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A16820 A treatise made in defence of the lauful power and authoritie of priesthod to remitte sinnes of the peoples duetie for confession of their sinnes to Gods ministers: and of the Churches meaning concerning indulgences, commonlie called the Popes pardo[n]s. By William Allen M. of Arte, and student in diuinitie. Allen, William, 1532-1594. 1567 (1567) STC 372; ESTC S100097 165,800 456

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any earthly cogitation moue you to thinke of any succh materiall keyes as we occupie in earth when you heare of committing the keyes of the kingdom to Peter Keie of heauen vvhat yt ys you must thus vnderstād that the key of heauen is Peters woord or tunge because the Apostle weighing well euery of oure desertes openeth or shutteth to euery man the kingdō of Christe This key therefore is not made by mortall mannes hande but it is the power of iudgment giuen by Christ To be brief he saith to them all whose sinnes you shal forgiue they shal be forgeuē c. Thus saith Maximus ioyning together fittly two textes for one purpose out of both maketh a most forcible argument that the iudgment of oure soules which is a passing authoritie that very letting in keping out of heauē is addicted by the keyes to Peters the Apostles ministerie For which cause also S. Gregorie calleth all Christes Apostles and the iust occupiers of their roomes the dores by which mē must enter into heauen or euerlastingly bide our which is a fearfull saing to all suche as contemne their authoritie His woordes be these Quid cuncti Apostoli nisi sancta ecclesiae ostia existunt cùm eis dicitur Cap. 16. lib 28. in Iob. Accipite spiritū sanctū quorū remiseritis pecc c. ac si illis apertè diceretur per vos ingrediūtur ad mehi quibus vos ipsi pāditis et repellētur quibus obseratis what are all the Apostles elles but the doores of holy Church seing it is sayde to thē take you the holy ghost whose sinnes you doe forgiue they be forgiuē euē as thoughe in plainer termes it had bē spoken thus by you all must enter that will come vnto me those I saye to whō you opē the doore by loosing of their sinnes those shall be put backe that you locke out Hyherto S. Grerie This wōderful authoritie caused S. Hilarie thus to make exclamatiō O holy and most happy men for the desert of youre faith yow haue obteyned the keyes of heauē De Trin. lib. 6. and now the whole right both of bindīg ād loosing in heauen and earth is assuredlie in you But that you may fullie beholde their right herein consider his notable woordes vpon the alledged place of S. Matthew Super Math. 18. Ad terrorem metus maximi qu● in praesens omnes continerentur immobile seueritatis Apostolicae iudicium praemisit vt qu●s in terra ligauerint id est peccatorum nodis innexos reliquerint Som read Cōfessione for cōcessione quos soluerint concessione scilicet veniae receperint in salutem in Apostolicae conditione sententiae in caelis quoque aut soluti sint aut ligati That is to say To the terrour and feare of al men and necessarie keping of them in awe and discipline Christ premised the immouable iudgement of the Apostles seueritie that whom so euer they bound in earth that is to say left fast tied in the bandes of sinnes and whom they loosed that is to witte by mercie receiue to the benefite of pardon that the same person so bound or so released in the same case that the Apostles left them should be in the heauēs either loose or fast Thus farre S. Hilarie by whom we euidentlie may learne in what carefull case all men be that passe this life not loosed by them whose sentence in earth is so surelie ratified in heauen aboue no lesse how the woords of Christ vttered somtimes in termes of binding loosing other times in remitting reteining doe literally signifie But I will adde S. Chrysostomes testimonie thervnto the rather because our Aduersaries do abuse his woordes sometimes against confession whiche necessarily hangeth on the authoritie of Priesthode in remission and reteining sinnes as anon I shall declare That I be not ouer tediouse I wil reporte his saying in English onelie Those saith he that dwel in earth and are conuersant amongst men Lib. 3. de Sacer. haue receiued power and commission to dispose and dispense such things as be in heauen A povver geuen to Priestes that vvas neuer geuen to Angels yea these mē haue receued power such as neither God either gaue to Angels nor yet Archangels for it was neuer said to thē what so euer you bind in earth it shall be bound in heauen and what soeuer you loose in earth it shall be loosed in heauen Earthlie Princes in deed haue power to bind but that perteineth to the bodies of their subiectes onely but the bonde which I nowe talke of that is proper to the