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A09593 The perfect path to paradice Contayning diuers most ghostly and wholsome prayers, fruitfull and christian meditations, for the comfort of euery afflicted conscience: published in these dangerous dayes of wickednesse, and deliuered to all those that feare God, and hope for saluation in Christ Jesus, as a spirituall weapon to beate downe sinne, sathan, and all the power of hell, &c. By Iohn Phillips. Phillips, John, fl. 1570-1591. 1588 (1588) STC 19872; ESTC S106462 55,576 300

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O mercifull father for thy Sonne Christes sake oure onely Sauioure and Redéemer Christ Iesus A godly and fruitfull prayer to be sayd in tyme of bloudy Battaile O Lorde oure heauenlye father and euerlyuing God wée thy wretched and most miserable Creatures confesse and acknowledge wée haue worthelye deserued the rod of thy correction and punishment and doe merite manye sharpe and bitter stripes that knowing thy blessed glorious wyll haue of set purpose contemned thy deuine and heauenly precepts for which cause the sentence of thy wrath is sharpely kyndled agaynste vs euen as it hathe béene against thy chosen people Israell in the dayes of oure forefathers who glorying in their wickednesse were plagued in the fulnesse of thy indignation the sworde of their enemies beset them rounde about and hemmed them in on euery side the Iebusits the Amonits the Philistines and the Amorites oppressed them diuersly theyr strong holds were rased their Citties were besieged theyr houses were ransackt theyr goodes and theyr riches were caryed awaye by force of the bloud-thirstie enimie theyr yong men were ledde awaye captyue their virgines were woefully deflowred but in fyne when thou Lord God diddest beholde their heartie and earnest contrition thou didst withdrawe thy frowning countenance and sent them spéedy and safe deliueraunce one whyle thou Lorde sentest them Moyses to bring them out of the seruitude of Pharao the stony and stubborne hearted king of the Egyptians another whyle Iepthah sette them frée from the sworde of the Amonites wherewith they were greeuouslye afflicted and to make thy power excellent glory fully known thou gauest Sampson suche fortitude to bridle y e prowde Philistians Ouer and besides these thou of thy loue and myraculous goodnesse hast made feeble women mightie and victorious conquerours Debora was a shield to thy people Iudith comforted the distressed Bethulians and cut off y e head of prowd Holophernus that thy selfe good Lorde when thou beheldest their teares and harty sorrowe for their offences did prepare thy selfe to goe forth with their hostes thou thy selfe wyth the breathe of thy Nostrels diddest confounde and ouerthrow their enemies so good Lord be thou nowe present with vs in the fulnesse of thy deuyne power looke vpon vs wyth the eyes of thy fauourable pittie forget our corrupt and moste filthye offences let our contrite and sorrowful harts be a meane to vanquish thy displeasure conceiued agaynst vs bée thou present with vs in this tyme of necessitie and trouble set thy hand to help and assist vs agaynst the enemy be thou present with vs in this tyme of perrill daunger goe thou forth with our hostes then shall wee be assured to preuayle let not the multitude of furious foes dismaye vs for victory we doe know consisteth not in the power nor strength of many men the strengthe of horses armor nor weapons but it is thou O merciful father that giuest y e conquest where and to whome thou pleasest To thée therfore in this great extremity we flie and appeale beséeching thée of thyne inestimable loue and kyndenesse for the loue of our sauiour Christ Iesus to looke vppon our true repentante hearts and in the fulnesse of thy misseration and pytties to set vs free from the power of the raging enemye and to pardon our sinnes and greeuous offences that henceforth wée vow and dedicate our harts and mindes wholy to walk in integritie and newnesse of life Whiche graunt good Lorde to whome with thy sonne Christ Iesus and the holye Ghost be prayse and glorye attributed for euer and euer worlde wythout end Amen A Prayer agaynst presumptuous pryde and vayne glory WE heare O Heauenly father and are daylye taught and instructed out of