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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07572 [Liber festivalis]; Festial Mirk, John, fl. 1403? 1486 (1486) STC 17958; ESTC S110149 187,701 329

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nother ete nor drynke for drede of the dome that is com●n● The sixth day all grete byldynges castelles towres steples houses shall fall doun brennetyl the sonnense ayen The seventh day all stones and rockys shall bet● to gyder that eche shall breke other with one horryble noyse the whych shall be herde into heven The eight doye the erthe shall quake so that there may no man stonde theron but shall fall downe The ninth day the ▪ people shall goo oute of they re denmys and goo as they were myndeles nonespake to other The tenth day ●yles and erthe shall be even plain The eleventh daye all graves tombes shall ayen the bodys shall stond upon theym The twelfth day s●erres shall fall fro heven shetyng out brennyng bemes a dredfull syght to see The thuteenth day they shall deye that be●en by ● The fourteenth day heven erthe shall brenne the fifteenth day heven erthe shall be made newe all peple shall ryse in y● age of thyrty wynter come to the dome Dominus venie● adjudicium cummulti●●dine angel orum Thenneshall come to the dome our lord Jesue rystvery god very man wyth his angellys shew his woundes fresshe bledynge as yt. day he deyed on ye. cros with ally e instrumentes of his passyon The sper crowne seourges nayles hamer pyn●sons the garlande of thorns to shewe what he suffrede in his passion for mankynde Thenne may they besory and ferde that have sworn by his passyon or woundes or by o●● membre of his body that shall be a grete represse to them but they a mend theym in thys world or they deye Then wyll our lorde gretely thank them that have doo mercy in this world for hyssake to they reve●crysten and wylle saye thus to theym Venite benedicti patris mei pe●cipite regnum●●● Come ye my faders blessed chyldren and recey●●ye the kyngdom of heven that is ordeyned to you and someher●e so theym the seven wekes of mercy whan I was hungry ye gaaf me mete Sihvi●t ded is tismihi bibere whan I was thursty ye gave me drynke and whan I was herberles ye herbered me and so for the all the werkes of mercy For whan ye gass ony thynge in my name it was to me Thenne shalour lord rebuke the rych people that wolde not doo for hys love nor sorgyve nootresspasse for hys sake And sayd to theym ●iscedite a mem●ledieti in ignem eternum Goo ye cursed people into everlastyng peyn of helle For when I was a hungred ye gave me no mete c Than may they befull sory woo that ever our lord Jesue ryst shall thus rebuke theym For ther shall be no man of lawe to plete nor for golde nor for sylver nor other yeftes to helpe For than shal nother mayster nor lord shyppe helpe but all be set be syde butt ryghte as a man hath done so shall he have And there shall be dyvers accusers both above hym and byneth hym And on everyside above hym shall be oure lord Jesu Cryst hys domys man ●rahisest fur or domini in populo suo wythoute mercy to theym that dede no mercy and soo accuse theym of the leste thought that ever was amys On the ryght syde hys angell tellyng redely where whan and how oste he dyde amys On that other syde fendes challengyng hym they res as by ryght for hys wycked dedis Under hym helle redy yf he be founde in synne that day they shall be peyned and in peyne wythoutenend that daye poore people ▪ shall sylle wyth eryst at the dome and deme the ryche people for the grete wrounges that they dyd to theym and they myght gete none a men des tylle the daye of dome thenne they shall have theyr wylle of the ryche people for whan the riche done the poore wronge they can doo no more but pray to god to quyte them at the daye of dome And so he wyl for god sayth thus Michi vindi clametego ●etrib●am Put all to me ● yeld every man after his deservynge therfore whyle yeben here make ye amendes for your wyckednes And make theym y● ▪ frendes that shal be your domys men at the daye of dome and trust not to theym that shall come after you lest ye be begyled And drede the peyne of of helle that never shall have end Narracio Saynt Bede telleth how there was an housbonde man in Englande that fyll syke and ley dedefram the evyn tyll on the morrow Then ne he rose and departed his godes in foure partyes and all his own part he gave to poure men and wente and was a monke ●n an abbey that was nygh the water syde Into the whych water he wente every nyght were it never so cold and stode therin long and suffred grete penaunce And whan he was asked why he dyde soo to suffre that grete penaunce He sayde to esche we a greter peyn that he had seen And he wolde ete but barley brede drynk water all hys lyf after And tolde two religyous men the peynes that he had seen and they were soo grete that they cowde not telle theym openly He sayde that an angell ●ad hym to a place there that ▪ one syde was soo colde that noo tonge myght telle the peyne therof And ye. other syde was so hote that no man myght tell the peyne therof and soules were caste oute of that one into that other and that was a grete peyne to theym And the angell shewed hym ye. fyre that came out of helle that was sooho● And soo ferre as hym thought he myght see it he thou ghtal bren● hym ▪ and in the ●eme therof hesawe soules boyle up and down cryeng and waylyng for woo Also he herde fendes crye cast oute hole lede brymstone to make herpeynes gretter and so they tormented the soules in pey●e Now lord god for thy grete mercy have mercy on us and kepe us ●ro thoo peynes and brynge us to the blysse of heven that never shall have endyng Amen Dominica in septuagessima Good men wymmen this day is called in holy chirche the sonday in septuagesme Forcause●● ▪ holy chirche is moder of allerysten people she taketh good hede to the children as a good mode● oweth to doo ●orasmo●he as she seeth hem full sore syke in synne and many of theym wounded to ye. wyth the swe●d of synne the which synne● hath caught all this ye●● to fore And namely this cr●stmas tyme yt. was ordeyned in holy dryrch for grete solem p●●yte for every man sholde be besy to serve god wyth all his power bycause that cr●ste hymself she wed that day swetnes of love to all crysten people For man he was borne yt. tyme And in the same flessh blood as one ●f us layd in a cradell more pourly than any of us was crystened in water as ony of us And also he come to a weddyng for to dense it from synne
all to Amen Dm̄ca secūda qua dragesime GOod men and wymmen it is i● the seconde son day in clene lente where for like as ye haue all this yere made yow honeste in good a ray to your body Now shulde ye be as sone●besy to make yow a clene soule where for this tyme of lente is ordeyned to clense youre concience from all maner ruste and filthe of synne so that ye may on Estyr day with clene cōcience receyue the body of oure lord ●h●●u criste wher fore s●int poule in the pystell of thys day seythe thus Hee ē voluntas dei Thys is goddys wyll that ye shulde be besy and hooly to kepe youre bodyes in clennesse for to plese god moche to prey to hym to make his vessell clene a yense the comyng of oure lord the su criste than shall ye vnderstonde that this vessell is mannes cō cience and that is a good vessell y● kepith all good thyngis that is putte ther in till the day of dome for at that day of dome euery mānes ●essell shall be openyd and the world shall see what a man hath kepte there in be it better or worse fayre or fowle Than he that bryngithe a clene vessell be fore the highe iuge shall be well a lowed Thanne how a man shall kepe his vessell clene hooly churche tech ith by a ensample of an hooly batriarke Jacob that is redde songe of all this woke jacob had a fadyr that was callid Isaac and his modyr rebecca And she had ij children at on birthe and that was firste borne hyghte esau and that othir Jacob But for the story is longe we shall take at this tyme that is moste nedefull and leue that othir Thanne had god yeue his patriarke ●saac soch grace that what blessyng he gaue his blessid children they shulde haue it Than for Isaac was olde and blynde and nyghe his dethe he seyd to his sof●e Esau Aufer michi de venatione tua Go and hunte and gete me somme mete that I myghte ete of Bene dicā tibi pri●squā moriar That I may geue the my blessyng or I dye But whan Esau was gone jacob that yonger be techyng of his mo dyr gate his fadres blessyng and his fadyr seyd to hym Esto dū●●ra trum tuorū Be thou lorde of all thy bretheren And so made hym his Eyre and blessid all that blessid hym Than whā Esau was come home and wyste thys he hatid Jacob his brothyr and thoughte to ●le him Thanne jacob be counsell of his modyr wente oute of the countrey vn to au vncle that he hadde that highte laban And as he wente be the wey in a countre of wylde peple leuyng he durste not ●● ge with hem● a byde but ●ay all a nyȝte in the felde by the wey and leyde a stone vnder his hede and slepte Diditqg iu sōp nis scalam stantē super terram And in this slepe hym thought he sawe a ladder that stode on the erthe and la styd vp to heuē and god ioyned to the ladder An gelos quoque dei ascendentes et descē dentes And angeles of god goyng vp and downe Thanne god spake to hym and seyd I am god of abraham and ●saac and I woll geue the this londe and be thy keper in thy wey Than woke jacob and seyd Dere dn̄a est in loco isto et e●o nescie bam For sothe god is this place and I wyste not And so wente forth to his vncle was with hym xx wynter and more his seruaunt and wed did his ij doughteris that one highte rachell that othir ly● And whā he had de be there so long he desiryd home ayene in to his owne countre and toke with hym his wy●●e and his children and all his catell and wente forth Thanne come there to hym multitude of angeles to helpe hym Than whā iacob come to a ford he made all his meyny to go be fore with his Catell and hym selfe ●ode be hynde in his preyours and as he preyde there come an an angell to him in likenesse of a man and wrastelid with hym all the nyghte till on the morow and toke hym by the grete senowe of his thyghe and made hym to halte euer after Thā seyd the angell to iacob what is thy name he seid jacob Nay seyd he thou shalte no lenger highte iacob but israhel shall be thy name and blessed hym and lefte hym there haltyng and thus he wente home to his owne countre with grete prosperite This story is redde in hooly churche in this ensample to all good seruaūtis that desirith to gete the blessing of the fadyr of heuen and to haue heritage that is there he muste firste be iacob and after israhel For iacob is to vnderstonde a wrasteler and israhel a man that seyghte god for he that wyll see god he muste wrastell here in erthe with the bad angell that is the fende with his owne flesche as thus whanne he hathe done a grete hor●ible synne than the ●ende puttyth to him a grete shame in herte so that he dare not tell hit oute Thanne muste he weastell with the fynde and the flesche and ouer come and tell oute hys synne opynly with all the circumstaunce of his syn Thanne woll his flesch be a ferde and a shamed there of but than he muste wrastell with his flesche strongely and make hit to tell his synnes to do penaunce aftyr the counsell of hys goos●ely fadyr takyng the ensampell of the woman of ●er countrey that come to criste as the gospell seith Ecce mulier cananea a finibua illis egressa clamauit dicens How the woman of cananee come to crist to gete hele for her doughter that was trobbled with a fende And seyd Ihesu fili dauid mi serere mei ihesu the sone of dauid haue mercy on me Thanne oure lord answered Nō est ●o●●m sumere panem filinrum dare canib●● Hit is not good to take brede of children and yeue hit hundys Nam et catelli ●●e ●t de mensa dīro rum suorum yis lord for why whe l●es eten of the c●ommys that fallyn from her lordys borde Thanne seyd oure lord Mulier magna est fides tua fiat tibi sicut via O woman thou haste a grete feythe where for as thou wolte thy doughter be saued so was her doughter hole This womā and her doughter be tokenythe a man that his concience trauelythe with a fyude of dedely synne that may not be holpen but he go to god and there shryne hym to the priste sparyng for no rebuke nor shame ne for drede but me kely suffer all that the cōfessor seythe to hym and take his penaunce mekely with a contrite herte do hit with good deuocion and so he shall be de lyueryd of the fende that hathe trouelyd his concience For a man that hathe done an horribell synne and shall be saued he shall
