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A20414 A short explanation, of the epistle of Paul to the Hebrewes. By David Dickson, preacher of Gods Word, at Irwin Dickson, David, 1583?-1663. 1635 (1635) STC 6824; ESTC S109679 160,093 348

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Rootes of Sinne lest they breake out in Scandalls Vers. 15. Beware lest there be anie filthie or prophane bodie suffred among you as ESAV was Vers. 16. VVho solde the Blessing for a short Pleasure and could never recover it agayne Vers. 17. And to this are you obliedged because the Olde Church was not so priviledged as you are but for their externall estate and manner of Religion in a great deale of more bondage Vers. But you by the light of the Gospell are brought into the high Way to haue societie with Heaven and Angels and the Catholicke Church of elect Soules and GOD the Iudge and CHRIST the Mediatour and His Benefites So cleare nowe is the Doctrine Vers. 22.23.24 Therefore beware lest by your Apostasie you reject CHRIST'S offer and bee destroyed more fearfullie than the despysers of the Lawe Vers. 25. For CHRIST is a terrible LORD to His Foes His Voyce shooke the Earth in giving of the Lawe But Hee hath promised to shake Heaven and Earth once more Vers. 26. And ONCE MORE importeth the remooving of these and making of a newe Heaven and a newe Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousnesse for the setled and perpetuall remayning of His Kingdome Vers. 27. Therefore let vs keepe a fast grip of His Grace that wee worship Him with feare Vers. 28. For if wee doe not so even our GOD is a consuming Fyre Vers. 29. The doctrine of Chap. XII Vers. 1. WHerefore seeing wee also are compassed about with so great a clowd of witnesses let vs lay aside everie weyght and the sinne which doeth so easilie beset vs and let vs run with patience the Race which is set before vs. THat right vse may bee made of all the former Examples hee exhorteth to a constant and patient persevering in the Course of Christianitie 1. The Similitude is borrowed from a Race To TEACH VS To endevour for overtaking all the Dueties of the Christian Man with all the Skill and Strength and Speede wee can 2. The Originall importeth a Stryfe-Race To ADVERTISE VS Both of our Spirituall Adversaries agaynst whome wee must fight still as wee goe on and of our Compartiners who run in the Race with vs with whome wee may stryue in an holie emulation who shall goe formost in the Course of Pleasing GOD. 3. It is a Race limited the Race set before vs TO TEACH VS What way wee should hold on our Course not doing that which pleaseth vs everie man running his owne way of Religion but all running in the beaten Way the Royall Way of GOD'S Commaundements 4. For the Motiues vnto this Race hee vseth the Examples rehearsed in the former Chapter Who compasse vs about as a Clowde of Witnesses TO TEACH VS 1. To hearken to the deposition of these worthie Witnesses who are recorded in Scripture who can best showe what is the best Christian Way which wee must holde in our Course towardes HAPPINESSE 2. That all our behaviour is marked by Spectatours GOD Angels and Men. 3. That albeit there were none to see vs except our Conscience the Examples of GOD'S Saynctes in Scripture should stand as Witnesses agaynst vs if wee run not as becommeth 5. For direction how to run HEE TEACHETH 1. To lay aside all Weyghts which doe presse our myndes downwardes such as is the setting of our affection vpon thinges which are on earth eyther wittinglie vpon vnlawfull objects or inconsideratelie exceeding the boundes of Christian Moderation vpon things lawfull 2. To lay aside the sinne which so easilie doeth beset vs that is by studying to mortifie the bodie of our corrupt inclination to cut off the wood-binde growth of violent predominant and wylie sinnes which moste frequentlie get advantage of vs. 3. Because wee can not ende our Race but after some progresse of tyme and must meete with manie impedimentes in the way and troubles and temptations to arme our selues with Patience Vers. 2. Looking vnto IESUS the Author and finisher of our Fayth who for the joye that was set before Him endured the Crosse despysing the shame and is