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A09670 The Virgin Maries life Faithfully gathered out of auncient and holie fathers. Togeather with meditations and documents vpon the same. Writen first in Italien by the reuerend father Lucas Pinelli, of the Societie of Iesus. And now translated in to English by R.G. Pinelli, Luca, 1542-1607.; Gibbons, Richard, 1550?-1632. 1604 (1604) STC 19940; ESTC S106100 40,335 122

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they found not the body but they did feele a most sweete sauour and found onlie the linnen in in which the body was wrapped which they did kisse for deuotion And that the blessed virgin was raised vp the third daie and in soule body assumpted into heauen many holy fathers doe tel vs. b Oratio de Assup S. Damascenus doth write that the virgin as the daughter of the old Adam was subiect to the old lawe of ●ea●●● but in as much as she was the mother of the liuing god she was from the sepulchre conioined to him c In entonio de dor nit virg 〈◊〉 Part. 3 ●nnal ●d Alip 〈◊〉 Serm. de ●it lormit ●irg Canis ●ib 5. ca. 4.5 〈◊〉 Andreas Bisshop of Candia doth say in this sort She that brought forth the author of life being raised vp againe findeth her selfe now there where is present the perpetual fountaine of life Michael Glycas doth report that the virgin Marie died according to the lawes of nature but by grace she was raised againe as her sonne Metaphrastes also doth auouche that the most blessed body of the virgin was by god translated into the diuine and celestial tabernacles Points for Meditation 1 Contemplate in what manner the blessed body of the virgin Marie laide in the sepulchre was not onlie voide of corruption but also did cast from it selfe a most sweete sauour 2 Contemplate how God ordained that the third daie the soule of the blessed virgin Marie should descend from heauen to earth to be reunited to the bodie her faithful companion of which she receaued no smal ioie and contentment 3 Contemplate how that glorious soule came from heauen accompanied with squadrons of Angels and so was reunited to the bodie in somuch that the virgin being raised the third daie went into heauen with greate triumph Documents 1 If thou desire that thie bodie giue a sweete sauour to God after thou art dead endeauour to keepe it chast whilest thou art aliue 2 If thou procure that thie bodie be a dwelling place for god heere on earth he wil honour and exalt it in heauen 3 If thou wilt mount vp to heauen triumphāt as oure Ladie did be humble heere on earth and suffer not thie self to be ouercome of thie passions OF THE VIRGIN Maries entring into heauen 27 EPiphanius doth plainlie confesse Sermo le Laudi 〈◊〉 virg that no tongue of men or Angels is sufficient to expresse the glorie and triumph that the virgin Marie had in heauen and concluding he saith that next vnder god she is Superiour to al. b Sermo 〈◊〉 de as●up virg S. Bernard also writeth that none can thinke with what glorie the Queene of the world did enter into heauen with what affect of deuotion the celestial legions did behould her with what cheerful countenance diuine embracings she was receaued of Iesus and exalted aboue al other creatures c Sermo le assump ●urg Sophronius doth tel in particular how in the Assumption of the virgin those celestial Citizens went to meete her with al solemnitie and so enuironed with heauenlie brightnes she was conducted by them with musicke to the throne which was prepared for her and how the feast of the Assumption which we celebrate but once a yeare is perpetual to al that heauēlie Ierusalem and to those blessed spirites d In euāg de sanc deipa Athanasius doth set downe the praises which each Ierarchie did sing to the virgin Marie And e Lib. de excil virg ca. 8. Canis lib. 5. ca. 4. Anselmus doth saie moreouer that God exalted the virgin Marie his mother aboue al the heauēs and placed her in a throne of glorie making her the Soueraigne ouer al creatures The like doe say al those holie fathers that write of the virgin or of her Assumption Points for Meditation 1 Cōtemplate how the virgin Marie entring into heauen the celestial coorte went to meete her by which she was receaued with vniuersal ioie as the mother of god and Queene of heauen 2 Contemplate how ascending to the place prepared for her before the creation of the world aboue al the quiars of Angels euery Ierarchie of those blessed spirites did sing theire praise to the most sacred virgin 3 Cōtemplate how the virgin being placed in her seate next to the throne of the most blessed Trinitie at the right hand of her sonne al the court of heauen did encline them selues and doe reuerence to their Queene Documents 1 If thou desire to be receaued in heauen with honour as the virgin Marie was receaue