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A29251 An appendix to the discourse upon the doctrine of our baptismal covenant being a method of family-religion / by Thomas Bray ... Bray, Thomas, 1658-1730. 1699 (1699) Wing B4288; ESTC R34276 17,835 51

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this both Ordinary and Extraordinary Ordinarily and at every time the Family are call'd together to Prayers it were well if a Chapter were read either according to the order of our Kalendar by which means the most material parts of Holy Scripture might be read over the Old Testament once the New thrice a-year Or if time will not serve to have four Chapters read every day then the New Testament may be read over in order And it would tend singularly to the improvement of the Youth of the Family both Children and Servants to have them read the Chapters by turns Extraordinarily I would recommend it to all Families that on Sunday-Evenings the Master or Mistress having call'd together their whole Family would besides the Chapter cause to be read some Discourse out of some Practical Treatise And I shall here recommend what Books they may read with profit and in what order And in the first ●●ace since in the Doctrine of our Baptismal Covenant is contain'd all that is essentially necessary to Salvation and nothing is to be accounted such which is no part nor Article of the Covenant of Grace and since according as we have perform'd or not perform'd our part of this Covenant we shall be justify'd or condemn'd at the last day I am therefore persuaded that the Knowledge of the Nature Terms and Conditions of this Covenant by whose Mediation we obtained such Gracious Terms of Salvation and what vast Obligations do lie upon us to discharge the same I am therefore I say persuaded that a through understanding of this Covenant is fundamentally necessary And since the general Doctrine thereof gives a view of the whole Scheme of the Christian Religion I humbly conceive it ought to be the first thing taught and understood in Christianity to which end give me leave to recommend every Sunday the reading of a Lecture in the foregoing Short Discourse till it be gone through And then after that for a more particular Information in the several conditions of this Covenant I would be glad if some Treatise upon the Articles of our Christian Faith such as Kettlewel's Practical Believer and next to that some Discourse upon the several Christian Duties such as the Whole Duty of Man were by degrees read over And then if next after this a Discourse upon the Sacrament such as Kettlewell's Help and Exhortation to worthy Communicating were also read there wou'd be nothing wanting to give all the Mem●●rs of a Family both a general and particular Knowledge in the whole Christian Religion and to guide them to Heaven These three last mentioned Books are what I would wish were in every Family for the compleat Instruction of the Members of it But in regard they may be thought too dear a Purchase and too tedious for some instead thereof the Guide of a Christian and the Christian Monitor may serve excellently for the purpose of Family Instructions And if with the latter of these be bound up Wake upon Death between these three there will be an admirable Rule provided for Holy Living and dying And both together will make up an Excellent poor Man's Family-Book The purchase of the two latter will not arise to above one Shilling and six Pence and of all together to not above eight Shillings And it were happy for this Church and the Souls of Men if so many of our Common People did not lay out much more as they generally do to the loading of their Shelves in Books of an Antinomian Spirit such as Bunyan's Books to the Poysoning of many thousand Persons both in their Faith and Practice Thirdly And now after the Psalm and Chapter and the other reading on Sundays In the Close it is proper that Prayer should succeed for which by this time we may suppose all the Members of the Family to be very well prepared and to be put in a good frame of Spirit And there are indeed great variety of excellent Devotions in the foregoing Books especially if to them there shall be added Patrick's Devout Christian However to render this as generally useful as may be for all the purposes of Family-Religion I shall add a Prayer for the Morning and Evening made for the most part out of the words of our Liturgy the best Treasury of Devotions doubtless in the World of any Humane Composure and particularly out of the words of our Catechism the Praying over of which will have these advantages in my Opinion of all other Forms that first the things thereby prayed for will be the same we have Covenanted with God to perform And secondly every single Expression being pregnant of abundance of Matter so as to be the Subject of Expositions in every Petition the Mind will be taken up with great variety of things whereas in most other Composures in much variety of Expression there is but