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A53708 Meditations and discourses on the glory of Christ, in his person, office, and grace with the differences between faith and sight applied unto the use of them that believe / by the late Reverend John Owen, D.D. Owen, John, 1616-1683. 1641 (1641) Wing O769A; ESTC R38162 148,329 290

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able to receive them to keep and preserve them as also to dispose of them into a state of Rest and Blessedness are required of us THE Soul is now parting with all things here below and that for ever None of all the things which it hath seen heard or enjoyed by its outward senses can be prevailed with to stay with it one hour or to take one step with it in the Voyage wherein it is ingaged It must alone by it self lanch into eternity It is entring an Invisible World which it knows no more of than it hath received by Faith None hath come from the dead to inform us of the State of the other World Yea God seems on purpose so to conceal it from us that we should have no evidence of it at least as unto the manner of things in it but what is given unto Faith by Divine Revelation Hence those who died and were raised again from the dead unto any continuance among men as Lazarus probably knew nothing of the Invisible State Their Souls were preserved by the Power of God in their Being but bound up as unto present Operations This made a great Emperor cry out on the approach of Death O animula tremula vagula blandula quae nunc abibis in loca horrida squalida c. O poor trembling wandring Soul into what places of darkness and defilement art thou going HOW is it like to be after the few moments which under the pangs of Death we have to continue in this World Is it an Annihilation that lies at the door is Death the Destruction of our whole Being so as that after it we shall be no more So some would have the state of things to be Is it a state of subsistence in a wandring condition up and down the World under the Influence of other more powerful Spirits that rule in the Air visiting Tombs and Solitary places and sometimes making appearances of themselves by the Impressions of those more powerful Spirits as some imagine from the story concerning Samuel and the Witch of Endor and as it is commonly received in the Papacy out of a compliance with their Imagination of Purgatory Or is it a state of universal misery and wo a state incapable of comfort or joy Let them pretend what they please who can understand no comfort or joy in this Life but what they receive by their Sences they can look for nothing else And whatever be the state of this Invisible World the Soul can undertake nothing of its own conduct after its departure from the Body It knows that it must be absolutely at the disposal of another WHEREFORE no man can comfortably venture on and into this condition but in the exercise of that Faith which enables him to resign and give up his departing Soul into the Hand of of God who alone is able to receive it and to dispose it into a Condition of Rest and Blessedness So speaks the Apostle I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day HEREIN as in all other Graces is our Lord Jesus Christ our great example He resigned his departing Spirit into the hands of his Father to be owned and preserved by him in its state of Separation Father into thy hands I commit my spirit Luk. 23. 46 as did the Psalmist his Type in an alike condition Psal. 31. 5. But the Faith of our Lord Jesus Christ herein the object and exercise of it what he believed and trusted unto in this Resignation of his Spirit into the Hand of God is at large expressed in the sixteenth Psalm I have saith he set the Lord always before me because he is at my right hand I shall not be moved therefore my heart is glad and my glory rejoyceth my flesh also shall rest in hope For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell neither wilt thou suffer thine holy one to see corruption Thou wilt shew me the path of life in thy presence is fulness of joy at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore He left his Soul in the hand of God in full assurance that it should suffer no evil in its state of Separation but should be brought again with his Body into a blessed Resurrection and eternal Glory So Stephen resigned his Soul departing under violence into the hands of Christ himself When he died he said Lord Jesus receive my Spirit THIS is the last Victorious act of Faith wherein its conquest over its last enemy Death it self doth consist Herein the Soul says in and unto it self Thou art now taking leave of Time unto eternity all things about thee are departing as shades and will immediately disappear The things which thou art entring into are yet invisible Such as eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor will they enter into the heart of man fully to conceive Now therefore with quietness and confidence give up thy self unto the Sovereign Power Grace Truth and Faithfulness of God and thou shalt find assured rest and peace BUT Jesus Christ it is who doth immediately receive the Souls of them who believe in him So we see in the instance of Stephen And what can be a greater encouragement to resign them into his hands than a daily Contemplation of his Glory in his Person his Power his Exaltation his Office and Grace Who that believes in him that belongs unto him can fear to commit his departing Spirit unto his Love Power and Care Even we also shall hereby in our dying moments see by Faith Heaven opened and Jesus standing at the right hand of God ready to receive us This added unto the Love which all Believers have unto the Lord Jesus which is enflamed by Contemplation of his Glory and their desires to be with him where he is it will strengthen and confirm our minds in the Resignation of our departing Souls into his hand SECONDLY It is required in us unto the same end that we be ready and wiling to part with the flesh wherewith we are cloathed with all things that are useful and desirable thereunto The Alliance the Relation the Friendship the Union that are between the Soul and the Body are the greatest the nearest the firmest that are or can be among meer created Beings There is nothing like it nothing equal unto it The Union of Three persons in the one single Divine Nature and the Union of two Natures in one person of Christ are infinite ineffable and exempted from all comparison But among created Beings the Union of these two essential parts of the same Nature in one Person is most excellent Nor is any thing equal to it or like it found in any other Creatures Those who among them have most of life have either no Bodies as Angels or no Souls but what perish with them as all Brute creatures below ANGELS being pure immaterial Spirits have nothing in them nothing belonging
bodily and that for ever Col. 2. 9. Of him who was made flesh and dwelt among us Joh. 1. 14. The Eternal Fire of the Divine Nature dwells in the Bush of our frail Nature yet is not consumed thereby God thus dwells in this Bush with all his Good will towards Sinners MOSES looked on this sight as a marvellous and wondrous thing And if it were so in the Type what is it in the Truth Substance and Reality of it AND by Direction given unto him to put off his shooes we are taught to cast away all fleshly Imaginations and carnal Affections that by pure Acts of Faith we may behold this Glory the Glory of the only begotten of the Father I DESIGN not here to insist on the Explication or Confirmation of this glorious Truth concerning the constitution of the Person of Christ in and by his Incarnation What I can comprehend what I do believe concerning it I have fully declared in a large peculiar Treatise Here I take the Truth it self as known or as it may be thence learned My present Business is only to stir up the Minds of Believers unto a due Contemplation of the Glory of Christ in the sacred Mysterious Constitution of his Person as God and Man in one So much as we abide herein so much do we live by the Faith of the Son of God and God can by a Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation open the Eyes of our Understandings that we may behold this Glory unto our ineffable Consolation and Joy And unto the diligent Discharge of our Duty herein I shall offer the ensuing Directions 1. LET us get it fixed on our Souls and in our Minds that this Glory of Christ in the Divine Constitution of his Person is the best the most noble useful beneficial Object that we can be conversant about in our Thoughts or or cleave unto in our Affections What are all other things in comparison of the Knowledge of Christ In the Judgment of the great Apostle they are but Loss and Dung Phil. 3. 8 9 10. So they were to him and if they are not so to us we are carnal WHAT is the World and what are the things thereof which most men spend their Thoughts about and fix their Affections on The Psalmist gives his Judgment about them in comparison of a View of this Glory of Christ Psal. 4. 6. Many say who will shew us any good Who will give and help us to attain so much in and of this World as will give Rest and Satisfaction unto our Minds That is the good-enquired after But saith he Lord lift up the Light of thy Countenance upon us The Light of the Glory of God in the Face of Christ Jesus is that satisfactory Good alone which I desire and seek after THE Scripture reproacheth the Vanity and Folly of the Minds of Men in that they spend their Money for that which is not Bread and their Labour for that which profiteth not They ingage the Vigor of their Spirits about perishing things when they have durable Substance and Riches proposed unto them HOW do Men for the most part exercise their Minds What are they conversant about in their Thoughts SOME by them make provision for the flesh to fulfil it in the Lusts thereof as Rom. 13. 14. They search about continually in their Thoughts for Objects suited unto their Lusts and carnal Affections coyning framing and stamping of them in their Imaginations They fix their Eyes with delight on Toads and Serpents with all noisome filthy Objects refusing in the mean time to behold the Beauty and Glory of the Light of the Sun So is it with all that spend their Thoughts about the Objects of their sinful Pleasures refusing to look up after one view of this Glory of Christ. SOME keep their Thoughts in continual Exercise about the Things of this World as unto the Advantages and Emoluments which they expect from them Hereby are they transformed into the Image of the World becoming earthly carnal and vain Is it because there is no God in Israel that these Applications are made unto the Idol of Ekron That there is no Glory no desirableness in Christ for Men to enquire after and fix their Minds upon Oh the blindness the darkness the folly of poor sinners Whom do they despise and for what SOME of more refined parts and notional Minds do arise unto a sedulous Meditation on the Works of Creation and Providence Hence many excellent Discourses on that Subject adorned with Eloquence are published among us And a Work this is worthy of our Nature and suited unto our rational Capacities yea the first end of our natural Endowment with them But in all these things there is no Glory in comparison of what is proposed unto us in the mysterious Constitution of the Person of Christ. The Sun hath no Glory the Moon and Stars no Beauty the Order and Influence of the Heavenly Bodies have no Excellency in comparison of it This is that which the Psalmist designs to declare Psal. 8. O Lord our Lord how excellent is thy Name in all the earth Who hast set thy Glory above the heavens When I consider thy heavens the work of thy Fingers the Moon and the Stars which thou hast ordained what is Man that thou are mindful of him and the Son of man that thou visitest him For thou hast made him a little lower than the Angels and hast crowned him with glory and honor thou hast made him to have Dominion over the work of thy hands thou hast put all things under his feet HE is engaged in a Contemplation of the Glory of God in his Works and he concludes that the Fabrick of Heaven with the Moon and Stars therein for it was his Meditation by Night when he beheld them was exceeding glorious and greatly to be admired This casts his Thoughts on the poor weak infirm Nature of Man which seems as nothing in comparison of those Glories above But immediately hereon falls into an Admiration of the Wisdom Goodness and Love of God exalting that Nature incomparably above all the Works of Creation in the Person of Jesus Christ as the Apostle expounds this place Heb. 2. 5 6. THIS therefore is the highest the best the most useful Object of our Thoughts and Affections He who hath had a real View of this Glory though he know himself to be a poor sinful dying Worm of the Earth yet would he not be an Angel in Heaven if thereby he should loose the sight of it for this is the Center wherein all the Lines of the Manifestation of the Divine Glory do meet and rest LOOK unto the things of this World Wives Children Possessions Estates Power Friends and Honor how amiable are they How desirable unto the Thoughts of the most of Men But he who hath obtained a View of the Glory of Christ will in the midst of them all say Whom have I in Heaven but thee There is none on Earth that I
