the applause of licentious libertines in the pulpit they call to the worde of God and when they haue gotten them within their netts they teach them out of Ambrose and Augustine yea woulde God they did so at the least but what if wee proue they deceiue the people in fathering that vpon Ambrose and Augustine which they neuer wrote nor taught The Protestants say Saint Augustme nameth but two sacraments but besides twaine I will bring other two named of him as plainly as possibly may bee in his booke de bono coniugali Cap. 24. these be his wordes The good saith S. Augustine which riseth of mariage through all nations and men consisteth in the cause of begetting children and in the faith of chastity And in so much as appertaineth to the people of God it consisteth allso in the holnes of the Sacrament through which it is vnlawful yea though diuorce come between to mary an other whilest her husband liueth not so much as for the very cause of bringing forth of children Which though alone it be the cause why marriages are made yet band of marriage is not loosed vnlesse the husband dye albeit that thing followe not for the which marriage is made Much-like as if to bring the people together some of the Cleargie should be ordered or consecrated with holy orders for although the meeting of the people doe not ensue Yet Sacramentum ordinationis the Sacrament of giuing orders abideth in them that be ordered and if for any faulte any man be remoued from the office he shall not lacke the Sacrament of our Lord which is once put vpon him although it remame to his damnation Thus farre S. Augustione in which wordes he declareth that amonge Christian men there are other two Sacramentes of Preisthood and of Matrimony beside Baptisme and the Euchraist and each of them so great and so strong that they cannot bee loosed and taken away but only by death of the party although the chiefest cause ceasse why the Sacrament was giuen In another place S. Augustine Cont. Donat. Lib. 5. Cap. 2. speaketh plainly of the water of Baptisme Oyle the Eucharist the Imposition of hands al signed with the seale of the Crosse S. Ambroso likewise confesseth moe Sacraments then Baptisme and the Fucharist lib. 1 de penitentia cap. 7. these bee his wordes Cur baptizaris si per hominem peccata dimittinon licot c. why art thou Baptised if it be not lawfull sinnes to be forgiuenes by man truly in Baptisme ther is forgiuenes of all sin what skilleth it whether Preists chalenge this right of forgiving sinnes to be given them by Penance or by Baptisme the mistery or Sacrament is one in both But thou wilt say that in Baptisme the grace of the misteries worketh what in Penance doth not the grace of God work Here is the same vertue and name of a mistery or Sacrament giuen to Penance which is giuen to Baptisme vvhereby Saint Ambrose taught there was as well a Sacrament of Penance as of Baptisme These few placeshaue I brought out of S. Ambrose and Augustine to shew as it were to your eyes if you will not be willfully blinded how the Protestantes crie out vppon the worde of God till they haue with sweete wordes wonne fauour amonge the miserable number of these vnstable men that alwaies harken for newes but whē they haue them fast then is the word of God cleane forgotten and in stead thereof Ambrose and Augustine are I am vrged to speake it falselye alleadged For the truth is they that sett naught by the word of God cannot long esteeme Ambrose Augustine who with al their harts imbraced the word of God and expounded the same according to the auncient Tradition of the Church To what end then doe our new masters runne truly to sett vp an Idoll of their owne making in place of the word of God to set vp I say a phantastical religion of their owne deuising But if they should crie to the people come come bow downe to the I doll that wee haue deuised for you the people would not come as being feared with the infamous name of an Idoll therefore they saye come to the worde of God come to the holy Scriptures come to the true Gospell of Iesus Christ they say exceeding well you see we are come and it quit● hath and will ouerthrowe them S. Dionisius and Hierotheus disciples of Christ Dionis de Hierarch ●ccle cap. 3. and S. Paul call the Eucharist the sacrament of Sacraments which they neuer woulde if there had beene no more but two See S. Dionis Chap. 4. 5. 6. D● Ecclesiast Hierarch howe he teacheth moe Sacraments But to returne to my purpose I wil not omit to opē one subtil shift of the heretike whereby like a bugge or fox with a mans visard of his face he oft deceiueth the simple and vnwarye with faire blessings and gaye tearmes which vnlearned men cannot iudge of nor descerne He will tell you their communion is a holy sacrament and that therby you ●ate Christ as he sitts at his fathers right hand in faith spirit and that you must ●ate that heauenly bread sorsooth that they giue you as the body and bloud of Christ and then no doubt you receiue Christ and the like But aske the heretike whether that bread he giueth to the people be the very body of Christ or no and that properly it can be no more called bread in that it is called transubstantiate and verily turned into the very body and bloud of Christ in deed then you shall perceiue the foxe pull of his maske and shew his eares as I hard of a good fellowe a minister did who giuing to a gentleman bread from their communion table and said The body of our Lorde Iesu c. by chaunce he let a peece fall the gentleman esteeming it to be some holy thing aboue other bread sanctified by Godes word would haue taken it vp againe no no said the minister Sir lett it alone here is more enough yea said the gentleman is it not worth the taking vp trulye quoth he● then none of it at all shall come into my belly and so