thy eternall worde howe greatlye the gréeuous sinne of presumption pryde and vayne glory displeaseth thy deuyne Maiestye wée are learned that for the practise of this pestilente and haynous euill thou haste not spared the verye Aungels but haste throwne them in thy displeasure for their pryde vayneglory and presumption from beatitude to miserye from ioy wythout end to perdurable payn from brightnesse of thy glorious presence to vtter extreme and palpable darkenes from the gloryous fruition and participation of thy euerlasting kyngdome to the bottomlesse pit of hel Death damnation and endlesse flames of fire besydes this we are taught that by the transgression of Adam whose hawtye presumyng thorowe the intisemente of the subtle and perillous alurement of the Serpente thought to bee as thy selfe but in fine thy iustice condemned him and all hys posteritie this pestiferous sinne of pryde drowned him in the floudes of all daungerous euils as gluttonye luxury and suche other perils that had not thy mercye taken effect to keepe and hold Plea for his and oure sauegarde and thy sonne Chryst imbrased the glory power of his deuyne Essence taken vpon him our fleshe and frayle nature sinne onely excepted who freely offered his innocente bodye to the death of the Crosse we had perished euerlastinglye and bene vtterly confounded Print therefore good Lord and wryte these examples in my memorye that I fall not from thy fauour by the exercise of thys detestable sinne make me still to consider that the proud and disdaynfull are always abhorred in thy sight and sith it is thy good will and gracious pleasure to regard the humble and lowly man giue me such méekenesse from aboue that I maye continuallye present thée with the Sacrifice of a gentle méeke and contrite spirite that I may auoyde the plagues and punishmentes which thou hast prepared for the prowd and hawty minded Graunt this good Lord for Iesus Christ his sake my onely Mediatour and Aduocate who liueth and raigneth with thée and the holy ghost in glorye permanent and maiestye euerlasting A Prayer to be sayde in tyme of affliction and trouble O Eternall and euer lyuing god the father of al consolation and comforte vouchsafe of thyne infinite loue kindenesse to strengthen mée with thy heauenly grace paciently to beare and wyth meekenesse to suffer this Crosse of affliction and trouble which thou hast layde vpon mée for the vse of sinne and iniquitie I knowe O gracious and louing father that my deserts are suche as worthely haue prouoked thée to displeasure the burthē of my sinnes are intollerable for the whiche I must acknowledge and earnestly from the bottome of my heart confesse that iustlye thou haste corrected and visited mee yet not in the fulnesse of thy furye but according to thy fatherlye loue and kyndnesse and albeit thy rod lie heauy vpon my shoulders yet in thys tyme of thy correction I am comforted greatlye knowing assuredlye that y u correctest and smytest where thou louest thou woundest and healest agayne thou throwest downe to Hell and thou liftest vp to Heauen such and so great is thy omnipotencie that thou rulest aboue the Firmament in earth flouds and the lowermost partes of hell in Heauen the Aungels Arckaungels the souls of thy saints the blessed company of
defend mée vnder the winges of thy cōfortable protection from al errors sismes and detestable heresies make me with out fayning firmely constantly to builde vpon the truth wherein is perfectly set forth thy great mercie diuine iustice Let the zeale of thy promises in al distres be my chiefest ioy and consolation and giue me grace from aboue that as I make my boast of thy mercies and louing kindnes by vertue wherof I am by my Sauiour Christ Iesus quickned from deathe to life in his dearest death and precious bloudsheding regenerated borne a new not of water but of the spirit by fayth so Lorde I maye with thy aboundaunt loue showne to mée warde the whole posteritie of Adam I may bée afrayde wilfully or of a set purpose to transgresse thy commaundementes and so incurre therby thy displeasure that the effectes of thy iustice in the day of thy cōming to iudgement be pronounced against mee to the vtter destruction of bodie soule make me alwais willing good Lord to heare thy worde by the power wherof my faith is