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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13930 This tretyse is of loue and spekyth of iiij of the most specyall louys that ben in the worlde and shewyth veryly and perfitely bi gret resons and causis, how the meruelous [and] bounteuous loue that our lord Ihesu cryste had to mannys soule excedyth to ferre alle other loues ... Whiche tretyse was translatid out of frenshe into englyshe, the yere of our lord M cccc lxxxxiij, by a persone that is vnperfight insuche werke ...; Treatise of love. 1493 (1493) STC 24234; ESTC S109803 86,365 96

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noble nor of soo ryall nor gentyll lygnage as was the swete Ihesu cryst For he was and his the sone of the kyng of heuen of the erth of helle and of all theym that ben therin And by his moder was he comen of the lignage of the ryche kynge dauyd and of the wyse kyng Salamon A good lorde mercy for he was lityll accustomed to lede suche lyfe Ful strange was it to hym to suffre suche paynes as ysaye sayth ¶ Alienum opus eius vt operetur opus suū peregrinum est ab eo Moche chaūged is his werke that he dooth this vile crafte It is full strange to him And this sheweth saynt bernarde more openly ¶ Illud capud angelicis spiritibus adorandū tremendū● spinis et tribulis coronatur ● aures que audi unt can●us angelorū audiuit insultus iudeorū dicencium crucifige crucifige eum oculi lucidiores sole calligauerunt in morte c That hede is crowned wyth thornes breres that is worshipped fered of angelles The ere 's whiche here the songes of angelles then̄e herde the cryenge of Iewes crucyfye hym crucifye hym The eyen y t ben bryghter than the sone became thenne all derke in his dethe The face that is most fayre amonge the sones of men was thenne all foyled wyth foule spittynges The hōdes that maden heuen erthe were streyned thenne on the crosse The fete that be to be honoured were thēne rudely nayled to the tree O good lord there was neuer soo noble a persone soo gentyll nor soo curteys And yet was neuer none soo sorowfully entreated ¶ The fifth reson that was in 〈…〉 his benignyte And his 〈◊〉 wherof saynt poul saith ad 〈◊〉 ¶ Apparuit benignitas hum●nitas saluatoris nostri corde dei The benignyte the humanyte of god our sauyour apereth And ihesu himself sayd ¶ Discite a me quia mitis sum humilis corde Lerne this of me fayr loue for I am humble of herte O saynt mary mercy whan he was soo benygne a man soo debonayr what nede was it to bete hym soo felonously what nede was it soo cruelly with a sharpe spere to perce his swete herte soo mortally What nede was it thus to tormente him and soo shamfully to drawe soo blessid a chylde soo fayr a sone soo debonayr· and of soo humble a herte as our lorde Ihesu cryst was Alas alas wherfore bounde slewe the felon iewes soo rudely the same that neuer dide harme but to all folkes shewed loue debonayrte wherof saynt austin playneth hym full gretly sayēg ¶ Odolor inestimabilis o angustia singularis palmatur que est vera palma victorie spinis coronatur qui venit spinas peccatorū confringere ligatur ▪ qui soluit cōpeditos in ligno suspenditur qui erigit elisos sons vite sitis panis angelorū esurit Quid plura disciplina ceditur salꝰ vulneratur vita ad tempus moritur vt inops inperpetuū moriatur SOrow Inestymable O anguisshe synguler he was palmed ▪ that is the true palm̄ of victorie he was crowned with thornes that came to breke the thornes of synne He was sore bounde that came to lose theym that were in bondes He was hanged on the crosse that reyseth hem that ben ouerthrowen The welle of lyf had thurst The brede of angelles had hungre And what more discypline was beten Helth was wounded Lyfe for a tyme was dede to slee dethe wythouten ende There was neuer none herde of creature that receyued by many folde soo grete harme in rewarde of his grete goodnes And thenne to remēbre his benignyte his grete debonairte wherof holy chyrche makith grete sorow in an ympne of y e passyon And pyteously complaineth that soo gracyous a body was soo cruelly stryken wyth a spere and perced soo depe with grete nayles· saith thenne to the crosse ¶ Flecte ramos arbor alta c. O ye hye tree of the crosse wythdrawe your braunches slake your entrayles y t ben so stratchyd and your rygour the whyche he gaaf aswage yow siyth all the membres of the souereyne