con●undid and shamed Thus it happid on a tyme with the Emperour of Rome that hi ghte Attyl● and he was made by heretikes as Iohan bellet tellith the whyche Emperour pursewed Cristen people sore and hatid hem and holy churche gretely wherefor he made to doo brenne all the bokys that myghte be founde of cristen feythe But as almyghty god wolde there was a good hooly man and that was a grete Clerke and that clerke was callid Alpynyons that in meytenyng of the feyth of hooly churche he made the story of the Trynite and the story also of seinte Stephyn and broughte hit vn to the pope for to haue hem songon and redde in hooly churche But be counsell of that grete clerke they toke the story of Seint stephyn and lefte the story of the hooly Trinite till to the tyme that Seynt Gregory was pope than for to repreue hem and do hem shame that be so the mysse beleuyng people and wolde not beleue in the trinite but made aftyr her reson many he retykes and in consideracion of hem seinte Gregory the pope ordeyned this feste to be halowed and this story to be songon and radde in hooly churche in worshippe of the trinite with all cristē people The thride cause is for the highe trinite worshippyng and fore all Cristen men shulde knowe how and in what maner they shulde beleue in the trinite for as holy churche techithe he that beleuithe in the Trinite shall be saued and they that dothe not shall be dāpned Thanne is it full expedyent and nedefull to all Cristen people to knowe how they shull leue ye shall vnderstonde that persite loue to god is the beleue for he that beleuith persitely makith no questions that litill a vaylith Fides non habet meritum vbi humana racio prebet experimentū Feithe hathe no mede ne merite where mannes wytte yeuithe experience than is it good for all cristen people to make loue to be mediatour to the holy goste prayng hym to lyghton vs with ynne oure soules that we may haue grace to come to his persite beleue There for this day was sette nexte with sonday hopyng that the holy goste woll be redy to all Cristen people that woll calle hym and specyally in lernyng of the feythe but yit for many wyttis be doulle to lerne tha● they may not se nor here but they be broughte in by grete ensample But that people is not moste commendable yf we may be ensample come the sonner to the beleue in the fadyr and the sone and the holy goste iij. persones and all one god take hede of this ensample Of yse snow and watyr how that these iij. be diuerse eche in substāce and yit is all but watyr ye may vnderstonde by the watyr the fadir by the yse the sone and by the snowe the holy goste watyr is an element that hathe grete myghte and strengthe and as the mastir Alysaundre seythe it is aboue heuen in the maner of yse like a cristall dothe worshippe to heuē and anone it is vudir erthe and the erthe is groūded vppon water And dauid seythe in the sauter it is all aboute the world and in all thyng for in harde stones and yron somme tyme swete wa●●● for this watir is so full of 〈…〉 ghte is to vnderstōde 〈…〉 adir that his power is so moche that he gouernithe all the worlde and knowith all thyng and all is at his wyll commaundement ▪ By the sone Ihesu criste ye shall vnderstōde yse that is water congelid harde and ●●●till that is ihesu criste verray god and man that toke the substāce and fraye●te of mankynde whanne he was cōceyued of the holy goste in the virgyn mary and borne of her body god that suffered passion vndir poūce pilate done vpon the crosse dyed and was beryed and the thridde day rose from dethe to lyffe and aftyr on hooly thoursday styed vp in to heuen and shall come a yene at the day of dome and deme the quycke the dede By the snowe ye shall vndirstonde the hooly goste for ryght as snowe is but watir and yse and lihht● in the eyre but how no man can tell So comythe the holy goste from the fadyr the fone Spiritua sanctua a patre filio non factu● nec creatu● nec genitu● sed proceden● but how it is for no man to stody for it excedit all mennes wytte to stody there vppon but sadly beleue the fadir is full god almyghty of hym come sone fulle god and of hem bothe comythe the holy goste full god This trinite was knowen in the fullyng of criste as the gospell tellithe In baptismo christi tota trinitas se manifestanit scilicet pater in ●oce fili●● in carne spiritu● sanctu● in columba et totum celum apertum erat Than oure lord ihesu criste was baptisid in the watir of fli● iordan and all the people nye of the countre there aboute were baptised there with hym and as they were in her preyoures Et aperti sūt celiet spiritu● sanctu● descendit sicut columba The hooly goste come downe in lykenesse of a whyte doue and lyghtyd on cristus hede Et vo● de celo dice●● Hic est fili●● men● dilect●● in qno michi bene complacni And the fadir spake in heuen and seyd Thou arte my well beloued sone that plesid me well that was the holy Trinite that spake in his persone and the sone was ther bodely in his persone whanne Iohan baptiste seyde to the people Ecce agn●● dei Se the lombe of god the holy goste was seyne in his persone Sicut columba descendentem as a whyte doue come downe and these iij. be but one god in trinite wherefore hit were full nedefull to all cristen peple to prey besely so that we may haue grace to haue the persite loue to beleue in the fadir the sone and the holy goste thre persones and one god●in trinite Narracio we fynde that the modir of seynte Edmund● of pounteney as he stody ed of this holy Trinite she apperyd vn to hym and leyde in his honde● iij rynges eche with ynne o thir And in the furste was wreton Pater the fadir in the secounde Filiua the sone and in the thride Spiritua sanctus the holy goste and seyde my dere sone to soche figures take hede and lerne what thou mayste and tak● good hede to this ensample for ryghte as a rynge is rounde with oute any be gynnyng endyng ryght so iij. persones in one god but for to stody how hit myghte be it is but foly for hit exdithe any mannes wytte to mense there vpon but saddely beleue ther vpon Narracio we red of a clerke that was gretly lerned in dyuynite the whiche stodyed besely to haue brought this in a boke why god wolde be beleued on god and thre persones and so as he walked on a day stodyyng in this mater by the see sonde he was ware of a
of Thā mekely she toke her leue wente home a yeue to Nasareth Than thoughte Ioseph he wold go ●oke how his wyffe dede wente towardes her whan oure lady herde of his comyng sche wente agayn● hym grete hym full mek●ly But whan ioseph sawe her gret with childe he meru●yled gretely how that myght be for well he wyste hit was not his fore he hadde neuer parte of her body in that degre fore he knowe well that she had made a vowe before she wold neuer haue parte of mannes body thought how he was made to wedde her by the byddyng of the holy goste grete miracle shewyng thoughte right in his herte he was not worthy to dwelle in her company and thōght in his herte to haue gone home aȝene and to leue her there Thene come an angell to hym sayd be not aferd to take mari thy wyfe to thy kepyng fore it is of the holy goste that is quicke in her body for thow shall be her keper and norse to her chyld and whanne ▪ hit is borne call it ihesus for he shall be sauiour to all the world Than ye shall vnderstond that for iiij causes as seynte Ambrose seyth oure lady was weddid to this olde mā Ioseph The firste was yf she hadde conceyued with oute wedloke the iewes wolde haue seid that she had be an euyll woman of her body so haue stoned her to dethe The secoūde cause was fore she was so shamefast that she had herde any haue putte any defame to her she wolde haue dyede fore sorow The thrydde cause was for ioseph shulde bere wittenesse of her maydenhode The fourthe cause fore ioseph shulde helpe her at her birth brynge her to bethleem and aftyr in to Egipte so ayene in to her owne countre fore these iiij causes she was weddid to this olde man Ioseph And also to be gyle the fende that he shulde not knowe hym from a nothir ▪ childe Nowe haue ye herde of the Annunciacion There be somme people that aske a question why there stondithe a wyne potte with lyllyus betwene oure lady Gabriell the Angell at her salutacion This is the cause fore oure lady atte her salutacion conceyued be feythe Narracio Hit be fill thus vpon a cristemasse day that a cristen man and ● iewe sate to gedyr and spake of the concepcion of o●re lady and as they were there stode a wyne potte to fore he in with a lyly there ynne Thanne seyd the cristen man we be leue that oure lady conceyued lyke as this lyly conceyuythe colour of grene and aftyr bryngi●h forth a whyte floure with oute crafte of man or any pay ryng to the stalke right so oure lady conceyued of the hooly goste and aftyr broughte her sone oure lord ihesu criste withoute any wemme of her body that is floure and chefe of all wymmen Thanne seyde the iewe whan I see a lyly sprynge oute of the dethe stalke that stondith in this potte thanne wolle I beleue that thow seyste hit is trew and a none there with sprange a white lyly oute of the dede stocke that stode in that same wyne potte And whan this Iewe sawe that a none he fill downe vn to the grounde vppon his knees and seyde thus lady nowe I see well that thowe conceyued with the hooly goste oure lorde Ihesu criste goddys sone of heuen And thou were clene mayden bothe be fore the birthe and also aftyr the birthe And so a none he was cristoned and so aftir he was a full hooly man And this is the cause where so that the potte with the lylyus is sette betwene oure lady the Angell for righte as the iewe disputid with the cristen man of the maner of the concepcion So oure lady disputid with the Angell of the maner howe she shulde conceyue and be bothe modir and mayde or she consentid ther to Thanne ye that woll faste the v. eu●●ys of oure lady in worshippe of her v. ioyes that she had of her sone The firste was whan she conceyued of the holy goste know that sche was modir to goddis sone of heuen The secounde was on cristemasse day whan she was delyuered of her so ne with oute any payne of her body for as she cōceyued with oute luste of her body also she was delyuered withoute peyne of her body The iij. ioye was one Estyr day whan her sone rose from dethe to lyue come to her kyssed her made her more ioyefull of his ●prysing than she was sory of his dethe The fourthe ioye was whann he●s●yed vp to heuen on holy thurday in the same flesche blode that he toke in her body The v ioye was in her assumpcion whan she sawe her sone come with grete multitude of angelis semtis to fette her to heuen and crowned her quene of heuen Emperes of hell and lady of the world so all that be in heuē shall do her reuerence and worshippe and all bethe in erthe shall do her seruice These be the v. ioyes that oure lady hadde of her sone and ye shall vnderstōde that he that woll grete oure lady with v. aueys shall neuer come in to the payne of hell Narracio we finde wreton of an hooly mayden that was deuoute in oure lady seruice and euery day grete her with v. ioyes Than hit happened so on a day that she fill sike and felte her selfe welle that sche shulde be dede and for fere she ●ighed wonder sore and made grete mone for be cause she wysce not whet●r she shulde go afher dethe Thanne come oure lady to her and seid why arte thow so sory y● hast made me so ofte glad gretyng me with ioyes that I hadde of my sone there fore be not sory but knowe thou well that y● shalte go with me in to euer lastyng blysse ioye euer with oute ende Narracio we fynde of seint Gilbert that one a tyme he was nye dede of the quincy whā his throte was so grete w●ll nye dede ● he myghte vnnethe take brethe oure lady come to hym seyde to hym gilbert my seruaunt hit were euyll do that thy throte shulde suffer penaunce that hathe so oftyn tymes gladid me with my ioyes a none she toke her feyre pappe myl●yd on his throte and wente her wey a none there with he was hole thankyd oure lady euer aftyr De sācto georgio martire GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue seynt Gorges day the holy martyr hit is wreton in his lyffe that there was an horrible dragon be side a Cite that was callid Cirme of the whiche dragon mē of the Cite were sore a ferde in so moch that be coūsell of the kyng euery day they gaffe hym a childe a shepe to ete fore fere lefte he wolde haue come in to the Cite Than whan alle the children shep were nye eton for because that the
than dyed Than hit happid that ther was a monke in an abbay that dyed the same tyme and was ma de by hys abbothe to come ayene to tell him how that he ferde and so he dede and seyd to the abbot whan he was come Syr I am come to hepe my promysse I prey yow geue me leue to go a gayne for I go to ioye Thanne seyd the abbot was ther any moo that dyed whan thou dydyste that wente to ioye but thou And he seyd ye for sothe on and no mo and that was the soule of soche a man and tolde his na ne Thanne seyd the abbot now y knowe well thou arte not my monke but somme fende is come to tēpe me for we knowe well yf any soule be in payne he ys one of tho Than seyd the monke full vnworthy is any man to know the preuites of goddys dome For that man hadde so grete contricion and repentaunce and wepte so bitterly for hys synnys that the watyr of hys eyen perysched thorow all his clothys to the grounde wher for go thou the dyr to morow whan thou fyndyste hyt trew that I sey than leue me And I go to euer lastyng ioye and blysse Than wente the abbot the dyr founde that hyt was trew as the monke hadde seyd there knelid the abbot downe and thankyd god and badde all the people to be glad that god is so mercyfull that he had that knowleche Here ye may se that grete contricion that this man hadde quenchyd the grete peyne that was ordeyned for hym Thus ye may se how grete helpe is to a mannys soule to be contrite and sory for his synnes and to draw a man to the more contricion those .l. dayes these psalme in the sauter Miserere mei dena Be more rehersyd these dayes than ●ny othir tyme of the yere the whiche is thus moche to sey God for thy grete mercy haue mercy on me and whan a man is sory for his synnes and seyth thus with a sorowfull herte god he ryth his preyour and for yeuith hym his trespase so that he be in full purpose neuer to synne more but to a mende hym and be in parfeyte loue charite with oute any faynyng and but he haue chari●e with out faynyng all this preualyth nought and be this ensamp̄le Narracio Ther was a man that had .v. sonnes and hadde founde hem longe to scole and coste hym moche good So on a day he callyd his .v. sonnes be fore hym and seyd children I haue founde yow longe to scole haue spende moche good vp on yow and I se no grete profite ther of wher fore but yewoll a monge yow all a soyle me a question I woll do no more cost on yow ne fynde yow no lengyr to scole and they askyd of her fadyr what the question was and hit shulde be a soyled And he seyd I am olde febyll and may not lyue longe and there fore I wolde wete of yow what thynge wolde brynge a mannes soule sonnest to heuen and anone the eldyste sonne answeryd seyd for sothe fadyr prechyng and techyng woll bryng a soule sonneste to heuen of any thyng well seyd qd the fadyr what seiste thou to the seconde sone And he answeryd and seyd faythe trew be leue bryngithe a soule as sone to heuen what seyste thou to the question my thryde sone and he seyd good preyours and almesse dede bryngith a soule sone to heuen what seyste thou to the mater fowrith