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A39885 God's goodness to this Israel in all ages being the substance of some sermons on Psalm LXXIII, I/ by J.F., minister of the gospel. J. F. (James Forbs), 1629?-1712. 1700 (1700) Wing F1443; ESTC R32028 51,365 93

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Night is far spent the day is at hand let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and lets us put on the armour of light let us walk honestly as in the day not in rioting and drunkenness not in strife and envying not in Chambering and wantonness but put ye on the Lord Jesus 4. Take all in good part that comes from the Hands of a good God Learn Contentation with a suffering Condition and a persecuted State Live by Faith on the promises made to persons in such a Condition John 16.33 In the World ye shall have tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the World Mark 10.29 30. Jesus saith unto them verily I say unto you there is no Man that hath left house or brethren or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for my sake and the gospels but he shall receive an hundred-fold in this time houses and brethren and sisters and mothers and children and lands with persecutions and in the world to come eternal life Matth. 5.10 11. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven blessed are ye when Men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil of you falsely for my sake Rejoyce and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven so persecuted they the prophets which were before you 1 Pet. 4.14 If ye are reproached for the Name of Christ happy are ye for the Spirit of Glory and of God resteth upon you on their part he is evil spoken of but on your part he is glorified And 16 17 18. If any Man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God on this behalf for the time is come that judgment must begin at the House of God and if it first begin at us what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God wherefore let them that suffer according to the Will of God commit the keeping of their Souls to him in well-doing as unto a faithful Creator And 5.10 But the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Jesus Christ after that ye have suffered a while make ye perfect stablish strengthen settle you 2 Tim. 1.12 For the Gospel of Chist I suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and I perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day And 2.10 11 12. Therefore I endure all for the elects sake that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory It is a faithful saying If we be dead with him we shall also live with him if we suffer with him we shall also reign with him Rom. 8.17 18 35 36. 2 Cor. 4.17 18. Lastly Study a thankfull improvement of your privileges for all God's goodness towards your 1. Seeing it cost Christ no less than his precious Blood to purchase a liberty for you from the Mosaical Ceremonies which were once of Divine Institution and consequently much more from such as are of meer humane institution whether Heathenish or Antichristian you ought not upon any pretence whatsoever suffer your selves to be intangled again with that Yoak of Bondage There 's a great noise about the Churches Power to impose Ceremonies in matters indifferent but I dare be bold to say if there be such a thing in the World as Christian Liberty in any thing it is not to be imposed upon in Ceremonies and if any thing be a lording it over the Lord's heritage it is in not leaving those things indifferent which Christ hath left indifferent Christian Liberty is not easily to be parted with because it cost Christ so dear 2. All that mediatory fulness of Grace and Spirit that 's in Jesus Christ is freely made over to us let 's therefore improve this privilege so as every moment upon all occasions to be still fetching supplies for our Soul-wants From this overflowing Fountain say thus Lord I want Wisdom Faith Patience Power against Corruptions Temptations Enemies in my Flesh dwells no good thing but oh is there not Goodness and Grace enough in thee and is not this Goodness of thine communicable Out of thy Son's fulness let me receive grace for grace Joh. 1.16 3. Through that new and living way we have liberty of access to the throne of Grace Let us accordingly improve this Privilege in coming with a full assurance of Faith to find grace and help in time of need Let 's come with a Child like confidence with a holy and humble boldness Heb. 2. end and 4. end and 10.22 23 24. 4. Through God's gracious Goodness we are made joint heirs with Christ his Blessings Benefits Death and Intercession are all ours improve this Privilege to a deliverance from slavish fears If Christ hath triumphed over Principalities and Powers Sin and Satan Death and the World what is Man O Gospel Saint that thou art afraid of him if he has purchased pardon of Sin peace of Conscience the Joys of the Holy Ghost Grace here and Heaven's Glory hereafter thou need'st not fear that the Powers of Hell shall be able to deprive thee thereof Fifthly God was very good to the primitive Church in the days of Christ and the Apostles and that in these respects 1. He did as it were from Heaven give an immediate Call and extraordinary Commission to John Baptist to be the Harbinger and For-runner of the Son of God and Saviour of the World It was he that first brought into the World the good news of the near approach of the Kingdom of Heaven which did call aloud upon them to Repent Matth. 3.2 The aggravation of the Mercy was in the seasonableness of it he was sent at such a time when the Church was so deeply corrupted that there was hardly the face of a visible Church to be seen upon them See further of him Is 40.3 Mal. 4.5 6. Matth. 3.7 8,9 Mark 1.8 Luke 3.16 Joh. 1.26 Matth. 3.11 12. Matth. 11.14 Luke 1.15 16 17. 2. The primitive Church was honour'd with Christ's own corporal Presence amongst them hence they were called the Children of the Bridegroom and it could not but be a day of rejoycing to them to hear the Bridgroom's voice Joh. 3.29 Mark 2.19 When that good Woman Elizabeth heard of the Salutation of Mary the Babe leaped in her Womb and the was filled with the Holy Ghost Luke 1.41 Mary her self broke forth into a Doxology and Song of praises which you may see Luke 1.46 to 55. Zacharias also was filled with the Holy Ghost and Prophesied saying Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for he hath visited and redeemed his people he hath raised up a born of Salvation for us in the house of David as he spake by the mouth of his holy Prophets which have been since the world began The very Angels in Heaven thought it