debonayre kynge is streyned on the harde stocke ¶ The sixt cause wherfor men sholde haue com●pascyon of our lorde Ihesu cryste this was the semblaunce of other thynges that maken sorowe For whan a man seeth other folke make sorow he is more apte to sorow wyth theym In like wyse beholde how many ensamples were of sorowe whā our lorde Ihesu cryst deyed The vnresonable creatures made sorowe The sonne wythdrewe his lyghte hidyng his bemys and became al derke The harde stones all to brake· thus as though they had compascyon of theyr creatour The vayle of the temple claf on to as yf it were for anguysshe of the spowse of holy chyrche whoo 's bodi was soo pyteously entreated The bodyes of dede folke aroos for ensāple of that sorowe And that men ought to remembre that deth with grete compascyon And also it is a grete ensample of pyte sorowe the lamentable complaint that his blessid sorowfull moder made for the dethe of hyr swete sone whan she was lefte allone of all frendes auf of saynt Iohan to whose kepyng she was delyuerde beholdyng thenne hyr dere chylde dede vpon y e crosse hangyng betwene two theues Well myghte she make thenne the moost sorowfull complaynte that euyr was made Wherof sayth saynt Bernarde ¶ Quis dabit capiti meo aquam c. And whan hir sone was dede on the crosse saynt bernarde sayth thus ¶ Cogitare libet quantꝰ dolor tūc īfuit matri mulieri cū'sic dolebant insensibilea non lingua loqui nec mēs cogitare valebat quanto dolore afficiebantur pia viscera marie IT maye be thoughte full grete sorow was in his blessyd moder whan the creatures that felte not made soo grete sorowe as is before rehersed there can noo tongue saye nor hert thynke how merueyllous grete sorowes pyteous tormentes was in y e herte of that blessid vyrgyne mary and saynt bernarde sayth ¶ Nūc soluis virgo maria cum viscera ꝙ in partu mutuasti a natura dolorē pariendo filiū non sensisti quem milies replicando filio moriente passafuisti Now swete virgin ye haue yelded wyth esurye this that in the byrth of your sone was chaunged ayenst nature· For in hys byrthe felte ye noo sorowe nor payne But in his deth felte ye the thousande folde of sorowes The moder was nere vnto the crosse at the dethe of Ihesu crist whiche she conceiuyd by the holy goost But she fayled bothe speche voys whiche sorow had taken fro her· ¶ O verum eloquiū iustum simeonis O ye true worde of the very Iust Symeon For thenne was your promyse fulfilled of the swerde of sorow· whan that blessid virgyne mary was there present and hyr swete sone hanged on the crosse She laye at the erthe as dede pale and dyscolored but hyr soule lyued as in deyēg
dignyte haue ye gyuen me wythout my deserte yf I lese it not by my defawte· And by thys reason mercyful lorde am I enteerly bounde soueraynly to loue you wyth all my soule wyth all my herte and wyth all my power THenne after thynke agayn yet Lorde amonge thise creatures· angell man there ben some of one parte some of a nother For some of theym for theyr synne fylle in to helle And ye all pyteous hye kyng of heuen descended from your hye throne in to your lityll preuy chāber this was the wombe of the blessid virgyne whan of hir it pleysed you humbli to be born to receyue the humayn flessh̄ to suffre deth for the redempcōn of all mankynde wherof all be not parteners but suche as be crysten liue wel therafter dey in y e right fayth But other may not clayme that as Iewes sarrazins and all other mescreauntes vntrue crysten And good lorde ye miyghte haue lete me deye wythoute baptesme and thēne had I be caste wyth theym in to helle wythout ende But this dyde ye not but made me partener of your redempcōn by the grace that ye haue gyuē me to receyue baptesme wherby ye deliuerde me fro the snare of perdurable deth And yet had I then̄e noo thanke to yelde you nor noughte haue deserued of on wele or grace nomore than they that deyed vncrystned and descended in to helle wythout recouer o mercyfull lorde Ih̄u howe moche am I bounden by this reason ouer all thing to gyue you that poore loue that can come of me And after this thynke further of tho that ben crystened how some of theym ben naturell fooles wythout vnderstondyng how god hath gyuen you wythout your deserte resonable vnderstonding ¶ Also in like wyse some of hem ben lepers deef dombe and ful of other foule siknesses or lame or difformed And ye haue receyued of