set downe at the right Hand of the Throne of GOD. WIth Direction hee joyneth Encowragement by setting our Eye on IESVS who shall both guyde vs in the way and carrie vs on when our strength fayleth THEN 1. The Christian Race-runner hath IESVS before him in the way to helpe him in everie thing that may befall him in his course 2. CHRIST must bee looked vpon by him who would bee helped in his Race the Eye of the Soule beeing drawne off of everie thing which might divert the Man or discowrage him such as are the multitude of Backe-slyders the multitude of Mockers the multitude of by-wayes and runners therein the multitude of feares from our owne vnworthinesse and sinfulnesse and temptations on all sides and our Myndes fixed on CHRIST with loving and longing Lookes which may draw Lyfe and Strength from Him 3. Wee must looke on Him as IESVS the Deliverer from Sinnes and Giver of Salvation even Him who saveth His People from their Sinnes 4. Wee must looke vpon Him as the Author and finisher of our Fayth that is as our GOD who hath begun His Good Worke in vs and will also perfect it Who hath given vs grace to belieue and will surelie continue this Grace with vs even to the ende lest the feares of our Fayth fayling make vs to faynt 5. Wee must looke vpon Him as our Patterne and Example who having run the Race before vs hath set foorth Himselfe for our imitation that in Him wee might finde all whereof wee stand in neede 2. How IESVS ran this Race hee showeth for our Example 1. Hee had joye set before Him which He was to receaue by our Salvation wrought So haue wee joye set before vs also 2. For the hope of that joye Hee ran with cowrage so must wee 3. He ran with the Crosse vpon His Back all the way being a Man acquaynted with Sorrowes so must we resolue also 4. In His Griefes and Sorrowes Shame set vpon Him from the Worlde and powred out Contempt vpon Him so must wee resolue to finde it 5. For the hope of the joye hee endured patientlie and went on vnder the Crosse and wearied not so must wee 6. Albeit Shame was the sharpest of His Griefes from the Worlde yet Hee regarded it not but despysed all Despysing and shamed Shame as vnworthie to bee taken notise of in comparison of His Designe so must wee 7. Hee overcame all at length so shall wee through Him also 8. Hee hath gotten the Ioye and the Glorie for which Hee ran so shall wee with Him If wee suffer with Him wee shall also reygne with Him 9. He is set downe on the Right Hand of the Throne of GOD that is is joyned with the FATHER in the Glorious Governament of Heaven and Earth and all thinges therein for the good of all His Followers so that wee neede to feare nothing in our way seeing Hee hath the Governament of all
with the bloode to intercede for the people and there remayned during the tyme of Intercession appoyncted to him So Christ carrying his Sacrifice out of the Citie offered vp his Bodie on the Altar of his Godhead to his Father and by his owne bloode entered into the heavenlie Sanctuarie and sate downe on the Right hand of the Majestie on high and there hee liveth for ever to intercede for vs having then ended his Sacrifice as this Apostle prooveth Chap. vij 17 and Chap. ix 25.26 And having no Sacrifice nowe to offer on earth it is with reason that the Apostle sayeth If Hee were on earth Hee should not bee a Priest WHENCE WEE LEARNE 1. That Christ is not nowe on the earth nor in anie place thereof and therefore if anie man say to vs Loe heere hee is Loe there hee is wee must not belieue him it is a false christ hee showeth vs and not the True as CHRIST himselfe fore-warneth MATTH XXIV 23 2. That it is impossible that Christ should nowe bee on the earth for then should hee lose his Priesthoode which is impossible For if hee were on earth hee should not bee a Priest sayeth the Apostle heere 3. That Christ's Priesthoode is onelie discharged nowe in heaven seeing hee can not bee a Priest on earth 2. His Reason is They are Priestes which offer Giftes according to the Lawe THEN Everie Priest who brooketh his Priesthoode on earth must offer Giftes according to the Law as the Apostle heere reasoneth And such Priestes as those Christ hath abolished having chaunged the Priesthoode and the Lawe also