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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16863 The lamentacyon of a Christe[n] agai[n]st the citye of London for some certaine greate vyces vsed theri[n]. Brinkelow, Henry, d. 1546. 1548 (1548) STC 3766; ESTC S106581 25,021 94

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to their deseruinges And he that spake y e same to Ierusalem speaketh it to yow ād to all Cityes that committe like īiquite as ye do And whether ye haue serued y e Disciples of the Lorde like as ded the Cytezens of Ierusalē their Prophetes Iudge your seifes ande ye shall se that ye haue shed more bloud thē euer ded that moste synfull Ierusalem euen of thē that taught you Gods truth Well I can no more but beseche the Lord God that he wyll geue suche grace to some that in the time of hys wrath he maye finde .x. ryghteous persons in this Cytie whereby the wrath and vēgeaūce of God may be turned from it which is lyke to come shortly vppon vs or vppō our childeren for our sinnes oure forfathers For we haue deserued a M. tymes more plages thē euer ded Tire Sidō or Sodoma Gomora ware it not for y e great mercy of God I thinke we had foūde it so or this tyme. For we haue an example of these Cities they be written for oure learninge to auoid such vices Yea no doubt the vices cōmitted in y e oh Lōdon are as euell as euer ware in any of y e foure Cyties afore named And surely I thinke yf they had herd y e prechīg y t hath bene ī Lōdon this .xiiii. or .xvi. yeares past y t they had repēted and ●orsaken their Iniquitye For I saye vnto youe that the gospell was neuer more sīcerelye preached in the tyme of the Apostles then it hath bene of late in London Nor neuer more Godly exposicions vppō the scripture and that a greate nombre whereby to drawe vs to Christ Iesus For why the same sprete euen the very holye Ghoste whych spake in the Apostles hath spokē in mē now to vs. But alas as the Prophete sayth Esay xxix we haue eares heare not eyes see not See ye not nor yet perceiue ye how the blynde Prophetes haue led you euen now in our tyme Haue ye not slayne the seruauntes of the Lorde onely for speakynge agaynst y e autoritye of the false Bysshoppes of Rome that mōstruouse beast whō now ye your selues do or shuld abhorre I meane all his lawes beynge contrary to Christ not his body yet ye se y t a fewe yeares past ye brēt them for heretiques abhominable which preatched or wrote against his vsurped power now it is treason to vphoulde or maintayne any parte of his vsurped power ād he shal dye as a traytoure that so doth well worthy So saye I vnto you there shalbe yet thinges preched vnto you and ye shall be instructed by wryters of thīges which ye be not yet able to beare and whosoeuer preacheth or writeth it if the Lorde defend him not out of your handes he shall dye for it ād yet out it will at y e lēgth though all the deuelles in hell saye naye to it and so shalbe reformed Ande euen this followyng is one of y e chefest thīgs Oh ye Cytezens wyll ye neuer geue your selfes to the readynge pf the scripture whereby ye maye knowe the lawe of the Lorde to avoyde the euerlastynge damnacion which is ordayned for the deuell ād his angels Wyll ye euer be ignorant of Godes cōmaundemēt Exodi xx saynge I will haue none other Gods in my syght and that ye neyther bowe your selfe nor serue any thing as God y t is in earth benethe or in heauen aboue or in the water vnder the earth And do ye not yet se how thys whore of Babylō hath altered the supper of the Lorde which was īstituted to haue y e blessed passion in continuall remēbraunce for a perpetuall memorye of thankes geuinge which we shuld receiue with all reuerence and meaknes of hert geuinge thākes vnto God onely for y t benefyte which we haue receyued obtayned through Christes dethe which this supper sygnifyeth and that we beleue as verely as we eate the breade drīk y e wine which norissheth y e body is seane with our corporall eye spiritualli representeth the very body of Christ euen so verely as we haue tasted eatē seen this holy supper or Sacramēt of thāks geuinge euen so verelye to beleue y t Christ dyed for our sinnes and that his bloud onely hath pacyfied the fathers wrathe and so hath sett vs at peace with God For he hath payed y t which laye not in me nor in no man but