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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17706 Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine vpon the Epistle of Saincte Paule to the Galathians; Sermons de M. Jean Calvin sur l'Epistre S. Paul apostre aux Galates. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1574 (1574) STC 4449; ESTC S122190 610,760 704

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the thing that wee haue too beare in minde But by the way it ought too make Paules doctrine of the more authoritie that he speaketh so boldly in the mayntenance of it and that not through humane rashnesse and presumption but in the name of God For in very deede he standeth not heere vppon the praysing of himselfe in his owne persone and that doth he shewe right well in that he sayeth If I my self He setteth himself formost as if he had sayd Let mee euen mee my selfe I say bee taken for a Diuell if I chaunge the doctrine or if you finde me to haue swarued in any maner of wize Heere S. Paule sheweth that he ment not too purchace reputation too himselfe ne fought in his owne quarell to haue it sayd of him that he was a fineheaded fellow or a wyze and excellent man no but he raungeth himself in aray with the faythfull and sayeth let vs all imbrace the doctrine of that Mayster too whose charge God hath cōmitted vs and vnto whose gouerment we ought too bee submitted For although I bee he that taught you the doctrine yet is it not mine but Gods who is vnchaungeable and although yee should see me chaunge yet bee not you remoued nor abashed for it but esteeme mee as a Diuell hold mee accursed and for your own partes continue you stil settled in the truth which you haue learned and as for mee curse you mee and ban you mee yea and the very Angelles of heauen too rather than too chaunge any whit of the truthe of Gods Sonne or too turne aside from it Heere wee see well ynough that S. Paule sought not aught else but that Gods truth might haue such reuerence among men as it deserueth and bee so receyued as all our wittes all our thoughts all our lustes and all our affections might bee subdued and hilde prysoners vnder it and that it might not be lawfull for any liuyng creature to chaūge aught therof but that God only might speake by the mouth of his only Sonne and we hold him for our Mayster yea and euery of vs obey him without gaynsaying That is the thing which S. Paule sought How beit for asmuch as wee cannot now lay forth the rest it shall bee reserued till the next Sunday if it please God Now let vs fall down before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faults praying him too make vs perceiue them more and more and that the feeling of them may draw vs too right repentance and cause vs too growe and increace in fayth so as wee may bee true sacrifizes too him that like as our Lord Iesus offered himself for our redemption so wee also may bethinke vs too dedicate our selues wholly vnto him and be guyded by him in such stedfastnesse that nother in lyfe nor death wee may not seeke any other contentation and rest than too apply our selues too his good will nor glorie in any other thing than in the Saluation that is purchaced for vs in him That it may please him too graunt this grace not only to vs but also too all people and nations of the earth c. The. 4. Sermon vpon the first Chapter 8 But if I my selfe or an Angell from heauen tell you othervvise than I haue tolde you cursed be he 9 As I sayd afore so say I yet agayne if any man tell you othervvize than you haue receyued cursed bee he c. WEe haue seene heretofore that we must be sure of the truth of the Gospell or else our fayth is no fayth but rather an opinion if we be ready to stagger too and fro Now then the very proofe which we ought to make of our fayth is to bee fully setled and resolued in our selues that God hath taught vs and that he hath so vttered his will vnto vs that if we swarue from it one way or other it is all one as if wee did wilfully cast our selues away And for this cause wee must not only receyue Gods woord as good holy but also beare such honour too it as to hate whatsoeuer is agaynst it yea or which agreeth not fully with it For when as S. Paule speaketh heere of an other Gospell his meanyng is that if men disguyze the pure simplicitie which they haue learned of him there remayneth nothing else but vntruth and corruption VVherfore let vs learne to set such store by Gods doctrine that wee may not only esteeme it in it self but also reiect as diuelish things what soeuer shall be brought contrarie or repugnant vntoo it And truly Sainct Paule thinkes it not ynough too speake of men but mounteth euen vntoo the Angelles of Heauen and sayeth that wee muste rather hold them accursed than alter any whit of the fayth which wee haue of the Gospell He dothe well too speake of himself first and he doeth that too shewe that he had no regard of his owne persone but that he ment simply too honour God and too cause his woord to bee receyued of all the worlde without gaynsaying Therefore it was needefull that Sainct Paule should vse that protestation for if any man exempt his owne doctrine by priuiledge he maketh the same a priuate cace But he that teacheth ought too raunge himselfe in the common aray and too submitte himself obediently too the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christe so as wee may not haue any other Mayster in this worlde of whom too hold our fayth but that the Sonne of God may haue all soueraintie ouer vs as belongeth vntoo him And Sainct Paule speaketh purposely of the Angelles bycause the false Apostles and deceyuers that were come intoo the countrie of Galatia pretended the name of Peter Iohn and Iames and therefore he setteth a barre in their way saying that when they had all that could bee on theyr side yea and that the whole world tooke parte with them all that was nothing Moreouer though they had the very Angelles of heauē with them yet should God neuerthelesse ouer rule thē by his word all creatures be thrust downe For if any thing lift vp it self against Gods truth wherin his image shineth forth and his maiestie and glorie ought to be knowen the same ought also to be condemned to be hild as accursed It might perchaunce seeme at the first blush that S. Paule vsed an excessiue fashion For too what purpose bringeth he in the Angels seyng wee know how they be wholly giuen too do Gods will According as it is sayde expresly in the. 103. Psalme and as we see moreouer through the whole holy Scripture that they haue not any other regard than simply to obey God Seing then that it is impossible that the Angelles shoulde falsifie the pure truthe Sainct Paule shoulde not haue brought them in Yea it might bee thought that he dooth them wrong and iniurie considering that God hath giuen them the grace too abyde in his obedience and too walke quietly as he hath appoynted them But it
this adoption bicause the law hath no more power ouer vs as it had in the time of the figures and shadowes Nowe too confirme this matter S. Paule addeth that God sheweth that he taketh vs for his children bycause the spirit of his sonne is in vs crying father Speaking of the holy ghost he doth by a circumstance terme him the spirite of our Lorde Iesus Christ For by what title can we be Gods children but bycause wee be mēbers of his onely sonne to whom that right honour and dignitie belongeth by nature For in that our Lord Iesus Christ is called the only sonne of God not only men but also the very Angelles of heauen are excluded from that dignitie so that it belongeth to none but onely to Iesus Christ Howbeeit for asmuch as we bee ioyned vnto him and he will not be separated from vs but sheweth himself to be our head and we haue such vnion with him as the mēbers haue with the head therfore he sayth that eyther we must haue the spirite of our Lord Iesus Christ or else we can haue no familiar accesse to our God too call vpon him as our father and it were too great a presumption for vs too take that honour vppon vs. For if a begger would make himself a riche mans sonne folke would laugh him to skorne and he should be shaken off with al the shame that might be And how then should wee sillie woormes of the earth yea and full of all infection and filthinesse go match our selues with the Angels of heauen to say that God is our father Truely the very Angelles themselues cannot chalendge suche nobilitie but by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ bycause he is their head Then were it greate pryde in vs if wee would take vppon vs too stie aboue the Angelles without cōming in the name of our Lorde Iesus Christ or without hauing his spirit that we might be accepted as members of his body and bee intertayned as it were in his persone And therefore also it is sayde that he maketh intercession for vs and that wee call vppon God in his name For if he were not our spokesman how could we hope too haue our petitions receyued Let vs a little consider the feeblenesse that is in vs when wee intend too pray vntoo God Although wee sigh vnfaynedly and although wee haue good motions to lift vs vp yet do wee faynt and they that thinke too come vnto God with a perfect zele beguile themselues yea euen to grosly But they that humbly acknowledge themselues to be as they bee doo perceyue themselues too halt and stumble euen in the very vertue and strēgth that is giuen thē Howbeit for asmuch as our Lord Iesus Christ is in the middes stādeth there in our behalf and maketh vs to come neere therfore we may boldly pray And for the same cause did the high Priest in the time of the lawe beare twelue precious stones vpon his brest and other twelue behind vpon his shoulders wherein were written the names of the twelue tribes of Israell For although the people were present in the porche or outter tabernacle yet was there a veyle betwixt him and thē so as the Sanctuarie was hiddē nothing was seene of the things that were done within for a witnesse of Gods presence It w●●● ynough that the high priest went in in the name of them al hauing in his hand the bloud wherwith Gods wrath was to bee appeazed Then had he the sayd tablet at his brest wherein the names of the twelue trybes that is too say of Gods people were ingrauen Also he had them vppon his shoulders that it might bee sayd howe he was there in the name of the whole Churche Thus yee see how wee crie euen by the spirite of our Lord Iesus Christ vntoo God his father with full assurance that he knoweth and auoweth vs for members of his sonne by whose meanes he receyueth vs into his heauenly kingdome and setteth open the gate vntoo vs so as wee haue accesse vntoo him familiarly And this is expressed yet better by the woord Crie S. Paule coulde well haue sayd wee say but he goeth further as neede was For as I haue touched heretofore here he compareth the old fathers with vs and sheweth that our state is better than theirs bicause God hath shewed himselfe more bountifull towardes vs than he did towardes them that were vnder the lawe That is the cause why he sayeth that we in these dayes do crie out that God is our father yea euen with open mouth and ful libertie and that we come boldly to him glorying that we be taken for his childrē True it is that the fathers vnder the lawe did also vse the same maner of speeche as when they sayd Lord what shall become of vs if thou receyue vs not to mercie Abraham knoweth vs not no more doth Iacob VVee bee borne of them as touching the flesh howbeit all this naturall kinred is nothing in comparison of the spirituall kinred whereinto thou hast ingreffed vs in the persone of thy sonne Therfore thou art our father After that maner did the whole Churche pray vntoo God as Esay reporteth it And there are many such textes And out of doubte it had bin impossible for the fathers too haue offered vp good petitions and prayers vnto God without that ground that is too wit vnlesse they had bin fully resolued that God tooke them for his children For that is the thing wherein the faythfull differed from the Heathen and vnbeleeuers in all ages The Heathen menne did in deede pray vntoo God howbeeit that was but at all aduenture not knowing whither they should bee herd or no. But our prayer muste bee grounded vppon fayth And Sainct Paules saying shall alwayes bee true namely that wee cannot pray vntoo God except we first know and vnderstand his good will towardes vs. Therefore it must needes followe that they whiche liued vnder the Lawe were fully assured in their consciences that God accepteth them for his children Howbeeit this was shewed them as yee woulde say but with half face so that they prayed beyng wrapped in many shadowes and figures whiche taught them grosly It is true that they offered not themselues without fayth for then had it booted them verie little and that it stood them on hand to ouer come all the lettes that were set before their eyes but yet were they not able too call vpon God with the full certeintie whiche is communicated too vs vnder the Gospell And this is yet better expressed in the eyght too the Romanes where Sainct Paule sayeth that wee haue not now receyued the spirit of fearfulnesse and bondage but the spirit of boldnesse so as we bee able too crie Abba father And by the contrarie member he inlighteneth the matter that might bee darksome in this Texte by reason of the shortnesse of it For he setteth downe the spirite of bondage bycause the Lawe was giuen
yet for all that for asmuch as our Lorde Iesus Christe appeared vntoo vs in the shape of man and was conuersant in this world and there despized yea and abaced euen too a most shamefull death wherein he receyued all the curses that were due vnto vs therefore it is sayd that if wee giue not eare too the Sonne of God the father is preiudiced therby accordyng also as our Lord Iesus himself declareth in that he sayeth He that despizeth you despizeth mee and he that reiecteth mee reiecteth the liuing God that sent mee Marke then whervnto the order tendeth which S. Paule keepeth namely that if we do not willingly honour our Lord Iesus Christ by accepting his doctrine for certain and infallible God is set at naught and we cannot say that our intent is too woorship him for he will reiect all our doyngs And why For as I sayd afore it is ynough too proue vs rebelles if wee separate the Sonne from his Father And S. Paule addeth expresly that Iesus Christe was rayzed from the dead too the end that his Apostleship should not be the lesse esteemed and also that men should match him with the number companie of the other Apostles according also as he was added too them after that Iesus Christe ceassed too bee any more vpon earth For as I haue touched already the thing wherwith the false Apostles which came too ouerthrowe all vpbrayded him was this How now sayd they He hath not bin the Disciple of the Sonne of God as Peter and Iohn were he is a thing borne out of seazon And how cā he shew that he hath receyued his doctrine of Iesus Christ S. Paule declareth that if they will needes inquyre of the authoritie of our Lord Iesus Christe his ryzing againe ought not too haue diminished it Surely though our Lord Iesus Christ were brought lowe whyle he had the veyle of mans nature vppon him whereby his glory was after a sorte hidden yet was he not abaced in himselfe For wee knowe that the Angelles acknowledged him for their souerayne king and although he were borne in a stable and layd vpon the ground as a creature destitute of all help yet we see that the Starres of the skie bare record of him To bee short the maiestie of our Lord Iesus Christe was alwayes sufficiently auouched as long as he was in this world But yet for all that there was a muche excellenter glory in his resurrection accordyng as it is sayd in the first too the Romanes that then he was shewed too bee the Sonne of God And wee also haue seene in the second Epistle to the Corinthians that as he suffered vnder weakenesse of the fleshe so he was rayzed againe through the wonderfull power of Gods spirite So then S. Paule sheweth that although our Lorde Iesus Christ bee not conuersant with vs nowadayes yet muste not his Maiestie therefore bee diminished nor defaced that we should not yeelde him his due and deserued obedience and receyue his woorde reuerently without all gaynesaying This warning is verie behooffull for vs. For what a number of lightheaded persones doo wee see which woulde haue Iesus Christe too be heere in visible shape Their saying is that they would fayne see Iesus Christ conuersant heere beneathe and that then they would at the first push accept what soeuer he spake to thē so as there should neede but one woord of his mouth to rauish them and there should neede none other teaching nor any other man to be much with vs. Yea but the Sonne of God which came downe hath performed his charge whiche was committed to him of God his father that is to say he hath preached the Gospell and sufficiently confirmed it by his death and passion Afterward beyng rizen againe he sent foorth his Apostles And nowe that he hath all soueraine dominion so as the Angelles bow their knees before him and that he hath suche a maiestie as surmounteth all glory both in heauen and earth ought not all that which he hath done to suffize vs throughly VVhen it pleaseth him too send vs mortall men and too send forth the message and inestimable treasure of his Gospell in brittle vesselles and yet notwithstanding will haue vs to receyue them is it not a mockerie to say that if Iesus Christ were with vs and in our companie we would obey him For if heauen and earth muste bee fayne too quake vnder him and his Maiestie bee knowen euen to the Diuels of hell and yet for all that wee continue blockish and pretend that he is to farre of from vs yet notwithstanding our Lord Iesus sheweth sufficiently that he hath not forsaken vs seing we haue the Gospell preached vnto vs And that although he dwell not with vs here by lowe in visible shape yet notwithstanding we shal bee continually ioyned with him and that forasmuche as he is our head hee will gouerne his bodie and there shal be one vnseparable bond betwixt him and vs. Now seing it is so we ought of right to yeeld him obedience and his resurrection ought to touch vs to the quicke to worke suche a reuerent awefulnesse in vs that whensoeuer the name of our Lord Iesus Christe is spoken of we may be sure that it is the name whereof the Prophet speaketh wherby all men ought to sweare and whereat they ought to bow their knees Thus ye see in effect that the thing which we haue to beare in minde is that we should not measure the Gospell after the respect and reputation of those that speake vnto vs for why they be frayle men Nother is that the thing whereon we ought to stay for that were as muche too say as we should settle our saluation vpon the credite of men which might cause vs too rest vppon the world but wee must vnderstand that it is Iesus Christ which speaketh And howe In the Maiestie that is giuen him by God his father for the power of the holy Ghost was then shewed too the full when he was raysed from the dead Then seyng our Lord Iesus Christ hath obteyned such authoritie when he was lifted vp into heauen as too haue superioritie ouer all creatures let vs learne too submit our selues too him and let the same serue to hold vs in awe that his woord may be receyued of vs and we assure ourselues that he gouerneth vs and that it becommeth vs too suffer our selues too be taught in his name and too vnderstand that although the woorde which is preached vnto vs proceede out of the mouth of men yet notwithstanding it is by the authoritie of God our saluation must be grounded thervpon as well as though heauen opened an hundred thousand tymes too shew vs the glory of God Lo say I how it behoueth vs to be taught in this world vntill God haue gathered vs into his euerlasting heritage And that is the thing which we haue to beare in minde concernyng that the glorie of our