not too mean an Employment for them to bring this Message to the Shepherds Luk. 2.8 9 10. Fear not for behold I bring you good tydings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord verse 13.14 And suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace good will towards men And that good old Man Simeon verse 28 29. When he had seen the Child Jesus he took him up in is Arms and blessed God saying Now lettest thou thy Servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy Salvation a light to lighten the Gentiles and the glory of they people Israel Christ himself being come they might now know that God was a great Lover of Mankind now they had an ample proof of his faithfulness in making good what he had long before promised Now they might be sure that Shadows would flee away the Substance being come Now they might be assured of the downfal of the Devil's Kingdom witness the silencing the Oracles of Jupiter Apollo and Hecate as also the locking up the Temple of Janus 3. God's goodness to the primitive Church was in furnishing them with Pastors according to his own Heart the greatness of which Mercy may appear from the Consideration of these Circumstances 1. The number of primitive Church-Officers was perfect and compleat for species and kind there was none wanting which her Condition did then call for Of extraordinary Officers there were Twelve Apostles Acts 1.1 Seventy Evangelists particular Churches had their ordinary Officers to wit Bishops i. e. Pastors and Teachers to whom the Administration of Ordinances and Oversight of the Flock was committed Presbyters or Elders who were to look to the Peoples Manners and Government of the Church 1 Tim. 5. And Deacons who were to take care of the Poor Acts 6. begin 2. There was then a parity and equality of all Officers in their kinds Amongst the Apostles none claimed a Superiority over the rest Peter's Supremacy was then unknown as the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven were given to him Matth. 16.19 so also to the rest Joh. 20.23 The very affectation of pre-eminence was in those days distastful to Christ Matth. 18.1 2 3 4. and 20.25 26 Jesus called them unto him and said Ye know that the Princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them but it shall not be so among you but whosoever will be great among you let him be your Minister and whosoever will be chief among you let him be you Servant even as the Son of man came not to be ministred unto but to minister And as it was distastful to Christ so also to themselves Matth. 20.21 22 23 24. When the ten heard what the Mother of Zebedee's Children had asked for her two Sons they were moved with indignation against them And as one Apostle was not over the rest of the Apostles so there was a parity between Bishops and Presbyters i. e. ordinary Preaching and Ruling Officers or Elders they were not two distinct Offices nor Officers as may appear from Act. 20.17 with 28. whom he had called Presbyters v. 17. he calls Bishops v. 28. 2. From Philip. 1.1 he directs the Epistle to the Bishops and Deacons Philippi being but a City it cannot be imagin'd that there were Metropolitan of Diocesan Bishops in the plural number in it therefore the Bishops there spoken of were only ordinary Church Officers This is the observation of Chrysostome on the Text. 3. From Tit. 1.5 with 7. For this cause left I thee in Crete to ordain Presbyters for a Bishop must be blameless This for must either be a reason of what is in the preceding verse or it signifies nothing the qualifications required in both are the same therefore they are not distinct Officers 4. From 1 Pet. 5.1 2. The Apostle exhorts the Presbyters to watch over their Flocks v. 5. taking the oversight of them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Bishoping it over them The Work of both is the same and therefore the Office is the same 5. From Ephes 4.11 12. where all sorts of Officers both extraordinary and ordinary are reckon'd and if Lord Prelates be neither Apostles Evangelists Prophets Pastors nor Techers They are none of Christ's Creatures but of Humane Institution 6. From 1 Tim. 3.1 to v. 8 begin where the Apostle gives Rules for the Examination and Ordination of a Bishop and then immediately he passes to the Office of a Deacon without so much as mentioning any thing of a Presbyter as taking it for granted that Bishop and Presbyter were one and the same the Rules for Examination and Ordination of both are the same And thus you see God was good to the Primitive Church in giving her such Officers as did neither Lord it over one another nor over the Lord's Heritage A Third circumstance of this Mercy was the extent of the Apostolical Commission Matth. 28. Go Preach the Gospel to all the World whereas formerly it was confin'd within the compass of the Land of Judea such is the goodness of God to the Sons of Men now that he is not willing any should perish but all should come to the knowledge of the Truth See Act. 10.28 34 35. Mark 16.15 Luke 24.47 Act. 1.8 and 20.21 Rom. 1.4 5. 