increased and therewithall plante in mée perfite loue and obedience and so directe my footsteppes in this vale of miserie that I may treade the pathe that leadeth to thée with whome my soule thirsteth to rest euen as vehementlye as the Hart longeth after the water brookes Graunt this O merciful God for the honor and glorye of thy names sake Amen ¶ A fruitfull Prayer to bee sayde at the g●yng to bedde of euery Christian. MOste mercyfull Father I moste wretched and vnworthye sinner prostrate my selfe before the Throane of thy heauenlye grace yeelding vnto thée moste humble and heartye thankes that hast of thy excéeding loue and fauor preserued mee this day from al perill and daunger humbly beséeching thy diuine maiestie this night to preserue me for the loue of thy onely sonne my sweetest Sauiour Iesus Christ my Mediatour aduocate who continuallye pleadeth and maketh intercession to thée for mée all the rest of thy chosen children presenting hys bloudy wounds and his glorious body al to be scourged in thy diuine presence who thereby doth mittigate thy wrathe indignation iustly conceiued agaynst me a miserable and wretched creature and all mankynde Make me Lord still to confesse myne vnworthynesse and weakenesse to be suche and so great that of my selfe I am not worthye to lift vp myne eyes to heauen much lesse to be called thy sonne such and so great is the burthen of my sinne and iniquitie so that by the meanes of my corruption filthinesse I acknowledge my selfe to be the child of death and destruction yet build I still on thy promises good Lord and in this greate daunger I come vnto thée with teares saying O father I haue sinned agaynst heauen and agaynst thée and am no more worthy to bée called thy sonne of my selfe I haue nothing but by thée I haue al things of my selfe I acknowledge I haue iustly deserued the heauy sentēce of thine yre but by grace of thee O mightie Emanuel I am regenerate and borne agayne from death to life from daunger to ioy from perill to peace from bondage to libertie so in fine from Hell damnation to blisse saluation Such is the effect of thy mercie so abundant is thy loue towardes me and all those that with contrite heartes presente themselues vnto thée Increase my fayth lord that it may abound in good and fruitfull workes so fortifie mée y t I neuer swerue from thy veritie giue mée thy grace from aboue O merciful Iesus that I may neuer shrinke from thy sacred testimonies And more ouer I with all humilitie and reuerence of heart and mynde beséeche thée thys night whiche thou hast ordayned for man to rest in thou wilt gard and protecte mée with thy good guidyng spirite and albeit my sinfull flesh shall sleepe slumber yet graunt good Lorde that my soule may continually kéepe watch and ward let not the enemie finde me slumbering and sléeping as careles in the cradle of sinfull Securitie leaste that whilest I am vnarmed that is naked destitute of thy grace and fauour he enter in and breake vp the house of my sinnefull bodye and make such hauocke spoile that my infected and leaporous soule deformed by meanes of myne iniquitie and wounded with the dangeruos Darts of transgression bée throwne with the body of sinne to the Lake of destruction wherein is continuall wayling and gnashing of téeth Make me stil O good Lorde to consider that the bed is a plaine patterne and similitude of the Graue which continually calleth for me and all other thy Creatures make me to vnderstand that when I am layd of my self without thy heauenly prouidence I can not bée able to ryse agayne make me to acknowledge that sléepe is the very figure of death to whose stroak at thy appoynted pleasure I must submit my selfe Indue me with loue charitie to all men let my Lampe O Lord be garnished with Oyle that whensoeuer or at what tyme soeuer thy messenger death shall drawnie and knock at the gates of my house I maye at hys sommons in the daye of the resurrection of the dead be ready to attend on thée and thy bride with my burning Lampe that is with a stedfast fayth when as by thée I shalbe clothed a newe for my mortall body shall then be couered with immortallitie the corruption of my sinful rebelling flesh shal be changed to incorruption and perfite puritye thy righteousnesse shalbe mine thy merites shal make me perfite holy by