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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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this Chapter to proue that the Church of Chri●… ought to be built in all things according to the wil of Chrift as he hath set downe in his Testamēt othérwise yt cā neither be said his howse nor y e builders therof or builded therin his faithfull seruantes See how before I wist or would I am drawne into particulars as into a whirlepoole bottomles gulph of knowledg whiles I thought but to haue drawne but a litle water at the brinke in the shallow vessel of my vnderstanding and crazed memory which though they be no way able to breake vp these vnmeasured depthes or orderly to deliuer but that litle God giueth me to see in them yet I doubt not but many infallible Arguments may from this Chapter be drawen without any violence or wresting to proue the necessity perpetuity of that forme order of building gouerning Christs Church which he by his Apostles hath set downe in his Testament Now let me proceed to confirme this Proposition by other reasons drawen from other places of scripture As yt hath beene shewed that there can be no true building without that only true foundation expresse patterne of the Apostles practice in Christs Testament that all other foundations formes buildings builders are deceitful false and wil not abide the fiery trial or stand in Gods sight so if we consider the manner how the holy Ghost instructeth vs in other places vz. 1 Cor. 12. Ep●…es Rom. 12. vve shall there see the cōgruence necessity perpetuity of the order gouernmēt which Christ hath in his Testamēt prescribed We there reade this his Church compared to an ●…umane body which consisting of diue●…s members must of n●…cessitie haue them duly placed and knit together in their ●…ight order srame We reade there that as God createth fashioneth placeth and knitteth together the memb●…rs of this our earthly b●…die without taking coūcel of one or another so in like wisdome power he createth prepareth ordereth disposeth cōmingleth cōtempereth al the members of this his heauenlie bodie according to the rules of his T●…stament by the manifestation of the spirit in euerie one But now ●…uen common sense teacheth how far the wisest man vpon earth is from being able to make vnto mans bodie the least m●…mber therof euen but one haire white or blacke much lesse to knit the members together by iointes sinewes in their due place function How thē can dust and a●…hes imagine to make vnto the spirituall bodie of Chri●… new strāge members knit them as strāgely together by new iointes and synewes We reade in the●…e chapters that the ministers officers appointed by our Sauiour Chri●…t in his Testamēt are the principal mēbers of this publike bodie of the Church his ordināces lawes there set downe the iointes and sinewes wherby the members are fitly knit vnto the whole bodie euen as the curtaines of the tabernacle by their strings and hookes But now as no mortal man can make fashion dispose or knit together these humane members of a naturall bodie so much lesse can he make anie other members serue in the places of the true natural mēbers or by anie meanes place fastē and knit these as by ioints and sinewes vnto and in a mans bodie What vse should a man haue of an eie of glasse a nose of waxe an hand of brasse a foot of wood what congruence coherence proportion sympathie feeling compassion should these haue with the other members what learning or art can knit these by iointes sinewes vaines artures or draw one the same ●…kin ouer them as a couering or fasten yt vnto them as vnto or together with the true and natural members Yf mans wisdome cannot 〈◊〉 this in a frai●…e humane bodie of earth and clay what possibilitie thē is there to bring this to passe in the spiritual bodie of Christ what communion what commixture can there be betwixt heauen earth betwixt light and darknes betwixt spirituall carnal things how thē is yt possible to knit or make agree the earthly darke carnal diuised members and lawes of man to the heauenlie lightsome spiritual bodie of Christ Yea albeit this could be supposed to be brought to passe then which nothing cā be more fonde thē to imagine more wicked then to attempt vvhat kind of strange and monstrous bodie should ●…hey now make vnto Christ by knytting vnto him strange members such as belong not to his bodie Yf an humane bodie should haue growing vnto yt anie other then the true members that belonge vnto a man were not ●…uch a creature to be held a monster and not a man As for example if yt had manie heades in steade of one if yt should haue feete like a Beare a mouth as a Lion the rest like a Leopard c. who that had anie sight or sense could take esteeme this for the natural bodie of a man muchlesse for the comely beawtiful amiable bodie of Christ or of his Bride were not this to be liker vnto the bodie of Antichrist that Beast of that whore that monster what then i●… the presumption reb ellion furi●… of those Prelates that dare enterprise not onlie to cast away the true and naturall members but in the place of them to plant these adulterate monstrous members and that as they would make themselues and others beleeue in the bodie Church of Christ. Againe what an astonishment madnes hath inuaded and possessed these learned reforming Priests that confesse the want of al Christs true members I meane such officers as he hath ordeined for the building and gouerning his Church that complaine likewise of the vnlawfulnes and antichristianitie of these members which now grow vpon this bodie and gouerne the same and yet discerne not themselues to be of these mōstrous antichristian members euen the ministerie mouth of that Beast●… hauing the same orginal shape and forme with them being all come out of one smokie forge c yea and for all this mistake that beastlie bodie of the harlot their Church that beareth groweth vnto and consisteth of these members for that heauenlie bodie that true spowse established Church of Christ as though Christs bodie Christs Church could grow vnto and consist of these false members or be said built and established without the true members What strange paradoxes are these yet are they euen the forwardest positions they can be drawen vnto But we are taught in these scriptures that Christs bodie consisteth not neither can his Church be built with such strange Antichristian mēbers or with anie other then those which he hath there prescribed for the gathering the Saints into one for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ c. From which Scriptures infinitie reasons if we would enter into particulets might be drawen to prooue the necessitie congruence and perpetuitie of these officers ordinances there prescribed to the ministerie gouernment and
stil reserued a seed a litle poore remnant vvho haue beene marked vvith the mark of GOD on their foreheades haue been preserued from the ●…ting of these scorpiōs the plague of these locustes which haue had ●…ight in the midst of these hellish fogs vvhich haue not bought nor sold vvith the marke of the beast neither drunke of the vvhores ●…up neither haue beene defiled vvith her fornications but haue ●…eene the lambes caled chosen faithful souldiours following the ●…amb in vvhite araye vvhersoeuer he goeth and leadeth them from faith to faith These by the light of the word reade the harlots mysterie vvritten in her forehead discouer her skirts all her ab●…ominations by that same light make her knowē to be that spi●…itual Babilon where Christes seruantes are kept in seruitude from the free practise of his word where the true temple his Church ●…ll the vessels and instrumentes therof are vtterlie ruinate defaced ●…rofaned troddē vnder foot These also doe shew by the same light ●…uen from the ancient prophecies her al her synagogs to become ●…he verie habitation of deuils the hold of all fowle vvicked spi●…ites a cage of euerie vncleane hateful bird ZIM IIM all ●…armful beastes shal lodge there the Dragō the serpent the Har●…ies scritchowles vultures shal there make their nest bring vp ●…heir yong ones And therfore these shal call