power of priestes toucheth the verie soule it self and is so ample that it reacheth to the heauens aboue yea and that so largely that what so euer the priestes doe beneth the very selfe same God wil allow and ratify in heauen aboue and so the Lorde wil confirme the iudgement and sentence of the seruauntes Thus farre spaeketh Chrysostome His woords be so playn that to stand long on them for farther proofe of my matter then the verie face of the sentence dooth importe it were vayne For man may here rather merueyle to see suche straunge power vpō Christes woords giuē to the holy order yet that to be so litce estemed of wicked men so litle regarded euen of the honester sorte of simple folkes that fewe either seeke after their iudgmēt in causes of their soules or duely honoure that power in them which passeth all other prelacie that euer either mā or Angell receued in this greate contempt I say of most holy thinges wickednes is rather to be wōdered at lamēted then by long reasoning to be confuted The sequele of true thinges is so plain in it selfe the diuers places of scripture so answer iustly eche to other that Fathers so cōsonantly cōfirme that knowen meaning of the same the verie termes of so many scriptures writen at diuers tymes by sundrie of the Euangelistes so fal vpō one vndoubted sense that we may rightly conclude the power to be in all cafes giuen to the Apostles of remission of sinne And vpon such knowē termes I make this argument against the aduersaries They treuly and properly doe remitte sinnes vpō whose sentēce in earth the pardō of God immediatly ensueth in heauen but Goddes pardon vndoubtedly foloweth the priestes pardon in remission in earth Claue non errante ergo they assuredlie remitte sinnes The maior is manifest the minor hangeth vpon playne scripture thrise told which first appoynted man to loose in earth then that God shall in the same instant forgiue in heauē God shall cōfirme the sētēce of his seruauntes saith S. Chrysostom mans iudgment saith Hilarie shall be as a sentence preiudiciall to God in heauen And thus farre for the woordes of Christ att this present and farther streingth shall more and more be gathered vnto them by diuers partes of all the processe folowing That the same power of remitting and reteining
more excellent office standeth vpon vnfaythfulnes mistrust of Gods promisse loue of sinne liking of libertie lothsommes of truth and vnmyndfulnes of saluation In which case though neyther the heauens yeld fier for ther present punishment nor the earth open for theyr spedie passage to eternal payne yet the perpetuall fight whiche they kepe agaynst Gods ordinance there disordered life and disobedience there darknesse of vnderstanding in such light of approued trueth and the continuall course of the Church whiche in marueylouse myserie they doo willingly susteyn doth me thinke fully resemble the lamentable state of the damned and forsakē sorte and therefore beinge yet a lyue in good lykinge and lybertie I feare they wyttingly willullie perishe And yet I am not so voyd of al hope of their recouery that I would refuse to conferre wyth them touching that authoritie of remissiō of sinnes or other preheminence which the Priestes of Christes Church doo clayme and they so earnestlie controll Though the rather I would doo it for the helpe of the more hūble sorte which in these dayes of disobedience be rather dryuen out of the way by force of the common tēpest then by malice or misbehauiour towardes the ministerie whom in Christes name I must aduertise to cōsider carefully in what doubt and daunger they and all ther dearest doo stande in this pitifull vacation and long lacke of the practise of priesthoode for the remission of their sinnes other nedeful succour of ther soules For if Christ Cōtempt of mans ministeri for remission of synnes bringeth dānatiō by whose bloud we obteyne pardon of our offences haue by his ordinance made man the minister of our recōciliation to God the bestower of his mercy in remission of sinnes then doubtlesse who so euer neglecteth to walke the knowen waye of saluation and refuseth the ordinarie meanes of mercye whiche Christe meaneth to be applied to oure vse none otherwise but by the office of mortall men he lyueth in sinne perpetually he dieth in sinne wythout hope of recouerie for sinne wythout doubt shall perish euerlastingly Therefore the matter of so great importance standing on so doubtfull termes it were no wisdome to sleepe so soundly in suche present peril nor to continue wythout care and singular respect of most dredful state In which if we passe our dayes wthout hope or possibilitie of Goddes mercie by cause we refuse mans ministery then all our life and studies all our paynes or pleasures all our woorkes and wayes do nothinge