4. He did furnish the Apostles with variety of eminent Gifts and Graces suitable to their Work they had such a Gift of Preaching that they needed not Read or Study but they spake by immediate Inspiration from the Holy Ghost Gal. 1.11 12. Eph. 3.3 At one of their Sermons three Thousand were Converted Act. 2.41 At another five Thousand Act. 4.4 They had a Spirit of Prayer they needed not a Book to read a Prayer by a set form They had the Gist of working Miracles Matth. 10.8 By laying on of hands they could confer the gift of the Holy Ghost upon others Act. 8.17 and 10.44 and 19.6 In matters of Faith that concerned the Salvation of Sinners and the Church's Edification they were acted by a Spirit of infallibility Joh. 16.13 They could inflict corporal Punishments upon notorious Hypocrites and Blasphemers Act. 5.9 10. and 13.11 2 Cor. 10.6 They were endued with a prophetical Spirit whereby they could foretel things to come Rom. 11.5 26. 2 Thess 2.2 1 Tim. 4.1 2 Tim. 3.1 Joh. 16.13 The whole Book of the Revelation is prophetical 4. Consider the Church it self and God's goodness was great to them in these respects 1. Of Ordinances 2. Order and Government 3. Of the Purity and Simplicity of the Truth in those days 4. Of their Gifts 5. Their Graces 6. Perseverance 7. Sufferings 1st They had no Ordinances but what were of Divine Institution these also were divinely Administred and a glorious Presence of God was that that did highly beautifie all their Administrations Act. 4.31
Number of all Nations and they shall stand before the Throne and before the Lamb. Tho' it was hardly visible whether there was a Church or no formerly yet now they shall openly shew themselves Cloathed with white Robes to shew that they have shaken off Popery with its Doctrine of Merits Indulgences Penances and Satisfactions and seek Justification only by Faith in Christ and his Righteousness having Palms in their Hands as a sign of Victory over the Beast over his Mark his Image and the Number of his Name and they cried with a loud Voice Salvation of our God which sitteth upon the Throne and to the Lamb and the Angels also fell on their Faces before the Throne and Worshipped God saying Amen Blessing and Glory and Wisdom and Thanksgiving and Honour and Power and Might be unto our God for ever and ever Amen The State of the Church shall now be a kind of Heaven upon Earth in comparison of what it was during Antichrists Reign and her Glory shall still encrease from one Degree to another till she be fully possessed of Heaven it self where their shall be a total exemption from all Evil and an abundant affluence of all good truly God is good to Israel Chapter Eighth This Eighth Chapter does under the First four Trumpets contain as I humbly conceive the Churches Sufferings for the next Three Hundred Years after Constantine where observe 1. Upon opening the Seventh Seal there was silence in Heaven for half an hour i. e. for some short time the Church had some respite from outward Commotions and Troubles and this is to be reckon'd among the Demonstrations of God's goodness to them or it signifies a holy attention in Heaven's Inhabitants the Christians to what God shall be pleas'd to speak to them by this Seal that brings forth Seven several Trumps and each of them a several Judgment it put them in a kind of amaze to consider That no sooner they were deliver'd from Paganish Persecutions which lasted for Three hundred Years but immediately there 's a new Cloud a gathering 2. To the Seven Angels which stood before God were given Seven Trumpets v. 2. to intimate God's goodness in this That he did solemnly denounce Wrath and Judgment against Carnal Christians that began to corrupt their Ways and thereby did call aloud upon them to Repent Trumpets are for an Alarm to War and they give a distinct sound that every one may know their Duty So good is God that he is not willing that any should Perish but all should come to the knowledge of the Truth Repent and be Saved 3. Even in those Days God had a Praying People whose Persons and Prayers found acceptance through the Intercession of Jesus Christ Verse 3 4. Another Angel came and stood at the Altar having a golden censer and there was given unto him much incense that he should offer it with the prayers of the Saints upon the golden Altar which was before the throne and the smoak of the incense which came with the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God out of the Angel's hand 4. The very same Angel of the Covenant Christ himself takes some Fire from off the Altar and casts it into the Earth And then there were voices and thundrings and lightnings and earthquakes v. 5. It 's he that perfumes the Saints Prayers that plagues and punishes the world of Apostate Professors with spiritual Judgments All Judgment is committed of the Father to the Son and therefore the Sealed ones may be secure they need not be afraid of what shall fall out O the goodness of God in this thing And now come to the Trumpets themselves When the first Angel sounded there followed hail and fire mingled with blood and they were cast upon the earth and the third part of the trees were burnt up and all green grass was burnt up vers 7. This may be fitly applied to Arrianism the first spiritual Plague wherewith the Church was pestered even in Constantine's time It brought Hail with it which is a cold and nipping thing destructive especially to Trees and Grass Many Trees i. e. Eminent Ones became cold in matters of Worship and in their Love one to another And all Grass was burnt up i. e. The generality of common Professors throughout the World were much Baptized into Arrianism There was Fire mingled with Blood i. e. It produced a most bloody