Christ on earth with loue and humilitie 2 They shal be praised of the Angels in heauen which haue eschewed the praises of men vppon earth 3 The more that thou shalt a base thy self in this life for the loue of god the more thou shalt be exalted in heauen OF THE VIRGIN Maries protection in heauen of her deuoutes 28. THe cōtents of this last historie is so manifest and cleere that we neede not quote anie other authors then our selues forsomuch as we al doe see that in euerie kingdome in euerie prouince and in euerie cittie though it be neuer so litle there is to be found some image of our Ladie that doth worke miracles to which deuoute persons haue particular recourse to obtaine graces and fauours of God by meanes of the virgin Marie And this hath bene an ordinarie thing since the beginning of the primitiue Churche of Christ Now who is he that wil say that this is not to be ascribed to the particular protection which the virgin hath in heauen of her deuoutes heere on earth who wil say that she is not fauoured of that infinite maine sea of al good nes seeing that she doth obtaine of him for vs so manie great graces and fauours who is so beside him selfe that he wil not doe honour and reuerence to so diligent and louing an aduocatrice a Lib de excellen virg ca. 8. S. Anselmus saith that the virgin hath ben exalted to such greatnes for vs to the end she might easelie obtaine whatsoeuer good we needed for our sowle And b S. Augustin teacheth that she doth help vs more Serm. thē al the other Saincts ●●e As●●mptio 〈◊〉 In Can●●ic lib. 7. 〈◊〉 fine Canis lib. 〈◊〉 ca. 8. 17. So that c Rupertus calleth her the mountaine of mountaines from whence cometh to vs al succour obtained of our supreame Lord and maker of al things Points for Meditation 1 Contemplate how the glorie and greatnes of the virgin Marie in heauen do not make her to be vngetful of her clients in earth for whome she praieth so much the more how much her charitie is greater she neerer to the fountaine of al grace 2 Contemplate how the virgin is so greatlie beloued and fauoured of god that she doth not onlie obtaine what she demaundeth for vs but god also taketh pleasure in shewing vs fauour by her meanes 3
THE VIRGIN MARIES LIFE Faithfully gathered out of auncient and holie fathers TOGEATHER WITH MEDITATIONS AND DOCVMENTS VPON THE SAME Writen first in Italian by the Reuerend father LVCAS PINELLI of the Societie of IESVS And now translated in to English by R. G. Ec. 24. vers 20. As cynnamon and aromatical balme haue I giuen an odour AT DOWAY BY LAVRENS KEL with Priulege MDCIIII S IOACHIM S ANNA TO THE RIGHT REVEREND RELIGIOVS AND VERTVOVS LADIE the Ladie Ioane Barkley Abbesse of the English Nunnes in Brussels I Haue beene so bould Religious and vertuous Madame as to direct this litle booke to you and make you a present thereof as one vvorthie to receaue keepe such a iewel Worthie J saie to receaue it because of your rare vertu so manie vvayes and yeares vttered to the vvorld by your both Religious vocation and maners vvorthie to keepe it because J knovv right vvel how much more you doe value and esteeme spiritual then temporal treasures The tooke Madame is in quātitie verie smal but in substance passing greate For that it conteineth the life of our blessed Ladie that is of the most excellent most vvorthie and most holie person Christ IESVS her sonne onlie excepted that either liued at anie time in this vvorld or now raigneth glorious in heauen Jn somuch that al dulie considered for me to commende you this woorke it selfe vvere a thing superfluous to request you to accept it vvere a thing needeles to praie you to take it in your custodie and keepe it vvere but to make estimation of you farre othervvise then your godlie vertuous state doth deserue This one thing J vvil adde and end therevvithal that if my smal paines taken in the translating of it may anie vvise benefit your spiritual good and consolation and aduance you in the deuotiō of this blessed Virgin Mother of God I vvil thinke them vvel employed And so desiring as vvel to be remembred in your feruent deuotions as also that this offer such as it is may serue for vvitnes of my duetiful affection to further that of your good selfe and yours to vvards this mother of mercie and her svveete sonne JESVS J commend your to them both and humblye take my leaue vvishinge you in this vvorld Madame al abundance of heauenlie grace and contentement and in the vvorld to come euerlasting felicitie and ioye Yours Madame in Christ Iesus to commaunde R. G. THE AVTHOR TO THE CHRISTIAN AND DEVOVTE READER FOr so much as in this most noble Cittie of Naples deuoute Reader there be manie Congregations dedicated to the glorious Virgin and blessed mother of God which oftentimes did come togeather not onlie to praise