ells but driue vs in disobedience to extreme death and desperation I make the more matter hereof for that not onely such as be ledde into folye and falshode by the perswasiō of some to whose teachinge and lykinge they haue vnaduisedly addicted them selues but also diuerse euen of the faythfull that be not fallen thankes be geauen to God so farre as to contemne the Churche and Christes appoynted ordinance are not yet so touched as in such case of extreme miserie Christen men should be Heresy ●nfecteth daungerously euē vvher she Killeth not For heresie is such a creeping and contagiouse canker that albeit she vtterlie through mercy and Goddes grace kill not all yet she dulleth the conscience dryeth vppe the zeale and enfecteth the mindes of most The lyke lacke of Christian comforte hath bene often ells amongest the people in suche stormes of the Churche but so lytle care and consideration thereof I doo not lightly remember In the persecution of the Vandalles and Arian Gothes in Affrike the people of God were seuered from they re pastours and thereby wanted succoure of their soules as we nowe doo but therof they conceiued such greif heauines that it is surely lamentable to remember Li. 2. de persecut Vandal The story is recorded by Victor the woordes of the sorowfull people vttered in the waies as their holy Bishopes did passe towardes theire banishment be reported thus A meruailous preasse of faithful people that the highe wayes coulde not receiue came downe the hills with tapers in their handes and laid their deare children at the Martyrs feet so they termed the witnesses of Goddes truth then and pitifully complayned thus The sorovve of the Christian people for their Bishopes bannishment Alas too whom doo you leaue vs so desolate whiles your selfes goe to the croune of martyrdome who shal nowe baptise these poore babes in the fountes of liuely water who shall loose vs tied in the bandes of our offenc●es by pardon and reconciliation who shal prescribe to vs the due of penaunce for our sins past For to you it was surely said what so euer you loose in earth it shal likewise be loosed in heauen Such you see was the carefulnes of the people thā in that litle lack of so necessary a thing where now in so long desolatiō of most holy thinges and our greatest comfort fewe there be that take any greif of so much miserie at al and that hartely lament the case almost none If we assuredly beleeued as it is surely true that al whi●h passe this present life in the bōds of mortal sin should euerlastingly perishe without al hope of mercy and thē to be vndoubtedly bound in theire offences whom the priestes of the holy Church had not loosed in this life excepting only the case of extrem necessity where by no means possible mans ministery can be obteined then truly besides the feare of our owne dangerous state our hartes would bleed for pity compassion of so many that depart this present world in the det of eternal damnation not only of our Christiā brethrē commonly but of our deerest and best beloued peculiarly It is not my timerous conscience nor scrupulous cogitation that rayseth this feare but it is the graue sentence of Goddes ordinance it is S. Augustines owne iudgemēt that moueth me of pitie to moue of duetie to admonish my brethrē friendes of a thing that perteineth to them all so neare S. Augustin cōceiuing the manifold miseries of the Christiā people in thabsence of their true Pastours in times of persecutiō doth liuely set furth the godly endeuors of faithful folks in these words Doe we not cōsider whē the matter is brought to such ā extreme ishue wher it can not be by flight auoyded what a wōderful cūcurse of christiā mē of euery kind state age is vnto the Church wher som cry out for baptim some for recōciliatiō or absolutiō for so I interprete ipsius poenitentiae actionē which also may meane a request to haue penāce apointed of the priest and al generally cal for cōfort cōfession and bestowing of the holy sacramēts In which extremitie if ther lack such as should minister these thinges vnto thē Quantū exitiū sequetur eos ꝙ de isto seculo vel nō regenerati exeūt vel ligati quātus estetiā luctus fideliū suorū ꝙ eos secū in vitae aeternae requie nō habebūt What vtter destructiō shall
