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A87160 A vindication of the Holy Scriptures. Or the manifestation of Jesus Christ the true Messiah already come. Being the Christians antidote against the poysons of Judaisme and atheisme of this present age. Proved out of sacred scripture, ancient historians, and Jewish Rabbins. / By that learned, and late eminent divine, John Harrison. Harrison, John, of the Inner Temple. 1656 (1656) Wing H896; Thomason E1685_1; ESTC R209168 62,938 174

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after me commeth a man that is preferred before me for he was before me and I knew him not but because he should be declared to Israel therefore am I come baptizing with water So John bare record saying I saw the spirit come down from Heaven like a Dove and abiding upon him And I knew him not but he that sent me to baptize with water he said unto me upon whom thou shalt see the spirit come down and stay stil upon him that is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost And I saw and bare record that this is the Son of God According as it is in the other three Evangelists more at large expressed how that Jesus when he was baptized came strait out of the water and lo the Heavens were opened unto him And John saw the spirit of God descending like a Dove and lighting upon him And loe a voice came from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am wel pleased The next day John stood again and two of his Disciples and he beheld Jesus walking by and said Behold the Lamb of God and the two Disciples heard him speak and followed Jesus All this was done at Bethabara beyond Jordan in the sight and hearing of a number of people there present as three of our Evangelists do report which they would never have presumed to have done had not the matter been most evident and without all compass of denial or contradiction And truely no one thing in all this story of Jesus life doth more establish certainty of his being the true Messiah then that John the Baptist whose wisdom learning vertue and rare sanctity is confessed and recorded by the writings of all our adversaries should refuse the honour of the Messiah offered unto himself and lay it upon Jesus and also should direct those Disciples that depended upon him to the onely following and imbracing of Jesus doctrine which is most evidently proved that he did for that so many followers and Disciples as himself had not one appeared ever after that was not a Christian These circumstances I say of the birth and comming of the Messiah into this world so long before foretold by the Prophets and fulfilled so exactly in the person of our blessed Lord and Saviour wel considered I may at length conclude Heaven and Earth concurring Men and Angels with all other Creatures applauding thereunto yea and God himself from Heaven pronouncing it This is my beloved Son in whom I am wel pleased That therefore as sure as God is God and cannot lye nor give Testimony to any untruth so sure is Jesus Christ the Son of God the true Messiah and Saviour of the world no other to be expected His preaching or doctrine THus having evicted by the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ together with the circumstances both before and after that he was by birthright the only legitimate as I may say and true born Messiah all others that were before him or since have sprung up or shal do hereafter to the worlds end but bastards and usurpers yea theeves and robbers and that in the highest degree of thee very that may be even robbing God of his honour which he wil not impart to any other it remaineth yet further to demonstrate the same by his life death resurrection and ascension with all other accidents and circumstances accordingly to be observed which may make this mystery more and more manifest or rather palpable as the Apostle witnesseth saying that which was from the beginning which we have heard which we have seen with these our eyes which we have looked upon and these hands of ours have handled c. that I say which we have seen and heard declare we unto you what can be more palpable After his baptisme he began to preach having before gotten his living as most conjecture with his own hands and eaten his bread with the sweat of his brows to shew himself true man and that he was made a curse for us as it is written In the sweat of thy brows shalt thou eat thy bread and what was his doctrine of this world or worldly delights of pleasure or profit no no quite contrary to the humors of this wicked world and to the corruptions of flesh and blood which procured him the more hatred as in all the four Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke and John who recorded both his sayings and doings may appear wholly tending to the sincere service of God in spirit and truth to the exaltation of Gods glory the beating down of mans pride by discovering his misery to the contempt of this wicked world and vain pomp thereof to the mortification of all sins in us patience peace of conscience c. in a word all directed to the manifestation of his Fathers will and amendment of mans life tending wholly to this one ground or principle Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy soul which is the first and great commandment and thy Neighbour as thy self on which two hangeth the whole Law and the Prophets The manner of his Doctrine was simple plain and easie altogether according to the evidence of the Spirit not in the enticing words of mans wisdom like the Heathen Orators and Phylosophers nor like the Scribes and Pharisees but with power and authority without either fear or flattery of any mans person rebuking all mens sins even to their faces which I say procured him such a general hatred It took away no one spiritual point of Moses Law but the Ceremonial only and Provincial which by the coming of the Messiah was to be taken away yea rather revived interpreted and made perfect the same corrupted much by the Jews false interpretations and glosses That as they taught commanding external observance only this adding internal obedience also For whereas that enjoyned according to the letter and as they interpreted to love our neighbours and friends and no further this adjoyneth love also your enemies bless them that curse you Matth. 5.43 Where that prohibited actually to commit Adultry and no more as they imagined this forbiddeth the adultry of the eye and of the very heart And so of all the rest of the decalogue our Saviours doctrine is nothing else but a most exact and sincere exposition according to the true intent of the Law-giver God the Father Therefore I conclude this doctrine so quite contrary to the gross humors of this wicked world and so repugnant to flesh and blood so wholly devoted to Gods glory and the sincere observation of his Law is the doctrine proper to the Messiah which the Prophets of God foretold should be delivered by him at his coming into the world His life and conversation FOr his life and conversation the express Image of his Doctrine it was stainless and without reproof even by the testimony of his very enemies acknowledged also by the Divels themselves A man of such gravity as never in his life he was noted to