little Matter included And by the by this being the Nature of our Forms in the Liturgy especially of those Supplications following the several Commandments the Injury which is done to our Church Service is intolerarable when it is hurry'd over and read precipitately so as the Worshipper cannot have due space to reflect upon the copious Matter he prays for under those comprehensive Expressions PRAYERS O Most blessed Lord God whose glorious Name is exalted above all Blessing and Praises yet it is our Duty and our Happiness to Glorify thee And to this end we a small handful of thy depending Creatures are here met to join our Hearts and Voices in the Celebration of thy Praises And therefore with Angels and Archangels and all the glorious Company of Heaven we laud and magnify thy holy Name for all thy Mercies vouchsafed unto us and to all Mankind Our Creation was an admirable Instance of thy Goodness communicating Life and Being and a competent measure of Happiness to all thy Creatures And as the Morning-Stars or Angels did thereupon sing for Joy so do we this Day celebrate the Glorious Power then appearing But the Redemption of us by the Mediation of thy Son Jesus Christ reconciling us to thee when we had basely revolted from thee and took part with thine Enemy was an astonishing Work of Mercy which the Angels themselves cannot fathom but desire to look into O how did Mercy and Truth here meet together How did Righteousness and Peace here kiss each other We are in some measure sensible of it and we do most devoutly adore thy Goodness that thou hast called us into the Family of thy Church to partake of the Benefits of such Redemption And now O God as at our Admission into this holy Society we did List our selves under Christ's Banner manfully to Fight against the World the Flesh and the Devil so do thou enable us to Renounce the Devil and all his Works the Pomps and Vanity of this wicked World and all the sinful Lusts of the Flesh As we have been Baptiz'd into the Belief and Profession of thee the only true God Father Son
I would propose there might be a Psalm sung for there is a most inviting and popular as well as a most Heavenly Part of Divine Worship And because there is now so good a Version of the Psalms given us by Brady and Tate and these revis'd by several Bishops and allow'd by Publick Authority to be sung in Churches I would propose the Use of them in Families at leastwise and could wish they were introduc'd into our Publick Assemblies The Disadvantage that Psalmody does at this day lye under by reason of the intolerable badness of our Metre and the ill singing of our Psalms in Country-Churches makes the better sort of People indeed nauseate it and all to despise it Not to say that the Beauty of our Service suffers extreamly by it But Psalms and Hymns to the Great Creator Redeemer and Sanctifier of Mankind as they were the most signal part of the Primitive Liturgies and as they will continue to all Eternity the constant Employment of the Blessed Angels and Saints above so now that there is an Emendation both of the Psalms and Singing the Prejudices conceiv'd against them may soon I hope be turn'd into the highest Love and Esteem of both So that this I think wou'd be an Alteration made to the well-liking of all the Members of our Communion I know there are those who think the Common People so fond of the Old Psalms that they wou'd not endure an Innovation therein But in all the Experience I have had in this Matter in a Ministry amongst them for Fifteen Years I never found that Person which spoke the least liking to Hopkins and Sternhold's Psalms nor any one of the Country-People who had that Value for them as to get one of them by Heart But as to a new Version of our Singing Psalms done with a Spirit and Life that comes up in some measure to the Original now that such an one is made all People I am perswaded would be apt of themselves to learn them and the Clergy can now with a good Countenance strike in and encourage them thereunto not only that every Person might be able to bear a part in that Service but as an Excellent Furniture for Devotion both in Solitude and on many other Occasions And this indeed deserves a particular Consideration that whereas through the Difficulty of learning Prose it is a very hard Matter to make the meaner sort of People to get any Prayers by heart yet through the Facility of getting Verse and the great liking they have to it they may be easily wrought upon to get many of the Singing Psalms without Book so that they might hereby be provided if the Choice were well made of apt and proper Devotions sufficient in some measure to supply their want of other Prayers However they wou'd have wherewithal to lift up their hearts to Heaven upon Contemplation of God's Works when they walk in the Fields and view the Wonders of his Works of which sort of Devotions David's Psalms are so noble a Store-house and to which he does so often call upon all Men Not to say that the getting of much