al the Lordes faithful ●…eruantes out frō amongst them least they be partakers of her sinns ●… receaue of her plagues shewing them that her sinns are at the ●…ul come vp into the sight of God into heauen that God now re●…embreth her iniquities and is ready to powre downe his plagues ●…pon her as in the daies of Noah Sodome He only now st●…ieth but vntill his Arke be built vntil Lot his houshold be come forth and the number of his elect be fulfilled which time we may euidently discerne approcheth apace Our fig-tree hath almost budded al our fignes Therfore yt is high time for the seruantes of GOD to looke vp to lift vp their heades for their redemption draweth neere We haue al seene this general defectiō euē in the maner as yt was foretold to be come to pass we haue also see●…e in the heauens the tabernacle of t●…stimonie euē that first Apostolike patterne though we haue not as yet beene able to enter into the same vntill the vials of Gods w●…ath be powred vpon the throne of the Beast the whore this Babilon c. we see all the faithful witnesses and martyres of CHRIST in their seuerall ages to haue powred out their vials some vpon the earth some vpō the sea some vpon the fountaines others vpon the sunne vpon the throne of the beast vpon their Euphrates c. we heare this voice round about vs sounding in our eares ●…o out of her my people c. Saue thy self ô Syō that dwellest with the daughter Babel Flie out of the midst of Babel deliuer euerie man his soule be not destroied in her inquitie For this is the time of the Lords vengeance he will render v●…o her a recompence againe ●…lee out of the ●…idst of Babell depart out of the land of the Chaldeans ●…e ye as the gotes before the flock And our sauiour CHRIST in that forerūning signe type of Iudea and Ierusalem warneth them that are in Iudea to flee to the mountaines thē that are called on the house top not to come downe into their house to fetch or saue any thing they haue lost there they that are in the fieldes not to returne back into the Citie to fetch their clothes shewing the woes that are vpon them which either are hindred pressed downe with worldly affaires as a woman great with child or are deteined held with the leaue either of their earthly frendes how neere so euer or of their owne flesh that they cannot flie and deliuer their soules that cannot giue eare or obey vnto the cōmandement voice of GOD whiles he calleth them so deferr put off their cōming out either vntil the winter of Gods wrathful iudgmentes circumvent inclose them or the saboth of his final indignation fal rest vpō them then there be no space granted them to flie or grace to be preserued Seing then we haue so manie prophecies so many tipes so many warnings so manie callings seing all our signes are accomplished that Gods final iudgmentes approch and steale vpon vs let vs not despise his grace nor harden our hearts whiles he yet speaketh yt is called to day seing we are fallen into these last pertilous times wherein Satan vseth his last vttermost sleightes wherby the whole world shalbe deluded yea the verie elect if yt were po●…sible drawen away let vs not suffer our selues to be any longer deceaued with the subtil inchantmentes of the false prophets preachers of the times neither to be deceaued with the vaine titles glorious shewes of Church minis●…rie sacramētes Gospel c. wherof the false Church ●…ath alwaies boasted arrogated vnto her self as well as the true Church wherwith as with stales she hath allured as with snares detained h●…r guestes Cayn we read as wel as Habel offred sacrifice Ismael and Isaac were both circumcised Hagar and Sarah were two mothers the two mothers before Solomon pleaded both of them cōfidently for the li●…ing childe the harlot as wel as wi●…dome killed sacrifices ●…ent out her ministers inuited guestes to her house Israel in their schisme defection erected a temple an altar a ministerie It behoueth vs therfore whiles yet GOD vouchsafeth vs time carefully by the light of Godes word to examine our waies and to ponder our estate vvhether vve be in that broad vvay that leadeth to destruction amongst those multitudes ouer vvhome the whore sitteth raineth or in the straight narrow vvay vvhich leadeth vnto euerla●…ting life vvith CHRISTES litle fl●…k and marked soldiours vvhome the lamb leadeth ●…uleth vvhether vve be in that great defection in that spiritual Babilon vnder An●…christ that Beast or whether we be in the mount S●…on in the spirituall Ierusalem where ●…he cōmandementes of GOD are k●…pt and the fai●…h of IESVS This being knowen al controuerfies shal forthwith cease For thē shall vve either be guiltie of our owne destruction through our wilful obstinacie or els ●…hal vve lay hold of eternal life vvhiles yet yt is offred by forsaking our euil vvaies and yeilding obedience vnto Godes holy vvord Neither need vve vnto this busines to goe fetch our light out of mens vvritinges as sundrie of the chief builders of ●…his corrupt age do or curiously to enquire or dispute about I wote not vvhat markes of the true Church which vvhiles some inde●…ored to set downe endles cōtrouersies vaine striefe about
and burne incense to the Queene of heauen And that they might not faile at time of need see they make all the S●…intes Innocētes in heauen their friēdes on their side celebrating to the Innocentes one day of their solēne Christmas vnto all Saintes because none should be forgottē they are many in nūber they keep an especial principal feast day with a deuout fast vpō the eaue c. yet least some of the chief Santes as ●…hon the Baptist and the twelue Apostles might be displeased in that they are numbred passed ouer with other common Saintes they severally remember them againe in their tourne with their peculiar eaues daies fastes fe●…stes worship Heere is yet also an other Saint whome I had like to haue ou●…rskipped the Captaine of thē al S t. GEORGE their Borrowgh the patrone of the lād a worthy warriour our Ladies knight I wene This Saint hath heere no smal intertainemēt with his solēne processiō that by no smal states but euē the greatest of the lād with his cornets trumpets harpe shackbutes psalte●…ies dulcimer al instrumentes of Musick c. This Saint besides his noble order of knighthood hath also his famous peculiar Chaplain Palatine of the order who is to weare a goldring on his thomb what a fam●…us feast they keep vnto this Saint there is none in Court or Countrie cā be ignorant Because I ●…m no good Heralt I wil not vndertake to blazon his armes the red Crosse in white field that he beareth in banner displaied nor yet his wo●…hy 〈◊〉 For all those ●… refer you to his L●…gend A●…d heere me thinkes before we goe any further we had need enquire ●…ome learned Doctors opinion of this geare lea●…t we that be silly and ●…ooke no further then the word of God giueth vs to see take yt for ●…ost grosse idolatrie abhominatiō because in al the booke of God 〈◊〉 the beginning to the ending we find no such presidēt or cōman●…emēt therfore if yt please you because DO ROBERT SOME hath ●…ndertakē the matter we wil heare his learned iudgmēt of this stuffe This learned Doctor who hath this wit for the most part with him ●…o take no more of a matter then he is able to deale with frameth an ●…rgument in the name of an other thus The church of England maketh mē●…iō of Saintes deceased viz. Apost Martyres c. in some of their pub●…ike praiers therfore the church of England doth worship Saintes ●…eceased His answere is they are mentioned to stir vs vp not to wor●…hip thē but to tread in the steps of their vertue religion so con●…ludeth the Argumēt very weake sylly But how if this Argument ●…roue his owne what opinion shal we then hold of his Doctorhood ●…ot to speak of his euil cōsciēce who to coullor that the cannot ius●…ifie to passe by that he cānot gainesay or disproue is not ashamed ●…sually throughout his writinges to father the forgeries of his owne ●…dle head vpō others thinking by deprauing the poore professors of ●…he truth to suppresse yt or at the least to get credite and promotion ●…nto himself But I would know of his euil conscience wich shal ere ●…ong be araigned for all these thinges