and honour the Queene of heauēs but also to exercise them selues in mental prayer a meane most effectual whereby to amend and direct our life and my Superiours deeming that it would be a greate help to such as be devoute to the Mother of God if they might haue an abridgement of her life and actions both to consider and imitate them this there godlie desire did animate and spurre me forwards to write this litle booke which doth conteine first the Storie of the Virgin Maries life and manners faithfullie gathered out of auncient and holy fathers with the citations of their bookes which for more briefenes and facilities sake to find out the places that be alleaged at heere sett downe in latin After this there be imm●diatly set downe for eache historie three short points where vppon to meditate taken out either of the historie that goeth before or of some other godly considerations to the end that eache one may haue sufficient matter whereof to thinke and discourse because our minde and vnderstanding when it hath some beginning and grownde doth easelie discourse of it selfe and findeth out diuers conceits and spiritual thoughts in which the sowle is much comforted and entring into it selfe doth thereby reape great fruite and commoditie Finallie after the points of meditation there doe folow three documents or instructions awnswering to the said points which documents put in practise wil serue vndoubtedlie as a wonderful aide to direct and conforme our liues and actions according to those of the blessed Virgin our Queene and Soueraigne Maruaile not Christian Reader that I in this little booke doe laie before thine eyes the virgin Marie for a patterne to imitate her life manners seeing that Sophronius doth confesse the Virgin Marie to be the forme and Rule of Christian discipline giuen by almightie God to men next after Christ the first and chiefest president of al perfection Rupertus likewise avowcheth that our Sauiour Christ ascending vp into heauen leas● the virgin Marie for a mistresse of Christian beleefe life And long time before them both that worthie and holie martyr S. Ignatius named the virgin Marie the mistresse of Christian Religion which office of mistresse she did rather performe in woorks examples of perfect and sound vertues then in woords In somuch that who soeuer wil consider with diligence the course of the virgin Maries life shal euidentlie perceaue that the prouidence and wisdome of God did so dispose her life that it might serue for an example to al sorts of person as I wil manifest by the ensuing discourse The Virgin Marie from three yeares of her age vntil fourteene remained with other virgins in the temple of Ierusalem in which place with her abhorring the vanitie of the world with her prompt Obedience to the Superiours of that place with her diligence in praier and deuotion with her modestie and humilitie she taught as vvel virgins as other religious vveomen how each of them ought to behaue them selues in their state and calling Afterwards til neare fourtie and fiue yeares she vvas a mistresse to married vveomen and such as haue care of how shold for albeit she was the Queene of Angels the mother of God and ful of al grace and wisdome yet she did obey honour and respect her spouse Ioseph with vvhome she liued alwaies in concord and quietnes Besides this in this care of her house and bringing vp of her sonne Christ she vvas most diligent for she did so wel dispose and appoint her time that neither the affaires of her house did hinder her prayers nor these vvere anie impediment or let to such domestical busines as pertained to her charge In the rest of her life which vvas according to the more common opinion vntil threescore and three yeares of age she was an example and mistresse to widdowes and poore vveomen because she in her widdowe state as S. Brigit writeth as it were deade to the world did liue vvholie to God giuen to cōtemplation of celestial things did leade a life rather diuine than humane Her prouision vvas smal and fit for poore folkes and some doe esteeme that she after the Ascension of Christ did liue as the Hebrew widdowes were wont to doe of the common almes and collections vvhich in the primitiue Church were