saying Behold the time shall come that these tokens which I have told thee shal come to pass c. for my son Jesus shal appear c. and after these same years shal my son Christ dye Here is both his birth and passion both his names Jesus Christ plainly expressed Which book though it be not canonical yet was it extant in the world before ever Christ was born Also Rabbi Haccadosch proveth by art Cabalist out of many places of Scripture that the name of the Messiah at his comming shall be Jesus and among other he addeth this reason that as the name of him who first brought the Jews out of bondage into the Land of promise was Jesus or Josua which is all one so must his name be Jesus that shal the second time deliver them Secondly the Angels appearing to the Shepherds in the night of the Nativity with this joyful message from Heaven Behold I bring you tidings of great joy that shal be to all people that unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord And this is shall be a sign unto you ye shal find the child swad'led and laid in a cratch Thirdly the star that appeared notifying his comming into the world whereof not onely the wise men before mentioned but also generally all the Astronomers and Soothsayers of that age took special notice adjudging it to portend universal good to the earth some gathering thereupon that some God descended from heaven to the benefit of mankind and for that cause had that star an image erected to it in Rome and as Plinies words are Is Cometa unus toto orbe colitur That onely Comet in all the world is adored Fourthly his presentation in the Temple according to the Law of Moses where openly came old Simeon by the motion of the spirit for he had a revelation from God that he should not see death till he had seen the Lords Christ took the child in his arms acknowledged him for the Messiah prophesied that he should be a light to be revealed unto the Gentiles appointed for the fall and rising again o many in Israel with other events which afterwards came to pass So did likewise Anne the Prophetess as it is in the same Chapter Fiftly that most pitiful murder of all the Infants in and about Bethlehem upon this occasion as was prophesied by Jeremy saying A voice was heard on high mourning and bitter weeping Rachel weeping for her children and refused to be comforted because they were not Rachel was buried in the way to Ephrath which is Bethlehem and for that cause those infants were called her children albeit she were dead above two thousand years before they were slain and above one thousand and five hundred before Jeremy wrote this prophecy Among which Infants Herod also for more assurance slew an infant of his own for that he was descended by the Mothers side of the line of Judah Which cruelty comming to Augustus his ears he said he had rather be Herods swine then his son for that he being a Jew was prohibited by his religion to kill his swine though not ashamed to kill his Son Sixtly his flying into Egypt hereupon as also to fulfil that prophesie ' out of Egypt have I called my Son which Isaiah enlargeth further saying Behold the Lord rideth upon a light cloud which is his flesh or humanity and shal come into Egypt and all the Idols of Egypt shal tremble at his presence Which latter point Eusebius sheweth was fulfilled most evidently in the sight of all the world for that no nation came to Christian Religion with so great celerity and fervour as did the Egyptians who threw down their Idols before any other Nation And as they had been the first in Idolatry to other countries so were they the first by Christ his comming unto them that afterwards gave example of true return unto their Creator It followeth in Isaiah I wil deliver the Egyptians into the hands of cruel Lords these were the Roman Lords and Princes Pompey Caesar Antony c. ' And a migh-King shal reign over them c. this must needs be Augustus the Emperor who after the death of Cleopatra the last of the blood of the Ptolomies took possession of all Egypt and subjected it as a Province to the Roman Empire But after these temporal afflictions threatned against Egypt behold a most Evangelical promise of deliverance In that day shal five Cities of the Land of Egypt speak the Language of Canaan c. In that day shal the Altar of the Lord be in the midst of the Land of Egypt c. They shal cry unto the Lord because of their oppressors and he shall send them a Saviour and a great man and shal deliver them c. The Lord of Hosts shall bless them saying Blessed be my people of Egypt c. This blessing I say the Egyptians obtained by our Saviours being in Egypt whom here the Prophet calleth by his own name Jesus a Saviour a great man Finally the comming of John Baptist his forerunner or Messenger as was prophesied Behold I will send my Messenger and he shal prepare the way before me and the Lord whom ye seek shal speedily come to his Temple And again I will send you Eliah the Prophet that is to say John the Baptist in the spirit and power of Eliah as an Angel from Heaven expoundeth it appearing to Zacharias his Father in the Temple sent to foretel him both of his birth as also by what name he should call him even John saying Thou shalt call his name John he shal be great in the sight of the Lord he shall go before him in the power and spirit of Eliah And therefore out Saviour in plain terms he calleth him Eliah Mat. 11.14 And if you will receive it this is that Eliah which was to come he that hath ears to hear let him hear And as our Saviour gave him his due before a multitude then assembled calling him Eliah So did this Eliah also give our Saviour his due in acknowledging him for the Messiah not assuming unto himself that honour offered unto him by the Jews but refusing it absolutely and laying it upon Jesus our Saviour the true owner Then this is the record of John when the Jews sent Priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who art thou and he confessed and denyed not and said plainly I am not the Christ I am not the Messiah I Baptize you with water but there is one among you whom you know not he it is that cometh after me which is preferred before me whose shoe latchet I am not worthy to unloose These things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan where John did Baptize The next day John seeth Jesus comming to him and saith behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world This is he whom I said