before him that is greater then ●…is cōscience whether he neuer heard other reasons frō some of thē ●…o proue this their celebratiō cōmemoration of Angels deceas●…d ●…aintes to be idolatrous blaspheamous abhominable euen to the ●…hief Authors of this stuffe that in the presence of some verie ho●…orable namely because they dedicate to these Angels dead Saints 〈◊〉 peculiar Eaue Day caling thē after their names therby impropri●…ting giuing that to the creature which is only due reserued in ●…he hand possessiō of the Creator 2 because vpon their Eaues they ●…nioyne bid in their church vpon their sunday a publike fast and 〈◊〉 in th●…se Angels and Saintes names 3 b●…cause vpon their day which they cal an holy day they proclaime a solēne feast to be kept ●…ith general cessatiō frō their labours in their trades as vpō y e Lords day by the 4 commandement 4 this by a publike law not to men●…ion al the fleshly and lewd behauiour idlenes pride vanitie excesse ●…pely seene suffered vpon these their feastiuals holy daies 5 be●…ause vpon these daies they haue a peculiar prescript deuised worship ●…o each seueral Saint that they thus celebrate not heere to mention ●…heir vnsufferable shredding dismemb●…ing rending peruerting of ●…criptures to clowte vp this idolatrie These reasons if either those two ●…reat BBs to whome they were propounded or this Doctor which thē●…eard them had soundly confuted iustified this their maner of ce●…ebrating worshipping dead Saintes Angels in their church then ●…ad the Antichristian tyranny of the one the rep●…ochful blasphemie 〈◊〉 the other some colour which now are odious vnto God man But now seing these Argumentes still remaine with them vnanswered and that they are so loth to meddle with them I would now only learne of this Doctor where he in al the scripture hath found this idolatrous custome of theirs to celebrate the memorial of any one deceased Saint that vpon one set day yearly in this maner we reade not that the Fathers before the flood vsed yt neither yet after y e flood b●…fore the law yet were they verie godly men of great vertue such as instructed their children in the true worship waies of God such as their children honoured reuerenced whilest they liued did all filial duties vnto them being dead decently buried them but neuer after kept any ānual or set day in their remembrance The like vnder the law we reade of Moses Samuel Dauid c. men verie famous renowmed for their vertue godlines greatly honored of all whiles they liued no such matter done to thē after they were dead yet were they presidentes by their vertue euen vnto all ages vnto the worldes end The Apostles also whome they so especialy aboue al other Saintes prefer celebrate being dead yea taken away as famous martyres neuer in this maner vpon one special set day celebrated their constācie in the faith vertue as we may see by the Apostle Iames and the Martyre 〈◊〉 Likewise the Apostles Paul Peter being ready to suffer for the Gospel left no such commandemētes vnto the churches that any such praiers festiuals should be kept to them or their remembrance being dead but rather stirred vp admonished the churches whiles they liued disired the churches prayers for thē whiles they liued So that we seing no ground for this stuffe in the word of God see not otherwise but to hold them for detestable idolatries forgeries abhominations for the reasons aboue recited And now because I haue beene somwhat longer euen in the bare recital of these trumperies then I thought I wil passe ouer the
true natural members of Christs bodie these reuerēd Lord Bishops cut off and cast away I speake heere concerning their offices ministery iurisdiction and so forth which these men sue vnto the Court parliamēt to haue vtterly remoued yf they be of Christ then without the abrogation of his Testament how should they be taken away If he haue in his Testament set downe that he wil haue in and ouer his Church L. Archbishops Lord Bishops thus attendend waited on to rule reigne in his absence to make lawes to make ministers c. then what Prince in the world ca●… pluck away these L. Archbb s. Lord Bi●…hops from the Church without they likewise cast CHRIST out of dores For CHRIST wil not be diuided nor halfed in this sort If we will haue him we must take him with all his members we cannot take one part of him refuse an other he will not abide with th●…m that thus dismember him What kind of councel then do these men giue vnto the Prince which thus draw her into battell against God his Christ in aduising her to cast out of the land the true ministerie of Christ how can the Church of Christ misse these precious members or stand without them how can she suffer them to be rent from her how can they rather offer this violence to their naturall mother so to wound dismember her yea vnto the body of Christ and vnto their owne members if they likewise belong to that bodie what outrage what vnnaturalnes what furie what madnes we●…e this what high impietie against God heauen Wil not heere be matter ynough for al the pulpets in the land stationers shoppes in London how will they now do with these vnmerciful DD. who now they haue them thus bound fettered wil lay on loade vpon them They wil now haue the popish baptisme and all ere they let them goe and that thus Those Archbish. L. BBs and all the rable of Priestes ministers which flow from their seate haue no ●…ther foundatiō or warrant for their offices ordinatiō then y ● which they had in the Church of Rome but these Archb L. BB. and PP in these offices with that calling ordination they had in the Church of Rome administer true sacramentes heere so are by them approued for true ministers therfore there vvas a true ministery in the Church of Rome This cannot be denied for that Church which hath not a tru●… but altogether a false ministery in yt cannot in deliuering their owne ministerie deliuer a true ministerie but the Church of Rome in deliuering their owne ministerie as Archbishops L. Bishops parish priestes and hireling preachers or curates Church wardens side men parish Clarkes c. ●…eliuered a true ministerie els could neither these offices remayne in the Church of Christ or these mē administer in these offices by vertue of that calling therfore yt may be conclud●…d there vvas a true ministerie in the Church of Rome To alledg that these men were called to the true faith will ●…ot help this for vve reason not heere of the men nor of their faith but of their offices and ordination ●…oth which they found in fetched from the Church of Rome and now they administer in the same offices and by vertue of the same ordination therfore if this ministerie of the Church of ENGLAND be ●…rue there must needes haue beene be a true ministery in y ● Church of Rome seeing yt is the self fame in respect of the offices and ordination neither can any false minister ordeine a true minister Well then hauing obteined and conuinced a true ministerie to be in the Church of Rom●… for els neither can these Bishops or their creatures be true ministers or the sacramentes by them or any of them administred to the Queene and the land be true sacramentes now let D. BRIDGES or D. ROBERT alone with you for all the rest for th●…y will haue both the Church sacramentes of Rome on foot agayne The true Church onlie can ordeine true ministers but y ● Church of Rome ordeined true ministers as our L. Bishops and al their priestes and ministerie of this land therfore the Church of Rome is a true Church How shal these learned Doctors be answered Againe such sacrament●… as are administred in the true Church are alwaies true sacraments sealing the fauor and blessing of God vnto them therfore the sacramentes but especially the baptisme there deliuered for to that aboue the other these Doctors haue an especiall liking is a true sacrament What a quandare haue you now brought your selues vnto you must either denie all the ministerie of the Church of England vvhich are not only ordeined by these Bishops but alike vvith them deriued from the Church of Rome or els you must affirme these L. Bishops to be the true mi●…isters of the Gosp●…ll I speake in respect of their office which then