Experience of any such thing who never had any refreshing communion with him cannot be sensible of his Absence they never were so of his Presence But those whom he hath visited to whom he hath given of his Loves with whom he hath made his Abode whom he hath refreshed relieved and comforted in whom he hath lived in the Power of his Grace they know what it is to be forsaken by him though but for a moment And their Trouble is increased when they seek him with diligence in the wonted ways of obtaining his presence and cannot find him Our Duty in this case is to presevere in our Enquiries after him in Prayer Meditation Mourning Reading and Hearing of the Word in all Ordinances of Divine Worship private and publick in diligent Obedience until we find him or he return unto us as in former Days IT were well if all Churches and Possessors now would manifest the same Diligence herein as did the Church of old in this Example Many of them if they are not hardened by the Deceitfulness of Sin cannot but be sensible that the Lord Christ is variously withdrawn from them if ever they had experience of the Power of his Presence Yet are the generality of them far from the frame of heart here described in the Spouse for they are slothful careless negligent and stir not up themselves to enquire after him or his return unto their Souls So was it with Laodicea of old so was it with Sardis and so it is to be feared that it is with many at present But to return GENERALLY Christ is nigh unto Believers and of a ready Access and the principal Actings of the Life of Faith consists in the frequency of our Thoughts concerning him for hereby Christ liveth in us as he is said to do Gal. 2. 20. This we cannot do unless we have frequent thoughts of him and converse with him It is often said among Men that one lives in another this cannot be but where the Affections of one are so ingaged unto another that night and day he thinks of him and is thereby as it were present with him So ought it to be between Christ and Believers He dwells in them by Faith but the Actings of this Life in them as where-ever Life is it will be in act and exercise are proportionable unto their Thoughts of him and Delight in him IF therefore we would behold the Glory of Christ the present direction is That on all occasions and frequently when there are no occasions for it by the performance of other Duties we would abound in thoughts of Him and his Glory I intend not at present fixed and stated Meditations which were spoken unto before but such Thoughts as are more transient according as our opportunities are And a great Rebuke it ought to be unto us when Christ hath at any time in a day been long out of our Minds The Spouse affirms That ere she was aware her soul made her as the Chariots of Amminadeb Cant. 7. 12. It so fell out that when she had no thoughts no design or purpose for attendance or communion with Christ that she was surprised into a readiness and willingness unto it So will it be with them that love him in sincerity Their own Souls without previous designs or outward occasions will frequently engage them in holy thoughts of him which is the most eminent character of a truly spiritual Christian. 4. THE next Direction is That all our Thoughts concerning Christ and his Glory should be accompanied with Admiration Adoration and Thanksgiving For this is such an Object of our Thoughts and Affections as in this Life we can never fully comprehend an Ocean whose Depths we cannot look into If we are spiritually renewed all the Faculties of our Souls are enabled by Grace to exert their respective powers towards this glorious Object This must be done in various Duties by the Exercise of various Graces as they are to be acted by the distinct powers of the Faculties of our Minds This is that which is intended where we are commanded to love the Lord with all our souls with all our minds with all our strength All the distinct powers of our Souls are to be acted by distinct Graces and Duties in cleaving unto God by Love In Heaven when we are come to our Center that State of Rest and Blessedness which our Nature is ultimately capable of nothing but one infinite invariable Object of our Minds and Affections received by Vision can render that State uninterrupted and unchangeable But whilst we are here we know or see but in part and we must also act our Faith and Love on parts of that Glory which is not at once entirely proposed unto us and which as yet we cannot comprehend Wherefore we must act various Graces in great Variety about it some at one time some at another according unto the powers of all our renewed Faculties Of this sort are those mentioned of Adoration Admiration and Thanksgiving which are those Acts of our Minds wherein all others do issue when the Object is incomprehensible For unto them we are enabled by Grace ONE end of his illustrious coming unto the Judgment of the last Day is that he may be admired in all them that believe 2 Thes. 1. 11. Even Believers themselves shall be filled with an overwhelming Admiration upon his glorious Appearance Or if the meaning be not that he shall be admired by them but admired in them because of the mighty Works of his Grace and Power in their Redemption Sanctification Resurrection and Glory it is to the same purpose he comes to be admired And according to the prospect which we have of that Glory ought our Admiration to be AND this Admiration will issue in Adoration and Thanksgiving whereof we have an eminent Instance and Example in the whole Church of the Redeemed Rev. 5. 9 10 11 12 13 14. They sang a new Song saying Worthy art thou to receive the Book and to open the Seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast bought us unto God by thy Blood out of every Tribe and Tongue and People and Nation and hast made us Kings and Priests unto God and we shall reign upon the Earth And I saw and heard the Voice of many Angels round about the Throne and of the living Creatures and of the Elders and the Number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands saying with a loud Voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing and every Creature that is in Heaven and in the Earth and under the Earth and that are in the Sea and all things in them heard I saying Blessing and Honour and Power and Glory be unto him that sits on the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever THE Design of this Discourse is no more but that when by Faith we have attained a View of the
its Fruits and Effects with sundry other Considerations of the like Nature By a distinct Prospect and Admiration of these Things the Soul may walk in this Paradise of God and gather here and there an Heavenly Flower conveying unto it a sweet Savour of this Love of Christ. See Cant. 11. 2 3 4. MOREOVER Be not contented to have right Notions of the Love of Christ in your Minds unless you can attain a gracious Taste of it in your Hearts no more than you would be to see a Feast or Banquet richly prepared and partake of nothing of it unto your Refreshment It is of that Nature that we may have a spiritual Censation of it in our Minds whence it is compared by the Spouse to Apples and Flagons of Wine We may taste that the Lord is gracious And if we find not a Relish of it in our Hearts we shall not long retain the Notion of it in our Minds Christ is the Meat the Bread the Food of our Souls Nothing is in him of an higher spiritual Nourishment than his Love which we should always desire IN this Love is he Glorious for it is such as no Creatures Angels or Men could have the least Conceptions of before its Manifestation by its Effects And after its Manifestation it is in this World absolutely incomprehensible CHAP. VI. The Glory of Christ in the Discharge of his Mediatory Office AS the Lord Christ was Glorious in the Susception of his Office So was he also in its Discharge An unseen Glory accompanied him in all that he did in all that he suffered Unseen it was unto the Eyes of the World but not in his who alone can judge of it Had Men seen it they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory Yet to some of them it was made manifest Hence they testified that in the Discharge of his Office they beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father Joh. 1. 14. And that when others could see neither Form nor Comliness in him that he should be desired Psal. 53. 2. and so it is at this day I shall only make some few Observations first on what he did in a way of Obedience and then on what he suffered in the Discharge of his Office so undertaken by him 1. WHAT he did what Obedience he yielded unto the Law of God in the Discharge of his Office with respect whereunto he said Lo I come to do thy Will O God yea thy Law is in my Heart it was all on his own free choice or Election and was resolved thereinto alone It is our Duty to endeavor after Freedom Willingness and Chearfulness in all our Obedience Obedience hath its formal Nature from our Wills So much as there is of our Wills in what we do towards God so much there is of Obedience and no more Howbeit we are antecedently unto all Acts of our own Wills obliged unto all that is called Obedience From the very Constitution of our Natures we are necessarily subject unto the Law of God All that is left unto us is a voluntary Compliance with unavoidable Commands with him it was not so An Act of his own Will and Choice preceded all Obligation as unto Obedience He obeyed because he would before because he ought He said Lo I come to do thy Will O God before he was obliged to do that Will. By his own Choice and that in an Act of Infinite Condescention and Love as we have shewed he was made of a woman and thereby made under the Law In his Divine Person he was Lord of the Law above it no more obnoxious unto its Commands than its Curse Neither was he afterwards in himself on his own Account unobnoxious unto its Curse merely because he was Innocent but also because he was every way above the Law it self and all its force This was the Original Glory of his Obedience The Wisdom the Grace the Loye the Condescention that was in this Choice animated every Act every Duty of his Obedience rendring it amiable in the sight of God and useful unto us So when he went unto John to be baptized he who knew he had no need of it on his own Account would have declined the Duty of administring that Ordinance unto him but he replied Suffer it to be so now for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness Mat. 3. 15. This I have undertaken willingly of my own accord without any need of it for my self and therefore will discharge it For him who was Lord of all universally thus to submit himself to Universal Obedience carrieth along with it an Evidence of Glorious Grace 2. THIS Obedience as unto the use and end of it was not for himself but for us We were obliged unto it and could not perform it he was not obliged unto it any otherwise but by a free Act of his own Will and did perform it God gave him this Honour that he should obey for the whole Church that by his obedience we should be made righteous Rom. 5. 