a De excel Mar. ca. 7. Me●aphrat in ●rat de dor mit Deiparae S. Anselmus doth write that the virgin vnderstanding more profoundlie those verities which the holie Ghost had reuealed did teach and declare manie things also to the Apostles with whome she alwaies liued familiarlie leading with them an Apostolical life b Tragae de Christe patiente Nazianzenus saith that after the Ascension of Christ she did foretel the Iewes of the destruction of Ierusalem for the sinne cōmitted against the Messias c Serm. de Assumptione Sophronius also doth report that oftentimes she visited the mount Caluarie the holie sepulchre and with great deuotion did kisse the footsteps of Christ which he le●t printed in the mounte Oliuet d Canisius lib. 5 ca. 1. Some be of opinion that she did liue of the common almes with which the widowes of the primitiue Church were wont to be maintained e Lib. reuel cit S. Briget writeth that the virgin did not onlie fortifie and confirme those new Christians in their faith but also conuert manie Iewes and Gentiles to the knowledge of Christ and that for this cause God did conserue her aliue after Christ his Ascension Points for Meditation 1 Cōtemplate how after the Ascension of Christ the virgin Marie remained as a mistresse and giude of the faithful wherfore in al theire doubts and trauails they had recourse to her 2 Contemplate how the virgin did receaue euerie one verie kindlie comfort the afflicted pacifie those that were at discord and instruct them al in the lawe faith of Christ in which good woorkes she could not but endure manie incommodities 3 Contemplate how the virgin at her times appointed did giue her self also to the contēplation of celestial things and to visit the holy places leauing in al her actions rare examples of vertue and excellent perfection Documents 1 For so much as the virgin Marie was left vs for our mistresse and guide thou art vnwise if thou goe not after her folowing her vertues 2 If Christ and his mother did suffer manie incommodities to help their neighbours it is a signe that whosoeuer wil help others must also endure some discommodite and not seeke his owne contentment 3 If thou wilt haue affection to heauenlie thinges thinke vppon them often as the virgin did and consider that god did create and make thee for them and not for these things vppon the earth OF THE VIRGIN Marie requesting fauour to die 22. VVHen the primitiue church through the labours of the virgin Marie was for the space of fifteene yeares meetelie wel established and encreased by persecutions the virgin demaunded of our Lord to end her Pilgrimage and passe to an other life there to be more vnited with her sōne And the time being now come which God had appointed for this purpose a Lib 2. hist ca. 21. Metaphras in orat de vita morte virginis Canis lib 5. ca. 2. 3. Nicephorus doth report that our Lord sent her an Angel which brought her the ioiful newes of her departure from this banishement to heauen and giuing her a braunche of a palme tree foretold her the daie of her decease This tidings was to the virgin Marie of exceeding ●oie and so deare that she could not be satiated to thanke God but al ful of ioie she did communicate to her frinds and deuoute persons the reuelation which she had receaued from the Angel and shewed thē the braunche of palme which the same Angel brought her She caused certaine poore garments that she had to be giuen to two poore widowes her neighbours Nichephorus doth moreouer adde that to the house where she was there came a greate multitude of Christians which with teares did lament seeing them selues to be shortlie bereft of such a mistresse and the onlie comfort that they had but the virgin Marie did exhort them rather to be glad then to mourne and lament Points for Meditation 1 Consider how the virgin Marie was inflamed with the loue of her sonne Iesus in somuch that she often demaūded of our Lord to depart out of this life to goe to him and enioie him in heauen remitting her selfe neuertheles to his holie wil pleasure 2 Contemplate how the Angel sent by God did reueale to the virgin that now was the time in which she must passe to a better life to enioie euerlastinglie her dearelie beloued sonne and the fruite of her woorkes 3 Contemplate the greate iubilie which the virgin did feele of so happie newes forsomuch as in this pilgri mage she did nether desire nor thinke vppon anie other thing Documents 1 Because thou knowest not what is best for thee thou must euen in those things that seeme verie holie good resigne thy self as the virgin Marie did to the good pleasure of almightie god 2 God is woont to graunt his fauours at the time by him appointed and therfore lament not if thou doe not sodenlie obtaine what thou demaundest 3 If thou desire that the tidings of death be ioiful to thee with draw thy thoughts from earth lie things and affect thy selfe to heauenlie things OF THE VIRGIN Marie being neere to die 23 THe time approaching neere in which the virgin Marie was to depart out of his life to the celestial Ierusalem God did not cease to shew her new fauours for he would that al the Apostles should find them selues present at her death as a Metaphras orat de uita morib B. virg Nicepho lib. 2. hist ca. 3. Damasce orat de dormit assum virg manie writers do affirme And setting a part the testimonie of b