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A87006 Truth and innocency, prevailing against error and insolency: wherein is examined and discovered these following particulars. I. Whether Baptism be sprinkling or dipping. II. Whether the subject to be baptised, be infants or believers. III. Whether the punishment of original sin, be the first or second death. IV. Whether man be in an immortal estate before the resurrection. V. As touching the resurrection, whether these bodies of ours shall rise again & be made immortal, or whether it will be another body. VI. Of Gods love to the whole lump of mankind make known. VII. Of the personal raign of our blessed saviour upon Earth ... by way of answer to Mr. Hezekiah Holland, sometimes preacher at Sutton-Valence in Kent ... a second part: wherein is proved, that all the laws and statutes of King Jesus ... are practicable ... with many objections answered. It being an answer to one Mr. Simon Hendon of Benenden in Kent. / By George Hammon, Pastor to the church of Christ in Biddenden, Kent. Hammon, George. 1660 (1660) Wing H505; Thomason E1022_4; ESTC R208505 201,438 228

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upon the earth Selah Then shall the earth yeeld her increase and God even our God shall bless us and all the ends of the earth shall fear him for the Lord shall be King over all the earth From these Scriptures we may see that the Lord is to dwell with men even to come down and dwell with them it is not said that man shall dwell with God implying a removing of their place but the Tabernacle of God to be with men and he to dwell with them implying that God will remove his habitation But peradventure some may say will the Lord come and dwell with us upon a corrupt carnal earth To which I answer and first Christ did dwell with his Disciples upon the earth and eat with them after his Resurrection what will that teach us weigh it well But secondly the earth then shall be more pure then the Heavens are now for the earth shall be clean in his sight and very good as he at first made them when the restorer shall have restored all things for then the curse will be taken away but as saith Eliphaz Job 15.15 The heavens are not clean in his sight I might speak of Gods dislike of it by reason of the Angels transgression But you will say there shall be a new heaven as well as a new earth I answer it is true where ever Gods seat is there is Heaven but Gods seat shall then be upon earth in Jerusalem where he was shadowed out of old and hence Jerusalem is called by the Prophet Isa 65.17 18 19. the new Heaven in these words Behold I create a new Heaven and a new Earth and the former shall not be remembred nor come into mind but be you glad and rejoyce for ever in that which I create for behold I create Jerusalem a rejoycing and her people a joy and I will rejoyce in Jerusalem and joy in my people and the voyce of weeping shall be heard no more in her nor the voyce of crying From these words we may see what is to be understood by the new Heaven and new Earth spoken of in the 21 Chapter of the Revel and what is to be understood of the Tabernacle of God being with men and he to dwell with them even the Lord of Hosts in his holy mountain at Jerusalem And Saviours shall come upon mount Zion viz. Saints to Judge the mount of Esau when the Kingdome shall be the Lords and so I pass to the seventh Reason to prove that Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth which is Reas 7. Seventhly Because Christ hath commanded us to pray for it even that his Kingdom might come that his will might be done in Earth as it is in Heaven For there is a time coming that it shall be so and the earth shall be full of the knowledg of the Lord as water covereth the Sea when the Law shall go forth of Sion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem now till that day there will be weakness and imperfection amongst the godly that the will of God sometimes will be opposed and resisted but at that time there shall be no sin or disobedience amongst the godly for if they seek for sin in Judah there shall be none found for they shall defile themselves no more with any of their detestable things for all the ends of the earth shall remember and turn unto the Lord and all the kindreds of the Nations shall worship before thee for the Kingdoms is the Lords he is the governour amonst the Nations Psal 22.27 28. Ezekiel 37. Matth. 6.10 Micah 4. From hence we may see that Christ is to have a Kingdom and raign and govern the Nations upon the earth at which time his will shall be done upon earth as the Angels do it in Heaven and this Kingdom also is the Saints it being the good pleasure of the Father to give it unto them as saith Christ Luke 12.32 So then Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth And so I pass to the eighth reason to prove Christ and his Saints to raign upon earth which is Reas 8. Eightly Because the Scripture saith that God will raise up unto David a righteous branch viz. Christ who shall have the Government upon his shoulders and execute Judgment and Justice in the earth mark that and in his dayes Judah shall be saved which yet is not and Israel shall dwell safely and the Saints shall shout for joy and the wicked shall be as ashes under the soles of their feet for God will make Zion as a threshing of Iron having teeth which shall beat the mountains of oposition into dust and the little hills into powder And that there shall be such a righteous branch rise up to David who shall give his people rest and a Kingdom and dominion that they may raign with him upon earth read these Scriptures and peruse them well Jer. 23.5 6. in these words Behold the day cometh saith the Lord that I will raise up unto David a righteous branch and a King shall raign and prosper and shall execute Judgment and Justice in the EARTH in his day Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely and this is the name whereby he shall be called THE LORD OVR RIGHTEOVSNESSE From these words we see that the Son of David namely the Lord Christ our Righteousness is to be King and that over all the earth to execute Judgment and Justice therein and at that time or in the dayes of his raign Judah shall be saved and Israel shall dwell safely that is God will restore as before said their Judges as at the first viz. the Saints who will judge them in righteousness for the shield of the earth belongeth unto the Lord for so saith the Prophet Isa 9.6 7. in these words For unto us a Child is born unto us a Son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wounderful Counsellor the mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of peace of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon his Kingdom to order it and to establish it with Judgment and with Justice from henceforth even for ever From whence we see that if Davids Kingdome was upon earth then Christ will have a Kingdom upon earth for it is to be upon the throne of his Father David and that is the sure mercies of David that he was never to want a man to sit upon his throne meaning that Christ was to sit there but more of that anon Hence you may see that Christ is to receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth and his Saints with him for they are joynt heirs that in suffering with him they may also be glorified together and raign with him according to the Scriptures Rom. 8.17 2 Tim. 2.12 And so I pass to the ninth Reason to prove that
sink and be loosed for their efficacy for a time Answ From what you say here I understand you do believe or at least admit of it that the Gates of Hell shall never prevail against the Church of Christ but that there shall be one in all ages only this Church is to loose her keyes as you think so as not to bind and loose open and shut that is as I understand not to receive in nor to cast out and how this Church shall come to loose her keyes I know not although I have well perused what you say concerning the star that fell from Heaven to Earth for God will not take away the keyes that I can find from the Church and Devils or wicked men cannot take them away for the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it how then shall these keys come to be loost I am a thinking what you might have said from Mat. 25. That while she slumbred and slept shee let them fail out of her hands but I suppose that if she had so done she would have took them up again when she was awake but you say that there was a star fell from Heaven to Earth that had the key of the bottomless pit viz. an evil Angel or Minister as I understand you which had usurped all Church power into his custody totally apostated from Heaven to Earth and becomes a meer earthly Angel by which the Church policy that before was a Kingdome of Heaven is become a bottomless pit and instead of the keyes of the celestial Kingdome was another contrary key of the same bottomless pit the key being the same with the Church Answ The particulars considerable are these as first there was an Angel that had usurped all Church power into his custody say you To which I say me thinks its very strange that an Angel should usurp all Church power into his custody sure it was not while he was in Heaven nay but I remember it was after he was fallen to Earth and then it was not the key of the Kingdome of Heaven viz. the power of the true Church corrupted but it was another key viz. another power ever the key and power of Darkness and indeed it cannot be rationally imagined as I think that an Angel that is to say or Minister should carry all the power and authority away of all the seven Churches of Asia which had seven Angels belonging unto them and not only those seven Churches but also many other Churches that were then extant upon earth so then if the Angel received his key after his fall the which he did read Revel 9.1 2 3 4. then it could not be the key of the Kingdome of Heaven CORRVPTED but another key given to him namely the key of the bottemless pit and what proof is this to prove that all Church power was lost when an Angel viz. or Minister fell away from Heavenly mindedness to earthly mindedness let the rational Reader Judge Secondly That the keyes spoken of Mat. 16.18 were to remain in the Churches hands for ever is very plainly proved in the Scripture as First From the words of our blessed Saviours own mouth Mat. 18.18 19 20. in these words Verily I say unto you that whatsoever ye viz. the Church shall blind on earth shall be bound in Heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in HEAVEN from these words we may see that Christ hath given his Church power to deal with offenders and to bind them that is to exclude them from that Communion of Saints and that it is to be perpetuated is plain because it is annexed to vers 20. which is perpetuated as is most evident Thus we may see in the first place that Christ did once give his Church his power and never took it away again from them and the power and strength of Hell cannot do it For the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it and surely the falling of one Star from Heaven to Earth namely the fall of one Minister could not dispossess the whole body of Christ namely his Church in all places consisting of many particular Churches and Stars or Ministers of all their power that Christ gave unto his body the Church it being further considered that the Gates of Hell was not to prevail against it take this comparison Suppose the Constable of Benenden should lose his power as an Officer by reason of his rebellion doth it therefore follow that all the Constables in the seven hundreds or in that division have lost their power who have not rebelled and the several Parishes thereby lose their power so as they cannot execute the Law upon offenders which if so it is a Paradox unto me even so if one Minister of the Church or one Minister and Church should fall away and so lose their true power and in the room thereof take up the power of darkness doth it therefore follow that all the other Churches and Ministers which did not fall should lose their power also surely no there is no reason to be given to prove it but we find there was but one STAR in the singular number and not STARS in the plural number that fell and therefore to say because one Minister fell and lost his place and true power therefore there must needs be a sink of all Ministers and power is all one as if I should say that because Judas fell and lost his power and Apostle-ship therefore there was no Apostle-ship nor power upon Earth which to say would be rediculous and yet there is as good reason for the one as for the other but indeed no reason at all for neither so then the sum of what can be said from Revel 9.1 2 3. Is that there was a STAR that fell from Heaven to Earth and worked wickedness that is one Minister fell from Heaven that is to say from the Heavenly Church state to an Earthly Church state from the Oracles of God to the traditions of men and so it might be and was that one Minister amongst many might fall and yet the rest stand fast as it was with many in the primitive age and this is all which can be said from Revelations 9. And Secondly That Church power was perpetuated and to remain after these Apostles Death amongst the Churches is plain because the successive Ministers and Churches were to use the same practice of receiving and rejecting as we may read Tit. 3.10 2 Tim. 4.2 2 Thes 3.14 And your own principle alloweth of it for you do affirm that the practice of the Lords Supper is perpetuated and to remain in all ages and suppose you did do what you judge is your duty to do namely observe and keep the Lords Supper it must also of necessity be your own practice for suppose that one of your communicates that appeared to be a civil honest religious man but last Lords day and one which ye much delighted in but peradventures before the next Lords day
and possess the kingdome together and raign under Heaven and if it be under heaven then it doth necessarily follow that it will be upon earth and this text agreeth with that which is spoken by Dan. 2.34 44. in these words Thou sawest till a stone was cut out without hands which smote the Image upon his feet that were of Iron and clay and brake them in pieces and in the dayes of these Kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdome which shall never be destroyed and the kingdome shall not be left unto another people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and shall stand for ever And the stone shall become a great mountain and fill the whole EARTH verse 35. which meaneth Christ and his people from whence we may see that the Kingdome that Daniel speaks of is to be upon earth because he saith it was to fill the whole earth so then Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and to raign upon earth Reas 2. Secondly the second reason to prove that Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth is Because the Scripture saith that Christ and the Saints shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron and bruse them like a Potters vessel the which cannot be unless Christ and the Saints receive a Kingdome and raign upon earth for if the received opinion be true that all shall arise together at the last day and at a moment or in a short time one go to Heaven and the other to Hell how then can Christ and the Saints then rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron and bruse them like a Potters vessel for so long as the Saints live in this world they must expect to suffer for Christ and the Gospels sake as saith Saint Paul and Daniel and indeed many Prophets and Apostles that thorow many tribulations we shalt enter into the kingdome of God yea every one that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution and as Daniel saith The same Horn viz. Antichrist made warr with the Saints and overcame them until the Judgment was set and the time came that the Saints were to possess the Kingdome Dan. 7.21 25. Acts 14.22 2 Tim. 3.12 And indeed the nigher to the end there shall be bating one another and betraying one another and the People of God shall be hated of all men for Christs name sake and as Christ saith in this world you shall have tribulation for if they have persecuted me they will also persecute you and this was the portion of the primitive Saints and will be the portion of the l●st also therefore in this corrupt body they do not raign but the wicked rule them with rigour but there is a time that Christ and the Saints shall raign over them and rule them with a rod of Iron and bruse them like a Potters vessel which shews that Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and raign upon earth Now that they are to rule all Nations read Psal 2.8 9. compared with Rev. 2.26 27. in Psal 2. the words are these Thou art my son this day have I begotten thee ask of me and I will give thee the heathen for thy inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession Thou shalt break them with a Rod of Iron and than shalt dash them in pieces like a Potters vessel Thus you see the honour and dignity that God hath given to his Son namely to rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron and this very honour hath Christ given to the Saints as you may read Rev. 2.26 27. in these words He that overcometh and keepeth my works to the end I will give him power over the Nations and he shall rule them with a Rod of Iron and burse them like a potters vessel even as I have received of my Father Here we see the Scripture saith that Christ and the Saints shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron which sheweth that Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdome and raign upon earth And so I pass to the third reason why Christ and his Saints shall receive a Kingdome and raign upon the earth which is Reas 3. Because the Scripture saith that Christ and the Saints shall inherit the earth now to live on the earth and to have it or possess it as their own inheritance are two things for Abrahams slaves lived in Canaan but they had not the land in possession so was Abraham a sojourner in the land that afterwards he was to receive for an inheritance or possession even so it is with us we are strangers and sojourners in the earth as was our fathers and yet shall have it given into our hands for an inheritance when it is restored into its glory I do not say we shall have no more mistake not For otherwise the first Adam lost some happiness or soverainty that Christ never restores but that Christ and the Saints shall inherit the earth read these Scriptures diligently which saith He viz. Christ shall come down as rain upon the new mown grass as showers that watereth the earth and in that day shall the righteous flowrish and abundance of peace so long as the Moon endureth his dominion shall be from Sea to Sea from the rivers unto the ends of the earth Thus Christ shall come down and inherit the earth They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him and his enemies shall lick the dust yea all Kings shall fall down before him all Nations shall serve him Hence we see that Christ is to inherit the earth and the Nations to serve him and now you shall see that the Saints shall inherit the earth also and that Kings shall bow before them and they shall bind them in chains and fetters of Iron for so saith the Scripture Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth and the high praises of God be in their mouths and a two edged sword in their hands to execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishment upon the people to bind their Kings with chains and their Nobles with fetters of Iron to execute upon them the Judgment written this honour hath all the Saints mark that praise ye the Lord therefore wait upon God and keep his wayes and he will exalt thee to inherit the earth when the wicked are cut off thou shalt see it For yet a little while and the wicked shall not be viz. bear rule but the meek shall inherit the earth and delight themselves in the abundance of peace for evil doers shall be cut off but those that wait upon the Lord shall inherit the earth Hence we see that Christ and the Saints are to inherit the earth and to exercise authority in government over Kings and this honour is not peculiar to a few of the Saints only but it belongs to all of them even to the beggar upon the dunghil for this honour hath ALL