cannot be taken away and then are all they seditious persons disturbers of the peace of the Church and quiet of the common welth that seeke to disturbe or remoue these offices which Christ hath placed and planted in his Church For if thc parson of or any other learned minister that you think best of whither Doctor or other be to be held true ministers then haue they a lawful calling ordination to a lawful office c. If their calling ordination be approued then are the Bishops iustified for no false or vnlawfull minister can ordeine a true Minister as hath beene proued So then if the BB s. be allowed for true ministers needes must the Church of Rome the ministerie and sacramentes therof be ratified by necessarie consequence Vt supra No middle course as you affirme may heere be taken we must either make y e tree good or euill these ministers of the Church of England true or false yf false then deliuer they no true sacramentes then is all their administration sacramentes sermons accursed how holy soeuer or neere the truth in outward shew then are they the ministers of Sathan of Antichrist sent of God in his wrath to deceaue destroie such as are ordeined to death then ought al Christs true sheepe to flee and auoide them then ought not the Prince either to punish such as flee auoide them for that doing neither her self to repaire to their sermons or sacramentes for comfort then is all the comfort she there taketh but delusion euen the deceit of Sathan to the destructiō of all such as take comfort in vnrighteousnes and that which displeaseth the Lord Then are all they seducers which egge perswade the Queene through their hipocrisie and flatterie vnto them as wherby they draw her into the wrath of God eminent danger ineuitable destruction except she forsake them and this is the sound councell they giue her to betray her soule to these wolues these deceauers So long as she is
were shewed them they would in this presumptiō of their heartes rather run on headlong vnto death in this their headstrong course then by repentāce turne into the waies of life that they might be saued For besides the manifold errors of ech of these factions which haue beene shewed in part mark I besech you into what present mischief and ineuitable dāgers ech course leadeth all that hold the same vnto The one side that holdeth with Docter ROBERT SOME THAT the baptisme deliuered in the Church of Rome was a true Sacrament not only therby inclose themselues in schisme by such violent deuiding in ●…uch hostile maner from the true Church yea and euen therby conclude against the Church of England that yt is not a true Church because there is but one true Church through the world as ther is but one God one Spirit one CHRIST CHRIST cannot stand an head to two so diuers and contrarie bodies as these two Churches would seeme to be Now they confessing the Church of Rome to be a true Church do hereby acknowledg themselues both in schisme a false Church Besides that they vtterlie subuert the whole Testament of CHRIST by bringing a new ministrie and new manner of administration into the Church c. The other side that denijng the Church of Rome or any couenant or seales to belong vnto her doe also deny that any outward baptisme is there deliuered and doe therby affirme al the people that now are in our knowen parts of the world to be vnbaptised which receaued none other then that baptisme and then seing there is no lawfull minister to baptise this people for none vnbaptised may be a minister or baptise neither haue an vnbaptised p●…ople power to elect or ordeine a ministerie amongst them Of this can no rule president or example be shewed in the scriptures but all to the expresse cōtrarie especially since al extraordinarie offices haue ceased and so must all the building of CHRISTS Church and the worke of the ministerie cease vntill some second Ihon Baptist or new Apostles be sent vs downe from heauen except peraduenture they after their long trauel bring vs forth some new Euangelist and sure if they make a new ministery they must also make a new Gospell and confirme yt with new miracles Well thus we see the error danger of both these waies neither of which lead vnto life therfore neither to be followed We may not followe the first sort of guides least they lead vs back againe to EGIPT SODOME BABILON from vvhence we were escaped or rather wherin we are by them still detayned We may not commit our selues to the other guides least we be not led forward toward persection but deluded with their doublings and windinges as in a maze alwaies going alwaies learning yet neuer the further on our way or neerer our iournaies end neuer taught or brought to the acknowlegment and right practise of the truth What then is to be done in this distresse surely euen this when men are at their wits endes to flee vnto God for councel and direction whose word if we el●…uate as our lodestar we shall no doubt by the light therof Gods gracious Spirit blowing vpon the sailes of our faith safely saile through all these difficulties euen with a straight course to the free and sincere practise of the Gospel neither striking against the rockes of poperie nor falling vp on the shelues quicksandes of Anabaptistrie For he that is ascended vpon high hath not left his house destitute of councel and direction ●…or all affaires and occasions in all times and estates whatsoeuer but hath in his word left most perfect rules and absolute lawes for all things So that though he for the iudgmēt of the world the trial of his seruants the manifestatiō of his owne power bring his seruants into Babilon yet knoweth he how to preserue and deliuer his seruantes without either iustifijng of Babilon with D.R.S. his disciples or re●…ming of Babilō with these learned priestes of the time and their followers and hauing brought them forth to lead them forth to Sion and to reare vp the decaied tabernacles of Dauid that were fallen downe without vsing one stone of Babel in the worke for a corner or for a foundation So then we now being fallen into found in that general defectiō apostacie wherof we were warned by our Sauiour Christ his Prophets Apostles yt remaineth that vve search the scriptures vvhether we can there find any presidentes of any such times and see whether we can there fetch any better direction then these learned men abouesaid haue giuen vs in this case We reade in the time of Ezechiah that the kingdome of Israe●… had a long time remained in schisme apostacie hauing forsaken that true Temple and erected vnto themselues new Temples new Altars n●…w ministerie c. neither could by any warnings threats or corrections be r●…claimed Yet such of them as left their false vvorship and returned to the true Temple to vvorship God there were receaued and admitted to the passouer without either gathering correcting or repeating the circumcisiō they had receaued in y ● time of this their schisme and apostacie The like we reade to be done in the times of Iosiah of Ezra of N●…hemiah whē they had yet longer cōtinued in their schisme and idolatrie vpon their returne out of their dispersion captiuitie vnto the Lorde And yet no doubt to those men in these times and in this estate could the circūcision they there receaued shal I speake according to the times say be no true sacrament or rather leaue that traditional word which engendreth strife rather then godly edifying say be no true seale of the couenant of Gods fauour vnto them being added to their false worship idolatrie schisme apostacie obstinacie contempt This I think wil be easily graunted of all handes For Gods couenant is no longer made or continued with any Church or people then they remaine in his faith and obedience yet you sce this circumcision thus receaued not to be reiterate when they came vnto the true faith Wherby we are euidently taught both that such baptisme as is deliuered in the false Church is no true seale of Gods couenant cōmonly called a true sacrament yet also that such outward washing or baptisme deliuered after their supe●…stitious maner in that idolatrous place ought not vnto such to be repeted as afterward forsake the false Church and ioine vnto the Church of God Thus me thinkes this hard difficult knot is euen with a trise vn done when we take the true light right way vnto yt Which whiles these learned Doctors diep diuines as they in their stile and banner write themselues haue labored by the light of their owne pregnāt wittes to vnlose they haue the further encombred themselues intangled their miserable followers For what cause