19. Herein I say did God give him Honour and Glory that his Obedience should stand in the stead of the perfect Obedience of the Church as unto Justification 3. HIS Obedience being absolutely universal and absolutely perfect was the great Representative of the Holiness of God in the Law It was represented glorious when the Ten Words were written by the Finger of God in Tables of Stone It appears yet more eminently in the Spiritual Transcription of it in the Hearts of Believers But absolutely and perfectly it is exemplified only in the Holiness and Obedience of Christ which answered it unto the utmost And this is no small Part of his Glory in Obedience that the Holiness of God in the Law was therein and therein alone in that one Instance as unto human Nature fully represented 4. HE wrought out this Obedience against all Difficulties and Oppressions For although he was absolutely free from that Disorder which in us hath invaded our whole Natures which internally renders all Obedience difficult unto us and perfect Obedience impossible yet as unto Opposition from without in Temptations Sufferings Reproaches Contradictions he met with more than we all Hence is that glorious Word Although he were a Son yet he learned Obedience by the things which be suffered Heb. 5. 8. See our Exposition of that place But 5. THE Glory of this Obedience ariseth principally from the Consideration of the Person who thus yielded it unto God This was no other but the Son of God made Man God and Man in one Person He who was in Heaven above all Lord of all at the same time lived in the World in a Condition of no Reputation and a Course of the strictest Obedience unto the whole Law of God He unto whom Prayer was made prayed himself Night and Day He whom all the Angels of Heaven and all Creatures worshiped was continually conversant in all the Duties of the Worship of God He who
IN this State all things that were made depended immediately on God himself without the Interposition of any other Head of Influence or Rule They had the Continuance of their Being and its Preservation from the immediate Actings of these Properties of the Divine Nature whereby they were made and their Dependance on God was by Vertue of that Law which was implanted on the Principles and Powers of their several Natures by God himself 5. THUS in the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth He provided himself of two distinct Rational Families that should depend on him according to a Law of Moral Obedience and thereby give Glory to him with two distinct Habitations for them cognate unto their Nature and Use Heaven above and the Earth beneath The Earth he appointed for the Habitation of Man which was every way suited unto the Constitution of his Nature the Preservation of his Being and the End of his Creation in giving Glory to God Heaven he prepared for the Habitation of the Angels which was suited unto the Constitution of their Nature the Preservation of their Being and the End of their Creation in giving Glory to God Wherefore as Man had Power and Dominion over all things here below and was to use them all unto the Glory of God by which means God received Glory from them also though in themselves bruit and inanimate so the Angels had the like Dominion over the Coelestial and AEtherial Bodies wherewith God had fitted the Place of their Habitation that through the Contemplation and Use of them God might have a Revenue of Glory and Praise from them also To suppose any other Race of Intellectual Creatures besides Angels in Heaven and Men on Earth is not only without all Countenance from any Divine Testimony but it disturbs and disorders the whole Representation of the Glory of God made unto us in the Scripture and the whole Design of his Wisdom and Grace as declared therein Intellectual Creatures not comprehended in that Government of God and Mystery of his Wisdom in Christ which the Scripture Reveals are a Chimera framed in the Imaginations of some Men scarce duly sensible of what it is to be wise unto Sobriety 6. THIS Order of things was beautiful and comely Hence were they all said to be exceeding good For each of these Families had their own immediate distinct Dependance on God He was the immediate Head of them There was no other common Head interposed between God and them They were not an Head unto one another There were no Communications unto them but what were immediate from God himself And their Union among themselves was in this alone that all their Obedience did meet and center in God So God made the Heavens and the Earth and two distinct Families in them for himself 7. THIS beautiful Order in it self this Union between the two Families of God was disturbed broken dissolved by the Entrance of Sin For hereby part of the Family above and the whole Family below fell off from their Dependance on God and ceasing to center in him as their Head they fell into Variance and Enmity among themselves For the Center of this Union and Order being removed and lost nothing but Enmity and Confusion remained among them Hereon to shew that its Goodness was lost God cursed the Earth and all that was in it for it was put in Subjection unto Man who was now fallen from him Howbeit he cursed not the Heavens which were in Subjection unto the Angels because some of them only left their Habitation and the Habitation of the Residue was not to be cursed for their Sakes But Mankind was wholly gone off from God 8. THE Angels that sinned God utterly rejected for ever as an Example of his Severity the whole Race of Mankind he would not utterly cast off but determined to recover and save a Remnant according to the Election of Grace which how he did it in a way of Condecency unto all his Divine Perfections I have elsewhere declared 9. HOWBEIT he would not restore them into their former State so as to have again two distinct Families each in an immediate Dependance on himself though he left them in different and distinct Habitations Eph. 3. 15. But he would gather them both into one and that under a new Head in whom the one Part should be preserved from sinning and the other delivered from sin committed 10. THIS then is that which the Apostle declares in these Words To gather together in one all things which are in Heaven and which are in Earth even in him And so he again expresseth it Col. 1. 20. To reconcile all things unto himself in him whether they are things in Heaven or things in Earth all things were fallen into disorder and confusion by sin they were fallen off from God into variance among themselves God would not restore them into their first Order in an immediate Dependance on his Divine Perfections He would no longer keep them in two distinct Families but he would in his infinite Wisdom and Goodness gather them up into one common Head on whom they should have their immediate Dependance and be reconciled again among themselves 11. THIS New Head wherein God hath gathered up all things in Heaven and Earth into one one Body one Family on whom is all their dependance in whom they all now consist is Jesus Christ the Son of God incarnate see 1 Cor. 11. 3. Eph. 1. 21 22 23. This Glory was reserved for him none other could be meet for it or worthy of it see Col. 1. 17 18 19 20. 12. TO answer all the Ends of this New Head of Gods recollected Family all Power in Heaven and Earth all Fulness of Grace and Glory is committed unto him There is no Communication from God no Act of Rule towards this Family no Supply of Vertue Power Grace or Goodness unto Angels or Men but what is immediately from this New Head whereinto they are gathered In him they all consist on him do they depend unto him are they subject in their Relation unto him doth their Peace Union and Agreement among themselves consist This is the Recapitulation of all things intended by the Apostle 13. IT is true that he acts distinctly and variously towards the two parts of the Recollected Family of Angels and Men according as their different States and Conditions do require For 1. We had need of a Reparation by Redemption and Grace which the Angels had not 2. Angels were capable of immediate Confirmation in Glory which we are not until we come to Heaven Therefore 1. He assumed our Nature that it might be repaired which he did not the Nature of the Angels 2. He gives us Union unto himself by his Spirit which exalts us into a Dignity and Honour meet for Fellowship with them in the same Family THIS is a brief Account of the mysterious Work of Divine Wisdom in the Recapitulation of all things in Jesus Christ and
herein is he transcendently glorious or his Glory herein is far above our Comprehension Yet some few things may be observed to direct us in the View and Contemplation of it As 1. HE alone was a meet and capable Subject of it He only could bear the weight of this Glory No meer Creature in Heaven or Earth was meet to be thus made the Head of the whole new Creation of God In none of them could all things consist None of them was meet to be thus in the Place of God to have all things depend upon him and be put in subjection unto him so as that there should be no Communication between God and the Creation but by and through him alone Wherefore when the holy Ghost assigns this Glory unto him he so describes him as that we may discern his singular meetness for it as that he is the Brightness of the Fathers Glory and the express Image of his Person upholding all things by the Word of his Power Heb. 1. 3. That he is the Image of the invisible God the first born of every Creature by whom all things were created that are in Heaven and that are in the Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things consist Col. 1. 15 16 17 18 19. Such an one alone and no other was meet to bear and uphold this Glory And the Glory of his Person is such as that it is the Blessedness of all Creatures to center in this Glory of his Office 2. THIS is that Glory which God designed unto his only Son incarnate and it gives us a little View into the Glory of that Mystery the wonderful eternal Design of God to glorifie himself in the Incarnation of Christ. God would have his eternal his only begotten Son to be incarnate to take our Nature on him to be made Man What is his Design in this incomprehensible Work of his Wisdom Love and Power Indeed in the first place it was for the Redemption of the Church by the Sacrifice of himself and other Acts of his Mediation But there is that which is more general and comprehensive and wherein all the conoerns of the Glory of God do center And this was that he might gather all things into one in him that the whole Creation especially that which was to be eternally blessed should have a new Head given unto it for its Sustentation Preservation Order Honor and Safety All Springs are in him and all Streams are unto him and in and by him unto God Who can express the Divine Beauty Order and Harmony of all things that are in this their Recapitulation in Christ The Union and Communion between Angels and Men the Order of the whole Family in Heaven and Earth the Communication of Life Grace Power Mercy and Consolation to the Church the Rule and Disposal of all things unto the Glory of God do all depend hereon This Glory God designed unto his Son incarnate and it was the greatest the highest that could be communicated unto him For as the Apostle observes All things are put in subjection unto him he only excepted who doth so make them subject that is God the Father 1 Cor. 15. THERE is no Contemplation of the Glory of Christ that ought more to affect the Hearts of them that do believe with Delight and Joy than this of the Recapitulation of all things in him One View by Faith of him in the place of God as the supream Head of the whole Creation moving acting guiding and disposing of it will bring in spiritual Refreshment unto a believing Soul AND it will do so the more in that it gives a glorious Representation of his Divine Nature also For that any meer Creature should thus be an Head of Life Motion and Power as also of soveraign Rule and disposal of the whole new Creation with all things reduced into order thereby is not only an impious but a foolish Imagination DID we live more in the Contemplation of this Glory of Christ and of the Wisdom of God in this Recapitulation