it is not for vs to bring in mens opinions in that cace to wrap our selues in any doubt as the Papists do now adayes who haue none other buckler agaynst vs but the traditions of the Church Councels and Antiquitie Howbeit when they haue thronged all the world togither will it bee able to counteruayle the Angelles of heauen No certainly Now then we may well mocke at their foolishnesse after the exāple of S. Paule and say that if the Pope and all the rable of his stinking Clergie had the Angelles on their side it were nothing at all in cōparison of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath all soueraine power and before whom all knees ought to bow not only of mortall creatures but also euen of things that are aloft in heauen according as it is said in the Epistle to the Philippians where this saying is applyed to his person in that God sweareth that al knees shall bow before him all tunges confesse that he only is to be glorified Yee see then that the way for vs to cōmend the doctrine of the Gospel is to abide vnremoued by the authoritie of men when it is told vs that such a one is of this opinion or that to assure our selues that seyng God hath giuen vs the grace to be fully resolued in our minds it behoueth vs to hold vs alwayes to it without chaunging This is in effect the thing that wee haue to cōsider in this sentence Now herevpō S. Paule sheweth how it was not without cause that he speke so of his Gospell that he had preached For he sayeth that he teacheth not after the maner of men or that he doth not set forth men nor counsell them after the maner of men but that he setteth forth God and seeketh not to please mē but Iesus Christ Afterward he addeth that his Gospell is not of men but that it was reueled to him frō aboue as I haue declared already It had not bin ynough for S. Paule to haue spokē of the Gospell in generall except he had shewed therewith that he had bin a true faithfull minister of it For the Diuell cā well ynough away that the name of the Gospell should be of very great estimacion among vs but in the meane while he would not haue vs to know what it meaneth nor ceasse to be intāgled in store of errours to haue our wittes rouing here there Then it is not ynough that the name of the Gospell be honored in the world but we must also know what maner of thing the Gospell is and what is contayned in it And that is the cause why S. Paule chalendgeth that faithfulnesse of teaching the Gospell in so much that if any whit of it be chaūged let the same be accursed And this yet againe is well woorthy to be noted For when the Papistes reade this place they do nothing but skoffe at it and God also hath dulled them so as there is lesse wit in them than in little chyldren For they vnderstand it thus namely that Paule ment that if a man should make another Gospel as if a man should write a booke and the same shoulde not bee the Gospell that was written by him then they shoulde vtterly reiect it bycause the Gospell was sufficiently proued already But in the meane whyle they thought not that all that was contayned in Paules Epistles was euery whit of it Gospell but they rather surmyzed that he had written some storie of the Gospell and that if any other had bin brought in vppon the refuzall thereof the same that had bin so brought in should haue had no credite nor reputation But wee see that in that cace these wretched beastes haue nother reason nor vnderstanding nor any taste at all So much the more therefore dothe it stande vs in hand too marke that S. Paule had good cause too speake of the Gospell which he had preached euen to shewe as it were with his fingar the doctrine which it behoueth vs to be fully perswaded of VVill we be of the flocke of our Lord Iesus Christ Then is it not ynough for vs too accept what soeuer is tolde vs in his name but wee muste put that thing in ●re which is spoken in the tenth of Sainct Iohn which is too bee able by herkening vnto his voyce too discerne his voyce from the voyce of straungers and too bee alwayes fully perswaded that there is not any other than he too whom wee ought too yeeld Thus ye see how the way to be vnder the guiding of our good shepherd is that we swarue not one way nor other when men assayle vs but euery of vs indeuer to drawe home to himself so as we become not like wauering reedes but stād stedfast in the doctrine which we shall haue learned In so doing our Lord Iesus Christ will auow vs to be of the cōpanie and number of his sheepe and alwayes do the dutie of a shepeherd towards vs. But if we play those men which care not which end go foreward in somuch that if a man tell thē that Iesus Christ is the only he vpon whom we must rest to haue any trust of Saluation it is well they can like well ynough of that doctrine and on the contrary part if a man set store of trumperie before thē and go about too trouble their wittes with this and that they can well ynough away with that too and all is one to them if there be no discretion in vs it is a token that we haue no certaintie of fayth For we must be out of all doubt that Iesus Christ is the only Mayster seyng that that charge is cōmitted to him by God his father and also that he hath fully performed the same If wee bee not at that poynt it is certaine that wee shall alwayes bee caried away with opinion and imaginacion and that there shall be no fayth at all in vs. And that is the cause also why S. Paule declareth that the Gospell which he had preached is the same which our Lord Iesus Christ cōmaunded to be preached and published and wherof he is the author in the name of God his father Seing it is so it behoueth vs to hold vs to it and so consequently when S. Paule speaketh of another Gospell he meaneth the minglemangle and corruption that might bee put vnto it as if he should say VVhatsoeuer is added or patched to the doctrine of the Gospell by mans deuice so as they can not content themselues with the simplenesse therof but that they do varie from it is euery whit of it mere leasing And therfore let vs shun it as a poyson for surely no poyson can bee so deadly as a false doctrine And if men doo naturally keepe themselues from the things that may hurt this transitorie life ought not our soules to be much more precious too vs VVhat care ought wee to haue that they be not poysoned by any trumperie of men Too bee short
God with his owne mouth sayd determinately that who soeuer hung vppon tree should be accursed and yet for all that that it was his will therewithall that his owne Sonne should bee hanged on tree And why so Too the end he shoulde beare our burthen according as he is our pledge ordeyned to be the principall detter in our behalf To the end then that wee might bee set free from the curse of the Lawe Iesus Christe became accursed Nowe at the first fight it might seeme hard and straunge that the Lord of glorie he that hath all soueraine dominion and before whose maiestie the verie Angelles of heauen do tremble and are abashed should be subiect too cursing But wee muste go backe too that whiche S. Paule hath treated of in the first to the Corinthians namely that the doctrine of the Gospell is foolishnesse too mankind yea euen too the wyzest of them and that it was Gods will too humble vs after that maner bycause of our vnthankfulnesse For we should haue a good instruction to leade vs vnto God yea euen in wisedome if we could profite our selues by the things that are shewed vs in the whole order of heauen earth But for asmuch as men are blinde and shet their eyes agaynst this wisedome that God setteth afore them therfore he is fayne too take a new way to the woode and too draw them to him as it were by folie So then let vs not iudge after our owne mother wit of the thing that is declared heere which is that the sonne of God was put vnder the curse but rather let vs bee rauished at such a secrete and giue the glorie vntoo our God seyng he hath so loued our soules as too pay so inestimable a pryce for the raunsoming of them And so little ought this thing to imbace the maiestie of our Lord Iesus Christ or to deface that which is giuen him in the holy Scripture as wee rather haue cause too glorifie him the more for it And for proofe thereof our Lord Iesus Christe as sayeth S. Paule committed no robberie when he shewed himselfe in his infinite glorie And yet notwithstanding he abaced himselfe willing and not onely clothed himself with our nature and became a passible mā but also submitted himself to a death that was both shamefull before men yea and accursed before God Then must it needes bee that we were very deere vnto him seing he yeelded himself too such extremitie for our redemption If wee could taste the meening hereof surely wee would giue our selues wholly too the magnifying of that grace which cānot be sufficiently expressed by woordes and surpasseth all wisedome of man Seyng therefore that wee comprehend it not nor can vtter the hundredth part of it let vs yet be as it were astonished at it in considering so much of it as we be able too comprehend But heere we see still the leudnesse and frowardnesse of men in that whereas S. Paule sayeth that our Lorde Iesus Christ became accursed for vs it passeth and slippeth away from vs. Yea and there are some so leud that they take occasiō of stumbling and of flinging out of the way and of estraunging themselues quite and cleane from the Churche when they heare this maner of our reedeming set afore vs. VVhat say they was it of necessitie that the sonne of God who is the fountayne of all goodnesse and ought too make vs all holy should be cursed It seemeth too them that God in so doyng ment too peruert all order and reason But as I haue declared alreadie it is certaine that God condemneth mens vnkindnesse by bringing them to such a kinde of foolishnesse bycause they came not too him by wisedome when he shewed them that way Neuerthe later howsoeuer the cace stande needes muste our wittes shrinke and our reason bee vtterly confounded so as wee may honour Gods secretes and wonder at them though they bee hidden from vs. And againe whensoeuer it is sayd vnto vs that the sonne of God became accursed for vs it would become vs to enter into the examinacion of our sinnes In so doing we shall perceyue how lothly wee be before God till our sinnes and offences bee washed away by the bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ Had all the Angelles of heauen vndertaken for vs it had bin no sufficient bayle Then was there none other satisfaction than the persone of our Lord Iesus Christe And he came not into the world too discharge vs of the bonde of euerlasting death wherein we were bound by his diuine and heauenly power How then By weakenesse And not onely so but also he was fayne to bee counted accursed or else we should haue lien still ouerwhelmed with the burthen and haue perished all of vs in that gulf Therefore when wee see that the sonne of God who not only is the vnspotted Lambe and the mirrour of all rightuousnesse holinesse and perfection but also the very welspring thereof was hilde accursed for vs ought wee not at the sight thereof to conceyue such a terrour for our sinnes that wee should be as good as swallowed vp with despayre till we be plucked backe againe by the infinite grace and goodnesse of our God So then let vs marke well that when it is tolde vs that wee were raunsomed from the curse of the Lawe God intendeth thereby to bryng vs to true humilitie But that cannot bee vnlesse men be vtterly cōfounded in themselues so as they be ashamed too loke vpon themselues and therewithall also afrayd and dismayed knowing that Gods wrath wayteth readie for them till our Lord Iesus Christe doo remedie the matter Thus yee see that all our whole lyfe is lothsome before God and there is no way for vs too come too attonement with him till our Lord Iesus Christ take vpon him the cursednesse that is in vs and beare it in his owne persone And therefore as oft as wee reade this text let euery of vs awake and set himselfe before Gods iudgement seate that wee may feele there as it were a gulf to swallow vs vp quyte and cleane and thereat bee abashed for very shame of our selues and on the other side so much the more magnifie the grace that is purchaced for vs in the persone of the sonne of God and keepe our selues warely from diminishing his dignitie in that he is sayd to be accursed and rather thereby be the more prouoked to yeeld him his due and deserued prayse for that he hath shewed himself to esteeme our welfare so highly ▪ Furthermore let vs make our profit of that pledge of our saluation and of the loue that God beareth vs so as we doubt not but that God liketh well of vs when we come to him seyng he hath bought vs so deere that as S. Peter telleth vs in his first canonicall Epistle it was nother golde nor siluer nor any corruptible thing but it was our Lord Iesus Christ himself that was payd for our raunsome Therefore
least without any exception Now if we be al condemned euen by the law what would we more Must it not needs be that we be tootoo much blinded with hypocrisie when we will needes binde God to vs after this sorte notwithstanding that we be farre wyde from all righteousnesse and he hath tolde vs that we can not compasse it in his sighte but that we must bee vtterly ouerwhelmed S. Paule alledgeth not heere any text too shewe that the Scripture hath shut vp all vnder sinne but taketh it as vtterly certayne and which ought not to bee doubted of any more among the faithfull And for proofe thereof wee see that euen from the creation of the world we be all of vs corrupted in Adam His sinne condemned not him selfe onely but also all his whole ofspring and all of vs are falne in that fal of his And thervpon it is sayd that al our thoughts are rebellings agaynst God and there is nothing but naughtinesse in vs. VVhat then is mans wit A warehouse of all wickednesse And seeing that God hath auouched it to be so at a word what shal wee gayne by chalenging this or that too our selues For all our startingholes shal but increase our miserie bicause that in so doing wee spite God and kindle his wrath so much the more For wherto serued all the sacrifices but to shew vs to our faces that all men are vtterly accursed so long as they continue in them And although there were no sacrifices at all yet very experience sheweth it Let euery of vs enter into himselfe let him consider what maner a one he is and let him viewe himselfe in the perfection which the holy scripture requireth at our hands he shal wel find that there is no way for him but to imbrace the promise of Gods mercy which he maketh vnto vs whē he sayth that our iniquities shal be wiped out that there is no way for vs to come to him but only by his loue And doth he not hereby still bewray our sinne specially seeing he setteth down Iesus Christ for our rightuousnesse But if any mā list to haue a larger certener discourse hereof let him ad that which S. Paule setteth down in the third to the Romans where he setteth foorth the thing largely which is touched here briefly then shal he see yet better how the scripture hath shut vp all vnder sinne For there S. Paule alleageth the texts that serue to bewray mans nature till Gods haue drawen him backe changed him and fashioned him new agayne Like as when he sayth that God looked downe heere bylowe to see if he could find any soundnesse and all were corrupted yea and festered in their naughtinesse and there was not so much as one that sought after God Nowe it is certayne that there there is no speaking of two or three but generally of all men in whom God hath not wrought to gouerne them by his holy spirite Therefore it is all one as if Dauid did shewe vs in a paynted table what maner of ones wee bee by birth and heritage Afterwarde he addeth that which is written in the fiftith Psalme and in all the residue and finally alleageth Esay also to shewe that God was fayne to serue his turne with his own arme when he purposed to redeme men VVhat is it sayth he that men haue done in that behalfe For they do but runne forwarde and cast themselues headlong intoo all cursednesse and transgression They doo but wander they loue shifting sutteltie falshod and lying to bee short when God had looked that men should haue helped to bring themselues too saluation they were rather a hundred thousand times more in danger of perishing S. Paule therefore alleadgeth all those things Nowe let vs flatter our selues as muche as wee list yet can not the things bee called backe which God hath pronounced vpon vs. And as ofte as wee reade the sayde textes and heare Sainct Paules expounding of them in the forealledged chapter it is for vs too cast downe our heads and to receyue the shame which we deserue namely to be berefte of all glory and too seeke at Gods hande the things that we want And thus ye see how the scripture hathe shut vp all vnder sinne In the eleuenth chapter to the Romans he saith that God hath shut vp all vnder sinne too the intent to haue mercie on all But there he●●seth yet one steppe higher For he speaketh not of the things that are told vs in the law and the prophets but of Gods secret iudgement in that it was his will that all of vs shoulde bee as good as drowned in destruction to the intent that there should be no saluation but only by his goodnesse Then if it be demaunded why God hath suffered men to fall into so miserable plight it is bycause he will haue vs beholden to his only mercy for all things Truly this will seeme straunge to many fantasticall persons whiche would fayne restrayne God to their measure and are so rash that when Gods determinations passe beyond theyr fleshly reason by and by they condemne him for spitefull and cruell Yet for all that S. Paule will haue vs too rest vpon thys saying that God hath shet vp all vnder sin that is to say that he could well haue created vs much stedfaster and perfecter than he hath done He could haue preserued vs as he doth his Angells He could haue giuen vs such constancie in the person of Adam that wee shoulde haue entered into the heritage of heauen without dying Yea and he could haue made that no mo should haue falne in the person of Adam but Adam alone But he listed not so to do If it be demaunded why the mischeefe spreaded out further is it not bycause God would haue it so Therefore we must in this cace as it were brydle and imprison ourselues and receiue the doctrine in suche wyse as Sainct Paule hath vttered it namely that God hath put vs all vnder sinne to the intent we should resort to him for mercie But it is not ynough that God hath so determined it in his secrete purpose it was requisite also that the determination shoulde be published and knowen For vntill such time as men perceyue themselues too be condemned they will still be weltring in some vayne selftrust and boast of themselues as we see too much The Scripture therefore must be fayne to bring vs to this vnderstanding that euery of vs may condemne himselfe for a sinner as it were with his owne mouth yea and that we do it vnfeynedly And why Bycause it is by beleeuing that we obteyne the promis that is to say the rightuousnesse that is freely promised vs. In the sayd text of the eleuenth to the Romanes whych I alledged euen now Sainct Paule sayth to the intent to shew mercy vpon all but heere he sheweth that it is not for all men to be partakers of it in generall For