Dion Areop de dui nomi ca. 2. Dionysius Areopagita who was there present I wil heere laye downe that which c Inuenalis apua Euthim in vet hist S. Iuuenalis Bisshop of Ierusalem did aunswere to Marcianus Emperour being demaunded of him touching the death of the virgin Marie Albeit saith he holy scripture doth not speake of the death of the virgin Marie yet we haue by an auncient and most true tradition that at the time of her glorious parting out of this life the Apostles that were in diuers parts of the world in a moment were lifted vp into the aire and came togeather in Ierusalem and were present at the death of the virgin Marie Besides this S. d Ansel de excellētia virg ca 8. Anselmus and e Nicepho citat ca. 21. Nicephorus doe saie that Christ also came from heauen in companie of manie Angels to be present him selfe in parson at the death of his most deare mother and to receaue her soule The like long before these men did write f Vbi supra Canis lib. 5. ca. 3. Damascenus setting downe the discourse and speeche which past at that time betwixt the mother the sonne as heereafter shal be declared Points for Meditation 1 Contemplate how as soone as the time of the virgin Maries happie departure was come
the Apostles came to Ierusalem from diuers parts of the world to be there then present almightie God disposing this soe for honour and comfort of the virgin 2 Consider how Christ oure Sauiour came also downe from heauen to be present likewise him selfe at the death of his deare mother and to receaue her soule 3 Contemplate how the virgin the more greater ioie she felt in her heart did the more humble her selfe and with most cordial affection thanke our Lord for so manie greate graces and fauours Documents 1 In the time of thie death or sicknes procure to haue alwaies some spiritual parsons neere vnto thee 2 Cease not to leade a vertuous life as the virgin Marie did and Christ wil not faile to assist thee at thie death 3 Giue thie selfe to God with al thie heart and serue him with true humilitie if thou desire to liue and die content OF THE VIRGIN Maries death 24. THe virgin Marie deceased in Ierusalem in S. Iohns house being about threescore and three years old a Lib. 4. reu●la ca. 23. S. Brigett telleth vs that she died most quietlie without anie feare or paine b In orat de assump Deipare S. Damascenus is of opinion that a litle before the virgin gaue vp her ghost she said to Iesus Into thy hands o my sonne I commend my spirite receaue now my sowle so deare vnto thee which thou hast kept free from al spot of sinne To thee likewise and not to the earth doe I giue my body in which it pleased thee to dwel drawe me to thee that I maie be there where thou art the blessed fruite of my wombe The self same father doth also saie that Christ did aunswere her in this sort-come o my blessed mother into my repose come o pure beautiful amongst al weomen because in thee there is no spotte c Lib. 2 ●hist ca. 21. Nicephorus doth recount that the virgin Marie speaking these words Be it done to me againe according to thine vvorde gaue vp her blessed sowle into the deare hands of her sōne Iesus so she remained as if she had bē a sleepe d In hist ●ete Euhim S. Iuuenalis also did say to the Emperour Marcianus that at the death of the virgin were seene manie Angels and most sweete songs of the highe powers and the virgin in an vnspeakeable manner did giue vp her gracious soule into the hands of God moreouer e In orat le Assum to Canis ●ib 5. ca. Andreas Bisshop of Candie doth tel how there came a greate multitude of Angels from heauen at the death of the virgin Points for Meditation 1 Cōtemplate how the virgin being readie to passe out of this life hauing commended her soule to her maker did also commend to the Apostles the faithful of Christ particularlie those that were afflicted and troubled 2 After this done lifting vp her eyes to heauen and beholding stedfastlie her sonne Iesus she demaunded his benediction which obtained that most blessed soule of hers did depart out of the bodie without anie feare and did flie into the armes of Iesus 3 Contemplate how Iesus did receaue the most pure soule of his dearlie beloued mother and with Angelical hymnes did conuaie the same into heauen those that were then present remaining astonied and with teares giuing thanks praise to God for al. Documents 1 See what account the virgin Marie did make of helping her neighbours that departing out of this world she did commend them to the Apostles 2 If thow wilt not be afraid at thy death time procure that thie conscience be cleane from sinne 3 Thou art fullie deceaued if being a liue thou care not for heauen and yet dost thinke that dying thie soule shal flie thither OF THE VIRGIN Maries funerals and burial 25. AFter that the virgin