9. the duties of charity all these are acknowledged by you to be perpetuated and to remain Secondly the other number as 1 Confirmation 2 Ordination 3 Church-Censure 4 Church-stating these are corrupted and are ceased as you say and which of these is the greatest number I leave the wise to judge from whence they may see that the two Pipes should not parallel with the perpetuated Ordinances and therefore shall leave them as excellent in their proper place and signification but altogether of an uncertain sound as they have been applyed not fit for persons to dance after and thus I leave this particular and come to speak somewhat to the four Winds Revel 7.1 The four Winds saith Mr. Henden Page 4. Is to be understood the Winds of the Spirit the begetting and preserving cause of these visible keyes before spoken of where by reason of the falling away were wholly with-held from their apparent blast and the cause failing the effects must also cease These four Angels we conceive to be evil Spirits working by their principal Ministers the four capital Patryarchs of the Christian World to wit the Bishop of Alexandria for the South of Antioch for the East of Constantinople for the North and Rome for the West who usurping all ecclesiastical government into their hands did by their contention and pride gradually detain the four Winds from breathing in the external regement till at the last the head-ship fell into Rome Page 29. Answ There is many things laid down the which I shall speak to in particular and that very briefly because I am much straitned for time and also I think there is so little coulour of truth in it that few will believe it whether I speak any thing to it yea or nay but because I would not willingly miss any thing that seems of weight in your eye I shall examine the particulars and first to the first which is The four Winds spoken of Revel 7.1 Is the Winds of the Spirit saith Mr. Henden In Answer to this I shall cite the Text and speak little to it but leave the Reader to Judge see the Text Revel 7.1 in these words And After these things I saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the Earth holding the four Winds of the EARTH that the Wind should not blow upon the Earth nor on the Sea nor on any green Tree From these words we may take notice that the four Winds are called the Winds of the EARTH mark that and wherever the Spirit of the Lord or the breathings forth of his Spirit is called by the name of the four Winds of the Earth I never yet read although I have examined Ezek. 1.4 5. chap. 37.9.14 Acts 2.2 The which none of the places run parallel with Revelations 7.1 They are not called the four Winds of the Earth as for Exekiels vision chap. the first Ezekiel saw the Heavens opened it was not the four Winds of the Earth no but a whirle-wind and a cloud from the OPEN HEAVENS North-ward in the which whirle-wind the Lord appeared to Ezekiel between the sour living creatures which were Cherubims and we know it is usual for the Lord to appear in a whirle-wind between the Cherubims that those living creatures spoken of in Ezek. 1.5 were Cherubims and that the Lord dwelleth between or amongst the Cherubims is clear from chap. 10. compared with 1 Sam. 4.4 2 Kings 19.15 Psal 80.1 and 99.1 And that which is spoken obscurely in the first chap. of Ezekiel is more plainly expounded in Chap 10. where the living creatures spoken of in Chap. 1. are called Cherubims in Chap. 10.20 in these words This is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the River Chebar and I knew that they were Cherubims Time would fail me to open the matter contained in the vision and the end of it but enough to prove that it relates not at all to the four Winds spoken of in Revel 7. Secondly as to the Winds spoken of in Ezek. 37.9 I say that its only used by way of allusion because our lives are called wind Job 7.7 and Israel being in captivity and so as dead men the Lord sheweth the Prophet Ezekiel that he would revive them and recover them out of their captivity and bring them again into their own Land vers 21. and also we may observe that they must first have the breath of life and be brought out of their graves which breath of life to raise them from their graves was to come from the four Winds and then after this they were to be brought into their own Land and the Spirit of God was not to be poured out upon them while they were in captivity but after they were come into their own Land at a set time Zech. 12.9 10 11. which sheweth that Wind spoken of there was not that Spirit which you aim at which if it were yet it holds no agreement with the text cited by you Revel 7.1 because it is not called the Winds of the Earth for there is the Winds of the Earth and there is the Winds of Heaven Dan. 8.8 Chap. 11.4 Zech. 2.6 Mat. 24.31 Revel 7.1 Thirdly To the Text cited by you Acts 2.2 in these words And suddenly there came a sound FROM Heaven as of a rushing mighty wind c. from these words we may see that this Wind came from HEAVEN and so was not that Wind spoken of in Revel 7. Because that was the four Winds of the EARTH mark that Fourthly it doth not say that there came a Wind from Heaven and sate upon each of them but cloven tongues which sate upon each of them and the sound was like unto a mighty rushing Wind it doth not say it was a Wind that blew but there was heard a sound as it were a mighty rushing Wind so then the sound of it was as it were or like a Wind and every likeness is not the same but why need I keep such a stir about this Wind I remember Mr. Henden saith in his 28. Page and line 19 20. that the with-holding the Winds of the Spirit hurt not the elect his words are these all save the elect were hurt thereby and subverted From whence we now learn from what Mr. Henden saith in this place that it was from the reprobate that the Winds of the Spirit was with-held from blowing on them This is that I understand from his words if I understand him aright unless there be a third sort of men that is to say the elect and reprobate and another sort which is neither elect nor reprobate and if this be Mr. Hendens opinion viz. that the with-holding of the Winds of the Spirit did not hurt the elect but the reprobate then one of us have fought as it were with our own shadow for it was ever my judgment since I knew any thing of God that Gods holy Spirit was ever with-held from the reprobate they having no part or portion in
chap. 19.19 20. compared with Daniel where he is called a vile Person with the Thessalonians where he is called the Man of Sin in Ezekiel where he is called Gogg and again with Daniel where he is called the little Horn and a King of a fierce countenance understanding dark sentences who shall speak miraculous things against the God of Gods denying all that is called God and worshipped siting in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God and the signs and wonders spoken of in the Text is those miracles spoken of in Dan. 8.25 Revel 13.13 14 15 16. chap. 16.14 chap. 19.20 and more that might be added I shall only speak but a little to it more because I have spoken of it more at large in my book intituled Zions Redemption Original Sin wherein also I have shewn the difference between the Romish Babylon the Antichrist shewing them to be two one different from the other But at present I say that the cause of these false Christs working signs and wonders will be to deceive the elect viz. the Jews who are commonly called in Scripture the elect that it is that people namely the Jews which he will endeavour to deceive read Dan. 11. ult chap. 12.1 2 7. Zech. 14.1 2 3. And his Throne shall be in Jerusalem amongst the Jews as I have before proved and the Jews looking for Jesus to come according to Daniels and Isaiah's Prophesie which saith Dan. 7.10 Fiery streams issued and come forth from before him thousand thousands ministred unto him c. and the Man of Sin or the false Christ shall have thousand thousands to minister unto him For his Army shall be very great and that he may also have fiery streams issue before him that he may make the Jews believe that he is the true Christ and thereby if it were possible deceive the Jews viz. the elect he causeth fire to come down from Heaven in the sight of men to deceive them that live upon the face of the earth Revel 13.13 at which time the two Prophets shall begin their Prophesie that they may establish the Jews in the Testimony of Jesus and they shall work miracles indeed such as shall destroy all the former ones wrought by the false Christ like as Moses and Aarons Rod eat up the Rods of the Magicians in Egypt and as the false Christ shall have a false Prophet or false Prophets that shall bear their Testimony for the false Christ who will practise lying signs and wonders even so the true Christ shall have two witnesses or Prophets who in truth uprightness shal bear their Testimony for the true Christ who not long after will descend upon the Mount of Olives Zech. 14.4 which true Prophets shall as aforesaid do such things and miracles that shall not only eat up or destroy the other that were false but shall be a sore punishment to the Beast and false Prophet and all that have received his mark in their hand or fore-head that these Prophets and things shall stand up and be done in the very end of time as I may say is clear read the fore mentioned Prophets and compare them together and you shall see it to be true althought I do not deny but there may have been some things done in the World already like it in one sense or another but the fulfilling of these Prophets are to be expired very near the second and glorious coming of the Lord Jesus thus I shall pass to the second thing fore mentioned which is The Desart or secret Chamber I understand is his viz. the false Christ confining himself to a private place to that end that he may be the more sought after and adored for the more privately he contains himself the more he will be sought after for mens fa●cies are set much upon novelties hence the certain GREEK sought to see Jesus John 12.20 And many have a desire to see great ones and more especially if they be confined to privacy but if he be publick he may pass again and again and not be so sought after because they then can see and confer with him when they please Secondly It is a great means to deceive for those that are admitted to see his majesty it 's a thousand to one if they be not deceived partly by doting upon his majesty and partly by going contrary to Gods Word gadding in their minds after vanity and to this end he confines himself to secresie into secret places at his first coming but saith Christ behold I have told you before go not after HIM this brings me to the third particular which is his reason why they shall not go to see a Christ in a Desart or secret Chamber which is Thirdly because saith Christ as the lightening cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West or from one end of Heaven to the other so shall also the coming of the Son of man be The lightening I understand to be the Sun which lighteneth the Earth rising in the East and shining even unto the West or from one end of Heaven to the other as Luke hath it but if so be that some should understand this lightening as comits or common lightening which is usual in hot wether and in times of thunder and the like It cannot be so understood because that such lightening cometh as often out of the South and West and somtimes North as out of the East and also is so far from being seen from the East even unto the West that somtimes it is seen to be tempestuous lightening wether in one neighbouring Land and not in another and in one County and not in another if not in one parish somtimes and not in another but this lightening shineth from the East even to the West from one end of Heaven unto another the which is to be understood the Sun in the Firmament which lighteneth the earth even from the East unto the West The Scripture discovering her rising in the East and shining unto the West and the glory of the Lord seen like unto the rising of the Sun that shineth into the West and filleth the earth with her light and glory Isa 45.6 chap. 59.19 But let it be the Sun in the Firmament or other lightening yet the matter lyeth here that Jesus Christs coming is not in obscurity but as a light that cometh out of the East and shineth unto the West or shineth from one end of Heaven to another the sequel of the matters is that the Christ that is to be seen in a Desart or secret Chamber namely in a private place is far from being the true Christ that they need not say when the true Christ comes let us go here or there namely into a Desart or secret Chamber or Mountain to see him but he shall be seen at once as the Sun that riseth in the East and is seen by all even to the West without going into Desarts or Chambers or
Pope and the Priest did confess by their practise that the person baptized must confess his sins himself or some other for him which sheweth also That the Person baptized was first to confess his sin and promise amendment of life and so must be of mature years before baptized And now the greatest part of people being ashamed of Pope Ignatius vanity I know not what they will do if they understood what they learned in their old Catechism but in very deed and truth I am ready to beleeve and that not without ground the more is the pity that men are so implicit in their Faith as to beleeve and practise such things in the worship and service of God because it is in custom amongst men as they are not able to give an account of either to God or man nor satisfie their own Conscience if they would but suffer themselves to be brought to a tryal but go on like a blind Horse in a Mill that hath his circuit limitted and cast up for him to go in And is not this a miserable delusion of the Devil whereby he hath blinded the eyes of the understandings of them which beleeve not to think if they take their practises from such and such wise learned men that they shall do well enough not minding what the Lord hath said which shall stand sure to a thousand generations That he will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nought the understanding of the prudent and yet these foolish men will be so wise for their bodies that if they take but a small piece of silver of either of these wise men they will turn it over and over again to see whether it be silver or counterfeit coyn but as for their Souls they run a hazard leaving the tryal of it until the last day and then when Christ saith Who hath required these things at your hands being not able to give an account they stand speechless and so receive the sentence Take ye that unprofitable Servant and bind him hand and foot and cast him into utter darkness and there his Portion will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth And thus I come to the Seventh Reason to prove Beleeving Men and Women to be the only fit subjects of Baptism which is Reas 7. Because Faith is required of all such as appear before God in any Gospel-Ordinance or administration because the Gospel-administrations are the administrations of the Spirit and so require a spiritual faithful seed to participate thereof contrary to the administrations of the Law which were carnal Ordinances for the Law was not of Faith but the man which did it should live in it but the Gospel is Faith and that which requires Faith in all that come to God through it for as saith the Eunuch See here is water what hindreth me to be baptized And Philips Answer was If thou beleevest thou mayest Acts 8.37 implying that Faith was that which would give him admittance unto it