Persecution of all that were Asserters of the Divinity of Christ and his being Co equal Coessential and Co-eternal with the Father God's goodness under this Trumpet was in these two 1. There was but a third part of the Trees burnt up i. e. There were several Persons of great Note both Magistrates and Ministers who did even in those days faithfully witness to the Truth of Emperors Constantine Valentinian Gratian Theodosius of Ministers Alexander Hosius Foelix Secundus c. 2. Tho' Fundamental Truths were much struck at yet the Lord caused the Earth to help the Woman Rev. 12.16 i. e. Tho' their Synods and Councils did begin to grow very earthly carnal and corrupt yet God made use of them for the prefervation of Fundamental Controverted Truths in there Purity and Incorruption In the Council of Nice call'd by Constantine Anno 330. Arrianism was abundantly confuted in that of Constantinople Anno 380. under Gratian and Theodosius Macedonius and his Followers called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 because they denyed the Personality of the Holy Ghost were confuted The Third great Council at Ephesus under Theodosius II. Anno 431. did condemn Nestorius's holding that Christ had two Persons The Fourth at Chalcedon under Martianus An. 451. condemned the Eutychians confounding the Natures of Christ Upon the sounding of the Second Trumpet There was as it were a mountain burning with fire cast into the Sea and the third part of the Sea became blood and the third part of the creatures which were in the Sea and had life died and the third part of the Ships were destroyed i.e. Now began hot contests between Church-men for Precedency and this did quickly corrupt the Ordinances themselves the Seas and Ships by which Christians as such do maintain a Spiritual Trade and Commerce with God and one with another Contentions among Church-men were a fair Foundation laid by the Dragon for the intended and designed Superstructure of Antichristianism and they were kindled 1. By their own Pride and Ambition 2. By reason of the great Benefices bestowed upon them by Constantine witness that Voice then heard Hodie venenum effusum est in ecclesiam this day Poison is poured out on the Church It might then be said Religio peperit divitias filia devoravit matrem 3. They had the favour of the Emperors and great Men. 4. Because their Ministry was in the Imperial Seat they claim'd more than ordinary Privileges 5. Some good Men being much wrong'd and injur'd by the unjust Sentences and Church-Censures issued forth against them in the Eastern Councils did
sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the Fathers by the Prophets hath in these lost Days spoke unto us by his Son whom he hath appointed heir of all things 3. The dispensation they were under was full of Dread Horrour and Terror Gal. 4. end Heb. 12. When the Law was given forth from Sinai the Mount was all in a Fire to point at the hot burning Wrath they might look for in case they were found transgressors ●ur's from Mount Sion is full of Meekness Gentleness Mercy and Love St. John If ye love me keep my Commandments 4. The promises of our Covenant are better than theirs if they did observe the Statutes and Ordinances of God they might warrantably expect to be blest in their Basket and Store and such other temporal things according to Deut. 28. But now though we cannot by vertue of a promise expect blessings of this kind upon our observation of Divine Precepts but rather the contrary Matth. 10. Whoever will be my Disciple must deny himself take up his Cross and follow me And Acts 4. Through manifold Temptations or Tribulations we must all enter into the Kingdom of Heaven And 1 Tim. 2.12 All that will live Godly in Christ Jesus must suffer Persection yet we may expect Spiritual Blessings and that in a greater measure than they 1. We are promised greater plenty of Spiritual Knowledge than they That of Isa 11.9 relates to gospel-Times The Earth shall be full of the Knowledge of the Lord as the Waters cover the Sea And 35.5 Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened and the ears of the deaf be unstopped And 32.3 4. And 42.16 I will bring the blind by a way they know not I will lead them in paths they have not known I will make darkness light before them and crooked things strait These things will I do unto them and not forsake them 2 Cor. 3.15 16 18. And 4.3 The Preaching of the Gospel is not Darkned with Types Figures and Ceremonies as in the Days of old 2. Spiritual Fruitfulness is promised to us Matth 21.41 The Kingdom of God shall be taken from you Jews and given to a Nation bringing forth the Fruits thereof Isa 35.7 8. In the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert and the parched ground shall become a pool and the thirsty land Springs of water in the habitation of dragons where each lay shall be reeds and rushes 3. Spiritual peace joy and comfort is promised to our Days Isa 32.17 The Work of Righteousness shall be peace and the effect of Righteousness quietness and assurance for ever Rom. 5. Begin Being justified by Faith we have Peace with God through Jesus Christ our Lord by whom also we have access by Faith into this Grace wherein we stand and rejoyce in hope of the Glory of God and not only so but we Glory in Tribulation also knowing that Tribulation worketh Patience and Patience Experience and Experience Hope and Hope maketh not ashamed because the Love of God is shed abroad into our Hearts by the holy Ghost 1 Pet. 1. In whom believing ye rejoyce with a joy unspeakable and full of Glory 4. We have the promise of the Spirit more than they Joel 2.28 I will pour out my Spirit upon all Flesh Acts 2.17 Isa 44.3 O how good is the Lord to us in this respect if we are not wanting to our selves through unbelief the dispensation under which we are