the end we shoulde knowe that onely fayth ought to suffice vs to the atteyning of saluation without seeking any other meanes one way or other too helpe vs. VVhat shoulde wee desyre more than that God shoulde acknowledge vs for his children VVill we needes haue an ouerplus added too so inestimable a benefite Ye see then that our full felicitie and perfect glorie is that we haue leaue to call vppon God as our father not doubting but that seeing he hath receyued vs into his fauour hee will also handle vs as his owne children But howe shall we come by that Saint Paule sayth it is onely fayth that maketh vs parttakers of that dignitie Then let vs conclude that the Lawe can nothing aduauntage vs or else it must needes bee that wee bee woonderfull couetous yea and as good as out of our wits to desire more than too be the children of God The Angelles are greatly honoured in the holy Scripture and yet the cheefe tytle that is giuen them is that they be the children of God Now seeing that we we I say poore wormes of the earth in whom there is nothing but filthynesse no nor aught but corruption of sinne bee matched with the Angelles insomuch that God openeth vs the kingdome of heauen and intendeth too haue vs fellowes with them who bee vertues are nere about him seing I say that we be made partakers of that glorie shall we be so presumptuous to seeke I wot not what moreouer Truely it is not onely fayth that maketh vs to obteyne that benefite VVherfore lette vs learne to renounce all other meanes that may bee set before vs for when men offer vs any other helpes as though the fayth that we haue in him were not sufficient it is but a turning of vs away from our Lorde Iesus Christ That then is Saint Paules meaning But wee shall neuer conceyue the frute that is conteined in this texte except we alwayes beare in minde that by this worde Fayth S. Paule meaneth to exclude all the desert worthinesse that men suppose or imagin thēselues able to bring with thē vnto God VVhen they will needs go through with the matter by their owne power and vertues It is all one as if they would cut off a peece of the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ But he cannot be rent in peeces or deuided Therefore all the working of our saluation must come of him alone and we must not skulk heere and there nor seeke bywayes but come right forth vnto him by the streyte way of fayth Herevpon S. Paule addeth that beeing baptised in Iesus Christ we haue put him on And this is too take away a doubt that might be cast heere namely howe it is possible that we should become the children of God seeing that that dignitie is peculiar to our Lorde Iesus Christ For whereas he is called the Sonne of God the Apostle sheweth that that tytle cannot be verified of the verie Angels of heauen True it is as I haue sayde heretofore that they be named the children of God howbeeit that is not without an addition So is it out of doubt that there is not any creature to whom that dignitie belongeth But nowe seeing that Iesus Christ is the only sonne of God howe doth the same extende vntoo vs S. Paule declareth that it is by reason of the vnion that is betwixt him and vs according as it is sayd in the .xvij. Chapter of S. Iohn Then if we were not one with our Lorde Iesus Christ surely wee should haue none acquaintance at all wyth God for we be quite cutte off from all hope of lyfe by sinne Yea and wee must needes be as deadly enimies vnto him and he vnto vs till hee haue altered and renued vs. Howsoeuer the worlde go beeing separated from Iesus Christ and considered in our owne nature we bee vnworthie too be called men and therefore much lesse can we boast that God is our father But here as I sayde Saint Paule intended to assoyle that question saying that by Baptisme we be clothed with our Lord Iesus Christ And this similitude of clothing is verie ryfe in the holy Scripture and it betokeneth in effect that Iesus Christ is our apparell or rayment whereby all is couered and buryed that might make vs to be reiected at Gods hand and grace is purchased vnto vs so as he doth not any more sift vs and search vs in our selues but accepteth vs as if we came in the very person of his owne Sonne To be short Saint Paule ment to shew here the vnion that is betwene our Lord Iesus Christ and all the faythfull which are the members of his body And like as all the substance of a tree commeth from the root and al the powers and abilities of a natural bodie come from the head euen so is it betwene the sonne of God and vs. For as I haue sayd alredy we haue not so much as one drop of the heauenly life but of his inspyring or breathing into vs. Therefore if we will come vnto God and be partakers of the holy Ghost and of the giftes that belong to the endlesse life let vs be in Iesus Christ and not thinke our selues to be any thing or aught worth of our selues And for the same cause our Lorde Iesus Christ in the sayd text which I alledged out of the xvij of S. Iohn setting out the true and perfect happinesse of his fayeth Father I pray thee that they may bee made one with vs. Ye see then that the way for vs to get out of the dungeon of death wherein we were drowned is to be vnited to our Lord Iesus Christ by the bond of fayth Now S. Paule sayth that that is done in Baptisme Not that all they which are baptized are true members of Iesus Christ in deede for we see the cleane contrarie insomuch that there are some which vnhallow and defile all the holinesse of Baptisme and are giltie of high treason too God bicause that whereas they professe to holde of Iesus Christ they despyze and spyte him and are as dung and filthinesse too marre all things Baptisme then maketh vs not all Christians and againe wee knowe that too bee made the childe of God is too great a benefite to bee fathered vppon a corruptible Element VVhat is the water Too say that the water begetteth or regenerateth vs againe and that thereby we be deliuered from death and obteyne the glorie wherein God lyfteth vs vp too himselfe as say I a peruerting of all order But first of all let vs marke here that when Saint Paule speaketh of Baptisme he presupposeth that we receyue the thing that is offered vnto vs in it Many that are baptised do wype away the grace of God and notwithstanding that it be offered them yet they make themselues vnworthie of it through their vnbeleef lewdnesse and rebellion Thus yee see that the power of baptisme is disfeated in many men But when there happeneth
see anon how he rebuketh them as sharply as may be insomuch that he calleth them witlesse And how can these things agree togither It is for that on the one side he intendeth to aduaunce the grace of God which had bin opened in that Church and that on the other side he was faine to scoure away the vices that were in it as neede was VVe see then hereby that when God hath planted his Church in any place it followeth not by and by therefore that all things are to be commended there and that there is nothing but all godlinesse in it as the Papistes imagine who vnder the name of the Church would faine couer all their abhominations yea euen the most horrible and diuelishe abhominations in the whole worlde As howe The Church say say cannot erre she is the bryde of Iesus Christ she is the piller of truth Yea but in the meane while looke vpon the Churches of Galatia VVhat sayth the holy Ghost of them by the mouth of S. Paule Among them there were Renegates that had renounced the Gospell there were as foule and outrageous heresies among them as could be Then let vs vnderstand that we must neuer bee so tyed to men as not to condemne their faultes when they come to the scanning but that all things must be made subject to Gods worde and euerie thing be condemned that is not agreable thervnto so as nothing may hinder God from hauing his authority continually and from putting all things vnder foot which agree not with his word but that men do condemne them vtterly abhorre them Furthermore let vs not ceasse to draw those continually vnto God which haue any enterance alreadie And although we perceiue them to be weake or stepped aside out of the way yet let vs alwayes set forth Gods grace that it may growe and bee strengthned more and more in them vntill we be all gathered thither as we bee dayly called that is to wit to our Lorde Iesus Christ Now let vs fall downe before the Maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faults praying him to make vs perceyue them more and more and that we may be so touched to the quicke as we may mistyke of them and so imbrace his grace as it may be more and more increased in vs and we be hilde vp and susteyned in our weaknesse by his hande vntill he haue brought vs to the holy perfection of the heauenly kingdome which is purchased for vs by the meanes of our Lord Iesus Christ And so let vs all say Almightie God our heauenly father c. The. 3. Sermon vpon the first Chapter 6 I maruell that you are so sodenly caried avvay from him that had called you through the grace of Christ vnto another Gospell 7 VVhich is none other thing but that there are some vvhich trouble you and vvould ouerthrovv the Gospell of Christ 8 But if I my selfe or an Angell from heauen tell you othervvise than I haue tolde you cursed be hee WEe see here more openly the thing that I haue touched alreadie this morning that is to wit that Saint Paule spareth not the Galathians although he mind not too shet them out of the gate of saluation For inasmuch as his meening is to bring them backe to repentance it is good reason that he should set the grace of God before them as a thing common to them But yet for all that he flattereth them not but rather rebuketh them for their faults and specially for the ouergreat lightnesse that was in them in giuing eare to deceyuers which came vnto them to disguize the doctrine of the Gospell And to make them perceyue their owne vnthankfulnesse the better he sayth that he wondereth to see them caryed away so soone and so easily from the heauenly calling and how it cōmeth to passe that they could be so quickly thrust out of the way continue yet stil in their doing seing that they had already felt tried Gods grace in our Lord Iesus Christ For inasmuch as he labored to bring thē back againe he sayth not at the first dash that they had turned away from the Gospell but that they had bin ouercome by that temptation And afterwarde he addeth that the same was nothing else but that those buzibodies intended to ouerthrow the truth of God For ther is but one pure doctrine of the Gospell like as there is but one Iesus Christ vpon whom the same is grounded so as it is not in vs to forge a newe Gospell but whensoeuer any bodie goes about too mingle any thing with the pure seede which we haue of our Lorde Iesus Christ it is nothing else but an ouerthrowing of Gods building This in effect is the thing which is conteyned in this first sentence of S. Paules But here he might seeme to bee ouer sharpe and rough in finding fault with the feeblenesse of the Galathians seeing they neuer ment to forsake the gospel nor yet Iesus Christ who had bin preached amōg them Howbeit S. Paule passeth not for their opinion but hath respect to the matter in it self which is that as sone as men turne aside from Gods truth by and by they forsake Iesus Christ and make themselues strangers to him Many men woulde thinke this strange according as we see there are many that woulde faine mingle the light and darknesse togither And specially the confusion that is in Poperie is a very notable example hereof for ther ye shall heare men make wonderfull protestations of holding still the Christian faith wherin they haue bin baptised But yet for al that it is apparant that al is turned vpside down for al superstitions reign there and besides that there is too manifest Idolatry yea and that as grosse as euer was any among the heathen By reason wherof al reuerence of God is as good as quite abolished there bicause euerie man makes himselfe a Sauiour in steade of our Lorde Iesus Christ But now will the Papists lustily replie that they be no backsliders nor haue forsaken Christ Yea but our Lorde Iesus Christ is no Ghost he cannot transforme himself after the appetites of men To be short he cannot be separated from his Church VVhensoeuer the Papistes vtter this saying they robbe Iesus Christ of all authoritie For say they if there were but one Mediator what shoulde become of the Heesaintes which are patrones and of the Sheesaintes which are our Aduocates ▪ if any man speake to them of the sacrifice wherby our Lord Iesus Christ hath once purchased perfect righteousnesse for all the faythfull VVhat say they and must not Masse be sayde euery day and Christ be offered vp newe againe there too appeaze Gods wrath If a man tell them of the free forgiuenesse of sinnes and what shall become say they of our owne satisfactions whereby we deserue to haue pitie at Gods hand Againe if a man say too them that all our goodnesse commeth of our regeneration through Gods spirit and that
there is nothing but spottinesse rebelliousnesse in vs till God haue changed vs how so answer they and what shall then become of our own free will To be short Iesus Christ shal be named oft ynough and men wil reserue vnto him the title of Redemer But in the meane season his office shal be parted and put too the spoyle and euery man shall catch a portion of it too himselfe Besides this they imagine that the Saints and Angels of heauen are as patrones to them and finally they haue infinit wayes to their owne seeming wherby to come vnto God But herevpon we may well conclude that the holy Ghost doth iustly auow them to be backsliders and to haue giuen ouer Iesus Christ and to be become strangers to him For they falsly abuse his name Iesus Christ is not variable according as wee haue seene howe S. Paule in the seconde to the Corinthians sayd that we shall not finde yea and nay in him but that he will continue alwayes at one stay To be short whatsoeuer the Papists bable concerning Christianitie is altogyther hypocrisie and leasing and they doo but falsifie the name of Gods sonne and abuse it wickedly For they make a mumrie of it or rather an Idoll Yee see then why Saint Paule blameth the Galathians for beeing so caryed away Nowe if a man demaunde the reason howe it was in that some woulde haue made them to obserue the ceremonies of the lawe as things necessarie and yet had God commaunded them Yea verely howbeeit that was but with a temporall condition for the people of olde tyme so as they muste of necessitie haue all ceassed at the comming of our Lorde Iesus Christ Forasmuch therefore as the Galathians mingled the olde figures and shadowes of the lawe with the cleare light of the Gospell Saint Paule being not able too suffer it sayth that they were turned aside from God yea and vtterly falne away from him But there is yet a worse thing than that namely that the grace of our Lorde Iesus Christ was thereby disanulled bicause men doo always beare themselues in hand that they deserue and earne righteousnesse before God to be in his fauour for their seruing of him and so when these deceiuers had brought in the said error that men ought to kepe the old forworne figures it was all one as if they had threaped a meritorious seruice vpon God whither hee woulde or no. But our saluation must bee of free gift or else Iesus Christ is nothing woorth I terme it saluation of free gift bicause it is giuen vs simplie of God so as wee bring not any thing with vs to the attaynment thereof but onely an eager desire too be filled wyth the thing that wee want Therefore it standeth vs on hande too come as poore beggers vntoo God if wee mynde too bee iustified for our Lorde Iesus Christes sake For if wee imagine neuer so small a droppe of deseruing in our selues it stoppeth vs from comming too our Lorde Iesus Christ And not without cause dooth an auncient Doctor say that wee cannot receyue the Saluation that is offered vs in our Lorde Iesus Christ except wee haue first dispatched the mynding of our owne desertes and acknowledged that there is nothing but vtter wretchednesse in our selues Thus yee see why Sainct Paule had yet more iust reason too say that the Galathians were caryed away from Iesus Christ and from his father But there was yet this clogge more namely that they were made too beleeue what other men lysted and thereby brought in subiection too a slauishe bondage too bee robbed of the quietnesse of conscience which wee ought too haue in our Lorde Iesus Christ For besydes that wee bee reconcyled by the sacryfize of hys death and passion wee bee also set free from the rygor of the law vnder the which wee were hilde in bondage As for example according as we shall see more fully hereafter for as nowe I do but ouerrunne matters whereof we shall see a larger discourse afterwarde Ye know howe it is sayde in the lawe that whosoeuer performeth not al that God commaundeth to the vttermost point shall be accursed But it is impossible for vs to attaine too such perfection Therefore it stoode vs vpon too haue freedome purchased for vs by our Lorde Iesus Christ that the Lorde might not any more holde vs vnder his yoke whiche was intollerable as it is sayde in the fifteenth of the Actes Nowe wee see in effect why Saint Paule blameth the Galathians for falling away lyke periured persons towardes God and towardes our Lorde Iesus Christ as hauing gyuen him the slippe and forsaken the fayth whiche they had plighted vntoo him And by this example wee bee warned to holde vs to the pure doctrine and simplicitie of the Gospell wythout wauering one way or other For it is not ynough to haue the name and title of Christians no nor yet to beare the marke of baptisme but we must continue stedfast in the doctrine of the Gospell For as I haue sayd heretofore our Lord Iesus Christ cannot denie himselfe and when we haue dreamed this and that of him yet must we bee fayne to knowe him for such a one as he is giuen vs of God his father Nowe the Gospell sheweth wherefore he is come what his office is the benefites that wee receyue by him and what hys power is towardes vs. And therefore if wee haue not the pure and single doctrine wherein our Lorde Iesus Christ was manifested vnto vs surely wee haue nothing at all and whensoeuer wee haue once bin instructed in it wee must holde it still too the last pushe For if we swarue neuer so little from it there will bee nothing but vnfaythfulnesse in vs. And in good sooth it standeth vs on hande to bethinke vs of the horrible fall wherevnto we were tumbled with others when wee were plunged in so many errours trumperyes and Illusions of Satan that Iesus Christe was vtterly vnknowne too vs. Seeing that God hath nowe of his owne infinite goodnesse plucked vs out of such a bottomlesse gulfe let vs settle our selues too haue a constant and fast fayth that wee bee no more shaken like Reedes with euery winde but abyde fast in the roote of the Gospell grounded vppon the inuincible power of our Lorde Iesus Christ And againe seeing that in him all Gods promises are yea and Amen and haue their truth in him so as they be performed there let our fayth also abyde stedfast there This is it that wee haue to remember in this saying of S. Paules Furthermore to put the Galathians to the greater shame hee setteth before them their calling by grace These woordes from him that hath called you maye bee referred as well too Iesus Christ as too GOD the Father for there is no great difference in the matter But in the meane time we see in effect what Saint Paule ment too say Therefore hee casteth the Galathians in the