or the want of Faith would hinder him for he that cometh to God must beleeve that he is a rewarder of all them which diligently seek him And indeed we may see that through Faith it is that we stand in the Grace of God and new Covenant Rom. 5.1 2 3. And so much briefly to the Seventh Reason to prove beleeving Men and Women to be the only subjects fit for Baptism And so I come to the 8. Reason which is Reas 8. Because Baptism represents the new Birth and is a demonstration to the world that the Person baptized is new born of Water and of the Spirit and is significantly called the washing in regeneration and renewing the Holy Ghost Titus 3.5 Which sheweth that they only are to be baptized which are new born and thereby to represent to the world the work of God upon their Soul that as they have their Hearts sprinckled from an evil Conscience so they represent it by having their Bodies washed with pure water not that the water it self as barely considered water is pure no but the Commands of God and his Ordinances are pure inlightning the eyes and so to the pure all things are pure and so the Water in Baptism may be called pure it being a pure Ordinance and representing a pure work of God wrought in the Soul And hence it came to pass that our blind Priests gave thanks to God when they had strewed or sprinckled a little water on a Childs face that the Child was regenerated and born again as though Baptism conferred grace which if so doubtless Simon Magus also had not been in the gall of bitterness after Baptism unless he could and had fell from Grace O you blind guides what can you declare a Person to be the Child of Wrath and a Child of God and an heir to heaven in half an hours time without seeing any visible demonstration of the Work of Grace wrought upon the Soul and yet notwithstanding although you do give thanks to God that they are regenerated and born again yet so soon as they be capable to be Preached to you tell them if they will not Repent and Beleeve and such like things they shall be Damned and yet deny any falling from Grace What kind of strange confused Doctrine is this What half an hour a-go a Child of Wrath but now being sprinkled it 's Regenerated and born again and an heir to heaven and shortly in a damnable estate again so that if it do not Repent and the like it must be damned Oh strange Confusion It makes me admire how the understanding of the wise comes to be so confounded only God hath confounded the language of the builders of Babel and hence it comes to pass that their language is so confounded Take heed therefore of building of a way to Heaven of your own inventions But to pass this Discourse you may see that Baptism represents a new Birth and therefore the persons baptized must first be new born for that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spiritual therefore beleevers which are born again are the only fit subjects of Baptism And so I pass to the 9. Reason to prove beleevers the only subjects sit for Baptism which is Reas 9. Because Baptism is a visible manifestation of a Covenant made between God and the Soul whereby the Soul visibly puts off the old Man viz. the lust of the Flesh and puts on the new Man Christ Jesus in righteousness and true holiness not to serve any longer according to the Will of the Flesh but to God in newness of Spirit and this is that the Apostle saith to the Galatians Gal. 3.27 That as many as were baptized unto Christ had put on Christ which sheweth That Baptism is a visible putting on the Lord Christ which requireth Faith in the person baptized for if a person should be baptized ten thousand times and have not faith he puts not on Christ and so
namely Mans Mortality A DISCOURSE Touching the Mortality of the Soul IN order to the clearing up of this Subject of Dicourse I shall lay down this Position which is That man by sin made himself wholly mortal So that when God shall take away his breath which is from the time of death till the time of Resurrection he is no more then what he was before God breathed into him the breath of life which was but dust and also to dust he doth return and the word Soul is used for illustration sake and very large in its acceptation in Scripture sometimes to be understood one thing sometimes another that no man living can say of any one thing this is the soul and this is not but the whole individual man is taken for the soul and where there is spoken of soul and body there is no more difference than there is between Spirit and breath only it is spoken by way of illustration and the Greek word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth signifie several things as the Mind Will Soul Delight Pleasure Affection Disposition Phantasie Life Breath Wind Blast Wrath Anger Memory Thought Stomack Courage Advice Opinion Heart Witt Stoutness Willingness Promptness or Readiness of Mind also Sleep and also Man these many significations and more is derived from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which we read in our Translation Soul But leaving these things I shall come suddenly to the Reasons and then answer some Objections but first see some Scriptures which proveth that Man is wholly mortal and first see the words of the Wise man Eccles 3.19 20. in these words For what befalleth the sons of men befalleth Beasts even one thing befalleth them as the one dyeth so dyeth the other yea they have all one breath so that man hath no preheminence above a beast for all is vanity all go to one place all are of the dust and return to dust again Agreeable to the Word of the Lord Gen. 3. Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return and this is also further amplified by John 4.7 8 9 10 11 12. in these words For there is hope of a tree if he be cut down that it will sprout again and the tender branches thereof will not cease though the root thereof wax old in the ground and the stock thereof die in the earth yet thorow the descent of water it will bud and bring forth branches like a plant but man dyeth and wasteth away ye man giveth up the Ghost and where is he as the waters fall from the Sea and the floods decay and dry up so man lyeth down for we must needs die and be as water spilt upon the ground that cannot be gathered neither doth God respect the person of any man yet he hath used a means that his banished shall not be for ever expelled from him From whence we may see that the estate of man is compared to the floods that are dryed up that is become as it were nothing and is so to remain until the resurrection for by sin and death we are banished from the Lord yet he hath used a means namely to bring us forth again at the Resurrection that his banished should not be for ever kept from him but if the righteous go to heaven so soon as they die how are they banished from him and become as water spilt upon the ground For what man is he that liveth and shall not see death Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave Selah Psal 89.48 2 Sam. 14.14 No he cannot deliver his soul from the hand of the grave when God sets his heart to look upon man as you may see Job 34.14 15. in these words If he set his heart upon man if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath all flesh shall perish together and man shall again return unto dust From these words we see all flesh is to perish and man is flesh yea the whole man for that which is born of flesh is flesh now the soul of man is born of flesh and if it be not spirit it must die and the Apostle saith that the first man meaning the whole man was earth earthy and as is the earthy so are they that are earthy howbeit it was not first that which was spiritual but that which was natural and then that which was spiritual speaking there of the man Adam and the man Christ affirming that the first Adam was an earthly natural man and the second Adam viz. Christ was a heavenly spiritual man so then the first man thorow his sin made himself mortal even the whole man there is a multitude of Scriptures that proveth this thing but time being very pretious with me I cannot at this time set them in order before thee but shall pass to some few Reasons to prove man wholly mortal and the first is Reas 1. First because Christ dyed soul and body to purchase our souls and bodies from the grave and if Christs soul dyed it was really to that end that our souls might not lie in the grave and if we had dyed only in body then Christ had dyed only in body but the whole man being mortal and returned to dust Christ also poured out his soul to death and made his soul an offering for sin as saith the Prophet Isa 53.10 When thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed mark that he shall prolong his dayes and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand 12. Because he hath poured out his soul to death and he was numbred with the strangers and he bore the sins of many c. From hence we see that Christs SOVL dyed that ours might live again and not be left in the grave which proveth that our souls are mortal and die and so I pass to the second reason to prove That the whole man is mortal which is Reas 2. Secondly because if mans body be mortal and that die and his soul immortal that live then man hath two lives two distinct Beings which is not for if there be two distinct lives and two distinct Beings then Adam was two distinct Creatures and then it cannot be said that as by the offence of ONE Judgment came upon all men to condemnation for Adam upon that account was TWO distinct beings having two distinct lives but man having but one life the whole man must be mortal or the whole man immortal and that the whole man is mortal the Scriptures and our experience doth witness Reas 3. Again Thirdly Because otherwise Christ had done Lazarus wrong by raising him from the dead for if his Soul had been in Heaven four dayes and then Christ fetched it from thence it was so far from an act of love to him whom Christ so well loved that it was great prejudice and also I strange that Lazarus did not mention one tittle of the glory of Heaven if he had been
they did die the same day for men may lie a whole day nay they may lie dayes with their legs broken before they die and I do dare presume to say that they were both alive very neer the end of that day and had nothing inflicted upon them to shorten their lives but being nailed thorow their hands and feet and their legs broken and I dare presume that many lie longer then they had to lie of that day that have been far more desperately wounded Furthermore I dare presume to say that no man living can prove that the Malefactors were dead the same day and if it cannot be proved that they were dead that day it cannot be proved that the soul of the penitent Thief was that day in heaven moreover consider Christ did not tell the Thief that his SOVL should be with him in Paradise but saith thou shalt be with me not thy SOVL but thou viz. thou Thief or thou Man shalt be with me in Paradise which was not so then you see that Christ was not ascended himself but he poured out his soul to death and that lay in the grave although God left it not there Secondly it cannot be proved that the Thief was dead that day if there were such a thing as the soul ascending into Heaven at the time of death And thirdly the text doth not say the SOVL shall be with Christ but thou i. e. thou Man or Thief as before said shall be with me These things considered what may we understand of the text which saith verily I say unto thee to day thou shalt be with me in Paradise To which I answer and say as I before have said that whereas Christ saith to day shalt thou be with me in Paradise is but to give the Thief assurance of his salvation for his petition or request is that the Lord would remember him when he came into his Kingdome and Christ to put him out of doubt and to administer comfort and assurance unto him saith I say unto thee to day thou shalt be with me in Paradise as if he should have said to him thou desired me to remember thee when I come into my Kingdome but to put thee out of doubt I will tell thee at present or to day to thy comfort that thou shalt be with me in Paradise Doth it follow therefore because Christ giveth him a promise that day of heaven that therefore he must be in heaven the same day it was well for him that he had a promise of it that day that thereby he may enjoy it when David who is not ascended into heaven shall enjoy it with the rest of the godly at that day before spoken of so then that day was but the day of promise but the day of enjoyment is yet to come namely when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed and till that time we are to wait for it because all the Saints shall be made perfect and enjoy their inheritance together And thus I pass from this Obsection and hasten to the conclusion of this Subject of discourse Object 5. But if it be objected that the souls of them that are slain cry under rhe Alter Table Rev. 6.10 Answ If they cry then they are not in heaven as is plain because when they come there all crying and trouble shall vanish away Secondly by Alter Table we are to understand a place of Sacrifice and by Souls crying we are to understand the blood of the Saints crying for vengeance for it is blood that cries for vengeance and that the soul is in some places to be understood blood is clear because the life or blood is to be understood all one in many places and so it is said that Christ made his soul an offering for sin and that is to be understood his life or more properly his blood for without blood there is no remission of sins And also I have before shewed that the Greek word Soul bears such a signification as blood and if so it is very proper for the souls viz. blood to cry for vengeance for so did Abels blood cry for vengeance against Cain and also Christs blood doth cry for vengeance against such as are guilty of it by trampling it under foot although it doth speak for the penitent better things then the blood of Abel And thus we are to understand that sixt chapter of the Revelations that after the red Horse and he that sate upon him with the great Sword had took peace from the earth then John saw the blood of the just ones lying under the Alter Table that is the place where they were made a sacrifice or where they offered up their blood or lives a sacrifice for Christs sake and the testimony of a good conscience and that viz. blood cryed for vengeance and this is that which John saw and declared when he saith I saw the souls which were slain for the word of God and the Testimony which they held And so I pass to the next and last objection which is drawn from the 1 Pet. 3.18 19. in these words Object 6. By which he went and preached to the Spirits in Prison therefore there is an immortal soul Answ To which I answer and say that the meaning of this place is no other but that the spirit of Christ did preach to the old world in Noahs dayes or Christ by the same spirit wherewith he was quickned preached in the dayes of Noah to those that are now dead or in Prison for the word Prison is to be understood a place of security to secure persons for the day of Judgment to be either acquitted and justfied or condemned and executed and this agrees with Revel 20.13 where it is said as at a Goal delivery That the Sea and death and the grave delivered up the dead which were in them and they were all judged according to their works And whereas it is read Hell in our Translations it is meant the grave for so it should be read the which if you question it you may read the margent note and see it so read there The like expression there is in John 31.8 speaking of death saith There the prisoners rest together the smal and great are there and the servant is free from his Master verse 19. So then it was the same spirit that which raised Christ from the dead that preached in the dayes of Noah observe this and I pass to the conclusion That it was not the quickned that preached to the Spirits who were disobedient in the dayes of Noah and now in prison but it was the quickner there is the mystery of the text mark well I have a few words more and so I shall leave this Subject of Discourse which is First a few words in particular to my Antagonist who saith That the soul is immortal because it was created after Gods Image Although he hath contradicted himself sadly in what he holds if he own what he hath written in the 13