THEREFORE There can bee no Priest by Office on earth at all with GOD'S allowance Vers. 5. Who serue vnto the Example and Shadowe of Heavenlie thinges as Moses was admonished of GOD when hee was about to make the Tabernacle For see sayeth Hee that thou make all thinges according to the Patterne showed vnto thee in the Mount HEE descrybeth the proper vse of the Leviticall Priestes to serue vnto the Example of heavenlie Thinges THEN 1. The Incarnation of Christ his Death and the Benefites thereof signified by Leviticall Shadowes are heavenlie thinges in regarde of their heavenlie Fruites and Effectes and other heavenlie Respectes and are with an heavenlie Mynde to bee looked vpon 2. The Ceremonies of the Lawe were not ydle Rites but Examples and Figures of Christ and his Graces by the which men were led then as by the hand to Christ vvho was to come 2. From EXOD. XXV 40 hee prooveth they were Shadowes of heavenlie thinges because the Patterne in the Mount represented the heavenlie thinges and Moses Tabernacle represented the Patterne in the Mount Therefore it represented heavenlie thinges And vnto this Patterne was Moses tyed THEN 1. GOD would not no not in the tyme of Types suffer anie devyse of man to come in for representing anie thing heavenlie Much lesse will hee nowe 2. Those which himselfe ordayneth hee will haue observed and none omitted Vers. 6. But nowe hath Hee obtayned a more excellent Ministerie by howe much also Hee is the Mediatour of a better Covenant which was established vpon better Promises 1. THE offering of the Typicall Oblations hee hath made proper to the Levites Nowe the offering of the true Sacrifices and service belonging therevnto hee appropriateth to Christ and calleth it A more excellent Ministerie THEN 1. The offering of the thing signified by the Leviticall Types is more excellent than all their Offeringes 2. This Ministerie is proper vnto Christ onelie in his owne person 2. From this hee preferreth the Mediatourship of Christ to the Typicall The Promises and the Covenane nowe to the Covenant then His reasoning is As the Ministerie is so is the Mediatour The Ministerie is more excellent in offering vp himselfe than the shadowes Therefore the Mediatour is more excellent nowe than the typicall of olde THEN The offering of Christ's Bodie which is the more excellent Ministerie is still annexed to the Person of the Mediatour onelie And who-so-ever intrudeth himself● into that excellent Ministerie of offering vp Christ's Bodie intrudeth himselfe also into the Office of the Mediatour 3. In comparing the Covenant then and nowe hee maketh this the better Because the Promises are better WHENCE WEE LEARNE 1. That there was a Covenant betwixt GOD and his Church of olde vnder the Lawe And so Reconciliation to bee had with GOD then 2. That how-so-ever in substance of Grace both the Covenantes agreed yet the forme of this Covenant vnder the Gospell is better Because the expresse conditions are better the Promises are more spirituall and more free of strayte conditions Vers. 7. For if that first Covenant had beene faultlesse then should no place haue beene sought for the second TO cleare the abolishing of the olde Covenant hee prooveth it not to bee faultlesse Because a Newe Covenant was promised in place thereof Not that anie thing was wrong in that Covenant but because it was imperfect and all thinges needfull not expressed in it clearlie WHENCE WEE LEARNE 1. That the LORD'S proceeding with his Church hath ever beene from the lesse perfect to the more perfect till Christ came 2. That where ever GOD addeth or altereth what hee once did institute by so doing hee showeth That before his Addition hee had not expressed all his Mynde as in the tyme of the Olde Testament 3. When once hee hath perfected his course taken with his Church as nowe hee hath done vnder the Newe Testament hee altereth the matter no more Vers. 8. For finding fault with them hee sayeth Beholde the dayes come sayeth the LORD when I will make a Newe Covenant with the House of Israell and the House of Iudah 1. HEE prooveth That there was an imperfection in the Olde Covenant Because GOD sound fault with the people vnder it THEN The imperfection of the Covenant of olde