teeth with theyr lewdnesse in that they had so much the lesse excuse of their shrinking aside after that sort considering the goodnesse that God had shewed vpon them For if God call vs although it were too summon vs too our confusion yet ought wee too obey him bycause we bee his creatures It becommeth vs to bee subiect too his authoritie and howsoeuer hee dispose of vs it is alwayes our duetie too say beholde Lorde I am at thy pleasure so that too vse any shrinking away when God calleth vs is an vtter peruerting of all order Much more when God not onely calleth vs vntoo him but also setteth all the treasures of his goodnesse before vs in our Lord Iesus Christ and sheweth that hee seeketh nothing else but too make vs his owne by gyuing himselfe so wyllingly vntoo vs when God I say vseth such bountifulnesse towardes vs as ought too rauishe all our wittes vntoo woondering muste wee not needes bee too too lazie if wee shrinke backe Moreouer if wee fortune too wander too and fro after wee bee once come vntoo him wee shall haue so much the lesse excuce and feele the sorer and horribler condemnation as I haue touched alreadie Nowe then wee see what is imported in thys saying where Saint Paule maketh mention of the grace that the Galathians had bin called too And out of doubt wee in these dayes are muche more blame woorthie than the fathers that liued vnder the lawe if wee continue not in the pure doctrine of the Gospell without turning asyde from the things that are conteyned therein For albeeit that God called the Fathers too saluation vnder the lawe as well as vs now yet was not that calling with so open and abundant vtteraunce of the ryches of his mercie as wee haue it in our Lorde Iesus Christ Therefore let vs looke well about vs and seeing hee hath alreadie made vs too feele his grace let the same stirre vs vp and inflame vs too bee the bolder too haue an inuincible courage too continue in the same calling vntill wee bee come too the place wherevntoo God allureth vs. So then if wee compare our selues with the great number of misbeleeuing and ignorant soules it is certain that our vnthankfulnesse wil be so much the greater as Gods grace hath shewed it selfe larger and deepelier vnto vs. VVee shall see many sillie soules straying heere and there and yet ceasse they not for all that too be subiect too damnation For he that hath offended without lawe shall perish without Lawe Now for asmuch as God hath declared his will so freendly vnto vs and that togither with the vse of discretion wee haue also the doctrine of his Gospell which as I haue sayd heretofore serueth too shew vs that our damnation shall be more horrible if wee labour not too dedicate ourselues wholly vnto him by meanes whereof our bonde becommeth so muche the streighter S. Paule addeth another circumstance whiche is that it came too passe very hastely For certesse it was a horrible thing that the Galathians hauing bin taught by the holy Apostles own mouth should bee so corrupted as long as he was alyue Yee see then how it was the more too their blame that within three or foure dayes after their receyuing of the Gospell they were fleeted away and had mingled many false opinions with the truthe of God But although they had continued in the truthe some good whyle after Paules decease yet dothe it not followe that their so doyng might haue bin a sufficient discharge for them if they had fallen away afterward For as the truth wherevppon our fayth resteth is euerlasting although bothe heauen and earth doo passe away so must our fayth hold out too the end and not hang eyther vppon the lyfe or vpon the death of any man but haue hir ankerhold fastened in heauen Therfore if wee chaunge at any tyme whither it bee to day or too morrow wee shall bee the more too blame and our vnthankfulnesse shal be so much the shamefuller And truely the thing that S. Paule setteth downe heere in the persone of the Galathians is seene nowe adayes too much For such as haue gotten some smattering of the Gospell will bee wearie of it within a twoo or three yeares if there come no new chaunge in the meane tyme. For they haue itchyng eares and wee see many fantasticall persones become backesliders and bycause the truth of the Gospell liketh them not they would alwayes be fleeting haue I wote not what new stuffe brougtht in too feede them in their fond speculations VVe see othersome greeued bycause they perceyue that the Gospell aduauntageth them not too the worldward yea and there are some that turne away bicause they see it is an occasion too make them too be persecuted and too purchace them many enemies or else they starue as they thinke whyles other men prosper and fare well Thus yee see howe Iesus Christe is forsaken of many howbeit not from the father too the sonne but by reason that such as haue shewed him a fayre countenance are suddainely chaunged and fleete away from him within a twoo or three yeares or at leastwyze within halfe a score yeares after So muche the more then ought wee too marke well this doctrine bycause it is spoken too vs and also too thinke vppon the reproche which Ieremie layd vnto the Iewes Go your wayes intoo farre Countries sayeth he runne beyond sea see what other people doo euery man keepes him too his owne Idolles and yet there is no Godhead in them Satan beguyles them vnder colour of deuotion and they be so settled in the same as they cannot by any meanes bee turned away from it Now at leastwyze bee you as constant as they seyng that God hath shewed himselfe too you and you know his will fully and certainly Let vs beware that the lyke bee not sayd too vs now adayes for wee see the ouerearnestnesse of the Turkes in their Religion And although the Iewes bee no better than vncleane Dogges yet are they stiffe still in maynteyning the authoritie of their Lawe As for the Papistes they haue nothyng but dotages so beastly as it is horrible too see euen children are able too iudge of them and yet for all that wee see howe they burne with furious zeale too maynteyne their treacheries But as for vs the Diuell doth no sooner holde vp his finger but by and by wee gad after him it shoulde seeme that euery of vs watcheth too spie if there come any newe toy and the least occasion in the worlde will by and by shake vs and scare vs out of our way and thereof wee fee too many examples euen here without goyng any further So much the more therefore doth it behoue vs too marke the blame that is layd heere by the mouth of Sainct Paule agaynst the vnconstancie of suche as turne away from God specially so soone after he had called them to the grace of our Lord Iesus
by his authoritie Yee see then that the inestimable benefites whiche are comprehended in the Gospell are these namely that men are reconciled vnto God that the gate of Paradice is opened vntoo vs and that our Lord Iesus Christ is giuen vs for our heritage so as we bee made pattakers of all the benefites that he hath powred vpon vs and that he hath warranted our endlesse Saluation Now were it not better that the whole world should sinke and perish than that all this should bee ouerthrowen That therfore is the cause why S. Paule telleth vs that all such as come too set troubles after we haue bin faithfully taught and that all such as bring in any curiosities or foyst in this or that of their owne brayne do turne men away from the kingdome of God and from his royall seate too the intent that they should not any more be gouerned by him nor the Scepter of our Lord Iesus Christ be any more lifted vp among them too their saluation Nowe if wee set so much store by Gods honour as wee ought to do or esteeme it a precious thing too bee parttakers of all heauenly benefites or if wee make account of our owne welfare ought not euery of vs too shunne those troublers and too cast them out as deadly plagues of the world when they come among vs and fall too abolishing of the whole Maiestie of God and of the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ and consequently of our saluation also Thus yee see in effect that the thing which wee haue too marke heere is that wee must sticke with so earnest a minde to the Gospell as wee may not suffer our selues too bee thrust out of the way by any meanes nor abide that any man should trouble our wits by bringing in any new thing more than was afore Although the men bee neuer so skilfull suttle sharpwitted and eloquent yet let vs shake it off euery wit as accursed if it go about to turne vs from the purenesse of the Gospell That is the thing whiche Sainct Paule teacheth vs heere And when he hath spoken so he addeth that if he himselfe or an Angell came too preach any other Gospell than that which the Galathians had heard and vnderstoode they shoulde shake them off hold them as accursed excommunicate them and take them too be as Diuelles Heere wee see that S. Paule is as yee would say whote to mayntayne the stedfastnesse of the fayth to the intent we should not by any meanes bee shaken from it and that is not without cause For we see what frayltie is in vs and not only frayltie but also fondnesse and rebelliousnesse which are yet woorse At the first blush if a man teach vs Gods woord and that wee be not touched with it in good earnest we will thinke it the straungest thing in the worlde for the doctrine will alwayes seeme foolish too mannes wit as wee haue seene heretofore And what is the reason Euen our fondnesse bycause our wittes are wandering and rouing and wee bee naturally bent and foreward too leasing and desire as it were wilfully too bee beguyled Now then seyng that our wittes are so marred it is no maruell though wee lyke not the woord of God or though it haue no enterance intoo vs for all our lustinesse is but rebelliousnesse and whereas we thinke our selues to haue reason we be stark blind and to be short it is not for nought that the scripture sayeth that men are nothing but vanitie and leasing yea and rebelles too God so as they draw alwayes backe from that wherevnto God calleth them But put the cace that God had done so much for vs as too draw vs too him and to make vs taste that his truth is the thing wherevnto it behoueth vs too hold our selues and that we were so tamed that there were no more wilfulnesse in vs but that wee were ready to yeeld him all obedience yet is there such a fraylnesse and vnconstancie in vs that the Diuell shall easily thrust vs out of the way euery minute of an howre And hereof wee see experience euen in those that had bin as mirrours of holinesse so as yee would wonder to see them sodainly chaūged and gone from the right way And what is the cause of it As I sayd afore although we be in a good forewardnesse yet can we not hold our owne long but that we shall by and by go cleane awrie except God worke in vs and amend our frayltie Thus ye see why S. Paule doth with such maiestie maintaine the doctrine of the Gospell and the occasion therof was giuen him by the Galathians for they were thrust out of the way by reazon that they were borne in hand that it behoued them too keepe the ceremonies of the lawe S. Paule therefore beholding suche an example and image of mens infirmitie and ouer great lightnesse sayeth that the beleefe of the Gospell must surmount all that wee can conceyue and that wee must not bee remoued from it nother by the knowledge nor by the great cunning nor by the eloquence of men in somuch that euen though the Angelles of heauen shoulde deale with vs in that cace wee shoulde take them too bee but Diuelles But howe soeuer the cace standeth this were verie straunge VVhat The Angelles of heauen And agayne what is it that Sainct Paule speaketh of His owne preachyng Hee fayeth not singly the Gospell of Christe but the Gospell which I haue preached vnto you And ought that too haue preheminence aboue all the Angelles of heauen First and formest we see that it is too no purpose too magnifie the doctrine of the Gospell in generall and vndistinct termes but wee muste also therewithall bee sure which is the same doctrine To be short there are many among vs that can well ynough mocke at the fondnesse of the Papists but if a man poze thē in the principles which euen yong children ought too know perfectly they can no skill of them and so that one of them bee talking of one man and another of an other all is one too them they haue no discretion they make such a hotchpotch of the matter as if a man should iumble salt and water and mustarde and verie wee all togither Yee see then that they can well ynough confesse in generall termes that the Gospell ought too bee preached but in the meane whyle they know not what the Gospell is Nowe too correct such faults S. Paule sayeth Namely the Gospell that I haue preached vnto you And hereby as I sayd he sheweth vs that wee ought too know what substance is contayned in the doctrine that is set foorth vnto vs in the name of God to the intent that our faith may bee fully setled vpon it so as wee may not bee fickle minded to bee tossed with euery winde nor go at all aduenture too alter our purpose an hundred times a day but that wee may stand out too the end This is in effect
commes to a Sermon let him beare well in minde that he which preacheth speaketh not of his own authoritie but in the behalf of our Lord Iesus Christ whō God his father hath appointed to be our iudge And to what ende is Iesus Christ our Iudge To the ende that euery of vs should condemne himselfe and that hauing so passed condemnation we should resort to him to be quit Now then if a mortall man couer my sinnes for some loue that he beareth to me will the heauenly Iudge spare me bicause hee spareth me VVere it not better that he which hath the charge to teach me should condemne me shew me my faults to the end I might be sorie for them and learne to mislike of the thing that would bring me to destruction Ought not I to take the profer while God hath his armes stretched out to receyue mee and while Iesus Christ commeth before me offering me vp to God his father as an acceptable sacrifice of sweete sauor And so must it not needes be that wee are as good as mad and bewitched by Satan if we cannot abide to haue our sores rubbed and bewrayed that we may be brought to that which is for our welfare If a man please a sicke bodie what will become of him Shall hee giue him drinke euerie minute of an houre Shall he giue him wine whereas hee shoulde giue him water Shall hee giue him Sallets It were the next way to poyson him Too bee short it is certayne that a man doth alwayes seeke hys owne death when hee woulde haue men too soothe him But nowe whiche is the better either that he which hath the ordering of a sicke man should yeeld to al his desires or that he should bridle him notwithstanding that he chafe at it and gnash his teeth and storme bicause hee may not haue hys owne will in his desires But it is certain that if there be inordinate desires in sick folkes there are much more inordinate desires in vs. VVhat would become of vs thē if they that haue the charge to bear abrode Gods word and ought to play the phisitions had not a care to kepe vs frō the things which they know to be hurtfull to vs and to minister the things vnto vs which they know to be for our welfare For surely if they should sooth vs in our affections it were the way to cast vs quite downe This in effect is the thing that we haue to consider when S. Paule speaketh of his affection Now he addeth the second argument namely that he had not his gospell of men but by reuelation from heauen He confirmeth still his matter in that hee sayth that neither Peter nor Iohn can haue any such reuerence in their owne persons as that men shoulde be bounde to hearken too them as of themselues for that is reserued to God alone and to our Lorde Iesus Christ and they must not haue any companion Then sith it is so let vs learne to loke vp when the cace cōcerneth the certeintie of our fayth and let vs surmount all that is in this world and quite and clene giue ouer men And though they be neuer so excellent yet let not our faith rest here beneath nor vpon any creature but let it be grounded vpon God The Papistes will say we be full of pride and statelinesse for that wee will