from him for Christ hath destroyed him that had power over death which is the Devil and hath delivered us by Resurrection who by the reason of the fear of death were kept in slavery all our life long For nothing would be so troublesome to the godly as the thought of death were it not for a Resurrection but saith the Lord I will ransome them from the power of the grave I will redeem them from death O Death I will be thy Plague O Grave I will be thy destruction He will swallow up death in victory and the Lord will wipe away tears from all faces Hosea 13.14 Isa 25.8 2 Sam. 14.14 Heb. 2.14 From these Reasons and Scriptures and many more which might be added we may clearly see That the dead namely such as do now and shall sleep in the dust shall arise both good and bad and come to Judgment And now courteous Reader seeing it is so that the dead as before said must arise and come to Judgment be exhorted to take up that good resolution with the holy man Job 14.14 which saith If a man die shall he live again then all the dayes of my appointed time will I wait till my change come giving thanks alwayes to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled that fadeth not away Therefore gird up the lines of thy mind waiting for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ who will change our vile bodies and fashion them like unto his glorious body according to his promise and mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself who hath abolished death and brought life and immortality to light To whom be praise and glory for ever and ever Amen 1 Pet. 1.3 Phil. 3.20 21. 2 Tim. 1.10 Secondly take this word of advice by way of Caution which is take heed and beware of giving heed to such as do deny the Resurrection of whom there is two sorts now in our dayes as there was in the Apostles dayes the one sort is like unto the Saduces Mat. 22.23 which deny that there is any Resurrection Angels or Spirits viz. God or Devil Heaven or Hell of that sort is the Ranter and his adherents and such like Athiestical Spirits And the other are like unto HYMENEVS and PHILETVS 2 Tim. 2.17 18. who say that the Resurrection is already past whose words eat as doth a canker and of this sort is the Quakers who doth affirm that he is already risen from the dead and in the Resurrection and so the Resurrection is past to him who denyeth iniquity in words in the history and yet heaps up iniquity upon iniquity in the mystery And these are the two sorts which may fitly be compared unto the Sect of the Saduces and to Hymeneus and Phyletus and I do not report the things whereof I write by hear-say but from their own mouths the more is the pitty and to be lamented These two sorts differ in manners or conversation but very little in Judgment in point of doctrine unless it be in that of conversation as before said the which if they had the conversation of Angels and yet so corrupt in principle the Scripture declares them to be in a cursed and miserable condition Gal. 1.6 7 8 9. Col. 2.18 19. Acts. 3.23 24. And indeed the conversation of many of them is bad enough although they disfigure their faces and seem unto men to fast from sin and to be more righteous then others yet they have been seen to want that special duty of prayer in their families and giving thanks in the presence of their Families for their food which God hath bestowed on them although Christ and the Apostle did not neglect to do their duty in that case to lead us an example but no more as to this I shall leave it until the day in the which God will try the wayes of the sons of men and discover all deceit and falsehood of what nature soever it be But as touching the opinion about Gods holy Ordinances by which he hath appointed to be worshipped in is sleighted and rejected by them as water-Baptisme and eating of Bread and drinking of Wine solemnly celebrated to set forth Christs death and a participation of the benefit thereof with the slightings of forms as they call them although God delight in nothing which is out of form and order as the host of Heaven and earth doth declare who when God found them without form and void did by his word put them in form and order and gave decrees to the Sea and ordinances unto the Sun Moon and Stars and they keep them so that God delights in form and order and also is a God of order in all the Churches of the Saints hence Saint Paul commended form Rom. 6.17 18. in these words But ye have obeyed from the heart that form of Doctrine which was delivered unto you being therefore made free from sin ye became the servants of Righteousness c. From whence you may see That those men which do slight and deny forms in our dayes have not received that Spirit which was in the Apostle but another Spirit even the Spirit of error although it strive to transform it self into an Angel of light that thereby it may deceive the hearts of the simple for men are got to this height of wickedness in the mystery as to think that they comprehend all things and so consequently are Gods but they shall die like men for their breath is in their nostrils yet talk of what you will almost it is in them as they say as the first Adam and the second and God and also the Serpent slain within them the tree of life and the tree of knowledg the judgment seat Heaven and Hell Mount Zion and the new Jerusalem the two witnesses and what not they have comprehended all these things as they say but alass they die and in the very same time their thoughts perish and they are chased and gone like a vision of the night Mark one peece of horrible pride of Spirit which is in them they will not allow the holy Scriptures to be called the word of the Lord neither do they exhort and press men to be diligent to read and keep the things contained therein but their fraughty books must some of them bear the Title of the word of the Lord to the world and earthly men and the like so that he that seeth but very little may see them to be the men before spoken of which shall deny all that is worshipped as God shewing themselves that they are God O horrible pride and yet pretended humility this is ungodliness in a mystery I shall not enter upon the particulars of their bottomless opinion first because it is not my task at this time and
Christ to be revealed from Heaven which is the glorious estate of Christ and the Saints upon earth which hath been foretold by the mouths of the Prophets and also of the Lord Christ himself and his holy Apostles that through their words together with the holy Spirit sent down from God into our hearts which bears witness to the same truth we might have strong consolation thorow laying hold upon the hope set before us and therein wait for the Son of God to be revealed from Heaven who is heir of all things even the world present and that which is to come thorow whom also we have obtained by promise an inheritance being predestinated to be made Kings and Priests and to raign upon the earth And in order to the clearing of this truth I shall lay down this Point or Position which is That Christ and the Saints are to receive and possess a Kingdome and raign upon Earth This I shall prove first by plain text of Scripture and secondly by reasons drawn from Scripture and thirdly the manner how Christ shall take the Kingdome fourthly a few words as touching the distance of time between the Resurrection of the just and unjust fifthly the place of Christs Kingly seat sixthly how long Christ shall raign and the estate and condition of the wicked in the time of Christs raign And first to prove That Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and to raign upon earth which is clear from the Scriptures proved for so saith the Prophet Dan. 7.13 14 18. in these words And I saw in the night a vision and behold one like the son of man came with or in the cloudes of Heaven and came to the ancient of dayes and they brought him neer before him and there was given him dominion and glory and a Kingdome that all People Nations and languages should serve him his dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away but the Saints of the most high shall possess the Kingdome for ever From these words we may safely conclude That Christ and the Saints shall receive and possess a Kingdome and raign for so saith the Prophet Isai 32.1 in these words Behold a King shall raign in righteousness meaning the Christ and Princes meaning the Saints shall rule in Judgment To which also agreeth the words of the Prophet Obadiah vers 21. which saith And Saviours shall come upon Mount Zion and Judge the mount of Esau when the kingdome shall be the Lords And that this kingdome shall be upon earth and the Saints raign with Christ there you may take notice of these Scriptures for the proof and so I shall pass to the reasons drawn from Scripture the Scriptures are thus read He maketh warr to cease to the ends of the earth he breaketh the bow and cutteth the spear in sunder be still and know that I am God I will be exalted amongst the heathen I will be exalted in the earth Clap your hands all ye people shout to God with the voyce of triumph for the Lord most high is exalted he is exalted he is a great King over all the earth he shall subdue the people under us and the nations under our feet God is gone up with a shout the Lord with the sound of a trumpet sing praise to God for God is the king of all the earth God raigneth over the heathen for the shield of the earth belongeth unto the Lord for behold he cometh to Judge the earth the Lord raigneth bring those mine enemies that will not that I shall raign over them and slay them before me Psal 98.9 and Psal 99.1 Luke 19.14 27. From these words we may see that Christ and the Saints shall receive and possess a kingdome and raign upon the earth for it is plain from what hath been said that the shield of the earth belongeth unto Christ and that he shall raign upon earth the which as yet he never did but was as a servant unto all men when he was upon earth and did also suffer which is a vast difference from raigning but he shall take to himself his great power and raign and so shall his people as they now suffer with Christ or for Christ so they shall raign with him and that their raign shall be upon earth read the word of the Lord for the proof of it as you may find it written by Saint John Rev. 5.9 10. in these words And they sang a new song saying thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God out of every kindred and tongue and people and nations and hast made us unto our God Kings and Preists and we shall raign upon earth From these words with the precedent we may see that Christ and the Saints shall receive a kingdome and raign upon earth the which proveth the truth of the Point before laid down viz. That the raign of Christ and his People c. But as touching the raign of Christ and his people many will consent to but withall say it is to be understood either spiritual here or otherwise in Heaven To which I answer and say That the Saints shall not raign while they live in this mortal body is plain because the Scripture saith that all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution 2 Tim. 3.12 And also that thorow many tribulations we must enter into the kingdome of God and if so then it is plain that the Saints cannot be understood to raign here because here they are to fill up the sufferings that are behind of Christ and persons cannot be said to suffer and raign at one and the same time And secondly there is not one Scripture that I at present know of nor I believe none else which saith that Christ and the Saints shall raign in Heaven but the Scripture saith that when the Mediator-ship shall be delivered up into the hands of the Father then shall the Son himself be in subjection unto the Father and then shall God himself be all in all but it is plain and I shall make it yet more plain that the Scripture saith That Christ and the Saints shall raign upon earth And now I shall come to give you the Reasons of the Position or Point before mentioned viz. That Christ with his Saints shall possess a Kingdome and raign upon earth and the first reason is Reas 1. Because the Scripture saith it is a Kingdome under and not a kingdome in heaven as you may read in the Prophesie of Dan. 7.27 in these words And the kingdome and dominion and greatness of the kingdome VNDER the whole heaven mark that shall be given into the hands of the people of the Saints of the most high whose kingdome is to be an everlasting kingdome and all dominions shall serve and obey him From whence you may see that there is a day a coming that Christ and the Saints shall receive
the Saints praise ye the Lord Psal 149.8 9. Psal 72.5.6 7 8 9. Psal 37.9 10 11. Mat. 5.5 From which reason and Scriptures appeareth plainly that Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and raign upon earth And so I pass to the fourth reason to prove that Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth which is Reas 4. Because God hath promised to restore the Kingdom to Israel and their Judges as at the first which were men that judged them in righteousness even holy men and Christ sheweth us that he and those that obey him are to be Judges over the twelve Tribes of Israel now this is not to be understood in a spiritual sense that is to say that there were to be some of the twelve Tribes converted and Christ to rule over them for hear we see the Saints shall judge them that is meant be governors as the Judges at the first which cannot be taken in such a sense for the Saints are not to exercise authority one over another as considered in one and the same body as saith Christ The Lords of the Gentiles exercise authority and they that are cheef bear rule but amongst you it shall not be so but he that is greatest let him be your servant But that the Saints with Christ shall receive a Kingdome and judge the twelve Tribes read Luke 22.28 29 30. in these words Ye are they that have continued with me in my temptations and I appoint unto you a Kingdome as my father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink with me at my table in my Kingdome and sit upon Thrones Judging the twelve Tribes of Israel And as before said this honour shall all the Saints have and therefore saith Saint Paul to the Corinths Know ye not that the Saints shall judge the world 1 Cor. 6.2 4. Luke 22.28 29 30. Isa 1.26 These Scriptures with many more that I could add only I study brevity proveth that Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome upon earth and raign and Judge the Tribes of Israel And so I pass to the fifth reason to prove that Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and raign upon the earth which is Reas 5. Because the Scripture saith that the Kingdomes of this world are to become the Kingdomes of the Lord and his Christ and he to take his great power and to raign and it is a true and a faithfull saying that those that suffer with Christ shall raign with him but to prove that the Kingdomes of this world shall become Christs kingdome and he to take his great power and to raign read Rev. 11.15 16 17 18. in these words And the seventh Angel sounded and there was a great voice in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall raign for ever and ever and the four and twenty Elders which sate before God on their seats fell upon their face and worshipped God saying we give thee thanks O Lord God almighty which art and wast and art to come because thou hast taken to thee thy great power and hast raigned and the Nations were angry and thy wrath is come and the time of the dead that they should be judged and that thou shouldest give a reward unto thy servants the Prophets to the Saints and to them that fear thy name small and great and should destroy them which destroyed the earth From these words we may see these particulars laid down First that the Kingdomes of this World are to be the Kingdomes of Christ at the sound of the seventh trumpet read my Vindication of Zions Redemption and Original Sin where you shall find the effect of the seventh trumpet the which at present I shall not speak to in particular but know that there is a set time that the Kingdomes of this World is to become the kingdomes of Christ But peradventure some will say was there a time when the Kingdomes of this World were not Christs I answer yea for although Christ was born King of the Jewes and by his descent according to the flesh was to be King as the Lord shewed the wise men that came from the East to worship him yet Christ tells Pilate that his Kingdome was not then of this World for he was first to suffer and afterwards to receive a Kingdome and raign so that there is a set time when the Kingdomes of this World shall be given into the hands of Christ And secondly the Nations were angry and his wrath and fury came up into his face he took his great power and did raign From whence we may see that although Christ never was without power yet there is a set time for his exercising of it which is implyed in the word TOOK his great power and did raign Thirdly it is the time that the dead shall be judged that is the dead in Christ and then he shall give the reward to his servants the Prophets and all that fear his name small and great Fourthly He will destroy them which destroyed the earth and make warr to cease from the ends of the earth and they shall beat their Swords into Plow-shears and their Spears into pruning hooks for there shall be abundance of peace so long as the Moon endureth So then there is a set time for Christ to take his great power and to raign and for the Kingdomes of this world to become the Kingdomes of our Lord and his Christ From whence we may see that Christ and the Saints are to receive and possess a Kingdome and raign upon earth and so I pass to the sixth reason to prove Christ and the Saints to have a Kingdome and raign upon earth which is Reas 6. Sixthly Because the Tabernacle of God shall be with men and he shall dwell with them now this very word the Tabernacle with men and he dwell with them implyeth that Christ shall come again and dwell upon earth for so is the comparison that Christ made while he was upon earth that the Son of man was like to a certain Noble man that went to receive a Kingdome and to return Luke 19. verse 11 12 13. From whence we may see that Christ is to return again as he also hath said I will come unto you again and your hearts shall rejoyce and your joy no man shall take from you but as for this I shall shew more at large anon only that you may see that the Tabernacle of God shall be with men and he dwell with them read Rev. 21.3 in these words And I heard a great voyce out of heaven saying Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God O let the Nations be glad and sing for joy for thou shalt Judge the people righteously and govern the Nations
Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdom and raign upon earth Reas 9. Ninthly Because the Scripture saith That God will send Jesus Christ whom the Heavens must retain until the times of Restitution of all things Act. 3.19 20 21. and that he shall take the Kingdom out of the hands of the wicked and give it into the hands of the Saints according to Daniels words Chap. 7.14 18 22. where he as King and they as Princes shall raign in righteousness Isa 32.1 and Kings shall bow before Christ and them and lick up the dust of their feet and Kings shall minister unto them that is serve them or be servants unto them peruse these Scriptures well and so I shall hasten to the tenth and last Reason and also to a conclusion as to this Subject of Discourse the Scriptures are these Psal 72.10 11. Psal 68.29 Psal 110.5 Isa 49.7 23. Chap. 60.10 11 12. and thus it is written Princes shall come out of Egypt Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands to God because of thy Temple at Jerusalem Kings shall bring presents unto thee they that dwell in the Wilderness shall bow before him and his enemies shall lick the dust The Kings of Tarshish and of the Isles shall bring presents the Kings of Sheba and Seba viz. Ethiopia and Arabia shall offer gifts Yea all Kings shall fall down before him all nations shall serve him The Lord said to my Lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thy enemies thy foot-stool the Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion mark that rule thou in the middest of thine enemies The Lord at thy right hand shall strike thorow Kings in the day of his wrath he shall Judge amongst the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the head over many countries He hath shewed his people the power of his works that he may give them the Heritage of the Heathen Psal 111.6 For thus saith the Lord the redeemer of Israel and his holy one to him whom man despiseth to him whom the nations abhorreth to a servant of rulers Kings shall see and arise Princes also shall worship because of the Lord that is faithful and the holy one of Israel and he shall chuse thee and they shall bow down with their faces towards the earth and lick up the dust of thy feet and thou shalt know that I am the Lord for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me For Kings shall minister unto thee for the nation or Kingdome that will not serve thee shall perish yea those nations shall be utterly wasted From these Scriptures with many move that I might add if time would give way to it we may see that God will take away the Kingdomes and Dominions out of the hands of the wicked heathens and give them into the hands of Christ and the Saints that they may possess the heritage of the heathen of which the taking the land of Canaan of old was a type and so Kings to fall down before them this honour shall Christ have and all the Saints praise ye the Lord. And thus I come to the tenth and last Reason that I shall give at present although many more might be given to prove that Christ and the Saints shall receive a Kingdome and raign upon earth which is Reas 10. Because the Scripture saith that there is a world to come to be put in subjection to Christ and the Saints now the word WORLD presupposeth the estate of things as at present in this world namely an inhabitance of men and beasts and of all creatures so as Adam had all things put into subjection so also shall the whole creation be restored to their former dignity Rom. 8. only the Serpent excepted and such men as sell their inheritance by their sins as Esau did his But because I must be brief I shall now give the Scriptures to prove that Christ and the Saints are to have a world to come put in subjection unto them which cannot be meant in heaven for I have already shewed that they shall not have that subjected to them but Christ and the Saints at that time viz. after the Mediator-ship is delivered up to God shall be in subjection themselves as you may see 1 Cor. 15.24 25 26 27 28. So then they having the promise of a world to come to be put in subjection under them implyeth clearly that Christ and the Saints shall raign upon earth or to have a world to come to raign in or the Kingdoms of this world to be altered and become the Kingdoms of Christ and the Saints as I before have proved but to the proof that Christ and the Saints are to have a world to come subjected under them read and peruse these Scriptures and the Lord grant to open thy understanding the Scriptures are thus read unto thee For unto the Angels hath he not put into subjection the world to come whereof we speak but one in a certain place testified saying what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of Man that thou shouldest visit him Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet for in that he hath put all things in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him but now we see not yet all things put under him but he shall subdue the people under us and the Nation under our feet For whether Paul or Apollo or Cephas or the World or life or death or things present or things to come all are yours and you are Christs and Christ is Gods And the Saints shall take the Kingdome and possess it for ever neither shall it be given into the hands of another people for ever from whence we may see that Christ and the Saints are to receive a Kingdome and Raign upon Earth And so I pass to the next Particular saying that I have given thee but a dram at present for what I might give as to this Subject of discourse if time had not prevented me but I hope that what hath been said here being seriously read and weighed will bring other Scriptures into thy mind and so citing the Texts before read unto thee Heb. 2.5 6 8. Psal 33.8 1 Cor. 3.22 Dan. 7.18 Chap. 2.44 I come to the third particular which is the manner of the coming of the Lord and the great slaughter at the taking of the Kingdome The Battel of the great day As touching the Battel of the great day of the God Almighty We find that the Prophets as well as the Apocalepse do bear their Testimony unto the truth thereof so that I need not use much circumlocution or argument to prove it yet in order to the clearing of the matter I shall lay down this point as a ground of the dicourse which is That there will be such a great slaughter at the coming of Christ to take and possess the Kingdome that the very Fouls of the
Heavens shall be filled with the flesh and bloud of Captaines and great men of the earth For thus saith the Prophet Ezek. 39.17 18. And thou son of man thus saith the Lord God speak unto every feathered foul and to every beast of the field Assemble your selves and come gather your selves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you even a great sacrifice upon the mountains of Israel that ye may eat flesh and drink blood Ye shall eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the Princes of the earth and ye shall eat fat till ye be full and drink blood till ye be drunken of my sacrifice which I have sacrificed for you And all the heathen shall see my Judgment that I have executed and my hand that I have laid upon them Revel 19.17 And I saw an Angel standing in the Sun and he cryed with a loud voyce saying to all the fouls that flie in the midst of Heaven come and gather your selves together unto the Supper of the great God That ye may eat the flesh of Kings and the flesh of Captains and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of them that sit on them and the flesh of all men small and great bond and free From these Scriptures you may see that there is to be a very great slaughter at the time when the Lord Christ shall take his Kingdome to Raign upon Earth and several Prophets also bear their testimony to this thing as Isa 34.5 6. Joel 2.1 2 3 4. But because of the want of time I pass to the reasons of the point Reason 1. Because the Scripture saith that God will give him viz. Christ the heathen for his inheritance and he shall bruise them like a potters vessel Psal 2. and we also see what the Psalmist saith of Christs victory over his enemies Psal 110.5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike thorow Kings in the day of his wrath he shall Judge amongst the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the heads over many Countries for saith he I will tread them down in my anger and trample them in my fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my rayment for the day of vengeance is in my heart and the year of my redeemed is come from whence we see that Christ is not only to take the Kingdomes of the whole World into his hands but also to trample the wicked as ashes under the soles of his feet and so I pass to the second reason Reason 2. Because the Lord hath said that the destruction of the Assyrian viz. the man of sin or Antichrist shall be like the slaughter of Midian at the Rock Orib Isa 10.24 25 26. Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Hosts O my people that dwell in Zion be not afraid of the Assyrian he shall smite thee with a Rod and shall lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt for yet a very little while and the indignation shall cease and mine anger in their destruction and the Lord of Hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the Rock Orib now that you may understand what that slaughter was you may read Judg. 7.22 Where we find that the Lord set every mans hand against his brother so that they destroyed each other with a very great slaughter and so it will be in the day of the Lord for when they see the great unavoydable judgments which shall overtake them and that the mountains will be too narrow a covering for them then will their indignation be kindled one against another so as to destroy each other as you may see from that type in the dayes of Gideon and also from the words of the Prophet Ezek. 38.18 19 20 21 22. which saith it shall come to pass at the same time when Gogg shall come up against the Land of Israel saith the Lord God that my fury shall come up in my face For in my jealousie and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken Surely in that day shall there be a great shaking in the Land of Israel So that the fish of the Sea and the fouls of the heaven and the beasts of the field and all creeping things that creepeth upon the earth and all men that are upon the face of the earth shall shake at my presence and the mountains shall be thrown down and the steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground And I will call for a sword against him thorow all my mountains saith the Lord God every mans sword shall be against his brother And I will plead against him with pestilence and with blood and I will rain upon him and upon his bands and upon the many people that are with him an overflowing rain and great hailstones fire and brimstome Thus will I magnifie wy self and so forth from these words with the Prophet Zach. 14.13 We may see that there will be a very great slaughter upon Gogg and his Army at the time when the Lord Christ shall dispossess him of his great power and authority and it will be like to that slaughter of Gideon which was called the sword of the Lord and the sword of Gideon Judg. 7.18 Reason 3. That there is to be such a great slaughter is clear because it is to be like the great slaughter of Jehoshaphat upon Moab Ammon and Mount Seir 2 Chron. 20.22 23 24. which was a very great slaughter as you may read in the fore cited text and that this slaughter was a type of the slaughter that shall be at the time when Christ shall take the Kingdome you may see what Joel saith to this Joel 3.1 12 13. For behold in those dayes and in that time when I shall bring again the Captivity of Judah and Jerusalem I will gather all Nations and will bring them down unto the valley of Jehoshaphat and will plead with them there let the heathen be awakned and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat for there will I sit to Judge the heathen round about proclaim ye amongst the Gentiles prepare war beat your Plowshears into swords and your pruning hooks into spears put you in the sickle for the harvest is ripe and the Angel thrust in his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God and the winepress was troden without the City and blood came out of the winepress even to the horse bridles by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs Revel 14.19 20. From whence we may see that there is to be a very great slaughter in and amongst the Army of Gogg and Magog I could cite many such like texts only time suffereth me not but I pass to the fourth reason Reason 4. Because it is to
be the year of vengeance and recompence for the controversie of Zion that as the Church of God and also the Jews have been spoiled so for a reward God will give their enemies into their hands they shall spoil them by whom they were spoiled so that Zion shall be as a thrashing instrument of Iron having teeth that shall beat the mountains into dust and the little hills into pouder for God will shew his indignation upon the Nations and his fury upon the Armies as saith the Lord by the Prophet Isa 34.1 2 3 5 6 8. in these words Come neer ye nations to hear and hearken ye people let the earth hear and all that is therein the world and all things that come forth of it For the indignation of the Lord is upon all nations and his fury upon all their armies he hath utterly destroyed them he hath delivered them unto the slaughter For my sword shall be bathed in heaven behold I will come down to Idumea and upon the people of my curse to Judgment The sword of the Lord is filled with blood it is made fat with fatness and with the blood of Lambs and Goats with the fat of the kidneys of Ramms for the Lord hath a sacrifice in Bozrah and a great slaughter in the land of Idumea For it is the day of the Lords vengeance and the year of recompence for the controversie of Zion From whence we may see that although Gods people do suffer at present and are to suffer until the day of redemption yet at that day even when the Lord shall appear although it be the time of Jacobs trouble yet they shall be delivered and the wicked shall come in their stead that is they shall then be in very great trouble and so I pass to the fifth Reason Reason 5. Because Gods determination is to gather the nations and assemble the kingdomes that he may pour upon them the fierceness of his indignation and that it is to be at that day read Isa 63.1 2 3. Zeph. 3.9 Zech. 14.1 2 3 4. Isa 10.23 Ezek. 38.19 Micah 4.12 13. Isa 3.27 28 29 30 31 32 33. From these Scriptures we may see the great slaughter that will be at the time aforesaid which indeed the Prophets have spoken fully to and because I have given you an account of it in my former Treatise I shall pass it at present and come to the next thing which is a few words as touching the distance of time between the resurrection of the just and unjust There is to be a distance of time between the resurrection of the just and unjust As to the the proof of this subject of discourse I shall be brief omitting circumlocution and only give you plain proof of Scripture although I might give many reasons And first we may see that our blessed Saviour doth affirm it when he speaks of his second coming to raise the dead and to take up the quick into the clouds saying that Of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the Angels in Heaven but my Father only but as the dayes of Noah was so shall be the coming of the Son of man for in the dayes before the floud they were eating and drinking marrying and giving into marriage until the day that Noah entred into the Ark and knew not until the floud came and took them all away so also shall the coming of the son of man be Then shall two be in the field the one SHALL BE TAKEN and the other shall BE LEFT two women shall be grinding at the mill the one SHALL BE TAKEN and the other LEFT two shall be in one bed the one shall be taken and the other shall be left Mat. 24.36 37 38 39 40 41. compared with Luke 17.34 And that this speaks of the taking up of the faithful that are alive and leaving the unfaithful behind upon the earth and raising of the dead that are faithful and leaving the rest of dead behind that are unfaithful is further cleared by the words of Paul to the Thessalonions 4.15 16 17. which saith For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them that are asleep For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voyce of the Archangel and with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise FIRST Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the ayre and shall be for ever with the Lord. From these words we may see the words of Christ are explained where he saith two shall be in one bed the one taken the other left which is saith Paul at his COMING that such as sleep in the Lord will Christ arise FIRST to bring with him and also the quick that are faithful shall be caught up with them and the rest to be left behind and the rest of the dead also not to live again until a certain juncture of time appointed of God as you shall see more anon but hence you see without controversie that the dead in Christ shall rise first as well as the faithful that are alive shall be caught away and the other viz. the wicked left behind And now I come to the next thing which is the last that I shall say to this subject that is How long the just shall rise before the unjust which is the whole time of Christs holding his Kingdome which is the tearm of a thousand years and that you may see the truth of this read Revel 20.4 5 6. in these words And I saw thrones and they that sate upon them and Judgment was given unto them and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus and the word of God and they lived raigned with Christ a thousand years But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were fulfilled This is the first resurrection or indeed as we may fitly say the Resurrection of the first or just that both from Christs words and Pauls and also Jesus we may see that the godly shall arise a thousand years at the least before the wicked to possess a Kingdome and to raign upon earth the which glory God hath prepared for those that love and obey Christ and walk in his Ordinances and keep them to the end and thus I briefly pass to the fifth particular which is the place of Christs Kingly Seat Fifthly As to the place of Christs Kingly Seat the Scriptures seem to be very clear in making of it out to be at the former beloved place Jerusalem which is to be built and inhabited as of old time the which in another Treatise I have fully proved that Zion and Jerusalem is the beloved place of the Lord where Christs Throne is to be established in the place where Davids Throne was for so saith