abhominations which haue beene recited from the beginning of this treatise To conclude though they remaine presumptuously obstinate in all these horrible transgression●… if by any this their shameles ass●…rtion namely that they hold the foundation to saluation be with neuer so playne proof of scripture denied and they louingly admonished and exhorted against such they whe●… their viperous tongues powre out all the venome of their railings reproches slaunders and most shameles lies wherof their owne festered consciences accuse them in their pulpyts priuie meetings machinating deuising against them as against open professed enemies and all because they reproue them of their counterfait walking which they cannot nor dare not in any Christian and peaceable maner enterprise by the word of God to approue iustifie But as you haue heard how they generally vse esteeme y ● word of God so let me briefly shew you what kind of CHRIST they preach you Generally and verbally they hold confesse him in both his natures verie God verie mā to the word of their redemtiō saluatiō as the papistes also doe though somwhat diuersly stumbling contending rather about wordes then about any material difference whē they are pressed For CHRIST they wil consesse their only redeemer fully sufficiently to haue wrought their saluatiō though by by stumbling at the phrase of some scriptures they will ioine vnto him their owne beggerie workes merites c. Both of them generally and verbally cōfesse CHRIST in his 3 offices viz. to be their only King Priest Prophet but when yt cōmeth to the practise obedience then they both with one consent send an embaslage after him saying that we wil not haue this man to reigne ou●…r vs Cause the holy one of Israel to cease from vs let vs breake his bandes cast his cordes from vs this is the heire come let vs kill him and let vs take his inheritance c. I know our english priestes wil haue many fine floorishes to hide this treacherie as that they acknowledg him their only Priest Mediator to haue with that one oblation of his owne pretious bodie once offred fully satisfied the iustice appeased the wrath of his Father Yea they acknowledg him to be the verie first fruites sanctifier of the whole heape clothing all his with his righteousnes that he is entered into the heauens into the v●…rie throne of God there offreth vp the praiers maketh intercession for all them Likewise that he is heire and King ouer al both mē Ang●…ls that he hath in this his or rather oure flesh vanquished al our enemies Satan sin death hel triumphed ouer them in that his crosse that he is ascended vp on high sitteth at the right hād of God frō whence he shal come to iudge the quick y e dead And for his proph●…cie y t he is the end of al prophecies to whome they were directed the fulnes and fountaine of al wisdome whome we ought to heare and how by that his heauenly word he begetteth vs to life euerlasting c. These many other comfortable true doctrines they can doe deliuer touching the offices of CHRIST but all these you must vnderstand I pray you obserue wel for so shal you cleerly espie their error deceit are still but what CHRIST hath done in his owne person for his elect here is not one word spoken what he doth in his elect how he teacheth sanctifieth ruleth them by the scepter of his word how he is a King Priest Prophet heere on earth exerciseth the offices here in his Church amongst his seruantes the Saints how he is their pastour their teacher their King how he feedeth reigneth in SION yea maketh all his children kings priests prophets Kings in y t he hath giuē them his word into their hearts mouthes wherby as w t a sharpe two edged sword they cut off sin fight against al errors wherby they reigne ouer their owne affectiōs subdue y t flesh cast downe euerie imagination that is exalted against the knowledg of God bring into captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of Christ wherby they vnpartially censure iudge cast out al maner of sin as yt ariseth apeareth amongst them binding their rulers in chaines and their nobles in fetters of yron executing vpō them the iudgments that are writtē yea therby condemning euerie weapon tongue that shal arise in iudgment against the truth This is the heritage of the Lords seruants this honor shalbe to al his Saintes Priestes he maketh them in y t he annointeth them with his owne holy spirit wherby they both offer vp their praiers praises through him vnto God their owne bodies soules as liuing sacrifices vnto him daily which is their reasonable seruing of God Prophets he maketh them in that he reuealeth his truth vnto them cōmandeth them to witnesse yt spread yt forth in all places to his glorie One word of these heauenly effects in amongst them of their dutie obedience loue and faithfulnes they owe ought againe on their parts to performe vnto him they al this while shew not and how without this there is no comfort or benefit to be expected or receaued by Christ without this faith loue obedience none can haue him a King vnto thē to rule defend them none can haue him a Prophet to teach instructe them none cā haue him a priest to sanctifie blesse them none can haue him a Sauiour But al they that either acknowledg not the Lord Iesus Christ or obey not vnto his eternal Gospel but withhold the truth in vnrighteousnes shalbe punished with euerlasting perditiō from the presence of the Lord from the glorie of his power when he shal come to be glorified in his saintes to be made meruailous in al them that beleeue But alas how is yt possible y ● they should know or see this beautie of y e King in Sion whiles they remaine in Babilon how is yt possible that they should teach this submission obedience vnto Christ Iesus when they themselues remaine the bondseruants sworne soldiours of Antichrist in such maner as hath beene rehearsed How then in this estate should they stand the faithfull ministers of Christ or preach him sincerely Can there be any accord betwixt C●…rist Antichrist can they both reigne together in one Church or these men stand ministers vnto both at one time If Christ be their King vvhere is then his honour where is his obedience CHRIST reigneth ouer none but his owne seruantes and them he ruleth by the scepte●… of his holy word but heere with them his scepter is wrested ou●… of his hand and a Scepter of reed giuen him the canons of the pope
ministration of the Church and shall all be held g●…iltie punished for the publike transgressions abuses of the Church seing ●…uerie member is bound to the edification seruice and vtilitie of the bodie seing euerie member of the Church is commanded to watch to trie the Spirits to contend for the maintenance of the faith once indifferently giuen to all saintes to auoide false teachers false Prophets c. seing they are cōmanded not to follow the multitude or mightie in euil seing they are commanded to reproue their brother playnly to bind their sinnes by the word euen their Princes in those chaines and nobles in those fetters to say to ARCHIPPVS looke to thy ministerie that thou hast receaued in the Lord that thou fulfil yt yea though an Apostle or an Angel from heauen should ●…each either other doctrine or after an other maner then is in CHRISTS Testament prescribed to hold and pronounce him accursed To conclude the point seing the praiers sacraments sermons of such wicked or hereticall ministers are sacriledg and abhomiuation in Gods sight and that all which communicate ioine to heare or suffer such ministers are alike guiltie of this sinne sacriledg who can doubt but that euerie Christian hath power and authoritie in due time and place not disturbing CHRISTS holy order in his Church publikely to reproue any publike ●…ransgression of anie member of the Church or of the whole Church as also