vertue wherof hell shal loose his victory death shall loose his sting my fayth and hope shal haue ende and rewarde I wyth thy Saintes continuallye dwell in loue and charitie with thée the Heauenlye Bridegrome Christ Iesus To whome with the father and the holy ghost be ascribed all lawd glory power prayse and dominion for euer Amen A Prayer for the remission of sinne and to obtayne a vertuous life FOr as muche as O Bountifull Lorde it is most méete right and iust that all fleshe shoulde prayse magnifie and worship thée and shoulde without ceasing giue thankes vnto thée who onely art the Creator and maker of all thinges as well visible as inuisible who onely art the Treasure of all goodnesse the Well of life onely God and Lord whom the Heauens and Heauens of Heauens the Sunne the Moone the Starres the earth the Sea with all that mooue therein yea the heauenly companie of martyrs the soules of the Prophets and Apostles Aungels Arckeaungels togither with the soules of al iust righteous persons do lawd glorifie It is moste requisite that ech mortal creature liuing in this worlde shoulde also acknowledge thy magnificence wherefore most mercifull Father I wyth my hart and mouth do acknowledge thée to be my king Lorde the giuer of all goodnesse I confesse thee to bee omnipotent reuerent merciful long suffering God of all consolation comforte mercie
happye and safe whom God the mighty God of Israel keepeth the sunne shal not burne him by daye nor the Moone by night Thryse blessed is hée that feareth the Lorde for hée shall see happy dayes As the Hart thyrsteth after the water springes so my soule hath longed for my Lorde the liuing God When shall I come to appeare before thy presence to sée thée in thy glorious Maiestie face to face O Lord let thy kingdome come Come Lord Iesus that I may see the day of my redemptiō Good Lord make hast to helpe mée All glory maiesty and Empire be vnto God the Creatour God the redéemer and God the holy comforter for euer and euer Amen A Prayer to bee sayd of the sinfull soule MY synfull life increasinge and my synnes still abounding good Lord to whom shall I flye or to whome shall I resorte for succoure from offendinge thée I cannot cease neyther day nor nighte my sinnes are heuy vpon me pressing mee downe euen vnto Hel such is the weight thereof Moreouer when I prepare my selfe to amendmente of life and thinke stedfastly to serue please thée euen soone after doth my corrupt and infected nature offend and displease thy Deuyne maiesty so that I am proane ready to runne headlong into all kynd of wickednes sin such is my strength such is my force or rather weaknesse in performing those things which thou requirest at my handes So that good Lord I am ready vtterly to dispayre and forsake thée vnlesse thou of thy great mercy and pitty send thyne ayde from aboue and poure into mee thy moste healthfull grace that I may make hast to flye vnto thée with most bitter teares a sorrowfull heart and bowing knées lamenting my sinfull lyfe and gréeuous offences committed agaynste thée trusting most assuredlye and faythfullye in the merites of my sauioure Iesus Christ that by his most bitter death and bloodshedding which is of farre greater force vertue effect in preseruing me then all my sinnes and offences are in condemninge and casting mée away for whose sake I moste assuredly beléeue all my sinnes and offences are clearly forgiuen and shall neuer be layd to my charge but that I shall enter with thée in the laste day into thy euerlasting kingdom there to bée with thée for euermore to whom be all honor praise and glory for euer and euer A Prayer for the obtayning of Gods grace SHyne wee beséech thée O almighty and mercifull God through the power of oure Lorde Iesus Christe and the comfortable woorking of thy sacred Spirite the heauenlye comforter vpon our myndes and harts with the glorious beams of thy heauenly grace geue vs such plenty of wisedom and vnderstanding from aboue that thorow the knowledge of thee the man of ūn that is our frayle féeble fleshe with the wicked lustes and desyre of concupiscence may lye deade and buryed in vs giue vs good Lord the feeling of thy grace that by the vertue and deuine operation of thy worde the eyes of our soules may bee illumyned and made so light that the Prince of