when the book of the law was found after it had been lost rent his cloathes when he heard it read in the consideration how far the people were revolted from it and gave commandement to the people to reform and observe to do the commandement of the Lord as it was found written in the book of the law of Moses and as it was given in commandement to all the godly or all the Israelites to observe and keep the commandement as it was writeen even so all that were godly amongst the Israelites did accordingly observe and keep them untill Shilo or the great law-giver came even Jesus Christ and in like manner as Jesus Christ did command his Laws and Statutes to be tought to every creature and to be observed by all the faithful even so the faithful have and will in every age faithfully keep them and that Christs Laws are set in oposition to Moses Laws that is to say they are as weighty and as perpetual as Moses were is proved and it is also evident that they were to remain as well when they came out of Babylon as before they went into Babylon Nehem. 8.1 2 3. Chap. 13.1 2 3 4. and so I pass to the seventh ground and reason to prove that all the Laws Statutes and Ordinances appointed by Christ in the new Testament which is his last will are to remain to be practised by the Lords people untill his second coming Reas 7. It further appears that Christs Laws are perpetuated and to remain as aforesaid because if it be but a mans Testament yet if it be confirmed no man must disanul nor add thereunto as saith Saint Paul Gal. 3 15. but this is not only the will and Testament of him who hath an unchangeable Preist-hood and liveth for ever but also it is confirmed not by the blood of bulls and goates but by his own blood and therefore no man may disanul or add thereunto without being in danger of everlasting wrath and cuting off from amonst the people and that Christs will and Testament was confirmed both by his blood and with signs and miracles read these few cited texts in the room of many that might be cited see Heb. 9.13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. In these words For if the blood of buls and of goats and the ashes of an heifer sprinkling the unclean sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh How much more shall the blood of Christ who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God And for this cause he is the Mediatour of the new Testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance For where a Testament is there must also of necessity be the death of the Testator For a Testament is of force after men are dead otherwise it is of no strength at all while the Testator liveth Whereupon neither the first Testament was dedicated without blood For when Moses had spoken every precept unto the people according to the Law he took the blood of calves and of goats and so forth Saying This is the blood of the Testament which God hath enjoyned unto you It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these From this text compared with chap. 2. and vers 3 4. with Mark 16.20 we may learn that the new Testament is confirmed both with signs and miracles and divers gifts of the holy Ghost and also with Christs blood for the Testator did die and is alive and therefore unless one greater than Jesus Christ or himself do cancel that will and Testament woe woe woe be to that man or woman that disanulleth any one of Christs Laws and Statutes they at the last will be found to be transgressors and guilty of all for so it was in Moses Law all things must be done according to the pattern as it was written and even so saith Christ Teach them after you to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you And the very same as hath been said already was given in charge by St. Paul to the Ministry after him as Acts 20 35. Phil. 4.9 Those things that ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the God of peace shall be with you And thus I pass to the eighth ground and reason to prove that all the Laws and Statutes of Christ given forth in his last will and Testament are to remain and be practised by the Lords people Reas 8. It further appears that Christs Laws Statutes and Ordinances are perpetuated and to remain till the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ because St. Paul saith that if I or an Angel should bring another Gospel than what he had preached we must hold him accurst and we well know that the Gospel that Saint Paul preached was a Gospel with all the Laws Statutes and Ordinances of Jesus Christ even Repentance Acts 17.30 Faith Acts 16.3 Baptisme Laying on of Hands Acts 19.6 2 Tim. 1.6 1 Tim. 5.22 Heb. 6.2 The Resurrection 1 Cor. 15. Eternal Judgment 2 Cor. 5. Church fellowship Phil 1.5 with receiving into communion Col. 4.10 Rom. 15.7 casting out of the Church 1 Cor. 5.4 5. Tit. 3.10 and to sum up all in short be did declare the whole counsel of God Acts 20.27 and taught the Churches how to deale with offenders 2 Thes 3.6 1 Cor. 5.7 9 10. to keep themselves pure And now for men to bring a Gospel as they pretend without some of these Ordinances and to nullifie others and extenuate the strength of many is to bring such a Gospel as Saint Paul never brought but it is another Gospel and such are to be rejected by the servants of Jesus Christ admit of this short argument which is If the Gospel which Saint Paul brought and preached was a Gospel containing all the Laws Statutes and Ordinances of King Jesus then those that bring a Gospel with many of them left out bring not the same but another Gospel and is to be rejected But the Gospel that Paul brought was a Gospel containing all the Laws Statutes and Ordinances of King Jesus Therefore he that brings or preacheth a Gospel with manay of them left out bringeth another Gospel and is to be rejected Read the words of Paul Gal. 1.6 7 8. which saith I marvail that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another Gospel Which is not another but there be some that trouble you and would pervert the Gospel of Christ But though we or an Angel from heaven preach any other Gospel unto you then that which we have alreardy preached unto you let him be accursed As we said before so say I now again If any
it And thus I pass the sour Winds at present and come to speak somewhat briefly to the Angels which is saith Mr. Henden The Angels spoken of Revel 7.1 we conceive saith he to be evil Spirits working by their principal Ministers the four capital Patryarchs of the Christian World to wit the Bishop of Alexandria c. Answ Methinks it 's very strange Doctrine to be published or to be believed namely to say that evil Spirits should have power to hold the good Spirits and so the good Spirit or the Spirit of God to become as it were subordinate to the evil that God should put his Spirit into the hands of the Devil I have read in Acts 7.51 1 Thes 5.19 that wicked MEN may resist the counsel of God or Spirit of God against themselves and quench the workings of the Spirit of grace within themselves whereby they should be Sealed unto the day of Redemption But I never yet read that the Devil or wicked men could hinder the working of Gods Spirit in or amongst his Church and to think that God would give his good Spirit to be holden by and among wicked Spirits is very vain and rediculous for what concord hath Christ with Belial or what fellowship hath light with darkness or God with the Devil But peradventure some will say we cannot indeed readily believe that ever God gave his Spirit into the custody of evil Spirits to hold Therefore what Angels do you think they were and what were the Winds Answ The Angels I understand to be the Angels of the Lord who are Ministring Spirits sometimes to administer blessings but now sent forth by God to execute his Judgments upon the great Antichrist after the Man-child was caught up to God to his Throne for it followeth in the nick of time even when the Heaven is rowled together like a serouse Revel 6.14 15 16. to the great amazement that will be at the sign of the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory and at that time woe be to the inhabitants of the earth and sea Revel 12.12 because of the Devils being come down and then shall go forth the seven Angels to pour out their Vials upon the earth and at that time also shall the four Angels that held the four Winds execute their office at which time there shall fall grievous and noysome sores upon those that have received the mark of the Beast Revel 16.1 2 3. That both Sea and Land shall be infected and the Sun scorching with heat every green tree and the Sons of men also and by reason of the Winds being with-held the earth Sea and Rivers and Fountains of water together with the Sons of men shall be so scolded with the heat of the Sun that they shall be grievously perplexed and shall blaspheme the name of God because of the plagues Revel 16.9 and the execution of these things will be in the time of the Prophesie of the two witnesses Revel 11.6 compared with Zech. 5.1 2 3. with Revel 10.2 vers 10. chap. 11.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. the which if the Lord will I shall speak to more at large anon when I come to discover what the outward Court and holy City is and of its being trod under foot and who the woman is which travaileth and what the Man-child is and of his being taken up to God and to his Throne of the flight of the woman into the Wilderness and what Wilderness and the time how long these things with several other are so annexed together that they are unseperable and thus I pass saying that the Winds are to be understood according as the Scripture calls them namely the sour Winds of the EARTH and thus I come to the next thing considerable which is Of the outward Court and holy City Revel 11.1 2. in these words And there was given me a reed like unto a rod the Angel stood saying arise and measure the temple of God and the Altar and them that worship therein but the Court which is without the Temple leave out and measure it not for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy City shall they tread under foot forty and two moneths and I will give power to my two witnesses and they shall Prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore dayes cloathed in sackcloth Before I shall give you the exposition of the Text or unfold it unto you I shall shew what Mr. Henden saith is the meaning of the Text which is We maintain saith he the Temple to decypher the mystical union of the one hundred and forty four thousand Sealed or elected ones whereby they are built up a spiritual house and the Court without to be the externity of ecclesiastical order which was established by Christ in the primitive times page 38. Paragraph 1. Section 4. Answ I know not any one Text that seems to bear a face to such a thing as the Temple to decypher the mystical union of the one hundred forty and four thousand Sealed ones neither do I understand that the Sealed ones are or can be applyed to the faithful Gentiles without wresting and abusing the Text for the Text tels us plainly that they that are Sealed are the Tribes of the Children of Israel and reckoneth them according to their several Tribes as you may read Revel 7.4 5 6 7 8. in these words And I heard the number of them that were Sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the Tribes of the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL mark that of the Tribe of JVDAH were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of RVBEN were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of GAD were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of ASER were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of NEPTHALY were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of MAN ASSES were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of SIMEON were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of LEVI were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of ISSACHAR were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of ZEBVLON were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of JOSEPH were Sealed twelve thousand of the Tribe of BENJAMIN were Sealed twelve thousand the which amounts just to one hundred forty and four thousand there being twelve thousand of every Tribe Sealed for there is twelve Tribes and twelve times twelve thousand is one hundred forty and four thousand the which were all of the Tribes of the Children of Israel so that those that call them Gentiles wresteth the Scripture for the Scripture doth not only call them the Tribes of the Children of Israel vers 4. but also repeateth every Tribe severally so plain that it cannot without great abuse to the holy Spirit be evaded time would fail me to shew the particulars relating to this thing only thus it is evident by the Angel out of the East that these twelve Tribes are to be sealed in their fore-heads to that end that when the Angels go forth to execute
the 15 vers of that fore mentioned 11. Chapter of the Revelations in these words And the seventh Angel sounded and there was a great voice in Heaven saying the KINGDOMES of this WORLD is BECOME the KINGDOMES OF OVR LORD AND OF HIS CHRIST AND HE SHALL RAIGN FOR EVER AND EVER and thus much briefly to the Measurement of the Temple and City and outward Court being cast out and the holy City being trod under foot and fourthly the time of the witnesses Prophesying the which will be just three years and a halfe which is proved in the precedent discourse also more of that a non And as for Mr. Hendens computation of time which is saith he A day being taken for a year the flight of the woman and the City being trod under foot and the two witnesses Prophesying in Sackcloath is to be understood one thousand two hundred and threescore years in which time the Church is only a sealed number dis-robed of the beauty of her exterior Order paragraph 4 page 65. And also he further saith that the time of the beginning of the suffering of the Church and the City being trod under foot was in the year 390. and to be fully expired in the year 1650. and applieth it to a little light broke forth in England about that time and that you may see the SVM of this spoken by him although in more words at large read in his book page 10. compared with paragraph the fourth To which I answer briefly in particulars and First if the forty and two months and the one thousand two hundred and threescore daies with the TIME and TIMES and halfe a TIME all which is acknowledged to be one and the same Time for the Latitude thereof be expired and ended in the year 1950. then upon that account the Woman is come out of the Wilderness already and hath been almost for ten years since upon Mr. Hendens computation or calculation of time and if so I hope Mr. Henden will admit that the Woman may practise all the Ordinances as they were delivered or if not when shall she if it be answered that she is not to practise them till the Winds of the Spirit breath upon them again and if this be the time then is also as clear that the spirit is entered into them again from Mr. Hendens own opinion for these two Prophets saith Mr. Henden were to Prophesie a thousand two hundred and threescore years in Sackcloath which time was expired or ended as he saith in the year 1650 and we find that when they had accomplished their Prophesies which was accomplished at the time aforesaid then they were slain and lay dead but three daies and a halfe the which upon Mr. Hendens account is but three years and a halfe at the end of which time the Spirit of life was to enter into them again Rev. 11.11 which was above six years since Sir look about you its time for you to up and be doing or to cast up your account a new but more to these things anon when I come to shew my opinion upon the travelling Woman and Man-child and Witnesse as before said but I fear I shall be much straitned for time Secondly It cannot be as Mr. Henden saith that the Winds of the Spirit is to be with-holden these forty and two months or 1260. daies so as that there shall not be that visible demonstration of the spirit as in the Primitive time for it is clear that the two witnesses in the time of their Prophesie in Sackcloath shall have as great power and visible demonstration as ever was known upon earth that they have power read Rev. 11.5 6. in these words If any wan will hurt them sire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enimies and if any man will hurt them they must in this manner be killed these have power to shut Heaven that it raine not in the dayes of their Prophesie and have power over waters to turn them into blood Rev. 16.3 4. and to smite the Earth with all plagues as often as they will For the Angels that hold the four Winds the seven Angels are imployed as ministering Spirits both to desend them from the malice of the Beast so as he cannot hurt or interrupt them all the time of their Prophesie and also to pour out their Vyals and with-hold the Winds and smite the earth with curses so often as they please and that they did also exercise their power in the time of their prophesie is clear from vers 11. where it is said that They tormented the Earth so then they had power and did also exercise it which confutes what Mr. Henden saith And thirdly whereas Mr. Henden saith in his page 65. that the true Church is only a Sealed number dis-robed of the beauty of her exteriour order I answer say it seems strange to me that the sealed number which Mr. Henden before said was not hurt and yet saith now that she were dis-robed of her beauty in outward order and if this be not hurt I know not what is hurt because God did ever delight in outward Order where there was inward grace he being a God of Order in all the Churches of his Saints Fourthly It yet wants a proof that ever the Woman lost any one of her robes if she be to be understood a Gentile Church as Mr. Henden saith she is for she had them on when Saint John saw her in his vision and I do not read of any ever saw her without them after she had put them on unless Mr. Henden did but I suppose he did not and so I shall leave this particular and pass to the next particular which is from the text Mat. 24 cited by M. Henden and I shall not take notice of every circumstance of things but the ground of the matter wherein we differ which is saith he The marks of the false Churches are four as first the visibility in their stative order loe here or loe there The second the phrase here and there notes a manifest place of rest or sitting down Thirdly the variety here and there which must Scatter whereas the true is uniform Fourthly The visible loe or model is first and then Christ is brought into it loe here is Christ as if the Spirit of life and divine primitive power were in it the Wilderness is to be understood a Metaphorical Wilderness and secret Chambers which figures out our lesser stated bodies and so forth page 50 51 52. In order to the answer of these things I shall not take notice of every objection or contradiction but shall plainly and briefly cite the text and open it and then leave the reader to judge whether it speak of gathered or false constituted Churches as Mr. Henden saith when it speaks of the Wilderness or desart or secret Chamber or whether it be to be understood litterally of a Material face Christ in a desart or in a