onely in hym that was bothe God man and by none other meanes myght mā be redemed and so to aknoweledge y t he is dead hath shed his bloude for our synnes is rysen for our rightwysnesse Thus I seynge my synnes buryed in Christes woundes must euer more be thankfull to y e euerliuīg God onely And thus to eate his blessed body and to drīke his bloude spiritually in fayth is Gods institucyon Math. xxvi Marc. xiiii Luc. xxii.i. Corinth xi Where he sayth as ofte as ye shall eate of this breade drinke of this cuppe ye shall shew y e Lordes death till he come And saynte Austyn sayth what preparest thow thy teth thy belly beleue thow hast eatē Which agreeth with y e words of our sauiour Christ saing The fleshe profiteth nothynge it is the spryte y t quyckeneth Iohan in y e .vi. chapter But the instituciō of Antichriste is cleane contrary to thys For by his instituciō thow muste fall downe vppō thy knees holdinge vp thy handes as to God In dede it is y e Bysshoppe of Romes God which they must see with theyr corporall eye because they haue no hope in the lyuynge God through the spyrituall eye And thus hath he chaunged the holy memory of Christes death in to the worshippynge of his God made of fyne flower and all to bringe him selfe and his membres alofte ād in the reputacion of the world aboue all degrees of men yea aboue Kinge and Emperour and therby to sitt in the consciences of men aboue God and his worde euen in the very tēple of God where God alone shulde fitt And by his instituciō of this his God is he crept vp in to this vsurped power Oh Antichrist the begynner of this Idoll which is heade of all Idolles after thyne institucyon Doth not God say as afore is sayde Exo. xx Thou shalt not worshyppe any symilitude that his in heauē erth or in the waters vnder the earth And thou contrari to the euerlyuing Goddes cōmandemēt hast seduced the people to honore thy God I tel the gētle reader ones againe it is the greatest Idoll vnder heauē as it is vsed in his masse and a God of the makynge of Antichrist as is sayde whiche masse is after his institucyon an heape of folishe ceremonies without significacions to avaunce ande set out his God to the blearynge of the eyes of the symple Ande thu shalt see if thou wilt reade y e .xviii. chapter of the Apocal. callinge to God onely to open thyn eyes all the
the Lorde For accordynge to there office they barked vppon you to loke vppon the poore so that then some relefe they had but now alasse y ey be colde yea euen those which saye they be the fauorrers of the gospell It is a token that youre foundacion was buylded vpon the sande for that GOD hath suffred youre Prophetes to bee brente Though they be gone considre it was not theyr commādemēt but goddes whose Testament ye haue euen nowe in youre very Mother tonge thankes be to the Lorde therfore In y e same ye may perceyue that their absence shulde not quenche nor mollifye your loue towardes your brethern And doubt not but God shall rayse other that shall speake w t the same sprete that they ded with no lesse loue vehemēcy if inyquytie be not cause to the contrarie There is a custome in the Cytye ones a yeare to haue a quest called y e warnmall queste to redresse vices but alasse to what purpose cometh it as it is vsed If a pore man kepe a whore besides hys wife a pore mans wyfe play the harlot they are punisshed as well worthie But let an alderman a Ientlemā or a riche man kepe whore or whores what punishmēt is there Alasse this matter is to bad I saye some of your aldermen kepe whores to the greate shame of all the rest Yt weare no shame to name thē Wherfore repēt amēde or sureli I will yf God lende me lyfe in an other worke name you ād other of your affynyte which be openly knowen to be cōmō aduouterers which is no lytle shame to the heades and other rulers of the Cytie to suffre such abhominacion But no maruell though ye suffre bodely aduoutrers seinge ye your selfes are spyrituall auoutrers callīg vpō vaine godes Ye will say I sclaūdre you brynge vp false lies vpō you Some of you knowe whether I sclaūder you or not I wold it ware a sclaūder But I sclandre you so y t except ye repēt amēd your liuing as well ye y t be sufferers of such vices as the cōmitters except ye amēde I saie seke redresse of thys and such lyke the vengeaunce of God wyll lyght vppon the