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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A20648 A sermon of commemoration of the Lady Da[n]uers late wife of Sr. Iohn Da[n]uers. Preach'd at Chilsey, where she was lately buried. By Iohn Donne D. of St. Pauls, Lond. 1. Iuly 1627. Together with other commemorations of her; by her sonne G. Herbert. Donne, John, 1572-1631.; Herbert, George, 1593-1633. aut 1627 (1627) STC 7049; ESTC S118478 33,254 202

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desi●d that glorie and yet staid his time for it If I pretend to desire death that I might see no more sinne heare no more blasphemies from others it may be I may do more good to others than I shall take harme by others if I liue If I would die that I might be at an end of temptations in my selfe yet I might lose some of that glory which I shall haue in Heauen by resisting another yeeres tentation if I died now To end this consideration as this looking for the day of the Lord which is the word of our Text implyes a ioy and a gladnesse of it when it shall come whether we consider that as the day it selfe the day of Iudgement or the Eue of the day the day of our death so doth this looking for it imply a patient attending of Gods leasure For our example the Apostle saies The earnest expectation of the Creature waiteth for the manifestation of the Sonne of God It is an earnest expectation and yet it waits and for our neerer example Wee our selues which haue the first fruits of the spirit groane within our selues But yet he addes wee wait for the adoption the redemption of the bodie Though wee haue some eares we wait for the whole sheaues And we may be content to doe so for we shall not wait long This is the last time sayes St. Iohn speaking of the present time of the Gospell In the time of nature they were a great way off from the Resurrection for then the time of the Law was to come in And in the time of the Law they were a great way off for then the time of the Gospell was to come in But this is the last time There shall bee no more changes after the Gospell the present state of the Gospell shall land vs vpon the Iudgement And as the Vulgate reads that place Nouissima horaest If God will haue vs stay a little longer it is but for a few minutes for this is our last houre Wee feele scornes wee apprehend terrours Neuerthelesse we we rooted in his promises doe expect we are not at an end of our desires and with an holy impatience that he would giue vs and yet with a holy patience till he be pleas'd to giue vs New Heauens and new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousnesse Which are the two branches which remaine yet to be consider'd As in the first discoueries of the vnknowne parts of the world the Maps and Cards which were made thereof were verie vncertaine verie vnperfect so in the discouerie of these New Heauens th● expositions of those who haue vndertaken that worke are verie diuers First Origen citing for his opinion Clement whom hee cals the Disciple of the Apostles takes those heauens and that Earth which our Antipodes and generally those that inhabit● the other Hemispheare inhabit to be the new Heauens and the new Earth of this Text. Hee sayes Oceanus intransibilis ad reliquos mundos There are Worlds beyond these Worlds beyond that Ocean which wee cannot passe nor discouer sayes Origen But those Worlds and those Heauens and that Earth shall bee discouer'd before the last day and the Gospell of Christ bee preach't in all those places And this is our expectation that which wee looke for According to his promises in the intention and exposition of Origen Those that were infected with the heresie of the Chiliasts or Millenarians with which heresie diuers great and learned men whom we refuse not to call Fathers in the Primitiue Church were infected vpon the mistaking of those words in the Apocalyps of reigning with Christ a thousand yeeres after the first Resurrection argu'd and concluded a happie temporall state of Gods Saints here vpon this Earth for so many yeeres after that day So that though there should not be truly a new Earth and new Heauens but the same Heauens and the same Earth as was before for those future thousand yeeres yet because those Saints of God which in their whole former life had beene in miserie vpon this Earth should now enioy all earthly happinesse vpon the same Earth for a thousand yeeres before they ascended into Heauen these Heauens and this Earth because they are so to them are called a new Earth and a new Heauens by those Millenarians St. Ierome and St. Augustine and after them the whole streame run in another channell They say that these Heauens and this Earth shall be so purified so refin'd by the last fires of conflagration as that all corruptible qualities shall bee burnt out of them but they in their substance remaine still To that those words of St. Paul helpe to incl●ne them Perit figura The fashion of this world passeth away The fashion not the substance For it is Melioratio non interitus The world shall bee made better but it shall not bee made nothing But to what end shall it be thus improu'd In that St. Augustine declares himselfe Mundus in melius immutatus apte accommodabitur hominibus in melius immutatis When men are made better by the Resurrection this World being made betterby those fires shall bee a fit habitation for those Saints of God and so euen this World and whatsoeuer is not Hell shall bee Heauen And truly some verie good Diuines of the Reformation accompany those Ancients in that Exposition that these Heauens purified with those fires and super-inuested with new endowments shall be the euerlasting habitation of the blessed Saints of God But still in these discoueries of these new Heauens and this new Earth our Maps will bee vnperfect But as it is said of old Cosmographers that whē they had said all that they knew of a Countrey and yet much more was to be said they said that the rest of those countries were possest with Giants or Witches or Spirits or Wilde beasts so that they could pierce no farther into that Countrey so when wee haue trauell'd as farre as wee can with safetie that is as farre as Ancient or Moderne Expositors lead vs in the discouerie of these new Heauens and new Earth yet wee must say at last that it is a Countrey inhabited with Angells and Arch-angells with Cherubins and Seraphins and that wee can looke no farther into it with these eyes Where it is locally wee enquire not We rest in this that it is the habitation prepar'd for the blessed Saints of God Heauens where the Moone is more glorious than our Sunne and the Sunne as glorious as Hee that made it For it is he himselfe the Sonne of God the Sunne of glorie A new Earth where all their waters are milke and all their milke honey where all their grasse is corne and all their corne Manna where all their glebe all their clods of earth are gold and all their gold of innumerable carats Where all their minutes are ages and all their ages Eternity Where euery thing is euery minute in the highest exaltation as good as it can be and yet