bee wyser than all the worlde Truly if we rested vpon our owne wit and weening or vpon our owne opinion it were too great a pryde But forasmuch as wee walke in humilitie shrinking downe from all our owne reason and wisedome and acknowledging that we muste bee fooles in thys worlde if wee will obtayne the wisedome of God Seeing I say that wee haue suche a modestie and sobernesse in vs and attempt not too knowe more than is lawfull for vs but in the meane whyle doo so magnifie Gods doctrine so that wee can defie all that is of the world that loftinesse must needs be good for it is the thing wherin God will be glorified Therfore we may defie the Crosses Myters Gewgaws of the worlde and all the hornes of the Pope wherby he aduanceth himself against God I say we may defie them yea and abhorre them as things full of filthinesse and infection whereby oure mortall enimie Satan goeth about to poyson vs. And therewithall let vs bee so setled vpon Gods truth as wee may tryumph ouer all that is agaynst it assuring our selues that our fayth must get the vpper hande of all that euer setteth it selfe agaynst it to batter and beare it downe the which thing to do Satan neuer forgetteth too torment vs as much as is possible But if wee bee once strengthned in our God let vs not feare that wee shall bee vanquished by all his temptations for we bee sure that as long as God is on our syde we may esteeme all that shall come of creatures to be no better than smoke Now let vs fall downe before the maiestie of our good God with acknowledgement of our faultes praying him too make vs feele them more and more till we be vtterly rid of them and that so long as we haue to liue in this worlde he will beare vs vp in our weakenesse till hee haue remedyed it and we bee throughly reformed according to the perfection of his righteousnesse wherevnto he calleth vs. And so let vs all say Almightie God our heauenly father c. The. 5. Sermon vpon the first Chapter 11 But brethren I do you to wit that the Gospel which vvas preached by me is not of man 12 For I receyue it not of man neither learned I it but by the reuelation of Iesus Christ c. WEe saw this Morning that all suche as haue the charge office to teach in gods Church must forget all lyking and fauour of the worlde for otherwise they can neuer discharge theyr duetie faythfully considering howe men doo alwayes desire and couet too be flattered and cannot abide to haue their faultes rebuked as they ought to be Thereupon I tolde you also that euery man must rid himselfe of all fleshly affections that they maye become true disciples of our Lorde Iesus Christ For so long as we shall follow our owne lustes the gate shall bee shette agaynst vs and wee shall neuer haue any enterance in vntoo the Gospell And truely we see howe the Prophete Esay speaketh thereof Hee sayth that all such as will haue men to preache pleasurable things to their lyking doo dryue away God as farre off from them as they can True it is that they will not speake after that sort For euen in the Countrey of Iewrie euerie man protested to serue the God that was reuealed too their father Abraham and which had published his law by Moyses Sacrifyzes were offered in the Temple and there were fayre shewes ynowe there Neuerthelesse the Prophete concludeth in one woorde that men were desirous too bee soothed and fayre spoken too and by
meanes thereof coulde not suffer God too guide them nor giue him leaue too lay hys yoke vpon theyr necke Ye see then that the meanes for vs to bee prepared too receyue the doctrine of the Gospell and to bee edified by the same is that wee bee not wedded too our owne lykings but suffer our Lorde Iesus Christ to speake the things that are expedient for our instruction Howbeeit besydes this wee must also bee as it were wounded to the heart by the worde that is preached to vs or else wee shall neuer fare the better for it For as I declared this morning it is not without cause that the Gospell is lykened to a sharpe swoorde and it behoueth vs verely too bee made true sacrifizes by renouncing all our owne lustes and all other things which God condemneth and too indure the same paciently too the intent too bee wholly brought backe too the obeying of his will And heerewithall we must also call to minde what hath bin treated of heeretofore that is to wit that all men as wel great as small must stoupe and the sonne of God muste haue the preeminence and maysterhood in such wise as there may be no mo Sheepherdes but hee and wee all of vs bee his sheepe True it is that suche as haue the charge too preache the Gospell may well bee called Sheepheards howbeeit that is not for that they maye doo any thing in theyr owne name and authoritie or that the same shoulde impeache the superioritie of the sonne of God For as for mee whiche doo speake heere nowe I muste not bring ought of mine nor aduaunce my selfe aboue others for my speaking vnto all this companie is in such wise as my doctrine must first be applied to my self and afterwarde beare sway ouer all other men without any exception For there is no highnesse in the worlde which can exempt it selfe from the subiection whiche all of vs owe too the sonne of God according as wee haue seene heeretofore howe it is the propertie of the Gospel to bring downe all the glorie of the world so as men may not presume too set vp theyr bristles nor too chalenge ought to themselues but that such as weene themselues too bee most excellent maye be vtterly abaced and made nothing and all things bee made captiue to the obedience of the Gospell And that is the cause why Saint Paule too confirme his doctrine declareth that it came not of men nor was learned in their scholes but that hee had it of our Lorde Iesus Christ concerning whom the father gaue commaundement that men shoulde heare him For that prerogatiue is giuen peculiarly vnto him and ought not to be communicated neither to any man nor to any Angell of heauen Good reason it is that men which speake as instruments of our Lorde Iesus Christ shoulde be heard but as I tolde you before that is not to impeach the authoritie which he hath ouer vs. But howsoeuer the cace stande the certaine and infallible rule to attaine to saluation is that our Lorde Iesus be the onely master and teacher and that we be teachable to receyue his worde without gainesay or replying And Saint Paule thinkes it not ynough that he holdeth the things of Iesus Christ which he hath published but also he vtterly reiecteth excludeth men in that behalfe to shew that the authoritie of them were not sufficient to ground and settle our fayth vppon For wee shall neuer leaue staggering till we bee come vntoo God and vntoo that person whom hee hath stablished as heade and cheefe teacher ouer vs. Nowe whereas Saint Paule sayth that hee telleth it them it is not for that the Galathians and others had not heard the like afore but bicause they had bin vnthankfull so as they had bin intangled in many errours and paltryes Therefore hee bringeth them backe againe too the well head as if he should say vntill such time as men haue full concluded with themselues too suffer themselues too be gouerned simply by the pure woorde of God they shall bee alwayes in a mamering and the Diuell shall no sooner rayse vp any trouble agaynst them but they shall bee so dismayed as they wote not which way too turne them For it behoueth vs too bee first of all sure that as touching the doctrine wherevppon our fayth is settled wee holde it of God and not of men True it is that all men shall not haue the like reuelation that Sainct Paule had but it ought too suffize vs that our Lorde Iesus Christ hauyng ratyfied the Gospell wyth his owne bloud and also commaunded his Apostles to publish it abrode hath giuen them such proofe that the doctrine which wee receyue of them is of full authoritie and vtterly out of all doubt this say I ought to suffize to holde vs as it were in prison and too keepe vs from admitting anie of all the things that men can alledge But let vs also call to minde what the Apostle telleth vs in the first too the Hebrewes namely that God hath lastly spoken to vs by the mouth of his owne sonne to the intent we shoulde haue all perfection of doctrine in him Ye see then that the thing which we haue to beare away is that the reualation whereof Saint Paule speaketh here shall not bee common to al other men but serueth to warrant the doctrine which we haue receyued by his meanes so as wee see it is our Lorde Iesus Christ that hath spoken And whereas hee excludeth men after that sort it is to shewe vs that our Lorde Iesus Christ doth not giue vs some bare enterance as if a man shoulde teache a childe his Apcie and afterwarde sende him to a better learned mayster Our Lord speaketh not so by halues vntoo vs but in full perfection insomuch that both in lyfe and death we must alwayes stand stedfast in the things that we receyue of him and forsake whatsoeuer commeth of men for all mingling will bee but corruption as I tolde you thys morning And that also is the cause why he exhorteth those that speake in the Churche too holde fast continually the Maiestie of God and not too bring in ought of their owne nor too put foorth any thing whiche breedeth of theyr owne brayne For in what cace shoulde wee bee if men myghte intermeddle themselues wyth our Lorde Iesus Christ and euery man caste in his morsell and coluppe as they say and that wee mighte haue a Gospell stuffed with mens dreames and fancies It woulde bee nothing else but a horrible confusion Yee see then that our Lorde Iesus Christ hath not his authoritie among vs vntill men bee put downe and all other creatures with them and that all giue eare vntoo him fro the least too the moste This in effect is the matter which wee haue to beare in minde And in deede wee see howe that in another Text too the Corinthians Saint Paule declareth that he had preached the perfect wisedome
VVherefore lette vs put away all such pryde and confesse that wee bee beholden too God for all things Howbeit let vs also consider therewithall that Sainct Paules rehearsing of this chaunge is too assure vs throughly that the doctrine whiche he deliuered vs in his lyfe and which wee haue nowe still in wryting is not of this world nor forged of his owne brayne but a thing wherevnto he was prepared of God And wee haue neede to bee grounded vppon suche a certaintie for else whereas our fayth ought too gette the vpper hande of Satan and of all things that are agaynst our Saluation it should alwayes stagger yea and bee but a waueryng opinion But nowe let vs see a little what battelles wee haue too indure If wee leaned vntoo men what shoulde become of vs what steadinesse would there bee in vs Seyng wee bee dayly assayled with so many temptations that by all lykelihood wee should bee ouerwhelmed and perishe as for example in that our nature is so wholly inclined too distrust too lying too vanitie and too deceyt and againe in that we haue so many lustes which are as stormes whirlwindes to ouerthrow all our fayth were it possible for vs too stand or too haue any constancie if we were not grounded vpon God and knew that the doctrine which wee followe is the pure truth that proceedeth out of his mouth Then standeth it vs on hande too haue that first of all True it is that among the Papists men wil content themselues with some imaginacion For it is ynough with them too beleeue as the Church beleeueth as they say Howbeit in the meane whyle the Diuell holdeth them in his nettes and they be like sillie beasts that are starke blind But as for vs wee muste bee out of all doubt that we be taught of God and that the woord which we follow is his Therefore it behoueth vs to giue eare too the preaching of the doctrine which was brought by S. Paule and therewithall too consider that S. Paule did not thrust himself in of his owne head but that God serued his owne turne by him as by an instrument that he had ordayned too that purpose Thus yee see wherevntoo it behoueth vs too referre that which is spoken heere For had S. Paule followed Christianitie from his childehood or had he learned it at schoole truly it had bin a gift of God but then had not we had such an open auouchmēt and euident record as we haue by his chaunge in that of a rauening woolfe he became not onely a sheepe but also a sheepeheard and whereas he had bin a deadly enemy of the Gospell now he is become a seruant of our Lord Iesus Christ wheras erst he had nothing in him but blasphemie crueltie pryde and rebellion wee see he hath the zeale of Gods spirite he hath all humilitie and meekenesse Seyng then that wee perceyue so great and suddayne a chaunge it is as much as if God had vttered his power of purpose that S. Paule should not be taken for a mortall man And verely for the same cause also did God take vp Moyses intoo the Mountayne and keepe him there by the space of fortie dayes when he intended too haue his lawe published For had Moyses foorthwith preached the things which he knew by reuelation surely he had discharged himself of his duetie as a true seruant of God but the thing had not bin knowen too be so excellent as it was in that God kept him fortie dayes vppon the Mountayne and afterwarde made him come downe with a shyning face so as mē could no more abyde too looke vppon him without dazeling of their eyes than too looke vpon the brightnesse of the Sunne but he was fayne too put a veyle before him Therefore all these things serue too proue that he deuised not the law of his owne head but was as an Angel of heauen yea and muche more excellent than an Angell for somuch as God had ordeyned him therevntoo In lyke cace is it with the Apostles for Iesus Christe could well haue chozen such as had bin exercyzed a long whyle aforehand in the Lawe and holy Scriptures and had some countenance to the worldward and had already purchaced some reputaciō and degree among men but he choze poore sillie soules and handycraftes men without any learning at all and yet notwithstanding made them too speake after suche a straunge fashion that through the eloquence and hyghnesse of knowledge which was in them they passed all suche as had bin esteemed moste skilfull and sharpwitted in the worlde VVee see then that by Gods so suddayne chaunging of them their doctrine was made of so much the more authoritie vntoo vs. Euen so standeth the cace concerning Sainct Paule That then is a thing which ought too confirme vs and when soeuer wee bee taught by that whiche hee hath left in wryting let vs assure our selues that God speaketh too vs and that he was the instrument of our Lorde Iesus Christe He addeth furthermore that he did not then commune with flesh and bloud that is too say with any mortall man but went streytwayes into Arabie where be abode three yeares and from thence returned too Ierusalem too see Peter and sawe not any other of the Disciples than him and Iames. Herein it might seeme at the first blushe that S. Paule had to greatly disdeyned the rest of the Apostles For although he had the knowledge of the Gospell yet might he well haue bin more confirmed and the consent and agreement that Gods children haue among themselues doth strengthen them the more as wee finde by experience It seemeth then that Sainct Paule disdayned a meane that was fit for himselfe and might haue stoode the whole Churche in good steade But there was a speciall reason that drewe him the other way which was that men should not surmyze that it came to passe by worldly meanes for it was not yet sufficiently knowen Then if he had gone too Ierusalem and communed with the Apostles men woulde haue sayde this man is in s●me doubt and therefore he went thither too dispute and in the ende was ouercome And so it would haue bin thought that it had bin of mannes doyng and the glorie of God had bin so much darkened thereby But when as Sainct Paule had bin a man full of crueltie that sought nothing but too abolishe the memoriall of the Gospell a sheader of the bloud of the Martyrs a blasphemer of God and an inforcer of the poore weakelings too renounce Iesus Christe when as men sawe him too bee such a one that is too say as a man besides himself with such rage as he would neuer leaue till he had borne downe the Gospell and yet notwithstanding sawe him so chaunged in one minute of an hower and noman spake to him yea and blinded and beaten downe too the earth so as he lay there lyke a poore dead man and afterwarde was rayzed vp agayne as it were