promises the pourings forth of the Spirit to us O! who are we that we should be thus dealt by Let 's make some use of what has been said as to this head and so I go on 1. Let Men and Angels be summoned in to admire and adore let our Souls and all that 's within us Extoll and Magnifie the rich Grace and Goodness of this God that has cast off his Ancient People and has taken us gentile sinners who were Aliens from the Common-wealth of Israel and Strangers to the Covenant and made us heirs of the promises Rom. 11.17 O the depth of the Riches both of the Wisdom and Knowledge of God how unsearchable are his Judgments and his Ways past finding out O what are we poor wild Olives that we should be grafted in amongst the Natural Branches and partake of the fatness of the Olives O blessed are your Eyes and Ears which see and hear such things as were denyed many of the Fathers See Rom. 11. Ephes 3.8 9 10. Acts 28. end O how good is this God that has invested every particular Church of gentile Believers with greater privileges than their National Church had and private Christians are in some respects privileged beyond their Church Officers Rev. 1.4 He hath made us Kings and Priests to God to offer up Spiritual Sacrifices of Praise and Thanksgiving to him through Christ 2. Study to walk worthy of this goodness of the Lord unto all well-pleasing Col. 1. Let every Soul say O what shall I render to the Lord. 1. Take heed thou dost not live in any the least Sin beware of Ignorance if any thing prove the Condemnation of the World it will be this That light is come and they de light in darkness more than in light John 3.19 We may now say 2 Cor. 4.3 If our Gospel be hid it 's hid to them that Perish beware of unbelief John 3.18 He that believeth not on him is condemned already because he hath not believed in the Name of the only begotten Son of God O beware of ingratitude and turning Grace into Wantonness Jude 4. There are certain Men who were before of old ordained to Condemnation ungodly Men turning the Grace of God into Lasciviousness Say rather Rom. 6.1 Shall I Sin because I am under Grace God forbid 2. Think it not enough to abstain from Sin and to have true Grace but that your Graces may in some measure be answerable to the Covenant you are under has God been pleased to make great promises and wilt not thou labour for such a Faith as may apply these promises according to their full Latitude and extent Has God now manifested the Riches of his Grace in reconciling the World to himself through his Son declaring also that whosoever will believe on him shall be saved And why art thou still in a doubting and questioning Condition 3. Lay out your selves in glorifying this good God especially in these two 1. In a Gospel-Frame of Spirit Col. 3.12 Put on therefore as the Elect of God dearly and beloved bowels of Mercies kindness Humbleness of Mind Meekness long-Suffering forbearing one another and forgiving one another If any Man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye and above all these things put on Charity which is the Bond of perfection and let the Peace of God Rule in your Hearts to the which also ye were called in one Body and be ye thankful 2. In a Gospel-Conversation Phil. 1.27 Rom. 13.12 13 14. The
address themselves to the Church of Rome as being then most pure that they would interpose for some Remedy and Redress which was afterwards so much abused That the See of Rome claim'd it as a privilege That all Appeals should be made to them as may appear in the case of Appiarius at a Council of Constantinople This being withstood by the Eastern Churches occasioned many hot Debates and now it was that they had Wooden Bishops and Golden Chalices whereas in the days of Persecution they had Golden Bishops but Wooden Chalices The goodness of God under this Trumpet was in suffering only a third part of the Waters to be corrupted he preserves still some both Professors and Ordinances from Antichristian Pollutions Upon the sounding of the Third Angel There fell a great Star from heaven burning as it were a lamp and it fell upon the third part of the Rivers and upon the fountains of waters and the name of the Star is called Wormwood and the third part o the waters became Wormwood and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter i. e. Now the Apostacy grows higher whereas before Trees and Grass and Seas now Rivers and Fountains are Corrupted i. e. The very Scriptures and some of the choicest Streams thereof which convey spiritual Light and Life to Souls were much perverted the preceding Trumpers did strike at Christ in his Person and Natures this at his Offices now comes in the Doctrine of Merit Popish Pennances Indulgences Mediators Invocation of Saints This is fitly applicable to Pelagius who lived in the days of Honorius and Arcadius An. 405 or 415 He corrupted the Covenant of Grace it self that River the Streams whereof make glad the People of God He was a great Star that did burn as it were a Lamp he was a Man of great Parts and seemingly Godly but it was only the flourishes of natural and acquired Accomplishments not saving Grace wherewith he did shine God's goodness here was in this that he suffer'd only a third part of the Waters to be imbitter'd tho' Pelaganism did exceedingly spread through Italy France and Britain yet the Lord had still some eminent Lights in the Church that set themselves against it to wit Augustine Jerome Prosper Optatus c. Upon the sounding of the Fourth Angel The third part of the Sun was darkned and the third part of the Moon and the third part of the Stars and the day shone not for a third part of it and the night likewise i. e. This degree of Apostacy is so much higher than the former as the Sun Moon and Stars are higher than the Earth Seas Fountains and Rivers Now Darkness does in a great