of this Sacred Poesy by heart may work in them a disrelish for obscene and profane Songs and Ballads whereby the Minds of all sorts of People are so infinitely corrupted at this day In short since there is no part of Devotion more pleasing than Psalmody and the Neglect of Family-Worship amongst the Common People at least may be dated from the time it has grown into neglect I cannot therefore but propose it as fit to be reviv'd And because it does so wonderfully compose the Spirits and prepare the Mind for Divine Heat I cannot but think it proper to begin with it in the Daily Returns of Family-Worship PSALMS PSALM C. Proper to be Sung at Home or at Church before the beginning of Divine Service Psalm 100. Proper Tune With one consent let all the Earth to God their chearful voices raise Glad homage pay with awful mirth and sing before him Songs of Praise Convinc'd that he is God alone From whom both we and all proceed We whom he chuses for his own The Flock that he vouchsafes to seed O enter then his Temple-Gate Thence to his Courts devoutly press And still your grateful Hymns repeat And still his Name with Praises bless For he 's the Lord supremely good His Mercy is for ever sure His Truth which always firmly stood To endless Ages shall endure To Father Son and Holy Ghost The God whom Earth and Heaven adore Be Glory as it was of Old Is now and shall be evermore PSALM XCV To be Sung as the 100 Psalm Proper to be Sung as the former O Come loud Anthems let us sing Loud Thanks to our Almighty King For we our Voices high should raise When our Salvation's Rock we praise Into his Presence let us haste To thank him for his Favours past To him Address in joyful Songs The praise that to his Name belongs For God the Lord enthron'd in State Is with unrival'd Glory Great A King superior far to all Whom by his Title God we call O let us to his Courts repair And bow with Adoration there Down on our Knees devoutly all Before the Lord our Maker fall To Father c. PSALM II. Proper to be Sung in a Family or at Church after the Second Lesson Psalm 2. Rochel Tune WIth restless and ungovern'd Rage why do the Heathen storm Why in such rash Attempts engage as they can ne'er perform The Great in Council and in Might their various Forces bring Against the Lord they all unite and his anointed King Must we submit to their Commands Presumptuously they say No let us break their slavish Bands And cast their Chains away But God who sits enthron'd on high And sees how they combine Does their conspiring Strength defie And mocks their vain Design PSALM XI To be ●ung between the First and Second Service Psalm 11. St. David's Tune THe Lord hath both a Temple here and Righteous Throne above Whence he surveys the Sons of Men and how their Counsels move If God the Righteous whom he loves for tryal does correct What must the Sons of Violence Whom he abhors expect Snares Fire and Brimstone on their Heads Shall in one Tempest show'r This dreadful mixture his Revenge Into their Cup shall pow'r The Righteous Lord will Righteous deeds With signal Favour grace And to the upright Man disclose The Brightness of his Face PSALM CXIX To be Sung before the Sermon Psalm 119. St. Mary's Tune INstruct me in thy Statutes Lord thy righteous Paths display And I from them through all my Life will never go astray If thou true Wisdom from above Wilt graciously impart To keep thy perfect Laws I will Devote my zealous Heart In Truth substantial Peace have they Who truly love thy Law No smiling Mischief them can tempt Nor frowning Danger aw Directed therefore by thy Word Let all my Footsteps be Nor Wickedness of
IN an humble and thankful Sense O Lord of Heaven and Earth of our entire dependence on Thee and of the Duty we owe Thee and the many Promises and Vows wherein we stand engaged to Thee we fall down before Thee this Evening and with all Reverence worship thy Divine Majesty Giving Thee the Glory that is due to thy Name and acknowledging thy multiplied Mercies to us particularly those of this Day to the Conclusion of which thou hast now safely brought us with new Resolutions in our Hearts to continue forever in thy Faith and Fear and Love and Obedience It is but just and reasonable and we feel likewise by daily Experience that it is our Happiness to keep thy Commandments and to maintain chearful Thoughts of Thee and an hearty Friendship with Thee by complying in all things with thy Holy Will O pardon our Folly most Gracious God in forsaking at any time that Perfect Rule to follow our own unruly Desires Pardon us we beseech Thee for we know not how to pardon our selves such Ingratitude to Thee and Cruelty to our selves It is the Grief of our Hearts that we have in the least offended Thee and our most earnest unfeigned Desires to to be preserved hereafter in an exact Conformity to the Rule in every thing Yea we wou'd delight to do thy Will O God and take such a Pleasure in all the Acts of Righteousness Mercy Meekness and Gentleness to our Neighbours and in praising