out of his graue and his eyes by miracle opened so as God sente a man vntoo him of no greate fame named Ananias who baptized him strengthened him and made him too receyue the vis●ble tokens of the holy Ghost and that therevppon he went his way into Arabie a countrie where Iesus Christe had neuer bin spoken of afore for although the Iewes had bin somewhat dispersed yet was the Gospell vtterly vnknowen I say when wee see howe Sainct Paule went that way too woorke who is he that can say that he learned aught of men or that he had bin wonne too it by disputation or by reason or by any other maner of worldly meanes at all Nay rather wee shall bee constrayned too graunt that what soeuer was too bee found in him was of Gods putting intoo him That then was the speciall reason why Sainct Paule communed not with the Apostles And truely heere he speaketh of them as it were in way of skorne terming them flesh and bloud Howbeit it is not a defacing of the giftes whiche they had receyued of God when wee make comparison betweene our Lorde Iesus Christ and them And wee ought too marke that well For when wee speake of men surely they may well bee called fleshe and bloud as wee see they bee called in the firste of Iohn Yee see then that men of their owne nature are nothing but corruption And for asmuche as they would fayne presume to much of their owne wisedome and power or of their owne rightuousnesse and courage therefore too put away all that pryde and fonde ouerweening God sayeth VVhat are yee fleshe and bloud Yea and sometymes by this saying flesh and bloud the holy Scripture meaneth this sinfull nature of ours whiche wee haue since the fall of Adam For wee haue no more the vncorruptnesse that was in vs but contrarywise wee bee vtterly ignorant or rather beastly and there is nothing but filthinesse in vs so as wee be not able too doo any thing that is aught woorth furtherfoorth than God gouerneth vs. Lo in what wize we be termed flesh and bloud And therefore it is sayd that our beyng inlightened in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ commeth not to vs by heritage nor is had of flesh and bloud but that we bee mad● the children of God through his begetting of vs newe agayne by his holy spirite yea euen after a speciall maner For wee woulde holde altogither with the worlde if he should let vs alone too our selues Againe in the sixtenth of Sainct Mathew it is sayde that fl●she and bloud had not tolde Peter and his fellowes that Iesus Christ was the sonne of God but the heauenly father Thus ye see how men are called flesh and bloud namely when they bee compared vntoo God to shewe that wee haue not ought but corruption in vs. True it is that our soules are immortall neuerthelesse the Scripture speaketh so of vs in way of contempt to the ende wee shoulde bee voyde of presumption But as for the Apostles they were alreadie regenerated by Gods spirite and therefore there was more in them than fleshe and bloud as wee haue seene by the Text last alledged Yet notwithstanding whensoeuer they bee compared with God then must al that is of our owne nature be comprehended vnder the termes of fleshe and bloud And why For else it shoulde come in question too knowe whether the Apostles might by their owne woorthinesse and excellencie preiudice the Gospell as the foresayde troublers pretended to shrowd themselues withall But Saint Paule sheweth that if God withdraw that which is his there shall remaine nothing either in Peter Iohn or Iames but that they be the sonnes of Adam as other men are so as there is nothing in them but corruption So then let vs not abuse the gracions giftes that God hath put into them to deface the Maiestie of him and the Gospell Thus ye see after what maner Saint Paule speaketh here of the Apostles For wee haue heard howe hee sayde heeretoofore that if an Angell from heauen should gainsay the Gospell he ought to bee hated and cursed as if hee were a Diuell And how so Is it meete that men should speake so reprochfully of the Angels which are so noble creatures and which are called the heauenly principalities and powers of God It is no wrong at all too doo so too them when it commeth to the yeelding of soueraine dominion too our Lorde Iesus Christ who is their heade for it behoueth them too be placed vnder him Therefore let vs not thinke wee haue anie wrong offered vs though we were troden a hundred tymes vnder foote so it bee to the exalting of Gods name and that our Lorde Iesus Christ may haue his dutie and supremacie reserued vnto him so as hee may bee heard both of great and small and all men submit themselues too him in true obedience of fayth Nowe herevppon we may gather howe blinde the wretched Papistes are in honouring the Apostles and Martyrs in such wise that God is robbed of his honour and seruice insomuch as it should seeme that all that belongeth and is reserued to him is put to the spoile and pray among them For what difference make they betweene him and hys creatures And besides that our Lorde Iesus Christ is as good as buryed bycause they plucke awaye the office from him that was giuen him For in sted of beeing our Aduocate too giue vs enterance vntoo God his father and that wee shoulde go right foorth vntoo him if wee intende too haue our prayers and supplications heard they haue sette vp an infinite multitude of Aduocates Patrones and Intercessours and Iesus Christ is Iacke out of office Nowe when wee see that the creatures haue obteyned such honour among men that by that meanes God is as it were thrust backe and his worde borne downe thereby we perceyue that the Diuill hath turned all vpside downe Therefore how soeuer the world go let our esteeming of men be after such a sort as God may hold still that which is his owne and if we compare him with his creatures let vs consider that all is but vanitie and whatsoeuer commendation they haue here the same is a recorde which God giueth vs of hys loue to the ende we should keepe onwards vnto him and he be exalted Yea and let vs consider that we cannot honour God as he deserueth but by submitting our selues to his worde For all they that make many Ceremonies to beare men in hande that they desire to serue God are mislyked of him vntill such time as they be subdued to him and also to his worde And that also is a cause why S. Paule stryueth for the authoritie of the Gospell For hee thinkes it not ynough too haue God and Iesus Christ talked of but hee will also haue euerie man to receyue the doctrine conteyned in the Gospel without gainsaying And heereby wee see how that nowadayes all Religion is decayed and
fayth which we hold by his teaching And although there be not nowadayes any such shamelesse persons that labor to deface him or to abolish the authoritie of his Apostleship yet doth not that doctrine cesse to be for our profit As how VVee haue seene already howe Sainct Paule hath sayde that if the Angelles of Heauen should steppe vp too preache a Gospell contrarie to the Gospell of our Lord Iesus Christe we should hold them accursed And euen at this day the same is good for vs. For wee may defie Satan and all the misbeleefe and wylinesse of menne and all the trashe and subtileties which they haue to thrust vs from the singlenesse of our fayth I say wee may defie euerywhit of it And why For Gods woorde hath suche a Maiestie in it selfe that all things that can bee set vp agaynst it are but smoke leazing and filthinesse Nowe then if wee take it for a generall rule that nother Peter nor Iohn may diminishe the Maiestie of the Gospell it will serue vs for a buckler too warde all things that can bee alledged in these dayes too shake vs withall according also as wee see that diuerse weakelings are thrust out of the way by that it is sayde vntoo them howe nowe wee see that the wyzest menne of the worlde the men of greatest skill the Prelates and suche as haue the gouernement of the Churche toogither with the Kings and Princes sticke too the fayth that hath bin receyued of long tyme and too the olde accustomed maner of liuyng Thus the poorer sorte haue their eyes bleared and their wittes vtterly dulled and their hartes discouraged by meanes whereof Gods truthe is forsaken so as it hath nother credite nor reuerence among them and in the meane season these maskers gette the vpper hande and flaunt it as who woulde say that men shoulde make Idolles of them and woorship them in despyte of God Then sith it is so wee see it standeth vs on hande in these dayes too bee armed with the doctrine that is contayned heere in Sainct Paule which is that God will haue vs too receyue his woorde without gaynesaying and that when our Lorde Iesus Christe came downe intoo the world he was ordeyned too bee our Mayster with condicion that euery of vs shoulde herken too him and sticke too the things that he speaketh without adding aught too or diminishing aught from that whiche it pleased him too shewe bycause the full perfection of all wisedome is in him VVhen wee once knowe this wee may despyze all the gewgawes that menne can lay before vs. And if menne tell vs that the greatest men the wyzest men the richest men and the men of authoritie of this worlde doo liue so or so ●ee may answer yea marie but when all comes too all what are they in comparison of God VVhen creatures come before him they muste all vanishe away for when soeuer there is that Maiestie giuen too Gods woorde whereby he intendeth too trie whither wee honour him or no it is certayne that wee will receyue all that proceedeth out of his holy mouthe Nowe that woorde is conteyned in the Gospell in so much that when we haue once graunted that God is too bee obeyed wee muste no more runne ouer sea or lande too seeke what his will is for wee haue a sure and infa●lible warrant of it in the Lawe Prophetes and Gospell Sith the cace standeth so wee see it is not without cause that the holy Ghost woulde haue this doctrine too continue too the worldes ende And furthermore wee bee warned therewithall too reste vppon God without wauering at euery blast of winde according as wee see how the Diuell stirreth vp much varietie of opinions whiche are as whirlewindes and tempestes too dryue vs too and fro But let vs learne too bee settled vppon God and then shall wee stande out too the laste brunt For if wee hilde our fayth of Iohn or Peter it woulde bee but a leane fayth bycause they were frayle creatures and wee knowe that man is subiect too leasings and vanitie Therefore it standeth vs on hand too haue a much substantialler and surer groundwoorke and foundation than all that is too bee found in this worlde And so for asmuch as wee knowe that God hath taught vs in the persone of our Lorde Iesus Christe and that men haue bin no more but the instrumēts thereof it behoueth vs too mount vp vnto God That is the way for vs too apply this doctrine too our owne instruction where Sainct Paule sayeth that the Apostles added not any thing vntoo him Neuer the later it is not ment that he de●pyzeth them or that he intended not to profite with them for he liked very well of that yea and imployed himselfe by all meanes therevnto and hild no skorne too bee taught euen of the meanest sort as wee haue seene But his intent was that Gods woorde which he had preached should abyde firme and thervpon he putteth the wisest men in subiection too it and the men of greatest countenance in the world and such as bare greatest shewe and reputation in the Churche to the end that Iesus Christe should keepe his preheminence still and men haue an eye vntoo him and not vnto men but ground themselues altogither vpon one selfsame fayth and say that for asmuch as the Sonne of God is sent vnto vs to shewe vs the will of God his father it is not lawfull for vs in any wyze too doubt of the thing which wee receyue of him Thus yee see what wee haue too doo at this day And whereas Sainct Paule sayeth that he passeth not what the Apostles were bycause God regardeth not mennes persones thereby he sheweth that he ought not too bee counted inferiour too Iohn or Peter for that he had bin an infidell and not beleeued in Iesus Christ at such time as the other Apostles did already preach the Gospell For the manner of the world is that they which come firste should bee first serued Sainct Paule therefore perceyuing that the same might bee some preiudice too his doctrine sayeth that men must not looke what a one he had bin afore or what the other had bin afore And yet his meening is not that he ought not too looke backe too humble himselfe continually or that the giftes of grace which God had bestowed vppon Iohn and Peter should not bee esteemed and commended as they were prayse woorthie for we see that in other places he termeth himself a poore thing borne out of time and confesseth himself too bee vnwoorthie to be counted in the number of the Apostles ▪ Sainct Paule then did not as a number of hypocrites or rather shamelesse persones do who all their lyfe long haue bin eyther whoremongers or drunkardes or looce liuers and of a beastly cōuersation and yet for all that doo but wring their mouth at it and say tush men must not inquyre what I haue bin But surely men must not looke too haue any other
hath good reason to hold them so at the staues end and if there were no law nor any such promis what would come of it VVe know that the heathen men would alwayes needes bee in Gods fauour for their owne vertues sake and yet in the meane while they knewe there were many faultes in them and for that cause they reteyned the vse of sacrifising It is true that they vnderstood not the end of them yet neuerthelesse their sacrifising was a playne confession that they were indaungered vnto God and had neede to be admitted into his fauour Likewise the Papistes do at this day packe togither a great deale of pelting trash to make attonement with God And so ye see that the heathen men did at all times keepe the same trade which the Papistes keepe at this day But howsoeuer they fared their intent was to bee saued at Gods hand for their owne deseruings Howbeit God telleth vs that if we thinke he oweth vs any thing of duetie we deceyue ourselues notwithstanding he promiseth of his owne free goodnesse that if we keepe the law we shall be reckened for rightuous before him But now do we keepe it No we come farre short of it in somuch that if we consider how much we fayle of it we must needs be abashed at it Yee see then how it is not without cause that God hath giuen vs that promis though we reape no profit nor aduauntage by it For it hath a respect to the correcting of the pryde wherewith we be so sore infected that wee must be clenzed of it by some violent remedie or else we shall burst And what remedie is that Behold God talketh to vs thus Go to yee murmur at me if I handle you not after your own lyking but I tell you that I will not only poure out my graciouse giftes and benefits vpon you in this worlde but also do lay vp an euerlasting heritage in store for you so yee serue me Serue me and make me a good account and then shall you be sure that I will recompence you both in this life and in the lyfe to come Gods speaking after that manner is to none other ende but to stoppe mennes mouthes and to make them acknowledge that if God punish them and send them neuer so many afflictions it is ryghtly done in somuch that all such as shall haue well sifted their owne liues shal be driuen to confesse yea euen vnfeynedly Alas if we be not worthie to eate bread for the sustenance of this transitorie life vpon earth how can we by our own deserts get the heritage of heauen whiche is a glory that belongeth only vnto God How can we atteyne to it by our owne strength Yee see then that mens combes are quite cut by Gods giuing of this so large and liberall promis vnto them And therewithall wee haue too note that the same promis is free of itselfe and yet fare wee neuer awhit the better for any peece of it till we haue vtterly let go our hold of it This would be darke if it shoulde not bee layde foorthe more at large The heathenmen as I haue sayde alreadie did fully perswade themselues that they should be recompenced at Gods hand if they liued after an honest and vnblamable fashion among men But that was great follie or rather starke madnesse For howe can God become indetted vntoo vs as it is tolde vs in the seuenteenth of Sainct Luke Though men could do better than the Angelles of heauen coulde they bynd God too them by it No for they bee his aforehand by nature accordingly also as our Lorde Iesus Christe alledgeth the similitude of a seruant not of suche seruants as are now adayes but such slaues or bondmen as were in those dayes If a bondslaue had bin slayne a hundred tymes for his master yet was it at his maysters will whither hee shoulde liue or dye still Therfore our Lorde Iesus Christ maketh his allegation in this wyse Go to ye bee but poore mortall creatures yourselues and yet if any of you haue a bondslaue hee will holde him as an Asse or an Oxe and when the seruant after sore trauell and labour with great payne all the day long returneth home at night his master will not make him too sit downe at the table with him for he hath done no more than his duetie and that which he was bound to do Now then shall God be of lesse authoritie or in worse cace than mortall mē For somuch as you are his although you indeuer to walke in his obedience yet can he not be any whit beholden to you And so as I haue declared alreadie wheras God hathe sayd in his law that he which doth these things shall lyue in them what moued him to such bountifulnesse as to promis vs euerlasting lyfe It was not for that he owed vs any thing Kill we ourselues a hundred thousand tymes to serue him yet cannot that bind him too yeeld vs any recompence Howbeit of his owne superabundant goodnesse he commeth and sayth Although I owe ye not any thing at all nor you be able to bring aught that may deserue any recompence for you be bound vnto mee in all poynts and all respects yet will I rewarde you for your labour Go to therfore settle yourselues to your duetie and do the things that I commaund you and you shall not be disapointed of your paiment Thus ye see in effect what wee haue too remember as I must tell you yet once agayne hereafter Now the Papistes will welynough graunt this in part but not commonly For the most part I meene of those that are the Popes right champions can no skil of those principles at this day Yet wil some of thē graunt that wheras God hath in his law promised the reward of lyfe to such as serue him it is to shewe that works are not of such value as to deserue euerlasting life but by reason of the promis But presuppose that God hath bound himselfe as he hath done and then they thinke that wee deserue and why For else say they Gods promising that he whiche doth those things shall liue in them is in vayne But they like wretched beastes as I sayd afore consider not that God sayeth it not to shew that men are able to purchace saluation by their owne deserts but rather to hold them conuicted and to bring them to true humilitie which they shunne continually through their foolish ouerweening and vain gloriousnesse Now then we see that Paules meening is in effect that if we go about to be iustified by the law and by our own works we must not leaue any thing behynd nor forget any thing for it is sayd he that doth all those things shall liue in them But now where is that mā which is so forward that he can boast of the full discharging of his dutie towards God None but hipocrities that are besotted in their owne diuelish pride or heathenish folke that skorne