Darknesse with all his vnrighteous ministers may bee expulsed and banished from our memories and so establish vs in thy truth that our harts myndes and thoughts may continuallye be occupyed in thy testimonies that thereby thou good Lorde effectually shyning in our hearts by the vertue of thy good spirite we may learn to know and vnderstand what is the fulnes of of our calling and how ritche thou arte in the glory of the celestiall and Heauenlye heritage of thy Sayntes and that excellent greatnes of thy power and louing kyndnes towardes vs which beléeue without fayning thy holy Gospell according to the might and force of thy strength which thou shewedst in Chryst Iesus when thou didst rayse him from the dead and didst set him on thy ryght hande farre aboue all Empire power authority and dominion and euery name that is named not onely in this worlde but in the world to come by whose precyous death dearest bloodshedding wee are assured that sinne Death and hell are vanquished ouercome and vtterlye destroyed and if wée beléeue without wauering we shall in him bee able to resiste all the power of Hell and in Christ as Conquerours to tryumphe with victorye ouer sinne Death and Sathan and at the last to haue and enioye the fruition of his riche and glorious kingdome which hee by moste paynfull agonye bloody strypes gréeuous and bloodye woundes and lastly by his most painfull death purchased for his chosen and elect To whom for our sanctification iustification redemption and our saluation bee rendred with his Celestial Father and the holye Ghoste all lawd glory power honor and dominion for euer and euer Amen A Prayer for a woman that is great with childe to be repeated by her hartily before her trauel which will bee maruaylous comfort vnto her Thy wisedome Lord in all thy wayes and power great to perfourme it We cease to search and onely praise they passe so farre the reach of wit And thus we muse and maruaile much of all thy works and yet wee finde No marueile nor no wonder such as daily forming of mankinde Of such beginning such an ende and of such seede such frune to growe With Dauid well we may contende to mase to muse and nothing knowe The matter earth the shape from Heauen doth knit both soule and flesh in one Whereof such stryfe is them betweene from whēce they came they would be gon And yet in all thy wonders great thy mercy Lord doth farre passe all Which doest vouchsafe to worke this feate in mee pore wretch thy bond and thrall And as good Lord then doest me make thy shop to shape the worke therin Thy handworke so do not forsake but ende the thing thou doest begin Thy goodnes Lord did once make light this burthen now which sore doth greeue Untill which woe did wrap each wight the wilfull worke of woeful Eue. That Eue hath lost let Christ restore that guilt hath made let grace amend Why should the fault of Eue do more then grace in Christ God it defende Oh Lord the time approcheth neare that throwes of Eue I must sustaine And that I may the same wel beare increase my strength or lesse my paine Thy wil this burthen on me layd thy goodnesse eke wil ease the same Where Christ hath once the raunsome payd why should the deed of Eue bring blame Thus O Lord I me in thy will doe put eke wholly in thy hand I will not once swarue from thy skill to dye or liue to fall or stand A Godly and earnest Prayer in time of trauayle or Childbyrth of euery Christian faithfull woman ALmighty GOD my Heauenlye and moste mercifull Father I feele thy promised punishmente at this presente to take effect on mee which for the guilte and transgression of my progenitours hath bene by thy deuyne maiesty iustly pronounced agaynst me and the whole generation of Adam great