sone and he seyde pylgyymage goyng and grete penaunce sufferyng bryngith a soule sonner to heuene than any of all these what seyste thou my fyuith sone and he seyd for sothe fadir ther is anothir thyng that bryngith a soule sonner to heuen than all these what is that seyde the fadyr for sothe fadir seyd he charite for what vertu that euer a man haue and he lacke charite it vaylith not to heuen wardys for thoughe a man prey and do almes dedis goo a pylgrymage haue full fayth and be leue teche and p̄che faste and suffre penaunce neuer so moche crye and wype neuer so lowde and he be oute of charite god herith hym not And here to acordyth seint poule in his pistel and seythe thus Si linguia hominū loquar ●● Thoughe y were so eloquente as any man or any angell Et si babuero propheciam et omne scienciam And thoughe y had all the cōnyng in the worlde and knowe the propheci and the preuite of god Omnem fidem vt montea trāsferam And thoughe y hadde so moche faythe that y myghte meue hylles Et si distribuero in cibos pauperū And thoughe y delyd all my good to pore people for goddis sake Corpua meum vt ardeā And my body to brenne in hote fyre Caritatem autem non habe●m nichil michi prodest yf y haue not charite all this prefetith not to heuene wardys where fore hit is nedefull and moste necessary to euery creareis soule that woll be saued to haue charite but thoughe a man seyth that he loueth god and loueth not his euyn cristen he is disceyued For he that loued god loueth his neyghbour in good entente Thus muste a man haue full charite that wyll be saued Caritas cooperit multitudinē peccatorum For charite coueryth the multitudo of synnes For he that dyeth in dedely synne and oute of charite shall be dampned And therfor of all vertues charite ys moste vertuus moste necessary to a mannes soule yit we muste haue a stable feythe with oute flateryng and to beleue saddely as hooly churche techith and to beleue feythfully in the fadyr sone and hooly goste the fadyr full god the sone full god the hooly goste full and these thre persones be but one god that made all thyng of noughte Thys faythe was firste shewde in the hooly patryarche in the vale of mambre there he sawe thre fayre men comyng toward hym but he worshipped but one yeuyng ensample to all cristen people to se in spirite the fadir the sone and the hooly goste thre persones in one god hede and worshipped hem as on god Also ye muste beleue in the carnacion of oure lord ihesu criste that oure lady conceyued in the hooly goste with outewemme of her body in flesche and blode as one of vs and verry god man and was dede and beried Tercia die resurrex it a mortuia And one the thryde day he rose from dethe to lyffe Ascendit ad celos And styed vp to heuen on hooly thoursday In de venturus est iudicare viuos mortuos and shall come a yene at the day of dome and deme the quicke and the dede Thys ys ●iguryd by isaac the sone of abraham that he gete one his wyffe Sara thourgh the hooly goste whanne they bothe where passyd age to brynge forthe for god seyde to abraham that he shulde haue frute as grete in multitude as ther were
sterrys in the firma ment Than whan this childe was borne he was callyd isaac And whan he was .xxv. wynter of age god seyde to abraham in this wyse Take thy sone isaac and go to soche an hyll as he shewed to hym and offre hym in sacrifice that was to sle hym as the maner was sume tyme. Than abraham had be hefte of god to haue grete issew and thoughe he loued his so ne neuer so moche yit he toke hym anone with oute grocchyng and wente to the hyll and made his sone isaac to bere wode to brenne hym selfe with And wh●n they come to the hyll toppe abrah● made an auter of wode sette hit on fyre and than he toke his sone isaac and wolde haue slayne hym offered to god Than anone spake an angell to abraham and bade hym leue of and take the shepe that stode ther by and offer hym in stede of thy sone isaac He abraham ye may vnderstonde the ●adyr of heuen and be isa ac his sone ihesu criste that spared for no loue that he hadde to hym but suffered the iewis to ley wo de vpon his backe that was the crosse y● he shulde be done on hym selfe and ladde hym to the hyll of caluary and there dede hym vpon the Auter of wode that was the crosse that was made of ●owre diuerse maner of wode that was Cidyr Cipir Olyue and Palme and ther on he dyed for all mā kynde Thus may criste well be called isaac that is vnderstonde laughter for many a soule he broughte oute of hell laugyng that wente the thyr sore wepyng Than lyke as thys was a figure of cristys pession longe or he was borne ryght so thys day criste hym selfe in the gospell seyde thus to his disciples that he shuld be betrayed Tradetur enim genti●ua et il ludetur et flagella bitur conspuitur et post●uam flagel lauerunt eum die tercia resurget And how he shulde be takyn and betyn with stourges spytte vpon after his stourgyng done vpon the crosse and so sle hym and the thride day shall ryse ayen to lyfe and for they shulde haue the better beleue ther to and to his wordys anone to fore hem he made a blynde man to see that cryed and seyde Ihesu fili dauid miserere me● Ihesu the sonne of dauid haue mercy of me Thanne seyd oure lord to hym what woldeste thou that I shulde doo to the and he seyd ●omine vt videam lord yeue me syght Thanne seyd oure lorde thy seythe hathe saued the And a none he had his sighte and he thankyd god So muste euery criston man that wyll haue perdon● of god he mote haue contricion full of herte with shrifte of mouthe and sa tisfaction in dede beyng in hole charite with oute faynyng and in stable feythe with out flateryng And to stere yow more to the feythe I tell yow thys ensample Narracio There was a bishop in englonde that hyghte croste hede and was bishoppe of lyncoll was holdyn the grettyst clerke in englond or in the worlde and whan he lay in his dethe bedde there come to hym a grete multitude of fendes and disputedr with hym of the feythe in so moche that they had de nyghe turned hym oute of the beleue putte in to dispayre Thanne was oure lady redy and seyd to hym my seruaunt be leuyste thou not in hooly chirche as it techith And anone he cryed and seyd yis gracious lady I be leue as hooly churche techith me and anone the fend is wente her wey and gafe vp the goste to euer lastyng blysse to the whiche god bryng vs all Amen ●ominica prima quadragesime ●Ood men and wymmen thys day ys callyd in hooly churche the firste sonday in quadragesime a nombre of .xl. for from this day tyll es●y● day be .xl. dayes and for be cause that euery man synnyth more or lesse for to make satisfaction for our trespas all cristen people be bounde be the l●we of god and hooly churche to faste these .xl. dayes saue tho that the lawe dispensith with for resonable cause Children that be with in age wymm●n that be wyth chylde olde people that be myght lese to faste laboryng people as pylgremys and syke peple those the lawe dispensith with vpon her concience Than for the cause that sonday is noo day of pena●nce there for ye shall be gynne your faste one esche wedenysday that day ye moste come to hooly churche and ●● ke aschys of the prestes handes and thenke one the wordes ▪ well that he seytth oner your hedys Memento hō quod cinis es et in cinerem reuerteris haue mynde man of aschys that thou arte come and to aschys thou shalt tour ne ayene Than be there ●in●r●● shylles why ye shall faste these xl dayes on is as the gospell tellith this day thus ●nct●s est I●es●a in desertū●t temptaretur a diabolo how the hooly goste bade oure lorde cris● jhesu go in to deserte to wynne iherusa lem and iherico to be tē ●●ed of the fende was there xl dayes fastyng xl nyghtis for youre sake shewyng to all cristen people the ●ertu and the ●●de that comythe of fastyng the whiche ●e express●d in the preface of the masse that is seyd in hooly churche the xl dayes that is thus Qui corporal● i●i●●io vi cia comprimis men tem ●le●●● virtutem largiria That hooly fastyng th●usteth downe ●ices and lifteth vp thouthe of man to ● t●ous and to largenesse of all goodnesse and getith grete m●de in heuen that shall laste euer and ●●●● gra●e ●ere in erth for as clerkes telle the spetell of a sastyng mā shall sle an addyr bodely than moche more it sleithe the myghte of the olde addir that is the fende of helle that come to eue in para dyse in lykenesse of an ad dyr and temptid her to glotony veyne glory and couetyse ryght so the ●●nde come to criste in likenesse of a m● lefte ●e had be knowyn and temptid criste and as the gospell seythe C●m i●i●●asset quadragint● di●●●a et quadraginta no●ti●●● poste● esuxiit whanne criste had de fastyd xl dayes xl nyghtis than be kynde of manhode he hunge red Than come the fende to hym and schewde hym stones and seyde Si ●i●i●● dei ●a ●i● vt ●apides isti pac● fiant yf thou be goddis sone of heuen make these stones brede for ryght as ●●● was ●●beshed whan she saw the appyll be temptacion of the fende to ete there of The same wyse he wente to hate made crist to ete of the brede For glotony is not only in mannes mete but in the foule luste and appetite of a man Than seyde criste anone to him Non in solo pane vi uit homo sed de omni verbo quod procedit de ore dei Man leuythe not only by brede but by euery worde that comythe from the mow the of
they not vp ayene till they haue do somme ●u● sed dedis for than they rere wederys and make tempestis in the see and drawe downe shippis make debate among the people and make on to sle a nothir and tende fyre and brenne houses drawe downe steples trees and cause wymen to ouerley her children make people to hange hē selfe and drowne hem selfe in wanne hope and in dyspeyre and do many cursed dedis And for to putte awey all soch my scheuys and the powre of the fende hooly churche hathe ordeyned that all cristen people shall faste and go a processione these thre dayes and prey to god and to oure lady and to all seyntes of heuen of helpe and socoure where for in these processiones bellis be rōge baneres be splaed the crosse comythe aftyr and the people sewith aftyr ●●r ryght as a kyng whā he gothe to a batayle his tromppetis goo to fore thanne the baneres and than comythe the kyng and his oste foloyng So in this procession the bellis be goddis tromppys the baneres comyth aftyr Than comyth the crosse in cristus lykenes as kyng of cristen people and all s●we hym and with her good preyoures chase a wey the fendes that they haue no power and lyke a cursed teraūt wolle be sore a ferde and dradde whā he herde the tromppis of a kyng that were his ●●my sey his baneres displayed in the feld with his oste coming towarde hym in the same wyse the fende the teraunte of hell is a ferde dredithe hym sore whan the bellis ringith and the baneres be bore and the crosse with all the people come preyng thanne he fleith and dare not a by de and puttith awey his power that 〈…〉 Narracio we rede at the Cite of Constantyne as the people wente in processione for a dissese that the people had as they songe la tony sodenly a child was pluckyd vp in to the eyre and bore in to heuen and the angeles taughte hym to syng this songe Sancte deus Sanctefor i● Sanete et in mortalis misere re nobis and anon he was ladde down ayen to the erthe and thanne he songe that same songe a none they were delyuered of her dissesis this is to sey in englische hooly god hooly stronge god holy neuer shall dye haue mercy vs God that is hooly and neuer shall dye haue mercy one vs. god willithe and woll that we be stronge for to fighte with the fēde with the worlde and with the flesche and than he woll haue mercy on vs and brynge vs to that place than there as angeles sing● Sancte deus Sācte ●or●i● Holy god hooly stronge god haue mercy one vs and bring vs to his blysse Amen Ascensio dm̄ GOod frend is so che a day ye shall haue an hyghe a solempne feste in hooly churche that is callid the ascension of oure lord the su Criste for that day as the feythe and be leue techith how god is veray god man and styed vp in to heuen where fore in tokenyng of this the paschpll that is the chefe lyghte in holy church that hathe stōde openly in the quere from Estyr vn to this day Now hit is remeuyd a wey in tokening that criste is chefe lyghte in holy churche so oure lorde diuerse tymes opēly apperithe to his disciples and taughte hem the feythe and the beleue and this day hestyghed vp in to heuen and there wolle a ●y●e vn to the day of dome But nowe ye shall here the maner of this ascension from escyr day vnto this day he was not with his disciples algates but diuerse tymes appered vn to hem and he appered to hem as they satyn at her mete ete with hem to shew hē that he was very god man in flesche and blode as they were For somme of hem they were in dowte lefte he hadde be a spirite that hathe no 〈…〉 flecsche nor blode ther for to preue the trowthe he ete with hem in her sighte and badde hem go● in to the hyll of olyue there in fighte of all his disciples he blessyd hem and styed vp in to heuē and lefte the steppes of his fete thurste downe in to the harde marbull stone for a tokyn of his ascēsion Thanne ye shall vnderstonde that the hill of olyuete be tokenithe merry where for criste styed vp at the hyll of olyuete shewyng well that he is the hede of mercy and he is euer redy to yeue mercy to all that askithe mercy with meke herte Thanne in his vp rising as we call Ascension angeles made so moche melodye that no tonge may tell it so fayne they were of his comyng Ascen dit velociter he styed vp swyftely for as it were a moment he was frō erthe to heuen A grete clerke a philosouer y● is callid ●abymoyses he seyth that it is as fer frō erthe to heuen as a holy man myght leue a thousand yere and euery day go a thousand myle But he that mette this wey knowithe beste and this wey shall be mette of a ryghtfull a good mā Thanne in his ascension he hadde with hym a grete multitude of foules the which he f●tte oute of hell from the fendes bondes He styed vp al so with his woundes rede fresche blody And as bede seythe for v. causes Furste for to veri fye the feyth of his resur rection for he wse in very flesche blode that dyed on the crosse for all mankynde The secounde to shew his woundes to his fadyr in grete helpe socoure to all mākynde The thridde is to shewe how ryghtfull they be dā pned that woll not bele ue in his passion in his resurrection The four the isto shew how mercyfull he is to them that woll be leue aske mercy The .v. is that he bare with hym a signe of victory for a sykernesse to all mankynde for lyke as a lord is siker that ha the a trew aduoket be for a Auge to answere fore him so in sikernesse to all mākynde we fynde hym oure aduket ener more redy to answere for vs at thyng that the fende ou re gof●ly enemy makyth a yense vs. wher for seith the hooly scripture a sike rer attourney may no mā be but god Dbi mater ostēdit fil io pe ct as et vhera where for the modir shewed the sone here brestes and her pappes Filius patri latus et vulnera The sone shewde to the fadyr his fides all to betō his woundes bledyng how shulde any thyng be putte a wey or deuydyd there as soch tokenes of loue be shewyd he may not fare a mysse that hath soch to frend is in the coūtrey of heuen Also by the steyng vp in to heuē of oure lord ihesu criste mā hath gotyn a grete dig●●te for a mā to see hys owne kynde his owne flesch hisblode sittyng on the