of the Church at the comming of the anoynted and so were they also which had heretofore bin separated a great way off not only from God but also one from another Now wee see S. Paules meaning Howbeit that we may profite the better by this text let vs marke that as God hath giuen vs his Lawe by the Angels so shall they beare witnesse agaynst vs if the Lawe beare no sway with vs and that wee make none account of it but doo as it were treade it vnder our feete Then shall the Angels bee armed too aske vengeance at Gods hande agaynst our wickednesse and rebellion For it was no babes play when God willed his Angels too bee present and assisting at the publishing of his Lawe Therefore it was to the ende it should bee receyued with all reuerence Nowe it is true that wee can not perfourme all that the Lawe commaundeth and if wee should stande vpon that poynt wee should bee plunged into euerlasting death and vtterly ouerwhelmed in dispayre But first of all seeing that God is so gracious too vs as too teache vs his will too the ende wee should discerne betweene good and euill let vs bowe downe our neckes and receyue the yoke that God layeth vpon vs to make vs subiect vnto him Let that serue for one point And for as muche as the Lawe dooth quicken vs and cheare vs vp when wee bee hartfrosen and when there is suche slouth and slownesse in vs as wee can not come vnto God Let euery of vs looke well too him selfe and early and late call too minde Gods commaundements to reproue our selues withall Then let vs bethinke our selues better seeing that the Angels keepe watch and warde about vs will not now after that God hath giuen them in charge to authorise his Lawe suffer vs to despise it and misuse it as if it were a thing of nothing Furthermore as touching that the Lawe curseth vs let vs assure our selues that although men commende vs and clap their hands at vs for ioy yet shall we be put to shame before the Angels of heauen Then if 〈◊〉 whole world fauour vs it is nothing For to what ende was it Gods will that all his Angels should appeare togither at the publishing of his law but to teach vs to be ashamed of our sinnes and therby to humble vs in good earnest that wee might seeke all our welfare in our Lord Iesus Christ And moreouer where as it is sayd that our Lorde Iesus Christ was the mediator of the Lawe let vs assure our selues that if we resort wholly to his grace wee shall not neede to feare that the law shall haue any more power to condemne vs yea or to reigne ouer our sinne For we must beare in minde howe S. Paule in the first to the Corinthians sayth that the law is the strength of sinne and doth so sharpen sinne as it woundeth vs deadly Seeing it is so then surely if we had not the thing that is shewed vs heere for our comfort we should be striken with such feare as wee could not bee sure of our saluation though the promises were offered vs in our Lorde Iesus Christ For wee would alwayes matche the contrarie things agaynst them and lay the Lawe in balance with them saying VVhat was not the Lawe giuen of God But God condemneth vs by it Therefore although our Lorde Iesus Christ steppe in too helpe the matter yet doothe it not seeme that wee bee escaped So shall wee alwayes bee in trouble But if we consider howe our Lorde Iesus was the mediator in the publishing of the lawe it sheweth vnto vs that if he bee our aduocate at this day it will bee a good and sufficient discharge for vs in so muche that although God haue pronounced his sentence of cursing agaynst vs yet wee must not be dismayde at it nor so ouerpressed with hartgreefe and anguishe of mynde as though the mishiefe were incurable but assure our selues that our Lorde Iesus Christ wyll very well agree too doo bothe twayne that is too wit bothe make vs ashamed that wee may learne humilitie and therewithall also make vs sure of our saluation And therefore let vs learne that whensoeuer wee bee beaten downe there is none other meanes too rayse vs vp a●gayne but too know that the selfe same person which was ordeyned to bee the mediator for the publishing of the lawe is now manifested vnto vs at this day with the same commission and will make vs too perceyue it by experience Further let vs marke that he is not a mediator for 〈◊〉 one nation alone but for al the whole worlde in as muche as all of vs are the creatures of God True it is that wee were after a sorte cut off from him by the sinne of Adam But our Lorde Iesus Christ is come too make vp the breache agayne that was both in heauen and in earth as I haue alledged already out of the first chapter to the Colossians Seeing it is so then let vs not doubt but that God accepteth vs as heires of his promise in asmuch as he acknowledgeth vs for the spiritual children of Abraham And although there bee great diuersitie betweene our dayes and the time of the ceremonies whiche serued too separate the one from the other yet let not that hinder vs from comming vnto God For why God is one Although then that there bee bothe Iewes and Gentiles although there bee many diuers Nations among men although their languages bee diuers their maners and trades of liuing contrarie and euery of vs hath so muche varietie and inconstancie in himselfe that we haue no holde of our selues yet let vs rest vpon God for he is alwayes one He hath giuen vs his law he hath giuen vs his Gospell and let not vs think that there is any contrarietie in that cace but that all agreeth very well Only let vs suffer our selues to be ruled by him that we may come to our Lorde Iesus Christ And howe may that bee doone By beeing cleane ridde from all pride by beeing abashed and ashamed by misliking of our selues and by perceiuing that there is nothing in vs but death Then shall wee come too our Lorde Iesus Christ knowing that God the father accepteth vs if we holde that way VVhy so For he is alwayes one and his giuing of the lawe was not too disanull or impeache the promise that he had made afore Likewise his reuealing of his grace more fully vnto vs in his Gospell was not for that he wist not how to make his law of force towards vs and to put it to the right vse and purpose of it that we might haue a rule wherby to liue well but that whereas wee were accursed by it wee might knowe howe there is none other remedie for vs but by beeing blissed agayne in the seede that was promised from time to time in whose hande our welfare was stablished that is to wit by comming to our Lord Iesus
vs now shall wee be wiser than he Howsoeuer the cace standeth the very cause why mens wits haue bin so tickelishe to deuise store of Ceremonies in the Christen Churche was that they sawe so much rudenesse among the common people Yea mary say they it is good reason that there should be this that Baptisme were to simple a thing if there were nothing else to bee seene in it but water and that water would not bee sufficient For there are a great number of lay folke which are so dull that they vnderstande not what that misterie meaneth that is to wit that we be renued by our Lorde Iesus Christ Therfore there needeth oyle and creame to represent the holy Ghost as it were in a visible figure Besides this there needed light and a white Chrisome and salte and eft one thing and eft another Very well thus was baptisme dayly decked yea in the opinion of men but all of them are but defilings for did not our Lorde Iesus Christ who is the incōprehensible wisdome of God his father knowe well inough what should be for our profit Shal men come creeping like little todes and seeke I wot not what and beare them selues in hande that the things which our Lord Iesus Christ hath ordeyned are vnperfect and that they will take in hande to make them perfect As muche is to be sayd of all the rest Specially the Supper of our Lorde Iesus Christ hath not only bin corrupted and maymed but also vtterly defaced by the diuelishe abhomination of the hellishe masse For they make it to be but an ordinarie matter to take a bit of bread to drinke three sippes of wyne Gods word willeth vs to looke to the promise namely that wee be made partakers of the body and bloud of our Lorde Iesus Christ when wee receyue his holy Supper with true fayth and obedience and that in him onely lyeth the foode of our soules But contrariwise men haue bin fayne to apparell themselues like players in an enterlude therwithall to vse so many murlimewes as it was a shame to beholde them and what was the ende of al Mary ●ir it was a sacrifice for the remission of sinnes both of quicke and dead VVherin yee see howe our Lorde Iesus Christ is berefte of his priestly dignitie which was giuen him of God his father euē with solemne oth that he should neuer haue any successor but yet for al that the Papists make him a thousande thousande successors And what maner of men I pray you Surely if they were Angels of heauen yet ought they to bee taken for diuels But their choyce is of al the vermin of the world of all the rascals and of all naughtipackes and shall wee say that suche a rable are the successors of our Lorde Iesus Christ And yet neuerthelesse yee see what the Papistes alledge for their couert namely that men must needes haue some helpes bicause of their infirmitie And thereof came all the residue of their superstitions as for example when they did set vp their Idols and puppets they termed them the lay mens bookes But wee see that all their malapertnesse is confounded heere when S. Paule bringeth vs backe to the order that God hath set bicause wee must all wholly holde vs too it and there rest So then will wee not disclayme the heritage of heauen whiche our Lorde Iesus Christ hath purchased for vs Let vs followe the gouernement which God hath set downe in his Church and assure our selues that God will supply al wants Howe rude or rawe soeuer wee be he can well skill too drawe vs to him Yea so we keepe the beaten way for as for them that haue so mingled and turmoyled things and pyled vp suche a heape of Ceremonies they haue so little remedied their infirmities therby that they haue rather estraunged themselues quite and cleane from our Lorde Iesus Christ For wee know that men are of their owne natures too muche inclined to visible things Therefore by taking vp many ceremonies men are so intangled so snarled so depely drowned in them that afterwarde they forsake God and our Lord Iesus Christ If any man alledge why so Had not the fathers of olde time many ceremonies also too helpe their infirmities Yes but all theirs were reuealed too them by God For first it was tolde them that the patterne of all those things was heauenly as it is sayde in the .xxv. of Exodus And it was shewed too Moyses in the mountayne too the intent they should not muse vppon these present and corruptible things And when God sawe they were too muche giuen vnto them wee see howe he rebuked them sharply by his Prophets saying away with your sacrifices fye on them for thinke yee that ●●ake pleasure in your cutting of the throtes of beastes in hope too pacifie mee thereby as thoughe I were an hungred or a thirst Thinke yee that I haue neede of suche helpes Yee see then that God dyd alwayes drawe his people from superstition notwithstanding that there were many ceremonies ordeyned which was done for the necessitie of the time For it was requisite that there should be figures and shadowes in the absence of our Lorde Iesus Christ according too S. Paules saying who telleth vs that the fathers of olde tyme were by that meanes directed too seeke Christ but nowe that he is come wee haue no more neede of any suche thing As for example if a man bee away from mee so as I can not come too the sight of him and I would fayne haue a representation of him too finde him out by I must at leastwise haue an Image that may resemble him but if I see his body present and may beholde him face too face I neede no more any Image or counterfet too paynte him or expresse him more liuely vnto mee Euen after the same maner the fathers of olde time had many figures and shadnwes bicause our Lorde Iesus Christ was not yet reuealed But nowe that he shineth vpon vs and sheweth him selfe as the daysonne of rightuousnesse so brightly vnto vs were in not a wilfull burying of him agayne if wee woulde needes haue figures still And for that cause also was the vayle of the Temple rente a sunder at hys death For now a dayes wee may enter in familiarly vntoo God and offer him our spirituall Sacrifices that is too wit our prayers and petitions and that is bicause wee haue the very body and substaunce as Sainct Paule sayth in another texte to the Collossians Now then wee see that all they which haue forged new deuises after that sort haue vtterly corrupted and falsified the Gospell and haue tied towels and napkins before mens eyes too keepe them from the seeing and knowing of Iesus Christ as they ought to haue done and as was requisite for their saluation And therfore it is certayne that all they which busie them selues about such gewgawes do in steade of seeking Christ
any worthinesse that he pretendeth in himself He hath an eye onely to the doctrine It is sayd firste that he was receyued as an Angell of God And why not For the same title hath bin giuen too all such as haue had chardge too beare abrode the doctrine of the Lawe and of much more reason ought too bee giuen to the publishers of the Gospell for there God vttereth his maiestie and power muche more than he did in olde time vnder the Lawe For asmuch then as God appoynteth mortall men to speake in his name and authoritie it is requisite that they should be acknowledged to be his Angelles that is to say Messengers or Ambassadors for the woord Angell betokeneth none other thing And in good sooth too what purpose were the doctrine which wee heere if it came not of God It were much better that we preachers were dumbe and speechlesse and that the heerers were deafe and blind than to stand herkening to a man that were not sent of God For the chief honour that God requireth at our hands is that we should be whist and herken to his woord yeelding him all authoritie and holding our selues bridled and captiue as vnder the royall scepter wherevnto he will haue vs too submit our selues Now if a mortall creature should vsurpe this to himself what a thing were it So then let vs marke well that S. Paule doth iustly compare himselfe with an Angell as in respect of his doctrine And why For he knewe well inough he had not forged it of his owne brayne but had receyued it of God And that also is the cause why he addeth as Iesus Christ. For surely our Lorde Iesus Christe will haue vs too receyue such as he ordeyneth too bee his ministers as if he himself were heere in visible shape among vs. He that he ereth you sayeth he heereth mee 〈◊〉 neuerthelesse it is certaine that he ment not too make idolles when he ordeyned his Apostles and such as should bee ministers of his woord He ment not that they should bee woorshipped in his steed for out of all doubte that preheminence is not to be giuen to the very Angelles of heauen and what shall bee done too vs then whiche are but dung and rottennesse Howbeit our Lorde Iesus Christ regarded not what maner of ones men are but ment too aduaunce his owne woorde too the end that all men should submit themselues too it Although then that wee bee but as brittle earthen pottes or rather already broken so as wee bee nothing woorth yet muste not the treasure of the Gospell which wee beare abrode bee therefore despyzed For when Gods woorde is preached purely vntoo vs it is all one as if he dwelte among vs and appeered personally vntoo vs and it behoueth vs too giue a proofe of our feare loue and obedience towardes him by receyuing his woorde though it come out of a mortall mans mouth And furthermore if wee holde skorne of the Gospell vnder colour and pretence that they which speake vntoo vs are nother Kings nor Princes ouer vs let vs assure our selues that that rebelliousnesse of oures heaueth at our Lorde Iesus Christe He that despyzeth you sayth he despyzeth mee and he that reiecteth you reiecteth mee And this is well woorth the marking For wee see now adayes that Gods woord shall bee so lightly esteemed vnder pretence of mens persones as it is dreadfull too behold And all suche as are loth too bee rebuked will by and by haue this answere in their mouth who are you Sir who made you my Prince As who shoulde say that God had not superioritie ouer vs nor might speake too vs by the mouth of his seruaunts A Prince may well ynough sende his officer or some such man as he listeth to chooze and although the persone bee of no countenance yet will he haue him receyued without doubting and men do so And when God who hath soueraine dominion ouer vs and sole preheminence ouer all the kingdomes and principalities of the world sendeth vs his seruāts whom he auoweth and will haue vs too giue them the heering if wee neuerthelesse do disdayne thē and in respect of their persones make none account of the message that he sendeth vs by them and therewithall alledge how now is this fellowe a 〈◊〉 what a presumptuousnesse were that If a man carie abrode Gods woorde ▪ faythfully and tell men that whosoeuer despizeth it setteth and aduaunceth himselfe agaynst God what say they this fellow makes himselfe God As who should say that God might not speake by those whom he hath appointed to be his instruments for as I haue sayd heretofore cursed mought we be if wee bring our owne inuentions It were muche better that wee were drowned a hundred times than that euer wee should go vp into the pulpet if we should not vtter Gods will faithfully and sticke too that which he commaundeth vs and draw it out of the cleere fountayne of his holy woord Should not these things be declared Thinke we that God can be bereft of the thing that is peculiar too him that is too wit of his truth No he and his truthe can neuer bee separated So then let vs abhorre the blasphemies of these naughtipackes which say ô he that speaketh will make himself a God If he require men too heere him without gainsaying namely when he is sure in himself that he bringeth not any thing whiche is not of God it is good reason that he should commend the authoritie of his mayster So then let vs not haue any acquayntance with these worldlings but let vs yeeld such reuerēce to our God that although suche as speake in his name bee of no estimation yet wee may not ceasse to obey the things that they set foorth with a true and lowly fayth Yet neuerthelesse we must also discerne betweene those that pretend Gods name falsly and make a vayne cloke of it and those that be faythfull dealers of his woord which he hath committed vnto them Looke me vpon the Pope with his whole kenell who are not ashamed to say that whosoeuer heereth them heereth Christ that he which reiecteth them reiecteth Christ for they alledge that saying of Christes he that heereth you heereth mee c. too authorize themselues withall But they that will bee receyued as Angels must doo the duetie of Angelles that is too say they muste bee true messengers of God in the name of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath sent them and they must hold all of him so as they serue him truly and seeke not soueraintie too themselues but that he may alwayes bee the shepeherd of the Churche and that the sheepe of his flocke may heere his voyce and follow him whither soeuer he calleth thē And as for them that be false 〈◊〉 peruerting the truth and vsurping superioritie too deface Gods woorde it is meete that they should be taken for such as they be in deede this hath bin shewed by that which