Mountains or the like and to this agreeth the Prophets that saith The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together for he shall come in the clouds and every eye shall see him and they that pierced him and all the kindred shall waile because of him So in short I understand it is the personal coming of the Lord Jesus which is spoken of in that Text Mat 24. and not any spiritual coming for the same Jesus even the same blessed man which did once ascend in like manner shall again descend as I have proved in the former part of this Treatise intituled Truth and Innocency and thus much briefly of the coming of the Lord Jesus like lightening which lightening is to be seen from one end of Heaven to the other even from the East unto the West which light all men that have their natural eye-sight do see at once even so shall the personal appearance of Jesus Christ be that all men shall see his glory together when he shall appear in the Clouds of Heaven with all his holy Angels with him and this I am very confident was the mind of Christ in that place and thus I pass to speak somewhat to the Carkass and Eagles being gathered unto it which is Fourthly the fourth and last thing sheweth the taking up of the Saints to meet Jesus Christ the Carkass being understood Christ and the Eagles the Saints it s only a simily shewing that as the Eagles suddenly gather themselves tegether to the place where a Carkass is even so the Saints shall suddenly be gathered together to the place where Christ is agreeing with 1 Thes 4 14 15 16. and Mat. 24.40 the which I have before spoken of more at large therefore shall leave it at present with the Reader and pass all the other things very briefly because I find the things already spoken to is the whole grounds or master-pieces of your Book and those things that I shall now speak to I shall take them as they lie in order in your book and the first thing that I observe and shall speak to is Of the new pouring out of the Spirit and a new marriage after the former Page 5. Answ I find there was a Marriage between God and old Israel which is a Metaphor to wit the enjoyment of the inheritance and the marriage bed as I may so call it the presence of the Lord in Types dwelling amongst them in that holy Land or glorious Mountain Jerusalem which was a Type of the heavenly Jerusalem and the Tabernacle of God to be with men when they shall injoy the marriage bed to wit being present with Christ knowing him as we are known by him the which while we live in this Body we do not for we are absent from the Lord 2 Cor. 5.6 And that there shall be a marriage and a marriage Supper I grant but it s after Christ is come the second time read Luke 12.35 36 37. compared with Revel 19.7 8 9. with more that might be said but as to the first marriage spoken of by you which was say you in the primitime times in the first breathing of the Spirit I cannot see nor believe nor I am certain you cannot prove it for the Church of Corinth had as great breathings of the Spirit as any had coming behind in no gift and yet were in that time but in a Virgin estate and condition as you may read 2 Cor. 11.2 in these words But I am jealous over you with godly jealousie for I have espoused you to one Husband that I may present you as a chaste VIRGINE to Christ From whence we may see that the primitive Church who lived under the breathings of the Spirit and had excellent gifts of working of Miracles and yet were but in a Virgine condition and so shall the Church be at the very time of the second coming of the Lord Jesus until he is come read Mat. 25.1 to the 11. And as to your cited text Mat. 22.1 2 3. it is a Parrable and it s also clear that the whole time of the preaching of the Gospel is the time of the inviting the Ghests and the Parrable holds not if all the Ghests be not invited before the day of the marriage supper and I am sure that all the Ghests are not yet invited nor born I could speak at large unto it but I study brevity and so shall pass to the next thing which is The Churches was in Babylon as appears saith Mr. Henden by her being called out Revel 18.4 it being a strange Land from the native Canon of a Gospel word where they were strangers under other Lords page 8. Answ I have read that the Israel of old was in Babel in Chaldea from whence they were to depart but I never yet read that the Elect Sealed Number were subject to other Lords in respect of order that is to say they submitted not to the Babylonish order neither was their order become Babel read Dan. 3. It 's true that the Jews had several Ordinances which were to be performed only at Jerusalem and hence it came to pass that they practised them not in Babylon and therefore they were far from being Babellish but the Gospel Ordinances are limitted to no one place more than other insomuch if there were a Church in Rome they might practise all Christs Ordinances if they could enjoy their Liberty so to do although it be the seat of the Pope and yet not be blamed but commended of by the Lord as was the Church of PARGAMVS Rev. 2.12 who lived where Satans seat was and yet did hold fast their profession even so it 's like there may be some in the City called Babylon Revel 18.4 which may own and practise the Truth although unknown to the Pope at the very time when the Lord will destroy it and so he may call them out as once he did call Lot out of Sodom but to suppose that God owns a People to be his People which are Babel in their order is but vain when we rightly understand how zealous God ever was of his order never admitting of his own people to mix it with the confused order of men or Babel for those that are partakers of her sins which they were not which were called out Revel 18.4 shall be partaker of her plagues but if Babels order were sin and the Church order which was in Babel was established then the Church must be partakers of her sins and so of her plagues which was not and so I pass this also and come to the next thing which is You may find all your new stated Churches saith Mr. Henden of a different Mettal from the true how near soever to the primitive they seem to be in the outward shell and yet in reallity do ground upon another foundation upon Believers not possessed with such a power sent down from heaven page 14. Answ They differ not in their Mettal
confirm it again when Israel came out of Babylon nor after the Book of the Law was lost and found again in the dayes of Josia no more need we any Sign to confirm that which is already confirmed and also we know that John did no Miracle and yet was an approved Administrator Again whereas Mr. Henden said that he was a legal Minister and a Minister of condemnation which had no visible demonstration from the spirit viz. Miracle The answer was then Mr. Henden was a legal one and a Minister of condemnation because he professeth himself to be a Minister and yet never work a Miracle that ever I heard of there was much time spent upon a kind of running discourse to little edification for that which I would have had done in order to the legal managing of the discourse was that there should have been one question stated at a time and that managed but when one began he spoke of several things and so confounded one with another and cleared it not as it should be I could repeat what was said about the four Winds and what was said by Captain Tucker as to the grounding of faith upon the obscure and dark Prophesies which was well minded although not well weighed by our Antagonist and as I think as little understood I have found it a sure maxime that the greatest confidence amongst men hath the least reason to warrant it which is sad And whereas Hebrews 12. was brought together with Galatians 4. to prove the Church to be called Mount-Zion neither of the places proveth it the Apostle to the Galatians tels us that it is the Covenant which is called Jerusalem which is from above and from the Hebrews we learn also that it is the Covenant or the thing Covenanted and whereas he saith that we are come to Mount-Zion he also saith that we are come to an innumerable company of Angels and to God the Judge of all things and the Spirits of just men made perfect so that we are come to one as well as to another and to neither of them but by faith in the Covenant for while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith and not by sight And Paul doth not say to the Galatians that ye are Mount-Zion or Jerusalem but Jerusalem which is from above is the Mother of us all so then it was the Church which was called Jerusalem but Jerusalem from above was the Churches Mother mark a difference between the Children and the Mother and secondly the Author to the Hebrews doth not call the Church of the Hebrews Mount-Zion but tels them that they were come to Mount-Zion viz. the Covenant of Mount-Zion and the Heavenly Jerusalem but I shall leave these things at present and pass to the Answer of some Objections usually urged against the perpetuation of Christs Ordinances or the constant practising of them and the first that I shall speak to is Object 1. There was a time when God did appear in his Ordinances which shewed there was the power of the Spirit went along with them as Peter in his Ministry in converting three thousand souls at one Sermon saith Mr. John Henden but now we see not the same effects therefore the cause ceaseth God hath left them and they are become as a dead carkass without a soul Answ It is very true there was a time when there was such need of a visible demonstration of Gods Spirit to go along with his Ordinances to bear witness to the sons of men that they were the Ordinances that were approved of by the Lord that they might be a pattern or platform for all men to walk in to the Worlds end and hence it was that when God gave to Moses and the rest of the Children of Israel the pattern of the administration of the Law he gave it with the visible demonstration of his own presence with thundrings and lightenings and the Mountain smoaking with a visible maifestation of Gods glory with and upon Moses so that his face did so shine with the Glory of God when he came from the Mount that the Children of Israel could not stedfastly behold him by reason of the brightness of the Glory of God shining upon him this was his appearance when he came down with the Tables of the Law written by God so gloriously did God appear in the giving forth of it but afterwards all that the Children of Israel were to do was to have the words of the Law read to them and they to do it or keep it and not to say who shall ascend up into Heaven for some visible demonstration but the Law is nigh thee in thy mouth and in thy heart that thou maist do it saith Moses Deut. 30.10 11 12. even so saith St. Paul Rom. 10.6 7. The righteousness of faith speaks on this wise say not in thy heart who shall ascend up into Heaven to fetch Christ down from above c. but what saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy mouth and in thy heart So that true faith giveth heed to Gods word and looks not for miracles for so saith Christ blessed is he that hath not seen and yet believed for a sinful and an adulterous generation seek a sign but none shall be given unto them c. Secondly If no Ordinance may be an approved Ordinance of God but such an one as hath a visible manifestation according to Mr. Hendens sense as aforesaid then he himself never met together so as God did approve of it because we find that when the Disciples met together the house spoke where they were assembled Thirdly his Ordinance of preaching hath not the Spirit with it because instead of converting three thousand at one Sermon I suppose he never converted three hundred in his life nor scarce half half so many and as for the Ordinance of Prayer I never heard any of those that usually hear Mr. Henden say that he hath prayed till the place hath spoke where he was praying as it did when the Disciples were a Praying Acts 4.31 and as for the Ordinance of Preaching and praying and the like Mr. Henden saith he owns to continue in all ages uncorrupted and they had once as great a visible manifestation as any Ordinance that I know of and yet there is no more appearance in a visible manifestation in them now than there is in any other Ordinance which Mr. Henden cryeth down and I may fitly say to Mr. Henden as Christ said to the Scribes and Pharisies which did much dote upon signs and miracles that the Kingdome of Heaven cometh not with Observations as gadding after miracles saying loe here or loe there for the Kingdome of God is within you that is as if he should have said it consists more in inward glory than outward glory or manifestation for the Kings daughter is all glorious within and the proper work of the Spirit is within as Christ
even so there is a remnant of the twelve Tribes which may fitly be called the remnant of her seed First That there is a remnant left in Jerusalem which shall be persecuted and worn out by the Antichrist for the three years and a half is clear the which I shall speak unto in its distinct order and first to the first that is that there is a remnant left in Jerusalem when the woman flyeth into the Wilderness or into captivity as it is called captivity as well as the Wilderness for to be banished from our native country and to be cast amongst our enemies may fitly be called captivity and that there is a remnant to be left in Jerusalem which do not thus flee or be thus persecuted from their houses and habitations when the City shall be taken and trod under foot is clear from Zech. 14.2 in these words For I will gather all Nations against Jerusalem to battail the City shall be taken the houses rifled and the women ravished and HALF of the City shall go into captivity and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the City From whence we may see that some shall go forth unto captivity and the others shall remain in the City which is called in Revel 12.17 the remnant of her seed so then in the first place you see that some shall go forth of the City at the time when the Gentiles shall take it and spoile it and a remnant shall not be cut off from the City but shall remain in it and that remnant shall be worn out as it were by that wicked person and that it is not Zion namely the two Tribes is clear for she is then out of his reach but that they are of the Tribes of the Children of Israel is as clear for they are the people that he shall make war with and wear them out they are called the children of Daniels people Dan. 12.2 chap. 7.25 So then first there is a remnant left which flie not Zech. 14.2 And secondly they are the people that are to be worn out Dan. 7.25 and 12.7 Zeph. 3.19 And that they may be called the remnant of her seed the Prophet Isaiah alluding to the very same thing saith It shall come to pass in that day that the REMNANT of Israel viz. the remnant of Zions seed and such as escape of the house of Iacob shall no more again stay upon them that smote them but shall stay upon the Lord the holy one of Israel in truth the remnant shall return even the remnant of Jacob unto the mighty God therefore thus saith the Lord God of Hoast O my people that dwell in Zion be not afraid of the Assyrian viz. the Antichrist he shall smite thee with a rod and shall lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt for yet A VERY LITTLE WHILE 1260 dayes and the indignation shall cease and my anger in their destruction and the Lord shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock Orib and it shall come to pass in that day that his burthen shall be taken away from off thy shoulders and his yoak from off thy neck c. Isa 10 20 21 24 25 26 27. this agrees with Ezek. 38. and 39. Chapters and with Mich. 5. and many places that might be added but I shall leave this saying that you may see that there is a people or a woman to flie into the Wilderness and a remnant to remain in the City which the Assyrian viz. the Antichrist shall lift up his staff against and make war with them agreeing with Revel 12.27 and this remnant we see to be part of the house of Israel Isa 10.20 and so I pass to the next thing which is the fourth thing of the taking up of the Man-child to God and to his Throne Fourthly as to this fourth particular I have already spoken to and therefore at present I shall be very brief saying that by taking of the Man-child to God and to his Throne I understand to be meant that at the time of the Lords first coming into the Clouds of Heaven even into the ayr with his holy Angels that then the war shall be in Heaven between Michael and his Angels and the Devil and his Angels and the Devil shall be cast down and with him his Angels that the ayre may be cleared and made fit for Christ and his Saints to meet there for in very deed I do understand that God did confine the evil Angels unto or into the ayre for their residence until the resurrection of the Saints and the taking up of the living which I understand to be the Man-child and just at or a little before the time that they are taken up the Devil shall be cast down into the earth at which time he shall give the Beast his seat and power and great authority and in that time there will be lying signs and miracles wrought at which time it shall be said Woe woe woe be to the inhabitants of the Earth and Sea for the Devil is come down with great wrath because he knoweth that his time is short and seeing himself cast down he shall persecute the Woman and God shall give her the wings of an Eagle that she may flie from his face and that will cause him to make war with the remnant of her seed in which time the Lord shall abate his wrath and cruelty which he would exercise in and by the Beast upon the remnant of the Womans seed by pouring out his Vials on the Beast and by giving power to his two witnesses not only to Prophesie and establish the remnant of the Womans seed left in Jerusalem but also to smite the Beast and his followers with plagues so often as they please Revel 11. And in short thus the taking up of the Man-child I understand is when the Lord shall first appear in the Clouds as before said that then he shall with a voyce and with the sound of a Trumpet awake the dead and gather all the living Saints together both the raised dead and changed living and forthwith they shall be caught up to meet Christ but the rest of the dead men shall not live again until a thousand years after Revel 20.6 7 8. neither shall the living which have not before prepared themselves to meet the Bride-groom by walking in his wayes and keeping his Ordinances be taken up but shall be left upon earth there is none but those that are accounted as Eagles that shall be with Christ for where the carkas is there shall the Eagles be gathered together that is where Christ is thither will his body namely the Gospel Church or his bride be and this is clear from many Scriptures that the Saints shall be first raised and caught up before the rest of the dead or living as I before in this Book have proved at large and thus I pass this fourth