god without your desert your naturel helth right shape wherof hūbli thanke him And thynke thenne ferder that some there be that haue their helth wel formed resonable vnderstondyng yet al the dayes of their lif liue in grete pouerte and labour for theyr mete drynke clothes and yet haue therof full scarse sustenaūce And all otherwyse hath our lorde pourueyed for you for to haue delicyous metes of all other sustenaūces grete largesse wythout your deserte Beholde thēne fro the begynnyng of your lif in al tymes yf euer ye cowde fīde in you ony manere of wele lityl or moche but that ye haue receyued it of god by his specyall loue grace that he hath gyuen to yow more than to many other And wyth thise grete bountees that he hath giuen you Remembre you of the grete harmes daūgers that he hath defended you deliuerd you from saye or thynke in this manere Moost mercyfull lorde Ihesu I know well that I haue ofte synned dedely both by wyll dede wherby ye myght by rightful Iugemēt haue condēpned me forthwyth in to helle without ende And this dide ye not but by your grete mercy hath spared me gyuen me leyser to doo penaūce And by this on̄ly reison am I boūde to serue you loue you ouer all thyng And whā ye shall haue in suche manere wel enserchid in your hert the grete graces giftes that ye haue receyued of our lord Ih̄u cryst Yf ye auyse you wel your lif your dedes and beholde what we le what loue and what kyndnesse ye haue yelded to hym that hath shewed you soo grete loue done somoche for you with out your deserte Perauenture ye shall well perceyue in your selfe y t noo thyng in regarde haue ye yelden to hym but oonly syn̄e and yf ye may fynde there ony wele it is soo lityll that it is as noo thynge ayenst soo many graces benefaytes as he hath lente gyuen you whan thyse thynges ye haue well remembred well torned retorned thēne with a hole mynde speke or thynke hūbly deuoutly in youre herte towarde hym My swete lorde Ih̄u cryst I perceyue wel that some Rent am I boūden to yeue yow for so many boūtees weles as ye haue gyuen me And I know wel that though I hadde a thousande worldes in my power for to gyue you noo thyng shold that encrease you For your glory ryches is so grete infenite that there may no thyng encrease it for ye haue nede of noothyng therfore good lord I wote well that ye aske of me no more than may be foūde in my power This is to knowe that I loue you serue you with al my soule wyth all my hert wyth all my power But this may I not haue but of your gyfte for I haue noo thyng of myself but sin̄e malice And it were to grete a wronge vnkyndnes to yelde you sin̄e malice for your grete boūtee swetnesse that ye haue shewed me truely than behoueth me to haue it of you For there is noo wele nor goodnes but it cometh of you But how shal I haue it of you not by byēge for I haue noo good to gyue you but of your owne for ye are lorde of all thīg haue power ouer al ¶ Ha good lord thēne behoueth it me to gete it by hūble fayr prayer And yf I pray to you ye may ryghtfully refuse it for this that I am a wretchyd sin̄er And yet mercyful lorde I know wel that though I had in me the sin̄es malyces of all creatures whiche sholde be ouermoche yet were all my vyle wretchydnesse lityll in comparison of your grete boūte Wherfore almiighty god al merciful piteous I beseche you that your grete boūtee be not wythdraw by my wretchidnesse Syth it is soo good lord that I yelde me to you come to yow wyth grete drede dyspayr for my grete wretch̄ydnesse but yet wyth grete sure hope of you for your merueylous mercy boūtee and sith ye axe of me nomore for all y e weles graces that I haue receyued of you but that I sholde loue you ouer all thyng and this may I not haue but oonly of you of youre gyfte Wherfore moost mercyfull lorde swete Ihesu I beseche you for that loue that made you descende frō heuen to be come man for mā and to suffre soo cruel harde deth for loue of the redempcōn of man That it may pleyse you tern towarde me graūt me of your grace that I may yelde you my lityll poor loue ayenst the grete merueylous mercyful loue ye haue shewed vnto me Soo that my poor herte rest on noo creature by vayne deceyuable loue cōtrary to your wyll pleysure As verely as I know well that noo thynge is to be belouyd But for bountee or beaute that they haue receyued of you And moost gracyous lorde for y e paynfull pascōn that ye deyned