ryghte syde of the fadyr of heuē in his trone where for Angelus conderyng the dignite of mā they wolde not suffre no man to do hē worshipp̄●● they dede be fore the in ●●●●acion of oure lord ihesu criste but they worshippe men for god hymselfe hathe take mankynde on hym and is now in heuene bodely Here by may a man see howe moche he is be holde to his god that we where bounde be fore and therll to the fende of hell and nowe we be made fre of all that and oure lord ihesu criste hath yeue vn to man a fredome a bo●e any Angeles And there fore we be bounde to hym to do hym seruice reuerence and worshippe And there as Angeles sommetyme kepton the gatis of paradyse with brennyng swerdis that no soule myghte come yn Now by feythe oure lord ithesu criste to mankynde he hathe caste vp the gatis and warne no man to entre there yn that is of stede●asee beleue for as seynte Austeyn seythe Apperuisti credentibus regna celdr●n Thow hasee opened the gatis of heuen to theym that be leue Also ye shall be leue ryghte as a kyng of this worlde hathe in his countre officeris of diuerse de grees somme higher and somme lower and somme more preuyer thanne somme So oure lordes steyng vp at this tyme the lower Angell for grete woundre that they hadde in cristus Ascensione whanne they sawe hym in flesche and blode steyng vp to heuene with so grete multitude of fo●les with hym And also for the grete woundre that they hadde whanne they sawe the fendes of the eyre flye a wey for drede and fere of his sc●onge comyng that be fore were wonte sparyng no thyng to assayle the soules that come by theym and thanne they flow● fore grete fece of this comyng Also the good Angeles come in all the haste that they myght to do oure lord the sucriste seruice reuerence and worshippe Thus for grete woundre that the lower angell hadde of his freyng vp they askyd the higher angell and they seyde Quis est iste qui venit de edom what is this that comythe out of the world with blody clothys as he were a kyng of ioye This is he that with dethe sufferyng redy in his stour gyng sike and dede in the crosse stronge in helle bodely in doyng ferfull in rysing and thus hathe ouer come all his en myes and now is kyng gloryous in heuen Thanne whan oure lord thesu criste was sty ed vp in to heuen and than his disciples stondyng with his modyr for grete woundre of that sighte and also of the me lodye that they herde in the eyre they lokyd vp in to heuen and sodenly ij Angeles clothid alle in whyte stowde by hem and seyde Diri galilei qui statis aspicientes in celum hi● est ihesus qui assūptus est a vobis Men of gelilee what stō de ye be holdyn in to heuen it is Ahesus that is styed vp from yow and so he shall come atte the day of dome a yene and deme all quycke and dede And there for all cristen people lyfte vp you re hertis to oure lord ●he su criste that now ys styed vp in to heuene and s●●tythe at his fadir ryghte honde and is redy to geue mercy to all them that woll aske mercy with a meke herte And here fore there is no maner a man that may excuse hym selfe nor haue no maner excusacion but yf that woll hymselfe and aske mercy to his lord god with a meke herte and he shall haue mercy and shall be sauyd ●●● thoughe a m̄an be neuer so sinfull and he woll aske mercy with a meke herte he wolle yeue hym mercy For contritūet humiliatum deus non despiciea A meke and a contrite her te god shall neuer despice for and he wolle aske mercy and be sory for his synnes oure lord wolle take hym to his mercy Thanne for to shewe his grete goodnesse and compassion that oure lord ha the of mākynde A shall telle yow this ensample Narracio we rede in the syffe of seinte Carpe how a man of mysse beleue turnyd a cristen man oute of hys feythe and for soke his beleue and his cristendo me where fore this holy man Carpe was so wrothe that he fill in grete sykenesse and whan he shul de haue preyde to god for a mendement he preyde nyghte and day that he myghte see hem haue a bodely vengeaunce Thā hit happid atte a mydenyghte as he preyde thus sodenly the house that he lay ynne cleuyd in foure partis And he loked vp aud sawe one honged so piteusly that hit was grete pite to se and than he lokyd vp to heuen and there he sawe oure lord ihesu Criste with a grete multitude of angeles sittyng in his trone and he lokyd vp ayen and than he sawe this ij men stondyng be fore an hot te ouyn quakyng and tremelyng for drede of fend is like adderis and wormes comyng oute of the ouyn to draw the se ij men in to the ouyn with hem And so many othir fendis come in diuerse likenesse to helpe that they were into the ouyn Thanne was this holy mā Carpe fayne to see these ij men haue that vengeaūce and was woū dre gladde there of that he loste the sighte of oure lord thesu criste and his hooly angelis for his herte was all one these ij mēnes vengeaunce and was sory for it was so longe or they were put vn to her peyne And than he rose and wente to hym selfe and halpe all that euer he myghte and whā they were in to the ouyn than was this Carpe very gladde there of And than he lokyd vp in to heuen and there he sawe oure lord Jhesu criste and he sawe hym ryse frome his trone for grete pitte and compassione that he hadde on the too men and come downe to hem and toke hem oute of her peyne and seyde thus to Carpe Extende manus tuas contra me Streche forthe thyne hondys ayense me ●nd seyde thus I am redy and nede were to dye ayene for mankynde rathir than to lese hym ●e this ensample ye may see how redy that oure lord ihesu criste is to all that wolle aske mercy and for yeuenesse and deserue mercy that is that euery man a mende and leue his synnes and be in full wylle and purpose to synne no more and thus he shall come to the grace and mercy of oure lord ihesu criste that suffered for vs and all man kynde one good fryday and this day styed vp to heuene the whiche he woll graunte vs and bringe vs all ther to Amen Sequitur vigilia penthecosten GOod frendis as ye knowe well a saterday neste comyng is wydsonueuyn and ye shall faste and come to chirch to here youre seruice and make you ●●ene to receyue the holy goste that the fadir of heuen sendithe amonge mākynde where for I counsell
fayre childe sittyng on the see sonde hadde a lytill shelle in his honde and ther with he toke watyr oute of the seeland caste hit in to a litill pitte faste Thanne seyde this mastir to this childe sone what doste y● and he seyde Sire y am a boute to haue all thys watyr that is in the see in to this litill pytte Than seyde this mastyr that shalte thou neuer do hyt passithe any mānes power Sire seyde he as sone shall I do this as thow shalte doo that thou arte a boute to do and anone the childe vanishid a wey Than this mastir thou ghte it was not goddis wylle and lefte his stodyyng in that mater thankythe god hyly By this ensample we may se that it is not godd is will that we shulde mense yn that mater but seedefastly beleue in the fadir the sone and the hooly goste Deni per fidem trinitati● come by feythe and loue of this persite feythe of the trinite Deni per opera miseri cordie come by the werkys of mercy doyng Deni per opera insticie come to this beleue be doyng of werkys of ryghte wisnesse and thus ye shall come to this per site beleue fadir and sone and holy goste Et tūc coronaberia corona glorie eterne And than thou shalte be crow ned with a crowne of euerllastyng Joye and blisse to the whiche brynge vs to the hooly Trynite Amen De corpore xp̄● GOod frendis ye shall vnderstōde that this das ys an highe and a solempne feste in hooly churche the feste of corpus christi hit is the feste of oure lordis his owne body the whiche is offered to the highe fadir of heuē at the auter in remission of oure synnes to all cristē peple that leue here in persite lyffe and charite and grete socoure and helpe in releuyng hem that be in peynes of purgatory there a bydyng the mercy of god ye shall vnderstonde that this feste was foūde by a 〈…〉 that was callide v●bane the v ▪ the whiche hadde grete grace and deuocion in the sacrament in the Autee consideryng the grete me de helpe and socoure to mannes soule and to the fortheryng of leuyng to all cristen people here in this presente worlde there fore he ordeyned thys presente feste to be halowed in the nexte thoursday aftyr the feste of the holy trinite for all cristē people that wolle be saued muste haue ●adde beleue in the holy sacramēt that hit is goddis owne body in s●●me of brede made by ●●● vertu of cristus word is that the preste seythe and by worchyng of the holy goste Thanne for this holy 〈…〉 thought to drawe the people to more deuocion and bettir wyll to this holy sacrament and to do the seruice this day he grauntith to all that be worthy that be tho that be verrey contrite and shreuyn of her synnes be in the churche at bothe euynsonges at matenesse and atte masse for eche C. dayes of pardon and for eche oure of the day xl dayes of pardon and euery day of the v●●s a C. dayes of pardon in remission of all her synnes for euer more enduryng Thanne ye shall vnderstōde that oure lord 〈…〉 crist on shereth ours day at nyghte whanne he hadde souped and wyste well that in the morowe that he shulde suffre passion and dethe and passe oute of this worlde vnt● his fadir in heuen he ordeyned a perpetuall memory of his passion to a byde for euer with all cristen people here in erthe He toke brede and wyne and made his owne flesche and blode yaue hit to his disciples to ete and to drynke and seyde Accipite et mandu cate hoc est corpna meum Take ye thys ete hit for hit is myn owne flesche and blode and this he dede for they shulde haue mynde of hym And so he yafe to all othir prestes power to make his owne body of brede and wyne thus euery preste hath power to make the sacrament be he good or badde for the sacrament may no man a mende nor a peyre but he that is a good man and a holy leuer helpith gretly tho that he preyith for And he that doth the office of the preste worthely and trewly shall be glad and ioyfull that euer he was borne For owre lorde hath ȝeuine a preste a yefte and poure here merth that he yafe neuyr to angelle in heuin that is to make his own body in forme of brede There fore ȝe schall haue worschipe more in heuyne thene any tonge can tell or herte thinke and he that is an euyll liffer and know is hym selfe in dedely sinne presumith to minister that worthi sacramente woll note a mende hym he may be se wer of perpetuall damnacion wyth fyndis of hell in euyr lastinge payne Then schall ȝe vndirstād that he grauntith this sacramēt to be vsid for euer more in holy churche for foure causes that be nede full to all cristen people The fyrste is for mānes grete helpyng The seconde for cristus passion myndyng The thridde for grete ●one shewyng And the fourthe for grete mede getyng Nota anod prop●er nouē raciōes prodest homini a●dire miss● secundum Angusti n● Seynt Austyn seith hit profitith gretly all cristen people to here masse and in speciall for ix causi● seythe thus Quia illo die qua audierat missam necessaria cibaria et cōced ūtur For that day he herith a masse he shall fayle no bodely fode nor no necessary thynge that shall be longyng to hym nor no lette shall haue in his iorneye where that euer he trauelithe The secounde is all veniall synnes shall be for yeuen him and ydull word is The thridde is yf a man dy● hit shall sconde for his ho sell The fourthe he shall not that day lese his sight The v. all ydull othis y● day shall be for yeuē him The vi that day he shall not dye no soden dethe The vij as longe as he herith that masse he shall not wex olde The viij all his steppis toward and fromward the chirche his good angell rekenythe to his saluacion The ix all the while that he be holdithe the hooly sacramentall wikyd spirites fle from hym and haue no power ouer him be he neuer so grete a synner This helpe and so coure we haue of the holy goste and of the sacrament here in erthe and at oure laste ende all cristen people woll sende aftyr the preste to come to hym with godd is body to reseyue hit knowyng well that ▪ he beleuyth stedefastly that it is the same flesche and blode that criste toke of oure lady sinttmary and was borne of her body verray god and man and aftyr sufferyd passion and dethe on the crosse for all mankynde leyde in tombe ▪ And rose from dethe to lyue and now sittithe on his faderis righte honde in heuen and shall come a yene at the day of dome and deme the