of all things in him there is not any thing of our Duty which it would not mind us of nor any thing of Priviledge which it would not give us a Sence of as might easily be demonstrated 3. IN particular the Lord Christ is glorious herein in that the whole Breach made on the Glory of God in the Creation by the Entrance of Sin is hereby repaired and made up The Beauty and Order of the whole Creation consisted in its dependance on God by the Obedience of the rational Part of it Angels and Men. Thereby were the being the goodness the wisdom and power of God made manifest But the Beauty of this Order was defaced and the Manifestation of the Divine Perfections unto the glory of God eclipsed by the Entrance of Sin But all is restored repaired and made up in this Recapitulation of all things in one new Head Christ Jesus yea the whole curious Frame of the Divine Creation is rendred more beautiful than it was before Hence the whole of it groaneth for the Interest of each Part in this Restauration of all things Whatever there is of Order of Beauty of Glory in Heaven above or in Earth beneath it all ariseth from this new Relation of the Creation unto the Son of God Whatever is not gathered into one even in him in its place and according to its measure is under Darkness Disorder and the Curse Hence the Jews have a saying that in the days of the Messiah all things shall be healed but the Serpent that is the Devil and wicked Men which are as his Seed 4. HE is glorious herein in that he is appointed as the only means of exerting and expressing all the Treasures of the Infinite Wisdom of God towards his Creatures The Wisdom of God is absolutely always and in all things Infinite God doth not God cannot act with more Wisdom in one thing than in another as in the Creation of man than in that of any inanimate Creatures In the first Creation Infinite Wisdom was the inseparable companion of Infinite Power How marvellous are thy works O Lord in Wisdom hast thou made them all But when the effects of this Divine Wisdom in their principal beauty and glory were defaced greater Treasures of Wisdom were required unto their Reparation And in this Recollection of all things in Christ did God lay them forth unto the utmost of whatever he will do in dealing with his Creatures so the Apostle expresseth it Ephes. 3. 10. To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God By the Recapitulation of all things into this one head the manifold various unsearchable Wisdom of God was made known unto the Angels themselves They knew not before of the Design and
Eyes We know not here what power and spirituality there will be in the acts of our glorified Bodies Such they will be as shall bear a part in eternal Blessedness Holy Stephen the first Martyr took up somewhat of Glory by Anticipation before he died For when he was brought to his Tryal before the Council all that sate therein looking stedfastly on him saw his face as the face of an Angel Act. 6. 15. He had his Transfiguration according unto his measure answerable unto that of our Blessed Saviour in the Mount And by this initial Beam of Glory he received such a piercing vivacity and edge on his bodily eyes that through all those inconceivable distances between the earth and the residence of the Blessed he looked stedfastly into Heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God Act. 7. 55 56. Who then can declare what will be the power and acting of this sense of sight when perfectly glorified or what sweetness and refreshment may be admitted into our Souls thereby IT was a priviledge who would not have longed to partake of it to have seen him with our bodily eyes in the days of his flesh as did the Apostles and other his Disciples Howbeit he was not then glorified himself in the manifestation of his Glory nor they who saw him in the change or transformation of their nature How great this privilenge was himself declares unto those that so saw him Mat. 13. 17. Verily I say unto you that many Prophets and righteous Men have desired to see those things which ye see whereunto we shall speak immediately And if this were so excellent a priviledge as that we cannot but congratulate them by whom it was enjoyed how excellent how glorious will it be when with these eyes of ours gloriously purified and strengthned beyond those of Stephen we shall behold Christ himself immediately in the fulness of his Glory He alone perfectly understands the greatness and excellency hereof who prayed his Father that those who believe in him may be where he is so to behold his Glory THESE are some of the grounds of this first difference between our beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith here and by immediate Vision hereafter Hence the one is weak imperfect obscure reflexive the other direct immediate eaven and constant and we may stay a little in the contemplation of these things THIS view of the Glory of Christ which we have now spoken unto is that which we are breathing and panting after that which the Lord Christ prays that we may arrive unto that which the Apostle testifies to be our best the best thing or state which our nature is capable of that which brings eternal rest and satisfaction unto our Souls HERE our Souls are burthened with innumerable Infirmities and our Faith is clogged in its Operations by Ignorance and Darkness This makes our best estate and highest attainments to be accompanied with groans for deliverance We which have received the first fruits of the spirit even we our selves groan within our selves waiting for the Adoption even the redemption of the body Rom. 8. 23. Yea whilst we are in this Tabernacle we groan earnestly as being burthened because we are not absent from the body and present with the Lord 2 Cor. 5. 2 4 8. The more we grow in Faith and Spiritual Light the more sensible are we of our present burthens and the more vehemently do we groan for deliverance into the perfect liberty of the Sons of God This is the posture of their minds who have received the first fruits of the Spirit in the most eminent degree The nearer any one is to Heaven the more earnestly he desires to be there because Christ is there For the more frequent and steady are our views of him by faith the more do we long and groan for the removal of all obstructions and interpositions in our so doing Now groaning is a vehement desire mixed with sorrow for the present want of what is desired The desire hath sorrow and that sorrow hath joy and refreshment in it like a shower that falls on a Man in a Garden in the Spring it wets him but withall refresheth him with the Savor it causeth in the Flowers and Herbs of the Garden where he is And this groaning which when it is constant and habitual is one of the choicest effects of Faith in this life respects what we would be delivered from and what we would attain unto The first is expressed Rom. 7. 24. The other in the places now mentioned And this frame with an intermixture of some sighs from weariness by the troubles sorrows pains sicknesses of this life is the best we can here attain unto ALAS we cannot here think of Christ but we are quickly ashamed of and troubled at our own thoughts So confused are they so unsteady so imperfect Commonly they issue in a groan or a sigh Oh when shall we come unto him when shall we be ever with him when shall we see him as he is And if at any time he begins to give more than ordinary evidences and intimations of his Glory and Love unto our Souls we are not able to bear them so as to give them any abiding residence in our Minds But ordinarily this trouble and groaning is amongst our best attainments in this World a trouble which I pray God I may never be delivered from until deliverance do come at once from this state of mortality Yea the good Lord encrease this trouble more and more in all that believe THE heart of a believer affected with the Glory of Christ is like the Needle touched with the Loadstone It can no longer be quiet no longer be satisfied in a distance from him It is put into a continual motion towards him The motion indeed is weak and tremulous Pantings breathings sighings groanings in prayer in meditations in the secret recesses of our Minds are the life of it However it is continually pressing towards him But it obtains not its point it comes not to its center and rest in this World BUT now above all things are clear and serene all plain and evident in our beholding the Glory of Christ we shall be ever with him and see him as he is This is Heaven this is Blessedness this is Eternal Rest. THE Person of Christ in all his Glory shall be continually before us and the eyes of our understandings shall be so gloriously illuminated as that we shall be able steadily to behold and comprehend that Glory BUT alas here at present our Minds recoil our Meditations fail our Hearts are overcome our Thoughts confused and our Eyes turn aside from the Lustre of this Glory nor can we abide in the Contemplation of it But there an immediate constant view of it will bring in everlasting refreshment and joy unto our whole Souls THIS beholding of the Glory of Christ given him by his Father is indeed subordinate unto the ultimate vision of
him wherein God purposed and designed to glorifie himself in him Now this is all that may be known of God in a saving manner especially his Wisdom his Love his Goodness Grace and Mercy whereon the Life of our Souls doth depend And the Lord Christ being appointed the only Way and Means hereof how exceeding glorious must he be in the Eyes of them that do believe THESE things being premised I shall close this first Consideration of that Glory of Christ which we behold by Faith in this World with some such Observations as may excite us unto the Practise of this great Duty and Improvement of this great Priviledge the greatest which on this side Heaven we can be made Partakers of THERE are some who regard not these things at all but rather despise them They never entertain any serious thoughts of obtaining a View of the Glory of God in Christ which is to be Unbelievers They look on him as a Teacher that came forth from God to reveal his Will and to teach us his Worship and so indeed he was But this they say was the sole use of his Person in Religion which is Mahumetism The Manifestation of all the holy Properties of the Divine Nature with the Representation of them unto Angels above and the Church in this World as he is the Image of the invisible God in the Constitution of his Person and the Discharge of his Office are things they regard not yea they despise and scorn what is professed concerning them for Pride and Contempt of others were always the safest Covert of Ignorance otherwise it would seem strange that Men should openly boast of their own Blindness But these Conceptions of Mens Minds are influenced by that Unbelief of his Divine Person which maketh havock of Christianity at this Day in the World I speak of them whose minds are better disposed towards heavenly things and unto them I say Wherefore do you love Jesus Christ for so you profess to do Wherefore do you trust in him Wherefore do you honour him Wherefore do you desire to be in Heaven with him Can you give a reason of this hope that is in you An account why you do all or any of these things If you cannot all that you pretend towards him is but fancy and imagination you fight uncertainly as men beating the air or is one of your reasons hereof That in him you do by Faith behold that glory of God with the Holy Properties of his Nature and their Principal Operations in order unto your own Salvation and Blessedness which otherwise would have been eternally hid from you Hereon is he precious unto them that do believe LET us therefore as many as are spiritual be thus minded Let us make use of this Priviledge with rejoycing and be found in the discharge of this Duty with diligence For thus to behold the glory of Christ is both our priviledge and our duty The duties of the Law were a burthen and a yoke but those of the Gospel are Priviledges and Advantages IT is a Promise concerning the days of the New Testament that our eyes shall see the King in his beauty Isa. 33. 