grace to printe in my remēbrance thy manifolde mercies that feeding in soule by faith in thée I may attaine vnto those end lesse ioyes that thou haste prepared for thy adopted sonnes and chosen children in thy kingdome of euerlasting righteousnesse And so escape those euerlastinge torments which thou haste prepared for the Diuel and his Angels from the which place of woefull vexation and endlesse miserie deliuer me O heauenly father for the loue of Iesus Christ his sake to whome with thée and the holy Ghost be all lawde and praise for euer Amen A prayer to be sayde at the hower of death MOst mightie art thou O Lorde in all thy déedes and most holy in all thy wayes blessed bee the name of my father my God and glorious creator who by his deuine power and celestiall prouidence of nothing made all things fish fleshe fowles fruits trées herbes all other thinges whatsoeuer are contayned both in Heauen earth Seas and the nethermost partes thereof Man concerning the outward parts thou by thy celestial prouidence and fatherly bounty framedst and createdst of clay but concerning the inward substance of thy creature man thou didst fashion make euen according to thine owne similitude and likenesse Moreouer such and so great was thy loue and good wil towards him that all the Creatures or workes of thy creation serued to his vse In earth thou haste made him Lorde king ouer the fruits therof the beastes of the Field the Foules of the ayre and the fishes of the little floods and great waters In the Firmament thou hast placed the glistering Sunne with his oryent beames to giue him light by day and therewith thou hast giuen him the Moone the stars to gouerne him by night for the which cause aboue all other the workes of thy creation man shoulde and ought of right to giue thée that glory that to thée belongeth But alas such and so great is the corruption of our frayle and sinful flesh that for all these thy graces we are carryed away from thée and enter into contempt of thy precepts for which cause thou oftētimes doest correct and punish vs to the intēt we might therby feeling thy rod of correction bee driuen to imbrace harty and true repentance but when thy threates and the stripes of thy displesure laide vpon vs cannot take place amongest vs thou oftentimes giuest vs vp to follow our lustes and affections but at last when thou doest beholde our inormities thou in a moment by the power of thy deuine iustice restrayned the rope of our disordered libertie and cuttest in sunder the Brydle of our voluptuousnesse eyther by sodayne death sworde fire famine or other thy deuine sentences of thy conceiued yre to the intent that other thy creatures might by the terrour of thy Iustice auoyde sinne and learne to amende their liues least they fall into the like calamitie or daunger True and moste true it is good Lorde that by the exercise of sinne we are the children of death destruction but by grace of the almightie and victorious conqueror swéet Iesus Christ we are the adopted sonnes of thy father and made fellowe heires with thee our perfect Emanuel in whose name with all humilitie lowlinesse of heart mind I come vnto thée in this great extremitie and daunger of death beséeching thée to bée present with mee to forget mine offences to thinke vpon thy mercies and although I haue not deserued so much as the least drop of thy fauor by means of the great burthen of my sins which are in the presence of thy diuine maiesty most vgly and loathsome to behold yet respect thou not O Father mine iniquity but haue an eye I beséech thée to the merits of my sauior Christ Iesus to whom as my mediatour sauiour Redeemer I apeale who hath promised comfort and sweete consolation to all those that in thy name flye vnto thée for reléefe I confesse th●e worthily thou hast visited me and yet not according to the multitude of my sins but in the fulnes of miseration and fatherly pitie giue me grace therefore in these bitter bruntes of death who vehemently at this present beginneth to combat with fainting féeble life constantly to cleue vnto thée let not y e plesures of this wicked worlde bee a let or impediment for mée to come vnto thée let not my fraile feeble flesh subiect to sin which hath thorow my transgression made mee a bondman to death moue me to dispaire in thy great mercy neither yet let that cauilling aduersary y e enemy of mankinde at my last end triumph ouer mée gyue me patience to suffer and gladly to beare abide this thy scourge and visitation and so fortifie mée in soule and body that so long as life shall indure in mée I may neuer cease to call vpon thy holy and blessed name yea and when death is most busiest make thou me most constant yea whē he séeketh most strongly to assayle my féeble body giue mée thy grace good Lorde that I may in spirite hart minde and all the powers of my soule giue praises vnto thée that of thy grace inestimable