quicke and the dede euery man aftir his deseruyng So this perfite beleue all cristen people shall be armed and made stronge to withstōde the fendes that wol come and a sayle at the departyng betwene the body and the soule for thāne fendes come besely to brynge hym oute of the beleue thāne shall the sacrament that a mā hath resceyued in his lyffe make him myghty strong that he shall sette all the fendes at noughte so ouer come hem A nothir skyll that the sacrament is broughte to a mā to aske mercy of criste remission of his synnes hauyng full truste beleue that criste is euer redy to for yeue all them y● woll aske mercy with ● meke herte As Dauid seythe Cor contritū et bumiliatū deus non despicies A contrite hert a meke oure lord shall neuer despise that we may see ensample whan he hunge vpon the crosse betwene ij theuys that were men of cursid leuyng And therefor they where ordeyned to be dede and that one askid mercy with a meke herte ad seyde Domine dum veneria in regnum tumn memento mei Lorde qd he whan thon comyste in to thy kyngdome haue mynde on me and anon at his firste askyng he yaue hym mercy more ouer he seyd to him thus Hodie mecum eria in paradiso This day thou shalt be with me in paradise And that othyr theffewolde aske no mercy in no wyse for pryde ● he had in his herte and therfor he was dampned in to hell Thus oure lord ●hesu criste shedde his blode on the crosse in helthe to all mankynde so in the masse euery day he shewith his blode in grete socour helpe and saluacion to all mankynde and the same flescht and blode is shewid euery day in the masse for we shulde beleue stedefastely ther one And he that beleuyth not ther on verily that it is so shall not be sauid at the day of dome Narracio Therefor I tell yow this ensample that is in the lyffe of wode the bishope of canterbury this bishoppe had with him clerkys that beleuyth not perfitly in the sacramēt of the auter seyde they myght not beleue that the body blode of Criste myghte be ministret in the masse Thanne was this bishoppe sory and prayde to god besely for her amendement And so on a day whan he was at the masse hadde made the fractione he sawe the blode drope from the oste in to the chalyse thā he made a signe vn to hē that beleued not to come ne●● him to se and whā they sawe his fingeris blody the blode rāne from the oste in to the chalisse a none for grete fere they cryde seyde O thou blessid mā that haste this grace to holde cristus body in thyne hondis that dropped blode in to the chalisse we beleue verely ther vpon we besech the to prey to him for vs that thou haste in thy hondis that he take no vengeaunce on vs ▪ for oure missebeleue and we crye mekely mercy And a none the oste tourned in to the forme of brede as hit was be fore thā they wer perfite men of beleue eueraftir Anothir skille is that the sacrament is made in the Auter to make a mā be oftyn sighte there of the soner to haue mynde on cristes passion to haue it in mynde for hit is the beste defence a yenst tamptacion of the fende For seint Austyn seyth the minde of cristus passion puttith awey all temptaciones the power of all wickid spiritis And for this cause rodi● and ymag ● be sette on high in the churches for as sone as a man comythe in to the churche he shulde se hit haue hit in his myde thinke on cristus passion where for crosses othir ymages be full necessary nedefull what somme euer these ●ollers seyne for hit hadde not be full profitable holy faderis wolde haue destroyed hem may yeris a gone For righte as the people do worshipp̄ to the kinges seal not for lou● of the seale but for reuerence of the kynge that it comythe fro So rodis and ymages be s●●●e for the kinges seale of heuē and othir semtes in the same wyse for Images belewde people is ●ok●● And ▪ as ●ohan bellet seyth ther be many thou sandes of people that cannot ymagyn in her h●●tis how criste was done on the crosse but as they ▪ se by ymages in chirches and in othir places theras they be And to haue the betyr mynde on cristus passion I tell yowe this ensample Narracio Ther was a cristen man of Englond that wente in to the hooly lōde and hyred an hethyn man to be his gyde and as he come in to a fayre foreste and sawe many fayre thynges but this cristen man meruelyd gretely that he herde no noyse of byrddus and there of he hadde grete meruayle and seyde to this hethyn mā I meruayle moche that ther is no songe of byrddus in this wode than seyde this he thyn mā this is the woke that ye calle passiō woke that youre grete prophete dyed y●●● where for on sonday that laste was that ye calle palme sonday all the fowles of this wode dye for sorow and all this woke shall lye as dede But on sonday nexte comyth that ye calle Estyr day they quicke a yene and all the yere aftyr make melodye where for loke vp in to the trees and see than he sawe euery bowe of the treeslye full of birdus as fladde as they had be sprede on the crosse Thanne sethe birddus haue mynde one cristus passion and make ●oche mornyng sorowe mo●h● more cause hathe mā kynde that were boughte from euer lastyng dampnacion to euer lastyng saluacion by his passione The thridde cause is why the sacramēt is vsidin the auter for a mā shulde by the sighte there of thynke on oure lord ihe sulcriste fadyr of heuene that hathe but oon sone that he louithe passyng all thyng but he sparid not to sende hym downe in to this worlde to suffre passion and dethe and to shede his precious blode for māknde to by him oute of the fendes boundes and to write a chartour with his owne precious blode of fredome for euer more to all man kynde so that a man forfete not his chartour by dedely synne but he that louithe god woll kepe his chartour for god askithe of a man but loue where he seythe thus Damichi cor tuum et sufficit michi Sone yeue me thy herte and hit is y now for me Thanne take hede of this ensample Narracio There was an Erle of venys was callid syre Ambryghte that louyd the sacrament in the aut●r passyng wele and did hit all the worshippe and reuerence that he cowde and myghte So whan that he lay syke and shulde be dede he myghte not resceyue the sacramēt forcastyng than was he sory and made dole and thaune he lette
make clene his righte syde and to couer it with a fayre clothe of sendell and ley god dis body there on And seyd thus to the oste lord thou knowiste that I loue the with all my here and wolde fayne resteyue the with my mouthe and I durste and therfor that I may notte I ley the on that place that is nexte to my herte and so I shewe the all the loue of my herte that I can and may where for y beseche the good lord haue mercy on me an● euyn ther with in sig●● of all the people that ●●●re aboute hym his sydde openyd and the Oste wente there in to his sydde And thanne his sydde closed a yene And soo● none aftyr he dyde departid out of thi● world So lette vs loue the sacrament in oure liffe and do it reuerence and worshippe and thanne at oure laste ende whā we shall dye passe oute of this world hit will socoure vs and brynge vs to euerlastyng blysse Thus the sacrament is vsid for grete mede getyng to all that beleue there ynne for thoughe it haue the likenesse of brede and the taste hit is flesche and semythe brede it is quicke and semythe dede ye mo●e beleue verely that it is goddis blessyd body that toke flesche and blode of the virgyne mary and after dyde on the crosse and rose from dethe to lyue and styed vp in to heuen and now sittithe on his faderis rigthe honde and shall come a yene at the day of dome to deme the quicke and the dede and he that resceyuith it here and beleued verely ther vpon shall haue euer lastyng lyffe in the kyngdome of heuen as the gospell seythe Qui manducat hūc panē viuet in eternum Who so etith of this brede shall leue euer and neuer be dede and he that resceyuith hit and beleuith not thus Renaerit in iudicio at the day of dome he shall be dampned in to euer lastyng payne Augustinus in person● xpristi Manducas me non mutabis me inte sed ●n mutabis in me Seynte Austyn seythe in the persone of criste Ete me but y shall not tourne and chaunce in to the but thou shalte tourne and chaunge in to me Narracio We rede that there was a Iewe that went wi●h a cristen man a felowe of his in to a churche of cristen people and her●e masse Et post misi● dixit indeua And oftyr whan masse wa●d●● the iewe seyde to the cristen man Si ego tantum edissem quantūtu comedisti no●esuriem ut puto in tribus diehus yf I hadde eton as moche as thou haste eton I shulde not be an hungered as I trowe in many dayes And thanne seyde cristen man Dere nichil comedie For southe quod he I ete no mete this day thanne seyde the ●●we Ego uidi te cōedere puerum pulcherrimum qua●ē sacerdos eleranit ad altare I sawe the ete a childe the whiche the preste helde vp at the auter Et tūc uenit pulcherrimus bomobabena multos pueros in gremio sno Thanne come a fayre man that had many children in his armys Et dedit unicuique ue●irum unum puerū●alem qua●ē sacerdos ●●medit An● yafeche criston a childe soch as the preste ete yit to sharpe youre be leue the more to this hooly sacramēt I woll tell you this ensample Narracio We rede in seynte Gregorius tyme there was a woman that highte laciua and she made brede for the pope and othyr prestys to singe with and for to hosell with the peple Also whan the pope come to this womā to yeue her hosell and seyde take here goddis body than this woman smylid and laughed thanne the pope with drewe his hōde and leyde the oste vpon the auter and tourned to this woman laciua and seyde to her whismylest thow whan thou shuldeste resceyue cristus body and she seyde why call●ste thow that cristus body that I made with myne owne hondis Thā was Gregor the pope sory for her mys●e beleue badde all the people prey to god to shewe somme miracle for this womannes helpe and whan they hadde preyde longe Gregor wente to the auter a yene and founde the oste tourned in to reed flesch and blode bledyng and he shewde hit to this woman Than she cryed seyde lord now I crye the mercy I beleue that thou arte verray god man and goddis sone of heuen in forme of brede Thanne badde Gregor the peple prey a yen that hit shulde tourne a yene to bredis likenesse and so hit dede and with the same oste he hoselid this woman lacina and therfor late vs do all the worshipp̄ that we may to the sacrament that we can or may and be in no mysbeleue Narracio Also we fynde that in deuynchere be syde exbrigge was a woman lay sike and was nye dede and sente aftyr a hooly person abowte mydnyghte to haue her rightis than this man in all the haste that he myghte he a rose and wente to churche toke goddis body in A box of yuery and putte hit in to his bosome and wēte forthe towarde this woman And as he wēte thourghe a foreste in a fayre mede that was his nexte wey it happid that his box fill oute of his bosome to the grounde and he wente forthe and woste hit not and come to this woman and herde her confession And than he askid her yf she wolde be hoselid and she seyde y● sere than he putte his honde in his bosome and soughte the box and whan he founde hit noughte he was full sory and sadde and seyde dame in woll go aftyr goddys body and come a none a yene to yow and so wente forthe sore wepyng for his simpulnesse and so as he come to a ●elow tree he made ther of a rodde and strypyd hymselfe all nakyd and to bete hymselfe that the blode rāne doune by his sydys and seyde thus to hymselfe O thow simple man why haste thow loste thy lord god thy maker thy former thy creatour And whanne he hadde thus bete hymselfe he dede on his clothis and wente forthe And than he was ware of pilour of fyre that laste from erthe to heuen and he was all asto yned thereof yithe blessed and wente ther to and there lay the sacrament fallyn oute of the bore into the grasse and the pilour schon as bryghte as any sonne and la styd from goddis body to heuyn and all the be stys of the foreste were come aboute goddis body stode in compas rounde aboute hit all knelid on foure knees saue on blake horse that knelyd but on that on knee Than seyde he yf thow be any beste that may speke I charge the in goddis name here presente in forme brede tell me why thow kneliste but on thy one knee Thanne seyde he I am a fende of hell wolle not knele y my ghte but I am made a yense my wyll for hit is wreton