was especiallie in default of the parties with whome it was made who by their inabilitie to fulfill it or beholde the drift of it made it vnable to saue themselues 2. In the wordes of Ierem. xxxj 31 the LORD promiseth to make a Covenant afterwardes with the house of Israell and Iudah THEN 1. The partie in the Newe Covenant is not all Man-kynde but the Church of the Newe Testament the spirituall Israell and Iudah 2. This Covenant was not brought to light of olde but had its owne tyme of manifestation 3. Even then the Church was made wyse of the imperfection of the Olde Covenant that they might learne to looke through the outward forme of it to a better 4. The Hope and Too-looke which they had towardes the Newe Covenant helde vp their heart that they without vs and our Priviledges should not bee perfected Vers. 9. Not according to the Covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I tooke them by the hand to leade them out of the land of Aegypt because they continued not in My Covenant and I regarded them not sayeth the LORD 1. THE Prophet
represented by MOSES his confessed feare and quaking 12. And with all this no place to flee vnto no place to remayne in no companie but an evil conscience within and matter of terrour without represented by the Wildernesse wherein this Throne of Iustice was set vp And this is th' estate wherin we are by nature acording to the Law wherefra we are delivered by Christ according to the Gospel as followeth Vers. 22. But ye are come vnto moūt Sion vnto the Citie of the living God the Heavenly Hierusalem and to an innumerable companie of Angels THis is th' estate wherevnto we are advanced vnder the Gospel by Christ which by comparison with the former shall bee more cleare thus 1. Before wee come to Christ wee haue to doe with God as Iudge sitting vpon His Throne terrible After we come to Christ we finde God vpon a Throne of Grace reconciled vnto vs resembled by Mount SION 2. Without Christ we are kept vnder vpon the earth depressed in the Valley and may not touch the Mount to ascend But through Christ we get accesse to climbe vp towardes God and to advance piece and piece aboue the world and sinne and miserie towards Heaven resembled by going vp Mount Sion 3. Without Christ Vagabonds wand●ing abroad in a waste Wildernesse but through Christ collected together vnder a head and brought to a place of Refuge and Rest and commodious Dwelling to the Kingdome of Heaven resembled by the Citie where Mount SION stoode 3. Without Christ exposed to the wrath of the living God Through Christ admitted to remayne as reconciled in the Citie of the living God 4. Without Christ affrayde by the terrible sight of Wrath and Iudgement Through Christ brought into Hierusalem the Vision of Peace not onlie in this worlde by Fayth but in Heaven by Fruition resembled by HIERVSALEM 5. Without Christ heyrs of Hell Through Christ Citizens of Heaven 6. Without Christ exposed to the fellowship of Devils in sinne and torments Through Christ admitted to the societie of innumerable Angels resembled by the Inhabitants of Hierusalem on earth 7. Without Christ Angels our foes Through Christ our Fellow-Citizens Vers. 23. To the Generall Assemblie and Church of the First-borne which are written in Heaven and to God the Iudge of all and to the spirites of just men made perfect 2. WIthout Christ wee are as scattered Sheepe in the Wildernesse a Prey to all the ravenous Beastes But through Christ gathered together in one to the societie of the true Catholicke Church of the Elect vnder the governament of one Head even CHRIST 9. Without Christ living with the world in the Suburbs of Hell Through Christ made Members of the True Church and Companie which is called out of the worlde by the effectuall Calling of His Word and Spirit 10. Without Christ forlorne Children who haue depryved our selues of our Inheritance and wasted all our Father's Benefites on Vanities Through CHRIST our forfaulting is reduced our Inheritance redeemed wee brought backe to the Familie restored to the Inheritance dignified with the First-borne and made Priestes to our GOD as His Portion from amongst men 11. VVithout Christ living amongst them whose names are written in the earth