17. We shall behold the Glory of Christ in its Lustre and Excellency What is this Beauty of the King of Saints Is it not that God is in him and he is the great representative of his Glory unto us Wherefore in the contemplation of this Glory consists the principal exercise of Faith And who can declare the Glory of this Priviledge That we who are born in Darkness and deserved to be cast out into utter Darkness should be translated into this marvellous Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ. WHAT are all the stained Glories the fading Beauties of this World Of all that the Devil shewed our Saviour from the Mount What are they in comparison of one View of the Glory of God represented in Christ and of the Glory of Christ as his great Representative THE most pernicious effect of Unbelief under the preaching of the Gospel is that together with an influence of Power from Satan it blinds the eyes of mens minds that they should not see this Glory of Christ whereon they perish eternally 2 Cor. 4. 3 4. BUT the most of those who at this day are called Christians are strangers unto this duty Our Lord Jesus Christ told the Pharisees that notwithstanding all their boasting of the knowledge of God they had not heard his voice at any time nor seen his shape that is as Moses did They had no real acquaintance with him they had no spiritual view of his Glory and so it is amongst our selves Notwithstanding the general profession that is of the Knowledge of Christ they are but few who thus behold his Glory and therefore few who are transformed into his Image and Likeness SOME Men speak much of the Imitation of Christ and following of his Example and it were well if we could see more of it really in effect But no Man shall ever become like unto him by bare Imitation of his Actions without that view or intuition of his Glory which alone is accompanied with a transforming power to change them into the same image THE Truth is the best of us all are wofully defective in this Duty and many are discouraged from it because a Pretence of it in some hath degenerated into Superstition But we are loth at any time seriously to engage in it and come with an unwilling kind of Willingness unto the Exercise of our Minds in it THOUGHTS of this Glory of Christ are too high for us or too hard for us such as we cannot long delight in we turn away from them with a kind of Weariness yet are they of the same Nature in general with our beholding of the Glory of Christ in Heaven wherein there shall be no weariness or Satiety unto Eternity Is not the Cause of it that we are unspiritual or carnal having our Thoughts and Affections wonted to give Entertainment unto other things For this is the principal Cause of our Unreadiness and Incapacity to exercise our Minds in and about the great Mysteries of the Gospel 1 Cor. 3. 1 2 3. And it is so with us moreover because we do not stir up our selves with Watchfulness and Diligence in continual Actings of Faith on this Blessed Object This is that which keeps many of us at so low an Ebb as unto the Powers of an Heavenly Life and spiritual Joys DID we abound in this Duty in this Exercise of Faith our Life in walking before God would be more sweet and pleasant unto us our spiritual Light and Strength would have a daily Encrease we should more represent the Glory of Christ in our Ways and Walking than usually we do and Death it self would be most welcome unto us THE Angels themselves desire to look into the things of the Glory of Christ 1 Pet. 1. 10 12. There is in them
Truth Where is the Wise Where is the Scribe Where is the Disputer of this World Hath not God made foolish the Wisdom of this World For after that in the Wisdom of God the World by Wisdom knew not God it pleased God by the foolishness of Preaching to save them that believe For the Jews require a sign and the Gentiles seek after Wisdom but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a Stumbling-block and unto the Greeks Foolishness but unto them that are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the Power of God and the Wisdom of God 1 Cor 1. 20 21 22 23 24. AFTER it was evident unto all that the World the Wise the Studious the Contemplative Part of it in the Wisdom of God disposing them into that Condition wherein they were left unto themselves in their own Wisdom their Natural Light and Reason did not could not come to the saving Knowledge of God but were puffed up into a Contempt of the only way of the Revelation of himself as Weakness and Folly it pleased God then to manifest all their Wisdom to be Folly and to establish the only Means of the Knowledge of himself in Christ Jesus CHAP. III. The Glory of Christ in the Mysterious Constitution of his Person THE Second Thing wherein we may behold the Glory of Christ given him of his Father is in the Mysterious Constitution of his Person as he is God and Man in one and the same Person There are in him in his one single individual Person two distinct Natures The one Eternal Infinite Immense Almighty the Form and Essence of God The other having a beginning in Time Finite Limited Confined unto a certain Place which is our Nature which he took on him when he was made Flesh and dwelt among us The Declaration of the Nature of this Glory is a Part of my Discourse of the Person of Christ whereunto I refer the Reader My present Design is of another Nature THIS is that Glory whose Beams are so illustrious as that the blind World cannot bear the Light and Beauty of them Multitudes begin openly to deny this Incarnation of the Son of God this Personal Union of God and Man in their distinct Natures They deny that there is either Glory or Truth in it and it will ere long appear it begins already to evidence it self what greater Multitudes there are who yet do not who yet dare not openly reject the Doctrine of it who in Truth believe it not nor see any Glory in it Howbeit this Glory is the Glory of our Religion the Glory of the Church the sole Rock whereon it is built the only Spring of present Grace and future Glory THIS is that Glory which the Angels themselves desire to behold the Mystery whereof they bow down to look into 1 Pet. 1. 12. So was their Desire represented by the Cherubims in the most holy Place of the Tabernacle for they were a Shadow of the Ministry of Angels in the Church The Ark and Mercy Seat were a Type of Christ in the Discharge of his Office and these Cherubims were made standing over them as being in Heaven above but earnestly looking down upon them in a Posture of Reverence and Adoration So they did of Old and in their present Contemplation of it consists no small part of their Eternal Blessedness HEREON depends the Ruine of Satan and his Kingdom His Sin so far as we can conceive consisted of two Parts 1. His Pride against the Person of the Son of God by whom he was created For by him were all things created that are or were when first created in Heaven whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers Col. 1. 16. Against him he lifted up himself which was the Beginning of his Transgression 2. Envy against Mankind made in the Image of God of the Son of God the First-born This compleated his Sin nothing was now left whereon to act his Pride and Malice Unto his Eternal Confusion and Ruine God in infinite Wisdom unites both the Natures he had sinned against in the one Person of the Son who was the first Object of his Pride and Malice Hereby his Destruction is attended with Everlasting Shame in the Discovery of his Folly wherein he would have contended with infinite Wisdom as well as Misery by the Powers of the two Natures united in one Person HERE lies the Foundation of the Church The Foundation of the whole Old Creation was laid in an Act of absolute Soveraign Power Hereby God hanged the Earth upon nothing But the Foundation of the Church is on this Mysterious immoveable Rock Thou art Christ the Son of the living God on the most intimate Conjunction of the two Natures the Divine and Humane in themselves infinitely distant in the same Person WE may name one place wherein it is gloriously represented unto us Isa. 9. 6. For unto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given and the Government shall be on his Shoulders and his Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of Peace Here must the whole Church fall down and worship the Author of this wonderful Contrivance and captivating their Understandings unto the Obedience of Faith humbly adore what they cannot comprehend THIS was obscurly represented unto the Church of old Exo. 3. 2 3 4 5 6. And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a Flame of Fire out of the midst of a Bush and he looked and behold the Bush burned with Fire and the Bush was not consumed And Moses said I will now turn aside and see this great Sight why the Bush is not burnt And when the Lord saw that he turned aside to see God called unto him out of the midst of the Bush and said Moses Moses and he said here am I. And he said draw not nigh hither put of thy Shooes from off thy Feet for the Place whereon thou standest is holy Ground Moreover he said I am the God of thy Fathers the God of Abraham c. THIS Fire was a Type or Declaration of the Presence of God in the Person of the Son For with respect unto the Father he is called an Angel the Angel of the Covenant but absolutely in himself he was Jehovah the God of Abraham c. And of his Presence the Fire was a proper Representation For in his Nature he is as a Consuming Fire and his present Work was the Delivery of the Church out of a Fiery Tryal This Fire placed it self in a Bush where it burned but the Bush was not consumed And although the Continuance of the Fire in the Bush was but for a short season a present Appearance yet thence was God said to dwell in the Bush The good will of him that dwelt in the Bush Deut. 33. 16. And this is so spoken because the being of the Fire in the Bush for a season was a Type of him in whom the fulness of the Godhead dwelt
desire besides thee Psal. 73. 25. For who in the Heavens can be compared unto the Lord Who among the Sons of the mighty can be compared unto the Lord Psal. 89. 6. HE himself out of his infinite Love and ineffable Condescention upon the Sight and View of his Church and his own Graces in her wherewith she is adorned doth say Thou hast ravished my Heart my Sister my Spouse thou hast ravished my Heart with one of thine Eves with one Chain of thy Neck Cant. 4. 8. How much more ought a believing Soul upon a View of the Glory of Christ in whom it pleased the Father that all Fulness should dwell to say Thou hast ravished my Heart taken it away from me O thou whom my Soul loveth One Glance of thy glorious Beauty upon me hath quite overcome me hath left no heart in me unto things here below If it be not thus with us frequently if we value not this Object of our Minds and Affections if we are not diligent in looking up unto him to behold his Glory it is because we are carnal and not in any good measure partakers of the promise that our Eyes shall see the King in his Beauty 2. OUR second Direction unto the same End is That we diligently study the Scripture and the Revelations that are made of this Glory of Christ therein To behold it is not a Work of Fancy or Imagination It is not conversing with an Image framed by the Art of Men without or that of our own Fancy within but of Faith exercised on Divine Revelations This Direction he gives us himself Joh 5. 39. Search the Scriptures for they are they that testifie of me The way whereby this is done is fully set before us in the Example of the holy Prophets under the old Testament 1 Pet. 1. 11 12 13. THIS Principle is always to be retained in our Minds in reading of the Scripture namely that the Revelation and Doctrine of the Person of Christ and his Office is the Foundation whereon all other Instructions of the Prophets and Apostles for the edification of the Church are built and wherein to they are resolved as is declared Ephes. 2. 20 21 22. So our Lord Jesus Christ himself at large makes it manifest Luk. 24. 26 27 45 46. Lay aside the Consideration hereof and the Scriptures are no such thing as they pretend unto namely a Revelation of the Glory of God in the Salvation of the Church nor are those of the Old Testament so at this Day unto the Jews who own not this Principle 2 Cor. 3. 