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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17070 An abridgment of the Meditations of the life, passion, death, & resurrection of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. Written in Italian by the R Father Vincentius Bruno of the Society of Iesus. And translated into English by R.G. of the same Society. VVherento is premised a briefe method for instruction & practice of meditation; Delle meditationi sopra principali misterii della vita, et passione di Christo n.s.. English. Abridgments Bruno, Vincenzo, S.J.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632.; Dawson, Edward. aut 1614 (1614) STC 3941; ESTC S114248 73,032 306

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to retyre into ●gypt obeyed promptly not exc●sing himselfe that it was winter ● a bad time to tr●uaile in or that h● knew not the way or that the people of Egypt were idolatours an● infidels 2. How our Lord the King o● Kings doth fly the crueltie and tyrannie of an earthly King and how euen from his tender age he beginneth to suffer persecution for our i●struction and saluation 3. How the holy mother did bea● her beloued babe in her armes bein● more molested in mind for compassion of the cold and discommodit● that her little Sonne endured the for the paine that she her selfe took for him in so long and tedious a vo● age which led them into a stra●● country where they were constr●ned to earne their liuing with thei● hand-worke Let vs learne 1. To obey promptly euen secr● admonitions by S. Iosephs example 2. To suffer willingly with our Blessed Lady 3. Not to care in what place we ●ine so it be to the greater glory of God XIV MEDITATION Of the Killing of the Innocents Matth. 2.16 1. CONSIDER the fury and rage of Herod who hauing vnderstood how the three Kings were returned to their country by ●nother way and being aduertised ●f that which passed in the Temple ●he day of the Purification did cōmaund that all the little men-chil●ren in Bethleem and in all the ●orders therof from two yeares ●ld and vnder should be killed 2. Consider the griefe which ●ur Lord did feele euen then seing ●s he did well know all things so many little infants to be so cruell● slaine for his sake 3. Consider the cruelty of thos● barbarous souldiars which hauin● no regard neither of age nor of sex nor of the dolefull mothers did couer the streetes with bodies of the dead infants Let vs learne 1. How hurtfull pride and ambition are which make a man t● band himselfe against God as H●rod did 2. How we ought not to feare th● force of tyrants who haue no powe● but vpon the body 3. That it importeth not whe● or where we dye so it be in God grace and for his honour and glory XV. MEDITATION Of our Sauiours returne out of Egypt Matth. 2.19 1. CONSIDER how after that our Sauiour had remained in Egypt seuen yeares the Angel appeared againe to S● Ioseph notifying vnto him King Herods death cōmaunding him in Gods behalfe to returne into Iurie with the infant IESVS and his Mother 2. How the returne was much more cumbersom and painfull then the flight because our Sauiour being now growne somwhat great our B. Lady could not beare him so commodiously and on the other side he was to young to walk by him selfe a foot 3. How S. Ioseph being arriued ●n Palestine and vnderstanding that Archelaus had succeeded his Father Herod in the Kingdome of Iurie durst not goe thither but being warned in sleep retired into Nazareth Let vs learne 1. That God doth neuer wholy forget those that suffer for him although he permit them to be a while afflicted for his sake 2. To obey readilie such as haue commaundement ouer vs in Gods place whether it be to go or return● from any one place to another 3 Neuer to trust to our owne forces nor to expose our selues to the daunger of temptation or any othe● euill XVI MEDITATION How our Lord was foūd in the Tēpl● Luke 2.41 1. CONSIDER how our Lo● remaining in Ierusalem w● to the Temple as to his Fathe● howse there with praier to honour God and with his doctrine to giue some light of saluatiō to the doctors of the law 2. Consider what sorrow our B. Lady felt not finding her deare beloued sonne neither with her spouse nor kinsfolks how many teares she shed and with what diligence she returned the morning following to seeke him in Ierusalem 3. Consider what ioy our B Lady did feel hauing foūd her deare sonne in the Temple sitting in the midst of the doctors hearing asking them Let vs learne 1. To make more accoumpt of Gods honour and seruice then of wordly parents and friends 2. Yf the Virgin Mother did so ●itterly