Marie was departed this life the Apostles tooke her sacred body out of the bed in which before her death she did remaine appareled and put in most decent maner and laide her vppon the biere a Lib. 2. bist ca. 22. Nicephorus doth report that there was great concourse of deafe blinde and other lame folks who al were most miraculouslie cured with touching onlie that sacred bodie This done-there was a procession set in ordre some of the Apostles wēt before with lights in theire hands some others caried the coffin and al singing holie himmes b Andreas Cretē orat de Assump B. Virginus Damascin orat de Dormit Assáp virg Canis lib. 5. ca. 3. went towards getssemani where she before had appointed to be buried The same author doth recount and others also do avouche that through al the waie were seene in the aire manie squadrōs of Angels which did accompanie the blessed bodie of theire Queene He saith moreouer that a certaine priest of the Iewes moued of haterd and enuie was so rash and vnconsiderate as to push the beire thinking to throw the same to the grounde but he was foorth with punished by god for that his hands were separated from his armes and did sticke hanging to the coffin whereuppō the poore wretche astonied with the miracle did sodenlie repent him selfe and with teares demaūded pardon so that by S. Peters appointmēt the procession was staied and the Iew approching neere to the coffin with great reuerence his hands by a new miracle were restored to him againe Points for Meditation 1 Contemplate how as soone as the virgin Marie was dead the Apostles with great reuerence but not without teares did put her bodie in ordre to carie it to be buried and to do the funeral exequies accustomed 2 Moreouer consider the procession with which that holie tabernacle of god was caried to be buried by the Apostles accompanied with a great multitude of Christians which by the waie did stil singe holie himmes 3 Contēplate how when they were come to the place and had celebrated the exequies that sacred and virgin bodie was of al blessed with great reuerence and deuotion and after honourablie buried Documents 1 Learne heerehence how to celebrate funeralls after a christian manner first thou must not put thie self to superfluous charges in things which do not helpe the soule of him that is dead but rather nourish vanitie in those that be aliue 2 Thou must not lament the dead immoderatlie but rather praie for their sowles 3 Thou must make account of funerales as of a warning which god doth giue thee therby to prepare thy selfe to die wel OF THE VIRGIN Maries Assumption 26. THat holy Bisshop a Nicepho lib. 2. hist ca. 23. S. Iuuenalis doth tel vs how the Apostles remained at the sepulchre of the virgin Marie for three daies hearing continuallie a most sweete harmonie of holy himnes After three daies were past it seemed to the Apostles for cōsolation of S. Thomas who was not present at her death to open the sepulchre and to shew him the sacred body And when they had discouered the place
would vouchsafe to enter into his chamber but she aunswered him in this manner How wilt thou that I enter into thie chamber where thou hast mine enimie And with this she departed The Abbot whē he was awaked was verie anxious for that he knewe not who this enimie of the virgin was But reading a certaine booke which Isichius priest of Ierusalem had lent him he found that in the end thereof with it were boūd twoe bookes of Nestorius so he straight waies vnderstood who was the enimie of the virgin and forthwith burning these two bookes the Abbot was much comforted Of this euerie one maie gather that dishonest bookes also be enimies to the virgin Marie and so it is no maruaile if she do not enter into the chamber of the soule of these that kepe such bookes Thus we reade in the booke intituled Pratum spirituale A spiritual medowe Chap. 46. Gregorius Turonensis in his booke de gloria martyrum doth recount that a certaine Iews sonne went to a church of the blessed virgin there did communicate with other scholars returning home ioyful that he had so done he told his father of it whoe became so enraged at the matter that being a glasse maker he tooke the childe and threw him into the burning fornace heaping more woode therby the more toe inflame the fornace The childs mother came running to the place and when she could not approache neere to the fornace for the exceedinge greate flame that it sēt forth she cried out in so much that manie people did runne to the howse where she was whoe remouing the fire from the fornace did find the childe lying as it were in a most delicate bead and asking him how the fire had not consumed his bodie he aunswered that the woman at whose Alter he had communicated in the morning did stand by him and defend him