Quer. 10. Whether shall the desolation of the Heavens spoken by Peter be at the time of his coming to raign or at the time when the thousand years shall be expired at the bringing in of the general judgment Answ It appears clearly from the Scriptures that Jesus Christ at his first coming to receive the Kingdome and to raign upon earth that then he is to come in flaming fire so as fiery streams shall issue forth from before him and that many of the ungodly shall perish by the flame and some by the baile and the like and also that he is to abide in the Heavens until the times or years of the restoration of all things spoken by the mouth af all the holy Prophets since the World began and yet also we find that at the end of the thousand years that when the ungodly that shall spring up in the time of Christs raign shall come up against Jerusalem by the counsel of the Devil that then fire shall come down from God out of Heaven and devoure them so that in short I understand that the corruptions of the Heaven and earth shall be burnt up or destroyed or the Heavens and earth refined at Christs first coming and yet the work to be totally finished at the end because it is called TIMES in the plural number of restitution and TIMES of refreshing Dan. 7.10 2 Thes 1.7 8. Ezek. 38.22 Isa 66.15 16. Acts 3.19.20 21. 2 Pet. 3.10 11 12 13 14. Revel 20.9 Quer. 11. What is the new Heaven and new Earth and how shall they become new Answ The Heaven and the Earth is understood to be a new Heaven and a new Earth when the imperfection and corruption is taken away and so all things are to become new and that the corruption of both the Heavens and Earth shall be taken away so as that the Earth shall bring forth in abundance and the Heavens also far excel their brightness which they have now so that the light of the Moon shall be as the light of the Sun and the Sun shall be seven degrees better than what now she is read my Zions Redemption and you may see it proved to be glorious in the time of Christs raign in which time the Heavens and Earth shall be glorious Isa 30.24 25 26. cap. 65.17 18. cap 66.22 Quer. 12. Whether the new Heavens and new Earth and restoration shall be at Christs coming to raign upon Earth Answ The Heavens are to retain Christ until the times of restoration as I before have said so that the beginning of the work is immediately so soon as Christ comes and so to increase and grow more stronger and excellenter as now the Earth the things therein grow older and older and weaker and weaker Isa 9.7 chap. 29.19 Ezek. 36.27 28 29 30. Quer. 13. Whether or no shall Christ and the Saints raign for ever upon the Earth or not Answ It appears that Christ and the Saints shall not raign for ever because there is a time when the mediatour-ship shall be given up into the hands of the Father when the Son shall be in subjection unto him so as to lay down his government unto him and yet it shall be for ever in one sense that is for ever so long as there shall be a Nation upon earth to raign over but as for their scituation and abode I understand it shall be for ever in the new Jerusalem that cometh down from Heaven which is and for ever will be the Tabernacle of God which then shall remain in the Land of Canaan and so the Tabernacle of God to be with man and he for ever dwell with them for I do not find that the new Jerusalem shall be again removed 1 Cor. 15.24 25 26 27 28. Revel 21.1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Chap. 3.12 Quer. 14. If Christ and the Saints shall remain for ever in the new Jerusalem upon the earth where shall the Devil and man of sin with the wicked of the World be punished Answ It appears from the Scripture as though that the Land of Canaan were to remain for ever as the new Heaven and new Earth Isa 65.17 18 19. and that the punishment of the wicked should be without the gates or diases of the Land even in Babylon Caldea and Idumea and the like read Isa 34.4 5 to the 10. Ezek. 35.14 15. Isa 47.14 chap. 51.19 Revel 18.2 Quer. 15. Whether will Christ render vengeance to all the ungodly besides the perpetual torments that he will cast them into at the end of the thousand years Answ It appears that there are some that shall have only their power taken from them and their lives to be prolonged for a season Dan. 7.12 and also although great judgments shall fall upon the wicked yet there will a seed remain of them which shall be reserved to be destroyed at the end of the thousand years Isa 14.29 30. Revel 20 9. Quer. 16. Whether the punishment of the wicked be everlasting after the sentence is past at the general judgment Answ It appears to be everlasting although I know there be some that suppose a redemption out of Hell from the words of Christ Mat. 5.26 which saith Thou shalt by no means come from thence till thou hast paid the utmost farthing This place intends no such thing but is rather literally to be understood but if by prison there spoken of we may understand Hell yet it will not follow there is to be a redemption out of Hell as some suppose for the word until sometimes is never to be as it is said that Samuel came no more to see Saul until the day of his death 1 Sam. 15.35 And he cannot then but suppose the word until should prefix a set time yet the Text saith that thou shalt not come from thence until thou hast paid the utmost farthing and suppose a man were cast into prison for five hundred pounds and had not five hundred pence nor in a capacity to gain while he lay in prison if he should not come from thence till he had paid the utmost farthing he could never come out and such is the condition of the wicked that as their debt is very great even so they are in an incapacity to gain when they are in Hell whereby to pay their debt and none can pay it for them Psal 49.7 8. And so if they must pay the utmost farthing it will never be paid no the punishment of the wicked is everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord where the worm shall not die nor the fire be quenched 2 Thes 1.8 Isa 66 24. Quer 17. When can it be truly said according to 1 Cor. 15.22 That in Adam all dyed when it is plain that Enoch was translated so as not to taft of death with Elijah and Iohn chap. 21.23 Answ Whereas the Text 1 Cor. 15.22 saith that as in Adam all dyed even so in Christ shall all be made alive All in Scripture is often taken for the Major part and not every individual person for we know that many shall be changed at the coming of Christ and be caught up to meet him and so was Enoch changed or translated which is all one as death but that which is spoken by St. Paul 1 Cor. 15.22 saying As in Adam all dyed even so in Christ shall all be made alive It is to be thus understood that so many as did die by Adams sin was made alive by Christs obedience and raised from the dust finally every particular person must die or be changed for this corruptable body cannot enter into the Kingdome of God but must first put on incorruption and immortality and this change had Enoch and as for Elijah and Iohn I have before shewed what will befal them when they have accomplished their prophesie and thus leaving this Query I shall pass to the next and last which is Quer. 18. If Christ be the first fruits of them that sleep that is to say the first that is to arise from the dead how is it then that some Saints did arise at the time of Christs sufferings Answ Those Saints that were seen to come out of their graves and enter into the holy City was after the resur●ction of Christ and not at his sufferings Mat. 27 53. So then Christ was the first which was raised from the dead I could have spoken somewhat more to this and other things but time fails me and as for the other particulars mentioned in thy letter I have spoken unto them in my Book as Objections and such occasions have offered themselves and therefore have no more at present to say unto thee only exhorting thee to stand fast in the faith and profession of the Gospel for dear Brother as thou well knowest the portion of the godly is to suffer tribulation for Christ and the Gospel sake because thorow many tribulations we must enter into the Kingdome of God for they that are born after the flesh will persecute such as are born after the spirit for so it was and is and will be unto the end and it shall come to pass that those that kill the godly shall think that they do God service but however let us know that all things shall work together for good to those that love God and that the end is a crown of life to such as are faithful unto the death and then it will be the time that God will recompence tribulation to them that trouble his people that it had been good for them that they had never been born or that a milstone hanged about their neck and they cast into the depth of the Sea than to offend the friends of Iesus Christ finally he that soweth in tears shall reap in joy and he that goeth forth weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtless return rejoycing with everlasting joy upon his head and all sighing and sorrow shall flee away and for their shame they shall have double and for their confusion they shall rejoyce in their portion for in their land double everlasting joy shall be their portion FINIS
man preach any other Gospel unto you than that ye have received let him be accursed From which words we plainly see it is of a very dangerous consequence for any man to bring any other Gospel save the very same which was preached by Saint Paul and the Apostles and that Gospel was a Gospel containing all the Laws Statutes and Ordinances of King Jesus as hath been already proved therefore let every man take heed of perverting the Gospel either by adding or detracting or wresting any part thereof to their vain corrupt ends and so I pass to the ninth ground or reason of the point saying If it should be objected that this text speaks of some that would have brought the believers back again to be justified by the law I answer breefly and say that let it be what particular it will this we learn in general that the very same Gospel with the very same Laws Statutes and Ordinances which Saint Paul and the rest of the Apostles preached and practised is the very same that we must preach and practise or else be accursed Reas 9. It further appears that all Christ Laws Statutes and Ordinances are perpetuated and to remain because when Christ left the world he put his house in order and appointed to every man his work Mark 13.34 and blessed is that servant that when his Lord comes he finds so doing as he left him in chrage and thus Christ goeth before leading his people an example and they follow his steps and at last receive that blessed sentence These are virgins these are they that followed the Lamb whithersoever he goeth here are they that keep the commandements of God and the faith of Jesus right blessed are such dead that dye in the Lord for they rest from their labour and their works follow them And again they only are Christs friends that do whatsoever he commandeth such shall never be put to shame that have a respect to all his commands and again blessed and thrice happy are they that do all his commandements they shall have right to the tree of life and enter in thorow the gates into the City Amen Reas 10. and lastly because I am called upon to hasten and must be very breif I lay down this as a ground and reason to prove that all the Laws Statutes and Ordinances of Christ given forth in his last will and Testament is practicable and to be practised by the Lords People because as it is proved that they are commanded by Christ and confirmed given out as Laws Statutes to all men even every creature to the end of the world even so they all stand firm and undeniable without disanulling or adding thereunto unless the Lord Jesus have repealed or disanulled any one of them for Devils or men cannot disanul or repeal any one nay not the very least of them for he that gave them and commanded them to be observed is greater than all hath all power both in heaven earth given unto him therefore no men nor devils can disanul or add unto them the least jot or little Mat. 21.18 19. Rev. 22.18 John 17.2 Acts 3.22 23. This tenth reason why all Christs Ordinances are to continue practicabe and to be practised by the Lords people is because as devils and men cannot cancel or disanul any one of them neither hath Christ either cancelled his will or disanulled any of his Laws Statutes or Ordinances therefore they are perpetuated and to remain practicable and to be practised by the Lords people in all ages according to their several abilities untill the second and glorious coming of Jesus Christ and thus being in much hast I leave these few grounds and reasons to prove the continuance of all Christs Ordinances practicable and to be practised by the Lords People in all ages according to their several abilities and in the next place I come to the examination of the grounds and reasons which are cited by Mr. Henden to prove That some of Christs Laws and Statutes were to cease and are ceased and shall leave the serious reader to judge when I have impartially offered them to thy view without any lessening the strength of any one of them for although I am neccessitated to gather up the strength of his reason in as few words as may be yet I will not willingly miss any one thing that is material or hath weight in it cited by him to prove the cessation of Christs Ordinances and withal shall endeavour as much plainness of speech as that the weakest capacity of them that are Godly may understand it when they read it that I may not be as a Barbarion unto them the which I find to be the way most profitable unto Edification And first I shall begin with the first thing considerable which is that which he calls or lays down as a sure Maxim page 2. which is saith he Every thing hath its beginning and continuance from the word of God now whatsoever in Gospel times is fore declared and promised in Scripture for abiding did not fall but was upheld by the power of the Word thorow all the times of Apostacy as the Ordinance of Ministry Prayer Praises Baptisme and the Communion 1 Thes 5.16 17 18. Rev. 9.13 Chap. 11.1 Heb. 13.15 Isa 55.13 Chap. 65.5 Mat. 28.19 20. 1 Cor. 11.26 and also a sealed elect number with the spiritual union Rev. 7.4 5 6 7 8. Chap. 9.4 Chap. 11.1 Chap. 14.1 Likewise the being and profession of faith duties of charity with all morall precepts 1 Cor. 13.13 Mat. 16.18 Rev. 11.3 Mat. 5.17.18 Heb. 13.1 with whatsoever else is promised to continue but that which is not so perpetuated in the Word as Confirmation Ordination Church censures with the primitive order or Church stating was corrupted and turned to confusion by the great Antichrist it wanting the same word and promise to uphold its abiding For proof whereof viz. The cessation of these last mentioned Ordinances we will begin with Isa 56.5 Even unto them viz the Eunuch will I give in my house and within my walles a place and a name better then of that of sons and of daughters I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off It was a prophesie of the primitive Gospel Church the ingrafting the Gentiles there into as appears verse 2. by the salvation coming and the righteousness the Gospel Ministry then revealed also the stranger then joyning to God and the Eunuch the dry tree before then taking hold of the Covenant must allude to the Gentiles who in time past was dead and the place within the walles being interpreted from the Hebrew word J A D which signifieth Hand alluding to Church power now Why should not the place be said to be everlasting as well as the name especially being before both joyned together if the spirit had not seen the fail and interruption of the change thereof Answ In order to the clear answer of these things