lament because the lost our ●auiour without any fault of her ●art what ought he to do that ca●eth him of by sinning ● Yf we desire to find our Sauiour ●e must seeke him with sorrow XVII MEDITATION Of our Sauiours life from twelue yeares vntill he was thirty yeares old Luke 2.51 1. CONSIDER that which the Euangelist saith to wit that our Sauiour the King of Kings and Emperour of Heauen and Earth was subiect to his parents 2. Consider how our Sauiour all that while kept himself retyred yet was not he idle but imploied the time well and profitably in visiting often the Temple in attending to praier in shunning the conuersation of men and in helping his Mothe● and his Father Ioseph as S. Marke doth recount chap. 6. ● 3. How that which the Euangeli●● saith that our Sauiour daily grew i● wisdome and in grace with God an● men doth sufficiently shew vnt● vs that he did much more then th● which is recorded in the Ghospel that although he was retyred yet did he neuer cease to profit Let vs learne 1. To obey euen the very least being taught so to do by our Sauiours example 2. To be more delighted with silence thē with speach and conuersation 3. To recollect and retyre our selues as much as is possible for it is a singular meanes to obteine grace in the sight both of God and men THE SECOND PART OF THE EVANGELICAL HISTORY Conteyning the Actes of our Sauiour from his Baptisme vntill the second Easter XVIII MEDITATION Of S. Iohn Baptist his preaching Matth. 3.1 Mark 1.4 Luke 3.2 1. CONSIDER how our Sauiour desirous to publish himself so to accomplish that for which he wa● sent into this world made S. Ioh● Baptist goe before him being man very austere as well in his di● as in his apparell and manner also of preaching to make men see with their eyes that which he did announce by word of mouth 2. We must endeauour to vnderstand wel the summe of S. Iohns preaching which is conteined in these words Do penance for the Kingdome of heauen is at hand and also consider the great good that we get by penance which maketh vs capable to receaue Gods grace 3. Consider S. Iohns humilitie who being the greatest of all the Prophets and of all the children of men yea in such opinion with the Iewes that they were ready to receaue him for their Messias did neuerthelesse care nothing for these honours but did praise and magnify him whose forerunner he was Let vs learne 1. To loue austerity as much as our manner of life doth permit vs. 2. To doe voluntarie penance 3. Alwaies to praise others but neuer to commend our selues XIX MEDITATION Of our Sauiours Baptisme Matth. 3.13 Marke 1.9 Luke 3.21 1. CONSIDER how our Sauiour tooke leaue of his Mother to go towards the riuer of Iordan where S. Iohn was
our Sauiour appeared and shewed some part of his glory to the Apostles and fiue hundred other persons that beleeued in him to whome he largely declared the power that his Father had giuen him in heauen and in earth and discouered vnto them diuers mysteries of the faith 3. How for conclusion he promised neuer to withdraw his assistance and fauour from them Let vs learne 1. To keepe our selues in the mountaine of perfection and still to aspire to the same if we desire that our Sauiour shew himself vnto vs. 2. To feare and respect his power 3 Not to loose heart in time of temptation seeing that he is alwaies present with vs. CXXXVIII MEDITATION Of our Sauiours glorious Ascension Mark 16.19 Luk. 24.50 Act. 1.9 1. CONSIDER how our Sauiour stāding on moūt Oliuet after that he had taken leaue of his Mother Apostles disciples and others there present he gaue vnto them all his holy blessing and afterward ascended glorious into heauen accōpanied with many squadrons of Angels and holy Fathers which he had deliuered out of Limbo 2. How comming to heauen he was there receaued by God the Father and all the celestiall Court with great triumph and ioy as Conquerour of death Hell and the world 3. How the Disciples hauing lost the sight of their Lord and maister did all do reuerence to his glorious mother taking her for their mistresse and guide Let vs learne of our Lord 1. The way to mount vp to heauen which is to humble our selues and to withdraw all our affection from earthly things 2. That to deserue triumph we we must first ouercome our passiōs 3. That if we desire to haue our B. Lady for our guide and mistresse we must imitate her vertues CXXXIX MEDITATION How our Sauiour did send the holy Ghost vpon his Disciples and Apostles Act. 2.1 1. CONSIDER how after that our Sauiour was ascended into heauen the most B. Virgin retyred her self to Ierusalem where more by her example then by words