whose portion is beneath Through Christ our Names are enrolled in Heaven amongst those who are written in the Booke of Lyfe elected and predestinated vnto Grace and Glorie 12. Without Christ without God in the worlde having God our Iudge agaynst vs Through Christ wee are reconciled to God get accesse vnto Him and haue our God Iudge of all vpon our side to absolue vs and to pleade for vs agaynst all our Foes 13. Without Christ wee are for guiltinesse in the Ranke of those who are alreadie damned and brethren to those whose spirits are in prison But through Christ wee are Brethren to those who are alreadie saved whose Soules and Spirites are fred from Sinne and Miserie and made perfect in Holinesse and Glorie having the same Groundes of Right to Heaven thorow CHRIST which they haue who are entered alreadie into Possession Vers. 24. And to IESUS the Mediatour of the NEW COVENANT and to the Blood of Sprinkling which speaketh better thinges than that of Abell HEE GOETH ON 14. In our naturall estate wee are vnder the Law and the Covenant of works which bindeth vs to Perfect Obedience or to the Curse VVhen wee come to Christ wee are vnder the Covenant of Grace which proclaymeth Remission of Sinnes vnto all who are in Him 15. Yea now vnder the Gospell comming vnto Christ wee are in better case than they who lived before Christ because they were bound to all the Ceremoniall and Typicall Ordinances of the Lawe vnder the Olde Covenant but wee are exempted from that Olde Covenant and are entered into the Newe vvhich freeth vs from that Yoake which the ISRAELITES could never beare 16. VVithout Christ we stand alone and none to pleade for vs before our Iudge But when wee come to Christ wee finde Him a Mediatour both to deliver vs from the Olde Covenant and to take Burthen for vs for keeping of the Newe Covenant 17. Without Christ vnrighteous and vnholie When wee come to Christ we come to be● sprinkled with His Blood for Iustification and Sanctification also and for receaving of all other Benefites bought by that Blood Hee compareth this Blood with Abel 's as speaking better thinges For albeit wee by our sinnes haue made our LORD to serue yea and to die also yet doeth His Blood not speake agaynst vs as ABEL'S did speake agaynst KAIN and the Earth for drawing downe of a curse on both but speaketh to GOD still to pacifie His Wrath and to pardon vs and to our Conscience to cleanse it and make it quyet within vs. From this comparison of Men vnder the Lawe and vnder Grace WEE LEARNE 1. That the impenitent and vnrenewed man how secure soever hee sit yet hee is in a fearfull estate the Wrath of the Iudge from His Iustice Seat being readie to breake out vpon him 2. That the wakened Conscience lying in the sense of its owne sinnes and feare of the offended Iudge is much to bee pittied 3. That the holiest man on earth if GOD reveale vnto him the terrour of His Iustice hee will bee shaken with feare 4. That the onelie remedie agaynst the challenge of the Conscience and feare of the Lawe and Wrath is to haue recourse to IESVS CHRIST 5. That hee who is fled as a true penitent to IESVS CHRIST for Refuge to bee saved and directed and ruled by Him is a true Member of the true Catholicke Church of the Elect what-so-ever bee mens esteemation of him 6. That the more graciouslie wee bee dealt with vnder the Gospell the more must wee beware of fleshlinesse and prophanitie For to this ende all his speach doeth tende Vers. 25. See that yee refuse not Him that speaketh for if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth much more shall not wee escape if