blindness in this point and in them the whole Nation of the Jews to this day Ye perceive nothing at all nor yet do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man die for the people and that the whole Nation perish not c. But he that will read the whole story of Christ crucified with the particulars described many hundred yeers before the same fell out let him turn to Isaiah and acknowledge him for an Evangelist who to signifie the strangeness of the case beginneth first with a preface Who will believe our report c. All which narration Rabbi Jonathan the author of the Chaldy Paraphrase applyeth to the murder of the Messiah by the Jews whereunto agree Rabbi Simeon Rabbi Hadersan and others proving further out of Dan. 9.27 That after the Messiah shall have preached half seven yeers he shall be slain which disagreeth little or nothing from the account of us Christians Also in their Thalmud it is set down for a principle and the sentence pronounced beforehand peremptorily and in plain terms that the Messiah at his coming shall be put to death So then I may conclude upon all these particulars of Christ his Death Passion foretold by the Prophets prefigured in the Law and so expounded and acknowledged by the Jews themselves the ancient Rabbins before mentioned and finally so exactly fulfilled in our Lord and Saviour as by the quotations in the margent may appear together with the mild manner of his death praying for his enemies Father forgive them and meekly recommending his soul into the hands of God Father into thy hands I commend my spirit with other strange accidents and circumstances that miraculous eclipse of the Sun at that very instant from the sixt to the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land the vail of the Temple rent in twain from the top to the bottome and the earth did quake and the stones were cloven and the graves did open themselves and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose c. I say upon all these particularities and circumstances I hope I may conclude as it is in that place with the Centurion and those that were with him watching Jesus who when they saw the earthquake and the things that were done they feared greatly saying Truly this was the Son of God And all the people that came together to that sight beholding the things which were done smote their breasts and returned So may I conclude Truly this was the Son of God truly this is the Messiah and let all the people of the Jews come together again to this sight and behold him whom they have pierced and smite their breasts pricked in their hearts like those Jews in the Acts and cry out Men and Brethren what shall we do and return to the Lord and be baptised every one in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins which God grant And the Lord pour upon them the spirit of grace and of compassion that in soul and spirit they may look upon him whom they have pierced and lament for him as it is in the Prophet every Tribe and Family apart His Resurrection FOr his Resurrection it was also foretold by the Prophets and prefigured in Jonas David saith in the person of the Messiah of whom he prophesied in divers places and was a type I have set the Lord always before me c. Wherefore mine heart is glad and my tongue rejoyceth my flesh also doth rest in hope for thou wilt not leave my soul in the grave nor suffer thine holy One to see corruption Also Hosea saith After two days will he revive us and in the third day he will raise us up Us in the plural number pointing as it should seem both at the Resurrection of our Saviour the third day as also the raising of a number of the Saints together with him at the same time prefigured in Jonas together with the time of his abode in the Sepulcher and foreshewed many times by our Saviour himself to his Disciples such and such things shall be done to the Son of man He shall be apprehended evil entreated mocked scourged put to death but the third day he shall rise again Also to the Jews demanding a sign he answered Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up again And at another time An evil and adulterous generation seeketh a sign but no signe shall be given them save the signe of the prophet Jonas for as Jonas was three days and three nights in the Whales belly so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth Which Prophesie of his they full wel remembring and fearing the event immediately upon his burial they went to Pilate saying Sir we remember that Deceiver said while he was living within three days I will rise again Command therefore the Sepulcher to be made sure till the third day lest hit Disciples steal him away by night and say unto the people he is risen from the dead and so the last error be worse then the first All which was done according to their desire a strong watch appointed the Sepulcher sealed up all things made so sure by the Jews as might be for they had gotten from Pilate a special commission for that purpose to whom he was as forward to grant it as they to ask it and that in as large and ample manner as themselves knew or could devise All which notwithstanding after a most miraculous manner The Angel of the Lord descending from heaven with an earthquake and rolling back the stone from the Door of the Sepulcher the Keepers astonied and become as dead men Jesus our Saviour according to the former prophesies is risen again and hath appeared to his Apostles and Disciples his faithful witnesses a number of them at divers several times to whom he presented himself alive as S. Luke writeth by many infallible tokens being seen of them by the space of forty days and speaking of those things which appertain to the Kingdom of God howsoever the Jews suborned the Soldiers giving them largely to say His Disciples came by night and stole him away while they slept which saying is noised among the Jews to this day How probably the former circumstances considered let the world judge Therefore I will conclude this point also with that of Paul touching the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour He hath declared himself mightily to be the Son of God by the Resurrection from the dead and consequently that Messiah promised before by the Prophets in the holy Scriptures as the same Apostle urgeth His Ascention FOr his Ascension it was also foretold by the Prophets and necessarily followeth upon his Resurrection to be believed to wit that having finished the work of our Redemption here one earth he ascended up into heaven and there sitteth at the