13 14 15 16. There are therefore such Revelations of the Person and Glory of Christ treasured up in the Scripture from the beginning unto the end of it as may exercise the Faith and Contemplation of Believers in this World and shall never during this Life be fully discovered or understood and in Divine Meditations of these Revelations doth much of the Life of Faith consist THERE are three ways whereby the Glory of Christ is represented unto us in the Scripture First by direct Descriptions of his glorious Person and Incarnation See among other places Gen. 3. 15. Psal. 2. 7 8 9. Psal. 45. 2 3 4 5 6. Psal. 68. 17 18. Psal. 110. Isa. 6. 1 2 3 4. Chap. 9. 6. Zech. 2. 8. Joh. 1. 1 2 3. Phil. 2. 6 7 8. Heb. 1. 1 2 3. Chap. 2. 14 15 16. Rev. 1. 17 18. Secondly by Prophecies Promises and express Instructions concerning him all leading unto the Contemplation of his Glory which are innumerable Thirdly By the sacred Institutions of Divine Worship under the Old Testament For the end of them all was to represent unto the Church the Glory of Christ in the Discharge of his Office as we shall see afterwards WE may take notice of an Instance in one kind under the Old Testament and of one and another under the New HIS Personal Appearances under the Old Testament carried in them a Demonstration of his Glory Such was that in the Vision which Isaiah had when he saw his Glory and spake of him Chap. 6. 1 2. I saw the Lord sitting upon a Throne high and lifted up and his Train filled the Temple About it stood the Seraphims c. It was a Representation of the Glory of the Divine Presence of Christ filling his Humane Nature the Temple of his Body with a Train of all glorious Graces And if this Typical Representation of it was so glorious as that the Seraphims were not able stedfastly to behold it but covered their Faces upon its Appearance v. 2. how exceeding glorious is it in it self as it is openly revealed in the Gospel OF the same Nature are the immediate Testimonies given unto him from Heaven in the New Testament So the Apostle tells us he received from God the Father honor and glory when there came such a Voice unto him from the excellent Glory This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased 2 Pet. 1. 17. The Apostle intends the Time of his Transfiguration in the Mount for so he adds Ver. 18. And this Voice which came from Heaven we heard who were with him in the holy Mount Howbeit at sundry other times he had the same Testimony or to the same purpose from God even the Father in Heaven Herein God gave him Honor and Glory which all those that believe in him should behold and admire not only those who heard this Testimony with their bodily Ears but all unto whom it is testified in the Scripture are obliged to look after and contemplate on the Glory of Christ as thus revealed and proposed From the Throne of his Excellency by audible Voices by visible Signs by the opening of the Heavens above by the descent of the holy Spirit upon him God testified unto him as his eternal Son and gave him therein Honor and Glory The Thoughts of this Divine Testimony and the Glory of Christ therein hath often filled the Hearts of some with Joy and Delight THIS therefore in reading and studying the holy Scripture we ought with all diligence to search and attend unto as did the Prophets of old 1. Pet. 11. 12. if we intend by them to be made wise unto Salvation WE should herein be as the Merchant-man that seeks for Pearls he seeks for all sorts of them but when he hath found one of Great Price he parts with all to make it his own Mat. 13. 45 46. The Scripture is the Field the Place the Mine where we search and dig for Pearls see Prov. 2. 1 2 3 4 5. Every sacred Truth that is made effectual unto the good of our Souls is a Pearl whereby we are enriched but when we meet with when we fall upon this Pearl of price the Glory of Christ this is that which the Soul of a Believer cleaves unto with joy THEN do we find Food for our Souls in the Word of Truth then do we taste how gracious the Lord is therein then is the
Glory of Christ in our Contemplations on his Person we should not pass it over as a Notion of Truth which we assent unto namely that he is thus glorious in himself but endeavor to affect our Hearts with it as that wherein our own principal Interest doth lie wherein it will be effectual unto the Transformation of our Souls into his Image BUT some it may be will say at least I fear some may truly say That these things do not belong unto them they do not find that ever they had any Benefit by them They hope to be saved as well as others by the Mediation of Christ but as unto this beholding of his Glory by constant Meditation and Actings of Faith therein they know nothing of it nor are concerned in it The Doctrine which they are taught out of the Scripture concerning the Person of Christ they give their Assent unto but his Glory they hope they shall see in another World here they never yet enquired after it SO it will be It is well if these things be not only neglected because the Minds of Men are carnal and cannot discern spiritual things but also despised because they have an Enmity unto them It is not for all to walk in these retired Paths Not for them who are negligent and slothful whose Minds are earthly and carnal Nor can they herein sit at the Feet of Christ with Mary when she chose the better part who like Martha are cumbred about many things here in this World Those whose principal Design is to add unto their present Enjoyments in the midst of the prosecution whereof they are commonly taken from them so as that their Thoughts do perish because not accomplished will never understand these things Much less will they do so whose Work it is to make provision for the Flesh to fulfil it in the Lusts thereof THEY must make it their Design to be heavenly minded who will find a Relish in these things Those who are Strangers unto holy Meditation in general will be Strangers unto this Mystery in a peculiar manner SOME Men can think of the World of their Relations and the manifold Occasions of Life but as unto the things that are above and within the Vail they are not concerned in them WITH some it is otherwise They profess their Desire to behold the Glory of Christ by Faith but they find it as they complain too high and difficult for them They are at a Loss in their Minds and even overwhelmed when they begin to view his Glory They are like the Disciples who saw him in his Transfiguration they were filled with Amazement and knew not what to say or said they knew not what And I do acknowledge that the Weakness of our Minds in the comprehension of this Eternal Glory of Christ and their Instability in Meditations thereon whence we cannot stedfastly look on it or behold it gives us an afflicting abasing Consideration of our present State and Condition And I shall say no more unto this Case but this alone When Faith can no longer hold open the Eyes of our Understandings unto the beholding of the Son of Righteousness shining in his Beauty nor exercise orderly Thoughts about this incomprehensible Object it will betake it self unto that holy Admiration which we have spoken unto and therein it will put it self forth in pure Acts of Love and Complacency CHAP. IV. The Glory of Christ in his Susception of the Office of a Mediator First in his Condescention THE Things whereof we have thus far discoursed relating immediately unto the Person of Christ in it self may seem to have somewhat of Difficulty in them unto such whose Minds are not duly exercised in the Contemplation of Heavenly Things Unto others they are evident in their own Experience and instructive unto them that are willing to learn That which remains will be yet more plain unto the Understanding and Capacity of the meanest Believer And this is the Glory of Christ in his Office of Mediator and the Discharge thereof IN our beholding of the Glory of Christ herein doth the Exercise of Faith in this Life principally consist so the Apostle declares it Phil. 3. 8 9 10 11 12. Yea doubtless and I count all things loss for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. To know him and the Power of his Resurrection and the Fellowship of his Sufferings and to be made conformable unto his Death This therefore we must treat of somewhat more at large THERE is one God saith the Apostle and one Mediator between God and Man the Man Christ Jesus 1 Tim. 2. 5. In that great difference between God and Man occasioned by our Sin and Apostacy from him which of it self could issue in nothing but the utter Ruine of the whole Race of Mankind there was none in Heaven or Earth in their Original Nature and Operations who was meet or able to make up a Righteous Peace between them Yet must this be done by a Mediator or cease for ever THIS Mediator could not be God himself absolutely considered for a Mediator is not of one but God is one Gal. 3. 20. Whatever God might do herein in a way of Sovereign Grace yet he could not do it in the way of Mediation which yet was necessary unto his own Glory as we have at large discoursed elsewhere AND as for Creatures there was none in Heaven or Earth that was meet to undertake this Office For if one Man sin against another the Judge shall judge herein but if a Man sin against the Lord who shall entreat for him 1 Sam. 2. 25. There is not any days man betwixt us to lay his hand upon us both Job 9. 33. IN this State of Things the Lord Christ as the Son of God said Lo I come to do thy Will O God sacrifice and burnt offerings thou wouldst not but a body hast thou prepared me and Lo I come to do thy Will Heb. 10. 5 6 7 8 9. By the Assumption of our Nature into Union with himself in his one Divine Person he became every way meet for the Discharge of this Office and undertakes it accordingly THAT which we enquire after at present is the Glory of Christ herein and how we may behold that Glory And there are three things wherein we may take a prospect of it 1. IN his Susception of this Office 2. In his Discharge of it 3. In the Event and Consequence thereof or what ensued thereon IN the Susception of this Office we may behold the Glory of Christ. 1. In his Condescention 2. In his Love 1. WE may behold his Glory in his Infinite Condescention to take this Office on him and our Nature to be his own unto that end It did not befall him by Lot or Chance it was not imposed on him against his Will it belonged not unto him by any Necessity of Nature or Condition he stood not in need of it it was no addition unto him but of his own