Dignitie in Heaven it is easie to see him put all at vnder that ryseth vp agaynst him 3. That which may bee taken vp of Christ partlie by his Word and Doctrine partlie by his miraculous Workes and extraordinarie Giftes of the Spirit powred out vpon the Primitiue Church partlie by his ordinarie and powerfull working vpon the Soules of his owne since that tyme vnto this day humbling and comforting changing and reforming mens heartes and lyues I say these Evidences of his power doe make a spirituall Eye in a manner to see IESVS the Worker of these Workes crowned with Glorie and Honour 2. Hee meeteth another doubt arysing from the abasement of Christ in his Sufferinges and Death to which hee answereth in the wordes of the Psalme first that it was fore-tolde in that same Psalme that he was to bee made for a little lower than the Angels to wit by suffering of Death THEN 1. The Crosse of Christ is a readie stumbling Blocke for a carnall mynde else what needed the removing of the scandall 2. It is true indeede Christ in his Himiliation was abased vnder the Angels and emptied 3. This abasement was but a little and for a short tyme. 4. It was fore-tolde in the Psalme that speaketh of his Exaltation 5. If wee looke to the Scripture fore-telling wee shall not stumble at Christ's Humiliation 3. Hee giveth a farther answere by showing the ●●de of Christ's Suffering to bee for our cause in the favour of GOD to vs That hee should by the Grace of GOD taste Death for everie one of vs. THEN 1. Christ's suffering was not for his owne deserving but for ours and therefore should bee glorious in our eyes 2. Everie Believer and elect soule hath interest in that Death of his and so everie man bound to loue him and magnifie him for it and to applye the fruite of it to himselfe 3. This death was but a tasting of death because hee continued but a short tyme vnder it for his short suffering was so precious that hee could not bee holden by the Sorrowes of Death but Death for a little was sufficient and therefore should diminish no man's esteemation of him 4. It was by the Grace of GOD that his death for a short should stand for our Eternall and therefore gracious and glorious should these his sufferinges bee esteemed by vs. Vers. 10. For it became Him for whom are all thinges and by whome are all thinges in bringing manie Sonnes vnto Glorie to make the Captayne of their Salvation perfect through Sufferinges 1. ANother reason of Christ's Suffering This way of our saving by Christ's Sufferinges made for the Glorie of GOD and our Good THEN When the reasons of Christ's death are seene the scandall of his Crosse ceaseth 2. There is a worke to doe heere A great manie of Sonnes to bee brought to Glorie THEN 1. All the Elect and saved soules are in the ranke of Children 2. Albeit they bee few in comparison of the worlde yet are they manie of them all together 3. There is not one of them all who can goe to Heaven or Salvation but by Christ's leading and conduct 3. The Captayne of their Salvation must bee made perfect through suffering THEN 1. How perfect soever Christ bee in himselfe yet before his suffering hee lacked one thing which his Office towardes vs requyred to wit experimentall suffering of such sorrowes as his souldiours and followers are subject vnto 2. When his sufferinges were ended hee was perfectlie sitted to comfort vs seeing hee found our sorrowes in himselfe sometyme 4. Hee sayeth it became GOD for whom and by whom are all thinges that the matter should bee so brought about THEN 1. All thinges are for God's Glorie at the ende and so should the manner of our salvation bee also 2. All things are by God's Hand and Power brought about and reason too that hee dispose of the meanes of our salvation as hee pleaseth 3. This way became God most of anie It brought him greatest Glorie by the shame sorrow and death of one to bring Glorie and joye and Lyfe to manie Vers. 11. For both Hee that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one For which cause Hee is not ashamed to call them Brethren 1. IF anie should farther aske how could hee die or how could Iustice accept him in our stead bee answereth Because hee is one of our kynde and nature THEN 1. There is a naturall Band betwixt Christ and his Followers They are of the same stocke of the same naturall substance 2. Christ's naturall Band with vs maketh him a direct entresse to redeeme vs. 2. Hee calleth Christ him that sanctifieth and the Believers they who are sanctified THEN 1. The Band of nature betwixt Christ and men is reckoned vnto those onlie who are sanctified with none other will Christ reckon Kinred 2. Therefore they must studie to Holinesse that would clayme Kinred to Christ. 