penaunce and punishment what neede we to doubt but ther now be many meanes made in this happy society of Saintes so to remitte the bonde of satisfaction to some that Gods iustice may be answered againe by other of this happy houshold in the abundance of their holy workes which the Church holdeth moste holily for to be a perfecte and euerlasting treasure to satisfy Gods righteousnes procure mercy to the needy which by loue zele and deuotion doe deserue the same If God remitted of old temporall paine vnto his people at the calle of Moyses and Aaron and for his Child Dauides sake that was dead what will not he mercifully forgiue by our highe priestes procurement whose pardons and punishments Christ hath solemly promised he would ratify and allowe in heauen aboue What wil he not doe in respect of the paines and abundant passiōs of his owne childe Iesus that hath yet in the Catholik Church his death so duely represented for the remission of our dayly debtes What can be denied to the intercession of so many Sainctes to the chast combate of so many Virgins to the bloudy fight of so many Martyrs to the stout standing of so many Confessours What mercy may not the Churche craue and doubtles obteine for any of her children either in penaunce in this worlde or in paine in the nexte that hath in her treasure such abundance of satisfaction first in oure heade Christ Iesus throughe whose gracious workes al other mens paynes are become beneficiall either to them selues or their brethren and then in the store of all holy Sanctes trauailes not yet wasted in procuring mercy for others besides moe wayes of grace and remission that oure Mother the Church hath in redinesse to relieue her children that doe continue in her happy lappe and in the society of her communion with humble submission of them selues to the powers ordeined of Christ for the gouernment of their soules with request for this pardon at their handes to whome be giuen the bestowing and disposing of the inestimable treasure of so blessed a ministery Would God euerie man could feele Psal 132. how happy a thing it is to dwell as brethren together in the house of God vnder the appointed Pastours of that familie in which onely Goddes favoure is euerlastinglie founde that they might therewith be partakers of all their workes that feare God and might haue some sense and taste of that holy oyntment of Goddes Spirite and gifte of his grace that first was vpon the heade of this householde our Maister Christ Iesus and then dropped downe abundantly to his bearde euen to the very bearde of Aaron whereby as S. Augustin saieth the holy Apostles be signified In Psal 132. and by them it ishued downe to the hemmes of Christes coate and imbrued all the borders of his garmentes that euery one of the felowship might receiue benefite and feele the verdure thereof Quoniam illic mandauit Dominus benedictionem vitam vsque in seculum For in this happy felowship only oure Lorde bestoweth his manifoold blessings and life for euer more Amen Tractatus iste de defensione legitimae potestatis authoritatis sacerdotij in remittendis peccatis de necessitate cōfessionis sacerdoti faciēdae et de indulgentijs lectus excussus approbatus est per viros Anglici idiomatis sacrae Theologie peritissimos vt tutū vtile existimem eum praelo committi cuulgari Ita Iudico Cunerus Petri Pastor Sancti Petri Louanij 20. Aprilis Anno. 1567. THE CHIEF CONTENTS OF BOTH THE parts of this Treatise with the Preface ioyntly ALmose purgeth not mortal syns but venial 367. Apostles had power geuen to remitte and punish sinnes 20. 50. The same power ceassed not in the Church by their death 79. 85. Reasons to proue the continuance thereof 81. 95. BAptisme denied by Protestants to remit sinne 146. Bishops are in the Roomes of the Apostles 91. By what scripture they chalenge Iurisdiction 23. 295. Their high state 692. They may graunt pardons 260. 269. They may absolue none but their owne subiects 273. Bishops blessings 275. The lamētaciō of the aunciēt Christiās for their banished Bishops Preface Bynding Loosing 196. 286. 288. Caluin and others blasphemous heresies against Christs priesthod 10. Caluinists agree with the Nouatians against the Sacr. of penance 116. Cathari the Heretikes 88. 115. Christ a priest in his humanitie cap. 1. He executeth his priesthod in his Church by mās minist 82. See Min. Confessiō of mortall sinnes to a priest proued necessary 173. 187. 190. 262. It hath bē vsed in al lawes 168. 213. why it is accōpted burdenouse 188 The comfort of cōscience receiued thereby 249. 160. The euils like to ensue for want thereof 162. Distinct cōfess of secret sins 226. 199 what groūd it hath in Scripture 195. General cōfessiō sufficeth not 204. what a general cōfessiō auail 206. Cōfessiō could neuer haue bē established by the power of mā only 246. It is not groūded vpō posit law 155. It was vsed before Laterā Coun. 236 Considerations to remoue the impediments of Cōfession 188. 216. 245. S. Ambrose satte on Cōfessiōs 239. S. Bede sheweth examples of Confession vsed in England 233. Penitētiaries appointed See pena Confession necessary before the receiuing of the B. Sacrament 209. DIfferēce of the Ciuil Magistrat and the minister of a Sacram. 74. 