and acknowledging Thee the God of all Grace and in living in an humble sense of thy Bounty and our own Vndeservings and in a temperate and thankful Vse of all thy Blessings that we may have the continual Feast of a good Conscience and the constant Comfort and Satisfaction of having Thee always for our Friend and our Gracious Father in Christ Jesus O thou who art the Inspirer of such holy Counsels Desires and Purposes keep them for ever in our Hearts encourage strengthen and increase them that after the Refreshment of a quiet Sleep this Night we may feel them lively and powerful in the Morning and with renew'd Joy we may still devote our selves to thy faithful Service O that our Friends and all thy People in every Place may partake of the same Mercies we desire for our selves And however we are severed one from another in this World grant us an happy Meeting at the Day of our Lord In whose Words we pray Thee to hear us Our Father c. AN Office for YOUTH Texts of Scripture proper for a Mornning Meditation Eph. 5.14 AWake thou that sleepest and arise from the Dead and Christ shall give thee Light Rom. 13. Ver. 11. Knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed Ver. 12. The Night is far spent the Day is at hand let us therefore cast off the Works of Darkness and let us put on the Armour of Light Ver. 13. Let us walk honestly as in the Day and put on the Lord Jesus Christ Matth. 5.16 Let your Light so shine before Men that they may see your good Works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven Eccles 2.13 Wisdom excelleth Folly as far as Light excelleth Darkness I. Psal 3.5 I laid me down and slept I awaked for the Lord sustained me II. Psal 90.14 O satisfy me early with thy Mercy that I may rejoice and be glad all my Days III. Psal 59.16 17. I will sing of thy Power yea I will sing aloud of thy Mercy in the Morning for thou hast been my Defence and Refuge in the day of my Trouble IV. Ver. 17. Unto thee O my Strength will I sing for God is my Defence and the God of my Mercy V. Psal 71.5 Thou art my Hope O Lord God thou art my Trust from my Youth VI. Ver. 6. By thee have I been holden up from the Womb thou art he that took me out of my Mothers Bowels my Praises shall be continually of thee VII Ps●l 148.12 Young Men and Maidens Old Men and Children VIII Ver. 13. Let them praise the Name of the Lord for his Name alone is excellent his Glory is above the Earth and Heaven IX Psal 113.1 Praise ye the Lord praise him O ye Servants of the Lord. X. Ver. 2. Blessed be the Name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore XI Ver. 3. From the rising up of the Sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's Name is to be praised XII Psal 119.124 Deal with thy Servant according to thy Mercies O teach me thy Statutes XIII Ver. 125. I am thy Servant give me Understanding that I may know thy Testimonies XIV Psal 143.8 Cause me to learn thy loving kindness for in thee do I trust cause me to know the way wherein I should walk for I lift up my Soul unto thee A Morning Prayer O God the Father of Heaven I render unto Thee all possible Praise and Thanksgiving who hast preserved me safe from the Danger of the Night past I do humbly beseech thee that thou wouldst take me under the Protection of thy Good Providence this Day and for evermore And as thou hast dispell'd the Darkness of the Night and fill'd the World with the Light of the Sun and hast awaken'd me from Sleep so do thou vouchsafe O Lord to expel the Darkness of Ignorance from my Mind enlightning it with the Beams of thy most Holy Spirit and with the Knowledge of thy beloved Son Jesus Christ our Saviour that true Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World that so declining from the Works of Darkness and directing my Steps according to the Truth of thy most Holy Word I may always walk as in open day Soberly Righteously and Godly subduing all Youthful Lusts and avoiding all Evil Company and at length may arrive to the Habitations of Light under the Conduct of the same thy Son to whom with thee and the Holy Spirit one God of most Adorable Majesty be all Honour and Glory both now and evermore Amen Scripture Texts for Evening Meditation John 11.9 ARE there not twelve Hours in the Day If any Man walk in the Day he stumbleth not because he seeth Light of of this World Ver. 10. But if a Man walk in the Night he stumbleth because there is no Light in him John 3.19 And this is the Condemnation that Light is come into the World and Men love Darkness rather than Light because their Deeds were Evil. John 1.9 Now Jesus Christ is that true Light which lighteth every Man that cometh into the World John 12.35 Let us therefore walk whilst we have Light lest Darkness come upon us for he that walketh in Darkness knoweth not whither he goeth 1 John 2.9 He that saith he is in the Light and hateth his Brother is in Darkness even until now Ver. 10. He that loveth his Brother abideth in the Light and there is no occasion of stumbling in him Psa