from the fire with her mantel This historie did Menna the Patriarch as Glycas writeth tel to Iustine the second Emperour of that name Parte 4. Annaliū as one whoe had bene present at the fact When Rome was grieuouslie vexed with the plague S. Gregorie the greate being at that time Pope did ordaine a solemne procession to be made vpon Easter daie bearing through al the Cittie the image of our Ladie which is said to be that of S. Marie maior yet extant in Rome whervppon the plague did cease verie miraculouslie at the which the people greatlie reioycing behold an Angel that did sing in the ayre Regina coeli laetare Alleluya c. Queene of heauen reioice Alleluya for that he whome thou deseruedst to beare Alleluia is risen as he said Alleluya And the holy Pope aunswered Praie god for vs Alleluia Sigonius amongst others doth recount this in his first booke de regno Italiae In the booke intituled Pratum spirituale chap. 45. we reade of a certaine monke who molested with a long temtation saide to the diuel when wilt thou let me be quiet And the diuel appearing to him spake in this manner Sweare to me that thou wilt not vtter to anie one that which I shal tel thee and I wil not molest thee any more The mōke did sweare and the diuel then saide worship no more this image of our Ladie and I wil let thee alone The monke tooke time to deliberate of the matter in the meane season discouered al to his Abbot who did reprehend him for giuing his oath to the diuel and afterwards exhorted him to worship the image of the virgin Marie telling him that he had obtained the victorie in so greate temptation by the help of the virgin and that leauing to worship her he should easelie be ouercome of the diuel These other miracles wrought by God thorough the intercession of the virgin Marie are written largelie by Petrus Canisius in his first booke of the virgin Marie chap. 19. and 20. An instruction hovv to meditate vvel Take some time assured determinate for meditation which thou must not chaunge without iust cause for that the diuel when at the first he cannot make thee leaue praier doth seeke to make thee differ it vntil some incōmodious time that so thou maie make it with many defects he more easelie perswade thee afterwards to leaue it altogeather The time most fit is the morning before other affaires it is conuenient that we giue the best time to this holy exercise so grateful to god and profitable to our sowle Let the place be retired where no other busines nor talke maie be heard which doth cause distraction and if thou haue no such place at home thou must not therfore leaue to meditate but doe of thie part what thou canst and afterwards trust in God who of his goodnes wil supplie with his holie grace to make thee be recollected The situation of the bodie must be modest and deuoute as kneeling or standing walking seemeth not a fit act for meditation vnles it were little and softlie And albeit a man sitting maie meditate without sinne yet he ought to choose that manner which doth most further him to attention deuotion so that it be without violence and without paine if somtimes thou do meditate sitting it is good if thy health can beare it to stand bare-headed in signe that thou doest not think of other affaires nor studie or speculate philosophical matters but pray and deale with god thy creator That vvhich a man must doe before Meditation The night before meditation thou must foresee the points misterie wherof thou must meditate in the morning and when thou dost wake or rise out of thie bedde thinke vpō the meditation thou art to make recollected and attentiue and if in euerie affaire of oures which we handle with men we thinke wel of it before we doe it how much more ought we to doe so in this thing which is spiritual and whereof we must deale with god When thou wilt goe to the place of meditation imagine thie selfe to be there looked for of Christ our Lord to giue thee grateful audiēce and going praie thyne Angel keeper or some one of those Saints toe whome thou art most deuoute that he wil accompanie thee and bring thee in to oure Lord. And when thou art come to the place thou must doe him most humble and deuoute reuerence As soone as thou hast kneeled doune lift vp thy minde to god demaunding helpe to make thy meditation to the glorie of his diuine maiestie f●uite of thy soule folowing in this the holie church which in the beginning of diuine seruice doth saie Deus in adiutorium meum intende Domine ad adiuuandum me festina that is O god be attentiue to my ayde O Lord make speede to helpe me It doth also helpe in the beginning to craue pardon of god for our imperfections and sinnes which are wont to offend his diuine eyes but thou with repenting thie selfe and as king forgiuenes shalt make him propitious and