measure overspread the whole Face of the visible Church former Evils did arise from Pride and Ambition more than Ignorance but now both go together This is applicable to the Sixth Century wherein lights of all sorts came to be Darkned and Obscured there was a general decay of Simplicity and Purity in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government a thick Veil upon Scriptures Officers Ordinances People and All now the Gospel was much eclypsed with Humane Traditions Cerem●nies and Superstitions now we read of building of Abbies and Monastries of Kings and Queens deserting a Married stare to go a Pilgrimage meerly out of a blind Devotion multiplying of holy Days and many other Superstitious Fopperies God's goodness also here is obvious from the Text a third part of the Sun only was darkned c. as also from the last verse which is only a Transition to what follows intimating that tho' these four Woes that are past be great yet there are three greater to come tho' the Churches afflictions during this Century were very sad yet not comparable to what others especially those of the succeeding Age encountred with A few words of Application 1. From all this we may learn That one of the greatest designs that ever the Devil had against the Church was to corrupt Truths Ordinances and Worship Let us therefore Counter-work him in studying and endeavouring nothing more than the preservation of the Purity of the Gospel both in Doctrine and Worship 2. So hard a matter it is for Professors and Preachers to have their Garments kept clean from such pollution that the Sealings of God by Jesus Christ are the only preservative against the same It is not Morality Learning Policy or great Parts without saving Grace that will do All you that are in any measure chast Virgins acknowledge the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of Heaven for this rich Mercy 3. As I observed before that the Church never knew a more thriving time than under Persecution so it never fared worse with them than in a time of temporal and secular Prosperity Let us therefore when God calls to it be content with Persecution as well as Prosperity 4. From what has been said it 's clear as the Sun That the great Antichrist had his first Rise and Origination out of the Ashes of the Pride and Covetousness of the carnal Clergy and where-ever these are found in this Day I dare be bold to say It is a piece of Antichristianism mark'd out for Destruction by the Righteous Judge of all the World 5. Much of God's goodness is in this That all these Trumpets are not sounded together but one after another and he begins to punish with lesser before he proceed to greater Judgments O stand in awe and sin not take warning by one Rod otherwise thou shalt know that he has more Rods than one 6. We see Antichrist's Promotion and Advancement was by degrees and so shall also his Ruine therefore we had need of Patience Chap. Ninth This Chapter contains two Trumpets more the 5th from the beginning to vers 13. and 6th to the end The 5th holds forth the Mystery of Iniquity as higher than ever so that things cannot be in a more Corrupted State than now the method I shall observe shall be as briefly as may be to open the Words as they lie in order Upon the founding of the first Angel 1. You have the fall of a Star from Heaven to Earth this is Boniface the Third Bishop of Rome who Anno 606 got himself to be stiled universal Bishop by the means of Phocas after he had killed his Master Mauritius the Emperor 2. His Commission shewed him to be the Dragons Lord Lieutenant Whereas Originally Ministers did receive the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven from Christ Antichrist receives the Keys of the bottomless Pit and derives his Authority from the Devil v. 1. 3. You have the Execution of his Commission no sooner is he invested with this Power but he improves it he opened the bottomless Pit now Hell it self is set loose to do what mischief it can Verse 2.4 The effects that followed upon this opening are these Two 1. There arose a Smoak like the Smoak of a great Furnace whereby the Sun and Air were Darkned i. e. whereas under the
of men were killed ver 18. The Locusts work was but to torment and hurt but these do make havock kill and destroy Their power also is in their mouth and in their tails for their tails were like unto serpents and had heads and with them they do hurt ver 19. i. e. As they exercise horrid cruelty in killing the Bodies of Men and Women so also they vent pestiferous Doctrine in their Alcoran and Mahometan Religion the Locusts had the stings of Scorpions in their tails but Mahomet has not only the sting of a Serpent but also the head of a Serpent does openly appear upon his tail i. e. Popery is a mystery of Iniquity but any may easily discover the Turks Alcoran to be nothing else but a compound of Judaism Paganism and Christianism This to me is a strong Argument why the Pope not the Turk must be the Great Antichrist And the rest of the Men which were not killed by these Plagues yet repented not of the Works of their hands that they should not Worship Devils and Idols of Gold and Silver and Brass Stone and Wood neither can See and Hear nor Walk Verse 20. i. e Notwithstanding all the judgments wherewith God punished the Papists for their Idolatry yet they repented not but remained Idolatrous still neither repented they of their Murthers they killed the Souls and Bodies of Men as fast as ever nor of their Sorceries they did bewitch and allure People to their Whorish Worships still nor of their Fornications Spiritual or Bodily the Pope is said to have Forty Thousand Crowns a Year by Stews and Bawdy Houses nor of their thefts Verse 21. Though most of their Church-Lands and Revenues were Originally got by indirect courses cozening many poor