effecte Carnem sic c. They so vnderstande flesh as it is torne in a carcas or solde in the shambles and not as it is quickned with the spirite or Godhead Here is reported wherein the Iewes did ●rre they tooke the worde flesh amisse not cōcerning the substance of it which must be really eaten but cōcerning the maner of eating it is not modo Latin for the maner Is not quomodo as much to say as by what maner the Iewes vnderstood the name of flesh Quomodo dilaniatur non quomodo vegetatur that is by what maner it is torne a peeces and not by what maner it is quickened doe not these wordes import that the Iewes erred in the maner of eating Christes fleshe Doth not hee that findeth fault only with the maner of eating Christes fleshe sufficiently allowe the eating of the fleshe it selfe if it be donne after a good maner It is the Passion of Christ and the spirituall maner of eating in respect whereof Christs speech is called of S. Augustine figuratiue For if Christes flesh were eaten only to fill the bellie without further accompt of spirituall grace and life then were the eating of that fleshe naturall sensible accustomable and without all figure should be eaten by cutting tearing and wasting it but in that case fleshe profiteth nothing the flesh we speak of must be eaten as a figure as a misterie as a Sacramēt as a holy signe of a higher truth wrought in the soule then that bodelie eating doth work So likewise in Baptisme wee are washed in a figure because the washing hath a farther and higher end thē only to clense the body That speach therefore wherein Christ commandeth his flesh to be eaten is figuratiue not that we should deny the true eating of his flesh but because that eating is referred to a greater purpose then to the feding of the body for Christs flesh is meate in deed that is to say is eatten in deede as I could proue vpon that place but it is not eaten only that it shoulde be corporally receiued but to the end wee should pertake of the spirit Godhead which is in it and so by merite of that Hill de Trinit Lib. 8. flesh really present in vs obtaine life euerlasting with it Wherevpon Saint Hillarie disputing against the Arrians that Christ is not only of one will but also of one substance with his father saieth De naturali in nobis Christi veritate c. That we say concerning the naturall truth of Christ being in vs except wee learne it of him we say it foolishly vngodly for himselfe saith my flesh is meate in deed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud tarieth in me I in him there is no place of doubting left concerning the truth of fl●sh and bloud for now both by the profession of our Lord and by our own● faith it is truly flesh and truly bloud and these things taken and swallowed are the cause that we tarry in Christ and Christ in vs is not this thing the truth it may well chance not to bee true to them who deny Iesus Christ to b● true God So that Christ as truly as he is God so verely really is he in the B. Sacramēt though in an inexplicable miraculous maner sort inuisible and hidden from our corporall senses For as after the resurrection the spirituall being which our bodies shall haue doth not deminish the truth of their nature but declareth a wonderfull abettering of them in that they be made in maner equal to spirituall substance euen so the body of Christ in his supper is spiritual not for any lack of his true substāce vnder the formes of bread wine but because it is fully possessed replenished with the Godhead and is present after the maner of a spirit as being neither seene or felt nor tasted but only bel●ued therefore this B. Sacramēt is worthely called of the church at the consecratiō thereof yea of S. Paul 1. Tim. 3. misterium fidei a mistery of faith So that you see we must vnderstād that though in the B. Sacramēt we truly whē we sacramētally receiue doe receiue in very deed his B. body bloud yet we do not receiue eate Christs B. body after such a carnal sort as the Caphernaits Iewish Heretikes vnderstood blaspheme For the lexes when they heard Christ promise his body to be eaten of vs thought Christ would hane giuē his body to haue bin cut in peces rosted ●●tē as I said before as the dead carcas of an oxe is wherevpon some of his disciples so vnderstāding departed thinking it a hard saying of Christ that hee would giue his body to be so eaten but he answered thē right worthely the spirit Ioh. 6. 63. it is that quickneth but the flesh it profiteth nothing How doth the flesh of Christ profit nothing what doth that flesh profitte nothing that redeemed the whole world God forbid any christian should so imagin how thē must we vnderstand Christs wordes the flesh profiteth nothing but according to S. Augustins interpretatiō that is the carnall or fleshly vnderstāding of Christs words profiteth nothing but hurteth much but put a spiritual diuine vnderstāding to Christs flesh according to his promise worde giuen vs in the B. Sacrament thē the flesh profiteth much as for example the wicked Iewish heretikes of this time thus blaspheme What dost thou say they eat the very body of Christ indeed in the Sacrament how chaunceth it thou feelest not rawe flesh what can so great a substāce be vnder the liknes of so litle a pece of bread How canst thou swallowe his bones o blasphemous heretike Lo here you see these mens vnderstanding that thus with the Iewes so grosly conceiue of Christs body in the Sacrament the flesh profiteth nothing but hurteth much But if they would vnderstand as Christ taught and the Church beleeueth that we receiue Christs Body verely in the Sacrament not after such a grosse manner but after a spirituall sort and in an vnspeakeable mistery that is though a true and naturall body yea the very flesh and bloud that was borne of the B. Virgin Mary and suffred death vpon the Crosse yet with all a supernaturall miraculous diuine glorified and impassible body Such a body as was conceiued by the holy ghost without know ledge of man and that was borne of the B. Virgin without in any sort opening or violating her sacred wombe Such a body as by his diuine power therein with his B. handes multiplyed fiue loaues of bread to the feeding of many thousands Such a body as being attempted to bee stoned of the Iews passed through them and was not seene Such a body finally that arose from death the sepulchre fast shut and such a body that after his Resurrection likwise appeared to his disciples the gates fast shut without deuiding asunder or opening the same Such a body that declared himselfe