Yet notwithstanding we doo cleane contrarie For what else is the cōmon practise than to stoupe and stryke sayle when God is misdeltwith And yet in the meane while euery man will follow his owne right to the vttermost As for example There is a man that hath committed a very haynous crime he deserueth to be punished and if he be not corrected there is an euill gap opened to bring in corruption There is some mā of authoritie and to go no further they that ought to shew the way of saluation they that preach the worde of God euen they I say are seene to liue wickedly they be ribauds and lewd folke that serue to no purpose but to make confusion and debate And yet for all this they must not be cut off they must not be handled roughly will some say A drunkard a whoremonger a varlet shall be maynteyned To be short there shall be nothing but contempt of God the Gospell shall be vnregarded euery where and yet must all of it be suffered vnder colour that there must some clemēcie be vsed yea mary and in the meane while Gods honor must bee lefte at randon But if ye doo neuer so little touche these men that are so gentle or at leastwise pretende to be so by and by they fall out into deadly defiance saying why not suche a man hathe doone mee suche a wrong They fight it out to the vttermost VVell then they indure all things that can be at the har● of Satans vnderlings yea euen too bee buffeted and boxed about the eares by them with shame inough as Sainct Paule sayth in the seconde to the Corinthians and yet in the meane while they can not abide that God should be auenged of the dishonour that is doone vnto him Nowe then wee see that S. Paules zele was well ruled and if any man had doone him wrong in his owne person wee knowe he woulde haue beene pacient in that behalfe But now that he seeth Gods Gospell comming to suche an afterdeele he can not abyde that but setteth him selfe agaynst it wishing that suche men were damned Yea verily for he had no regarde of him selfe but as I sayde afore preferred Gods honor before all the whole worlde Thus ye see how we may be safe frō straying namely if we looke simply vnto God and giue not heede to our owne affections but bee gouerned by the spirite of vprightnesse and discretion so as God make vs too discerne how farre foorth wee must fight and how farre foorth we must resist Then if wee once haue such discretion and bee gouerned by the holy Ghost we may with S. Paule with Dauid with the residue of the holy Prophets defie men when they go about to turne vs away from the purenesse of the knowen doctrine yea and wee might curse the very Angels if neede were according as Sainct Paule hath sayde heeretofore where he defyed the Angels of heauen if they shoulde set them selues agaynst the doctrine of the Gospell that he had preached Not that the Angels doo euer set them selues agaynst it but that if it were possible for them to doo so As if he should say put the cace that an Angell shoulde go about to ouerthrow your fayth yet should ye rather sende him to hell and holde him for a feende and curse him than be turned aside from the right way by him Yee see then that wee must in all respects rest wholly vpon God and moreouer let vs bee afrayde of that saying as though we heard it thunder from heauen agaynst all suche as trouble the Churche For thoughe it bee but Paule that hath spoken it yet dyd the holy Ghost guyde and gouerne hys tung For asmuche then as he was the instrument of God to vtter the sayd sentence it is as much as if vnrepealable iudgement were alreadie giuen agaynst all suche as go about to breake the vnion of fayth and the agreement of brotherhood that ought to be among all Gods children and to sowe errours and heresies to falsifie the pure truthe Furthermore God sheweth how deerely he loueth vs as hath bin declared this morning wherein he giueth vs a warrant of the fatherly care which he hath of our saluation in that he taketh suche vengeance on all suche as would disappoynt the same And finally he sayth Brethren yee bee called too freedome onely make it not an occasion of fleshlynesse but serue yee one another in loue bicause it is the true fulfilling of the Lawe and the very squire also whereby wee must rule all our works Heere Sainct Paule sheweth first that his striuing is not too bring too passe that men might lyue at their owne ease and euery body sport as they list themselues but that wee might bee free before God And that is well woorth the marking For as soone as this worde freedome or libertie is spoken of euery of vs is so inclined to his fleshly lustes that by and by wee thinke with our selues very well then may I do what I list I am no more restrayned I neede not any more to thinke my selfe so much bounde nor to make so great scruple of conscience as I haue done Thus yee see howe that vnder the pretence of libertie euery of vs makes him selfe thrall to his owne affections For it is a pollicie of the Diuels to deceyue and beguyle vs in the things that seeme to bee good yea and to turne them to the cleane contrarie For as I haue declared heeretofore it is certayne that al such as couet to liue after their owne liking become wretched bondslaues and are hild in strayter bondage than such as are set in the stocks or manacles And why Let vs consider a little what tyrannie there is in our lusts passions If a man follow his owne lusts surely he must needes shake off al shame forget himself become a very beast Lo here the goodly libertie that all men seeke cōmonly by nature But I haue tolde you that the libertie whervnto S. Paule exhorteth vs is another maner of thing It is not that we should runne a● rouers and haue no bridle to holde vs in awe but that we shoulde consider what God requireth of vs and be ruled by his holy word none of vs become so lordly as to say this or that must be done For when men take vpon them to rule vs by lawes and ordinances of their owne making it is certayne that they doo but as yee woulde say make infinite cor●●s to strangle poore soules withall S. Paule then sheweth that the libertie which he preached for the mayntenance wherof he stoode so stoutly agaynst the deceiuers is not that men should ouershote thēselues take leaue to do what they list but that they might freely serue god be no more racked and tormented with vnquietnesse as we see poore ignorant soules to be who beeing hild fast in superstition are euermore in doubte and grudge of conscience making questions of
cause is this added for if we were not warranted that God accepteth our seruice though it be faultie we weake though we run not with such corage as were requisite euery of vs should be as it were beatē down and in the end wee should fall into dispaire as it happeneth to diuers who vpon the examining of their owne liues finding thēselues so vnperfect still far off frō God thinke thēselues not to haue profited at all and thervpon fall to chasing fretting finally become starke mad Truly we ought to go foreward to the sayd perfection and to labor continually for it but yet howsoeuer wee fare let vs not ceasse to seeke God though we cannot come at hym by reason of the great number of lettes and impediments though we now and 〈◊〉 make false steppes our wicked lustes hold vs backe hinder vs and lie sore vpon vs as I sayd let vs not forsake our way for all that though wee bee shaken now and then Although then that by nature we cannot keepe our way lustily to come vnto our God yet is it ynough that we fulfill not the lusts of our flesh for although we feele them although they be ouerstrong in vs yet if we ouercome them God accepteth it forgiueth vs all the whole default According wherunto S. Paul exhorting the faithfull not to cast downe their harts out of measure saith that the flesh reigneth not in vs. He saith not that wicked lustes and sinfull affections dwell not any more in vs for we shall neuer bee rid of them till it please God too take vs too himselfe Then till such time as wee bee out of this world there shall alwayes bee blemishes and spottes in vs and wee must be fayne too stoupe vnder the fardell of our sinnes and infirmities and that is too the intent to humble vs the more and to shew that our lyfe is a continual battell Moreouer although sin dwell in vs yet must it not reigne but Gods spirit must get the vpper hand of it and that shal be done when wee flee vntoo God with an earnest zeale praying him to remedie the euil which passeth our power to amend and in such wise too increase the giftes of his spirit in vs as wee may ouercome all things that do as it were hold vs downe Thus ye see what S. Paule ment by that saying in this text And he addeth therevnto that the spirit lusteth ageinst the fleshe and the fleshe ageinst the spirit so as we doo not the thing that we fayne would doo Here his meaning is to quicken vs vp to keepe good watch yea and too haue our harnesse alwayes vppon our backes as they say and too bee in a readinesse ageinst the enemye If wee were cleere from all vyces and that all men without gaynsaying dyd follow the thing that God commaundeth by hys worde wee shoulde not neede too streine ourselues much no more than the Angels of heauē who neede not to fight for they be ready to do al that is cōmaunded them Forasmuch then as there is no rebelliousnesse in the Angels therfore also they haue no striuing when they should giue themselues to the seruice of God for they bee wholly bent and inclined thervnto But S. Paule letteth vs that wee must not bee slouthfull in seruing of God And why for our nature draggeth alwayes ●●●ke and wee shoulde neuer loue goodnesse except wee were inforced and compelled to it Therefore men must inforce and constreyne themselues and mainteyne battell as against a deadly enimie when they intende to go forward in goodnesse And who bee our enemies Truly the diuell is the cheefe and he giueth vs terrible assaults But yet therwithall all our owne thoughtes all our owne affections all our desires are all deadly enemies that labor to bring vs to destruction Nowe if they fight against God it is certaine that they bee also against our saluation VVe see then how S. Paules meaning here is as though he had cried out alarū to shew that if Christians be either slepish or slothfull and think to serue God at their owne ease they beguile themselues that forasmuch as they haue battell vpon battell to indure without end or ceassing and Satan tempteth thē day and night walking about one while with wiles and treason and another while setting vpō them by open force to driue thē out of the way they must arme themselues throughly and enter into the incounter and hold it out to the end not loke to haue any peace or truce til God take them out of the world Ye see in effect what S. Paules doctrine importeth And this exhortation is more than necessarie for vs bicause most men think it ynough if they haue but some little deuotion or willingnesse to serue God and although they welter in much filthinesse al is one to thē and othersome repine when they see how hard a thing it is to rule their life wel And how is that possible God seemeth to presse vs out of measure for he seketh not what may please vs but rather condemneth it But how shal we bring to passe that we may put our selues to it For our inclination goeth clean contrary to his will It seemeth then that he mocketh vs when he preasseth so vpon vs and why doth he not giue vs another maner of nature than that Lo how diuerse men blaspheme God in hauing an eie to their owne sinfulnesse Howbeit to the end that none of vs fall asleepe ne thinke himself to haue performed al that God cōmandeth when we shall haue folowed some path halfe way nor be vtterly thrust out of the way altogither S. Paule sayth that the flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh In saying that the flesh lusteth he doth vs to wit that we shall neuer be able to serue God without disquieting bycause we shall haue many lets and be continually tēpted vnto euill Yea and whē we be●●eterminately bent to submit our selues wholy vnto Gods word and righteousnesse yet neuerthelesse the diuell shall euen then haue his ropes to draw vs one way or other Again he will in such wise amaze vs as our fleshly desires shall still be a hinderance to vs and not only that but also make vs too draw backe the cleane contrarie way so that when God calleth vs on the one side wee shall bee caried with a rage too the other side Nowe seeing that the flesh lusteth after that maner against the spirite let vs determine to fight manfully and let it not greeue vs so to do Although we ought to wishe to bee as Angelles so as there might be no striuing in vs but that al our abilitie might be imployed too the seruice of God yet notwithstanding whensoeuer wee bee letted to do well let vs learne to streyne our selues and to holde our selues as prisoners and althoughe the same fall out greatly to our discontentment yet neuerthelesse let vs go on still further
that poynt certaynely as I tolde you before wee shall indeuer too doo good to all men so as wee can not finde in our harts to breake the indissoluble bonde whereby God hath knit and vnited vs togither Therefore the furthest straungers in the worlde are neighbours neere inough vntoo vs though they bee neyther our parents our kinsfolke nor our acquayntaunce And why For wee bee all of one fleshe and wee beare all one marke which ought too persuade vs too doo what wee can possible one for another But how soeuer the cace stande Sainct Paule commendeth vnto vs cheefly the housholde folke of fayth And he vseth the worde Housholde folke too touche vs more to the quicke by that similitude For although nature teache vs that wee oughte too succour suche as are in necessitie ▪ yet notwithstanding they that are of one housholde are more inclined and willing to doo good one to another Yee see heere what degrees are among men how all knowe that there is a certayne mutuall bonde so as if they forsake euen the furthest straungers of the worlde therein they forget them selues yet notwithstanding forasmuche as it is harde for a man to reache out him selfe so farre and wide therefore men are not so muche inclined to doo good to vnknowen persons except it be in extreme necessitie For then howe hard harted so euer wee bee euery of vs is moued to put to his helping hande to succour a man when we see him in imminent daunger Yea and this pitifulnesse is so ingrauen in vs that it wyll extende it selfe euen to the brute beastes and therefore muche more reason it is that it shoulde extende to those that are created after Gods image as well as our selues But as I sayde if a man be in extreme necessitie then are we 〈◊〉 more earnest to helpe 〈◊〉 neede And when wee be of one countrey and language then wee see our selues somewhat neerer one another and that increaseth the affection whiche otherwise in generall woulde bee but colde But when there befalleth any freendlynesse and familiaritie of neiborhood that is yet more according as wee see that they whiche bee of one Countrey will say Seeing that God hath broughte vs thus neere togither let vs at leastwise indeuer too serue one anothers turne Agayne wee see that the neighbours whiche dwell in one selfe same streete and communicate familiarly togither are as kinsfolke and neere of alyance Nowe then it is muche more reason that they whiche are all of one house and are gathered as it were into one little corporation or bodie shoulde bee hilde as it were faste linked togither by God and that he shoulde imbrace them as if a father shoulde holde all his children about him For as muche then as wee oughte too bee so muche the more moued too imploy our selues with the better courage seeing that God hathe so knitte vs togither and brought vs so familiarly neere one another Sainct Paule sayth that all the faythfull all those that professe the same Gospell which wee doo are as housholde folke of one selfe same house And in very deede the Church is called Gods house and hee sitteth ouer in the middest of vs. VVhen the Scripture speaketh so it meaneth not that our vniting togither muste bee in suche a materiall Churche or Temple as thys is but that althoughe euery man bee at home in hys owne house yet God hathe in suche wyfe gathered vs togither too him selfe that wee bee as it were housholde fellowes one with another and wee bee not onely Countreymen of one Realme or kingdome but there is yet a certayne neerer alyance whiche oughte to holde vs more close togither Too bee shorte when as it is sayde that suche as intende too bee Gods children muste dwell all togither in one house it is too shewe that there is as it were one common brotherhood among vs. And althoughe earthly brethren go asunder one from another and euery man gettes him away by him selfe yet must wee alwayes continue in the vnitie whiche God hathe set among vs. Sithe wee heere this muste wee not 〈◊〉 bee worsse than 〈…〉 and crueller than the brute and wilde beastes if wee bee not moued too bestowe Gods giftes too the releefe of our neighbours I meane of the faythfull Nowe then wee see that Sainct Paules meaning in effecte is that seeing God hathe bounde vs too doo good too all men because they bee our owne fleshe no malice oughte too hinder any of vs from indeuering too discharge him selfe generally towardes all suche as God offereth too him and in whome it is hys wyll too trye our kindnesse And yet notwithstanding that for as muche as he hathe gathered vs into his flocke and knit vs togither in hys name and wee call vppon him as our father wyth one mouthe it behoueth vs of dutie too bee as brothers one too another So that if wee minde that he shoulde allowe vs for his children wee must so aduaunce the adoption whereby he hath chosen vs as wee maye declare vnfaynedly by oure dooings that wee mynde too shewe that wee take them for our brothers whome God hath so gathered into his house and Churche Thus yee see what we haue too remember vpon this Texte VVherefore let vs no more vse these fonde excuses too say I wote not who he is I know him not But he is not knowen of God yes and yet notwithstanding thou disdaynest too open thine eyes to looke vppon him that is thine owne image yea and whom God taketh for one of his children Thou knowest not him and yet beholde how God voutsafeth to cast his eye vpon vs which are most miserable yea euen he whiche hath so high and terrible a maiestie that the very Angels of heauen doo tremble before him with all humilitie Yee see then that God our soueraigne Lorde looketh downe vpon vs that are but wretched wormes of the earth filthinesse yea and he not only voutsafeth to say I know you but also protesteth I haue adopted you for my children yee be my workmanship yee be mine heires yee be after a sorte my members God voutsafeth too speake after that fashion and wee be so full of pride and statelynesse that wee despise suche as are as good as our selues and moste commonly muche better So then who can beare with such pride To be short they that are so straunge in withdrawing them selues from their brethren and will not in ony wise cōmunicate with them deserue well to bee wiped out of the boo●…●f life so as God shoulde ●…we and scrape them quite out and deliuer them into the possessio● of the Diuell who is their sire for he was a murtherer and full of crueltie from the beginning Thus yee see in effect what wee haue too beare in minde and how it behoueth vs too practize this lesson wherein the household folke of faith are chiefly commended vntoo vs. And so seing that God hath vouchsafed too call vs too him let vs shewe