Work of God after the Entrance of Sin These could not comprehend the Wisdom that might repair that Loss They knew not that Divine Wisdom had another way to take herein at least they knew not what way that should be But hereby the manifold Wisdom of God his infinite Wisdom in the Treasures of it able by various ways to attain the ends of his Glory was made known unto them Herein namely in the Recollection of all things in Christ Divine Wisdom hath made known and represented it self in all its Stores and Treasures unto Angels and Men. In him are hid and by him are displayed all the treasures of Wisdom Col. 2. 3. Herein is he glorious and will be so to Eternity 5. He is glorious herein in that hereby firmness and security is communicated unto the whole new Creation The first Creation in its Order was a curious and glorious Fabrick But every thing depending immediately on God by vertue of the Principles of its own Nature and the Law of its Obedience all was brought unto a Loss by the sin of Angels and Men. But now every thing that belongs unto this new Creation even every Believer in the World as well as the Angels in Heaven being gathered together in this one Head the whole and all and every part and member of it even every particular Believer are secured from Ruine such as befel all things before In this New Head they have an indissoluble Consistency BUT manum de Tabula I shall insist on no more Instances of this Nature-which plentifully offer themselves in the Scripture unto us For who can declare this glory of Christ Who can speak of these things as he ought I am so far from designing to set forth the whole of it that I am deeply sensible how little a Portion I can comprehend of the least part of it Nor can I attain unto any Satisfaction in these Meditations but what Issue in an humble Admiration CHAP. XII Differences between our beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith in this World and by sight in Heaven The first of them explained WE walk here by faith and not by sight 2 Cor. 5. 7. That is in the Life of God in our walking before him in the whole of our Obedience therein we are under the Conduct and Influence of Faith and nor of Sight Those are the two spiritual Powers of our Souls by the one whereof we are made Partakers of Grace Holiness and Obedience in this Life and by the other of eternal Blessedness and Glory BOTH these namely Faith and Sight the one in this Life the other in that which is to come have the same immediate Object For they are the Abilities of the Soul to go forth unto and to embrace their Object Now this Object of them both is the Glory of Christ as hath been declared as also what that glory is and wherein it doth consist wherefore my present Design is to enquire into the difference that is between our beholding of the Glory of Christ in this World by Faith and the Vision which we shall have of the same Glory hereafter THE latter of these is peculiarly intended in that Prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ for his Disciples Joh. 17. 24. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me may be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me But I shall not distinctly insist upon it my design being another way respecting principally the Work of God in this Life and the Priviledges which we enjoy thereby Yet I shall now take a short Prospect of that also not absolutely but in the Differences that are between Faith and Sight or the View which we have of the glory of Christ in this World by Faith and that which they enjoy by Vision who are above the Object of them both being adequately the same BUT herein also I shall have respect only unto some of those things which concern our Practise or the present immediate Exercise of Faith For I have elsewhere handled at large the State of the Church above or that of present glory giving an account of the Administration of the Office of Christ in Heaven his Presence among the glorified Souls and the Adoration of God under his Conduct I have also declared the Advantage which they have by being with him and the Prospect they have of his glory Therefore these things must here be only touched on THESE Differences may be referred unto two heads 1. Those which arise from the different Natures and Actings of those Means and Instruments whereby we apprehend this glory of Christ namely Faith and Vision And 2. Those that arise from the different Effects produced by them Instances in each kind shall be given 1. THE View which we have of the glory of Christ by Faith in this World is obscure dark inevident reflexive So the Apostle declares 1 Cor. 12. 12. Now we see through a Glass darkly 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Through or by a Glass in a Riddle a Parable a dark Saying There is a double figurative Limitation put upon our View of the glory of Christ taken from the two ways of our Perception of what we apprehend namely the Sight of things and the hearing of Words THE first is that we have this View not directly but reflexively and by way of a Representation as in a Glass For I take the Glass here not to be Optical or a Prospective which helps the Sight but a Speculum or a Glass which reflects an Image of what we do behold It is a Sight like that which we have of a Man in a Glass when we see not his Person or Substance but an Image or Representation of them only which is imperfect The Shadow or Image of this glory of Christ is drawn in the Gospel and therein we behold it as the Likeness of a Man represented unto us in a Glass and although it be obscure and imperfect in comparison of his own real substantial glory which is the Object of Vision in Heaven yet is it the only Image and Representation of himself which he hath left and given unto us in this World That woful cursed Invention of framing Images of him out of Stocks and Stones however adorned or Representations of him by the Art of painting are so far from presenting unto the Minds of Men any thing of his real glory that nothing can be more effectual to divert their Thoughts and Apprehensions from it But by this figurative Expression of seeing in a Glass the Apostle declares the comparative Imperfection of our present View of the glory of Christ. BUT the Allusion may be taken from an Optick Glass or Tube also whereby the sight of the Eye is helped in beholding things at a great distance By the aid of such Glasses Men will discover Stars or heavenly Lights which by reason of their distance from us the Eye of it self is no way able to discern And those which
it is granted unto us for this end that we may the more fervently desire to be present with him AND as it was their Wisdom and their Grace to rejoyce in the Light they had and in those typical Administrations of Divine Worship which shadowed our the Glory of Christ unto them yet did always pant after that more excellent Light and full Discovery of it which was to be made by the Gospel So it will be ours also thankfully to use and improve the Revelations which we enjoy of it and those Institutions of Worship wherein our Faith is assisted in the view thereof yet so as continually to breath after that perfect that glorifying sight of it which is reserved for Heaven above AND may we not a little examine our selves by these things Do we esteem this pressing towards the perfect view of the Glory of Christ to be our Duty and do we abide in the performance of it If it be otherwise with any of us it is a signal evidence that our Profession is Hypocritical If Christ be in us he is the hope of Glory in us and where that hope is it will be active in desires of the things hoped for Many love the World to well and have their minds too much filled with the things of it to entertain desires of speeding through it unto a state wherein they may behold the Glory of Christ. They are at home and are unwilling to be absent from the body tho to be present with the Lord. They hope it may be that such a season will come at one time or another and then it will be the best they can look for when they can be here no more But they have but a little sight of the Glory of Christ in this World by Faith if any at all who so little so faintly desire to have the immediate sight of it above I cannot understand how any Man can walk with God as he ought or hath that Love for Jesus Christ which true Faith will produce or doth place his Refreshments and Joy in spiritual things in things above that doth not on all just occasions so meditate on the Glory of Christ in Heaven as to long for an admittance into the immediate sight of it OUR Lord Jesus Christ alone perfectly understood wherein the Eternal Blessedness of them that believe in him doth consist And this is the sum of what he prays for with respect unto that end namely that we may be where he is to behold his Glory And is it not our Duty to live in a continual desire of that which he prayed so earnestly that we might attain If in our selves we as yet apprehend but little of the Glory the Excellency the Blessedness of it yet ought we to repose that confidence in the Wisdom and Love of Christ that it is our best infinitely better than any thing we can enjoy here below UNTO those who are inured unto those Contemplations they are the salt of their Lives whereby every thing is condited and made savory unto them as we shall shew afterwards And the want of spiritual diligence herein is that which hath brought forth a negligent careless wordy profession of Religion which countenancing it self with some outward Duties hath lost out of it the power of Faith and Love in their principal Operations Hereby many deceive their own Souls Goods Lands Possessions Relations Trades with secular Interests in them are the things whose Image is drawn on their Minds and whose Characters are written on their Foreheads as the Titles whereby they may be known As believers beholding the Glory of Christ in the blessed Glass of the Gospel are changed into the same Image and Likeness by the Spirit of the Lord so these Persons beholding the Beauty of the World and the Things that are in it in the cursed Glass of Self-love they are in their minds changed into the same Image Hence perplexing Fears vain Hopes empty Embraces of perishing things fruitless desires earthly carnal designs cursed self-pleasing Imaginations feeding on and being fed by the Love of the World and self do abide and prevail in them But we have not so learned Christ Jesus CHAP. XIII The second Difference between our beholding the Glory of Christ by Faith in this World and by Sight in Heaven FAITH is the Light wherein we behold the Glory of Christ in this World And this in its own Nature as unto this great End is weak and imperfect like weak Eyes that cannot behold the Sun in its Beauty Hence our sight of it differs greatly from what we shall enjoy in Glory as hath been declared But this is not all it is frequently hindred and interrupted in its Operations or it loseth the view of its object by one means or other As he who sees any thing at a great distance sees it imperfectly and the least interposition or motion takes it quite out of his sight So is it with our Faith in this matter whence sometimes we can have little sometimes no sight at all of the Glory of Christ by it And this gives us as we shall see another Difference between Faith and Sight NOW although the consideration hereof may seem a kind of Diversion from our present Argument yet I choose to insist upon it that I may evidence the Reasons whence it is that many have so little experience of the things whereof we have treated that they find so little of Reallity or Power in the exercise of this Grace or the performance of this Duty For it will appear in the issue that the whole defect is in themselves the truth it self insisted on is great and efficacious 1. WHILST we are in this life the Lord Christ is pleased in his Sovereign Wisdom sometimes to withdraw and as it were to hide himself from us Then do our Minds fall into Clouds and Darkness Faith is at a loss we cannot behold his Glory yea we may seek him but cannot find him So Job complains as we observed before Behold I go forward but he is not there and backward but I cannot perceive him on the left hand where he doth work but I cannot behold him he hideth himself on the right hand that I cannot see him Chap. 23. 8 9. Which way soever I turn my self whatever are my endeavours in what way or work of his own I seek him I cannot find him I cannot see him I cannot behold his Glory So the Church also complains Verily thou art a God that hidest thy self O God of Israel the Saviour Isa. 45. 15. And the Psalmist How long Lord wilt thou hide thy self for ever Psal. 89. 46. This hiding of the face of God is the hiding of the shining of his Glory in the face of Christ Jesus and therefore of the Glory of Christ himself for it is the Glory of Christ to be the Representative of the Glory of God The Spouse in the Canticles is often at a loss and herein bemoans her self that her Beloved was withdrawn