thy trespas is for yeuen the Amen Sequitur ●●●uis sermo de sārto stephano GOod men and wymmen soche a day ye shall haue an hyghe day and a hooly feste in the churche of seint Stephen the martyr the whiche was the firste martyr that suffered dethe for goddis sake after cristes ascension Than for to stere youre deuocion the more to this hooly martyr I wyll tell yow somme what that he suffered for cristes sake as the boke of apostlys tellyth Post ascensionem domini after the ascension of oure lord that he was styed●vp in heuen the apostlys labour was all to preche and to teche the word of god to cristen people And for they where to fewe to serue all the people that rome ther come so many to tourne to the feyth there for they chose .vi. holy men and good lyuers for to helpe hem in goddis seruice of the whiche seint stephen was one of hem and the firste and the wyseste and was so full of grace and myght of the hooly goste that he did many miracles and meruelous amonge the people But thoughe a man be neuer so hooly ●it he shall haue enemyes wherfore of diuerse countreys that hadde enmyte to stephene and come ayene hym and disputed with hym for to haue ouer come hym with disputacion and for they myghte not they broughte false wyttenesse ayenst hym to putte hym to deth But whanne seynte Stephene sawe and knowe her malice anone he thoughte to sese hem be on of these thre weyes othir be shamyng in disputacion or be drede of reuolacion or be preyours of hooly orysones But firste he seyd be shamyngm disputacione For whanne they be gonne to dispute with hym he was so full of the hooly goste that they hadde no poure nor no myghte for to a gayn sey hym And so he ouer come hem in all her maters and preued all her maters false that they seyde ayenste And ther for he seyd he was redy to take the dethe in very fiyng of all that he seyd And so putte hem that where grete clerkes and knewe the lawe and the prophecie to grete shame and velonye But yit they wolde not leue but alwey ayene stode hym But he was so full of the hooly goste that he preued that he seyd be grete reson and trouthe yit wolde not they be leue it for all that the hooly goste spake in herte and yit for all that wold not they beleue in theyr concience that they dede a mysse and there as they seyne the cōmynte turne to the feyth for wordys and miracles that god shewed in her sight yit they ayen stode hym and sette goddis miracles at noughte be malyce and enmyte of her cursed hertes and by none othir reson of scripture And so they fretid her hertis withyn hym selfe and grugged with her tethe for anger and how that they myght ouer come hym with disputacion Than they soughte yf they myghte haue take hym with som worde of Cristes dethe where by they myghte haue made them a cause to haue putte hym to dethe Thanne seynte stephene knewe her malice and lyfte vp his eyen into heuen Et vidit celos apertos And he saw heuyn opyn and oure lord ihe su criste sittyng on his fadyr ryght hande redy to helpe hym And there with his face shone as bryghte as it hadde be an angell of heuen But whan they herde hym speke thā where they fayne and stoped her erys as though they hadde herde him speke false sclaundre of god and so a none drow hym oute of the cite to stone hym to dethe as for adisclaunderer Thanne they toke .ij. yonge men that cowde beste hurle stones and toke of his clothis and leyde hym at the fete of a yonge man that hight Saule and after was seynt paule Than whan seynt stephen sawe that he myghte not sese her malyce be reuelacione shewyng he turned to deuoute oryson preyng and yit hit wolde not be And than they hurled stones at hym and smote oute his brayne and thanne he cryed to god and seyd Domine i●e su suscipe spm̄ meū O thou lord take my spiryte for he wolde prey more de●outly for his enemyes than for him selfe he knelyd down to the groūde and seyde Pater ig nosce illis quia nesciunt quid faciunt Fadyr for geue hem for they wote not what they do and anone he slepte in god Now take he de what brennyng loue he hadde in his herte to god that preyde more deuoutly for his enemys thanne for hym selfe In this he gaue an ensample to all cristen people to be in charite echon with othir and to prey for his enemyes and hem that pursewe hym and do hym dissese ●ni●ersa delicta cooperiit caritas Charite hidith euery trespas for he y● preyth for his enemyes that martyr hym with any dissese and sufferyth paciently he is a martyr be fore god For there is ▪ iij. maner of martyrdome● The firste is be passion and wyll ther to be wyll with oute passione be passione with oute wyll The first is shewid by seynt stephene that is sette nexte the birthe of criste for he sufferyth passione and had wyll there to seynt Iohan the euan geliste he hadde wyll but no passione The innocentes they suffered passion and no wyll ther to but not ayenst wyll Thus may a man be a martyr thoughe he shede not his blode that is whan he suffered grete wrong of cursed people and thankyth god ther of and takyth hit with good wyll and preyth for his enemyes deuoutly in clene charite Now take hede and ye shall se how these .iij. where in per●ite loue and charite Seint stephen whan he shulde dye he knelyd downe and preyde for his enemyes Seint Iohan whanne he wente to war dys his ende he seyd ofte to hem that ladde hym children loue to gedyr fo● charite is now to saluaciō The innocentes for they were so yonge that they cowde not speke yit they shewde loue be signes for the dede laughe and pleyde with her hondes whan they sawe the knyghtes come with her brighte s●erd●s to sle hem than for seint stephyn was so glorious a martyr god shewde many fayre miracles for hym Narracio There was an honest man that had vij sones and iij. doughtres but in mysse happe on a day all they wrathyd the modir at ones and in a grete angre she cursed hem all at ones a none there ●ill grete vengeaūce vpon hem for there come soche a sikenesse one her preuy membres that they were so for gnawyn that they myghte nethir a byde for woo but walkithe vp downe in the countrey like mased bestis that all the people that sawe hem had grete ●ite of hem Thanne happid hit so that one of the breshere● that highte paule and a sustyr highte palida come in to churche of seint stephyn and there they herde people tell how deuoutly seint stephen preyde for his enemyes y● martred hym
mo● And there god shewde hym the apocalippes of the worlde and of the day of dome and as he sawe hit he wrote hit in grete fermacion of hooly churche But aftyr wh● he Emperour was dede Iohan was callid ayen in to the Cite of Emphesie for there he was Bishoppe and he come the dyr And there was a wedowe that highte drusiana was dede and leyde on a bere Thanne Iohan sawe moche people wepe for her and thanne he seyde Drusiana aryse vp and make me somme mete and anone she rose and wente for ●he as she hadde rose from slepe Narracio Hit happid on a tyme ther were ij yong men be prechyng of johā they solde all the good that they hadde and wēte forthe with Iohan for they were riche men thā on a day as they come to the Cite of Pargame they that were her seruauntes a lite●● whyle to fore they were well a ●ayde and where riche men and they were pore men Thanne by temptacion of the finde they f●re thoughte alle theyr purpose and were so●y that they hadde loste her goodis So anone be reuelatione of god Iohan knowe her purpose and her hertis and seyde he sawe that the sende tempted you and makith you for thynkyng youre purpose that ye were ynne to serue god but go ye to the wode and ethyr of you bryng with hym a bord on of smale yerdys and so they dede Than thourghe the preyour of Iohan god tourned the yerdis in to gold and than seyde Iohan to hē thus nowe take ye this gold and be ye as riche as ye were to fore and knowe well ye haue loste the kyngdome of heuen Than happid hit that ther was a man dede t●● same tyme and the modyr of hym sawe Iohan and a none fill downe on her knees and preyde him that he wolde reyse her sone to lyue as he dede the wedowe drusiana Than preyde johan to god and this dede man ●ose a yen to lyffe Than seyd he to hym I bid the tell these ij men what thou haste seyne and what ioye was ordeyned for hem and how they haue loste hit And thanne the mā tolde of the ioye of paradyse and of the peynes of purgatory of hell how stronge and how horrible the were and howe glorious the place was ordeyned for hem and how sory her good angellis were for they hadde loste that glorious blisse of heuen and how moch ioye the fendys made of the tournyng of hem And than the same men were sory and cryde to johan and preyde hym to prey to god for hem and wepte sore and johan sawe hem we●e he preyde to god for hem and yaffe hem penannce and whan he hadde do so anone the golde tourned in to yerdis a yene and aftyr they were hooly men Narracio A nothir hooly reuelacion Johan had shewde by the preuyte of god hit happid one a day he sawe a childe that was li ke to haue be a man where for Johan broughte hym to abishoppe and badde hym kepe the childe and teche hym for in tyme comyng he shall be a man and so this bishoppe kepte hym and whanne he come to man ne● state he ga●●e hym all to foly and fill in company of ●heuys and in a whyle aftir he was a ma stir theffe and the leder of hem Than be reuelacion of god johan knew all this well y now and come to the bishoppe askyd hym where this childe was and the Bishoppe tolde hym than Johan blamed hym seyde that he hadde misgouerned the childe Thā Johan was olde myghte not well goo h● toke in horse and rodè there as thefeo were and whanne thyffe sawe Johan anone he fleye a wey than Johan wode aftyr hym and cried seyde Quid fugia O fili mi. thow my sone why fleiste thi fadir a byde me dere sone and speke with me thi fadir that is olde and may not well goo than at the laste this mā a bode Thanne johan p̄ ched so that he lefte his foly and aftyr was so holy a man that he was bishoppe aftir Thus had johan reuelacion of god dis preuite Narracio Hit is wreton in the lyffe of seinte Edward the confessour that ly●he at wesomestre that seynte Johan the euangeliste ap pered to seint Edward as he wente a procession at the halowyng of the churche seinte johan appered to hym in the likenesse of a palmer preyde the kynge of good for seint johānes loue the eu angeliste for the kyng loued seint Johan well but hit happid that the kyng hadde no thyng redy there but as he toke a'rynge of his fingir and gaffe him and so seynte johan had the ringe vij yere aftir and thā seynte iohan appered to ij knyghtes of the kynges that were be yonde the see towardes iherusalem and ashyd hē how the kyng ferde and bade grete hym well on this tokyn toke hem the ringe aske the kyng for whose loue he gaffe that a wey bid him make him redy for he shall dye sone so he dede Narracio A nothir fayre reuel● cion he hadde whanne he was sixti wynter olde vij Than oure lord ihe su come to him with his disciples seyde thus Deni di●ecte min● tēpus est ut in mea mensa cum fratih●a tuis epularia Come my welbelouyd derlyng for now hit is tyme that thou come ete with thy bretheren in my borde or in my feste than iohan rose vp ano●● wolde haue go forth with him thā seyde oure lord to him vpon sonday thou 〈…〉 e be with me Thau by sonday he was passing feble Die dominico conuenit ad iohannem uniuersa multitudo populi So on the sonday ther come to iohan a grete multitude of people thā iohā made hem to lede him to the churche and as he myghte speke he seyde to hē that ledde hym thus In fide essetia sta hiles et in mandatia dei feruentea Be ye stable sad in the feythe feruent in the cōmaundementis of god Thanne seyde on of hē to him why sey ye thus ofte to vs than seyde be yf ye loue to gedyr and be in perfite charite and sted faste in the feythe hit is y nowe● to saluacion there for be ye stable in the feythe and feruent in the commaundementis of god And thanue he commaundid to make hym a graue be fore the auter whan itw as made he wente in to hit and thanne come soche a lyghte aboute hym a grete whyle that no man myghte se hym And whan this lighte was gone the grane was full of manna wellid vp a● dothe sonde in the watyr And thus he departid out of this world into the blisse of heuene that neuer shall haue ende to that blysse brynge vs all to he that dyde on the rode t●●● for all mankynde Amen Sanctorum inno ●●●tum GOod frendys ●● che a day is callid Innocentes
〈◊〉 i● all cristendome 〈◊〉 ●hit was kno● t● 〈◊〉 ●●ir fore in a ●●gh●●● s●e lay in her b●●de ●●mg she thought 〈◊〉 ●a● in his crade● an● 〈◊〉 whan she 〈◊〉 him wepe she callid 〈◊〉 ●he norse and seide ●o●e to the childe ●nd wh●n the norse co●e to hi● she founde h●● clothis al● to fr●plid And she wolde haue a m●ndi● h●m and sche where hit myght be worshippid of all cristen peple Than the bishoppe ordeyned a da● w●anne that shulde 〈◊〉 ●o ●o ouer euyn 〈…〉 myghte haue 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 toke with hy 〈…〉 op of salysbu 〈…〉 ●ōky● clerke 〈…〉 ● wen●● to the place 〈◊〉 ●●●mas lay .l. wy 〈…〉 they kneli●● 〈…〉 erthe prey 〈…〉 s deuotely o 〈…〉 thanne ii●j o● 〈…〉 ha●● vp the 〈…〉 g●●t● drede 〈…〉 ● ther they 〈…〉 w●●tou h 〈…〉 rested Th 〈…〉 bishopp̄ of cau 〈…〉 prima● of E 〈…〉 ● the Po peo 〈…〉 for the ryghte 〈…〉 irche the v●day 〈…〉 sse thā sore grete 〈…〉 that they h 〈…〉 that ●ighte all ●ry 〈…〉 Thomas An 〈…〉 y toke the he de 〈…〉 bishopp̄ to kyss 〈…〉 y kyssid hit all 〈…〉 y be hel de his wounde● seyde they were v●●●●●ious y● wounded 〈…〉 us And so leyde h 〈…〉 shryne couered h 〈…〉 i th clothe of golde 〈◊〉 to●●●y● aboute hi● 〈…〉 yng● and the peo 〈…〉 w●ke 〈◊〉 all nyghte 〈◊〉 on the morow com● 〈◊〉 the statis of this londe ● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sh●yne to the ●lace the● 〈◊〉 is now with all ●he 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 worship 〈◊〉 ● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 there hit 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ▪ ●● 〈…〉 〈◊〉 ▪ GOod 〈◊〉 ●● ch● a day ye shall haue the ●este of mary M●w deleyn that was so hooly that Our● lord ●he ●● cri●●e loued her beste of all 〈◊〉 nexte his owne modir where 〈◊〉 ye shall● come to god to hooly churthe prey to that hooly womā that she woll prey to oure lord for vs that we may haue grace fore she was the furste in tyme of grace that did penaūce for she had loste grace be fleschly luste where for she is made a mirrour to all othir syuers that woll for sake synne do penaūce they shalle haue grace the whiche was loste by synne She hadde a fadir that was a grete lord nye of the kynges blode had a grete lordshippe in iherusalem the whiche he gaffe to lazarus his sone he gaffe mary the castell of maudeleyn with all the lordshippe longyng there to of the whiche castell she had her name was callid Mary mawdeleyn for sche was lady there of Than as many bokys seyne seynt ichan euangelist weddid her oure lord bad him go with hym hepe his virginite so he did and was clene virgine And than mawdeleyne wente forthe gaffe her alle to synne in so moche sche loste the name of mawdeleyne was callid the sinfull woman But hit was oftyn seyn that our lord made of the grettyste synners the hoolyeste aftyrwardes so whanne oure lord saw tyme he gaffe this woman grace to knowe her selfe to haue repentannce for her synnes Than whan mary herde that criste was at a mānes house that was callid Symon the pharise sche toke a box with oynemēt soche as the people vsid that tyme for hete of the sonne wente thethir but she durste not for schame go to fore hym but atte his fete be hynde hym harde him speke thann sche toke a grete soww in her herte wepte tenderly so with the teris of her eyen sche wosche cristus fete with the here of her hede sche wyped hem with alle the loue of her herte she kyssid hē a noynted hem but no worde she spake that any man myght here but softely in her herte she cride mercy made a vowe to hym that she wolde neuer trespace more Thā oure lord ihesu had pire on her caste oute of her vij fendes for gaffe her all her synnes in heryng of all that there were thā she toke soche a loue to criste that she lefte all hee lordshippis the castell of maudeleyn with all othir goodis sewid