3. The sanctification which it behoveth vs to haue must proceede from Christ no holinesse vntill a man be in him 3. Hee sayeth Christ is not ashamed to call the Sanctified Brethren THEN 1. As Christ hath dimitted himselfe to our nature so also to the styles of consanguinitie with vs. 2. Christ is as kyndlie affectioned to his Followers as ever Brother was to another hee will not misken his owne albeit vnworthie 3. That which may serue to our glorie and comfort Christ will thinke it no disgrace to himselfe Verse 12. Saying I will declare Thy Name vnto my Brethren In the midst of the Church will I sing Prayse vnto Thee HEe proveth that hee calleth vs Brethren from PSAL. 22. Vers. 22. The Messias there taketh vpon him to preach to Men and to prayse the Father THEN 1. With our nature Christ tooke on also the Yoke of the Exercyses of Religion 2. Hee joyneth with vs in the Discharge of them 3. Hee is first in the Exercyse not onelie because hee discharged them in his owne proper person but also because still by his Spirit where two or three are gathered together in his Name hee is in the midst of them moving and moderating the Spirites of his owne delectable Organes Vers. 13. And agayne I will put my trust in Him And agayne Beholde I and the Children which GOD hath given mee 1. THE next proofe is from PSAL. 18. Vers. 2. Where Christ vnder the type of David promiseth to belieue in the Father THEN 1. Christ is one of the number of Believers one of the Covenant of Grace confederate by Faith and therefore hee behoved to bee a man to this ende 2. Then haue wee in the sense of our vnbeliefe the comfort of the soundnesse and strength of Christ's believing as well as of his other Perfections 2. The third proofe is from ISAY 8. Vers. 18. Wherein Christ vnder the type of the Prophet Isaiah presenteth himselfe with his chosen Childrē before the Father THEN 1. Christ is our Father also and wee his Children 2. Wee are
He ever liveth to make intercession for them 1. HEE showeth the Fruite of Christ's keeping still the Priesthoode altogether in his owne person to bee The perfect Salvation of all Believers for ever Hee is able to saue to the vttermost them that come vnto GOD through Him THEN 1. Who-so-ever communicateth Christ's Priesthoode with anie other beside his owne person maketh Christ not able alone to saue to the vttermost those that come vnto GOD through Him 2. From this ground also it doeth followe that Christ not onelie beginneth the Believers salvation but perfecteth it also Hee doeth not worke a parte of a man's salvation and leaue the rest to his owne merites or the merites of others but perfecteth it Himselfe even to the vttermoste 3. And if a man joyne anie thing meritorious vnto Christ's Priesthoode or anie Mediator for intercession beside him or seeketh by his owne workes to purchase salvation hee denyeth Christ to bee able to saue him to the vttermoste 2. Hee descrybeth Believers to bee those that come to GOD through CHRIST THEN 1. Christ is the Doore and the Way through which onelie Accesse is gotten to GOD. By Saynctes or Angels there is not a way to come to GOD but by Christ onelie 2. They that come not through Him alone to GOD seclude themselues from the sufficiencie of salvation to bee had in Him 3. The nature of Believing is to make a man come towardes GOD to get communion with Him through Christ. 4. And none but such as come in Fayth to GOD through Christ can take comfort from His Priesthoode or looke for salvation 3. Hee giveth a Reason why perfect Salvation is to bee had for such as come to GOD through CHRIST Because Hee liveth for ever to make intercession for them Hee sayeth not To offer or cause offer vp the Sacrifice of his bodie for them But Hee liveth and is not to bee offered anie more and liveth to make intercession THEN 1. The sacrificing parte is done and ended His intercession hath now the place and by His intercession wee get the Merite of His Death and Passion applyed vnto vs and not by anie newe Oblation 2. If Hee brooke His lyfe Hee will not fayle to intercede for vs who come vnto GOD through Him and not through Saynct or Angell or anie person beside For Hee liveth for ever to make intercession for vs. Vers. 26. For such an High Priest became vs who is holie harmlesse vndefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the Heavens TO the ende hee may force