super-exalted infinitely multiplied by euery minutes addition euery minute infinitely better then euer it was before Of these new heauens this new earth we must say at last that wee can say nothing For the eye of Man hath not seene nor eare heard nor heart conceiu'd the State of this place We limit and determine our consideration with that Horizon with which the Holy Ghost hath limited vs that it is that new Heauens and new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousnesse Here then the Holy Ghost intends the same new Heauens and new Earth which he doe's in the Apocalyps and describes there by another name the new Ierusalem But here the Holy Ghost doe's not proceed as there to enamour vs of the place by a promise of improuement of those things which wee haue and loue here but by a promise of that which here wee haue not at all There and elsewhere the holy Ghost applies himselfe to the naturall affections of men To those that are affected with riches he saies that that new City shall be all of gold and in the foundations all manner of precious stones To those that are affected with beauty hee promises an euerlasting association with that beautifull Couple that faire Paire which spend their time in that contemplation and that protestation Ecce tu pulchra dilecta mea Ecce tu pulcher Behold thou art faire my Beloued saies he and then she replies Behold thou art faire too noting the mutuall complacencie betweene Christ and his Church there To those which delight in Musicke hee promises continuall singing and euery minute a new song To those whose thoughts are exerciz'd vpon Honour and Titles Ciuill or Ecclesiasticall hee promises Priesthood and if that be not honour enough a Royall Priesthood And to those who looke after military honor Triumph after their victory in the Militant Church And to those that are carried with sumptuous and magnifique feasts a Mariage supper of the Lambe where not onely all the rarities of the whole world but the whole world it selfe shall be seru'd in The whole world shall bee brought to that fire and seru'd at that Table But here the holy Ghost proceeds not that way by improuement of things which wee haue and loue here riches or beauty or musicke or honour or feasts but by an euerlasting possession of that which wee hunger and thirst and pantafter here and cannot compasse that is Iustice or Righteousnesse for both those our present word denotes and both those wee want here and shall haue both for euer in these new Heauens and new Earth What would a worne and macerated suter opprest by the bribery of the rich or by the might of a potent Aduersary giue or doe or suffer that he might haue Iustice What would a deiected Spirit a disconsolate soule opprest with the weight of heauy and habituall sinne that stands naked in a frosty Winter of desperation and cannot compasse one fig leafe one colour one excuse for any circumstance of any sinne giue for the garment of Righteousnesse Here there is none that doe's right none that executes Iustice or not for Iustice sake Hee that doe's Iustice doe's it not at first And Christ doe's not thanke that Iudge that did Iustice vpon the womans importunity Iustice is no Iustice that is done for feare of an Appeale or a Commission There may bee found that may doe Iustice at first At their first entrance into a place to make good impressions to establish good opinions they may doe some Acts of Iustice But after either an Vxoriousnesse to wards to the wife or a Solicitude for children or a facility towards seruants or a vastnesse of expence quenches and ouercom's the loue of Iustice in them Non habitat In most it is not but it dwels not in any In our new Heauens and new Earth dwelleth iustice And that 's my comfort that when I come thither I shall haue Iustice at God's hands It was an Act of mercy meerly that God decreed a meanes of saluation But to giue saluation to them for whom Christ gaue that full satisfaction is but an act of Iustice. It is a righteous thing with God to recompence Tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with vs saies the Apostle It is an act of the same Iustice to saue the true Beleeuer as to damne him who by vnbeleefe hath made himselfe a Reprobate Iustice dwels there and there dwels Righteousnes Of which there is none in this world None that growes in this world none that is mine owne For howsoeuer we doe dispute or will conclude of inherent Righteousnes it is indeed rather adheherent then inherent rather extrinsecall than intrinsecal Not that it is not in my self in my will but it is not of my selfe nor of my will My will was neuer able to rectifie to iustifie it selfe But the power of God's grace cals in a forraine Righteousnes to my succour the Righteousnesse of my Sauiour and cals his and makes his my Righteousnesse But yet Non habitat This Righteous● dwels not vnremoueable in mee here Though I haue put on that garment in Baptisme and girt it to me closer in the other Sacrament and in some acts of holinesse yet my sinnes of infirmity slacken this garment and it fals from mee before I am aware and in my sinnes of contempt and rebellion I teare it off and throw it away my selfe But in this new state these new Heauens new Earth Iusticia habitat This Righteousnesse shall dwell I shall haue an innocence and a constant innocence a present impeccancy and an impeccability for the future But in this especially is Righteousnes said to dwell there because this Righteousnesse is the very Son of God the Sonne of Righteousnesse himselfe And this day the day of his second Comming is the last day of his Progresse For euer after that day these new Heauens and new Earth shall bee his standing house where hee shall dwell and wee with him as himselfe hath said The Righteous shall shine forth as the Sunne it selfe As the Sonne of God himselfe as the Sonne of glory as the Son of Righteousnesse himselfe For God shall impart to vs all a mysterious Gauelkinde a mysterious Equality of fulnesse of Glory to vs all God shall not whisper to his owne Sonne a Sede à dextris Sit thou at my right hand nor a Hodie genuite This day haue I begotten thee nor a Ponam inimicos tuos I will make thine enemies thy footstoole and no more But as it is said of the Armies of Israel That they went forth as one man so the whole Host of God's Saints incorporated in Christ Iesus shall bee as one man and as that one Man who was so the Sonne of Man as that he was the Sonne of God too And God shall say to vs all Sedete à dextris Si● ye all on my right hand for from the left hand there