202. Difference of purgingth eleprou●e in the old lawe and remitting sinnes in the newe lawe 179. Differēce of Baptisme ād penaūce 197 Dissease of our time 238. Effect of sacram is wrought by God 108. See ministery Euchar. 56. 209 Excōmunicatiō vsed by the Apost 301. The form therof vsed by S. Paul 357. External Sacraments 157. 165. FIguratiue speaches neuer vsed in institution of Sacraments 53. GOD punisheth more for sin because we punish not our selues 324. Grace in two significations 99. Grace ioyned to external elemēts 39. HEresie infecteth daungerously euē wher she killeth not Preface Hurt that ryseth therby to yowth lb. VVho be in most daūger of heresy 113. Heretikes vsurpe vnlaufully Catholiks roomes 96. Heretikes neuer list brag of their auncestours 114. Their practises in corrupting scripture 53. 194. Heretiks deniyng the Sacr. of penāce 221. IVrisdiction 167. 291. Exercised by the Apostles 301. Indulgence See Pardon KEies of heauen 65. 70. 266. LIklyhod of the lamentable state to come 163. Loosing See binding MAns ministery ys no derogatiō to Gods honour 112. 130. 193. The ministery of euil men 98. The work of God and mā go ioyntly together in sacraments 175. The practise of God for confirmation of mans ministery 182. Master of the sentence his errour 177. Matrimony a Sacrament 57. Ministerie of man euer vsed in remitting of sinnes 5. 165. Contempt therof Pref. 18. 29. 181. Monkes in S. Dionise tyme. 241. NEctarius his fact concerning confession discussed 213. Nouatus described 117. Nouatiās ād protestās cōpared 150. 289 ORder a Sacrament 57. Grace geuen in the same what yt is 99. Othe required by Nouatus of his adherents 120. PAin due for sinne may remayn after sinne ys remitted 283. Three kindes of punishment for sinne 309. Pardon grace Indulgence 261. Pardon what yt is 281. The true meaning of pardons 277. VVho may graunt them 377. How Luther fumbled at first to deface them 258. How farre the Protestāts haue proceded since 259. Pardons were neuer graunted to remit deadly sinne without the sacrament of Confession 265. Pardons for nombre of daies and yeares howe they arise 306. 336. VVhat pain they remit 315. Howe pardons were termed in the primitiue Church 317. An argument for pardons 306. 318. They be not alwaies beneficial 361. They discharge not men from doing good works 364. VVhat he must doe that hath receiued pardon 367. The ende of pardons 371. Two things in a pardon 391. Moyses and Aaron procured pardō Christe gaue pardon 350. S. Paule gaue pardon 359. whether pardons extēd to purgatory paines 3●3 Penaunce is a sacramen 150. 184. An argument to proue it 153. Diuerse waies of sacramentall penaunce 156. The necessitie therof Praeface 190. Penaunce appointed not only for cautele but for satisfaction 312. How it standeth with Gods iustice to pardon a man of his deserued penance 395. The comfort of that sacrament 160. Penitentiaries appointed to heare Cōfessions 226. Pope slaūdered for geuing pardōs 264 He neuer remitteth deadly sinne by pardon only 265. what he forgeueth 294. Power to remit or punish sinne what ground it hath 22. 30. 63. Power geuen to priests that was neuer geuen to Angels 73. Practise of priesthod in remitting sins taken for a ground of faith 45. 1●2 Priest being but man may remit sinne committed against God 40. The ignorantes reason against priesthod maintened by Caluin 77. Priesthod of the old lawe and newe compared 178. 346. Protestants professe otherwise then they teach secretly 147. Their congregation is barren of all Gods giftes 134. Their selues refuse the right of all holy actions 135. Their practise in corrupting scripture 52. 144. 194. 297. The fruict of their doctrin 186. 207. See Nouantians Purgatorie pain why it is suffred 326. REmission of sinnes ioyned to external Ceremonies in al ages 165 Ordinary remission of deadly sinne after Baptisme is only by the sacrament of confess Prefac 190. Remission of sinne by sacraments is more certen then the woorking of miracles 126. It standeth wel with Gods honour 112. 12● SAcraments ordeyned for good causes 157. Moe sacraments thē one instituted for remission of sinnes 152. 27● Sacramens euer vsed 1● Ministers of sacram in Schism Pr● Satisfaction an vsual woord in the doctours 304. Canonical satisfaction 302. Satisfaction of Saints 399. Scripture peruerted in the woords of Sacraments 52. Shame ioyned to sinne by Gods ordinance 248. Remedies for sin after Baptism 222. Mortall sinne howe it is remitted See Remission Venial sin how remitted 206. 274. Spiritual exercises 3●8 Succession of ministery in the Catholike Church 77. 89. No mā succedeth God in any fun 1●6 Christ resigneth his roome but not his right 137. TItles geuen to priesthod 42. Treasure of the Church 407. VNction a sacrament 57. 143. The Protestants glosse against extream vnction dissolued 144. FINIS