to di●…couer and refute any error escaped or deliuered in publike doctrine yet this as is said in due time order giuing leaue and place vnto the Elders and Prophets of the said Congregation fir●…t who if they neglect or ouerpasse such publike transgression or error then may any one of the congregation or any Chri●…tian who●…oeuer yea he ought to reproue such transgression and error vnles he wilbe guiltie of betraying the faith of CHRIST of the distruction of the whole congregation knowing the danger of such leauen the sodennes of the wrath of God for such things Heere will be grosly obiected that the common people are ignorant not able to iudg betwixt truth error disordered variable easie to be deuided led into sects and therfore they are not to intermedle with the iudgmen●… and reproof of faults and errors escaped in the ministerie or with the censuring their persons That their people are blind ignorant seditious headstrong I readily grant neither ca●… yt be otherwise hauing such blind guides co●…rupt teachers as all they are I grant also that neither the people nor they ought in thi●… estate to meddle with the word of God or take his blessed name in their mouth without most high and vnsufferable profa●…ation of the same But for the people of CHRIST they are all inlightned with that bright morning star that sonne of righteousnes The eye of their faith is single and the whole bodie is light They a●…e an humble meek obedient people they will heare and follow the true shepheard but a stranger they will not heare They reioice loue e●…nestly in the truth ●…a by no meanes be drawē to do any thing against the truth And therfore hath God amongst them bownd vp the testimonie and sealed vp the law To them he hath committed the charge and keeping of his holy oracles to them and euerie one of them he hath giuen his holy sanctifi●…ng Spirit to open vnto them and to lead them into al truth to thē he hath giuē his Sonne to be ther King Priest and Prophet who hath made them vnto him Kings Priests But if they were so blind and ignorant as these men would make them how could they then discerne truth from error how could they approue truth or refute error transgression Happily for all this heere will be saied that the common fort of CHRIST●… seruantes either haue not this knowledg or haue yt but in small measure and therfore are vnfit to deale in the●…e high matters and can not doe yt orderly soberly To this I answere that they are to reproue no more then their assured knowledg leadeth them vnto If they transgresse the limits either of their knowledg in reprouing that which deserueth no reproofe or breake the established order of the Church by rashnes intemperance c. then are they for so doing subiect to reproofe censure for abusing their libertie for breaking order the Churches of God haue no custome to be contentious But if they should be debarred of this power libertie and dutie because they are not so learned as the priests and haue not beene at the vniuersitie c. by that popish reason were the word of God to be shut vp from al lay men as they cal them that no man might reade or speake therof in his house or family because they haue not knowledg to vnderstand yt open yt after their schoole maner the word of God being such an abysme of wisdome and of so great dignitie reuerence that in al places alike And should they not by this reason also shut yt vp from themselues and from al men in this life for he that knoweth most knoweth here but in part yea of that part he knoweth nothing as he ought to know But they are to vnderstand that God hath not giuē vs his word that yt should be perfected or receaue grace from vs but y t yt should bring grace vnto vs build vp accomplish our faith nourish vs vnto eternal life that yt should be milke to the weake vnexpert strong meate to them of riper age According to this word who so speaketh not yt is because their is no light in them By this word what so is reproued or affirmed the basenes or ignorance of the speaker is not to be regarded it no way diminisheth any thing from the dignitie truth of the word to which as the only obiect the Church is to cast their eye As for these learned diuines of our age I refer them vnto or rather oppose vnto them the wisdome word of God who you see hath giuen vnto al his seruantes this libertie power yea rather hath layd vpon them this charge duty to reproue censure any error or transgression which is committed by the whole Church or any member of the Church contrarie to the word of God by the same word But yet are not our learned Reformists satissied for ●…oe they fetch a reason somwhat more subtilly though altogether as far frō the truth as the other from 1 Cor. 14. 32. where yt is ●…aid The Spirits of the Prophets ar●… subiect to the Prophets therfore conclude they that the people are not to reproue iudge or cēsure the doctrine of the minister but only an assembly of ministers a schoole of Prophets as they call yt Before I shew their
passed ouer or punished by some lighter trifling chasticement wilfull murther oftē pardoned theft if yt be aboue 13 pēce punished by death yea this sin is punished not only in the persō of the theefe who that wise King saied if he should steale seuen times may yet liue satisfie with his body or goodes but in the persōs of al such as this their vniust law iudgeth anie way accessarie which extendeth so far as manie honest mē may for this trifle for buynig or receauing part of these stollen goodes be also put to death forfait al the lands goodes they haue wherby their wiues children families are punished also vtterlie vndone And thus by this their pollicie are manie theeues made for one not to speake of al this guiltles blood that is vpon the head of the magistrate Iudg officers Iurie and the whole land by this meanes what should ●… stand to particulate their infinite transgressiōs of Gods lawes euē in their ciuil estate which is in much worse case then manie heathē nations which neuer knew God or his Christ. Al this ariseth of this immunitie from the order gouernment censure of Christ in his Church frō the inordinate authoritie the apostaticall church giueth vnto Princes magistrates they assume vnto themselues so that the saying of the prophet concerning the proude Kings of Babel is now rightly verified in them Thow didst say with thy heart I wll ascend into heauen aboue the star●… of GOD almightie I wil exalt my throne wil sit in the mountaine of the congregation in the sides of the north I wi●…l ascend aboue the heigth of the clowdes I wil make my self equall vnto the most high For see whiles they take power to reiect that holie gouernmēt order officers lawes that Christ our King hath ordeined and apointed to his Church they stretch their hand also presume further to e●…ect a new gouernmēt new orders lawes officers ministry ministratiō c. And what is this but both to reprooue Christs lawes and to reiect his yoke from them also to take Christs offices throne S●…epter from him whome the Lord hath set vpō the throne of Dauid to order stabli●…h yt with iudgment iustice l●…id the key of gouernment vpon his shoulder that what he openeth no man should ●…hut and wh●…t he shutteth no man should open How g●…eat thē is their pride presumptiō y t are so far ●…rō obeijng seing Chri●…s lawes executed as they vtterly abrogate them t●…ke th●…m out of the way set vp their owne idol diuis●…s in the stead of thē So far are they frō taking lawes at him as their King Lord as they giue lawes of him as King Lord. Is not this to denie nay to put an end to his ministerie kingdome to his ministery by taking away y t which he established bringing in a new into the church to his kingdome by abrogating his lawes offices ordinances by bringing in establishing their owne In so much as through y e odious fl●…tery of these their priests some of them haue suffered themselues to be called the supreme head of 〈◊〉 Church in earth as though Christs Church had one head in earth an other in heauē or that Christ were not the head of his Church here in earth also But the wretched Priests would excuse this i●…audible blasphemie with this interpretatiō which yet they expresse