him for the with grete loue that in his passion ther as his disciples fley a wey from him she lefte hym neuer till she with helpe of othir had leyde him in his tombe And whan noo man durste goo thedir for the knyghtes that kepte him she spared not Cumtenebre essēt whan hit was myrke in the dawnyng sche toke with her swete bawmes to a noynte cristus body with thus she shewid soue bothe in will and dede where for criste in his lyue for her loue he lid martha her sustre of the rede flixe that she had vij yere to fore pyned her full sore Et resuscitauit lazarum a mortuia resid lazar her brothir from dethe to lyffe that had ley iiij dayes stynkyng in his graue And whan oure lord rose frō dethe to lyffe he apperyd to her suffered her to touche him kysse his fete Than whan hit was knowyn to the iewes that criste shewde her so many tokenes of lone for all othir Than whan criste was styed vp to heuē the iewes toke mary martha her sustre lazarus maxencius many othir put hem in a shippe that was olde into the see to haue drowned hem but god ordeyned so for ●ll thynges at his will and broughte hem saue to a lōde callid mercyzle ther they restid vnder a bāke that was nyghe the temple Than mary saw moche peple comyng towardes the temple to do sacrifice to her mowmentes the lord of the coūtrey come with hem but mawdelyn was gracious with her gracious wordes torned hem a yene Than this lord had grete luste to here her speke seyde thus to her that yf god that thou spekist of be so gracious so grete of power as thou seyst prey to him that I may haue a childe be my wyffe that is bareyne thanne woll I beleue in hym Thann mary seyde sche wolde with in shorte tyme aftyr the lady cōceyued was with childe Than this lorde a none aftyr ordeyned to go to iherusalē to petyr to wete of him whethir mawdeleynes prechyng were trew or no vitaylid his shippe made him redy Than come his lady ●yng him that she myght go with him so with grete preyour the lord graūtid her than by assent of hem bothe they made mary maudeleyn to kepe all her lordshippes goodis that they hadde mary serte a crosse on eythir of her shuldres bad hem go in the name of god so whan they hadde seyled a day a nyght a grete tēpeste rose in so moch that they wente all to haue be drowned Than was iady so a ferde there with be gonne to trauayle and so was delyuered of a mā childe she in the birthe fill downe dede Thanne this lord made grete
that brennyng dekō laurence leyd a gret pot on the balaūce hit drew vp all to gedir thie poste was a grete chelyse y● the Emperour made in the worshipp̄ of seint laurence by that he was saued Thus ye may see lerne to make in sufferaunce a yense enuyous people also what merite mede is in largenesse to yeue hem that hath nede what ioye merite hit is to suffre tribulacion persecucione dissese paciently lerne of the holy marti● seint laurence late vs take him for a mirrour and prey to him that he woll be mediatour to god for vs that we may come to euer lasting blysse Amen De assumptione beate marie nirginis GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue the assumpcion of oure lady hit is callid so for that day her sone toke her vp in to heuen body soule crow●●ed her quene of heuen for the angell of heuē come to fette her vp Angelis yoyng singyng come with procession a yense her with roses lilies of paradyse in tokening that she is rose lely and floure of all wymmen they did homage to her for all angelis seintes in heuen made ioye melody in worshipp̄ hnoure of her so holy churche makith mynde of her assumpcion And yit the gospell of that day makithe no mencion but of ij sustres that was martha mary mawdeleyne seyd thus Iutrauit ●hesus in ●uada castellū et mulier ●dā●c̄ Ihesus entred in to a castell a woman y● was callid martha that toke him in her house she had a sustre that was callid mary that sate at cristus fete herde hym speke Thā was martha besy to serue criste sche seyde to him sire bid my sustre a ryse helpe me thā answered criste maria m●liorē partē e legit aue nō anfere tur abea Mary hath chose the better parte y● shall notte be take a wey from her these be the wordes of the gospell of that day here be no wordes of oure lady as be seming But he that redith what seint ancesme seyth there he may se that the gospell pertenith all to oure lady to the l●uing of her for she was the castell that ihūs entered in to for right as a castell hath diuerse propertees that longith to a castell that hit shulde be myghty stronge righte so was our lady be for all othir women For there as wemen be fre ell feble ● esy to ouer come oure lady was stronge as a castell a yen stode the can tels of the fendes engynnes put hem be syde at all tymes for right as a castell hath firste a depe dike right so had oure lady a depe mekenesse in strenght of the castell in so moche she passid all othir in vertu of mekenesse wherfore god chose her to b●niodir to his sone be fore all othir wymen there to criste berith wittenes thus Quia respexit būilitatē ācille su● for god be helde the makenesse of his hande maydē all generacion shall blesse me This dike yf it be full of water hit is the more stronge to the castell this water is cōpassion that a mā shuld haue for his synnes to othir people dissessed This water had oure lady On this dike lithe a drawe brygge that shall be drawe vp a yen● en●myes lete downe ● yense frendes be this brigge ye shall vnderstond discrete obedience for right as a man shall notte late downe the brygge to his enmy though he bid him so man shall not lette ●he fende come to his soule thoughe he tempte hym But a none as he is bede any thyng that is helpe socoure to his soule thā shall he lette downe the brygge of obedience the sonner the better thus did oure lady whā the angell Gabriell come to her of cōcepcion of her sone she lette not down the brygge a none till she knewe were he was a frende or a enmy seyd she shuld cōceyue be a mayde by the v●w of chastite that she made to fore as she herd y● she lette down the brigge of obediēce seyde Ecce ancilla dm̄ c̄ Lo here goddis own hande mayden be it do to me aftyr thy worde This castell is treble walled The furste wall be toke nithe wedloke fore furste she was wyffe to ioseph for else the iewes wold haue stoned her as for a l●chour yf she had conceyued with oute wedloke so the furthir wall be tokenith pacience the ynner virginite that is may denhode but that is litill worthe but hit be strengith with the wall of pacience litill helpe is fore mandenhode hit is lityll worth that can no thing suffer of persecucion nor disseses but euer playng ●●grochyng to be a claterer a iangeler a curser a waryer a scolde of her tonge t●ese defende not ma●denhode but rathir caste hit downe for may denhode shulde be of fewe wordes that she spekith shulde be honeste worshippe bothe to her own persone to all that be in her p̄sence For hit is an olde englische a mayden shulde be sayne not herde this vera● had oure lady For senit Bernard seythe rede all the gospell ouer thou shalt not fynde that our lady in all her lyf●e spake but iiij tymes by her owne but as schewas causith The first to gabriell the ij to elisabeth the iij. to her owne soné in the temple the iiij at the weddyng of cane galilee Thus muste the walle of pacience defende the walle of maydenhode This wall of maydenhode hit be well kepte hit is passing all othir As Bede seythe wedloke is highe there as hit is well kepte but yit wedowehode is higher but virginite passith all hathe moste worshippe in heuen passing all othir This wall kepte oure lady fore schewas clene bothe be free will by a vow she had a degre passing all othir maydenes that euer were nor neuer shall be for sch●was bothe mayden modir And in this castell is a yate that be tokenith feythe for right as hit is in possible fore a man to go thourgh a walle of stele right so hit is as in possible fore a man to plese god with oute feythe This feythe had oure laby passing all othir fore as hit semyth in possible for a woman to conceyue with oute carnall concupiscencion of man for hit was neuer sey be fore but be techyng of an angell she beleued so come criste entered be yates of be leue in to the castell that is in to the body of oure lady This yate had a toure a boue be tokenith charite For that is a boue all thynges that vertu had our lady well may she be callid a castell For right as all maner people fle in to a castell bothe olde yong for drede of enemyes in so moche that the leste
childe that can crye or speke that is a ferde of any thyng a none crieth lady lady for socoure helpe for she is socoure helpe both to yonge to olde lesse more in sike in helthe The holy goste is capteyn of this castell his knyghtes be holy angel●e that go with our lady nyght day In this castell be ij sustres martha mary mawdeleyne Martha recepit il lum in domū●● am Martha receyued hym in to her house was besy to serue him that othir satte stille had gret luste to here him speke Be these ij sustres I vnderstonde ij maner of leuyng of the people that one is actyfe that other contemplatyf martha be tokenith actyfe that is be synes in this world But that shulde be for cristus sake that is to receyue pore people in to his house to yeue hem mete drynke clothe herborowe visite hem that be in pryson comforte the sike croked blynde lame to bery the dede be that othir I vnderstonde the contem platyf lyffe that is to peple of holy churche that shulde voyde in all that they may this worldes besines yeue hem to all spiritu all occupacion though they do thus yit ther be coueytus people of this worlde that sayne that it is all loste that mē of holy chirche h●n for hit semyth to hem they do no good but euer cōplayne on hem sey they do no good Seynte Austeyn seythe that all the worlde is holy churche and these worldly peple hatith mē of holy churche But yit god answerith for hem is her voket so woll at all tymes while they leue in reste pese with ynne hem selfe But nowe see how oure lady full fillythe bothe these lyues She was firste martha forther as martha was besy to receyue criste in to her house oure lady receyued him in to her body there in he was ix monthus she fede him aftyr come pore and nakyd in to this worlde sche gaffe hym mete drinke of her pappes so fedde him whā he was nakid she clothid him norisched hym whan he was sike be hynde of youth she heli● him whan he was boundyn hande fote in his cradell as in pryson she come to him vnboūde him● toke him ●elid his soris with the milke of her pappes whan he was dede she holpe to bery him in his tombe thus she ful fillithe the office of martha perfourmyng the vij werkys of mercy yit she was many tyme too beled in her herte ●ohan she muste bere him from countrey to coūtrey that was full of mawmentes there as she knewe noo man whan that she saw him takyn boūde strepe nakyd beton with stour ges that all his body ranne with stremes of blode naylid on the crosse so do to dethe that was to her ● grete troble thus was oure lady actyffe for as the gospell tellithe she gaffe so grete delite to her sones wordes that she bare in her herte al the lyffe techyng of criste in so moch that she taught the iiij euāgelistes marke ma ●h●w ●uce Johan moche of that they wreton and namely seint Luke for he wrote moche of the māhode of criste thus she fulfillid the office of mary for hit was for the beste whā her sone was styed vp in to heuen sche le●te all her besynes gaffe her all to contemplacion till her sone fette her out of this world Thus euery mā that can vnderstōd may se that this gospell is cōuement to be radde for hit touchithe the lyffe of our lady Thā for this day was the ende of her lyfte in this world there fore holy chirche redithe this gospell in ensample to all cristē people to perfourme the same leuyng in as moche as they may as god woll gene hem grace to serue oure lady y schall yeue yow ensample Narracio we fynde of a clerke that loued oure lady well for he radde of her b●wte he had grete luste to see her and preyde besely that he myght onys se her or that he dyed Thā at the laste come there an angell seyde to him fore thow seruyst oure lady so well thou schalt haue thy pre your but on thynke y telle the yf thou se her here in this world thou schalte lese thy sight for the grete clernesse of her Than seyde he I wote well safe so that I may se her Than seyde the Angell come to soche a place thou schalte se her thann was he glad thoughte that he wolde hyde his on eye lokyd with that othir So whā he come to the place he leyde his honde ouer that one eye and saw her with that othir eye so come oure lady he saw her she went her wey a none he was blinde with that one eye and saw with that othir thā the sight likid him so well that he wold fayne se her a yene preyde nyghte day that he myght se her a yene Than seyde the ā gell yf thou se her a yene thou shalt lese the sighte of that othir eye he seyde y wote well saffe thou ghe I had a thousand eyon Than come to soche a place thou shalt se her so whan he come he saw her Than seyde our lady to him my good seruaūt whan thou saw me firste thou loste thy one eye howe wolte thou doo now whan thou haste loste thy othir eye Thann seyde he dere lady I wote well saffe thoughe I had a thousand eyon Thā seyde oure lady for thou haste so grete liking to me thou shalt haue thy fight with bothe eyon a yene as well as thou had diste better so he had Than serued he oure lady euer aftyr to his lyues ende wente to euer lasting ioye blysse to whiche god bryng vs all to Amen De sancto bartholomeo GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue the feste of seint Bartholomew goddis own apostle ye shall faste the euyn come to churche here youre seruyse in the worshippe of god seint bartholome ye shall vnderstonde that bartholome is as moche to sey as Fil in ●s uspē dentiame That is to sey the sone hanging vpon me or vpon wate●●s than ye schall vnderstond that god is he that hongith vppon the watres in ij weyes The firste is whan he hongith vppon the cloudes in the ●irmament till he se tyme to late hem downe Anothir wey he hongith vpon w● teres whan a mā or a woman is sory for his synnes weping sore for his trespace bitterly Thanne god takith his teris hā gith hem vpon the high hill of heuē where all the seintes in heuen may haue hem in fighte in grete ioye to all seintes all angels y● ben in heuen whā they may se man or woman that hath