Creatures in making them give away their Estates for saying some Soul-Masses to redeem them out of Purgatory yet they will not make restitution they accuse others of Sacrilege that would but resume and take back their own while they themselves are most impiously Sacrilegious God's Goodness in reference to this Trumpet is 1. That in the management of this great Affair of Commissioning the Turk against the Papists lies upon Jesus Christ O blessed be our God that takes so great care of Christians 2. The Turks Commission is principally against the Western Idolaters on this side Euphrates he that set bounds to the raging of the Waves of the Sea has limited him that he can go so far and no farther And hence it is that we in this part of the World have never received any considerable hurt by him nor are ever like to receive hurt hereafter unless we shall Apostatize to open Idolatry 3. As his Commission is limited both as to Persons and Places so also as to Times the time of his Rage and Reign shall be for an hour and a day and a month and a year ver 15. i. e. It is exactly reckoned and calculated with God to an hour 4. Tho' God destroys and makes havock of a third part of the Pope's Dominions by the Turks yet the mystery of Iniquity is not so much as once touched by them the Discovery and Destruction thereof he reserves for some others of his dear Servants which shall be done under the next Trumpet 5. O how good is this God and what a miracle of Mercy is it that he will grant some time for Repentance even to Antichristian Sinners that he will send Judgments on purpose to bring them to Repentance extraordinary means answerable to the greatness of their Diseases O the Long-suffering and Patience of God that notwithstanding of their Impenitency and mis-improving of Providences he does not utterly in an instant destroy them but delays the execution of his Justice and Wrath as at this day and if his Long-suffering and Patience be so great to his Enemies what will his goodness be to his Friends Blessed be our God that has begun to give Antichrist such a blow by the Barbarians it is to me an infallible assuring Evidence that the Work shall go on and prosper till it come to its full period Chapter Tenth This whole Chapter and the beginning of the Eleventh to the 15th verse I understand to be a preparation to the sounding of the 7th Trumpet and that for the comfort of God's People who might be apt to droop and despond concerning the event of all those sad dispensations Antichrist being brought to a great height under the foregoing Trumpets and they not knowing what way God would take to turn the Scales 1. It 's here in a Vision shewed to John that Antichrist persisting impenitent for all that the Turks had done Chap. 9.21 Christ himself would now take some course with him He is described as a mighty Angel coming down from Heaven Cloathed with a cloud as a sign of divine Glory and Majesty having a Rainbow on his head by this representation to assure them that he would prove a Covenant-keeping God that Antichrist shall not Lord it over them at the old rate his face was as the Sun and his feet as pillars of fire ver 1. i. e. In his bringing Ruine on Antichrist he shall be very Glorious it shall be with such clearness and perspicuity of Light as shall be sufficient to dispel all the Smoak that arose out of the Bottomless Pit and it shall be with a Power and Efficacy irresistible 2. We have some intimation of the way Christ will take for the accomplishment of this He had an open book in his hand and he set his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the earth and cryed with a loud voice as when a lyon cryeth and when he cryed seven thunders uttered their voices ver 2 3 4. i. e. He will make the plain and powerful preaching of the Gospel to have a more free passage throughout the World than formerly The Command John had to Seal up these things may signifie that what is here hinted belongs to some other Prophecy in this Book the clear and full Revelation whereof is to be reserved till the time of its fulfilling 3. Because the Destruction of Antichrist after he had domineered for so many hundred Years seems almost impossible and incredible therefore Christ does for the confirmation of the Faith of his poor weak Ones enter into a solemn Oath By him that liveth for ever who created the heaven and the things that are therein that time shall be no longer and that the seventh trumpet should finish the mystery of God ver 5 6 7. His time of Reigning shall be no longer his Ruine shall now certainly begin and be carryed on till time be no more 4. The Book in the Angel's hand is given to John who Eating it finds it sweet in his Mouth as honey but bitter in the Belly ver 8 9 10 11. Christ has not only perfect knowledge of these Mysteries himself the Book is open in his hand but also he qualifies some of his faithful Gospel-ministers not only to
great Inhumanity of Adversaries they would not suffer their Dead Bodies to be put in Graves for three Days and a half vers 9. For some short time they do pour forth all manner of opprobrious contempt upon them The literal sense is not altogether to be rejected the Papists would not suffer Zwinglius's Body to be Buried So they served the Admiral of France with many others in the Parisian Massacre and in Queen Mary's Days Bucer's Bones were raised and burnt 2. They that dwell upon the Earth shall rejoyce over them and make merry because they are rid of their Tormenters vers 10. This must be at such a time when the Popish party are insufferably proud insulting over the slain Servants of God that had tormented them with a plain Testimony against all their Abominations Mali cum injuriam facere non sinuntur injuriam se accipere existimant From this Narrative of the slaying of the Witnesses learn these few