kindenes hast sent thy sonne Christ Iesus to raunsome me by his blodie death and passion from the power of hell Giue me grace therefore nowe that thou hast appoynted thy messenger death to finishe the days of my pilgrimage and to call me by his sommons from out this vale of misery wrecchednesse to build stedfastly vpon him faithfully to hope for life saluation in and alone thorow him let the remembraunce of my 〈◊〉 wickednes be 〈…〉 vpon 〈…〉 thy glorious ●ight b●h●●de my sorrow●●l true repentant heart which come vnto thee with teares not building on my merites but vppon thy mercies though I be sinful thy son my sauiour is righteous though I be wicked yet he is most holy though I be full of iniquitie yet he full of all goodnes though I haue grieuously offended thee yet he hath fully contented thee though I haue transgressed thy lawe yet he hath fulfilled the same hath promised in his blood to wash away their sinnes that by faith continue in him constant to the ende I therefore in 〈…〉 g●●at and ●aynefull ●●onie beholding Death 〈◊〉 heate at the gates of my body come vnto thee by the vertue of a fruitefull fayth beséeching thée when thou shalt see it méete and conuenient that hee shall dissolue the bandes of this fadyng life which endureth but a whyle for a thousand yeres are as yesterday in thy sight to take my soule into thy glorious and blessed hands and so to confirme mee thy truth that at the last when it shall please thée by the sounde of a trumpe to raise my body from the graue when and in which time body and soule shal vnite come before thy presence I may by faith in thée passe ouer the mount of my corruption shake off the bands of sin be set frée from
martyrs giue thée prayse glory and veneration the Sunne the Moone and glistering starres eche one of them in their course and quallitie shewe themselues obedient to thy will in earth y e beasts of the field and the siely fethered fowles of the Ayre in their order séeme to sette forth thy glorye and prayse in the déepe waters the fyshes of the Seas are readye to obserue thy will and in their manner they as thy creatures giue thee due honour and reuerence but amongest these man whome thou by thy diuine will and pleasure haste indued with reason and in his creation cōcerning the inward man hast fashioned hym to thy similitude and lykenesse is nowe moste prone and willing to be by thy ministers of darckenesse seduced and carryed awaye from vertue to vyce from godlinesse to all impietie from obedyence to wilfull breache and contempt of thy precepts so that diligence is banished by negligence and suche is the power of oure flesh that our eyes which should haue their chiefest cōtemplation and delight in perusing and reading thy glorious and sacred Gospell wherein wée maye beholde thee crucified and slayne O swéetest Sauiour Christe Iesus perfite God and perfite manne by whose innocent deathe and bloudy passion the attonement betwixte thy Father and vs are so daseled wyth the dimmy and darke mysts of Sathan that they are occupyed in the beholding of mundane and transitorye pleasures al which in effect vanish weare away euen as the Flower that eyther is parched by the force of Phebus radiant beames or by Winter stormes and horye frostes consumed oure eares whiche thou haste gyuen vnto vs to heare and vnderstande the sacred and deuine misteries contained in thy holy lawe are made deafe of purpose so that they glory more in fables lothsome leasinges then they conceiue delight in the zealous predication of thy Euangelicall and heauenlye doctrine our hartes are hardened like the Adamāt so y t for the greatest parte they cannot brooke thy testymonies they continually luste and desire to bee satisfied with worldly welth honor and dignitie and who beholdeth not in these dayes what cruel conflict and bloody fyght there is betwixte good conscience and filthy auarice the roote of all myschiefe and euill Naye who seeth not in this age playne dealing murthered by deceyte and faythlesse frawd Who nowe beholdeth not true meaning strangled by forged flatterye loathsome leasinges the bowels of cōpassion and pitty are shut vp by vyolent oppression tyranny our féete are willing to tread the pathes of pryde fornication and vncleannesse our hands are ready to offer wrong iniurie to the innocent