diuerse catell and as his bestis wente one the hill● there happid a balle left be hynde othir bestis thā wente this man his seruaunte to seke this bolle and founde hym stondyng be fore an hole in a grete dene and than on of hem shette an arrow at him and the arrew tourned a yene smote hym that shote the arrow and hurte him sore Thanne were they sore a ferde and thought what that myghte mene wente to the bishop tolde him all the cause thā the bishop preyde to god to haue knowleche what hit was Thā in the mounte of gargan michaell apperid to him seyde hit was goddis wyll that the man shulde be hurte for ye shall knowe well that y am kepir of the place where for go thou make a chirche of that dene and so the bish●p made a fayre churche there Also michaell a●pered to a nothir bishop bad him go to an hill toppe to the mounte of gardell ther as he founde a bolle teyde he shulde make a churche in the worshipp̄ of god semte michaell Thanne were there ij ro●chis of stone on eythir syde that the werke myght not vp Than semt michaell appered to a man that hight baymo bad hym go put a wey the roche drede no thyng so this man wente thethir sette to his shuldres bad the roche go vtter in the name of god seint michaell so the hilles wente vtter as moche as nedich to the werke Narracio we rede also in the lyfe of seint gregory how ther was a grete multitude of people in rome and they saw arrowes of fyre come oute of the eyre slewe moche people Thanne seint Gregory preyde to god to sese that pestilence Than he saw an āgell stondyng one a castell wall wypyng his blody swerde but that angell he seyde was seint michaell was sente thethir to punische the people for syn thus michaell was meruelons in miracles worchyng Also he was victorious in fightyng for whan the citezenis of septutyne were oppressid with paynemes shulde yeue hē batayle they preyde ofte to seint michaell of helpe Thā the nyght be for as the batayle shulde be michaell apperid to the bishoppe seyde to him haue no drede but go to the batayle boldely he wolde helpe hym so on the morow whan the batayle shulde be the hill of garganus was ouer c●uered with a grete myste arrowes come oute of the myste fleyng of fyre b●ltis of thoundir hurte moche peple of the paynemes in so moche that they slew all that euer myght fle And so many were sleyne tho that were a lyfe were saued be grete miracle of god were cristoned Seint iohan euengeliste seythe in his Apocalips how michaell his angels foughten with lucifer in heuen that is callid the dragon his angels with helpe of god ▪ michaell had the better droue oute the dragon all his felowshippe in to the eyre betwene heuen erth so they be ther yit as thicke as motis in the fonne And for criste come to heuen in a blaste of thoundyr there for yit whan they here thoundir they fall downe to the er the for fere thā they go not vp a yene till they haue do somme harme for than they make batis stryues man slawter make grete wyndes bothe in londe in water doo moche harme yit they wolde doo moche more than they doo nere seynt● michaell for all her sorowes is to se soules engeles in heuen in the place there they were ynne to fore Also othir spirites there were that s●ode not stede faste towardes god but flatering the whiche seint michaell droue oute heuē all in to an yle of the see as ye shall here As seinte Brandan seyled in the se he come to an yle sawe a tree was so grete be the highe brode that it was woūdir to tell on the whiche tre satte briddis thicker than the bowes were as white as snowe thā he preyde to god to wete what they wee Thā come on of hem satte on the shippis borde batered with his wynges made a sowne like an organ Than seyd brandan yf thou be come a messenger speke and tell me what ye ben Thanne he seyd we were angels that stode not stede faste in the be leue a● michaell wa● there for we were dreuyn oute whan michaell droue oute lucifer his angels But yit we haue euery day a remedy to woshippe god Thus was michaell woundrefull in apperyng meruelous in miracles doyng victorious in fightyng where late vs worshipp̄ this holy angell that he may be oure shelde in fightyng a yense oure gostely enemy the fende so that we may haue the victory of him now euer Amen De festo sācti luce GOod frendis soche a day ye shall haue seint lukys day the euāgelist ye shall vnderstōd that criste had iiij euangelistes that is marke mathew luce and iohan these wrote the gospell the gospell is no more to sey but goddis worde these holy euangelistis wrote not only that god spake but also what y● he did what he suffered for mankynde for hit shulde be knowe to all mankynde fore euer more to thynke on goddis worde to do ther aftyr These iiij be likened to iiij diuerse bestes so they be portrayed in iiij parties of the crosse on euery syde of criste for marke a lyon for mathew a man for luce a calfe for iohan an egyll But late no mā suppose that they were soch bestis but likened to soch bestis for diuerse causes ▪ for be cause that mathew wrote moste of cristus manhode there fore he is likened to a man And luke wrote moste of cristus sacrafice his dethe there for he is likened to a calfe or to an oxe fore a calfe that was offered in sacrifice of the olde lawe in tokening that criste shulde be offered for synne of the people in sacrifice in the auter of the cros And marke wrote moste of the resurrection vprysing there for he is likened to a lyon For as bokis sey tell whan a ly on hathe yonge welpes they shall lye as dede thre dayes aftyr they be welpid Than comyth the lyon sethe his welpes dede a none he makith so the a roryng a crye y● the dede welpes wake there with quekon take lyfe So wh●n criste had leyne iij. dayes in his tombe Than the fadir spake to him bad him ryse so rerid from dethe to lyue Also iohan is likened to an egyll for be kinde she fleith highest in to the eyre nexte to the sonne so iohan wrote moste of the godhede but litill of the manhode these be the causes that they be likened to iiij diuerse bestio But nowe ye shall vnderstonde that Luke was likened to a calfe iij maner of weyes that is
and lene false mawmentes Thā w●s the emperoure wrothe ●ad take her towarde till he myght be at leysoure So in the mene tyme he sente aftyr the grettiste maistres and the wyseste clerkys that were in any coūtrey ferre a bonte him And whan they were come he bad hem go dispute with katherine ouer come her they shulde haue right well for her laboure Than were they wrothe to c̄ome so ferre to dispute with a wo mā seyde the leste scoler in the scole had be y nowe to ouer come her But whan katherine had disputid with hem with helpe of the hooly goste she conuertid hem euery chone to the feyth of oure lord ihesu criste in so moche that they were redy to suffer deth fore cristus sake ▪ Than a none maxencius cōmaundid to make a gret fuyre and ●renne hem in the fuyre But by the helpe of the holy goste the fuyre bre● de uo parties of hee bodyēs ne the leste cloth of hem yit lay fayre dede as they had be a slepe Than the Emperoure made do ka herine nakid bete her with scorgi●● she was all blode full of woundes than he putte her in to pryson vij dayes with oute mete drynke Thanne had the quene a grete luste to speke with katherine toke a knyghre with her that highte porphirius wente to katherine than they saw an āgell sette a crowne of shynyng golde on the quenes he de an othir on porphirius he de and bad hem be stedefast for with in thre dayes they shulde come to heuen be suffering of martirdome Thanne sente the Emperour aftir katherine wente to haue founde her nyghe dede but all that tyme god sente her mete from heuen whann the emperour saw her a lyffe he was wode for woorde and made her to be sette betwene ij ▪ whelis tourned on vpwardes anothir downewardes full of ●oll●s swerde poyntes for all to rase katherine Than come an āgell as ●it had be a wynde all to brake hem slewe iiij M. of the tyrantes Thā saw the quene that miracle and come be fore the kyng her housbond re●ukyd him that he saw the myght of god so openly wolde not be leue there ōn Than bad the kyng lede forthe the quene and cutte of her pappes frō the body with hokys and thā to smyte of her hede thā for porphirius beried her lxxx of her knyghtis were martered with her they smote of porphirius hede Than spake the emperour to katherine seyde that he wolde wedde her she wolde fro criste beleue in his goddis she seyde she sette noughte by him nor by his goddis whan he saw that he made to smyte of her hede Than a none in scede of blode come moche fayre mylke And than come an angell bare the soule in to heuen And angelis come bare the body in to the eyre so in to the mounte of synay and there beried it with worshipp̄ there god wronghte many fayre miracles into this day At the fote of the mounte ther is an abbey of monkes that leuyn in grete abstinaunce this abbey is stronge highe wallid barred aboute with yrou for wilde bestis in that abbey lyeth seint katherine in a fayre tombe of alabaster for her bones were shedi● for the more worshippe a bouyn in the churche is the bnshe there god stode in whanne he spake to moyses wrote the lawe in to ij tables of stone that busche is also grene fayre as hit was the same day Also in that abbey is a grete merueyle and is this euery monke hath a lamp̄e with oyle brennyng whā he shall dye they shall know be hislā he for as he drawithe to ●●e dethe so drawith his ●●mpe And whan this ●●bot dyeth his bretherē shall singe a masse of the holy goste bery him so lemply whan masse is done they shall finde a bille writō on the auter how shall be abbote so they these her abbot Also on seint katherins nyght all the briddi● in the coūtrey come the dir eche of hē bryngith a branche of oliue in her bill into the place as pilgremes sey the monkis make oyle of the branches to her lampes for all the yere somme to selle Narracio we finde rede of a mā that serued seint katherine fastid her euyn brede watir on a tyme he come in felleship of recheles people by comforte of hem he lefte his faste ete with hem so in the nyghte aftyr he saw a grete company of maydenē comyng by him amōge hem there was on passing alle othir eche of hem had a crowne but on had passyng a fayre crowne that was sein katherine So whan she come by this mā she hid her face from him wolde not loke on him thā he askid on of hem what they were she seyde we be virginis the principall that thou s●iste is seint kather●● y● hid her fate for the be cause thou haste lefte thy deuocion from her euyn of fasting Than this man repentid him sore that he had done this dede so tourned a yen to his deuocion fastid aftyr was an holy man there for sete vs worship this holy virgine that she may prey for vs Amen De dedicatōne ecclesie GOod frendis s●che a day ye shall haue youre de●● ▪ cacion day that is your● for deuoute 〈…〉 holy churche was ordeyned to be halowed fore god seythe th●● Domua me● domus orōuis ●o cabitur M● house is ca●●or an house of pre youres but hit is now made an house of rownyng whisperyng crying clat●●●●g scoruyng ta●es simple spekyng mockyng mowyng of vanite many simple wordes lewde Narracio We rede how se●●t gregory was at masse on a ty me semt Austeyn was his dekon bad the people tourne to the ●opis blessing thā he saw ij wymen ●own to gedir in the popis chapell the fende satte in her neckes wryting on a grete rolle yit lackyd parchament ●e drew hit oute with histe the so hit fill out of his clawis se●nt Austeyn saw 〈…〉 toke hit vp t 〈…〉 pe was wrothe 〈…〉 im why he laughed him to scor●● he shewde him what the fende had wreton of the wymen than he come to the wymen askyd hem what han ye seyd all this masse tyme they seyde oure pater noster Than the pope bad rede the ●●ll to hem that the fende had wreton se●nt Gregory redde hit there was neuer a good worde there in Thā they knelid downe alkyd mercy be soughte the pope to prey for hem so he did bronghte hem oute of the fendes bokys Also for long resting to hooly churche for whan a man is dede he is bronght to the church to his reste Some tyme the people read beried at home as pore people and the riche were beried in hill toppes some at the fo●e of the hill in tombes made of ro●his But fore the sauour was so grete ●o greuous holy 〈◊〉 or deyned churche yerd is ●bery the people in ●ore ij causes on is to be preyde fore ●s holy chirche vsith A no●hir is for the body shall lye there with oute trauell ●or the fende hath no power to do no thynge with in cristē beriellis but if so be that the body be not worthy to be beried there Johan Bellet tellith that there shuld no body be beried in the chirche but yf hit be the pat●●● that defende hit frō bodely enemyes or the person 〈…〉 or cler●e ●●●● de●●●dith the chirche 〈◊〉 gostely enemyes 〈…〉 preyoures for 〈…〉 be baried there 〈…〉 a yeu on the 〈…〉 all the cloth is left still in the graue An 〈…〉 ll come on a tyme to 〈…〉 of a church had him go to the bishop ●id him caste oute the 〈…〉 he hath beried 〈…〉 he shall be 〈…〉 dayes ●o 〈…〉 old not 〈…〉 Narracio 〈…〉 in the gestis of rome that an āgell tolde an holy bishop that hight Encres how that charles the kyng of fraūce was dampned he toke a wey holy chirchis righte that good peple had yeuen to fore bad hym go opyn his tombe se the sothe Than the bishoppe toke with him othir people openyd the tombe there come out a grete dragon fley forthe lefte tombe brenne with in as hit had be anouyn mouthe thus bery in holy place is but litill a vayle to hem that be dāpned Also ther be many that walkyn on nyghtes whan they aren beried in holy place but that is not longe of the feude but of grace of god to gete hem helpe some be gilty hane no reste Narracio Hit happid be syde the Abbey of lilfill that iiij men stale ▪ Oxe of the abbotis of 〈◊〉 same place to her larder the