she did instruct and comfort the Christians expecting the comming of the holy ghost which our Sauiour had promised to send 2. How the most Blessed Virgin and all the Apostles being together in a great roome and praying to almighty God the holy Ghost came vpon them and appeared vpon euery one of them in forme of fiery tongues 3 How the holy Ghost did so inflame the hearts of the Apostles that they preached the faith without any feare seeking nothing more then the glory of God Let vs learne 1. To help our neighbours more by giuing good example then by faire words 2. That praier is a singular meanes to obtaine the holy Ghost 3. That if we do in our actions seeke only the glory of God it is a signe that the holy Ghost is in vs. CXL MEDITATION Of the Assumption of our Blessed Lady 1. CONSIDER how the most Blessed Virgin esteeming that her presence was no more necessary for the Church of God which was then very much increased did demaund of God to depart this life that she might be with her sonne in heauen 2. How great ioy and contentment she receaued vnderstāding by relation of an Angell that her sonne our Sauiour would fulfill her desire and that he came now to receaue her soule 3. How her thrice happie soule three daies after it was departed frō the body returned to reunite it self with the same and so our B. Lady accompanied with Angels was as some say carried vp into heauen Let vs learne 1. To liue heere on earth a celestiall life if we desire to gaine heauen 2. Not to make any designments in this life and so we shall not be sory when we shall heare of death 3. To receaue God in our hearts at this present and he will afterward receaue vs in heauen CXLI MEDITATION How our Blessed Lady was crowned in Heauen 1. CONSIDER what feast the Blessed Saints of Paradise made beholding the Queene of Angels and the Mother of God to come into Heauen so glorious as she did 2. With what maiesty and reuerence she was led to the throne of the holy Trinity where she was most honorably receaued and crowned 4. How she was seated on a beautifull throwne aboue all the Angels at the right hand of her beloued Sonne where she prayeth cōtitually for her deuoted seruants Let vs learne 1. To humble our selues heere on earth by example of the glorious Virgin if we desire to appeare glorious in Heauen 2. That our Blessed Lady hath merited to be crowned in Heauen not simply because that she was the Mother of God but for that she was adorned and enriched with millions of vertues 3. That if we desire that our B. Lady take care of vs in heauen we must be deuout to her on earth CXLII MEDITATION Of Death 1. THINK that we must ōce dy yet we know not when nor how and that dying we must leaue all thinges of this world which will afflict vs at that houre so much the more as we haue byn affected to them in our life 2. That then our soule shall be so troubled and tormented by the Diuels and our body so strongly seazed with sicknes that we scarce shall know whether we be aliue or dead 3. How in that traunce we shall be more grieuously afflicted with the worme of conscience which will not only gnawe vs for the euil we haue committed but also for the good we haue omitted Let vs learne 1. To marke heere three great follies committed by men and first by those vvho are so much affected to these vvordly thinges that once they must leaue and abandon 2. Of those that deferre driue off their conuersiō vntill the houre of death which is a time so doubtfull and vncertaine 3. Of those who do not now that which thē they would haue done and let vs perswade our selues that he that liueth ill seldome or neuer dieth well CXLIII MEDITATION Also of death 1. CONSIDER that as soone as the soule shall be out of the body euery one will abandon the same as a thing most horrible How afterwards they will throw the same into a filthy and stinking hole to be gnawen and deuoured of wormes Behold how this body shall end which we haue cherished so much in this world and for whose sake we haue so offended Almighty God 2. Let vs turne towards our soule and we shall see it depart out of this world loaded only with the works which she hath done The ill ones make her tremble quake the good giue her some small comfort but aboue all she is grieued that she liued not better 3. Behold with what cariage and countenance she doth present her selfe before the throne of the diuine iustice there to receaue the sentēce that her works do deserue Let vs learne 1. How little accoumpt we ought to make of our body seeing it is of so base and vile condition 2. To doe alwaies good since this is it that must accompaine vs in the