Cytye for youre synnes For howe can ye do Iustice vpon a nother and ye offende in the same yourselfe yea how parciall be ye that punish the pore ande leaue vnpunished those heades that shulde geue goode example to the rest A wake awake for the Lorde slepeth not althoughe ye thīke that he wīcketh at thys geare I exhorte you in godes name loke better ī chosinge of your heade officers Let not ryches only cause men to rule and specially irke better to y e chosīg of your officers of the lawe How can Dronkandes whoremongers ande couetouse Parsons geue ryght Iugemēt do bryers brīge forth figges thornes grapes Ande I saye vnto you the parcialyte of Iudges suppressynge the pore and aydynge the riche for lucre ād in codēpning the innocētes lettinge the wycked go fre bryngeth the vengeaunce of GOD vpō all places as appereth in Esay iii. Here I coulde saie sūwhat more then I nowe wyll I meane in condempninge the Innocentes Thynke ye that God hath not as moche to laye to y e charges of London for killinge hys seruantes as he had agaynst Ierusalem for killinge hys Prophetes Yes yes For Goddes sake ye that be elders repent geue your selfes to readinge y e lawe of y e lord y t ye maye be an exāple to y e cōmons in Godlye cōuersaciō And in y e Scriptur ye shall lerne what to do ande what to leaue vndone howe to knowe false Prophetes ād how to cast them out of your conscyēs where they haue syttē a longe time euē in the stede of God I meane not the Bysshoppe of Rome alone but he all hys marke wyth hym and specialy his owne generacion which are all ī forked Cappes What a plage is this that in no mans tyme aliue was euer any Christē Bisshoppe rainīge ouer the Citye of London but euery one worsse then other I thynke theyr can now come no worsse except the same Lucyfer that fell frō heauen come hīselfe whyche is the very father of all Popyshe Bysshops Consyore thys is for your inyquitie Yet let y e lytle flocke reioice geue God onely thākes y t he hath raised other meaner mēbres In y e sight of y e worlde then Bisshops to preach y e gospell ande to set it forth in wrytynge Now to all you though ye be fewe in nōbre whych fauoure Gods holy worde vnfainedly and not in worde onely but in workes also shewyng y e frutes of your faith say I thus exortynge you for Christes bloude sake to be dylygent in prayer onely to the euerlyuinge God y t he of hys owne mere mercy geue grace to y e rulers of thys Citye that frō henceforth they maye seke Gods glory onely the cōmonwelth and prouysiō for the poore ād then doubt ye not but God shall geue our noble Kynge such ā harte that he shall knowe ād soche eyes that he shall playnly see and soche eares that he shall vnderstonde in deade For why it is the Lorde that hath the hert of all prynces in hys hande Pro. xxi So that I saye where as he hath now bānisshed out of hys realme but the veri beare wolfe the whore of Babylon only shall now also bānysh with her all her folyshe tradycyons and beggerly ceremonyes against which S. Pau. wrote ad Gal. iiii in many other places mo Now shall your papistical sorte dispise thys my lamētacyō laugh me to scorne Althogh I knowe there is no Chrysten herte in thys realme no nor in the whole worlde whiche knoweth the vyces vsed ī the citie and how lytle Gods glorye is sought how lytle the cōmonewelth is sett by howe barelye the poore are prouided for but he wyl lamēt wyth me And as for the contrary parte I wysh with all my hert repētaunce will continuallie my life durīg praie vnto the euerlinīg God to drawe them to the Gospell of hys sonne Iesus Chryste ād that they maie come to the father by the onely waye ād dore Chryste and that they may also forsake theyr bydores clyming ī at the wīdowes wherbi they shall neuer atayne to any sauynge helth O Lorde God I beseche the call them from that nōbre whome the almighty sytting in Heauen laugheth to scorne Psal. xxi The onlye cause that I wryte thys is to exhorte all mē as well readers as hearers to repent betymes ande to fall diligently to prayer askyng mercy that we may auoyde the plages whyche we rightfully haue deserued no doubt we shall not escape them all onles we repēt y e soner Remēbre how he warned y e city of Ierusalē .xl. years lōg because they repented not but slew y e Prophetes by who God warned thē he kept promes w t thē scourged thē acordīg