not 1. vnder Christ as though Christs Church might haue two heades an vpper an vnder head one aboue an other were not this to make her a monster like their Church which hath m●…nie heads vpō them writtē names of blasphemy as supreme head of the Church primate Bishop metropolitane Bishop Lord Archbishops grace Lord Bish. Archdeacon c. Al which heads but especially that their supreme head of the church may they say make lawes for the church And al this execrable blasphemy they hide vnder the title office of the ciuil magistrate who in deed is Gods blessed ordinance Neither wil these lymmes of y e Deuill be satisfied with any humble acknowledgmēt of y e ciuil powe●… or with anie christiā submissiō vnto th●…●…ame but wil extort by othe an allowance subscriptiō vnto this their vngodly power blasphemous titles antichristian decrees proceedings c. It wil not suffice to confesse that God hath made the ciuil magistrate the keeper of the booke of the law to see both y e tables therof obserued by al persons both in the Church cōmon welth so hath power ouer both church cōmon welth but they must haue this indefinite p●…oposition granted them That a Pri●…ce hath power to make lawes for the Church By which word making is implied or rather as y e general estate both of church cōmō welth shew expressed plainly that they meane that y e Prince may deuise make new lawes for the Church such as are notheard of in that booke of God By lawes they meane any traditions ordinances customes c. which are not prescribed in CHRISTS Testamēt otherwise why should they vse these words or v●…ge that power of making lawes A godly Prince is bound ●…o Gods lawe made the keeper therof not the controler the seruant not the Lord. God hath in that booke made most perfect necessary lawes both for Church cōmon welth he requireth of the King magistrate to see these lawes executed and not to make new He that mak●…th any new lawes taketh vn●…o him the office of God who is the onlie law maker al men of what estate soeuer ar●… but Gods creatures s●…uātes subiectes to his law Moses ●…oshua Samuel Dau●…d 〈◊〉 made no new lawes but reu●…ued executed the olde lawes which God had made These exampl●…s that miserable man high tra●…tor to God his Prince ROBERT SOME citeth to prooue y ● P●…nces may make lawe●… for the church cō●…on welth t●…erby ind●…uoring to 〈◊〉 hold her Ma ● and the honorable Magistrates of this land in this presumptuous breach of al Gods l●…wes in this church cōmon welth by causing thē to rati●…ie publish y e vngodlie decrees which that blasphemous high Commissiō hath made or shal heerafter make vnder this pretext that Christian Princes haue power to make lawes for the Church Whi●…h Commissiō al their proceedings because they cā no way be iustified by the law of God Testimēt of Christ but are directly cōtrarie vnto the same as shal straight way be prooued therfore y ● old lymme of Antichrist that crowned horne of the Beast that T. C. breatheth out of the mouth of the dragō most h●…llish blasphemie against Christs 〈◊〉 thē that dwel in the heauen accusing Christs blessed order māner of gouernmēt of sedition tumults disobedience vnto the ciuil estate as giuing the raines to the p●…oples vnbrideled inordinate appetites which can not be rest●…eined subuerting
alloweth They therfore should now sin greeuously against the iustice maiestie of God they should draw themselues into Gods wrath hardē y e heart destroie the soule of the other yea ●…uē opē a gap wide doore vnto the whole church to sin who seing such foreslacking of iudgment would take boldnes vpō hope to find repentance time inough They that giue anie further time vpon pitie or anie other fleshlie reason cōdemne the Lord of cruelty rashnes who giueth no further time after publike reproofe exhortation despised So that to y t ●…eaden ●…ule of proceeding to excommnnication with a leaden heele whē the sin is thus ripe I oppose this golden rule to remooue sinne out of the church with the wings of a Storke the wind vnder their wings yet first that the Epha be lifted vp betwixt the earth the heauē that the sin be publikly seene publiklie censured Now for this same new found cēsure of suspension which they these Reformists would bring in exercise in stead of excommunicatiō or as they pr●…tend as a preparatiue to excommunicatiō wherby they may first be shut out from the holiest of all out of the chancel where the Priest by sole authoritie raigneth so by degrees proceed to excommunication to shut him out of the church also if he repent not what doth this their wisdome pi●…ie but comdemne the Lord of follie crueltie or rather shew forth their owne presumption follie y t thus forsake condemne the waies of the Lord as vnequall by bringing in following their owne waies as more equall How can these forgers th●…se coyners of religion seeme sue to cast out the heape of humane traditions as contrarie such as cannot be ioined vnto or with the Testament of Christ yet bring in these forgeries of their owne for so I may iustlie cal them from whencesoeuer they haue deriued them if not from the booke of God But least I be noted of preiudice to find fault with the thing I know not to condemne before I haue conuinced let vs in a word or two see how thi●… timber of these accordeth to the rest of the building and vpon vvhat socket or foundation yt standeth This suspension we find to be a publike seperation putting away of some opē offendor vnworthie receauer frō the Table of y ● Lord by the Pastor before excōmunication he yet being held a member of their Church cōmunicating with thē in praiers cōtributiō c. Heere I must not be vnderstood of the yonger sort which are not as yet admitted to the Table of the Lord the seed of the faithful of thē called Cate●…umenoi but of such as haue beene partakers therof and are vnder the censures of the Church Let vs now see how lawful yt is for the whole Church but especiallie for anie one mēber as of his owne sole authoritie to shut out such members from the Table of the Lord before or otherwise then by excommunication That this may be done let vs see wh●…t the Table of the Lord is The Apostle thus defineth yt The cup of blessing which we blefs●… is yt not the communiō of the blood of CHRIST the bread which we breake is yt not the communion of the bodie of CHRIST because we manie are one bread one bodie for al participate of one bread Heere we see this Table or Sup●… of the Lord a liuelie and most comfortable s●…mbole of our communion with CHRIST as also ech with other in Christ excellently shewing vnto vs the meanes mauer of our redemption to stir vs vp vnto thankfulnes to reioice in our God praise his name therfore to the generall strengthning of all our faithes and to the mutuall binding vs together in all holie duties and loue c. Here we see the Table of the Lord to be publike free open alike cōmon to all Saints ech one hauing a like interest necessity vse comfort therof the least as wel asmuch as the greatest CHRIST hauing alike died paied one and the same ransome for them all that they all might haue a like interest in him feed and feast through one and the same Spirit faith hope ioy in him Which interest power ioy c. no mo●…tall man not the whole Church much lesse any member therof no nor hell gates shalbe able to plucke from the least member of CHRIST whiles he remaineth and abideth in the body A most vnnaturall part were yt in the mother to plucke away the brest from the child wherby yt should be nourished but though y e mother might do this murther her owne child without blame yet the whole Church cannot driue away or keep out the least of these mēbers frō any publike action of the Church much les●…e seperate them frō this heauēly comfort free publike cōmunion whiles they remaine members of CHRIST are not cut off from his body Further seing this Table is called The communion of the body blood of Christ as also the communion of the whole church who can keepe back any such member as still remaineth in the body of CHRIST in his Church without depriuing him of this cōmuniō of CHRIST of the Church and so of life for except they ●…ate the flesh of the Sonne of man and drinke his blood they