the Hebrewes to forsake the Priesthood of Levi hee draweth a strong Reason from the nature of our Estate vnder the Gospell where-by hee prooveth not onelie that the priests of Aaron 's Order are abolished but also everie sonne of Adam is excluded from the Office of the Priesthood except IESVS CHRIST in his owne person onelie Because everie Priest that wanteth the properties of IESVS CHRIST is vnbeseeming for vs vnder the Gospell A sinfull man might haue beene a Priest vnder the Lawe to praefigure CHRIST before Hee came But nowe no sinfull man may bee a Priest by Office but CHRIST onelie in whom there is no sinne When the sacrifice was a beast then a sinfull man might be a priest But now when the Sonne of GOD is the Sacrifice and hath offered vp himselfe alreadie and is gone in into the Sanctuarie with his owne bloode to make intercession there must bee no more anie sacrificing till hee come out of the Sanctuarie agayne at the Day of Iudgement nor anie priest but he till hee haue ended his Intercession For such an High Priest became vs who is holie harmlesse c. Question But why is it vnbeseeming vs vnder the Gospell to haue a priest without these properties I aunswere The Sacrifice of the Newe Testament is the vnspotted Lambe of GOD IESVS CHRIST holie harmlesse c. Therefore it becommeth vs to haue such a priest who is holie harmlesse and vndefiled For it were vnseemlie that the priest should bee worse than the sacrifice Next our Priest hath our sinnes originall and actuall to remooue and Heaven to open vnto vs And therefore it were vnbeseeming that anie should bee our priest who hath not his owne sinnes altogether remooved nor yet hath gotten entrie as yet into Heaven himselfe 1. In that hee draweth them of necessitie to quyte all mens priesthoode and betake them vnto Christ as Priest onelie WEE LEARNE That our necessities being well weyghed with the insufficiencie of anie beside CHRIST to doe our Turne wee shall bee forced to quyte all priestes but CHRIST onelie For vvhat priest can knowe all our needes all our sinnes all our thoughtes all our desires all our prayers all our purpose● and wayt on vpon our businesse with GOD night and day to see that no wrath breake out vpon vs Who can doe this but CHRIST onelie What Man What Saynct What Angell 2. In that hee reckoneth a number of Perfections necessarie to bee in a priest in the tyme of the Gospell all of them in CHRIST and all such as wee stand in neede of WEE LEARNE That all the perfections whereof wee haue neede in a priest are all in CHRIST And the perfections which are in CHRIST wee haue neede of them all and should make vse of them all 3. The first propertie of a priest vnder the Gospell is this Hee must bee holie that is of his owne nature holie in his originall holie THEN No sinful man can be a sufficient priest in the New Testament to doe for vs who wants holinesse by nature 4. The next propertie Our priest must bee harmlesse ill-lesse free from anie originall guiltinesse THEN No man come of Adame by naturall propagation can bee a priest for vs nowe to satisfie our necessities who haue sinne originall in vs. 5. The third propertie Wee haue neede of a priest vndefiled that is free from actuall sinne THEN No priest can suffice vs who are defiled with actuall sinne but CHRIST vvho never sinned 6. The fourth propertie A priest meete for vs must bee free from the pollution of these amongst whom hee converseth THEN Wee who are of polluted lippes and lyues and dwell amongst such a people communicating manie wayes of their guiltinesse can not haue sufficient comfort through anie priest who can bee infected with sinne And hee who is a man of polluted lippes is not meete to bee a priest for vs. 7. The fift propertie A priest meete for vs behooved to haue his Residence in Heaven and haue commaundement over Heaven to open it vnto vs and giue vs entrie THEN None other but CHRIST could suffice vs on whome by nature the Doores of Heaven are closed No priest out of Heaven is meete for vs. Vers. 27. Who needeth not daylie as those High Priestes to offer vp Sacrifice first for his owne sinnes and then for the peoples For this Hee did once when Hee offered vp Himselfe 1. THE sixt propertie of a fit priest