yea and in fine whatsoeuer thou hast giuen vnto vs to spreade and set forth thy glory and honor is by sinne so corrupted that wee make the members of our bodyes which by grace and of pure loue are ingrafted in the body of Christ the riche and great shepheard of oure soules the verye members of Sathan so that of set purpose our transgression abounding wée flye from Chryst the rocke and strong piller of our saluation and run headlong to deathe and vtter destruction of body and soule yet like a louing God and mercifull Father thou callest vs home agayne by thy word wherin not onely thy mercies but also thy terrible threats are thundered forth agaynst vs for our impenitencye but when neyther thy manifolde mercies fréely of thy aboundant goodnes offred vnto vs in Iesus Christ can moue nor stir vs to handfast contrition neyther yet thy terrible comminations and threatnynges can exclayme nor call vs backe from the daungerous puddle of our sinnes then y u sendest foorth thy plagues and punishmentes as pestilence famyne and bloudye sworde intending thereby to driue vs to amendement of lyfe and to acknowledge thy omnipotency but when thou beholdest oure true repentaunt heartes oure sobs and sighing teares powred foorth before the Throane of thy deuyne Maiestye thou withdrawest from vs the terroure of thyne indignation and vengeaunce the Rodde of thy correction is layde aside thy displeasure iustly conceiued against vs for the continuall exercise of sinne is vtterly forgotten and by the intercession of thy sonne Iesus Chryste that sitteth on thy right hande in glorye permanēt and euerlasting lyke a louyng Father and moste mercyfull GOD thy Syluered Scepter of peace is offered vnto vs wyth al other thy gracyous benefites that thy anger is conuerted to clemencye thy displeasure is tourned to louing kindenes and in fine thy indignation is so calmed by thyne aboundant grace and mercye that lyke a louing and gentle father thyne armes are stretched foorth ioyfullye to imbrace and receiue vs to thy fauoure agayne all thys I knowe to be moste certaine and true for when or at what tyme soeuer wée shall appeare before the gates of thy mercye by the vertue and power of a constant and liuely fayth knock thereat thou art readie to open vnto vs not for any of oure desertes but for the merites of Iesus Christe the fulnesse of thy deuyne misseration compassion and pittye and whensoeuer we shal cal vpon thee with lowlynesse and méekenesse of our harts and myndes bewayling wofully our heynous offences committed against thée thine eares are most attentiue to heare and willyngly doest graunt vs our peticions wherefore O moste gracious and louing father we come vnto thée with sorrowfull and contrite harts beséeching thée for the loue of thine anointed sonne Iesus Christe our Messias sauioure and redeemer beséeching thée to beholde looke vppon vs wyth the eyes of compassion and pitie albeit wee haue worthely deserued this thy plague and punishmēt yet respect thou not our deseruings least in thy furie indignation we be confounded and perishe haue an eye rather to thy sonne Iesus Christ beholde his bloudy woundes which yet are freshe gréene and neuer stint bléeding thinke vpon the bitter and painfull tormentes that hee suffered for vs vppon the Crosse in whose name we beséech thée fauourably to looke vpō our infirmities mercifullye to heare our prayers and peticions offered vnto thée and graciouslye for the glorye of thy names sake to take and withdraw from vs this thy heauie rodde of correction whiche our sinfull liues and contempt of thy preceptes hath heaped heauily in oure necks giue vs pacience to suffer whatsoeuer it shall please thée to lay vppon vs giue vs grace alway to call and cry vpon thy holy blessed name and faythfullye with teares to say vnto thée continually Spare vs good Lord spare thy people whō thou hast redéemed with thy precious bloode neither yet good Lorde be thou angrye with vs for euer Grant this O mercifull father for the loue of thy onely sonne Iesus Christ to whome wyth thée and the holye Ghost bée all honor glorye and prayse ascribed for euer Amen A prayer to be sayd before the receyuing of the Lords supper OMnipotent God and father euerlasting whose mercy is infinite and whose kingdome hathe no ende vouchsafe I beséeche