contrary to the promise of Christ himself who hath assured that even 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 even now in this life in this world distinct from eternal life in the world to come we shall receive an hundred-fold recompence for all that we can lose or suffer for his his sake Mat. 10. 30. as also unto the experience of them who in all ages have taken joyfully the spoiling of their goods as knowing in themselves by the experience which they have of its first fruits that they have in heaven a better and more abiding substance Heb. 10. 29 30. If we come short in a participation of these things if we are strangers unto them the blame is to be laid on our selves alone as it shall be immediately declared NOW the design of the Lord Christ in thus withdrawing himself from us and hiding his glory from our view being the exercise of our Graces and to stir us up unto diligence in our enquiries after him here lieth our guidance and direction in this case Do we find our selves lifeless in the spiritual duties of Religion Are we strangers unto the heavenly visits of consolation and joys those visitations of God whereby he preserves our souls Do we seldom enjoy a sense of the shedding abroad of his love in our hearts by the holy Ghost We have no way of Recovery but this alone To this strong Tower must we turn our selves as Prisoners of hope unto Christ must we look that we may be saved It is a steady view or contemplation of his Glory by faith alone that will bring in all these things in a lively experience in our hearts and souls AGAIN In the second place it is from our selves principally if we lose the views of the Glory of Christ and the exercise of faith be obstructed therein All our spiritual disadvantages do arise from our selves It is the remainder of lusts and corruptions in us either indulged by sloth and negligence or excited and inflamed by Satans Temptations that do obstruct us in this duty Whilst they are in any disorder or disturbance it is in vain for us to expect any clear view of this Glory THAT view of the Glory of Christ whereof we treat consists in two things namely its especial Nature and its necessary Adjunct or effect The first is a spiritual perception or understanding of it as revealed in the Scriptures For the revelation of the Glory of his Person Office and Grace is the Principal Subject of them and the principal Object of our Faith And the other consists in multiplied thoughts about him with actings of Faith in Love Trust Delight and longing after the the full enjoyment of him 1 Pet. 1. 8. If we satisfie our selves in meer notions and speculations about the Glory of Christ as doctrinally revealed unto us we shall find no transforming power or efficacy communicated unto us thereby But when under the conduct of that spiritual Light our affections do cleave unto him with full purpose of heart our minds are filled with thoughts of him and delight in him and faith is kept up unto its constant exercise in Trust and Affiance on him virtue will proceed from him to purifie our hearts increase our holiness strengthen our Graces and to fill us sometimes with joy unspeakable and full of Glory This is the just temperature of a state of spiritual health namely when our Light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in Christ doth answer the means of it which we enjoy and when our Affections unto Christ do hold proportion unto that light and this according unto the various degrees of it for some have more and some have less Where Light leaves the Affections behind it ends in Formality or Atheism And where Affections outrun Light they sink in the Bog of Superstition doting on Images and Pictures or the like But where things go not into these excesses it is better that our affections exceed our light on the defect of our understandings than that our light exceed our affections from the corruption of our wills In both these is the exercise of faith frequently interrupted and obstructed by the remainder of corruption in us especially if not kept constantly under the discipline of Mortification but some way indulged unto For 1. THE steam of their disorder will cloud and darken the understanding that it shall not be able clearly to discern any spiritual object least of all the greatest of them There is nothing more acknowledged even in things natural and moral than that the disorder of the passions and affections will blind darken and deceive the mind in its Operations And it is much more so in things spiritual wherein that Disorder is an immediate Rebellion against its proper conducting Light that is against the Light and Rule of Grace THERE are three sorts of them unto whom the Gospel is preached in whom there are various Obstructions of this view 1. THERE is in obstinate unbelievers a darkness that is an effect of the power of Satan on their minds in blinding of them which makes it impossible for them to behold any thing of the Glory of Christ. So the Apostle declares it If our Gospel be hid it is hid unto them that are lost in whom the God of this World hath blinded the minds of them that believe not lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God should shine unto them 2 Cor. 4. 3 4. Of these we do not speak 2. THERE is in all men a corrupt natural darkness or such a depravation of their minds by nature as that they cannot discern this Glory of Christ in a due manner Hence the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehendeth it not John 1. 5. For the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God for they are foolishness unto him neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned 1 Cor. 2. 14. Hence it is that although Christ be preached among us continually yet there are very few who discern any Glory or Beauty in him for which he should be desired as the Prophet complains Isa. 53. 1 2. But I speak not of this natural darkness in general But even these persons have their minds filled with prejudices against the Gospel and darkned as unto the Glory of Christ according as corrupt lusts and affections are prevalent in them see Joh. 1. 44. chap. 12. 43. Hence is the difference that is among the common hearers of the word For although no man can do any thing of himself for the receiving of Christ and the beholding of his Glory without the especial aid of the Grace of God Mat. 11. 24. John 6. 44 45 Yet some may make more opposition unto believing and lay more hindrances in their own way than others which is done by their lusts and corruptions 3. THERE are those in whom both these evils are cured by faith wherein the eyes of our understandings are enlightened to
Matter of Enquiry and Instruction for the most high and holy Spirits in Heaven The manifold Wisdom of God in them is made known unto Principalities and Powers in heavenly Places by the Church Ephes. 3. 10. And shall we neglect that which is the Object of Angelical Diligence to enquire into especially considering that we are more than they concerned in it IS Christ then thus glorious in our Eyes Do we see the Father in him or by seeing of him Do we sedulously daily contemplate on the Wisdom Love Grace Goodness Holiness and Righteousness of God as revealing and manifesting themselves in him Do we sufficiently consider that the immediate Vision of this Glory in Heaven will be our everlasting Blessedness Doth the imperfect View which we have of it here encrease our Desires after the perfect Soght of it above With respect unto these Enquiries I shall briefly speak unto sundry sorts of Men. SOME will say they understand not these things nor any Concernment of their own in them If they are true yet are they Notions which they may safely be without the Knowledge of for so far as they can discern they have no Influence on Christian Practice or Duties of Morality And the preaching of them doth but take off the Minds of Men from more necessary Duties But if the Gospel be hid it is hid unto them that perish And unto the Objection I say 1. NOTHING is more fully and clearly revealed in the Gospel than that unto us Jesus Christ is the Image of the invisible God that he is the Character of the Person of the Father so as that in seeing him we see the Father also that we have the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in his Face alone as hath been proved This is the Principal Fundamental Mystery and Truth of the Gospel and which if it be not received believed owned all other Truths are useless unto our Souls To refer all the Testimonies that are given hereunto to the Doctrine which he taught in Contradistinction unto his Person as acting in the Discharge of his Office is Antievangilical Antichristian turning the whole Gospel into a Fable 2. IT is so that the Light of Faith is given unto us principally to enable us to behold the Glory of God in Christ to contemplate on it as unto all the Ends of its Manifestation So is it expresly affirmed 2 Cor. 4. 6. If we have not this Light as it is communicated by the Power of God unto them that do believe Ephes. 1. 17 18 19. we must be Strangers unto the whole Mystery of the Gospel 2 Cor. 4. 3 4. 3. THAT in the beholding of the Glory of God in Christ we behold his Glory also For herein is he infinitely glorious above the whole Creation in that in and by him alone the Glory of the Invisible God is represented unto us Herein do our Souls live This is that whereby the Image of God is renewed in us and we are made like unto the First born 4. THIS is so far from being unnecessary unto Christian Practice and the sanctified Duties of Morality that he knows not Christ he knows not the Gospel he knows not the Faith of the Catholick Church who imagins that they can be performed acceptably without it Yea this is the Root whence all other Christian Duties do spring and whereon they grow whereby they are distinguished from the Works of Heathens He is no Christian who believes not that Faith in the Person of Christ is the Spring of all Evangelical Obedience or who knows not that this Faith respects the Revelation of the Glory of God in him IF these things are so as they are the most important Truths of the Gospel and whose Denial overthrows the Foundation of Faith and is ruinous to Christian Religion Certainly it is our Duty to live in the constant Exercise of Faith with respect unto this Glory of Christ. And we have sufficient Experience of what kind of Morality the Ignorance of it hath produced OTHERS there are who may be some way Strangers but are no way Enemies unto this Mystery and to the practical Exercise of Faith therein Unto such I shall tender the ensuing Directions 1. RECKON in your Minds that this beholding of the Glory of Christ by beholding the Glory of God and all his Holy Properties in him is the greatest Priviledge whereof in this Life we can be made Partakers The Dawning of Heaven is in it and the First Fruits of Glory for this is Life Eternal to know the Father and whom he hath sent Christ Jesus John 17. 3. Unless you value it unless you esteem it as such a Priviledge you will not enjoy it and that which is not valued according unto its Worth is despised It is not enough to think it a Priviledge an Advantage but it is to be valued above other things according unto its Greatness and Excellency Destruction and Death say we have heard the Fame of it with our Ears Job 28. 22. And if we do no more we shall die Strangers unto it We are to cry after this Knowledge and lift up our Voice for this Understanding if we design to attain it 2. AS it is a great Priviledge which requires a due Valuation so it is a great Mystery which requires much Spiritual Wisdom to the right understanding of it and to direct in its Practise 1 Cor. 2. 4 5. Flesh and Blood will not reveal it unto us but we must be taught of God to apprehend it John 1. 12 13. Mat. 16. 16 17. Mere unsanctified Reason will never enable us unto nor guide us in the Discovery of this Duty Men are not so vain as to hope for Skill and Understanding in the Mystery of a secular Art or Trade without the diligent Use of those Means whereby it may be attained and shall we suppose that we may be furnished with spiritual Skill and Wisdom in this sacred Mystery without Diligence in the Use of the Means appointed of God for the attaining of it The Principal of them is Fervent Prayer Pray then with Moses that God would shew you this his Glory pray with the Apostle that the Eyes of your Understandings may be enlightened to behold it Pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory may give unto you the spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the Knowledge of him Fill your Minds with spiritual Thoughts and Contrivances about them Slothful and lazy Souls never obtain one View of this Glory the Lion in the way deters them from attempting it Being carnal they abhor all Diligence in the Use of spiritual Means such as Prayer and Meditation on things unto them uneasie unpleasing and difficult Unto others the Way partakes of the Nature of the End the Means of obtaining a View of the Glory of Christ are of the same Kind of the same Pleasantness with that View it self in their Proportion 3. LEARN the Use hereof from the Actings of contrary