can haue no life in them But these men keepe them from the body blood of CHRIST from the communion of CHRIST and of the Church therfore also frō life yt self and so in seeming to correct him lightly they kill him out right for more then this can they not do by this orderly excōmunication which they hold so rigoious Such as shall cauil at these words Except ye shall eate the flesh of the Sonne of man c. saijng that I popishly abuse the place let them cauil though I acknowledg that many thowsands that neuer attained y e symbole of the supper yet do feed of that body blood of CHRIST by faith vnto eternall life yet this I say that such as by censure are put backe from the Table of the Lord are cut from the communion of CHRIST of his Church and so from life For if he haue not communion with Christ and his Church he can haue no life he cannot be both thus s●…perate from their communion and haue yt together They that pluck away the seale cancell the deed but they pluck away the seale of the couenant in that for his sin they debarre him from this comfortable communion which is yet more then the seale in that yt bringeth such present effect and comfort Therfore they as far as man can doe cut him from Christ his couenant by this their idol suspension Now then hauing thus shut him out of their cōmunion how should they hold him in ythauing thus cut him off from Christ and the bandes that should bind him to Christ to the Saints how can they hold him a
● vnto their aduersaries yet wil these graceles Bishops inforce this othe first by way of perswasion by Abrahams Iaacobs exāples who caused the one his se●…uāt y e other his sonne to sweare putting their hād vnder their theigh c. and by the Angels lifting vp his hād vnto heauē to sweare If vnto the fi●…st they be answered that Abrahā Iaacob ioyned not this ceremony vnto the othe so much as to exact the fidelitie performance of the othe seijng God himself sware vnto Abraham without this ceremonie Gen 15 17 as also Ishaac sware Iaacob sware without this ceremonie Gen. 26. 31. Gen. 31. 53 so that there cā be no law drawen or exāple made of Abraham Iaacob heerin especially seing this was before the law was giuē but now we ●…aue an absolute law giuen of God for the forme of othes frō which law we ought not to swerue Yf vnto the secōd namely the Angels lifting vp the hād vnto heauē whiles he sware yt be likewise answered y t no law cā be inforced frō hēce or any new ceremony inioyned in swearing nothing being done heere contrarie to the law of God neither any example giuē to breake or alter y ● law giuē of God seing now both al superstitious ceremonies idolatrous othes are forbiddē vs by our Sauiour Christ his Apostles Math. 5. 34. 3. 5 Mat. 23. Gal. 4. 9. Col. 2. 20. Their next reason is drawē frō the Princes priuiledg y t the Prince hath power to make lawes of indifferēt things is therin to be obeied this maner of othe is shewed to be no indifferēt thing but altogether vnlawful prohibited for the reasons aboue alledged But if yt were a thing indifferēt as they suppose so to sweare or not so to sweare yet were yt not lawfull for any mortal man to bind that by way of law which God hath left in our libertie much lesse to bring in new ceremonies or diuises into the worship of God for so might al the Popes traditiōs be brought in iustified Whē these reasons wil not serue to perswade o●… assure the conscience thē these holy fathers these tēder hearted christian BBs are driuē to their last argumēt wherby they vphold their antichristiā throne Viz. the ciuil power authoritie which is committed into their murtherous handes Then are they forthwith committed vnto close prison there to remaine vntil they either yeild or die and this without respect of age sexe or degree especially if they be convēted for refusing or speaking against the BBs Popelike authoritie antichristian decrees idolatrous iniunctions c such with mortall hatred they persecute much more ●…hen they doe the most hainous malefactors traiterous Papists such they opēly publish to be sectaries scismatikes heretikes Anabaptists disobedient to magistrates seditious conventiclers c. and al because they will not beare Antichristes yoke nor carie the Beastes marke nor bow downe vnto worship his image Such therfore they hunt pursue a●…rode by their spia●…s pursyuants and hauing caught thē vse with al e●…quisite tyranny neuer suffring thē to depart out of thei●… hāds vntil they either deny y e faith or be fetched frō thē by the Lords peremptorie messenger Death Long yt were to relate their fine spanish arts to molest these constant witnesses faithfull seruāts of Christ when they get them in their prisons by shutting them vp long close by causing them to be produced and indicted at the general sessions vpō the statute of recusansy hauing made some of the Iudg●…s on their part although this statute was made for Christs and her Ma ties ●…nemies the Papists recusants of all christian veritie When vpon this statute they haue gotten them indicted and vpon the execution therof cast into prisons yet he●…re their malice ceaseth not but although they be the Q. prisoners in her execution yet will they contrarie to all law assume them back againe into th●…ir handes and by th●…ir sole authoritie without anie cause alledged commit them perpetuall close prisoners therby to shorten their liues and to cut off all meanes either of their owne maintenance from them or wherby they might any way satisfie the Que●…ne Thus play they with poore Christians as the catte doth with the mo●…se boldly committing them vnto and taking them f●…om the seculer powers at their owne pleasure abusing the Queenes lawes and most faithfull subi●…ctes at their owne lust without checke or controulement they being subiect and liable to no lawe To such a heigth is this strange Romish spanish Court now growne vnder colour of ●…eforming ●…cclesiasticall abus●…s that yt vsurpeth absolute power ouer al law●…s caus●…s persons 〈◊〉 yea and becommeth the very fountaine or synke rather from whence flow al errors abuses and disorders into the whole lād yt being the very bane poyson both of the church and common welth that ●…uer going forge of Sathan wherin he daily mint●…th al his antichr●…stian new deuises decrees for this monstrous harlot the false Church that Senate wherin all their affaires are cons●…lted that Councel wherin all their decrees are concluded a Synode wherin all causes are debated a schoole wherin al questions are disputed a fayre wherin all their wares are sould This monstrous Court taketh vtterly away the power and stoppeth the course of Gods word of his Church and of the godly lawes of the land preiudicial yt is to the prerogatiue of the Prince to the iurisdiction of her ●…oyall Courts to the libertie of her free subiects to the great Cha●…r of England as their practise euidently sheweth How contrarie yt is vnto God vnto al the rules of his word euen by this summarie recitall insufficient description of their doings at the first reading may appeare to al men that wil bring them to the light So barbarous is th●…ir power so odious their proceedings as no apologie cā be made for them vnlesse by the same they wil also iustifie the authoritie of the Pope and proceedings of the spanish inquisition both vvhich yet heerin they exceed in that this Court hath power to make lawes o●…dināces for al churches without their consent which the Pope cannot doe as also in that this Court hath power iurisdiction ouer many almost al ciuil causes which the spanish inquisition hath not Let not my words be wrasted or misconstrued to the reproch of these honorable personages such ciuile magistrates as are of this Cōmission whose ciuil offices persons we from our hearts vnfainedly honour and reuerence yet can the authority of their personages no way iustifie the vnlawfulnes of this Commission or hide the vngodlines of the BBs proceedings therin with whose crafty practises we suppose they are not made acquainted being tised into this Cōmission by the sub●…ilty of the BBs who suppose to fortifie their anti●…hristian power popish regiment by the authority and countenance of the these honorable reuerend men