Instructions 1. Providence sometimes so orders it that God's Servants shall well near have finished their Work before their Enemies can hurt them that so their Testimony for Christ may Live when they are dead and gone 2. Reformation has been always attended with great Persecution 3. A begun-work of Reformation may have such a sentence of Death pass upon it for a season that to all probability it shall never have a revival 4. Christ's Witnesses must expect nothing but Barbarity from Men of Popish Principles and Spirits 5. It 's no new thing to see wicked Men triumphantly insult over God's persecuted People The 1. thing in the Narrative of the Resurrection of the Witnesses is the time thereof after three Days and a half vers 11. Some short time some apply this to John Husse and Jerom who were condemned by the Council of Constance that began Anno 1414 December the 8th and ended 1418. May 22. Three Years and a half 2. The means by which this was brought about the Spirit of Life from God entred into them they were stirred up by a Spirit of Zeal from God to be lively and active in carrying on the work again 3. Their posture they stood upon their feet vers 11. Either the former slain Witnesses I mean Civilly an Spiritually slain or others of the same Principles and Spirit did openly appear in and for it again 4. The effect great fear fell upon all that saw them 5. The heard a voice from Heaven saying Come up hither and accordingly they did ascend up to Heaven in a Cloud and their Enemies beheld them vers 12. The work of Reformation and Separation became now more glorious than ever before 6. About the same time there was a great Earthquake and a tenth part of the City fell vers 13. i. e. When ever the Resurrection of the Witnesses is the Lord shall wonderfully go forth in some remarkable Providences and Tremendous Judgments against the Roman Empire to the great weakening thereof Some apply it to the Bohemian War after the sufferings of Husse and Jerom where Sigismundus had great successes against the Antichristian Army From all this learn these few instructions 1. Commonly the sufferings of Reformers are short 2. God's Spirit is the great Engine for carrying on God's Work 3. Boldness in witness-bearing is from God's Spirit standing on their Feet an open and a vowed Profession is from the Spirit of Life from God 4. Commonly wicked Men begin to be afraid when they perceive that Persecution does but make God's People more bold and God's Work to prosper the more 5. Reformation and Separation from Antichristian Pollutions has a great brightness of illustrious Divine Glory upon it Quest Is this Prophecy of the Slaying and Resurrection of the Witness yet fulfilled And whereabouts are we of this Age under the Sixth or Seventh Trumpet Are the one thousand two hundred and threescore Days and forty two Month at an end or not For Answ Let me premise a few things before I come to the thing it self 1. This cannot be resolved unless we are at some certainty where to fix the beginning of the one thousand two hundred and threescore Days or the Churches wilderness-State and of the forty two Months or Antichrist's first Rise whether from Constantine immediately after the third Century or from Boniface's time Anno 606. I shall endeavour by and by to prove that both did commence from the time that did immediately follow after the first 300 Years 2. It is more than probable that the one thousand two hundred and threescore Days and forty two Months are not to be understood literally for just so many Natural Days and Astronomical Months because matter of fact proves that Antichrist's Reign and the Churches wilderness-State has been already of a longer continuance but figuratively and Mystically for Days of Years and Months of Years according to Ezek. 4.6 Being an usual thing for Prophets thus to express themselves These things premised I answer in the affirmative That this prophecy has had its accomplishment already and the one thousand two hundred and threescore Days and forty two Months are expired and that for these reasons 1. If these Days and Months did commence from the time immediately after the first three hundred Years not from six hundred six then this Prophecy is fulfilled and the time past but this is so as may appear 1. from Rev. 12.5 6. As soon as the Woman brought forth a Man Child which was caught up to God she fled into the Wilderness i. e. Immediately after the Church was delivered from Heathenish Persecutions her wilderness-Estate the same with the one thousand two hundred and threescore Days in this 11th Chap. does begin This is also hinted again to us from Rev. 12.13 14. The Church is nourished in the Wilderness for a time times and half a time i. e. Three Years and a half the same with one thousand two hundred and threescore Days and forty two Months 2. from 2 Thess 2.7 8. The mystery of iniquity doth already work only he who now letteth will let untill he be taken out of the way and then shall that wicked one be revealed i. e. As soon as ever the Heathen persecuting Emperors were removed and not till then should it appear what design the Devil had to advance the Mystery of Iniquity 3. Though it 's true the Church did not suffer from the great Antichrist till six hundred and six yet all that went before him after Constantine were petty Antichrists only at first it was but young Days with Antichrist in six hundred and six he was of riper Years the Churches suffering were all that while of the same kind Majus minus non variant speciem all that went before did but make way for him and his predecessors Persecutions are all of them charged upon him because he did practically approve of them And this is the first thing that proves the foresaid Days and Months to be expired and this Prophecy to be already fulfilled 2. The inconsequences